/* * loadsave.c * * Colloquium - A tiny presentation program * * Copyright (c) 2011 Thomas White * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "presentation.h" #include "objects.h" #include "stylesheet.h" #include "slide_render.h" static int alloc_children(struct ds_node *node) { struct ds_node **new; new = realloc(node->children, node->max_children*sizeof(*node->children)); if ( new == NULL ) return 1; node->children = new; return 0; } static struct ds_node *new_ds_node(const char *key) { struct ds_node *new; new = malloc(sizeof(*new)); if ( new == NULL ) return NULL; new->key = strdup(key); if ( new->key == NULL ) { free(new); return NULL; } new->value = NULL; new->n_children = 0; new->max_children = 32; new->children = NULL; if ( alloc_children(new) ) { free(new); return NULL; } return new; } static struct ds_node *add_child(struct ds_node *node, const char *key) { struct ds_node *new; new = new_ds_node(key); if ( new == NULL ) return NULL; if ( node->n_children >= new->max_children ) { new->max_children += 32; if ( alloc_children(node) ) { free(new); return NULL; } } node->children[node->n_children++] = new; return new; } static void UNUSED show_tree(struct ds_node *root, const char *path) { char newpath[1024]; int i; snprintf(newpath, 1023, "%s%s/", path, root->key); printf("%s\n", newpath); for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { printf(" %s => %s\n", root->children[i]->key, root->children[i]->value); } for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { if ( root->children[i]->n_children > 0 ) { printf("\n"); show_tree(root->children[i], newpath); } } } static struct ds_node *find_node(struct ds_node *root, const char *path) { size_t start, len; char element[1024]; struct ds_node *cur = root; len = strlen(path); start = 0; while ( start < len ) { size_t pos, i; int child; int found = 0; pos = 0; for ( i=start; in_children; child++ ) { const char *this_key = cur->children[child]->key; if ( strcmp(this_key, element) == 0 ) { cur = cur->children[child]; found = 1; break; } } if ( !found ) { cur = add_child(cur, element); if ( cur == NULL ) { return NULL; /* Error */ } } } out: return cur; } static int deserialize_file(FILE *fh, struct ds_node *root) { char *rval = NULL; struct ds_node *cur_node = root; do { size_t i; char line[1024]; size_t len, s_start; size_t s_equals = 0; size_t s_val = 0; size_t s_openbracket = 0; size_t s_closebracket = 0; int h_start = 0; int h_equals = 0; int h_val = 0; int h_openbracket = 0; int h_closebracket = 0; rval = fgets(line, 1023, fh); if ( rval == NULL ) { if ( ferror(fh) ) printf("Read error!\n"); continue; } len = strlen(line); s_start = len-1; for ( i=0; ivalue = strdup(value); } else { size_t pos = 0; char path[1024]; for ( i=s_openbracket+1; in_children; i++ ) { if ( root->children[i]->n_children > 0 ) { free_ds_tree(root->children[i]); } } free(root->key); free(root->value); /* Might free(NULL), but that's fine */ free(root); } int get_field_f(struct ds_node *root, const char *key, double *val) { struct ds_node *node; double v; char *check; node = find_node(root, key); if ( node == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find field '%s'\n", key); return 1; } v = strtod(node->value, &check); if ( check == node->value ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for '%s'\n", key); return 1; } *val = v; return 0; } int get_field_i(struct ds_node *root, const char *key, int *val) { struct ds_node *node; int v; char *check; node = find_node(root, key); if ( node == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find field '%s'\n", key); return 1; } v = strtol(node->value, &check, 0); if ( check == node->value ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for '%s'\n", key); return 1; } *val = v; return 0; } int get_field_s(struct ds_node *root, const char *key, char **val) { struct ds_node *node; char *v; size_t i, len, s1, s2; int hq; node = find_node(root, key); if ( node == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find field '%s'\n", key); return 1; } len = strlen(node->value); hq = 0; for ( i=0; ivalue[i] == '"' ) { s1 = i; hq = 1; break; } } if ( !hq ) { fprintf(stderr, "No quotes in '%s'\n", node->value); return 1; } for ( i=len-1; i>=0; i-- ) { if ( node->value[i] == '"' ) { s2 = i; break; } } if ( s1 == s2 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Mismatchd quotes in '%s'\n", node->value); return 1; } v = malloc(s2-s1+1); if ( v == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate space for '%s'\n", key); return 1; } strncpy(v, node->value+s1+1, s2-s1-1); v[s2-s1-1] = '\0'; *val = v; return 0; } static int read_style(struct style *sty, struct ds_node *root) { char *align; get_field_f(root, "margin_left", &sty->margin_left); get_field_f(root, "margin_right", &sty->margin_right); get_field_f(root, "margin_top", &sty->margin_top); get_field_f(root, "margin_bottom", &sty->margin_bottom); get_field_i(root, "use_max_width", &sty->use_max_width); get_field_f(root, "max_width", &sty->max_width); get_field_f(root, "offset_x", &sty->offset_x); get_field_f(root, "offset_y", &sty->offset_y); get_field_s(root, "font", &sty->font); get_field_s(root, "colour", &sty->colour); get_field_f(root, "alpha", &sty->alpha); get_field_s(root, "halign", &align); sty->halign = str_to_halign(align); free(align); get_field_s(root, "valign", &align); sty->valign = str_to_valign(align); free(align); return 0; } static StyleSheet *tree_to_stylesheet(struct ds_node *root) { StyleSheet *ss; struct ds_node *node; int i; ss = new_stylesheet(); if ( ss == NULL ) return NULL; node = find_node(root, "styles"); if ( node == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find styles\n"); free_stylesheet(ss); return NULL; } for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { struct style *ns; char *v; get_field_s(node->children[i], "name", &v); if ( v == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "No name for style '%s'\n", node->children[i]->key); continue; } ns = new_style(ss, v); if ( ns == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create style for '%s'\n", node->children[i]->key); continue; } if ( read_style(ns, node->children[i]) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read style '%s'\n", v); continue; } } return ss; } static enum objtype text_to_type(const char *t) { if ( strcmp(t, "text") == 0 ) return OBJ_TEXT; if ( strcmp(t, "image") == 0 ) return OBJ_IMAGE; return OBJ_UNKNOWN; } static const char *type_text(enum objtype t) { switch ( t ) { case OBJ_TEXT : return "text"; case OBJ_IMAGE : return "image"; default : return "unknown"; } } static struct object *tree_to_object(struct presentation *p, struct ds_node *root, struct slide *s) { struct object *o = NULL; char *v; if ( get_field_s(root, "type", &v) ) return NULL; switch ( text_to_type(v) ) { case OBJ_TEXT : o = p->text_tool->deserialize(p, root, s, p->text_tool); break; case OBJ_IMAGE : o = p->image_tool->deserialize(p, root, s, p->image_tool); break; default : fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognised object type '%s'\n", v); break; } return o; } static struct slide *tree_to_slide(struct presentation *p, struct ds_node *root) { struct slide *s; int i; s = new_slide(); s->parent = p; /* Loop over objects */ for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { struct object *o; o = tree_to_object(p, root->children[i], s); if ( o != NULL ) { add_object_to_slide(s, o); o->update_object(o); } } redraw_slide(s); return s; } static int tree_to_slides(struct ds_node *root, struct presentation *p) { int i; for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { struct slide *s; s = tree_to_slide(p, root->children[i]); if ( s != NULL ) { insert_slide(p, s, p->num_slides-1); redraw_slide(s); } } return 0; } int tree_to_presentation(struct ds_node *root, struct presentation *p) { struct ds_node *node; char *check; int i; p->cur_edit_slide = NULL; p->cur_proj_slide = NULL; node = find_node(root, "slide-properties/width"); if ( node == NULL ) return 1; p->slide_width = strtod(node->value, &check); if ( check == node->value ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid slide width\n"); return 1; } node = find_node(root, "slide-properties/height"); if ( node == NULL ) return 1; p->slide_height = strtod(node->value, &check); if ( check == node->value ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid slide height\n"); return 1; } node = find_node(root, "stylesheet"); if ( node != NULL ) { free_stylesheet(p->ss); p->ss = tree_to_stylesheet(node); if ( p->ss == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid style sheet\n"); return 1; } } for ( i=0; inum_slides; i++ ) { free_slide(p->slides[i]); p->num_slides = 0; } node = find_node(root, "slides"); if ( node != NULL ) { tree_to_slides(node, p); if ( p->num_slides == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load any slides\n"); p->cur_edit_slide = add_slide(p, 0); return 1; } } p->cur_edit_slide = p->slides[0]; redraw_slide(p->cur_edit_slide); return 0; } int load_presentation(struct presentation *p, const char *filename) { FILE *fh; struct ds_node *root; int r; assert(p->completely_empty); fh = fopen(filename, "r"); if ( fh == NULL ) return 1; root = new_ds_node("root"); if ( root == NULL ) return 1; if ( deserialize_file(fh, root) ) { fclose(fh); return 1; } r = tree_to_presentation(root, p); free_ds_tree(root); fclose(fh); if ( r ) { p->cur_edit_slide = new_slide(); insert_slide(p, p->cur_edit_slide, 0); p->completely_empty = 1; return r; /* Error */ } p->cur_edit_slide = p->slides[0]; return 0; } static void rebuild_prefix(struct serializer *ser) { int i; size_t sz = 1; /* Space for terminator */ for ( i=0; istack_depth; i++ ) { sz += strlen(ser->stack[i]) + 1; } free(ser->prefix); ser->prefix = malloc(sz); if ( ser->prefix == NULL ) return; /* Probably bad! */ ser->prefix[0] = '\0'; for ( i=0; istack_depth; i++ ) { if ( i != 0 ) strcat(ser->prefix, "/"); strcat(ser->prefix, ser->stack[i]); } } void serialize_start(struct serializer *ser, const char *id) { ser->stack[ser->stack_depth++] = strdup(id); rebuild_prefix(ser); ser->empty_set = 1; } static void check_prefix_output(struct serializer *ser) { if ( ser->empty_set ) { ser->empty_set = 0; if ( ser->prefix != NULL ) { fprintf(ser->fh, "\n"); fprintf(ser->fh, "[%s]\n", ser->prefix); } } } void serialize_s(struct serializer *ser, const char *key, const char *val) { check_prefix_output(ser); fprintf(ser->fh, "%s = \"%s\"\n", key, val); } void serialize_f(struct serializer *ser, const char *key, double val) { check_prefix_output(ser); fprintf(ser->fh, "%s = %.2f\n", key, val); } void serialize_b(struct serializer *ser, const char *key, int val) { check_prefix_output(ser); fprintf(ser->fh, "%s = %i\n", key, val); } void serialize_end(struct serializer *ser) { free(ser->stack[--ser->stack_depth]); rebuild_prefix(ser); } int save_presentation(struct presentation *p, const char *filename) { FILE *fh; int i; struct serializer ser; fh = fopen(filename, "w"); if ( fh == NULL ) return 1; /* Set up the serializer */ ser.fh = fh; ser.stack_depth = 0; ser.prefix = NULL; fprintf(fh, "# Colloquium presentation file\n"); serialize_f(&ser, "version", 0.1); serialize_start(&ser, "slide-properties"); serialize_f(&ser, "width", p->slide_width); serialize_f(&ser, "height", p->slide_height); serialize_end(&ser); serialize_start(&ser, "stylesheet"); write_stylesheet(p->ss, &ser); serialize_end(&ser); serialize_start(&ser, "slides"); for ( i=0; inum_slides; i++ ) { int j; struct slide *s; char s_id[32]; s = p->slides[i]; snprintf(s_id, 31, "%i", i); serialize_start(&ser, s_id); for ( j=0; jnum_objects; j++ ) { struct object *o = s->objects[j]; char o_id[32]; if ( o->empty ) continue; snprintf(o_id, 31, "%i", j); serialize_start(&ser, o_id); serialize_s(&ser, "type", type_text(o->type)); o->serialize(o, &ser); serialize_end(&ser); } serialize_end(&ser); } serialize_end(&ser); fclose(fh); return 0; }