/* * objects.c * * Colloquium - A tiny presentation program * * Copyright (c) 2011 Thomas White * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "presentation.h" #include "objects.h" #include "mainwindow.h" struct image_store { int n_images; struct image **images; }; static struct image *add_image_to_store(struct image_store *is, char *filename) { struct image **images_new; struct image *i_new; int idx; GError *error = NULL; int w, h; i_new = calloc(1, sizeof(struct image)); if ( i_new == NULL ) return NULL; images_new = realloc(is->images, (is->n_images+1)*sizeof(struct image *)); if ( images_new == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate memory for image.\n"); return NULL; } is->images = images_new; idx = is->n_images++; gdk_pixbuf_get_file_info(filename, &w, &h); /* FIXME: If image is huge, load a smaller version */ i_new->pb = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(filename, &error); if ( i_new->pb == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load image '%s'\n", filename); is->n_images--; return NULL; } i_new->filename = strdup(filename); i_new->refcount = 1; i_new->width = w; i_new->height = h; i_new->parent = is; is->images[idx] = i_new; return i_new; } static struct image *find_filename(struct image_store *is, const char *filename) { int i; for ( i=0; in_images; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(is->images[i]->filename, filename) == 0 ) { return is->images[i]; } } return NULL; } struct image *get_image(struct image_store *is, char *filename) { struct image *image; image = find_filename(is, filename); if ( image == NULL ) { image = add_image_to_store(is, filename); } else { image->refcount++; } return image; } void unref_image(struct image *i) { i->refcount--; if ( i->refcount == 0 ) { struct image_store *is; int j; g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(i->pb)); free(i->filename); is = i->parent; free(i); for ( j=0; jn_images; j++ ) { if ( is->images[j] == i ) { int k; for ( k=j+1; kn_images; k++ ) { is->images[k-1] = is->images[k]; } break; } } is->n_images--; } } struct image_store *image_store_new() { struct image_store *is; is = calloc(1, sizeof(*is)); if ( is == NULL ) return NULL; is->images = NULL; is->n_images = 0; return is; } void notify_style_update(struct presentation *p, struct style *sty) { int i; int changed = 0; for ( i=0; inum_slides; i++ ) { int j; struct slide *s; s = p->slides[i]; for ( j=0; jslides[i]->num_objects; j++ ) { if ( s->objects[j]->style != sty ) continue; s->objects[j]->update_object(s->objects[j]); if ( p->cur_edit_slide == s ) changed = 1; } } /* Trigger redraw etc */ p->completely_empty = 0; if ( changed ) notify_slide_changed(p, p->cur_edit_slide); } static void check_references(struct slide *s, struct object *om) { /* FIXME: Should replace with previous useful one, not NULL */ if ( s->roles[S_ROLE_PDATE_REF] == om ) { struct object *o; s->roles[S_ROLE_PDATE_REF] = NULL; o = s->roles[S_ROLE_PDATE]; if ( o != NULL ) o->update_object(o); } if ( s->roles[S_ROLE_PAUTHOR_REF] == om ) { struct object *o; s->roles[S_ROLE_PAUTHOR_REF] = NULL; o = s->roles[S_ROLE_PAUTHOR]; if ( o != NULL ) o->update_object(o); } if ( s->roles[S_ROLE_PTITLE_REF] == om ) { struct object *o; s->roles[S_ROLE_PTITLE_REF] = NULL; o = s->roles[S_ROLE_PTITLE]; if ( o != NULL ) o->update_object(o); } } void delete_object(struct object *o) { int i; if ( o->parent != NULL ) remove_object_from_slide(o->parent, o); o->delete_object(o); /* If this object was any kind of special (for this slide), * check all the other slides for references */ if ( (o->parent->roles[S_ROLE_PTITLE_REF] == o) || (o->parent->roles[S_ROLE_PAUTHOR_REF] == o) || (o->parent->roles[S_ROLE_PDATE_REF] == o) ) { for ( i=0; iparent->parent->num_slides; i++ ) { check_references(o->parent->parent->slides[i], o); } } for ( i=0; iparent->roles[i] == o ) { o->parent->roles[i] = NULL; } } free(o); } void realise_everything(struct presentation *p) { int i; /* Realise all the tools */ p->select_tool->realise(p->select_tool, p->drawingarea, p); p->text_tool->realise(p->text_tool, p->drawingarea, p); p->image_tool->realise(p->image_tool, p->drawingarea, p); for ( i=0; inum_slides; i++ ) { int j; struct slide *s; s = p->slides[i]; for ( j=0; jslides[i]->num_objects; j++ ) { s->objects[j]->update_object(s->objects[j]); } } } enum corner which_corner(double xp, double yp, struct object *o) { double x, y; /* Relative to object position */ x = xp - o->x; y = yp - o->y; if ( x < 0.0 ) return CORNER_NONE; if ( y < 0.0 ) return CORNER_NONE; if ( x > o->bb_width ) return CORNER_NONE; if ( y > o->bb_height ) return CORNER_NONE; /* Top left? */ if ( (x<20.0) && (y<20.0) ) return CORNER_TL; if ( (x>o->bb_width-20.0) && (y<20.0) ) return CORNER_TR; if ( (x<20.0) && (y>o->bb_height-20.0) ) { return CORNER_BL; } if ( (x>o->bb_width-20.0) && (y>o->bb_height-20.0) ) { return CORNER_BR; } return CORNER_NONE; }