/* * presentation.c * * Copyright © 2013 Thomas White * * This file is part of Colloquium. * * Colloquium is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "presentation.h" #include "stylesheet.h" #include "loadsave.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "frame.h" #include "imagestore.h" static int num_presentations = 0; void free_presentation(struct presentation *p) { int i; int final = 0; for ( i=0; inum_slides; i++ ) { free_slide(p->slides[i]); } (*p->num_presentations)--; if ( *p->num_presentations == 0 ) final = 1; /* FIXME: Loads of stuff leaks here */ free(p->filename); imagestore_destroy(p->is); free(p); if ( final ) { gtk_main_quit(); } } int insert_slide(struct presentation *p, struct slide *new, int pos) { struct slide **try; try = realloc(p->slides, (1+p->num_slides)*sizeof(struct slide *)); if ( try == NULL ) { free(new); return 1; } p->slides = try; p->completely_empty = 0; /* Insert into list. Yuk yuk yuk etc. */ if ( (p->num_slides>1) && (posnum_slides-1) ) { int i; for ( i=p->num_slides; i>pos+1; i-- ) { p->slides[i] = p->slides[i-1]; } p->slides[pos+1] = new; } else if ( pos == p->num_slides-1 ) { p->slides[pos+1] = new; } else { assert(pos == 0); p->slides[pos] = new; } new->parent = p; p->num_slides++; return 0; } struct slide *new_slide() { struct slide *new; new = calloc(1, sizeof(struct slide)); if ( new == NULL ) return NULL; new->rendered_edit = NULL; new->rendered_proj = NULL; new->rendered_thumb = NULL; new->top = frame_new(); /* FIXME: Set zero margins etc on top level frame */ new->notes = strdup(""); return new; } void free_slide(struct slide *s) { free(s); } struct slide *add_slide(struct presentation *p, int pos) { struct slide *s = new_slide(); if ( insert_slide(p, s, pos) ) { free_slide(s); return NULL; } return s; } static char *safe_basename(const char *in) { int i; char *cpy; char *res; cpy = strdup(in); /* Get rid of any trailing slashes */ for ( i=strlen(cpy)-1; i>0; i-- ) { if ( cpy[i] == '/' ) { cpy[i] = '\0'; } else { break; } } /* Find the base name */ for ( i=strlen(cpy)-1; i>0; i-- ) { if ( cpy[i] == '/' ) { i++; break; } } res = strdup(cpy+i); /* If we didn't find a previous slash, i==0 so res==cpy */ free(cpy); return res; } void get_titlebar_string(struct presentation *p) { free(p->titlebar); if ( p->filename == NULL ) { p->titlebar = strdup("(untitled)"); } else { p->titlebar = safe_basename(p->filename); } } int slide_number(struct presentation *p, struct slide *s) { int i; for ( i=0; inum_slides; i++ ) { if ( p->slides[i] == s ) return i; } return p->num_slides; } static int alloc_selection(struct presentation *p) { struct frame **new_selection; new_selection = realloc(p->selection, p->max_selection*sizeof(struct frame *)); if ( new_selection == NULL ) return 1; p->selection = new_selection; return 0; } struct presentation *new_presentation() { struct presentation *new; new = calloc(1, sizeof(struct presentation)); num_presentations++; new->num_presentations = &num_presentations; new->filename = NULL; new->titlebar = NULL; get_titlebar_string(new); new->window = NULL; new->ui = NULL; new->action_group = NULL; new->slideshow = NULL; new->slide_width = 1024.0; new->slide_height = 768.0; /* Add one blank slide and view it */ new->num_slides = 0; new->slides = NULL; new->cur_edit_slide = NULL; new->cur_proj_slide = NULL; new->completely_empty = 1; new->ss = default_stylesheet(); new->n_menu_rebuild = 0; new->menu_rebuild_list = NULL; new->menu_path_list = NULL; new->selection = NULL; new->n_selection = 0; new->max_selection = 64; if ( alloc_selection(new) ) return NULL; new->is = imagestore_new(); return new; } static char *packed_sc(struct frame *fr) { char *sc; int i; size_t len = 0; if ( fr->sc != NULL ) { len += strlen(fr->sc)+1; sc = malloc(len); memcpy(sc, fr->sc, len+1); } else { len = 0; sc = malloc(1); sc[0] = '\0'; } for ( i=0; inum_children; i++ ) { char *ch_sc; char *scn; size_t ch_len; ch_sc = packed_sc(fr->children[i]); ch_len = strlen(ch_sc); len += ch_len + 64; scn = malloc(len + ch_len); snprintf(scn, len, "%s\\f[%.1fx%.1f+%.1f+%.1f]{%s}", sc, fr->children[i]->lop.w, fr->children[i]->lop.h, fr->children[i]->lop.x, fr->children[i]->lop.y, ch_sc); free(ch_sc); free(sc); sc = scn; } return sc; } int save_presentation(struct presentation *p, const char *filename) { FILE *fh; int i; struct serializer ser; char *old_fn; //grab_current_notes(p); fh = fopen(filename, "w"); if ( fh == NULL ) return 1; /* Set up the serializer */ ser.fh = fh; ser.stack_depth = 0; ser.prefix = NULL; fprintf(fh, "# Colloquium presentation file\n"); serialize_f(&ser, "version", 0.1); serialize_start(&ser, "slide-properties"); serialize_f(&ser, "width", p->slide_width); serialize_f(&ser, "height", p->slide_height); serialize_end(&ser); serialize_start(&ser, "stylesheet"); write_stylesheet(p->ss, &ser); serialize_end(&ser); serialize_start(&ser, "slides"); for ( i=0; inum_slides; i++ ) { struct slide *s; char s_id[32]; char *sc; s = p->slides[i]; snprintf(s_id, 31, "%i", i); serialize_start(&ser, s_id); sc = packed_sc(s->top); serialize_s(&ser, "sc", sc); free(sc); serialize_end(&ser); } serialize_end(&ser); /* Slightly fiddly because someone might * do save_presentation(p, p->filename) */ old_fn = p->filename; p->filename = strdup(filename); if ( old_fn != NULL ) free(old_fn); update_titlebar(p); fclose(fh); return 0; } static struct slide *tree_to_slide(struct presentation *p, struct ds_node *root) { struct slide *s; s = new_slide(); s->parent = p; /* FIXME: Load stuff */ return s; } static int tree_to_slides(struct ds_node *root, struct presentation *p) { int i; for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { struct slide *s; s = tree_to_slide(p, root->children[i]); if ( s != NULL ) { insert_slide(p, s, p->num_slides-1); } } return 0; } int tree_to_presentation(struct ds_node *root, struct presentation *p) { struct ds_node *node; char *check; int i; p->cur_edit_slide = NULL; p->cur_proj_slide = NULL; node = find_node(root, "slide-properties/width", 0); if ( node == NULL ) return 1; p->slide_width = strtod(node->value, &check); if ( check == node->value ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid slide width\n"); return 1; } node = find_node(root, "slide-properties/height", 0); if ( node == NULL ) return 1; p->slide_height = strtod(node->value, &check); if ( check == node->value ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid slide height\n"); return 1; } node = find_node(root, "stylesheet", 0); if ( node != NULL ) { free_stylesheet(p->ss); p->ss = tree_to_stylesheet(node); if ( p->ss == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid style sheet\n"); return 1; } } for ( i=0; inum_slides; i++ ) { free_slide(p->slides[i]); p->num_slides = 0; } node = find_node(root, "slides", 0); if ( node != NULL ) { tree_to_slides(node, p); if ( p->num_slides == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load any slides\n"); p->cur_edit_slide = add_slide(p, 0); return 1; } } return 0; } int load_presentation(struct presentation *p, const char *filename) { FILE *fh; struct ds_node *root; int r; assert(p->completely_empty); fh = fopen(filename, "r"); if ( fh == NULL ) return 1; root = new_ds_node("root"); if ( root == NULL ) return 1; if ( deserialize_file(fh, root) ) { fclose(fh); return 1; } r = tree_to_presentation(root, p); free_ds_tree(root); fclose(fh); if ( r ) { p->cur_edit_slide = new_slide(); insert_slide(p, p->cur_edit_slide, 0); p->completely_empty = 1; return r; /* Error */ } assert(p->filename == NULL); p->filename = strdup(filename); update_titlebar(p); p->cur_edit_slide = p->slides[0]; return 0; } void set_edit(struct presentation *p, struct slide *s) { p->cur_edit_slide = s; } void set_selection(struct presentation *p, struct frame *fr) { p->selection[0] = fr; p->n_selection = 1; if ( fr == NULL ) p->n_selection = 0; } void add_selection(struct presentation *p, struct frame *fr) { if ( p->n_selection == p->max_selection ) { p->max_selection += 64; if ( alloc_selection(p) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for selection.\n"); return; } } p->selection[p->n_selection++] = fr; }