/* * tool_image.c * * Colloquium - A tiny presentation program * * Copyright (c) 2011 Thomas White * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "presentation.h" #include "objects.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "slide_render.h" enum image_drag_reason { IMAGE_DRAG_REASON_NONE, IMAGE_DRAG_REASON_RESIZE, }; struct image_toolinfo { struct toolinfo base; enum image_drag_reason drag_reason; enum corner drag_corner; double box_x; double box_y; double box_width; double box_height; double drag_initial_x; double drag_initial_y; }; struct image_object { struct object base; struct image *image; GdkPixbuf *scaled_pb; int scaled_w; int scaled_h; }; static void update_image(struct image_object *o) { struct image *i = o->image; int w, h; /* Fit the width and calculate the height */ w = o->base.bb_width; h = ((double)i->height / i->width) * o->base.bb_width; if ( h > o->base.bb_height ) { h = o->base.bb_height; w = ((double)i->width / i->height) * o->base.bb_height; } if ( (o->scaled_w != w) || (o->scaled_h != h) ) { if ( o->scaled_pb != NULL ) gdk_pixbuf_unref(o->scaled_pb); o->scaled_pb = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(i->pb, w, h, GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR); } /* else the size didn't change */ redraw_slide(((struct object *)o)->parent); } static void render_image_object(cairo_t *cr, struct object *op) { struct image_object *o = (struct image_object *)op; cairo_new_path(cr); cairo_rectangle(cr, op->x, op->y, op->bb_width, op->bb_height); gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, o->scaled_pb, op->x, op->y); cairo_fill(cr); } static void update_image_object(struct object *op) { struct image_object *o = (struct image_object *)op; update_image(o); } static void delete_image_object(struct object *op) { struct image_object *o = (struct image_object *)op; if ( o->scaled_pb != NULL ) gdk_pixbuf_unref(o->scaled_pb); unref_image(o->image); } static void serialize(struct object *op, struct serializer *ser) { struct image_object *o = (struct image_object *)op; serialize_f(ser, "x", op->x); serialize_f(ser, "y", op->y); serialize_f(ser, "w", op->bb_width); serialize_f(ser, "h", op->bb_height); serialize_s(ser, "filename", o->image->filename); } static struct image_object *new_image_object(double x, double y, double bb_width, double bb_height, char *filename, struct style *sty, struct image_store *is, struct image_toolinfo *ti) { struct image_object *new; new = calloc(1, sizeof(*new)); if ( new == NULL ) return NULL; /* Base properties */ new->base.x = x; new->base.y = y; new->base.bb_width = bb_width; new->base.bb_height = bb_height; new->base.type = OBJ_IMAGE; new->base.empty = 0; new->base.parent = NULL; new->base.style = sty; new->scaled_pb = NULL; new->image = get_image(is, filename); if ( new->image == NULL ) { free(new); printf("Failed to load or get image.\n"); return NULL; } /* Methods for this object */ new->base.render_object = render_image_object; new->base.delete_object = delete_image_object; new->base.update_object = update_image_object; new->base.serialize = serialize; return new; } struct object *add_image_object(struct slide *s, double x, double y, double bb_width, double bb_height, char *filename, struct style *sty, struct image_store *is, struct image_toolinfo *ti) { struct image_object *new; new = new_image_object(x, y, bb_width, bb_height, filename, sty, is, ti); if ( new == NULL ) return NULL; new->base.parent = s; if ( add_object_to_slide(s, (struct object *)new) ) { free(new); return NULL; } update_image(new); return (struct object *)new; } static void calculate_box_size(struct object *o, double x, double y, struct image_toolinfo *ti) { double ddx, ddy; ddx = x - ti->drag_initial_x; ddy = y - ti->drag_initial_y; switch ( ti->drag_corner ) { case CORNER_BR : ti->box_x = o->x; ti->box_y = o->y; ti->box_width = o->bb_width + ddx; ti->box_height = o->bb_height + ddy; break; case CORNER_BL : ti->box_x = o->x + ddx; ti->box_y = o->y; ti->box_width = o->bb_width - ddx; ti->box_height = o->bb_height + ddy; break; case CORNER_TL : ti->box_x = o->x + ddx; ti->box_y = o->y + ddy; ti->box_width = o->bb_width - ddx; ti->box_height = o->bb_height - ddy; break; case CORNER_TR : ti->box_x = o->x; ti->box_y = o->y + ddy; ti->box_width = o->bb_width + ddx; ti->box_height = o->bb_height - ddy; break; case CORNER_NONE : break; } if ( ti->box_width < 20.0 ) ti->box_width = 20.0; if ( ti->box_height < 20.0 ) ti->box_height = 20.0; } static void click_select(struct presentation *p, struct toolinfo *tip, double x, double y, GdkEventButton *event, enum drag_status *drag_status, enum drag_reason *drag_reason) { enum corner c; struct image_toolinfo *ti = (struct image_toolinfo *)tip; struct image_object *o = (struct image_object *)p->editing_object; assert(o->base.type == OBJ_IMAGE); /* Within the resizing region? */ c = which_corner(x, y, &o->base); if ( c != CORNER_NONE ) { ti->drag_reason = IMAGE_DRAG_REASON_RESIZE; ti->drag_corner = c; ti->drag_initial_x = x; ti->drag_initial_y = y; calculate_box_size((struct object *)o, x, y, ti); /* Tell the MCP what we did, and return */ *drag_status = DRAG_STATUS_DRAGGING; *drag_reason = DRAG_REASON_TOOL; return; } } static void drag(struct toolinfo *tip, struct presentation *p, struct object *o, double x, double y) { struct image_toolinfo *ti = (struct image_toolinfo *)tip; if ( ti->drag_reason == IMAGE_DRAG_REASON_RESIZE ) { calculate_box_size(o, x, y, ti); redraw_overlay(p); } } static void end_drag(struct toolinfo *tip, struct presentation *p, struct object *o, double x, double y) { struct image_toolinfo *ti = (struct image_toolinfo *)tip; calculate_box_size((struct object *)o, x, y, ti); o->x = ti->box_x; o->y = ti->box_y; o->bb_width = ti->box_width; o->bb_height = ti->box_height; update_image((struct image_object *)o); ti->drag_reason = IMAGE_DRAG_REASON_NONE; } static void create_region(struct toolinfo *tip, struct presentation *p, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { //struct object *n; //struct image_toolinfo *ti = (struct image_toolinfo *)tip; //struct image_object *o; /* FIXME: Open an "Open file" dialogue box and use the result */ } static void select_object(struct object *o, struct toolinfo *tip) { /* Do nothing */ } static int deselect_object(struct object *o, struct toolinfo *tip) { if ( (o != NULL) && o->empty ) { delete_object(o); return 1; } return 0; } static void draw_overlay(struct toolinfo *tip, cairo_t *cr, struct object *n) { struct image_toolinfo *ti = (struct image_toolinfo *)tip; //struct image_object *o = (struct image_object *)n; if ( n != NULL ) { draw_editing_box(cr, n->x, n->y, n->bb_width, n->bb_height); /* Draw resize handles */ draw_resize_handle(cr, n->x, n->y+n->bb_height-20.0); draw_resize_handle(cr, n->x+n->bb_width-20.0, n->y); draw_resize_handle(cr, n->x, n->y); draw_resize_handle(cr, n->x+n->bb_width-20.0, n->y+n->bb_height-20.0); } if ( ti->drag_reason == IMAGE_DRAG_REASON_RESIZE ) { draw_rubberband_box(cr, ti->box_x, ti->box_y, ti->box_width, ti->box_height); } } static void key_pressed(struct object *o, guint keyval, struct toolinfo *tip) { /* Do nothing */ } static void im_commit(struct object *o, gchar *str, struct toolinfo *tip) { /* Do nothing */ } static int valid_object(struct object *o) { if ( o->type == OBJ_IMAGE ) return 1; return 0; } static struct object *deserialize(struct presentation *p, struct ds_node *root, struct toolinfo *tip) { struct image_object *o; double x, y, w, h; char *filename; struct image_toolinfo *ti = (struct image_toolinfo *)tip; if ( get_field_f(root, "x", &x) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find x position for object '%s'\n", root->key); return NULL; } if ( get_field_f(root, "y", &y) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find y position for object '%s'\n", root->key); return NULL; } if ( get_field_f(root, "w", &w) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find width for object '%s'\n", root->key); return NULL; } if ( get_field_f(root, "h", &h) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find height for object '%s'\n", root->key); return NULL; } if ( get_field_s(root, "filename", &filename) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find filename for object '%s'\n", root->key); return NULL; } o = new_image_object(x, y, w, h, filename, p->ss->styles[0], p->image_store, ti); free(filename); return (struct object *)o; } struct toolinfo *initialise_image_tool() { struct image_toolinfo *ti; ti = malloc(sizeof(*ti)); ti->base.click_select = click_select; ti->base.create_default = NULL; ti->base.select = select_object; ti->base.deselect = deselect_object; ti->base.drag = drag; ti->base.end_drag = end_drag; ti->base.create_region = create_region; ti->base.draw_editing_overlay = draw_overlay; ti->base.key_pressed = key_pressed; ti->base.im_commit = im_commit; ti->base.valid_object = valid_object; ti->base.deserialize = deserialize; return (struct toolinfo *)ti; }