From e62fd471478f3501aea5174cbdb13514ed037a5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas White Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2022 13:53:14 +0100 Subject: Add doc/articles/pointgroup.rst --- doc/articles/pointgroup.rst | 463 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 463 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/articles/pointgroup.rst diff --git a/doc/articles/pointgroup.rst b/doc/articles/pointgroup.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0128a105 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/articles/pointgroup.rst @@ -0,0 +1,463 @@ +=============================================== +How to choose the right point group for merging +=============================================== + +A common question from our users is how to choose the correct symmetry for +merging, i.e. the correct ``-y`` option. It's actually not that difficult, but +it does touch on several areas of crystallography theory. This document aims +to be a gentle introduction to the process, introducing the concepts step by +step. For a somewhat terse explanation, see section 6 of the following paper: + +T. A. White, A. Barty, F. Stellato et al +"Crystallographic data processing for free-electron laser sources" +Acta Cryst. D69 (2013), p1231–1240. +`doi:10.1107/S0907444913013620 `_ + +Another useful article is the following: + +M. Nespolo, M. I. Aroyo and B. Souvignier +"Crystallographic shelves: space-group hierarchy explained" +J. Applied Cryst. 51 (2018) p1481-1491 +`doi:10.1107/S1600576718012724 `_ + +Step 1: Temporarily forget about space groups +============================================= + +To merge your reflection data, CrystFEL needs to know which reflections are +symmetrically equivalent. This information is given by the *point group*. +The 230 space groups can be classified into 17 categories, each corresponding +to a single point group. If you know the *space* group for your crystals in +advance, that's a big advantage. However, for now you only need to know the +*point* group. + +If you're working on an unknown structure, don't get ahead of yourself! +Many crystallographic data processing programs start suggesting possible space +groups very early in the process, such as when the patterns are indexed. +The space group is **only a hypothesis until the structure is solved**, so you +always need to take these early suggestions with a pinch of salt. CrystFEL's +design philosophy is not to deal with space group determination at all. +CrystFEL will never ask you to tell it the space group of your structure ahead +of time, nor will it suggest one automatically for your structure [#f1]_. + +The following table shows the point group corresponding to each of the space +groups. To keep things simple, the table only contains the `Sohncke space +groups `_, which are the ones +relevant to biological structures. The point groups are given in exactly the +form you will type them into CrystFEL: + +=========== ============ +Point group Space groups +=========== ============ +``1`` P1 +``2`` P2, P2\ :sub:`1`, C2 (pay special attention to step 3 below) +``222`` P222, P222\ :sub:`1`, P2\ :sub:`1`\ 2\ :sub:`1`\ 2, P2\ :sub:`1`\ 2\ :sub:`1`\ 2\ :sub:`1`, C222\ :sub:`1`, C222, F222, I222, I2\ :sub:`1`\ 2\ :sub:`1`\ 2\ :sub:`1` +``4`` P4 P4\ :sub:`1`, P4\ :sub:`2`, P4\ :sub:`3`, I4, I4\ :sub:`1` +``422`` P422, P42\ :sub:`1`\ 2, P4\ :sub:`1`\ 22, P4\ :sub:`1`\ 2\ :sub:`1`\ 2, P4\ :sub:`2`\ 22, P4\ :sub:`2`\ 2\ :sub:`1`\ 2, P4\ :sub:`3`\ 22, P4\ :sub:`3`\ 2\ :sub:`1`\ 2, I4222, I4\ :sub:`1`\ 22 +``32_R`` R32 (rhombohedral axes, pay special attention to step 6) +``3_R`` R3 (rhombohedral axes, pay special attention to step 6) +``3_H`` H3 (hexagonal axes, pay special attention to step 6), P3, P3\ :sub:`1`, P3\ :sub:`2` +``321_H`` H32 (hexagonal axes, pay special attention to step 6), P321, P3\ :sub:`1`\ 21, P3\ :sub:`2`\ 21 +``312_H`` P312, P3\ :sub:`1`\ 12, P3\ :sub:`2`\ 12 +``6`` P6, P6\ :sub:`1`, P6\ :sub:`2`, P6\ :sub:`3`, P6\ :sub:`4`, P6\ :sub:`5` +``622`` P622, P6\ :sub:`1`\ 22, P6\ :sub:`2`\ 22, P6\ :sub:`3`\ 22, P6\ :sub:`4`\ 22, P6\ :sub:`5`\ 22 +``23`` P23, F23, I23, P2\ :sub:`1`\ 3, I2\ :sub:`1`\ 3 +``432`` P432, P4\ :sub:`2`\ 32, F432, F4\ :sub:`1`\ 32, I432, P4\ :sub:`3`\ 32, P4\ :sub:`1`\ 32, I4\ :sub:`1`\ 32 +=========== ============ + +Notice that, in most cases, the correct point group can easily be recognised +from the space group, without memorizing the entire table. + +If you are in the fortunate situation of knowing the space group for your +sample before processing the data, look up the point group in the table above +and keep it in mind as you read the next sections. If you can't find your +space group in the table (for example, *A112*), your source of information is +using a non-standard setting. Everything should become clear in step 3. + +If you don't know the space group, no problem: we will work everything out in +the steps below. + + +Step 2: Determine the apparent symmetry +======================================= + +The orientation of each crystal in your dataset was determined by the indexing +procedure inside ``indexamajig``. There's a choice of indexing algorithms +which work in many different ways, but they all share one thing in common: they +only look at the positions of the Bragg peaks, not the intensities. + +As you should know from basic diffraction theory, the positions of the Bragg +peaks are determined by the translational symmetry of the structure (the +*lattice*), whereas the intensities are determined by the contents of the +unit cell. + +This leads to a problem for some symmetry classes. If the overall crystal +structure, taking into account the unit cell contents, has lower symmetry than +the lattice, there will be an *indexing ambiguity*. In these cases, the Bragg +peak positions don't provide enough information to correctly determine the +orientation of the crystal. The results will be an equal mixture of correctly +indexed patterns, and ones where the Miller indices for the reflections are +wrong. But, we're getting ahead of ourselves... + +Just by looking at the parameters of the lattice (the unit cell parameters), we +can determine the symmetry that the merged dataset will exhibit. This is the +symmetry that the indexing algorithm is able to discern (by looking at the +Bragg positions only), and therefore which reflections should be considered +symmetrically equivalent. This is the point group which we will tell to +``process_hkl`` or ``partialator``. + +The following table shows the possible cases and the point group to use in +each case. Use the furthest down row that is compatible with your data, for +example if the axis lengths are all equal (*a=b=c*) and the angles are all 90°, +you should use ``432``, even though ``32_R``, ``422``, ``222``, ``2`` and ``1`` +would all fit. + +For this step, what matters are the *approximate* symmetries of the lattice. +You should consider an angle to be equal to 90° if it's within about 1° of that +value, and axis lengths to be equal if they're within about 1% of the same +length. If ``indexamajig`` gets confused between the axes (shown by double +peaks in the ``cell_explorer`` histograms), then they should be considered +equal. Conversely, if ``indexamajig`` was able to tell the axes apart (clear, +single peaks for each axis length, with significantly different lengths and +angles), then you can consider them distinct. + +The centering of the cell (P, A, B, C, I, F, R or H) is irrelevant at this +step, unless you have "H-centering", which is a special case that we will come +to later. + +=================================== ======================= +Unit cell parameters Point group for merging +=================================== ======================= +No restrictions ``1`` +alpha=beta=90° ``2`` +H-centering and a=b and gamma=120° ``321_H`` +a=b and gamma=120° ``622`` +a=b=c ``32_R`` +All angles 90° ``222`` +All angles 90° and a=b ``422`` +All angles 90° and a=b=c ``432`` +=================================== ======================= + +Perhaps your cell parameters resemble one of the cases, but with the axes +"re-named". For example, you might have beta=gamma=90°, alpha≠90°, and all +axes different. This is the same as point group *2* above, but with the axes +*a,b,c* re-labelled as *b,c,a*. We can deal with that, as described in the +next step. + + +Step 3: Make sure the "unique axis" is correct +============================================== + +Let's say your point group is *2*. In this case, there is a single twofold +axis of rotational symmetry. The symmetry axis can be along the *a*, *b* or +*c* direction of the lattice - these letters are just the names we use to refer +to the axes. In theory, you can define the unit cell any way you like, and +CrystFEL will be able to cope (with one exception, mentioned below). However, +some possibilities are more "conventional" than others, and it can help to +avoid problems if you follow the established conventions. For example, not all +software can handle all of the possibilities smoothly. It's also easier to +compare structures when they're described in the same way. + +You can tell the direction of the twofold rotation axis, because it has to be +along the axis perpendicular to the angle that isn't 90°. For example, the +following cell parameters show that the twofold rotation axis is along *b*. +We refer to *b* as the *unique axis*: + +a=34 Å, b=123 Å, c=44 Å, alpha=gamma=90°, beta=131° + +The following cell has *unique axis a*: + +a=92 Å, b=74 Å, c=34 Å, alpha=128°, beta=gamma=90° + +However, *a* as the unique axis is a very unconventional situation. It would +make things easier for yourself to change your target unit cell to make *b* or +*c* the unique axis, and re-run ``indexamajig`` [#f2]_. + +**If you've been told that the space group is simply "P2", check carefully to +make sure which convention is being used, because unique axis b or c are +considered equally acceptable.** + +If your non-90° angle is very close to 90°, then you should instead be using +point group *222*. As mentioned above, what matters are the *approximate* +symmetries that can be discerned by the indexing algorithm. + +Other types of unit cell have a 'unique' axis, as well. For example, a +tetragonal cell has all angles 90°, two axes with the same length and one +different. The different length axis could be labelled as *a*, *b* or *c*. +However, in this case, anything other than unique axis *c* is highly +unconventional. Nevertheless, check carefully here as well. + +When you tell ``process_hkl`` or ``partialator`` the symmetry, you'll need to +tell it the unique axis. By default, CrystFEL programs assume that the unique +axis is *c*. If you have anything else, append ``_uaa``, ``_uab`` or ``_uac`` +to the point group symbol (from the tables above) to indicate which is the +'unique' axis. For the first example from above, we would use ``2_uab``: + +a=34 Å, b=123 Å, c=44 Å, alpha=gamma=90°, beta=131° + +For the tetragonal unit cell parameters shown below, we would use ``422``, +which is a synonym for ``422_uac`` since the unique axis is assumed to be *c*: + +a=123 Å, b=123 Å, c=44 Å, alpha=beta=gamma=90° + + +Step 4: Add an inversion center to merge Friedel pairs +====================================================== + +Remember that the point group tells CrystFEL which reflections to consider +as symmetrically equivalent. The point group you have, at this point, will +*not* include an inversion center, i.e. it will *not* consider reflections +h,k,l and -h,-k,-l as equivalent. This means that the merging process will +preserve any anomalous signal present in your data. + +If you don't expect (or want) an anomalous signal, you can get better results +by merging Friedel pairs of reflections. This doubles the number of +measurements per symmetrically unique reflection, which can make a large +improvement! To do this, simply add the missing inversion center to the point +group. This will change the point group symbol in a way that's not immediately +logical. The following table shows the results of adding an inversion symmetry +to each of the point groups, so you just have to look up your case. + +=========== ================================= +Point group Point group with inversion center +=========== ================================= +``1`` ``-1`` +``2`` ``2/m`` +``222`` ``mmm`` +``422`` ``4/mmm`` +``32_R`` ``-3m_R`` +``321_H`` ``-3m1_H`` +``622`` ``6/mmm`` +``432`` ``m-3m`` +=========== ================================= + +The point group symbols in the table above look quite strange. If you need to +look up one of these symbols in a crystallographic textbook, you just need to +know that the minus signs are supposed to indicate a "bar" over the following +digit. However, there's usually no need to worry about that. + +If you've added a unique axis suffix, add the same suffix to your new point +group. For example, ``622_uab`` goes to ``6/mmm_uab`` (although, either of +these cases would be considered very unconventional). + + +Step 5: Worry about indexing ambiguities +======================================== + +At this point, you're in a position to merge your data. If your prior +information about the point group from step 1 agreed with what you determined +in step 2, then everything is OK and you're finished already! Simply give the +point group symbol to ``partialator`` or ``process_hkl`` with the ``-y`` +argument (or via the CrystFEL GUI). For example: ``-y 4/mmm``. + +However, maybe something is still not right. Perhaps the structure solution +software is complaining about "twinned data", strange statistics or "poor" +L-test results. Or, perhaps your prior information about the structure doesn't +match the point group you determined in the previous steps. In this case, you +may be facing an indexing ambiguity, where the true symmetry is lower than what +can be distinguished by the indexing algorithm. + +An *indexing ambiguity* is when the positions of the Bragg peaks do *not* give +sufficient information to uniquely identify the orientation of the crystal. +Instead, there are a small number (usually 2) of possible orientations which +give the *same Bragg peak positions*. The correct orientation can be +determined by looking at the peak intensities, so it requires a separate +processing step after indexing and integration. + +Indexing ambiguities can be resolved in CrystFEL using ``ambigator``. This +program takes a stream (from ``indexamajig``), works out the correct indexing +assignments, and writes a new stream with the incorrectly assigned reflections +re-labelled with their correct indices. Here, "correct" means "consistent with +the other patterns in the dataset" - you should keep in mind that the indexing +ambiguity allows separately-processed datasets to have inconsistent labels. + +The mechanics of running ``ambigator`` will be described in a separate +document. However, you will need to know the "real" and "apparent" point +groups. The apparent point group is the one we already determined. The real +point group is so far unknown (unless you have prior information!), but there +are a small number of possibilities. Here they are: + +============================ ====================================================== +Apparent point group Real point group +============================ ====================================================== +``422`` ``4`` +``32_R`` (rhombohedral axes) ``3_R`` (rhombohedral axes) +``432`` ``23`` +``622`` ``3_H`` (hexagonal axes) - double ambiguity, see below +``622`` ``6`` +``622`` ``312_H`` (hexagonal axes) +``622`` ``321_H`` (hexagonal axes) +============================ ====================================================== + +Notice that structures with hexagonal lattices (apparent point group *622*) are +particularly problematic, with quite a large number of real point groups giving +the apparent *622* symmetry. One of those cases, point group ``3_H`` exhibits +a *double ambiguity* where there are four indexing possibilities for each +pattern, not just the usual two. + + +Step 6: Extra information about "H cells" +========================================= + +A rhombohedral unit cell (all axes the same length, all angles the same but not +equal to 90°) can be represented in two ways. The first way is using the axes +exactly as just described. In this case, we talk about "rhombohedral axes" and +use space group symbols *R3* and *R32*. The second way is to embed the +rhombohedral cell inside a hexagonal unit cell (a=b≠c, alpha=beta=90°, +gamma=120°) while having multiple lattice points (i.e. extra copies of the +crystal structure) within the unit cell. In this case, we talk about +"hexagonal axes" and use space group symbols *H3* and *H32*. + +You will find both representations in space group tables - for example +`here, in the International Tables Volume A `_. +Rhombohedral axes are easier to think about, but hexagonal axes are commonly +used for protein structures. If you've downloaded a rhombohedral structure +from the PDB, it's probably (but not always!) using hexagonal axes. + +Different software packages use different conventions for labelling these +cells. For example, you might also encounter *R3:h* and *R3:r* for hexagonal +and rhombohedral axes respectively. Unfortunately, sometimes you might even +encounter programs which use *R3* to refer to *hexagonal* axes, and *H3* for +*rhombohedral* axes! However, you can always tell the difference by looking +at the unit cell paramters. For some more discussion, including a useful +diagram, see `this classic article +`_. + +The most important thing to keep in mind is that representing the unit cell in +a different way will never change any of the physical properties. If the +symmetry is *R3* or *H3*, there's an indexing ambiguity, and if it's *R32* or +*H32* then there's no ambiguity. The *R3* and *H3* cases are the same thing, as +are the *R32* and *H32* cases. In both cases, the number of symmetry +equivalents for each reflection is the same. If there's a strange accidental +indexing ambiguity for one version (see step 7), the same accidental indexing +ambiguity applies to the other version as well. + +However, you need to tell CrystFEL which representation you're using. For all +trigonal point groups - that is, anything with a rhombohedral lattice, or a +hexagonal lattice but no sixfold symmetry - you will need to append either +``_H`` or ``_R`` to the space group symbol. For example, for point group +*3* on rhombohedral axes, use ``3_R``. For hexagonal axes, use ``3_H``. + +You *cannot* use the unique axis and axis definition suffixes together, for +example ``321_H_uab``. Always use unique axis *c* for trigonal cells on +hexagonal axes. + +There's a further complication. There are actually two ways that the +rhombohedral cell can be "embedded" into the hexagonal cell. The two ways are +called *obverse* and *reverse*. The *International Tables* uses the *obverse* +representation [#f3]_, and so does all the software that I know about. +This complication affects the point group symbol that you must use for space +group *R32*/*H32* (it makes no difference for *R3*/*H3*). Here are all the +cases for *R32*/*H32*: + +============ ========= ================================ ================== +Axes Setting Point group as given to CrystFEL Comment +============ ========= ================================ ================== +Rhombohedral n/a ``32_R`` +Hexagonal Obverse ``321_H`` +Hexagonal Reverse ``312_H`` Don't use this one +============ ========= ================================ ================== + +Just "for fun", here's the same table for *R3*/*H3*: + +============ ========= ================================ ================== +Axes Setting Point group as given to CrystFEL Comment +============ ========= ================================ ================== +Rhombohedral n/a ``3_R`` +Hexagonal Obverse ``3_H`` +Hexagonal Reverse ``3_H`` Same as for obverse +============ ========= ================================ ================== + +As you can see, your life will be much easier if you just use rhombohedral axes +all the time. However, due to the prevalence of hexagonal axes in deposited +structures, this is likely to mean that you have to convert from one +representation to the other. Converting atomic locations (i.e. a structural +model) is outside the scope of CrystFEL, but CrystFEL *can* convert just the +unit cell parameters. For example, given an "H-centered" unit cell file:: + + CrystFEL unit cell file version 1.0 + + lattice_type = hexagonal + centering = H + unique_axis = c + + a = 66.2 A + b = 66.2 A + c = 150.2 A + + al = 90.0 deg + be = 90.0 deg + ga = 120.0 deg + +CrystFEL's ``cell_tool`` can calculate the rhombohedral representation:: + + $ cell_tool -p example.cell --uncenter + Input unit cell: cell-example.cell + ------------------> The input unit cell: + hexagonal H, unique axis c, right handed. + a b c alpha beta gamma + 66.20 66.20 150.20 A 90.00 90.00 120.00 deg + ------------------> The primitive unit cell: + rhombohedral R, right handed. <<----------- + a b c alpha beta gamma <<----------- Look here! + 62.99 62.99 62.99 A 63.40 63.40 63.40 deg <<----------- + ------------------> The centering transformation: + [ 1 0 1 ] + [ -1 1 1 ] + [ 0 -1 1 ] + ------------------> The un-centering transformation: + [ 2/3 -1/3 -1/3 ] + [ 1/3 1/3 -2/3 ] + [ 1/3 1/3 1/3 ] + + + +Step 7: "It still isn't working!" +================================= + +The ambiguities described in step 5 are the most common cases, but there are +more possibilities. Sometimes, the lattice parameters "accidentally" give rise +to indexing ambiguities. As noted above, it's the *apparent* symmetries of the +lattice that matter here. For example, unless the indexing is *very* accurate +(within 1/20 of a degree), the following unit cell will need to be merged with +point group *222* (or *mmm* to merge Friedel pairs), even though it is +technicall monoclinic: + +a=63 Å, b=82 Å, c=95 Å, alpha=gamma=90°, beta=90.04° + +In this case, there will be an indexing ambiguity, because the true symmetry +is *2* (unique axis *b*), but the apparent symmetry is *222*. + +Things can get even more complicated than this, and some very "interesting" +ambiguities have turned up over the years. CrystFEL's ``cell_tool`` utility +can analyse your unit cell and spot possible ambiguities. See `the manual +`_ for details. + +Crystal structures seem to have a way of finding new ways to cause trouble. +So, if things are still not working, or if you're just confused, we're happy to +help. Just send an email! See the `contact `_ +page on the CrystFEL website for details. + +**Good luck, and may all your indexing be unambiguous!** + + +.. rubric:: Footnotes + +.. [#f1] There are a couple of small exceptions here, when the data is exported + to XScale or MTZ format. These formats *require* a space group to be + nominated, because of the aforementioned reliance on early space group + nomination. Here, CrystFEL chooses the lowest-symmetry space group that + reflects the point symmetry according to which the merging was performed. + The "downstream" structure solution software should be clever enough to + assign the correct space group, regardless of what's in the data file. + +.. [#f2] It's also possible to change the indexing assignments in the stream + without re-running indexing, but this could be considered "advanced" usage. + As mentioned above, it's also possible to continue using the non-standard + setting, at least as far as CrystFEL is concerned. However, in that case + you can expect to have difficulty with other software or when depositing the + structure. + +.. [#f3] If you're interested, this is made explicit in section of + International Tables Volume A (2016 edition), which you can read + `here `_ (subscription + required). -- cgit v1.2.3