CrystFEL - Crystallography with a FEL ------------------------------------- Thomas White , CFEL, DESY CrystFEL is a suite of programs for simulating and processing crystallographic (Bragg diffraction) data acquired with a free electron laser. The particular characteristics of such data which call for a specialised software suite are - The sliced, rather than integrated, measurement of intensity data. Many, if not all reflections are partially integrated. Unique correction factors are needed. - The crystals are small, leading to significant Fourier truncation effects on the detector. - Many patterns (>10,000) are required - high throughput is needed. The main programs are: - pattern_sim, for simulating patterns. - indexamajig, for finding hits, locating peaks, indexing patterns and constructing lists of h,k,l,I,sigma(I) for each pattern. - process_hkl, for merging per-pattern lists of intensities into a single reflection list. - hdfsee, a simple HDF5 image viewer. In addition, there is also: - get_hkl, for generating a list of squared structure factors for comparison to simulated or experimental data. - powder_plot, for turning an image into a list of reciprocal space vector moduli and intensities (i.e. a powder diffraction trace). - compare_hkl, for working out the differences (e.g. a q-dependent scaling factor) between two lists of reflections.