module Images using Printf import ..CrystFEL: libcrystfel import ..CrystFEL.DataTemplates: DataTemplate, InternalDataTemplate import ..CrystFEL.DetGeoms: DetGeom import ..CrystFEL.PeakLists: PeakList, InternalPeakList import ..CrystFEL.Crystals: Crystal, InternalCrystal import ..CrystFEL.RefLists: RefList, InternalRefList, UnmergedReflection import ..CrystFEL.Symmetry: SymOpList export Image const HEADER_CACHE_SIZE = 128 mutable struct CrystalRefListPair crystal::Ptr{InternalCrystal} reflist::Ptr{InternalRefList} owns_crystal::Cint owns_reflist::Cint end mutable struct InternalImage dp::Ptr{Ptr{Cfloat}} bad::Ptr{Ptr{Cint}} sat::Ptr{Ptr{Cfloat}} hit::Cint crystals::Ptr{CrystalRefListPair} n_crystals::Cint indexed_by::Cint n_indexing_tries::Cint detgeom::Ptr{DetGeom} data_source_type::Cint filename::Cstring ev::Cstring data_block::Ptr{Cvoid} data_block_size::Csize_t meta_data::Cstring header_cache::NTuple{HEADER_CACHE_SIZE, Ptr{Cvoid}} n_cached_headers::Cint id::Cint serial::Cint spectrum::Ptr{Cvoid} lambda::Cdouble div::Cdouble bw::Cdouble peak_resolution::Cdouble peaklist::Ptr{InternalPeakList} ida::Ptr{Cvoid} owns_peaklist::Cint end mutable struct Image internalptr::Ptr{InternalImage} peaklist::Union{Nothing,PeakList} crystals reflists end function makecrystallist(image, listptr, n) crystals = [] if listptr == C_NULL return crystals end for i in 1:n pairptr = unsafe_load(listptr, i) # Re-use old Crystal if possible n = findfirst(getfield(image, :crystals)) do x x.internalptr == pairptr.crystal end if n !== nothing cr = getfield(image, :crystals)[n] else cr = Crystal(pairptr.crystal, nothing) end if pairptr.reflist == C_NULL reflist = nothing else reflist = RefList{UnmergedReflection}(pairptr.reflist, SymOpList("1")) pairptr.owns_reflist = 0 finalizer(reflist) do x @ccall libcrystfel.reflist_free(x.internalptr::Ptr{InternalRefList})::Cvoid end end push!(crystals, (crystal=cr, reflections=reflist)) pairptr.owns_crystal = 0 unsafe_store!(listptr, pairptr, i) finalizer(cr) do x @ccall libcrystfel.crystal_free(x.internalptr::Ptr{InternalCrystal})::Cvoid end end image.crystals = map(x->x.crystal, crystals) image.reflists = map(x->x.reflections, crystals) return crystals end function getpeaklist(image) idata = unsafe_load(image.internalptr) if (getfield(image, :peaklist) === nothing) || (idata.peaklist != getfield(image, :peaklist).internalptr) if idata.peaklist != C_NULL setfield!(image, :peaklist, PeakList(idata.peaklist)) # From now on, Julia is completely responsible for freeing the peaklist idata.owns_peaklist = 0 unsafe_store!(image.internalptr, idata) else setfield!(image, :peaklist, nothing) end end return getfield(image, :peaklist) end function Base.getproperty(image::Image, name::Symbol) if name === :internalptr getfield(image, :internalptr) elseif name === :peaklist getpeaklist(image) else idata = unsafe_load(image.internalptr) if name === :crystals return makecrystallist(image, getfield(idata, :crystals), getfield(idata, :n_crystals)) else getfield(idata, name) end end end strdup(str) = @ccall libcrystfel.cfstrdup(str::Cstring)::Cstring function assert_type(val, type) if !(val isa type) throw(ArgumentError("Must be a "*string(type)*" (have "*string(typeof(val))*" instead)")) end end function set_peaklist(image, new_pl) assert_type(new_pl, PeakList) idata = unsafe_load(image.internalptr) if (idata.owns_peaklist == 1) && (idata.peaklist != C_NULL) @ccall libcrystfel.image_feature_list_free(idata.peaklist::Ptr{InternalPeakList})::Cvoid end idata.peaklist = new_pl.internalptr idata.owns_peaklist = 0 unsafe_store!(image.internalptr, idata) setfield!(image, :peaklist, new_pl) end function Base.setproperty!(image::Image, name::Symbol, val) if name === :internalptr setfield!(image, :internalptr, val) else if name === :peaklist return set_peaklist(image, val) elseif name === :filename assert_type(val, AbstractString) val = strdup(val) elseif name === :ev assert_type(val, AbstractString) val = strdup(val) elseif name === :crystals return setfield!(image, :crystals, val) elseif name === :reflists return setfield!(image, :reflists, val) end idata = unsafe_load(image.internalptr) setproperty!(idata, name, val) unsafe_store!(image.internalptr, idata) end end function Base.propertynames(image::Image; private=false) if private fieldnames(InternalImage) else tuple(fieldnames(InternalImage)..., :internalptr) end end function Base.push!(image::Image, cr::Crystal) @ccall libcrystfel.image_add_crystal(image.internalptr::Ptr{InternalImage}, cr.internalptr::Ptr{InternalCrystal})::Cvoid idata = unsafe_load(image.internalptr) ncryst = idata.n_crystals pairptr = unsafe_load(idata.crystal_refls, ncryst) pairptr.owns_crystal = 0 unsafe_store!(idata.crystal_refls, pairptr, ncryst) push!(getfield(image, :crystals), cr) end function Base.push!(image::Image, cr::Crystal, reflections::RefList{UnmergedReflection}) @ccall libcrystfel.image_add_crystal_refls(image.internalptr::Ptr{InternalImage}, cr.internalptr::Ptr{InternalCrystal}, reflections.internalptr::Ptr{InternalRefList})::Cvoid idata = unsafe_load(image.internalptr) ncryst = idata.n_crystals pairptr = unsafe_load(idata.crystals, ncryst) pairptr.owns_crystal = 0 pairptr.owns_reflist = 0 unsafe_store!(idata.crystals, pairptr, ncryst) push!(getfield(image, :crystals), cr) push!(getfield(image, :reflists), reflections) end """ Image(dtempl::DataTemplate) Creates a CrystFEL image structure, not linked to any file or data block, i.e. for simulation purposes. This will fail if `dtempl` contains any references to metadata fields, e.g. `photon_energy = /LCLS/photon_energy eV`. Corresponds to CrystFEL C API function `image_create_for_simulation()`. """ function Image(dtempl::DataTemplate) out = ccall((:image_create_for_simulation, libcrystfel), Ptr{Image}, (Ref{InternalDataTemplate},), dtempl.internalptr) if out == C_NULL throw(ArgumentError("Failed to create image")) end image = Image(out, nothing, [], []) finalizer(image) do x ccall((:image_free, libcrystfel), Cvoid, (Ptr{InternalImage},), x.internalptr) end return image end """ Image(dtempl::DataTemplate, filename::AbstractString, event::AbstractString, no_image_data=false, no_mask_data=false) Loads an image from the filesystem. Corresponds to CrystFEL C API function `image_read()`. """ function Image(dtempl::DataTemplate, filename::AbstractString, event::AbstractString="//", no_image_data=false, no_mask_data=false) out = @ccall libcrystfel.image_read(dtempl.internalptr::Ptr{InternalDataTemplate}, filename::Cstring, event::Cstring, no_image_data::Cint, no_mask_data::Cint, C_NULL::Ptr{Cvoid})::Ptr{Image} if out == C_NULL throw(ArgumentError("Failed to load image")) end image = Image(out, nothing, [], []) finalizer(image) do x ccall((:image_free, libcrystfel), Cvoid, (Ptr{InternalImage},), x.internalptr) end return image end function, mime::MIME"text/plain", image::Image) idata = unsafe_load(image.internalptr) @printf(io, "CrystFEL.Image(%p):\n\n", image.internalptr) println(io, " Serial number: ", idata.serial) write(io, " Filename: ") if idata.filename == C_NULL write(io, "") else write(io, unsafe_string(idata.filename)) end write(io, "\n") write(io, " Frame ID: ") if idata.ev == C_NULL write(io, "") else write(io, unsafe_string(idata.ev)) end write(io, "\n") write(io, "\n") println(io, " Wavelength: ", idata.lambda*1e10, " Å") println(io, " Bandwidth: ",*100, " %") println(io, " Divergence: ", idata.div*1e3, " mrad") write(io, "\n") if idata.peaklist != C_NULL let npk = @ccall libcrystfel.image_feature_count(idata.peaklist::Ptr{InternalPeakList})::Cint println(io, " Number of peaks: ", npk) end else println(io, " Number of peaks: 0 (no peak list)") end println(io, " Estimated resolution: ", 1e10/idata.peak_resolution, " Å") write(io, " Hit flag: ") if idata.hit != 0 write(io, "set") else write(io, "not set") end write(io, "\n") write(io, "\n") println(io, " Number of crystals: ", idata.n_crystals) println(io, " Number of indexing attempts made: ", idata.n_crystals) println(io, " Indexed by algorithm: ", idata.indexed_by) end function, image::Image) @printf(io, "CrystFEL.Image(%p)", image.internalptr) end end # of module