using CrystFEL using Random using Plots using MillepedeII # "Simulate" a diffraction pattern function sketch_pattern(image, cr) reflist = predictreflections(cr, image) peaklist = PeakList() for refl in reflist if randn() > 0 let dpos = refl.detectorposition push!(peaklist, dpos.fs,, dpos.panelnumber, 100.0) end end end return peaklist end function simulate_and_index(cell, image_true, dtempl_moved, mille, n) indexer = Indexer("asdf", dtempl_moved, cell, retry=false, multilattice=false, refine=true) for i in 1:n # Create a diffraction pattern for a random orientation cr = Crystal(rotatecell(cell)) peaklist = sketch_pattern(image_true, cr) # Make an image with the correct spot positions, # but with an incorrect geometry image_moved = Image(dtempl_moved) image_moved.peaklist = peaklist # Index the pattern (and store Mille data), # based on the incorrect geometry index(image_moved, indexer, mille=mille) if i % 100 == 0 print("*") else print(".") end end println("") end dtempl_true = loaddatatemplate("julia/alignment-test.geom") image_true = Image(dtempl_true) cell = UnitCell(MonoclinicLattice, PrimitiveCell, 123, 45, 80, 90, 97, 90) dtempl_moved = loaddatatemplate("julia/alignment-test.geom") translategroup!(dtempl_moved, "q1", 200e-6, 0, 0) let mille = Mille("mille.dat") simulate_and_index(cell, image_true, dtempl_moved, mille, 100) close(mille) end function plotresiduals(filename) t = loadmille(filename) l = @layout([q0 q1; q2 q3]) a = collect(Iterators.flatten(t)) function ploth(n, offs, label) histogram(map(x->x.residual,filter(x->in(n, keys(x.globalgradients)), a[offs:3:end])), label=label) end q0 = ploth(101, 1, "q0") q1 = ploth(201, 1, "q1") q2 = ploth(301, 1, "q2") q3 = ploth(401, 1, "q3") plot(q0, q1, q2, q3, layout=l, plot_title="Fast scan residual") #q0 = ploth(102, 2, "q0") #q1 = ploth(202, 2, "q1") #q2 = ploth(302, 2, "q2") #q3 = ploth(402, 2, "q3") #plot(q0, q1, q2, q3, layout=l, plot_title="Slow scan residual", reuse=false) end