/* * datatemplate.c * * Data template structure * * Copyright © 2019-2021 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2019-2021 Thomas White * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "datatemplate.h" #include "image.h" #include "datatemplate_priv.h" /** * \file datatemplate.h */ static struct panel_group_template *find_group(const DataTemplate *dt, const char *name) { int i; for ( i=0; in_groups; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(dt->groups[i]->name, name) == 0 ) { return dt->groups[i]; } } return NULL; } static struct panel_group_template *add_group(const char *name, DataTemplate *dt) { struct panel_group_template *gt; if ( find_group(dt, name) != NULL ) { ERROR("Duplicate panel group '%s'\n", name); return NULL; } if ( dt->n_groups >= MAX_PANEL_GROUPS ) { ERROR("Too many panel groups\n"); return NULL; } gt = malloc(sizeof(struct panel_group_template)); if ( gt == NULL ) return NULL; gt->name = strdup(name); gt->n_children = 0; if ( gt->name == NULL ) { free(gt); return NULL; } dt->groups[dt->n_groups++] = gt; return gt; } static int parse_group(const char *name, DataTemplate *dt, const char *val) { struct panel_group_template *gt; int n_members; char **members; int i; int fail = 0; gt = add_group(name, dt); if ( gt == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to add group\n"); return 1; } n_members = assplode(val, ",", &members, ASSPLODE_NONE); if ( n_members == 0 ) { ERROR("Panel group '%s' has no members\n", name); fail = 1; } if ( n_members > MAX_PANEL_GROUP_CHILDREN ) { ERROR("Panel group '%s' has too many members\n", name); fail = 1; } else { for ( i=0; ichildren[i] = find_group(dt, members[i]); if ( gt->children[i] == NULL ) { ERROR("Unknown panel group '%s'\n", members[i]); fail = 1; } } gt->n_children = n_members; } for ( i=0; in_panels++; det->panels = realloc(det->panels, det->n_panels*sizeof(struct panel_template)); new = &det->panels[det->n_panels-1]; memcpy(new, defaults, sizeof(struct panel_template)); /* Set name */ new->name = strdup(name); /* Copy strings */ new->data = safe_strdup(defaults->data); new->satmap = safe_strdup(defaults->satmap); new->satmap_file = safe_strdup(defaults->satmap_file); for ( i=0; imasks[i].data_location = safe_strdup(defaults->masks[i].data_location); new->masks[i].filename = safe_strdup(defaults->masks[i].filename); } /* Create a new group just for this panel */ add_group(name, det); return new; } static struct dt_badregion *new_bad_region(DataTemplate *det, const char *name) { struct dt_badregion *new; det->n_bad++; det->bad = realloc(det->bad, det->n_bad*sizeof(struct dt_badregion)); new = &det->bad[det->n_bad-1]; new->min_x = NAN; new->max_x = NAN; new->min_y = NAN; new->max_y = NAN; new->min_fs = 0; new->max_fs = 0; new->min_ss = 0; new->max_ss = 0; new->is_fsss = 99; /* Slightly nasty: means "unassigned" */ new->panel_name = NULL; new->panel_number = 0; /* Needs to be set after loading */ strcpy(new->name, name); return new; } static struct panel_template *find_panel_by_name(DataTemplate *det, const char *name) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(det->panels[i].name, name) == 0 ) { return &det->panels[i]; } } return NULL; } static struct dt_badregion *find_bad_region_by_name(DataTemplate *det, const char *name) { int i; for ( i=0; in_bad; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(det->bad[i].name, name) == 0 ) { return &det->bad[i]; } } return NULL; } static int atob(const char *a) { if ( strcasecmp(a, "true") == 0 ) return 1; if ( strcasecmp(a, "false") == 0 ) return 0; return atoi(a); } static int assplode_algebraic(const char *a_orig, char ***pbits) { int len, i; int nexp; char **bits; char *a; int idx, istr; len = strlen(a_orig); /* Add plus at start if no sign there already */ if ( (a_orig[0] != '+') && (a_orig[0] != '-') ) { len += 1; a = malloc(len+1); snprintf(a, len+1, "+%s", a_orig); a[len] = '\0'; } else { a = strdup(a_orig); } /* Count the expressions */ nexp = 0; for ( i=0; i= 0 ) bits[idx][istr] = '\0'; idx++; bits[idx] = malloc(len+1); istr = 0; } if ( !isdigit(ch) && (ch != '.') && (ch != '+') && (ch != '-') && (ch != 'x') && (ch != 'y') && (ch != 'z') ) { ERROR("Invalid character '%c' found.\n", ch); return 0; } assert(idx >= 0); bits[idx][istr++] = ch; } if ( idx >= 0 ) bits[idx][istr] = '\0'; *pbits = bits; free(a); return nexp; } /* Parses the scan directions (accounting for possible rotation) * Assumes all white spaces have been already removed */ static int dir_conv(const char *a, double *sx, double *sy, double *sz) { int n; char **bits; int i; *sx = 0.0; *sy = 0.0; *sz = 0.0; n = assplode_algebraic(a, &bits); if ( n == 0 ) { ERROR("Invalid direction '%s'\n", a); return 1; } for ( i=0; i= MAX_DIMS ) { ERROR("Too many dimensions!\n"); return 1; } if ( strcmp(val, "fs") == 0 ) { panel->dims[dimension] = DIM_FS; } else if ( strcmp(val, "ss") == 0 ) { panel->dims[dimension] = DIM_SS; } else if ( strcmp(val, "%") == 0 ) { panel->dims[dimension] = DIM_PLACEHOLDER; } else { char *endptr; unsigned long int fix_val = strtoul(val, &endptr, 10); if ( endptr[0] != '\0' ) { ERROR("Invalid dimension value '%s'\n", val); return 1; } else { panel->dims[dimension] = fix_val; } } return 0; } static int add_flag_value(struct panel_template *p, float val, enum flag_value_type type) { int i; for ( i=0; iflag_types[i] == FLAG_NOTHING ) { p->flag_types[i] = type; p->flag_values[i] = val; return 0; } } ERROR("Too many flag values.\n"); return 1; } static int parse_mask(struct panel_template *panel, const char *key_orig, const char *val, int def) { int n; char *key; if ( sscanf(key_orig, "mask%d_", &n) != 1 ) { ERROR("Invalid mask directive '%s'\n", key_orig); return 1; } key = strdup(key_orig); if ( key == NULL ) return 1; key[4] = '_'; /* The mask number has been replaced with '_'. * Double underscore is deliberate! */ if ( strcmp(key, "mask__file") == 0 ) { panel->masks[n].filename = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask__data") == 0 ) { if ( strncmp(val, "/", 1) != 0 ) { ERROR("Invalid mask location '%s'\n", val); free(key); return 1; } panel->masks[n].data_location = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask__goodbits") == 0 ) { char *end; double v = strtod(val, &end); if ( end != val ) { panel->masks[n].good_bits = v; } else { free(key); return 1; } } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask__badbits") == 0 ) { char *end; double v = strtod(val, &end); if ( end != val ) { panel->masks[n].bad_bits = v; } else { free(key); return 1; } } else { ERROR("Invalid mask directive '%s'\n", key_orig); free(key); return 1; } panel->masks[n].mask_default = def; free(key); return 0; } static int parse_field_for_panel(struct panel_template *panel, const char *key, const char *val, DataTemplate *det, int def) { int reject = 0; if ( strcmp(key, "min_fs") == 0 ) { panel->orig_min_fs = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_fs") == 0 ) { panel->orig_max_fs = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "min_ss") == 0 ) { panel->orig_min_ss = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_ss") == 0 ) { panel->orig_max_ss = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "corner_x") == 0 ) { panel->cnx = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "corner_y") == 0 ) { panel->cny = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "adu_per_eV") == 0 ) { panel->adu_scale = atof(val); panel->adu_scale_unit = ADU_PER_EV; panel->adu_scale_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "adu_per_photon") == 0 ) { panel->adu_scale = atof(val); panel->adu_scale_unit = ADU_PER_PHOTON; panel->adu_scale_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "clen") == 0 ) { ERROR("'clen' is a top-level property in this version of CrystFEL.\n"); reject = 1; } else if ( strcmp(key, "data") == 0 ) { free(panel->data); panel->data = strdup(val); panel->data_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask_edge_pixels") == 0 ) { if ( convert_int(val, &panel->mask_edge_pixels) ) { ERROR("Invalid value for %s/mask_edge_pixels (%s)\n", panel->name, val); reject = 1; } panel->mask_edge_pixels_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask_bad") == 0 ) { parse_field_for_panel(panel, "mask0_badbits", val, det, def); } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask_good") == 0 ) { parse_field_for_panel(panel, "mask0_goodbits", val, det, def); } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask") == 0 ) { parse_field_for_panel(panel, "mask0_data", val, det, def); } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask_file") == 0 ) { parse_field_for_panel(panel, "mask0_file", val, det, def); } else if ( strncmp(key, "mask", 4) == 0 ) { reject = parse_mask(panel, key, val, def); } else if ( strcmp(key, "saturation_map") == 0 ) { panel->satmap = strdup(val); panel->satmap_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "saturation_map_file") == 0 ) { panel->satmap_file = strdup(val); panel->satmap_file_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "coffset") == 0) { panel->cnz_offset = atof(val); panel->cnz_offset_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "res") == 0 ) { panel->pixel_pitch = 1.0/atof(val); panel->pixel_pitch_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_adu") == 0 ) { panel->max_adu = atof(val); panel->max_adu_default = def; ERROR("WARNING: It's usually better not to set max_adu " "in the geometry file. Use --max-adu during " "merging instead.\n"); } else if ( strcmp(key, "flag_equal") == 0 ) { if ( add_flag_value(panel, atof(val), FLAG_EQUAL) ) { reject = -1; } panel->flag_values_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "flag_lessthan") == 0 ) { if ( add_flag_value(panel, atof(val), FLAG_LESSTHAN) ) { reject = -1; } panel->flag_values_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "flag_morethan") == 0 ) { if ( add_flag_value(panel, atof(val), FLAG_MORETHAN) ) { reject = -1; } panel->flag_values_default = def; } else if ( strcmp(key, "badrow_direction") == 0 ) { ERROR("WARNING 'badrow_direction' is ignored in this version.\n"); } else if ( strcmp(key, "no_index") == 0 ) { panel->bad = atob(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "fs") == 0 ) { if ( dir_conv(val, &panel->fsx, &panel->fsy, &panel->fsz) != 0 ) { ERROR("Invalid fast scan direction '%s'\n", val); reject = 1; } } else if ( strcmp(key, "ss") == 0 ) { if ( dir_conv(val, &panel->ssx, &panel->ssy, &panel->ssz) != 0 ) { ERROR("Invalid slow scan direction '%s'\n", val); reject = 1; } } else if ( strncmp(key, "dim", 3) == 0) { char *endptr; if ( key[3] != '\0' ) { int dim_entry; dim_entry = strtoul(key+3, &endptr, 10); if ( endptr[0] != '\0' ) { ERROR("Invalid dimension number %s\n", key+3); } else { if ( set_dim(panel, dim_entry, val) ) { ERROR("Failed to set dim structure entry\n"); } } } else { ERROR("'dim' must be followed by a number, e.g. 'dim0'\n"); } } else { ERROR("Unrecognised field '%s'\n", key); } return reject; } static int check_badr_fsss(struct dt_badregion *badr, int is_fsss) { /* First assignment? */ if ( badr->is_fsss == 99 ) { badr->is_fsss = is_fsss; return 0; } if ( is_fsss != badr->is_fsss ) { ERROR("You can't mix x/y and fs/ss in a bad region.\n"); return 1; } return 0; } static int parse_field_bad(struct dt_badregion *badr, const char *key, const char *val) { int reject = 0; if ( strcmp(key, "min_x") == 0 ) { badr->min_x = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 0); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_x") == 0 ) { badr->max_x = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 0); } else if ( strcmp(key, "min_y") == 0 ) { badr->min_y = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 0); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_y") == 0 ) { badr->max_y = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 0); } else if ( strcmp(key, "min_fs") == 0 ) { badr->min_fs = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 1); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_fs") == 0 ) { badr->max_fs = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 1); } else if ( strcmp(key, "min_ss") == 0 ) { badr->min_ss = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 1); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_ss") == 0 ) { badr->max_ss = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 1); } else if ( strcmp(key, "panel") == 0 ) { badr->panel_name = strdup(val); } else { ERROR("Unrecognised field '%s'\n", key); } return reject; } static int parse_electron_voltage(const char *val, char **p_from, enum wavelength_unit *punit) { char *valcpy; char *sp; valcpy = strdup(val); if ( valcpy == NULL ) return 1; /* "electron_voltage" directive must have explicit units */ sp = strchr(valcpy, ' '); if ( sp == NULL ) { free(valcpy); return 1; } if ( strcmp(sp+1, "V") == 0 ) { *punit = WAVELENGTH_ELECTRON_V; } else if ( strcmp(sp+1, "kV") == 0 ) { *punit = WAVELENGTH_ELECTRON_KV; } else { free(valcpy); return 1; } sp[0] = '\0'; *p_from = valcpy; return 0; } static int parse_wavelength(const char *val, char **p_from, enum wavelength_unit *punit) { char *valcpy; char *sp; valcpy = strdup(val); if ( valcpy == NULL ) return 1; /* "wavelength" directive must have explicit units */ sp = strchr(valcpy, ' '); if ( sp == NULL ) { free(valcpy); return 1; } if ( strcmp(sp+1, "m") == 0 ) { *punit = WAVELENGTH_M; } else if ( strcmp(sp+1, "A") == 0 ) { *punit = WAVELENGTH_A; } else { free(valcpy); return 1; } sp[0] = '\0'; *p_from = valcpy; return 0; } static int parse_photon_energy(const char *val, char **p_from, enum wavelength_unit *punit) { char *valcpy; char *sp; valcpy = strdup(val); if ( valcpy == NULL ) return 1; /* "photon_energy" is the only one of the wavelength * directives which is allowed to not have units */ sp = strchr(valcpy, ' '); if ( sp == NULL ) { *punit = WAVELENGTH_PHOTON_EV; } else if ( strcmp(sp+1, "eV") == 0 ) { *punit = WAVELENGTH_PHOTON_EV; sp[0] = '\0'; } else if ( strcmp(sp+1, "keV") == 0 ) { *punit = WAVELENGTH_PHOTON_KEV; sp[0] = '\0'; } else { /* Unit specified, but unrecognised */ free(valcpy); return 1; } *p_from = valcpy; return 0; } static int parse_peak_layout(const char *val, enum peak_layout *layout) { if ( strcmp(val, "auto") == 0 ) { *layout = PEAK_LIST_AUTO; return 0; } if ( strcmp(val, "cxi") == 0 ) { *layout = PEAK_LIST_CXI; return 0; } if ( (strcmp(val, "list3") == 0) ) { *layout = PEAK_LIST_LIST3; return 0; } return 1; } static int parse_toplevel(DataTemplate *dt, const char *key, const char *val, struct panel_template *defaults, int *defaults_updated) { if ( strcmp(key, "detector_shift_x") == 0 ) { dt->shift_x_from = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "detector_shift_y") == 0 ) { dt->shift_y_from = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "clen") == 0 ) { dt->cnz_from = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "photon_energy") == 0 ) { return parse_photon_energy(val, &dt->wavelength_from, &dt->wavelength_unit); } else if ( strcmp(key, "electron_voltage") == 0 ) { return parse_electron_voltage(val, &dt->wavelength_from, &dt->wavelength_unit); } else if ( strcmp(key, "wavelength") == 0 ) { return parse_wavelength(val, &dt->wavelength_from, &dt->wavelength_unit); } else if ( strcmp(key, "peak_list") == 0 ) { dt->peak_list = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "peak_list_type") == 0 ) { return parse_peak_layout(val, &dt->peak_list_type); } else if ( strcmp(key, "bandwidth") == 0 ) { double v; char *end; v = strtod(val, &end); if ( (val[0] != '\0') && (end[0] == '\0') ) { dt->bandwidth = v; } else { ERROR("Invalid value for bandwidth\n"); } } else if ( strncmp(key, "rigid_group", 11) == 0 ) { /* Rigid group lines are ignored in this version */ } else if ( strncmp(key, "group_", 6) == 0 ) { if ( parse_group(key+6, dt, val) ) { return 1; } } else { /* If there are any panels, the value in 'defaults' gets marked * as "not default". This will cause it to be written out for * each subsequent panel. */ if ( parse_field_for_panel(defaults, key, val, dt, (dt->n_panels==0)) == 0 ) { *defaults_updated = 1; } else { return 1; } } return 0; } static int dt_num_path_placeholders(const char *str) { size_t i, len; int n_pl = 0; if ( str == NULL ) return 0; len = strlen(str); for ( i=0; in_panels == 1) ) { *res = 0; return 0; } if ( panel_name == NULL ) { ERROR("Panel name must be specified.\n"); return 1; } for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(dt->panels[i].name, panel_name) == 0 ) { *res = i; return 0; } } return 1; } static int check_mask_and_satmap_placeholders(const DataTemplate *dt) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { int num_data_pl; int num_satmap_pl; int j; num_data_pl = dt_num_path_placeholders(dt->panels[i].data); num_satmap_pl = dt_num_path_placeholders(dt->panels[i].satmap); if ( num_satmap_pl > num_data_pl ) return 1; for ( j=0; jpanels[i].masks[j].data_location == NULL ) continue; num_mask_pl = dt_num_path_placeholders(dt->panels[i].masks[j].data_location); if ( num_mask_pl > num_data_pl ) return 1; } } return 0; } static int try_guess_panel(struct dt_badregion *bad, DataTemplate *dt) { if ( dt->n_panels == 1 ) { bad->panel_name = dt->panels[0].name; ERROR("WARNING: Assuming bad_%s/panel = %s\n", bad->name, dt->panels[0].name); return 1; } return 0; } static void show_group(const struct panel_group_template *gt, int level) { int i; for ( i=0; iname); for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { show_group(gt->children[i], level+1); } } void data_template_show_hierarchy(const DataTemplate *dtempl) { STATUS("Hierarchy:\n"); show_group(find_group(dtempl, "top"), 0); } DataTemplate *data_template_new_from_string(const char *string_in) { DataTemplate *dt; int done = 0; int i; int reject = 0; char *string; char *string_orig; size_t len; struct panel_template defaults; int have_unused_defaults = 0; dt = calloc(1, sizeof(DataTemplate)); if ( dt == NULL ) return NULL; dt->n_panels = 0; dt->panels = NULL; dt->n_bad = 0; dt->bad = NULL; dt->bandwidth = 0.00000001; dt->peak_list = NULL; dt->shift_x_from = NULL; dt->shift_y_from = NULL; dt->cnz_from = NULL; dt->n_headers_to_copy = 0; dt->n_groups = 0; /* The default defaults... */ defaults.orig_min_fs = -1; defaults.orig_min_ss = -1; defaults.orig_max_fs = -1; defaults.orig_max_ss = -1; defaults.cnx = NAN; defaults.cny = NAN; defaults.cnz_offset = 0.0; defaults.cnz_offset_default = 1; defaults.pixel_pitch = -1.0; defaults.pixel_pitch_default = 1; defaults.bad = 0; defaults.mask_edge_pixels = 0; defaults.mask_edge_pixels_default = 1; defaults.fsx = NAN; defaults.fsy = NAN; defaults.fsz = NAN; defaults.ssx = NAN; defaults.ssy = NAN; defaults.ssz = NAN; defaults.adu_scale = NAN; defaults.adu_scale_unit = ADU_PER_PHOTON; defaults.adu_scale_default = 1; for ( i=0; in_panels == 0 ) { ERROR("No panel descriptions in geometry file.\n"); free(dt); return NULL; } if ( check_mask_and_satmap_placeholders(dt) ) { ERROR("Mask and saturation map paths must have fewer " "placeholders than image data path.\n"); reject = 1; } if ( have_unused_defaults ) { ERROR("WARNING: There are statements at the end of the geometry " "file which have no effect because they only apply to " "subsequently-defined panels.\n"); reject = 1; } if ( dt->wavelength_from == NULL ) { ERROR("Geometry file must specify the wavelength " "(value or location)\n"); reject = 1; } if ( dt->cnz_from == NULL ) { ERROR("Geometry file must specify the camera length\n"); reject = 1; } for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { int j; struct panel_template *p = &dt->panels[i]; signed int dim_fs = find_dim(p->dims, DIM_FS); signed int dim_ss = find_dim(p->dims, DIM_SS); if ( (dim_fs<0) || (dim_ss<0) ) { ERROR("Panel %s does not have dimensions " "assigned to both fs and ss.\n", p->name); reject = 1; } if ( dim_ss >= dim_fs ) { ERROR("Fast scan dimension must be higher than " "slow scan (panel %s)\n", p->name); reject = 1; } if ( isnan(p->fsx) ) { ERROR("Please specify the FS direction for panel %s\n", dt->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( isnan(p->ssx) ) { ERROR("Please specify the SS direction for panel %s\n", dt->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( p->orig_min_fs < 0 ) { ERROR("Please specify the minimum FS coordinate for" " panel %s\n", dt->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( p->orig_max_fs < 0 ) { ERROR("Please specify the maximum FS coordinate for" " panel %s\n", dt->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( p->orig_min_ss < 0 ) { ERROR("Please specify the minimum SS coordinate for" " panel %s\n", dt->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( p->orig_max_ss < 0 ) { ERROR("Please specify the maximum SS coordinate for" " panel %s\n", dt->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( isnan(p->cnx) ) { ERROR("Please specify the corner X coordinate for" " panel %s\n", dt->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( isnan(p->cny) ) { ERROR("Please specify the corner Y coordinate for" " panel %s\n", dt->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( p->pixel_pitch < 0 ) { ERROR("Please specify the pixel size for" " panel %s\n", dt->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( p->data == NULL ) { ERROR("Please specify the data location for panel %s\n", p->name); reject = 1; } if ( isnan(p->adu_scale) ) { ERROR("Please specify either adu_per_eV or " "adu_per_photon for panel %s\n", dt->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } for ( j=0; jmasks[j]; if ( (mt->filename != NULL) && (mt->data_location == NULL) ) { ERROR("You have specified filename but not data" " location for mask %i of panel %s\n", j, p->name); reject = 1; } if ( (mt->good_bits || mt->bad_bits) && (mt->filename == NULL) && (mt->data_location == NULL) ) { ERROR("You have specified good/bad bits for " "mask %i of panel %s, but not the mask " "location.\n", j, p->name); reject = 1; } } } for ( i=0; in_bad; i++ ) { if ( dt->bad[i].is_fsss == 99 ) { ERROR("Please specify the coordinate ranges for" " bad region %s\n", dt->bad[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( dt->bad[i].is_fsss ) { if ( dt->bad[i].panel_name == NULL ) { if ( !try_guess_panel(&dt->bad[i], dt) ) { ERROR("Panel not specified for bad " "region '%s'\n", dt->bad[i].name); reject = 1; } } else if ( lookup_panel(dt->bad[i].panel_name, dt, &dt->bad[i].panel_number) ) { ERROR("No such panel '%s' for bad region %s\n", dt->bad[i].panel_name, dt->bad[i].name); reject = 1; } else { struct panel_template *p; struct dt_badregion *bad; int r = 0; p = &dt->panels[dt->bad[i].panel_number]; bad = &dt->bad[i]; if ( bad->min_fs < p->orig_min_fs ) r = 1; if ( bad->min_ss < p->orig_min_ss ) r = 1; if ( bad->max_fs > p->orig_max_fs ) r = 1; if ( bad->max_ss > p->orig_max_ss ) r = 1; if ( r ) { ERROR("Bad region '%s' is outside the " "panel bounds (%s) as presented " "in data (%i %i, %i %i inclusive): " "Bad region %i,%i to %i, %i " "inclusive\n", bad->name, p->name, p->orig_min_fs, p->orig_min_ss, p->orig_max_fs, p->orig_max_ss, bad->min_fs, bad->min_ss, bad->max_fs, bad->max_ss); reject = 1; } bad->min_fs -= p->orig_min_fs; bad->max_fs -= p->orig_min_fs; bad->min_ss -= p->orig_min_ss; bad->max_ss -= p->orig_min_ss; } } } free(defaults.data); for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { int j; free(dt->panels[i].name); free(dt->panels[i].data); free(dt->panels[i].satmap); free(dt->panels[i].satmap_file); for ( j=0; jpanels[i].masks[j].filename); free(dt->panels[i].masks[j].data_location); } } for ( i=0; in_headers_to_copy; i++ ) { free(dt->headers_to_copy[i]); } free(dt->wavelength_from); free(dt->peak_list); free(dt->cnz_from); free(dt->panels); free(dt->bad); free(dt); } int data_template_file_to_panel_coords(const DataTemplate *dt, float *pfs, float *pss, int pn) { *pfs = *pfs - dt->panels[pn].orig_min_fs; *pss = *pss - dt->panels[pn].orig_min_ss; return 0; } /** * Convert image-data-space fs/ss coordinates to panel-relative fs/ss * coordinates and panel number, assuming that the data is all in one slab. * * WARNING: This is probably not the routine you are looking for! * If you use this routine, your code will only work with 'slabby' data, and * will break for (amongst others) EuXFEL data. Use * data_template_file_to_panel_coords instead, and provide the panel number. * * \returns 0 on success, 1 on failure * */ int data_template_slabby_file_to_panel_coords(const DataTemplate *dt, float *pfs, float *pss, int *ppn) { int p; int found = 0; for ( p=0; pn_panels; p++ ) { if ( (*pfs >= dt->panels[p].orig_min_fs) && (*pfs < dt->panels[p].orig_max_fs+1) && (*pss >= dt->panels[p].orig_min_ss) && (*pss < dt->panels[p].orig_max_ss+1) ) { if ( found ) { ERROR("Panel is ambiguous for fs,ss %f,%f\n"); return 1; } *ppn = p; found = 1; } } if ( !found ) { ERROR("Couldn't find panel for fs,ss %f,%f\n", *pfs, *pss); return 1; } return data_template_file_to_panel_coords(dt, pfs, pss, *ppn); } int data_template_panel_to_file_coords(const DataTemplate *dt, int pn, float *pfs, float *pss) { if ( pn >= dt->n_panels ) return 1; *pfs = *pfs + dt->panels[pn].orig_min_fs; *pss = *pss + dt->panels[pn].orig_min_ss; return 0; } const char *data_template_panel_number_to_name(const DataTemplate *dt, int pn) { if ( pn >= dt->n_panels ) return NULL; return dt->panels[pn].name; } int data_template_panel_name_to_number(const DataTemplate *dt, const char *panel_name, int *pn) { int i; if ( panel_name == NULL ) return 1; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(panel_name, dt->panels[i].name) == 0 ) { *pn = i; return 0; } } return 1; } void data_template_add_copy_header(DataTemplate *dt, const char *header) { if ( dt->n_headers_to_copy >= MAX_COPY_HEADERS ) { ERROR("Too many extra headers to copy\n"); return; } dt->headers_to_copy[dt->n_headers_to_copy++] = strdup(header); } static int dt_num_placeholders(const struct panel_template *p) { int i; int n_pl = 0; for ( i=0; idims[i] == DIM_PLACEHOLDER ) n_pl++; } return n_pl; } int data_template_get_slab_extents(const DataTemplate *dt, int *pw, int *ph) { int w, h; char *data_from; int i; data_from = dt->panels[0].data; w = 0; h = 0; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct panel_template *p = &dt->panels[i]; if ( strcmp(data_from, p->data) != 0 ) { /* Not slabby */ return 1; } if ( dt_num_placeholders(p) > 0 ) { /* Not slabby */ return 1; } if ( p->orig_max_fs > w ) { w = p->orig_max_fs; } if ( p->orig_max_ss > h ) { h = p->orig_max_ss; } } /* Inclusive -> exclusive */ *pw = w + 1; *ph = h + 1; return 0; } double convert_to_m(double val, int units) { switch ( units ) { case WAVELENGTH_M : return val; case WAVELENGTH_A : return val * 1e-10; case WAVELENGTH_PHOTON_EV : return ph_eV_to_lambda(val); case WAVELENGTH_PHOTON_KEV : return ph_eV_to_lambda(val*1e3); case WAVELENGTH_ELECTRON_V : return el_V_to_lambda(val); case WAVELENGTH_ELECTRON_KV : return el_V_to_lambda(val*1e3); } return NAN; } /** * Get the wavelength from a DataTemplate, if possible. * * WARNING: This is probably not the routine you are looking for! * See the disclaimer for image_create_for_simulation(), which applies * equally to this routine. * * \returns the wavelength, in metres, or NAN if impossible. */ double data_template_get_wavelength_if_possible(const DataTemplate *dt) { float val; char *rval; if ( dt->wavelength_from == NULL ) return NAN; val = strtod(dt->wavelength_from, &rval); if ( (*rval == '\0') && (rval != dt->wavelength_from) ) { return convert_to_m(val, dt->wavelength_unit); } else { return NAN; } } static int separate_value_and_units(const char *from, char **pvalue, char **punits) { char *sp; char *fromcpy; char *unitscpy; if ( from == NULL ) return 1; fromcpy = strdup(from); if ( fromcpy == NULL ) return 1; sp = strchr(fromcpy, ' '); if ( sp == NULL ) { unitscpy = NULL; } else { unitscpy = strdup(sp+1); sp[0] = '\0'; } *pvalue = fromcpy; *punits = unitscpy; return 0; } /* default_scale is a value to be used if both of the following * conditions are met: * * 1. The value is a reference to image headers/metadata, * rather than a literal number. * 2. No units are specified in the number. * * This is totally horrible. Sorry. Blame history. */ static int im_get_length(struct image *image, const char *from, double default_scale, double *pval) { char *value_str; char *units; if ( from == NULL ) return 1; if ( separate_value_and_units(from, &value_str, &units) ) return 1; if ( units == NULL ) { /* No units given */ if ( convert_float(value_str, pval) == 0 ) { /* Literal value with no units */ free(value_str); return 0; } else { int r; r = image_read_header_float(image, value_str, pval); free(value_str); if ( r == 0 ) { /* Value read from headers with no units */ *pval *= default_scale; return 0; } else { /* Failed to read value from headers */ return 1; } } } else { /* Units are specified */ double scale; if ( strcmp(units, "mm") == 0 ) { scale = 1e-3; } else if ( strcmp(units, "m") == 0 ) { scale = 1.0; } else { ERROR("Invalid length unit '%s'\n", units); free(value_str); free(units); return 1; } if ( convert_float(value_str, pval) == 0 ) { /* Literal value, units specified */ free(value_str); free(units); *pval *= scale; return 0; } else { int r; r = image_read_header_float(image, value_str, pval); free(value_str); if ( r == 0 ) { /* Value read from headers, units specified */ *pval *= scale; return 0; } else { /* Failed to read value from headers */ return 1; } } } } static int all_panels_same_coffset(const DataTemplate *dtempl) { int i; double total; double mean; total = 0.0; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { total += dtempl->panels[i].cnz_offset; } mean = total/dtempl->n_panels; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct panel_template *p = &dtempl->panels[i]; if ( fabs(dtempl->panels[i].cnz_offset - mean) > 10.0*p->pixel_pitch ) return 0; } return 1; } static int all_panels_perpendicular_to_beam(const DataTemplate *dtempl) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { double z_diff; struct panel_template *p = &dtempl->panels[i]; z_diff = p->fsz*PANEL_WIDTH(p) + p->ssz*PANEL_HEIGHT(p); if ( z_diff > 10.0*p->pixel_pitch ) return 0; } return 1; } static int detector_flat(const DataTemplate *dtempl) { return all_panels_perpendicular_to_beam(dtempl) && all_panels_same_coffset(dtempl); } static struct detgeom_panel_group *walk_group(const DataTemplate *dtempl, const struct panel_group_template *gt, struct detgeom *detgeom) { struct detgeom_panel_group *gr; if ( gt == NULL ) return NULL; gr = malloc(sizeof(struct detgeom_panel_group)); if ( gr == NULL ) return NULL; gr->name = strdup(gt->name); gr->n_children = gt->n_children; if ( gr->n_children == 0 ) { /* Leaf node */ gr->children = NULL; gr->panel = detgeom_find_panel(detgeom, gr->name); if ( gr->panel == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't find panel %s for leaf group\n", gr->name); return NULL; } } else { int i; gr->panel = NULL; gr->children = malloc(gt->n_children*sizeof(struct detgeom_panel_group *)); if ( gr->children == NULL ) { free(gr); return NULL; } for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { gr->children[i] = walk_group(dtempl, gt->children[i], detgeom); if ( gr->children[i] == NULL ) return NULL; } } return gr; } struct detgeom *create_detgeom(struct image *image, const DataTemplate *dtempl, int two_d_only) { struct detgeom *detgeom; int i; double clen; if ( dtempl == NULL ) { ERROR("NULL data template!\n"); return NULL; } detgeom = malloc(sizeof(struct detgeom)); if ( detgeom == NULL ) return NULL; detgeom->panels = malloc(dtempl->n_panels*sizeof(struct detgeom_panel)); if ( detgeom->panels == NULL ) { free(detgeom); return NULL; } detgeom->n_panels = dtempl->n_panels; if ( two_d_only ) { if ( !detector_flat(dtempl) || (dtempl->shift_x_from != NULL) || (dtempl->shift_y_from != NULL) ) { free(detgeom->panels); free(detgeom); return NULL; } } if ( im_get_length(image, dtempl->cnz_from, 1e-3, &clen) ) { if ( two_d_only ) { clen = NAN; } else { ERROR("Failed to read length from '%s'\n", dtempl->cnz_from); return NULL; } } for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct detgeom_panel *p = &detgeom->panels[i]; struct panel_template *tmpl = &dtempl->panels[i]; double shift_x, shift_y; p->name = safe_strdup(tmpl->name); p->pixel_pitch = tmpl->pixel_pitch; /* NB cnx,cny are in pixels, cnz is in m */ p->cnx = tmpl->cnx; p->cny = tmpl->cny; /* Apply offset (in m) and then convert cnz from m to pixels */ p->cnz = (clen + tmpl->cnz_offset) / p->pixel_pitch; /* Apply overall shift (already in m) */ if ( dtempl->shift_x_from != NULL ) { if ( im_get_length(image, dtempl->shift_x_from, 1.0, &shift_x) ) { ERROR("Failed to read length from '%s'\n", dtempl->shift_x_from); return NULL; } if ( im_get_length(image, dtempl->shift_y_from, 1.0, &shift_y) ) { ERROR("Failed to read length from '%s'\n", dtempl->shift_y_from); return NULL; } } else { shift_x = 0.0; shift_y = 0.0; } if ( !isnan(shift_x) ) { p->cnx += shift_x / p->pixel_pitch; } if ( !isnan(shift_y) ) { p->cny += shift_y / p->pixel_pitch; } p->max_adu = tmpl->max_adu; switch ( tmpl->adu_scale_unit ) { case ADU_PER_PHOTON: p->adu_per_photon = tmpl->adu_scale; break; case ADU_PER_EV: if ( image == NULL ) { p->adu_per_photon = NAN; } else { p->adu_per_photon = tmpl->adu_scale * ph_lambda_to_eV(image->lambda); } break; default: p->adu_per_photon = 1.0; ERROR("Invalid ADU/ph scale unit (%i)\n", tmpl->adu_scale_unit); break; } p->w = tmpl->orig_max_fs - tmpl->orig_min_fs + 1; p->h = tmpl->orig_max_ss - tmpl->orig_min_ss + 1; p->fsx = tmpl->fsx; p->fsy = tmpl->fsy; p->fsz = tmpl->fsz; p->ssx = tmpl->ssx; p->ssy = tmpl->ssy; p->ssz = tmpl->ssz; } detgeom->top_group = walk_group(dtempl, find_group(dtempl, "top"), detgeom); return detgeom; } /** * Create a detgeom structure from the DataTemplate, if possible, and ignoring * 3D information. * * This procedure will create a detgeom structure provided that the detector * is close to lying in a single flat plane perpendicular to the beam * direction. If certain things (e.g. panel z-positions) refer to headers, * it might not be possible to determine that the detector is really flat * until an image is loaded. Therefore you must gracefully handle a NULL * return value from this routine. * * \returns the detgeom structure, or NULL if impossible. */ struct detgeom *data_template_get_2d_detgeom_if_possible(const DataTemplate *dt) { return create_detgeom(NULL, dt, 1); } /** * Returns the mean clen in m, or NAN in the following circumstances: * 1. If the individual panel distances vary by more than 10% of the average * 2. If the tilt of the panel creates a distance variation of more than 10% * of the corner value over the extent of the panel * 3. If the detector geometry is not static (per-frame clen) * * \returns the mean camera length, or NAN if impossible. */ double data_template_get_clen_if_possible(const DataTemplate *dt) { struct detgeom *dg; double clen; dg = data_template_get_2d_detgeom_if_possible(dt); if ( dg == NULL ) return NAN; clen = detgeom_mean_camera_length(dg); detgeom_free(dg); return clen; } static int translate_group_contents(DataTemplate *dtempl, const struct panel_group_template *group, double x, double y, double z, int is_metres) { int i; if ( group->n_children == 0 ) { struct panel_template *p = find_panel_by_name(dtempl, group->name); if ( p == NULL ) return 1; if ( is_metres ) { p->cnx += x/p->pixel_pitch; p->cny += y/p->pixel_pitch; p->cnz_offset += z; } else { p->cnx += x; p->cny += y; p->cnz_offset += z*p->pixel_pitch; } } else { for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { translate_group_contents(dtempl, group->children[i], x, y, z, is_metres); } } return 0; } /** * Alters dtempl by shifting the named panel group by x,y,z in the CrystFEL * coordinate system. x,y,z are in pixels, and all panels in the group must * have the same pixel size (but, this will not be checked). * * \returns zero for success, non-zero on error */ int data_template_translate_group_px(DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *group_name, double x, double y, double z) { const struct panel_group_template *group = find_group(dtempl, group_name); if ( group == NULL ) return 1; return translate_group_contents(dtempl, group, x, y, z, 0); } /** * Alters dtempl by shifting the named panel group by x,y,z in the CrystFEL * coordinate system. x,y,z are in metres. * * \returns zero for success, non-zero on error */ int data_template_translate_group_m(DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *group_name, double x, double y, double z) { const struct panel_group_template *group = find_group(dtempl, group_name); if ( group == NULL ) return 1; return translate_group_contents(dtempl, group, x, y, z, 1); } static void add_point(const struct panel_template *p, int fs, int ss, double *tx, double *ty, double *tz) { *tx += (p->cnx + fs*p->fsx + ss*p->ssx) * p->pixel_pitch; *ty += (p->cny + fs*p->fsy + ss*p->ssy) * p->pixel_pitch; *tz += p->cnz_offset + (fs*p->fsz + ss*p->ssz) * p->pixel_pitch; } static int group_center(DataTemplate *dtempl, const struct panel_group_template *group, double *cx, double *cy, double *cz) { if ( group->n_children == 0 ) { const struct panel_template *p = find_panel_by_name(dtempl, group->name); if ( p == NULL ) return 1; double tx = 0.0; double ty = 0.0; double tz = 0.0; add_point(p, 0, 0, &tx, &ty, &tz); add_point(p, PANEL_WIDTH(p), 0, &tx, &ty, &tz); add_point(p, 0, PANEL_HEIGHT(p), &tx, &ty, &tz); add_point(p, PANEL_WIDTH(p), PANEL_HEIGHT(p), &tx, &ty, &tz); *cx = tx / 4.0; *cy = ty / 4.0; *cz = tz / 4.0; return 0; } else { int i; double tx = 0.0; double ty = 0.0; double tz = 0.0; for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { double gcx, gcy, gcz; group_center(dtempl, group->children[i], &gcx, &gcy, &gcz); tx += gcx; ty += gcy; tz += gcz; } *cx = tx / group->n_children; *cy = ty / group->n_children; *cz = tz / group->n_children; return 0; } } static int rotate_all_panels(DataTemplate *dtempl, struct panel_group_template *group, char axis, double ang, double cx, double cy, double cz) { if ( group->n_children == 0 ) { struct panel_template *p = find_panel_by_name(dtempl, group->name); if ( p == NULL ) return 1; switch ( axis ) { case 'x': p->cnz_offset = p->cnz_offset*cos(ang) + p->cny*sin(ang); p->cny = -p->cnz_offset*sin(ang) + p->cny*cos(ang); p->fsz = p->fsz*cos(ang) + p->fsy*sin(ang); p->fsy = -p->fsz*sin(ang) + p->fsy*cos(ang); p->ssz = p->ssz*cos(ang) + p->ssy*sin(ang); p->ssy = -p->ssz*sin(ang) + p->ssy*cos(ang); break; case 'y': p->cnx = p->cnx*cos(ang) + p->cnz_offset*sin(ang); p->cnz_offset = -p->cnx*sin(ang) + p->cnz_offset*cos(ang); p->fsx = p->fsx*cos(ang) + p->fsz*sin(ang); p->fsz = -p->fsx*sin(ang) + p->fsz*cos(ang); p->ssx = p->ssx*cos(ang) + p->ssz*sin(ang); p->ssz = -p->ssx*sin(ang) + p->ssz*cos(ang); break; case 'z': p->cnx = p->cnx*cos(ang) + p->cny*sin(ang); p->cny = -p->cnx*sin(ang) + p->cny*cos(ang); p->fsx = p->fsx*cos(ang) + p->fsy*sin(ang); p->fsy = -p->fsx*sin(ang) + p->fsy*cos(ang); p->ssx = p->ssx*cos(ang) + p->ssy*sin(ang); p->ssy = -p->ssx*sin(ang) + p->ssy*cos(ang); break; } return 0; } else { int i; for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { rotate_all_panels(dtempl, group->children[i], axis, ang, cx, cy, cz); } return 0; } } /** * Alters dtempl by rotating the named panel group by ang (degrees) about its * center. * * \returns zero for success, non-zero on error */ int data_template_rotate_group(DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *group_name, double ang, char axis) { struct panel_group_template *group; double cx, cy, cz; group = find_group(dtempl, group_name); if ( group == NULL ) return 1; if ( group_center(dtempl, group, &cx, &cy, &cz) ) return 1; return rotate_all_panels(dtempl, group, axis, ang, cx, cy, cz); } static const char *str_dim(int dim) { switch ( dim ) { case DIM_FS: return "fs"; case DIM_SS: return "ss"; case DIM_PLACEHOLDER: return "%"; default: return NULL; } } int data_template_write_to_file(const DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *filename) { FILE *fh; int i; fh = fopen(filename, "w"); if ( fh == NULL ) return 1; /* Basic top-level parameters */ switch ( dtempl->wavelength_unit ) { case WAVELENGTH_M: fprintf(fh, "wavelength = %s m\n", dtempl->wavelength_from); break; case WAVELENGTH_A: fprintf(fh, "wavelength = %s A\n", dtempl->wavelength_from); break; case WAVELENGTH_ELECTRON_KV: fprintf(fh, "electron_voltage = %s kV\n", dtempl->wavelength_from); break; case WAVELENGTH_ELECTRON_V: fprintf(fh, "electron_voltage = %s V\n", dtempl->wavelength_from); break; case WAVELENGTH_PHOTON_KEV: fprintf(fh, "photon_energy = %s keV\n", dtempl->wavelength_from); break; case WAVELENGTH_PHOTON_EV: fprintf(fh, "photon_energy = %s eV\n", dtempl->wavelength_from); break; default: ERROR("Unknown wavelength unit (%i)\n", dtempl->wavelength_unit); return 1; } fprintf(fh, "clen = %s\n", dtempl->cnz_from); if ( dtempl->peak_list != NULL ) { fprintf(fh, "peak_list = %s\n", dtempl->peak_list); } switch ( dtempl->peak_list_type ) { case PEAK_LIST_AUTO: break; case PEAK_LIST_CXI: fprintf(fh, "peak_list_type = cxi\n"); break; case PEAK_LIST_LIST3: fprintf(fh, "peak_list_type = list3\n"); break; default: ERROR("Unknown peak list type (%i)\n", dtempl->peak_list_type); return 1; } fprintf(fh, "bandwidth = %e\n", dtempl->bandwidth); if ( dtempl->shift_x_from != NULL ) { fprintf(fh, "detector_shift_x = %s\n", dtempl->shift_x_from); } if ( dtempl->shift_y_from != NULL ) { fprintf(fh, "detector_shift_y = %s\n", dtempl->shift_y_from); } /* Other top-levels */ int cnz_offset_done = 0; int mask_done[MAX_MASKS] = {0}; int satmap_done = 0; int satmap_file_done = 0; int mask_edge_pixels_done = 0; int pixel_pitch_done = 0; int adu_scale_done = 0; int max_adu_done = 0; int flag_values_done = 0; int data_done = 0; int dims_done[MAX_DIMS] = {0}; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { const struct panel_template *p = &dtempl->panels[i]; int j; if ( p->cnz_offset_default && !cnz_offset_done ) { fprintf(fh, "coffset = %f\n", p->cnz_offset); cnz_offset_done = 1; } for ( j=0; jmasks[j].data_location == NULL ) continue; if ( !p->masks[j].mask_default ) continue; if ( mask_done[j] ) continue; fprintf(fh, "mask%i_data = %s\n", j, p->masks[j].data_location); if ( p->masks[j].filename != NULL ) { fprintf(fh, "mask%i_filename = %s\n", j, p->masks[j].filename); } fprintf(fh, "mask%i_goodbits = 0x%x\n", j, p->masks[j].good_bits); fprintf(fh, "mask%i_badbits = 0x%x\n", j, p->masks[j].bad_bits); mask_done[j] = 1; } if ( p->satmap_default && !satmap_done && (p->satmap != NULL) ) { fprintf(fh, "saturation_map = %s\n", p->satmap); satmap_done = 1; } if ( p->satmap_file_default && !satmap_file_done && (p->satmap_file != NULL) ) { fprintf(fh, "saturation_map_file = %s\n", p->satmap); satmap_file_done = 1; } if ( p->mask_edge_pixels_default && !mask_edge_pixels_done && (p->mask_edge_pixels != 0) ) { fprintf(fh, "mask_edge_pixels = %i\n", p->mask_edge_pixels); mask_edge_pixels_done = 1; } if ( p->pixel_pitch_default && !pixel_pitch_done ) { fprintf(fh, "res = %f\n", 1.0/p->pixel_pitch); pixel_pitch_done = 1; } if ( p->max_adu_default && !max_adu_done && !isinf(p->max_adu) ) { fprintf(fh, "max_adu = %f\n", p->max_adu); max_adu_done = 1; } if ( p->data_default && !data_done ) { fprintf(fh, "data = %s\n", p->data); data_done = 1; } if ( p->flag_values_default && !flag_values_done ) { for ( j=0; jflag_types[j] ) { case FLAG_NOTHING : break; case FLAG_EQUAL: fprintf(fh, "flag_equal = %i\n", p->flag_values[j]); break; case FLAG_MORETHAN: fprintf(fh, "flag_morethan = %i\n", p->flag_values[j]); break; case FLAG_LESSTHAN: fprintf(fh, "flag_lessthan = %i\n", p->flag_values[j]); break; } } flag_values_done = 1; } if ( p->adu_scale_default && !adu_scale_done ) { switch ( p->adu_scale_unit ) { case ADU_PER_EV: fprintf(fh, "adu_per_eV = %f\n", p->adu_scale); break; case ADU_PER_PHOTON: fprintf(fh, "adu_per_photon = %f\n", p->adu_scale); break; } adu_scale_done = 1; } for ( j=0; jdims_default[j] && !dims_done[j] && p->dims[j] != DIM_UNDEFINED ) { if ( p->dims[j] < 0 ) { fprintf(fh, "dim%i = %s\n", j, str_dim(p->dims[j])); } else { fprintf(fh, "dim%i = %i\n", j, p->dims[j]); } dims_done[j] = 1; } } } fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* Bad regions */ for ( i=0; in_bad; i++ ) { const struct dt_badregion *bad = &dtempl->bad[i]; if ( bad->is_fsss ) { fprintf(fh, "bad_%s/panel = %s\n", bad->name, bad->panel_name); fprintf(fh, "bad_%s/min_fs = %i\n", bad->name, bad->min_fs); fprintf(fh, "bad_%s/max_fs = %i\n", bad->name, bad->max_fs); fprintf(fh, "bad_%s/min_ss = %i\n", bad->name, bad->min_ss); fprintf(fh, "bad_%s/max_ss = %i\n", bad->name, bad->max_ss); } else { fprintf(fh, "bad_%s/min_x = %f\n", bad->name, bad->min_x); fprintf(fh, "bad_%s/max_x = %f\n", bad->name, bad->max_x); fprintf(fh, "bad_%s/min_y = %f\n", bad->name, bad->min_y); fprintf(fh, "bad_%s/max_y = %f\n", bad->name, bad->max_y); } fprintf(fh, "\n"); } /* Panels */ for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { int j; const struct panel_template *p = &dtempl->panels[i]; fprintf(fh, "%s/min_fs = %i\n", p->name, p->orig_min_fs); fprintf(fh, "%s/max_fs = %i\n", p->name, p->orig_max_fs); fprintf(fh, "%s/min_ss = %i\n", p->name, p->orig_min_ss); fprintf(fh, "%s/max_ss = %i\n", p->name, p->orig_max_ss); fprintf(fh, "%s/corner_x = %f\n", p->name, p->cnx); fprintf(fh, "%s/corner_y = %f\n", p->name, p->cny); fprintf(fh, "%s/fs = %fx %+fy %+fz\n", p->name, p->fsx, p->fsy, p->fsz); fprintf(fh, "%s/ss = %fx %+fy %+fz\n", p->name, p->ssx, p->ssy, p->ssz); if ( !p->cnz_offset_default ) { fprintf(fh, "%s/coffset = %f\n", p->name, p->cnz_offset); } for ( j=0; jmasks[j].data_location == NULL ) continue; if ( p->masks[j].mask_default ) continue; fprintf(fh, "%s/mask%i_data = %s\n", p->name, j, p->masks[j].data_location); if ( p->masks[j].filename != NULL ) { fprintf(fh, "%smask%i_filename = %s\n", p->name, j, p->masks[j].filename); } fprintf(fh, "%s/mask%i_goodbits = 0x%x\n", p->name, j, p->masks[j].good_bits); fprintf(fh, "%s/mask%i_badbits = 0x%x\n", p->name, j, p->masks[j].bad_bits); } if ( !p->satmap_default && (p->satmap != NULL) ) { fprintf(fh, "%s/saturation_map = %s\n", p->name, p->satmap); } if ( !p->satmap_file_default && (p->satmap_file != NULL) ) { fprintf(fh, "%s/saturation_map_file = %s\n", p->name, p->satmap_file); } if ( !p->mask_edge_pixels_default && (p->mask_edge_pixels != 0) ) { fprintf(fh, "%s/mask_edge_pixels = %i\n", p->name, p->mask_edge_pixels); } if ( !p->pixel_pitch_default ) { fprintf(fh, "%s/res = %f\n", p->name, 1.0/p->pixel_pitch); } if ( !p->adu_scale_default ) { switch ( p->adu_scale_unit ) { case ADU_PER_EV: fprintf(fh, "%s/adu_per_eV = %f\n", p->name, p->adu_scale); break; case ADU_PER_PHOTON: fprintf(fh, "%s/adu_per_photon = %f\n", p->name, p->adu_scale); break; } } if ( !p->max_adu_default ) { fprintf(fh, "%s/max_adu = %f\n", p->name, p->max_adu); } if ( !p->flag_values_default ) { for ( j=0; jflag_types[j] ) { case FLAG_NOTHING : break; case FLAG_EQUAL: fprintf(fh, "%s/flag_equal = %i\n", p->name, p->flag_values[j]); break; case FLAG_MORETHAN: fprintf(fh, "%s/flag_morethan = %i\n", p->name, p->flag_values[j]); break; case FLAG_LESSTHAN: fprintf(fh, "%s/flag_lessthan = %i\n", p->name, p->flag_values[j]); break; } } } if ( !p->data_default ) { fprintf(fh, "%s/data = %s\n", p->name, p->data); } for ( j=0; jdims_default[j] && (p->dims[j] != DIM_UNDEFINED) ) { if ( p->dims[j] < 0 ) { fprintf(fh, "%s/dim%i = %s\n", p->name, j, str_dim(p->dims[j])); } else { fprintf(fh, "%s/dim%i = %i\n", p->name, j, p->dims[j]); } dims_done[j] = 1; } } if ( p->bad ) { fprintf(fh, "%s/no_index = 1\n", p->name); } fprintf(fh, "\n"); } /* Groups */ for ( i=0; in_groups; i++ ) { int j; if ( dtempl->groups[i]->n_children == 0 ) continue; fprintf(fh, "group_%s = ", dtempl->groups[i]->name); for ( j=0; jgroups[i]->n_children; j++ ) { if ( j > 0 ) fprintf(fh, ","); fprintf(fh, "%s", dtempl->groups[i]->children[j]->name); } fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fclose(fh); return 0; }