/* * detector.c * * Detector properties * * Copyright © 2012-2016 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * Copyright © 2012 Richard Kirian * * Authors: * 2009-2016 Thomas White * 2014 Valerio Mariani * 2014 Kenneth Beyerlein * 2011 Andrew Aquila * 2011 Richard Kirian * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "utils.h" #include "detector.h" #include "hdf5-file.h" /** * SECTION:detector * @short_description: Detector geometry * @title: Detector * @section_id: * @see_also: * @include: "detector.h" * @Image: * * This structure represents the detector geometry */ struct rg_definition { char *name; char *pns; }; struct rgc_definition { char *name; char *rgs; }; static int atob(const char *a) { if ( strcasecmp(a, "true") == 0 ) return 1; if ( strcasecmp(a, "false") == 0 ) return 0; return atoi(a); } static int assplode_algebraic(const char *a_orig, char ***pbits) { int len, i; int nexp; char **bits; char *a; int idx, istr; len = strlen(a_orig); /* Add plus at start if no sign there already */ if ( (a_orig[0] != '+') && (a_orig[0] != '-') ) { len += 1; a = malloc(len+1); snprintf(a, len+1, "+%s", a_orig); a[len] = '\0'; } else { a = strdup(a_orig); } /* Count the expressions */ nexp = 0; for ( i=0; i= 0 ) bits[idx][istr] = '\0'; idx++; bits[idx] = malloc(len+1); istr = 0; } if ( !isdigit(ch) && (ch != '.') && (ch != '+') && (ch != '-') && (ch != 'x') && (ch != 'y') && (ch != 'z') ) { ERROR("Invalid character '%c' found.\n", ch); return 0; } assert(idx >= 0); bits[idx][istr++] = ch; } if ( idx >= 0 ) bits[idx][istr] = '\0'; *pbits = bits; free(a); return nexp; } /* Parses the scan directions (accounting for possible rotation) * Assumes all white spaces have been already removed */ static int dir_conv(const char *a, double *sx, double *sy, double *sz) { int n; char **bits; int i; *sx = 0.0; *sy = 0.0; *sz = 0.0; n = assplode_algebraic(a, &bits); if ( n == 0 ) { ERROR("Invalid direction '%s'\n", a); return 1; } for ( i=0; i=0; ww-- ) { if ( !isspace(line[ww])) { strcat(new_line, &line[ww]); break; } } break; } } if ( w == strlen(line) ) strcat(new_line, "\n"); for ( i=0; icnx + fs*p->fsx + ss*p->ssx) / p->res; ys = (p->cny + fs*p->fsy + ss*p->ssy) / p->res; zs = p->clen + (fs*p->fsz + ss*p->ssz) / p->res; ctt = zs/sqrt(xs*xs + ys*ys + zs*zs); twotheta = acos(ctt); az = atan2(ys, xs); if ( ttp != NULL ) *ttp = twotheta; q.u = k * sin(twotheta)*cos(az); q.v = k * sin(twotheta)*sin(az); q.w = k * (ctt - 1.0); return q; } int in_bad_region(struct detector *det, struct panel *p, double fs, double ss) { double rx, ry; double xs, ys; int i; /* No panel found -> definitely bad! */ if ( p == NULL ) return 1; /* Convert xs and ys, which are in fast scan/slow scan coordinates, * to x and y */ xs = fs*p->fsx + ss*p->ssx; ys = fs*p->fsy + ss*p->ssy; rx = xs + p->cnx; ry = ys + p->cny; for ( i=0; in_bad; i++ ) { struct badregion *b = &det->bad[i]; if ( (b->panel != NULL) && (strcmp(b->panel, p->name) != 0) ) continue; if ( b->is_fsss ) { int nfs, nss; /* fs/ss bad regions are specified according to the * original coordinates */ nfs = fs + p->orig_min_fs; nss = ss + p->orig_min_ss; if ( nfs < b->min_fs ) continue; if ( nfs > b->max_fs ) continue; if ( nss < b->min_ss ) continue; if ( nss > b->max_ss ) continue; } else { if ( rx < b->min_x ) continue; if ( rx > b->max_x ) continue; if ( ry < b->min_y ) continue; if ( ry > b->max_y ) continue; } return 1; } return 0; } int detector_has_clen_references(struct detector *det) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { if ( det->panels[i].clen_from != NULL ) return 1; } return 0; } static void record_panel(struct panel *p, float *dp, int do_poisson, gsl_rng *rng, double ph_per_e, double background, double lambda, int *n_neg1, int *n_inf1, int *n_nan1, int *n_neg2, int *n_inf2, int *n_nan2, double *max_tt) { int fs, ss; for ( ss=0; ssh; ss++ ) { for ( fs=0; fsw; fs++ ) { double counts; double cf; double intensity, sa; double pix_area, Lsq; double xs, ys, rx, ry; double dsq, proj_area; float dval; double twotheta; intensity = (double)dp[fs + p->w*ss]; if ( isinf(intensity) ) (*n_inf1)++; if ( intensity < 0.0 ) (*n_neg1)++; if ( isnan(intensity) ) (*n_nan1)++; /* Area of one pixel */ pix_area = pow(1.0/p->res, 2.0); Lsq = pow(p->clen, 2.0); /* Calculate distance from crystal to pixel */ xs = fs*p->fsx + ss*p->ssx; ys = ss*p->fsy + ss*p->ssy; rx = (xs + p->cnx) / p->res; ry = (ys + p->cny) / p->res; dsq = pow(rx, 2.0) + pow(ry, 2.0); twotheta = atan2(sqrt(dsq), p->clen); /* Area of pixel as seen from crystal (approximate) */ proj_area = pix_area * cos(twotheta); /* Projected area of pixel divided by distance squared */ sa = proj_area / (dsq + Lsq); if ( do_poisson ) { counts = poisson_noise(rng, intensity * ph_per_e * sa); } else { cf = intensity * ph_per_e * sa; counts = cf; } /* Number of photons in pixel */ dval = counts + poisson_noise(rng, background); /* Convert to ADU */ dval *= p->adu_per_photon; /* Saturation */ if ( dval > p->max_adu ) dval = p->max_adu; dp[fs + p->w*ss] = dval; /* Sanity checks */ if ( isinf(dp[fs + p->w*ss]) ) n_inf2++; if ( isnan(dp[fs + p->w*ss]) ) n_nan2++; if ( dp[fs + p->w*ss] < 0.0 ) n_neg2++; if ( twotheta > *max_tt ) *max_tt = twotheta; } } } void record_image(struct image *image, int do_poisson, double background, gsl_rng *rng, double beam_radius, double nphotons) { double total_energy, energy_density; double ph_per_e; double area; double max_tt = 0.0; int n_inf1 = 0; int n_neg1 = 0; int n_nan1 = 0; int n_inf2 = 0; int n_neg2 = 0; int n_nan2 = 0; int pn; /* How many photons are scattered per electron? */ area = M_PI*pow(beam_radius, 2.0); total_energy = nphotons * ph_lambda_to_en(image->lambda); energy_density = total_energy / area; ph_per_e = (nphotons /area) * pow(THOMSON_LENGTH, 2.0); STATUS("Fluence = %8.2e photons, " "Energy density = %5.3f kJ/cm^2, " "Total energy = %5.3f microJ\n", nphotons, energy_density/1e7, total_energy*1e6); fill_in_adu(image); for ( pn=0; pndet->n_panels; pn++ ) { record_panel(&image->det->panels[pn], image->dp[pn], do_poisson, rng, ph_per_e, background, image->lambda, &n_neg1, &n_inf1, &n_nan1, &n_neg2, &n_inf2, &n_nan2, &max_tt); } STATUS("Max 2theta = %.2f deg, min d = %.2f nm\n", rad2deg(max_tt), (image->lambda/(2.0*sin(max_tt/2.0)))/1e-9); STATUS("Halve the d values to get the voxel size for a synthesis.\n"); if ( n_neg1 + n_inf1 + n_nan1 + n_neg2 + n_inf2 + n_nan2 ) { ERROR("WARNING: The raw calculation produced %i negative" " values, %i infinities and %i NaNs.\n", n_neg1, n_inf1, n_nan1); ERROR("WARNING: After processing, there were %i negative" " values, %i infinities and %i NaNs.\n", n_neg2, n_inf2, n_nan2); } } signed int find_orig_panel_number(struct detector *det, double fs, double ss) { int p; for ( p=0; pn_panels; p++ ) { if ( (fs >= det->panels[p].orig_min_fs) && (fs < det->panels[p].orig_max_fs+1) && (ss >= det->panels[p].orig_min_ss) && (ss < det->panels[p].orig_max_ss+1) ) return p; } return -1; } /* Like find_panel(), but uses the original panel bounds, i.e. referring to * what's in the HDF5 file */ struct panel *find_orig_panel(struct detector *det, double fs, double ss) { signed int pn = find_orig_panel_number(det, fs, ss); if ( pn == -1 ) return NULL; return &det->panels[pn]; } int panel_number(struct detector *det, struct panel *p) { int pn; for ( pn=0; pnn_panels; pn++ ) { if ( &det->panels[pn] == p ) return pn; } return det->n_panels; } void fill_in_values(struct detector *det, struct hdfile *f, struct event* ev) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { double offs; struct panel *p = &det->panels[i]; if ( p->clen_from != NULL ) { double val; int r; r = hdfile_get_value(f, p->clen_from, ev, &val, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE); if ( r ) { ERROR("Failed to read '%s'\n", p->clen_from); } else { p->clen = val * 1.0e-3; } } /* Offset in +z direction from calibrated clen to actual */ offs = p->clen - p->clen_for_centering; p->cnx += p->rail_x * offs; p->cny += p->rail_y * offs; p->clen = p->clen_for_centering + p->coffset + p->rail_z * offs; } } void fill_in_adu(struct image *image) { int i; if ( image->det == NULL ) return; for ( i=0; idet->n_panels; i++ ) { struct panel *p = &image->det->panels[i]; /* Already have ADU per photon? */ if ( !isnan(p->adu_per_photon) ) continue; if ( isnan(p->adu_per_eV) ) { ERROR("Neither adu_per_eV nor adu_per_photon set for " "panel %s\n", p->name); continue; } /* Convert ADU per eV to ADU per photon */ p->adu_per_photon = ph_lambda_to_eV(image->lambda) * p->adu_per_eV; } } int panel_is_in_rigid_group(const struct rigid_group *rg, struct panel *p) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { if ( rg->panels[i] == p ) { return 1; } } return 0; } int rigid_group_is_in_collection(struct rg_collection *c, struct rigid_group *rg) { int i; for ( i=0; in_rigid_groups; i++ ) { if ( c->rigid_groups[i] == rg ) { return 1; } } return 0; } struct rg_collection *find_rigid_group_collection_by_name(struct detector *det, const char *name) { int i; for ( i=0; in_rg_collections; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(det->rigid_group_collections[i]->name, name) == 0 ) { return det->rigid_group_collections[i]; } } return NULL; } static struct panel *new_panel(struct detector *det, const char *name) { struct panel *new; det->n_panels++; det->panels = realloc(det->panels, det->n_panels*sizeof(struct panel)); new = &det->panels[det->n_panels-1]; memcpy(new, &det->defaults, sizeof(struct panel)); strcpy(new->name, name); /* Create a new copy of the camera length location if needed */ if ( new->clen_from != NULL ) { new->clen_from = strdup(new->clen_from); } /* Create a new copy of the data location if needed */ if ( new->data != NULL ) { new->data = strdup(new->data); } /* Create a new copy of the dim_structure if needed */ if ( new->dim_structure != NULL ) { struct dim_structure *dim_copy; int di; dim_copy = initialize_dim_structure(); dim_copy->num_dims = new->dim_structure->num_dims; dim_copy->dims = malloc(dim_copy->num_dims*sizeof(int)); for ( di=0; dinum_dims; di++ ) { dim_copy->dims[di] = new->dim_structure->dims[di]; } new->dim_structure = dim_copy; } /* Create a new copy of the bad pixel mask location */ if ( new->mask != NULL ) { new->mask = strdup(new->mask); } return new; } static struct badregion *new_bad_region(struct detector *det, const char *name) { struct badregion *new; det->n_bad++; det->bad = realloc(det->bad, det->n_bad*sizeof(struct badregion)); new = &det->bad[det->n_bad-1]; new->min_x = NAN; new->max_x = NAN; new->min_y = NAN; new->max_y = NAN; new->min_fs = 0; new->max_fs = 0; new->min_ss = 0; new->max_ss = 0; new->is_fsss = 99; /* Slightly nasty: means "unassigned" */ new->panel = NULL; strcpy(new->name, name); return new; } struct panel *find_panel_by_name(struct detector *det, const char *name) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(det->panels[i].name, name) == 0 ) { return &det->panels[i]; } } return NULL; } static struct badregion *find_bad_region_by_name(struct detector *det, const char *name) { int i; for ( i=0; in_bad; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(det->bad[i].name, name) == 0 ) { return &det->bad[i]; } } return NULL; } static struct rigid_group *find_or_add_rg(struct detector *det, const char *name) { int i; struct rigid_group **new; struct rigid_group *rg; for ( i=0; in_rigid_groups; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(det->rigid_groups[i]->name, name) == 0 ) { return det->rigid_groups[i]; } } new = realloc(det->rigid_groups, (1+det->n_rigid_groups)*sizeof(struct rigid_group *)); if ( new == NULL ) return NULL; det->rigid_groups = new; rg = malloc(sizeof(struct rigid_group)); if ( rg == NULL ) return NULL; det->rigid_groups[det->n_rigid_groups++] = rg; rg->name = strdup(name); rg->panels = NULL; rg->n_panels = 0; rg->have_deltas = 0; return rg; } static struct rg_collection *find_or_add_rg_coll(struct detector *det, const char *name) { int i; struct rg_collection **new; struct rg_collection *rgc; for ( i=0; in_rg_collections; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(det->rigid_group_collections[i]->name, name) == 0 ) { return det->rigid_group_collections[i]; } } new = realloc(det->rigid_group_collections, (1+det->n_rg_collections)*sizeof(struct rg_collection *)); if ( new == NULL ) return NULL; det->rigid_group_collections = new; rgc = malloc(sizeof(struct rg_collection)); if ( rgc == NULL ) return NULL; det->rigid_group_collections[det->n_rg_collections++] = rgc; rgc->name = strdup(name); rgc->rigid_groups = NULL; rgc->n_rigid_groups = 0; return rgc; } static void add_to_rigid_group(struct rigid_group *rg, struct panel *p) { struct panel **pn; pn = realloc(rg->panels, (1+rg->n_panels)*sizeof(struct panel *)); if ( pn == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't add panel to rigid group.\n"); return; } rg->panels = pn; rg->panels[rg->n_panels++] = p; } static void add_to_rigid_group_coll(struct rg_collection *rgc, struct rigid_group *rg) { struct rigid_group **r; r = realloc(rgc->rigid_groups, (1+rgc->n_rigid_groups)* sizeof(struct rigid_group *)); if ( r == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't add rigid group to collection.\n"); return; } rgc->rigid_groups = r; rgc->rigid_groups[rgc->n_rigid_groups++] = rg; } /* Free all rigid groups in detector */ static void free_all_rigid_groups(struct detector *det) { int i; if ( det->rigid_groups == NULL ) return; for ( i=0; in_rigid_groups; i++ ) { free(det->rigid_groups[i]->name); free(det->rigid_groups[i]->panels); free(det->rigid_groups[i]); } free(det->rigid_groups); } /* Free all rigid groups in detector */ static void free_all_rigid_group_collections(struct detector *det) { int i; if ( det->rigid_group_collections == NULL ) return; for ( i=0; in_rg_collections; i++ ) { free(det->rigid_group_collections[i]->name); free(det->rigid_group_collections[i]->rigid_groups); free(det->rigid_group_collections[i]); } free(det->rigid_group_collections); } static struct rigid_group *find_rigid_group_by_name(struct detector *det, char *name) { int i; for ( i=0; in_rigid_groups; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(det->rigid_groups[i]->name, name) == 0 ) { return det->rigid_groups[i]; } } return NULL; } static int parse_field_for_panel(struct panel *panel, const char *key, const char *val, struct detector *det) { int reject = 0; if ( strcmp(key, "min_fs") == 0 ) { panel->orig_min_fs = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_fs") == 0 ) { panel->orig_max_fs = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "min_ss") == 0 ) { panel->orig_min_ss = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_ss") == 0 ) { panel->orig_max_ss = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "corner_x") == 0 ) { panel->cnx = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "corner_y") == 0 ) { panel->cny = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "rail_direction") == 0 ) { if ( dir_conv(val, &panel->rail_x, &panel->rail_y, &panel->rail_z) ) { ERROR("Invalid rail direction '%s'\n", val); reject = 1; } } else if ( strcmp(key, "clen_for_centering") == 0 ) { panel->clen_for_centering = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "adu_per_eV") == 0 ) { panel->adu_per_eV = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "adu_per_photon") == 0 ) { panel->adu_per_photon = atof(val); STATUS("got adu per photon: %s\n", val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "rigid_group") == 0 ) { add_to_rigid_group(find_or_add_rg(det, val), panel); } else if ( strcmp(key, "clen") == 0 ) { char *end; double v = strtod(val, &end); if ( end == val ) { /* This means "fill in later" */ panel->clen = -1.0; panel->clen_from = strdup(val); } else { panel->clen = v; panel->clen_from = NULL; } } else if ( strcmp(key, "data") == 0 ) { if ( strncmp(val,"/",1) != 0 ) { ERROR("Invalid data location '%s'\n", val); reject = -1; } panel->data = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask") == 0 ) { if ( strncmp(val,"/",1) != 0 ) { ERROR("Invalid mask location '%s'\n", val); reject = -1; } panel->mask = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask_file") == 0 ) { panel->mask_file = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "saturation_map") == 0 ) { panel->satmap = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "saturation_map_file") == 0 ) { panel->satmap_file = strdup(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "coffset") == 0) { panel->coffset = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "res") == 0 ) { panel->res = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_adu") == 0 ) { panel->max_adu = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "badrow_direction") == 0 ) { panel->badrow = val[0]; /* First character only */ if ( (panel->badrow != 'x') && (panel->badrow != 'y') && (panel->badrow != 'f') && (panel->badrow != 's') && (panel->badrow != '-') ) { ERROR("badrow_direction must be x, y, f, s or '-'\n"); ERROR("Assuming '-'\n."); panel->badrow = '-'; } if ( panel->badrow == 'x' ) panel->badrow = 'f'; if ( panel->badrow == 'y' ) panel->badrow = 's'; } else if ( strcmp(key, "no_index") == 0 ) { panel->no_index = atob(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "fs") == 0 ) { if ( dir_conv(val, &panel->fsx, &panel->fsy, &panel->fsz) != 0 ) { ERROR("Invalid fast scan direction '%s'\n", val); reject = 1; } } else if ( strcmp(key, "ss") == 0 ) { if ( dir_conv(val, &panel->ssx, &panel->ssy, &panel->ssz) != 0 ) { ERROR("Invalid slow scan direction '%s'\n", val); reject = 1; } } else if ( strncmp(key, "dim", 3) == 0) { if ( panel->dim_structure == NULL ) { panel->dim_structure = initialize_dim_structure(); } set_dim_structure_entry(panel->dim_structure, key, val); } else { ERROR("Unrecognised field '%s'\n", key); } return reject; } static int check_badr_fsss(struct badregion *badr, int is_fsss) { /* First assignment? */ if ( badr->is_fsss == 99 ) { badr->is_fsss = is_fsss; return 0; } if ( is_fsss != badr->is_fsss ) { ERROR("You can't mix x/y and fs/ss in a bad region.\n"); return 1; } return 0; } static int parse_field_bad(struct badregion *badr, const char *key, const char *val) { int reject = 0; if ( strcmp(key, "min_x") == 0 ) { badr->min_x = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 0); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_x") == 0 ) { badr->max_x = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 0); } else if ( strcmp(key, "min_y") == 0 ) { badr->min_y = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 0); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_y") == 0 ) { badr->max_y = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 0); } else if ( strcmp(key, "min_fs") == 0 ) { badr->min_fs = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 1); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_fs") == 0 ) { badr->max_fs = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 1); } else if ( strcmp(key, "min_ss") == 0 ) { badr->min_ss = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 1); } else if ( strcmp(key, "max_ss") == 0 ) { badr->max_ss = atof(val); reject = check_badr_fsss(badr, 1); } else if ( strcmp(key, "panel") == 0 ) { badr->panel = strdup(val); } else { ERROR("Unrecognised field '%s'\n", key); } return reject; } static void parse_toplevel(struct detector *det, struct beam_params *beam, const char *key, const char *val, struct rg_definition ***rg_defl, struct rgc_definition ***rgc_defl, int *n_rg_defs, int *n_rgc_defs, char **hdf5_peak_path) { if ( strcmp(key, "mask_bad") == 0 ) { char *end; double v = strtod(val, &end); if ( end != val ) { det->mask_bad = v; } } else if ( strcmp(key, "mask_good") == 0 ) { char *end; double v = strtod(val, &end); if ( end != val ) { det->mask_good = v; } } else if ( strcmp(key, "coffset") == 0 ) { det->defaults.coffset = atof(val); } else if ( strcmp(key, "photon_energy") == 0 ) { if ( beam != NULL ) { if ( strncmp(val, "/", 1) == 0 ) { beam->photon_energy = 0.0; beam->photon_energy_from = strdup(val); } else { beam->photon_energy = atof(val); beam->photon_energy_from = NULL; } } } else if ( strcmp(key, "photon_energy_scale") == 0 ) { if ( beam != NULL ) { beam->photon_energy_scale = atof(val); } } else if ( strcmp(key, "peak_info_location") == 0 ) { if ( hdf5_peak_path != NULL ) { *hdf5_peak_path = strdup(val); } } else if (strncmp(key, "rigid_group", 11) == 0 && strncmp(key, "rigid_group_collection", 22) != 0 ) { struct rg_definition **new; new = realloc(*rg_defl, ((*n_rg_defs)+1)*sizeof(struct rg_definition*)); *rg_defl = new; (*rg_defl)[*n_rg_defs] = malloc(sizeof(struct rg_definition)); (*rg_defl)[*n_rg_defs]->name = strdup(key+12); (*rg_defl)[*n_rg_defs]->pns = strdup(val); *n_rg_defs = *n_rg_defs+1; } else if ( strncmp(key, "rigid_group_collection", 22) == 0 ) { struct rgc_definition **new; new = realloc(*rgc_defl, ((*n_rgc_defs)+1)* sizeof(struct rgc_definition*)); *rgc_defl = new; (*rgc_defl)[*n_rgc_defs] = malloc(sizeof(struct rgc_definition)); (*rgc_defl)[*n_rgc_defs]->name = strdup(key+23); (*rgc_defl)[*n_rgc_defs]->rgs = strdup(val); *n_rgc_defs = *n_rgc_defs+1; } else if ( parse_field_for_panel(&det->defaults, key, val, det) ) { ERROR("Unrecognised top level field '%s'\n", key); } } /* Test if fs,ss in panel "p" is further {out,in} than {*p_max_d,*p_min_d}, and * if so update det->furthest_{out,in}_{panel,fs,ss}. */ static void check_point(struct panel *p, double fs, double ss, double *p_min_d, double *p_max_d, struct detector *det) { double xs, ys, rx, ry, d; xs = fs*p->fsx + ss*p->ssx; ys = fs*p->fsy + ss*p->ssy; rx = (xs + p->cnx) / p->res; ry = (ys + p->cny) / p->res; d = sqrt(pow(rx, 2.0) + pow(ry, 2.0)); if ( d > *p_max_d ) { det->furthest_out_panel = p; det->furthest_out_fs = fs; det->furthest_out_ss = ss; *p_max_d = d; } else if ( d < *p_min_d ) { det->furthest_in_panel = p; det->furthest_in_fs = fs; det->furthest_in_ss = ss; *p_min_d = d; } } static void find_min_max_d(struct detector *det) { double max_d, min_d; int i; min_d = +INFINITY; max_d = 0.0; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct panel *p; p = &det->panels[i]; check_point(p, 0, 0, &min_d, &max_d, det); check_point(p, p->w, 0, &min_d, &max_d, det); check_point(p, 0, p->h, &min_d, &max_d, det); check_point(p, p->w, p->h, &min_d, &max_d, det); } } struct detector *get_detector_geometry(const char *filename, struct beam_params *beam) { return get_detector_geometry_2(filename, beam, NULL); } struct detector *get_detector_geometry_2(const char *filename, struct beam_params *beam, char **hdf5_peak_path) { FILE *fh; struct detector *det; char *rval; char **bits; int i; int rgi, rgci; int reject = 0; int path_dim, mask_path_dim; int dim_dim; int dim_reject = 0; int dim_dim_reject = 0; struct rg_definition **rg_defl = NULL; struct rgc_definition **rgc_defl = NULL; int n_rg_definitions = 0; int n_rgc_definitions = 0; fh = fopen(filename, "r"); if ( fh == NULL ) return NULL; det = calloc(1, sizeof(struct detector)); if ( det == NULL ) { fclose(fh); return NULL; } if ( beam != NULL ) { beam->photon_energy = 0.0; beam->photon_energy_from = NULL; beam->photon_energy_scale = 1.0; } det->n_panels = 0; det->panels = NULL; det->n_bad = 0; det->bad = NULL; det->mask_good = 0; det->mask_bad = 0; det->n_rigid_groups = 0; det->rigid_groups = NULL; det->path_dim = 0; det->dim_dim = 0; det->n_rg_collections = 0; det->rigid_group_collections = NULL; /* The default defaults... */ det->defaults.orig_min_fs = -1; det->defaults.orig_min_ss = -1; det->defaults.orig_max_fs = -1; det->defaults.orig_max_ss = -1; det->defaults.cnx = NAN; det->defaults.cny = NAN; det->defaults.clen = NAN; det->defaults.coffset = 0.0; det->defaults.res = -1.0; det->defaults.badrow = '-'; det->defaults.no_index = 0; det->defaults.fsx = 1.0; det->defaults.fsy = 0.0; det->defaults.fsz = 0.0; det->defaults.ssx = 0.0; det->defaults.ssy = 1.0; det->defaults.ssz = 0.0; det->defaults.rail_x = NAN; /* The actual default rail direction */ det->defaults.rail_y = NAN; /* is below */ det->defaults.rail_z = NAN; det->defaults.clen_for_centering = NAN; det->defaults.adu_per_eV = NAN; det->defaults.adu_per_photon = NAN; det->defaults.max_adu = +INFINITY; det->defaults.mask = NULL; det->defaults.mask_file = NULL; det->defaults.satmap = NULL; det->defaults.satmap_file = NULL; det->defaults.data = NULL; det->defaults.dim_structure = NULL; strncpy(det->defaults.name, "", 1023); do { int n1, n2; char **path; char line[1024]; struct badregion *badregion = NULL; struct panel *panel = NULL; char wholeval[1024]; rval = fgets(line, 1023, fh); if ( rval == NULL ) break; chomp(line); if ( line[0] == ';' ) continue; n1 = assplode(line, " \t", &bits, ASSPLODE_NONE); if ( n1 < 3 ) { for ( i=0; in_panels == -1 ) { ERROR("No panel descriptions in geometry file.\n"); fclose(fh); free(det); return NULL; } path_dim = -1; dim_reject = 0; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { int panel_dim = 0; char *next_instance; next_instance = det->panels[i].data; while ( next_instance ) { next_instance = strstr(next_instance, "%"); if ( next_instance != NULL ) { next_instance += 1*sizeof(char); panel_dim += 1; } } if ( path_dim == -1 ) { path_dim = panel_dim; } else { if ( panel_dim != path_dim ) { dim_reject = 1; } } } mask_path_dim = -1; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { int panel_mask_dim = 0; char *next_instance; if ( det->panels[i].mask != NULL ) { next_instance = det->panels[i].mask; while ( next_instance ) { next_instance = strstr(next_instance, "%"); if ( next_instance != NULL ) { next_instance += 1*sizeof(char); panel_mask_dim += 1; } } if ( mask_path_dim == -1 ) { mask_path_dim = panel_mask_dim; } else { if ( panel_mask_dim != mask_path_dim ) { dim_reject = 1; } } } } if ( dim_reject == 1 ) { ERROR("All panels' data and mask entries must have the same " "number of placeholders\n"); reject = 1; } if ( mask_path_dim > path_dim ) { ERROR("Number of placeholders in mask cannot be larger than " "for data\n"); reject = 1; } det->path_dim = path_dim; dim_dim_reject = 0; dim_dim = -1; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { int di; int found_ss = 0; int found_fs = 0; int panel_dim_dim = 0; if ( det->panels[i].dim_structure == NULL ) { det->panels[i].dim_structure = default_dim_structure(); } for ( di=0; dipanels[i].dim_structure->num_dims; di++ ) { if ( det->panels[i].dim_structure->dims[di] == HYSL_UNDEFINED ) { dim_dim_reject = 1; } if ( det->panels[i].dim_structure->dims[di] == HYSL_PLACEHOLDER ) { panel_dim_dim += 1; } if ( det->panels[i].dim_structure->dims[di] == HYSL_SS ) { found_ss += 1; } if ( det->panels[i].dim_structure->dims[di] == HYSL_FS ) { found_fs += 1; } } if ( found_ss != 1 ) { ERROR("Only one slow scan dim coordinate is allowed\n"); dim_dim_reject = 1; } if ( found_fs != 1 ) { ERROR("Only one fast scan dim coordinate is allowed\n"); dim_dim_reject = 1; } if ( panel_dim_dim > 1 ) { ERROR("Maximum one placeholder dim coordinate is " "allowed\n"); dim_dim_reject = 1; } if ( dim_dim == -1 ) { dim_dim = panel_dim_dim; } else { if ( panel_dim_dim != dim_dim ) { dim_dim_reject = 1; } } } if ( dim_dim_reject == 1) { reject = 1; } det->dim_dim = dim_dim; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct panel *p = &det->panels[i]; if ( p->orig_min_fs < 0 ) { ERROR("Please specify the minimum FS coordinate for" " panel %s\n", det->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( p->orig_max_fs < 0 ) { ERROR("Please specify the maximum FS coordinate for" " panel %s\n", det->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( p->orig_min_ss < 0 ) { ERROR("Please specify the minimum SS coordinate for" " panel %s\n", det->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( p->orig_max_ss < 0 ) { ERROR("Please specify the maximum SS coordinate for" " panel %s\n", det->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( isnan(p->cnx) ) { ERROR("Please specify the corner X coordinate for" " panel %s\n", det->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( isnan(p->cny) ) { ERROR("Please specify the corner Y coordinate for" " panel %s\n", det->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( isnan(p->clen) && (p->clen_from == NULL) ) { ERROR("Please specify the camera length for" " panel %s\n", det->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( p->res < 0 ) { ERROR("Please specify the resolution for" " panel %s\n", det->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( isnan(p->adu_per_eV) && isnan(p->adu_per_photon) ) { ERROR("Please specify either adu_per_eV or " "adu_per_photon for panel %s\n", det->panels[i].name); reject = 1; } if ( isnan(p->clen_for_centering) && !isnan(p->rail_x) ) { ERROR("You must specify clen_for_centering if you " "specify the rail direction (panel %s)\n", p->name); reject = 1; } /* The default rail direction */ if ( isnan(p->rail_x) ) { p->rail_x = 0.0; p->rail_y = 0.0; p->rail_z = 1.0; } if ( isnan(p->clen_for_centering) ) p->clen_for_centering = 0.0; /* It's OK if the badrow direction is '0' */ /* It's not a problem if "no_index" is still zero */ /* The default transformation matrix is at least valid */ det->panels[i].w = det->panels[i].orig_max_fs - det->panels[i].orig_min_fs+1; det->panels[i].h = det->panels[i].orig_max_ss - det->panels[i].orig_min_ss+1; } for ( i=0; in_bad; i++ ) { if ( det->bad[i].is_fsss == 99 ) { ERROR("Please specify the coordinate ranges for" " bad region %s\n", det->bad[i].name); reject = 1; } } free(det->defaults.clen_from); free(det->defaults.data); free(det->defaults.mask); for ( rgi=0; rginame); n1 = assplode(rg_defl[rgi]->pns, ",", &bits, ASSPLODE_NONE); for ( pi=0; piname); free(rg_defl[rgi]->pns); free(rg_defl[rgi]); } free(rg_defl); for ( rgci=0; rgciname); n2 = assplode(rgc_defl[rgci]->rgs, ",", &bits, ASSPLODE_NONE); for ( rgi=0; rginame); free(rgc_defl[rgci]->rgs); free(rgc_defl[rgci]); } free(rgc_defl); if ( n_rg_definitions == 0 ) { int pi; for ( pi=0; pin_panels; pi++ ) { struct rigid_group *rigidgroup = NULL; rigidgroup = find_or_add_rg(det, det->panels[pi].name); add_to_rigid_group(rigidgroup, &det->panels[pi]); } } if ( n_rgc_definitions == 0 ) { int rgi; struct rg_collection *rgcollection = NULL; rgcollection = find_or_add_rg_coll(det, "default"); for ( rgi=0; rgin_rigid_groups; rgi++ ) { add_to_rigid_group_coll(rgcollection, det->rigid_groups[rgi]); } } /* Calculate matrix inverses and other stuff */ for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct panel *p; double d; p = &det->panels[i]; if ( p->fsx*p->ssy == p->ssx*p->fsy ) { ERROR("Panel %i transformation singular.\n", i); } d = (double)p->fsx*p->ssy - p->ssx*p->fsy; p->xfs = p->ssy / d; p->yfs = -p->ssx / d; p->xss = -p->fsy / d; p->yss = p->fsx / d; p->w = p->orig_max_fs - p->orig_min_fs + 1; p->h = p->orig_max_ss - p->orig_min_ss + 1; } find_min_max_d(det); if ( reject ) return NULL; fclose(fh); return det; } void free_detector_geometry(struct detector *det) { int i; free_all_rigid_groups(det); free_all_rigid_group_collections(det); for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { free(det->panels[i].clen_from); free_dim_structure(det->panels[i].dim_structure); } free(det->panels); free(det->bad); free(det); } struct detector *copy_geom(const struct detector *in) { struct detector *out; int i; out = malloc(sizeof(struct detector)); memcpy(out, in, sizeof(struct detector)); out->panels = malloc(out->n_panels * sizeof(struct panel)); memcpy(out->panels, in->panels, out->n_panels * sizeof(struct panel)); out->bad = malloc(out->n_bad * sizeof(struct badregion)); memcpy(out->bad, in->bad, out->n_bad * sizeof(struct badregion)); out->n_rigid_groups = 0; out->rigid_groups = NULL; out->n_rg_collections = 0; out->rigid_group_collections = NULL; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct panel *p; p = &out->panels[i]; if ( p->clen_from != NULL ) { /* Make a copy of the clen_from fields unique to this * copy of the structure. */ p->clen_from = strdup(p->clen_from); } if ( p->data != NULL ) { /* Make a copy of the data fields unique to this * copy of the structure. */ p->data = strdup(p->data); } if ( p->dim_structure != NULL ) { /* Make a copy of the dim_structure fields unique to this * copy of the structure. */ struct dim_structure *dim_new; int di; dim_new = initialize_dim_structure(); dim_new->num_dims = p->dim_structure->num_dims; dim_new->dims = malloc(dim_new->num_dims*sizeof(int)); for ( di=0; dinum_dims; di++ ) { dim_new->dims[di] = p->dim_structure->dims[di]; } p->dim_structure = dim_new; } } for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { int rgi; for ( rgi=0; rgin_rigid_groups; rgi++ ) { if ( panel_is_in_rigid_group(in->rigid_groups[rgi], &in->panels[i]) ) { struct rigid_group *g; g = find_or_add_rg(out, in->rigid_groups[rgi]->name); add_to_rigid_group(g, &out->panels[i]); } } if ( &in->panels[i] == in->furthest_out_panel ) { out->furthest_out_panel = &out->panels[i]; } if ( &in->panels[i] == in->furthest_in_panel ) { out->furthest_in_panel = &out->panels[i]; } } for ( i=0; in_rigid_groups; i++ ) { int rgci; for ( rgci=0; rgcin_rg_collections; rgci++ ) { const char *n = in->rigid_group_collections[rgci]->name; if ( rigid_group_is_in_collection( in->rigid_group_collections[rgci], in->rigid_groups[i]) ) { struct rg_collection *rgcoll; rgcoll = find_or_add_rg_coll(out, n); add_to_rigid_group_coll(rgcoll, out->rigid_groups[i]); } } } return out; } struct detector *simple_geometry(const struct image *image, int w, int h) { struct detector *geom; geom = calloc(1, sizeof(struct detector)); geom->n_panels = 1; geom->panels = calloc(1, sizeof(struct panel)); geom->panels[0].orig_min_fs = 0; geom->panels[0].orig_max_fs = w-1; geom->panels[0].orig_min_ss = 0; geom->panels[0].orig_max_ss = h-1; geom->panels[0].cnx = -w / 2.0; geom->panels[0].cny = -h / 2.0; geom->panels[0].max_adu = INFINITY; geom->panels[0].orig_min_fs = -1; geom->panels[0].orig_max_fs = -1; geom->panels[0].orig_min_ss = -1; geom->panels[0].orig_max_ss = -1; geom->panels[0].fsx = 1; geom->panels[0].fsy = 0; geom->panels[0].fsz = 0; geom->panels[0].ssx = 0; geom->panels[0].ssy = 1; geom->panels[0].ssz = 0; geom->panels[0].xfs = 1; geom->panels[0].xss = 0; geom->panels[0].yfs = 0; geom->panels[0].yss = 1; geom->panels[0].w = w; geom->panels[0].h = h; geom->panels[0].mask = NULL; geom->panels[0].data = NULL; find_min_max_d(geom); return geom; } int reverse_2d_mapping(double x, double y, struct detector *det, struct panel **pp, double *pfs, double *pss) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct panel *p = &det->panels[i]; double cx, cy, fs, ss; /* Get position relative to corner */ cx = x - p->cnx; cy = y - p->cny; /* Reverse the transformation matrix */ fs = cx*p->xfs + cy*p->yfs; ss = cx*p->xss + cy*p->yss; /* In range? */ if ( fs < 0 ) continue; if ( ss < 0 ) continue; if ( fs > p->w ) continue; if ( ss > p->h ) continue; *pfs = fs; *pss = ss; *pp = p; return 0; } return 1; } static void check_extents(struct panel p, double *min_x, double *min_y, double *max_x, double *max_y, double fs, double ss) { double xs, ys, rx, ry; xs = fs*p.fsx + ss*p.ssx; ys = fs*p.fsy + ss*p.ssy; rx = xs + p.cnx; ry = ys + p.cny; if ( rx > *max_x ) *max_x = rx; if ( ry > *max_y ) *max_y = ry; if ( rx < *min_x ) *min_x = rx; if ( ry < *min_y ) *min_y = ry; } static void process_panel_fields(const struct panel *p, char *line, FILE *fh, char **bits, int write_panel_coffset) { char new_line[1024]; char string_to_write[512]; strcpy(new_line,"\0"); strcpy(string_to_write,"\0"); if(strstr(bits[1], "fs") != NULL && strstr(bits[1], "min_fs") == NULL && strstr(bits[1], "max_fs") == NULL && strstr(bits[1], "offset") == NULL ) { sprintf(string_to_write, "%+fx %+fy", p->fsx, p->fsy); build_output_line(line, new_line, string_to_write); fputs(new_line, fh); return; } else if ( strstr(bits[1], "ss") != NULL && strstr(bits[1], "min_ss") == NULL && strstr(bits[1], "max_ss") == NULL) { sprintf(string_to_write, "%+fx %+fy", p->ssx, p->ssy); build_output_line(line, new_line, string_to_write); fputs(new_line, fh); return; } else if ( strstr(bits[1], "corner_x") != NULL) { sprintf(string_to_write, "%g", p->cnx); build_output_line(line, new_line, string_to_write); fputs(new_line, fh); return; } else if ( strstr(bits[1], "corner_y") != NULL) { sprintf(string_to_write, "%g", p->cny); build_output_line(line, new_line, string_to_write); fputs(new_line, fh); return; } else if ( strstr(bits[1], "coffset") != NULL) { if ( write_panel_coffset ) { return; } else { fputs(line, fh); return; } } else { fputs(line, fh); } } double largest_q(struct image *image) { struct rvec q; double tt; q = get_q_for_panel(image->det->furthest_out_panel, image->det->furthest_out_fs, image->det->furthest_out_ss, &tt, 1.0/image->lambda); return modulus(q.u, q.v, q.w); } double smallest_q(struct image *image) { struct rvec q; double tt; q = get_q_for_panel(image->det->furthest_in_panel, image->det->furthest_in_fs, image->det->furthest_in_ss, &tt, 1.0/image->lambda); return modulus(q.u, q.v, q.w); } void get_pixel_extents(struct detector *det, double *min_x, double *min_y, double *max_x, double *max_y) { int i; *min_x = 0.0; *max_x = 0.0; *min_y = 0.0; *max_y = 0.0; /* To determine the maximum extents of the detector, put all four * corners of each panel through the transformations and watch for the * biggest */ for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { check_extents(det->panels[i], min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, 0.0, 0.0); check_extents(det->panels[i], min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, 0.0, det->panels[i].h+1); check_extents(det->panels[i], min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, det->panels[i].w+1, 0.0); check_extents(det->panels[i], min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, det->panels[i].w+1, det->panels[i].h+1); } } static char **file_to_lines(const char *fn) { char **lines; FILE *fh; int i = 0; int max_lines = 64; fh = fopen(fn, "r"); if ( fh == NULL ) return NULL; lines = malloc(max_lines*sizeof(char *)); if ( lines == NULL ) return NULL; do { char line[2048]; char *rval; rval = fgets(line, 2048, fh); if ( rval == NULL ) break; lines[i++] = strdup(line); /* Allow one space so the terminator always fits */ if ( i == max_lines-1 ) { max_lines += 64; lines = realloc(lines, max_lines*sizeof(char *)); if ( lines == NULL ) return NULL; } } while ( 1 ); lines[i++] = NULL; return lines; } static void free_lines(char **lines) { int i = 0; while ( lines[i] != NULL ) { free(lines[i++]); }; free(lines); } int write_detector_geometry_2(const char *geometry_filename, const char *output_filename, struct detector *det, const char *additional_comment, int write_panel_coffset) { FILE *fh; char **lines; int lno = 0; if ( geometry_filename == NULL ) return 2; if ( output_filename == NULL ) return 2; if ( det->n_panels < 1 ) return 3; lines = file_to_lines(geometry_filename); if ( lines == NULL ) return 1; fh = fopen(output_filename, "w"); if ( fh == NULL ) return 1; if ( additional_comment != NULL ) { fputs("; ", fh); fputs(additional_comment, fh); fputs("\n", fh); } if ( write_panel_coffset ) { fputs("; Optimized panel offsets can be found at the " "end of the file\n", fh); } lno = 0; while ( lines[lno] != NULL) { int n_bits; char **bits; int i; struct panel *p; n_bits = assplode(lines[lno], "/=", &bits, ASSPLODE_NONE); if ( n_bits != 3 ) { if ( strstr(bits[0], "coffset" ) != NULL && write_panel_coffset ) { lno++; continue; } else { fputs(lines[lno], fh); } } else { p = find_panel_by_name(det, bits[0]); if ( p != NULL ) { process_panel_fields(p, lines[lno], fh, bits, write_panel_coffset); } else { fputs(lines[lno], fh); } } for ( i=0; in_panels; pi++ ) { fprintf(fh, "%s/coffset = %f\n", det->panels[pi].name, det->panels[pi].coffset); } } fclose(fh); free_lines(lines); return 0; } int write_detector_geometry(const char *geometry_filename, const char *output_filename, struct detector *det) { return write_detector_geometry_2(geometry_filename, output_filename, det, NULL, 0); } /** * mark_resolution_range_as_bad: * @image: An image structure * @min: Minimum value of 1/d to be marked as bad * @max: Maximum value of 1/d to be marked as bad * * Flags, in the bad pixel mask for @image, every pixel whose resolution is * between @min and @max. * */ void mark_resolution_range_as_bad(struct image *image, double min, double max) { int i; if ( isinf(min) && isinf(max) ) return; /* nothing to do */ for ( i=0; idet->n_panels; i++ ) { int fs, ss; struct panel *p = &image->det->panels[i]; for ( ss=0; ssh; ss++ ) { for ( fs=0; fsw; fs++ ) { struct rvec q; double r; q = get_q_for_panel(p, fs, ss, NULL, 1.0/image->lambda); r = modulus(q.u, q.v, q.w); if ( (r >= min) && (r <= max) ) { image->bad[i][fs+p->w*ss] = 1; } } } } } static int safe_strcmp(const char *a, const char *b) { /* If both are NULL, they count as equal */ if ( (a == NULL) && (b == NULL) ) return 0; /* Otherwise, if either is NULL then they're different */ if ( a == NULL ) return 1; if ( b == NULL ) return 1; /* Otherwise, normal string comparison */ return strcmp(a, b); } /** * single_panel_data_source: * @det: A detector structure * @element: If manually selected by the user, the HDF5 element being used. * Otherwise NULL. * * Returns: non-zero if the combination of @det and @element mean that all the * data comes from a single block. * */ int single_panel_data_source(struct detector *det, const char *element) { int pi; const char *first_datafrom = NULL; const char *curr_datafrom = NULL; if ( det->panels[0].data == NULL ) { first_datafrom = element; /* Might be NULL */ } else { first_datafrom = det->panels[0].data; } for ( pi=1; pin_panels; pi++ ) { if ( det->panels[pi].data == NULL ) { curr_datafrom = element; /* Might be NULL */ } else { curr_datafrom = det->panels[pi].data; } if ( safe_strcmp(curr_datafrom, first_datafrom) != 0 ) { return 0; } } return 1; }