/* * detgeom.c * * Utility functions for detgeom structure * * Copyright © 2019-2021 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2020-2021 Thomas White * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "detgeom.h" #include "utils.h" /** * \file detgeom.h */ void detgeom_transform_coords(struct detgeom_panel *p, double fs, double ss, double wavelength, double dx, double dy, double *r) { double xs, ys, zs; double fac; /* Calculate 3D position of given position, in pixels */ xs = p->cnx + fs*p->fsx + ss*p->ssx + dx*p->pixel_pitch; ys = p->cny + fs*p->fsy + ss*p->ssy + dy*p->pixel_pitch; zs = p->cnz + fs*p->fsz + ss*p->ssz; fac = wavelength * sqrt(xs*xs + ys*ys + zs*zs); r[0] = xs / fac; r[1] = ys / fac; r[2] = zs / fac - 1.0/wavelength; } static void free_group(struct detgeom_panel_group *g) { int i; for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { free_group(g->children[i]); } free(g->name); free(g->children); free(g); } void detgeom_free(struct detgeom *detgeom) { int i; if ( detgeom == NULL ) return; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { free(detgeom->panels[i].name); } free_group(detgeom->top_group); free(detgeom->panels); free(detgeom); } static double panel_max_res(struct detgeom_panel *p, double wavelength) { double r[3]; double max_res = 0.0; detgeom_transform_coords(p, 0, 0, wavelength, 0.0, 0.0, r); max_res = biggest(max_res, modulus(r[0], r[1], r[2])); detgeom_transform_coords(p, 0, p->h, wavelength, 0.0, 0.0, r); max_res = biggest(max_res, modulus(r[0], r[1], r[2])); detgeom_transform_coords(p, p->w, 0, wavelength, 0.0, 0.0, r); max_res = biggest(max_res, modulus(r[0], r[1], r[2])); detgeom_transform_coords(p, p->w, p->h, wavelength, 0.0, 0.0, r); max_res = biggest(max_res, modulus(r[0], r[1], r[2])); return max_res; } double detgeom_max_resolution(struct detgeom *detgeom, double wavelength) { int i; double max_res = 0.0; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { double panel_maxres; panel_maxres = panel_max_res(&detgeom->panels[i], wavelength); if ( panel_maxres > max_res ) { max_res = panel_maxres; } } return max_res; } void show_panel(struct detgeom_panel *p) { STATUS("Panel '%s':\n", p->name); STATUS(" Size %i x %i px\n", p->w, p->h); STATUS(" Transformation [cnx] + [%6.2f %6.2f] [fs] = [x]\n", p->fsx, p->ssx); STATUS(" [cny] + [%6.2f %6.2f] [ss] = [y]\n", p->fsy, p->ssy); STATUS(" [cnz] + [%6.2f %6.2f] = [z]\n", p->fsz, p->ssz); STATUS(" corner x,y,z = %f, %f, %f px\n", p->cnx, p->cny, p->cnz); STATUS(" = %f, %f, %f mm\n", p->cnx*p->pixel_pitch*1e3, p->cny*p->pixel_pitch*1e3, p->cnz*p->pixel_pitch*1e3); STATUS(" %f adu/photon, max %f adu\n", p->adu_per_photon, p->max_adu); } static double clen(struct detgeom *dg, int i) { return dg->panels[i].cnz * dg->panels[i].pixel_pitch; } static double far_corner_clen(struct detgeom *dg, int i) { struct detgeom_panel *p = &dg->panels[i]; return (p->cnz + p->fsz*p->w + p->ssz*p->h) * p->pixel_pitch; } /* Return mean clen in m, or NAN in the following circumstances: * 1. If the individual panel distances vary by more than 10% of the average * 2. If the tilt of the panel creates a distance variation of more than 10% * of the corner value over the extent of the panel */ double detgeom_mean_camera_length(struct detgeom *dg) { int i; double mean; double total = 0.0; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { total += clen(dg, i); } mean = total / dg->n_panels; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { if ( !within_tolerance(clen(dg, i), mean, 10.0) ) return NAN; if ( !within_tolerance(clen(dg, i), far_corner_clen(dg, i), 10.0) ) return NAN; } return mean; } struct detgeom_panel *detgeom_find_panel(struct detgeom *dg, const char *name) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(dg->panels[i].name, name) == 0 ) { return &dg->panels[i]; } } return NULL; } static void detgeom_show_group(const struct detgeom_panel_group *group, int level) { int i; for ( i=0; iname, group->serial); for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { detgeom_show_group(group->children[i], level+1); } } void detgeom_show_hierarchy(const struct detgeom *dg) { detgeom_show_group(dg->top_group, 0); } void detgeom_translate_detector_m(struct detgeom *dg, double x, double y, double z) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct detgeom_panel *p = &dg->panels[i]; p->cnx += x / p->pixel_pitch; p->cny += y / p->pixel_pitch; p->cnz += z / p->pixel_pitch; } } gsl_matrix **make_panel_minvs(struct detgeom *dg) { int i; gsl_matrix **Minvs; Minvs = malloc(dg->n_panels * sizeof(gsl_matrix *)); if ( Minvs == NULL ) return NULL; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct detgeom_panel *p = &dg->panels[i]; gsl_matrix *M = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix_set(M, 0, 0, p->pixel_pitch*p->cnx); gsl_matrix_set(M, 0, 1, p->pixel_pitch*p->fsx); gsl_matrix_set(M, 0, 2, p->pixel_pitch*p->ssx); gsl_matrix_set(M, 1, 0, p->pixel_pitch*p->cny); gsl_matrix_set(M, 1, 1, p->pixel_pitch*p->fsy); gsl_matrix_set(M, 1, 2, p->pixel_pitch*p->ssy); gsl_matrix_set(M, 2, 0, p->pixel_pitch*p->cnz); gsl_matrix_set(M, 2, 1, p->pixel_pitch*p->fsz); gsl_matrix_set(M, 2, 2, p->pixel_pitch*p->ssz); Minvs[i] = matrix_invert(M); if ( Minvs[i] == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to calculate inverse panel matrix for %s\n", p->name); return NULL; } } return Minvs; } static void add_point(const struct detgeom_panel *p, int fs, int ss, double *tx, double *ty, double *tz) { *tx += (p->cnx + fs*p->fsx + ss*p->ssx) * p->pixel_pitch; *ty += (p->cny + fs*p->fsy + ss*p->ssy) * p->pixel_pitch; *tz += (p->cnz + fs*p->fsz + ss*p->ssz) * p->pixel_pitch; } int detgeom_group_center(const struct detgeom_panel_group *grp, double *x, double *y, double *z) { if ( grp->n_children == 0 ) { const struct detgeom_panel *p = grp->panel; if ( p == NULL ) return 1; double tx = 0.0; double ty = 0.0; double tz = 0.0; add_point(p, 0, 0, &tx, &ty, &tz); add_point(p, p->w, 0, &tx, &ty, &tz); add_point(p, 0, p->h, &tx, &ty, &tz); add_point(p, p->w, p->h, &tx, &ty, &tz); *x = tx / 4.0; *y = ty / 4.0; *z = tz / 4.0; return 0; } else { int i; double tx = 0.0; double ty = 0.0; double tz = 0.0; for ( i=0; in_children; i++ ) { double gcx, gcy, gcz; detgeom_group_center(grp->children[i], &gcx, &gcy, &gcz); tx += gcx; ty += gcy; tz += gcz; } *x = tx / grp->n_children; *y = ty / grp->n_children; *z = tz / grp->n_children; return 0; } }