/* * image.c * * Handle images and image features * * Copyright © 2012-2020 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2014 Kenneth Beyerlein * 2011-2017 Thomas White * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "utils.h" #include "events.h" #include "hdf5-file.h" #include "detector.h" #include "detgeom.h" #include "datatemplate.h" #include "datatemplate_priv.h" /** \file image.h */ struct imagefile { enum imagefile_type type; char *filename; struct hdfile *hdfile; }; struct _imagefeaturelist { struct imagefeature *features; int max_features; int n_features; }; void image_add_feature(ImageFeatureList *flist, double fs, double ss, struct panel *p, struct image *parent, double intensity, const char *name) { if ( flist->n_features == flist->max_features ) { struct imagefeature *nf; int nmf = flist->max_features + 128; nf = realloc(flist->features, nmf*sizeof(struct imagefeature)); if ( nf == NULL ) return; flist->features = nf; flist->max_features = nmf; } flist->features[flist->n_features].fs = fs; flist->features[flist->n_features].ss = ss; flist->features[flist->n_features].p = p; flist->features[flist->n_features].intensity = intensity; flist->features[flist->n_features].parent = parent; flist->features[flist->n_features].name = name; flist->n_features++; } ImageFeatureList *image_feature_list_new() { ImageFeatureList *flist; flist = malloc(sizeof(ImageFeatureList)); flist->n_features = 0; flist->max_features = 0; flist->features = NULL; return flist; } static int comp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct imagefeature *ap = a; const struct imagefeature *bp = b; return ap->intensity < bp->intensity; } /** * Strongest first. */ ImageFeatureList *sort_peaks(ImageFeatureList *flist) { ImageFeatureList *n; int nf, i; if ( flist == NULL ) return NULL; n = image_feature_list_new(); if ( n == NULL ) return NULL; n->features = malloc(flist->n_features*sizeof(struct imagefeature)); if ( n->features == NULL ) { free(n); return NULL; } nf = 0; for ( i=0; in_features; i++ ) { struct imagefeature *f; f = image_get_feature(flist, i); if ( f == NULL ) continue; n->features[nf++] = flist->features[i]; } n->n_features = nf; qsort(n->features, nf, sizeof(struct imagefeature), comp); return n; } void image_feature_list_free(ImageFeatureList *flist) { if ( !flist ) return; if ( flist->features ) free(flist->features); free(flist); } struct imagefeature *image_feature_closest(ImageFeatureList *flist, double fs, double ss, struct panel *p, double *d, int *idx) { int i; double dmin = +HUGE_VAL; int closest = 0; for ( i=0; in_features; i++ ) { double ds; if ( p != flist->features[i].p ) continue; ds = distance(flist->features[i].fs, flist->features[i].ss, fs, ss); if ( ds < dmin ) { dmin = ds; closest = i; } } if ( dmin < +HUGE_VAL ) { *d = dmin; *idx = closest; return &flist->features[closest]; } *d = +INFINITY; return NULL; } Reflection *image_reflection_closest(RefList *rlist, double fs, double ss, struct panel *p, struct detector *det, double *d) { double dmin = HUGE_VAL; Reflection *closest = NULL; Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; for ( refl = first_refl(rlist, &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { double ds; struct panel *p2; double rfs, rss; get_detector_pos(refl, &rfs, &rss); p2 = get_panel(refl); if ( p != p2 ) continue; ds = distance(rfs, rss, fs, ss); if ( ds < dmin ) { dmin = ds; closest = refl; } } if ( dmin < +HUGE_VAL ) { *d = dmin; return closest; } *d = +INFINITY; return NULL; } int image_feature_count(ImageFeatureList *flist) { if ( flist == NULL ) return 0; return flist->n_features; } struct imagefeature *image_get_feature(ImageFeatureList *flist, int idx) { /* Sanity check */ if ( flist == NULL ) return NULL; if ( idx >= flist->n_features ) return NULL; return &flist->features[idx]; } void image_remove_feature(ImageFeatureList *flist, int idx) { memmove(&flist->features[idx], &flist->features[idx+1], (flist->n_features-idx-1)*sizeof(struct imagefeature)); flist->n_features--; } void image_add_crystal(struct image *image, Crystal *cryst) { Crystal **crs; int n; n = image->n_crystals; crs = realloc(image->crystals, (n+1)*sizeof(Crystal *)); if ( crs == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for crystals.\n"); return; } crs[n] = cryst; image->crystals = crs; image->n_crystals = n+1; } int remove_flagged_crystals(struct image *image) { int i; int n_bad = 0; for ( i=0; in_crystals; i++ ) { if ( crystal_get_user_flag(image->crystals[i]) ) { int j; Crystal *deleteme = image->crystals[i]; cell_free(crystal_get_cell(deleteme)); crystal_free(deleteme); for ( j=i; jn_crystals-1; j++ ) { image->crystals[j] = image->crystals[j+1]; } image->n_crystals--; n_bad++; i--; } } return n_bad; } /* Free all crystals, including their RefLists and UnitCells */ void free_all_crystals(struct image *image) { int i; if ( image->crystals == NULL ) return; for ( i=0; in_crystals; i++ ) { Crystal *cr = image->crystals[i]; reflist_free(crystal_get_reflections(cr)); cell_free(crystal_get_cell(cr)); crystal_free(image->crystals[i]); } free(image->crystals); image->n_crystals = 0; } /**************************** Image field lists *******************************/ struct imagefile_field_list { char **fields; int n_fields; int max_fields; }; struct imagefile_field_list *new_imagefile_field_list() { struct imagefile_field_list *n; n = calloc(1, sizeof(struct imagefile_field_list)); if ( n == NULL ) return NULL; n->max_fields = 32; n->fields = malloc(n->max_fields*sizeof(char *)); if ( n->fields == NULL ) { free(n); return NULL; } return n; } void free_imagefile_field_list(struct imagefile_field_list *n) { int i; for ( i=0; in_fields; i++ ) { free(n->fields[i]); } free(n->fields); free(n); } void add_imagefile_field(struct imagefile_field_list *copyme, const char *name) { int i; /* Already on the list? Don't re-add if so. */ for ( i=0; in_fields; i++ ) { if ( strcmp(copyme->fields[i], name) == 0 ) return; } /* Need more space? */ if ( copyme->n_fields == copyme->max_fields ) { char **nfields; int nmax = copyme->max_fields + 32; nfields = realloc(copyme->fields, nmax*sizeof(char *)); if ( nfields == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate space for new HDF5 field.\n"); return; } copyme->max_fields = nmax; copyme->fields = nfields; } copyme->fields[copyme->n_fields] = strdup(name); if ( copyme->fields[copyme->n_fields] == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to add field for copying '%s'\n", name); return; } copyme->n_fields++; } /******************************* CBF files ************************************/ static int unpack_panels(struct image *image, float *data, int data_width, int data_height) { int pi; /* FIXME: Load these masks from an HDF5 file, if filenames are * given in the geometry file */ uint16_t *flags = NULL; float *sat = NULL; image->dp = malloc(image->det->n_panels * sizeof(float *)); image->bad = malloc(image->det->n_panels * sizeof(int *)); image->sat = malloc(image->det->n_panels * sizeof(float *)); if ( (image->dp == NULL) || (image->bad == NULL) || (image->sat == NULL) ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate panels.\n"); return 1; } for ( pi=0; pidet->n_panels; pi++ ) { struct panel *p; int fs, ss; p = &image->det->panels[pi]; image->dp[pi] = malloc(p->w*p->h*sizeof(float)); image->bad[pi] = calloc(p->w*p->h, sizeof(int)); image->sat[pi] = malloc(p->w*p->h*sizeof(float)); if ( (image->dp[pi] == NULL) || (image->bad[pi] == NULL) || (image->sat[pi] == NULL) ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate panel\n"); return 1; } if ( p->mask != NULL ) { ERROR("WARNING: Bad pixel masks do not currently work " "with CBF files\n"); ERROR(" (bad pixel regions specified in the geometry " "file will be used, however)\n"); } if ( p->satmap != NULL ) { ERROR("WARNING: Saturation maps do not currently work " "with CBF files\n"); } if ( (p->orig_min_fs + p->w > data_width) || (p->orig_min_ss + p->h > data_height) ) { ERROR("Panel %s is outside range of data in CBF file\n", p->name); return 1; } for ( ss=0; ssh; ss++ ) { for ( fs=0; fsw; fs++ ) { int idx; int cfs, css; int bad = 0; cfs = fs+p->orig_min_fs; css = ss+p->orig_min_ss; idx = cfs + css*data_width; image->dp[pi][fs+p->w*ss] = data[idx]; if ( sat != NULL ) { image->sat[pi][fs+p->w*ss] = sat[idx]; } else { image->sat[pi][fs+p->w*ss] = INFINITY; } if ( p->no_index ) bad = 1; if ( in_bad_region(image->det, p, cfs, css) ) { bad = 1; } if ( isnan(data[idx]) || isinf(data[idx]) ) bad = 1; if ( flags != NULL ) { int f; f = flags[idx]; /* Bad if it's missing any of the "good" bits */ if ( (f & image->det->mask_good) != image->det->mask_good ) bad = 1; /* Bad if it has any of the "bad" bits. */ if ( f & image->det->mask_bad ) bad = 1; } image->bad[pi][fs+p->w*ss] = bad; } } } return 0; } static void cbf_fill_in_beam_parameters(struct beam_params *beam, struct imagefile *f, struct image *image) { double eV; if ( beam->photon_energy_from == NULL ) { /* Explicit value given */ eV = beam->photon_energy; } else { ERROR("Can't get photon energy from CBF yet.\n"); eV = 0.0; } image->lambda = ph_en_to_lambda(eV_to_J(eV))*beam->photon_energy_scale; } static void cbf_fill_in_clen(struct detector *det, struct imagefile *f) { int i; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { struct panel *p = &det->panels[i]; if ( p->clen_from != NULL ) { ERROR("Can't get clen from CBF yet.\n"); } adjust_centering_for_rail(p); } } static void add_out(float val, float *data_out, int nmemb_out, int *outpos, int *nrej) { if ( *outpos < nmemb_out ) { data_out[(*outpos)++] = val; } else { (*nrej)++; } } /* Reverses byte offset compression and converts to single precision float. * Note that this compression scheme specifies the data format of the input * data, therefore the X-Binary-Element-Type is completely ignored. */ static void decode_cbf_byte_offset(float *data_out, int nmemb_out, const int8_t *data_in, const size_t n) { int inpos = 0; int outpos = 0; int nrej = 0; float val = 0.0; while ( inpos < n ) { int64_t delta = data_in[inpos++]; if ( (delta >= -127) && (delta <= 127) ) { val += delta; add_out(val, data_out, nmemb_out, &outpos, &nrej); continue; } delta = *(int16_t *)(data_in+inpos); inpos += 2; if ( (delta >= -32767) && (delta <= 32767) ) { val += delta; add_out(val, data_out, nmemb_out, &outpos, &nrej); continue; } delta = *(int32_t *)(data_in+inpos); inpos += 4; if ( (delta >= -2147483647) && (delta <= 2147483647) ) { val += delta; add_out(val, data_out, nmemb_out, &outpos, &nrej); continue; } delta = *(int64_t *)(data_in+inpos); inpos += 8; val += delta; add_out(val, data_out, nmemb_out, &outpos, &nrej); } if ( nrej > 0 ) { STATUS("%i elements rejected\n", nrej); } } static int binary_start(char *data) { char *datac = data; if ( (datac[0] == (char)0x0c) && (datac[1] == (char)0x1a) && (datac[2] == (char)0x04) && (datac[3] == (char)0xd5) ) return 1; return 0; } enum cbf_data_conversion { CBF_NO_CONVERSION, CBF_BYTE_OFFSET, CBF_PACKED, CBF_CANONICAL }; enum cbf_data_type { CBF_NO_TYPE, CBF_ELEMENT_U8, CBF_ELEMENT_S8, CBF_ELEMENT_U16, CBF_ELEMENT_S16, CBF_ELEMENT_U32, CBF_ELEMENT_S32, CBF_ELEMENT_F32, CBF_ELEMENT_F64, }; static enum cbf_data_type parse_element_type(const char *t) { if ( strstr(t, "signed 8-bit integer") != NULL ) { return CBF_ELEMENT_S8; } if ( strstr(t, "unsigned 8-bit integer") != NULL ) { return CBF_ELEMENT_U8; } if ( strstr(t, "signed 16-bit integer") != NULL ) { return CBF_ELEMENT_S16; } if ( strstr(t, "unsigned 16-bit integer") != NULL ) { return CBF_ELEMENT_U16; } if ( strstr(t, "signed 32-bit integer") != NULL ) { return CBF_ELEMENT_S32; } if ( strstr(t, "unsigned 32-bit integer") != NULL ) { return CBF_ELEMENT_U32; } if ( strstr(t, "signed 32-bit real IEEE") != NULL ) { return CBF_ELEMENT_F32; } if ( strstr(t, "signed 64-bit real IEEE") != NULL ) { return CBF_ELEMENT_F64; } /* complex type is unsupported */ return CBF_NO_TYPE; } static size_t element_size(enum cbf_data_type t) { switch ( t ) { case CBF_ELEMENT_S8 : return 1; case CBF_ELEMENT_U8 : return 1; case CBF_ELEMENT_S16 : return 2; case CBF_ELEMENT_U16 : return 2; case CBF_ELEMENT_S32 : return 4; case CBF_ELEMENT_U32 : return 4; case CBF_ELEMENT_F32 : return 4; case CBF_ELEMENT_F64 : return 8; default : return 0; } } static int convert_type(float *data_out, long nmemb_exp, enum cbf_data_type eltype, void *data_in, size_t data_in_len) { long int i; long int o = 0; size_t elsize = element_size(eltype); if ( elsize == 0 ) return 1; if ( nmemb_exp * elsize > data_in_len ) { ERROR("Not enough CBF data for image size/type!\n"); return 1; } for ( i=0; itype == IMAGEFILE_CBF ) { fh = fopen(f->filename, "rb"); if ( fh == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to open '%s'\n", f->filename); return NULL; } } else if ( f->type == IMAGEFILE_CBFGZ ) { gzFile gzfh; size_t len, len_read; const size_t bufinc = 8*1024*1024; /* Allocate buffer in 8Mb chunks */ size_t bufsz = bufinc; gzfh = gzopen(f->filename, "rb"); if ( gzfh == NULL ) return NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GZBUFFER /* Set larger buffer size for hopefully faster uncompression */ gzbuffer(gzfh, 128*1024); #endif buf = malloc(bufsz); if ( buf == NULL ) return NULL; len = 0; do { len_read = gzread(gzfh, buf+len, bufinc); if ( len_read == -1 ) return NULL; len += len_read; if ( len_read == bufinc ) { bufsz += bufinc; buf = realloc(buf, bufsz); if ( buf == NULL ) return NULL; } } while ( len_read == bufinc ); fh = fmemopen(buf, len, "rb"); if ( fh == NULL ) return NULL; gzclose(gzfh); } else { /* Don't know how we ended up here */ return NULL; } /* This is really horrible, but there are at least three different types * of header mingled together (CIF, MIME, DECTRIS), so a real parser * would be very complicated and much more likely to have weird bugs. */ do { char line[1024]; long line_start; line_start = ftell(fh); rval = fgets(line, 1023, fh); if ( rval == NULL ) break; chomp(line); if ( strcmp(line, "--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION--") == 0 ) { in_binary_section = 1; } if ( strcmp(line, "--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----") == 0 ) { in_binary_section = 0; } if ( in_binary_section ) { if ( strncmp(line, "X-Binary-Size: ", 15) == 0 ) { data_compressed_len = atoi(line+15); } if ( strncmp(line, "X-Binary-Element-Byte-Order: ", 29) == 0 ) { const char *elbo = line+29; if ( strcmp(elbo, "LITTLE_ENDIAN") != 0 ) { ERROR("Unsupported endianness: %s\n", elbo); free(buf); fclose(fh); return NULL; } } /* Try to spot compression algorithm */ if ( strstr(line, "conversions=\"x-CBF_BYTE_OFFSET\"") != NULL ) { data_conversion = CBF_BYTE_OFFSET; } else if ( strstr(line, "conversions=\"x-CBF_CANONICAL\"") != NULL ) { data_conversion = CBF_CANONICAL; } else if ( strstr(line, "conversions=\"x-CBF_PACKED\"") != NULL ) { data_conversion = CBF_PACKED; } else if ( strstr(line, "conversions=") != NULL ) { ERROR("Unrecognised CBF content conversion: %s\n", line); free(buf); fclose(fh); return NULL; } /* Likewise, element type */ if ( strncmp(line, "X-Binary-Element-Type: ", 23) == 0 ) { const char *eltype = (line+23); data_type = parse_element_type(eltype); if ( data_type == CBF_NO_TYPE ) { ERROR("Unrecognised element type: %s\n", eltype); free(buf); fclose(fh); return NULL; } } if ( strncmp(line, "X-Binary-Size-Fastest-Dimension: ", 33) == 0 ) { *w = atoi(line+33); } if ( strncmp(line, "X-Binary-Size-Second-Dimension: ", 32) == 0 ) { *h = atoi(line+32); } } if ( in_binary_section && binary_start(line) ) { size_t len_read; int nmemb_exp; void *data_compressed; int r = 0; if ( data_compressed_len == 0 ) { ERROR("Found CBF data before X-Binary-Size!\n"); free(buf); fclose(fh); return NULL; } if ( (*w == 0) || (*h == 0) ) { ERROR("Found CBF data before dimensions!\n"); free(buf); fclose(fh); return NULL; } if ( data_compressed_len > 100*1024*1024 ) { ERROR("Stated CBF data size too big\n"); free(buf); fclose(fh); return NULL; } data_compressed = malloc(data_compressed_len); if ( data_compressed == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for CBF data\n"); free(buf); fclose(fh); return NULL; } fseek(fh, line_start+4, SEEK_SET); len_read = fread(data_compressed, 1, data_compressed_len, fh); if ( len_read < data_compressed_len ) { ERROR("Couldn't read entire CBF data\n"); free(buf); free(data_compressed); fclose(fh); return NULL; } nmemb_exp = (*w) * (*h); data_out = malloc(nmemb_exp*sizeof(float)); if ( data_out == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for CBF data\n"); free(buf); free(data_compressed); fclose(fh); return NULL; } switch ( data_conversion ) { case CBF_NO_CONVERSION: r = convert_type(data_out, nmemb_exp, data_type, data_compressed, data_compressed_len); break; case CBF_BYTE_OFFSET: decode_cbf_byte_offset(data_out, nmemb_exp, data_compressed, data_compressed_len); break; case CBF_PACKED: case CBF_CANONICAL: ERROR("Don't yet know how to decompress " "CBF_PACKED or CBF_CANONICAL\n"); free(buf); free(data_compressed); fclose(fh); return NULL; } free(data_compressed); if ( r ) { free(buf); free(data_out); fclose(fh); return NULL; } free(buf); fclose(fh); return data_out; } } while ( rval != NULL ); ERROR("Reached end of CBF file before finding data.\n"); free(buf); /* might be NULL */ return NULL; } static int read_cbf(struct imagefile *f, struct image *image) { float *data; int w, h; data = read_cbf_data(f, &w, &h); if ( data == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to read CBF data\n"); return 1; } unpack_panels(image, data, w, h); free(data); if ( image->beam != NULL ) { cbf_fill_in_beam_parameters(image->beam, f, image); if ( image->lambda > 1000 ) { ERROR("WARNING: Missing or nonsensical wavelength " "(%e m) for %s.\n", image->lambda, image->filename); } } cbf_fill_in_clen(image->det, f); fill_in_adu(image); return 0; } static int read_cbf_simple(struct imagefile *f, struct image *image) { float *data; int w, h; data = read_cbf_data(f, &w, &h); if ( data == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to read CBF data\n"); return 1; } image->det = simple_geometry(image, w, h); image->dp = malloc(sizeof(float *)); if ( image->dp == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate dp array\n"); return 1; } image->dp[0] = data; if ( image->beam != NULL ) { cbf_fill_in_beam_parameters(image->beam, f, image); if ( image->lambda > 1000 ) { ERROR("WARNING: Missing or nonsensical wavelength " "(%e m) for %s.\n", image->lambda, image->filename); } } cbf_fill_in_clen(image->det, f); fill_in_adu(image); return 0; } /****************************** Image files ***********************************/ signed int is_cbf_file(const char *filename) { FILE *fh; char line[1024]; fh = fopen(filename, "r"); if ( fh == NULL ) return -1; if ( fgets(line, 1024, fh) == NULL ) return -1; fclose(fh); if ( strstr(line, "CBF") == NULL ) { return 0; } return 1; } signed int is_cbfgz_file(const char *filename) { gzFile gzfh; char line[1024]; gzfh = gzopen(filename, "rb"); if ( gzfh == NULL ) return -1; if ( gzgets(gzfh, line, 1024) == NULL ) return -1; gzclose(gzfh); if ( strstr(line, "CBF") == NULL ) { return 0; } return 1; } struct imagefile *imagefile_open(const char *filename) { struct imagefile *f; f = malloc(sizeof(struct imagefile)); if ( f == NULL ) return NULL; if ( H5Fis_hdf5(filename) > 0 ) { /* This is an HDF5, pass through to HDF5 layer */ f->type = IMAGEFILE_HDF5; f->hdfile = hdfile_open(filename); if ( f->hdfile == NULL ) { free(f); return NULL; } } else if ( is_cbf_file(filename) > 0 ) { f->type = IMAGEFILE_CBF; } else if ( is_cbfgz_file(filename) ) { f->type = IMAGEFILE_CBFGZ; } else { ERROR("Unrecognised file type: %s\n", filename); return NULL; } f->filename = strdup(filename); return f; } int imagefile_read(struct imagefile *f, struct image *image, struct event *event) { if ( f->type == IMAGEFILE_HDF5 ) { return hdf5_read2(f->hdfile, image, event, 0); } else if ( f->type == IMAGEFILE_CBF ) { return read_cbf(f, image); } else if ( f->type == IMAGEFILE_CBFGZ ) { return read_cbf(f, image); } else { ERROR("Unknown file type %i\n", f->type); return 1; } } /* Read a simple file, no multi-event, no prior geometry etc, and * generate a geometry for it */ int imagefile_read_simple(struct imagefile *f, struct image *image) { if ( f->type == IMAGEFILE_HDF5 ) { return hdf5_read(f->hdfile, image, NULL, 0); } else if ( f->type == IMAGEFILE_CBF ) { return read_cbf_simple(f, image); } else if ( f->type == IMAGEFILE_CBFGZ ) { return read_cbf_simple(f, image); } else { ERROR("Unknown file type %i\n", f->type); return 1; } } enum imagefile_type imagefile_get_type(struct imagefile *f) { assert(f != NULL); return f->type; } struct hdfile *imagefile_get_hdfile(struct imagefile *f) { if ( f == NULL ) return NULL; if ( f->type != IMAGEFILE_HDF5 ) { ERROR("Not an HDF5 file!\n"); return NULL; } return f->hdfile; } void imagefile_copy_fields(struct imagefile *f, const struct imagefile_field_list *copyme, FILE *fh, struct event *ev) { int i; if ( copyme == NULL ) return; for ( i=0; in_fields; i++ ) { char *val; char *field; field = copyme->fields[i]; if ( f->type == IMAGEFILE_HDF5 ) { val = hdfile_get_string_value(f->hdfile, field, ev); if ( field[0] == '/' ) { fprintf(fh, "hdf5%s = %s\n", field, val); } else { fprintf(fh, "hdf5/%s = %s\n", field, val); } free(val); } else { STATUS("Mock CBF variable\n"); fprintf(fh, "cbf/%s = %s\n", field, "(FIXME)"); } } } void imagefile_close(struct imagefile *f) { if ( f->type == IMAGEFILE_HDF5 ) { hdfile_close(f->hdfile); } free(f->filename); free(f); } /************************** New API (DataTemplate) ****************************/ static struct image *image_new() { struct image *image; image = malloc(sizeof(struct image)); if ( image == NULL ) return NULL; image->dp = NULL; image->bad = NULL; image->sat = NULL; image->hit = 0; image->crystals = NULL; image->n_crystals = 0; image->indexed_by = INDEXING_NONE; image->detgeom = NULL; image->filename = NULL; image->ev = NULL; image->copyme = NULL; image->stuff_from_stream = NULL; image->avg_clen = -1.0; image->id = 0; image->serial = 0; image->spectrum = NULL; image->lambda = -1.0; image->div = -1.0; image->bw = -1.0; image->peak_resolution = -1.0; image->features = NULL; /* Deprecated stuff */ image->beam = NULL; image->event = NULL; image->det = NULL; return image; } static struct image *image_read_hdf5(DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *filename, const char *event) { struct image *image; struct event *ev; hid_t fh; herr_t r; int pi; int i; if ( access(filename, R_OK) == -1 ) { ERROR("File does not exist or cannot be read: %s\n", filename); return NULL; } fh = H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT); if ( fh < 0 ) { ERROR("Couldn't open file: %s\n", filename); return NULL; } image = image_new(); if ( image == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't allocate image structure.\n"); H5Fclose(fh); return NULL; } ev = get_event_from_event_string(event); if ( (ev == NULL) && (event != NULL) ) { ERROR("Invalid event identifier '%s'\n", event); H5Fclose(fh); free(image); return NULL; } image->dp = malloc(dtempl->n_panels*sizeof(float *)); image->bad = malloc(dtempl->n_panels*sizeof(int *)); image->sat = malloc(dtempl->n_panels*sizeof(float *)); if ( (image->dp==NULL) || (image->bad==NULL) || (image->sat==NULL) ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate data arrays.\n"); free_event(ev); H5Fclose(fh); free(image); return NULL; } for ( pi=0; pin_panels; pi++ ) { hsize_t *f_offset, *f_count; hid_t dh; int hsi; herr_t check; hid_t dataspace, memspace; struct panel_template *p; hsize_t dims[2]; char *panel_full_path; p = &dtempl->panels[pi]; panel_full_path = retrieve_full_path(ev, p->data); if ( !check_path_existence(fh, panel_full_path) ) { ERROR("Cannot find data for panel %s (%s)\n", p->name, panel_full_path); free(image->dp); free(image->bad); free(image->sat); free_event(ev); H5Fclose(fh); free(image); return NULL; } dh = H5Dopen2(fh, panel_full_path, H5P_DEFAULT); if ( dh < 0 ) { ERROR("Cannot open data for panel %s (%s)\n", p->name, panel_full_path); free(panel_full_path); free(image->dp); free(image->bad); free(image->sat); free_event(ev); H5Fclose(fh); free(image); return NULL; } free(panel_full_path); /* Determine where to read the data from in the file */ f_offset = malloc(p->dim_structure->num_dims*sizeof(hsize_t)); f_count = malloc(p->dim_structure->num_dims*sizeof(hsize_t)); if ( (f_offset == NULL) || (f_count == NULL ) ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate offset or count.\n"); free(image->dp); free(image->bad); free(image->sat); free_event(ev); H5Fclose(fh); free(image); return NULL; } for ( hsi=0; hsidim_structure->num_dims; hsi++ ) { if ( p->dim_structure->dims[hsi] == HYSL_FS ) { f_offset[hsi] = p->orig_min_fs; f_count[hsi] = p->orig_max_fs - p->orig_min_fs+1; } else if ( p->dim_structure->dims[hsi] == HYSL_SS ) { f_offset[hsi] = p->orig_min_ss; f_count[hsi] = p->orig_max_ss - p->orig_min_ss+1; } else if (p->dim_structure->dims[hsi] == HYSL_PLACEHOLDER ) { f_offset[hsi] = ev->dim_entries[0]; f_count[hsi] = 1; } else { f_offset[hsi] = p->dim_structure->dims[hsi]; f_count[hsi] = 1; } } /* Set up dataspace for file */ dataspace = H5Dget_space(dh); check = H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, f_offset, NULL, f_count, NULL); if ( check < 0 ) { ERROR("Error selecting file dataspace for panel %s\n", p->name); free(f_offset); free(f_count); free(image->dp); free(image->bad); free(image->sat); free_event(ev); H5Fclose(fh); free(image); return NULL; } dims[0] = p->orig_max_ss - p->orig_min_ss + 1; dims[1] = p->orig_max_fs - p->orig_min_fs + 1; memspace = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL); image->dp[pi] = malloc(dims[0]*dims[1]*sizeof(float)); image->sat[pi] = malloc(dims[0]*dims[1]*sizeof(float)); image->bad[pi] = calloc(dims[0]*dims[1], sizeof(int)); if ( (image->dp[pi] == NULL) || (image->sat[pi] == NULL) || (image->bad[pi] == NULL) ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate panel %s\n", p->name); free(f_offset); free(f_count); for ( i=0; i<=pi; i++ ) { free(image->dp[i]); free(image->sat[i]); free(image->bad[i]); } free(image->dp); free(image->bad); free(image->sat); free_event(ev); H5Fclose(fh); free(image); return NULL; } for ( i=0; isat[pi][i] = INFINITY; r = H5Dread(dh, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, memspace, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, image->dp[pi]); if ( r < 0 ) { ERROR("Couldn't read data for panel %s\n", p->name); free(f_offset); free(f_count); for ( i=0; i<=pi; i++ ) { free(image->dp[i]); free(image->sat[i]); } free(image->dp); free(image->bad); free(image->sat); free_event(ev); H5Fclose(fh); free(image); return NULL; } H5Dclose(dh); H5Sclose(dataspace); free(f_offset); free(f_count); } free_event(ev); H5Fclose(fh); image->filename = strdup(filename); image->ev = safe_strdup(event); return image; } #if 0 static struct image *read_mask_hdf5(DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *filename, const char *event) { if ( p->mask != NULL ) { int *flags = malloc(dims[0]*dims[1]*sizeof(int)); if ( !load_mask(f, ev, p, flags, f_offset, f_count, p->dim_structure) ) { image->bad[pi] = make_badmask(flags, image->det, image->dp[pi], p); } else { image->bad[pi] = make_badmask(NULL, image->det, image->dp[pi], p); } free(flags); } else { image->bad[pi] = make_badmask(NULL, image->det, image->dp[pi], p); } if ( p->satmap != NULL ) { if ( load_satmap(f, ev, p, f_offset, f_count, p->dim_structure, image->sat[pi]) ) { ERROR("Failed to load sat map for panel %s\n", p->name); } } } #endif struct image *image_read_cbf(DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *filename, const char *event) { return NULL; } struct image *image_read_gzcbf(DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *filename, const char *event) { return NULL; } static double get_value_hdf5(const char *name, const char *filename, const char *event) { hid_t dh; hid_t type; hid_t class; hid_t sh; hid_t ms; hsize_t *f_offset = NULL; hsize_t *f_count = NULL; hsize_t m_offset[1]; hsize_t m_count[1]; hsize_t msdims[1]; hsize_t size[64]; herr_t r; herr_t check; int check_pe; int dim_flag; int ndims; int i; char *subst_name = NULL; struct event *ev; hid_t fh; double val; if ( access(filename, R_OK) == -1 ) { ERROR("File does not exist or cannot be read: %s\n", filename); return NAN; } fh = H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT); if ( fh < 0 ) { ERROR("Couldn't open file: %s\n", filename); return NAN; } ev = get_event_from_event_string(event); if ( (ev == NULL) && (event != NULL) ) { ERROR("Invalid event identifier '%s'\n", event); H5Fclose(fh); return NAN; } subst_name = retrieve_full_path(ev, name); check_pe = check_path_existence(fh, subst_name); if ( check_pe == 0 ) { ERROR("No such event-based numeric field '%s'\n", subst_name); return NAN; } dh = H5Dopen2(fh, subst_name, H5P_DEFAULT); type = H5Dget_type(dh); class = H5Tget_class(type); if ( (class != H5T_FLOAT) && (class != H5T_INTEGER) ) { ERROR("Not a floating point or integer value.\n"); H5Tclose(type); H5Dclose(dh); return NAN; } /* Get the dimensionality. We have to cope with scalars expressed as * arrays with all dimensions 1, as well as zero-d arrays. */ sh = H5Dget_space(dh); ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(sh); if ( ndims > 64 ) { ERROR("Too many dimensions for numeric value\n"); H5Tclose(type); H5Dclose(dh); return NAN; } H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(sh, size, NULL); m_offset[0] = 0; m_count[0] = 1; msdims[0] = 1; ms = H5Screate_simple(1,msdims,NULL); /* Check that the size in all dimensions is 1 * or that one of the dimensions has the same * size as the hyperplane events */ dim_flag = 0; for ( i=0; i ev->dim_entries[0]) ) { dim_flag = 1; } else { H5Tclose(type); H5Dclose(dh); return NAN; } } if ( dim_flag == 0 ) { if ( H5Dread(dh, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &val) < 0 ) { ERROR("Couldn't read value.\n"); H5Tclose(type); H5Dclose(dh); return NAN; } } else { f_offset = malloc(ndims*sizeof(hsize_t)); f_count = malloc(ndims*sizeof(hsize_t)); for ( i=0; idim_entries[0]; f_count[i] = 1; } else { f_offset[i] = 0; f_count[i] = 0; } } check = H5Sselect_hyperslab(sh, H5S_SELECT_SET, f_offset, NULL, f_count, NULL); if ( check <0 ) { ERROR("Error selecting dataspace for float value"); free(f_offset); free(f_count); return NAN; } ms = H5Screate_simple(1,msdims,NULL); check = H5Sselect_hyperslab(ms, H5S_SELECT_SET, m_offset, NULL, m_count, NULL); if ( check < 0 ) { ERROR("Error selecting memory dataspace for float value"); free(f_offset); free(f_count); return NAN; } r = H5Dread(dh, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, ms, sh, H5P_DEFAULT, &val); if ( r < 0 ) { ERROR("Couldn't read value.\n"); H5Tclose(type); H5Dclose(dh); return NAN; } } free_event(ev); free(subst_name); H5Fclose(fh); return val; } static double get_value(struct image *image, const char *from) { double val; char *rval; val = strtod(from, &rval); if ( *rval == '\0' ) return val; if ( H5Fis_hdf5(image->filename) > 0 ) { return get_value_hdf5(from, image->filename, image->ev); } else if ( is_cbf_file(image->filename) > 0 ) { return NAN; } else if ( is_cbfgz_file(image->filename) ) { return NAN; } else { ERROR("Unrecognised file type: %s\n", image->filename); return NAN; } } static void create_detgeom(struct image *image, DataTemplate *dtempl) { struct detgeom *detgeom; int i; detgeom = malloc(sizeof(struct detgeom)); if ( detgeom == NULL ) return; detgeom->panels = malloc(dtempl->n_panels*sizeof(struct detgeom_panel)); if ( detgeom->panels == NULL ) return; detgeom->n_panels = dtempl->n_panels; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { detgeom->panels[i].name = safe_strdup(dtempl->panels[i].name); detgeom->panels[i].cnx = dtempl->panels[i].cnx; detgeom->panels[i].cny = dtempl->panels[i].cny; detgeom->panels[i].cnz = get_value(image, dtempl->panels[i].cnz_from) + dtempl->panels[i].cnz_offset; detgeom->panels[i].pixel_pitch = dtempl->panels[i].pixel_pitch; detgeom->panels[i].max_adu = dtempl->panels[i].max_adu; detgeom->panels[i].adu_per_photon = 1.0; /* FIXME ! */ detgeom->panels[i].w = dtempl->panels[i].orig_max_fs - dtempl->panels[i].orig_min_fs + 1; detgeom->panels[i].h = dtempl->panels[i].orig_max_ss - dtempl->panels[i].orig_min_ss + 1; detgeom->panels[i].fsx = dtempl->panels[i].fsx; detgeom->panels[i].fsy = dtempl->panels[i].fsy; detgeom->panels[i].fsz = dtempl->panels[i].fsz; detgeom->panels[i].ssx = dtempl->panels[i].ssx; detgeom->panels[i].ssy = dtempl->panels[i].ssy; detgeom->panels[i].ssz = dtempl->panels[i].ssz; } image->lambda = get_value(image, dtempl->wavelength_from); image->detgeom = detgeom; /* FIXME: spectrum */ } struct image *image_read(DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *filename, const char *event) { struct image *image; if ( H5Fis_hdf5(filename) > 0 ) { image = image_read_hdf5(dtempl, filename, event); } else if ( is_cbf_file(filename) > 0 ) { image = image_read_cbf(dtempl, filename, event); } else if ( is_cbfgz_file(filename) ) { image = image_read_gzcbf(dtempl, filename, event); } else { ERROR("Unrecognised file type: %s\n", filename); return NULL; } if ( image == NULL ) return NULL; /* FIXME: Load mask */ /* FIXME: Load saturation map */ create_detgeom(image, dtempl); return image; } void image_free(struct image *image) { int i, np; if ( image == NULL ) return; image_feature_list_free(image->features); free_all_crystals(image); free(image->filename); free(image->ev); if ( image->detgeom != NULL ) { np = image->detgeom->n_panels; } else if ( image->det != NULL ) { np = image->det->n_panels; } else { np = 0; } for ( i=0; idp[i]); free(image->sat[i]); free(image->bad[i]); } free(image->dp); free(image->sat); free(image->bad); free(image); }