/* * taketwo.c * * Rewrite of TakeTwo algorithm (Acta D72 (8) 956-965) for CrystFEL * * Copyright © 2016-2017 Helen Ginn * Copyright © 2016-2021 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2016-2017 Helen Ginn * 2016-2021 Thomas White * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ /** * \file taketwo.h * ## Code outline * ### Get ready for calculation * * Pre-calculate symmetry operations (generate_rotation_symops()) * * Pre-calculate theoretical vectors from unit cell dimensions * (gen_theoretical_vecs()) * * Generate observed vectors from data (gen_observed_vecs()) * * Match observed vectors to theoretical vectors (match_obs_to_cell_vecs()) * * ### Business bit * * ... n.b. rearranging to find all seeds in advance. * * * Find starting seeds (find_seeds()): * - Loop through pairs of observed vectors * - If they share a spot, find matching pairs of theoretical vectors * - Remove all duplicate matches due to symmetry operations * - For the remainder, loop through the matches and extend the seeds * (start_seed()). * - If it returns a membership greater than the highest member threshold, * return the matrix to CrystFEL. * * * Extending a seed (start_seed()): * - Generate a rotation matrix which matches the chosen start seed. * - Loop through all observed vectors starting from 0. * - Find another vector to add to the network, if available * (find_next_index()). * - If the index is not available, then give up if there were too many dead * ends. Otherwise, remove the last member and pretend like that didn't * happen, so it won't happen again. * - Add the vector to increment the membership list. * - If the membership number exceeds the maximum, tidy up the solution and * return a success. * - If the membership does not, then resume the loop and search for the * next vector. * * * Finding the next member (find_next_index()): * - Go through the observed vectors, starting from the last index + 1 to * explore only the "new" vectors. * - If the vector does not share a spot with the current array of vectors, * then skip it. * - We must loop through all the current vectors in the network, and see if * they match the newcomer for a given matching theoretical vector. * - We only accept a match if the rotation matrix matches the seed matrix * for a single matching theoretical vector. * - If it does match, we can return a success. * * * Tidying the solution (finish_solution()): * - This chooses the most common rotation matrix of the bunch to choose to * send to CrystFEL. But this should probably take the average instead, * which is very possible. * * * Clean up the mess (cleanup_taketwo_obs_vecs()) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cell.h" #include "cell-utils.h" #include "index.h" #include "taketwo.h" #include "peaks.h" #include "symmetry.h" /** * \param obsvec an observed vector between two spots * \param matches array of matching theoretical vectors from unit cell * \param match_num number of matches * \param distance length of obsvec (do I need this?) * \param her_rlp pointer to first rlp position for difference vec * \param his_rlp pointer to second rlp position for difference vec * * Structure representing 3D vector between two potential Bragg peaks * in reciprocal space, and an array of potential matching theoretical * vectors from unit cell/centering considerations. **/ struct SpotVec { struct rvec obsvec; struct TheoryVec *matches; int match_num; int assignment; int in_network; double distance; struct rvec *her_rlp; struct rvec *his_rlp; }; /** * theoryvec */ struct TheoryVec { struct rvec vec; int asym; }; /** * seed */ struct Seed { int obs1; int obs2; int idx1; int idx2; double score; }; struct taketwo_private { IndexingMethod indm; struct taketwo_options *opts; UnitCell *cell; int serial_num; /**< Serial of last image, -1 if unassigned */ unsigned int xtal_num; /**< last number of crystals recorded */ struct TheoryVec *theory_vecs; /**< Theoretical vectors for given unit cell */ unsigned int vec_count; /**< Number of theoretical vectors */ gsl_matrix **prevSols; /**< Previous solutions to be ignored */ unsigned int numPrevs; /**< Previous solution count */ double *prevScores; /**< previous solution scores */ unsigned int *membership; /**< previous solution was success or failure */ }; /** * Internal structure which gets passed the various functions looking after * the indexing bits and bobs. */ struct TakeTwoCell { UnitCell *cell; /**< Contains unit cell dimensions */ gsl_matrix **rotSymOps; unsigned int numOps; struct SpotVec *obs_vecs; struct Seed *seeds; int seed_count; int obs_vec_count; /* Options */ int member_thresh; double len_tol; /**< In reciprocal metres */ double angle_tol; /**< In radians */ double trace_tol; /**< Contains sqrt(4*(1-cos(angle))) */ /** A given solution to refine */ gsl_matrix *solution; double x_ang; /**< Rotations in radians to apply to x axis of solution */ double y_ang; /**< Rotations in radians to apply to y axis of solution */ double z_ang; /**< Rotations in radians to apply to z axis of solution */ /**< Temporary memory always allocated for calculations */ gsl_matrix *twiz1Tmp; /**< Temporary memory always allocated for calculations */ gsl_matrix *twiz2Tmp; /**< Temporary memory always allocated for calculations */ gsl_vector *vec1Tmp; /**< Temporary memory always allocated for calculations */ gsl_vector *vec2Tmp; }; /* Maximum distance between two rlp sizes to consider info for indexing */ #define MAX_RECIP_DISTANCE (0.15*1e10) /* Tolerance for two lengths in reciprocal space to be considered the same */ #define RECIP_TOLERANCE (0.0010*1e10) /* Threshold for network members to consider a potential solution */ #define NETWORK_MEMBER_THRESHOLD (20) /* Minimum for network members to consider a potential solution */ #define MINIMUM_MEMBER_THRESHOLD (5) /* Maximum dead ends for a single branch extension during indexing */ #define MAX_DEAD_ENDS (10) /* Maximum observed vectors before TakeTwo gives up and deals with * what is already there. */ #define MAX_OBS_VECTORS 300 /* Maximum number of seeds to start from in start_seeds() */ #define MAX_SEEDS 10 /* Tolerance for two angles to be considered the same */ #define ANGLE_TOLERANCE (deg2rad(0.6)) /* Tolerance for rot_mats_are_similar */ #define TRACE_TOLERANCE (deg2rad(3.0)) /* Initial step size for refinement of solutions */ #define ANGLE_STEP_SIZE (deg2rad(0.5)) /* Final required step size for refinement of solutions */ #define ANGLE_CONVERGE_SIZE (deg2rad(0.01)) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * apologetic function * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void apologise() { printf("Error - could not allocate memory for indexing.\n"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * functions concerning aspects of rvec which are very likely to be * incorporated somewhere else in CrystFEL and therefore may need to be * deleted and references connected to a pre-existing function. (Lowest level) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static struct rvec new_rvec(double new_u, double new_v, double new_w) { struct rvec new_rvector; new_rvector.u = new_u; new_rvector.v = new_v; new_rvector.w = new_w; return new_rvector; } static struct rvec rvec_add_rvec(struct rvec first, struct rvec second) { struct rvec diff = new_rvec(second.u + first.u, second.v + first.v, second.w + first.w); return diff; } static struct rvec diff_vec(struct rvec from, struct rvec to) { struct rvec diff = new_rvec(to.u - from.u, to.v - from.v, to.w - from.w); return diff; } static double sq_length(struct rvec vec) { double sqlength = (vec.u * vec.u + vec.v * vec.v + vec.w * vec.w); return sqlength; } static double rvec_length(struct rvec vec) { return sqrt(sq_length(vec)); } static void normalise_rvec(struct rvec *vec) { double length = rvec_length(*vec); vec->u /= length; vec->v /= length; vec->w /= length; } static double rvec_cosine(struct rvec v1, struct rvec v2) { double dot_prod = v1.u * v2.u + v1.v * v2.v + v1.w * v2.w; double v1_length = rvec_length(v1); double v2_length = rvec_length(v2); double cos_theta = dot_prod / (v1_length * v2_length); return cos_theta; } static double rvec_angle(struct rvec v1, struct rvec v2) { double cos_theta = rvec_cosine(v1, v2); double angle = acos(cos_theta); return angle; } static struct rvec rvec_cross(struct rvec a, struct rvec b) { struct rvec c; c.u = a.v*b.w - a.w*b.v; c.v = -(a.u*b.w - a.w*b.u); c.w = a.u*b.v - a.v*b.u; return c; } /* static void show_rvec(struct rvec r2) { struct rvec r = r2; normalise_rvec(&r); STATUS("[ %.3f %.3f %.3f ]\n", r.u, r.v, r.w); } */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * functions called under the core functions, still specialised (Level 3) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* cell_transform_gsl_direct() doesn't do quite what we want here. * The matrix m should be post-multiplied by a matrix of real or reciprocal * basis vectors (it doesn't matter which because it's just a rotation). * M contains the basis vectors written in columns: M' = mM */ static UnitCell *cell_post_smiley_face(UnitCell *in, gsl_matrix *m) { gsl_matrix *c; double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; gsl_matrix *res; UnitCell *out; cell_get_cartesian(in, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); c = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix_set(c, 0, 0, asx); gsl_matrix_set(c, 1, 0, asy); gsl_matrix_set(c, 2, 0, asz); gsl_matrix_set(c, 0, 1, bsx); gsl_matrix_set(c, 1, 1, bsy); gsl_matrix_set(c, 2, 1, bsz); gsl_matrix_set(c, 0, 2, csx); gsl_matrix_set(c, 1, 2, csy); gsl_matrix_set(c, 2, 2, csz); res = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, m, c, 0.0, res); out = cell_new_from_cell(in); cell_set_cartesian(out, gsl_matrix_get(res, 0, 0), gsl_matrix_get(res, 1, 0), gsl_matrix_get(res, 2, 0), gsl_matrix_get(res, 0, 1), gsl_matrix_get(res, 1, 1), gsl_matrix_get(res, 2, 1), gsl_matrix_get(res, 0, 2), gsl_matrix_get(res, 1, 2), gsl_matrix_get(res, 2, 2)); gsl_matrix_free(res); gsl_matrix_free(c); return out; } static void rotation_around_axis(struct rvec c, double th, gsl_matrix *res) { double omc = 1.0 - cos(th); double s = sin(th); gsl_matrix_set(res, 0, 0, cos(th) + c.u*c.u*omc); gsl_matrix_set(res, 0, 1, c.u*c.v*omc - c.w*s); gsl_matrix_set(res, 0, 2, c.u*c.w*omc + c.v*s); gsl_matrix_set(res, 1, 0, c.u*c.v*omc + c.w*s); gsl_matrix_set(res, 1, 1, cos(th) + c.v*c.v*omc); gsl_matrix_set(res, 1, 2, c.v*c.w*omc - c.u*s); gsl_matrix_set(res, 2, 0, c.w*c.u*omc - c.v*s); gsl_matrix_set(res, 2, 1, c.w*c.v*omc + c.u*s); gsl_matrix_set(res, 2, 2, cos(th) + c.w*c.w*omc); } /** Rotate GSL matrix by three angles along x, y and z axes */ static void rotate_gsl_by_angles(gsl_matrix *sol, double x, double y, double z, gsl_matrix *result) { gsl_matrix *x_rot = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix *y_rot = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix *z_rot = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix *xy_rot = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix *xyz_rot = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); struct rvec x_axis = new_rvec(1, 0, 0); struct rvec y_axis = new_rvec(1, 0, 0); struct rvec z_axis = new_rvec(1, 0, 0); rotation_around_axis(x_axis, x, x_rot); rotation_around_axis(y_axis, y, y_rot); rotation_around_axis(z_axis, z, z_rot); /* Collapse the rotations in x and y onto z */ gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, x_rot, y_rot, 0.0, xy_rot); gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, xy_rot, z_rot, 0.0, xyz_rot); /* Apply the whole rotation offset to the solution */ gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, xyz_rot, sol, 0.0, result); gsl_matrix_free(x_rot); gsl_matrix_free(y_rot); gsl_matrix_free(z_rot); gsl_matrix_free(xy_rot); gsl_matrix_free(xyz_rot); } /* Rotate vector (vec1) around axis (axis) by angle theta. Find value of * theta for which the angle between (vec1) and (vec2) is minimised. */ static void closest_rot_mat(struct rvec vec1, struct rvec vec2, struct rvec axis, gsl_matrix *twizzle) { /* Let's have unit vectors */ normalise_rvec(&vec1); normalise_rvec(&vec2); normalise_rvec(&axis); /* Redeclaring these to try and maintain readability and * check-ability against the maths I wrote down */ double a = vec2.u; double b = vec2.v; double c = vec2.w; double p = vec1.u; double q = vec1.v; double r = vec1.w; double x = axis.u; double y = axis.v; double z = axis.w; /* Components in handwritten maths online when I upload it */ double A = a*(p*x*x - p + x*y*q + x*z*r) + b*(p*x*y + q*y*y - q + r*y*z) + c*(p*x*z + q*y*z + r*z*z - r); double B = a*(y*r - z*q) + b*(p*z - r*x) + c*(q*x - p*y); double tan_theta = - B / A; double theta = atan(tan_theta); /* Now we have two possible solutions, theta or theta+pi * and we need to work out which one. This could potentially be * simplified - do we really need so many cos/sins? maybe check * the 2nd derivative instead? */ double cc = cos(theta); double C = 1 - cc; double s = sin(theta); double occ = -cc; double oC = 1 - occ; double os = -s; double pPrime = (x*x*C+cc)*p + (x*y*C-z*s)*q + (x*z*C+y*s)*r; double qPrime = (y*x*C+z*s)*p + (y*y*C+cc)*q + (y*z*C-x*s)*r; double rPrime = (z*x*C-y*s)*p + (z*y*C+x*s)*q + (z*z*C+cc)*r; double pDbPrime = (x*x*oC+occ)*p + (x*y*oC-z*os)*q + (x*z*oC+y*os)*r; double qDbPrime = (y*x*oC+z*os)*p + (y*y*oC+occ)*q + (y*z*oC-x*os)*r; double rDbPrime = (z*x*oC-y*os)*p + (z*y*oC+x*os)*q + (z*z*oC+occ)*r; double cosAlpha = pPrime * a + qPrime * b + rPrime * c; double cosAlphaOther = pDbPrime * a + qDbPrime * b + rDbPrime * c; int addPi = (cosAlphaOther > cosAlpha); double bestAngle = theta + addPi * M_PI; /* Don't return an identity matrix which has been rotated by * theta around "axis", but do assign it to twizzle. */ rotation_around_axis(axis, bestAngle, twizzle); } static double matrix_trace(gsl_matrix *a) { int i; double tr = 0.0; assert(a->size1 == a->size2); for ( i=0; isize1; i++ ) { tr += gsl_matrix_get(a, i, i); } return tr; } static char *add_unique_axis(const char *inp, char ua) { char *pg = malloc(64); if ( pg == NULL ) return NULL; snprintf(pg, 63, "%s_ua%c", inp, ua); return pg; } static char *get_chiral_holohedry(UnitCell *cell) { LatticeType lattice = cell_get_lattice_type(cell); char *pg; int add_ua = 1; switch (lattice) { case L_TRICLINIC: pg = "1"; add_ua = 0; break; case L_MONOCLINIC: pg = "2"; break; case L_ORTHORHOMBIC: pg = "222"; add_ua = 0; break; case L_TETRAGONAL: pg = "422"; break; case L_RHOMBOHEDRAL: pg = "3_R"; add_ua = 0; break; case L_HEXAGONAL: if ( cell_get_centering(cell) == 'H' ) { pg = "3_H"; add_ua = 0; } else { pg = "622"; } break; case L_CUBIC: pg = "432"; add_ua = 0; break; default: pg = "error"; break; } if ( add_ua ) { return add_unique_axis(pg, cell_get_unique_axis(cell)); } else { return strdup(pg); } } static SymOpList *sym_ops_for_cell(UnitCell *cell) { SymOpList *rawList; char *pg = get_chiral_holohedry(cell); rawList = get_pointgroup(pg); free(pg); return rawList; } static int rot_mats_are_similar(gsl_matrix *rot1, gsl_matrix *rot2, gsl_matrix *sub, gsl_matrix *mul, double *score, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { double tr; gsl_matrix_memcpy(sub, rot1); gsl_matrix_sub(sub, rot2); /* sub = rot1 - rot2 */ gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1.0, sub, sub, 0.0, mul); tr = matrix_trace(mul); if (score != NULL) *score = tr; return (tr < cell->trace_tol); } static int symm_rot_mats_are_similar(gsl_matrix *rot1, gsl_matrix *rot2, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { int i; gsl_matrix *sub = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix *mul = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); for (i = 0; i < cell->numOps; i++) { gsl_matrix *testRot = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix *symOp = cell->rotSymOps[i]; gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, rot1, symOp, 0.0, testRot); if (rot_mats_are_similar(testRot, rot2, sub, mul, NULL, cell)) { gsl_matrix_free(testRot); gsl_matrix_free(sub); gsl_matrix_free(mul); return 1; } gsl_matrix_free(testRot); } gsl_matrix_free(sub); gsl_matrix_free(mul); return 0; } static void rotation_between_vectors(struct rvec a, struct rvec b, gsl_matrix *twizzle) { double th = rvec_angle(a, b); struct rvec c = rvec_cross(a, b); normalise_rvec(&c); rotation_around_axis(c, th, twizzle); } static void rvec_to_gsl(gsl_vector *newVec, struct rvec v) { gsl_vector_set(newVec, 0, v.u); gsl_vector_set(newVec, 1, v.v); gsl_vector_set(newVec, 2, v.w); } struct rvec gsl_to_rvec(gsl_vector *a) { struct rvec v; v.u = gsl_vector_get(a, 0); v.v = gsl_vector_get(a, 1); v.w = gsl_vector_get(a, 2); return v; } /* Code me in gsl_matrix language to copy the contents of the function * in cppxfel (IndexingSolution::createSolution). This function is quite * intensive on the number crunching side so simple angle checks are used * to 'pre-scan' vectors beforehand. */ static gsl_matrix *generate_rot_mat(struct rvec obs1, struct rvec obs2, struct rvec cell1, struct rvec cell2, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { gsl_matrix *fullMat; rvec_to_gsl(cell->vec1Tmp, cell2); normalise_rvec(&obs1); normalise_rvec(&obs2); normalise_rvec(&cell1); normalise_rvec(&cell2); /* Rotate reciprocal space so that the first simulated vector lines up * with the observed vector. */ rotation_between_vectors(cell1, obs1, cell->twiz1Tmp); normalise_rvec(&obs1); /* Multiply cell2 by rotateSpotDiffMatrix --> cell2vr */ gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, cell->twiz1Tmp, cell->vec1Tmp, 0.0, cell->vec2Tmp); /* Now we twirl around the firstAxisUnit until the rotated simulated * vector matches the second observed vector as closely as possible. */ closest_rot_mat(gsl_to_rvec(cell->vec2Tmp), obs2, obs1, cell->twiz2Tmp); /* We want to apply the first matrix and then the second matrix, * so we multiply these. */ fullMat = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasTrans, CblasTrans, 1.0, cell->twiz1Tmp, cell->twiz2Tmp, 0.0, fullMat); gsl_matrix_transpose(fullMat); return fullMat; } static int obs_vecs_share_spot(struct SpotVec *her_obs, struct SpotVec *his_obs) { if ( (her_obs->her_rlp == his_obs->her_rlp) || (her_obs->her_rlp == his_obs->his_rlp) || (her_obs->his_rlp == his_obs->her_rlp) || (her_obs->his_rlp == his_obs->his_rlp) ) { return 1; } return 0; } static int obs_shares_spot_w_array(struct SpotVec *obs_vecs, int test_idx, int *members, int num) { int i; struct SpotVec *her_obs = &obs_vecs[test_idx]; for ( i=0; iobs_vecs; struct SpotVec *her_obs = &obs_vecs[her]; struct SpotVec *his_obs = &obs_vecs[his]; *match_count = 0; double min_angle = deg2rad(2.5); double max_angle = deg2rad(187.5); /* calculate angle between observed vectors */ double obs_angle = rvec_angle(her_obs->obsvec, his_obs->obsvec); /* calculate angle between all potential theoretical vectors */ int i, j; for ( i=0; imatch_num; i++ ) { for ( j=0; jmatch_num; j++ ) { double score = 0; struct rvec *her_match = &her_obs->matches[i].vec; struct rvec *his_match = &his_obs->matches[j].vec; double her_dist = rvec_length(*her_match); double his_dist = rvec_length(*his_match); double theory_angle = rvec_angle(*her_match, *his_match); /* is this angle a match? */ double angle_diff = fabs(theory_angle - obs_angle); /* within basic tolerance? */ if ( angle_diff != angle_diff || angle_diff > cell->angle_tol ) { continue; } double add = angle_diff; if (add == add) { score += add * her_dist * his_dist; } /* If the angles are too close to 0 or 180, one axis ill-determined */ if (theory_angle < min_angle || theory_angle > max_angle) { continue; } /* check that third vector adequately completes * triangle */ struct rvec theory_diff = diff_vec(*his_match, *her_match); struct rvec obs_diff = diff_vec(his_obs->obsvec, her_obs->obsvec); theory_angle = rvec_angle(*her_match, theory_diff); obs_angle = rvec_angle(her_obs->obsvec, obs_diff); angle_diff = fabs(obs_angle - theory_angle); double diff_dist = rvec_length(obs_diff); if (angle_diff > ANGLE_TOLERANCE) { continue; } add = angle_diff; if (add == add) { score += add * her_dist * diff_dist; } theory_angle = rvec_angle(*his_match, theory_diff); obs_angle = rvec_angle(his_obs->obsvec, obs_diff); if (fabs(obs_angle - theory_angle) > ANGLE_TOLERANCE) { continue; } add = angle_diff; if (add == add) { score += add * his_dist * diff_dist; } /* we add a new seed to the array */ size_t new_size = (*match_count + 1); new_size *= sizeof(struct Seed); /* Reallocate the array to fit in another match */ struct Seed *tmp_seeds = realloc(*seeds, new_size); if ( tmp_seeds == NULL ) { apologise(); } (*seeds) = tmp_seeds; (*seeds)[*match_count].obs1 = her; (*seeds)[*match_count].obs2 = his; (*seeds)[*match_count].idx1 = i; (*seeds)[*match_count].idx2 = j; (*seeds)[*match_count].score = score * 1000; (*match_count)++; } } return (*match_count > 0); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * core functions regarding the meat of the TakeTwo algorithm (Level 2) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static signed int finish_solution(gsl_matrix *rot, struct SpotVec *obs_vecs, int *obs_members, int *match_members, int member_num, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { gsl_matrix *sub = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix *mul = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix **rotations = malloc(sizeof(*rotations)* pow(member_num, 2) - member_num); int i, j, count; count = 0; for ( i=0; i<1; i++ ) { for ( j=0; jobs_vecs; struct SpotVec *her_obs = &obs_vecs[her]; struct SpotVec *his_obs = &obs_vecs[his]; struct rvec i_obsvec = her_obs->obsvec; struct rvec j_obsvec = his_obs->obsvec; struct rvec i_cellvec = her_obs->matches[her_match].vec; struct rvec j_cellvec = his_obs->matches[his_match].vec; gsl_matrix *mat = generate_rot_mat(i_obsvec, j_obsvec, i_cellvec, j_cellvec, cell); return mat; } static int weed_duplicate_matches(struct Seed **seeds, int *match_count, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { int num_occupied = 0; gsl_matrix **old_mats = calloc(*match_count, sizeof(gsl_matrix *)); if (old_mats == NULL) { apologise(); return 0; } signed int i, j; int duplicates = 0; /* Now we weed out the self-duplicates from the remaining batch */ for (i = *match_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int her_match = (*seeds)[i].idx1; int his_match = (*seeds)[i].idx2; gsl_matrix *mat; mat = rot_mat_from_indices((*seeds)[i].obs1, (*seeds)[i].obs2, her_match, his_match, cell); int found = 0; for (j = 0; j < num_occupied; j++) { if (old_mats[j] && mat && symm_rot_mats_are_similar(old_mats[j], mat, cell)) { // we have found a duplicate, so flag as bad. (*seeds)[i].idx1 = -1; (*seeds)[i].idx2 = -1; found = 1; duplicates++; gsl_matrix_free(mat); break; } } if (!found) { // we have not found a duplicate, add to list. old_mats[num_occupied] = mat; num_occupied++; } } for (i = 0; i < num_occupied; i++) { if (old_mats[i]) { gsl_matrix_free(old_mats[i]); } } free(old_mats); return 1; } static signed int find_next_index(gsl_matrix *rot, int *obs_members, int *match_members, int start, int member_num, int *match_found, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { struct SpotVec *obs_vecs = cell->obs_vecs; int obs_vec_count = cell->obs_vec_count; gsl_matrix *sub = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix *mul = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); int i, j, k; for ( i=start; imatches[match_members[j]].vec; struct rvec me_obs = me->obsvec; struct rvec you_obs = you->obsvec; int one_is_okay = 0; /* Loop through all possible theoretical vector * matches for the newcomer.. */ for ( k=0; kmatch_num; k++ ) { gsl_matrix *test_rot; struct rvec me_cell = me->matches[k].vec; test_rot = generate_rot_mat(me_obs, you_obs, me_cell, you_cell, cell); double trace = 0; int ok = rot_mats_are_similar(rot, test_rot, sub, mul, &trace, cell); gsl_matrix_free(test_rot); if (ok) { one_is_okay = 1; /* We are only happy if the vector * matches for only one kind of * theoretical vector. We don't want to * accept mixtures of theoretical vector * matches. */ if (matched >= 0 && k == matched) { *match_found = k; } else if (matched < 0) { matched = k; } else { one_is_okay = 0; break; } } } if (!one_is_okay) { all_ok = 0; break; } } if (all_ok) { gsl_matrix_free(sub); gsl_matrix_free(mul); return i; } } /* give up. */ gsl_matrix_free(sub); gsl_matrix_free(mul); return -1; } /** * Reward target function for refining solution to all vectors in a * given image. Sum of exponentials of the negative distances, which * means that the reward decays as the distance from the nearest * theoretical vector reduces. */ static double obs_to_sol_score(struct TakeTwoCell *ttCell) { double total = 0; int count = 0; int i; gsl_matrix *solution = ttCell->solution; gsl_matrix *full_rot = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); rotate_gsl_by_angles(solution, ttCell->x_ang, ttCell->y_ang, ttCell->z_ang, full_rot); for (i = 0; i < ttCell->obs_vec_count; i++) { struct rvec *obs = &ttCell->obs_vecs[i].obsvec; rvec_to_gsl(ttCell->vec1Tmp, *obs); /* Rotate all the observed vectors by the modified soln */ /* ttCell->vec2Tmp = 1.0 * full_rot * ttCell->vec1Tmp */ gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1.0, full_rot, ttCell->vec1Tmp, 0.0, ttCell->vec2Tmp); struct rvec rotated = gsl_to_rvec(ttCell->vec2Tmp); int j = ttCell->obs_vecs[i].assignment; if (j < 0) continue; struct rvec *match = &ttCell->obs_vecs[i].matches[j].vec; struct rvec diff = diff_vec(rotated, *match); double length = rvec_length(diff); double addition = exp(-(1 / RECIP_TOLERANCE) * length); total += addition; count++; } total /= (double)-count; gsl_matrix_free(full_rot); return total; } /** * Matches every observed vector in the image to its closest theoretical * neighbour after applying the rotation matrix, in preparation for * refining the rotation matrix to match these. */ static void match_all_obs_to_sol(struct TakeTwoCell *ttCell) { int i, j; double total = 0; int count = 0; gsl_matrix *solution = ttCell->solution; for (i = 0; i < ttCell->obs_vec_count; i++) { struct rvec *obs = &ttCell->obs_vecs[i].obsvec; rvec_to_gsl(ttCell->vec1Tmp, *obs); /* ttCell->vec2Tmp = 1.0 * solution * ttCell->vec1Tmp */ gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1.0, solution, ttCell->vec1Tmp, 0.0, ttCell->vec2Tmp); struct rvec rotated = gsl_to_rvec(ttCell->vec2Tmp); double smallest = FLT_MAX; int assigned = -1; for (j = 0; j < ttCell->obs_vecs[i].match_num; j++) { struct rvec *match = &ttCell->obs_vecs[i].matches[j].vec; struct rvec diff = diff_vec(rotated, *match); double length = rvec_length(diff); if (length < smallest) { smallest = length; assigned = j; } } ttCell->obs_vecs[i].assignment = assigned; if (smallest != FLT_MAX) { double addition = exp(-(1 / RECIP_TOLERANCE) * smallest); total += addition; count++; } } total /= (double)count; } /** * Refines a matrix against all of the observed vectors against their * closest theoretical neighbour, by perturbing the matrix along the principle * axes until it maximises a reward function consisting of the sum of * the distances of individual observed vectors to their closest * theoretical neighbour. Reward function means that noise and alternative * lattices do not dominate the equation! **/ static void refine_solution(struct TakeTwoCell *ttCell) { match_all_obs_to_sol(ttCell); int i, j, k; const int total = 3 * 3 * 3; const int middle = (total - 1) / 2; struct rvec steps[total]; double start = obs_to_sol_score(ttCell); const int max_tries = 100; int count = 0; double size = ANGLE_STEP_SIZE; /* First we create our combinations of steps */ for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { for (k = -1; k <= 1; k++) { struct rvec vec = new_rvec(i, j, k); steps[count] = vec; count++; } } } struct rvec current = new_rvec(ttCell->x_ang, ttCell->y_ang, ttCell->z_ang); double best = start; count = 0; while (size > ANGLE_CONVERGE_SIZE && count < max_tries) { struct rvec sized[total]; int best_num = middle; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { struct rvec sized_step = steps[i]; sized_step.u *= size; sized_step.v *= size; sized_step.w *= size; struct rvec new_angles = rvec_add_rvec(current, sized_step); sized[i] = new_angles; ttCell->x_ang = sized[i].u; ttCell->y_ang = sized[i].v; ttCell->z_ang = sized[i].w; double score = obs_to_sol_score(ttCell); if (score < best) { best = score; best_num = i; } } if (best_num == middle) { size /= 2; } current = sized[best_num]; count++; } ttCell->x_ang = 0; ttCell->y_ang = 0; ttCell->z_ang = 0; gsl_matrix *tmp = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); rotate_gsl_by_angles(ttCell->solution, current.u, current.v, current.w, tmp); gsl_matrix_free(ttCell->solution); ttCell->solution = tmp; } static unsigned int grow_network(gsl_matrix *rot, int obs_idx1, int obs_idx2, int match_idx1, int match_idx2, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { struct SpotVec *obs_vecs = cell->obs_vecs; int obs_vec_count = cell->obs_vec_count; int *obs_members; int *match_members; /* Clear the in_network status of all vectors to start */ int i; for (i = 0; i < obs_vec_count; i++) { obs_vecs[i].in_network = 0; } /* indices of members of the self-consistent network of vectors */ obs_members = malloc((cell->member_thresh+3)*sizeof(int)); match_members = malloc((cell->member_thresh+3)*sizeof(int)); if ( (obs_members == NULL) || (match_members == NULL) ) { apologise(); return 0; } /* initialise the ones we know already */ obs_members[0] = obs_idx1; obs_members[1] = obs_idx2; match_members[0] = match_idx1; match_members[1] = match_idx2; int member_num = 2; /* counter for dead ends which must not exceed MAX_DEAD_ENDS * before it is reset in an additional branch */ int dead_ends = 0; /* we start from 0 */ int start = 0; while ( 1 ) { if (start > obs_vec_count) { free(obs_members); free(match_members); return 0; } int match_found = -1; signed int next_index = find_next_index(rot, obs_members, match_members, 0, member_num, &match_found, cell); if ( member_num < 2 ) { free(obs_members); free(match_members); return 0; } if ( next_index < 0 ) { /* If there have been too many dead ends, give up * on indexing altogether. **/ if ( dead_ends > MAX_DEAD_ENDS ) { break; } /* We have not had too many dead ends. Try removing the last member and continue. */ member_num--; dead_ends++; continue; } /* Elongation of the network was successful */ obs_vecs[next_index].in_network = 1; obs_members[member_num] = next_index; match_members[member_num] = match_found; member_num++; /* If member_num is high enough, we want to return a yes */ if ( member_num > cell->member_thresh ) break; } finish_solution(rot, obs_vecs, obs_members, match_members, member_num, cell); free(obs_members); free(match_members); return ( member_num ); } static unsigned int start_seed(int i, int j, int i_match, int j_match, gsl_matrix **rotation, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { struct SpotVec *obs_vecs = cell->obs_vecs; gsl_matrix *rot_mat; rot_mat = generate_rot_mat(obs_vecs[i].obsvec, obs_vecs[j].obsvec, obs_vecs[i].matches[i_match].vec, obs_vecs[j].matches[j_match].vec, cell); /* Try to expand this rotation matrix to a larger network */ int member_num = grow_network(rot_mat, i, j, i_match, j_match, cell); /* return this matrix and if it was immediately successful */ *rotation = rot_mat; return member_num; } static int sort_seed_by_score(const void *av, const void *bv) { struct Seed *a = (struct Seed *)av; struct Seed *b = (struct Seed *)bv; return a->score > b->score; } static void remove_old_solutions(struct TakeTwoCell *cell, struct taketwo_private *tp) { int duplicates = 0; struct Seed *seeds = cell->seeds; unsigned int total = cell->seed_count; /* First we remove duplicates with previous solutions */ int i, j; for (i = total - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int her_match = seeds[i].idx1; int his_match = seeds[i].idx2; gsl_matrix *mat; mat = rot_mat_from_indices(seeds[i].obs1, seeds[i].obs2, her_match, his_match, cell); if (mat == NULL) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < tp->numPrevs; j++) { int sim = symm_rot_mats_are_similar(tp->prevSols[j], mat, cell); /* Found a duplicate with a previous solution */ if (sim) { seeds[i].idx1 = -1; seeds[i].idx2 = -1; duplicates++; break; } } gsl_matrix_free(mat); } // STATUS("Removing %i duplicates due to prev solutions.\n", duplicates); } static int find_seeds(struct TakeTwoCell *cell, struct taketwo_private *tp) { struct SpotVec *obs_vecs = cell->obs_vecs; int obs_vec_count = cell->obs_vec_count; /* loop round pairs of vectors to try and find a suitable * seed to start building a self-consistent network of vectors */ int i, j; for ( i=1; i MAX_RECIP_DISTANCE && cell->seed_count > 100) { continue; } /** Check to see if there is a shared spot - opportunity * for optimisation by generating a look-up table * by spot instead of by vector. */ int shared = obs_vecs_share_spot(&obs_vecs[i], &obs_vecs[j]); if ( !shared ) continue; /* cell vector index matches stored in i, j and total * number stored in int matches. */ int seed_num = 0; struct Seed *seeds = NULL; /* Check to see if any angles match from the cell * vectors */ obs_vecs_match_angles(i, j, &seeds, &seed_num, cell); if (seed_num == 0) { /* Nothing to clean up here */ continue; } /* Weed out the duplicate seeds (from symmetric * reflection pairs) */ weed_duplicate_matches(&seeds, &seed_num, cell); /* Add all the new seeds to the full list */ size_t new_size = cell->seed_count + seed_num; new_size *= sizeof(struct Seed); struct Seed *tmp = realloc(cell->seeds, new_size); if (tmp == NULL) { apologise(); } cell->seeds = tmp; int i; for ( i = 0; i < seed_num; i++) { if (seeds[i].idx1 < 0 || seeds[i].idx2 < 0) { continue; } cell->seeds[cell->seed_count] = seeds[i]; cell->seed_count++; } free(seeds); } } qsort(cell->seeds, cell->seed_count, sizeof(struct Seed), sort_seed_by_score); return 1; } static unsigned int start_seeds(gsl_matrix **rotation, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { struct Seed *seeds = cell->seeds; int seed_num = cell->seed_count; int member_num = 0; int max_members = 0; gsl_matrix *rot = NULL; int k; if ( seed_num > MAX_SEEDS ) seed_num = MAX_SEEDS; /* We have seeds! Pass each of them through the seed-starter */ /* If a seed has the highest achieved membership, make note...*/ for ( k=0; k max_members) { if ( *rotation != NULL ) { /* Free previous best */ gsl_matrix_free(*rotation); } *rotation = rot; max_members = member_num; } else { gsl_matrix_free(rot); } if (member_num >= NETWORK_MEMBER_THRESHOLD) { free(seeds); return max_members; } } free(seeds); return max_members; } static void set_gsl_matrix(gsl_matrix *mat, double asx, double asy, double asz, double bsx, double bsy, double bsz, double csx, double csy, double csz) { gsl_matrix_set(mat, 0, 0, asx); gsl_matrix_set(mat, 0, 1, asy); gsl_matrix_set(mat, 0, 2, asz); gsl_matrix_set(mat, 1, 0, bsx); gsl_matrix_set(mat, 1, 1, bsy); gsl_matrix_set(mat, 1, 2, bsz); gsl_matrix_set(mat, 2, 0, csx); gsl_matrix_set(mat, 2, 1, csy); gsl_matrix_set(mat, 2, 2, csz); } static int generate_rotation_sym_ops(struct TakeTwoCell *ttCell) { SymOpList *rawList = sym_ops_for_cell(ttCell->cell); /* Now we must convert these into rotation matrices rather than hkl * transformations (affects triclinic, monoclinic, rhombohedral and * hexagonal space groups only) */ double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; gsl_matrix *recip = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix *cart = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); cell_get_reciprocal(ttCell->cell, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); set_gsl_matrix(recip, asx, asy, asz, asx, bsy, bsz, csx, csy, csz); cell_get_cartesian(ttCell->cell, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); set_gsl_matrix(cart, asx, bsx, csx, asy, bsy, csy, asz, bsz, csz); int i, j, k; int numOps = num_equivs(rawList, NULL); ttCell->rotSymOps = malloc(numOps * sizeof(gsl_matrix *)); ttCell->numOps = numOps; if (ttCell->rotSymOps == NULL) { apologise(); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < numOps; i++) { gsl_matrix *symOp = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); IntegerMatrix *op = get_symop(rawList, NULL, i); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { gsl_matrix_set(symOp, j, k, intmat_get(op, j, k)); } } gsl_matrix *first = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix *second = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); /* Each equivalence is of the form: cartesian * symOp * reciprocal. First multiplication: symOp * reciprocal */ gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, symOp, recip, 0.0, first); /* Second multiplication: cartesian * first */ gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, cart, first, 0.0, second); ttCell->rotSymOps[i] = second; gsl_matrix_free(symOp); gsl_matrix_free(first); } gsl_matrix_free(cart); gsl_matrix_free(recip); free_symoplist(rawList); return 1; } struct sortme { struct TheoryVec v; double dist; }; static int sort_theory_distances(const void *av, const void *bv) { struct sortme *a = (struct sortme *)av; struct sortme *b = (struct sortme *)bv; return a->dist > b->dist; } static int match_obs_to_cell_vecs(struct TheoryVec *cell_vecs, int cell_vec_count, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { struct SpotVec *obs_vecs = cell->obs_vecs; int obs_vec_count = cell->obs_vec_count; int i, j; for ( i=0; i cell->len_tol ) continue; /* we have a match, add to array! */ size_t new_size = (count+1)*sizeof(struct sortme); for_sort = realloc(for_sort, new_size); if ( for_sort == NULL ) return 0; for_sort[count].v = cell_vecs[j]; for_sort[count].dist = dist_diff; count++; } /* Pointers to relevant things */ struct TheoryVec **match_array; int *match_count; match_array = &(obs_vecs[i].matches); match_count = &(obs_vecs[i].match_num); if ( for_sort == NULL ) { return 0; } /* Sort in order to get most agreeable matches first */ qsort(for_sort, count, sizeof(struct sortme), sort_theory_distances); *match_array = malloc(count*sizeof(struct TheoryVec)); *match_count = count; for ( j=0; jdistance > b->distance; } static int gen_observed_vecs(struct rvec *rlps, int rlp_count, struct TakeTwoCell *cell) { int i, j; int count = 0; /* maximum distance squared for comparisons */ double max_sq_length = pow(MAX_RECIP_DISTANCE, 2); for ( i=0; i max_sq_length ) continue; count++; struct SpotVec *temp_obs_vecs; temp_obs_vecs = realloc(cell->obs_vecs, count*sizeof(struct SpotVec)); if ( temp_obs_vecs == NULL ) { return 0; } else { cell->obs_vecs = temp_obs_vecs; /* initialise all SpotVec struct members */ struct SpotVec spot_vec; spot_vec.obsvec = diff; spot_vec.distance = sqrt(sqlength); spot_vec.matches = NULL; spot_vec.assignment = -1; spot_vec.match_num = 0; spot_vec.her_rlp = &rlps[i]; spot_vec.his_rlp = &rlps[j]; spot_vec.in_network = 0; cell->obs_vecs[count - 1] = spot_vec; } } } /* Sort such that the shortest distances are searched first. */ qsort(cell->obs_vecs, count, sizeof(struct SpotVec), compare_spot_vecs); cell->obs_vec_count = count; return 1; } static int gen_theoretical_vecs(UnitCell *cell, struct TheoryVec **cell_vecs, unsigned int *vec_count) { double a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma; int h_max, k_max, l_max; double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; cell_get_reciprocal(cell, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); SymOpList *rawList = sym_ops_for_cell(cell); cell_get_parameters(cell, &a, &b, &c, &alpha, &beta, &gamma); /* find maximum Miller (h, k, l) indices for a given resolution */ h_max = MAX_RECIP_DISTANCE * a; k_max = MAX_RECIP_DISTANCE * b; l_max = MAX_RECIP_DISTANCE * c; int h, k, l; int _h, _k, _l; int count = 0; for ( h=-h_max; h<=+h_max; h++ ) { for ( k=-k_max; k<=+k_max; k++ ) { for ( l=-l_max; l<=+l_max; l++ ) { struct rvec cell_vec; /* Exclude systematic absences from centering concerns */ if ( forbidden_reflection(cell, h, k, l) ) continue; int asymmetric = 0; get_asymm(rawList, h, k, l, &_h, &_k, &_l); if (h == _h && k == _k && l == _l) { asymmetric = 1; } cell_vec.u = h*asx + k*bsx + l*csx; cell_vec.v = h*asy + k*bsy + l*csy; cell_vec.w = h*asz + k*bsz + l*csz; struct TheoryVec theory; theory.vec = cell_vec; theory.asym = asymmetric; /* add this to our array - which may require expanding */ count++; struct TheoryVec *temp_cell_vecs; temp_cell_vecs = realloc(*cell_vecs, count*sizeof(struct TheoryVec)); if ( temp_cell_vecs == NULL ) { return 0; } else { *cell_vecs = temp_cell_vecs; (*cell_vecs)[count - 1] = theory; } } } } *vec_count = count; free_symoplist(rawList); return 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * cleanup functions - called from run_taketwo(). * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void cleanup_taketwo_obs_vecs(struct SpotVec *obs_vecs, int obs_vec_count) { int i; for ( i=0; inumOps; i++ ) { gsl_matrix_free(ttCell->rotSymOps[i]); } free(ttCell->rotSymOps); cleanup_taketwo_obs_vecs(ttCell->obs_vecs, ttCell->obs_vec_count); gsl_vector_free(ttCell->vec1Tmp); gsl_vector_free(ttCell->vec2Tmp); gsl_matrix_free(ttCell->twiz1Tmp); gsl_matrix_free(ttCell->twiz2Tmp); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * external functions - top level functions (Level 1) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @cell: target unit cell * @rlps: spot positions on detector back-projected into recripocal * space depending on detector geometry etc. * @rlp_count: number of rlps in rlps array. * @rot: pointer to be given an assignment (hopefully) if indexing is * successful. **/ static UnitCell *run_taketwo(UnitCell *cell, const struct taketwo_options *opts, struct rvec *rlps, int rlp_count, struct taketwo_private *tp) { UnitCell *result; int success = 0; gsl_matrix *solution = NULL; /* Initialise TakeTwoCell */ struct TakeTwoCell ttCell; ttCell.cell = cell; ttCell.seeds = NULL; ttCell.seed_count = 0; ttCell.rotSymOps = NULL; ttCell.obs_vecs = NULL; ttCell.twiz1Tmp = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); ttCell.twiz2Tmp = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); ttCell.vec1Tmp = gsl_vector_calloc(3); ttCell.vec2Tmp = gsl_vector_calloc(3); ttCell.numOps = 0; ttCell.obs_vec_count = 0; ttCell.solution = NULL; ttCell.x_ang = 0; ttCell.y_ang = 0; ttCell.z_ang = 0; success = generate_rotation_sym_ops(&ttCell); if ( !success ) { cleanup_taketwo_cell(&ttCell); return NULL; } success = gen_observed_vecs(rlps, rlp_count, &ttCell); if ( !success ) { cleanup_taketwo_cell(&ttCell); return NULL; } if ( opts->member_thresh < 0 ) { ttCell.member_thresh = NETWORK_MEMBER_THRESHOLD; } else { ttCell.member_thresh = opts->member_thresh; } if ( opts->len_tol < 0.0 ) { ttCell.len_tol = RECIP_TOLERANCE; } else { ttCell.len_tol = opts->len_tol; /* Already in m^-1 */ } if ( opts->angle_tol < 0.0 ) { ttCell.angle_tol = ANGLE_TOLERANCE; } else { ttCell.angle_tol = opts->angle_tol; /* Already in radians */ } if ( opts->trace_tol < 0.0 ) { ttCell.trace_tol = sqrt(4.0*(1.0-cos(TRACE_TOLERANCE))); } else { ttCell.trace_tol = sqrt(4.0*(1.0-cos(opts->trace_tol))); } success = match_obs_to_cell_vecs(tp->theory_vecs, tp->vec_count, &ttCell); if ( !success ) { cleanup_taketwo_cell(&ttCell); return NULL; } /* Find all the seeds, then take each one and extend them, returning * a solution if it exceeds the NETWORK_MEMBER_THRESHOLD. */ find_seeds(&ttCell, tp); remove_old_solutions(&ttCell, tp); unsigned int members = start_seeds(&solution, &ttCell); if ( solution == NULL ) { cleanup_taketwo_cell(&ttCell); return NULL; } /* If we have a solution, refine against vectors in the entire image */ ttCell.solution = solution; refine_solution(&ttCell); solution = ttCell.solution; double score = obs_to_sol_score(&ttCell); /* Add the current solution to the previous solutions list */ int new_size = (tp->numPrevs + 1) * sizeof(gsl_matrix *); gsl_matrix **tmp = realloc(tp->prevSols, new_size); double *tmpScores = realloc(tp->prevScores, (tp->numPrevs + 1) * sizeof(double)); unsigned int *tmpSuccesses; tmpSuccesses = realloc(tp->membership, (tp->numPrevs + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int)); if (!tmp) { apologise(); } tp->prevSols = tmp; tp->prevScores = tmpScores; tp->membership = tmpSuccesses; tp->prevSols[tp->numPrevs] = solution; tp->prevScores[tp->numPrevs] = score; tp->membership[tp->numPrevs] = members; tp->numPrevs++; /* Prepare the solution for CrystFEL friendliness */ result = cell_post_smiley_face(cell, solution); cleanup_taketwo_cell(&ttCell); return result; } /* Cleans up the per-image information for taketwo */ static void partial_taketwo_cleanup(struct taketwo_private *tp) { if (tp->prevSols != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tp->numPrevs; i++) { gsl_matrix_free(tp->prevSols[i]); } free(tp->prevSols); } free(tp->prevScores); free(tp->membership); tp->prevScores = NULL; tp->membership = NULL; tp->xtal_num = 0; tp->numPrevs = 0; tp->prevSols = NULL; } /* CrystFEL interface hooks */ int taketwo_index(struct image *image, void *priv) { Crystal *cr; UnitCell *cell; struct rvec *rlps; int n_rlps = 0; int i; struct taketwo_private *tp = (struct taketwo_private *)priv; /* Check serial number against previous for solution tracking */ int this_serial = image->serial; if (tp->serial_num == this_serial) { tp->xtal_num = image->n_crystals; } else { /* for (i = 0; i < tp->numPrevs; i++) { STATUS("score, %i, %.5f, %i\n", this_serial, tp->prevScores[i], tp->membership[i]); } */ partial_taketwo_cleanup(tp); tp->serial_num = this_serial; tp->xtal_num = image->n_crystals; } rlps = malloc((image_feature_count(image->features)+1)*sizeof(struct rvec)); for ( i=0; ifeatures); i++ ) { double r[3]; struct imagefeature *pk = image_get_feature(image->features, i); if ( pk == NULL ) continue; detgeom_transform_coords(&image->detgeom->panels[pk->pn], pk->fs, pk->ss, image->lambda, 0.0, 0.0, r); rlps[n_rlps].u = r[0]; rlps[n_rlps].v = r[1]; rlps[n_rlps].w = r[2]; n_rlps++; } rlps[n_rlps].u = 0.0; rlps[n_rlps].v = 0.0; rlps[n_rlps++].w = 0.0; cell = run_taketwo(tp->cell, tp->opts, rlps, n_rlps, tp); free(rlps); if ( cell == NULL ) return 0; cr = crystal_new(); if ( cr == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate crystal.\n"); return 0; } crystal_set_cell(cr, cell); image_add_crystal(image, cr); return 1; } void *taketwo_prepare(IndexingMethod *indm, struct taketwo_options *opts, UnitCell *cell) { struct taketwo_private *tp; /* Flags that TakeTwo knows about */ *indm &= INDEXING_METHOD_MASK | INDEXING_USE_LATTICE_TYPE | INDEXING_USE_CELL_PARAMETERS; if ( !( (*indm & INDEXING_USE_LATTICE_TYPE) && (*indm & INDEXING_USE_CELL_PARAMETERS)) ) { ERROR("TakeTwo indexing requires cell and lattice type " "information.\n"); return NULL; } if ( cell == NULL ) { ERROR("TakeTwo indexing requires a unit cell.\n"); return NULL; } STATUS("*******************************************************************\n"); STATUS("***** Welcome to TakeTwo *****\n"); STATUS("*******************************************************************\n"); STATUS(" If you use these indexing results, please keep a roof\n"); STATUS(" over the author's head by citing this paper.\n\n"); STATUS("o o o o o o o o o o o o\n"); STATUS(" o o o o o o o o o o o \n"); STATUS("o o\n"); STATUS(" o The citation is: o \n"); STATUS("o Ginn et al., Acta Cryst. (2016). D72, 956-965 o\n"); STATUS(" o Thank you! o \n"); STATUS("o o\n"); STATUS(" o o o o o o o o o o o \n"); STATUS("o o o o o o o o o o o o\n"); STATUS("\n"); tp = malloc(sizeof(struct taketwo_private)); if ( tp == NULL ) return NULL; tp->cell = cell; tp->opts = opts; tp->indm = *indm; tp->serial_num = -1; tp->xtal_num = 0; tp->prevSols = NULL; tp->numPrevs = 0; tp->prevScores = NULL; tp->membership = NULL; tp->vec_count = 0; tp->theory_vecs = NULL; gen_theoretical_vecs(cell, &tp->theory_vecs, &tp->vec_count); return tp; } void taketwo_cleanup(IndexingPrivate *pp) { struct taketwo_private *tp = (struct taketwo_private *)pp; partial_taketwo_cleanup(tp); free(tp->theory_vecs); free(tp); } const char *taketwo_probe(UnitCell *cell) { if ( cell_has_parameters(cell) ) return "taketwo"; return NULL; } static void taketwo_show_help() { printf("Parameters for the TakeTwo indexing algorithm:\n" " --taketwo-member-threshold\n" " Minimum number of members in network\n" " --taketwo-len-tolerance\n" " Reciprocal space length tolerance (1/A)\n" " --taketwo-angle-tolerance\n" " Reciprocal space angle tolerance (in degrees)\n" " --taketwo-trace-tolerance\n" " Rotation matrix equivalence tolerance (in degrees)\n" ); } int taketwo_default_options(struct taketwo_options **opts_ptr) { struct taketwo_options *opts; opts = malloc(sizeof(struct taketwo_options)); if ( opts == NULL ) return ENOMEM; opts->member_thresh = -1.0; opts->len_tol = -1.0; opts->angle_tol = -1.0; opts->trace_tol = -1.0; *opts_ptr = opts; return 0; } static error_t taketwo_parse_arg(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { struct taketwo_options **opts_ptr = state->input; float tmp; int r; switch ( key ) { case ARGP_KEY_INIT : r = taketwo_default_options(opts_ptr); if ( r ) return r; break; case 1 : taketwo_show_help(); return EINVAL; case 2 : if ( sscanf(arg, "%i", &(*opts_ptr)->member_thresh) != 1 ) { ERROR("Invalid value for --taketwo-member-threshold\n"); return EINVAL; } break; case 3 : if ( sscanf(arg, "%f", &tmp) != 1 ) { ERROR("Invalid value for --taketwo-len-tol\n"); return EINVAL; } (*opts_ptr)->len_tol = tmp * 1e10; /* Convert to m^-1 */ break; case 4 : if ( sscanf(arg, "%f", &tmp) != 1 ) { ERROR("Invalid value for --taketwo-angle-tol\n"); return EINVAL; } (*opts_ptr)->angle_tol = deg2rad(tmp); break; case 5 : if ( sscanf(arg, "%f", &tmp) != 1 ) { ERROR("Invalid value for --taketwo-trace-tol\n"); return EINVAL; } (*opts_ptr)->trace_tol = deg2rad(tmp); break; default : return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } static struct argp_option taketwo_options[] = { {"help-taketwo", 1, NULL, OPTION_NO_USAGE, "Show options for TakeTwo indexing algorithm", 99}, {"taketwo-member-threshold", 2, "n", OPTION_HIDDEN, NULL}, {"taketwo-len-tolerance", 3, "one_over_A", OPTION_HIDDEN, NULL}, {"taketwo-angle-tolerance", 4, "deg", OPTION_HIDDEN, NULL}, {"taketwo-trace-tolerance", 5, "deg", OPTION_HIDDEN, NULL}, {0} }; struct argp taketwo_argp = { taketwo_options, taketwo_parse_arg, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };