/* * integration.c * * Integration of intensities * * Copyright © 2012-2013 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2010-2013 Thomas White * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "reflist.h" #include "cell.h" #include "crystal.h" #include "cell-utils.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "image.h" #include "peaks.h" #include "integration.h" #define VERBOSITY (0) // ((h==-6) && (k==0) && (l==-8)) static void check_eigen(gsl_vector *e_val) { int i; double vmax, vmin; const int n = e_val->size; const double max_condition = 1e6; const int verbose = 0; if ( verbose ) STATUS("Eigenvalues:\n"); vmin = +INFINITY; vmax = 0.0; for ( i=0; i vmax ) vmax = val; if ( val < vmin ) vmin = val; } for ( i=0; i vmax ) vmax = val; if ( val < vmin ) vmin = val; } if ( verbose ) { STATUS("Condition number: %e / %e = %5.2f\n", vmax, vmin, vmax/vmin); } } static gsl_vector *solve_svd(gsl_vector *v, gsl_matrix *M) { gsl_matrix *s_vec; gsl_vector *s_val; int err, n; gsl_vector *shifts; n = v->size; if ( v->size != M->size1 ) return NULL; if ( v->size != M->size2 ) return NULL; s_val = gsl_vector_calloc(n); s_vec = gsl_matrix_calloc(n, n); err = gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_jacobi(M, s_vec, s_val); if ( err ) { ERROR("SVD failed: %s\n", gsl_strerror(err)); gsl_matrix_free(s_vec); gsl_vector_free(s_val); return NULL; } /* "M" is now "U" */ check_eigen(s_val); shifts = gsl_vector_calloc(n); err = gsl_linalg_SV_solve(M, s_vec, s_val, v, shifts); if ( err ) { ERROR("Matrix solution failed: %s\n", gsl_strerror(err)); gsl_matrix_free(s_vec); gsl_vector_free(s_val); gsl_vector_free(shifts); return NULL; } gsl_matrix_free(s_vec); gsl_vector_free(s_val); return shifts; } enum boxmask_val { BM_IG, /* "Soft" ignore */ BM_BH, /* "Hard" ignore (black hole) */ BM_BG, /* Background */ BM_PK /* Peak */ }; struct intcontext { int halfw; int w; enum boxmask_val *bm; /* Box mask */ struct image *image; gsl_matrix *bgm; /* Background estimation matrix */ struct peak_box *boxes; int n_boxes; int max_boxes; UnitCell *cell; double k; /* Peak region sums */ double pks_p2; double pks_q2; double pks_pq; double pks_p; double pks_q; int m; int n_reference_profiles; double **reference_profiles; double **reference_den; int *n_profiles_in_reference; /* For summation integration only */ int ir_inn; int ir_mid; int ir_out; }; struct peak_box { int cfs; /* Coordinates of corner */ int css; enum boxmask_val *bm; /* Box mask */ int pn; /* Panel number */ struct panel *p; /* The panel itself */ /* Fitted background parameters */ double a; double b; double c; /* Measured intensity (tentative, profile fitted or otherwise) */ double intensity; double sigma; double J; /* Profile scaling factor */ /* Offsets to final observed position */ double offs_fs; double offs_ss; int rp; /* Reference profile number */ Reflection *refl; int verbose; }; static void addm(gsl_matrix *m, int i, int j, double val) { double v = gsl_matrix_get(m, i, j); gsl_matrix_set(m, i, j, v+val); } static void addv(gsl_vector *v, int i, double val) { double k = gsl_vector_get(v, i); gsl_vector_set(v, i, k+val); } static float boxi(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx, int p, int q) { int fs, ss; fs = bx->cfs + p; ss = bx->css + q; assert(fs >= 0); assert(fs < bx->p->w); assert(ss >= 0); assert(ss < bx->p->h); assert(p >= 0); assert(p < ic->w); assert(q >= 0); assert(q < ic->w); return ic->image->dp[bx->pn][fs + bx->p->w*ss]; } static void colour_on(enum boxmask_val b) { switch ( b ) { case BM_BG : attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); break; case BM_PK : attron(COLOR_PAIR(2)); break; case BM_BH : attron(COLOR_PAIR(3)); break; default: break; } } static void colour_off(enum boxmask_val b) { switch ( b ) { case BM_BG : attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1)); break; case BM_PK : attroff(COLOR_PAIR(2)); break; case BM_BH : attroff(COLOR_PAIR(3)); break; default: break; } } static void show_peak_box(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx) { int q; initscr(); start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE) ; /* Background */ init_pair(2, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); /* Peak */ init_pair(3, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN); /* Blackhole */ printw("Pixel values:\n"); for ( q=ic->w-1; q>=0; q-- ) { int p; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { colour_on(bx->bm[p+q*ic->w]); printw("%5.0f ", boxi(ic, bx, p, q)); colour_off(bx->bm[p+q*ic->w]); } printw("\n"); } printw("\nFitted background:\n"); for ( q=ic->w-1; q>=0; q-- ) { int p; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { colour_on(bx->bm[p+q*ic->w]); printw("%5.0f ", bx->a*p + bx->b*q + bx->c); colour_off(bx->bm[p+q*ic->w]); } printw("\n"); } printw("Reference profile number %i, ", bx->rp); printw("Background parameters: a=%.2f, b=%.2f, c=%.2f\n", bx->a, bx->b, bx->c); getch(); refresh(); endwin(); } static void show_reference_profile(struct intcontext *ic, int i) { int q; initscr(); start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE) ; /* Background */ init_pair(2, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); /* Peak */ printw("Reference profile number %i (%i contributions):\n", i, ic->n_profiles_in_reference[i]); for ( q=ic->w-1; q>=0; q-- ) { int p; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { colour_on(ic->bm[p+q*ic->w]); printw("%3.0f ", ic->reference_profiles[i][p+ic->w*q]); colour_off(ic->bm[p+q*ic->w]); } printw("\n"); } getch(); refresh(); endwin(); } static void fit_bg(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx) { int p, q; gsl_vector *v; gsl_vector *ans; gsl_matrix *M; v = gsl_vector_calloc(3); for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double bi; if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] == BM_BG ) { bi = boxi(ic, bx, p, q); addv(v, 0, bi*p); addv(v, 1, bi*q); addv(v, 2, bi); } } } if ( bx->verbose ) { show_matrix_eqn(ic->bgm, v, 3); } M = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3); gsl_matrix_memcpy(M, ic->bgm); ans = solve_svd(v, M); gsl_vector_free(v); gsl_matrix_free(M); bx->a = gsl_vector_get(ans, 0); bx->b = gsl_vector_get(ans, 1); bx->c = gsl_vector_get(ans, 2); gsl_vector_free(ans); if ( bx->verbose ) { show_peak_box(ic, bx); } } static void zero_profiles(struct intcontext *ic) { int i; for ( i=0; in_reference_profiles; i++ ) { int p, q; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { ic->reference_profiles[i][p+ic->w*q] = 0.0; } } ic->n_profiles_in_reference[i] = 0; } } static int alloc_boxes(struct intcontext *ic, int new_max_boxes) { struct peak_box *boxes_new; boxes_new = realloc(ic->boxes, sizeof(struct peak_box)*new_max_boxes); if ( boxes_new == NULL ) return 1; ic->boxes = boxes_new; ic->max_boxes = new_max_boxes; return 0; } static int init_intcontext(struct intcontext *ic) { int p, q; int i; ic->w = 2*ic->halfw + 1; ic->bm = malloc(ic->w * ic->w * sizeof(enum boxmask_val)); if ( ic->bm == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate box mask.\n"); return 1; } ic->bgm = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3); if ( ic->bgm == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to initialise matrix.\n"); return 1; } ic->pks_p2 = 0.0; ic->pks_q2 = 0.0; ic->pks_pq = 0.0; ic->pks_p = 0.0; ic->pks_q = 0.0; ic->m = 0; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { if ( (p==0) || (q==0) || (p==ic->w-1) || (q==ic->w-1) ) { ic->bm[p + ic->w*q] = BM_BG; } else { ic->bm[p + ic->w*q] = BM_PK; } switch ( ic->bm[p + ic->w*q] ) { case BM_IG : case BM_BH : break; case BM_BG : addm(ic->bgm, 0, 0, p*p); addm(ic->bgm, 0, 1, p*q); addm(ic->bgm, 0, 2, p); addm(ic->bgm, 1, 0, p*q); addm(ic->bgm, 1, 1, q*q); addm(ic->bgm, 1, 2, q); addm(ic->bgm, 2, 0, p); addm(ic->bgm, 2, 1, q); addm(ic->bgm, 2, 2, 1); break; case BM_PK : ic->pks_p2 += p*p; ic->pks_q2 += q*q; ic->pks_pq += p*q; ic->pks_p += p; ic->pks_q += q; ic->m++; break; } } } /* How many reference profiles? */ ic->n_reference_profiles = ic->image->det->n_panels; ic->reference_profiles = calloc(ic->n_reference_profiles, sizeof(double *)); if ( ic->reference_profiles == NULL ) return 1; ic->reference_den = calloc(ic->n_reference_profiles, sizeof(double *)); if ( ic->reference_den == NULL ) return 1; ic->n_profiles_in_reference = calloc(ic->n_reference_profiles, sizeof(int)); if ( ic->n_profiles_in_reference == NULL ) return 1; for ( i=0; in_reference_profiles; i++ ) { ic->reference_profiles[i] = malloc(ic->w*ic->w*sizeof(double)); if ( ic->reference_profiles[i] == NULL ) return 1; ic->reference_den[i] = malloc(ic->w*ic->w*sizeof(double)); if ( ic->reference_den[i] == NULL ) return 1; } zero_profiles(ic); ic->boxes = NULL; ic->n_boxes = 0; ic->max_boxes = 0; if ( alloc_boxes(ic, 32) ) { return 1; } return 0; } static void free_intcontext(struct intcontext *ic) { int i; free(ic->boxes); for ( i=0; in_reference_profiles; i++ ) { free(ic->reference_profiles[i]); free(ic->reference_den[i]); } free(ic->reference_profiles); free(ic->reference_den); free(ic->n_profiles_in_reference); free(ic->bm); gsl_matrix_free(ic->bgm); } static void setup_ring_masks(struct intcontext *ic, double ir_inn, double ir_mid, double ir_out) { double lim_sq, out_lim_sq, mid_lim_sq; int p, q; lim_sq = pow(ir_inn, 2.0); mid_lim_sq = pow(ir_mid, 2.0); out_lim_sq = pow(ir_out, 2.0); for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { int rsq; rsq = (p-ic->halfw)*(p-ic->halfw) + (q-ic->halfw)*(q-ic->halfw); if ( rsq > out_lim_sq ) { /* Outside outer radius */ ic->bm[p + ic->w*q] = BM_IG; } else { if ( rsq >= mid_lim_sq ) { /* Inside outer radius, outside middle radius */ ic->bm[p + ic->w*q] = BM_BG; } else if ( rsq <= lim_sq ) { /* Inside inner radius */ ic->bm[p + ic->w*q] = BM_PK; } else { /* Outside inner radius, inside middle radius */ ic->bm[p + ic->w*q] = BM_IG; } } } } } static struct peak_box *add_box(struct intcontext *ic) { int idx; if ( ic->n_boxes == ic->max_boxes ) { if ( alloc_boxes(ic, ic->max_boxes+32) ) { return NULL; } } idx = ic->n_boxes++; ic->boxes[idx].cfs = 0; ic->boxes[idx].css = 0; ic->boxes[idx].bm = NULL; ic->boxes[idx].pn = -1; ic->boxes[idx].p = NULL; ic->boxes[idx].a = 0.0; ic->boxes[idx].b = 0.0; ic->boxes[idx].c = 0.0; ic->boxes[idx].intensity = 0.0; ic->boxes[idx].sigma = 0.0; ic->boxes[idx].J = 0.0; ic->boxes[idx].rp = -1; ic->boxes[idx].refl = NULL; ic->boxes[idx].verbose = 0; return &ic->boxes[idx]; } static void delete_box(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx) { int i; int found = 0; for ( i=0; in_boxes; i++ ) { if ( &ic->boxes[i] == bx ) { found = 1; break; } } if ( !found ) { ERROR("Couldn't find box %p in context %p\n", bx, ic); return; } memmove(&ic->boxes[i], &ic->boxes[i+1], (ic->n_boxes-i-1)*sizeof(struct peak_box)); ic->n_boxes--; } static double tentative_intensity(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx) { int p, q; double intensity = 0.0; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] != BM_PK ) continue; intensity += boxi(ic, bx, p, q); } } intensity -= bx->a * ic->pks_p; intensity -= bx->b * ic->pks_q; intensity -= bx->c * ic->m; return intensity; } static void observed_position(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx, double *pos_p, double *pos_q) { int p, q; double num_p = 0.0; double num_q = 0.0; double den = 0.0; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { int bi; if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] != BM_PK ) continue; bi = boxi(ic, bx, p, q); num_p += bi*(p - ic->halfw); num_q += bi*(q - ic->halfw); den += bi; } } num_p += -bx->a*ic->pks_p2 - bx->b*ic->pks_pq - bx->c*ic->pks_p; num_q += -bx->a*ic->pks_q2 - bx->b*ic->pks_pq - bx->c*ic->pks_q; den += -bx->a*ic->pks_p - bx->b*ic->pks_q - bx->c; *pos_p = num_p / den; *pos_q = num_q / den; } static void add_to_reference_profile(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx) { int p, q; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double val; float bi; if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] == BM_IG ) continue; if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] == BM_BH ) continue; bi = boxi(ic, bx, p, q); val = bi*bx->intensity; val -= p*bx->intensity*bx->a + q*bx->intensity*bx->b + bx->intensity*bx->c; ic->reference_profiles[bx->rp][p+ic->w*q] += val; ic->reference_den[bx->rp][p+ic->w*q] += pow(bx->intensity, 2.0); } } ic->n_profiles_in_reference[bx->rp]++; } static void calculate_reference_profiles(struct intcontext *ic) { int i; for ( i=0; in_reference_profiles; i++ ) { int p, q; double max = 0.0; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double den; den = ic->reference_den[i][p+ic->w*q]; ic->reference_profiles[i][p+ic->w*q] /= den; if ( ic->reference_profiles[i][p+ic->w*q] > max ) { max = ic->reference_profiles[i][p+ic->w*q]; } } } max /= 100.0; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { ic->reference_profiles[i][p+ic->w*q] /= max; } } } //for ( i=0; in_reference_profiles; i++ ) { // show_reference_profile(ic, i); //} } static int check_box(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx, int *sat) { int p, q; int n_pk = 0; int n_bg = 0; double adx, ady, adz; double bdx, bdy, bdz; double cdx, cdy, cdz; signed int hr, kr, lr; if ( sat != NULL ) *sat = 0; bx->bm = malloc(ic->w*ic->w*sizeof(int)); if ( bx->bm == NULL ) return 1; cell_get_cartesian(ic->cell, &adx, &ady, &adz, &bdx, &bdy, &bdz, &cdx, &cdy, &cdz); get_indices(bx->refl, &hr, &kr, &lr); for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { int fs, ss; double hd, kd, ld; signed int h, k, l; struct rvec dv; fs = bx->cfs + p; ss = bx->css + q; if ( (fs < 0) || (fs >= bx->p->w) || (ss < 0) || (ss >= bx->p->h) ) return 1; if ( (p < 0) || (p >= ic->w) || (q < 0) || (q >= ic->w) ) { return 1; } bx->bm[p+ic->w*q] = ic->bm[p+ic->w*q]; if ( ic->image->bad[bx->pn][fs + bx->p->w*ss] ) { bx->bm[p+ic->w*q] = BM_BH; } if ( (bx->bm[p+ic->w*q] != BM_IG) && (bx->bm[p+ic->w*q] != BM_BH) && (boxi(ic, bx, p, q) > bx->p->max_adu) ) { if ( sat != NULL ) *sat = 1; } /* Ignore if this pixel is closer to the next reciprocal lattice * point */ dv = get_q_for_panel(bx->p, fs, ss, NULL, ic->k); hd = dv.u * adx + dv.v * ady + dv.w * adz; kd = dv.u * bdx + dv.v * bdy + dv.w * bdz; ld = dv.u * cdx + dv.v * cdy + dv.w * cdz; h = lrint(hd); k = lrint(kd); l = lrint(ld); if ( (h != hr) || (k != kr) || (l != lr) ) { bx->bm[p+ic->w*q] = BM_BH; } if ( bx->bm[p+ic->w*q] == BM_PK ) n_pk++; if ( bx->bm[p+ic->w*q] == BM_BG ) n_bg++; } } if ( n_pk < 4 ) return 1; if ( n_bg < 4 ) return 1; return 0; } static double fit_J(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx) { int p, q; double sum = 0.0; double den = 0.0; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double bi, P; if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] != BM_PK ) continue; bi = boxi(ic, bx, p, q); P = ic->reference_profiles[bx->rp][p+ic->w*q]; sum += bi*P; sum += - bx->a*p*P - bx->b*q*P - bx->c*P; den += pow(P, 2.0); } } return sum / den; } static int center_and_check_box(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx, int *sat) { int i; bx->offs_fs = 0.0; bx->offs_ss = 0.0; if ( check_box(ic, bx, sat) ) return 1; for ( i=0; i<10; i++ ) { int p, q; double sum_fs = 0.0; double sum_ss = 0.0; double den = 0.0; int t_offs_fs = 0; int t_offs_ss = 0; double offs_fs, offs_ss; int ifs, iss; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double bi = boxi(ic, bx, p, q); if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] == BM_BH ) continue; sum_fs += bi * (p-ic->halfw); sum_ss += bi * (q-ic->halfw); den += bi; } } offs_fs = sum_fs / den; offs_ss = sum_ss / den; ifs = rint(offs_fs); iss = rint(offs_ss); bx->offs_fs += ifs; bx->offs_ss += iss; bx->cfs += ifs; bx->css += iss; t_offs_fs += rint(offs_fs); t_offs_ss += rint(offs_fs); if ( check_box(ic, bx, sat) ) return 1; if ( t_offs_fs*t_offs_fs + t_offs_ss*t_offs_ss > ic->w*ic->w ) { return 1; } } return 0; } static double fit_intensity(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx) { int p, q; double J = fit_J(ic, bx); double sum = 0.0; bx->J = J; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double P; if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] != BM_PK ) continue; P = ic->reference_profiles[bx->rp][p+ic->w*q]; sum += P; } } if ( bx->verbose ) { STATUS("J = %f\n", J); } return J * sum; } static double calc_sigma(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx) { int p, q; double sum = 0.0; double mb = 0.0; int nb = 0; double sigb2 = 0.0; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double bi; bi = boxi(ic, bx, p, q); if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] == BM_PK ) { double p1, p2; p1 = bx->J * ic->reference_profiles[bx->rp][p+ic->w*q]; p2 = bi - bx->a*p - bx->b*q - bx->c; sum += pow(p1-p2, 2.0); } else if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] == BM_BG ) { mb += bi; nb++; } } } mb /= nb; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double bi; if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] != BM_BG ) continue; bi = boxi(ic, bx, p, q); sigb2 += pow(bi - mb, 2.0); } } return sqrt(sum + sigb2); } static double average_background(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx) { int p, q; double sum = 0.0; int n = 0; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] != BM_PK ) continue; sum += bx->a*p + bx->b*q + bx->c; n++; } } return sum/n; } static int bg_ok(struct peak_box *bx) { if ( (fabs(bx->a) > 10.0) || (fabs(bx->b) > 10.0) ) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } static int suitable_reference(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx) { int p, q; double max = 0.0; int height_ok; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double bi; if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] != BM_PK ) continue; bi = boxi(ic, bx, p, q); if ( bi > max ) max = bi; } } height_ok = max > 10.0 * average_background(ic, bx); return bg_ok(bx) && height_ok; } static void measure_all_intensities(IntegrationMethod meth, RefList *list, struct image *image, UnitCell *cell) { Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; struct intcontext ic; int i; int n_saturated = 0; ic.halfw = 4; ic.image = image; ic.k = 1.0/image->lambda; ic.cell = cell; if ( init_intcontext(&ic) ) { ERROR("Failed to initialise integration.\n"); return; } for ( refl = first_refl(list, &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { double pfs, pss; signed int h, k, l; struct peak_box *bx; int pn; struct panel *p; int fid_fs, fid_ss; /* Center coordinates, rounded, * in overall data block */ int cfs, css; /* Corner coordinates */ int saturated; int r; set_redundancy(refl, 0); get_detector_pos(refl, &pfs, &pss); fid_fs = lrint(pfs); fid_ss = lrint(pss); pn = find_panel_number(image->det, fid_fs, fid_ss); p = &image->det->panels[pn]; cfs = (fid_fs-p->min_fs) - ic.halfw; css = (fid_ss-p->min_ss) - ic.halfw; if ( (cfs + ic.w >= p->w) || (css + ic.w >= p->h ) ) { continue; } if ( (cfs < 0) || (css < 0 ) ) continue; bx = add_box(&ic); bx->refl = refl; bx->cfs = cfs; bx->css = css; bx->p = p; bx->pn = pn; /* Which reference profile? */ bx->rp = 0;//bx->pn; if ( meth & INTEGRATION_CENTER ) { r = center_and_check_box(&ic, bx, &saturated); } else { r = check_box(&ic, bx, &saturated); bx->offs_fs = 0.0; bx->offs_ss = 0.0; } if ( r ) { delete_box(&ic, bx); continue; } if ( saturated ) { n_saturated++; if ( !(meth & INTEGRATION_SATURATED) ) { delete_box(&ic, bx); continue; } } get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l); if ( VERBOSITY ) { bx->verbose = 1; } fit_bg(&ic, bx); observed_position(&ic, bx, &bx->offs_fs, &bx->offs_ss); bx->intensity = tentative_intensity(&ic, bx); set_intensity(refl, bx->intensity); if ( suitable_reference(&ic, bx) ) { add_to_reference_profile(&ic, bx); } } calculate_reference_profiles(&ic); for ( i=0; iverbose ) { show_reference_profile(&ic, bx->rp); STATUS("%f -> ", bx->intensity); } bx->intensity = fit_intensity(&ic, bx); bx->sigma = calc_sigma(&ic, bx); #if 0 if ( isnan(bx->intensity) ) { signed int h, k, l; get_indices(bx->refl, &h, &k, &l); STATUS("NaN intensity for %i %i %i !\n", h, k, l); STATUS("panel %s\n", image->det->panels[bx->pn].name); show_peak_box(&ic, bx); show_reference_profile(&ic, bx->rp); } if ( bx->intensity < 0.0 ) { signed int h, k, l; get_indices(bx->refl, &h, &k, &l); STATUS("Negative intensity (%f) for %i %i %i !\n", bx->intensity, h, k, l); STATUS("panel %s\n", image->det->panels[bx->pn].name); show_peak_box(&ic, bx); show_reference_profile(&ic, bx->rp); } #endif if ( bg_ok(bx) ) { double pfs, pss; set_intensity(bx->refl, bx->intensity); set_esd_intensity(bx->refl, bx->sigma); set_redundancy(bx->refl, 1); /* Update position */ get_detector_pos(bx->refl, &pfs, &pss); pfs += bx->offs_fs; pss += bx->offs_ss; set_detector_pos(bx->refl, 0.0, pfs, pss); } } free_intcontext(&ic); image->num_saturated_peaks = n_saturated; } static void estimate_mosaicity(IntegrationMethod meth, Crystal *cr, struct image *image) { int msteps = 50; int i; const double mest = crystal_get_mosaicity(cr); const double mmax = 2.0 * mest; RefList *list; STATUS("Initial estimate: m = %f\n", mest); crystal_set_mosaicity(cr, mmax); list = find_intersections(image, cr); crystal_set_reflections(cr, list); measure_all_intensities(meth, list, image, crystal_get_cell(cr)); for ( i=1; i<=msteps; i++ ) { /* "m" varies from just over zero up to 2x the given estimate */ Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; const double m = mmax*((double)i/msteps); int n_gained = 0; int n_lost = 0; double i_gained = 0.0; double i_lost = 0.0; crystal_set_mosaicity(cr, m); update_partialities(cr, PMODEL_SPHERE); for ( refl = first_refl(list, &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { if ( get_redundancy(refl) == 0 ) { if ( get_temp1(refl) > 0.0 ) { i_lost += get_intensity(refl); n_lost++; } set_temp1(refl, -1.0); } else if ( get_temp1(refl) < 0.0 ) { i_gained += get_intensity(refl); n_gained++; set_temp1(refl, 1.0); } } if ( i > 1 ) { STATUS("%.2e %10.2f %4i %10.2f %4i %10.2f\n", m, i_gained, n_gained, i_lost, n_lost, i_gained - i_lost); } } } struct integr_ind { double res; Reflection *refl; }; static int compare_resolution(const void *av, const void *bv) { const struct integr_ind *a = av; const struct integr_ind *b = bv; return a->res > b->res; } static struct integr_ind *sort_reflections(RefList *list, UnitCell *cell, int *np) { struct integr_ind *il; Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; int i, n; *np = 0; /* For now */ n = num_reflections(list); if ( n == 0 ) return NULL; il = calloc(n, sizeof(struct integr_ind)); if ( il == NULL ) return NULL; i = 0; for ( refl = first_refl(list, &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { signed int h, k, l; double res; if ( get_redundancy(refl) == 0 ) continue; get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l); res = resolution(cell, h, k, l); il[i].res = res; il[i].refl = refl; i++; } qsort(il, i, sizeof(struct integr_ind), compare_resolution); *np = i; return il; } static void estimate_resolution(RefList *reflections, Crystal *cr, struct image *image) { struct integr_ind *il; int n, i; int score = 1000; /* FIXME */ int cutoff = 0; double limit = 0.0; if ( num_reflections(reflections) == 0 ) return; il = sort_reflections(reflections, crystal_get_cell(cr), &n); if ( il == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't sort reflections\n"); return; } for ( i=0; i 3.0 ) { score++; } else { score--; } //STATUS("%5.2f A, %5.2f, %i\n", 1e10/il[i].res, snr, score); if ( score == 0 ) { limit = il[i].res; cutoff = 1; } } crystal_set_resolution_limit(cr, limit); free(il); } static void integrate_prof2d(IntegrationMethod meth, Crystal *cr, struct image *image, double ir_inn, double ir_mid, double ir_out) { RefList *reflections; UnitCell *cell; cell = crystal_get_cell(cr); /* Create initial list of reflections with nominal parameters */ reflections = find_intersections(image, cr); measure_all_intensities(meth, reflections, image, cell); /* Find resolution limit of pattern using this list */ //estimate_resolution(reflections, cr, image); //reflist_free(reflections); STATUS("Initial resolution estimate = %.2f nm^-1 or %.2f A\n", crystal_get_resolution_limit(cr)/1e9, 1e9 / crystal_get_resolution_limit(cr)); /* Estimate the mosaicity of the crystal using this resolution limit */ //estimate_mosaicity(cr, image); /* Create new list of reflections with refined mosaicity */ //reflections = find_intersections(image, cr); //measure_all_intensities(reflections, image); crystal_set_reflections(cr, reflections); //estimate_resolution(reflections, cr, image); } static void integrate_box(struct intcontext *ic, struct peak_box *bx, double *intensity, double *sigma) { double pk_total; int pk_counts; double fsct, ssct; double bg_tot; double bg_tot_sq; int bg_counts; double bg_mean, bg_var; double var; double aduph; int p, q; aduph = bx->p->adu_per_eV * ph_lambda_to_eV(ic->image->lambda); /* Measure the background */ bg_tot = 0.0; bg_tot_sq = 0.0; bg_counts = 0; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double bi; if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] != BM_BG ) continue; bi = boxi(ic, bx, p, q); bg_tot += bi; bg_tot_sq += pow(bi, 2.0); bg_counts++; } } bg_mean = bg_tot / bg_counts; bg_var = (bg_tot_sq/bg_counts) - pow(bg_mean, 2.0); /* Measure the peak */ pk_total = 0.0; pk_counts = 0; fsct = 0.0; ssct = 0.0; for ( p=0; pw; p++ ) { for ( q=0; qw; q++ ) { double bi; if ( bx->bm[p + ic->w*q] != BM_PK ) continue; bi = boxi(ic, bx, p, q); pk_counts++; pk_total += (bi - bg_mean); fsct += (bi-bg_mean)*(p - ic->halfw); ssct += (bi-bg_mean)*(q - ic->halfw); } } /* This offset is in addition to the offset from center_and_check_box */ bx->offs_fs += (double)fsct / pk_total; bx->offs_ss += (double)ssct / pk_total; var = pk_counts * bg_var; var += aduph * pk_total; if ( intensity != NULL ) *intensity = pk_total; if ( sigma != NULL ) *sigma = sqrt(var); } static void integrate_rings(IntegrationMethod meth, Crystal *cr, struct image *image, double ir_inn, double ir_mid, double ir_out) { RefList *list; Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; UnitCell *cell; struct intcontext ic; int n_saturated = 0; double limit = 0.0; list = find_intersections(image, cr); if ( list == NULL ) return; if ( num_reflections(list) == 0 ) return; cell = crystal_get_cell(cr); ic.halfw = ir_out; ic.image = image; ic.k = 1.0/image->lambda; ic.cell = cell; ic.ir_inn = ir_inn; ic.ir_mid = ir_mid; ic.ir_out = ir_out; if ( init_intcontext(&ic) ) { ERROR("Failed to initialise integration.\n"); return; } setup_ring_masks(&ic, ir_inn, ir_mid, ir_out); for ( refl = first_refl(list, &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { double pfs, pss; signed int h, k, l; struct peak_box *bx; int pn; struct panel *p; int fid_fs, fid_ss; /* Center coordinates, rounded, * in overall data block */ int cfs, css; /* Corner coordinates */ double intensity; double sigma; int saturated; double one_over_d; int r; set_redundancy(refl, 0); get_detector_pos(refl, &pfs, &pss); fid_fs = lrint(pfs); fid_ss = lrint(pss); pn = find_panel_number(image->det, fid_fs, fid_ss); p = &image->det->panels[pn]; cfs = (fid_fs-p->min_fs) - ic.halfw; css = (fid_ss-p->min_ss) - ic.halfw; if ( (cfs + ic.w >= p->w) || (css + ic.w >= p->h ) ) { continue; } if ( (cfs < 0) || (css < 0 ) ) continue; bx = add_box(&ic); bx->refl = refl; bx->cfs = cfs; bx->css = css; bx->p = p; bx->pn = pn; if ( meth & INTEGRATION_CENTER ) { r = center_and_check_box(&ic, bx, &saturated); } else { r = check_box(&ic, bx, &saturated); bx->offs_fs = 0.0; bx->offs_ss = 0.0; } if ( r ) { delete_box(&ic, bx); continue; } if ( saturated ) { n_saturated++; if ( !(meth & INTEGRATION_SATURATED) ) { delete_box(&ic, bx); continue; } } get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l); if ( VERBOSITY ) { bx->verbose = 1; } if ( bx->verbose ) show_peak_box(&ic, bx); integrate_box(&ic, bx, &intensity, &sigma); /* Record intensity and set redundancy to 1 */ set_intensity(refl, intensity); set_esd_intensity(refl, sigma); set_redundancy(refl, 1); one_over_d = resolution(cell, h, k, l); if ( one_over_d > limit ) limit = one_over_d; /* Update position */ pfs += bx->offs_fs; pss += bx->offs_ss; set_detector_pos(refl, 0.0, pfs, pss); } free_intcontext(&ic); crystal_set_num_saturated_reflections(cr, n_saturated); crystal_set_resolution_limit(cr, limit); crystal_set_reflections(cr, list); } void integrate_all(struct image *image, IntegrationMethod meth, double ir_inn, double ir_mid, double ir_out) { int i; for ( i=0; in_crystals; i++ ) { switch ( meth & INTEGRATION_METHOD_MASK ) { case INTEGRATION_NONE : return; case INTEGRATION_RINGS : integrate_rings(meth, image->crystals[i], image, ir_inn, ir_mid, ir_out); return; case INTEGRATION_PROF2D : integrate_prof2d(meth, image->crystals[i], image, ir_inn, ir_mid, ir_out); return; default : ERROR("Unrecognised integration method %i\n", meth); return; } } } IntegrationMethod integration_method(const char *str, int *err) { int n, i; char **methods; IntegrationMethod meth = INTEGRATION_NONE; if ( err != NULL ) *err = 0; n = assplode(str, ",-", &methods, ASSPLODE_NONE); for ( i=0; i