/* * peakfinder8.c * * The peakfinder8 algorithm * * Copyright © 2012-2017 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2017 Valerio Mariani * 2017 Anton Barty * 2017 Oleksandr Yefanov * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "peakfinder8.h" struct radius_maps { float **r_maps; int n_rmaps; }; struct peakfinder_mask { char **masks; int n_masks; }; struct radial_stats { float *roffset; float *rthreshold; float *rsigma; int *rcount; int n_rad_bins; }; struct peakfinder_panel_data { float **panel_data; int *panel_h; int *panel_w; int num_panels; }; struct peakfinder_intern_data { char *pix_in_peak_map; int *infs; int *inss; int *peak_pixels; }; struct peakfinder_peak_data { int num_found_peaks; int *npix; float *com_fs; float *com_ss; int *com_index; float *tot_i; float *max_i; float *sigma; float *snr; }; static double compute_r_sigma(float *rsigma, int *rcount, float *roffset, int i) { return sqrt(rsigma[i] / rcount[i] - ((roffset[i] / rcount[i]) * (roffset[i] / rcount[i]))); } static void update_radial_stats(float *roffset, float *rsigma, int *rcount, float value, int curr_radius) { roffset[curr_radius] += value; rsigma[curr_radius] += (value * value); rcount[curr_radius] += 1; } static float get_radius(struct panel p, float fs, float ss) { float x, y; /* Calculate 3D position of given position, in m */ x = (p.cnx + fs * p.fsx + ss * p.ssx); y = (p.cny + fs * p.fsy + ss * p.ssy); return sqrt(x * x + y * y); } static struct radius_maps *compute_radius_maps(struct detector *det) { int i, u, iss, ifs; struct panel p; struct radius_maps *rm = NULL; rm = (struct radius_maps *)malloc(sizeof(struct radius_maps)); if ( rm == NULL ) { return NULL; } rm->r_maps = (float **)malloc(det->n_panels*sizeof(float*)); if ( rm->r_maps == NULL ) { free(rm); return NULL; } rm->n_rmaps = det->n_panels; for( i=0 ; in_panels ; i++ ) { p = det->panels[i]; rm->r_maps[i] = (float *)malloc(p.h*p.w*sizeof(float)); if ( rm->r_maps[i] == NULL ) { for ( u = 0; ur_maps[u]); } free(rm); return NULL; } for ( iss=0 ; issr_maps[i][rmi] = get_radius(p, ifs, iss); } } } return rm; } static void free_radius_maps(struct radius_maps *r_maps) { int i; for ( i=0 ; in_rmaps ; i++ ) { free(r_maps->r_maps[i]); } free(r_maps->r_maps); free(r_maps); } static struct peakfinder_mask *create_peakfinder_mask(struct image *img, struct radius_maps *rmps, int min_res, int max_res) { int i; struct peakfinder_mask *msk; msk = (struct peakfinder_mask *)malloc(sizeof(struct peakfinder_mask)); msk->masks =(char **) malloc(img->det->n_panels*sizeof(char*)); msk->n_masks = img->det->n_panels; for ( i=0; idet->n_panels; i++) { struct panel p; int iss, ifs; p = img->det->panels[i]; msk->masks[i] = (char *)calloc(p.w*p.h,sizeof(char)); for ( iss=0 ; issr_maps[i][idx] < max_res && rmps->r_maps[i][idx] > min_res ) { if (! ( ( img->bad != NULL ) && ( img->bad[i] != NULL ) && ( img->bad[i][idx] != 0 ) ) ) { msk->masks[i][idx] = 1; } } } } } return msk; } static void free_peakfinder_mask(struct peakfinder_mask * pfmask) { int i; for ( i=0 ; in_masks ; i++ ) { free(pfmask->masks[i]); } free(pfmask->masks); free(pfmask); } static int compute_num_radial_bins(int num_panels, int *w, int *h, float **r_maps) { float max_r; int max_r_int; int m; max_r = -1e9; for ( m=0 ; m max_r ) { max_r = r_maps[m][pidx]; } } } } max_r_int = (int)ceil(max_r) + 1; return max_r_int; } static struct peakfinder_panel_data *allocate_panel_data(int num_panels) { struct peakfinder_panel_data *pfdata; pfdata = (struct peakfinder_panel_data *)malloc( sizeof(struct peakfinder_panel_data)); if ( pfdata == NULL ) { return NULL; } pfdata->panel_h = (int *)malloc(num_panels*sizeof(int)); if ( pfdata->panel_h == NULL ) { free(pfdata); return NULL; } pfdata->panel_w = (int *)malloc(num_panels*sizeof(int)); if ( pfdata->panel_w == NULL ) { free(pfdata->panel_h); free(pfdata); return NULL; } pfdata->panel_data = (float **)malloc(num_panels*sizeof(float*)); if ( pfdata->panel_data == NULL ) { free(pfdata->panel_w); free(pfdata->panel_h); free(pfdata); return NULL; } pfdata->num_panels = num_panels; return pfdata; } static void free_panel_data(struct peakfinder_panel_data *pfdata) { free(pfdata->panel_data); free(pfdata->panel_w); free(pfdata->panel_h); free(pfdata); } static struct radial_stats *allocate_radial_stats(int num_rad_bins) { struct radial_stats *rstats; rstats = (struct radial_stats *)malloc(sizeof(struct radial_stats)); if ( rstats == NULL ) { return NULL; } rstats->roffset = (float *)malloc(num_rad_bins*sizeof(float)); if ( rstats->roffset == NULL ) { free(rstats); return NULL; } rstats->rthreshold = (float *)malloc(num_rad_bins*sizeof(float)); if ( rstats->rthreshold == NULL ) { free(rstats); free(rstats->roffset); return NULL; } rstats->rsigma = (float *)malloc(num_rad_bins*sizeof(float)); if ( rstats->rsigma == NULL ) { free(rstats); free(rstats->roffset); free(rstats->rthreshold); return NULL; } rstats->rcount = (int *)malloc(num_rad_bins*sizeof(int)); if ( rstats->rcount == NULL ) { free(rstats); free(rstats->roffset); free(rstats->rthreshold); free(rstats->rsigma); return NULL; } rstats->n_rad_bins = num_rad_bins; return rstats; } static void free_radial_stats(struct radial_stats *rstats) { free(rstats->roffset); free(rstats->rthreshold); free(rstats->rsigma); free(rstats->rcount); free(rstats); } static void fill_radial_bins(float *data, int w, int h, float *r_map, char *mask, float *rthreshold, float *roffset, float *rsigma, int *rcount) { int iss, ifs; int pidx; int curr_r; float value; for ( iss = 0; issnpix = (int *)malloc(max_num_peaks*sizeof(int)); if ( pkdata->npix == NULL ) { free(pkdata); free(pkdata->npix); return NULL; } pkdata->com_fs = (float *)malloc(max_num_peaks*sizeof(float)); if ( pkdata->com_fs == NULL ) { free(pkdata->npix); free(pkdata); return NULL; } pkdata->com_ss = (float *)malloc(max_num_peaks*sizeof(float)); if ( pkdata->com_ss == NULL ) { free(pkdata->npix); free(pkdata->com_fs); free(pkdata); return NULL; } pkdata->com_index = (int *)malloc(max_num_peaks*sizeof(int)); if ( pkdata->com_ss == NULL ) { free(pkdata->npix); free(pkdata->com_fs); free(pkdata->com_ss); free(pkdata); return NULL; } pkdata->tot_i = (float *)malloc(max_num_peaks*sizeof(float)); if ( pkdata->tot_i == NULL ) { free(pkdata->npix); free(pkdata->com_fs); free(pkdata->com_ss); free(pkdata->com_index); free(pkdata); return NULL; } pkdata->max_i = (float *)malloc(max_num_peaks*sizeof(float)); if ( pkdata->max_i == NULL ) { free(pkdata->npix); free(pkdata->com_fs); free(pkdata->com_ss); free(pkdata->com_index); free(pkdata->tot_i); free(pkdata); return NULL; } pkdata->sigma = (float *)malloc(max_num_peaks*sizeof(float)); if ( pkdata->sigma == NULL ) { free(pkdata->npix); free(pkdata->com_fs); free(pkdata->com_ss); free(pkdata->com_index); free(pkdata->tot_i); free(pkdata->max_i); free(pkdata); return NULL; } pkdata->snr = (float *)malloc(max_num_peaks*sizeof(float)); if ( pkdata->snr == NULL ) { free(pkdata->npix); free(pkdata->com_fs); free(pkdata->com_ss); free(pkdata->com_index); free(pkdata->tot_i); free(pkdata->max_i); free(pkdata->sigma); free(pkdata); return NULL; } return pkdata; } static void free_peak_data(struct peakfinder_peak_data *pkdata) { free(pkdata->npix); free(pkdata->com_fs); free(pkdata->com_ss); free(pkdata->com_index); free(pkdata->tot_i); free(pkdata->max_i); free(pkdata->sigma); free(pkdata->snr); free(pkdata); } static struct peakfinder_intern_data *allocate_peakfinder_intern_data( int data_size, int max_pix_count) { struct peakfinder_intern_data *intern_data; intern_data = (struct peakfinder_intern_data *)malloc( sizeof(struct peakfinder_intern_data)); if ( intern_data == NULL ) { return NULL; } intern_data->pix_in_peak_map =(char *)calloc(data_size, sizeof(char)); if ( intern_data->pix_in_peak_map == NULL ) { free(intern_data); return NULL; } intern_data->infs =(int *)calloc(data_size, sizeof(int)); if ( intern_data->infs == NULL ) { free(intern_data->pix_in_peak_map); free(intern_data); return NULL; } intern_data->inss =(int *)calloc(data_size, sizeof(int)); if ( intern_data->inss == NULL ) { free(intern_data->pix_in_peak_map); free(intern_data->infs); free(intern_data); return NULL; } intern_data->peak_pixels =(int *)calloc(max_pix_count, sizeof(int)); if ( intern_data->peak_pixels == NULL ) { free(intern_data->pix_in_peak_map); free(intern_data->infs); free(intern_data->inss); free(intern_data); return NULL; } return intern_data; } static void free_peakfinder_intern_data(struct peakfinder_intern_data *pfid) { free(pfid->peak_pixels); free(pfid->pix_in_peak_map); free(pfid->infs); free(pfid->inss); free(pfid); } static void peak_search(int p, struct peakfinder_intern_data *pfinter, float *copy, char *mask, float *r_map, float *rthreshold, float *roffset, int *num_pix_in_peak, int asic_size_fs, int asic_size_ss, int aifs, int aiss, int num_pix_fs, float *sum_com_fs, float *sum_com_ss, float *sum_i, int max_pix_count) { int k, pi; int curr_radius; float curr_threshold; int curr_fs; int curr_ss; float curr_i; int search_fs[9] = { 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1 }; int search_ss[9] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; int search_n = 9; for ( k=0; kinfs[p] + search_fs[k]) < 0 ) continue; if ( (pfinter->infs[p] + search_fs[k]) >= asic_size_fs ) continue; if ( (pfinter->inss[p] + search_ss[k]) < 0 ) continue; if ( (pfinter->inss[p] + search_ss[k]) >= asic_size_ss ) continue; curr_fs = pfinter->infs[p] + search_fs[k] + aifs * asic_size_fs; curr_ss = pfinter->inss[p] + search_ss[k] + aiss * asic_size_ss; pi = curr_fs + curr_ss * num_pix_fs; curr_radius = (int)rint(r_map[pi]); curr_threshold = rthreshold[curr_radius]; if ( copy[pi] > curr_threshold && pfinter->pix_in_peak_map[pi] == 0 && mask[pi] != 0 ) { curr_i = copy[pi] - roffset[curr_radius]; *sum_i += curr_i; *sum_com_fs += curr_i * ((float)curr_fs); *sum_com_ss += curr_i * ((float)curr_ss); pfinter->inss[*num_pix_in_peak] = pfinter->inss[p] + search_ss[k]; pfinter->infs[*num_pix_in_peak] = pfinter->infs[p] + search_fs[k]; pfinter->pix_in_peak_map[pi] = 1; if ( *num_pix_in_peak < max_pix_count ) { pfinter->peak_pixels[*num_pix_in_peak] = pi; } *num_pix_in_peak = *num_pix_in_peak+1; } } } static void search_in_ring(int ring_width, int com_fs_int, int com_ss_int, float *copy, float *r_map, float *rthreshold, float *roffset, char *pix_in_peak_map, char *mask, int asic_size_fs, int asic_size_ss, int aifs, int aiss, int num_pix_fs,float *local_sigma, float *local_offset, float *background_max_i, int com_idx, int local_bg_radius) { int ssj, fsi; float pix_radius; int curr_fs, curr_ss; int pi; int curr_radius; float curr_threshold; float curr_i; int np_sigma; int np_counted; int local_radius; float sum_i; float sum_i_squared; ring_width = 2 * local_bg_radius; sum_i = 0; sum_i_squared = 0; np_sigma = 0; np_counted = 0; local_radius = 0; for ( ssj = -ring_width ; ssj= asic_size_fs ) continue; if ( (com_ss_int + ssj) < 0 ) continue; if ( (com_ss_int + ssj) >= asic_size_ss ) continue; pix_radius = sqrt(fsi * fsi + ssj * ssj); if ( pix_radius>ring_width ) continue; curr_fs = com_fs_int +fsi + aifs * asic_size_fs; curr_ss = com_ss_int +ssj + aiss * asic_size_ss; pi = curr_fs + curr_ss * num_pix_fs; curr_radius = rint(r_map[pi]); curr_threshold = rthreshold[curr_radius]; curr_i = copy[pi]; if ( copy[pi] < curr_threshold && pix_in_peak_map[pi] == 0 && mask[pi] != 0 ) { np_sigma++; sum_i += curr_i; sum_i_squared += (curr_i * curr_i); if ( curr_i > *background_max_i ) { *background_max_i = curr_i; } } np_counted += 1; } } if ( np_sigma != 0 ) { *local_offset = sum_i / np_sigma; *local_sigma = sqrt(sum_i_squared / np_sigma - ((sum_i / np_sigma) * (sum_i / np_sigma))); } else { local_radius = rint(r_map[(int)rint(com_idx)]); *local_offset = roffset[local_radius]; *local_sigma = 0.01; } } static void process_panel(int asic_size_fs, int asic_size_ss, int num_pix_fs, int aiss, int aifs, float *rthreshold, float *roffset, int *peak_count, float *copy, struct peakfinder_intern_data *pfinter, float *r_map, char *mask, int *npix, float *com_fs, float *com_ss, int *com_index, float *tot_i, float *max_i, float *sigma, float *snr, int min_pix_count, int max_pix_count, int local_bg_radius, float min_snr, int max_n_peaks) { int pxss, pxfs; int num_pix_in_peak; for ( pxss=1 ; pxss curr_thresh && pfinter->pix_in_peak_map[pxidx] == 0 ) { float sum_com_fs, sum_com_ss; float sum_i; float peak_com_fs, peak_com_ss; float peak_com_fs_int, peak_com_ss_int; float peak_tot_i, pk_tot_i_raw; float peak_max_i, pk_max_i_raw; float peak_snr; float local_sigma, local_offset; float background_max_i; float f_background_thresh; int lt_num_pix_in_pk; int ring_width; int peak_idx; int com_idx; int p; pfinter->infs[0] = pxfs; pfinter->inss[0] = pxss; pfinter->peak_pixels[0] = pxidx; num_pix_in_peak = 1; sum_i = 0; sum_com_fs = 0; sum_com_ss = 0; do { lt_num_pix_in_pk = num_pix_in_peak; for ( p=0; p max_pix_count) { continue; } peak_com_fs = sum_com_fs / fabs(sum_i); peak_com_ss = sum_com_ss / fabs(sum_i); com_idx = rint(peak_com_fs) + rint(peak_com_ss) * num_pix_fs; peak_com_fs_int = (int)rint(peak_com_fs) - aifs * asic_size_fs; peak_com_ss_int = (int)rint(peak_com_ss) - aiss * asic_size_ss; local_sigma = 0.0; local_offset = 0.0; background_max_i = 0.0; ring_width = 2 * local_bg_radius; search_in_ring(ring_width, peak_com_fs_int, peak_com_ss_int, copy, r_map, rthreshold, roffset, pfinter->pix_in_peak_map, mask, asic_size_fs, asic_size_ss, aifs, aiss, num_pix_fs, &local_sigma, &local_offset, &background_max_i, com_idx, local_bg_radius); peak_tot_i = 0; pk_tot_i_raw = 0; peak_max_i = 0; pk_max_i_raw = 0; sum_com_fs = 0; sum_com_ss = 0; for ( peak_idx = 1 ; peak_idx < num_pix_in_peak && peak_idx <= max_pix_count ; peak_idx++ ) { int curr_idx; float curr_i; float curr_i_raw; int curr_fs, curr_ss; // BUG HERE, I THINK. PEAK_PIXELS // HAS SIZE MAX_PIX_COUNT, BUT // IN THE FOLLOWING LINE PEAK_IDX // CAN HAVE VALUE EXACTLY MAX_PEAK_COUNT // (SEE THE FOR LOOP ABOVE) curr_idx = pfinter->peak_pixels[peak_idx]; curr_i_raw = copy[curr_idx]; curr_i = curr_i_raw - local_offset; peak_tot_i += curr_i; pk_tot_i_raw += curr_i_raw; curr_fs = curr_idx % asic_size_fs; curr_ss = curr_idx / asic_size_fs; sum_com_fs += curr_i * ((float)curr_fs); sum_com_ss += curr_i * ((float)curr_ss); if ( curr_i_raw > pk_max_i_raw ) pk_max_i_raw = curr_i_raw; if ( curr_i > peak_max_i ) peak_max_i = curr_i; } peak_com_fs = sum_com_fs / fabs(peak_tot_i); peak_com_ss = sum_com_ss / fabs(peak_tot_i); peak_snr = peak_tot_i / local_sigma; if (peak_snr < min_snr) { continue; } f_background_thresh = 1; f_background_thresh *= background_max_i - local_offset; if (peak_max_i < f_background_thresh) { continue; } if ( num_pix_in_peak >= min_pix_count && num_pix_in_peak <= max_pix_count ) { int peak_com_idx; if ( peak_tot_i == 0 ) { continue; } peak_com_idx = rint(peak_com_fs) + rint(peak_com_ss) * asic_size_fs; if ( *peak_count < max_n_peaks ) { int pidx; pidx = *peak_count; npix[pidx] = num_pix_in_peak; com_fs[pidx] = peak_com_fs; com_ss[pidx] = peak_com_ss; com_index[pidx] = peak_com_idx; tot_i[pidx] = peak_tot_i; max_i[pidx] = peak_max_i; sigma[pidx] = local_sigma; snr[pidx] = peak_snr; *peak_count = *peak_count + 1; } else { *peak_count = *peak_count + 1; } } } } } } static int peakfinder8_base(float *roffset, float *rthreshold, float *data, char *mask, float *r_map, int asic_size_fs, int num_asics_fs, int asic_size_ss, int num_asics_ss, int max_n_peaks, int *num_found_peaks, int *npix, float *com_fs, float *com_ss, int *com_index, float *tot_i, float *max_i, float *sigma, float *snr, int min_pix_count, int max_pix_count, int local_bg_radius, float min_snr) { int num_pix_fs, num_pix_ss, num_pix_tot; int i, aifs, aiss; int peak_count; float *copy; struct peakfinder_intern_data *pfinter; num_pix_fs = asic_size_fs * num_asics_fs; num_pix_ss = asic_size_ss * num_asics_ss; num_pix_tot = num_pix_fs * num_pix_ss; copy = (float *)calloc(num_pix_tot, sizeof(float)); if ( copy == NULL ) { return 1; } memcpy(copy, data, num_pix_tot*sizeof(float)); for (i = 0; i < num_pix_tot; i++) { copy[i] *= mask[i]; } pfinter = allocate_peakfinder_intern_data(num_pix_tot, max_pix_count); if ( pfinter == NULL ) { free(copy); return 1; } peak_count = 0; for ( aiss=0 ; aiss det == NULL) { return 1; } rmaps = compute_radius_maps(img->det); if ( rmaps == NULL ) { return 1; } pfmask = create_peakfinder_mask(img, rmaps, min_res, max_res); if ( pfmask == NULL ) { free_radius_maps(rmaps); return 1; } pfdata = allocate_panel_data(img->det->n_panels); if ( pfdata == NULL) { free_radius_maps(rmaps); free_peakfinder_mask(pfmask); return 1; } for ( pi=0 ; pidet->n_panels ; pi++ ) { pfdata->panel_h[pi] = img->det->panels[pi].h; pfdata->panel_w[pi] = img->det->panels[pi].w; pfdata->panel_data[pi] = img->dp[pi]; pfdata->num_panels = img->det->n_panels; } num_rad_bins = compute_num_radial_bins(img->det->n_panels, pfdata->panel_w, pfdata->panel_h, rmaps->r_maps); rstats = allocate_radial_stats(num_rad_bins); if ( rstats == NULL ) { free_radius_maps(rmaps); free_peakfinder_mask(pfmask); free_panel_data(pfdata); return 1; } for ( i=0 ; in_rad_bins ; i++) { rstats->rthreshold[i] = 1e9; } for ( it_counter=0 ; it_counterroffset[i] = 0; rstats->rsigma[i] = 0; rstats->rcount[i] = 0; } for ( pi=0 ; pinum_panels ; pi++ ) { fill_radial_bins(pfdata->panel_data[pi], pfdata->panel_w[pi], pfdata->panel_h[pi], rmaps->r_maps[pi], pfmask->masks[pi], rstats->rthreshold, rstats->roffset, rstats->rsigma, rstats->rcount); } compute_radial_stats(rstats->rthreshold, rstats->roffset, rstats->rsigma, rstats->rcount, num_rad_bins, min_snr, threshold); } pkdata = allocate_peak_data(max_n_peaks); if ( pkdata == NULL ) { free_radius_maps(rmaps); free_peakfinder_mask(pfmask); free_panel_data(pfdata); free_radial_stats(rstats); return 1; } remaining_max_num_peaks = max_n_peaks; for ( pi=0 ; pidet->n_panels ; pi++) { int peaks_to_add; int pki; int ret; num_found_peaks = 0; if ( img->det->panels[pi].no_index ) { continue; } ret = peakfinder8_base(rstats->roffset, rstats->rthreshold, pfdata->panel_data[pi], pfmask->masks[pi], rmaps->r_maps[pi], pfdata->panel_w[pi], 1, pfdata->panel_h[pi], 1, max_n_peaks, &num_found_peaks, pkdata->npix, pkdata->com_fs, pkdata->com_ss, pkdata->com_index, pkdata->tot_i, pkdata->max_i, pkdata->sigma, pkdata->snr, min_pix_count, max_pix_count, local_bg_radius, min_snr); if ( ret != 0 ) { free_radius_maps(rmaps); free_peakfinder_mask(pfmask); free_panel_data(pfdata); free_radial_stats(rstats); return 1; } peaks_to_add = num_found_peaks; if ( num_found_peaks > remaining_max_num_peaks ) { peaks_to_add = remaining_max_num_peaks; } remaining_max_num_peaks -= peaks_to_add; for ( pki=0 ; pkidet->panels[pi]; img->num_peaks += 1; if ( pkdata->max_i[pki] > p->max_adu ) { img->num_saturated_peaks++; if ( !use_saturated ) { continue; } } image_add_feature(img->features, pkdata->com_fs[pki]+0.5, pkdata->com_ss[pki]+0.5, p, img, pkdata->tot_i[pki], NULL); } } free_radius_maps(rmaps); free_peakfinder_mask(pfmask); free_panel_data(pfdata); free_radial_stats(rstats); free_peak_data(pkdata); return 0; }