#!/bin/sh OUTFILE=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/\.hkl$/.mtz/'` TMPFILE=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/\.hkl$/.temp.mtz/'` echo " Input: $1" echo "Output: $OUTFILE" if [ -e $TMPFILE -o -e $OUTFILE ]; then echo " I'm about to write to the following files, but one or more" echo " of them already exist:" echo " " $TMPFILE echo " " $OUTFILE echo " To confirm that you want to continue, which will DESTROY the" echo " current contents of these files, type 'y' and press enter." read conf if [ $conf != y ]; then echo "Not confirmed." exit 1 else echo "Proceeding" fi fi # Start by putting the CrystFEL intensities into an MTZ file echo "Running 'f2mtz'..." f2mtz HKLIN $1 HKLOUT $TMPFILE > out.html << EOF TITLE Reflections from CrystFEL NAME PROJECT wibble CRYSTAL wibble DATASET wibble CELL 281 281 165.2 90 90 120 SYMM P63 SKIP 1 LABOUT H K L IMEAN SIGIMEAN CTYPE H H H J Q FORMAT '(F3.0,1X,F3.0,1X,F3.0,1X,F10.2,10X,F10.2)' EOF if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed."; exit; fi # Get the unit cell contents echo "Running 'rwcontents'..." rwcontents XYZIN ../../1JB0.pdb >> out.html << EOF NHOH 2.3 lowt EOF if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed."; exit; fi # Run 'truncate' to turn Is into Fs echo "Running 'truncate'..." truncate HKLIN $TMPFILE HKLOUT $OUTFILE >> out.html << EOF TRUNCATE NO LABIN H=H K=K L=L IMEAN=IMEAN SIGIMEAN=SIGIMEAN LABOUT H=H K=K L=L IMEAN=IMEAN SIGIMEAN=SIGIMEAN F=F SIGF=SIGF CONTENTS C 16938 N 3310 O 3548 MG 96 P 3 S 89 CA 1 FE 12 H 17645 EOF if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed."; exit; fi rm -f $TMPFILE echo "Done."