#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Generate "peak powder" from CrystFEL stream # # Copyright © 2017 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, # a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. # # Author: # 2017 Alexandra Tolstikova # import sys import numpy as np import h5py from os.path import basename, splitext with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as stream: reading_geometry = False reading_chunks = False reading_peaks = False max_fs = -100500 max_ss = -100500 for line in stream: if reading_chunks: if line.startswith('End of peak list'): reading_peaks = False elif line.startswith(' fs/px ss/px (1/d)/nm^-1 Intensity Panel'): reading_peaks = True elif reading_peaks: fs, ss, dump, intensity = [float(i) for i in line.split()[:4]] powder[int(ss), int(fs)] += intensity elif line.startswith('----- End geometry file -----'): reading_geometry = False powder = np.zeros((max_ss + 1, max_fs + 1)) elif reading_geometry: try: par, val = line.split('=') if par.split('/')[-1].strip() == 'max_fs' and int(val) > max_fs: max_fs = int(val) elif par.split('/')[-1].strip() == 'max_ss' and int(val) > max_ss: max_ss = int(val) except ValueError: pass elif line.startswith('----- Begin geometry file -----'): reading_geometry = True elif line.startswith('----- Begin chunk -----'): reading_chunks = True f = h5py.File(splitext(basename(sys.argv[1]))[0]+'-powder.h5', 'w') f.create_dataset('/data/data', data=powder) f.close()