/* * diffraction-gpu.c * * Calculate diffraction patterns by Fourier methods (GPU version) * * (c) 2006-2010 Thomas White * * Part of CrystFEL - crystallography with a FEL * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "utils.h" #include "cell.h" #include "diffraction.h" #include "sfac.h" #include "cl-utils.h" #define SAMPLING (4) #define BWSAMPLING (10) #define BANDWIDTH (1.0 / 100.0) #define SINC_LUT_ELEMENTS (4096) struct gpu_context { cl_context ctx; cl_command_queue cq; cl_program prog; cl_kernel kern; cl_mem sfacs; cl_mem tt; size_t tt_size; cl_mem diff; size_t diff_size; /* Array of sinc LUTs */ cl_mem *sinc_luts; cl_float **sinc_lut_ptrs; int max_sinc_lut; /* Number of LUTs, i.e. one greater than the maximum * index. This equals the highest allowable "n". */ }; static void check_sinc_lut(struct gpu_context *gctx, int n) { cl_int err; size_t sinc_lut_size; cl_image_format fmt; int i; if ( n > gctx->max_sinc_lut ) { STATUS("Allocating %i -> %i\n", gctx->max_sinc_lut, n); gctx->sinc_luts = realloc(gctx->sinc_luts, n*sizeof(*gctx->sinc_luts)); gctx->sinc_lut_ptrs = realloc(gctx->sinc_lut_ptrs, n*sizeof(*gctx->sinc_lut_ptrs)); for ( i=gctx->max_sinc_lut; isinc_lut_ptrs[i] = NULL; } gctx->max_sinc_lut = n; } fmt.image_channel_order = CL_INTENSITY; fmt.image_channel_data_type = CL_FLOAT; sinc_lut_size = SINC_LUT_ELEMENTS*sizeof(cl_float); /* Create a new sinc LUT */ gctx->sinc_lut_ptrs[n-1] = malloc(sinc_lut_size); gctx->sinc_lut_ptrs[n-1][0] = n; if ( n == 1 ) { for ( i=1; isinc_lut_ptrs[n-1][i] = 1.0; } } else { for ( i=1; isinc_lut_ptrs[n-1][i] = val; } } gctx->sinc_luts[n-1] = clCreateImage2D(gctx->ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, &fmt, SINC_LUT_ELEMENTS, 1, 0, gctx->sinc_lut_ptrs[n-1], &err); } void get_diffraction_gpu(struct gpu_context *gctx, struct image *image, int na, int nb, int nc, int no_sfac) { cl_int err; double ax, ay, az; double bx, by, bz; double cx, cy, cz; float k, klow; cl_event *event; int p; float *tt_ptr; int x, y; cl_float16 cell; float *diff_ptr; cl_float4 orientation; cl_int4 ncells; const int sampling = SAMPLING; cl_float bwstep; if ( gctx == NULL ) { ERROR("GPU setup failed.\n"); return; } cell_get_cartesian(image->molecule->cell, &ax, &ay, &az, &bx, &by, &bz, &cx, &cy, &cz); cell[0] = ax; cell[1] = ay; cell[2] = az; cell[3] = bx; cell[4] = by; cell[5] = bz; cell[6] = cx; cell[7] = cy; cell[8] = cz; /* Calculate wavelength */ k = 1.0/image->lambda; /* Centre value */ klow = k - k*(BANDWIDTH/2.0); /* Lower value */ bwstep = k * BANDWIDTH / BWSAMPLING; /* Orientation */ orientation[0] = image->orientation.w; orientation[1] = image->orientation.x; orientation[2] = image->orientation.y; orientation[3] = image->orientation.z; ncells[0] = na; ncells[1] = nb; ncells[2] = nc; ncells[3] = 0; /* unused */ /* Ensure all required LUTs are available */ check_sinc_lut(gctx, na); check_sinc_lut(gctx, nb); check_sinc_lut(gctx, nc); err = clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &gctx->diff); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 0: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &gctx->tt); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 1: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 2, sizeof(cl_float), &klow); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 2: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 3, sizeof(cl_int), &image->width); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 3: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 8, sizeof(cl_float16), &cell); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 8: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 9, sizeof(cl_mem), &gctx->sfacs); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 9: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 10, sizeof(cl_float4), &orientation); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 10: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 13, sizeof(cl_int), &sampling); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 13: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } /* Local memory for reduction */ clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 14, BWSAMPLING*SAMPLING*SAMPLING*sizeof(cl_float), NULL); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 14: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } /* Bandwidth sampling step */ clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 15, sizeof(cl_float), &bwstep); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 15: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } /* LUT in 'a' direction */ clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 16, sizeof(cl_mem), &gctx->sinc_luts[na-1]); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 16: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } /* LUT in 'b' direction */ clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 17, sizeof(cl_mem), &gctx->sinc_luts[nb-1]); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 17: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } /* LUT in 'c' direction */ clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 18, sizeof(cl_mem), &gctx->sinc_luts[nc-1]); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 18: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } /* Iterate over panels */ event = malloc(image->det.n_panels * sizeof(cl_event)); for ( p=0; pdet.n_panels; p++ ) { size_t dims[3]; size_t ldims[3] = {SAMPLING, SAMPLING, BWSAMPLING}; /* In a future version of OpenCL, this could be done * with a global work offset. But not yet... */ dims[0] = 1+image->det.panels[0].max_x-image->det.panels[0].min_x; dims[1] = 1+image->det.panels[0].max_y-image->det.panels[0].min_y; dims[0] *= SAMPLING; dims[1] *= SAMPLING; dims[2] = BWSAMPLING; clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 4, sizeof(cl_float), &image->det.panels[p].cx); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 4: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 5, sizeof(cl_float), &image->det.panels[p].cy); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 5: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 6, sizeof(cl_float), &image->det.panels[p].res); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 6: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 7, sizeof(cl_float), &image->det.panels[p].clen); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 7: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 11, sizeof(cl_int), &image->det.panels[p].min_x); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 11: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } clSetKernelArg(gctx->kern, 12, sizeof(cl_int), &image->det.panels[p].min_y); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't set arg 12: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(gctx->cq, gctx->kern, 3, NULL, dims, ldims, 0, NULL, &event[p]); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't enqueue diffraction kernel: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } } diff_ptr = clEnqueueMapBuffer(gctx->cq, gctx->diff, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, gctx->diff_size, image->det.n_panels, event, NULL, &err); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't map diffraction buffer: %s\n", clError(err)); return; } tt_ptr = clEnqueueMapBuffer(gctx->cq, gctx->tt, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, gctx->tt_size, image->det.n_panels, event, NULL, &err); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't map tt buffer\n"); return; } free(event); image->data = calloc(image->width * image->height, sizeof(float)); image->twotheta = calloc(image->width * image->height, sizeof(double)); for ( x=0; xwidth; x++ ) { for ( y=0; yheight; y++ ) { float val, tt; val = diff_ptr[x + image->width*y]; if ( isinf(val) ) { ERROR("Extracting infinity at %i,%i\n", x, y); } if ( val < 0.0 ) { ERROR("Extracting negative at %i,%i\n", x, y); } if ( isnan(val) ) { ERROR("Extracting NaN at %i,%i\n", x, y); } tt = tt_ptr[x + image->width*y]; image->data[x + image->width*y] = val; image->twotheta[x + image->width*y] = tt; } } clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(gctx->cq, gctx->diff, diff_ptr, 0, NULL, NULL); clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(gctx->cq, gctx->tt, tt_ptr, 0, NULL, NULL); } /* Setup the OpenCL stuff, create buffers, load the structure factor table */ struct gpu_context *setup_gpu(int no_sfac, struct image *image, struct molecule *molecule) { struct gpu_context *gctx; cl_uint nplat; cl_platform_id platforms[8]; cl_context_properties prop[3]; cl_int err; cl_device_id dev; size_t sfac_size; float *sfac_ptr; size_t maxwgsize; int i; if ( molecule == NULL ) return NULL; /* Generate structure factors if required */ if ( !no_sfac ) { if ( molecule->reflections == NULL ) { get_reflections_cached(molecule, ph_lambda_to_en(image->lambda)); } } STATUS("Setting up GPU..."); fflush(stderr); err = clGetPlatformIDs(8, platforms, &nplat); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't get platform IDs: %i\n", err); return NULL; } if ( nplat == 0 ) { ERROR("Couldn't find at least one platform!\n"); return NULL; } prop[0] = CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM; prop[1] = (cl_context_properties)platforms[0]; prop[2] = 0; gctx = malloc(sizeof(*gctx)); gctx->ctx = clCreateContextFromType(prop, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, NULL, NULL, &err); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't create OpenCL context: %i\n", err); free(gctx); return NULL; } dev = get_first_dev(gctx->ctx); gctx->cq = clCreateCommandQueue(gctx->ctx, dev, 0, &err); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't create OpenCL command queue\n"); free(gctx); return NULL; } /* Create buffer for the picture */ gctx->diff_size = image->width*image->height*sizeof(cl_float); gctx->diff = clCreateBuffer(gctx->ctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, gctx->diff_size, NULL, &err); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't allocate diffraction memory\n"); free(gctx); return NULL; } /* Create a single-precision version of the scattering factors */ sfac_size = IDIM*IDIM*IDIM*sizeof(cl_float)*2; /* complex */ sfac_ptr = malloc(sfac_size); if ( !no_sfac ) { for ( i=0; ireflections[i]); sfac_ptr[2*i+1] = cimag(molecule->reflections[i]); } } else { for ( i=0; isfacs = clCreateBuffer(gctx->ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, sfac_size, sfac_ptr, &err); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't allocate sfac memory\n"); free(gctx); return NULL; } free(sfac_ptr); gctx->tt_size = image->width*image->height*sizeof(cl_float); gctx->tt = clCreateBuffer(gctx->ctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, gctx->tt_size, NULL, &err); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't allocate twotheta memory\n"); free(gctx); return NULL; } gctx->prog = load_program(DATADIR"/crystfel/diffraction.cl", gctx->ctx, dev, &err); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { free(gctx); return NULL; } gctx->kern = clCreateKernel(gctx->prog, "diffraction", &err); if ( err != CL_SUCCESS ) { ERROR("Couldn't create kernel\n"); free(gctx); return NULL; } STATUS("done\n"); gctx->max_sinc_lut = 0; gctx->sinc_lut_ptrs = NULL; gctx->sinc_luts = NULL; clGetDeviceInfo(dev, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(size_t), &maxwgsize, NULL); STATUS("Maximum work group size = %lli\n", (long long int)maxwgsize); return gctx; } void cleanup_gpu(struct gpu_context *gctx) { int i; clReleaseProgram(gctx->prog); clReleaseMemObject(gctx->diff); clReleaseMemObject(gctx->tt); clReleaseMemObject(gctx->sfacs); /* Release LUTs */ for ( i=1; i<=gctx->max_sinc_lut; i++ ) { if ( gctx->sinc_lut_ptrs[i-1] != NULL ) { STATUS("freeing %i\n", i-1); clReleaseMemObject(gctx->sinc_luts[i-1]); free(gctx->sinc_lut_ptrs[i-1]); } } clReleaseCommandQueue(gctx->cq); clReleaseContext(gctx->ctx); free(gctx); }