/* * diffraction.c * * Calculate diffraction patterns by Fourier methods * * (c) 2007-2009 Thomas White * * pattern_sim - Simulate diffraction patterns from small crystals * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "utils.h" #include "cell.h" #include "ewald.h" static double lattice_factor(struct threevec q, double ax, double ay, double az, double bx, double by, double bz, double cx, double cy, double cz) { struct threevec Udotq; double f1, f2, f3; int na = 64; int nb = 64; int nc = 64; Udotq.u = (ax*q.u + ay*q.v + az*q.w)/2.0; Udotq.v = (bx*q.u + by*q.v + bz*q.w)/2.0; Udotq.w = (cx*q.u + cy*q.v + cz*q.w)/2.0; if ( na > 1 ) { f1 = sin(2.0*M_PI*(double)na*Udotq.u) / sin(2.0*M_PI*Udotq.u); } else { f1 = 1.0; } if ( nb > 1 ) { f2 = sin(2.0*M_PI*(double)nb*Udotq.v) / sin(2.0*M_PI*Udotq.v); } else { f2 = 1.0; } if ( nc > 1 ) { f3 = sin(2.0*M_PI*(double)nc*Udotq.w) / sin(2.0*M_PI*Udotq.w); } else { f3 = 1.0; } return f1 * f2 * f3; } /* Look up f1 and f2 for this atom at this energy (in J/photon) */ static double complex get_sfac(const char *n, double en) { FILE *fh; char filename[64]; char line[1024]; char *rval; float last_E, last_f1, last_f2; snprintf(filename, 63, "scattering-factors/%s.nff", n); fh = fopen(filename, "r"); if ( fh == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open file '%s'\n", filename); return 0.0; } en = J_to_eV(en); /* Discard first line */ fgets(line, 1023, fh); last_E = 0.0; last_f1 = 0.0; last_f2 = 0.0; do { int r; float E, f1, f2; rval = fgets(line, 1023, fh); r = sscanf(line, "%f %f %f", &E, &f1, &f2); if ( r != 3 ) { fprintf(stderr, "WTF?\n"); abort(); } if ( E < en ) { last_E = E; last_f1 = f1; last_f2 = f2; } else { float f; float actual_f1, actual_f2; f = (en - last_E) / (E - last_E); actual_f1 = last_f1 + f * (f1 - last_f1); actual_f2 = last_f2 + f * (f2 - last_f2); fclose(fh); return actual_f1 + I*actual_f2; } } while ( rval != NULL ); fclose(fh); fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find scattering factors for '%s' at %f eV!\n", n, en); return 0.0; } static double complex molecule_factor(struct molecule *mol, struct threevec q, double en) { int i; double F = 0.0; double s; s = modulus(q.u, q.v, q.w); for ( i=0; in_species; i++ ) { double complex sfac; double complex contrib = 0.0; struct mol_species *spec; int j; spec = mol->species[i]; for ( j=0; jn_atoms; j++ ) { double ph; ph= q.u*spec->x[j] + q.v*spec->y[j] + q.w*spec->z[j]; contrib += cos(2.0*M_PI*ph) + I*sin(2.0*M_PI*ph); } sfac = get_sfac(spec->species, en); F += sfac * contrib * exp(-2.0 * spec->B[j] * s); } return F; } static struct molecule *load_molecule() { struct molecule *mol; FILE *fh; char line[1024]; char *rval; int i; mol = malloc(sizeof(struct molecule)); if ( mol == NULL ) return NULL; mol->n_species = 0; fh = fopen("molecule.pdb", "r"); if ( fh == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open file\n"); return NULL; } do { char el[4]; int j, r; int done = 0; float x, y, z, occ, B; char *coords; rval = fgets(line, 1023, fh); /* Only interested in atoms */ if ( strncmp(line, "HETATM", 6) != 0 ) continue; /* The following crimes against programming style * were brought to you by Wizbit Enterprises, Inc. */ if ( line[76] == ' ' ) { el[0] = line[77]; el[1] = '\0'; } else { el[0] = line[76]; el[1] = line[77]; el[2] = '\0'; } coords = line + 29; r = sscanf(coords, "%f %f %f %f %f", &x, &y, &z, &occ, &B); if ( r != 5 ) { fprintf(stderr, "WTF?\n"); abort(); } for ( j=0; jn_species; j++ ) { struct mol_species *spec; int n; spec = mol->species[j]; if ( strcmp(spec->species, el) != 0 ) continue; n = mol->species[j]->n_atoms; spec->x[n] = x; spec->y[n] = y; spec->z[n] = z; spec->occ[n] = occ; spec->B[n] = B; mol->species[j]->n_atoms++; done = 1; } if ( !done ) { /* Need to create record for this species */ struct mol_species *spec; spec = malloc(sizeof(struct mol_species)); memcpy(spec->species, el, 4); spec->x[0] = x; spec->y[0] = y; spec->z[0] = z; spec->occ[0] = occ; spec->B[0] = B; spec->n_atoms = 1; mol->species[mol->n_species] = spec; mol->n_species++; } } while ( rval != NULL ); fclose(fh); printf("There are %i species\n", mol->n_species); for ( i=0; in_species; i++ ) { printf("'%s': %i\n", mol->species[i]->species, mol->species[i]->n_atoms); } return mol; } void get_diffraction(struct image *image, UnitCell *cell) { int x, y; double ax, ay, az; double bx, by, bz; double cx, cy, cz; /* Generate the array of reciprocal space vectors in image->qvecs */ get_ewald(image); image->molecule = load_molecule(); if ( image->molecule == NULL ) return; cell_get_cartesian(cell, &ax, &ay, &az, &bx, &by, &bz, &cx, &cy, &cz); image->sfacs = malloc(image->width * image->height * sizeof(double complex)); for ( x=0; xwidth; x++ ) { for ( y=0; yheight; y++ ) { double f_lattice; double complex f_molecule; struct threevec q; q = image->qvecs[x + image->width*y]; f_lattice = lattice_factor(q, ax,ay,az,bx,by,bz,cx,cy,cz); f_molecule = molecule_factor(image->molecule, q, image->xray_energy); image->sfacs[x + image->width*y] = f_lattice * f_molecule; } printf("x=%i\n", x); } }