/* * filters.c * * Image filtering * * (c) 2006-2010 Thomas White * * Part of CrystFEL - crystallography with a FEL * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" static int compare_vals(const void *ap, const void *bp) { const signed int a = *(signed int *)ap; const signed int b = *(signed int *)bp; if ( a > b ) return 1; if ( a < b ) return -1; return 0; } static void clean_panel(struct image *image, int sx, int sy) { int x, y; const int s = sizeof(signed int); for ( x=0; x<512; x++ ) { signed int vals[128]; double m; for ( y=0; y<128; y++ ) { vals[y] = image->data[(x+sx)+(y+sy)*image->width]; } qsort(&vals[0], 128, s, compare_vals); m = gsl_stats_int_median_from_sorted_data(vals, 1, 128); for ( y=0; y<128; y++ ) { image->data[(x+sx)+(y+sy)*image->width] -= m; } } } static void noise_filter(struct image *image) { int x, y; for ( x=0; xwidth; x++ ) { for ( y=0; yheight; y++ ) { int dx, dy; int val = image->data[x+image->width*y]; if ( (x==0) || (x==image->width-1) || (y==0) || (y==image->height-1) ) { if ( val < 0 ) val = 0; continue; } for ( dx=-1; dx<=+1; dx++ ) { for ( dy=-1; dy<=+1; dy++ ) { int val2; val2 = image->data[(x+dx)+image->width*(y+dy)]; if ( val2 < 0 ) val = 0; } } image->data[x+image->width*y] = val; } } } /* Pre-processing to make life easier */ void filter_cm(struct image *image) { int px, py; if ( (image->width != 1024) || (image->height != 1024) ) return; for ( px=0; px<2; px++ ) { for ( py=0; py<8; py++ ) { clean_panel(image, 512*px, 128*py); } } } void filter_noise(struct image *image) { noise_filter(image); }