/* * im-asapo.c * * ASAP::O data interface * * Copyright © 2021-2023 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2021-2023 Thomas White * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "im-asapo.h" #include "datatemplate_priv.h" struct im_asapo { char *stream; AsapoConsumerHandle consumer; AsapoProducerHandle producer; AsapoStringHandle group_id; int wait_for_stream; char *output_stream; }; static void show_asapo_error(const char *msg, const AsapoErrorHandle err) { char buf[1024]; char tstr[256]; time_t t; struct tm *tmp; t = time(NULL); tmp = localtime(&t); asapo_error_explain(err, buf, sizeof(buf)); strftime(tstr, 256, "%d-%m-%y %T %z", tmp); ERROR("[%s] %s: %s\n", tstr, msg, buf); } struct im_asapo *im_asapo_connect(struct im_asapo_params *params) { struct im_asapo *a; AsapoSourceCredentialsHandle cred; AsapoErrorHandle err = asapo_new_handle(); if ( params->endpoint == NULL ) { ERROR("ASAP::O endpoint not specified.\n"); return NULL; } if ( params->beamtime == NULL ) { ERROR("ASAP::O beamtime not specified.\n"); return NULL; } if ( params->group_id == NULL ) { ERROR("ASAP::O consumer group ID not specified.\n"); return NULL; } if ( params->source == NULL ) { ERROR("ASAP::O data source not specified.\n"); return NULL; } if ( params->stream == NULL ) { ERROR("ASAP::O stream not specified.\n"); return NULL; } if ( strcmp(params->stream, params->output_stream) == 0 ) { ERROR("ASAP::O input and output streams cannot be the same.\n"); return NULL; } a = malloc(sizeof(struct im_asapo)); if ( a == NULL ) return NULL; cred = asapo_create_source_credentials(kProcessed, "auto", /* instance ID */ "indexamajig", /* pipeline step */ params->beamtime, "", /* beamline */ params->source, params->token); a->consumer = asapo_create_consumer(params->endpoint, "auto", 0, cred, &err); if ( asapo_is_error(err) ) { show_asapo_error("Cannot create ASAP::O consumer", err); asapo_free_handle(&cred); free(a); return NULL; } if ( params->output_stream != NULL ) { a->producer = asapo_create_producer(params->endpoint, 1, /* Number of sender threads */ kTcp, cred, 60000, /* Timeout */ &err); if ( asapo_is_error(err) ) { show_asapo_error("Cannot create ASAP::O producer", err); asapo_free_handle(&a->consumer); asapo_free_handle(&a->group_id); asapo_free_handle(&cred); free(a); return NULL; } a->output_stream = strdup(params->output_stream); } else { a->producer = NULL; a->output_stream = NULL; } a->stream = strdup(params->stream); asapo_consumer_set_timeout(a->consumer, 3000); a->group_id = asapo_string_from_c_str(params->group_id); a->wait_for_stream = params->wait_for_stream; asapo_free_handle(&cred); return a; } static int stream_empty(struct im_asapo *a) { AsapoErrorHandle err; err = asapo_new_handle(); int64_t size = asapo_consumer_get_current_size(a->consumer, a->stream, &err); if ( asapo_is_error(err) ) { show_asapo_error("Couldn't get stream size", err); asapo_free_handle(&err); return 0; } return ( size == 0 ); } void *im_asapo_fetch(struct im_asapo *a, size_t *pdata_size, char **pmeta, char **pfilename, char **pevent, int *pfinished, int *pmessageid) { void *data_copy; AsapoMessageMetaHandle meta; AsapoMessageDataHandle data; AsapoErrorHandle err; uint64_t msg_size; *pfinished = 0; profile_start("create-handles"); err = asapo_new_handle(); meta = asapo_new_handle(); data = asapo_new_handle(); profile_end("create-handles"); profile_start("asapo-get-next"); asapo_consumer_get_next(a->consumer, a->group_id, &meta, &data, a->stream, &err); profile_end("asapo-get-next"); if ( asapo_error_get_type(err) == kEndOfStream ) { asapo_free_handle(&err); asapo_free_handle(&meta); asapo_free_handle(&data); if ( stream_empty(a) && a->wait_for_stream ) { *pfinished = 0; } else { *pfinished = 1; } return NULL; } if ( asapo_is_error(err) ) { show_asapo_error("Couldn't get next ASAP::O record", err); asapo_free_handle(&err); asapo_free_handle(&meta); asapo_free_handle(&data); return NULL; } profile_start("get-size"); msg_size = asapo_message_meta_get_size(meta); profile_end("get-size"); profile_start("malloc-copy"); data_copy = malloc(msg_size); if ( data_copy == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to copy data block.\n"); asapo_free_handle(&err); asapo_free_handle(&meta); asapo_free_handle(&data); return NULL; } memcpy(data_copy, asapo_message_data_get_as_chars(data), msg_size); profile_end("malloc-copy"); profile_start("copy-meta"); *pmeta = strdup(asapo_message_meta_get_metadata(meta)); *pfilename = strdup(asapo_message_meta_get_name(meta)); *pevent = strdup("//"); *pmessageid = asapo_message_meta_get_id(meta); profile_end("copy-meta"); asapo_free_handle(&err); asapo_free_handle(&meta); asapo_free_handle(&data); *pdata_size = msg_size; return data_copy; } static void send_callback(void *a, AsapoRequestCallbackPayloadHandle payload, AsapoErrorHandle err) { if ( asapo_is_error(err) ) { show_asapo_error("ASAP::O send error", err); } else if ( err != NULL ) { show_asapo_error("ASAP::O send warning", err); } } static void send_real(struct im_asapo *a, struct image *image) { AsapoMessageHeaderHandle header; AsapoErrorHandle err; header = asapo_create_message_header(image->serial, image->data_block_size, image->filename, image->meta_data, 0, /* Dataset substream */ 0, 0); /* Auto ID */ asapo_producer_send(a->producer, header, image->data_block, kDefaultIngestMode, a->output_stream, send_callback, &err); if ( asapo_is_error(err) ) { show_asapo_error("Couldn't ASAP::O message", err); asapo_free_handle(&header); asapo_free_handle(&err); return; } asapo_free_handle(&header); asapo_free_handle(&err); } static void send_placeholder(struct im_asapo *a, struct image *image) { AsapoMessageHeaderHandle header; AsapoErrorHandle err; header = asapo_create_message_header(image->serial, 8, /* strlen("SKIPPED"+\0) */ image->filename, image->meta_data, 0, /* Dataset substream */ 0, 0); /* Auto ID */ asapo_producer_send(a->producer, header, "SKIPPED", kDefaultIngestMode, a->output_stream, send_callback, &err); if ( asapo_is_error(err) ) { show_asapo_error("Couldn't ASAP::O message", err); asapo_free_handle(&header); asapo_free_handle(&err); return; } asapo_free_handle(&header); asapo_free_handle(&err); } /* Send the image to the output ASAP::O stream, if it's a hit. Otherwise, * send a placeholder */ void im_asapo_send(struct im_asapo *a, struct image *image, int hit) { profile_start("asapo-send"); if ( hit ) { send_real(a, image); } else { send_placeholder(a, image); } profile_end("asapo-send"); } void im_asapo_shutdown(struct im_asapo *a) { if ( a == NULL ) return; asapo_free_handle(&a->consumer); asapo_free_handle(&a->group_id); free(a); }