/* * im-sandbox.c * * Sandbox for indexing * * Copyright © 2012-2021 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * Copyright © 2012 Richard Kirian * Copyright © 2012 Lorenzo Galli * * Authors: * 2010-2020 Thomas White * 2014 Valerio Mariani * 2011 Richard Kirian * 2012 Lorenzo Galli * 2012 Chunhong Yoon * 2017 Stijn de Graaf * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME #include #else #include #endif #include "im-sandbox.h" #include "process_image.h" #include "time-accounts.h" #include "im-zmq.h" struct sandbox { int n_processed_last_stats; time_t t_last_stats; /* Processing timeout in seconds. After this long without responding * to a ping, the worker will be killed. After 3 times this long * working on one image, even with ping responses, a warning will be * shown to the user. */ int timeout; struct index_args *iargs; /* Worker processes */ int n_proc; pid_t *pids; int *running; time_t *last_response; int last_ping[MAX_NUM_WORKERS]; int profile; /* Whether to do wall-clock time profiling */ /* Streams to read from (NB not the same indices as the above) */ int n_read; FILE **fhs; int *fds; int serial; struct sb_shm *shared; sem_t *queue_sem; const char *tmpdir; /* ZMQ mode */ int zmq; const char *zmq_address; char **zmq_subscriptions; int n_zmq_subscriptions; /* Final output */ Stream *stream; }; struct get_pattern_ctx { FILE *fh; int use_basename; const DataTemplate *dtempl; const char *prefix; char *filename; char **events; int n_events; int event_index; }; #ifdef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME static time_t get_monotonic_seconds() { struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp); return tp.tv_sec; } #else /* Fallback version of the above. The time according to gettimeofday() is not * monotonic, so measuring intervals based on it will screw up if there's a * timezone change (e.g. daylight savings) while the program is running. */ static time_t get_monotonic_seconds() { struct timeval tp; gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); return tp.tv_sec; } #endif static void stamp_response(struct sandbox *sb, int n) { sb->last_response[n] = get_monotonic_seconds(); sb->last_ping[n] = sb->shared->pings[n]; } static void check_hung_workers(struct sandbox *sb) { int i; time_t tnow = get_monotonic_seconds(); for ( i=0; in_proc; i++ ) { if ( !sb->running[i] ) continue; if ( sb->shared->pings[i] != sb->last_ping[i] ) { stamp_response(sb, i); } if ( tnow - sb->last_response[i] > sb->timeout ) { STATUS("Worker %i did not respond for %i seconds - " "sending it SIGKILL.\n", i, sb->timeout); kill(sb->pids[i], SIGKILL); stamp_response(sb, i); } if ( tnow - sb->shared->time_last_start[i] > sb->timeout*3 ) { if ( !sb->shared->warned_long_running[i] ) { STATUS("Worker %i has been working on one " "frame for more than %i seconds (just " "for info).\n", i, sb->timeout); STATUS("Event ID is: %s\n", sb->shared->last_ev[i]); STATUS("Task ID is: %s\n", sb->shared->last_task[i]); sb->shared->warned_long_running[i] = 1; } } } } static char *read_prefixed_filename(struct get_pattern_ctx *gpctx, char **event) { char* line; *event = NULL; line = malloc(1024); if ( line == NULL ) return NULL; do { if ( fgets(line, 1023, gpctx->fh) == NULL ) { if ( !feof(gpctx->fh) ) { ERROR("Input file read error.\n"); } free(line); return NULL; } chomp(line); } while ( line[0] == '\0' ); /* Chop off event ID */ size_t n = strlen(line); while ( line[n] != ' ' && n > 2 ) n--; if ( n != 2 ) { /* Event descriptor must contain "//". * If it doesn't, assume the filename just contains a * space. */ if ( strstr(&line[n], "//") != NULL ) { line[n] = '\0'; *event = strdup(&line[n+1]); } } /* else no spaces at all */ if ( gpctx->use_basename ) { char *tmp; tmp = safe_basename(line); free(line); line = tmp; } /* Add prefix */ if ( gpctx->prefix != NULL ) { char *tmp; size_t len = strlen(line) + strlen(gpctx->prefix) + 1; tmp = malloc(len); if ( tmp == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory for filename\n"); return NULL; } strcpy(tmp, gpctx->prefix); strcat(tmp, line); free(line); line = tmp; } return line; } /* Return 0 for "no more" */ static int get_pattern(struct get_pattern_ctx *gpctx, char **pfilename, char **pevent) { char *filename; char *evstr; /* Is an event available already? */ if ( (gpctx->events != NULL) && (gpctx->event_index < gpctx->n_events) ) { *pfilename = gpctx->filename; *pevent = gpctx->events[gpctx->event_index++]; return 1; } do { /* No events in list. Time to top it up */ filename = read_prefixed_filename(gpctx, &evstr); /* Nothing left in file -> we're done */ if ( filename == NULL ) return 0; /* Does the line from the input file contain an event ID? * If so, just send it straight back. */ if ( evstr != NULL ) { *pfilename = filename; *pevent = evstr; return 1; } /* We got a filename, but no event. Attempt to expand... */ free(gpctx->events); /* Free the old list. * NB The actual strings were freed * by fill_queue */ gpctx->events = image_expand_frames(gpctx->dtempl, filename, &gpctx->n_events); if ( gpctx->events == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to get event list from %s.\n", filename); } } while ( gpctx->events == NULL ); /* Save filename for next time */ free(gpctx->filename); gpctx->filename = filename; gpctx->event_index = 0; *pfilename = gpctx->filename; *pevent = gpctx->events[gpctx->event_index++]; return 1; } static void shuffle_events(struct sb_shm *sb_shared) { int i; for ( i=1; in_events; i++ ) { memcpy(sb_shared->queue[i-1], sb_shared->queue[i], MAX_EV_LEN); } sb_shared->n_events--; } void set_last_task(char *lt, const char *task) { if ( lt == NULL ) return; assert(strlen(task) < MAX_TASK_LEN-1); strcpy(lt, task); } static int run_work(const struct index_args *iargs, Stream *st, int cookie, const char *tmpdir, struct sandbox *sb) { int allDone = 0; TimeAccounts *taccs; struct im_zmq *zmqstuff = NULL; /* Connect via ZMQ */ if ( sb->zmq ) { zmqstuff = im_zmq_connect(sb->zmq_address, sb->zmq_subscriptions, sb->n_zmq_subscriptions); if ( zmqstuff == NULL ) { ERROR("ZMQ setup failed.\n"); return 1; } } taccs = time_accounts_init(); while ( !allDone ) { struct pattern_args pargs; int ser; char *line; size_t len; int i; char *event_str = NULL; char *ser_str = NULL; int ok = 1; /* Wait until an event is ready */ time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_EVENTWAIT); set_last_task(sb->shared->last_task[cookie], "wait_event"); if ( sem_wait(sb->queue_sem) != 0 ) { ERROR("Failed to wait on queue semaphore: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } /* Get the event from the queue */ set_last_task(sb->shared->last_task[cookie], "read_queue"); pthread_mutex_lock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); if ( ((sb->shared->n_events==0) && (sb->shared->no_more)) || (sb->shared->should_shutdown) ) { /* Queue is empty and no more are coming, * or another process has initiated a shutdown. * Either way, it's time to get out of here. */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); allDone = 1; continue; } if ( sb->shared->n_events == 0 ) { ERROR("Got the semaphore, but no events in queue!\n"); ERROR("no_more = %i\n", sb->shared->no_more); pthread_mutex_unlock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); allDone = 1; continue; } line = strdup(sb->shared->queue[0]); len = strlen(line); assert(len > 1); for ( i=len-1; i>0; i-- ) { if ( line[i] == ' ' ) { line[i] = '\0'; ser_str = &line[i+1]; break; } } len = strlen(line); assert(len > 1); for ( i=len-1; i>0; i-- ) { if ( line[i] == ' ' ) { line[i] = '\0'; event_str = &line[i+1]; break; } } if ( (ser_str != NULL) && (event_str != NULL) ) { if ( sscanf(ser_str, "%i", &ser) != 1 ) { STATUS("Invalid serial number '%s'\n", ser_str); ok = 0; } } if ( !ok ) { STATUS("Invalid event string '%s'\n", sb->shared->queue[0]); ok = 0; } memcpy(sb->shared->last_ev[cookie], sb->shared->queue[0], MAX_EV_LEN); shuffle_events(sb->shared); pthread_mutex_unlock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); if ( !ok ) continue; pargs.filename = strdup(line); pargs.event = strdup(event_str); free(line); if ( !sb->zmq ) { pargs.zmq_data = NULL; pargs.zmq_data_size = 0; } else { do { pargs.zmq_data = im_zmq_fetch(zmqstuff, &pargs.zmq_data_size); } while ( pargs.zmq_data_size < 15 ); /* The filename/event, which will be 'fake' values in * this case, still came via the event queue. More * importantly, the event queue gave us a unique * serial number for this image. */ } sb->shared->time_last_start[cookie] = get_monotonic_seconds(); process_image(iargs, &pargs, st, cookie, tmpdir, ser, sb->shared, taccs, sb->shared->last_task[cookie]); /* pargs.zmq_data will be copied into the image structure, so * that it can be queried for "header" values etc. It will * eventually be freed by image_free() under process_image() */ } im_zmq_shutdown(zmqstuff); time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_FINALCLEANUP); cleanup_indexing(iargs->ipriv); cell_free(iargs->cell); if ( sb->profile ) time_accounts_print(taccs); time_accounts_free(taccs); return 0; } static ssize_t lwrite(int fd, const char *a) { size_t l = strlen(a); return write(fd, a, l); } static int pump_chunk(FILE *fh, int ofd) { int chunk_started = 0; do { char line[1024]; char *rval; rval = fgets(line, 1024, fh); if ( rval == NULL ) { if ( feof(fh) ) { /* Whoops, connection lost */ if ( chunk_started ) { ERROR("EOF during chunk!\n"); lwrite(ofd, "Unfinished chunk!\n"); lwrite(ofd, STREAM_CHUNK_END_MARKER"\n"); } /* else normal end of output */ return 1; } ERROR("fgets() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if ( errno != EINTR ) return 1; } if ( strcmp(line, "FLUSH\n") == 0 ) break; lwrite(ofd, line); if ( strcmp(line, STREAM_CHUNK_END_MARKER"\n") == 0 ) break; } while ( 1 ); return 0; } /* Add an fd to the list of pipes to be read from */ static void add_pipe(struct sandbox *sb, int fd) { int *fds_new; FILE **fhs_new; int slot; fds_new = realloc(sb->fds, (sb->n_read+1)*sizeof(int)); if ( fds_new == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for new pipe.\n"); return; } fhs_new = realloc(sb->fhs, (sb->n_read+1)*sizeof(FILE *)); if ( fhs_new == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for new FH.\n"); return; } sb->fds = fds_new; sb->fhs = fhs_new; slot = sb->n_read; sb->fds[slot] = fd; sb->fhs[slot] = fdopen(fd, "r"); if ( sb->fhs[slot] == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't fdopen() stream!\n"); return; } sb->n_read++; } static void remove_pipe(struct sandbox *sb, int d) { int i; fclose(sb->fhs[d]); for ( i=d; in_read; i++ ) { if ( i < sb->n_read-1 ) { sb->fds[i] = sb->fds[i+1]; sb->fhs[i] = sb->fhs[i+1]; } /* else don't bother */ } sb->n_read--; /* We don't bother shrinking the arrays */ } static void try_read(struct sandbox *sb, TimeAccounts *taccs) { int r, i; struct timeval tv; fd_set fds; int fdmax; const int ofd = stream_get_fd(sb->stream); time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_SELECT); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 500000; FD_ZERO(&fds); fdmax = 0; for ( i=0; in_read; i++ ) { int fd; fd = sb->fds[i]; FD_SET(fd, &fds); if ( fd > fdmax ) fdmax = fd; } r = select(fdmax+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if ( r == -1 ) { if ( errno != EINTR ) { ERROR("select() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } /* Otherwise no big deal */ return; } for ( i=0; in_read; i++ ) { if ( !FD_ISSET(sb->fds[i], &fds) ) { continue; } /* If the chunk cannot be read, assume the connection * is broken and that the process will die soon. */ time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_STREAMREAD); if ( pump_chunk(sb->fhs[i], ofd) ) { remove_pipe(sb, i); } } } static void start_worker_process(struct sandbox *sb, int slot) { pid_t p; int stream_pipe[2]; if ( pipe(stream_pipe) == - 1 ) { ERROR("pipe() failed!\n"); return; } sb->shared->pings[slot] = 0; sb->last_ping[slot] = 0; sb->shared->time_last_start[slot] = get_monotonic_seconds(); sb->shared->warned_long_running[slot] = 0; p = fork(); if ( p == -1 ) { ERROR("fork() failed!\n"); return; } if ( p == 0 ) { Stream *st; struct sigaction sa; int r; char *tmp; struct stat s; size_t ll; int i; /* First, disconnect the signal handlers */ sa.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; r = sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); if ( r == -1 ) { ERROR("Failed to set signal handler!\n"); exit(1); } r = sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); if ( r == -1 ) { ERROR("Failed to set signal handler!\n"); exit(1); } r = sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL); if ( r == -1 ) { ERROR("Failed to set signal handler!\n"); exit(1); } ll = 64 + strlen(sb->tmpdir); tmp = malloc(ll); if ( tmp == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate temporary dir\n"); exit(1); } snprintf(tmp, 63, "%s/worker.%i", sb->tmpdir, slot); if ( stat(tmp, &s) == -1 ) { if ( errno != ENOENT ) { ERROR("Failed to stat temporary folder.\n"); exit(1); } r = mkdir(tmp, S_IRWXU); if ( r ) { ERROR("Failed to create temporary folder: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } /* Free resources which will not be needed by worker */ free(sb->pids); for ( i=0; in_read; i++ ) { fclose(sb->fhs[i]); } free(sb->fhs); free(sb->fds); free(sb->running); /* Not freed because it's not worth passing them down just for * this purpose: event list file handle, * main output stream handle * original temp dir name (without indexamajig.XX) * prefix */ st = stream_open_fd_for_write(stream_pipe[1], sb->iargs->dtempl); r = run_work(sb->iargs, st, slot, tmp, sb); stream_close(st); free(tmp); munmap(sb->shared, sizeof(struct sb_shm)); free(sb); exit(r); } /* Parent process gets the 'write' end of the filename pipe * and the 'read' end of the result pipe. */ sb->pids[slot] = p; sb->running[slot] = 1; stamp_response(sb, slot); add_pipe(sb, stream_pipe[0]); close(stream_pipe[1]); } static void handle_zombie(struct sandbox *sb, int respawn) { int i; for ( i=0; in_proc; i++ ) { int status, p; if ( !sb->running[i] ) continue; p = waitpid(sb->pids[i], &status, WNOHANG); if ( p == -1 ) { ERROR("waitpid() failed.\n"); continue; } if ( p == sb->pids[i] ) { sb->running[i] = 0; if ( WIFEXITED(status) ) { continue; } if ( WIFSIGNALED(status) ) { if ( (WTERMSIG(status) == SIGINT) || (WTERMSIG(status) == SIGQUIT) ) continue; STATUS("Worker %i was killed by signal %i\n", i, WTERMSIG(status)); STATUS("Event ID was: %s\n", sb->shared->last_ev[i]); STATUS("Task ID was: %s\n", sb->shared->last_task[i]); if ( respawn ) start_worker_process(sb, i); } } } } static int setup_shm(struct sandbox *sb) { pthread_mutexattr_t attr; sb->shared = mmap(NULL, sizeof(struct sb_shm), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANON, -1, 0); if ( sb->shared == MAP_FAILED ) { ERROR("SHM setup failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } if ( pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr) ) { ERROR("Failed to initialise mutex attr.\n"); return 1; } if ( pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED) ) { ERROR("Failed to set process shared attribute.\n"); return 1; } if ( pthread_mutex_init(&sb->shared->term_lock, &attr) ) { ERROR("Terminal lock setup failed.\n"); return 1; } if ( pthread_mutex_init(&sb->shared->queue_lock, &attr) ) { ERROR("Queue lock setup failed.\n"); return 1; } if ( pthread_mutex_init(&sb->shared->totals_lock, &attr) ) { ERROR("Totals lock setup failed.\n"); return 1; } pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&attr); return 0; } /* Assumes the caller is already holding queue_lock! */ static int fill_queue(struct get_pattern_ctx *gpctx, struct sandbox *sb) { while ( sb->shared->n_events < QUEUE_SIZE ) { char *filename; char *evstr; if ( sb->zmq ) { /* These values will be passed down to process_image, * but ignored. The 'real' filename, which is still a * 'fake' filename - only for accounting purposes - will * be generated by image_read_data_block(). */ filename = "ZMQdata"; evstr = strdup("//"); } else { if ( !get_pattern(gpctx, &filename, &evstr) ) return 1; } memset(sb->shared->queue[sb->shared->n_events], 0, MAX_EV_LEN); snprintf(sb->shared->queue[sb->shared->n_events++], MAX_EV_LEN, "%s %s %i", filename, evstr, sb->serial++); sem_post(sb->queue_sem); free(evstr); } return 0; } volatile sig_atomic_t at_zombies = 0; volatile sig_atomic_t at_interrupt = 0; static void sigchld_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *uc_v) { at_zombies = 1; } static void sigint_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *uc_v) { at_interrupt = 1; } static void check_signals(struct sandbox *sb, const char *semname_q, int respawn) { if ( at_zombies ) { at_zombies = 0; handle_zombie(sb, respawn); } if ( at_interrupt ) { sem_unlink(semname_q); exit(0); } } static void try_status(struct sandbox *sb, int final) { int r; int n_proc_this; time_t tNow; time_t time_this; const char *finalstr; char persec[64]; tNow = get_monotonic_seconds(); time_this = tNow - sb->t_last_stats; if ( !final && (time_this < 5) ) return; n_proc_this = sb->shared->n_processed - sb->n_processed_last_stats; r = pthread_mutex_trylock(&sb->shared->term_lock); if ( r ) return; /* No lock -> don't bother */ finalstr = final ? "Final: " : ""; if ( final ) { finalstr = "Final: "; persec[0] = '\0'; } else { finalstr = ""; snprintf(persec, 64, ", %.1f images/sec", (double)n_proc_this/time_this); } STATUS("%s%i images processed, %i hits (%.1f%%), " "%i indexable (%.1f%% of hits, %.1f%% overall), " "%i crystals%s.\n", finalstr, sb->shared->n_processed, sb->shared->n_hits, 100.0 * sb->shared->n_hits / sb->shared->n_processed, sb->shared->n_hadcrystals, 100.0 * sb->shared->n_hadcrystals / sb->shared->n_hits, 100.0 * sb->shared->n_hadcrystals / sb->shared->n_processed, sb->shared->n_crystals, persec); sb->n_processed_last_stats = sb->shared->n_processed; sb->t_last_stats = tNow; pthread_mutex_unlock(&sb->shared->term_lock); } static void delete_temporary_folder(const char *tmpdir, int n_proc) { int slot; size_t len; char *workerdir; char *path; /* List of files which it's safe to delete */ char *files[] = {"gmon.out", "mosflm.lp", "SUMMARY", "XDS.INP", "xfel_001.img", "xfel_001.spt", "xfel.drx", "xfel.felix", "xfel.gve", "xfel.ini", "xfel.log", "IDXREF.LP", "SPOT.XDS", "xfel.newmat", "XPARM.XDS"}; /* Number of items in the above list */ int n_files = 15; if ( n_proc > 99999 ) return; /* Paranoia */ len = strlen(tmpdir); workerdir = calloc(len+32, 1); path = calloc(len+64, 1); if ( (workerdir == NULL) || (path == NULL) ) return; snprintf(path, 127, "%s/mosflm.lp", tmpdir); unlink(path); snprintf(path, 127, "%s/SUMMARY", tmpdir); unlink(path); for ( slot=0; slot MAX_NUM_WORKERS ) { ERROR("Number of workers (%i) is too large. Using %i\n", n_proc, MAX_NUM_WORKERS); n_proc = MAX_NUM_WORKERS; } sb = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sandbox)); if ( sb == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory for sandbox.\n"); return 0; } sb->n_processed_last_stats = 0; sb->t_last_stats = get_monotonic_seconds(); sb->n_proc = n_proc; sb->iargs = iargs; sb->serial = serial_start; sb->tmpdir = tmpdir; sb->profile = profile; sb->timeout = timeout; if ( zmq_address != NULL ) { sb->zmq = 1; sb->zmq_address = zmq_address; sb->zmq_subscriptions = zmq_subscriptions; sb->n_zmq_subscriptions = n_zmq_subscriptions; } else { sb->zmq = 0; } sb->fds = NULL; sb->fhs = NULL; sb->stream = stream; gpctx.fh = fh; gpctx.use_basename = config_basename; gpctx.dtempl = iargs->dtempl; gpctx.prefix = prefix; gpctx.filename = NULL; gpctx.events = NULL; gpctx.event_index = 0; if ( setup_shm(sb) ) { ERROR("Failed to set up SHM.\n"); free(sb); return 0; } sb->shared->n_processed = 0; sb->shared->n_hits = 0; sb->shared->n_hadcrystals = 0; sb->shared->n_crystals = 0; sb->shared->should_shutdown = 0; /* Set up semaphore to control work queue */ snprintf(semname_q, 64, "indexamajig-q%i", getpid()); sb->queue_sem = sem_open(semname_q, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, 0); if ( sb->queue_sem == SEM_FAILED ) { ERROR("Failed to create semaphore: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 0; } sb->pids = calloc(n_proc, sizeof(pid_t)); sb->running = calloc(n_proc, sizeof(int)); sb->last_response = calloc(n_proc, sizeof(time_t)); if ( (sb->pids == NULL) || (sb->running == NULL) || (sb->last_response == NULL) ) { ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory for PIDs.\n"); return 0; } /* Fill the queue */ pthread_mutex_lock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); sb->shared->n_events = 0; sb->shared->no_more = fill_queue(&gpctx, sb); pthread_mutex_unlock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); /* Fork the right number of times */ for ( i=0; ishared->queue_lock); if ( !sb->shared->no_more && (sb->shared->n_events < QUEUE_SIZE/2) ) { if ( fill_queue(&gpctx, sb) ) sb->shared->no_more = 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); /* Update progress */ time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_STATUS); try_status(sb, 0); /* Have all the events been swallowed? */ time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_ENDCHECK); pthread_mutex_lock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); if ( sb->shared->no_more && (sb->shared->n_events == 0) ) allDone = 1; if ( sb->shared->should_shutdown ) { /* Worker process requested immediate shutdown */ allDone = 1; sb->shared->n_events = 0; sb->shared->no_more = 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); } while ( !allDone ); fclose(fh); /* Indicate to the workers that we are finished, and wake them up one * last time */ time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_WAKEUP); STATUS("Waiting for the last patterns to be processed...\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); sb->shared->no_more = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&sb->shared->queue_lock); for ( i=0; iqueue_sem); } for ( i=0; ipids[i], &status, WNOHANG) == 0 ) { time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_STREAMREAD); try_read(sb, taccs); time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_SIGNALS); check_signals(sb, semname_q, 0); check_hung_workers(sb); time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_STATUS); try_status(sb, 0); time_accounts_set(taccs, TACC_WAITPID); } /* If this worker died and got waited by the zombie handler, * waitpid() returns -1 and the loop still exits. */ } if ( profile ) time_accounts_print(taccs); time_accounts_free(taccs); sem_unlink(semname_q); for ( i=0; in_read; i++ ) { fclose(sb->fhs[i]); } free(sb->fhs); free(sb->fds); free(sb->running); free(sb->last_response); free(sb->pids); try_status(sb, 1); r = (sb->shared->n_processed == 0); if ( sb->shared->should_shutdown ) r = 1; delete_temporary_folder(sb->tmpdir, n_proc); munmap(sb->shared, sizeof(struct sb_shm)); free(sb); return r; }