/* * indexamajig.c * * Index patterns, output hkl+intensity etc. * * Copyright © 2012 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * Copyright © 2012 Richard Kirian * Copyright © 2012 Lorenzo Galli * * Authors: * 2010-2012 Thomas White * 2011 Richard Kirian * 2012 Lorenzo Galli * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME #include #else #include #endif #include "utils.h" #include "hdf5-file.h" #include "index.h" #include "peaks.h" #include "detector.h" #include "filters.h" #include "thread-pool.h" #include "beam-parameters.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "stream.h" #include "reflist-utils.h" /* Write statistics at APPROXIMATELY this interval */ #define STATS_EVERY_N_SECONDS (5) enum { PEAK_ZAEF, PEAK_HDF5, }; /* Information about the indexing process which is common to all patterns */ struct static_index_args { UnitCell *cell; int config_cmfilter; int config_noisefilter; int config_verbose; int stream_flags; /* What goes into the output? */ int config_satcorr; int config_closer; int config_insane; int config_bgsub; float threshold; float min_gradient; float min_snr; double min_int_snr; struct detector *det; IndexingMethod *indm; IndexingPrivate **ipriv; int peaks; /* Peak detection method */ int cellr; float tols[4]; struct beam_params *beam; const char *element; const char *hdf5_peak_path; double ir_inn; double ir_mid; double ir_out; /* Output stream */ pthread_mutex_t *output_mutex; /* Protects the output stream */ FILE *ofh; const struct copy_hdf5_field *copyme; }; /* Information about the indexing process for one pattern */ struct index_args { /* "Input" */ char *filename; struct static_index_args static_args; /* "Output" */ int indexable; }; /* Information needed to choose the next task and dispatch it */ struct queue_args { FILE *fh; char *prefix; int config_basename; struct static_index_args static_args; char *use_this_one_instead; int n_indexable; int n_processed; int n_indexable_last_stats; int n_processed_last_stats; int t_last_stats; }; static void show_help(const char *s) { printf("Syntax: %s [options]\n\n", s); printf( "Process and index FEL diffraction images.\n" "\n" " -h, --help Display this help message.\n" "\n" " -i, --input= Specify file containing list of images to process.\n" " '-' means stdin, which is the default.\n" " -o, --output= Write output stream to this file. '-' for stdout.\n" " Default: indexamajig.stream\n" "\n" " --indexing= Use 'methods' for indexing. Provide one or more\n" " methods separated by commas. Choose from:\n" " none : no indexing (default)\n" " dirax : invoke DirAx\n" " mosflm : invoke MOSFLM (DPS)\n" " reax : DPS algorithm with known unit cell\n" " -g. --geometry= Get detector geometry from file.\n" " -b, --beam= Get beam parameters from file (provides nominal\n" " wavelength value if no per-shot value is found in\n" " the HDF5 files.\n" " -p, --pdb= PDB file from which to get the unit cell to match.\n" " Default: 'molecule.pdb'.\n" " --basename Remove the directory parts of the filenames.\n" " -x, --prefix=

Prefix filenames from input file with

.\n" " --peaks= Use 'method' for finding peaks. Choose from:\n" " zaef : Use Zaefferer (2000) gradient detection.\n" " This is the default method.\n" " hdf5 : Get from a table in HDF5 file.\n" " --hdf5-peaks=

Find peaks table in HDF5 file here.\n" " Default: /processing/hitfinder/peakinfo\n" "\n\n" "You can control what information is included in the output stream using\n" "' --record=,,' and so on. Possible flags are:\n\n" " integrated Include a list of reflection intensities, produced by\n" " integrating around predicted peak locations.\n" "\n" " peaks Include peak locations and intensities from the peak\n" " search.\n" "\n" " peaksifindexed As 'peaks', but only if the pattern could be indexed.\n" "\n" " peaksifnotindexed As 'peaks', but only if the pattern could NOT be indexed.\n" "\n\n" "The default is '--record=integrated'.\n" "\n\n" "For more control over the process, you might need:\n\n" " --cell-reduction= Use as the cell reduction method. Choose from:\n" " none : no matching, just use the raw cell.\n" " reduce : full cell reduction.\n" " compare : match by at most changing the order of\n" " the indices.\n" " compare_ab : compare 'a' and 'b' lengths only.\n" " --tolerance= Set the tolerances for cell reduction.\n" " Default: 5,5,5,1.5.\n" " --filter-cm Perform common-mode noise subtraction on images\n" " before proceeding. Intensities will be extracted\n" " from the image as it is after this processing.\n" " --filter-noise Apply an aggressive noise filter which sets all\n" " pixels in each 3x3 region to zero if any of them\n" " have negative values. Intensity measurement will\n" " be performed on the image as it was before this.\n" " --no-sat-corr Don't correct values of saturated peaks using a\n" " table included in the HDF5 file.\n" " --threshold= Only accept peaks above ADU. Default: 800.\n" " --min-gradient= Minimum gradient for Zaefferer peak search.\n" " Default: 100,000.\n" " --min-snr= Minimum signal-to-noise ratio for peaks.\n" " Default: 5.\n" " --min-integration-snr= Minimum signal-to-noise ratio for peaks\n" " during integration. Default: -infinity.\n" " --int-radius= Set the integration radii. Default: 4,5,7.\n" "-e, --image= Use this image from the HDF5 file.\n" " Example: /data/data0.\n" " Default: The first one found.\n" "\n" "\nFor time-resolved stuff, you might want to use:\n\n" " --copy-hdf5-field Copy the value of field into the stream. You\n" " can use this option as many times as you need.\n" "\n" "\nOptions for greater performance or verbosity:\n\n" " --verbose Be verbose about indexing.\n" " -j Run analyses in parallel. Default 1.\n" "\n" "\nOptions you probably won't need:\n\n" " --no-check-prefix Don't attempt to correct the --prefix.\n" " --closer-peak Don't integrate from the location of a nearby peak\n" " instead of the predicted spot. Don't use.\n" " --insane Don't check that the reduced cell accounts for at\n" " least 10%% of the located peaks.\n" " --no-bg-sub Don't subtract local background estimates from\n" " integrated intensities.\n" "\n" "\nYou can tune the CPU affinities for enhanced performance on NUMA machines:\n" "\n" " --cpus= Specify number of CPUs. This is NOT the same as\n" " giving the number of analyses to run in parallel.\n" " --cpugroup= Batch threads in groups of this size.\n" " --cpuoffset= Start using CPUs at this group number.\n" ); } static void process_image(void *pp, int cookie) { struct index_args *pargs = pp; struct hdfile *hdfile; struct image image; float *data_for_measurement; size_t data_size; char *filename = pargs->filename; UnitCell *cell = pargs->static_args.cell; int config_cmfilter = pargs->static_args.config_cmfilter; int config_noisefilter = pargs->static_args.config_noisefilter; int config_verbose = pargs->static_args.config_verbose; IndexingMethod *indm = pargs->static_args.indm; struct beam_params *beam = pargs->static_args.beam; image.features = NULL; image.data = NULL; image.flags = NULL; image.indexed_cell = NULL; image.reflections = NULL; image.id = cookie; image.filename = filename; image.det = copy_geom(pargs->static_args.det); image.copyme = pargs->static_args.copyme; image.beam = beam; pargs->indexable = 0; hdfile = hdfile_open(filename); if ( hdfile == NULL ) return; if ( pargs->static_args.element != NULL ) { int r; r = hdfile_set_image(hdfile, pargs->static_args.element); if ( r ) { ERROR("Couldn't select path '%s'\n", pargs->static_args.element); hdfile_close(hdfile); return; } } else { int r; r = hdfile_set_first_image(hdfile, "/"); if ( r ) { ERROR("Couldn't select first path\n"); hdfile_close(hdfile); return; } } hdf5_read(hdfile, &image, pargs->static_args.config_satcorr); if ( (image.width != image.det->max_fs+1) || (image.height != image.det->max_ss+1) ) { ERROR("Image size doesn't match geometry size" " - rejecting image.\n"); ERROR("Image size: %i,%i. Geometry size: %i,%i\n", image.width, image.height, image.det->max_fs+1, image.det->max_ss+1); hdfile_close(hdfile); free_detector_geometry(image.det); return; } if ( image.lambda < 0.0 ) { if ( beam != NULL ) { ERROR("Using nominal photon energy of %.2f eV\n", beam->photon_energy); image.lambda = ph_en_to_lambda( eV_to_J(beam->photon_energy)); } else { ERROR("No wavelength in file, so you need to give " "a beam parameters file with -b.\n"); hdfile_close(hdfile); free_detector_geometry(image.det); return; } } fill_in_values(image.det, hdfile); if ( config_cmfilter ) { filter_cm(&image); } /* Take snapshot of image after CM subtraction but before * the aggressive noise filter. */ data_size = image.width*image.height*sizeof(float); data_for_measurement = malloc(data_size); if ( config_noisefilter ) { filter_noise(&image, data_for_measurement); } else { memcpy(data_for_measurement, image.data, data_size); } switch ( pargs->static_args.peaks ) { case PEAK_HDF5 : /* Get peaks from HDF5 */ if ( get_peaks(&image, hdfile, pargs->static_args.hdf5_peak_path) ) { ERROR("Failed to get peaks from HDF5 file.\n"); } break; case PEAK_ZAEF : search_peaks(&image, pargs->static_args.threshold, pargs->static_args.min_gradient, pargs->static_args.min_snr, pargs->static_args.ir_inn, pargs->static_args.ir_mid, pargs->static_args.ir_out); break; } /* Get rid of noise-filtered version at this point * - it was strictly for the purposes of peak detection. */ free(image.data); image.data = data_for_measurement; /* Calculate orientation matrix (by magic) */ image.div = beam->divergence; image.bw = beam->bandwidth; image.profile_radius = 0.0001e9; index_pattern(&image, cell, indm, pargs->static_args.cellr, config_verbose, pargs->static_args.ipriv, pargs->static_args.config_insane, pargs->static_args.tols); if ( image.indexed_cell != NULL ) { pargs->indexable = 1; image.reflections = find_intersections(&image, image.indexed_cell); if ( image.reflections != NULL ) { integrate_reflections(&image, pargs->static_args.config_closer, pargs->static_args.config_bgsub, pargs->static_args.min_int_snr, pargs->static_args.ir_inn, pargs->static_args.ir_mid, pargs->static_args.ir_out); } } else { image.reflections = NULL; } pthread_mutex_lock(pargs->static_args.output_mutex); write_chunk(pargs->static_args.ofh, &image, hdfile, pargs->static_args.stream_flags); pthread_mutex_unlock(pargs->static_args.output_mutex); /* Only free cell if found */ cell_free(image.indexed_cell); reflist_free(image.reflections); free(image.data); if ( image.flags != NULL ) free(image.flags); image_feature_list_free(image.features); hdfile_close(hdfile); free_detector_geometry(image.det); } static void *get_image(void *qp) { char *line; struct index_args *pargs; char *rval; struct queue_args *qargs = qp; /* Initialise new task arguments */ pargs = malloc(sizeof(struct index_args)); memcpy(&pargs->static_args, &qargs->static_args, sizeof(struct static_index_args)); /* Get the next filename */ if ( qargs->use_this_one_instead != NULL ) { line = qargs->use_this_one_instead; qargs->use_this_one_instead = NULL; } else { line = malloc(1024*sizeof(char)); rval = fgets(line, 1023, qargs->fh); if ( rval == NULL ) { free(pargs); free(line); return NULL; } chomp(line); } if ( qargs->config_basename ) { char *tmp; tmp = safe_basename(line); free(line); line = tmp; } pargs->filename = malloc(strlen(qargs->prefix)+strlen(line)+1); snprintf(pargs->filename, 1023, "%s%s", qargs->prefix, line); free(line); return pargs; } #ifdef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME static time_t get_monotonic_seconds() { struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp); return tp.tv_sec; } #else /* Fallback version of the above. The time according to gettimeofday() is not * monotonic, so measuring intervals based on it will screw up if there's a * timezone change (e.g. daylight savings) while the program is running. */ static time_t get_monotonic_seconds() { struct timeval tp; gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); return tp.tv_sec; } #endif static void finalise_image(void *qp, void *pp) { struct queue_args *qargs = qp; struct index_args *pargs = pp; time_t monotonic_seconds; qargs->n_indexable += pargs->indexable; qargs->n_processed++; monotonic_seconds = get_monotonic_seconds(); if ( monotonic_seconds >= qargs->t_last_stats+STATS_EVERY_N_SECONDS ) { STATUS("%i out of %i indexed so far," " %i out of %i since the last message.\n", qargs->n_indexable, qargs->n_processed, qargs->n_indexable - qargs->n_indexable_last_stats, qargs->n_processed - qargs->n_processed_last_stats); qargs->n_processed_last_stats = qargs->n_processed; qargs->n_indexable_last_stats = qargs->n_indexable; qargs->t_last_stats = monotonic_seconds; } free(pargs->filename); free(pargs); } static int parse_cell_reduction(const char *scellr, int *err, int *reduction_needs_cell) { *err = 0; if ( strcmp(scellr, "none") == 0 ) { *reduction_needs_cell = 0; return CELLR_NONE; } else if ( strcmp(scellr, "reduce") == 0) { *reduction_needs_cell = 1; return CELLR_REDUCE; } else if ( strcmp(scellr, "compare") == 0) { *reduction_needs_cell = 1; return CELLR_COMPARE; } else if ( strcmp(scellr, "compare_ab") == 0) { *reduction_needs_cell = 1; return CELLR_COMPARE_AB; } else { *err = 1; *reduction_needs_cell = 0; return CELLR_NONE; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; char *filename = NULL; char *outfile = NULL; FILE *fh; FILE *ofh; char *rval = NULL; int n_images; int config_noindex = 0; int config_cmfilter = 0; int config_noisefilter = 0; int config_verbose = 0; int config_satcorr = 1; int config_checkprefix = 1; int config_closer = 0; int config_insane = 0; int config_bgsub = 1; int config_basename = 0; float threshold = 800.0; float min_gradient = 100000.0; float min_snr = 5.0; double min_int_snr = -INFINITY; struct detector *det; char *geometry = NULL; IndexingMethod *indm; IndexingPrivate **ipriv; int indexer_needs_cell; int reduction_needs_cell; char *indm_str = NULL; UnitCell *cell; char *pdb = NULL; char *prefix = NULL; char *speaks = NULL; char *scellr = NULL; char *toler = NULL; float tols[4] = {5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 1.5}; /* a,b,c,angles (%,%,%,deg) */ int cellr; int peaks; int nthreads = 1; pthread_mutex_t output_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; char *prepare_line; char prepare_filename[1024]; struct queue_args qargs; struct beam_params *beam = NULL; char *element = NULL; double nominal_photon_energy; int stream_flags = STREAM_INTEGRATED; int cpu_num = 0; int cpu_groupsize = 1; int cpu_offset = 0; char *endptr; char *hdf5_peak_path = NULL; struct copy_hdf5_field *copyme; char *intrad = NULL; float ir_inn = 4.0; float ir_mid = 5.0; float ir_out = 7.0; copyme = new_copy_hdf5_field_list(); if ( copyme == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't allocate HDF5 field list.\n"); return 1; } /* Long options */ const struct option longopts[] = { {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"input", 1, NULL, 'i'}, {"output", 1, NULL, 'o'}, {"no-index", 0, &config_noindex, 1}, {"indexing", 1, NULL, 'z'}, {"geometry", 1, NULL, 'g'}, {"beam", 1, NULL, 'b'}, {"filter-cm", 0, &config_cmfilter, 1}, {"filter-noise", 0, &config_noisefilter, 1}, {"verbose", 0, &config_verbose, 1}, {"pdb", 1, NULL, 'p'}, {"prefix", 1, NULL, 'x'}, {"no-sat-corr", 0, &config_satcorr, 0}, {"sat-corr", 0, &config_satcorr, 1}, /* Compat */ {"threshold", 1, NULL, 't'}, {"no-check-prefix", 0, &config_checkprefix, 0}, {"no-closer-peak", 0, &config_closer, 0}, {"closer-peak", 0, &config_closer, 1}, {"insane", 0, &config_insane, 1}, {"image", 1, NULL, 'e'}, {"basename", 0, &config_basename, 1}, {"bg-sub", 0, &config_bgsub, 1}, /* Compat */ {"no-bg-sub", 0, &config_bgsub, 0}, {"peaks", 1, NULL, 2}, {"cell-reduction", 1, NULL, 3}, {"min-gradient", 1, NULL, 4}, {"record", 1, NULL, 5}, {"cpus", 1, NULL, 6}, {"cpugroup", 1, NULL, 7}, {"cpuoffset", 1, NULL, 8}, {"hdf5-peaks", 1, NULL, 9}, {"copy-hdf5-field", 1, NULL, 10}, {"min-snr", 1, NULL, 11}, {"min-integration-snr",1, NULL, 12}, {"tolerance", 1, NULL, 13}, {"int-radius", 1, NULL, 14}, {0, 0, NULL, 0} }; /* Short options */ while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hi:o:z:p:x:j:g:t:b:e:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h' : show_help(argv[0]); return 0; case 'i' : filename = strdup(optarg); break; case 'o' : outfile = strdup(optarg); break; case 'z' : indm_str = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p' : pdb = strdup(optarg); break; case 'x' : prefix = strdup(optarg); break; case 'j' : nthreads = atoi(optarg); break; case 'g' : geometry = strdup(optarg); break; case 't' : threshold = strtof(optarg, NULL); break; case 'b' : beam = get_beam_parameters(optarg); if ( beam == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to load beam parameters" " from '%s'\n", optarg); return 1; } break; case 'e' : element = strdup(optarg); break; case 2 : speaks = strdup(optarg); break; case 3 : scellr = strdup(optarg); break; case 4 : min_gradient = strtof(optarg, NULL); break; case 5 : stream_flags = parse_stream_flags(optarg); if ( stream_flags < 0 ) return 1; break; case 6 : cpu_num = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10); if ( !( (optarg[0] != '\0') && (endptr[0] == '\0') ) ) { ERROR("Invalid number of CPUs ('%s')\n", optarg); return 1; } break; case 7 : cpu_groupsize = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10); if ( !( (optarg[0] != '\0') && (endptr[0] == '\0') ) ) { ERROR("Invalid CPU group size ('%s')\n", optarg); return 1; } if ( cpu_groupsize < 1 ) { ERROR("CPU group size cannot be" " less than 1.\n"); return 1; } break; case 8 : cpu_offset = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10); if ( !( (optarg[0] != '\0') && (endptr[0] == '\0') ) ) { ERROR("Invalid CPU offset ('%s')\n", optarg); return 1; } if ( cpu_offset < 0 ) { ERROR("CPU offset must be positive.\n"); return 1; } break; case 9 : hdf5_peak_path = strdup(optarg); break; case 10 : add_copy_hdf5_field(copyme, optarg); break; case 11 : min_snr = strtof(optarg, NULL); break; case 12 : min_int_snr = strtof(optarg, NULL); break; case 13 : toler = strdup(optarg); break; case 14 : intrad = strdup(optarg); break; case 0 : break; default : return 1; } } if ( (cpu_num > 0) && (cpu_num % cpu_groupsize != 0) ) { ERROR("Number of CPUs must be divisible by" " the CPU group size.\n"); return 1; } if ( filename == NULL ) { filename = strdup("-"); } if ( strcmp(filename, "-") == 0 ) { fh = stdin; } else { fh = fopen(filename, "r"); } if ( fh == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to open input file '%s'\n", filename); return 1; } free(filename); if ( outfile == NULL ) { outfile = strdup("-"); } if ( strcmp(outfile, "-") == 0 ) { ofh = stdout; } else { ofh = fopen(outfile, "w"); } if ( ofh == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to open output file '%s'\n", outfile); return 1; } free(outfile); if ( hdf5_peak_path == NULL ) { hdf5_peak_path = strdup("/processing/hitfinder/peakinfo"); } if ( speaks == NULL ) { speaks = strdup("zaef"); STATUS("You didn't specify a peak detection method.\n"); STATUS("I'm using 'zaef' for you.\n"); } if ( strcmp(speaks, "zaef") == 0 ) { peaks = PEAK_ZAEF; } else if ( strcmp(speaks, "hdf5") == 0 ) { peaks = PEAK_HDF5; } else { ERROR("Unrecognised peak detection method '%s'\n", speaks); return 1; } free(speaks); if ( pdb == NULL ) { pdb = strdup("molecule.pdb"); } if ( prefix == NULL ) { prefix = strdup(""); } else { if ( config_checkprefix ) { prefix = check_prefix(prefix); } } if ( nthreads == 0 ) { ERROR("Invalid number of threads.\n"); return 1; } if ( (indm_str == NULL) || ((indm_str != NULL) && (strcmp(indm_str, "none") == 0)) ) { STATUS("Not indexing anything.\n"); indexer_needs_cell = 0; reduction_needs_cell = 0; indm = NULL; cellr = CELLR_NONE; } else { if ( indm_str == NULL ) { STATUS("You didn't specify an indexing method, so I " " won't try to index anything.\n" "If that isn't what you wanted, re-run with" " --indexing=.\n"); indm = NULL; indexer_needs_cell = 0; } else { indm = build_indexer_list(indm_str, &indexer_needs_cell); if ( indm == NULL ) { ERROR("Invalid indexer list '%s'\n", indm_str); return 1; } free(indm_str); } reduction_needs_cell = 0; if ( scellr == NULL ) { STATUS("You didn't specify a cell reduction method, so" " I'm going to use 'reduce'.\n"); cellr = CELLR_REDUCE; reduction_needs_cell = 1; } else { int err; cellr = parse_cell_reduction(scellr, &err, &reduction_needs_cell); if ( err ) { ERROR("Unrecognised cell reduction '%s'\n", scellr); return 1; } free(scellr); } } /* No indexing -> no reduction */ if ( indm == NULL ) reduction_needs_cell = 0; if ( toler != NULL ) { int ttt; ttt = sscanf(toler, "%f,%f,%f,%f", &tols[0], &tols[1], &tols[2], &tols[3] ); if ( ttt != 4 ) { ERROR("Invalid parameters for '--tolerance'\n"); return 1; } } if ( intrad != NULL ) { int r; r = sscanf(intrad, "%f,%f,%f", &ir_inn, &ir_mid, &ir_out); if ( r != 3 ) { ERROR("Invalid parameters for '--int-radius'\n"); return 1; } } else { STATUS("WARNING: You did not specify --int-radius.\n"); STATUS("WARNING: I will use the default values, which are" " probably not appropriate for your patterns.\n"); } if ( geometry == NULL ) { ERROR("You need to specify a geometry file with --geometry\n"); return 1; } det = get_detector_geometry(geometry); if ( det == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to read detector geometry from '%s'\n", geometry); return 1; } free(geometry); if ( reduction_needs_cell || indexer_needs_cell ) { cell = load_cell_from_pdb(pdb); if ( cell == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't read unit cell (from %s)\n", pdb); return 1; } } else { STATUS("No cell needed for these choices of indexing" " and reduction.\n"); cell = NULL; } free(pdb); write_stream_header(ofh, argc, argv); if ( beam != NULL ) { nominal_photon_energy = beam->photon_energy; } else { STATUS("No beam parameters file was given, so I'm taking the" " nominal photon energy to be 2 keV.\n"); nominal_photon_energy = 2000.0; } if ( beam == NULL ) { ERROR("Warning: no beam parameters file.\n"); ERROR("I'm going to assume 1 ADU per photon, which is almost"); ERROR(" certainly wrong. Peak sigmas will be incorrect.\n"); } /* Get first filename and use it to set up the indexing */ prepare_line = malloc(1024*sizeof(char)); rval = fgets(prepare_line, 1023, fh); if ( rval == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to get filename to prepare indexing.\n"); return 1; } chomp(prepare_line); if ( config_basename ) { char *tmp; tmp = safe_basename(prepare_line); free(prepare_line); prepare_line = tmp; } snprintf(prepare_filename, 1023, "%s%s", prefix, prepare_line); qargs.use_this_one_instead = prepare_line; /* Prepare the indexer */ if ( indm != NULL ) { ipriv = prepare_indexing(indm, cell, prepare_filename, det, nominal_photon_energy); if ( ipriv == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to prepare indexing.\n"); return 1; } } else { ipriv = NULL; } gsl_set_error_handler_off(); qargs.static_args.cell = cell; qargs.static_args.config_cmfilter = config_cmfilter; qargs.static_args.config_noisefilter = config_noisefilter; qargs.static_args.config_verbose = config_verbose; qargs.static_args.config_satcorr = config_satcorr; qargs.static_args.config_closer = config_closer; qargs.static_args.config_insane = config_insane; qargs.static_args.config_bgsub = config_bgsub; qargs.static_args.cellr = cellr; qargs.static_args.tols[0] = tols[0]; qargs.static_args.tols[1] = tols[1]; qargs.static_args.tols[2] = tols[2]; qargs.static_args.tols[3] = tols[3]; qargs.static_args.threshold = threshold; qargs.static_args.min_gradient = min_gradient; qargs.static_args.min_snr = min_snr; qargs.static_args.min_int_snr = min_int_snr; qargs.static_args.det = det; qargs.static_args.indm = indm; qargs.static_args.ipriv = ipriv; qargs.static_args.peaks = peaks; qargs.static_args.output_mutex = &output_mutex; qargs.static_args.ofh = ofh; qargs.static_args.beam = beam; qargs.static_args.element = element; qargs.static_args.stream_flags = stream_flags; qargs.static_args.hdf5_peak_path = hdf5_peak_path; qargs.static_args.copyme = copyme; qargs.static_args.ir_inn = ir_inn; qargs.static_args.ir_mid = ir_mid; qargs.static_args.ir_out = ir_out; qargs.fh = fh; qargs.prefix = prefix; qargs.config_basename = config_basename; qargs.n_indexable = 0; qargs.n_processed = 0; qargs.n_indexable_last_stats = 0; qargs.n_processed_last_stats = 0; qargs.t_last_stats = get_monotonic_seconds(); n_images = run_threads(nthreads, process_image, get_image, finalise_image, &qargs, 0, cpu_num, cpu_groupsize, cpu_offset); cleanup_indexing(ipriv); free(indm); free(ipriv); free(prefix); free_detector_geometry(det); free(beam); free(element); free(hdf5_peak_path); free_copy_hdf5_field_list(copyme); cell_free(cell); if ( fh != stdin ) fclose(fh); if ( ofh != stdout ) fclose(ofh); STATUS("There were %i images, of which %i could be indexed.\n", n_images, qargs.n_indexable); return 0; }