/* * partial_sim.c * * Generate partials for testing scaling * * Copyright © 2012-2013 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2011-2013 Thomas White * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "utils.h" #include "reflist-utils.h" #include "symmetry.h" #include "beam-parameters.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "stream.h" #include "thread-pool.h" #include "cell-utils.h" /* Number of bins for partiality graph */ #define NBINS 50 static void mess_up_cell(Crystal *cr, double cnoise) { double ax, ay, az; double bx, by, bz; double cx, cy, cz; UnitCell *cell = crystal_get_cell(cr); //STATUS("Real:\n"); //cell_print(cell); cell_get_reciprocal(cell, &ax, &ay, &az, &bx, &by, &bz, &cx, &cy, &cz); ax = flat_noise(ax, cnoise*fabs(ax)/100.0); ay = flat_noise(ay, cnoise*fabs(ay)/100.0); az = flat_noise(az, cnoise*fabs(az)/100.0); bx = flat_noise(bx, cnoise*fabs(bx)/100.0); by = flat_noise(by, cnoise*fabs(by)/100.0); bz = flat_noise(bz, cnoise*fabs(bz)/100.0); cx = flat_noise(cx, cnoise*fabs(cx)/100.0); cy = flat_noise(cy, cnoise*fabs(cy)/100.0); cz = flat_noise(cz, cnoise*fabs(cz)/100.0); cell_set_reciprocal(cell, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz); //STATUS("Changed:\n"); //cell_print(cell); } /* For each reflection in "partial", fill in what the intensity would be * according to "full" */ static void calculate_partials(Crystal *cr, RefList *full, const SymOpList *sym, int random_intensities, pthread_rwlock_t *full_lock, unsigned long int *n_ref, double *p_hist, double *p_max, double max_q, double full_stddev, double noise_stddev) { Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; double res; for ( refl = first_refl(crystal_get_reflections(cr), &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { signed int h, k, l; Reflection *rfull; double L, p, Ip, If; int bin; get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l); get_asymm(sym, h, k, l, &h, &k, &l); p = get_partiality(refl); L = get_lorentz(refl); pthread_rwlock_rdlock(full_lock); rfull = find_refl(full, h, k, l); pthread_rwlock_unlock(full_lock); if ( rfull == NULL ) { if ( random_intensities ) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(full_lock); /* In the gap between the unlock and the wrlock, * the reflection might have been created by * another thread. So, we must check again */ rfull = find_refl(full, h, k, l); if ( rfull == NULL ) { rfull = add_refl(full, h, k, l); If = fabs(gaussian_noise(0.0, full_stddev)); set_intensity(rfull, If); set_redundancy(rfull, 1); } else { If = get_intensity(rfull); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(full_lock); } else { set_redundancy(refl, 0); If = 0.0; } } else { If = get_intensity(rfull); if ( random_intensities ) { lock_reflection(rfull); int red = get_redundancy(rfull); set_redundancy(rfull, red+1); unlock_reflection(rfull); } } Ip = crystal_get_osf(cr) * L * p * If; res = resolution(crystal_get_cell(cr), h, k, l); bin = NBINS*2.0*res/max_q; if ( (bin < NBINS) && (bin>=0) ) { p_hist[bin] += p; n_ref[bin]++; if ( p > p_max[bin] ) p_max[bin] = p; } else { STATUS("Reflection out of histogram range: %e %i %f\n", res, bin, p); } Ip = gaussian_noise(Ip, noise_stddev); set_intensity(refl, Ip); set_esd_intensity(refl, noise_stddev); } } static void show_help(const char *s) { printf("Syntax: %s [options]\n\n", s); printf( "Generate a stream containing partials from a reflection list.\n" "\n" " -h, --help Display this help message.\n" "\n" "You need to provide the following basic options:\n" " -i, --input= Read reflections from .\n" " Default: generate random ones instead (see -r).\n" " -o, --output= Write partials in stream format to .\n" " -g. --geometry= Get detector geometry from file.\n" " -b, --beam= Get beam parameters from file\n" " -p, --pdb= PDB file from which to get the unit cell.\n" "\n" " -y, --symmetry= Symmetry of the input reflection list.\n" " -n Simulate patterns. Default: 2.\n" " -r, --save-random= Save randomly generated intensities to file.\n" " --pgraph= Save a histogram of partiality values to file.\n" " -c, --cnoise= Add random noise, with a flat distribution, to the\n" " reciprocal lattice vector components given in the\n" " stream, with maximum error +/- percent.\n" " --osf-stddev= Set the standard deviation of the scaling factors.\n" " --full-stddev= Set the standard deviation of the randomly\n" " generated full intensities, if not using -i.\n" " --noise-stddev= Set the standard deviation of the noise.\n" "\n" ); } struct queue_args { RefList *full; pthread_rwlock_t full_lock; int n_done; int n_started; int n_to_do; SymOpList *sym; int random_intensities; UnitCell *cell; double cnoise; double osf_stddev; double full_stddev; double noise_stddev; struct image *template_image; double max_q; /* The overall histogram */ double p_hist[NBINS]; unsigned long int n_ref[NBINS]; double p_max[NBINS]; Stream *stream; }; struct worker_args { struct queue_args *qargs; Crystal *crystal; struct image image; /* Histogram for this image */ double p_hist[NBINS]; unsigned long int n_ref[NBINS]; double p_max[NBINS]; }; static void *create_job(void *vqargs) { struct worker_args *wargs; struct queue_args *qargs = vqargs; /* All done already? */ if ( qargs->n_started == qargs->n_to_do ) return NULL; wargs = malloc(sizeof(struct worker_args)); wargs->qargs = qargs; wargs->image = *qargs->template_image; qargs->n_started++; return wargs; } static void run_job(void *vwargs, int cookie) { struct quaternion orientation; struct worker_args *wargs = vwargs; struct queue_args *qargs = wargs->qargs; int i; Crystal *cr; RefList *reflections; double osf; cr = crystal_new(); if ( cr == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to create crystal.\n"); return; } wargs->crystal = cr; crystal_set_image(cr, &wargs->image); do { osf = gaussian_noise(1.0, qargs->osf_stddev); } while ( osf <= 0.0 ); crystal_set_osf(cr, osf); crystal_set_mosaicity(cr, 0.0); crystal_set_profile_radius(cr, wargs->image.beam->profile_radius); /* Set up a random orientation */ orientation = random_quaternion(); crystal_set_cell(cr, cell_rotate(qargs->cell, orientation)); snprintf(wargs->image.filename, 255, "dummy.h5"); reflections = find_intersections(&wargs->image, cr); crystal_set_reflections(cr, reflections); for ( i=0; in_ref[i] = 0; wargs->p_hist[i] = 0.0; wargs->p_max[i] = 0.0; } calculate_partials(cr, qargs->full, qargs->sym, qargs->random_intensities, &qargs->full_lock, wargs->n_ref, wargs->p_hist, wargs->p_max, qargs->max_q, qargs->full_stddev, qargs->noise_stddev); /* Give a slightly incorrect cell in the stream */ mess_up_cell(cr, qargs->cnoise); image_add_crystal(&wargs->image, cr); } static void finalise_job(void *vqargs, void *vwargs) { struct worker_args *wargs = vwargs; struct queue_args *qargs = vqargs; int i; write_chunk(qargs->stream, &wargs->image, NULL, 0, 1); for ( i=0; in_ref[i] += wargs->n_ref[i]; qargs->p_hist[i] += wargs->p_hist[i]; if ( wargs->p_max[i] > qargs->p_max[i] ) { qargs->p_max[i] = wargs->p_max[i]; } } qargs->n_done++; progress_bar(qargs->n_done, qargs->n_to_do, "Simulating"); crystal_free(wargs->crystal); free(wargs); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; char *input_file = NULL; char *output_file = NULL; char *beamfile = NULL; char *geomfile = NULL; char *cellfile = NULL; struct detector *det = NULL; struct beam_params *beam = NULL; RefList *full = NULL; char *sym_str = NULL; SymOpList *sym; UnitCell *cell = NULL; Stream *stream; int n = 2; int random_intensities = 0; char *save_file = NULL; struct queue_args qargs; struct image image; int n_threads = 1; double cnoise = 0.0; char *rval; int i; FILE *fh; char *phist_file = NULL; double osf_stddev = 2.0; double full_stddev = 1000.0; double noise_stddev = 20.0; /* Long options */ const struct option longopts[] = { {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"output", 1, NULL, 'o'}, {"input", 1, NULL, 'i'}, {"beam", 1, NULL, 'b'}, {"pdb", 1, NULL, 'p'}, {"geometry", 1, NULL, 'g'}, {"symmetry", 1, NULL, 'y'}, {"save-random", 1, NULL, 'r'}, {"cnoise", 1, NULL, 'c'}, {"pgraph", 1, NULL, 2}, {"osf-stddev", 1, NULL, 3}, {"full-stddev", 1, NULL, 4}, {"noise-stddev", 1, NULL, 5}, {0, 0, NULL, 0} }; /* Short options */ while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hi:o:b:p:g:y:n:r:j:c:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h' : show_help(argv[0]); return 0; case 'o' : output_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 'i' : input_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 'b' : beamfile = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p' : cellfile = strdup(optarg); break; case 'g' : geomfile = strdup(optarg); break; case 'y' : sym_str = strdup(optarg); break; case 'n' : n = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r' : save_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 'j' : n_threads = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c' : cnoise = strtod(optarg, &rval); if ( *rval != '\0' ) { ERROR("Invalid cell noise value.\n"); return 1; } break; case 2 : phist_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 3 : osf_stddev = strtod(optarg, &rval); if ( *rval != '\0' ) { ERROR("Invalid OSF standard deviation.\n"); return 1; } if ( osf_stddev < 0.0 ) { ERROR("Invalid OSF standard deviation."); ERROR(" (must be positive).\n"); return 1; } break; case 4 : full_stddev = strtod(optarg, &rval); if ( *rval != '\0' ) { ERROR("Invalid full standard deviation.\n"); return 1; } if ( full_stddev < 0.0 ) { ERROR("Invalid full standard deviation."); ERROR(" (must be positive).\n"); return 1; } break; case 5 : noise_stddev = strtod(optarg, &rval); if ( *rval != '\0' ) { ERROR("Invalid noise standard deviation.\n"); return 1; } if ( noise_stddev < 0.0 ) { ERROR("Invalid noise standard deviation."); ERROR(" (must be positive).\n"); return 1; } break; case 0 : break; case '?' : break; default : ERROR("Unhandled option '%c'\n", c); break; } } if ( n_threads < 1 ) { ERROR("Invalid number of threads.\n"); return 1; } /* Load beam */ if ( beamfile == NULL ) { ERROR("You need to provide a beam parameters file.\n"); return 1; } beam = get_beam_parameters(beamfile); if ( beam == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to load beam parameters from '%s'\n", beamfile); return 1; } free(beamfile); /* Load cell */ if ( cellfile == NULL ) { ERROR("You need to give a PDB file with the unit cell.\n"); return 1; } cell = load_cell_from_pdb(cellfile); if ( cell == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to get cell from '%s'\n", cellfile); return 1; } free(cellfile); if ( !cell_is_sensible(cell) ) { ERROR("Invalid unit cell parameters:\n"); cell_print(cell); return 1; } /* Load geometry */ if ( geomfile == NULL ) { ERROR("You need to give a geometry file.\n"); return 1; } det = get_detector_geometry(geomfile); if ( det == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to read geometry from '%s'\n", geomfile); return 1; } free(geomfile); if ( sym_str == NULL ) sym_str = strdup("1"); sym = get_pointgroup(sym_str); free(sym_str); if ( save_file == NULL ) save_file = strdup("partial_sim.hkl"); /* Load (full) reflections */ if ( input_file != NULL ) { full = read_reflections(input_file); if ( full == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to read reflections from '%s'\n", input_file); return 1; } free(input_file); if ( check_list_symmetry(full, sym) ) { ERROR("The input reflection list does not appear to" " have symmetry %s\n", symmetry_name(sym)); return 1; } } else { random_intensities = 1; } if ( n < 1 ) { ERROR("Number of patterns must be at least 1.\n"); return 1; } if ( output_file == NULL ) { ERROR("You must give a filename for the output.\n"); return 1; } stream = open_stream_for_write(output_file); if ( stream == NULL ) { ERROR("Couldn't open output file '%s'\n", output_file); return 1; } free(output_file); image.det = det; image.width = det->max_fs; image.height = det->max_ss; image.lambda = ph_en_to_lambda(eV_to_J(beam->photon_energy)); image.div = beam->divergence; image.bw = beam->bandwidth; image.beam = beam; image.filename = malloc(256); image.copyme = NULL; image.crystals = NULL; image.n_crystals = 0; image.indexed_by = INDEXING_SIMULATION; image.num_peaks = 0; image.num_saturated_peaks = 0; if ( random_intensities ) { full = reflist_new(); } qargs.full = full; pthread_rwlock_init(&qargs.full_lock, NULL); qargs.n_to_do = n; qargs.n_done = 0; qargs.n_started = 0; qargs.sym = sym; qargs.random_intensities = random_intensities; qargs.cell = cell; qargs.template_image = ℑ qargs.stream = stream; qargs.cnoise = cnoise; qargs.osf_stddev = osf_stddev; qargs.full_stddev = full_stddev; qargs.noise_stddev = noise_stddev; qargs.max_q = largest_q(&image); for ( i=0; i