/* * post-refinement.c * * Post refinement * * (c) 2006-2011 Thomas White * * Part of CrystFEL - crystallography with a FEL * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "post-refinement.h" #include "peaks.h" #include "symmetry.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "cell.h" /* Maximum number of iterations of NLSq to do for each image per macrocycle. */ #define MAX_CYCLES (10) /* Returns dp/dr at "r" */ static double partiality_gradient(double r, double profile_radius) { double q, dpdq, dqdr; /* Calculate degree of penetration */ q = (r + profile_radius)/(2.0*profile_radius); /* dp/dq */ dpdq = 6.0*(q-pow(q, 2.0)); /* dq/dr */ dqdr = 1.0 / (2.0*profile_radius); return dpdq * dqdr; } /* Returns dp/drad at "r" */ static double partiality_rgradient(double r, double profile_radius) { double q, dpdq, dqdrad; /* Calculate degree of penetration */ q = (r + profile_radius)/(2.0*profile_radius); /* dp/dq */ dpdq = 6.0*(q-pow(q, 2.0)); /* dq/drad */ dqdrad = 0.5 * (1.0 - r * pow(profile_radius, -2.0)); return dpdq * dqdrad; } /* Return the gradient of parameter 'k' given the current status of 'image'. */ double gradient(struct image *image, int k, Reflection *refl, double r) { double ds, azix, aziy; double ttlow, tthigh, tt; double nom, den; double g; double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; double xl, yl, zl; signed int hs, ks, ls; double r1, r2, p; int clamp_low, clamp_high; double klow, khigh; double gr; get_symmetric_indices(refl, &hs, &ks, &ls); cell_get_reciprocal(image->indexed_cell, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); xl = hs*asx + ks*bsx + ls*csx; yl = hs*asy + ks*bsy + ls*csy; zl = hs*asz + ks*bsz + ls*csz; ds = 2.0 * resolution(image->indexed_cell, hs, ks, ls); get_partial(refl, &r1, &r2, &p, &clamp_low, &clamp_high); klow = 1.0/(image->lambda - image->lambda*image->bw/2.0); khigh = 1.0/(image->lambda + image->lambda*image->bw/2.0); ttlow = angle_between(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, xl, yl, zl+klow); tthigh = angle_between(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, xl, yl, zl+khigh); if ( (clamp_low == 0) && (clamp_high == 0) ) { tt = (ttlow+tthigh)/2.0; } else if ( clamp_high == 0 ) { tt = tthigh + image->div; } else if ( clamp_low == 0 ) { tt = ttlow - image->div; } else { tt = 0.0; /* Gradient should come out as zero in this case */ } azix = angle_between(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, xl, yl, 0.0); aziy = angle_between(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, xl, yl, 0.0); /* Calculate the gradient of partiality wrt excitation error. */ g = 0.0; if ( clamp_low == 0 ) { g -= partiality_gradient(r1, r); } if ( clamp_high == 0 ) { g += partiality_gradient(r2, r); } /* For many gradients, just multiply the above number by the gradient * of excitation error wrt whatever. */ switch ( k ) { case REF_DIV : gr = 0.0; if ( clamp_low == 0 ) { nom = sqrt(2.0) * ds * sin(image->div/2.0); den = sqrt(1.0 - cos(image->div/2.0)); gr -= (nom/den) * g; } if ( clamp_high == 0 ) { nom = sqrt(2.0) * ds * sin(image->div/2.0); den = sqrt(1.0 - cos(image->div/2.0)); gr += (nom/den) * g; } return gr / 4.0; /* FIXME: Shameless fudge factor */ case REF_R : g = 0.0; if ( clamp_low == 0 ) { g += partiality_rgradient(r1, r); } if ( clamp_high == 0 ) { g += partiality_rgradient(r2, r); } return g; /* Cell parameters and orientation */ case REF_ASX : return hs * sin(tt) * cos(azix) * g; case REF_BSX : return ks * sin(tt) * cos(azix) * g; case REF_CSX : return ls * sin(tt) * cos(azix) * g; case REF_ASY : return hs * sin(tt) * cos(aziy) * g; case REF_BSY : return ks * sin(tt) * cos(aziy) * g; case REF_CSY : return ls * sin(tt) * cos(aziy) * g; case REF_ASZ : return hs * cos(tt) * g; case REF_BSZ : return ks * cos(tt) * g; case REF_CSZ : return ls * cos(tt) * g; } ERROR("No gradient defined for parameter %i\n", k); abort(); } static void apply_cell_shift(UnitCell *cell, int k, double shift) { double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; cell_get_reciprocal(cell, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); switch ( k ) { case REF_ASX : asx += shift; break; case REF_ASY : asy += shift; break; case REF_ASZ : asz += shift; break; case REF_BSX : bsx += shift; break; case REF_BSY : bsy += shift; break; case REF_BSZ : bsz += shift; break; case REF_CSX : csx += shift; break; case REF_CSY : csy += shift; break; case REF_CSZ : csz += shift; break; } cell_set_reciprocal(cell, asx, asy, asz, bsx, bsy, bsz, csx, csy, csz); } /* Apply the given shift to the 'k'th parameter of 'image'. */ static void apply_shift(struct image *image, int k, double shift) { switch ( k ) { case REF_DIV : image->div += shift; break; case REF_R : image->profile_radius += shift; break; case REF_ASX : case REF_ASY : case REF_ASZ : case REF_BSX : case REF_BSY : case REF_BSZ : case REF_CSX : case REF_CSY : case REF_CSZ : apply_cell_shift(image->indexed_cell, k, shift); break; default : ERROR("No shift defined for parameter %i\n", k); abort(); } } static void check_eigen(gsl_vector *e_val) { int i; double vmax, vmin; const int n = e_val->size; const double max_condition = 1e6; const int verbose = 0; if ( verbose ) STATUS("Eigenvalues:\n"); vmin = +INFINITY; vmax = 0.0; for ( i=0; i vmax ) vmax = val; if ( val < vmin ) vmin = val; } for ( i=0; i vmax ) vmax = val; if ( val < vmin ) vmin = val; } if ( verbose ) { STATUS("Condition number: %e / %e = %5.2f\n", vmax, vmin, vmax/vmin); } } static gsl_vector *solve_svd(gsl_vector *v, gsl_matrix *M) { gsl_matrix *s_vec; gsl_vector *s_val; int err, n; gsl_vector *shifts; n = v->size; if ( v->size != M->size1 ) return NULL; if ( v->size != M->size2 ) return NULL; s_val = gsl_vector_calloc(n); s_vec = gsl_matrix_calloc(n, n); err = gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_jacobi(M, s_vec, s_val); if ( err ) { ERROR("SVD failed: %s\n", gsl_strerror(err)); gsl_matrix_free(s_vec); gsl_vector_free(s_val); return NULL; } /* "M" is now "U" */ check_eigen(s_val); shifts = gsl_vector_calloc(n); err = gsl_linalg_SV_solve(M, s_vec, s_val, v, shifts); if ( err ) { ERROR("Matrix solution failed: %s\n", gsl_strerror(err)); gsl_matrix_free(s_vec); gsl_vector_free(s_val); gsl_vector_free(shifts); return NULL; } gsl_matrix_free(s_vec); gsl_vector_free(s_val); return shifts; } /* Perform one cycle of post refinement on 'image' against 'full' */ static double pr_iterate(struct image *image, const RefList *full) { gsl_matrix *M; gsl_vector *v; gsl_vector *shifts; int param; Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; RefList *reflections; double max_shift; int nref = 0; reflections = image->reflections; M = gsl_matrix_calloc(NUM_PARAMS, NUM_PARAMS); v = gsl_vector_calloc(NUM_PARAMS); /* Construct the equations, one per reflection in this image */ for ( refl = first_refl(reflections, &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { signed int ha, ka, la; double I_full, delta_I; double I_partial; int k; double p; Reflection *match; double gradients[NUM_PARAMS]; if ( !get_refinable(refl) ) continue; /* Find the full version */ get_indices(refl, &ha, &ka, &la); match = find_refl(full, ha, ka, la); if ( match == NULL ) { ERROR("%3i %3i %3i isn't in the reference list, so why " " is it marked as refinable?\n", ha, ka, la); continue; } I_full = image->osf * get_intensity(match); /* Actual measurement of this reflection from this pattern? */ I_partial = get_intensity(refl); p = get_partiality(refl); /* Calculate all gradients for this reflection */ for ( k=0; kprofile_radius); gradients[k] = gr; } for ( k=0; k k ) continue; M_c = gradients[g] * gradients[k]; M_c *= pow(image->osf * I_full, 2.0); M_curr = gsl_matrix_get(M, k, g); gsl_matrix_set(M, k, g, M_curr + M_c); gsl_matrix_set(M, g, k, M_curr + M_c); } delta_I = I_partial - (p * I_full); v_c = delta_I * I_full * gradients[k]; v_curr = gsl_vector_get(v, k); gsl_vector_set(v, k, v_curr + v_c); } nref++; } //show_matrix_eqn(M, v, NUM_PARAMS); //STATUS("%i reflections went into the equations.\n", nref); if ( nref == 0 ) { image->pr_dud = 1; gsl_matrix_free(M); gsl_vector_free(v); return 0.0; } max_shift = 0.0; shifts = solve_svd(v, M); if ( shifts != NULL ) { for ( param=0; param max_shift ) max_shift = fabs(shift); } } else { ERROR("Problem solving equations.\n"); /* Leave things as they were */ } gsl_matrix_free(M); gsl_vector_free(v); gsl_vector_free(shifts); return max_shift; } static double guide_dev(struct image *image, const RefList *full) { double dev = 0.0; /* For each reflection */ Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; for ( refl = first_refl(image->reflections, &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { double G, p; signed int h, k, l; Reflection *full_version; double I_full, I_partial; if ( !get_refinable(refl) ) continue; get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l); assert((h!=0) || (k!=0) || (l!=0)); full_version = find_refl(full, h, k, l); if ( full_version == NULL ) continue; /* Some reflections may have recently become scalable, but * scale_intensities() might not yet have been called, so the * full version may not have been calculated yet. */ G = image->osf; p = get_partiality(refl); I_partial = get_intensity(refl); I_full = get_intensity(full_version); //STATUS("%3i %3i %3i %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n", // h, k, l, G, p, I_partial, I_full, // I_partial - p*G*I_full); dev += pow(I_partial - p*G*I_full, 2.0); } return dev; } void pr_refine(struct image *image, const RefList *full) { double max_shift, dev; int i; const int verbose = 0; if ( verbose ) { dev = guide_dev(image, full); STATUS("\n"); /* Deal with progress bar */ STATUS("Before iteration: dev = %10.5e\n", dev); } i = 0; image->pr_dud = 0; do { double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; double dev; cell_get_reciprocal(image->indexed_cell, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); max_shift = pr_iterate(image, full); update_partialities(image, NULL, NULL, NULL); if ( verbose ) { dev = guide_dev(image, full); STATUS("PR Iteration %2i: max shift = %10.2f" " dev = %10.5e\n", i+1, max_shift, dev); } i++; } while ( (max_shift > 50.0) && (i < MAX_CYCLES) ); }