/* * post-refinement.c * * Post refinement * * Copyright © 2012-2017 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2010-2017 Thomas White * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "post-refinement.h" #include "peaks.h" #include "symmetry.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "cell.h" #include "cell-utils.h" struct prdata { int refined; }; const char *str_prflag(enum prflag flag) { switch ( flag ) { case PRFLAG_OK : return "OK"; case PRFLAG_FEWREFL : return "not enough reflections"; case PRFLAG_SOLVEFAIL : return "PR solve failed"; case PRFLAG_EARLY : return "early rejection"; case PRFLAG_CC : return "low CC"; case PRFLAG_BIGB : return "B too big"; default : return "Unknown flag"; } } static void apply_cell_shift(UnitCell *cell, int k, double shift) { double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; double as, bs, cs; cell_get_reciprocal(cell, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); as = modulus(asx, asy, asz); bs = modulus(bsx, bsy, bsz); cs = modulus(csx, csy, csz); /* Forbid any step which looks too large */ switch ( k ) { case GPARAM_ASX : case GPARAM_ASY : case GPARAM_ASZ : if ( fabs(shift) > 0.1*as ) return; break; case GPARAM_BSX : case GPARAM_BSY : case GPARAM_BSZ : if ( fabs(shift) > 0.1*bs ) return; break; case GPARAM_CSX : case GPARAM_CSY : case GPARAM_CSZ : if ( fabs(shift) > 0.1*cs ) return; break; } switch ( k ) { case GPARAM_ASX : asx += shift; break; case GPARAM_ASY : asy += shift; break; case GPARAM_ASZ : asz += shift; break; case GPARAM_BSX : bsx += shift; break; case GPARAM_BSY : bsy += shift; break; case GPARAM_BSZ : bsz += shift; break; case GPARAM_CSX : csx += shift; break; case GPARAM_CSY : csy += shift; break; case GPARAM_CSZ : csz += shift; break; } cell_set_reciprocal(cell, asx, asy, asz, bsx, bsy, bsz, csx, csy, csz); } /* Apply the given shift to the 'k'th parameter of 'image'. */ static void apply_shift(Crystal *cr, int k, double shift) { double t; struct image *image = crystal_get_image(cr); switch ( k ) { case GPARAM_DIV : if ( shift > 0.1*image->div ) return; image->div += shift; if ( image->div < 0.0 ) image->div = 0.0; break; case GPARAM_R : t = crystal_get_profile_radius(cr); if ( shift > 0.1*t ) return; t += shift; crystal_set_profile_radius(cr, t); break; case GPARAM_ASX : case GPARAM_ASY : case GPARAM_ASZ : case GPARAM_BSX : case GPARAM_BSY : case GPARAM_BSZ : case GPARAM_CSX : case GPARAM_CSY : case GPARAM_CSZ : apply_cell_shift(crystal_get_cell(cr), k, shift); break; default : ERROR("No shift defined for parameter %i\n", k); abort(); } } double residual(Crystal *cr, const RefList *full, int free, int *pn_used, const char *filename) { double dev = 0.0; double G, B; Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; FILE *fh = NULL; int n_used = 0; if ( filename != NULL ) { fh = fopen(filename, "a"); if ( fh == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to open '%s'\n", filename); } } G = crystal_get_osf(cr); B = crystal_get_Bfac(cr); for ( refl = first_refl(crystal_get_reflections(cr), &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { double p, L, s, w; signed int h, k, l; Reflection *match; double esd, I_full, I_partial; double fx, dc; if ( free && !get_flag(refl) ) continue; get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l); match = find_refl(full, h, k, l); if ( match == NULL ) continue; I_full = get_intensity(match); if ( get_redundancy(match) < 2 ) continue; p = get_partiality(refl); L = get_lorentz(refl); I_partial = get_intensity(refl); esd = get_esd_intensity(refl); s = resolution(crystal_get_cell(cr), h, k, l); if ( I_partial < 3.0*esd ) continue; fx = exp(G)*p*exp(-B*s*s)*I_full/L; dc = I_partial - fx; w = (s/1e9)*(s/1e9)/(esd*esd); dev += w*dc*dc; n_used++; if ( fh != NULL ) { fprintf(fh, "%4i %4i %4i %e %e\n", h, k, l, s, dev); } } if ( fh != NULL ) fclose(fh); if ( pn_used != NULL ) *pn_used = n_used; return dev; } static UnitCell *rotate_cell_xy(const UnitCell *cell, double ang1, double ang2) { UnitCell *o; double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; double xnew, ynew, znew; o = cell_new_from_cell(cell); cell_get_reciprocal(o, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); /* "a" around x */ xnew = asx; ynew = asy*cos(ang1) + asz*sin(ang1); znew = -asy*sin(ang1) + asz*cos(ang1); asx = xnew; asy = ynew; asz = znew; /* "b" around x */ xnew = bsx; ynew = bsy*cos(ang1) + bsz*sin(ang1); znew = -bsy*sin(ang1) + bsz*cos(ang1); bsx = xnew; bsy = ynew; bsz = znew; /* "c" around x */ xnew = csx; ynew = csy*cos(ang1) + csz*sin(ang1); znew = -csy*sin(ang1) + csz*cos(ang1); csx = xnew; csy = ynew; csz = znew; /* "a" around y */ xnew = asx*cos(ang1) + asz*sin(ang2); ynew = asy; znew = -asx*sin(ang2) + asz*cos(ang2); asx = xnew; asy = ynew; asz = znew; /* "b" around y */ xnew = bsx*cos(ang1) + bsz*sin(ang2); ynew = bsy; znew = -bsx*sin(ang2) + bsz*cos(ang2); bsx = xnew; bsy = ynew; bsz = znew; /* "c" around y */ xnew = csx*cos(ang1) + csz*sin(ang2); ynew = csy; znew = -csx*sin(ang2) + csz*cos(ang2); csx = xnew; csy = ynew; csz = znew; cell_set_reciprocal(o, asx, asy, asy, bsx, bsy, bsz, csx, csy, csz); return o; } struct rf_priv { const Crystal *cr; const RefList *full; enum gparam *rv; }; static double residual_f(const gsl_vector *v, void *pp) { struct rf_priv *pv = pp; int i; UnitCell *cell; Crystal *cr; double res; double ang1 = 0.0; double ang2 = 0.0; for ( i=0; isize; i++ ) { switch ( pv->rv[i] ) { case GPARAM_ANG1 : ang1 = gsl_vector_get(v, i); break; case GPARAM_ANG2 : ang2 = gsl_vector_get(v, i); break; default : ERROR("Don't understand parameter %i\n", pv->rv[i]); break; } } cell = rotate_cell_xy(crystal_get_cell_const(pv->cr), ang1, ang2); cr = crystal_copy(pv->cr); crystal_set_cell(cr, cell); update_predictions(cr); calculate_partialities(cr, PMODEL_XSPHERE); res = residual(cr, pv->full, 0, NULL, NULL); cell_free(cell); crystal_free(cr); return res; } static double get_initial_param(Crystal *cr, enum gparam p) { switch ( p ) { case GPARAM_ANG1 : return 0.0; case GPARAM_ANG2 : return 0.0; default: return 0.0; } } static double get_stepsize(enum gparam p) { switch ( p ) { case GPARAM_ANG1 : return deg2rad(0.01); case GPARAM_ANG2 : return deg2rad(0.01); default : return 0.0; } } static void do_pr_refine(Crystal *cr, const RefList *full, PartialityModel pmodel, int verbose) { int i; gsl_multimin_fminimizer *min; gsl_vector *v; gsl_vector *step; gsl_multimin_function f; enum gparam rv[32]; struct rf_priv residual_f_priv; int n_params = 0; int n_iter = 0; int status; if ( verbose ) { STATUS("PR initial: dev = %10.5e, free dev = %10.5e\n", residual(cr, full, 0, NULL, NULL), residual(cr, full, 1, NULL, NULL)); } /* The parameters to be refined */ rv[n_params++] = GPARAM_ANG1; rv[n_params++] = GPARAM_ANG2; residual_f_priv.cr = cr; residual_f_priv.full = full; residual_f_priv.rv = rv; f.f = residual_f; f.n = n_params; f.params = &residual_f_priv; v = gsl_vector_alloc(n_params); step = gsl_vector_alloc(n_params); for ( i=0; isize, 1.0e-3); if ( status == GSL_SUCCESS ) { STATUS("Done!\n"); } if ( verbose ) { STATUS("PR iter %2i: dev = %10.5e, free dev = %10.5e\n", n_iter, residual(cr, full, 0, NULL, NULL), residual(cr, full, 1, NULL, NULL)); } } while ( status == GSL_CONTINUE && n_iter < 30 ); gsl_multimin_fminimizer_free(min); gsl_vector_free(v); gsl_vector_free(step); } static struct prdata pr_refine(Crystal *cr, const RefList *full, PartialityModel pmodel) { int verbose = 1; struct prdata prdata; prdata.refined = 0; do_pr_refine(cr, full, pmodel, verbose); if ( crystal_get_user_flag(cr) == 0 ) { prdata.refined = 1; } return prdata; } struct refine_args { RefList *full; Crystal *crystal; PartialityModel pmodel; struct prdata prdata; }; struct queue_args { int n_started; int n_done; Crystal **crystals; int n_crystals; struct refine_args task_defaults; }; static void refine_image(void *task, int id) { struct refine_args *pargs = task; Crystal *cr = pargs->crystal; pargs->prdata = pr_refine(cr, pargs->full, pargs->pmodel); } static void *get_image(void *vqargs) { struct refine_args *task; struct queue_args *qargs = vqargs; task = malloc(sizeof(struct refine_args)); memcpy(task, &qargs->task_defaults, sizeof(struct refine_args)); task->crystal = qargs->crystals[qargs->n_started]; qargs->n_started++; return task; } static void done_image(void *vqargs, void *task) { struct queue_args *qa = vqargs; qa->n_done++; progress_bar(qa->n_done, qa->n_crystals, "Refining"); free(task); } void refine_all(Crystal **crystals, int n_crystals, RefList *full, int nthreads, PartialityModel pmodel) { struct refine_args task_defaults; struct queue_args qargs; task_defaults.full = full; task_defaults.crystal = NULL; task_defaults.pmodel = pmodel; task_defaults.prdata.refined = 0; qargs.task_defaults = task_defaults; qargs.n_started = 0; qargs.n_done = 0; qargs.n_crystals = n_crystals; qargs.crystals = crystals; /* Don't have threads which are doing nothing */ if ( n_crystals < nthreads ) nthreads = n_crystals; run_threads(nthreads, refine_image, get_image, done_image, &qargs, n_crystals, 0, 0, 0); }