/* * post-refinement.c * * Post refinement * * (c) 2006-2011 Thomas White * * Part of CrystFEL - crystallography with a FEL * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "post-refinement.h" #include "peaks.h" #include "symmetry.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "cell.h" /* Returns dp/dr at "r" */ static double partiality_gradient(double r, double profile_radius) { double q, dpdq, dqdr; /* Calculate degree of penetration */ q = (r + profile_radius)/(2.0*profile_radius); /* dp/dq */ dpdq = 6.0*(q-pow(q, 2.0)); /* dq/dr */ dqdr = 1.0 / (2.0*profile_radius); return dpdq * dqdr; } /* Returns dp/drad at "r" */ static double partiality_rgradient(double r, double profile_radius) { double q, dpdq, dqdrad; /* Calculate degree of penetration */ q = (r + profile_radius)/(2.0*profile_radius); /* dp/dq */ dpdq = 6.0*(q-pow(q, 2.0)); /* dq/drad */ dqdrad = 0.5 * (1.0 - r * pow(profile_radius, -2.0)); return dpdq * dqdrad; } /* Return the gradient of parameter 'k' given the current status of 'image'. */ double gradient(struct image *image, int k, struct cpeak spot, double r) { double ds, tt, azi; double nom, den; double g = 0.0; double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; double xl, yl, zl; cell_get_reciprocal(image->indexed_cell, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); xl = spot.h*asx + spot.k*bsx + spot.l*csx; yl = spot.h*asy + spot.k*bsy + spot.l*csy; zl = spot.h*asz + spot.k*bsz + spot.l*csz; ds = 2.0 * resolution(image->indexed_cell, spot.h, spot.k, spot.l); tt = angle_between(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, xl, yl, zl+k); azi = angle_between(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, xl, yl, 0.0); /* Calculate the gradient of partiality wrt excitation error. */ if ( spot.clamp1 == 0 ) { g += partiality_gradient(spot.r1, r); } if ( spot.clamp2 == 0 ) { g += partiality_gradient(spot.r2, r); } /* For many gradients, just multiply the above number by the gradient * of excitation error wrt whatever. */ switch ( k ) { case REF_SCALE : return -spot.p*pow(image->osf, -2.0); case REF_DIV : nom = sqrt(2.0) * ds * sin(image->div/2.0); den = sqrt(1.0 - cos(image->div/2.0)); return (nom/den) * g; case REF_R : if ( spot.clamp1 == 0 ) { g += partiality_rgradient(spot.r1, r); } if ( spot.clamp2 == 0 ) { g += partiality_rgradient(spot.r2, r); } return g; /* Cell parameters and orientation */ case REF_ASX : return spot.h * pow(sin(tt), -1.0) * cos(azi) * g; case REF_BSX : return spot.k * pow(sin(tt), -1.0) * cos(azi) * g; case REF_CSX : return spot.l * pow(sin(tt), -1.0) * cos(azi) * g; case REF_ASY : return spot.h * pow(sin(tt), -1.0) * sin(azi) * g; case REF_BSY : return spot.k * pow(sin(tt), -1.0) * sin(azi) * g; case REF_CSY : return spot.l * pow(sin(tt), -1.0) * sin(azi) * g; case REF_ASZ : return spot.h * pow(cos(tt), -1.0) * g; case REF_BSZ : return spot.k * pow(cos(tt), -1.0) * g; case REF_CSZ : return spot.l * pow(cos(tt), -1.0) * g; } ERROR("No gradient defined for parameter %i\n", k); abort(); } static void apply_cell_shift(UnitCell *cell, int k, double shift) { double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; cell_get_reciprocal(cell, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); switch ( k ) { case REF_ASX : asx += shift; break; case REF_ASY : asy += shift; break; case REF_ASZ : asz += shift; break; case REF_BSX : bsx += shift; break; case REF_BSY : bsy += shift; break; case REF_BSZ : bsz += shift; break; case REF_CSX : csx += shift; break; case REF_CSY : csy += shift; break; case REF_CSZ : csz += shift; break; } cell_set_reciprocal(cell, asx, asy, asz, bsx, bsy, bsz, csx, csy, csz); if ( k == REF_CSZ ) { double a, b, c, al, be, ga; cell_get_parameters(cell, &a, &b, &c, &al, &be, &ga); STATUS("New cell: %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f nm %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f deg\n", a/1.0e-9, b/1.0e-9, c/1.0e-9, rad2deg(al), rad2deg(be), rad2deg(ga)); } } /* Apply the given shift to the 'k'th parameter of 'image'. */ void apply_shift(struct image *image, int k, double shift) { switch ( k ) { case REF_SCALE : image->osf += shift; STATUS("New OSF = %f (shift %e)\n", image->osf, shift); break; case REF_DIV : STATUS("Shifting div by %e\n", shift); image->div += shift; break; case REF_R : STATUS("Shifting r by %e\n", shift); image->profile_radius += shift; break; case REF_ASX : case REF_ASY : case REF_ASZ : case REF_BSX : case REF_BSY : case REF_BSZ : case REF_CSX : case REF_CSY : case REF_CSZ : apply_cell_shift(image->indexed_cell, k, shift); break; default : ERROR("No shift defined for parameter %i\n", k); abort(); } } double mean_partial_dev(struct image *image, struct cpeak *spots, int n, const char *sym, double *i_full, FILE *graph) { int h, n_used; double delta_I = 0.0; n_used = 0; for ( h=0; hosf)); n_used++; if ( graph != NULL ) { fprintf(graph, "%3i %3i %3i %5.2f (at %5.2f,%5.2f)" " %5.2f %5.2f\n", hind, kind, lind, I_partial/spots[h].p, xc, yc, spots[h].p, I_partial / I_full); } } return delta_I / (double)n_used; } static void show_matrix_eqn(gsl_matrix *M, gsl_vector *v, int r) { int i, j; for ( i=0; iosf); for ( k=0; kprofile_radius) * gradient(image, k, spots[h], image->profile_radius); M_c *= pow(I_full, 2.0); gsl_matrix_set(M, g, k, M_curr + M_c); } gr = gradient(image, k, spots[h], image->profile_radius); v_c = delta_I * I_full * gr; gsl_vector_set(v, k, v_c); } } show_matrix_eqn(M, v, NUM_PARAMS); shifts = gsl_vector_alloc(NUM_PARAMS); gsl_linalg_HH_solve(M, v, shifts); for ( param=0; paramindexed_cell, n, 0); *pspots = spots; return mean_partial_dev(image, spots, *n, sym, i_full, NULL); }