/* * peakdetect.c * * Peakdetection routines, utilities and automation * * (c) 2007 Gordon Ball * dtr - Diffraction Tomography Reconstruction * */ #include #include "reflections.h" #include "control.h" #include "imagedisplay.h" #include "utils.h" #include "peakdetect.h" /* * Renormalise a gsl_matrix to 0->1 * Re-written to use gsl_matrix native functions */ void renormalise(gsl_matrix *m) { double max,min; gsl_matrix_minmax(m,&min,&max); //printf("Renormalising min=%lf max=%lf\n",min,max); gsl_matrix_add_constant(m,0.-min); gsl_matrix_scale(m,1./(max-min)); } /* * Create a gsl_matrix for performing image operations on * from a raw image and control context * Converting to gsl_matrix because many of the required operations * can be done as matrices to save effort * Renormalises matrix to 0->1 */ gsl_matrix* createImageMatrix(ControlContext *ctx, int16_t *image) { gsl_matrix *raw; raw = gsl_matrix_alloc(ctx->width,ctx->height); int i,j; for ( i=0; isize1;i++) { for (j=0; jsize2;j++) { gsl_matrix_set(raw,i,j,(double)image[i+j*ctx->width]); } } //printf("Created %dx%d matrix\n",ctx->width,ctx->height); renormalise(raw); return raw; } /* * Find and return the mean value of the matrix */ double image_mean(gsl_matrix *m) { double mean=0.; int i,j; for (i=0;isize1;i++) { for (j=0;jsize2;j++) { mean += gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j); } } return mean / (m->size1 * m->size2); } /* * Return the standard deviation, sigma, of the matrix values * \sqrt(\sum((x-mean)^2)/n) */ double image_sigma(gsl_matrix *m, double mean) { double diff2=0; int i,j; for (i=0;isize1;i++) { for (j=0;jsize2;j++) { diff2 += (gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j)-mean)*(gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j)-mean); } } return sqrt(diff2/(m->size1 * m->size2)); } /* * Filter all pixels with value < mean + k*sigma to 0 * Set all matching pixels to 1 */ void sigma_filter(gsl_matrix *m, double k) { double mean,sigma; int i,j; mean = image_mean(m); sigma = image_sigma(m,mean); for (i=0;isize1;i++) { for (j=0;jsize2;j++) { if (gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j) >= mean+k*sigma) { gsl_matrix_set(m,i,j,1.); } else { gsl_matrix_set(m,i,j,0.); } } } } /* * Calculate the mean within a circle centred (x,y) of radius r * * TODO: Use a mask instead of calculating valid points */ double circle_mean(gsl_matrix *m, int x, int y, int r, gsl_matrix *mask) { double mean=0.; int i,j,n=0; for (i=x-r;i<=x+r;i++) { for (j=y-r;j<=y+r;j++) { //printf("cm: ij=(%d,%d) mask=(%d,%d)\n",i,j,i-x+r,j-y+r); if (gsl_matrix_get(mask,i-x+r,j-y+r)>0.) { mean += gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j); //printf("cm: (%d,%d) mean=%lf val=%lf\n",i,j,mean,gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j)); n++; } } } //printf("cm: (%d,%d) summean=%lf n=%d\n",x,y,mean,n); return mean/n; } /* * Calculate sigma within a circle centred (x,y) of radius r * * TODO: Use a mask instead of calculating valid points */ double circle_sigma(gsl_matrix *m, int x, int y, int r, gsl_matrix *mask, double mean) { double diff2=0.; int i,j,n=0; for (i=x-r;i<=x+r;i++) { for (j=y-r;j<=y+r;j++) { if (gsl_matrix_get(mask,i-x+r,j-y+r)>0) { diff2 += (gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j)-mean)*(gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j)-mean); n++; } } } return sqrt(diff2/n); } /* * Calculate a circular mask to save recalculating it every time */ gsl_matrix* circle_mask(int r) { gsl_matrix *m; m = gsl_matrix_calloc(2*r+1,2*r+1); int i,j; for (i=0;i<2*r+1;i++) { for (j=0;j<2*r+1;j++) { if (sqrt((r-i)*(r-i)+(r-j)*(r-j))<=(double)r) { gsl_matrix_set(m,i,j,1.); } } } return m; } /* * Variation on the above filter where instead of using * sigma and mean for the whole image, it is found for a local * circle of radius r pixels. * The central point is also calculated as an approximately gaussian * average over local pixels rather than just a single pixel. * This takes a long time - 20-30 seconds for a 1024^2 image and r=10, * obviously large values of r will make it even slower. * The appropriate r value needs to be considered carefully - it needs to * be somewhat smaller than the average inter-reflection seperation. * 10 pixels worked well for the sapphire.mrc images, but this might * not be the case for other images. Images for which this would be very * large probably need to be resampled to a lower resolution. * * TODO: Pass a mask to the ancilliary functions instead of having * them calculate several hundred million sqrts * * self-referencing problem being dealt with - output being written onto the array before the next point it computed * problem carried over from the OO version where a new object was created by each operation */ void local_sigma_filter(gsl_matrix *m, int r, double k) { //printf("lsf: starting\n"); double mean,sigma; double local; //printf("lsf: generating circle mask\n"); gsl_matrix *mask = circle_mask(r); gsl_matrix *new; new = gsl_matrix_alloc(m->size1,m->size2); int i,j; int interval = (m->size1-r)/20; //printf("lsf: starting loop\n"); //printf("lsf: "); //for (i=r;isize1-r;i++) { // for (j=r;jsize2-r;j++) { for (i=0;isize1;i++) { for (j=0;jsize2;j++) { if ((i>=r && isize1-r) && (j>=r && jsize2-r)) { //printf("lsf: evaluating (%d,%d)\n",i,j); mean = circle_mean(m,i,j,r,mask); //printf("lsf: mean=%lf",mean); sigma = circle_sigma(m,i,j,r,mask,mean); //printf(" sigma=%lf",sigma); local = gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j); local += gsl_matrix_get(m,i+1,j) + gsl_matrix_get(m,i-1,j) + gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j+1) + gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j-1); local += .5*(gsl_matrix_get(m,i+1,j+1) + gsl_matrix_get(m,i-1,j+1) + gsl_matrix_get(m,i+1,j-1) + gsl_matrix_get(m,i-1,j-1)); local /= 7.; //printf(" local=%lf\n",local); if (local > mean+k*sigma) { gsl_matrix_set(new,i,j,1.); } else { gsl_matrix_set(new,i,j,0.); } } else { gsl_matrix_set(new,i,j,0.); } } //if (i % interval == 0) printf("."); } //printf("done\n"); gsl_matrix_memcpy(m,new); gsl_matrix_free(new); } /* * Apply an arbitary kernel to the image - each point takes the value * of the sum of the kernel convolved with the surrounding pixels. * The kernel needs to be a (2n+1)^2 array (centred on (n,n)). It needs * to be square and should probably be normalised. * Don't do daft things like rectangular kernels or kernels larger * than the image - this doesn't check such things and will cry. * * Also suffers from self-reference problem */ void apply_kernel(gsl_matrix *m, gsl_matrix *kernel) { int size = kernel->size1; int half = (size-1)/2; gsl_matrix *l; gsl_matrix_view lv; gsl_matrix *new; new = gsl_matrix_calloc(m->size1,m->size2); double val; int i,j,x,y; for (i=0;isize1;i++) { for (j=0;jsize2;j++) { if ((i>=half && isize1-half) && (j>=half && jsize2-half)) { lv = gsl_matrix_submatrix(m,i-half,j-half,size,size); l = &lv.matrix; val = 0.; for (x=0;x%d\n",oldsize,newsize); new = gsl_matrix_calloc(2,newsize); //printf("me: calloc(2,%d)\n",newsize); int j; for (j = 0; j < oldsize; j++) { if (j < newsize) { //printf("me: copying col %d\n",j); gsl_matrix_set(new,0,j,gsl_matrix_get(m,0,j)); gsl_matrix_set(new,1,j,gsl_matrix_get(m,1,j)); } } //printf("me: freeing old matrix\n"); gsl_matrix_free(m); //printf("me: new s1=%d s2=%d\n",new->size1,new->size2); return new; //printf("me: m s1=%d s2=%d\n",m->size1,m->size2); } /* * Stack-based flood-fill iteration routine * have to return a pointer to com each time because if the matrix size has to be changed then we need to keep * track of the location of the resized instance */ gsl_matrix* do_ff(int i, int j, int* mask, double threshold, gsl_matrix *m, gsl_matrix *com, int *com_n, int *com_size) { if (i>=0 && isize1) { if (j>=0 && jsize2) { if (mask[i+j*m->size1]==0) { if (gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j)>threshold) { //printf("dff: found valid point (%d,%d)\n",i,j); gsl_matrix_set(com,0,*com_n,(double)i); gsl_matrix_set(com,1,*com_n,(double)j); *com_n=*com_n+1; if (*com_n == *com_size) { com = matrix_expand(com,*com_size,*com_size*2); *com_size *= 2; } mask[i+j*m->size1]=1; com = do_ff(i+1,j,mask,threshold,m,com,com_n,com_size); com = do_ff(i-1,j,mask,threshold,m,com,com_n,com_size); com = do_ff(i,j+1,mask,threshold,m,com,com_n,com_size); com = do_ff(i,j-1,mask,threshold,m,com,com_n,com_size); } } } } return com; } /* * Find points by floodfilling all pixels above threshold * Implements a stack-based flood-filling method which may * cause stack overflows if the blocks are extremely large - * dependent on implementation (default 4MiB stack for unix?) * Implements a crude variable-sized array method which hopefully works * Returns a gsl_matrix with x coordinates in row 0 and y * coordinates in row 1, which should be of the right length * Variable count is set to the number of points found */ gsl_matrix* floodfill(gsl_matrix *m, double threshold, int *count) { //printf("ff: starting\n"); int *mask; mask = calloc(m->size1*m->size2,sizeof(int)); int size=32,com_size; int i,j,k,n=0; int com_n; gsl_matrix *p; gsl_matrix *com; p = gsl_matrix_calloc(2,size); double com_x,com_y; //printf("ff: starting loop\n"); for (i=0;isize1;i++) { for (j=0;jsize2;j++) { if (gsl_matrix_get(m,i,j)>threshold) { if (mask[i+j*m->size1]==0) { //printf("ff: found starting point (%d,%d)\n",i,j); com_size=32; com_n=0; com_x = com_y = 0.; com = gsl_matrix_calloc(2,com_size); //this is going to hold the points found for this location //printf("ff: starting floodfill stack\n"); com = do_ff(i, j, mask, threshold, m, com, &com_n, &com_size); //printf("ff: ended floodfill stack\n"); for (k=0;ksize1,p->size2); p = matrix_expand(p,size,n); //printf("pcheck s1=%d s2=%d\n",p->size1,p->size2); return p; } /* * implements the iteration based automatic method * returns a gsl_matrix formatted as described in flood-fill */ gsl_matrix* iterate(gsl_matrix *m, int *count) { printf("Iterate: starting\n"); int old = m->size1*m->size2; int cur; double k; double mean,sigma; gsl_matrix *p; gsl_matrix *kernel; //printf("Iterate: generating kernel\n"); kernel = generate_flat_kernel(1); printf("Iterate: performing local_sigma_filter\n"); local_sigma_filter(m,10,1.); //printf("Iterate: starting loop\n"); while (1) { //printf("Iterate: smoothing"); apply_kernel(m,kernel); //printf(" (1)"); apply_kernel(m,kernel); //printf(" (2)\n"); mean = image_mean(m); sigma = image_sigma(m,mean); //printf("Iterate: mean=%lf sigma=%lf\n",mean,sigma); k = (0.5-mean)/sigma; //printf("Iterate: applying sigma_filter(%lf)\n",k); sigma_filter(m,k); //printf("Iterate: floodfilling\n"); p = floodfill(m,0,&cur); printf("Iterate: %d points found\n",cur); if (old < 1.05*cur) break; old = cur; } gsl_matrix_free(kernel); printf("Iterate: finished\n"); *count = cur; return p; }