/* * reproject.c * * Synthesize diffraction patterns * * (c) 2007 Thomas White * * dtr - Diffraction Tomography Reconstruction * */ #include #include #include "control.h" #include "reflections.h" #include "utils.h" #include "imagedisplay.h" #include "displaywindow.h" #include "image.h" ImageFeatureList *reproject_get_reflections(ImageRecord *image, ReflectionList *reflectionlist, ControlContext *ctx) { ImageFeatureList *flist; Reflection *reflection; double smax = 0.1e9; double tilt, omega; double nx, ny, nz, nxt, nyt, nzt; /* "normal" vector (and calculation intermediates) */ double kx, ky, kz; /* Electron wavevector ("normal" times 1/lambda */ double ux, uy, uz, uxt, uyt, uzt; /* "up" vector (and calculation intermediates) */ //int done_debug = 0; flist = image_feature_list_new(); tilt = deg2rad(image->tilt); omega = deg2rad(image->omega); /* Calculate the (normalised) incident electron wavevector * n is rotated "into" the reconstruction, so only one omega step. */ nxt = 0.0; nyt = 0.0; nzt = 1.0; nx = nxt; ny = cos(tilt)*nyt + sin(tilt)*nzt; nz = -sin(tilt)*nyt + cos(tilt)*nzt; nxt = nx; nyt = ny; nzt = nz; nx = nxt*cos(-omega) + nyt*sin(-omega); ny = -nxt*sin(-omega) + nyt*cos(-omega); nz = nzt; kx = nx / image->lambda; ky = ny / image->lambda; kz = nz / image->lambda; /* This is the centre of the Ewald sphere */ //reflection_add(ctx->reflectionlist, kx, ky, kz, 1, REFLECTION_VECTOR_MARKER_1); /* Determine where "up" is * See above. */ uxt = 0.0; uyt = 1.0; uzt = 0.0; ux = uxt; uy = cos(tilt)*uyt + sin(tilt)*uzt; uz = -sin(tilt)*uyt + cos(tilt)*uzt; uxt = ux; uyt = uy; uzt = uz; ux = uxt*cos(-omega) + uyt*-sin(omega); uy = -uxt*sin(omega) + uyt*cos(omega); uz = uzt; //reflection_add(ctx->reflectionlist, ux*50e9, uy*50e9, uz*50e9, 1, REFLECTION_VECTOR_MARKER_2); reflection = reflectionlist->reflections; do { double xl, yl, zl; double a, b, c; double A1, A2, s1, s2, s; /* Get the coordinates of the reciprocal lattice point */ xl = reflection->x; yl = reflection->y; zl = reflection->z; /* Next, solve the relrod equation to calculate the excitation error */ a = 1.0; b = -2.0*(xl*nx + yl*ny + zl*nz); c = xl*xl + yl*yl + zl*zl - 1.0/(image->lambda*image->lambda); A1 = (-b + sqrt(b*b-4.0*a*c))/(2.0*a); A2 = (-b - sqrt(b*b-4.0*a*c))/(2.0*a); s1 = 1.0/image->lambda - A1; s2 = 1.0/image->lambda - A2; if ( fabs(s1) < fabs(s2) ) s = s1; else s = s2; /* Skip this reflection if s is large */ if ( fabs(s) <= smax ) { double xi, yi, zi; double gx, gy, gz; double cx, cy, cz; double theta; double x, y; double rx, ry, rz; /* Determine the intersection point */ xi = xl + s*nx; yi = yl + s*ny; zi = zl + s*nz; /* Calculate Bragg angle */ gx = xi - kx; gy = yi - ky; gz = zi - kz; /* This is the vector from the centre of the sphere to the intersection */ theta = angle_between(-kx, -ky, -kz, gx, gy, gz); if ( theta > 0.0 ) { double psi, disc; //reflection_add(ctx->reflectionlist, xl, yl, zl, 1, REFLECTION_GENERATED); //reflection_add(ctx->reflectionlist, xi, yi, zi, 1, REFLECTION_MARKER); /* Calculate azimuth of point in image (clockwise from "up", will be changed later) */ cx = yi*nz-zi*ny; cy = nx*zi-nz*xi; cz = ny*xi-nx*yi; /* c = i x n */ psi = angle_between(cx, cy, cz, ux, uy, uz); /* Finally, resolve the +/- Pi ambiguity from the previous step */ rx = cy*nz-cz*ny; ry = nx*cz-nz*cx; rz = ny*cx-nx*cy; /* r = [i x n] x n */ disc = angle_between(rx, ry, rz, ux, uy, uz); // if ( (i==20) && !done_debug ) { // reflection_add(ctx->reflectionlist, xi, yi, zi, 1, REFLECTION_VECTOR_MARKER_3); // reflection_add(ctx->reflectionlist, cx, cy, cz, 1, REFLECTION_VECTOR_MARKER_4); // reflection_add(ctx->reflectionlist, rx, ry, rz, 1, REFLECTION_VECTOR_MARKER_4); // printf("psi=%f deg, disc=%f deg\n", rad2deg(psi), rad2deg(disc)); // } if ( (psi >= M_PI_2) && (disc >= M_PI_2) ) { psi -= M_PI_2; /* Case 1 */ // if ( (i==20) && !done_debug ) printf("case 1\n"); } else if ( (psi >= M_PI_2) && (disc < M_PI_2) ) { psi = 3*M_PI_2 - psi; /* Case 2 */ // if ( (i==20) && !done_debug ) printf("case 2\n"); } else if ( (psi < M_PI_2) && (disc < M_PI_2) ) { psi = 3*M_PI_2 - psi; /* Case 3 */ // if ( (i==20) && !done_debug ) printf("case 3\n"); } else if ( (psi < M_PI_2) && (disc >= M_PI_2) ) { psi = 3*M_PI_2 + psi; /* Case 4 */ // if ( (i==20) && !done_debug ) printf("case 4\n"); } // if ( (i==20) && !done_debug ) printf("final psi=%f clockwise from 'up'\n", rad2deg(psi)); psi = M_PI_2 - psi; /* Anticlockwise from "+x" instead of clockwise from "up" */ // if ( (i==20) && !done_debug ) printf("final psi=%f anticlockwise from +x\n", rad2deg(psi)); psi += omega; // if ( (i==20) && !done_debug ) printf("final psi=%f anticlockwise from +tilt axis\n", rad2deg(psi)); // if ( (i==20) && !done_debug ) done_debug = 1; /* Calculate image coordinates from polar representation */ if ( image->fmode == FORMULATION_CLEN ) { x = image->camera_len*tan(theta)*cos(psi); y = image->camera_len*tan(theta)*sin(psi); x *= image->resolution; y *= image->resolution; } else if ( image->fmode == FORMULATION_PIXELSIZE ) { x = tan(theta)*cos(psi) / image->lambda; y = tan(theta)*sin(psi) / image->lambda; x /= image->pixel_size; y /= image->pixel_size; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognised formulation mode in reproject_get_reflections()\n"); return NULL; } /* Adjust centre */ x += image->x_centre; y += image->y_centre; /* Sanity check */ if ( (x>=0) && (xwidth) && (y>=0) && (yheight) ) { /* Record the reflection */ image_add_feature(flist, x, y, image, reflection->intensity); //printf("Reflection at %f, %f\n", x, y); } /* else it's outside the picture somewhere */ } /* else this is the central beam so don't worry about it */ } reflection = reflection->next; } while ( reflection ); return flist; } static gint reproject_clicked(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, ControlContext *ctx) { ImageFeatureList *flist; size_t j; ctx->reproject_cur_image++; if ( ctx->reproject_cur_image == ctx->images->n_images ) ctx->reproject_cur_image = 0; imagedisplay_clear_circles(ctx->reproject_id); reflectionlist_clear_markers(ctx->reflectionlist); flist = reproject_get_reflections(&ctx->images->images[ctx->reproject_cur_image], ctx->cell_lattice, ctx); for ( j=0; jn_features; j++ ) { imagedisplay_mark_circle(ctx->reproject_id, flist->features[j].x, flist->features[j].y); } image_feature_list_free(flist); imagedisplay_put_data(ctx->reproject_id, ctx->images->images[ctx->reproject_cur_image]); return 0; } static gint reproject_closed(GtkWidget *widget, ControlContext *ctx) { ctx->reproject_id = NULL; return 0; } void reproject_open(ControlContext *ctx) { size_t j; ImageFeatureList *flist; if ( ctx->reproject_id ) { displaywindow_error("Reprojection window is already open.", ctx->dw); return; } if ( !ctx->cell ) { printf("RP: No current cell\n"); displaywindow_error("No reciprocal unit cell has been specified.", ctx->dw); return; } if ( !ctx->images ) { printf("RP: No images!\n"); displaywindow_error("No images to reproject!", ctx->dw); return; } ctx->cell_lattice = reflection_list_from_cell(ctx->cell); ctx->reproject_cur_image = 0; ctx->reproject_id = imagedisplay_open_with_message(ctx->images->images[ctx->reproject_cur_image], "Current Image", "Click to change image", IMAGEDISPLAY_SHOW_CENTRE | IMAGEDISPLAY_SHOW_TILT_AXIS, G_CALLBACK(reproject_clicked), ctx); g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(ctx->reproject_id->drawingarea), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(reproject_closed), ctx); flist = reproject_get_reflections(&ctx->images->images[ctx->reproject_cur_image], ctx->cell_lattice, ctx); for ( j=0; jn_features; j++ ) { imagedisplay_mark_circle(ctx->reproject_id, flist->features[j].x, flist->features[j].y); } image_feature_list_free(flist); }