Guile-OSC: Open Sound Control for Guile Scheme ============================================== Guile-OSC is a Guile wrapper for [liblo](, enabling Open Sound Control clients and servers to be implemented from Scheme. Getting started --------------- You will need the development files for Guile and liblo installed, as well as [Meson]( Then: ``` $ git clone guile-osc $ cd guile-osc $ meson setup build $ ninja -C build $ sudo ninja -C build install ``` Then, to receive OSC messages from within a Guile program: ``` (use-modules (open-sound-control server-thread)) (define osc-server (make-osc-server-thread "osc.udp://localhost:7770")) (add-osc-method osc-server "/my/osc/method" ;; Method name "fi" ;; Argument types (see liblo manual) (lambda (float-arg int-arg) (do-something ...))) (add-osc-method osc-server "/my/other/method" ;; Method name "" ;; No arguments (lambda () (do-stuff ...))) ``` Or, to send messages (with parameters): ``` (use-modules (open-sound-control client)) (define osc-send-addr (make-osc-address "osc.udp://localhost:7771")) (osc-send osc-send-addr "/their/osc/method" 1 2 4) (osc-send osc-send-addr "/their/other/method" "string-arg") (osc-send osc-send-addr "/yet/another/method" 0.3 "hello") ``` Licence ------- LGPL 2.1, the same as liblo itself.