#!/usr/bin/python2 # (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004 # All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub # license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom # the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # IBM AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Authors: # Ian Romanick from xml.sax import saxutils from xml.sax import make_parser from xml.sax.handler import feature_namespaces import sys, re class glItem: """Generic class on which all other API entity types are based.""" name = "" category = "" context = None tag_name = "" def __init__(self, tag_name, name, context): self.name = name self.category = context.get_category_define() self.context = context self.tag_name = tag_name context.append(tag_name, self) return def startElement(self, name, attrs): return def endElement(self, name): """Generic endElement handler. Generic endElement handler. Returns 1 if the tag containing the object is complete. Otherwise 0 is returned. All derived class endElement handlers should call this method. If the name of the ending tag is the same as the tag that started this object, the object is assumed to be complete. This fails if a tag can contain another tag with the same name. The XML "" would fail. The object would end before the bar tag was processed.""" if name == self.tag_name: return 1 else: return 0 return class glEnum( glItem ): def __init__(self, context, name, attrs): self.value = int(attrs.get('value', "0x0000"), 0) self.functions = {} enum_name = "GL_" + attrs.get('name', None) glItem.__init__(self, name, enum_name, context) def startElement(self, name, attrs): if name == "size": name = attrs.get('name', None) count = int(attrs.get('count', "0"), 0) self.functions[name] = count return class glType( glItem ): def __init__(self, context, name, attrs): self.size = int(attrs.get('size', "0")) type_name = "GL" + attrs.get('name', None) glItem.__init__(self, name, type_name, context) class glParameter: p_type = None p_type_string = "" p_name = None p_count = 0 p_count_parameters = None counter = None is_output = 0 is_counter = 0 is_pointer = 0 def __init__(self, t, ts, n, c, p, is_output): self.counter = None try: self.p_count = int(c) except Exception,e: self.p_count = 0 self.counter = c if is_output == "true": self.is_output = 1 else: self.is_output = 0 if self.p_count > 0 or self.counter != None or p != None : has_count = 1 else: has_count = 0 self.p_type = t self.p_type_string = ts self.p_name = n self.p_count_parameters = p # If there is a * anywhere in the parameter's type, then it # is a pointer. if re.compile("[*]").search(ts): # We could do some other validation here. For # example, an output parameter should not be const, # but every non-output parameter should. self.is_pointer = 1; else: # If a parameter is not a pointer, then there cannot # be an associated count (either fixed size or # variable) and the parameter cannot be an output. if has_count or self.is_output: raise RuntimeError("Non-pointer type has count or is output.") self.is_pointer = 0; def is_variable_length_array(self): return self.p_count_parameters != None def is_array(self): return self.is_pointer def count_string(self): """Return a string representing the number of items Returns a string representing the number of items in a parameter. For scalar types this will always be "1". For vector types, it will depend on whether or not it is a fixed length vector (like the parameter of glVertex3fv), a counted length (like the vector parameter of glDeleteTextures), or a general variable length vector.""" if self.is_array(): if self.is_variable_length_array(): return "compsize" elif self.counter != None: return self.counter else: return str(self.p_count) else: return "1" def size(self): if self.is_variable_length_array(): return 0 elif self.p_count == 0: return self.p_type.size else: return self.p_type.size * self.p_count class glParameterIterator: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.index = 0 def next(self): if self.index == len( self.data ): raise StopIteration i = self.index self.index += 1 return self.data[i] class glFunction( glItem ): real_name = "" fn_alias = None fn_offset = -1 fn_return_type = "void" fn_parameters = [] def __init__(self, context, name, attrs): self.fn_alias = attrs.get('alias', None) self.fn_parameters = [] temp = attrs.get('offset', None) if temp == None or temp == "?": self.fn_offset = -1 else: self.fn_offset = int(temp) fn_name = attrs.get('name', None) if self.fn_alias != None: self.real_name = self.fn_alias else: self.real_name = fn_name glItem.__init__(self, name, fn_name, context) return def __iter__(self): return glParameterIterator(self.fn_parameters) def startElement(self, name, attrs): if name == "param": p_name = attrs.get('name', None) p_type = attrs.get('type', None) p_count = attrs.get('count', "0") p_param = attrs.get('variable_param', None) is_output = attrs.get('output', "false") is_counter = attrs.get('counter', "false") t = self.context.find_type(p_type) if t == None: raise RuntimeError("Unknown type '%s' in function '%s'." % (p_type, self.name)) try: p = glParameter(t, p_type, p_name, p_count, p_param, is_output) except RuntimeError: print "Error with parameter '%s' in function '%s'." \ % (p_name, self.name) raise if is_counter == "true": p.is_counter = 1 self.add_parameter(p) elif name == "return": self.set_return_type(attrs.get('type', None)) def add_parameter(self, p): self.fn_parameters.append(p) def set_return_type(self, t): self.fn_return_type = t def get_parameter_string(self): arg_string = "" comma = "" for p in self: arg_string = arg_string + comma + p.p_type_string + " " + p.p_name comma = ", " if arg_string == "": arg_string = "void" return arg_string class glItemFactory: """Factory to create objects derived from glItem.""" def create(self, context, name, attrs): if name == "function": return glFunction(context, name, attrs) elif name == "type": return glType(context, name, attrs) elif name == "enum": return glEnum(context, name, attrs) else: return None class FilterGLAPISpecBase(saxutils.XMLFilterBase): name = "a" license = "The license for this file is unspecified." functions = {} next_alias = -2 types = {} xref = {} current_object = None factory = None current_category = "" def __init__(self): saxutils.XMLFilterBase.__init__(self) self.functions = {} self.types = {} self.xref = {} self.factory = glItemFactory() def find_type(self,type_name): for t in self.types: if re.compile(t).search(type_name): return self.types[t] print "Unable to find base type matching \"%s\"." % (type_name) return None def find_function(self,function_name): index = self.xref[function_name] return self.functions[index] def printFunctions(self): keys = self.functions.keys() keys.sort() prevk = -1 for k in keys: if k < 0: continue if self.functions[k].fn_alias == None: if k != prevk + 1: #print 'Missing offset %d' % (prevk) pass prevk = int(k) self.printFunction(self.functions[k]) keys.reverse() for k in keys: if self.functions[k].fn_alias != None: self.printFunction(self.functions[k]) return def printHeader(self): print '/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by %s script */' \ % (self.name) print '' print '/*' print ' * ' + self.license.replace('\n', '\n * ') print ' */' print '' self.printRealHeader(); return def printFooter(self): self.printFunctions() self.printRealFooter() def get_category_define(self): if re.compile("[1-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]+").match(self.current_category): s = self.current_category return "GL_VERSION_" + s.replace(".", "_") else: return self.current_category def append(self, object_type, obj): if object_type == "function": # If the function is not an alias and has a negative # offset, then we do not need to track it. These are # functions that don't have an assigned offset if obj.fn_offset >= 0 or obj.fn_alias != None: if obj.fn_offset >= 0: index = obj.fn_offset else: index = self.next_alias self.next_alias -= 1 self.functions[index] = obj self.xref[obj.name] = index elif object_type == "type": self.types[obj.name] = obj return def startElement(self, name, attrs): if self.current_object != None: self.current_object.startElement(name, attrs) elif name == "category": self.current_category = attrs.get('name', "") else: self.current_object = self.factory.create(self, name, attrs) return def endElement(self, name): if self.current_object != None: if self.current_object.endElement(name): self.current_object = None return def printFunction(self,offset): return def printRealHeader(self): return def printRealFooter(self): return