/* * ntp_client.c * * Copyright © 2023 Thomas White * * This file is part of MorningTown * * Based on pico-examples/pico_w/ntp_client/picow_ntp_client.c * Original license: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright (c) 2022 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd. * * MorningTown is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MorningTown is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MorningTown. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lwip/dns.h" #include "lwip/pbuf.h" #include "lwip/udp.h" #include "ntp_client.h" typedef struct NTP_T_ { ip_addr_t ntp_server_address; struct udp_pcb *ntp_pcb; alarm_id_t send_alarm; int err; int ok; int need_request; } NTP_T; #define NTP_SERVER "pool.ntp.org" #define NTP_MSG_LEN 48 #define NTP_PORT 123 #define NTP_DELTA 2208988800 // seconds between 1 Jan 1900 and 1 Jan 1970 #define NTP_RESEND_TIME (5 * 1000 * 1000) #define NTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL ((37*60*60 + 23*60 + 43)*1000) static void set_rtc(time_t iutc) { time_t tv = iutc + UTC_OFFSET_SEC; struct tm *utc = gmtime(&tv); datetime_t t; t.year = utc->tm_year + 1900; t.month = utc->tm_mon + 1; t.day = utc->tm_mday; t.dotw = utc->tm_wday; t.hour = utc->tm_hour; t.min = utc->tm_min; t.sec = utc->tm_sec; debug_print("time is %i/%i/%i %i %i:%i:%i\n", t.year, t.month, t.day, t.dotw, t.hour, t.min, t.sec); rtc_set_datetime(&t); } static int64_t request_handler(alarm_id_t id, void *user_data) { NTP_T *state = (NTP_T*)user_data; state->need_request = 1; return 0; } static void ntp_recv(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port) { NTP_T *state = (NTP_T*)arg; uint8_t mode = pbuf_get_at(p, 0) & 0x7; uint8_t stratum = pbuf_get_at(p, 1); debug_print("got UDP: %i %i\n", addr, state->ntp_server_address); debug_print("port %i len %i mode %i stratum %i\n", port, p->tot_len, mode, stratum); if (ip_addr_cmp(addr, &state->ntp_server_address) && port == NTP_PORT && p->tot_len == NTP_MSG_LEN && mode == 0x4 && stratum != 0) { uint8_t seconds_buf[4] = {0}; pbuf_copy_partial(p, seconds_buf, sizeof(seconds_buf), 40); uint32_t seconds_since_1900 = seconds_buf[0] << 24 | seconds_buf[1] << 16 | seconds_buf[2] << 8 | seconds_buf[3]; uint32_t seconds_since_1970 = seconds_since_1900 - NTP_DELTA; time_t epoch = seconds_since_1970; debug_print("second since 1970 = %i\n", epoch); set_rtc(epoch); state->err = 0; state->ok = 1; add_alarm_in_ms(NTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL, request_handler, state, false); } else { state->err = 1; state->ok = 0; } pbuf_free(p); } /* The real address must be in state->ntp_server_address by this point */ static void ntp_request(NTP_T *state) { debug_print("sending NTP UDP\n"); cyw43_arch_lwip_begin(); struct pbuf *p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, NTP_MSG_LEN, PBUF_RAM); uint8_t *req = (uint8_t *) p->payload; memset(req, 0, NTP_MSG_LEN); req[0] = 0x1b; udp_sendto(state->ntp_pcb, p, &state->ntp_server_address, NTP_PORT); pbuf_free(p); cyw43_arch_lwip_end(); state->err = 0; } static void ntp_dns_found(const char *hostname, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr, void *arg) { NTP_T *state = (NTP_T*)arg; if (ipaddr) { debug_print("DNS ok (%i)\n", *ipaddr); state->ntp_server_address = *ipaddr; state->err = 0; ntp_request(state); } else { debug_print("NTP failed: DNS no address\n"); state->err = 1; state->ok = 0; } } static int64_t send_handler(alarm_id_t id, void *user_data) { int err; NTP_T *state = (NTP_T*)user_data; if ( !state->need_request && !state->err ) return NTP_RESEND_TIME; state->need_request = 0; cyw43_arch_lwip_begin(); err = dns_gethostbyname(NTP_SERVER, &state->ntp_server_address, ntp_dns_found, state); cyw43_arch_lwip_end(); if ( err == ERR_OK ) { /* Immediate reply -> cached result */ ntp_request(state); state->err = 0; } else if (err != ERR_INPROGRESS) { state->err = 1; } return NTP_RESEND_TIME; } NTP_T *ntp_init() { NTP_T *state = calloc(1, sizeof(NTP_T)); if (!state) return NULL; state->err = 0; state->ok = 0; state->need_request = 1; state->ntp_pcb = udp_new_ip_type(IPADDR_TYPE_ANY); if (!state->ntp_pcb) { free(state); return NULL; } /* Set up UDP callback */ udp_recv(state->ntp_pcb, ntp_recv, state); /* It's probably too early to start resolving hostnames or sending * UDP packets. Call us back in a moment. */ state->send_alarm = add_alarm_in_us(NTP_RESEND_TIME, send_handler, state, true); return state; } int ntp_ok(NTP_T *state) { if ( state == NULL ) return 0; return state->ok; } int ntp_err(NTP_T *state) { if ( state == NULL ) return 0; return state->err; }