path: root/guile
diff options
authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2021-12-21 12:58:57 +0100
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2022-01-25 20:14:51 +0100
commit0171a2975024ea7155b02951943754688488ecee (patch)
tree80e08c1439818497cfbfe91e5d424d6028902ffd /guile
parente6910f04437e23047c9a1519c9c77af55fcbf4fe (diff)
Separate cue lists from playbacks and crossfades
Diffstat (limited to 'guile')
7 files changed, 678 insertions, 407 deletions
diff --git a/guile/starlet/crossfade.scm b/guile/starlet/crossfade.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fe35d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guile/starlet/crossfade.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+;; starlet/crossfade.scm
+;; Copyright © 2020-2021 Thomas White <taw@bitwiz.org.uk>
+;; This file is part of Starlet.
+;; Starlet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (starlet crossfade)
+ #:use-module (oop goops)
+ #:use-module (starlet playback)
+ #:export (crossfade))
+(define-record-type <fade-times>
+ (make-fade-times up-time
+ down-time
+ attr-time
+ up-delay
+ down-delay
+ attr-delay)
+ fade-times?
+ (up-time get-fade-up-time)
+ (down-time get-fade-down-time)
+ (attr-time get-fade-attr-time)
+ (up-delay get-fade-up-delay)
+ (down-delay get-fade-down-delay)
+ (attr-delay get-fade-attr-delay))
+(define (snap-fade start-val
+ target-val
+ clock)
+ (if (> (elapsed-fraction clock) 0)
+ target-val
+ start-val))
+(define (colour-fade start-val
+ end-val
+ clock)
+ (unless (and (colour? start-val)
+ (colour? end-val))
+ (raise-exception (make-exception
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ "Non-colour arguments given to colour-fade")
+ (make-exception-with-irritants
+ (list start-val end-val)))))
+ (interpolate-colour start-val
+ end-val
+ (elapsed-fraction clock)
+ #:interpolation-type 'linear-cmy))
+(define (simple-fade start-val
+ end-val
+ clock)
+ (unless (and (number? start-val)
+ (number? end-val))
+ (raise-exception (make-exception
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ "Non-number arguments given to simple-fade")
+ (make-exception-with-irritants
+ (list start-val end-val)))))
+ (+ start-val
+ (* (- end-val start-val)
+ (elapsed-fraction clock))))
+(define (replace-noval val replacement)
+ (if (eq? 'no-value val) replacement val))
+(define (make-intensity-fade prev-val
+ target-val-in
+ up-clock
+ down-clock)
+ (let ((target-val (replace-noval target-val-in 0.0)))
+ (cond
+ ;; Number to number, fading up
+ ((and (number? target-val)
+ (number? prev-val)
+ (> target-val prev-val))
+ (lambda ()
+ (simple-fade prev-val
+ target-val
+ up-clock)))
+ ;; Number to number, fading down
+ ((and (number? target-val)
+ (number? prev-val)
+ (< target-val prev-val))
+ (lambda ()
+ (simple-fade prev-val
+ target-val
+ down-clock)))
+ ;; Number to number, staying the same
+ ;; NB We still need a static value so that fade-start-val can "unwrap" it
+ ((and (number? target-val)
+ (number? prev-val))
+ (lambda () prev-val))
+ ;; Everything else, e.g. number to effect
+ (else
+ (lambda ()
+ (max
+ (simple-fade (value->number prev-val)
+ 0
+ down-clock)
+ (simple-fade 0
+ (value->number target-val)
+ up-clock)))))))
+(define (make-list-attr-fade start-val
+ target-val
+ clock)
+ (lambda ()
+ (snap-fade start-val
+ target-val
+ clock)))
+(define (make-general-fade fade-func
+ start-val
+ target-val
+ clock)
+ (if (and (not (procedure? target-val))
+ (not (eq? target-val 'no-value))
+ (not (eq? start-val 'no-value)))
+ ;; It makes sense to do a fade
+ (let ((real-start-val (value->number start-val)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (fade-func real-start-val
+ target-val
+ clock)))
+ ;; A fade doesn't make sense, so make do with a snap transition
+ (lambda ()
+ (snap-fade start-val
+ target-val
+ clock))))
+(define (match-fix-attr attr-el fix attr)
+ (cond
+ ((fixture? attr-el)
+ (eq? attr-el fix))
+ ((and (pair? attr-el)
+ (fixture? (car attr-el))
+ (symbol? (cdr attr-el)))
+ (and (eq? (car attr-el) fix)
+ (eq? (cdr attr-el) attr)))
+ ((list? attr-el)
+ (and (memq fix attr-el)
+ (memq attr attr-el)))
+ (else #f)))
+(define (in-cue-part? cue-part fix attr)
+ (find (lambda (p) (match-fix-attr p fix attr))
+ (get-cue-part-attr-list cue-part)))
+(define (cue-part-fade-times the-cue fix attr)
+ (let ((the-cue-part
+ (find (lambda (p) (in-cue-part? p fix attr))
+ (get-cue-parts the-cue))))
+ (if (cue-part? the-cue-part)
+ (get-cue-part-fade-times the-cue-part)
+ (get-cue-fade-times the-cue))))
+(define (fade-start-val pb fix attr)
+ (let ((val-in-pb (state-find fix attr pb)))
+ (if (eq? val-in-pb 'no-value)
+ ;; Not currently in playback - fade from home value
+ (get-attr-home-val fix attr)
+ ;; Currently in playback - fade from current value
+ ;; by running the outer crossfade function
+ (val-in-pb))))
+(define (dark? a)
+ (or (eq? a 'no-value)
+ (and (number? a)
+ (< a 1))))
+(define (longest-fade-time fade-times)
+ (max
+ (+ (get-fade-down-time fade-times)
+ (get-fade-down-delay fade-times))
+ (+ (get-fade-up-time fade-times)
+ (get-fade-up-delay fade-times))
+ (+ (get-fade-attr-time fade-times)
+ (get-fade-attr-delay fade-times))))
+;; Work out how long it will take before we can forget about this cue
+(define (cue-total-time the-cue)
+ (let ((fade-times (cons (get-cue-fade-times the-cue)
+ (map get-cue-part-fade-times
+ (get-cue-parts the-cue)))))
+ (fold max
+ 0
+ (map longest-fade-time fade-times))))
+(define (fix-attr-eq fa1 fa2)
+ (and (eq? (car fa1) (car fa2))
+ (eq? (cdr fa1) (cdr fa2))))
+(define (fix-attrs-in-state state)
+ (state-map (lambda (fix attr val) (cons fix attr))
+ state))
+(define (add-fix-attrs-to-list state old-list)
+ (lset-union fix-attr-eq
+ old-list
+ (fix-attrs-in-state state)))
+(define (fix-attrs-involved . states)
+ (fold add-fix-attrs-to-list '() states))
+(define (make-fade-for-attribute-type type)
+ (cond
+ ((eq? type 'continuous) (cut make-general-fade simple-fade <...>))
+ ((eq? type 'list) make-list-attr-fade)
+ ((eq? type 'colour) (cut make-general-fade colour-fade <...>))
+ (else
+ (raise-exception (make-exception
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ "Unrecognised attribute type")
+ (make-exception-with-irritants type))))))
+(define (run-cue-index! pb cue-index)
+ (let* ((the-cue (vector-ref (get-playback-cue-list pb) cue-index))
+ (this-cue-state (get-tracked-state the-cue))
+ (overlay-state (make-empty-state))
+ (cue-clock (get-cue-clock the-cue)))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (fix-attr)
+ (let* ((fix (car fix-attr))
+ (attr (cdr fix-attr))
+ (fade-times (cue-part-fade-times the-cue fix attr))
+ ;; The values for fading
+ (start-val (fade-start-val pb fix attr))
+ (target-val (state-find fix attr this-cue-state))
+ ;; The clocks for things in this cue part
+ (up-clock (make-delayed-clock cue-clock
+ (get-fade-up-delay fade-times)
+ (get-fade-up-time fade-times)))
+ (down-clock (make-delayed-clock cue-clock
+ (get-fade-down-delay fade-times)
+ (get-fade-down-time fade-times)))
+ (attribute-clock (make-delayed-clock cue-clock
+ (get-fade-attr-delay fade-times)
+ (get-fade-attr-time fade-times))))
+ (if (intensity? attr)
+ ;; Intensity attribute
+ (set-in-state! overlay-state fix attr
+ (make-intensity-fade start-val
+ target-val
+ up-clock
+ down-clock))
+ ;; Non-intensity attribute
+ (let ((attribute-obj (find-attr fix attr)))
+ (unless attribute-obj
+ (raise-exception (make-exception
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ "Attribute not found")
+ (make-exception-with-irritants
+ (list fix attr)))))
+ (let* ((atype (get-attr-type attribute-obj))
+ (make-fade-func (make-fade-for-attribute-type atype)))
+ (set-in-state! overlay-state fix attr
+ (make-fade-func start-val
+ target-val
+ attribute-clock)))))))
+ (fix-attrs-involved pb this-cue-state))
+ (atomically-overlay-state! pb overlay-state)
+ (set-pb-cue-clock! pb cue-clock)
+ (set-running-cue! pb the-cue)
+ (reset-clock! cue-clock)
+ (start-clock! cue-clock)
+ (set-playback-state! pb 'running)))
diff --git a/guile/starlet/cue-list.scm b/guile/starlet/cue-list.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74e7537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guile/starlet/cue-list.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+;; starlet/cue-list.scm
+;; Copyright © 2020-2021 Thomas White <taw@bitwiz.org.uk>
+;; This file is part of Starlet.
+;; Starlet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (starlet cue-list)
+ #:use-module (oop goops)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 optargs)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 exceptions)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 atomic)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-43)
+ #:use-module (starlet fixture)
+ #:use-module (starlet state)
+ #:use-module (starlet clock)
+ #:use-module (starlet utils)
+ #:use-module (starlet transition-effect)
+ #:use-module (starlet snap-transition)
+ #:export (cue
+ cue-part
+ cue-list
+ cue-number-to-index
+ cue-index-to-number
+ current-cue-clock
+ read-cue-list-file)
+ #:re-export (snap))
+(define-record-type <cue-part>
+ (make-cue-part attr-list transition)
+ cue-part?
+ (attr-list get-cue-part-attr-list)
+ (transition get-cue-part-transition))
+(define-record-type <cue>
+ (make-cue number
+ state
+ tracked-state
+ preset-state
+ transition-effect
+ track-intensities
+ cue-parts
+ cue-clock)
+ cue?
+ (number get-cue-number)
+ (state get-cue-state)
+ (tracked-state get-tracked-state
+ set-tracked-state!)
+ (preset-state get-preset-state
+ set-preset-state!)
+ (transition-effect get-transition-effect)
+ (track-intensities track-intensities)
+ (cue-parts get-cue-parts)
+ (cue-clock get-cue-clock))
+(define (qnum a)
+ (/ (inexact->exact (* a 1000)) 1000))
+(define (cue-index-to-number cue-list cue-index)
+ (get-cue-number (vector-ref cue-list cue-index)))
+(define (cue-number-to-index cue-list cue-number)
+ (vector-index (lambda (a)
+ (eqv? (get-cue-number a)
+ cue-number))
+ cue-list))
+(define (match-fix-attr attr-el fix attr)
+ (cond
+ ((fixture? attr-el)
+ (eq? attr-el fix))
+ ((and (pair? attr-el)
+ (fixture? (car attr-el))
+ (symbol? (cdr attr-el)))
+ (and (eq? (car attr-el) fix)
+ (eq? (cdr attr-el) attr)))
+ ((list? attr-el)
+ (and (memq fix attr-el)
+ (memq attr attr-el)))
+ (else #f)))
+(define (in-cue-part? cue-part fix attr)
+ (find (lambda (p) (match-fix-attr p fix attr))
+ (get-cue-part-attr-list cue-part)))
+(define (fix-attr-eq fa1 fa2)
+ (and (eq? (car fa1) (car fa2))
+ (eq? (cdr fa1) (cdr fa2))))
+(define (fix-attrs-in-state state)
+ (state-map (lambda (fix attr val) (cons fix attr))
+ state))
+(define (add-fix-attrs-to-list state old-list)
+ (lset-union fix-attr-eq
+ old-list
+ (fix-attrs-in-state state)))
+(define-syntax cue-part
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ (fixtures ...) params ...)
+ (make-cue-part-obj (list fixtures ...)
+ params ...))))
+;; FIXME!
+(define (cue-total-time the-cue)
+ 100)
+(define (cue-proc number . args)
+ (receive
+ (states transition-effects cue-parts rest)
+ (categorize args lighting-state? transition-effect? cue-part?)
+ (let-keywords
+ rest
+ #f ;; allow-other-keys?
+ ((track-intensities #f))
+ (when (> (length states) 1)
+ (error "A cue can only contain one state"))
+ (when (> (length transition-effects) 1)
+ (error "A cue can only contain one transition effect"))
+ (let ((the-cue (make-cue (qnum number)
+ (car states)
+ #f ;; tracked state, to be filled later
+ #f ;; preset state, to be filled later
+ (car transition-effects)
+ track-intensities
+ cue-parts
+ (current-cue-clock))))
+ (set-clock-expiration-time! (current-cue-clock)
+ (cue-total-time the-cue))
+ the-cue))))
+(define current-cue-clock (make-parameter #f))
+(define-syntax cue
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ body ...)
+ (parameterize ((current-cue-clock (make-clock #:stopped #t)))
+ (cue-proc body ...)))))
+(define (track-all-cues! the-cue-list)
+ (vector-fold
+ (lambda (idx prev-state the-cue)
+ (let ((the-tracked-state (lighting-state
+ (apply-state prev-state)
+ (unless (track-intensities the-cue)
+ (blackout!))
+ (apply-state (get-cue-state the-cue)))))
+ (set-tracked-state! the-cue the-tracked-state)
+ the-tracked-state))
+ (make-empty-state)
+ the-cue-list))
+(define (dark? a)
+ (or (eq? a 'no-value)
+ (and (number? a)
+ (< a 1))))
+(define (fixture-dark-in-state? fix state)
+ (dark? (state-find fix 'intensity state)))
+(define (preset-all-cues! the-cue-list)
+ (vector-fold-right
+ (lambda (idx next-state the-cue)
+ (let ((preset-state (make-empty-state)))
+ (state-for-each
+ (lambda (fix attr val)
+ (unless (intensity? attr)
+ (when (fixture-dark-in-state? fix (get-tracked-state the-cue))
+ (set-in-state! preset-state fix attr val))))
+ next-state)
+ (set-preset-state! the-cue preset-state))
+ ;; Pass the raw state from this cue to the previous one
+ (get-cue-state the-cue))
+ (make-empty-state)
+ the-cue-list))
+(define-syntax cue-list
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ body ...)
+ (let ((the-cue-list (vector (cue 0
+ (make-empty-state)
+ (snap))
+ body ...)))
+ (track-all-cues! the-cue-list)
+ (preset-all-cues! the-cue-list)
+ the-cue-list))))
+(define (read-cue-list-file filename)
+ (call-with-input-file
+ filename
+ (lambda (port)
+ (eval (read port) (interaction-environment)))))
diff --git a/guile/starlet/playback.scm b/guile/starlet/playback.scm
index 10a5848..bd8dd74 100644
--- a/guile/starlet/playback.scm
+++ b/guile/starlet/playback.scm
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
#:use-module (starlet scanout)
#:use-module (starlet utils)
#:use-module (starlet clock)
+ #:use-module (starlet cue-list)
#:use-module (starlet colours)
+ #:use-module (starlet transition-effect)
#:export (make-playback
@@ -89,28 +91,20 @@
#:getter state-change-hook))
+(define-class <transition-effect> (<object>)
+ (func
+ #:init-value #f))
+(define (transition-effect? a)
+ (is-a? a <transition-effect>))
(define-record-type <cue-part>
- (make-cue-part attr-list
- fade-times)
+ (make-cue-part attr-list transition)
(attr-list get-cue-part-attr-list)
- (fade-times get-cue-part-fade-times))
-(define-record-type <fade-times>
- (make-fade-times up-time
- down-time
- attr-time
- up-delay
- down-delay
- attr-delay)
- fade-times?
- (up-time get-fade-up-time)
- (down-time get-fade-down-time)
- (attr-time get-fade-attr-time)
- (up-delay get-fade-up-delay)
- (down-delay get-fade-down-delay)
- (attr-delay get-fade-attr-delay))
+ (transition get-cue-part-transition))
(define-record-type <cue>
@@ -118,8 +112,6 @@
- fade-times
- preset-time
@@ -130,8 +122,6 @@
(preset-state get-preset-state
- (fade-times get-cue-fade-times)
- (preset-time get-cue-preset-time)
(track-intensities track-intensities)
(cue-parts get-cue-parts)
(cue-clock get-cue-clock))
@@ -148,13 +138,6 @@
(/ (inexact->exact (* a 1000)) 1000))
-(define (read-cue-list-file filename)
- (call-with-input-file
- filename
- (lambda (port)
- (eval (read port) (interaction-environment)))))
(define (reload-cue-list! pb)
(let ((filename (get-playback-cue-list-file pb)))
(if filename
@@ -306,129 +289,6 @@
-(define (snap-fade start-val
- target-val
- clock)
- (if (> (elapsed-fraction clock) 0)
- target-val
- start-val))
-(define (colour-fade start-val
- end-val
- clock)
- (unless (and (colour? start-val)
- (colour? end-val))
- (raise-exception (make-exception
- (make-exception-with-message
- "Non-colour arguments given to colour-fade")
- (make-exception-with-irritants
- (list start-val end-val)))))
- (interpolate-colour start-val
- end-val
- (elapsed-fraction clock)
- #:interpolation-type 'linear-cmy))
-(define (simple-fade start-val
- end-val
- clock)
- (unless (and (number? start-val)
- (number? end-val))
- (raise-exception (make-exception
- (make-exception-with-message
- "Non-number arguments given to simple-fade")
- (make-exception-with-irritants
- (list start-val end-val)))))
- (+ start-val
- (* (- end-val start-val)
- (elapsed-fraction clock))))
-(define (replace-noval val replacement)
- (if (eq? 'no-value val) replacement val))
-(define (make-intensity-fade prev-val
- target-val-in
- up-clock
- down-clock)
- (let ((target-val (replace-noval target-val-in 0.0)))
- (cond
- ;; Number to number, fading up
- ((and (number? target-val)
- (number? prev-val)
- (> target-val prev-val))
- (lambda ()
- (simple-fade prev-val
- target-val
- up-clock)))
- ;; Number to number, fading down
- ((and (number? target-val)
- (number? prev-val)
- (< target-val prev-val))
- (lambda ()
- (simple-fade prev-val
- target-val
- down-clock)))
- ;; Number to number, staying the same
- ;; NB We still need a static value so that fade-start-val can "unwrap" it
- ((and (number? target-val)
- (number? prev-val))
- (lambda () prev-val))
- ;; Everything else, e.g. number to effect
- (else
- (lambda ()
- (max
- (simple-fade (value->number prev-val)
- 0
- down-clock)
- (simple-fade 0
- (value->number target-val)
- up-clock)))))))
-(define (make-list-attr-fade start-val
- target-val
- clock)
- (lambda ()
- (snap-fade start-val
- target-val
- clock)))
-(define (make-general-fade fade-func
- start-val
- target-val
- clock)
- (if (and (not (procedure? target-val))
- (not (eq? target-val 'no-value))
- (not (eq? start-val 'no-value)))
- ;; It makes sense to do a fade
- (let ((real-start-val (value->number start-val)))
- (lambda ()
- (fade-func real-start-val
- target-val
- clock)))
- ;; A fade doesn't make sense, so make do with a snap transition
- (lambda ()
- (snap-fade start-val
- target-val
- clock))))
(define (match-fix-attr attr-el fix attr)
@@ -453,55 +313,6 @@
(get-cue-part-attr-list cue-part)))
-(define (cue-part-fade-times the-cue fix attr)
- (let ((the-cue-part
- (find (lambda (p) (in-cue-part? p fix attr))
- (get-cue-parts the-cue))))
- (if (cue-part? the-cue-part)
- (get-cue-part-fade-times the-cue-part)
- (get-cue-fade-times the-cue))))
-(define (fade-start-val pb fix attr)
- (let ((val-in-pb (state-find fix attr pb)))
- (if (eq? val-in-pb 'no-value)
- ;; Not currently in playback - fade from home value
- (get-attr-home-val fix attr)
- ;; Currently in playback - fade from current value
- ;; by running the outer crossfade function
- (val-in-pb))))
-(define (dark? a)
- (or (eq? a 'no-value)
- (and (number? a)
- (< a 1))))
-(define (longest-fade-time fade-times)
- (max
- (+ (get-fade-down-time fade-times)
- (get-fade-down-delay fade-times))
- (+ (get-fade-up-time fade-times)
- (get-fade-up-delay fade-times))
- (+ (get-fade-attr-time fade-times)
- (get-fade-attr-delay fade-times))))
-;; Work out how long it will take before we can forget about this cue
-(define (cue-total-time the-cue)
- (let ((fade-times (cons (get-cue-fade-times the-cue)
- (map get-cue-part-fade-times
- (get-cue-parts the-cue)))))
- (fold max
- 0
- (map longest-fade-time fade-times))))
(define (fix-attr-eq fa1 fa2)
(and (eq? (car fa1) (car fa2))
(eq? (cdr fa1) (cdr fa2))))
@@ -522,75 +333,13 @@
(fold add-fix-attrs-to-list '() states))
-(define (make-fade-for-attribute-type type)
- (cond
- ((eq? type 'continuous) (cut make-general-fade simple-fade <...>))
- ((eq? type 'list) make-list-attr-fade)
- ((eq? type 'colour) (cut make-general-fade colour-fade <...>))
- (else
- (raise-exception (make-exception
- (make-exception-with-message
- "Unrecognised attribute type")
- (make-exception-with-irritants type))))))
(define (run-cue-index! pb cue-index)
(let* ((the-cue (vector-ref (get-playback-cue-list pb) cue-index))
(this-cue-state (get-tracked-state the-cue))
(overlay-state (make-empty-state))
(cue-clock (get-cue-clock the-cue)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (fix-attr)
- (let* ((fix (car fix-attr))
- (attr (cdr fix-attr))
- (fade-times (cue-part-fade-times the-cue fix attr))
- ;; The values for fading
- (start-val (fade-start-val pb fix attr))
- (target-val (state-find fix attr this-cue-state))
- ;; The clocks for things in this cue part
- (up-clock (make-delayed-clock cue-clock
- (get-fade-up-delay fade-times)
- (get-fade-up-time fade-times)))
- (down-clock (make-delayed-clock cue-clock
- (get-fade-down-delay fade-times)
- (get-fade-down-time fade-times)))
- (attribute-clock (make-delayed-clock cue-clock
- (get-fade-attr-delay fade-times)
- (get-fade-attr-time fade-times))))
- (if (intensity? attr)
- ;; Intensity attribute
- (set-in-state! overlay-state fix attr
- (make-intensity-fade start-val
- target-val
- up-clock
- down-clock))
- ;; Non-intensity attribute
- (let ((attribute-obj (find-attr fix attr)))
- (unless attribute-obj
- (raise-exception (make-exception
- (make-exception-with-message
- "Attribute not found")
- (make-exception-with-irritants
- (list fix attr)))))
- (let* ((atype (get-attr-type attribute-obj))
- (make-fade-func (make-fade-for-attribute-type atype)))
- (set-in-state! overlay-state fix attr
- (make-fade-func start-val
- target-val
- attribute-clock)))))))
- (fix-attrs-involved pb this-cue-state))
+ ;; FIXME: Use transition effect
(atomically-overlay-state! pb overlay-state)
(set-pb-cue-clock! pb cue-clock)
@@ -616,146 +365,5 @@
-;;; ******************** Cue lists ********************
-(define-syntax cue-part
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ (fixtures ...) params ...)
- (make-cue-part-obj (list fixtures ...)
- params ...))))
-(define* (make-cue-part-obj attr-list
- #:key
- (up-time 5)
- (down-time 5)
- (attr-time 0)
- (up-delay 0)
- (down-delay 0)
- (attr-delay 0))
- (make-cue-part attr-list
- (make-fade-times
- up-time
- down-time
- attr-time
- up-delay
- down-delay
- attr-delay)))
-(define cue-proc
- (lambda (number state . rest)
- (receive (cue-parts rest-minus-cue-parts)
- (partition cue-part? rest)
- (let-keywords rest-minus-cue-parts #f
- ((up-time 5)
- (down-time 5)
- (attr-time 0)
- (up-delay 0)
- (down-delay 0)
- (attr-delay 0)
- (preset-time 1)
- (track-intensities #f))
- (let ((the-cue (make-cue (qnum number)
- state
- #f ;; tracked state
- #f ;; preset state
- (make-fade-times
- up-time
- down-time
- attr-time
- up-delay
- down-delay
- attr-delay)
- preset-time
- track-intensities
- cue-parts
- (current-cue-clock))))
- (set-clock-expiration-time! (current-cue-clock)
- (cue-total-time the-cue))
- the-cue)))))
-(define current-cue-clock (make-parameter #f))
-(define-syntax cue
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ body ...)
- (parameterize ((current-cue-clock (make-clock #:stopped #t)))
- (cue-proc body ...)))))
-(define (track-all-cues! the-cue-list)
- (vector-fold
- (lambda (idx prev-state the-cue)
- (let ((the-tracked-state (lighting-state
- (apply-state prev-state)
- (unless (track-intensities the-cue)
- (blackout!))
- (apply-state (get-cue-state the-cue)))))
- (set-tracked-state! the-cue the-tracked-state)
- the-tracked-state))
- (make-empty-state)
- the-cue-list))
-(define (fixture-dark-in-state? fix state)
- (dark? (state-find fix 'intensity state)))
-(define (preset-all-cues! the-cue-list)
- (vector-fold-right
- (lambda (idx next-state the-cue)
- (let ((preset-state (make-empty-state)))
- (state-for-each
- (lambda (fix attr val)
- (unless (intensity? attr)
- (when (fixture-dark-in-state? fix (get-tracked-state the-cue))
- (set-in-state! preset-state fix attr val))))
- next-state)
- (set-preset-state! the-cue preset-state))
- ;; Pass the raw state from this cue to the previous one
- (get-cue-state the-cue))
- (make-empty-state)
- the-cue-list))
-(define-method (update-state! (pb <starlet-playback>))
- (when (and (get-pb-cue-clock pb)
- (clock-expired? (get-pb-cue-clock pb))
- (eq? 'running (atomic-box-ref (state-box pb))))
- (when (eq? 'running (atomic-box-compare-and-swap! (state-box pb)
- 'running
- 'ready))
- (run-hook (state-change-hook pb) 'ready)
- (let ((st (get-preset-state (get-running-cue pb))))
- (state-for-each
- (lambda (fix attr val)
- (set-in-state! pb fix attr (lambda () val)))
- st))
- (set-running-cue! pb #f))))
-(define-syntax cue-list
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ body ...)
- (let ((the-cue-list (vector (cue 0
- (make-empty-state)
- #:up-time 0
- #:down-time 0
- #:attr-time 0
- #:preset-time 0)
- body ...)))
- (track-all-cues! the-cue-list)
- (preset-all-cues! the-cue-list)
- the-cue-list))))
(define (reassert-current-cue! pb)
(cut-to-cue-number! pb (get-playback-cue-number pb)))
diff --git a/guile/starlet/snap-transition.scm b/guile/starlet/snap-transition.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c44a2ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guile/starlet/snap-transition.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+;; starlet/snap-transition.scm
+;; Copyright © 2021 Thomas White <taw@bitwiz.org.uk>
+;; This file is part of Starlet.
+;; Starlet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (starlet snap-transition)
+ #:use-module (oop goops)
+ #:use-module (starlet playback)
+ #:use-module (starlet transition-effect)
+ #:export (snap))
+(define (snap)
+ (make <transition-effect>
+ #:func (lambda (incoming-state clock)
+ incoming-state)))
diff --git a/guile/starlet/state.scm b/guile/starlet/state.scm
index 6abd3c1..86e871e 100644
--- a/guile/starlet/state.scm
+++ b/guile/starlet/state.scm
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:export (<starlet-state>
+ lighting-state?
@@ -70,6 +71,10 @@
#:getter get-update-hook))
+(define (lighting-state? a)
+ (is-a? a <starlet-state>))
;; The state used to build a new scene for recording
(define programmer-state (make <starlet-state>))
diff --git a/guile/starlet/transition-effect.scm b/guile/starlet/transition-effect.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad8290d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guile/starlet/transition-effect.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+;; starlet/transition-effect.scm
+;; Copyright © 2021-2022 Thomas White <taw@bitwiz.org.uk>
+;; This file is part of Starlet.
+;; Starlet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (starlet transition-effect)
+ #:use-module (oop goops)
+ #:export (<transition-effect>
+ transition-effect?))
+(define-class <transition-effect> (<object>)
+ (func
+ #:init-value #f
+ #:init-keyword #:func
+ #:getter transition-func))
+(define (transition-effect? a)
+ (is-a? a <transition-effect>))
diff --git a/guile/starlet/utils.scm b/guile/starlet/utils.scm
index 16e3364..2046a0a 100644
--- a/guile/starlet/utils.scm
+++ b/guile/starlet/utils.scm
@@ -20,13 +20,15 @@
(define-module (starlet utils)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-8)
#:export (print-hash-table
- hirestime))
+ hirestime
+ categorize))
(define (print-hash-table ht)
@@ -83,3 +85,17 @@
(/ (cdr a)
+(define (categorize-rec predicates items so-far)
+ (if (nil? predicates)
+ (reverse (cons items so-far))
+ (receive
+ (selected-items remaining-items)
+ (partition (car predicates) items)
+ (categorize-rec (cdr predicates)
+ remaining-items
+ (cons selected-items so-far)))))
+(define (categorize items . predicates)
+ (apply values (categorize-rec predicates items '())))