;; ;; starlet/utils.scm ;; ;; Copyright © 2020-2021 Thomas White ;; ;; This file is part of Starlet. ;; ;; Starlet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;; (define-module (starlet utils) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-8) #:use-module (ice-9 exceptions) #:export (print-hash-table copy-hash-table in-range mean flatten-sublists more-than-one hirestime categorize lsb msb ensure-number round-dmx scale-to-range scale-and-clamp-to-range percent->dmxval8 percent->dmxval16)) (define (print-hash-table ht) (hash-for-each (lambda (key value) (display key) (display " ---> ") (display value) (newline)) ht)) (define (copy-hash-table ht) (let ((new-ht (make-hash-table))) (hash-for-each (lambda (key value) (hash-set! new-ht key value)) ht) new-ht)) (define (in-range a val1 val2) (or (and (>= a val1) (<= a val2)) (and (>= a val2) (<= a val1)))) (define (mean vals) (/ (fold + 0 vals) (length vals))) (define (flatten-sublists l) (fold (lambda (el prev) (if (list? el) (append (flatten-sublists el) prev) (cons el prev))) '() l)) (define (more-than-one a) (if (nil? a) #f (not (nil? (cdr a))))) (define (hirestime) (let ((a (gettimeofday))) (+ (car a) (/ (cdr a) 1000000)))) (define (categorize-rec predicates items so-far) (if (nil? predicates) (reverse (cons items so-far)) (receive (selected-items remaining-items) (partition (car predicates) items) (categorize-rec (cdr predicates) remaining-items (cons selected-items so-far))))) (define (categorize items . predicates) (apply values (categorize-rec predicates items '()))) (define (msb val) (round-dmx (euclidean-quotient val 256))) (define (lsb val) (round-dmx (euclidean-remainder val 256))) (define (round-dmx a) (inexact->exact (min 255 (max 0 (round a))))) (define (ensure-number value irritating) (unless (number? value) (raise-exception (make-exception (make-exception-with-message "Value is not a number") (make-exception-with-irritants irritating))))) (define (percent->dmxval8 val) (round-dmx (scale-to-range val '(0 100) '(0 255)))) (define (percent->dmxval16 val) (scale-to-range val '(0 100) '(0 65535))) (define (scale-to-range val orig-range dest-range) (define (range r) (- (cadr r) (car r))) (+ (car dest-range) (* (range dest-range) (/ (- val (car orig-range)) (range orig-range))))) (define (clamp-to-range val val1 val2) (let ((minval (min val1 val2)) (maxval (max val1 val2))) (max minval (min val maxval)))) ;; Like scale-to-range, but result is clamped within dest-range (define (scale-and-clamp-to-range val orig-range dest-range) (clamp-to-range (scale-to-range val orig-range dest-range) (car dest-range) (cadr dest-range)))