From cc106602861def0fbd4f50154cb36e34921c2367 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hiro Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 09:53:29 +0000 Subject: added '--exit' command line option. git-svn-id: svn:// ee746299-78ed-0310-b773-934348b2243d --- ChangeLog | 5 ++ ChangeLog.ja | 5 ++ po/bg.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/cs.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/da.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/de.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/el.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/es.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/et.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/fr.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/gl.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/hr.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/hu.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/it.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/ja.po | 158 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/ko.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/lt.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/nl.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/pl.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/pt_BR.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/ro.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/ru.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/sk.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/sl.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/sr.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/sv.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/tr.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/uk.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/zh_CN.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- po/zh_TW.po | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- src/main.c | 42 ++++++++++++--- src/main.h | 2 +- src/mainwindow.c | 7 ++- 33 files changed, 2345 insertions(+), 2167 deletions(-) diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog index 3a2daf51..ecbe94a0 100644 --- a/ChangeLog +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@ +2005-11-07 + + * src/main.[ch] + src/mainwindow.c: added '--exit' command line option. + 2005-11-07 * libsylph/prefs_common.[ch] diff --git a/ChangeLog.ja b/ChangeLog.ja index 18976187..34e76063 100644 --- a/ChangeLog.ja +++ b/ChangeLog.ja @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@ +2005-11-07 + + * src/main.[ch] + src/mainwindow.c: '--exit' コマンドラインオプションを追加。 + 2005-11-07 * libsylph/prefs_common.[ch] diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po index 7c21d30d..3d242266 100644 --- a/po/bg.po +++ b/po/bg.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 0.9.8\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-09 02:06+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Pavel Pyuter \n" "Language-Team: Bulgarian \n" @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ msgstr "仂仗亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 %s%c%d 于于 %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ msgstr "仄亠:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1204,11 +1204,11 @@ msgstr "弍仍亳亠仆 舒亟亠" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "亳亠仆 舒亟亠" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "舒弍亠仍亠亢从舒" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "亠亟仗亠亢亟亠仆亳亠" @@ -1732,7 +1732,7 @@ msgstr "MIME 亳仗" msgid "Size" msgstr "舒亰仄亠" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠" @@ -2326,12 +2326,12 @@ msgstr "丕舒仆仂于磦舒仆亠 亳仆仂仄舒亳 亰舒 仗舒仗从舒...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "丕舒仆仂于磦舒仆亠 亳仆仂仄舒亳 亰舒 仗舒仗从舒..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "弌从舒仆亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒 %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "弌从舒仆亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒 %s ..." @@ -2581,7 +2581,7 @@ msgstr "仆舒礌亠 仆舒 LDIF 舒亶仍 于 亟亠仆舒舒 从仆亳亞舒" msgid "Prev" msgstr "亠亟亳亠仆" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "弌仍亠亟于舒" @@ -2813,20 +2813,20 @@ msgstr "于亠亟亠亠 仗舒仂仍舒" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "仂仂从仂仍亠仆 亢仆舒仍" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread 仆亠 亠 仗仂亟亟亢舒 仂 glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "丕仗仂亠弍舒: %s [丶亊]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [舒亟亠] 仂于舒礌亠 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠 亰舒 舒于礌亠" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2836,23 +2836,23 @@ msgstr "" " 仂于舒礌亠 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠 亰舒 舒于礌亠 仗亳从亠仗亠仆亳\n" " 从舒亰舒仆亳亠 舒亶仍仂于亠." -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all\t 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 仂 于亳从亳 舒从舒仆亳" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 于亳从亳 仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂仗舒从舒舒" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [仗舒仗从舒]... 仗仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仍仆亳 弍仂亶 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2860,30 +2860,35 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [仗舒仗从舒]...\n" " 仗仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂礌亳亠仂 仆舒 于磻舒 仗舒仗从舒" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 仆舒 亟亠弍亞" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 仆舒 亟亠弍亞" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr "" " --help 亳亰于亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亰亳 仗仂仄仂仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 亳 亳亰仍亳亰舒仆亠" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version 亳亰于亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 于亠亳舒 亳 亳亰仍亳亰舒仆亠" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "亰仂亟舒 从仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳舒" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2897,20 +2902,20 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "弌舒于 亠 仆仂于仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠. 亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰仂亟 仂 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "弌仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂仗舒从舒舒" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "" "磻仂亳 仆亠亳亰仗舒亠仆亳 仂弍亠仆亳 舒 于 仂仗舒从舒舒. 亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰仂亟 仂 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2919,16 +2924,16 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP 仗仂亟亟亢从舒舒 亠 仂仄亠仆亠仆舒." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "亟亞 Sylpheed 亠 舒亳舒仆 于亠亠.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "仂仆亳亞舒亳 仆舒 亟亠亶于亳" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3550,34 +3555,34 @@ msgstr "亠仂亰舒亞仍舒于亠仆" msgid "none" msgstr "仍亳仗于舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "仂仄礌舒 仆舒 舒亰亟亠仍亠仆亳亠仂 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠舒 仂 %d 亟仂 %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "亠亰 亟仂仗 亟仂 仄亠亢舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "舒弍仂亳亠 弍亠亰 亟仂仗 亟仂 仄亠亢舒. 亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亟舒 于从仍ム亳亠 仄亠亢舒舒?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 从仂亠仂" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 从仂亠仂?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "仂弍舒于礌亠 仆舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3588,16 +3593,16 @@ msgstr "" "从仂 亠 从舒亰舒仆舒 亠于于舒舒 从亳, 亠 弍亟亠\n" "从舒仆亳舒仆舒 舒于仂仄舒亳仆仂." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "亠亠 亠于于舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳 `%s'." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "仂亠仆从舒 从亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3606,153 +3611,153 @@ msgstr "" "弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠仂 仆舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳 亠 仗仂于舒仍亳.\n" "亠亠 亠于于舒 仆磻舒从于亳 舒亶仍仂于亠, 亳仍亳 仆礆舒亠 仗舒于舒 亰舒 亰舒仗亳." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 亰亞仍亠亟 仆舒 仗舒仗从亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 亰亞仍亠亟 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_亞仂于仂" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "亞仂于舒礌亠 仆舒 于亳从亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/亞仂于仂 _亟仂/_仗仂亟舒亠仍" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/亞仂于仂 _亟仂/仗仂亠仆从亳 _仗亳从" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_亠仗舒舒仆亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/_亠仗舒舒仆亠 从舒仂 仗亳从舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/_亠仆舒仂于舒仆亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "亳亠仄舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于舒 仗仂舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仂 于亳从亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "亳亠仄舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于舒 仗仂舒 仂 于亳从亳 舒从舒仆亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒 于 仂仗舒从舒舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "弌舒于礌亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "弌舒于礌亠 仆舒 仆仂于仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "亞仂于舒礌亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "亞仂于舒礌亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "舒 于亳从亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "亞仂于舒礌亠 仆舒 于亳从亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "亠仗舒舒仆亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "亠仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "丕舒仆仂于磦舒仆亠 从舒仂 仗仂亟舒亰弍亳舒 亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "亰仗仍仆磦舒仆亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "亰仗仍仆磦舒仆亠 仆舒 仄舒从亳舒仆亳 仗仂亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "弌仍亠亟于舒仂 仆亠仗仂亠亠仆仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "亠亟仗仂亳舒仆亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "弍亳 仗亠亟仗仂亳舒仆亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "从舒仆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠 仆舒 舒从舒仆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "舒弍仂亳亠 弍亠亰 亟仂仗 亟仂 仄亠亢舒. 乂舒从仆亠亠 亳从仂仆舒舒 亰舒 亟舒 于从仍ム亳亠 仄亠亢舒舒." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "舒弍仂亳亠 亟仂仗 亟仂 仄亠亢舒. 乂舒从仆亠亠 亳从仂仆舒舒 亰舒 亟舒 亳亰从仍ム亳亠 仄亠亢舒舒." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "亰仂亟" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰仂亟 仂 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒?" diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po index fe634462..20fd9bdb 100644 --- a/po/cs.po +++ b/po/cs.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-05-30 13:31GMT+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Radek Vyb鱈ral \n" "Language-Team: Czech \n" @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ msgstr "Kop鱈ruji zpr叩vu %s%c%d do %s...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Posledn鱈 poet v adres叩i %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ msgstr "Jm辿no:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ msgstr "Spolen叩 adresa" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Osobn鱈 adresa" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Pozn叩mka" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Varov叩n鱈" @@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ msgstr "MIME typ" msgid "Size" msgstr "D辿lka" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Odeslat" @@ -2328,12 +2328,12 @@ msgstr "Nastavuji informace o slo転ce...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Nastavuji informace o slo転ce..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Prohled叩v叩m slo転ku %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Prohled叩v叩m slo転ku %s ..." @@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ msgstr "Importovat LDIF soubor do datab叩ze adres" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Pedchoz鱈" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Dal邸鱈" @@ -2817,20 +2817,20 @@ msgstr "Zadejte heslo" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Z叩znamov箪 protokol" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread nen鱈 v glib podporov叩n.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Pou転it鱈: %s [VOLBY]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adresa] oteve okno pro psan鱈 nov辿 zpr叩vy" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2840,53 +2840,58 @@ msgstr "" " oteve okno pro psan鱈 zpr叩vy s pipojen箪m\n" " souborem(y)" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive nate nov辿 zpr叩vy" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all nate v邸echny nov辿 zpr叩vy ze v邸ech 炭t哲" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send po邸le v邸echny pozdr転en辿 zpr叩vy" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 #, fuzzy msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status vyp鱈邸e celkov箪 poet zpr叩v" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 #, fuzzy msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --status vyp鱈邸e celkov箪 poet zpr叩v" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug re転im trasov叩n鱈" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug re転im trasov叩n鱈" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help vyp鱈邸e tento text a skon鱈" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version vyp鱈邸e informace o verzi a skon鱈" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "V箪stupn鱈 znakov叩 sada" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2900,19 +2905,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Pr叩v se vytv叩鱈 zpr叩va. Opravdu skonit?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Pozdr転en辿 zpr叩vy" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Ve front jsou neodeslan zpr叩vy. Skonit nyn鱈?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2921,16 +2926,16 @@ msgstr "" "Podpora pro OpenPGP je zak叩z叩na." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "aplikace Sylpheed je ji転 spu邸tna.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Nastaven鱈 akc鱈" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3553,34 +3558,34 @@ msgstr "Neoznaen箪" msgid "none" msgstr "転叩dn箪" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Mn鱈m typ oddlovae oken z %d na %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Vypr叩zdnit ko邸" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Vypr叩zdnit v邸echny zpr叩vy v ko邸i?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Pidat po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nku" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3591,16 +3596,16 @@ msgstr "" "Pokud je zad叩n existuj鱈c鱈, bude automaticky\n" "prohled叩n." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka '%s' ji転 existuje." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3610,153 +3615,153 @@ msgstr "" "M哲転e to b箪t t鱈m, 転e schr叩nka ji転 existuje, nebo nem叩te dostaten叩 pr叩va\n" "pro z叩pis." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Zobrazen鱈 slo転ky" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Zobrazen鱈 zpr叩vy" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Odpovdt" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "Odpov鱈d叩 v邸em" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Odpovdt _komu/_odes鱈lateli" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Odpovdt _komu/do _diskusn鱈ho listu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/P_edat d叩l" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Peposlat _jako p鱈lohu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Pes_mrovat" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "St叩hnout" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Zalenit novou po邸tu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "St叩hnout v邸e" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Zalen鱈 novou po邸tu ze v邸ech 炭t哲" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Ode邸le pozdr転enou zpr叩vu(y)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Napsat" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Vytv叩鱈 novou zpr叩vu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Odpovdt" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Odpov鱈d叩 na zpr叩vu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Odpov. v邸em" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Odpov鱈d叩 v邸em" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Poslat d叩l" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Ped叩v叩 zpr叩vu d叩l" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Smazat zpr叩vu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Nastavit jako v箪choz鱈" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Prov辿st" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Prov辿st oznaen箪 proces " -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Dal邸鱈 nepetenou zpr叩vu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Nastaven鱈" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Spolen叩 nastaven鱈" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "et" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Nastaven鱈 炭tu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Ukonen鱈 programu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Chcete ukonit tento program?" diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po index e5c63891..a20670fd 100644 --- a/po/da.po +++ b/po/da.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-29 09:05+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Andreas Hinz \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ msgstr "Kopierer meddelelse %s%c%d til %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Sidste nummer i sti %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ msgstr "Navn:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1202,11 +1202,11 @@ msgstr "Normale adresser" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Personlige adresser" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Note" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Advarsel" @@ -1730,7 +1730,7 @@ msgstr "MIME type" msgid "Size" msgstr "St淡rrelse" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Send" @@ -2324,12 +2324,12 @@ msgstr "Indtast mappe information...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Indtast mappe information..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Gennems淡ger mappe %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Gennems淡ger mappe %s ..." @@ -2580,7 +2580,7 @@ msgstr "Importer LDIF fil til adressebog" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Forrige" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "N脱ste" @@ -2817,20 +2817,20 @@ msgstr "Indtast adgangskode" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Protokol log" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread er ikke underst淡ttet i glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Bruges som: %s [OPTION]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adresse] 奪bner nyt meddelelses vindue" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2840,23 +2840,23 @@ msgstr "" " 奪bn ny meddelelse med disse filer vedh脱ftet\n" " ." -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive modtager nye meddelelser" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all modtager nye meddelelser fra alle konti" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send send alle meddelelser i k淡" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [mappe]... viser antal meddelelser" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2864,29 +2864,34 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [mappe]...\n" " viser status for hver mappe" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug debug mode" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug debug mode" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help viser denne hj脱lp" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version viser version og afslutter" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Udg奪ende tegns脱t" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2900,19 +2905,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Du er ved at skrive ny meddelelse. Virklig afslutte?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Meddeleser i k淡" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Nogle usendte meddelelser i k淡. Afslut nu?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2921,16 +2926,16 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP ikke mulig." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "sylpheed k淡rer allerede.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Handlingsops脱t" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3553,34 +3558,34 @@ msgstr "Uden titel" msgid "none" msgstr "ingen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "ndre vindue adskillelse type fra %d til %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "T淡m Slettet" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Slet alle meddelelser i Slettet?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Ny mailbox" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3591,16 +3596,16 @@ msgstr "" "Hvis den eksisterende mailbox angives, vil den blive\n" "gennems淡gt automatisk." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Mailbox `%s' eksisterer allerede." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Mailbox" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3609,153 +3614,153 @@ msgstr "" "Fejl i oprettelse af mailbox.\n" "M奪ske findes filerne allerede eller du har ikke skrive rettighedder." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Mappe visning" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Meddelelses visning" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Svar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "Svar til alle" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/_Svar til/_Afsender" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/_Svar til/_Mail liste" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_Videresend" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Videresend som _vedh脱ftet" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/_Omdirig辿r" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Hent" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Hent ny post" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Hent alt" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Hent ny post fra alle konti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Sender meddelelse(r) i k淡" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Opret" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Opret ny meddelelse" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Besvar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Besvar meddelelse" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Besvar alle" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Svar til alle" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Videresend" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Videresend meddelelse" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Slet meddelelse" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Standard konto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Udf淡r" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Udf淡r mark辿ret process" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "N脱ste ul脱ste" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Ops脱t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Generelt ops脱t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Konto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Konto indstillinger" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Afslut" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Afslut program?" diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po index f1a73102..9e0a84e4 100644 --- a/po/de.po +++ b/po/de.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-07-22 18:18+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Joo Martin \n" "Language-Team: German \n" @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ msgstr "Kopiere Nachricht %s%c%d nach %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Letzte Nummer im Verzeichnis %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ msgstr "Name:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1209,11 +1209,11 @@ msgstr "Allgemeine Adressen" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Pers旦nliche Adressen" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Notiz" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Warnung" @@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ msgstr "MIME-Typ" msgid "Size" msgstr "Gr旦e" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Senden" @@ -2290,12 +2290,12 @@ msgstr "Setze Ablageinformation...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Setze Ablageinformation..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Durchsuche Ablage %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Durchsuche Ablage %s ..." @@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@ msgstr "Importiere LDIF-Datei in Adressbuch" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Vorherige" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "N辰chste" @@ -2778,20 +2778,20 @@ msgstr "Kennwort eingeben" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Mitschrift des Protokolls" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread wird nicht unterst端tzt von Glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Aufruf: %s [OPTION]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [Adresse] 旦ffnet Verfassenfenster" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2801,23 +2801,23 @@ msgstr "" " 旦ffne Verfassen-Fenster mit angegebenen Dateien\n" " angeh辰ngt" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive empf辰ngt neue Nachrichten" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all empf辰ngt neue Nachrichten von allen Accounts" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send sendet alle Nachrichten aus der Warteschlange" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [Ablage]... zeigt die Gesamtzahl aller Nachrichten" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2825,28 +2825,33 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [Ablage]...\n" " zeigt die Gesamtzahl aller Nachrichten" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug Fehlersuche" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug Fehlersuche" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help diese Hilfe" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version gibt Version aus und beendet" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Dateiname Zeichensatz" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2870,19 +2875,19 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "Weiter?" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Verfasste Nachricht existiert. Wirklich beenden?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Wartende Nachrichten" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Einige ungesendete Nachrichten vorhanden. Jetzt beenden?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2891,15 +2896,15 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP-Unterst端tzung ausgeschaltet" #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "Ein anderes Sylpheed l辰uft schon.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Konfigurationsmigration" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3495,33 +3500,33 @@ msgstr "Unbenannt" msgid "none" msgstr "nicht" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Wechsle Fenstertrennungstyp von %d zu %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Verbindungslos" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "Sie sind nicht verbunden. Verbinden?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Leere alle Papierk旦rbe" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "L旦sche alle Nachrichten im Papierkorb?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Neue Mailbox" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3532,16 +3537,16 @@ msgstr "" "Wenn die existierende Mailbox angegeben wird, wird\n" "sie automatisch durchsucht." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Die Mailbox `%s' existiert bereits." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Mailbox" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3550,149 +3555,149 @@ msgstr "" "Erstellen der Mailbox fehlgeschlagen.\n" "Vielleicht existieren einige Dateien, oder Sie haben keine Schreibrechte" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Ablagenansicht" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Nachrichtenansicht" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/An_twort" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/Antwort an alle" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Ant_wort an Ab_sender" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Antwort an Mailing-_Liste" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_Weiterleiten" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Weiterleiten als An_hang" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/_Umadressieren" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Holen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Neue E-Mail aufnehmen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Hole alle" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Neue E-Mail aller Accounts aufnehmen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Senden wartender Nachrichten" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Verfassen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Neue Nachricht verfassen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Antwort" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Nachricht beantworten" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Alle beantworten" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Antwort an alle" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Weiterleiten" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Nachricht weiterleiten" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Nachricht l旦schen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "Spam" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Markiere als Spam Mail" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Ausf端hren" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Markierten Prozess ausf端hren" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "N辰chste ungelesene Nachricht" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Einstellungen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Account" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Accounteinstellungen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "Sie sind nicht verbunden. W辰hlen sie das Bild zum Verbinden." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "Sie sind verbunden. W辰hlen sie das Bild, um die Verbindung zu beenden." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Beenden" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Beenden des Programms?" diff --git a/po/el.po b/po/el.po index fdb2880b..53033624 100644 --- a/po/el.po +++ b/po/el.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2001-10-08\n" "Last-Translator: Michalis Kabrianis \n" "Language-Team: Greek \n" @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ msgstr "僚旅粒略 凌 亮流僚亮留 %s%c%d 凌 %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "里竜了竜留溜凌 留旅慮亮 凌僚 虜留略了凌粒凌 %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ msgstr "僚凌亮留:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1212,11 +1212,11 @@ msgstr "凌旅僚劉 隆旅竜慮僚竜旅" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "凌旅虜劉 隆旅竜慮僚竜旅" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "裡侶亮竜溜侶" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "凌竜旅隆凌凌溜侶侶" @@ -1751,7 +1751,7 @@ msgstr "凌 MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "劉粒竜慮凌" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "凌凌了流" @@ -2366,12 +2366,12 @@ msgstr "劉 旅 了侶凌凌溜竜 虜留留了粒僚...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "劉 旅 了侶凌凌溜竜 虜留留了粒僚..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "裡略侶 虜留留了粒僚 %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "裡略侶 虜留留了粒凌 %s ..." @@ -2637,7 +2637,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Prev" msgstr "旅了凌粒劉" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "亮竜僚凌" @@ -2870,74 +2870,79 @@ msgstr "マ竜 凌僚 虜隆旅虜" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "留留粒留流 凌虜了了凌" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "凌 g_thread 隆竜僚 凌侶溜龍竜留旅 留 侶僚 glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "律流侶: %s []...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [隆旅竜慮僚侶] 略僚凌旅粒亮留 留留慮凌 僚慮竜侶" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" " attached" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 了僚 僚 了凌粒留旅留亮ホ" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 #, fuzzy msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --receive 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 #, fuzzy msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --receive 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 #, fuzzy msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --receive 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug debug mode" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug debug mode" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help 竜亮略僚旅侶 留凌 凌 虜竜旅亮劉僚凌 虜留旅 劉両凌隆凌" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version 竜亮略僚旅侶 侶 劉虜隆凌侶 虜留旅 劉両凌隆凌" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "隆旅虜凌竜了溜隆留 竜両竜凌亮劉僚僚" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2951,19 +2956,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "離略竜旅 留略慮凌 僚慮竜侶 亮侶僚亮留凌. 留 虜了竜溜;" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "侶僚亮留留 侶僚 凌略" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "竜旅虜略 亮侶僚亮留留 隆竜僚 劉凌僚 留了竜溜 虜留旅 竜溜僚留旅 侶僚 凌略. 留 虜了竜溜;" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 #, fuzzy msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" @@ -2973,16 +2978,16 @@ msgstr "" "竜僚竜粒凌凌旅竜溜留旅 侶 凌流旅両侶 OpenPGP." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "劉僚留 略了了凌 Sylpheed 劉竜旅 流隆侶.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "略 旅 慮亮溜竜旅 僚 溜了僚...\n" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3676,34 +3681,34 @@ msgstr "律溜 溜了凌" msgid "none" msgstr "虜留僚劉僚留" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "隆竜旅留亮留 隆旅留粒留亮亮劉僚僚" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "留 留隆竜旅略 了留 留 隆旅留粒留亮亮劉僚留 亮侶僚亮留留" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "凌慮流虜侶 mailbox" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3714,16 +3719,16 @@ msgstr "" "僚 凌旅竜溜 凌 略凌僚 mailbox, 慮留\n" "留慮竜溜 留亮留留." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "里凌 mailbox `%s' 略竜旅 流隆侶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Mailbox" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3732,160 +3737,160 @@ msgstr "" " 隆侶亮旅凌粒溜留 凌 mailbox 留劉竜.\n" " 虜略凌旅留 留竜溜留 僚留 略凌僚 流隆侶, 流 隆竜僚 劉竜竜 隆旅虜留溜亮留 僚留 粒略竜竜 竜虜竜溜. " -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/略僚侶侶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "略僚侶侶 竜 了凌" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/略僚侶侶 凌僚 留凌凌了劉留" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/略僚侶侶 竜 了凌" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/凌ホ故系侶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 #, fuzzy msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/凌ホ故系侶 凌略侶侶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 #, fuzzy msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/留僚-竜竜両竜粒留溜留" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "流侶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "流侶 僚劉凌 mail" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "" "流侶\n" "了僚" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "流侶 僚劉凌 mail 留 了凌 凌 了凌粒留旅留亮凌" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "凌凌了流 了僚 僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 留 侶僚 凌略" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "裡僚慮竜侶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "裡僚慮竜侶 僚劉凌 亮侶僚亮留凌" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "略僚侶侶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "略僚侶侶 凌 亮流僚亮留" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "" "略僚侶侶\n" "了僚" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "略僚侶侶 竜 了凌" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "凌ホ故系侶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "凌ホ故系侶 亮侶僚亮留凌" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "旅留粒留流 亮侶僚亮留凌" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr " 劉竜 僚侶慮侶 了凌粒留旅留亮 " -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "虜劉了竜侶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "虜劉了竜侶 侶亮竜旅亮劉僚侶 竜粒留溜留" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "亮竜僚凌 留隆旅略硫留凌 亮流僚亮留" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "旅了凌粒劉" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 #, fuzzy msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "凌旅僚劉 旅了凌粒劉" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "凌粒/亮" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "痢慮亮溜竜旅 了凌粒留旅留亮凌" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "両凌隆凌" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "両凌隆凌 留 留 凌 粒留亮亮留;" diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po index e12f0684..555b755e 100644 --- a/po/es.po +++ b/po/es.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-07-08 21:08+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Ricardo Mones \n" "Language-Team: Ricardo Mones \n" @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ msgstr "Copiando mensaje %s%c%d a %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "ltimo n炭mero en directorio %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ msgstr "Nombre:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1206,11 +1206,11 @@ msgstr "Direcci坦n com炭n" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Direcci坦n personal" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Notificaci坦n" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Aviso" @@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ msgstr "Tipo MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "Tama単o" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Enviar" @@ -2290,12 +2290,12 @@ msgstr "Estableciendo informaci坦n de carpeta...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Estableciendo informaci坦n de carpeta..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Revisando carpeta %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Revisando carpeta %s ..." @@ -2547,7 +2547,7 @@ msgstr "Importar fichero LDIF a la agenda" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Anterior" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Siguiente" @@ -2777,20 +2777,20 @@ msgstr "Contrase単a" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Traza del protocolo" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread no est叩 soportado por glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Uso: %s [OPCIN]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [direcci坦n] abre la ventana de composici坦n" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2800,23 +2800,23 @@ msgstr "" " abre la ventana de composici坦n con los ficheros\n" " especificados como adjuntos" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive recive los mensajes nuevos" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all recibe nuevos para todas las cuentas" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send enviar todos los mensajes en la cola" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [carpeta]... muestra el n炭mero total de mensajes" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2824,28 +2824,33 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [carpeta]...\n" " muestra el estado de cada carpeta" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug modo de depuraci坦n" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug modo de depuraci坦n" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help presenta esta ayuda y finaliza" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version da la informaci坦n de la versi坦n y finaliza" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Codificaci坦n de los nombres de fichero" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2869,19 +2874,19 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "多Desea continuar?" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Est叩 componiendo un mensaje. 多Seguro que quiere salir?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Mensajes en cola" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Hay mensajes sin enviar en la cola. 多Salir ahora?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2890,15 +2895,15 @@ msgstr "" "Soporte para OpenPGP deshabilitado." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "ya hay otro Sylpheed ejecut叩ndose.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Migraci坦n de la configuraci坦n" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3494,33 +3499,33 @@ msgstr "Sin t鱈tulo" msgid "none" msgstr "ninguna" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Cambiando el tipo de separaci坦n de ventana de %d a %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Desconectado" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "Esta desconectado. 多Conectar?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Vaciar todas las papeleras" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "多Vaciar todos los mensajes de la papelera?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "A単adir buz坦n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3531,16 +3536,16 @@ msgstr "" "Si el buz坦n especificado ya existe ser叩\n" "escaneado autom叩ticamente." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "El buz坦n 束%s損 ya existe." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Correo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3550,149 +3555,149 @@ msgstr "" "Quiz叩s ya existan los ficheros o no tenga permisos suficientes para " "escribir en el directorio." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - rbol de carpetas" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Vista de mensaje" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Responder" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/Responder a _todos" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Responder al _remitente" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Responder a la _lista de correo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_Reenviar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Reen_viar como adjunto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Red_irigir" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Traer" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Incorporar correo nuevo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Traer todo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Incorporar correo nuevo de todas las cuentas" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Enviar mensaje(s) en la cola" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Componer" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Componer mensaje nuevo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Responder" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Responder al mensaje" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "A todos" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Responder a todos" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Reenviar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Reenviar el mensaje" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Borrar el mensaje" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "Basura" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Es correo basura" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Ejecutar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Ejecutar el proceso marcado" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Siguiente no le鱈do" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Preferencias" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Preferencias comunes" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Cuenta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Preferencias de la cuenta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "Esta desconectado. Haga click en el icono para conectar." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "Esta conectado. Haga click en el icono para desconectar." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Salir" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "多Salir del programa?" diff --git a/po/et.po b/po/et.po index 286eb96e..516330a0 100644 --- a/po/et.po +++ b/po/et.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-10-02 09:08+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Peeter Vois \n" "Language-Team: Estonian \n" @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ msgstr "Kopeerin kirja %s%c%d kausta %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Viimane number kataloogis %s on %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ msgstr "Nimi:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1209,11 +1209,11 @@ msgstr "ldine aadress" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Isiklik aadress" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "M辰rkus" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Hoiatus" @@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@ msgstr "MIME t端端p" msgid "Size" msgstr "Suurus" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Saada" @@ -2334,12 +2334,12 @@ msgstr "Sean kausta info...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Sean kausta info..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Tuhnin kaustas %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Tuhnin kaustas %s ..." @@ -2592,7 +2592,7 @@ msgstr "Impordi LDIF fail aadressiraamatusse" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Eelm" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "J辰rgmine" @@ -2821,20 +2821,20 @@ msgstr "Sisesta parool" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Protokolli s端ndmustik" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread ei ole glib poolt toetatud.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Kauta: %s [SEADED]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [aadress] ava kirjakirjutamise aken" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2844,53 +2844,58 @@ msgstr "" " ava uue kirja aken nii, et m辰rgitud failid\n" " on manustatud kirjale" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive v探ta uued kirjad" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all v探ta uued kirjad k探igilt konto" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --saada saada k探ik j辰rjekorras olevad kirjad" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 #, fuzzy msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --staatus n辰ita kogu kirjade arvu" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 #, fuzzy msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --staatus n辰ita kogu kirjade arvu" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug veaotsimise re転iim" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug veaotsimise re転iim" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help n辰ita seda teadet ja v辰lju" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version n辰ita versiooni informatsiooni ja v辰lju" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "V辰ljuva kirja kooditabel" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2904,19 +2909,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Kirjakirjutamine on pooleli. T探esti l探petame?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "kirjad j辰rjekorras" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "M探ned saatmata kirjad on j辰rjekooras. L探petame?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2925,16 +2930,16 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP toetus keelustatud." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "端ks teine Sylpheed juba t旦旦tab.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Tegevuste konfiguratsiooni kirjutamine...\n" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3558,34 +3563,34 @@ msgstr "Tiitlita" msgid "none" msgstr "mittemiski" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Muudan akna eraldamise t端端pi %d-lt %d-le\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "T端hjenda pr端gikast" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Kas eemaldada k探ik kirjad pr端gikastist?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Lisa kirjakast" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3595,16 +3600,16 @@ msgstr "" "Sisesta kirjakasti asukoht.\n" "Kui m辰辰rate juba olemasoleva kirjakasti, siis seeskaneeritakse automaatselt." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Kirjakast %s on juba olemas." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Kirjakast" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3613,153 +3618,153 @@ msgstr "" "Kirjakasti loomine eba探nnestus.\n" "V探ibolla m探ned failid on olemas, v探i teil pole 探igusi sinna kirjutamiseks." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - kausta vaade" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - kirja vaade" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/Vastan" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "Vasta ja saada koopia k探igile, kes said selle kirja" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Vasta/_saatjale" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Vasta/kirja_listi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/Saadan edasi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Saada edasi manusena" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Suuna 端mber" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "V探ta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "V探ta uued kirjad" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "V探ta k探ik" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "V探ta k探igilt kontodelt uued kirjad" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Saada kirjad j辰rjekorrast" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Kirjuta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Kirjuta uus kiri" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Vasta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Vasta kirjale" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Vasta ja" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Vasta ja saada koopia k探igile, kes said selle kirja" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Edasta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Saada kiri edasi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Kustuta kiri" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr " M辰辰ra vaikimisi kontoks " -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "K辰ivita" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "K辰ivita m辰rgitud protsess" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "J辰rgmine kiri mida pole loetud" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Seaded" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "ldised omaduse" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Konto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Konto seaded" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "V辰lju" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "L探petame programmi t旦旦." diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po index 393edf0e..69129908 100644 --- a/po/fr.po +++ b/po/fr.po @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-08 23:57+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Nicolas Boos \n" "Language-Team: French \n" @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ msgstr "Copie du message %s%c%d vers %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Dernier num辿ro dans le r辿pertoire %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ msgstr "Nom :" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1220,11 +1220,11 @@ msgstr "Adresse courante :" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Adresse personnelle :" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Information" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Avertissement" @@ -1717,7 +1717,7 @@ msgstr "Type MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "Taille" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Envoyer" @@ -2307,12 +2307,12 @@ msgstr "Enregistrement des donn辿es des dossiers...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Initialisation des donn辿es des dossiers..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Analyse du dossier %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Analyse du dossier %s ..." @@ -2565,7 +2565,7 @@ msgstr "Importation d'un fichier LDIF dans un carnet d'adresses" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Pr辿c辿dent" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Suivant" @@ -2795,20 +2795,20 @@ msgstr "Saisissez le mot de passe" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Journal de connexion" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread non support辿 par glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Utilisation : %s [OPTION]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adresse] ouvrir une fen棚tre de composition de message" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2819,24 +2819,24 @@ msgstr "" "(s)\n" " jointe(s) le(s) fichier(s) sp辿cifi辿(s)" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive r辿cup辿rer les nouveaux messages" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr "" " --receive-all r辿cup辿rer les nouveaux messages de tous les comptes" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send envoyer les messages en attente" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [dossier]... afficher le nombre total de messages" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2844,28 +2844,33 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [dossier]...\n" " afficher l'辿tat de chaque dossier" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug afficher les informations de mise au point" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug afficher les informations de mise au point" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help afficher l'aide-m辿moire" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version afficher les informations de version" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Jeu de caract竪res du nom de fichier" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2889,23 +2894,23 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "Poursuivre ?" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "" "Une fen棚tre de composition de message existe.\n" "Voulez-vous vraiment quitter ?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Messages en file d'attente" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "" "Quelques messages non envoy辿s sont dans la file d'attente. Quitter " "maintenant ?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2914,15 +2919,15 @@ msgstr "" "Support OpenPGP d辿sactiv辿." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "une autre session de Sylpheed existe.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Migration de la configuration" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3521,33 +3526,33 @@ msgstr "Sans titre" msgid "none" msgstr "aucun" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Changement du type de s辿paration de fen棚tre de %d vers %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "D辿connect辿" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "Vous 棚tes d辿connect辿. Voulez-vous vous connecter ?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Vider toutes les corbeilles" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Supprimer tous les messages dans la corbeille ?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Nouvelle bo樽te aux lettres" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3557,16 +3562,16 @@ msgstr "" "Saisissez le nom de la nouvelle bo樽te aux lettres. Si elle\n" "existe d辿j, elle sera automatiquement analys辿e." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "La bo樽te aux lettres 束 %s 損 existe d辿j." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Bo樽te aux lettres" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3576,149 +3581,149 @@ msgstr "" "Il se peut que les fichiers existent d辿j, ou que vous n'ayez pas les droits " "en 辿criture." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Dossiers" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Message" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_R辿pondre" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/R辿pondre _tous" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/R辿pondre l'_exp辿diteur" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/R辿pondre la _liste" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_Transf辿rer" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Transf辿rer en pi竪ce _jointe" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Rediri_ger" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Relever" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Relever le courrier du compte courant" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Tout relever" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Relever le courrier de tous les comptes" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Envoyer les messages en attente" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Composer" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Composer un nouveau message" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "R辿pondre" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "R辿pondre au message" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr " tous" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "R辿pondre tous" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Transf辿rer" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Transf辿rer le message" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Supprimer le message" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "Ind辿sirable" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Marquer comme ind辿sirable" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Ex辿cuter" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Ex辿cuter les commandes marqu辿es" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Message non lu suivant" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Pr辿f辿rences" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Pr辿f辿rences g辿n辿rales" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Compte" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Configuration du compte courant" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "Vous 棚tes d辿connect辿. Cliquer sur l'ic担ne pour vous connecter." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "Vous 棚tes connect辿. Cliquer sur l'ic担ne pour vous d辿connecter." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Quitter" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Quitter Sylpheed ?" diff --git a/po/gl.po b/po/gl.po index b4ca5bea..e765a408 100644 --- a/po/gl.po +++ b/po/gl.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-01-17 10:05+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Jorge Rivas\n" "Language-Team: Jorge Rivas\n" @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ msgstr "Copiando mensaxe %s%c%d a %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "ltimo n炭mero en directorio %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ msgstr "Nome:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1208,11 +1208,11 @@ msgstr "Enderezo com炭n" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Enderezo persoal" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Notificaci坦n" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Aviso" @@ -1737,7 +1737,7 @@ msgstr "Tipo MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "Tama単o" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Enviar" @@ -2332,12 +2332,12 @@ msgstr "Establecendo informaci坦n de carpeta...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Establecendo informaci坦n de carpeta..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Revisando carpeta %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Revisando carpeta %s ..." @@ -2588,7 +2588,7 @@ msgstr "Importar ficheiro LDIF na axenda" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Anterior" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Seguinte" @@ -2821,20 +2821,20 @@ msgstr "Contrasinal" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Rexistro do protocolo" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread non est叩 soportado por glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Uso: %s [OPCIN]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [direcci坦n] abre a fiestra de edici坦n" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2844,53 +2844,58 @@ msgstr "" " abre a fiestra de composici坦n con os ficheiros\n" " especificados como adxuntos" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive recibe as mensaxes novas" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all recibe novas mensaxes para todas as contas" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send enviar todas as mensaxes na cola" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 #, fuzzy msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status mostra o n炭mero total de mensaxes" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 #, fuzzy msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --status mostra o n炭mero total de mensaxes" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug modo de depuraci坦n" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug modo de depuraci坦n" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help presenta esta axuda e finaliza" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version da a informaci坦n da versi坦n e finaliza" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Codificaci坦n para enviar" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2904,19 +2909,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Est叩 compo単endo unha mensaxe. 多Quere sair?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Mensaxes en cola" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Hai mensaxes sin enviar na cola. 多Sair agora?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2925,16 +2930,16 @@ msgstr "" "Soporte para OpenPGP deshabilitado." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "xa hai outro Sylpheed execut叩ndose.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "configuraci坦n das accions" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3557,34 +3562,34 @@ msgstr "Sen t鱈tulo" msgid "none" msgstr "ningunha" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Cambiando o tipo de separaci坦n de fiestra de %d a %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Baleirar papeleira" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "多Baleirar todas as mensaxes da papeleira?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Engadir caixa de correo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3595,16 +3600,16 @@ msgstr "" "Si xa existe ser叩\n" "examinado autom叩ticamente." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "a caixa de correo `%s' xa existe." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Correo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3614,153 +3619,153 @@ msgstr "" "Quiz叩is xa existan os ficheiros ou non te単a permisos suficientes para " "escribir no directorio." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Arbre de carpetas" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Vista de mensaxe" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Respostar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "Respostar a todos" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Respon_der a/ _remitente" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Respon_der a/ _lista de correo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_Reenviar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Reen_viar como adxunto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Red_irixir" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Traer" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Incorporar correo novo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Traer todo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Incorporar correo novo de todas as contas" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Enviar mensaxe(s) na cola" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Compo単er" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Compo単er mensaxe novo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Respostar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Respostar 坦 mensaxe" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "A todos" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Respostar a todos" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Reenviar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Reenviar o mensaxe" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Borrar o mensaxe" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "conta por defecto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Executar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Executar o proceso marcado" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Seguinte non le鱈do" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Preferencias" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Preferencias comuns" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "conta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Preferencias da conta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Sair" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "多Sair do programa?" diff --git a/po/hr.po b/po/hr.po index f67edc70..b5f2b190 100644 --- a/po/hr.po +++ b/po/hr.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-17 13:22+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Ante Karamati \n" "Language-Team: Croatian \n" @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ msgstr "Kopiram poruke %s%c%d u %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Posljednji broj u direktoriju %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ msgstr "Ime:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1206,11 +1206,11 @@ msgstr "Uobiajene adrese" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Osobne adrese" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Obavijest" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Upozorenje" @@ -1745,7 +1745,7 @@ msgstr "MIME tip" msgid "Size" msgstr "Veliina" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Po邸alji" @@ -2346,12 +2346,12 @@ msgstr "Postavljam info spisa...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Postavljam info spisa..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Pretra転ujem spise %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Pretra転ujem spis %s ..." @@ -2616,7 +2616,7 @@ msgstr "Unesi LDIF datoteku u Adresar" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Postav" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Slijedea" @@ -2851,74 +2851,79 @@ msgstr "Unesite lozinku" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Zapis protokola" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread nije podr転an od glib-a.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Upotreba: %s [OPCIJA]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adresa] otvara prozor za pisanje" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" " attached" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive prima nove poruke" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all prima sve poruke sa svih rauna" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 #, fuzzy msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --recive prikazuje broj poruka" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 #, fuzzy msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --recive prikazuje broj poruka" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 #, fuzzy msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --recive prikazuje broj poruka" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug debug nain" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug debug nain" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help prikazuje ovu pomo i izlazi" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version prikazuje verziju i izlazi" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Izlazni charset" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2932,19 +2937,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Pisanje poruke postoji. Uistinu prekinuti?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Odlo転ene poruke" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Neke neposlane poruke su odlo転ene. Izai odmah?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 #, fuzzy msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" @@ -2954,16 +2959,16 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP podr邸ka je onemoguena." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "drugi Sylpheed ve radi.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Pi邸em konfiguraciju filtera...\n" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3654,34 +3659,34 @@ msgstr "Neimenovano" msgid "none" msgstr "ni邸ta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Isprazni smee" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Isprazniti sve poruke u smeu?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Dodaj sandui" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3692,16 +3697,16 @@ msgstr "" "Ako je une邸en postojei sandui, biti e\n" "automatski pretra転en." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Sandui `%s' ve postoji." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Sandui" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3710,156 +3715,156 @@ msgstr "" "Kreiranje sanduia propalo.\n" "Mo転da neke datoteke ve postoje ili nemate pravo pisanja u direktoriju." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/Od_govori" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "Odgovara svima" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Odgovor_i po邸iljatelju" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Odgovori svi_ma" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/Prosli_jedi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 #, fuzzy msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Proslijedi kao prilo_g" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 #, fuzzy msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Pre-_uredi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Primi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Prima novu po邸tu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Primi sve" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Prima novu po邸tu sa svih rauna" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "alje odlo転ene poruke" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Kreiraj" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Kreiranje nove po邸te" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Odgovori" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Odgovara na poruku" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Odgovori s." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Odgovara svima" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Proslijedi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Prosljeuje poruku" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Bri邸e poruke" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Postavi kao uobiajeni" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Izvr邸i" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Izvr邸ava oznaene procese" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Slijedea neproitana poruka" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Postav" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 #, fuzzy msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Uobiajene postavke" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Raun" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Postavke rauna" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Izlaz" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Izlaz iz ovog programa?" diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po index 29cdda0d..217303ec 100644 --- a/po/hu.po +++ b/po/hu.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed-2.0.0beta4\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-07-04 17:05+0200\n" "Last-Translator: N辿meth Tam叩s \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ msgstr "%s%c%d 端zenet m叩sol叩sa %s-ba ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Az utols坦 sz叩m a(z) %s mapp叩ban = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ msgstr "N辿v:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1206,11 +1206,11 @@ msgstr "ltal叩nos c鱈m" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Szem辿lyes c鱈m" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Megjegyz辿s" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Figyelmeztet辿s" @@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ msgstr "MIME t鱈pus" msgid "Size" msgstr "M辿ret" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "K端ld辿s" @@ -2288,12 +2288,12 @@ msgstr "Mappa inform叩ci坦 be叩ll鱈t叩sa...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Mappa inform叩ci坦 be叩ll鱈t叩sa..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "%s%c%s mappa 叩tvizsg叩l叩sa..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "%s mappa 叩tvizsg叩l叩sa..." @@ -2545,7 +2545,7 @@ msgstr "LDIF f叩jl import叩l叩sa a c鱈mjegyz辿kbe" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Elz" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "K旦vetkez" @@ -2775,20 +2775,20 @@ msgstr "Adja meg a jelsz坦t" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Protokoll napl坦" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread-et a glib nem t叩mogatja.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Haszn叩lat: %s [OPCI]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [c鱈m] szerkesztablak megnyit叩sa" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2798,23 +2798,23 @@ msgstr "" " szerkesztablak nyit叩sa a megadott f叩jl(ok)\n" " csatol叩s叩val" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive 炭j 端zenetek v辿tele" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all 炭j 端zenetek v辿tele minden hozz叩f辿r辿srl" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send minden v叩rakoz坦 lev辿l k端ld辿se" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [mappa]... 端zenetek sz叩m叩nak kijelz辿se" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2822,28 +2822,33 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [mappa]...\n" " az 旦sszes mappa st叩tusz叩nak kijelz辿se" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug hibakeres 端zemm坦d" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug hibakeres 端zemm坦d" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help e seg鱈ts辿g megjelen鱈t辿se 辿s kil辿p辿s" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version verzi坦 inform叩ci坦k ki鱈r叩sa 辿s kil辿p辿s" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "F叩jln辿v karakterk坦dol叩sa" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2867,19 +2872,19 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "Folytatja?" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "zenet szerkeszt辿s alatt. T辿nyleg kil辿p?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "V叩rakoz坦 端zenetek" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Vannak elk端ldetlen 端zenetek. Kil辿p辿s most?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2888,15 +2893,15 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP t叩mogat叩s kikapcsolva." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "Egy m叩sik Sylpheed m叩r fut.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Be叩ll鱈t叩sok migr叩l叩sa" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3492,33 +3497,33 @@ msgstr "N辿vtelen" msgid "none" msgstr "semmi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Ablak elv叩laszt叩s t鱈pus v叩ltoztat叩sa %d-r坦l, %d-ra\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Kapcsolat n辿lk端l" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "n kapcsolat n辿lk端li m坦dban van. Kapcsol坦dik?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Kuka 端r鱈t辿se" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Minden 端zenet t旦rl辿se a kuk叩b坦l?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Postal叩da hozz叩ad叩sa" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3529,16 +3534,16 @@ msgstr "" "Ha m叩r l辿tezik a postal叩da, akkor\n" "automatikusan 叩tvizsg叩lom." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "A `%s' postal叩da m叩r l辿tezik." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Postal叩da" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3547,150 +3552,150 @@ msgstr "" "A postal叩da l辿trehoz叩sa nem siker端lt.\n" "Tal叩n n辿h叩ny f叩jl m叩r l辿tezik, vagy nincs 鱈r叩si jogod." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Mappa n辿zet" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - zenet n辿zet" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_V叩lasz" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "V叩lasz _mindenkinek" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/V叩lasz a _k端ldnek" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/V叩lasz a _levelezlist叩nak" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_Tov叩bb鱈t叩s" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Csatol叩sk辿_nt tov叩bb鱈t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/tir叩ny鱈_t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Fogad叩s" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "j levelek fogad叩sa" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Fogad叩s mindrl" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "j levelek fogad叩sa minden hozz叩f辿r辿sen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "V叩rakoz坦 sorb坦l 端zenet(ek) k端ld辿se" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Szerkeszt辿s" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "j 端zenet szerkeszt辿se" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "V叩lasz" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "V叩lasz az 端zenetre" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "V叩lasz mindre" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "V叩lasz mindenkinek" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Tov叩bb鱈t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "zenet tov叩bb鱈t叩sa" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "zenet t旦rl辿se" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "Lev辿lszem辿t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Lev辿lszem辿tk辿nt be叩ll鱈t叩s" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Futtat叩s" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Megjel旦lt processz futtat叩sa" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "K旦vetkez olvasatlan 端zenet" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Be叩ll鱈t叩sok" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "K旦z旦s be叩ll鱈t叩sok" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Hozz叩f辿r辿s" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Hozz叩f辿r辿s be叩ll鱈t叩sok" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" "n kapcsolat n辿lk端li m坦dban van. Kattintson az ikonra a kapcsol坦d叩shoz." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "n kapcsol坦dva van. Kattintson az ikonra a kapcsolat n辿lk端li m坦dhoz." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Kil辿p辿s" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Kil辿p辿s a programb坦l?" diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po index e985bd89..b591daa5 100644 --- a/po/it.po +++ b/po/it.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 2.1.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-09-17 10:24+0200\n" "Last-Translator: danilo bodei \n" "Language-Team: Italian \n" @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ msgstr "Copia del messaggio %s%c%d in %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Ultimo numero nella cartella %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ msgstr "Nome:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1210,11 +1210,11 @@ msgstr "Indirizzo comune" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Indirizzo personale" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Avviso" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Avvertimento" @@ -1709,7 +1709,7 @@ msgstr "Tipo MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "Dimensione" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Invia" @@ -2297,12 +2297,12 @@ msgstr "Impostazione delle informazioni della cartella...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Impostazione delle informazioni della cartella..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Analisi della cartella %s%c%s..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Analisi della cartella %s..." @@ -2554,7 +2554,7 @@ msgstr "Importazione del file LDIF nella rubrica" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Precedente" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Successivo" @@ -2783,20 +2783,20 @@ msgstr "Inserire la password" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Log del protocollo" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread non 竪 supportato da glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Uso: %s [OPZIONE]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [indirizzo] apre una finestra di composizione" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2806,23 +2806,23 @@ msgstr "" " apre la finestra di composizione con allegati\n" " i file specificati" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive riceve i nuovi messaggi" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all riceve i nuovi messaggi di tutti gli account" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send invia tutti i messaggi accodati" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [cartella]... mostra il numero totale dei messaggi" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2830,28 +2830,33 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [cartella]...\n" " mostra lo stato di ogni cartella" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug modalit di debug" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug modalit di debug" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help mostra questo aiuto ed esce" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version mostra informazioni sulla versione ed esce" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Codifica nome file" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2875,19 +2880,19 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "Continuo?" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "C'竪 un messaggio in composizione. Uscire?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Messaggi accodati" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Ci sono messaggi non spediti in 束Coda損. Uscire ora ?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2896,15 +2901,15 @@ msgstr "" "Il supporto per OpenPGP 竪 disabilitato." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "un altro Sylpheed 竪 gi in esecuzione.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Migrazione della configurazione" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3499,32 +3504,32 @@ msgstr "Senza titolo" msgid "none" msgstr "niente" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Cambio del tipo di separazione della finestra da %d a %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Offline" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "Siete offline. Andare online?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Svuota cestino" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Svuotare tutti i messaggi nei cestini?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Aggiunta di una casella postale" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3535,16 +3540,16 @@ msgstr "" "Se 竪 specificata una casella postale esistente, sar\n" "esaminata automaticamente." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "La casella postale 束%s損 esiste gi." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Casella postale" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3554,149 +3559,149 @@ msgstr "" "Pu嘆 darsi che esistano gi alcuni file, oppure non si ha il permesso di " "scrittura." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Vista cartella" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Vista messaggio" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Rispondi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/Rispondi a _tutti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Rispondi _al mittente" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Rispondi alla mailing _list" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_Inoltra" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Inoltra com_e allegato" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Rispe_disci" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Ricevi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Include la nuova posta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Ricevi tutti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Include la nuova posta di tutti gli account" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Invia i messaggi accodati" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Componi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Compone un nuovo messaggio" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Rispondi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Risponde al messaggio" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Rispondi tutti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Risponde a tutti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Inoltra" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Inoltra il messaggio" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Elimina il messaggio" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "Spazzatura" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Imposta come mail spazzatura" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Esegui" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Esegue le operazioni segnate" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Successivo messaggio non letto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Preferenze" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Preferenze comuni" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Account" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Impostazione dell'account" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "Siete offline. Fare click sull'icona per andare online." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "Siete online. Fare click sull'icona per andare offline." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Esci" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Uscire da questo programma?" diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po index 0646c457..ac3e7c4c 100644 --- a/po/ja.po +++ b/po/ja.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 1999-10-12\n" "Last-Translator: Hiroyuki Yamamoto \n" "Language-Team: Japanese \n" @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ msgstr "<祉若 %s%c%d %s 潟若障...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "c %s 緇 = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ msgstr ":" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1203,11 +1203,11 @@ msgstr "掩≪" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "篋榊≪" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "羈" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "茘" @@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ msgstr "MIME 帥ゃ" msgid "Size" msgstr "泣ゃ" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "篆" @@ -2282,12 +2282,12 @@ msgstr "宴荐絎筝...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "宴荐絎筝..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "鴻c割賢 (%s%c%s) ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "鴻c割賢 (%s)..." @@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@ msgstr "LDIF<ゃ≪劫験吾ゃ潟若" msgid "Prev" msgstr "" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "罨<" @@ -2767,20 +2767,20 @@ msgstr "鴻若ュ" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "潟" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread glib c泣若障\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "篏睡羈: %s [激с]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [address] <祉若娯c潟" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2790,23 +2790,23 @@ msgstr "" " 絎<ゃ羞私<祉若娯\n" " c潟" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive 亥<祉若吾篆<" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all ≪潟亥<祉若吾篆<" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send 篆≦罘筝<祉若吾鴻篆<" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [folder]... <祉若吾膩違茵腓冴" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2814,28 +2814,32 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " 倶茵腓冴" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr " --configdir dirname 荐絎<ゃ主c絎" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --exit Sylpheed 腟篋" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug 違≪若" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help 茵腓冴腟篋" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version 若吾с恰宴阪腟篋" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "<ゃ潟潟若c潟" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2858,19 +2862,19 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "膓茵障?" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "篏筝<祉若吾絖障綵腟篋障?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "篆≦罘筝<祉若" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "篆≦罘筝篆<<祉若吾障腟篋障?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2879,15 +2883,15 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP 泣若≦鴻с" #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "ャ Sylpheed с莎桁障\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "荐絎腱肢" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3484,32 +3488,32 @@ msgstr "腱井荐絎" msgid "none" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "c潟≪帥ゃ %d %d 紊眼障\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "ゃ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "憜ゃ潟с潟ゃ潟障?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "鴻睡宴腥冴" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "睡宴筝<祉若吾鴻ゃ障?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "<若鴻菴遵" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" "If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n" @@ -3518,16 +3522,16 @@ msgstr "" "<若鴻贋ュ\n" "√<若鴻絎絎鴻鴻c潟障" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "<若 `%s' с絖障" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "<若膊" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3536,149 +3540,149 @@ msgstr "" "<若鴻篏紊掩障\n" "ゃ<ゃс絖吾莨若罔障" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - ャ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - <祉若吾ャ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/菴篆(_R)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/<菴篆(_A)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/綏坂査菴篆(_S)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/<若潟違鴻菴篆(_L)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/荵∫(_F)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/羞私荵∫(_W)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/荵∫(_T)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "篆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "亥<若莨" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "篆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "≪潟亥<若莨" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "篆≦罘筝<祉若吾篆<" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "篏" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "域<祉若吾篏" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "菴篆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "<祉若吾菴篆<" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "<菴篆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "<菴篆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "荵∫" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "<祉若吾荵∫" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "<祉若吾ゃ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "菴傑<若" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "菴傑<若絎" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "絎茵" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "若絎茵" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "罨<茯<祉若" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "荐絎" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "荐絎" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "≪潟" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "≪潟荐絎" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "憜ゃ潟с≪ゃ潟潟潟ゃ潟障" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "憜潟ゃ潟с≪ゃ潟潟ゃ潟障" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "腟篋" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "違腟篋障?" diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po index 892284fd..c20551ca 100644 --- a/po/ko.po +++ b/po/ko.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 0.8.6\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-02 11:09+0900\n" "Last-Translator: Nam SungHyun \n" "Language-Team: Korean \n" @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ msgstr "覃讌 %s%c%d襯 %s襦 覲旧譴 ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "襴 %s 襷讌襷 = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ msgstr "企:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1192,11 +1192,11 @@ msgstr "螻旧 譯殊襦" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "螳 譯殊襦" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "襴" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "蟆所" @@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ msgstr "襷 " msgid "Size" msgstr "蠍" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "覃 覦" @@ -2315,12 +2315,12 @@ msgstr "启 覲企ゼ れ...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "启 覲企ゼ れ..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "%s%c%s襯 れ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "%s 启襯 れ..." @@ -2571,7 +2571,7 @@ msgstr "LDIF 殊 譯殊襦朱 螳語り鍵" msgid "Prev" msgstr "伎" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "れ" @@ -2797,20 +2797,20 @@ msgstr " " msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "襦貊 襦蠏" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread螳 glib 讌讌給.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "覯: %s [旧]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [譯殊] ク讌 谿曙 暑" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2820,53 +2820,58 @@ msgstr "" " 讌 殊 豌覿伎 ク讌 谿\n" " attached" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive 覃讌襯 覦給" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all 覈 螻 覃讌襯 覦給" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send 覈 覃讌襯 覲企" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 #, fuzzy msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status 豐 覃讌 螳襯 れ" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 #, fuzzy msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --status 豐 覃讌 螳襯 れ" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug 覯蟾 覈" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug 覯蟾 覈" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help 襷 螻 襷豺" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version 覯覯 覲 豢ロ螻 譬襭" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "覲企企 覃殊 覓語" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2880,19 +2885,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "覃讌襯 ク讌 谿曙 給. 襷 伎蟆給蟾?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "覲企伎讌 覃讌螳 給. 讌蠍 譬襭蟾?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2901,16 +2906,16 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP 讌蠍磯レ ." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "るジ Sylpheed螳 企 ろ螻 給.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr " れ ...\n" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3534,34 +3539,34 @@ msgstr "覈 " msgid "none" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "谿 覿襴 %d %d襦 覦蠖\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "讌 ク讌 觜郁鍵" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "讌 ク讌 覈 覃讌襯 觜瑚?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "覃朱 豢螳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3572,16 +3577,16 @@ msgstr "" "蠍一ヾ 覃 覦り 讌覃 朱\n" "れ蟆." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "覃 覦 `%s'螳 企 譟伎." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "覃朱" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3590,153 +3595,153 @@ msgstr "" "覃朱 煙 ろ給.\n" "襷 企 殊 企 譟伎蟇磯 蠏 螻褐 郁鍵 蟠 給." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 启 覲願鍵" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 覃讌 覲願鍵" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/(_R)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "覿蟆 覲企" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/(_y)/覲企語(_s)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/(_y)/覃朱襴ろ(_l)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/(_F)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/豌覿襦 (_w)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Redirec_t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "覦蠍" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr " 覃殊 螳語給" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "覿 覦蠍" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "覈 螻 覃殊 螳語給" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr " 覲願 覃讌襯 覲企" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr " 覃讌襯 燕" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "覃讌 覲企" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "豌 " -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "覿蟆 覲企" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "覃讌襯 るジ 蟆 " -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "覃讌襯 讌" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "蠍磯蓋 螻朱 れ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "ろ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr " 襦語るれ ろ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "れ 曙 覃讌襯 覲伎譴" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "れ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "蠍磯蓋 蟆 れ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "螻" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "螻 れ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "願鍵" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr " 襦蠏碁 伎蟆給蟾?" diff --git a/po/lt.po b/po/lt.po index cbb03540..ad243c74 100644 --- a/po/lt.po +++ b/po/lt.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-06-09 13:51+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Vitalijus Valantiejus \n" "Language-Team: Lithuanian \n" @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ msgstr "Kopijuoju 転inut %s%c%d 眺 %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Paskutinis numeris kataloge %s - %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ msgstr "Vardas:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1200,11 +1200,11 @@ msgstr "Bendras adresas" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Asmeninis adresas" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Prane邸imas" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "町spjimas" @@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@ msgstr "MIME tipas" msgid "Size" msgstr "Dydis" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Si迭sti" @@ -2281,12 +2281,12 @@ msgstr "Nustatoma katalogo informacija...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Nustatoma katalogo informacija..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Skanuojamas katalogas %s%c%s..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Skanuojamas katalogas %s..." @@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@ msgstr "Importuioti LDIF byl 眺 adres迭 knyg" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Atgal" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Kitas" @@ -2768,20 +2768,20 @@ msgstr "町veskite slapta転od眺" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Protokolo logas" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "glib nepalaiko g_thread.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Naudojimas: %s [PARAMETRAI]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [address] atverti ra邸ymo lang" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2791,23 +2791,23 @@ msgstr "" " atverti ra邸ymo lang su prisegtomis\n" " nurodytomis bylomis" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive gauti naujas 転inutes" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all gauti naujas 転inutes i邸 vis迭 sskait迭" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send si迭sti 転inutes eilje" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [katalogas]... rodyti bendr 転inui迭 skaii迭" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2815,28 +2815,33 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [katalogas]...\n" " rodyti kiekvieno katalogo b笛sen" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug derinimo r転imas" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug derinimo r転imas" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help rodyti 邸i pagalb ir baigti" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version i邸vesti versij ir baigti" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Byl迭 vard迭 koduot" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2860,19 +2865,19 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "Tsti?" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Ra邸oma 転inut. Tikrai i邸eiti?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "貼inuts eilje" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Eilje yra nei邸si迭st迭 転inui迭. I邸eiti dabar?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2881,15 +2886,15 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP palaikymas i邸jungtas." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "Sylpheed jau paleistas.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Konfig笛racijos atnaujinimas" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3485,33 +3490,33 @@ msgstr "Bevardis" msgid "none" msgstr "nieko" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Keiiamas lango dalijimo tipas i邸 %d 眺 %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Atsijungs" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "J笛s esate atsijungs. Prisijungti?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "I邸valyti visas 邸iuk邸lines" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "I邸trinti visas 転inutes 邸iuk邸linje?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Pridti d転ut" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3522,16 +3527,16 @@ msgstr "" "Jeigu ji egzistuoja, ji bus\n" "nuskanuota automati邸kai." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "D転ut %s egzistuoja." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "D転ut" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3540,149 +3545,149 @@ msgstr "" "Nepavyko sukurti d転uts.\n" "Galb笛t kai kurios bylos jau egzistuoja arba j笛s neturite leidimo ra邸yti ten." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Katalog迭 per転i笛ra" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 貼inuts per転i笛ra" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Atsakyti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/Atsakyti _visiems" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Atsakyti _siuntjui" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Atsakyti _konferencijai" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_Persi迭sti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Pe_rsi迭sti kaip pried" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Nukreip_ti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Gauti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Prijungti nauj pa邸t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Gauti visus" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Prijungti nauj vis迭 sskait迭 pa邸t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Si迭sti lai邸kus eilje" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Ra邸yti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Ra邸yti nauj lai邸k" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Atsakyti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Atsakyti 眺 lai邸k" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Atsakyti visus" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Atsakyti 眺 visus" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Persi迭sti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Persi迭sti lai邸k" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "I邸trinti lai邸k" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "Nereikalingas" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Pa転ymti kaip nereikaling" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Vykdyti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Vykdyti pa転ymtus procesus" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Kitas neskaitytas lai邸kas" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Nustatymai" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Bendri nustatymai" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Sskaita" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Sskaitos nustatymai" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "J笛s esate atsijungs. Spustelkite piktogram jei norite prisijungti." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "J笛s esate prisijungs. Spustelkite piktogram jei norite atsijungti." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "I邸eiti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "U転verti program?" diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po index 8a8ab587..1d3e9ae7 100644 --- a/po/nl.po +++ b/po/nl.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 0.8\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-02-18 13:03--100\n" "Last-Translator: Vincent van Adrighem \n" "Language-Team: Dutch \n" @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ msgstr "Bericht %s%c%d wordt gekopieerd naar %s...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Laatste nummer in map %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ msgstr "Naam:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1218,11 +1218,11 @@ msgstr "Algemene adressen" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Persoonlijke adressen" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Bericht" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Waarschuwing" @@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@ msgstr "MIME type" msgid "Size" msgstr "Grootte" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Verzenden" @@ -2342,12 +2342,12 @@ msgstr "Mapinfo wordt ingesteld...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Mapinfo wordt ingesteld..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Bezig met inlezen van map %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Bezig met inlezen van map %s ..." @@ -2599,7 +2599,7 @@ msgstr "Importeer LDIF bestand in het adresboek" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Vorig" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Volgende" @@ -2826,20 +2826,20 @@ msgstr "Geef wachtwoord" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Protocol-logboek" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread is niet ondersteunt door glib\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Gebruik: %s [OPTIES]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adres] open venster \"Bericht opstellen\"" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2849,53 +2849,58 @@ msgstr "" " venster 'bericht opstellen' openen met de\n" " gespacificeerde bestanden als bijvoegingen" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive haal nieuwe berichten op" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all Berichten ophalen van alle accounts" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send verstuur alle berichten uit de wachtrij" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 #, fuzzy msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status\t\t\ttotaal aantal berichten weergeven" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 #, fuzzy msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --status\t\t\ttotaal aantal berichten weergeven" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug debug modus" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug debug modus" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help geef deze hulp weer" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version\t\tgeef versie informatie en sluit af" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Codering voor uitgaande berichten" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2909,21 +2914,21 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "" "U bent een bericht aan het opstellen.\n" "Wilt u werkelijk het programma afsluiten?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Berichten zijn in de wachtrij gezet" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Er staan nog berichten in de wachtrij. Toch afsluiten?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2932,16 +2937,16 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP ondersteuning wordt uitgeschakeld." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "er draait al een Sylpheed.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Bezig met wegschrijven van configuratie van acties...\n" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3564,34 +3569,34 @@ msgstr "Geen titel" msgid "none" msgstr "niets" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Vensterscheidingstype wordt gewijzigd van %d naar %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Prullenbak leegmaken" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Alle berichten uit de prullenbak weggooien?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Mailbox toevoegen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3602,16 +3607,16 @@ msgstr "" "Als een bestaande mailbox wordt ingevuld,\n" "dan wordt hij automatisch gescand." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "De mailbox '%s' bestaat al." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Mailbox" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3621,153 +3626,153 @@ msgstr "" "Misschien bestaan er al wat bestanden, of heb je geen toestemming om er te " "schrijven." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Mappenoverzicht" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Berichtenoverzicht" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Antwoord" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "Bericht naar iedereen terugsturen." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Ant_woord sturen aan/_afzender" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Ant_woord sturen aan/_mailinglijst" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/D_oorsturen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Doorsturen als _bijvoeging" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/_Omleiden" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Ophalen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "E-mail ophalen en in de lijst zetten." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Alles oph." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "E-mail van alle accounts ophalen en in de lijsten zetten" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Verzend berichten uit de wachtrij" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Opstellen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Nieuw bericht opstellen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Antwoord" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Stuur een bericht terug naar de afzender" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Iedereen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Bericht naar iedereen terugsturen." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Doorsturen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Stuur dit bericht door" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Verwijder dit bericht" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Instellen als standaard" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Uitvoeren" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Voer de gemarkeerde acties uit" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Volgende ongelezen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Voork." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Algemene voorkeuren" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Account" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Accountinstellingen" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Afsluiten" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Sylpheed afsluiten?" diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po index b4469ffe..9ed5d945 100644 --- a/po/pl.po +++ b/po/pl.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 1.9.8 \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-03-05 18:57+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Wit Wilinski \n" "Language-Team: POLISH \n" @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ msgstr "Kopiowanie wiadomoci %s%c%d do %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Ostatni numer w katalogu %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ msgstr "Nazwa:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ msgstr "Wsp坦lny adres:" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Osobisty adres:" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Notatka" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Ostrze甜enie" @@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ msgstr "typ MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "Rozmiar" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Wylij" @@ -2289,12 +2289,12 @@ msgstr "Ustawianie informacji o katalogu...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Ustawianie informacji o katalogu..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Przeszukiwanie katalogu %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Przeszukiwanie katalogu %s ..." @@ -2544,7 +2544,7 @@ msgstr "Importuj plik LDIF do ksi甜ki adresowej" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Poprzednia" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Nastpna" @@ -2774,20 +2774,20 @@ msgstr "Wprowad添 haso" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Dziennik protokou" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "Bibltioteka glib nie obsuguje wywoania g_thread.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "U甜ycie: %s [OPCJE]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adres] otwiera okno tworzenia wiadomoci" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2797,23 +2797,23 @@ msgstr "" " otwiera okno tworzenia wiadomoci z plikami,\n" " kt坦re maj zosta doczone" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive odbiera nowe wiadomoci" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all odbiera nowe wiadomoci dla wszystkich kont" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send wysya wszystkie skolejkowane wiadomoci" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [katalog]... pokazuje czn liczb wiadomoci" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2821,30 +2821,35 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [katalog]...\n" " pokazuje czn liczb wiadomoci" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug tryb debugowania" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug tryb debugowania" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help wywietla t pomoc i wychodzi" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr "" " --version wywietla informacj o wersji i koczy dziaanie" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Kodowanie wyjciowe" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2858,19 +2863,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Tworzenie nowej wiadomoci. Czy zakoczy?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Skolejkowane wiadomoci" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Niekt坦re niewysane wiadomoci zostay skolejkowane. Czy wyj?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2879,15 +2884,15 @@ msgstr "" "wersja jest zbyt stara. Obsuga OpenPGP zostaa wyczona." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "Jest ju甜 uruchomiona kopia programu Sylpheed.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Migracja ustawie" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3486,33 +3491,33 @@ msgstr "Bez tytuu" msgid "none" msgstr "甜aden" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Zmiana typu rozdzielania okna z %d na %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Offline" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "Jeste offline. Przej do trybu online?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Opr坦甜nij mietnik" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Czy usun wszystkie wiadomoci ze mietnika?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Dodaj skrzynk" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3523,16 +3528,16 @@ msgstr "" "Jeli zostanie podana istniejca skrzynka, bdzie ona\n" "automatycznie skanowana." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Skrzynka \"%s\" ju甜 istnieje." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Skrzynka" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3542,150 +3547,150 @@ msgstr "" "By mo甜e pliki ju甜 istniej lub brak jest wystarczajcych uprawnie do " "zapisu w tym miejscu." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Widok Katalog坦w" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Widok Wiadomoci" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Odpowiedz" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/Odpowiedz wszystkim" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Odpowiedz nadawcy" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Odpowiedz _licie dyskusyjnej" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/Prze_ka甜" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Przeka甜 jako zacznik" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Prze_kieruj" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Odbierz" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Odbierz now poczt" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Odbierz wsz." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Odbierz now poczt z wszystkich kont" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Wylij wiadomoci z kolejki" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Utw坦rz" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Utw坦rz now wiadomo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Odpowiedz" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Odpowiedz na wiadomo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Odp. na wsz." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Odpowiedz na wszystkie" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Przeka甜" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Przeka甜 wiadomo dalej" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Usu wiadomo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Ustaw jako domylne" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Wykonaj" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Wykonaj zaznaczony proces" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Nastpna nieprzeczytana wiadomo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Preferencje" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Wsp坦lne preferencje " -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Konto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Ustawienia konta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "Jeste offline. Kliknij ikon by przej do trybu online." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "Jeste online. Kliknij ikon, by przej do trybu offline." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Koniec programu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Czy zakoczy program?" diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po index 66eb0994..e33deff3 100644 --- a/po/pt_BR.po +++ b/po/pt_BR.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-26 16:53-0300\n" "Last-Translator: Ricardo Nabinger Sanchez \n" "Language-Team: Andr辿 Casteliano Isa鱈as " @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ msgstr "Copiando mensagem %s%c%d para %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "ltimo n炭mero no diret坦rio %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ msgstr "Nome:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1206,11 +1206,11 @@ msgstr "Endere巽os comuns" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Endere巽os pessoais" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Notifica巽達o" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Aviso" @@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ msgstr "Tipo MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "Tamanho" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Enviar" @@ -2290,12 +2290,12 @@ msgstr "Configurando informa巽探es da pasta...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Configurando informa巽探es da pasta..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Revisando pasta %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Revisando pasta %s ..." @@ -2547,7 +2547,7 @@ msgstr "Importar arquivo LDIF para o Livro de Endere巽os" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Anterior" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Pr坦xima" @@ -2776,20 +2776,20 @@ msgstr "Informe a senha" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Log do protocolo" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread n達o 辿 suportada pela glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Uso: %s [OPO]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [endre巽o] abre janela de composi巽達o" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2799,23 +2799,23 @@ msgstr "" " abrir a janela de composi巽達o com os arquivos\n" " especificados anexados" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive recebe novas mensgens" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all recebe novas mensagens de todas as contas" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send envia todas as mensagens da fila" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [pasta]... mostra o n炭mero total de mensagens" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2823,30 +2823,35 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [pasta]...\n" " exibe o status de cada pasta" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" " --configdir diret坦rio especifica o diret坦rio que armazena os arquivos " "de configura巽達o" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug modo debug" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug modo debug" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help exibe esta ajuda e sai" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version mostra informa巽達o de vers達o e sai" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Codifica巽達o de nome de arquivo" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2870,19 +2875,19 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "Continuar?" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Ainda h叩 mensagens sendo escritas. Deseja sair?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Mensagens enviadas para a fila" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Algumas mensagens n達o enviadas est達o na fila. Sair agora?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2891,15 +2896,15 @@ msgstr "" "Suporte a OpenPGP desabilitado." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "outra c坦pia do Sylpheed j叩 est叩 sendo executada.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Migra巽達o da configura巽達o" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3494,32 +3499,32 @@ msgstr "Sem t鱈tulo" msgid "none" msgstr "nenhuma" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Mudando tipo de separa巽達o de janela de %d para %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Desconectado" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "Voc棚 est叩 desconectado. Conectar?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Esvaziar lixeira" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Apagar todas as mensagens nas lixeiras?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Adicionar caixa de correio" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" "If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n" @@ -3529,16 +3534,16 @@ msgstr "" "Se uma caixa de correio existente for especificada, ela ser叩\n" "analisada automaticamente." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "A caixa de correio `%s' j叩 existe." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Correio" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3548,149 +3553,149 @@ msgstr "" "Talvez alguns arquivos j叩 existam, ou voc棚 n達o tem permiss達o para escrever " "l叩." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Vis達o de Pastas" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Vis達o de Mensagens" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Responder" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/Responder para _todos" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Responder para o _remetente" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Responder para a /_lista" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/En_caminhar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Encaminhar como ane_xo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Re_direcionar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Baixar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Incorporar mensagens novas" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Baixar tudo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Incorporar novas mensagens de todas as contas" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Enviar Mensagem(s) da fila" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Escrever" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Escrever nova mensagem" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Responder" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Responder Mensagem" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Responder todas" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Responder para todos" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Encaminhar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Encaminhar a mensagem" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Apagar a mensagem" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "Spam" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Marcar como spam" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Executar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Executar os processos marcados" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Pr坦xima mensagem n達o lida" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Prefer棚ncias" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Prefer棚ncias comuns" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Conta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Prefer棚ncias da conta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "Voc棚 est叩 desconectado. Clique no 鱈cone para conectar." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "Voc棚 est叩 conectado. Clique no 鱈cone para desconectar." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Sair" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Sair do programa?" diff --git a/po/ro.po b/po/ro.po index 12cb4903..ebbf8b33 100644 --- a/po/ro.po +++ b/po/ro.po @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2000-08-28\n" "Last-Translator: Little Dragon \n" "Language-Team: Little Dragon \n" @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ msgstr "Copiere mesaj %s%c%d 樽n %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Ultimul numr din directorul %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ msgstr " Nume:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1227,11 +1227,11 @@ msgstr "Adresse comun:" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Adresse personal:" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Informa釘ie" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Avertisment" @@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ msgstr "Tip MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "Dimensiune" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Trimitere" @@ -2367,12 +2367,12 @@ msgstr "Setare informa釘ii despre director...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Setare informa釘ii despre director..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Scanare director %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Scanare director %s ..." @@ -2627,7 +2627,7 @@ msgstr "Importare fiier LDIF 樽n agend" msgid "Prev" msgstr "napio" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "nainte" @@ -2860,75 +2860,80 @@ msgstr "Introducere parol" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Log protocol" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread nu este suportat de glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Utilizare: %s [OP鄭IUNE]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adres] deschidere fereastr de compunere" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" " attached" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive recep釘ionare mesaje noi" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr "" " --receive-all recep釘ionare mesaje noi pentru toate conturile" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 #, fuzzy msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --status afiare numr total de mesaje" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 #, fuzzy msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status afiare numr total de mesaje" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 #, fuzzy msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --status afiare numr total de mesaje" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug mod debug" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug mod debug" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help afiare ajutor i ieire" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version afiare versiune i ieire" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Set de caractere" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2942,21 +2947,21 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "" "Fereastra de compunere de mesaje exist.\n" "Sunte釘i sigur c dori釘i sa iei釘i ?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Mesaje 樽n lista de ateptare" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Exista mesaje netrimise 樽n lista de ateptare. Dori釘i sa iei釘i ?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 #, fuzzy msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" @@ -2966,16 +2971,16 @@ msgstr "" "Suportul pentru OpenPGP a fost dezactivat." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "ruleaz o alta sesiune Sylpheed.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Scriere configura釘ia filtrului...\n" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3680,34 +3685,34 @@ msgstr "Neintitulat" msgid "none" msgstr "nimic" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "/_Fiier/_Cur釘are gunoi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Dori釘i tergerea tuturor mesajelor din gunoi ?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Adugare cutie potal" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3718,16 +3723,16 @@ msgstr "" "Dac este specificat o cutie potal existent, aceasta\n" "va fi scanat automat." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Cutia potal '%s' exist deja." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Cutie potal" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3737,155 +3742,155 @@ msgstr "" "Probabil c anumite fiiere exist deja, sau nu ave釘i permisiuni de " "scriereadecvate." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Rspunde" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "Rspunde la to釘i" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Rspunde _la to釘i" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Rspunde _la to釘i" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_naintare" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 #, fuzzy msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/naintare ca a_taament" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 #, fuzzy msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Re_editare" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Ia" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Recep釘ionare mesaje noi pentru contul curent" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Ia tot" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Recep釘ionare mesaje noi pentru toate conturile" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Trimiterea mesajului(lor) din lista de ateptare" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Creare" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Creare mesaj nou" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Rspuns" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Rspunde la mesaj" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Rspuns to釘i" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Rspunde la to釘i" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "naintare" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "naintare mesaj" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "tergere mesaj" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Executare" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Execut toate procesele marcate" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Urmtorul mesaj necitit" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Preferin釘e" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 #, fuzzy msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Preferin釘e comune" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Cont" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Setri cont curent" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Ieire" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Dori釘i s prsi釘i acest program ?" diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po index 4b1e8c9c..9e473ff6 100644 --- a/po/ru.po +++ b/po/ru.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 1.0.0beta4\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-12-05 17:16+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Sergey Vlasov \n" "Language-Team: Russian \n" @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ msgstr "仂仗亳仂于舒仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 %s%c%d 于 %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "仂仍亠亟仆亳亶 仆仂仄亠 于 从舒舒仍仂亞亠 %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ msgstr "仄:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1207,11 +1207,11 @@ msgstr "亟亠舒 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳亶" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "亳仆亠 舒亟亠舒" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "丕于亠亟仂仄仍亠仆亳亠" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "亠亟仗亠亢亟亠仆亳亠" @@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ msgstr "丐亳仗 MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "舒亰仄亠" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "仗舒于亳" @@ -2320,12 +2320,12 @@ msgstr "丕舒仆仂于从舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳亳 仂 仗舒仗从亠...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "丕舒仆仂于从舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳亳 仂 仗舒仗从亠..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "仂仄仂 仗舒仗从亳 %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "仂仄仂 仗舒仗从亳 %s ..." @@ -2575,7 +2575,7 @@ msgstr "仄仗仂 舒亶仍舒 LDIF 于 舒亟亠仆 从仆亳亞" msgid "Prev" msgstr "舒亰舒亟" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "舒仍亠亠" @@ -2805,20 +2805,20 @@ msgstr "于仂亟 仗舒仂仍" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "仆舒仍" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread 仆亠 仗仂亟亟亠亢亳于舒亠 于 glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠: %s [丐]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [舒亟亠] 仂从 仂从仆仂 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2828,24 +2828,24 @@ msgstr "" " 仂从 仂从仆仂 仂亰亟舒仆亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仗亳仂亠亟亳仆亠仆仆仄亳\n" " 舒亶仍舒仄亳" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive 仗仂仍亳 仆仂于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr "" " --receive-all 仗仂仍亳 仆仂于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仂 于亠 亠仆 亰舒仗亳亠亶" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send 仂仂仍舒 于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 亳亰 仂亠亠亟亳" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [仗舒仗从舒]... 于于亠亳 仄仄舒仆仂亠 从仂仍亳亠于仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2853,29 +2853,34 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [仗舒仗从舒]...\n" " 于于亠亳 仂仂礌亳亠 从舒亰舒仆仆 仗舒仗仂从" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 仂仍舒亟从亳" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 仂仍舒亟从亳" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help 仂仂弍舒亰亳 仂 仂仗亳舒仆亳亠 亳 于亶亳" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version 于于亠亳 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 于亠亳亳 亳 于亶亳" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "仂亟亳仂于从舒 仂仗舒于仍磳仄 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2889,19 +2894,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr " 亠亟舒从亳亠仄仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠. 仂亟亳?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "弌仂仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂亠亠亟亳" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr " 仂亠亠亟亳 亠 仆亠仗仂仍舒仆仆亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳. 仂亟亳?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2910,16 +2915,16 @@ msgstr "" "仂亟亟亠亢从舒 OpenPGP 仂从仍ム亠仆舒." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "亟亞舒 从仂仗亳 Sylpheed 亢亠 亰舒仗亠仆舒.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "舒仂亶从舒 亟亠亶于亳亶" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3525,33 +3530,33 @@ msgstr "亠亰 仆舒亰于舒仆亳" msgid "none" msgstr "仆亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亠 亳仗舒 舒亰亟亠仍亠仆亳 仂从仆舒 %d 仆舒 %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "于仂仆仂仄仆舒 舒弍仂舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr " 舒弍仂舒亠亠 于 舒于仂仆仂仄仆仂仄 亠亢亳仄亠. 仂亟从仍ム亳 从 亠亳?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "亳亳 于亠 从仂亰亳仆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "丕亟舒仍亳 于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 亳亰 从仂亰亳仆?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "仂弍舒于亳 仗仂仂于亶 亳从" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3562,16 +3567,16 @@ msgstr "" "仍亳 弍亟亠 从舒亰舒仆 亠于ム亳亶 亳从, 仂 仂仆\n" "弍亟亠 舒于仂仄舒亳亠从亳 仗仂亳舒仆." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "仂仂于亶 亳从 '%s' 亢亠 亠于亠." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "仂仂于亶 亳从" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3581,151 +3586,151 @@ msgstr "" "仂亢亠 弍, 仆亠从仂仂亠 舒亶仍 亢亠 亠于ム, 亳仍亳 于 仆亠 亳仄亠亠亠 仗舒于 仆舒 亰舒仗亳 " "于 从舒舒仍仂亞亠." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 舒仗从亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/于亠亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/于亠亳 于亠仄" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/于亠亳 仂仗舒于亳亠仍" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/于亠亳 于 仗亳仂从 舒仍从亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/亠亠仍舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/亠亠仍舒 从舒从 于仍仂亢亠仆亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/亠亠仆舒仗舒于亳 弍亠亰 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "亳仆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "仂仍亳 仆仂于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "亳仆 于亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "仂仍亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仂 于亠 亠仆 亰舒仗亳亠亶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "仂仍舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳 亳亰 仂亠亠亟亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "舒仗亳舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "舒仗亳舒 仆仂于仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "于亠亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "于亠亳 仆舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "于亠亳 于亠仄" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "于亠亳 于亠仄" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "亠亠仍舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "亠亠仍舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "丕亟舒仍亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "仂 仄仂仍舒仆亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "仗仂仍仆亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "仗仂仍仆亳 仂仄亠亠仆仆亶 仗仂亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "弌仍亠亟ム亠亠 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仆仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "弌于仂亶于舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "弍亳亠 仆舒仂亶从亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "丕亠仆舒 亰舒仗亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "舒仂亶从舒 亠仆仂亶 亰舒仗亳亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" " 舒弍仂舒亠亠 于 舒于仂仆仂仄仆仂仄 亠亢亳仄亠. 乂亠仍从仆亳亠 仗仂 亰仆舒从, 仂弍 仗仂亟从仍ム亳." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr " 仗仂亟从仍ム亠仆. 乂亠仍从仆亳亠 仗仂 亰仆舒从, 仂弍 舒弍仂舒 舒于仂仆仂仄仆仂." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "仂亟" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "亶亳 亳亰 仗仂亞舒仄仄?" diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po index ab2c0127..d8778ae1 100644 --- a/po/sk.po +++ b/po/sk.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-22 17:46+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Andrej Kacian \n" "Language-Team: Slovak \n" @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ msgstr "Kop鱈rujem spr叩vu %s%c%d do %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Posledn辿 鱈slo v prieinku %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ msgstr "Meno:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1206,11 +1206,11 @@ msgstr "Spolon叩 adresa" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "S炭kromn叩 adresa" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Upozornenie" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Varovanie" @@ -1734,7 +1734,7 @@ msgstr "MIME typ" msgid "Size" msgstr "Ve直kos泥" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Odosla泥" @@ -2330,12 +2330,12 @@ msgstr "Nastavujem inform叩cie o prieinku...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Nastavujem inform叩cie o prieinku..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Preh直ad叩vam prieinok %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Preh直ad叩vam prieinok %s ..." @@ -2585,7 +2585,7 @@ msgstr "Importova泥 s炭bor LDIF do adres叩ra" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Predch叩dzaj炭ci" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Nasleduj炭ca" @@ -2817,20 +2817,20 @@ msgstr "Zadajte heslo" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Z叩znam protokolu" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "glib nepodporuje g_thread.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Pou転itie: %s [VO捗BY]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adresa] otvor鱈 okno pre p鱈sanie novej spr叩vy" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2841,23 +2841,23 @@ msgstr "" "uveden箪mi\n" " s炭bormi" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive prijme nov辿 spr叩vy" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all prijme nov辿 spr叩vy pre v邸etky kont叩" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send po邸le v邸etky spr叩vy vo v箪stupnej fronte" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [prieinok]... zobraz鱈 celkov箪 poet spr叩v" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2865,30 +2865,35 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [prieinok]...\n" " zobraz鱈 stav jednotliv箪ch prieinkov" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug ladiaci m坦d" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug ladiaci m坦d" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help zobraz鱈 t炭to n叩povedu a ukon鱈 program" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr "" " --version zobraz鱈 inform叩cie o verzii a ukon鱈 program" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "V箪stupn辿 k坦dovanie znakov" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2902,19 +2907,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "M叩te rozp鱈san炭 spr叩vu. Naozaj ukoni泥?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Spr叩vy vo fronte" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Vo fronte s炭 neodoslan辿 spr叩vy. Ukoni泥 program?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2923,16 +2928,16 @@ msgstr "" "Podpora OpenPGP je vypnut叩." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "u転 be転鱈 in叩 k坦pia Sylpheedu.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Nastavenie akci鱈" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3548,34 +3553,34 @@ msgstr "Bez n叩zvu" msgid "none" msgstr "転iadny" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Men鱈m typ odde直ovaa okien z %d na %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Odpojen辿" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "Ste odpojen箪. Pripoji泥 sa?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Vypr叩zdni泥 k担邸" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Zmaza泥 v邸etky spr叩vy v ko邸i?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Prida泥 mailbox" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3586,16 +3591,16 @@ msgstr "" "Ak zad叩te existuj炭ci mailbox, bude\n" "automaticky preh直adan箪." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Mailbox '%s' u転 existuje." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Mailbox" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3605,153 +3610,153 @@ msgstr "" "Pravdepodobne u転 niektor辿 s炭bory existuj炭, alebo tam nem叩te pr叩va na " "zapisovanie." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Zobrazenie prieinku" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Zobrazenie spr叩vy" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Odpoveda泥" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "Odpoveda泥 odosielate直ovi i v邸etk箪m pr鱈jemcom" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/O_dpoveda泥 komu/_odosielate直ovi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/O_dpoveda泥 komu/do _diskusnej skupiny" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_Posla泥 alej" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Posla泥 alej ako p_r鱈lohu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Pr_esmerova泥" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Prija泥" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Prija泥 nov炭 po邸tu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Prija泥 v邸etko" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Prija泥 nov炭 po邸tu pre v邸etky kont叩" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Odosla泥 spr叩vy vo fronte" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Nov叩 spr叩va" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Nap鱈sa泥 nov炭 spr叩vu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Odpoveda泥" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Odpoveda泥 na spr叩vu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Odp. v邸etk箪m" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Odpoveda泥 odosielate直ovi i v邸etk箪m pr鱈jemcom" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Posla泥 alej" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Posla泥 spr叩vu alej" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Zmaza泥 spr叩vu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Nastavi泥 ako v箪chodzie" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Vykona泥" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Vykona泥 oznaen箪 proces" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "al邸ia nepre鱈tan叩 spr叩va" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Nastavenia" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "V邸eobecn辿 nastavenia" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Konto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Nastavenie konta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "Ste odpojen箪. Kliknite na ikonu, ak sa chcete pripoji泥." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "Ste pripojen箪. Kliknite na ikonu, ak sa chcete odpoji泥." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Ukoni泥" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Ukoni泥 program" diff --git a/po/sl.po b/po/sl.po index 83e64b85..7e5bfa83 100644 --- a/po/sl.po +++ b/po/sl.po @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-01-24 20:39CET\n" "Last-Translator: Jernej Kovacic \n" "Language-Team: Slovenian \n" @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ msgstr "Kopiram sporoilo %s%c%d v %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Zadnja 邸tevilka v imeniku %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ msgstr "Ime:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1211,11 +1211,11 @@ msgstr "Skupni naslov" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Osebni naslov" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Opomba" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Opozorilo" @@ -1739,7 +1739,7 @@ msgstr "Tip MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "Velikost" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Po邸lji" @@ -2334,12 +2334,12 @@ msgstr "Nastavljam informacije o mapi...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Nastavljam informacije o mapi..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Preiskujem mapo %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Preiskujem mapo %s ..." @@ -2590,7 +2590,7 @@ msgstr "Uvozi datoteko LDIF v imenik naslovov" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Prej邸nji" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Naslednji" @@ -2817,20 +2817,20 @@ msgstr "Vnesite geslo" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Dnevnik protokola" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread ni podprt v glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Uporaba: %s [MO貼NOST]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [naslov] odpri okno za sestavljanje novega sporoila" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2840,53 +2840,58 @@ msgstr "" " odpri okno za sestavljanje s pripetimi\n" " podanimi datotekami" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive poberi nova sporoila" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all poberi nova sporoila z vseh raunov" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send po邸lji vsa akajoa sporoila" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 #, fuzzy msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status prika転i skupno 邸tevilo sporoil" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 #, fuzzy msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --status prika転i skupno 邸tevilo sporoil" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug razhro邸evalni nain" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug razhro邸evalni nain" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help prika転i to pomo in konaj" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version prika転i informacijo o razliici in konaj" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Izhodni nabor znakov" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2900,19 +2905,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "e vedno sestavljate sporoilo. Ali naj res konam?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "akajoa sporoila" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Nekaj neposlamih sporoil je na akanju. Ali naj konam?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2921,16 +2926,16 @@ msgstr "" "Podpora za OpenPGP je izkljuena." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "Sylpheed 転e tee.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Pi邸em nastavitve dejanj..\n" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3553,34 +3558,34 @@ msgstr "Brez naslova" msgid "none" msgstr "ni" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Spreminjam tip loevanja oken z %d na %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Izprazni smetnjak" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Izbri邸em vsa sporoila v smetnjaku?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Dodaj po邸tni predal" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3591,16 +3596,16 @@ msgstr "" "e je doloen obstojei po邸tni predal,\n" "bo pregledan samodejno." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Po邸tni predal `%s' 転e obstaja." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Po邸tni predal" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3609,153 +3614,153 @@ msgstr "" "Izdelava po邸tnega predala ni uspela.\n" "Morda obstajajo nekatere datoteke ali pa tam nimate dovoljenja za pisanje." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sypheed - ogled mape" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - ogled sporoila" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/O_dgovori" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "Odgovori vsem" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Odgovor _za/_po邸iljatelja" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Odgovor _za/_dopisni seznam" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/P_osreduj" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Posreduj kot prilo_go" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Pre_usmeri" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Poberi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Pripoji novo po邸to" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Poberi vsa" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Pripoji novo po邸to z vseh raunov" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Po邸lji akajoa sporoila" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Sestavi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Sestavi novo sporoilo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Odgovori" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Odgovori na sporoilo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Odgovori vsem" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Odgovori vsem" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Posreduj" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Posreduj sporoilo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Izbri邸i sporoilo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Nastavi kot privzeto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Izvedi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Izvedi oznaen proces" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Naslednje neprebrano sporoilo" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Nastavitve" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Splo邸ne preference" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Raun" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Nastavitev rauna" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Konaj" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Ali naj konam ta program?" diff --git a/po/sr.po b/po/sr.po index 1004dba8..a5735d63 100644 --- a/po/sr.po +++ b/po/sr.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-11-29 21:08+0100\n" "Last-Translator: garret \n" "Language-Team: Serbian\n" @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ msgstr "Kopiram poruke %s%c%d u %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Posednji broj u direktoriju %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ msgstr "Ime:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ msgstr "Uobiajene adrese" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Line adrese" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Obave邸tenje" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Upozorenje" @@ -1734,7 +1734,7 @@ msgstr "MIME tip" msgid "Size" msgstr "Veliina" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Po邸alji" @@ -2329,12 +2329,12 @@ msgstr "Postavljam info direktorijuma...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Postavljam info direktorijuma..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "Pretra転ujem direktorijume %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "Pretra転ujem direktorijum %s ..." @@ -2585,7 +2585,7 @@ msgstr "Unesi LDIF datoteku u Adresar" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Preth." -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Sled." @@ -2812,20 +2812,20 @@ msgstr "Unesite lozinku" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Zapis protokola" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "glib ne podr転ava g_thread.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Upotreba: %s [OPCIJA]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adresa] otvara prozor za pisanje" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2835,53 +2835,58 @@ msgstr "" " otvara prozor za pisanje sa navedenim datotekama\n" " dodato" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive prima nove poruke" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all primi sve poruke sa svih naloga" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send 邸alje sve odlo転ene poruke" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 #, fuzzy msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status pokazuje ukupan broj poruka" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 #, fuzzy msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --status pokazuje ukupan broj poruka" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug debug nain" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug debug nain" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help prika転 ovu pomo izai" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version prikazuje verziju i izlazi" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Izlazni charset" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2895,19 +2900,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Napisana poruka postoji. Zaista prekinuti?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Odlo転ene poruke" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Neke neposlate poruke su odlo転ene. Izai odmah?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2916,16 +2921,16 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP podr邸ka je onemoguena." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "drugi Sylpheed ve radi.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Pisanje konfiguracije za akcije...\n" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3549,34 +3554,34 @@ msgstr "Neimenovano" msgid "none" msgstr "ni邸ta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Menjanje vrste podele prozora iz %d u %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "Isprazni smee" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Isprazniti sve poruke iz smea?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Dodaj sandue" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3587,16 +3592,16 @@ msgstr "" "Ako je une邸en postojee sandue, automatski\n" "e biti pretra転en." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Sandue`%s' ve postoji." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Sandue" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3605,153 +3610,153 @@ msgstr "" "Kreiranje sandueta nije uspelo.\n" "Mo転da neke datoteke ve postoje ili nemate pravo pisanja u direktoriju." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Direktorijumi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Poruke" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/Od_govor" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "Odgovori svima" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/O_dgovori/_po邸iljaocu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 #, fuzzy msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/O_dgovori/na mailing _listu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/P_rosledi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Pro_sledi kao dodatak" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Pre_usmeri" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Primi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Prima novu po邸tu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Primi sve" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "Prima novu po邸tu sa svih naloga" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "alje odlo転ene poruku/e" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Napi邸i" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Napi邸i novu poruku" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Odgovori" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Odgovari na poruku" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Odgovori na sve" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Odgovori svima" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Prosledi" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Prosleuje poruku" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Obri邸i poruku" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "Postavi kao uobiajeni" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Izvr邸i" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "Izvr邸i oznaene procese" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Sledea neproitana poruka" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Svojstva" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Uobiajena svojstva" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Nalog" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Pode邸avanja naloga" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Izlaz" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Izlaz iz ovog programa?" diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po index 5f646385..c5d81556 100644 --- a/po/sv.po +++ b/po/sv.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-12-05 14:40+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Roger Lindmark \n" "Language-Team: Swedish \n" @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ msgstr "Kopierar meddelande %s%c%d till %s...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Sista tal i mapp %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ msgstr "Namn:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1202,11 +1202,11 @@ msgstr "Vanlig adress" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Privat adress" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Notera" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Varning" @@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ msgstr "MIME-typ" msgid "Size" msgstr "Storlek" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "Skicka" @@ -2283,12 +2283,12 @@ msgstr "St辰ller in mappinfo...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "St辰ller in mappinfo..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "S旦ker igenom mapp %s%c%s..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "S旦ker igenom mapp %s ..." @@ -2539,7 +2539,7 @@ msgstr "Importera LDIF-fil till adressboken" msgid "Prev" msgstr "F旦reg奪ende" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "N辰sta" @@ -2768,20 +2768,20 @@ msgstr "Skriv in l旦senord" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Protokollogg" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread st旦ds inte av glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Anv辰ndning: %s [FLAGGOR]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adress] 旦ppna skrivf旦nster" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2791,23 +2791,23 @@ msgstr "" " 旦ppna skrivf旦nster med angivna filer\n" " bifogade" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive ta emot nya meddelanden" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all ta emot nya meddelanden fr奪n alla konton" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send skicka alla k旦ade meddelanden" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [mapp]... visar det totala antalet meddelanden" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2815,28 +2815,33 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [mapp]...\n" " visa status f旦r varje mapp" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug fels旦kningsl辰ge" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug fels旦kningsl辰ge" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help visa denna hj辰lp och avsluta" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version skriv ut versionsinformation och avsluta" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Filnamn kodning" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2860,19 +2865,19 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "Forts辰tt?" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Ett skrivet meddelande finns. Avsluta 辰nd奪?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Meddelanden i k旦" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "N奪gra oskickade meddelanden ligger i k旦. Avsluta nu?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2881,15 +2886,15 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP-st旦d avst辰ngt." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "en annan instans av Sylpheed 辰r redan ig奪ng.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Migration av konfiguration" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3484,32 +3489,32 @@ msgstr "Namnl旦s" msgid "none" msgstr "inget" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Byter f旦nsterseparationstyp fr奪n %d till %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Fr奪nkopplad" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "Du 辰r fr奪nkopplad. Vill du ansluta?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "T旦m alla papperskorgar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "Ta bort alla meddelanden i papperskorgen?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "L辰gg till brevl奪da" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" "If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n" @@ -3519,16 +3524,16 @@ msgstr "" "Om den existerande brevl奪dan specificeras, kommer den\n" "att s旦kas igenom automatiskt." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "Brevl奪dan \"%s\" finns redan." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Brevl奪da" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3537,149 +3542,149 @@ msgstr "" "Brevl奪dan kunde inte skapas.\n" "N奪gra filer finns redan eller s奪 saknar du skrivr辰ttigheter d辰r." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Mappvy" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - Meddelandevy" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/Sva_ra" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/Svara till _alla" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/Svara till av_s辰ndaren" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/Svara till e-post_lista" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/Vi_darebefordra" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/Vidarebefordra som _bilaga" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/_Omdirigera" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "H辰mta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "H辰mta ny post" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "H辰mta allt" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "H辰mta ny post fr奪n alla konton" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Skicka k旦ade meddelanden" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "Skriv" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Skriv nytt meddelande" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Svara" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "Svara p奪 meddelandet" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Svara alla" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Svara till alla" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Vidarebefordra" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "Vidarebefordra meddelandet" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "Ta bort meddelandet" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "Skr辰p" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "S辰tt som skr辰ppost" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Utf旦r k旦ade 奪tg辰rder" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "K旦r markerad process" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "N辰sta ol辰sta meddelande" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Inst." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Allm辰nna inst辰llningar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Konto" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Kontoinst辰llningar" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "Du 辰r fr奪nkopplad. Klicka p奪 ikonen f旦r att ansluta." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "Du 辰r ansluten. Klicka p奪 ikonen f旦r att koppla fr奪n." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Avsluta" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Avsluta detta program?" diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po index 4cd3ebf6..b8aed108 100644 --- a/po/tr.po +++ b/po/tr.po @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: tr\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-12-03 11:44+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Arman Aksoy \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ msgstr "%s%c%d mesaj脹 %s i巽ine kopyalan脹yor...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "Dizindeki son numara %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ msgstr "聴sim:" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1207,11 +1207,11 @@ msgstr "Ortak adres" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "Kiisel adres" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Not" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Uyar脹" @@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ msgstr "MIME t端r端" msgid "Size" msgstr "Boyut" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "G旦nder" @@ -2320,12 +2320,12 @@ msgstr "Dizin bilgisi ayarlan脹yor...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "Dizin bilgisi ayarlan脹yor..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "%s%c%s dizini taran脹yor..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "%s dizini taran脹yor..." @@ -2575,7 +2575,7 @@ msgstr "LDIF dosyas脹n脹 Adres Defterine aktar" msgid "Prev" msgstr "nceki" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "Sonraki" @@ -2805,20 +2805,20 @@ msgstr "Parolay脹 girin" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "Protokol g端nl端端" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread, glib taraf脹ndan desteklenmiyor.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "Kullan脹m: %s [SEENEKLER] ...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [adres] d端zenleme penceresini a巽ar" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2828,23 +2828,23 @@ msgstr "" " d端zenleme penceresini belirtilen dosyalar\n" " postaya eklenmi halde a巽ar" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive yeni mesajlar脹 al脹r" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all t端m hesaplardaki yeni mesajlar脹 al脹r" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send kuyruktaki postalar脹 g旦nderir" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [dizin]... toplam mesaj say脹s脹n脹 g旦ster" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2852,29 +2852,34 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [dizin]...\n" " her dizinin durumunu g旦ster" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug hata ay脹klama modu" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug hata ay脹klama modu" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help bu yard脹m脹 g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version s端r端m bilgisini g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "Giden ileti kod k端mesi" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2888,19 +2893,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "Mesaj脹 g旦ndermeden 巽脹kmak istediinizden emin misiniz?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "Kuyruktaki iletiler" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "Hala g旦nderilmemi baz脹 iletiler kuyrukta bekliyor. imdi 巽脹k脹ls脹n m脹?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2909,16 +2914,16 @@ msgstr "" "OpenPGP destei kapat脹ld脹." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "Baka bir Sylpheed sistemde 巽al脹脹yor.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "Eylem ayarlar脹" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3525,33 +3530,33 @@ msgstr "Bal脹ks脹z" msgid "none" msgstr "hi巽biri" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "Pencere ay脹rma tarz脹 %d den %d e 巽evriliyor\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "evrimd脹脹" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "evrimd脹脹s脹n脹z. evrimi巽i olunsun mu?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "T端m 巽旦p端 boalt" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "旦pteki t端m iletiler silinsin mi?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "Posta kutusu ekle" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3562,16 +3567,16 @@ msgstr "" "Eer varolan potsa kutusu verilirse, otomatik\n" "olarak taranacakt脹r." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "`%s' posta kutusu zaten var." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "Posta kutusu" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3580,150 +3585,150 @@ msgstr "" "Posta kutusu oluturulurken hata olutu.\n" "Baz脹 dosyalar bulunuyor olabilir veya yeterli izine sahip olmayabilirsiniz." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylheed - Dizin G旦r端n端m端" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpeed - 聴leti G旦r端n端m端" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/_Yan脹tla" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/Her_kese yan脹tla" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/_G旦nderene yan脹tla" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/_E-posta listesine yan脹tla" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/_Y旦nlendir" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/_Ek olarak y旦nlendir" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/Ye_niden y旦nlendir" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "Al" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "Yeni postalar脹 da脹t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "Hepsini al" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "T端m hesaplardaki postalar脹 da脹t" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "Kuyruktaki iletileri g旦nder" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "D端zenle" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "Yeni ileti d端zenle" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Yan脹tla" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "聴letiyi yan脹tla" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "Hepsine ynt." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "Herkese yan脹tla" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Y旦nlendir" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "聴letiyi y旦nlendir" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "聴letiyi sil" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "ntan脹ml脹 kullan" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "al脹t脹r" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "聴aretli s端re巽leri 巽al脹t脹r" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "Sonraki okunmam脹 ileti" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "Tercihler" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "Ortak tercihler" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "Hesap" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "Hesap ayarlar脹" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "evrimd脹脹s脹n脹z. evrimi巽i olmak i巽in simgeye t脹klay脹n." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "evrimi巽isiniz. evrimd脹脹 olmak i巽in simgeye t脹klay脹n." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "脹k" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "Programdan 巽脹k脹ls脹n m脹?" diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po index f8018c51..297af81f 100644 --- a/po/uk.po +++ b/po/uk.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 2.1.4\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-22 17:21+0300\n" "Last-Translator: O.R. Nykyforchyn \n" "Language-Team: Ukrainian \n" @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ msgstr "仂仗ム仄仂 仍亳 %s%c%d 于 %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "舒仆仆亶 仆仂仄亠 于 从舒舒仍仂亰 %s = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ msgstr "仄':" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ msgstr "亟亠舒 仂亞舒仆亰舒" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "仂弍亳舒 舒亟亠舒" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "亳仄从舒" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "仂仗亠亠亟亢亠仆仆" @@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@ msgstr "亳仗 MIME" msgid "Size" msgstr "仂亰仄" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "仂仍舒亳" @@ -2285,12 +2285,12 @@ msgstr "舒仆仂于仍ム仄仂 仆仂仄舒 仗舒仗从亳...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "舒仆仂于仍ム仄仂 仆仂仄舒 仗舒仗从亳..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "亠亠亳仄仂 仗舒仗从 %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "亠亠亳仄仂 仗舒仗从 %s ..." @@ -2541,7 +2541,7 @@ msgstr "仄仗仂于舒亳 舒亶仍 LDIF 于 舒亟亠仆 从仆亳亞" msgid "Prev" msgstr "舒亰舒亟" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "舒仍" @@ -2770,20 +2770,20 @@ msgstr "于亠亟 仗舒仂仍" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "仆舒仍 仗仂仂从仂仍" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "g_thread 仆亠 仗亟亳仄 glib.\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "亢亳于舒仆仆: %s [丶]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [address] 于亟从亳亳 于从仆仂 亟仍 仆仂于仂亞仂 仍亳舒" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2793,23 +2793,23 @@ msgstr "" " 于亟从亳亳 于从仆仂 于仂亠仆仆 亰 仗亳亟仆舒仆仆礆 于从舒亰舒仆亳\n" " 舒亶仍于" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive 仂亳仄舒亳 仆仂于 仍亳亳" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all 仂亳仄舒亳 仆仂于 仍亳亳 亟仍 于 亰舒仗亳于" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send 于亟仍舒亳 于 于亟从仍舒亟亠仆 仍亳亳" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [folder]... 仗仂从舒亰舒亳 亰舒亞舒仍仆 从仍从 仍亳于" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2817,28 +2817,33 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " 仗仂从舒亰舒亳 舒仆 从仂亢仆仂 仗舒仗从亳" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 于亟仍舒亞仂亟亢亠仆仆" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 于亟仍舒亞仂亟亢亠仆仆" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help 仗仂从舒亰舒亳 亟仂于亟从 于亳亶亳" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version 于亳亟舒亳 仆仂仄舒 仗仂 于亠 于亳亶亳" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳 亟仍 仄亠仆 舒亶仍于" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2862,19 +2867,19 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "仂亟仂于亢亳亳?" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr " 仆亠亰舒于亠亠仆 仍亳亳. 弌仗舒于亟 于亳亶亳?" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "亳亳 于 亠亰" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "亠磻 仆亠于亟仍舒仆 仍亳亳 - 于 亠亰. 亳亶亳 亰舒舒亰?" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2883,15 +2888,15 @@ msgstr "" "亟从仍ム亠仆仂 仗亟亳仄从 OpenPGP." #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "于亢亠 亰舒仗亠仆仂 仆亳亶 Sylpheed.\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "亠亠仆亠亠仆仆 仆舒仍舒于舒仆" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3486,32 +3491,32 @@ msgstr "亠亰舒亰于亳" msgid "none" msgstr "仆亠仄舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "仄仆舒 亳仗 仂亰亟仍亠仆仆 于从仆舒 亰 %d 仆舒 %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "亠亰 亰'亟仆舒仆仆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "'亟仆舒仆仆 仆亠仄舒. 亟'亟仆舒亳?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "弌仗仂仂亢仆亳亳 于亠 从仂亳从" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "亳亟舒仍亳亳 于 仍亳亳 亰 仗舒仗仂从 从仂亳从舒?" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "仂亟舒亳 从亳仆从" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" "If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n" @@ -3521,16 +3526,16 @@ msgstr "" "亊从仂 于仂仆舒 于亢亠 仆, 弍亟亠 仗亠亠亳舒仆仂\n" "舒于仂仄舒亳仆仂." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "弌从亳仆从舒 `%s' 于亢亠 仆." -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "弌从亳仆从舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3540,149 +3545,149 @@ msgstr "" "仂亢仍亳于仂, 亟亠磻 舒亶仍亳 于亢亠 仆ム, 舒弍仂 亳 仆亠 仄舒亠\n" "仗舒于舒 亰舒仗亳 ." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 舒仗从亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 亳亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/亟仗仂于亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/亟仗仂于亳 于仄" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/亟仗仂于亳 于亟仗舒于仆亳从仂于" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/亟仗仂于亳 从仂仆亠亠仆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/亠亠仍舒亳 亟舒仍" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/亠亠仍舒亳 亟舒仍 磻 于从仍舒亟亠仆仆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/亠亠仗礆于舒亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "亳仄舒亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "亳仄舒亳 仆仂于 仍亳亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "亳仄舒亳 于" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "亳仄舒亳 仆仂于 仍亳亳 亟仍 于 亰舒仗亳于" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "亟仍舒亳 仍亳(亳) 亰 亠亞亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "弌于仂亠仆仆 仍亳舒" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "仂于亳亶 仍亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "亟仗仂于亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "亟仗仂于亳 仆舒 仍亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "亟仗仂于亳 于仄" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "亟仗仂于亳 于仄" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "亠亠仍舒亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "亠亠仍舒亳 仍亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "亳亟舒仍亳亳 仍亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "仂仍仂" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "于舒亢舒亳 仄仂仍仂仂仄" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "亳从仂仆舒亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "亳从仂仆舒亳 仗仂亰仆舒亠仆亳亶 仗仂亠" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "舒仗仆亳亶 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆亳亶 仍亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "舒仍舒于舒仆仆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "弌仗仍仆 仆舒仍舒于舒仆仆" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "弍仍从仂于亳亶 亰舒仗亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "舒仍舒于舒仆仆 亰舒仗亳" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "'亟仆舒仆仆 仆亠仄舒. 仍舒仆 仆舒 从仂仆, 仂弍 仗亟'亟仆舒亳." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "亳 仗亟'亟仆舒仆. 仍舒仆 仆舒 从仂仆, 仂弍 于亟'亟仆舒亳." -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "亳亟" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "亳亶亳 亰 仗仂亞舒仄亳?" diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po index f02f028a..53db0e8e 100644 --- a/po/zh_CN.po +++ b/po/zh_CN.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-03-17 09:22+0800\n" "Last-Translator: Wang Jian \n" "Language-Team: zh_CN \n" @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ msgstr "罩e紊狗篁 %s%c%d %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr "綵 %s 筝筝綺 = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ msgstr "紮鐚" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1193,11 +1193,11 @@ msgstr "医" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "筝篋阪医" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "羈" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "茘" @@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@ msgstr "MIME 膠糸" msgid "Size" msgstr "紊у" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "" @@ -2281,12 +2281,12 @@ msgstr "罩e莅丞舟篁九す篆≧...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "罩e莅丞舟篁九す篆≧..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "罩e篁九す %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "罩e篁九す %s ..." @@ -2536,7 +2536,7 @@ msgstr "絲弱 LDIF 篁九医医膂" msgid "Prev" msgstr "筝筝筝" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "筝筝筝" @@ -2766,20 +2766,20 @@ msgstr "莨ュ" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "顒莅医" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "glib 筝 g_thread\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "羈鐚%s [OPTION]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [address] 綣医腦" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2788,23 +2788,23 @@ msgstr "" " --attach 篁1 [篁2]...\n" " 綣医腦e攻羞糸絎篁" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive ・倶育篁" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all ・倶絽埇育篁" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send 筝篁" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [篁九す]... 丞ず篁倶紙" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" @@ -2812,29 +2812,34 @@ msgstr "" " --status-full [篁九す]...\n" " 丞ず罸鋇篁九す倶" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug 莪莚罔≦" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug 莪莚罔≦" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help 丞ず莚ュ軒綛狗" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version 莨榊篆≧綛狗" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "銀戎絖膃膽" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2848,19 +2853,19 @@ msgid "" "Continue?" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "罩e医篁吟荀阪鐚" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "筝篁" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "筝篋篆>散茴上ラー阪鐚" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2869,15 +2874,15 @@ msgstr "" "綏牙 OpenPGP " #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "Ϊ筝筝 Sylpheed 罩e菴茵\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "罩e菴腱脂臀" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3479,33 +3484,33 @@ msgstr "蘂" msgid "none" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "罩e腦e劫鋌 %d 劫 %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "胼紫鎖" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "紊篋胼紫鎖倶√医膾睡倶鐚" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "羝腥堺綺篁句" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "羝腥阪篁句演篆>散鐚" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "羞糸膊" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" @@ -3515,16 +3520,16 @@ msgstr "" "莨ラ膊延臀\n" "絋絎篋綏峨膊縁絎絨茴" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "膊奄%s綏牙鎕" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "膊" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3533,150 +3538,150 @@ msgstr "" "綮咲篁句怨け茣ャ\n" "箙莅御篋篁九群膸鎕鐚羃≧" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed鐚篁九す茹" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed鐚篁区" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/紊(_R)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/紊井篋(_A)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/紊医篁銀査(_S)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/紊育篁九茵(_L)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/莉(_F)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/篏筝咲篁区習(_W)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/絎(_T)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "・" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "綛倶育篁" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "・" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "綛倶絽埇育篁" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "筝篁" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "医" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "医育篁" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "紊" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "紊莚ラ篁" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "紊" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "紊膸篋" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "莉" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "莉莚ラ篁" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "よラ篁" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "莅丞舟筝咲莅ゅ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "ц" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "ц莅亥紊" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "筝筝筝莚紫篁" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "薤蕁" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "薤蕁" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "絽" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "絽埈丞舟" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "紊篋胼紫鎖倶糸丈√医膾睡倶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "紊篋膾睡倶糸丈√亥紫鎖倶" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "荀堺腮綺鐚" diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po index ec49285c..18b164eb 100644 --- a/po/zh_TW.po +++ b/po/zh_TW.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 2.1.4\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:07+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-07 18:52+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-25 16:23+0800\n" "Last-Translator: Wei-Lun Chao \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) \n" @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ msgstr "罩e茲茖処 %s%c%d %s ...\n" msgid "Last number in dir %s = %d\n" msgstr " %s 筝緇膩 = %d\n" -#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:145 +#: libsylph/mh.c:826 libsylph/mh.c:839 src/main.c:146 #, c-format msgid "" "File `%s' already exists.\n" @@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ msgstr "紮鐚" #. Buttons #: src/addressbook.c:628 src/addressbook.c:1680 src/editaddress.c:884 -#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2303 src/prefs_actions.c:266 +#: src/editaddress.c:1017 src/mainwindow.c:2306 src/prefs_actions.c:266 #: src/prefs_display_header.c:279 src/prefs_display_header.c:334 #: src/prefs_template.c:233 msgid "Delete" @@ -1198,11 +1198,11 @@ msgstr "援荐膣" msgid "Personal address" msgstr "腱篋咲荐膣" -#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:544 +#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5250 src/main.c:555 msgid "Notice" msgstr "羈" -#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:639 +#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:657 msgid "Warning" msgstr "茘" @@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@ msgstr "MIME " msgid "Size" msgstr "紊у" -#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 +#: src/compose.c:4510 src/mainwindow.c:2239 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:629 msgid "Send" msgstr "" @@ -2277,12 +2277,12 @@ msgstr "荐絎莖紊...\n" msgid "Setting folder info..." msgstr "荐絎莖紊..." -#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3301 src/setup.c:80 +#: src/folderview.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:3304 src/setup.c:80 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..." msgstr "顚紊 %s%c%s ..." -#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3306 src/setup.c:85 +#: src/folderview.c:834 src/mainwindow.c:3309 src/setup.c:85 #, c-format msgid "Scanning folder %s ..." msgstr "顚紊 %s ..." @@ -2533,7 +2533,7 @@ msgstr "絨 LDIF 罟ラ荐" msgid "Prev" msgstr "筝絨" -#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2332 +#: src/importldif.c:768 src/mainwindow.c:2335 msgid "Next" msgstr "筝筝絨" @@ -2760,20 +2760,20 @@ msgstr "莠後ュ腆" msgid "Protocol log" msgstr "荐絎膣" -#: src/main.c:191 +#: src/main.c:192 msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n" msgstr "glib 筝 g_thread\n" -#: src/main.c:358 +#: src/main.c:361 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" msgstr "羈鐚%s [檎]...\n" -#: src/main.c:361 +#: src/main.c:364 msgid " --compose [address] open composition window" msgstr " --compose [灸散医] 贋・医灸散荀腦" -#: src/main.c:362 +#: src/main.c:365 msgid "" " --attach file1 [file2]...\n" " open composition window with specified files\n" @@ -2782,50 +2782,55 @@ msgstr "" " --attach 罟罅1 [罟罅2]...\n" " 医灸散荀腦鐚筝絨絎罟罅筝サ" -#: src/main.c:365 +#: src/main.c:368 msgid " --receive receive new messages" msgstr " --receive 贋・・倶育灸散" -#: src/main.c:366 +#: src/main.c:369 msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts" msgstr " --receive-all 贋・・倶絽活育灸散" -#: src/main.c:367 +#: src/main.c:370 msgid " --send send all queued messages" msgstr " --send 堺絖莖紊鞘賢灸散" -#: src/main.c:368 +#: src/main.c:371 msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages" msgstr " --status [莖紊]... 蕁腓肴紊上х現掩紊絨灸散" -#: src/main.c:369 +#: src/main.c:372 msgid "" " --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder" msgstr " --status-full [莖紊]... 蕁腓堺莖紊鞘賢紊絨灸散" -#: src/main.c:371 +#: src/main.c:374 msgid "" " --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files" msgstr "" -#: src/main.c:372 +#: src/main.c:375 +#, fuzzy +msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed" +msgstr " --debug ら罔≦" + +#: src/main.c:376 msgid " --debug debug mode" msgstr " --debug ら罔≦" -#: src/main.c:373 +#: src/main.c:377 msgid " --help display this help and exit" msgstr " --help 蕁腓堺茯筝∫" -#: src/main.c:374 +#: src/main.c:378 msgid " --version output version information and exit" msgstr " --version 蕁腓榊莖荐" -#: src/main.c:496 +#: src/main.c:500 msgid "Filename encoding" msgstr "罟罅腮援隈腆" -#: src/main.c:497 +#: src/main.c:501 msgid "" "The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable " "G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n" @@ -2846,19 +2851,19 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "荀膵主鐚" -#: src/main.c:545 +#: src/main.c:556 msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?" msgstr "灸散罩e膩莠腆阪荀∫鐚" -#: src/main.c:553 +#: src/main.c:567 msgid "Queued messages" msgstr "咲灸散" -#: src/main.c:554 +#: src/main.c:568 msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?" msgstr "篋灸散罩e絖莖紊鞘賢絨冴腆阪荀∫鐚" -#: src/main.c:640 +#: src/main.c:658 msgid "" "GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n" "OpenPGP support disabled." @@ -2867,15 +2872,15 @@ msgstr "" " OpenPGP 吨" #. remote command mode -#: src/main.c:803 +#: src/main.c:821 msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n" msgstr "綏牙 Sylpheed 腮綣閫e決筝\n" -#: src/main.c:1012 +#: src/main.c:1038 msgid "Migration of configuration" msgstr "荐絎莖莉腱" -#: src/main.c:1013 +#: src/main.c:1039 msgid "" "The previous version of configuration found.\n" "Do you want to migrate it?" @@ -3470,32 +3475,32 @@ msgstr "≧蕁" msgid "none" msgstr "" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1315 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1318 #, c-format msgid "Changing window separation type from %d to %d\n" msgstr "罩e莅頑腦臥 %d %d\n" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1549 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1552 msgid "Offline" msgstr "∝" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1550 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1553 msgid "You are offline. Go online?" msgstr "罩i∝筝荀g鐚" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1564 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1567 msgid "Empty all trash" msgstr "羝腥阪ょ灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1565 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1568 msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?" msgstr "腆阪荀羝ゆ茴ょ灸散鐚" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1593 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1596 msgid "Add mailbox" msgstr "医篆∞" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1594 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1597 msgid "" "Specify the location of mailbox.\n" "If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n" @@ -3505,16 +3510,16 @@ msgstr "" "筝茫羈鋇荀莠後ュ群絖篆∞怨腮縁\n" "膤紫輝ゅユ絎綏峨" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1600 src/setup.c:49 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1603 src/setup.c:49 #, c-format msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists." msgstr "篆∞宴%s綏峨" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1605 src/setup.c:56 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1608 src/setup.c:56 msgid "Mailbox" msgstr "篆∞" -#: src/mainwindow.c:1611 src/setup.c:62 +#: src/mainwindow.c:1614 src/setup.c:62 msgid "" "Creation of the mailbox failed.\n" "Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write " @@ -3523,149 +3528,149 @@ msgstr "" "≧∝篆∞援\n" "醇阪罔e腮援罟罅綏牙絖鐚篏羃罨篁ラ亥" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2004 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2007 msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 莖紊丈∵" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2024 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2027 msgid "Sylpheed - Message View" msgstr "Sylpheed - 灸散茵" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2171 src/summaryview.c:380 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 src/summaryview.c:380 msgid "/_Reply" msgstr "/贋・荀(_R)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2172 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2175 msgid "/Reply to _all" msgstr "/荀(_A)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2173 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2176 msgid "/Reply to _sender" msgstr "/荀腟篏(_S)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2174 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2177 msgid "/Reply to mailing _list" msgstr "/荀育級茫紕(_L)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2179 src/summaryview.c:387 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2182 src/summaryview.c:387 msgid "/_Forward" msgstr "/莉絲(_F)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2180 src/summaryview.c:388 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2183 src/summaryview.c:388 msgid "/For_ward as attachment" msgstr "/絨灸散倶罟莉絲(_W)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2181 src/summaryview.c:389 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2184 src/summaryview.c:389 msgid "/Redirec_t" msgstr "/灸散絨(_T)" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2217 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2220 msgid "Get" msgstr "罟∽ラ灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2218 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2221 msgid "Incorporate new mail" msgstr "罟∽ョ絽活育灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2225 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2228 msgid "Get all" msgstr "罟∽" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2226 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2229 msgid "Incorporate new mail of all accounts" msgstr "罟∽ユ絽活育灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2237 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2240 msgid "Send queued message(s)" msgstr "絨絖莖紊鞘賢灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2250 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518 #: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:631 src/prefs_folder_item.c:140 msgid "Compose" msgstr "医灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2248 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2251 msgid "Compose new message" msgstr "膩莠育灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1129 msgid "Reply" msgstr "荀" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2257 src/mainwindow.c:2270 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2260 src/mainwindow.c:2273 msgid "Reply to the message" msgstr "荀灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2274 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2277 msgid "Reply all" msgstr "荀" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2275 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2278 msgid "Reply to all" msgstr "荀" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2283 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2286 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:741 msgid "Forward" msgstr "莉絲" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2284 src/mainwindow.c:2297 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2287 src/mainwindow.c:2300 msgid "Forward the message" msgstr "莉絲灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2304 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2307 msgid "Delete the message" msgstr "ら灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2315 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752 msgid "Junk" msgstr "冗灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2313 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2316 msgid "Set as junk mail" msgstr "罩檎阪冗灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2322 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2325 msgid "Execute" msgstr "決" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2323 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2326 msgid "Execute marked process" msgstr "決罔荐茵腮" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2333 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2336 msgid "Next unread message" msgstr "筝筝絨莅灸散" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2345 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2348 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "荐絎" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2346 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2349 msgid "Common preferences" msgstr "筝荐絎" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2354 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2357 src/prefs_folder_item.c:288 #: src/prefs_folder_item.c:299 src/progressdialog.c:128 msgid "Account" msgstr "絽活" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2355 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2358 msgid "Account setting" msgstr "絽活荐絎" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2527 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2530 msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online." msgstr "罩i∝筝筝√奨g" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2538 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2541 msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline." msgstr "罩ig筝筝∝綏ヤ" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit" msgstr "∫" -#: src/mainwindow.c:2731 +#: src/mainwindow.c:2734 msgid "Exit this program?" msgstr "腆阪荀∫鐚" diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c index 3048ab62..4834cb1d 100644 --- a/src/main.c +++ b/src/main.c @@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ static struct RemoteCmd { GPtrArray *status_folders; GPtrArray *status_full_folders; gboolean configdir; + gboolean exit; } cmd; static void parse_cmd_opt (int argc, @@ -354,6 +355,8 @@ static void parse_cmd_opt(int argc, char *argv[]) cmd.configdir = TRUE; i++; } + } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--exit", 6)) { + cmd.exit = TRUE; } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--help", 6)) { g_print(_("Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"), g_basename(argv[0])); @@ -369,6 +372,7 @@ static void parse_cmd_opt(int argc, char *argv[]) g_print("%s\n", _(" --status-full [folder]...\n" " show the status of each folder")); g_print("%s\n", _(" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files")); + g_print("%s\n", _(" --exit exit Sylpheed")); g_print("%s\n", _(" --debug debug mode")); g_print("%s\n", _(" --help display this help and exit")); g_print("%s\n", _(" --version output version information and exit")); @@ -535,33 +539,46 @@ static void setup_rc_dir(void) remove_all_files(get_mime_tmp_dir()); } -void app_will_exit(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) +void app_will_exit(gboolean force) { - MainWindow *mainwin = data; + MainWindow *mainwin; gchar *filename; + static gboolean on_exit = FALSE; + + if (on_exit) + return; + on_exit = TRUE; + + mainwin = main_window_get(); - if (compose_get_compose_list()) { + if (!force && compose_get_compose_list()) { if (alertpanel(_("Notice"), _("Composing message exists. Really quit?"), GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, NULL) - != G_ALERTDEFAULT) + != G_ALERTDEFAULT) { + on_exit = FALSE; return; + } manage_window_focus_in(mainwin->window, NULL, NULL); } - if (prefs_common.warn_queued_on_exit && get_queued_message_num() > 0) { + if (!force && + prefs_common.warn_queued_on_exit && get_queued_message_num() > 0) { if (alertpanel(_("Queued messages"), _("Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"), GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, NULL) - != G_ALERTDEFAULT) + != G_ALERTDEFAULT) { + on_exit = FALSE; return; + } manage_window_focus_in(mainwin->window, NULL, NULL); } inc_autocheck_timer_remove(); if (prefs_common.clean_on_exit) - main_window_empty_trash(mainwin, prefs_common.ask_on_clean); + main_window_empty_trash(mainwin, + !force && prefs_common.ask_on_clean); /* save all state before exiting */ folder_write_list(); @@ -592,7 +609,8 @@ void app_will_exit(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) sock_cleanup(); - gtk_main_quit(); + if (gtk_main_level() > 0) + gtk_main_quit(); } #if 0 @@ -862,6 +880,8 @@ static gint prohibit_duplicate_launch(void) if (!strncmp(buf, ".\n", 2)) break; fputs(buf, stdout); } + } else if (cmd.exit) { + fd_write_all(sock, "exit\n", 5); } else fd_write_all(sock, "popup\n", 6); @@ -964,6 +984,8 @@ static gboolean lock_socket_input_cb(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, fd_write_all(sock, ".\n", 2); g_free(status); if (folders) g_ptr_array_free(folders, TRUE); + } else if (!strncmp(buf, "exit", 4)) { + app_will_exit(TRUE); } fd_close(sock); @@ -1001,6 +1023,10 @@ static void remote_command_exec(void) g_ptr_array_free(cmd.status_full_folders, TRUE); cmd.status_full_folders = NULL; } + if (cmd.exit) { + app_will_exit(TRUE); + exit(0); + } } static void migrate_old_config(void) diff --git a/src/main.h b/src/main.h index bfb674dd..4019f8b6 100644 --- a/src/main.h +++ b/src/main.h @@ -25,6 +25,6 @@ extern gchar *prog_version; -void app_will_exit (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); +void app_will_exit (gboolean force); #endif /* __MAIN_H__ */ diff --git a/src/mainwindow.c b/src/mainwindow.c index 7f6c28ac..c1dfaed0 100644 --- a/src/mainwindow.c +++ b/src/mainwindow.c @@ -1279,7 +1279,10 @@ static void main_window_show_cur_account(MainWindow *mainwin) MainWindow *main_window_get(void) { - return (MainWindow *)mainwin_list->data; + if (mainwin_list) + return (MainWindow *)mainwin_list->data; + else + return NULL; } GtkWidget *main_window_get_folder_window(MainWindow *mainwin) @@ -2735,7 +2738,7 @@ static void app_exit_cb(MainWindow *mainwin, guint action, GtkWidget *widget) manage_window_focus_in(mainwin->window, NULL, NULL); } - app_will_exit(widget, mainwin); + app_will_exit(FALSE); } static void search_cb(MainWindow *mainwin, guint action, GtkWidget *widget) -- cgit v1.2.3