/* * LibSylph -- E-Mail client library * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Hiroyuki Yamamoto * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "defs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "prefs.h" #include "prefs_account.h" #include "customheader.h" #include "account.h" #include "utils.h" static PrefsAccount tmp_ac_prefs; static PrefParam param[] = { /* Basic */ {"account_name", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.account_name, P_STRING}, {"is_default", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.is_default, P_BOOL}, {"name", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.name, P_STRING}, {"address", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.address, P_STRING}, {"organization", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.organization, P_STRING}, {"protocol", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.protocol, P_ENUM}, {"receive_server", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.recv_server, P_STRING}, {"smtp_server", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.smtp_server, P_STRING}, {"nntp_server", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.nntp_server, P_STRING}, {"use_nntp_auth", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.use_nntp_auth, P_BOOL}, {"user_id", "ENV_USER", &tmp_ac_prefs.userid, P_STRING}, {"password", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.passwd, P_STRING}, {"inbox", "inbox", &tmp_ac_prefs.inbox, P_STRING}, /* Receive */ {"use_apop_auth", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.use_apop_auth, P_BOOL}, {"remove_mail", "TRUE", &tmp_ac_prefs.rmmail, P_BOOL}, {"message_leave_time", "0", &tmp_ac_prefs.msg_leave_time, P_INT}, {"get_all_mail", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.getall, P_BOOL}, {"enable_size_limit", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.enable_size_limit, P_BOOL}, {"size_limit", "1024", &tmp_ac_prefs.size_limit, P_INT}, {"filter_on_receive", "TRUE", &tmp_ac_prefs.filter_on_recv, P_BOOL}, {"imap_check_inbox_only", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.imap_check_inbox_only, P_BOOL}, {"imap_auth_method", "0", &tmp_ac_prefs.imap_auth_type, P_ENUM}, {"max_nntp_articles", "300", &tmp_ac_prefs.max_nntp_articles, P_INT}, {"receive_at_get_all", "TRUE", &tmp_ac_prefs.recv_at_getall, P_BOOL}, /* Send */ {"add_date", "TRUE", &tmp_ac_prefs.add_date, P_BOOL}, {"generate_msgid", "TRUE", &tmp_ac_prefs.gen_msgid, P_BOOL}, {"add_custom_header", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.add_customhdr, P_BOOL}, {"use_smtp_auth", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.use_smtp_auth, P_BOOL}, {"smtp_auth_method", "0", &tmp_ac_prefs.smtp_auth_type, P_ENUM}, {"smtp_user_id", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.smtp_userid, P_STRING}, {"smtp_password", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.smtp_passwd, P_STRING}, {"pop_before_smtp", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.pop_before_smtp, P_BOOL}, /* Compose */ {"signature_type", "2", &tmp_ac_prefs.sig_type, P_ENUM}, {"signature_path", "~" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S DEFAULT_SIGNATURE, &tmp_ac_prefs.sig_path, P_STRING}, {"signature_text", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.sig_text, P_STRING}, {"set_autocc", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_autocc, P_BOOL}, {"auto_cc", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.auto_cc, P_STRING}, {"set_autobcc", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_autobcc, P_BOOL}, {"auto_bcc", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.auto_bcc, P_STRING}, {"set_autoreplyto", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_autoreplyto, P_BOOL}, {"auto_replyto", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.auto_replyto, P_STRING}, /* Privacy */ {"default_sign", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.default_sign, P_BOOL}, {"default_encrypt", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.default_encrypt, P_BOOL}, {"encrypt_reply", "TRUE", &tmp_ac_prefs.encrypt_reply, P_BOOL}, {"ascii_armored", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.ascii_armored, P_BOOL}, {"clearsign", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.clearsign, P_BOOL}, {"sign_key", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.sign_key, P_ENUM}, {"sign_key_id", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.sign_key_id, P_STRING}, /* SSL */ {"ssl_pop", "0", &tmp_ac_prefs.ssl_pop, P_ENUM}, {"ssl_imap", "0", &tmp_ac_prefs.ssl_imap, P_ENUM}, {"ssl_nntp", "0", &tmp_ac_prefs.ssl_nntp, P_ENUM}, {"ssl_smtp", "0", &tmp_ac_prefs.ssl_smtp, P_ENUM}, {"use_nonblocking_ssl", "1", &tmp_ac_prefs.use_nonblocking_ssl, P_BOOL}, /* Advanced */ {"set_smtpport", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_smtpport, P_BOOL}, {"smtp_port", "25", &tmp_ac_prefs.smtpport, P_USHORT}, {"set_popport", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_popport, P_BOOL}, {"pop_port", "110", &tmp_ac_prefs.popport, P_USHORT}, {"set_imapport", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_imapport, P_BOOL}, {"imap_port", "143", &tmp_ac_prefs.imapport, P_USHORT}, {"set_nntpport", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_nntpport, P_BOOL}, {"nntp_port", "119", &tmp_ac_prefs.nntpport, P_USHORT}, {"set_domain", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_domain, P_BOOL}, {"domain", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.domain, P_STRING}, {"imap_directory", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.imap_dir, P_STRING}, {"imap_clear_cache_on_exit", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.imap_clear_cache_on_exit, P_BOOL}, {"set_sent_folder", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_sent_folder, P_BOOL}, {"sent_folder", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.sent_folder, P_STRING}, {"set_draft_folder", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_draft_folder, P_BOOL}, {"draft_folder", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.draft_folder, P_STRING}, {"set_queue_folder", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_queue_folder, P_BOOL}, {"queue_folder", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.queue_folder, P_STRING}, {"set_trash_folder", "FALSE", &tmp_ac_prefs.set_trash_folder, P_BOOL}, {"trash_folder", NULL, &tmp_ac_prefs.trash_folder, P_STRING}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, P_OTHER} }; static gint prefs_account_get_new_id(void); PrefsAccount *prefs_account_get_tmp_prefs(void) { return &tmp_ac_prefs; } void prefs_account_set_tmp_prefs(PrefsAccount *ac_prefs) { tmp_ac_prefs = *ac_prefs; } void prefs_account_apply_tmp_prefs(PrefsAccount *ac_prefs) { *ac_prefs = tmp_ac_prefs; } PrefParam *prefs_account_get_params(void) { return param; } PrefsAccount *prefs_account_new(void) { PrefsAccount *ac_prefs; ac_prefs = g_new0(PrefsAccount, 1); memset(&tmp_ac_prefs, 0, sizeof(PrefsAccount)); prefs_set_default(param); *ac_prefs = tmp_ac_prefs; ac_prefs->account_id = prefs_account_get_new_id(); return ac_prefs; } void prefs_account_read_config(PrefsAccount *ac_prefs, const gchar *label) { const gchar *p = label; gchar *rcpath; gint id; g_return_if_fail(ac_prefs != NULL); g_return_if_fail(label != NULL); memset(&tmp_ac_prefs, 0, sizeof(PrefsAccount)); rcpath = g_strconcat(get_rc_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, ACCOUNT_RC, NULL); prefs_read_config(param, label, rcpath, NULL); g_free(rcpath); *ac_prefs = tmp_ac_prefs; while (*p && !g_ascii_isdigit(*p)) p++; id = atoi(p); if (id < 0) g_warning("wrong account id: %d\n", id); ac_prefs->account_id = id; if (ac_prefs->protocol == A_APOP) { debug_print("converting protocol A_APOP to new prefs.\n"); ac_prefs->protocol = A_POP3; ac_prefs->use_apop_auth = TRUE; } custom_header_read_config(ac_prefs); } void prefs_account_write_config_all(GList *account_list) { GList *cur; gchar *rcpath; PrefFile *pfile; rcpath = g_strconcat(get_rc_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, ACCOUNT_RC, NULL); if ((pfile = prefs_file_open(rcpath)) == NULL) { g_free(rcpath); return; } g_free(rcpath); for (cur = account_list; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { tmp_ac_prefs = *(PrefsAccount *)cur->data; if (fprintf(pfile->fp, "[Account: %d]\n", tmp_ac_prefs.account_id) <= 0 || prefs_file_write_param(pfile, param) < 0) { g_warning(_("failed to write configuration to file\n")); prefs_file_close_revert(pfile); return; } if (cur->next) { if (fputc('\n', pfile->fp) == EOF) { FILE_OP_ERROR(rcpath, "fputc"); prefs_file_close_revert(pfile); return; } } } if (prefs_file_close(pfile) < 0) g_warning(_("failed to write configuration to file\n")); } void prefs_account_free(PrefsAccount *ac_prefs) { if (!ac_prefs) return; tmp_ac_prefs = *ac_prefs; prefs_free(param); if (ac_prefs->tmp_pass) g_free(ac_prefs->tmp_pass); g_free(ac_prefs); } static gint prefs_account_get_new_id(void) { GList *ac_list; PrefsAccount *ac; static gint last_id = 0; for (ac_list = account_get_list(); ac_list != NULL; ac_list = ac_list->next) { ac = (PrefsAccount *)ac_list->data; if (last_id < ac->account_id) last_id = ac->account_id; } return last_id + 1; }