/* * Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Hiroyuki Yamamoto * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __FILTER_H__ #define __FILTER_H__ #include #include "folder.h" #include "procmsg.h" #include "utils.h" typedef struct _FilterCond FilterCond; typedef struct _FilterAction FilterAction; typedef struct _FilterRule FilterRule; typedef struct _FilterInfo FilterInfo; typedef enum { FLT_TIMING_ANY, FLT_TIMING_ON_RECEIVE, FLT_TIMING_MANUAL } FilterTiming; typedef enum { FLT_COND_HEADER, FLT_COND_ANY_HEADER, FLT_COND_TO_OR_CC, FLT_COND_BODY, FLT_COND_CMD_TEST, FLT_COND_SIZE_GREATER, FLT_COND_AGE_GREATER, FLT_COND_ACCOUNT } FilterCondType; typedef enum { FLT_CONTAIN, FLT_EQUAL, FLT_REGEX } FilterMatchType; typedef enum { FLT_NOT_MATCH = 1 << 0, FLT_CASE_SENS = 1 << 1 } FilterMatchFlag; typedef enum { FLT_OR, FLT_AND } FilterBoolOp; typedef enum { FLT_ACTION_MOVE, FLT_ACTION_COPY, FLT_ACTION_NOT_RECEIVE, FLT_ACTION_DELETE, FLT_ACTION_EXEC, FLT_ACTION_EXEC_ASYNC, FLT_ACTION_MARK, FLT_ACTION_COLOR_LABEL, FLT_ACTION_MARK_READ, FLT_ACTION_FORWARD, FLT_ACTION_FORWARD_AS_ATTACHMENT, FLT_ACTION_REDIRECT, FLT_ACTION_STOP_EVAL, FLT_ACTION_NONE } FilterActionType; #define FLT_IS_NOT_MATCH(flag) ((flag & FLT_NOT_MATCH) != 0) #define FLT_IS_CASE_SENS(flag) ((flag & FLT_CASE_SENS) != 0) struct _FilterCond { FilterCondType type; gchar *header_name; gchar *str_value; gint int_value; FilterMatchType match_type; FilterMatchFlag match_flag; StrFindFunc match_func; }; struct _FilterAction { FilterActionType type; gchar *str_value; gint int_value; }; struct _FilterRule { gchar *name; FilterBoolOp bool_op; GSList *cond_list; GSList *action_list; FilterTiming timing; gboolean enabled; }; struct _FilterInfo { PrefsAccount *account; MsgFlags flags; gboolean actions[FLT_ACTION_NONE]; GSList *dest_list; FolderItem *move_dest; gboolean drop_done; }; gint filter_apply (GSList *fltlist, const gchar *file, FilterInfo *fltinfo); gint filter_apply_msginfo (GSList *fltlist, MsgInfo *msginfo, FilterInfo *fltinfo); gint filter_action_exec (FilterRule *rule, MsgInfo *msginfo, const gchar *file, FilterInfo *fltinfo); gboolean filter_match_rule (FilterRule *rule, MsgInfo *msginfo, GSList *hlist, FilterInfo *fltinfo); /* read / write config */ GSList *filter_xml_node_to_filter_list (GNode *node); void filter_read_config (void); void filter_write_config (void); /* for old filterrc */ gchar *filter_get_str (FilterRule *rule); FilterRule *filter_read_str (const gchar *str); FilterRule *filter_rule_new (const gchar *name, FilterBoolOp bool_op, GSList *cond_list, GSList *action_list); FilterCond *filter_cond_new (FilterCondType type, FilterMatchType match_type, FilterMatchFlag match_flag, const gchar *header, const gchar *body); FilterAction *filter_action_new (FilterActionType type, const gchar *str); FilterInfo *filter_info_new (void); void filter_rule_rename_dest_path (FilterRule *rule, const gchar *old_path, const gchar *new_path); void filter_rule_delete_action_by_dest_path (FilterRule *rule, const gchar *path); void filter_list_rename_path (const gchar *old_path, const gchar *new_path); void filter_list_delete_path (const gchar *path); void filter_rule_match_type_str_to_enum (const gchar *type_str, FilterMatchType *type, FilterMatchFlag *flag); void filter_rule_list_free (GSList *fltlist); void filter_rule_free (FilterRule *rule); void filter_cond_list_free (GSList *cond_list); void filter_action_list_free (GSList *action_list); void filter_info_free (FilterInfo *info); #endif /* __FILTER_H__ */