/* * Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client * Copyright (C) 2001 Match Grun * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* * Functions necessary to access LDAP servers. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef USE_LDAP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* #include */ #include "mgutils.h" #include "addritem.h" #include "addrcache.h" #include "syldap.h" #include "utils.h" /* * Create new LDAP server interface object. */ SyldapServer *syldap_create() { SyldapServer *ldapServer; debug_print("Creating LDAP server interface object\n"); ldapServer = g_new0( SyldapServer, 1 ); ldapServer->name = NULL; ldapServer->hostName = NULL; ldapServer->port = SYLDAP_DFL_PORT; ldapServer->baseDN = NULL; ldapServer->bindDN = NULL; ldapServer->bindPass = NULL; ldapServer->searchCriteria = NULL; ldapServer->searchValue = NULL; ldapServer->entriesRead = 0; ldapServer->maxEntries = SYLDAP_MAX_ENTRIES; ldapServer->timeOut = SYLDAP_DFL_TIMEOUT; ldapServer->newSearch = TRUE; ldapServer->addressCache = addrcache_create(); ldapServer->thread = NULL; ldapServer->busyFlag = FALSE; ldapServer->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS; ldapServer->callBack = NULL; ldapServer->accessFlag = FALSE; ldapServer->idleId = 0; return ldapServer; } /* * Specify name to be used. */ void syldap_set_name( SyldapServer* ldapServer, const gchar *value ) { ldapServer->name = mgu_replace_string( ldapServer->name, value ); g_strstrip( ldapServer->name ); } /* * Specify hostname to be used. */ void syldap_set_host( SyldapServer* ldapServer, const gchar *value ) { addrcache_refresh( ldapServer->addressCache ); ldapServer->hostName = mgu_replace_string( ldapServer->hostName, value ); g_strstrip( ldapServer->hostName ); } /* * Specify port to be used. */ void syldap_set_port( SyldapServer* ldapServer, const gint value ) { addrcache_refresh( ldapServer->addressCache ); if( value > 0 ) { ldapServer->port = value; } else { ldapServer->port = SYLDAP_DFL_PORT; } } /* * Specify base DN to be used. */ void syldap_set_base_dn( SyldapServer* ldapServer, const gchar *value ) { addrcache_refresh( ldapServer->addressCache ); ldapServer->baseDN = mgu_replace_string( ldapServer->baseDN, value ); g_strstrip( ldapServer->baseDN ); } /* * Specify bind DN to be used. */ void syldap_set_bind_dn( SyldapServer* ldapServer, const gchar *value ) { addrcache_refresh( ldapServer->addressCache ); ldapServer->bindDN = mgu_replace_string( ldapServer->bindDN, value ); g_strstrip( ldapServer->bindDN ); } /* * Specify bind password to be used. */ void syldap_set_bind_password( SyldapServer* ldapServer, const gchar *value ) { addrcache_refresh( ldapServer->addressCache ); ldapServer->bindPass = mgu_replace_string( ldapServer->bindPass, value ); g_strstrip( ldapServer->bindPass ); } /* * Specify search criteria to be used. */ void syldap_set_search_criteria( SyldapServer* ldapServer, const gchar *value ) { addrcache_refresh( ldapServer->addressCache ); ldapServer->searchCriteria = mgu_replace_string( ldapServer->searchCriteria, value ); g_strstrip( ldapServer->searchCriteria ); ldapServer->newSearch = TRUE; } /* * Specify search value to be searched for. */ void syldap_set_search_value( SyldapServer* ldapServer, const gchar *value ) { addrcache_refresh( ldapServer->addressCache ); ldapServer->searchValue = mgu_replace_string( ldapServer->searchValue, value ); g_strstrip( ldapServer->searchValue ); ldapServer->newSearch = TRUE; } /* * Specify maximum number of entries to retrieve. */ void syldap_set_max_entries( SyldapServer* ldapServer, const gint value ) { addrcache_refresh( ldapServer->addressCache ); if( value > 0 ) { ldapServer->maxEntries = value; } else { ldapServer->maxEntries = SYLDAP_MAX_ENTRIES; } } /* * Specify timeout value for LDAP operation (in seconds). */ void syldap_set_timeout( SyldapServer* ldapServer, const gint value ) { addrcache_refresh( ldapServer->addressCache ); if( value > 0 ) { ldapServer->timeOut = value; } else { ldapServer->timeOut = SYLDAP_DFL_TIMEOUT; } } /* * Register a callback function. When called, the function will be passed * this object as an argument. */ void syldap_set_callback( SyldapServer *ldapServer, void *func ) { ldapServer->callBack = func; } void syldap_set_accessed( SyldapServer *ldapServer, const gboolean value ) { g_return_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL ); ldapServer->accessFlag = value; } /* * Refresh internal variables to force a file read. */ void syldap_force_refresh( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { addrcache_refresh( ldapServer->addressCache ); ldapServer->newSearch = TRUE; } gint syldap_get_status( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_val_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL, -1 ); return ldapServer->retVal; } ItemFolder *syldap_get_root_folder( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_val_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL, NULL ); return addrcache_get_root_folder( ldapServer->addressCache ); } gchar *syldap_get_name( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_val_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL, NULL ); return ldapServer->name; } gboolean syldap_get_accessed( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_val_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL, FALSE ); return ldapServer->accessFlag; } /* * Free up LDAP server interface object by releasing internal memory. */ void syldap_free( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL ); debug_print("Freeing LDAP server interface object\n"); ldapServer->callBack = NULL; /* Free internal stuff */ g_free( ldapServer->name ); g_free( ldapServer->hostName ); g_free( ldapServer->baseDN ); g_free( ldapServer->bindDN ); g_free( ldapServer->bindPass ); g_free( ldapServer->searchCriteria ); g_free( ldapServer->searchValue ); g_free( ldapServer->thread ); ldapServer->port = 0; ldapServer->entriesRead = 0; ldapServer->maxEntries = 0; ldapServer->newSearch = FALSE; /* Clear cache */ addrcache_clear( ldapServer->addressCache ); addrcache_free( ldapServer->addressCache ); /* Clear pointers */ ldapServer->name = NULL; ldapServer->hostName = NULL; ldapServer->baseDN = NULL; ldapServer->bindDN = NULL; ldapServer->bindPass = NULL; ldapServer->searchCriteria = NULL; ldapServer->searchValue = NULL; ldapServer->addressCache = NULL; ldapServer->thread = NULL; ldapServer->busyFlag = FALSE; ldapServer->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS; ldapServer->accessFlag = FALSE; /* Now release LDAP object */ g_free( ldapServer ); } /* * Display object to specified stream. */ void syldap_print_data( SyldapServer *ldapServer, FILE *stream ) { g_return_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL ); fprintf( stream, "SyldapServer:\n" ); fprintf( stream, " name: '%s'\n", ldapServer->name ); fprintf( stream, "host name: '%s'\n", ldapServer->hostName ); fprintf( stream, " port: %d\n", ldapServer->port ); fprintf( stream, " base dn: '%s'\n", ldapServer->baseDN ); fprintf( stream, " bind dn: '%s'\n", ldapServer->bindDN ); fprintf( stream, "bind pass: '%s'\n", ldapServer->bindPass ); fprintf( stream, " criteria: '%s'\n", ldapServer->searchCriteria ); fprintf( stream, "searchval: '%s'\n", ldapServer->searchValue ); fprintf( stream, "max entry: %d\n", ldapServer->maxEntries ); fprintf( stream, " num read: %d\n", ldapServer->entriesRead ); fprintf( stream, " ret val: %d\n", ldapServer->retVal ); addrcache_print( ldapServer->addressCache, stream ); addritem_print_item_folder( ldapServer->addressCache->rootFolder, stream ); } /* * Display object to specified stream. */ void syldap_print_short( SyldapServer *ldapServer, FILE *stream ) { g_return_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL ); fprintf( stream, "SyldapServer:\n" ); fprintf( stream, " name: '%s'\n", ldapServer->name ); fprintf( stream, "host name: '%s'\n", ldapServer->hostName ); fprintf( stream, " port: %d\n", ldapServer->port ); fprintf( stream, " base dn: '%s'\n", ldapServer->baseDN ); fprintf( stream, " bind dn: '%s'\n", ldapServer->bindDN ); fprintf( stream, "bind pass: '%s'\n", ldapServer->bindPass ); fprintf( stream, " criteria: '%s'\n", ldapServer->searchCriteria ); fprintf( stream, "searchval: '%s'\n", ldapServer->searchValue ); fprintf( stream, "max entry: %d\n", ldapServer->maxEntries ); fprintf( stream, " num read: %d\n", ldapServer->entriesRead ); fprintf( stream, " ret val: %d\n", ldapServer->retVal ); } #if 0 /* * Build an address list entry and append to list of address items. Name is formatted * as it appears in the common name (cn) attribute. */ static void syldap_build_items_cn( SyldapServer *ldapServer, GSList *listName, GSList *listAddr ) { ItemPerson *person; ItemEMail *email; GSList *nodeName = listName; while( nodeName ) { GSList *nodeAddress = listAddr; person = addritem_create_item_person(); addritem_person_set_common_name( person, nodeName->data ); addrcache_id_person( ldapServer->addressCache, person ); addrcache_add_person( ldapServer->addressCache, person ); while( nodeAddress ) { email = addritem_create_item_email(); addritem_email_set_address( email, nodeAddress->data ); addrcache_id_email( ldapServer->addressCache, email ); addrcache_person_add_email( ldapServer->addressCache, person, email ); nodeAddress = g_slist_next( nodeAddress ); ldapServer->entriesRead++; } nodeName = g_slist_next( nodeName ); } } #endif /* * Build an address list entry and append to list of address items. Name is formatted * as " ". */ static void syldap_build_items_fl( SyldapServer *ldapServer, GSList *listAddr, GSList *listFirst, GSList *listLast ) { GSList *nodeFirst = listFirst; GSList *nodeAddress = listAddr; gchar *firstName = NULL, *lastName = NULL, *fullName = NULL; gint iLen = 0, iLenT = 0; ItemPerson *person; ItemEMail *email; /* Find longest first name in list */ while( nodeFirst ) { if( firstName == NULL ) { firstName = nodeFirst->data; iLen = strlen( firstName ); } else { if( ( iLenT = strlen( nodeFirst->data ) ) > iLen ) { firstName = nodeFirst->data; iLen = iLenT; } } nodeFirst = g_slist_next( nodeFirst ); } /* Format name */ if( listLast ) { lastName = listLast->data; } if( firstName ) { if( lastName ) { fullName = g_strdup_printf( "%s %s", firstName, lastName ); } else { fullName = g_strdup_printf( "%s", firstName ); } } else { if( lastName ) { fullName = g_strdup_printf( "%s", lastName ); } } if( fullName ) { g_strchug( fullName ); g_strchomp( fullName ); } if( nodeAddress ) { person = addritem_create_item_person(); addritem_person_set_common_name( person, fullName ); addritem_person_set_first_name( person, firstName ); addritem_person_set_last_name( person, lastName ); addrcache_id_person( ldapServer->addressCache, person ); addrcache_add_person( ldapServer->addressCache, person ); } /* Add address item */ while( nodeAddress ) { email = addritem_create_item_email(); addritem_email_set_address( email, nodeAddress->data ); addrcache_id_email( ldapServer->addressCache, email ); addrcache_person_add_email( ldapServer->addressCache, person, email ); nodeAddress = g_slist_next( nodeAddress ); ldapServer->entriesRead++; } g_free( fullName ); fullName = firstName = lastName = NULL; } /* * Add all attribute values to a list. */ static GSList *syldap_add_list_values( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *entry, char *attr ) { GSList *list = NULL; gint i; gchar **vals; if( ( vals = ldap_get_values( ld, entry, attr ) ) != NULL ) { for( i = 0; vals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { /* printf( "lv\t%s: %s\n", attr, vals[i] ); */ list = g_slist_append( list, g_strdup( vals[i] ) ); } } ldap_value_free( vals ); return list; } /* * Add a single attribute value to a list. */ static GSList *syldap_add_single_value( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *entry, char *attr ) { GSList *list = NULL; gchar **vals; if( ( vals = ldap_get_values( ld, entry, attr ) ) != NULL ) { if( vals[0] != NULL ) { /* printf( "sv\t%s: %s\n", attr, vals[0] ); */ list = g_slist_append( list, g_strdup( vals[0] ) ); } } ldap_value_free( vals ); return list; } /* * Free linked lists of character strings. */ static void syldap_free_lists( GSList *listName, GSList *listAddr, GSList *listID, GSList *listDN, GSList *listFirst, GSList *listLast ) { mgu_free_list( listName ); mgu_free_list( listAddr ); mgu_free_list( listID ); mgu_free_list( listDN ); mgu_free_list( listFirst ); mgu_free_list( listLast ); } /* * Check parameters that are required for a search. This should * be called before performing a search. * Return: TRUE if search criteria appear OK. */ gboolean syldap_check_search( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_val_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL, FALSE ); ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_CRITERIA; /* Test search criteria */ if( ldapServer->searchCriteria == NULL ) { return FALSE; } if( strlen( ldapServer->searchCriteria ) < 1 ) { return FALSE; } if( ldapServer->searchValue == NULL ) { return FALSE; } if( strlen( ldapServer->searchValue ) < 1 ) { return FALSE; } ldapServer->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS; return TRUE; } /* * Perform the LDAP search, reading LDAP entries into cache. * Note that one LDAP entry can have multiple values for many of its * attributes. If these attributes are E-Mail addresses; these are * broken out into separate address items. For any other attribute, * only the first occurrence is read. */ gint syldap_search( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { LDAP *ld; LDAPMessage *result, *e; char *attribs[10]; char *attribute; gchar *criteria; BerElement *ber; gint rc; GSList *listName = NULL, *listAddress = NULL, *listID = NULL; GSList *listFirst = NULL, *listLast = NULL, *listDN = NULL; struct timeval timeout; gboolean entriesFound = FALSE; g_return_val_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL, -1 ); ldapServer->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS; if( ! syldap_check_search( ldapServer ) ) { return ldapServer->retVal; } /* Set timeout */ timeout.tv_sec = ldapServer->timeOut; timeout.tv_usec = 0L; ldapServer->entriesRead = 0; if( ( ld = ldap_init( ldapServer->hostName, ldapServer->port ) ) == NULL ) { ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_INIT; return ldapServer->retVal; } /* printf( "connected to LDAP host %s on port %d\n", ldapServer->hostName, ldapServer->port ); */ /* Bind to the server, if required */ if( ldapServer->bindDN ) { if( * ldapServer->bindDN != '\0' ) { /* printf( "binding...\n" ); */ rc = ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, ldapServer->bindDN, ldapServer->bindPass ); /* printf( "rc=%d\n", rc ); */ if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* printf( "LDAP Error: ldap_simple_bind_s: %s\n", ldap_err2string( rc ) ); */ ldap_unbind( ld ); ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_BIND; return ldapServer->retVal; } } } /* Define all attributes we are interested in. */ attribs[0] = SYLDAP_ATTR_DN; attribs[1] = SYLDAP_ATTR_COMMONNAME; attribs[2] = SYLDAP_ATTR_GIVENNAME; attribs[3] = SYLDAP_ATTR_SURNAME; attribs[4] = SYLDAP_ATTR_EMAIL; attribs[5] = SYLDAP_ATTR_UID; attribs[6] = NULL; /* Create LDAP search string and apply search criteria */ criteria = g_strdup_printf( ldapServer->searchCriteria, ldapServer->searchValue ); rc = ldap_search_ext_s( ld, ldapServer->baseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, criteria, attribs, 0, NULL, NULL, &timeout, 0, &result ); g_free( criteria ); criteria = NULL; if( rc == LDAP_TIMEOUT ) { ldap_unbind( ld ); ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_TIMEOUT; return ldapServer->retVal; } if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* printf( "LDAP Error: ldap_search_st: %s\n", ldap_err2string( rc ) ); */ ldap_unbind( ld ); ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_SEARCH; return ldapServer->retVal; } /* printf( "Total results are: %d\n", ldap_count_entries( ld, result ) ); */ /* Clear the cache if we have new entries, otherwise leave untouched. */ if( ldap_count_entries( ld, result ) > 0 ) { addrcache_clear( ldapServer->addressCache ); } /* Process results */ ldapServer->entriesRead = 0; for( e = ldap_first_entry( ld, result ); e != NULL; e = ldap_next_entry( ld, e ) ) { entriesFound = TRUE; if( ldapServer->entriesRead >= ldapServer->maxEntries ) break; /* printf( "DN: %s\n", ldap_get_dn( ld, e ) ); */ /* Process all attributes */ for( attribute = ldap_first_attribute( ld, e, &ber ); attribute != NULL; attribute = ldap_next_attribute( ld, e, ber ) ) { if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( attribute, SYLDAP_ATTR_COMMONNAME ) == 0 ) { listName = syldap_add_list_values( ld, e, attribute ); } if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( attribute, SYLDAP_ATTR_EMAIL ) == 0 ) { listAddress = syldap_add_list_values( ld, e, attribute ); } if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( attribute, SYLDAP_ATTR_UID ) == 0 ) { listID = syldap_add_single_value( ld, e, attribute ); } if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( attribute, SYLDAP_ATTR_GIVENNAME ) == 0 ) { listFirst = syldap_add_list_values( ld, e, attribute ); } if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( attribute, SYLDAP_ATTR_SURNAME ) == 0 ) { listLast = syldap_add_single_value( ld, e, attribute ); } if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( attribute, SYLDAP_ATTR_DN ) == 0 ) { listDN = syldap_add_single_value( ld, e, attribute ); } /* Free memory used to store attribute */ ldap_memfree( attribute ); } /* Format and add items to cache */ syldap_build_items_fl( ldapServer, listAddress, listFirst, listLast ); /* Free up */ syldap_free_lists( listName, listAddress, listID, listDN, listFirst, listLast ); listName = listAddress = listID = listFirst = listLast = listDN = NULL; if( ber != NULL ) { ber_free( ber, 0 ); } } syldap_free_lists( listName, listAddress, listID, listDN, listFirst, listLast ); listName = listAddress = listID = listFirst = listLast = listDN = NULL; /* Free up and disconnect */ ldap_msgfree( result ); ldap_unbind( ld ); ldapServer->newSearch = FALSE; if( entriesFound ) { ldapServer->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS; } else { ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_NOENTRIES; } return ldapServer->retVal; } /* syldap_display_search_results() - updates the ui. this function is called from the * main thread (the thread running the GTK event loop). */ static gboolean syldap_display_search_results(SyldapServer *ldapServer) { /* NOTE: when this function is called the accompanying thread should * already be terminated. */ ldapServer->callBack(ldapServer); /* FIXME: match should know whether to free this SyldapServer stuff. */ g_free(ldapServer->thread); ldapServer->thread = NULL; return FALSE; } /* ============================================================================================ */ /* * Read data into list. Main entry point * Return: TRUE if file read successfully. */ /* ============================================================================================ */ gint syldap_read_data( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_val_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL, -1 ); ldapServer->accessFlag = FALSE; pthread_detach( pthread_self() ); if( ldapServer->newSearch ) { /* Read data into the list */ syldap_search( ldapServer ); /* Mark cache */ ldapServer->addressCache->modified = FALSE; ldapServer->addressCache->dataRead = TRUE; ldapServer->accessFlag = FALSE; } /* Callback */ ldapServer->busyFlag = FALSE; if( ldapServer->callBack ) { /* make the ui thread update the search results */ /* TODO: really necessary to call gdk_threads_XXX()??? gtk_idle_add() * should do this - could someone check the GTK sources please? */ gdk_threads_enter(); ldapServer->idleId = gtk_idle_add((GtkFunction)syldap_display_search_results, ldapServer); gdk_threads_leave(); } return ldapServer->retVal; } /* ============================================================================================ */ /* * Cancel read with thread. */ /* ============================================================================================ */ void syldap_cancel_read( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL ); /* DELETEME: this is called from inside UI thread so it's OK, Christoph! */ if( ldapServer->thread ) { /* printf( "thread cancelled\n" ); */ pthread_cancel( *ldapServer->thread ); } g_free(ldapServer->thread); ldapServer->thread = NULL; ldapServer->busyFlag = FALSE; } /* ============================================================================================ */ /* * Read data into list using a background thread. * Return: TRUE if file read successfully. Callback function will be * notified when search is complete. */ /* ============================================================================================ */ gint syldap_read_data_th( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_val_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL, -1 ); ldapServer->busyFlag = FALSE; syldap_check_search( ldapServer ); if( ldapServer->retVal == MGU_SUCCESS ) { /* debug_print("Staring LDAP read thread\n"); */ ldapServer->busyFlag = TRUE; ldapServer->thread = g_new0(pthread_t, 1); pthread_create( ldapServer->thread, NULL, (void *) syldap_read_data, (void *) ldapServer ); } return ldapServer->retVal; } /* * Return link list of persons. */ GList *syldap_get_list_person( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_val_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL, NULL ); return addrcache_get_list_person( ldapServer->addressCache ); } /* * Return link list of folders. This is always NULL since there are * no folders in GnomeCard. * Return: NULL. */ GList *syldap_get_list_folder( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { g_return_val_if_fail( ldapServer != NULL, NULL ); return NULL; } #define SYLDAP_TEST_FILTER "(objectclass=*)" #define SYLDAP_SEARCHBASE_V2 "cn=config" #define SYLDAP_SEARCHBASE_V3 "" #define SYLDAP_V2_TEST_ATTR "database" #define SYLDAP_V3_TEST_ATTR "namingcontexts" /* * Attempt to discover the base DN for the server. * Enter: * host Host name * port Port number * bindDN Bind DN (optional). * bindPW Bind PW (optional). * tov Timeout value (seconds), or 0 for none, default 30 secs. * Return: List of Base DN's, or NULL if could not read. Base DN should * be g_free() when done. */ GList *syldap_read_basedn_s( const gchar *host, const gint port, const gchar *bindDN, const gchar *bindPW, const gint tov ) { GList *baseDN = NULL; LDAP *ld; gint rc, i; LDAPMessage *result, *e; gchar *attribs[10]; BerElement *ber; gchar *attribute; gchar **vals; struct timeval timeout; if( host == NULL ) return baseDN; if( port < 1 ) return baseDN; /* Set timeout */ timeout.tv_usec = 0L; if( tov > 0 ) { timeout.tv_sec = tov; } else { timeout.tv_sec = 30L; } /* Connect to server. */ if( ( ld = ldap_init( host, port ) ) == NULL ) { return baseDN; } /* Bind to the server, if required */ if( bindDN ) { if( *bindDN != '\0' ) { rc = ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, bindDN, bindPW ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* printf( "LDAP Error: ldap_simple_bind_s: %s\n", ldap_err2string( rc ) ); */ ldap_unbind( ld ); return baseDN; } } } /* Test for LDAP version 3 */ attribs[0] = SYLDAP_V3_TEST_ATTR; attribs[1] = NULL; rc = ldap_search_ext_s( ld, SYLDAP_SEARCHBASE_V3, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, SYLDAP_TEST_FILTER, attribs, 0, NULL, NULL, &timeout, 0, &result ); if( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* Process entries */ for( e = ldap_first_entry( ld, result ); e != NULL; e = ldap_next_entry( ld, e ) ) { /* printf( "DN: %s\n", ldap_get_dn( ld, e ) ); */ /* Process attributes */ for( attribute = ldap_first_attribute( ld, e, &ber ); attribute != NULL; attribute = ldap_next_attribute( ld, e, ber ) ) { if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( attribute, SYLDAP_V3_TEST_ATTR ) == 0 ) { if( ( vals = ldap_get_values( ld, e, attribute ) ) != NULL ) { for( i = 0; vals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { /* printf( "\t%s: %s\n", attribute, vals[i] ); */ baseDN = g_list_append( baseDN, g_strdup( vals[i] ) ); } } ldap_value_free( vals ); } ldap_memfree( attribute ); } if( ber != NULL ) { ber_free( ber, 0 ); } } ldap_msgfree( result ); } else { } if( baseDN == NULL ) { /* Test for LDAP version 2 */ attribs[0] = NULL; rc = ldap_search_ext_s( ld, SYLDAP_SEARCHBASE_V2, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, SYLDAP_TEST_FILTER, attribs, 0, NULL, NULL, &timeout, 0, &result ); if( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* Process entries */ for( e = ldap_first_entry( ld, result ); e != NULL; e = ldap_next_entry( ld, e ) ) { /* if( baseDN ) break; */ /* printf( "DN: %s\n", ldap_get_dn( ld, e ) ); */ /* Process attributes */ for( attribute = ldap_first_attribute( ld, e, &ber ); attribute != NULL; attribute = ldap_next_attribute( ld, e, ber ) ) { /* if( baseDN ) break; */ if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( attribute, SYLDAP_V2_TEST_ATTR ) == 0 ) { if( ( vals = ldap_get_values( ld, e, attribute ) ) != NULL ) { for( i = 0; vals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { char *ch; /* Strip the 'ldb:' from the front of the value */ ch = ( char * ) strchr( vals[i], ':' ); if( ch ) { gchar *bn = g_strdup( ++ch ); g_strchomp( bn ); g_strchug( bn ); baseDN = g_list_append( baseDN, g_strdup( bn ) ); } } } ldap_value_free( vals ); } ldap_memfree( attribute ); } if( ber != NULL ) { ber_free( ber, 0 ); } } ldap_msgfree( result ); } } ldap_unbind( ld ); return baseDN; } /* * Attempt to discover the base DN for the server. * Enter: ldapServer Server to test. * Return: List of Base DN's, or NULL if could not read. Base DN should * be g_free() when done. Return code set in ldapServer. */ GList *syldap_read_basedn( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { GList *baseDN = NULL; LDAP *ld; gint rc, i; LDAPMessage *result, *e; gchar *attribs[10]; BerElement *ber; gchar *attribute; gchar **vals; struct timeval timeout; ldapServer->retVal = MGU_BAD_ARGS; if( ldapServer == NULL ) return baseDN; if( ldapServer->hostName == NULL ) return baseDN; if( ldapServer->port < 1 ) return baseDN; /* Set timeout */ timeout.tv_usec = 0L; if( ldapServer->timeOut > 0 ) { timeout.tv_sec = ldapServer->timeOut; } else { timeout.tv_sec = 30L; } /* Connect to server. */ if( ( ld = ldap_init( ldapServer->hostName, ldapServer->port ) ) == NULL ) { ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_INIT; return baseDN; } /* Bind to the server, if required */ if( ldapServer->bindDN ) { if( *ldapServer->bindDN != '\0' ) { rc = ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, ldapServer->bindDN, ldapServer->bindPass ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* printf( "LDAP Error: ldap_simple_bind_s: %s\n", ldap_err2string( rc ) ); */ ldap_unbind( ld ); ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_BIND; return baseDN; } } } ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_SEARCH; /* Test for LDAP version 3 */ attribs[0] = SYLDAP_V3_TEST_ATTR; attribs[1] = NULL; rc = ldap_search_ext_s( ld, SYLDAP_SEARCHBASE_V3, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, SYLDAP_TEST_FILTER, attribs, 0, NULL, NULL, &timeout, 0, &result ); if( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* Process entries */ for( e = ldap_first_entry( ld, result ); e != NULL; e = ldap_next_entry( ld, e ) ) { /* printf( "DN: %s\n", ldap_get_dn( ld, e ) ); */ /* Process attributes */ for( attribute = ldap_first_attribute( ld, e, &ber ); attribute != NULL; attribute = ldap_next_attribute( ld, e, ber ) ) { if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( attribute, SYLDAP_V3_TEST_ATTR ) == 0 ) { if( ( vals = ldap_get_values( ld, e, attribute ) ) != NULL ) { for( i = 0; vals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { /* printf( "\t%s: %s\n", attribute, vals[i] ); */ baseDN = g_list_append( baseDN, g_strdup( vals[i] ) ); } } ldap_value_free( vals ); } ldap_memfree( attribute ); } if( ber != NULL ) { ber_free( ber, 0 ); } } ldap_msgfree( result ); ldapServer->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS; } else if( rc == LDAP_TIMEOUT ) { ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_TIMEOUT; } if( baseDN == NULL ) { /* Test for LDAP version 2 */ attribs[0] = NULL; rc = ldap_search_ext_s( ld, SYLDAP_SEARCHBASE_V2, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, SYLDAP_TEST_FILTER, attribs, 0, NULL, NULL, &timeout, 0, &result ); if( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* Process entries */ for( e = ldap_first_entry( ld, result ); e != NULL; e = ldap_next_entry( ld, e ) ) { /* if( baseDN ) break; */ /* printf( "DN: %s\n", ldap_get_dn( ld, e ) ); */ /* Process attributes */ for( attribute = ldap_first_attribute( ld, e, &ber ); attribute != NULL; attribute = ldap_next_attribute( ld, e, ber ) ) { /* if( baseDN ) break; */ if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( attribute, SYLDAP_V2_TEST_ATTR ) == 0 ) { if( ( vals = ldap_get_values( ld, e, attribute ) ) != NULL ) { for( i = 0; vals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { char *ch; /* Strip the 'ldb:' from the front of the value */ ch = ( char * ) strchr( vals[i], ':' ); if( ch ) { gchar *bn = g_strdup( ++ch ); g_strchomp( bn ); g_strchug( bn ); baseDN = g_list_append( baseDN, g_strdup( bn ) ); } } } ldap_value_free( vals ); } ldap_memfree( attribute ); } if( ber != NULL ) { ber_free( ber, 0 ); } } ldap_msgfree( result ); ldapServer->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS; } else if( rc == LDAP_TIMEOUT ) { ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_TIMEOUT; } } ldap_unbind( ld ); return baseDN; } /* * Attempt to connect to the server. * Enter: * host Host name * port Port number * Return: TRUE if connected successfully. */ gboolean syldap_test_connect_s( const gchar *host, const gint port ) { gboolean retVal = FALSE; LDAP *ld; if( host == NULL ) return retVal; if( port < 1 ) return retVal; if( ( ld = ldap_open( host, port ) ) != NULL ) { retVal = TRUE; } if( ld != NULL ) { ldap_unbind( ld ); } return retVal; } /* * Attempt to connect to the server. * Enter: ldapServer Server to test. * Return: TRUE if connected successfully. Return code set in ldapServer. */ gboolean syldap_test_connect( SyldapServer *ldapServer ) { gboolean retVal = FALSE; LDAP *ld; ldapServer->retVal = MGU_BAD_ARGS; if( ldapServer == NULL ) return retVal; if( ldapServer->hostName == NULL ) return retVal; if( ldapServer->port < 1 ) return retVal; ldapServer->retVal = MGU_LDAP_INIT; if( ( ld = ldap_open( ldapServer->hostName, ldapServer->port ) ) != NULL ) { ldapServer->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS; retVal = TRUE; } if( ld != NULL ) { ldap_unbind( ld ); } return retVal; } #define LDAP_LINK_LIB_NAME_1 "libldap.so" #define LDAP_LINK_LIB_NAME_2 "liblber.so" #define LDAP_LINK_LIB_NAME_3 "libresolv.so" #define LDAP_LINK_LIB_NAME_4 "libpthread.so" /* * Test whether LDAP libraries installed. * Return: TRUE if library available. */ #if 0 gboolean syldap_test_ldap_lib() { void *handle, *fun; /* Get library */ handle = dlopen( LDAP_LINK_LIB_NAME_1, RTLD_LAZY ); if( ! handle ) { return FALSE; } /* Test for symbols we need */ fun = dlsym( handle, "ldap_init" ); if( ! fun ) { dlclose( handle ); return FALSE; } dlclose( handle ); handle = NULL; fun = NULL; handle = dlopen( LDAP_LINK_LIB_NAME_2, RTLD_LAZY ); if( ! handle ) { return FALSE; } fun = dlsym( handle, "ber_init" ); if( ! fun ) { dlclose( handle ); return FALSE; } dlclose( handle ); handle = NULL; fun = NULL; handle = dlopen( LDAP_LINK_LIB_NAME_3, RTLD_LAZY ); if( ! handle ) { return FALSE; } fun = dlsym( handle, "res_query" ); if( ! fun ) { dlclose( handle ); return FALSE; } dlclose( handle ); handle = NULL; fun = NULL; handle = dlopen( LDAP_LINK_LIB_NAME_4, RTLD_LAZY ); if( ! handle ) { return FALSE; } fun = dlsym( handle, "pthread_create" ); if( ! fun ) { dlclose( handle ); return FALSE; } dlclose( handle ); handle = NULL; fun = NULL; return TRUE; } #endif /* 0 */ #endif /* USE_LDAP */ /* * End of Source. */