/* * Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client * Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Hiroyuki Yamamoto * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef USE_UPDATE_CHECK #include "defs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "update_check.h" #include "manage_window.h" #include "inc.h" #include "gtkutils.h" #include "alertpanel.h" #include "prefs_common.h" #include "socket.h" #include "utils.h" #include "version.h" #include "plugin.h" static gchar *check_url = NULL; static gchar *download_url = NULL; static gchar *jump_url = NULL; #ifdef USE_UPDATE_CHECK_PLUGIN static gchar *check_plugin_url = NULL; static gchar *jump_plugin_url = NULL; #endif /* USE_UPDATE_CHECK_PLUGIN */ static gint compare_version(gint lmajor, gint lminor, gint lmicro, gint rmajor, gint rminor, gint rmicro) { debug_print("comparing %d.%d.%d <> %d.%d.%d\n", lmajor, lminor, lmicro, rmajor, rminor, rmicro); if (lmajor > rmajor) return 1; if (lmajor < rmajor) return -1; if (lminor > rminor) return 1; if (lminor < rminor) return -1; if (lmicro > rmicro) return 1; if (lmicro < rmicro) return -1; return 0; } static gboolean compare_sylpheed_version(gint major, gint minor, gint micro, const gchar *extra, gboolean remote_is_release, gboolean cur_ver_is_release) { debug_print("comparing %d.%d.%d.%s (%s) <> " VERSION " (%s)\n", major, minor, micro, extra ? extra : "", remote_is_release ? "release" : "devel", cur_ver_is_release ? "release" : "devel"); switch (compare_version(major, minor, micro, MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, MICRO_VERSION)) { case 1: return TRUE; case -1: return FALSE; default: break; } /* compare extra version 3.0.0.a (rel) > 3.0.0 (rel) 3.0.0 (rel) > 3.0.0.betaX (dev) 3.0.0.a (rel) > 3.0.0.betaX (dev) 3.0.0.rc (dev) > 3.0.0.betaX (dev) */ if (remote_is_release && !cur_ver_is_release) return TRUE; if (!remote_is_release && cur_ver_is_release) return FALSE; if (extra) { if (strcmp(extra, EXTRA_VERSION) > 0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void parse_version_string(const gchar *ver, gint *major, gint *minor, gint *micro, gchar **extra) { gchar **vers; vers = g_strsplit(ver, ".", -1); if (vers[0]) { *major = atoi(vers[0]); if (vers[1]) { *minor = atoi(vers[1]); if (vers[2]) { *micro = atoi(vers[2]); if (vers[3] && extra) { *extra = g_strdup(vers[3]); } } } } g_strfreev(vers); } #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 static gboolean spawn_update_manager(void) { gchar *src = NULL, *dest = NULL, *quoted_uri = NULL; gchar *cmdline[] = {NULL, "/uri", NULL, NULL}; GError *error = NULL; gboolean ret = FALSE; src = g_strconcat(get_startup_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, "update-manager.exe", NULL); if (!is_file_exist(src)) { g_warning("update-manager.exe not found."); goto finish; } dest = g_strconcat(g_get_tmp_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, "sylpheed-update-manager.exe", NULL); if (copy_file(src, dest, FALSE) < 0) { g_warning("Couldn't copy update-manager.exe"); goto finish; } quoted_uri = g_strdup_printf("'%s'", download_url); cmdline[0] = dest; cmdline[2] = quoted_uri; if (g_spawn_async (NULL, cmdline, NULL, G_SPAWN_STDOUT_TO_DEV_NULL | G_SPAWN_STDERR_TO_DEV_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &error) == FALSE) { g_warning("Couldn't execute update-manager.exe"); if (error) { g_warning("g_spawn_async: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } } else { ret = TRUE; } finish: g_free(src); g_free(dest); g_free(quoted_uri); return ret; } #ifdef USE_UPDATE_CHECK_PLUGIN static gchar *plugin_updater_ini = NULL; void update_check_spawn_plugin_updater(void) { gchar *exe = NULL, *quoted_ini = NULL; gchar *cmdline[] = {NULL, "/ini", NULL, NULL}; GError *error = NULL; gboolean ret = FALSE; if (!plugin_updater_ini) return ret; if (!is_file_exist(plugin_updater_ini)) { g_warning("Not found %s", plugin_updater_ini); goto finish; } exe = g_strconcat(get_startup_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, "plugin-updater.exe", NULL); if (!is_file_exist(exe)) { g_warning("Not found plugin-updater.exe"); goto finish; } quoted_ini = g_strdup_printf("'%s'", plugin_updater_ini); cmdline[0] = exe; cmdline[2] = quoted_ini; if (g_spawn_sync (NULL, cmdline, NULL, G_SPAWN_STDOUT_TO_DEV_NULL | G_SPAWN_STDERR_TO_DEV_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &error) == FALSE) { g_warning("Couldn't execute plugin-updater.exe"); debug_print("Couldn't execute plugin-updater.exe\n"); if (error) { g_warning("g_spawn_async: %s", error->message); debug_print("g_spawn_async: %s\n", error->message); g_error_free(error); } } else { ret = TRUE; } finish: g_free(exe); g_free(quoted_ini); g_free(plugin_updater_ini); plugin_updater_ini = NULL; return ret; } #endif /* USE_UPDATE_CHECK_PLUGIN */ #endif /* G_OS_WIN32 */ #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 static void set_default_download_url(void) { gchar buf[1024]; const gchar *os; #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 os = "win"; #else if (strstr(TARGET_ALIAS, "linux")) os = "linux"; else os = "other"; #endif #ifdef DEVEL_VERSION g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s?ver=%s&os=%s&dev=t", DOWNLOAD_URI, VERSION, os); #else g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s?ver=%s&os=%s", DOWNLOAD_URI, VERSION, os); #endif update_check_set_download_url(buf); } #endif static void update_dialog(const gchar *new_ver, const gchar *disp_ver, gboolean manual) { gchar buf[1024]; AlertValue val; if (!jump_url) update_check_set_jump_url(HOMEPAGE_URI); if (new_ver) { if (disp_ver) g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s\n\n%s\n(%s -> %s)", _("A newer version of Sylpheed has been found.\n" "Upgrade now?"), disp_ver, VERSION, new_ver); else g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s\n\n%s -> %s", _("A newer version of Sylpheed has been found.\n" "Upgrade now?"), VERSION, new_ver); } else g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", _("A newer version of Sylpheed has been found.\n" "Upgrade now?")); val = alertpanel_full(_("New version found"), buf, ALERT_QUESTION, G_ALERTDEFAULT, manual ? FALSE : TRUE, GTK_STOCK_YES, GTK_STOCK_NO, NULL); if ((val & G_ALERT_VALUE_MASK) == G_ALERTDEFAULT) { #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 if (!download_url) set_default_download_url(); if (!spawn_update_manager()) open_uri(jump_url, prefs_common.uri_cmd); #else open_uri(jump_url, prefs_common.uri_cmd); #endif } if (val & G_ALERTDISABLE) { prefs_common.auto_update_check = FALSE; } } static gint child_stdout; static void update_check_cb(GPid pid, gint status, gpointer data) { gchar **lines; gchar *key, *val, *p; gchar *new_ver = NULL; gint i; #ifdef DEVEL_VERSION gboolean cur_ver_is_release = FALSE; #else gboolean cur_ver_is_release = TRUE; #endif gboolean result = FALSE; gboolean got_version = FALSE; gboolean rel_result = FALSE; gboolean dev_result = FALSE; gboolean show_dialog_always = (gboolean)data; gchar buf[BUFFSIZE]; ssize_t size; gchar *disp_rel_ver = NULL; gchar *disp_dev_ver = NULL; debug_print("update_check_cb\n"); if (!child_stdout) { g_spawn_close_pid(pid); return; } size = read(child_stdout, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (size < 0) { fd_close(child_stdout); child_stdout = 0; g_spawn_close_pid(pid); return; } buf[size] = '\0'; fd_close(child_stdout); child_stdout = 0; g_spawn_close_pid(pid); lines = g_strsplit(buf, "\n", -1); for (i = 0; lines[i] != NULL; i++) { gint major = 0, minor = 0, micro = 0; gchar *extra = NULL; debug_print("update_check: %s\n", lines[i]); p = strchr(lines[i], '='); if (!p) continue; key = g_strndup(lines[i], p - lines[i]); val = p + 1; if (!disp_rel_ver && !strcmp(key, "DISP_RELEASE")) { disp_rel_ver = g_strdup(val); } else if (!cur_ver_is_release && !disp_dev_ver && !strcmp(key, "DISP_DEVEL")) { disp_dev_ver = g_strdup(val); } if (!result) { if (!strcmp(key, "RELEASE")) { parse_version_string(val, &major, &minor, µ, &extra); result = compare_sylpheed_version(major, minor, micro, extra, TRUE, cur_ver_is_release); rel_result = result; } else if (!cur_ver_is_release && !strcmp(key, "DEVEL")) { parse_version_string(val, &major, &minor, µ, &extra); result = compare_sylpheed_version(major, minor, micro, extra, FALSE, cur_ver_is_release); dev_result = result; } if (major + minor + micro != 0) got_version = TRUE; if (result) { new_ver = g_strdup_printf("%d.%d.%d%s", major, minor, micro, extra ? extra : ""); debug_print("update_check: new ver: %s (%s)\n", new_ver, rel_result ? "release version" : "devel version"); } } g_free(extra); g_free(key); } g_strfreev(lines); gdk_threads_enter(); if (!gtkut_window_modal_exist() && !inc_is_active()) { if (result) { if (rel_result) update_dialog(new_ver, disp_rel_ver, show_dialog_always); else update_dialog(new_ver, disp_dev_ver, show_dialog_always); } else if (show_dialog_always) { if (got_version) alertpanel_message(_("Information"), _("Sylpheed is already the latest version."), ALERT_NOTICE); else alertpanel_error(_("Couldn't get the version information.")); } } else { debug_print("update_check_cb: modal dialog exists or incorporation is active. Disabling update dialog.\n"); } g_free(disp_rel_ver); g_free(disp_dev_ver); g_free(new_ver); gdk_threads_leave(); } static void spawn_curl(gchar *url, GChildWatchFunc func, gpointer data) { gchar *cmdline[8] = {"curl", "--silent", "--max-time", "10"}; gint argc = 4; GPid pid; GError *error = NULL; if (child_stdout > 0) { debug_print("update check is in progress\n"); return; } child_stdout = 0; debug_print("spawn_curl: getting from %s\n", url); cmdline[argc++] = url; if (prefs_common.use_http_proxy && prefs_common.http_proxy_host && prefs_common.http_proxy_host[0] != '\0') { cmdline[argc++] = "--proxy"; cmdline[argc++] = prefs_common.http_proxy_host; } cmdline[argc++] = NULL; if (g_spawn_async_with_pipes (NULL, cmdline, NULL, G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD | G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, &pid, NULL, &child_stdout, NULL, &error) == FALSE) { g_warning("Couldn't execute curl"); if (error) { g_warning("g_spawn_async_with_pipes: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } return; } if (pid == 0) { g_warning("Couldn't get PID of child process"); if (child_stdout) { fd_close(child_stdout); child_stdout = 0; } return; } g_child_watch_add(pid, func, data); } #ifdef USE_UPDATE_CHECK_PLUGIN struct download_plugin_info { const gchar *filename; const SylPluginInfo* info; gchar *url; gint major, minor, micro; }; static void download_plugin_info_free(struct download_plugin_info *pinfo) { if (!pinfo) return; g_free(pinfo->url); g_free(pinfo); } static GHashTable *get_plugin_version_table(void) { GSList *list, *cur; SylPluginInfo *info; GModule *module; struct download_plugin_info *pinfo; GHashTable *plugin_version_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)download_plugin_info_free); list = syl_plugin_get_module_list(); for (cur = list; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { module = (GModule *)cur->data; info = syl_plugin_get_info(module); if (info) { pinfo = g_new0(struct download_plugin_info, 1); pinfo->filename = g_module_name(module); pinfo->info = info; g_hash_table_insert(plugin_version_table, info->name, pinfo); } else { debug_print("info not found: %s\n", g_module_name(module)); } } return plugin_version_table; } #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 static gboolean write_plugin_updater_ini(GSList *list) { guint num, h = 12; struct download_plugin_info *pinfo; GString *ini = g_string_new("[Settings]\n"); GSList *cur; gchar *basename, *p; gboolean ret = TRUE; num = g_slist_length(list); g_string_append_printf(ini, "NumFields=%d\n", num+1); num = 0; g_string_append_printf(ini, "\n[Field %d]\n", ++num); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Type=GroupBox\n"); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Left=0\n"); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Right=-1\n"); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Top=0\n"); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Bottom=-5\n"); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Text=\" Select update plugins \"\n"); for (cur = list; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { pinfo = cur->data; g_string_append_printf(ini, "\n[Field %d]\n", ++num); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Type=checkbox\n"); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Text=%s %s -> %d.%d.%d\n", pinfo->info->name, pinfo->info->version, pinfo->major, pinfo->minor, pinfo->micro); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Left=10\n"); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Right=-10\n"); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Top=%u\n", (h+=5)); g_string_append_printf(ini, "Bottom=%u\n", (h+=8)); g_string_append_printf(ini, "State=1\n"); g_string_append_printf(ini, "URL=%s\n", pinfo->url); g_string_append_printf(ini, "name=%s\n", pinfo->info->name); basename = g_path_get_basename(pinfo->filename); p = strrchr(basename, '.'); if (p) *p = '\0'; /* cut ".dll" */ g_string_append_printf(ini, "basename=%s\n", basename); g_free(basename); } debug_print("write_plugin_updater_ini:\n%s\n", ini->str); plugin_updater_ini = g_strconcat(g_get_tmp_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, "sylpheed-plugin-updater.ini", NULL); if (str_write_to_file(ini->str, plugin_updater_ini) < 0) { g_free(plugin_updater_ini); plugin_updater_ini = NULL; ret = FALSE; } g_string_free(ini, TRUE); return ret; } #endif /* G_OS_WIN32 */ static void update_plugin_dialog(GString *text, GSList *list) { AlertValue val; if (!jump_plugin_url) update_check_set_jump_plugin_url(PLUGIN_HOMEPAGE_URI); val = alertpanel_full(_("New version found"), text->str, ALERT_QUESTION, G_ALERTDEFAULT, FALSE, GTK_STOCK_YES, GTK_STOCK_NO, NULL); if ((val & G_ALERT_VALUE_MASK) == G_ALERTDEFAULT) { #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 if (write_plugin_updater_ini(list)) app_will_restart(TRUE); #else open_uri(jump_plugin_url, prefs_common.uri_cmd); #endif } } static void update_check_plugin_cb(GPid pid, gint status, gpointer data) { gchar **lines; gchar *key, *val, *p; gchar *cur_ver; gint i; gboolean show_dialog_always = (gboolean)data; gchar buf[BUFFSIZE]; ssize_t size; GHashTable *plugin_version_table = NULL; struct download_plugin_info *pinfo = NULL; gboolean result = FALSE; gboolean got_version = FALSE; GString *text = NULL; GSList *list = NULL; debug_print("update_check_plugin_cb\n"); if (!child_stdout) { g_spawn_close_pid(pid); return; } size = read(child_stdout, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (size < 0) { fd_close(child_stdout); child_stdout = 0; g_spawn_close_pid(pid); return; } buf[size] = '\0'; fd_close(child_stdout); child_stdout = 0; g_spawn_close_pid(pid); lines = g_strsplit(buf, "\n", -1); plugin_version_table = get_plugin_version_table(); text = g_string_new(_("Newer version of plug-ins have been found.\n" "Upgrade now?\n")); for (i = 0; lines[i] != NULL; i++) { gint new_major = 0, new_minor = 0, new_micro = 0; gint cur_major = 0, cur_minor = 0, cur_micro = 0; debug_print("update_check_plugin: %s\n", lines[i]); p = strchr(lines[i], '='); if (!p) continue; key = g_strndup(lines[i], p - lines[i]); val = p + 1; parse_version_string(val, &new_major, &new_minor, &new_micro, NULL); if (new_major + new_minor + new_micro != 0) { got_version = TRUE; } pinfo = g_hash_table_lookup(plugin_version_table, key); if (pinfo && (cur_ver = pinfo->info->version)) { parse_version_string(cur_ver, &cur_major, &cur_minor, &cur_micro, NULL); if (0 < compare_version(new_major, new_minor, new_micro, cur_major, cur_minor, cur_micro)) { g_string_append_printf(text, "\n - %s %d.%d.%d -> %d.%d.%d", key, cur_major, cur_minor, cur_micro, new_major, new_minor, new_micro); result = TRUE; debug_print("val = %s\n", val); p = strchr(val, ','); if (p) { struct download_plugin_info *pinfo2 = g_new0(struct download_plugin_info, 1); pinfo2->filename = pinfo->filename; pinfo2->info = pinfo->info; pinfo2->url = g_strdup(p + 1); /* skip ',' */ pinfo2->major = new_major; pinfo2->minor = new_minor; pinfo2->micro = new_micro; list = g_slist_append(list, pinfo2); } } } g_free(key); } g_strfreev(lines); g_hash_table_destroy(plugin_version_table); debug_print("%s\n", text->str); gdk_threads_enter(); if (!gtkut_window_modal_exist() && !inc_is_active()) { if (result) { update_plugin_dialog(text, list); list = NULL; } else if (show_dialog_always) { if (got_version) alertpanel_message(_("Information"), _("All Sylpheed plug-ins are already the latest version."), ALERT_NOTICE); else alertpanel_error(_("Couldn't get the version information of plug-ins.")); } } else { debug_print("update_check_plugin_cb: modal dialog exists or incorporation is active. Disabling update dialog.\n"); } g_string_free(text, TRUE); g_slist_foreach(list, (GFunc)download_plugin_info_free, NULL); g_slist_free(list); gdk_threads_leave(); } void update_check_plugin(gboolean show_dialog_always) { gchar buf[1024]; if (!check_plugin_url) { #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s?ver=%s&os=win", PLUGIN_VERSION_URI, VERSION); #else if (strstr(TARGET_ALIAS, "linux")) g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s?ver=%s&os=linux", PLUGIN_VERSION_URI, VERSION); else g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s?ver=%s&os=other", PLUGIN_VERSION_URI, VERSION); #endif update_check_set_check_plugin_url(buf); } spawn_curl(check_plugin_url, update_check_plugin_cb, (gpointer)show_dialog_always); } #endif /* USE_UPDATE_CHECK_PLUGIN */ void update_check(gboolean show_dialog_always) { gchar buf[1024]; if (!check_url) { #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s?ver=%s&os=win", VERSION_URI, VERSION); #else if (strstr(TARGET_ALIAS, "linux")) g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s?ver=%s&os=linux", VERSION_URI, VERSION); else g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s?ver=%s&os=other", VERSION_URI, VERSION); #endif update_check_set_check_url(buf); } spawn_curl(check_url, update_check_cb, (gpointer)show_dialog_always); } void update_check_set_check_url(const gchar *url) { if (check_url) g_free(check_url); check_url = g_strdup(url); if (url) debug_print("update_check_set_check_url: check URL was set to: %s\n", url); else debug_print("update_check_set_check_url: check URL was unset.\n"); } const gchar *update_check_get_check_url(void) { return check_url; } void update_check_set_download_url(const gchar *url) { if (download_url) g_free(download_url); download_url = g_strdup(url); if (url) debug_print("update_check_set_download_url: download URL was set to: %s\n", url); else debug_print("update_check_set_download_url: download URL was unset.\n"); } const gchar *update_check_get_download_url(void) { return download_url; } void update_check_set_jump_url(const gchar *url) { if (jump_url) g_free(jump_url); jump_url = g_strdup(url); } const gchar *update_check_get_jump_url(void) { return jump_url; } #ifdef USE_UPDATE_CHECK_PLUGIN void update_check_set_check_plugin_url(const gchar *url) { if (check_plugin_url) g_free(check_plugin_url); check_plugin_url = g_strdup(url); } const gchar *update_check_get_check_plugin_url(void) { return check_plugin_url; } void update_check_set_jump_plugin_url(const gchar *url) { if (jump_plugin_url) g_free(jump_plugin_url); jump_plugin_url = g_strdup(url); } const gchar *update_check_get_jump_plugin_url(void) { return jump_plugin_url; } #endif /* USE_UPDATE_CHECK_PLUGIN */ #endif /* USE_UPDATE_CHECK */