path: root/drivers/staging/rtl8192e/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc.c
diff options
authorGreg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@suse.de>2009-08-04 15:57:55 -0700
committerGreg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@suse.de>2009-09-15 12:02:30 -0700
commitecdfa44610fa18678c3dd481af75368b9800c6c7 (patch)
tree294f4190ab902ac839e94cbf3d8e65d0b927a6c0 /drivers/staging/rtl8192e/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc.c
parent2d7cf8ef75abbe0d33d9115872d4545e9cefced2 (diff)
Staging: add Realtek 8192 PCI wireless driver
This wireless driver should work for the Realtek 8192 PCI devices. It comes directly from Realtek and has been tested to work on at least one laptop in the wild. Cc: Anthony Wong <awong1@novell.com> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@suse.de>
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/staging/rtl8192e/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc.c')
1 files changed, 1719 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8192e/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc.c b/drivers/staging/rtl8192e/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e392141779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8192e/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1719 @@
+//As this function is mainly ported from Windows driver, so leave the name little changed. If any confusion caused, tell me. Created by WB. 2008.05.08
+#include "ieee80211.h"
+#include "rtl819x_HT.h"
+u8 MCS_FILTER_ALL[16] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+u8 MCS_FILTER_1SS[16] = {0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+u16 MCS_DATA_RATE[2][2][77] =
+ { { {13, 26, 39, 52, 78, 104, 117, 130, 26, 52, 78 ,104, 156, 208, 234, 260,
+ 39, 78, 117, 234, 312, 351, 390, 52, 104, 156, 208, 312, 416, 468, 520,
+ 0, 78, 104, 130, 117, 156, 195, 104, 130, 130, 156, 182, 182, 208, 156, 195,
+ 195, 234, 273, 273, 312, 130, 156, 181, 156, 181, 208, 234, 208, 234, 260, 260,
+ 286, 195, 234, 273, 234, 273, 312, 351, 312, 351, 390, 390, 429}, // Long GI, 20MHz
+ {14, 29, 43, 58, 87, 116, 130, 144, 29, 58, 87, 116, 173, 231, 260, 289,
+ 43, 87, 130, 173, 260, 347, 390, 433, 58, 116, 173, 231, 347, 462, 520, 578,
+ 0, 87, 116, 144, 130, 173, 217, 116, 144, 144, 173, 202, 202, 231, 173, 217,
+ 217, 260, 303, 303, 347, 144, 173, 202, 173, 202, 231, 260, 231, 260, 289, 289,
+ 318, 217, 260, 303, 260, 303, 347, 390, 347, 390, 433, 433, 477} }, // Short GI, 20MHz
+ { {27, 54, 81, 108, 162, 216, 243, 270, 54, 108, 162, 216, 324, 432, 486, 540,
+ 81, 162, 243, 324, 486, 648, 729, 810, 108, 216, 324, 432, 648, 864, 972, 1080,
+ 12, 162, 216, 270, 243, 324, 405, 216, 270, 270, 324, 378, 378, 432, 324, 405,
+ 405, 486, 567, 567, 648, 270, 324, 378, 324, 378, 432, 486, 432, 486, 540, 540,
+ 594, 405, 486, 567, 486, 567, 648, 729, 648, 729, 810, 810, 891}, // Long GI, 40MHz
+ {30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 300, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 540, 600,
+ 90, 180, 270, 360, 540, 720, 810, 900, 120, 240, 360, 480, 720, 960, 1080, 1200,
+ 13, 180, 240, 300, 270, 360, 450, 240, 300, 300, 360, 420, 420, 480, 360, 450,
+ 450, 540, 630, 630, 720, 300, 360, 420, 360, 420, 480, 540, 480, 540, 600, 600,
+ 660, 450, 540, 630, 540, 630, 720, 810, 720, 810, 900, 900, 990} } // Short GI, 40MHz
+ };
+static u8 UNKNOWN_BORADCOM[3] = {0x00, 0x14, 0xbf};
+static u8 LINKSYSWRT330_LINKSYSWRT300_BROADCOM[3] = {0x00, 0x1a, 0x70};
+static u8 LINKSYSWRT350_LINKSYSWRT150_BROADCOM[3] = {0x00, 0x1d, 0x7e};
+static u8 NETGEAR834Bv2_BROADCOM[3] = {0x00, 0x1b, 0x2f};
+static u8 BELKINF5D8233V1_RALINK[3] = {0x00, 0x17, 0x3f}; //cosa 03202008
+static u8 BELKINF5D82334V3_RALINK[3] = {0x00, 0x1c, 0xdf};
+static u8 PCI_RALINK[3] = {0x00, 0x90, 0xcc};
+static u8 EDIMAX_RALINK[3] = {0x00, 0x0e, 0x2e};
+static u8 AIRLINK_RALINK[3] = {0x00, 0x18, 0x02};
+static u8 DLINK_ATHEROS[3] = {0x00, 0x1c, 0xf0};
+static u8 CISCO_BROADCOM[3] = {0x00, 0x17, 0x94};
+// 2008/04/01 MH For Cisco G mode RX TP We need to change FW duration. Shoud we put the
+// code in other place??
+//static u8 WIFI_CISCO_G_AP[3] = {0x00, 0x40, 0x96};
+ *function: This function update default settings in pHTInfo structure
+ * output: none
+ * return: none
+ * notice: These value need be modified if any changes.
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+void HTUpdateDefaultSetting(struct ieee80211_device* ieee)
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+ //const typeof( ((struct ieee80211_device *)0)->pHTInfo ) *__mptr = &pHTInfo;
+ //printk("pHTinfo:%p, &pHTinfo:%p, mptr:%p, offsetof:%x\n", pHTInfo, &pHTInfo, __mptr, offsetof(struct ieee80211_device, pHTInfo));
+ //printk("===>ieee:%p,\n", ieee);
+ // ShortGI support
+ pHTInfo->bRegShortGI20MHz= 1;
+ pHTInfo->bRegShortGI40MHz= 1;
+ // 40MHz channel support
+ pHTInfo->bRegBW40MHz = 1;
+ // CCK rate support in 40MHz channel
+ if(pHTInfo->bRegBW40MHz)
+ pHTInfo->bRegSuppCCK = 1;
+ else
+ pHTInfo->bRegSuppCCK = true;
+ // AMSDU related
+ pHTInfo->nAMSDU_MaxSize = 7935UL;
+ pHTInfo->bAMSDU_Support = 0;
+ // AMPDU related
+ pHTInfo->bAMPDUEnable = 1;
+ pHTInfo->AMPDU_Factor = 2; //// 0: 2n13(8K), 1:2n14(16K), 2:2n15(32K), 3:2n16(64k)
+ pHTInfo->MPDU_Density = 0;// 0: No restriction, 1: 1/8usec, 2: 1/4usec, 3: 1/2usec, 4: 1usec, 5: 2usec, 6: 4usec, 7:8usec
+ // MIMO Power Save
+ pHTInfo->SelfMimoPs = 3;// 0: Static Mimo Ps, 1: Dynamic Mimo Ps, 3: No Limitation, 2: Reserved(Set to 3 automatically.)
+ if(pHTInfo->SelfMimoPs == 2)
+ pHTInfo->SelfMimoPs = 3;
+ // 8190 only. Assign rate operation mode to firmware
+ ieee->bTxDisableRateFallBack = 0;
+ ieee->bTxUseDriverAssingedRate = 0;
+#ifdef TO_DO_LIST
+ // 8190 only. Assign duration operation mode to firmware
+ pMgntInfo->bTxEnableFwCalcDur = (BOOLEAN)pNdisCommon->bRegTxEnableFwCalcDur;
+ // 8190 only, Realtek proprietary aggregation mode
+ // Set MPDUDensity=2, 1: Set MPDUDensity=2(32k) for Realtek AP and set MPDUDensity=0(8k) for others
+ pHTInfo->bRegRT2RTAggregation = 1;//0: Set MPDUDensity=2, 1: Set MPDUDensity=2(32k) for Realtek AP and set MPDUDensity=0(8k) for others
+ // For Rx Reorder Control
+ pHTInfo->bRegRxReorderEnable = 1;
+ pHTInfo->RxReorderWinSize = 64;
+ pHTInfo->RxReorderPendingTime = 30;
+ pHTInfo->UsbTxAggrNum = 4;
+ pHTInfo->UsbRxFwAggrEn = 1;
+ pHTInfo->UsbRxFwAggrPageNum = 24;
+ pHTInfo->UsbRxFwAggrPacketNum = 8;
+ pHTInfo->UsbRxFwAggrTimeout = 16; ////usb rx FW aggregation timeout threshold.It's in units of 64us
+ *function: This function print out each field on HT capability IE mainly from (Beacon/ProbeRsp/AssocReq)
+ * input: u8* CapIE //Capability IE to be printed out
+ * u8* TitleString //mainly print out caller function
+ * output: none
+ * return: none
+ * notice: Driver should not print out this message by default.
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+void HTDebugHTCapability(u8* CapIE, u8* TitleString )
+ static u8 EWC11NHTCap[] = {0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x33}; // For 11n EWC definition, 2007.07.17, by Emily
+ if(!memcmp(CapIE, EWC11NHTCap, sizeof(EWC11NHTCap)))
+ {
+ //EWC IE
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "EWC IE in %s()\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ }else
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "<Log HT Capability>. Called by %s\n", TitleString );
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tSupported Channel Width = %s\n", (pCapELE->ChlWidth)?"20MHz": "20/40MHz");
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tSupport Short GI for 20M = %s\n", (pCapELE->ShortGI20Mhz)?"YES": "NO");
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tSupport Short GI for 40M = %s\n", (pCapELE->ShortGI40Mhz)?"YES": "NO");
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tSupport TX STBC = %s\n", (pCapELE->TxSTBC)?"YES": "NO");
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tMax AMSDU Size = %s\n", (pCapELE->MaxAMSDUSize)?"3839": "7935");
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tSupport CCK in 20/40 mode = %s\n", (pCapELE->DssCCk)?"YES": "NO");
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tMax AMPDU Factor = %d\n", pCapELE->MaxRxAMPDUFactor);
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tMPDU Density = %d\n", pCapELE->MPDUDensity);
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tMCS Rate Set = [%x][%x][%x][%x][%x]\n", pCapELE->MCS[0],\
+ pCapELE->MCS[1], pCapELE->MCS[2], pCapELE->MCS[3], pCapELE->MCS[4]);
+ return;
+ *function: This function print out each field on HT Information IE mainly from (Beacon/ProbeRsp)
+ * input: u8* InfoIE //Capability IE to be printed out
+ * u8* TitleString //mainly print out caller function
+ * output: none
+ * return: none
+ * notice: Driver should not print out this message by default.
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+void HTDebugHTInfo(u8* InfoIE, u8* TitleString)
+ static u8 EWC11NHTInfo[] = {0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x34}; // For 11n EWC definition, 2007.07.17, by Emily
+ if(!memcmp(InfoIE, EWC11NHTInfo, sizeof(EWC11NHTInfo)))
+ {
+ // Not EWC IE
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "EWC IE in %s()\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ pHTInfoEle = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)(&InfoIE[4]);
+ }else
+ pHTInfoEle = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)(&InfoIE[0]);
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "<Log HT Information Element>. Called by %s\n", TitleString);
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tPrimary channel = %d\n", pHTInfoEle->ControlChl);
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tSenondary channel =");
+ switch(pHTInfoEle->ExtChlOffset)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "Not Present\n");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "Upper channel\n");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "Reserved. Eooro!!!\n");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "Lower Channel\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tRecommended channel width = %s\n", (pHTInfoEle->RecommemdedTxWidth)?"20Mhz": "40Mhz");
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tOperation mode for protection = ");
+ switch(pHTInfoEle->OptMode)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "No Protection\n");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "HT non-member protection mode\n");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "Suggest to open protection\n");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "HT mixed mode\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tBasic MCS Rate Set = [%x][%x][%x][%x][%x]\n", pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC[0],\
+ pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC[1], pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC[2], pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC[3], pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC[4]);
+ return;
+* Return: true if station in half n mode and AP supports 40 bw
+bool IsHTHalfNmode40Bandwidth(struct ieee80211_device* ieee)
+ bool retValue = false;
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+ if(pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport == false ) // wireless is n mode
+ retValue = false;
+ else if(pHTInfo->bRegBW40MHz == false) // station supports 40 bw
+ retValue = false;
+ else if(!ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev)) // station in half n mode
+ retValue = false;
+ else if(((PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf))->ChlWidth) // ap support 40 bw
+ retValue = true;
+ else
+ retValue = false;
+ return retValue;
+bool IsHTHalfNmodeSGI(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, bool is40MHz)
+ bool retValue = false;
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+ if(pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport == false ) // wireless is n mode
+ retValue = false;
+ else if(!ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev)) // station in half n mode
+ retValue = false;
+ else if(is40MHz) // ap support 40 bw
+ {
+ if(((PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf))->ShortGI40Mhz) // ap support 40 bw short GI
+ retValue = true;
+ else
+ retValue = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(((PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf))->ShortGI20Mhz) // ap support 40 bw short GI
+ retValue = true;
+ else
+ retValue = false;
+ }
+ return retValue;
+u16 HTHalfMcsToDataRate(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8 nMcsRate)
+ u8 is40MHz;
+ u8 isShortGI;
+ is40MHz = (IsHTHalfNmode40Bandwidth(ieee))?1:0;
+ isShortGI = (IsHTHalfNmodeSGI(ieee, is40MHz))? 1:0;
+ return MCS_DATA_RATE[is40MHz][isShortGI][(nMcsRate&0x7f)];
+u16 HTMcsToDataRate( struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8 nMcsRate)
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+ u8 is40MHz = (pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz)?1:0;
+ u8 isShortGI = (pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz)?
+ ((pHTInfo->bCurShortGI40MHz)?1:0):
+ ((pHTInfo->bCurShortGI20MHz)?1:0);
+ return MCS_DATA_RATE[is40MHz][isShortGI][(nMcsRate&0x7f)];
+ *function: This function returns current datarate.
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device* ieee
+ * u8 nDataRate
+ * output: none
+ * return: tx rate
+ * notice: quite unsure about how to use this function //wb
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+u16 TxCountToDataRate( struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8 nDataRate)
+ //PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+ u16 CCKOFDMRate[12] = {0x02 , 0x04 , 0x0b , 0x16 , 0x0c , 0x12 , 0x18 , 0x24 , 0x30 , 0x48 , 0x60 , 0x6c};
+ u8 is40MHz = 0;
+ u8 isShortGI = 0;
+ if(nDataRate < 12)
+ {
+ return CCKOFDMRate[nDataRate];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (nDataRate >= 0x10 && nDataRate <= 0x1f)//if(nDataRate > 11 && nDataRate < 28 )
+ {
+ is40MHz = 0;
+ isShortGI = 0;
+ // nDataRate = nDataRate - 12;
+ }
+ else if(nDataRate >=0x20 && nDataRate <= 0x2f ) //(27, 44)
+ {
+ is40MHz = 1;
+ isShortGI = 0;
+ //nDataRate = nDataRate - 28;
+ }
+ else if(nDataRate >= 0x30 && nDataRate <= 0x3f ) //(43, 60)
+ {
+ is40MHz = 0;
+ isShortGI = 1;
+ //nDataRate = nDataRate - 44;
+ }
+ else if(nDataRate >= 0x40 && nDataRate <= 0x4f ) //(59, 76)
+ {
+ is40MHz = 1;
+ isShortGI = 1;
+ //nDataRate = nDataRate - 60;
+ }
+ return MCS_DATA_RATE[is40MHz][isShortGI][nDataRate&0xf];
+ }
+bool IsHTHalfNmodeAPs(struct ieee80211_device* ieee)
+ bool retValue = false;
+ struct ieee80211_network* net = &ieee->current_network;
+#if 0
+ if(pMgntInfo->bHalfNMode == false)
+ retValue = false;
+ else
+ if((memcmp(net->bssid, BELKINF5D8233V1_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, BELKINF5D82334V3_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, PCI_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, EDIMAX_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, AIRLINK_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (net->ralink_cap_exist))
+ retValue = true;
+ else if((memcmp(net->bssid, UNKNOWN_BORADCOM, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, LINKSYSWRT330_LINKSYSWRT300_BROADCOM, 3)==0)||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, LINKSYSWRT350_LINKSYSWRT150_BROADCOM, 3)==0)||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, NETGEAR834Bv2_BROADCOM, 3)==0) ||
+ (net->broadcom_cap_exist))
+ retValue = true;
+ else if(net->bssht.bdRT2RTAggregation)
+ retValue = true;
+ else
+ retValue = false;
+ return retValue;
+ *function: This function returns peer IOT.
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device* ieee
+ * output: none
+ * return:
+ * notice:
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+void HTIOTPeerDetermine(struct ieee80211_device* ieee)
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+ struct ieee80211_network* net = &ieee->current_network;
+ if(net->bssht.bdRT2RTAggregation)
+ else if(net->broadcom_cap_exist)
+ else if((memcmp(net->bssid, UNKNOWN_BORADCOM, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, LINKSYSWRT330_LINKSYSWRT300_BROADCOM, 3)==0)||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, LINKSYSWRT350_LINKSYSWRT150_BROADCOM, 3)==0)||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, NETGEAR834Bv2_BROADCOM, 3)==0) )
+ else if((memcmp(net->bssid, BELKINF5D8233V1_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, BELKINF5D82334V3_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, PCI_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, EDIMAX_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(net->bssid, AIRLINK_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ net->ralink_cap_exist)
+ else if((net->atheros_cap_exist )|| (memcmp(net->bssid, DLINK_ATHEROS, 3) == 0))
+ else if(memcmp(net->bssid, CISCO_BROADCOM, 3)==0)
+ else
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_IOT, "Joseph debug!! IOTPEER: %x\n", pHTInfo->IOTPeer);
+ *function: Check whether driver should declare received rate up to MCS13 only since some chipset is not good
+ * at receiving MCS14~15 frame from some AP.
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device* ieee
+ * u8 * PeerMacAddr
+ * output: none
+ * return: return 1 if driver should declare MCS13 only(otherwise return 0)
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+u8 HTIOTActIsDisableMCS14(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8* PeerMacAddr)
+ u8 ret = 0;
+#if 0
+ // Apply for 819u only
+ if((memcmp(PeerMacAddr, UNKNOWN_BORADCOM, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(PeerMacAddr, LINKSYSWRT330_LINKSYSWRT300_BROADCOM, 3)==0)
+ )
+ {
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ if(pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation)
+ {
+ // The parameter of pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation must be decided previously
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+* Function: HTIOTActIsDisableMCS15
+* Overview: Check whether driver should declare capability of receving MCS15
+* Input:
+* PADAPTER Adapter,
+* Output: None
+* Return: true if driver should disable MCS15
+* 2008.04.15 Emily
+bool HTIOTActIsDisableMCS15(struct ieee80211_device* ieee)
+ bool retValue = false;
+#ifdef TODO
+ // Apply for 819u only
+#if (HAL_CODE_BASE==RTL8192)
+ // Alway disable MCS15 by Jerry Chang's request.by Emily, 2008.04.15
+ retValue = true;
+ // Enable MCS15 if the peer is Cisco AP. by Emily, 2008.05.12
+// if(pBssDesc->bCiscoCapExist)
+// retValue = false;
+// else
+ retValue = false;
+ // Jerry Chang suggest that 8190 1x2 does not need to disable MCS15
+ return retValue;
+* Function: HTIOTActIsDisableMCSTwoSpatialStream
+* Overview: Check whether driver should declare capability of receving All 2 ss packets
+* Input:
+* PADAPTER Adapter,
+* Output: None
+* Return: true if driver should disable all two spatial stream packet
+* 2008.04.21 Emily
+bool HTIOTActIsDisableMCSTwoSpatialStream(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8 *PeerMacAddr)
+ bool retValue = false;
+#ifdef TODO
+ // Apply for 819u only
+//#if (HAL_CODE_BASE==RTL8192)
+ //This rule only apply to Belkin(Ralink) AP
+ if(IS_UNDER_11N_AES_MODE(Adapter))
+ {
+ if((PlatformCompareMemory(PeerMacAddr, BELKINF5D8233V1_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (PlatformCompareMemory(PeerMacAddr, PCI_RALINK, 3)==0) ||
+ (PlatformCompareMemory(PeerMacAddr, EDIMAX_RALINK, 3)==0))
+ {
+ //Set True to disable this function. Disable by default, Emily, 2008.04.23
+ retValue = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return retValue;
+ *function: Check whether driver should disable EDCA turbo mode
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device* ieee
+ * u8* PeerMacAddr
+ * output: none
+ * return: return 1 if driver should disable EDCA turbo mode(otherwise return 0)
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+u8 HTIOTActIsDisableEDCATurbo(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8* PeerMacAddr)
+ u8 retValue = false; // default enable EDCA Turbo mode.
+ // Set specific EDCA parameter for different AP in DM handler.
+ return retValue;
+#if 0
+ if((memcmp(PeerMacAddr, UNKNOWN_BORADCOM, 3)==0)||
+ (memcmp(PeerMacAddr, LINKSYSWRT330_LINKSYSWRT300_BROADCOM, 3)==0)||
+ (memcmp(PeerMacAddr, LINKSYSWRT350_LINKSYSWRT150_BROADCOM, 3)==0)||
+ (memcmp(PeerMacAddr, NETGEAR834Bv2_BROADCOM, 3)==0))
+ {
+ retValue = 1; //Linksys disable EDCA turbo mode
+ }
+ return retValue;
+ *function: Check whether we need to use OFDM to sned MGNT frame for broadcom AP
+ * input: struct ieee80211_network *network //current network we live
+ * output: none
+ * return: return 1 if true
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+u8 HTIOTActIsMgntUseCCK6M(struct ieee80211_network *network)
+ u8 retValue = 0;
+ // 2008/01/25 MH Judeg if we need to use OFDM to sned MGNT frame for broadcom AP.
+ // 2008/01/28 MH We must prevent that we select null bssid to link.
+ if(network->broadcom_cap_exist)
+ {
+ retValue = 1;
+ }
+ return retValue;
+u8 HTIOTActIsCCDFsync(u8* PeerMacAddr)
+ u8 retValue = 0;
+ if( (memcmp(PeerMacAddr, UNKNOWN_BORADCOM, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(PeerMacAddr, LINKSYSWRT330_LINKSYSWRT300_BROADCOM, 3)==0) ||
+ (memcmp(PeerMacAddr, LINKSYSWRT350_LINKSYSWRT150_BROADCOM, 3) ==0))
+ {
+ retValue = 1;
+ }
+ return retValue;
+void HTResetIOTSetting(
+ pHTInfo->IOTAction = 0;
+ *function: Construct Capablility Element in Beacon... if HTEnable is turned on
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device* ieee
+ * u8* posHTCap //pointer to store Capability Ele
+ * u8* len //store length of CE
+ * u8 IsEncrypt //whether encrypt, needed further
+ * output: none
+ * return: none
+ * notice: posHTCap can't be null and should be initialized before.
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+void HTConstructCapabilityElement(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8* posHTCap, u8* len, u8 IsEncrypt)
+ //u8 bIsDeclareMCS13;
+ if ((posHTCap == NULL) || (pHT == NULL))
+ {
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR, "posHTCap or pHTInfo can't be null in HTConstructCapabilityElement()\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(posHTCap, 0, *len);
+ if(pHT->ePeerHTSpecVer == HT_SPEC_VER_EWC)
+ {
+ u8 EWC11NHTCap[] = {0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x33}; // For 11n EWC definition, 2007.07.17, by Emily
+ memcpy(posHTCap, EWC11NHTCap, sizeof(EWC11NHTCap));
+ pCapELE = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)&(posHTCap[4]);
+ }else
+ {
+ }
+ //HT capability info
+ pCapELE->AdvCoding = 0; // This feature is not supported now!!
+ if(ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev))
+ {
+ pCapELE->ChlWidth = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pCapELE->ChlWidth = (pHT->bRegBW40MHz?1:0);
+ }
+// pCapELE->ChlWidth = (pHT->bRegBW40MHz?1:0);
+ pCapELE->MimoPwrSave = pHT->SelfMimoPs;
+ pCapELE->GreenField = 0; // This feature is not supported now!!
+ pCapELE->ShortGI20Mhz = 1; // We can receive Short GI!!
+ pCapELE->ShortGI40Mhz = 1; // We can receive Short GI!!
+ //DbgPrint("TX HT cap/info ele BW=%d SG20=%d SG40=%d\n\r",
+ //pCapELE->ChlWidth, pCapELE->ShortGI20Mhz, pCapELE->ShortGI40Mhz);
+ pCapELE->TxSTBC = 1;
+ pCapELE->RxSTBC = 0;
+ pCapELE->DelayBA = 0; // Do not support now!!
+ pCapELE->MaxAMSDUSize = (MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE>=7935)?1:0;
+ pCapELE->DssCCk = ((pHT->bRegBW40MHz)?(pHT->bRegSuppCCK?1:0):0);
+ pCapELE->PSMP = 0; // Do not support now!!
+ pCapELE->LSigTxopProtect = 0; // Do not support now!!
+ //MAC HT parameters info
+ // TODO: Nedd to take care of this part
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "TX HT cap/info ele BW=%d MaxAMSDUSize:%d DssCCk:%d\n", pCapELE->ChlWidth, pCapELE->MaxAMSDUSize, pCapELE->DssCCk);
+ if( IsEncrypt)
+ {
+ pCapELE->MPDUDensity = 7; // 8us
+ pCapELE->MaxRxAMPDUFactor = 2; // 2 is for 32 K and 3 is 64K
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pCapELE->MaxRxAMPDUFactor = 3; // 2 is for 32 K and 3 is 64K
+ pCapELE->MPDUDensity = 0; // no density
+ }
+ //Supported MCS set
+ memcpy(pCapELE->MCS, ieee->Regdot11HTOperationalRateSet, 16);
+ pCapELE->MCS[1] &= 0x7f;
+ pCapELE->MCS[1] &= 0xbf;
+ pCapELE->MCS[1] &= 0x00;
+ // 2008.06.12
+ // For RTL819X, if pairwisekey = wep/tkip, ap is ralink, we support only MCS0~7.
+ if(ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev))
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 1; i< 16; i++)
+ pCapELE->MCS[i] = 0;
+ }
+ //Extended HT Capability Info
+ memset(&pCapELE->ExtHTCapInfo, 0, 2);
+ //TXBF Capabilities
+ memset(pCapELE->TxBFCap, 0, 4);
+ //Antenna Selection Capabilities
+ pCapELE->ASCap = 0;
+//add 2 to give space for element ID and len when construct frames
+ if(pHT->ePeerHTSpecVer == HT_SPEC_VER_EWC)
+ *len = 30 + 2;
+ else
+ *len = 26 + 2;
+// IEEE80211_DEBUG_DATA(IEEE80211_DL_DATA | IEEE80211_DL_HT, posHTCap, *len -2);
+ //Print each field in detail. Driver should not print out this message by default
+// HTDebugHTCapability(posHTCap, (u8*)"HTConstructCapability()");
+ return;
+ *function: Construct Information Element in Beacon... if HTEnable is turned on
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device* ieee
+ * u8* posHTCap //pointer to store Information Ele
+ * u8* len //store len of
+ * u8 IsEncrypt //whether encrypt, needed further
+ * output: none
+ * return: none
+ * notice: posHTCap can't be null and be initialized before. only AP and IBSS sta should do this
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+void HTConstructInfoElement(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8* posHTInfo, u8* len, u8 IsEncrypt)
+ if ((posHTInfo == NULL) || (pHTInfoEle == NULL))
+ {
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR, "posHTInfo or pHTInfoEle can't be null in HTConstructInfoElement()\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(posHTInfo, 0, *len);
+ if ( (ieee->iw_mode == IW_MODE_ADHOC) || (ieee->iw_mode == IW_MODE_MASTER)) //ap mode is not currently supported
+ {
+ pHTInfoEle->ControlChl = ieee->current_network.channel;
+ pHTInfoEle->ExtChlOffset = ((pHT->bRegBW40MHz == false)?HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_NO_EXT:
+ (ieee->current_network.channel<=6)?
+ pHTInfoEle->RecommemdedTxWidth = pHT->bRegBW40MHz;
+ pHTInfoEle->RIFS = 0;
+ pHTInfoEle->PSMPAccessOnly = 0;
+ pHTInfoEle->SrvIntGranularity = 0;
+ pHTInfoEle->OptMode = pHT->CurrentOpMode;
+ pHTInfoEle->NonGFDevPresent = 0;
+ pHTInfoEle->DualBeacon = 0;
+ pHTInfoEle->SecondaryBeacon = 0;
+ pHTInfoEle->LSigTxopProtectFull = 0;
+ pHTInfoEle->PcoActive = 0;
+ pHTInfoEle->PcoPhase = 0;
+ memset(pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC, 0, 16);
+ *len = 22 + 2; //same above
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //STA should not generate High Throughput Information Element
+ *len = 0;
+ }
+ //IEEE80211_DEBUG_DATA(IEEE80211_DL_DATA | IEEE80211_DL_HT, posHTInfo, *len - 2);
+ //HTDebugHTInfo(posHTInfo, "HTConstructInforElement");
+ return;
+ * According to experiment, Realtek AP to STA (based on rtl8190) may achieve best performance
+ * if both STA and AP set limitation of aggregation size to 32K, that is, set AMPDU density to 2
+ * (Ref: IEEE 11n specification). However, if Realtek STA associates to other AP, STA should set
+ * limitation of aggregation size to 8K, otherwise, performance of traffic stream from STA to AP
+ * will be much less than the traffic stream from AP to STA if both of the stream runs concurrently
+ * at the same time.
+ *
+ * Frame Format
+ * Element ID Length OUI Type1 Reserved
+ * 1 byte 1 byte 3 bytes 1 byte 1 byte
+ *
+ * OUI = 0x00, 0xe0, 0x4c,
+ * Type = 0x02
+ * Reserved = 0x00
+ *
+ * 2007.8.21 by Emily
+ *function: Construct Information Element in Beacon... in RT2RT condition
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device* ieee
+ * u8* posRT2RTAgg //pointer to store Information Ele
+ * u8* len //store len
+ * output: none
+ * return: none
+ * notice:
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+void HTConstructRT2RTAggElement(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8* posRT2RTAgg, u8* len)
+ if (posRT2RTAgg == NULL) {
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR, "posRT2RTAgg can't be null in HTConstructRT2RTAggElement()\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(posRT2RTAgg, 0, *len);
+ *posRT2RTAgg++ = 0x00;
+ *posRT2RTAgg++ = 0xe0;
+ *posRT2RTAgg++ = 0x4c;
+ *posRT2RTAgg++ = 0x02;
+ *posRT2RTAgg++ = 0x01;
+ *posRT2RTAgg = 0x10;//*posRT2RTAgg = 0x02;
+ if(ieee->bSupportRemoteWakeUp) {
+ *posRT2RTAgg |= 0x08;//RT_HT_CAP_USE_WOW;
+ }
+ *len = 6 + 2;
+ return;
+#ifdef TODO
+ /*
+ //Emily. If it is required to Ask Realtek AP to send AMPDU during AES mode, enable this
+ section of code.
+ if(IS_UNDER_11N_AES_MODE(Adapter))
+ {
+ posRT2RTAgg->Octet[5] |=RT_HT_CAP_USE_AMPDU;
+ }else
+ {
+ posRT2RTAgg->Octet[5] &= 0xfb;
+ }
+ */
+ // Do Nothing
+ posRT2RTAgg->Length = 6;
+ *function: Pick the right Rate Adaptive table to use
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device* ieee
+ * u8* pOperateMCS //A pointer to MCS rate bitmap
+ * return: always we return true
+ * notice:
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+u8 HT_PickMCSRate(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8* pOperateMCS)
+ u8 i;
+ if (pOperateMCS == NULL)
+ {
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR, "pOperateMCS can't be null in HT_PickMCSRate()\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch(ieee->mode)
+ {
+ case IEEE_A:
+ case IEEE_B:
+ case IEEE_G:
+ //legacy rate routine handled at selectedrate
+ //no MCS rate
+ for(i=0;i<=15;i++){
+ pOperateMCS[i] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IEEE_N_24G: //assume CCK rate ok
+ case IEEE_N_5G:
+ // Legacy part we only use 6, 5.5,2,1 for N_24G and 6 for N_5G.
+ // Legacy part shall be handled at SelectRateSet().
+ //HT part
+ // TODO: may be different if we have different number of antenna
+ pOperateMCS[0] &=RATE_ADPT_1SS_MASK; //support MCS 0~7
+ pOperateMCS[1] &=RATE_ADPT_2SS_MASK;
+ pOperateMCS[3] &=RATE_ADPT_MCS32_MASK;
+ break;
+ //should never reach here
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+* Description:
+* This function will get the highest speed rate in input MCS set.
+* /param Adapter Pionter to Adapter entity
+* pMCSRateSet Pointer to MCS rate bitmap
+* pMCSFilter Pointer to MCS rate filter
+* /return Highest MCS rate included in pMCSRateSet and filtered by pMCSFilter.
+ *function: This function will get the highest speed rate in input MCS set.
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device* ieee
+ * u8* pMCSRateSet //Pointer to MCS rate bitmap
+ * u8* pMCSFilter //Pointer to MCS rate filter
+ * return: Highest MCS rate included in pMCSRateSet and filtered by pMCSFilter
+ * notice:
+ * *****************************************************************************************************************/
+u8 HTGetHighestMCSRate(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8* pMCSRateSet, u8* pMCSFilter)
+ u8 i, j;
+ u8 bitMap;
+ u8 mcsRate = 0;
+ u8 availableMcsRate[16];
+ if (pMCSRateSet == NULL || pMCSFilter == NULL)
+ {
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR, "pMCSRateSet or pMCSFilter can't be null in HTGetHighestMCSRate()\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<16; i++)
+ availableMcsRate[i] = pMCSRateSet[i] & pMCSFilter[i];
+ for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ if(availableMcsRate[i] != 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(i == 16)
+ return false;
+ for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ if(availableMcsRate[i] != 0)
+ {
+ bitMap = availableMcsRate[i];
+ for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ {
+ if((bitMap%2) != 0)
+ {
+ if(HTMcsToDataRate(ieee, (8*i+j)) > HTMcsToDataRate(ieee, mcsRate))
+ mcsRate = (8*i+j);
+ }
+ bitMap = bitMap>>1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (mcsRate|0x80);
+**1.Filter our operation rate set with AP's rate set
+**2.shall reference channel bandwidth, STBC, Antenna number
+**3.generate rate adative table for firmware
+**David 20060906
+** \pHTSupportedCap: the connected STA's supported rate Capability element
+u8 HTFilterMCSRate( struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8* pSupportMCS, u8* pOperateMCS)
+ u8 i=0;
+ // filter out operational rate set not supported by AP, the lenth of it is 16
+ for(i=0;i<=15;i++){
+ pOperateMCS[i] = ieee->Regdot11HTOperationalRateSet[i]&pSupportMCS[i];
+ }
+ // TODO: adjust our operational rate set according to our channel bandwidth, STBC and Antenna number
+ // TODO: fill suggested rate adaptive rate index and give firmware info using Tx command packet
+ // we also shall suggested the first start rate set according to our singal strength
+ HT_PickMCSRate(ieee, pOperateMCS);
+ // For RTL819X, if pairwisekey = wep/tkip, we support only MCS0~7.
+ if(ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev))
+ pOperateMCS[1] = 0;
+ //
+ // For RTL819X, we support only MCS0~15.
+ // And also, we do not know how to use MCS32 now.
+ //
+ for(i=2; i<=15; i++)
+ pOperateMCS[i] = 0;
+ return true;
+void HTSetConnectBwMode(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH Bandwidth, HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET Offset);
+#if 0
+//I need move this function to other places, such as rx?
+void HTOnAssocRsp_wq(struct work_struct *work)
+ struct ieee80211_device *ieee = container_of(work, struct ieee80211_device, ht_onAssRsp);
+void HTOnAssocRsp_wq(struct ieee80211_device *ieee)
+void HTOnAssocRsp(struct ieee80211_device *ieee)
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+ u16 nMaxAMSDUSize = 0;
+ u8* pMcsFilter = NULL;
+ static u8 EWC11NHTCap[] = {0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x33}; // For 11n EWC definition, 2007.07.17, by Emily
+ static u8 EWC11NHTInfo[] = {0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x34}; // For 11n EWC definition, 2007.07.17, by Emily
+ if( pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport == false )
+ {
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR, "<=== HTOnAssocRsp(): HT_DISABLE\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "===> HTOnAssocRsp_wq(): HT_ENABLE\n");
+// IEEE80211_DEBUG_DATA(IEEE80211_DL_DATA, pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf, sizeof(HT_CAPABILITY_ELE));
+// IEEE80211_DEBUG_DATA(IEEE80211_DL_DATA, pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf, sizeof(HT_INFORMATION_ELE));
+// HTDebugHTCapability(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf,"HTOnAssocRsp_wq");
+// HTDebugHTInfo(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf,"HTOnAssocRsp_wq");
+ //
+ if(!memcmp(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf,EWC11NHTCap, sizeof(EWC11NHTCap)))
+ pPeerHTCap = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(&pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf[4]);
+ else
+ pPeerHTCap = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf);
+ if(!memcmp(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf, EWC11NHTInfo, sizeof(EWC11NHTInfo)))
+ pPeerHTInfo = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)(&pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf[4]);
+ else
+ pPeerHTInfo = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Configurations:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Config Supported Channel Width setting
+ //
+ HTSetConnectBwMode(ieee, (HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH)(pPeerHTCap->ChlWidth), (HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET)(pPeerHTInfo->ExtChlOffset));
+// if(pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz == true)
+ pHTInfo->bCurTxBW40MHz = ((pPeerHTInfo->RecommemdedTxWidth == 1)?true:false);
+ //
+ // Update short GI/ long GI setting
+ //
+ // TODO:
+ pHTInfo->bCurShortGI20MHz=
+ ((pHTInfo->bRegShortGI20MHz)?((pPeerHTCap->ShortGI20Mhz==1)?true:false):false);
+ pHTInfo->bCurShortGI40MHz=
+ ((pHTInfo->bRegShortGI40MHz)?((pPeerHTCap->ShortGI40Mhz==1)?true:false):false);
+ //
+ // Config TX STBC setting
+ //
+ // TODO:
+ //
+ // Config DSSS/CCK mode in 40MHz mode
+ //
+ // TODO:
+ pHTInfo->bCurSuppCCK =
+ ((pHTInfo->bRegSuppCCK)?((pPeerHTCap->DssCCk==1)?true:false):false);
+ //
+ // Config and configure A-MSDU setting
+ //
+ pHTInfo->bCurrent_AMSDU_Support = pHTInfo->bAMSDU_Support;
+ nMaxAMSDUSize = (pPeerHTCap->MaxAMSDUSize==0)?3839:7935;
+ if(pHTInfo->nAMSDU_MaxSize > nMaxAMSDUSize )
+ pHTInfo->nCurrent_AMSDU_MaxSize = nMaxAMSDUSize;
+ else
+ pHTInfo->nCurrent_AMSDU_MaxSize = pHTInfo->nAMSDU_MaxSize;
+ //
+ // Config A-MPDU setting
+ //
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentAMPDUEnable = pHTInfo->bAMPDUEnable;
+ // <1> Decide AMPDU Factor
+ // By Emily
+ if(!pHTInfo->bRegRT2RTAggregation)
+ {
+ // Decide AMPDU Factor according to protocol handshake
+ if(pHTInfo->AMPDU_Factor > pPeerHTCap->MaxRxAMPDUFactor)
+ pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pPeerHTCap->MaxRxAMPDUFactor;
+ else
+ pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pHTInfo->AMPDU_Factor;
+ }else
+ {
+ // Set MPDU density to 2 to Realtek AP, and set it to 0 for others
+ // Replace MPDU factor declared in original association response frame format. 2007.08.20 by Emily
+#if 0
+ osTmp= PacketGetElement( asocpdu, EID_Vendor, OUI_SUB_REALTEK_AGG, OUI_SUBTYPE_DONT_CARE);
+ if(osTmp.Length >= 5) //00:e0:4c:02:00
+ if (ieee->current_network.bssht.bdRT2RTAggregation)
+ {
+ if( ieee->pairwise_key_type != KEY_TYPE_NA)
+ // Realtek may set 32k in security mode and 64k for others
+ pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pPeerHTCap->MaxRxAMPDUFactor;
+ else
+ pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = HT_AGG_SIZE_64K;
+ }else
+ {
+ if(pPeerHTCap->MaxRxAMPDUFactor < HT_AGG_SIZE_32K)
+ pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pPeerHTCap->MaxRxAMPDUFactor;
+ else
+ pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = HT_AGG_SIZE_32K;
+ }
+ }
+ // <2> Set AMPDU Minimum MPDU Start Spacing
+ // 802.11n 3.0 section 9.7d.3
+#if 1
+ if(pHTInfo->MPDU_Density > pPeerHTCap->MPDUDensity)
+ pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity = pHTInfo->MPDU_Density;
+ else
+ pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity = pPeerHTCap->MPDUDensity;
+ if(ieee->pairwise_key_type != KEY_TYPE_NA )
+ pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity = 7; // 8us
+ if(pHTInfo->MPDU_Density > pPeerHTCap->MPDUDensity)
+ pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity = pHTInfo->MPDU_Density;
+ else
+ pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity = pPeerHTCap->MPDUDensity;
+ // Force TX AMSDU
+ // Lanhsin: mark for tmp to avoid deauth by ap from s3
+ //if(memcmp(pMgntInfo->Bssid, NETGEAR834Bv2_BROADCOM, 3)==0)
+ if(0)
+ {
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentAMPDUEnable = false;
+ pHTInfo->ForcedAMSDUMaxSize = 7935;
+ }
+ // Rx Reorder Setting
+ pHTInfo->bCurRxReorderEnable = pHTInfo->bRegRxReorderEnable;
+ //
+ // Filter out unsupported HT rate for this AP
+ // Update RATR table
+ // This is only for 8190 ,8192 or later product which using firmware to handle rate adaptive mechanism.
+ //
+ // Handle Ralink AP bad MCS rate set condition. Joseph.
+ // This fix the bug of Ralink AP. This may be removed in the future.
+ if(pPeerHTCap->MCS[0] == 0)
+ pPeerHTCap->MCS[0] = 0xff;
+ HTFilterMCSRate(ieee, pPeerHTCap->MCS, ieee->dot11HTOperationalRateSet);
+ //
+ // Config MIMO Power Save setting
+ //
+ pHTInfo->PeerMimoPs = pPeerHTCap->MimoPwrSave;
+ if(pHTInfo->PeerMimoPs == MIMO_PS_STATIC)
+ pMcsFilter = MCS_FILTER_1SS;
+ else
+ pMcsFilter = MCS_FILTER_ALL;
+ //WB add for MCS8 bug
+// pMcsFilter = MCS_FILTER_1SS;
+ ieee->HTHighestOperaRate = HTGetHighestMCSRate(ieee, ieee->dot11HTOperationalRateSet, pMcsFilter);
+ ieee->HTCurrentOperaRate = ieee->HTHighestOperaRate;
+ //
+ // Config current operation mode.
+ //
+ pHTInfo->CurrentOpMode = pPeerHTInfo->OptMode;
+void HTSetConnectBwModeCallback(struct ieee80211_device* ieee);
+ *function: initialize HT info(struct PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT)
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device* ieee
+ * output: none
+ * return: none
+ * notice: This function is called when * (1) MPInitialization Phase * (2) Receiving of Deauthentication from AP
+// TODO: Should this funciton be called when receiving of Disassociation?
+void HTInitializeHTInfo(struct ieee80211_device* ieee)
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+ //
+ // These parameters will be reset when receiving deauthentication packet
+ //
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "===========>%s()\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport = false;
+ // 40MHz channel support
+ pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz = false;
+ pHTInfo->bCurTxBW40MHz = false;
+ // Short GI support
+ pHTInfo->bCurShortGI20MHz = false;
+ pHTInfo->bCurShortGI40MHz = false;
+ pHTInfo->bForcedShortGI = false;
+ // CCK rate support
+ // This flag is set to true to support CCK rate by default.
+ // It will be affected by "pHTInfo->bRegSuppCCK" and AP capabilities only when associate to
+ // 11N BSS.
+ pHTInfo->bCurSuppCCK = true;
+ // AMSDU related
+ pHTInfo->bCurrent_AMSDU_Support = false;
+ pHTInfo->nCurrent_AMSDU_MaxSize = pHTInfo->nAMSDU_MaxSize;
+ // AMPUD related
+ pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity = pHTInfo->MPDU_Density;
+ pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pHTInfo->AMPDU_Factor;
+ // Initialize all of the parameters related to 11n
+ memset((void*)(&(pHTInfo->SelfHTCap)), 0, sizeof(pHTInfo->SelfHTCap));
+ memset((void*)(&(pHTInfo->SelfHTInfo)), 0, sizeof(pHTInfo->SelfHTInfo));
+ memset((void*)(&(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf)), 0, sizeof(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf));
+ memset((void*)(&(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf)), 0, sizeof(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf));
+ pHTInfo->bSwBwInProgress = false;
+ pHTInfo->ChnlOp = CHNLOP_NONE;
+ // Set default IEEE spec for Draft N
+ pHTInfo->ePeerHTSpecVer = HT_SPEC_VER_IEEE;
+ // Realtek proprietary aggregation mode
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation = false;
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTLongSlotTime = false;
+ pHTInfo->IOTPeer = 0;
+ pHTInfo->IOTAction = 0;
+ //MCS rate initialized here
+ {
+ u8* RegHTSuppRateSets = &(ieee->RegHTSuppRateSet[0]);
+ RegHTSuppRateSets[0] = 0xFF; //support MCS 0~7
+ RegHTSuppRateSets[1] = 0xFF; //support MCS 8~15
+ RegHTSuppRateSets[4] = 0x01; //support MCS 32
+ }
+ *function: initialize Bss HT structure(struct PBSS_HT)
+ * input: PBSS_HT pBssHT //to be initialized
+ * output: none
+ * return: none
+ * notice: This function is called when initialize network structure
+void HTInitializeBssDesc(PBSS_HT pBssHT)
+ pBssHT->bdSupportHT = false;
+ memset(pBssHT->bdHTCapBuf, 0, sizeof(pBssHT->bdHTCapBuf));
+ pBssHT->bdHTCapLen = 0;
+ memset(pBssHT->bdHTInfoBuf, 0, sizeof(pBssHT->bdHTInfoBuf));
+ pBssHT->bdHTInfoLen = 0;
+ pBssHT->bdHTSpecVer= HT_SPEC_VER_IEEE;
+ pBssHT->bdRT2RTAggregation = false;
+ pBssHT->bdRT2RTLongSlotTime = false;
+#if 0
+//below function has merged into ieee80211_network_init() in ieee80211_rx.c
+ IN PADAPTER Adapter,
+ PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &Adapter->MgntInfo;
+ if( HTCapIE.Length > sizeof(pBssDesc->BssHT.bdHTCapBuf) )
+ {
+ RT_TRACE( COMP_HT, DBG_LOUD, ("HTParsingHTCapElement(): HT Capability Element length is too long!\n") );
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO: Check the correctness of HT Cap
+ //Print each field in detail. Driver should not print out this message by default
+ if(!pMgntInfo->mActingAsAp && !pMgntInfo->mAssoc)
+ HTDebugHTCapability(DBG_TRACE, Adapter, &HTCapIE, (pu8)"HTParsingHTCapElement()");
+ HTCapIE.Length = HTCapIE.Length > sizeof(pBssDesc->BssHT.bdHTCapBuf)?\
+ sizeof(pBssDesc->BssHT.bdHTCapBuf):HTCapIE.Length; //prevent from overflow
+ CopyMem(pBssDesc->BssHT.bdHTCapBuf, HTCapIE.Octet, HTCapIE.Length);
+ pBssDesc->BssHT.bdHTCapLen = HTCapIE.Length;
+ PADAPTER Adapter,
+ PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &Adapter->MgntInfo;
+ if( HTInfoIE.Length > sizeof(pBssDesc->BssHT.bdHTInfoBuf))
+ {
+ RT_TRACE( COMP_HT, DBG_LOUD, ("HTParsingHTInfoElement(): HT Information Element length is too long!\n") );
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO: Check the correctness of HT Info
+ //Print each field in detail. Driver should not print out this message by default
+ if(!pMgntInfo->mActingAsAp && !pMgntInfo->mAssoc)
+ HTDebugHTInfo(DBG_TRACE, Adapter, &HTInfoIE, (pu8)"HTParsingHTInfoElement()");
+ HTInfoIE.Length = HTInfoIE.Length > sizeof(pBssDesc->BssHT.bdHTInfoBuf)?\
+ sizeof(pBssDesc->BssHT.bdHTInfoBuf):HTInfoIE.Length; //prevent from overflow
+ CopyMem( pBssDesc->BssHT.bdHTInfoBuf, HTInfoIE.Octet, HTInfoIE.Length);
+ pBssDesc->BssHT.bdHTInfoLen = HTInfoIE.Length;
+ * Get HT related information from beacon and save it in BssDesc
+ *
+ * (1) Parse HTCap, and HTInfo, and record whether it is 11n AP
+ * (2) If peer is HT, but not WMM, call QosSetLegacyWMMParamWithHT()
+ * (3) Check whether peer is Realtek AP (for Realtek proprietary aggregation mode).
+ * Input:
+ * PADAPTER Adapter
+ *
+ * Output:
+ * PRT_TCB BssDesc
+ *
+void HTGetValueFromBeaconOrProbeRsp(
+ PADAPTER Adapter,
+ PRT_WLAN_BSS bssDesc
+ PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &Adapter->MgntInfo;
+ OCTET_STRING HTCapIE, HTInfoIE, HTRealtekAgg, mmpdu;
+ OCTET_STRING BroadcomElement, CiscoElement;
+ mmpdu.Octet = pSRCmmpdu->Octet;
+ mmpdu.Length = pSRCmmpdu->Length;
+ //2Note:
+ // Mark for IOT testing using Linksys WRT350N, This AP does not contain WMM IE when
+ // it is configured at pure-N mode.
+ // if(bssDesc->BssQos.bdQoSMode & QOS_WMM)
+ //
+ HTInitializeBssDesc (&bssDesc->BssHT);
+ //2<1> Parse HTCap, and HTInfo
+ // Get HT Capability IE: (1) Get IEEE Draft N IE or (2) Get EWC IE
+ HTCapIE = PacketGetElement(mmpdu, EID_HTCapability, OUI_SUB_DONT_CARE, OUI_SUBTYPE_DONT_CARE);
+ if(HTCapIE.Length == 0)
+ {
+ HTCapIE = PacketGetElement(mmpdu, EID_Vendor, OUI_SUB_11N_EWC_HT_CAP, OUI_SUBTYPE_DONT_CARE);
+ if(HTCapIE.Length != 0)
+ bssDesc->BssHT.bdHTSpecVer= HT_SPEC_VER_EWC;
+ }
+ if(HTCapIE.Length != 0)
+ HTParsingHTCapElement(Adapter, HTCapIE, bssDesc);
+ // Get HT Information IE: (1) Get IEEE Draft N IE or (2) Get EWC IE
+ if(HTInfoIE.Length == 0)
+ {
+ HTInfoIE = PacketGetElement(mmpdu, EID_Vendor, OUI_SUB_11N_EWC_HT_INFO, OUI_SUBTYPE_DONT_CARE);
+ if(HTInfoIE.Length != 0)
+ bssDesc->BssHT.bdHTSpecVer = HT_SPEC_VER_EWC;
+ }
+ if(HTInfoIE.Length != 0)
+ HTParsingHTInfoElement(Adapter, HTInfoIE, bssDesc);
+ //2<2>If peer is HT, but not WMM, call QosSetLegacyWMMParamWithHT()
+ if(HTCapIE.Length != 0)
+ {
+ bssDesc->BssHT.bdSupportHT = true;
+ if(bssDesc->BssQos.bdQoSMode == QOS_DISABLE)
+ QosSetLegacyWMMParamWithHT(Adapter, bssDesc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bssDesc->BssHT.bdSupportHT = false;
+ }
+ //2<3>Check whether the peer is Realtek AP/STA
+ if(pHTInfo->bRegRT2RTAggregation)
+ {
+ if(bssDesc->BssHT.bdSupportHT)
+ {
+ HTRealtekAgg = PacketGetElement(mmpdu, EID_Vendor, OUI_SUB_REALTEK_AGG, OUI_SUBTYPE_DONT_CARE);
+ if(HTRealtekAgg.Length >=5 )
+ {
+ bssDesc->BssHT.bdRT2RTAggregation = true;
+ if((HTRealtekAgg.Octet[4]==1) && (HTRealtekAgg.Octet[5] & 0x02))
+ bssDesc->BssHT.bdRT2RTLongSlotTime = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // 2008/01/25 MH Get Broadcom AP IE for manamgent frame CCK rate problem.
+ // AP can not receive CCK managemtn from from 92E.
+ //
+ // Initialize every new bss broadcom cap exist as false..
+ bssDesc->bBroadcomCapExist= false;
+ if(HTCapIE.Length != 0 || HTInfoIE.Length != 0)
+ {
+ u4Byte Length = 0;
+ FillOctetString(BroadcomElement, NULL, 0);
+ BroadcomElement = PacketGetElement( mmpdu, EID_Vendor, OUI_SUB_BROADCOM_IE_1, OUI_SUBTYPE_DONT_CARE);
+ Length += BroadcomElement.Length;
+ BroadcomElement = PacketGetElement( mmpdu, EID_Vendor, OUI_SUB_BROADCOM_IE_2, OUI_SUBTYPE_DONT_CARE);
+ Length += BroadcomElement.Length;
+ BroadcomElement = PacketGetElement( mmpdu, EID_Vendor, OUI_SUB_BROADCOM_IE_3, OUI_SUBTYPE_DONT_CARE);
+ Length += BroadcomElement.Length;
+ if(Length > 0)
+ bssDesc->bBroadcomCapExist = true;
+ }
+ // For Cisco IOT issue
+ CiscoElement = PacketGetElement( mmpdu, EID_Vendor, OUI_SUB_CISCO_IE, OUI_SUBTYPE_DONT_CARE);
+ if(CiscoElement.Length != 0){ // 3: 0x00, 0x40, 0x96 ....
+ bssDesc->bCiscoCapExist = true;
+ }else{
+ bssDesc->bCiscoCapExist = false;
+ }
+ *function: initialize Bss HT structure(struct PBSS_HT)
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device *ieee
+ * struct ieee80211_network *pNetwork //usually current network we are live in
+ * output: none
+ * return: none
+ * notice: This function should ONLY be called before association
+void HTResetSelfAndSavePeerSetting(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, struct ieee80211_network * pNetwork)
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+// u16 nMaxAMSDUSize;
+// PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE pPeerHTCap = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapBuf;
+// PHT_INFORMATION_ELE pPeerHTInfo = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoBuf;
+// u8* pMcsFilter;
+ u8 bIOTAction = 0;
+ //
+ // Save Peer Setting before Association
+ //
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "==============>%s()\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ /*unmark bEnableHT flag here is the same reason why unmarked in function ieee80211_softmac_new_net. WB 2008.09.10*/
+// if( pHTInfo->bEnableHT && pNetwork->bssht.bdSupportHT)
+ if (pNetwork->bssht.bdSupportHT)
+ {
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport = true;
+ pHTInfo->ePeerHTSpecVer = pNetwork->bssht.bdHTSpecVer;
+ // Save HTCap and HTInfo information Element
+ if(pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapLen > 0 && pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapLen <= sizeof(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf))
+ memcpy(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf, pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapBuf, pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapLen);
+ if(pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoLen > 0 && pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoLen <= sizeof(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf))
+ memcpy(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf, pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoBuf, pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoLen);
+ // Check whether RT to RT aggregation mode is enabled
+ if(pHTInfo->bRegRT2RTAggregation)
+ {
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation = pNetwork->bssht.bdRT2RTAggregation;
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTLongSlotTime = pNetwork->bssht.bdRT2RTLongSlotTime;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation = false;
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTLongSlotTime = false;
+ }
+ // Determine the IOT Peer Vendor.
+ HTIOTPeerDetermine(ieee);
+ // Decide IOT Action
+ // Must be called after the parameter of pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation is decided
+ pHTInfo->IOTAction = 0;
+ bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsDisableMCS14(ieee, pNetwork->bssid);
+ if(bIOTAction)
+ bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsDisableMCS15(ieee);
+ if(bIOTAction)
+ bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsDisableMCSTwoSpatialStream(ieee, pNetwork->bssid);
+ if(bIOTAction)
+ bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsDisableEDCATurbo(ieee, pNetwork->bssid);
+ if(bIOTAction)
+ bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsMgntUseCCK6M(pNetwork);
+ if(bIOTAction)
+ bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsCCDFsync(pNetwork->bssid);
+ if(bIOTAction)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport = false;
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation = false;
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTLongSlotTime = false;
+ pHTInfo->IOTAction = 0;
+ }
+void HTUpdateSelfAndPeerSetting(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, struct ieee80211_network * pNetwork)
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+// PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE pPeerHTCap = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapBuf;
+ if(pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport)
+ {
+ //
+ // Config current operation mode.
+ //
+ if(pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoLen != 0)
+ pHTInfo->CurrentOpMode = pPeerHTInfo->OptMode;
+ //
+ // <TODO: Config according to OBSS non-HT STA present!!>
+ //
+ }
+void HTUseDefaultSetting(struct ieee80211_device* ieee)
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+// u8 regBwOpMode;
+ if(pHTInfo->bEnableHT)
+ {
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport = true;
+ pHTInfo->bCurSuppCCK = pHTInfo->bRegSuppCCK;
+ pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz = pHTInfo->bRegBW40MHz;
+ pHTInfo->bCurShortGI20MHz= pHTInfo->bRegShortGI20MHz;
+ pHTInfo->bCurShortGI40MHz= pHTInfo->bRegShortGI40MHz;
+ pHTInfo->bCurrent_AMSDU_Support = pHTInfo->bAMSDU_Support;
+ pHTInfo->nCurrent_AMSDU_MaxSize = pHTInfo->nAMSDU_MaxSize;
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentAMPDUEnable = pHTInfo->bAMPDUEnable;
+ pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pHTInfo->AMPDU_Factor;
+ pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity = pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity;
+ // Set BWOpMode register
+ //update RATR index0
+ HTFilterMCSRate(ieee, ieee->Regdot11HTOperationalRateSet, ieee->dot11HTOperationalRateSet);
+ //function below is not implemented at all. WB
+#ifdef TODO
+ Adapter->HalFunc.InitHalRATRTableHandler( Adapter, &pMgntInfo->dot11OperationalRateSet, pMgntInfo->dot11HTOperationalRateSet);
+ ieee->HTHighestOperaRate = HTGetHighestMCSRate(ieee, ieee->dot11HTOperationalRateSet, MCS_FILTER_ALL);
+ ieee->HTCurrentOperaRate = ieee->HTHighestOperaRate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport = false;
+ }
+ return;
+ *function: check whether HT control field exists
+ * input: struct ieee80211_device *ieee
+ * u8* pFrame //coming skb->data
+ * output: none
+ * return: return true if HT control field exists(false otherwise)
+ * notice:
+u8 HTCCheck(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, u8* pFrame)
+ if(ieee->pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport)
+ {
+ if( (IsQoSDataFrame(pFrame) && Frame_Order(pFrame)) == 1)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// This function set bandwidth mode in protocol layer.
+void HTSetConnectBwMode(struct ieee80211_device* ieee, HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH Bandwidth, HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET Offset)
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+// u32 flags = 0;
+ if(pHTInfo->bRegBW40MHz == false)
+ return;
+ // To reduce dummy operation
+// if((pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz==false && Bandwidth==HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20) ||
+// (pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz==true && Bandwidth==HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40 && Offset==pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset))
+// return;
+// spin_lock_irqsave(&(ieee->bw_spinlock), flags);
+ if(pHTInfo->bSwBwInProgress) {
+// spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(ieee->bw_spinlock), flags);
+ return;
+ }
+ //if in half N mode, set to 20M bandwidth please 09.08.2008 WB.
+ if(Bandwidth==HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40 && (!ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev)))
+ {
+ // Handle Illegal extention channel offset!!
+ if(ieee->current_network.channel<2 && Offset==HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_LOWER)
+ pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz = true;
+ pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset = Offset;
+ } else {
+ pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz = false;
+ }
+ pHTInfo->bSwBwInProgress = true;
+ // TODO: 2007.7.13 by Emily Wait 2000ms in order to garantee that switching
+ // bandwidth is executed after scan is finished. It is a temporal solution
+ // because software should ganrantee the last operation of switching bandwidth
+ // is executed properlly.
+ HTSetConnectBwModeCallback(ieee);
+// spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(ieee->bw_spinlock), flags);
+void HTSetConnectBwModeCallback(struct ieee80211_device* ieee)
+ PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
+ IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "======>%s()\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ if(pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz)
+ {
+ ieee->set_chan(ieee->dev, ieee->current_network.channel+2);
+ else if(pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset==HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_LOWER)
+ ieee->set_chan(ieee->dev, ieee->current_network.channel-2);
+ else
+ ieee->set_chan(ieee->dev, ieee->current_network.channel);
+ ieee->SetBWModeHandler(ieee->dev, HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40, pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset);
+ } else {
+ ieee->set_chan(ieee->dev, ieee->current_network.channel);
+ ieee->SetBWModeHandler(ieee->dev, HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20, HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_NO_EXT);
+ }
+ pHTInfo->bSwBwInProgress = false;