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5 files changed, 0 insertions, 6310 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/README b/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/README
index f50e4eb6c27..9c10dbb000d 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/README
+++ b/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/README
@@ -3,6 +3,5 @@ TODO:
- sparse warnings
- Lindent cleanups
- move to use the in-kernel wireless stack
- - possible enable the pcmcia and pci portions of the driver
Please send all patches to Greg Kroah-Hartman <greg@kroah.com>
diff --git a/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/hfa384x.c b/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/hfa384x.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 04df3fd9c52..00000000000
--- a/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/hfa384x.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4018 +0,0 @@
-/* src/prism2/driver/hfa384x.c
-* Implements the functions of the Intersil hfa384x MAC
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-* rights and limitations under the License.
-* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-* terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-* case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-* above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-* only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-* your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-* by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-* and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
-* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-* file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* info@linux-wlan.com
-* http://www.linux-wlan.com
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* This file implements functions that correspond to the prism2/hfa384x
-* 802.11 MAC hardware and firmware host interface.
-* The functions can be considered to represent several levels of
-* abstraction. The lowest level functions are simply C-callable wrappers
-* around the register accesses. The next higher level represents C-callable
-* prism2 API functions that match the Intersil documentation as closely
-* as is reasonable. The next higher layer implements common sequences
-* of invokations of the API layer (e.g. write to bap, followed by cmd).
-* Common sequences:
-* hfa384x_drvr_xxx Highest level abstractions provided by the
-* hfa384x code. They are driver defined wrappers
-* for common sequences. These functions generally
-* use the services of the lower levels.
-* hfa384x_drvr_xxxconfig An example of the drvr level abstraction. These
-* functions are wrappers for the RID get/set
-* sequence. They call copy_[to|from]_bap() and
-* cmd_access(). These functions operate on the
-* RIDs and buffers without validation. The caller
-* is responsible for that.
-* API wrapper functions:
-* hfa384x_cmd_xxx functions that provide access to the f/w commands.
-* The function arguments correspond to each command
-* argument, even command arguments that get packed
-* into single registers. These functions _just_
-* issue the command by setting the cmd/parm regs
-* & reading the status/resp regs. Additional
-* activities required to fully use a command
-* (read/write from/to bap, get/set int status etc.)
-* are implemented separately. Think of these as
-* C-callable prism2 commands.
-* Lowest Layer Functions:
-* hfa384x_docmd_xxx These functions implement the sequence required
-* to issue any prism2 command. Primarily used by the
-* hfa384x_cmd_xxx functions.
-* hfa384x_bap_xxx BAP read/write access functions.
-* Note: we usually use BAP0 for non-interrupt context
-* and BAP1 for interrupt context.
-* hfa384x_dl_xxx download related functions.
-* Driver State Issues:
-* Note that there are two pairs of functions that manage the
-* 'initialized' and 'running' states of the hw/MAC combo. The four
-* functions are create(), destroy(), start(), and stop(). create()
-* sets up the data structures required to support the hfa384x_*
-* functions and destroy() cleans them up. The start() function gets
-* the actual hardware running and enables the interrupts. The stop()
-* function shuts the hardware down. The sequence should be:
-* create()
-* .
-* . Self contained test routines can run here, particularly
-* . corereset() and test_hostif().
-* .
-* start()
-* .
-* . Do interesting things w/ the hardware
-* .
-* stop()
-* destroy()
-* Note that destroy() can be called without calling stop() first.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* System Includes */
-#define WLAN_DBVAR prism2_debug
-#include "version.h"
-#include <linux/version.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/wireless.h>
-#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-#include <linux/timer.h>
-#include <asm/semaphore.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <asm/byteorder.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/tqueue.h>
-#include <linux/workqueue.h>
-#include <pcmcia/version.h>
-#include <pcmcia/cs_types.h>
-#include <pcmcia/cs.h>
-#include <pcmcia/cistpl.h>
-#include <pcmcia/ds.h>
-#include <pcmcia/cisreg.h>
-#include <linux/ioport.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include "wlan_compat.h"
-// XXXX #define CMD_IRQ
-/* Project Includes */
-#include "p80211types.h"
-#include "p80211hdr.h"
-#include "p80211mgmt.h"
-#include "p80211conv.h"
-#include "p80211msg.h"
-#include "p80211netdev.h"
-#include "p80211req.h"
-#include "p80211metadef.h"
-#include "p80211metastruct.h"
-#include "hfa384x.h"
-#include "prism2mgmt.h"
-/* Local Constants */
-static const UINT16 crc16tab[256] =
- 0x0000, 0xc0c1, 0xc181, 0x0140, 0xc301, 0x03c0, 0x0280, 0xc241,
- 0xc601, 0x06c0, 0x0780, 0xc741, 0x0500, 0xc5c1, 0xc481, 0x0440,
- 0xcc01, 0x0cc0, 0x0d80, 0xcd41, 0x0f00, 0xcfc1, 0xce81, 0x0e40,
- 0x0a00, 0xcac1, 0xcb81, 0x0b40, 0xc901, 0x09c0, 0x0880, 0xc841,
- 0xd801, 0x18c0, 0x1980, 0xd941, 0x1b00, 0xdbc1, 0xda81, 0x1a40,
- 0x1e00, 0xdec1, 0xdf81, 0x1f40, 0xdd01, 0x1dc0, 0x1c80, 0xdc41,
- 0x1400, 0xd4c1, 0xd581, 0x1540, 0xd701, 0x17c0, 0x1680, 0xd641,
- 0xd201, 0x12c0, 0x1380, 0xd341, 0x1100, 0xd1c1, 0xd081, 0x1040,
- 0xf001, 0x30c0, 0x3180, 0xf141, 0x3300, 0xf3c1, 0xf281, 0x3240,
- 0x3600, 0xf6c1, 0xf781, 0x3740, 0xf501, 0x35c0, 0x3480, 0xf441,
- 0x3c00, 0xfcc1, 0xfd81, 0x3d40, 0xff01, 0x3fc0, 0x3e80, 0xfe41,
- 0xfa01, 0x3ac0, 0x3b80, 0xfb41, 0x3900, 0xf9c1, 0xf881, 0x3840,
- 0x2800, 0xe8c1, 0xe981, 0x2940, 0xeb01, 0x2bc0, 0x2a80, 0xea41,
- 0xee01, 0x2ec0, 0x2f80, 0xef41, 0x2d00, 0xedc1, 0xec81, 0x2c40,
- 0xe401, 0x24c0, 0x2580, 0xe541, 0x2700, 0xe7c1, 0xe681, 0x2640,
- 0x2200, 0xe2c1, 0xe381, 0x2340, 0xe101, 0x21c0, 0x2080, 0xe041,
- 0xa001, 0x60c0, 0x6180, 0xa141, 0x6300, 0xa3c1, 0xa281, 0x6240,
- 0x6600, 0xa6c1, 0xa781, 0x6740, 0xa501, 0x65c0, 0x6480, 0xa441,
- 0x6c00, 0xacc1, 0xad81, 0x6d40, 0xaf01, 0x6fc0, 0x6e80, 0xae41,
- 0xaa01, 0x6ac0, 0x6b80, 0xab41, 0x6900, 0xa9c1, 0xa881, 0x6840,
- 0x7800, 0xb8c1, 0xb981, 0x7940, 0xbb01, 0x7bc0, 0x7a80, 0xba41,
- 0xbe01, 0x7ec0, 0x7f80, 0xbf41, 0x7d00, 0xbdc1, 0xbc81, 0x7c40,
- 0xb401, 0x74c0, 0x7580, 0xb541, 0x7700, 0xb7c1, 0xb681, 0x7640,
- 0x7200, 0xb2c1, 0xb381, 0x7340, 0xb101, 0x71c0, 0x7080, 0xb041,
- 0x5000, 0x90c1, 0x9181, 0x5140, 0x9301, 0x53c0, 0x5280, 0x9241,
- 0x9601, 0x56c0, 0x5780, 0x9741, 0x5500, 0x95c1, 0x9481, 0x5440,
- 0x9c01, 0x5cc0, 0x5d80, 0x9d41, 0x5f00, 0x9fc1, 0x9e81, 0x5e40,
- 0x5a00, 0x9ac1, 0x9b81, 0x5b40, 0x9901, 0x59c0, 0x5880, 0x9841,
- 0x8801, 0x48c0, 0x4980, 0x8941, 0x4b00, 0x8bc1, 0x8a81, 0x4a40,
- 0x4e00, 0x8ec1, 0x8f81, 0x4f40, 0x8d01, 0x4dc0, 0x4c80, 0x8c41,
- 0x4400, 0x84c1, 0x8581, 0x4540, 0x8701, 0x47c0, 0x4680, 0x8641,
- 0x8201, 0x42c0, 0x4380, 0x8341, 0x4100, 0x81c1, 0x8081, 0x4040
-/* Local Macros */
-/* Local Types */
-/* Local Static Definitions */
-extern int prism2_debug;
-/* Local Function Declarations */
-static void hfa384x_int_dtim(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
-static void hfa384x_int_infdrop(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
-static void hfa384x_bap_tasklet(unsigned long data);
-static void hfa384x_int_info(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
-static void hfa384x_int_txexc(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
-static void hfa384x_int_tx(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
-static void hfa384x_int_rx(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
-#ifdef CMD_IRQ
-static void hfa384x_int_cmd(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
-static void hfa384x_int_rxmonitor( wlandevice_t *wlandev,
- UINT16 rxfid, hfa384x_rx_frame_t *rxdesc);
-static void hfa384x_int_alloc(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
-static int hfa384x_docmd_wait( hfa384x_t *hw, hfa384x_metacmd_t *cmd);
-static int hfa384x_dl_docmd_wait( hfa384x_t *hw, hfa384x_metacmd_t *cmd);
-static UINT16
-hfa384x_mkcrc16(UINT8 *p, int len);
-int hfa384x_copy_to_bap4(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 bap, UINT16 id, UINT16 offset,
- void *buf, UINT len, void* buf2, UINT len2,
- void *buf3, UINT len3, void* buf4, UINT len4);
-/* Function Definitions */
-static UINT16
-txfid_queue_empty(hfa384x_t *hw)
- return (hw->txfid_head == hw->txfid_tail) ? 1 : 0;
-static UINT16
-txfid_queue_remove(hfa384x_t *hw)
- UINT16 result= 0;
- if (txfid_queue_empty(hw)) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"queue empty.\n");
- } else {
- result = hw->txfid_queue[hw->txfid_head];
- hw->txfid_head = (hw->txfid_head + 1) % hw->txfid_N;
- }
- return (UINT16)result;
-static INT16
-txfid_queue_add(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 val)
- INT16 result = 0;
- if (hw->txfid_head == ((hw->txfid_tail + 1) % hw->txfid_N)) {
- result = -1;
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"queue full.\n");
- } else {
- hw->txfid_queue[hw->txfid_tail] = val;
- result = hw->txfid_tail;
- hw->txfid_tail = (hw->txfid_tail + 1) % hw->txfid_N;
- }
- return result;
-* hfa384x_create
-* Initializes the hfa384x_t data structure for use. Note this
-* does _not_ intialize the actual hardware, just the data structures
-* we use to keep track of its state.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* irq device irq number
-* iobase [pcmcia] i/o base address for register access
-* [pci] zero
-* [plx] i/o base address for register access
-* membase [pcmcia] pcmcia_cs "link" pointer
-* [pci] memory base address for register access
-* [plx] memory base address for card attribute memory
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-void hfa384x_create(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT irq, UINT32 iobase,
- UINT8 __iomem *membase)
- memset(hw, 0, sizeof(hfa384x_t));
- hw->irq = irq;
- hw->iobase = iobase;
- hw->membase = membase;
- spin_lock_init(&(hw->cmdlock));
- /* BAP setup */
- spin_lock_init(&(hw->baplock));
- tasklet_init(&hw->bap_tasklet,
- hfa384x_bap_tasklet,
- (unsigned long) hw);
- init_waitqueue_head(&hw->cmdq);
- sema_init(&hw->infofid_sem, 1);
- hw->txfid_head = 0;
- hw->txfid_tail = 0;
- hw->txfid_N = HFA384x_DRVR_FIDSTACKLEN_MAX;
- memset(hw->txfid_queue, 0, sizeof(hw->txfid_queue));
- hw->isram16 = 1;
- /* Init the auth queue head */
- skb_queue_head_init(&hw->authq);
- INIT_WORK2(&hw->link_bh, prism2sta_processing_defer);
- INIT_WORK2(&hw->commsqual_bh, prism2sta_commsqual_defer);
- init_timer(&hw->commsqual_timer);
- hw->commsqual_timer.data = (unsigned long) hw;
- hw->commsqual_timer.function = prism2sta_commsqual_timer;
- hw->link_status = HFA384x_LINK_NOTCONNECTED;
- hw->state = HFA384x_STATE_INIT;
-* hfa384x_destroy
-* Partner to hfa384x_create(). This function cleans up the hw
-* structure so that it can be freed by the caller using a simple
-* kfree. Currently, this function is just a placeholder. If, at some
-* point in the future, an hw in the 'shutdown' state requires a 'deep'
-* kfree, this is where it should be done. Note that if this function
-* is called on a _running_ hw structure, the drvr_stop() function is
-* called.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* nothing, this function is not allowed to fail.
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process
-hfa384x_destroy( hfa384x_t *hw)
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- if ( hw->state == HFA384x_STATE_RUNNING ) {
- hfa384x_drvr_stop(hw);
- }
- hw->state = HFA384x_STATE_PREINIT;
- if (hw->scanresults) {
- kfree(hw->scanresults);
- hw->scanresults = NULL;
- }
- /* Now to clean out the auth queue */
- while ( (skb = skb_dequeue(&hw->authq)) ) {
- dev_kfree_skb(skb);
- }
- return;
-* hfa384x_drvr_getconfig
-* Performs the sequence necessary to read a config/info item.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* rid config/info record id (host order)
-* buf host side record buffer. Upon return it will
-* contain the body portion of the record (minus the
-* RID and len).
-* len buffer length (in bytes, should match record length)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* -ENODATA length mismatch between argument and retrieved
-* record.
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_getconfig(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 rid, void *buf, UINT16 len)
- int result = 0;
- result = hfa384x_cmd_access( hw, 0, rid, buf, len);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_setconfig
-* Performs the sequence necessary to write a config/info item.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* rid config/info record id (in host order)
-* buf host side record buffer
-* len buffer length (in bytes)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_setconfig(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 rid, void *buf, UINT16 len)
- int result = 0;
- result = hfa384x_cmd_access( hw, 1, rid, buf, len);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_readpda
-* Performs the sequence to read the PDA space. Note there is no
-* drvr_writepda() function. Writing a PDA is
-* generally implemented by a calling component via calls to
-* cmd_download and writing to the flash download buffer via the
-* aux regs.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* buf buffer to store PDA in
-* len buffer length
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* -ETIMEOUT timout waiting for the cmd regs to become
-* available, or waiting for the control reg
-* to indicate the Aux port is enabled.
-* -ENODATA the buffer does NOT contain a valid PDA.
-* Either the card PDA is bad, or the auxdata
-* reads are giving us garbage.
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread or non-card interrupt.
-int hfa384x_drvr_readpda(hfa384x_t *hw, void *buf, UINT len)
- int result = 0;
- UINT16 *pda = buf;
- int pdaok = 0;
- int morepdrs = 1;
- int currpdr = 0; /* word offset of the current pdr */
- int i;
- UINT16 pdrlen; /* pdr length in bytes, host order */
- UINT16 pdrcode; /* pdr code, host order */
- UINT16 crc;
- UINT16 pdacrc;
- struct pdaloc {
- UINT32 cardaddr;
- UINT16 auxctl;
- } pdaloc[] =
- {
- { HFA3842_PDA_BASE, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_NV},
- { HFA3841_PDA_BASE, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_NV},
- };
- /* Check for aux available */
- result = hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable(hw, 0);
- if ( result ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"aux_enable() failed. result=%d\n", result);
- goto failed;
- }
- /* Read the pda from each known address. */
- for ( i = 0; i < (sizeof(pdaloc)/sizeof(pdaloc[0])); i++) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG( 3, "Checking PDA@(0x%08x,%s)\n",
- pdaloc[i].cardaddr,
- pdaloc[i].auxctl == HFA384x_AUX_CTL_NV ?
- "CTL_NV" : "CTL_EXTDS");
- /* Copy bufsize bytes from our current pdaloc */
- hfa384x_copy_from_aux(hw,
- pdaloc[i].cardaddr,
- pdaloc[i].auxctl,
- buf,
- len);
- /* Test for garbage */
- /* Traverse the PDR list Looking for PDA-END */
- pdaok = 1; /* intially assume good */
- morepdrs = 1;
- currpdr = 0;
- while ( pdaok && morepdrs ) {
- pdrlen = hfa384x2host_16(pda[currpdr]) * 2;
- pdrcode = hfa384x2host_16(pda[currpdr+1]);
- /* Test for completion at END record */
- if ( pdrcode == HFA384x_PDR_END_OF_PDA ) {
- if ( pdrlen == 4 ) {
- morepdrs = 0;
- /* Calculate CRC-16 and compare to PDA
- * value. Note the addition of 2 words
- * for ENDREC.len and ENDREC.code
- * fields.
- */
- crc = hfa384x_mkcrc16( (UINT8*)pda,
- (currpdr + 2) * sizeof(UINT16));
- pdacrc =hfa384x2host_16(pda[currpdr+2]);
- if ( crc != pdacrc ) {
- "PDA crc failed:"
- "calc_crc=0x%04x,"
- "pdr_crc=0x%04x.\n",
- crc, pdacrc);
- pdaok = 0;
- }
- } else {
- "END record detected w/ "
- "len(%d) != 2, assuming bad PDA\n",
- pdrlen);
- pdaok = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* Test the record length */
- if ( pdrlen > HFA384x_PDR_LEN_MAX || pdrlen == 0) {
- "pdrlen for address #%d "
- "at %#x:%#x:%d\n",
- i, pdaloc[i].cardaddr,
- pdaloc[i].auxctl, pdrlen);
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"pdrlen invalid=%d\n",
- pdrlen);
- pdaok = 0;
- break;
- }
- /* Move to the next pdr */
- if ( morepdrs ) {
- /* note the access to pda[], we need words */
- currpdr += hfa384x2host_16(pda[currpdr]) + 1;
- if (currpdr*sizeof(UINT16) > len) {
- "Didn't find PDA_END in buffer, "
- "trying next location.\n");
- pdaok = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( pdaok ) {
- "PDA Read from 0x%08x in %s space.\n",
- pdaloc[i].cardaddr,
- pdaloc[i].auxctl == 0 ? "EXTDS" :
- pdaloc[i].auxctl == 1 ? "NV" :
- pdaloc[i].auxctl == 2 ? "PHY" :
- pdaloc[i].auxctl == 3 ? "ICSRAM" :
- "<bogus auxctl>");
- break;
- }
- }
- result = pdaok ? 0 : -ENODATA;
- if ( result ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"Failure: pda is not okay\n");
- }
- hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable(hw);
- return result;
-* mkpda_crc
-* Calculates the CRC16 for the given PDA and inserts the value
-* into the end record.
-* Arguments:
-* pda ptr to the PDA data structure.
-* Returns:
-* 0 - success
-* ~0 - failure (probably an errno)
-static UINT16
-hfa384x_mkcrc16(UINT8 *p, int len)
- UINT16 crc = 0;
- UINT8 *lim = p + len;
- while (p < lim) {
- crc = (crc >> 8 ) ^ crc16tab[(crc & 0xff) ^ *p++];
- }
- return crc;
-* hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_enable
-* Begins the ram download state. Checks to see that we're not
-* already in a download state and that a port isn't enabled.
-* Sets the download state and calls cmd_download with the
-* ENABLE_VOLATILE subcommand and the exeaddr argument.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* exeaddr the card execution address that will be
-* jumped to when ramdl_disable() is called
-* (host order).
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_enable(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 exeaddr)
- int result = 0;
- UINT16 lowaddr;
- UINT16 hiaddr;
- int i;
- /* Check that a port isn't active */
- for ( i = 0; i < HFA384x_PORTID_MAX; i++) {
- if ( hw->port_enabled[i] ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"Can't download with a port enabled.\n");
- result = -EINVAL;
- goto done;
- }
- }
- /* Check that we're not already in a download state */
- if ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_DISABLED ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"Download state not disabled.\n");
- result = -EINVAL;
- goto done;
- }
- /* Are we supposed to go into genesis mode? */
- if (exeaddr == 0x3f0000) {
- UINT16 initseq[2] = { 0xe100, 0xffa1 };
- UINT16 readbuf[2];
- UINT8 hcr = 0x0f; /* Default to x16 SRAM */
- hw->isram16 = 1;
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "Dropping into Genesis mode\n");
- /* Issue card reset and enable aux port */
- hfa384x_corereset(hw, prism2_reset_holdtime,
- prism2_reset_settletime, 0);
- hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable(hw, 1);
- /* Genesis set */
- hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
- initseq, sizeof(initseq));
- hfa384x_corereset(hw, prism2_reset_holdtime,
- prism2_reset_settletime, hcr);
- /* Validate memory config */
- hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
- initseq, sizeof(initseq));
- hfa384x_copy_from_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
- readbuf, sizeof(initseq));
- WLAN_HEX_DUMP(3, "readback", readbuf, sizeof(readbuf));
- if (memcmp(initseq, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf))) {
- hcr = 0x1f; /* x8 SRAM */
- hw->isram16 = 0;
- hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
- initseq, sizeof(initseq));
- hfa384x_corereset(hw, prism2_reset_holdtime,
- prism2_reset_settletime, hcr);
- hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
- initseq, sizeof(initseq));
- hfa384x_copy_from_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
- readbuf, sizeof(initseq));
- WLAN_HEX_DUMP(2, "readback", readbuf, sizeof(readbuf));
- if (memcmp(initseq, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf))) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Genesis mode failed\n");
- result = -1;
- goto done;
- }
- }
- /* Now we're in genesis mode */
- hw->dlstate = HFA384x_DLSTATE_GENESIS;
- goto done;
- }
- /* Retrieve the buffer loc&size and timeout */
- if ( (result = hfa384x_drvr_getconfig(hw, HFA384x_RID_DOWNLOADBUFFER,
- &(hw->bufinfo), sizeof(hw->bufinfo))) ) {
- goto done;
- }
- hw->bufinfo.page = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.page);
- hw->bufinfo.offset = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.offset);
- hw->bufinfo.len = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.len);
- if ( (result = hfa384x_drvr_getconfig16(hw, HFA384x_RID_MAXLOADTIME,
- &(hw->dltimeout))) ) {
- goto done;
- }
- hw->dltimeout = hfa384x2host_16(hw->dltimeout);
- /* Enable the aux port */
- if ( (result = hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable(hw, 0)) ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"Aux enable failed, result=%d.\n", result);
- goto done;
- }
- /* Call the download(1,addr) function */
- lowaddr = HFA384x_ADDR_CMD_MKOFF(exeaddr);
- hiaddr = HFA384x_ADDR_CMD_MKPAGE(exeaddr);
- result = hfa384x_cmd_download(hw, HFA384x_PROGMODE_RAM,
- lowaddr, hiaddr, 0);
- if ( result == 0) {
- /* Set the download state */
- hw->dlstate = HFA384x_DLSTATE_RAMENABLED;
- } else {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"cmd_download(0x%04x, 0x%04x) failed, result=%d.\n",
- lowaddr,hiaddr, result);
- /* Disable the aux port */
- hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable(hw);
- }
- done:
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_disable
-* Ends the ram download state.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_disable(hfa384x_t *hw)
- /* Check that we're already in the download state */
- if ( ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_RAMENABLED ) &&
- ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_GENESIS ) ) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (hw->dlstate == HFA384x_DLSTATE_GENESIS) {
- hfa384x_corereset(hw, prism2_reset_holdtime,
- prism2_reset_settletime,
- hw->isram16 ? 0x07: 0x17);
- goto done;
- }
- /* Disable the aux port */
- hfa384x_cmd_download(hw, HFA384x_PROGMODE_DISABLE, 0, 0 , 0);
- done:
- hw->dlstate = HFA384x_DLSTATE_DISABLED;
- hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable(hw);
- return 0;
-* hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_write
-* Performs a RAM download of a chunk of data. First checks to see
-* that we're in the RAM download state, then uses the aux functions
-* to 1) copy the data, 2) readback and compare. The download
-* state is unaffected. When all data has been written using
-* this function, call drvr_ramdl_disable() to end the download state
-* and restart the MAC.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* daddr Card address to write to. (host order)
-* buf Ptr to data to write.
-* len Length of data (host order).
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_write(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 daddr, void* buf, UINT32 len)
- int result = 0;
- UINT8 *verbuf;
- /* Check that we're in the ram download state */
- if ( ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_RAMENABLED ) &&
- ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_GENESIS ) ) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- WLAN_LOG_INFO("Writing %d bytes to ram @0x%06x\n", len, daddr);
-#if 0
-WLAN_HEX_DUMP(1, "dldata", buf, len);
- /* Copy the data via the aux port */
- hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, daddr, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS, buf, len);
- /* Create a buffer for the verify */
- verbuf = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (verbuf == NULL ) return 1;
- /* Read back and compare */
- hfa384x_copy_from_aux(hw, daddr, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS, verbuf, len);
- if ( memcmp(buf, verbuf, len) ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"ramdl verify failed!\n");
- result = -EINVAL;
- }
- kfree_s(verbuf, len);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_enable
-* Begins the flash download state. Checks to see that we're not
-* already in a download state and that a port isn't enabled.
-* Sets the download state and retrieves the flash download
-* buffer location, buffer size, and timeout length.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_enable(hfa384x_t *hw)
- int result = 0;
- int i;
- /* Check that a port isn't active */
- for ( i = 0; i < HFA384x_PORTID_MAX; i++) {
- if ( hw->port_enabled[i] ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"called when port enabled.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- }
- /* Check that we're not already in a download state */
- if ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_DISABLED ) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Retrieve the buffer loc&size and timeout */
- if ( (result = hfa384x_drvr_getconfig(hw, HFA384x_RID_DOWNLOADBUFFER,
- &(hw->bufinfo), sizeof(hw->bufinfo))) ) {
- return result;
- }
- hw->bufinfo.page = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.page);
- hw->bufinfo.offset = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.offset);
- hw->bufinfo.len = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.len);
- if ( (result = hfa384x_drvr_getconfig16(hw, HFA384x_RID_MAXLOADTIME,
- &(hw->dltimeout))) ) {
- return result;
- }
- hw->dltimeout = hfa384x2host_16(hw->dltimeout);
- /* Enable the aux port */
- if ( (result = hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable(hw, 0)) ) {
- return result;
- }
- hw->dlstate = HFA384x_DLSTATE_FLASHENABLED;
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_disable
-* Ends the flash download state. Note that this will cause the MAC
-* firmware to restart.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_disable(hfa384x_t *hw)
- /* Check that we're already in the download state */
- if ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_FLASHENABLED ) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* There isn't much we can do at this point, so I don't */
- /* bother w/ the return value */
- hfa384x_cmd_download(hw, HFA384x_PROGMODE_DISABLE, 0, 0 , 0);
- hw->dlstate = HFA384x_DLSTATE_DISABLED;
- /* Disable the aux port */
- hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable(hw);
- return 0;
-* hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_write
-* Performs a FLASH download of a chunk of data. First checks to see
-* that we're in the FLASH download state, then sets the download
-* mode, uses the aux functions to 1) copy the data to the flash
-* buffer, 2) sets the download 'write flash' mode, 3) readback and
-* compare. Lather rinse, repeat as many times an necessary to get
-* all the given data into flash.
-* When all data has been written using this function (possibly
-* repeatedly), call drvr_flashdl_disable() to end the download state
-* and restart the MAC.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* daddr Card address to write to. (host order)
-* buf Ptr to data to write.
-* len Length of data (host order).
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_write(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 daddr, void* buf, UINT32 len)
- int result = 0;
- UINT8 *verbuf;
- UINT32 dlbufaddr;
- UINT32 currlen;
- UINT32 currdaddr;
- UINT16 destlo;
- UINT16 desthi;
- int nwrites;
- int i;
- /* Check that we're in the flash download state */
- if ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_FLASHENABLED ) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- WLAN_LOG_INFO("Download %d bytes to flash @0x%06x\n", len, daddr);
- /* Need a flat address for arithmetic */
- dlbufaddr = HFA384x_ADDR_AUX_MKFLAT(
- hw->bufinfo.page,
- hw->bufinfo.offset);
- verbuf = kmalloc(hw->bufinfo.len, GFP_KERNEL);
-#if 0
-WLAN_LOG_WARNING("dlbuf@0x%06lx len=%d to=%d\n", dlbufaddr, hw->bufinfo.len, hw->dltimeout);
- /* Figure out how many times to to the flash prog */
- nwrites = len / hw->bufinfo.len;
- nwrites += (len % hw->bufinfo.len) ? 1 : 0;
- if ( verbuf == NULL ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate flash verify buffer\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /* For each */
- for ( i = 0; i < nwrites; i++) {
- /* Get the dest address and len */
- currlen = (len - (hw->bufinfo.len * i)) > hw->bufinfo.len ?
- hw->bufinfo.len :
- (len - (hw->bufinfo.len * i));
- currdaddr = daddr + (hw->bufinfo.len * i);
- destlo = HFA384x_ADDR_CMD_MKOFF(currdaddr);
- desthi = HFA384x_ADDR_CMD_MKPAGE(currdaddr);
- WLAN_LOG_INFO("Writing %d bytes to flash @0x%06x\n", currlen, currdaddr);
-#if 0
-WLAN_HEX_DUMP(1, "dldata", buf+(hw->bufinfo.len*i), currlen);
- /* Set the download mode */
- result = hfa384x_cmd_download(hw, HFA384x_PROGMODE_NV,
- destlo, desthi, currlen);
- if ( result ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("download(NV,lo=%x,hi=%x,len=%x) "
- "cmd failed, result=%d. Aborting d/l\n",
- destlo, desthi, currlen, result);
- goto exit_proc;
- }
- /* copy the data to the flash buffer */
- hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, dlbufaddr, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
- buf+(hw->bufinfo.len*i), currlen);
- /* set the download 'write flash' mode */
- result = hfa384x_cmd_download(hw, HFA384x_PROGMODE_NVWRITE, 0,0,0);
- if ( result ) {
- "download(NVWRITE,lo=%x,hi=%x,len=%x) "
- "cmd failed, result=%d. Aborting d/l\n",
- destlo, desthi, currlen, result);
- goto exit_proc;
- }
- /* readback and compare, if fail...bail */
- hfa384x_copy_from_aux(hw,
- currdaddr, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_NV,
- verbuf, currlen);
- if ( memcmp(buf+(hw->bufinfo.len*i), verbuf, currlen) ) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- }
- /* DOH! This kfree's for you Mark :-) My forehead hurts... */
- kfree(verbuf);
- /* Leave the firmware in the 'post-prog' mode. flashdl_disable will */
- /* actually disable programming mode. Remember, that will cause the */
- /* the firmware to effectively reset itself. */
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_initialize
-* Issues the initialize command and sets the hw->state based
-* on the result.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_initialize(hfa384x_t *hw)
- int result = 0;
- int i;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- /* we don't want to be interrupted during the reset */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_INTEN);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0xffff, HFA384x_EVACK);
- cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMDCODE_INIT;
- cmd.parm0 = 0;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- if ( result == 0 ) {
- for ( i = 0; i < HFA384x_NUMPORTS_MAX; i++) {
- hw->port_enabled[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- hw->link_status = HFA384x_LINK_NOTCONNECTED;
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_commtallies
-* Send a commtallies inquiry to the MAC. Note that this is an async
-* call that will result in an info frame arriving sometime later.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* zero success.
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process
-int hfa384x_drvr_commtallies( hfa384x_t *hw )
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- int result;
- cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMDCODE_INQ;
- cmd.parm0 = HFA384x_IT_COMMTALLIES;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_enable
-* Issues the enable command to enable communications on one of
-* the MACs 'ports'. Only macport 0 is valid for stations.
-* APs may also enable macports 1-6. Only ports that are currently
-* disabled may be enabled.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* macport MAC port number
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_enable(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 macport)
- int result = 0;
- if ((!hw->isap && macport != 0) ||
- (hw->isap && !(macport <= HFA384x_PORTID_MAX)) ||
- (hw->port_enabled[macport]) ){
- result = -EINVAL;
- } else {
- result = hfa384x_cmd_enable(hw, macport);
- if ( result == 0 ) {
- hw->port_enabled[macport] = 1;
- }
- }
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_enable
-* Issues the the enable command to enable communications on one of the
-* MACs 'ports'.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* macport MAC port number
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_enable(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 macport)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- HFA384x_CMD_MACPORT_SET(macport);
- cmd.parm0 = 0;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_disable
-* Issues the disable command to stop communications on one of
-* the MACs 'ports'. Only macport 0 is valid for stations.
-* APs may also disable macports 1-6. Only ports that have been
-* previously enabled may be disabled.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* macport MAC port number (host order)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_disable(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 macport)
- int result = 0;
- if ((!hw->isap && macport != 0) ||
- (hw->isap && !(macport <= HFA384x_PORTID_MAX)) ||
- !(hw->port_enabled[macport]) ){
- result = -EINVAL;
- } else {
- result = hfa384x_cmd_disable(hw, macport);
- if ( result == 0 ) {
- hw->port_enabled[macport] = 0;
- }
- }
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_disable
-* Issues the command to disable a port.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* macport MAC port number (host order)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_disable(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 macport)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- HFA384x_CMD_MACPORT_SET(macport);
- cmd.parm0 = 0;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_diagnose
-* Issues the diagnose command to test the: register interface,
-* MAC controller (including loopback), External RAM, Non-volatile
-* memory integrity, and synthesizers. Following execution of this
-* command, MAC/firmware are in the 'initial state'. Therefore,
-* the Initialize command should be issued after successful
-* completion of this command. This function may only be called
-* when the MAC is in the 'communication disabled' state.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-#define DIAG_PATTERNA ((UINT16)0xaaaa)
-#define DIAG_PATTERNB ((UINT16)0x5555)
-int hfa384x_cmd_diagnose(hfa384x_t *hw)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- cmd.parm0 = DIAG_PATTERNA;
- cmd.parm1 = DIAG_PATTERNB;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_allocate
-* Issues the allocate command instructing the firmware to allocate
-* a 'frame structure buffer' in MAC controller RAM. This command
-* does not provide the result, it only initiates one of the f/w's
-* asynchronous processes to construct the buffer. When the
-* allocation is complete, it will be indicated via the Alloc
-* bit in the EvStat register and the FID identifying the allocated
-* space will be available from the AllocFID register. Some care
-* should be taken when waiting for the Alloc event. If a Tx or
-* Notify command w/ Reclaim has been previously executed, it's
-* possible the first Alloc event after execution of this command
-* will be for the reclaimed buffer and not the one you asked for.
-* This case must be handled in the Alloc event handler.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* len allocation length, must be an even value
-* in the range [4-2400]. (host order)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_allocate(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 len)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- if ( (len % 2) ||
- len < HFA384x_CMD_ALLOC_LEN_MIN ||
- len > HFA384x_CMD_ALLOC_LEN_MAX ) {
- result = -EINVAL;
- } else {
- cmd.parm0 = len;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- }
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_transmit
-* Instructs the firmware to transmit a frame previously copied
-* to a given buffer. This function returns immediately, the Tx
-* results are available via the Tx or TxExc events (if the frame
-* control bits are set). The reclaim argument specifies if the
-* FID passed will be used by the f/w tx process or returned for
-* use w/ another transmit command. If reclaim is set, expect an
-* Alloc event signalling the availibility of the FID for reuse.
-* NOTE: hw->cmdlock MUST BE HELD before calling this function!
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* reclaim [0|1] indicates whether the given FID will
-* be handed back (via Alloc event) for reuse.
-* (host order)
-* qos [0-3] Value to put in the QoS field of the
-* tx command, identifies a queue to place the
-* outgoing frame in.
-* (host order)
-* fid FID of buffer containing the frame that was
-* previously copied to MAC memory via the bap.
-* (host order)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* hw->resp0 will contain the FID being used by async tx
-* process. If reclaim==0, resp0 will be the same as the fid
-* argument. If reclaim==1, resp0 will be the different and
-* is the value to watch for in the Tx|TxExc to indicate completion
-* of the frame passed in fid.
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_transmit(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 reclaim, UINT16 qos, UINT16 fid)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_SET(HFA384x_CMDCODE_TX) |
- HFA384x_CMD_RECL_SET(reclaim) |
- HFA384x_CMD_QOS_SET(qos);
- cmd.parm0 = fid;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_clearpersist
-* Instructs the firmware to clear the persistence bit in a given
-* FID. This has the effect of telling the firmware to drop the
-* persistent frame. The FID must be one that was previously used
-* to transmit a PRST frame.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* fid FID of the persistent frame (host order)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_clearpersist(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 fid)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- cmd.parm0 = fid;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_notify
-* Sends an info frame to the firmware to alter the behavior
-* of the f/w asynch processes. Can only be called when the MAC
-* is in the enabled state.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* reclaim [0|1] indicates whether the given FID will
-* be handed back (via Alloc event) for reuse.
-* (host order)
-* fid FID of buffer containing the frame that was
-* previously copied to MAC memory via the bap.
-* (host order)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* hw->resp0 will contain the FID being used by async notify
-* process. If reclaim==0, resp0 will be the same as the fid
-* argument. If reclaim==1, resp0 will be the different.
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_notify(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 reclaim, UINT16 fid,
- void *buf, UINT16 len)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- HFA384x_CMD_RECL_SET(reclaim);
- cmd.parm0 = fid;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- /* Copy the record to FID */
- result = hfa384x_copy_to_bap(hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, hw->infofid, 0, buf, len);
- if ( result ) {
- "copy_to_bap(%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
- hw->infofid, len, result);
- result = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- failed:
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-#if 0
-* hfa384x_cmd_inquiry
-* Requests an info frame from the firmware. The info frame will
-* be delivered asynchronously via the Info event.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* fid FID of the info frame requested. (host order)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-static int hfa384x_cmd_inquiry(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 fid)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- cmd.parm0 = fid;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_access
-* Requests that a given record be copied to/from the record
-* buffer. If we're writing from the record buffer, the contents
-* must previously have been written to the record buffer via the
-* bap. If we're reading into the record buffer, the record can
-* be read out of the record buffer after this call.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* write [0|1] copy the record buffer to the given
-* configuration record. (host order)
-* rid RID of the record to read/write. (host order)
-* buf host side record buffer. Upon return it will
-* contain the body portion of the record (minus the
-* RID and len).
-* len buffer length (in bytes, should match record length)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_access(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 write, UINT16 rid,
- void* buf, UINT16 len)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- hfa384x_rec_t rec;
- /* This should NOT be called in interrupt context! */
- if (in_irq()) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Krap, in Interrupt context!");
- BUG();
- }
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- if (write) {
- rec.rid = host2hfa384x_16(rid);
- rec.reclen = host2hfa384x_16((len/2) + 1); /* note conversion to words, +1 for rid field */
- /* write the record */
- result = hfa384x_copy_to_bap4( hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, rid, 0,
- &rec, sizeof(rec),
- buf, len,
- NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
- if ( result ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"Failure writing record header+data\n");
- goto fail;
- }
- }
- HFA384x_CMD_WRITE_SET(write);
- cmd.parm0 = rid;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- if ( result ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Call to hfa384x_docmd_wait failed (%d %d)\n",
- result, cmd.result.resp0);
- goto fail;
- }
- if (!write) {
- result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap( hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, rid, 0, &rec, sizeof(rec));
- if ( result ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"Call to hfa384x_copy_from_bap failed\n");
- goto fail;
- }
- /* Validate the record length */
- if ( ((hfa384x2host_16(rec.reclen)-1)*2) != len ) { /* note body len calculation in bytes */
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "RID len mismatch, rid=0x%04x hlen=%d fwlen=%d\n",
- rid, len, (hfa384x2host_16(rec.reclen)-1)*2);
- result = -ENODATA;
- goto fail;
- }
- result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap( hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, rid, sizeof(rec), buf, len);
- }
- fail:
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_monitor
-* Enables the 'monitor mode' of the MAC. Here's the description of
-* monitor mode that I've received thus far:
-* "The "monitor mode" of operation is that the MAC passes all
-* frames for which the PLCP checks are correct. All received
-* MPDUs are passed to the host with MAC Port = 7, with a
-* receive status of good, FCS error, or undecryptable. Passing
-* certain MPDUs is a violation of the 802.11 standard, but useful
-* for a debugging tool." Normal communication is not possible
-* while monitor mode is enabled.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* enable a code (0x0b|0x0f) that enables/disables
-* monitor mode. (host order)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_monitor(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 enable)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- HFA384x_CMD_AINFO_SET(enable);
- cmd.parm0 = 0;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_download
-* Sets the controls for the MAC controller code/data download
-* process. The arguments set the mode and address associated
-* with a download. Note that the aux registers should be enabled
-* prior to setting one of the download enable modes.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* mode 0 - Disable programming and begin code exec
-* 1 - Enable volatile mem programming
-* 2 - Enable non-volatile mem programming
-* 3 - Program non-volatile section from NV download
-* buffer.
-* (host order)
-* lowaddr
-* highaddr For mode 1, sets the high & low order bits of
-* the "destination address". This address will be
-* the execution start address when download is
-* subsequently disabled.
-* For mode 2, sets the high & low order bits of
-* the destination in NV ram.
-* For modes 0 & 3, should be zero. (host order)
-* NOTE: these address args are in CMD format
-* codelen Length of the data to write in mode 2,
-* zero otherwise. (host order)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_download(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 mode, UINT16 lowaddr,
- UINT16 highaddr, UINT16 codelen)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- cmd.parm0 = lowaddr;
- cmd.parm1 = highaddr;
- cmd.parm2 = codelen;
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_dl_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable
-* Goes through the process of enabling the auxilary port. This
-* is necessary prior to raw reads/writes to card data space.
-* Direct access to the card data space is only used for downloading
-* code and debugging.
-* Note that a call to this function is required before attempting
-* a download.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable(hfa384x_t *hw, int force)
- int result = -ETIMEDOUT;
- unsigned long flags;
- UINT32 retries_remaining;
- UINT16 reg;
- UINT auxen_mirror = hw->auxen;
- /* Check for existing enable */
- if ( hw->auxen ) {
- hw->auxen++;
- return 0;
- }
- /* acquire the lock */
- spin_lock_irqsave( &(hw->cmdlock), flags);
- /* wait for cmd register busy bit to clear */
- retries_remaining = 100000;
- do {
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
- udelay(10);
- }
- while (HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg) && --retries_remaining);
- if (retries_remaining != 0) {
- /* busy bit clear, it's OK to write to ParamX regs */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_AUXPW0,
- HFA384x_PARAM0);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_AUXPW1,
- HFA384x_PARAM1);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_AUXPW2,
- HFA384x_PARAM2);
- /* Set the aux enable in the Control register */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_CONTROL_AUX_DOENABLE,
- /* Now wait for completion */
- retries_remaining = 100000;
- do {
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CONTROL);
- udelay(10);
- }
- while ( ((reg & (BIT14|BIT15)) != HFA384x_CONTROL_AUX_ISENABLED) &&
- --retries_remaining );
- if (retries_remaining != 0) {
- result = 0;
- hw->auxen++;
- }
- }
- /* Force it enabled even if the command failed, if told.. */
- if ((hw->auxen == auxen_mirror) && force)
- hw->auxen++;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore( &(hw->cmdlock), flags);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable
-* Goes through the process of disabling the auxilary port
-* enabled with aux_enable().
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable(hfa384x_t *hw)
- int result = -ETIMEDOUT;
- unsigned long timeout;
- UINT16 reg = 0;
- /* See if there's more than one enable */
- if (hw->auxen) hw->auxen--;
- if (hw->auxen) return 0;
- /* Clear the aux enable in the Control register */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_PARAM0);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_PARAM1);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_PARAM2);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_CONTROL_AUX_DODISABLE,
- /* Now wait for completion */
- timeout = jiffies + 1*HZ;
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CONTROL);
- while ( ((reg & (BIT14|BIT15)) != HFA384x_CONTROL_AUX_ISDISABLED) &&
- time_before(jiffies,timeout) ){
- udelay(10);
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CONTROL);
- }
- if ((reg & (BIT14|BIT15)) == HFA384x_CONTROL_AUX_ISDISABLED ) {
- result = 0;
- }
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_low_level
-* Write test commands to the card. Some test commands don't make
-* sense without prior set-up. For example, continous TX isn't very
-* useful until you set the channel. That functionality should be
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-* -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
-int hfa384x_drvr_low_level(hfa384x_t *hw, hfa384x_metacmd_t *cmd)
- int result = 0;
- /* Do i need a host2hfa... conversion ? */
-#if 0
- printk(KERN_INFO "%#x %#x %#x %#x\n", cmd->cmd, cmd->parm0, cmd->parm1, cmd->parm2);
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-/* TODO: determine if these will ever be needed */
-#if 0
-int hfa384x_cmd_readmif(hfa384x_t *hw)
- return 0;
-int hfa384x_cmd_writemif(hfa384x_t *hw)
- return 0;
-* hfa384x_drvr_mmi_read
-* Read mmi registers. mmi is intersil-speak for the baseband
-* processor registers.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* register The test register to be accessed (must be even #).
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_mmi_read(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 addr, UINT32 *resp)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- cmd.cmd = (UINT16) 0x30;
- cmd.parm0 = (UINT16) addr;
- cmd.parm1 = 0;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- /* Do i need a host2hfa... conversion ? */
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- *resp = (UINT32) cmd.result.resp0;
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_mmi_write
-* Read mmi registers. mmi is intersil-speak for the baseband
-* processor registers.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* addr The test register to be accessed (must be even #).
-* data The data value to write to the register.
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-hfa384x_drvr_mmi_write(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 addr, UINT32 data)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
- cmd.cmd = (UINT16) 0x31;
- cmd.parm0 = (UINT16) addr;
- cmd.parm1 = (UINT16) data;
- cmd.parm2 = 0;
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"mmi write : addr = 0x%08x\n", addr);
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"mmi write : data = 0x%08x\n", data);
- /* Do i need a host2hfa... conversion ? */
- spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
- spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-/* TODO: determine if these will ever be needed */
-#if 0
-int hfa384x_cmd_readmif(hfa384x_t *hw)
- return 0;
-int hfa384x_cmd_writemif(hfa384x_t *hw)
- return 0;
-* hfa384x_copy_from_bap
-* Copies a collection of bytes from the MAC controller memory via
-* one set of BAP registers.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* bap [0|1] which BAP to use
-* id FID or RID, destined for the select register (host order)
-* offset An _even_ offset into the buffer for the given
-* FID/RID. We haven't the means to validate this,
-* so be careful. (host order)
-* buf ptr to array of bytes
-* len length of data to transfer in bytes
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - value of offset reg.
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-* interrupt
-int hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 bap, UINT16 id, UINT16 offset,
- void *buf, UINT len)
- int result = 0;
- unsigned long flags = 0;
- UINT8 *d = (UINT8*)buf;
- UINT selectreg;
- UINT offsetreg;
- UINT datareg;
- UINT i;
- UINT16 reg = 0;
- /* Validate bap, offset, buf, and len */
- if ( (bap > 1) ||
- (offset > HFA384x_BAP_OFFSET_MAX) ||
- (offset % 2) ||
- (buf == NULL) ||
- (len > HFA384x_BAP_DATALEN_MAX) ){
- result = -EINVAL;
- } else {
- selectreg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_SELECT1 : HFA384x_SELECT0 ;
- offsetreg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_OFFSET1 : HFA384x_OFFSET0 ;
- datareg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_DATA1 : HFA384x_DATA0 ;
- /* Obtain lock */
- spin_lock_irqsave( &(hw->baplock), flags);
- /* Write id to select reg */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, id, selectreg);
- /* Write offset to offset reg */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, offset, offsetreg);
- /* Wait for offset[busy] to clear (see BAP_TIMEOUT) */
- i = 0;
- do {
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, offsetreg);
- if ( i > 0 ) udelay(10);
- i++;
- } while ( i < prism2_bap_timeout && HFA384x_OFFSET_ISBUSY(reg));
- /* Release lock */
- spin_unlock_irqrestore( &(hw->baplock), flags);
- if ( HFA384x_OFFSET_ISBUSY(reg) ){
- /* If timeout, return -ETIMEDOUT */
- result = reg;
- } else if ( HFA384x_OFFSET_ISERR(reg) ){
- /* If offset[err] == 1, return -EINVAL */
- result = reg;
- } else {
- /* Read even(len) buf contents from data reg */
- for ( i = 0; i < (len & 0xfffe); i+=2 ) {
- *(UINT16*)(&(d[i])) =
- hfa384x_getreg_noswap(hw, datareg);
- }
- /* If len odd, handle last byte */
- if ( len % 2 ){
- reg = hfa384x_getreg_noswap(hw, datareg);
- d[len-1] = ((UINT8*)(&reg))[0];
- }
- }
- /* According to Intersil errata dated 9/16/02:
- "In PRISM PCI MAC host interface, if both BAPs are concurrently
- requesing memory access, both will accept the Ack. There is no
- firmware workaround possible. To prevent BAP access failures or
- hang conditions the host MUST NOT access both BAPs in sucession
- unless at least 5us elapses between accesses. The safest choice
- is to USE ONLY ONE BAP for all data movement operations."
- What this means:
- We have to serialize ALL BAP accesses, and furthermore, add a 5us
- delay after access if we're using a PCI platform.
- Unfortunately, this means we have to lock out interrupts througout
- the entire BAP copy.
- It remains to be seen if "BAP access" means "BAP setup" or the more
- literal definition of "copying data back and forth" I'm erring for
- the latter, safer definition. -- SLP.
- */
- udelay(5);
- /* Release lock */
- spin_unlock_irqrestore( &(hw->baplock), flags);
- }
- if (result) {
- "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
- reg, len, result);
- }
- return result;
-* hfa384x_copy_to_bap
-* Copies a collection of bytes to the MAC controller memory via
-* one set of BAP registers.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* bap [0|1] which BAP to use
-* id FID or RID, destined for the select register (host order)
-* offset An _even_ offset into the buffer for the given
-* FID/RID. We haven't the means to validate this,
-* so be careful. (host order)
-* buf ptr to array of bytes
-* len length of data to transfer (in bytes)
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported failure - value of offset reg.
-* <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-* interrupt
-int hfa384x_copy_to_bap(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 bap, UINT16 id, UINT16 offset,
- void *buf, UINT len)
- return hfa384x_copy_to_bap4(hw, bap, id, offset, buf, len, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
-int hfa384x_copy_to_bap4(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 bap, UINT16 id, UINT16 offset,
- void *buf, UINT len1, void* buf2, UINT len2,
- void *buf3, UINT len3, void *buf4, UINT len4)
- int result = 0;
- unsigned long flags = 0;
- UINT8 *d;
- UINT selectreg;
- UINT offsetreg;
- UINT datareg;
- UINT i;
- UINT16 reg;
-// printk(KERN_DEBUG "ctb1 %d id %04x o %d %d %d %d %d\n", bap, id, offset, len1, len2, len3, len4);
- /* Validate bap, offset, buf, and len */
- if ( (bap > 1) ||
- (offset > HFA384x_BAP_OFFSET_MAX) ||
- (offset % 2) ||
- (buf == NULL) ||
- (len1+len2+len3+len4 > HFA384x_BAP_DATALEN_MAX) ){
- result = -EINVAL;
- } else {
- selectreg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_SELECT1 : HFA384x_SELECT0;
- offsetreg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_OFFSET1 : HFA384x_OFFSET0;
- datareg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_DATA1 : HFA384x_DATA0;
- /* Obtain lock */
- spin_lock_irqsave( &(hw->baplock), flags);
- /* Write id to select reg */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, id, selectreg);
- udelay(10);
- /* Write offset to offset reg */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, offset, offsetreg);
- /* Wait for offset[busy] to clear (see BAP_TIMEOUT) */
- i = 0;
- do {
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, offsetreg);
- if ( i > 0 ) udelay(10);
- i++;
- } while ( i < prism2_bap_timeout && HFA384x_OFFSET_ISBUSY(reg));
- /* Release lock */
- spin_unlock_irqrestore( &(hw->baplock), flags);
- if ( HFA384x_OFFSET_ISBUSY(reg) ){
- /* If timeout, return reg */
- result = reg;
- } else if ( HFA384x_OFFSET_ISERR(reg) ){
- /* If offset[err] == 1, return reg */
- result = reg;
- } else {
- d = (UINT8*)buf;
- /* Write even(len1) buf contents to data reg */
- for ( i = 0; i < (len1 & 0xfffe); i+=2 ) {
- hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw,
- *(UINT16*)(&(d[i])), datareg);
- }
- if (len1 & 1) {
- UINT16 data;
- UINT8 *b = (UINT8 *) &data;
- b[0] = d[len1-1];
- if (buf2 != NULL) {
- d = (UINT8*)buf2;
- b[1] = d[0];
- len2--;
- buf2++;
- }
- hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, data, datareg);
- }
- if ((buf2 != NULL) && (len2 > 0)) {
- /* Write even(len2) buf contents to data reg */
- d = (UINT8*)buf2;
- for ( i = 0; i < (len2 & 0xfffe); i+=2 ) {
- hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, *(UINT16*)(&(d[i])), datareg);
- }
- if (len2 & 1) {
- UINT16 data;
- UINT8 *b = (UINT8 *) &data;
- b[0] = d[len2-1];
- if (buf3 != NULL) {
- d = (UINT8*)buf3;
- b[1] = d[0];
- len3--;
- buf3++;
- }
- hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, data, datareg);
- }
- }
- if ((buf3 != NULL) && (len3 > 0)) {
- /* Write even(len3) buf contents to data reg */
- d = (UINT8*)buf3;
- for ( i = 0; i < (len3 & 0xfffe); i+=2 ) {
- hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, *(UINT16*)(&(d[i])), datareg);
- }
- if (len3 & 1) {
- UINT16 data;
- UINT8 *b = (UINT8 *) &data;
- b[0] = d[len3-1];
- if (buf4 != NULL) {
- d = (UINT8*)buf4;
- b[1] = d[0];
- len4--;
- buf4++;
- }
- hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, data, datareg);
- }
- }
- if ((buf4 != NULL) && (len4 > 0)) {
- /* Write even(len4) buf contents to data reg */
- d = (UINT8*)buf4;
- for ( i = 0; i < (len4 & 0xfffe); i+=2 ) {
- hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, *(UINT16*)(&(d[i])), datareg);
- }
- if (len4 & 1) {
- UINT16 data;
- UINT8 *b = (UINT8 *) &data;
- b[0] = d[len4-1];
- b[1] = 0;
- hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, data, datareg);
- }
- }
-// printk(KERN_DEBUG "ctb2 %d id %04x o %d %d %d %d %d\n", bap, id, offset, len1, len2, len3, len4);
- }
- udelay(5);
- /* Release lock */
- spin_unlock_irqrestore( &(hw->baplock), flags);
- }
- if (result)
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("copy_to_bap() failed.\n");
- return result;
-* hfa384x_copy_from_aux
-* Copies a collection of bytes from the controller memory. The
-* Auxiliary port MUST be enabled prior to calling this function.
-* We _might_ be in a download state.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* cardaddr address in hfa384x data space to read
-* auxctl address space select
-* buf ptr to destination host buffer
-* len length of data to transfer (in bytes)
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* buf contains the data copied
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-* interrupt
- hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 cardaddr, UINT32 auxctl, void *buf, UINT len)
- UINT16 currpage;
- UINT16 curroffset;
- UINT i = 0;
- if ( !(hw->auxen) ) {
- "Attempt to read 0x%04x when aux not enabled\n",
- cardaddr);
- return;
- }
- /* Build appropriate aux page and offset */
- currpage = HFA384x_AUX_MKPAGE(cardaddr);
- curroffset = HFA384x_AUX_MKOFF(cardaddr, auxctl);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, currpage, HFA384x_AUXPAGE);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, curroffset, HFA384x_AUXOFFSET);
- udelay(5); /* beat */
- /* read the data */
- while ( i < len) {
- *((UINT16*)(buf+i)) = hfa384x_getreg_noswap(hw, HFA384x_AUXDATA);
- i+=2;
- curroffset+=2;
- if ( (curroffset&HFA384x_ADDR_AUX_OFF_MASK) >
- currpage++;
- curroffset = 0;
- curroffset = HFA384x_AUX_MKOFF(curroffset, auxctl);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, currpage, HFA384x_AUXPAGE);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, curroffset, HFA384x_AUXOFFSET);
- udelay(5); /* beat */
- }
- }
- /* Make sure the auxctl bits are clear */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_AUXOFFSET);
-* hfa384x_copy_to_aux
-* Copies a collection of bytes to the controller memory. The
-* Auxiliary port MUST be enabled prior to calling this function.
-* We _might_ be in a download state.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* cardaddr address in hfa384x data space to read
-* auxctl address space select
-* buf ptr to destination host buffer
-* len length of data to transfer (in bytes)
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Controller memory now contains a copy of buf
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-* interrupt
- hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 cardaddr, UINT32 auxctl, void *buf, UINT len)
- UINT16 currpage;
- UINT16 curroffset;
- UINT i = 0;
- if ( !(hw->auxen) ) {
- "Attempt to read 0x%04x when aux not enabled\n",
- cardaddr);
- return;
- }
- /* Build appropriate aux page and offset */
- currpage = HFA384x_AUX_MKPAGE(cardaddr);
- curroffset = HFA384x_AUX_MKOFF(cardaddr, auxctl);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, currpage, HFA384x_AUXPAGE);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, curroffset, HFA384x_AUXOFFSET);
- udelay(5); /* beat */
- /* write the data */
- while ( i < len) {
- hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw,
- *((UINT16*)(buf+i)), HFA384x_AUXDATA);
- i+=2;
- curroffset+=2;
- if ( curroffset > HFA384x_ADDR_AUX_OFF_MAX ) {
- currpage++;
- curroffset = 0;
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, currpage, HFA384x_AUXPAGE);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, curroffset, HFA384x_AUXOFFSET);
- udelay(5); /* beat */
- }
- }
-* hfa384x_cmd_wait
-* Waits for availability of the Command register, then
-* issues the given command. Then polls the Evstat register
-* waiting for command completion. Timeouts shouldn't be
-* possible since we're preventing overlapping commands and all
-* commands should be cleared and acknowledged.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev device structure
-* cmd cmd structure. Includes all arguments and result
-* data points. All in host order.
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* -ETIMEDOUT timed out waiting for register ready or
-* command completion
-* >0 command indicated error, Status and Resp0-2 are
-* in hw structure.
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-static int hfa384x_docmd_wait( hfa384x_t *hw, hfa384x_metacmd_t *cmd)
- int result = -ETIMEDOUT;
- UINT16 reg = 0;
- UINT16 counter;
- hw->cmdflag = 0;
- hw->cmddata = cmd;
- /* wait for the busy bit to clear */
- counter = 0;
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
- while ( HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg) &&
- (counter < 10)) {
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
- counter++;
- udelay(10);
- }
- if (HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg)) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("hfa384x_cmd timeout(1), reg=0x%0hx.\n", reg);
- goto failed;
- }
- if (!HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg)) {
- /* busy bit clear, write command */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm0, HFA384x_PARAM0);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm1, HFA384x_PARAM1);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm2, HFA384x_PARAM2);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->cmd, HFA384x_CMD);
-#ifdef CMD_IRQ
- while (! hw->cmdflag)
- interruptible_sleep_on(&hw->cmdq);
- wait_event_interruptible(hw->cmdq, hw->cmdflag);
- result = HFA384x_STATUS_RESULT_GET(cmd->status);
-#else // CMD_IRQ
- /* Now wait for completion */
- counter = 0;
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
- /* Initialization is the problem. It takes about
- 100ms. "normal" commands are typically is about
- 200-400 us (I've never seen less than 200). Longer
- is better so that we're not hammering the bus. */
- while ( !HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISCMD(reg) &&
- (counter < 5000)) {
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
- counter++;
- udelay(200);
- }
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISCMD(reg) ) {
- result = 0;
- cmd->result.status = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_STATUS);
- cmd->result.resp0 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP0);
- cmd->result.resp1 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP1);
- cmd->result.resp2 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP2);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_CMD,
- HFA384x_EVACK);
- result = HFA384x_STATUS_RESULT_GET(cmd->result.status);
- } else {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("hfa384x_cmd timeout(2), reg=0x%0hx.\n", reg);
- }
-#endif /* CMD_IRQ */
- }
- failed:
- hw->cmdflag = 0;
- hw->cmddata = NULL;
- return result;
-* hfa384x_dl_docmd_wait
-* Waits for availability of the Command register, then
-* issues the given command. Then polls the Evstat register
-* waiting for command completion. Timeouts shouldn't be
-* possible since we're preventing overlapping commands and all
-* commands should be cleared and acknowledged.
-* This routine is only used for downloads. Since it doesn't lock out
-* interrupts the system response is much better.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev device structure
-* cmd cmd structure. Includes all arguments and result
-* data points. All in host order.
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* -ETIMEDOUT timed out waiting for register ready or
-* command completion
-* >0 command indicated error, Status and Resp0-2 are
-* in hw structure.
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-static int hfa384x_dl_docmd_wait( hfa384x_t *hw, hfa384x_metacmd_t *cmd)
- int result = -ETIMEDOUT;
- unsigned long timeout;
- UINT16 reg = 0;
- /* wait for the busy bit to clear */
- timeout = jiffies + 1*HZ;
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
- while ( HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg) && time_before( jiffies, timeout) ) {
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
- udelay(10);
- }
- if (HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg)) {
- WLAN_LOG_WARNING("Timed out waiting for cmd register.\n");
- goto failed;
- }
- if (!HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg)) {
- /* busy bit clear, write command */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm0, HFA384x_PARAM0);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm1, HFA384x_PARAM1);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm2, HFA384x_PARAM2);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->cmd, HFA384x_CMD);
- /* Now wait for completion */
- if ( (HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_GET(cmd->cmd) == HFA384x_CMDCODE_DOWNLD) ) {
- /* dltimeout is in ms */
- timeout = (((UINT32)hw->dltimeout) / 1000UL) * HZ;
- if ( timeout > 0 ) {
- timeout += jiffies;
- } else {
- timeout = jiffies + 1*HZ;
- }
- } else {
- timeout = jiffies + 1*HZ;
- }
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
- while ( !HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISCMD(reg) && time_before(jiffies,timeout) ) {
- udelay(100);
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
- }
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISCMD(reg) ) {
- result = 0;
- cmd->result.status = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_STATUS);
- cmd->result.resp0 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP0);
- cmd->result.resp1 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP1);
- cmd->result.resp2 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP2);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_CMD, HFA384x_EVACK);
- result = HFA384x_STATUS_RESULT_GET(cmd->result.status);
- }
- }
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_start
-* Issues the MAC initialize command, sets up some data structures,
-* and enables the interrupts. After this function completes, the
-* low-level stuff should be ready for any/all commands.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_start(hfa384x_t *hw)
- int result = 0;
- UINT16 reg;
- int i;
- int j;
- /* call initialize */
- result = hfa384x_cmd_initialize(hw);
- if (result != 0) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Initialize command failed.\n");
- goto failed;
- }
- /* make sure interrupts are disabled and any layabout events cleared */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_INTEN);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0xffff, HFA384x_EVACK);
- hw->txfid_head = 0;
- hw->txfid_tail = 0;
- hw->txfid_N = HFA384x_DRVR_FIDSTACKLEN_MAX;
- memset(hw->txfid_queue, 0, sizeof(hw->txfid_queue));
- /* Allocate tx and notify FIDs */
- /* First, tx */
- for ( i = 0; i < HFA384x_DRVR_FIDSTACKLEN_MAX-1; i++) {
- result = hfa384x_cmd_allocate(hw, HFA384x_DRVR_TXBUF_MAX);
- if (result != 0) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Allocate(tx) command failed.\n");
- goto failed;
- }
- j = 0;
- do {
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
- udelay(10);
- j++;
- } while ( !HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISALLOC(reg) && j < 50); /* 50 is timeout */
- if ( j >= 50 ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Timed out waiting for evalloc(tx).\n");
- result = -ETIMEDOUT;
- goto failed;
- }
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_ALLOCFID);
- txfid_queue_add(hw, reg);
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(4,"hw->txfid_queue[%d]=0x%04x\n",i,reg);
- reg = HFA384x_EVACK_ALLOC_SET(1);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, reg, HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
- /* Now, the info frame fid */
- result = hfa384x_cmd_allocate(hw, HFA384x_INFOFRM_MAXLEN);
- if (result != 0) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Allocate(tx) command failed.\n");
- goto failed;
- }
- i = 0;
- do {
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
- udelay(10);
- i++;
- } while ( !HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISALLOC(reg) && i < 50); /* 50 is timeout */
- if ( i >= 50 ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Timed out waiting for evalloc(info).\n");
- result = -ETIMEDOUT;
- goto failed;
- }
- hw->infofid = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_ALLOCFID);
- reg = HFA384x_EVACK_ALLOC_SET(1);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, reg, HFA384x_EVACK);
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(4,"hw->infofid=0x%04x\n", hw->infofid);
- /* Set swsupport regs to magic # for card presence detection */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_DRVR_MAGIC, HFA384x_SWSUPPORT0);
- /* Now enable the interrupts and set the running state */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0xffff, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
- hfa384x_events_all(hw);
- hw->state = HFA384x_STATE_RUNNING;
- goto done;
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Failed, result=%d\n", result);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_stop
-* Issues the initialize command to leave us in the 'reset' state.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* Returns:
-* 0 success
-* >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
-* <0 driver reported error
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_stop(hfa384x_t *hw)
- int result = 0;
- int i;
- del_timer_sync(&hw->commsqual_timer);
- if ( hw->wlandev->hwremoved ) {
- /* only flush when we're shutting down for good */
- flush_scheduled_work();
- }
- if (hw->state == HFA384x_STATE_RUNNING) {
- /*
- * Send the MAC initialize cmd.
- */
- hfa384x_cmd_initialize(hw);
- /*
- * Make absolutely sure interrupts are disabled and any
- * layabout events cleared
- */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_INTEN);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0xffff, HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
- tasklet_kill(&hw->bap_tasklet);
- hw->link_status = HFA384x_LINK_NOTCONNECTED;
- hw->state = HFA384x_STATE_INIT;
- /* Clear all the port status */
- for ( i = 0; i < HFA384x_NUMPORTS_MAX; i++) {
- hw->port_enabled[i] = 0;
- }
- return result;
-* hfa384x_drvr_txframe
-* Takes a frame from prism2sta and queues it for transmission.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* skb packet buffer struct. Contains an 802.11
-* data frame.
-* p80211_hdr points to the 802.11 header for the packet.
-* Returns:
-* 0 Success and more buffs available
-* 1 Success but no more buffs
-* 2 Allocation failure
-* 3 MAC Tx command failed
-* 4 Buffer full or queue busy
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-int hfa384x_drvr_txframe(hfa384x_t *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, p80211_hdr_t *p80211_hdr, p80211_metawep_t *p80211_wep)
- hfa384x_tx_frame_t txdesc;
- UINT16 macq = 0;
- UINT16 fid;
- int result;
- /* Build Tx frame structure */
- /* Set up the control field */
- memset(&txdesc, 0, sizeof(txdesc));
-/* Tx complete and Tx exception disable per dleach. Might be causing
- * buf depletion
- */
-#define DOBOTH 1
- txdesc.tx_control =
- HFA384x_TX_TXEX_SET(1) | HFA384x_TX_TXOK_SET(1);
-#elif DOEXC
- txdesc.tx_control =
- HFA384x_TX_TXEX_SET(1) | HFA384x_TX_TXOK_SET(0);
- txdesc.tx_control =
- HFA384x_TX_TXEX_SET(0) | HFA384x_TX_TXOK_SET(0);
- /* if we're using host WEP, increase size by IV+ICV */
- if (p80211_wep->data) {
- txdesc.data_len = host2hfa384x_16(skb->len+8);
- // txdesc.tx_control |= HFA384x_TX_NOENCRYPT_SET(1);
- } else {
- txdesc.data_len = host2hfa384x_16(skb->len);
- }
- txdesc.tx_control = host2hfa384x_16(txdesc.tx_control);
- /* copy the header over to the txdesc */
- memcpy(&(txdesc.frame_control), p80211_hdr, sizeof(p80211_hdr_t));
- /* Since tbusy is set whenever the stack is empty, there should
- * always be something on the stack if we get to this point.
- * [MSM]: NOT TRUE!!!!! so I added the test of fid below.
- */
- /* Allocate FID */
- fid = txfid_queue_remove(hw);
- if ( fid == 0 ) { /* stack or queue was empty */
- return 4;
- }
- /* now let's get the cmdlock */
- spin_lock(&hw->cmdlock);
- /* Copy descriptor+payload to FID */
- if (p80211_wep->data) {
- result = hfa384x_copy_to_bap4(hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, fid, 0,
- &txdesc, sizeof(txdesc),
- p80211_wep->iv, sizeof(p80211_wep->iv),
- p80211_wep->data, skb->len,
- p80211_wep->icv, sizeof(p80211_wep->icv));
- } else {
- result = hfa384x_copy_to_bap4(hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, fid, 0,
- &txdesc, sizeof(txdesc),
- skb->data, skb->len,
- NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
- }
- if ( result ) {
- "copy_to_bap(%04x, %d, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
- fid,
- sizeof(txdesc),
- skb->len,
- result);
- /* put the fid back in the queue */
- txfid_queue_add(hw, fid);
- result = 3;
- goto failed;
- }
- /* Issue Tx command */
- result = hfa384x_cmd_transmit(hw, HFA384x_TXCMD_RECL, macq, fid);
- if ( result != 0 ) {
- txfid_queue_add(hw, fid);
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"cmd_tx(%04x) failed, result=%d\n",
- fid, result);
- result = 3;
- goto failed;
- }
- /* indicate we haven't any buffers, int_alloc will clear */
- result = txfid_queue_empty(hw);
- spin_unlock(&hw->cmdlock);
- return result;
-* hfa384x_interrupt
-* Driver interrupt handler.
-* Arguments:
-* irq irq number
-* dev_id pointer to the device
-* regs registers
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* May result in a frame being passed up the stack or an info
-* frame being handled.
-* Call context:
-* Ummm, could it be interrupt?
-irqreturn_t hfa384x_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id PT_REGS)
- int reg;
- wlandevice_t *wlandev = (wlandevice_t*)dev_id;
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- int ev_read = 0;
- if (!wlandev || wlandev->hwremoved)
- return IRQ_NONE; /* Not much we can do w/o hardware */
- if (hw->iobase == 0) /* XXX FIXME Properly */
- return IRQ_NONE;
- for (;;ev_read++) {
- if (ev_read >= prism2_irq_evread_max)
- break;
- /* Check swsupport reg magic # for card presence */
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_SWSUPPORT0);
- if ( reg != HFA384x_DRVR_MAGIC) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(2, "irq=%d, no magic. Card removed?.\n", irq);
- break;
- }
- /* read the EvStat register for interrupt enabled events */
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
- /* AND with the enabled interrupts */
- reg &= hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_INTEN);
- /* Handle the events */
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISWTERR(reg) ){
- "Error: WTERR interrupt received (unhandled).\n");
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_WTERR_SET(1),
- HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISINFDROP(reg) ){
- hfa384x_int_infdrop(wlandev);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_INFDROP_SET(1),
- HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
- if (HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISBAP_OP(reg)) {
- /* Disable the BAP interrupts */
- hfa384x_events_nobap(hw);
- tasklet_schedule(&hw->bap_tasklet);
- }
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISALLOC(reg) ){
- hfa384x_int_alloc(wlandev);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_ALLOC_SET(1),
- HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISDTIM(reg) ){
- hfa384x_int_dtim(wlandev);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_DTIM_SET(1),
- HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
-#ifdef CMD_IRQ
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISCMD(reg) ){
- hfa384x_int_cmd(wlandev);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_CMD_SET(1),
- HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
- /* allow the evstat to be updated after the evack */
- udelay(20);
- }
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
-#ifdef CMD_IRQ
-* hfa384x_int_cmd
-* Handles command completion event.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev wlan device structure
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* interrupt
-void hfa384x_int_cmd(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- // check to make sure it's the right command?
- if (hw->cmddata) {
- hw->cmddata->status = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_STATUS);
- hw->cmddata->resp0 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP0);
- hw->cmddata->resp1 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP1);
- hw->cmddata->resp2 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP2);
- }
- hw->cmdflag = 1;
- printk(KERN_INFO "um. int_cmd\n");
- wake_up_interruptible(&hw->cmdq);
- // XXXX perform a bap copy too?
- return;
-* hfa384x_int_dtim
-* Handles the DTIM early warning event.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev wlan device structure
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* interrupt
-static void hfa384x_int_dtim(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
-#if 0
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- prism2sta_ev_dtim(wlandev);
- return;
-* hfa384x_int_infdrop
-* Handles the InfDrop event.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev wlan device structure
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* interrupt
-static void hfa384x_int_infdrop(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
-#if 0
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- prism2sta_ev_infdrop(wlandev);
- return;
-* hfa384x_int_info
-* Handles the Info event.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev wlan device structure
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* tasklet
-static void hfa384x_int_info(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- UINT16 reg;
- hfa384x_InfFrame_t inf;
- int result;
- /* Retrieve the FID */
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_INFOFID);
- /* Retrieve the length */
- result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap( hw,
- HFA384x_BAP_INT, reg, 0, &inf.framelen, sizeof(UINT16));
- if ( result ) {
- "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
- reg, sizeof(inf), result);
- goto failed;
- }
- inf.framelen = hfa384x2host_16(inf.framelen);
- /* Retrieve the rest */
- result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap( hw,
- HFA384x_BAP_INT, reg, sizeof(UINT16),
- &(inf.infotype), inf.framelen * sizeof(UINT16));
- if ( result ) {
- "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
- reg, sizeof(inf), result);
- goto failed;
- }
- prism2sta_ev_info(wlandev, &inf);
- return;
-* hfa384x_int_txexc
-* Handles the TxExc event. A Transmit Exception event indicates
-* that the MAC's TX process was unsuccessful - so the packet did
-* not get transmitted.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev wlan device structure
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* tasklet
-static void hfa384x_int_txexc(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- UINT16 status;
- UINT16 fid;
- int result = 0;
- /* Collect the status and display */
- fid = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_TXCOMPLFID);
- result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hw, HFA384x_BAP_INT, fid, 0, &status, sizeof(status));
- if ( result ) {
- "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
- fid, sizeof(status), result);
- goto failed;
- }
- status = hfa384x2host_16(status);
- prism2sta_ev_txexc(wlandev, status);
- return;
-* hfa384x_int_tx
-* Handles the Tx event.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev wlan device structure
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* tasklet
-static void hfa384x_int_tx(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- UINT16 fid;
- UINT16 status;
- int result = 0;
- fid = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_TXCOMPLFID);
- result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hw, HFA384x_BAP_INT, fid, 0, &status, sizeof(status));
- if ( result ) {
- "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
- fid, sizeof(status), result);
- goto failed;
- }
- status = hfa384x2host_16(status);
- prism2sta_ev_tx(wlandev, status);
- return;
-* hfa384x_int_rx
-* Handles the Rx event.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev wlan device structure
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* tasklet
-static void hfa384x_int_rx(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- UINT16 rxfid;
- hfa384x_rx_frame_t rxdesc;
- int result;
- int hdrlen;
- UINT16 fc;
- p80211_rxmeta_t *rxmeta;
- struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
- UINT8 *datap;
- /* Get the FID */
- rxfid = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RXFID);
- /* Get the descriptor (including headers) */
- result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hw,
- HFA384x_BAP_INT,
- rxfid,
- 0,
- &rxdesc,
- sizeof(rxdesc));
- if ( result ) {
- "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, %d, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
- rxfid,
- 0,
- sizeof(rxdesc),
- result);
- goto done;
- }
- /* Byte order convert once up front. */
- rxdesc.status = hfa384x2host_16(rxdesc.status);
- rxdesc.time = hfa384x2host_32(rxdesc.time);
- /* drop errors and whatnot in promisc mode */
- if (( wlandev->netdev->flags & IFF_PROMISC ) &&
- (HFA384x_RXSTATUS_ISFCSERR(rxdesc.status) ||
- HFA384x_RXSTATUS_ISUNDECR(rxdesc.status)))
- goto done;
- /* Now handle frame based on port# */
- switch( HFA384x_RXSTATUS_MACPORT_GET(rxdesc.status) )
- {
- case 0:
- fc = ieee2host16(rxdesc.frame_control);
- /* If exclude and we receive an unencrypted, drop it */
- if ( (wlandev->hostwep & HOSTWEP_EXCLUDEUNENCRYPTED) &&
- goto done;
- }
- hdrlen = p80211_headerlen(fc);
- /* Allocate the buffer, note CRC (aka FCS). pballoc */
- /* assumes there needs to be space for one */
- skb = dev_alloc_skb(hfa384x2host_16(rxdesc.data_len) + hdrlen + WLAN_CRC_LEN + 2); /* a little extra */
- if ( ! skb ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("alloc_skb failed.\n");
- goto done;
- }
- skb->dev = wlandev->netdev;
- /* theoretically align the IP header on a 32-bit word. */
- if ( hdrlen == WLAN_HDR_A4_LEN )
- skb_reserve(skb, 2);
- /* Copy the 802.11 hdr to the buffer */
- datap = skb_put(skb, WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN);
- memcpy(datap, &rxdesc.frame_control, WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN);
- /* Snag the A4 address if present */
- if (hdrlen == WLAN_HDR_A4_LEN) {
- datap = skb_put(skb, WLAN_ADDR_LEN);
- memcpy(datap, &rxdesc.address4, WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN);
- }
- /* we can convert the data_len as we passed the original on */
- rxdesc.data_len = hfa384x2host_16(rxdesc.data_len);
- /* Copy the payload data to the buffer */
- if ( rxdesc.data_len > 0 ) {
- datap = skb_put(skb, rxdesc.data_len);
- result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hw,
- HFA384x_BAP_INT, rxfid, HFA384x_RX_DATA_OFF,
- datap, rxdesc.data_len);
- if ( result ) {
- "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, %d, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
- rxfid,
- rxdesc.data_len,
- result);
- goto failed;
- }
- }
- /* the prism2 cards don't return the FCS */
- datap = skb_put(skb, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
- memset (datap, 0xff, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
- skb_reset_mac_header(skb);
- /* Attach the rxmeta, set some stuff */
- p80211skb_rxmeta_attach(wlandev, skb);
- rxmeta = P80211SKB_RXMETA(skb);
- rxmeta->mactime = rxdesc.time;
- rxmeta->rxrate = rxdesc.rate;
- rxmeta->signal = rxdesc.signal - hw->dbmadjust;
- rxmeta->noise = rxdesc.silence - hw->dbmadjust;
- prism2sta_ev_rx(wlandev, skb);
- goto done;
- case 7:
- if ( ! HFA384x_RXSTATUS_ISFCSERR(rxdesc.status) ) {
- hfa384x_int_rxmonitor( wlandev, rxfid, &rxdesc);
- } else {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"Received monitor frame: FCSerr set\n");
- }
- goto done;
- default:
- WLAN_LOG_WARNING("Received frame on unsupported port=%d\n",
- HFA384x_RXSTATUS_MACPORT_GET(rxdesc.status) );
- goto done;
- }
- failed:
- dev_kfree_skb(skb);
- done:
- return;
-* hfa384x_int_rxmonitor
-* Helper function for int_rx. Handles monitor frames.
-* Note that this function allocates space for the FCS and sets it
-* to 0xffffffff. The hfa384x doesn't give us the FCS value but the
-* higher layers expect it. 0xffffffff is used as a flag to indicate
-* the FCS is bogus.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev wlan device structure
-* rxfid received FID
-* rxdesc rx descriptor read from card in int_rx
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Allocates an skb and passes it up via the PF_PACKET interface.
-* Call context:
-* interrupt
-static void hfa384x_int_rxmonitor( wlandevice_t *wlandev, UINT16 rxfid,
- hfa384x_rx_frame_t *rxdesc)
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- UINT hdrlen = 0;
- UINT datalen = 0;
- UINT skblen = 0;
- UINT truncated = 0;
- UINT8 *datap;
- UINT16 fc;
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- /* Don't forget the status, time, and data_len fields are in host order */
- /* Figure out how big the frame is */
- fc = ieee2host16(rxdesc->frame_control);
- hdrlen = p80211_headerlen(fc);
- datalen = hfa384x2host_16(rxdesc->data_len);
- /* Allocate an ind message+framesize skb */
- skblen = sizeof(p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t) +
- hdrlen + datalen + WLAN_CRC_LEN;
- /* sanity check the length */
- if ( skblen >
- (sizeof(p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t) +
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "overlen frm: len=%d\n",
- skblen - sizeof(p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t));
- }
- if ( (skb = dev_alloc_skb(skblen)) == NULL ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("alloc_skb failed trying to allocate %d bytes\n", skblen);
- return;
- }
- /* only prepend the prism header if in the right mode */
- if ((wlandev->netdev->type == ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM) &&
- (hw->sniffhdr == 0)) {
- p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t *msg;
- datap = skb_put(skb, sizeof(p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t));
- msg = (p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t*) datap;
- /* Initialize the message members */
- msg->msgcode = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm;
- msg->msglen = sizeof(p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t);
- strcpy(msg->devname, wlandev->name);
- msg->hosttime.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_hosttime;
- msg->hosttime.status = 0;
- msg->hosttime.len = 4;
- msg->hosttime.data = jiffies;
- msg->mactime.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_mactime;
- msg->mactime.status = 0;
- msg->mactime.len = 4;
- msg->mactime.data = rxdesc->time * 1000;
- msg->channel.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_channel;
- msg->channel.status = 0;
- msg->channel.len = 4;
- msg->channel.data = hw->sniff_channel;
- msg->rssi.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_rssi;
- msg->rssi.status = P80211ENUM_msgitem_status_no_value;
- msg->rssi.len = 4;
- msg->rssi.data = 0;
- msg->sq.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_sq;
- msg->sq.status = P80211ENUM_msgitem_status_no_value;
- msg->sq.len = 4;
- msg->sq.data = 0;
- msg->signal.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_signal;
- msg->signal.status = 0;
- msg->signal.len = 4;
- msg->signal.data = rxdesc->signal;
- msg->noise.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_noise;
- msg->noise.status = 0;
- msg->noise.len = 4;
- msg->noise.data = rxdesc->silence;
- msg->rate.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_rate;
- msg->rate.status = 0;
- msg->rate.len = 4;
- msg->rate.data = rxdesc->rate / 5; /* set to 802.11 units */
- msg->istx.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_istx;
- msg->istx.status = 0;
- msg->istx.len = 4;
- msg->istx.data = P80211ENUM_truth_false;
- msg->frmlen.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_frmlen;
- msg->frmlen.status = 0;
- msg->frmlen.len = 4;
- msg->frmlen.data = hdrlen + datalen + WLAN_CRC_LEN;
- } else if ((wlandev->netdev->type == ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM) &&
- (hw->sniffhdr != 0)) {
- p80211_caphdr_t *caphdr;
- /* The NEW header format! */
- datap = skb_put(skb, sizeof(p80211_caphdr_t));
- caphdr = (p80211_caphdr_t*) datap;
- caphdr->version = htonl(P80211CAPTURE_VERSION);
- caphdr->length = htonl(sizeof(p80211_caphdr_t));
- caphdr->mactime = __cpu_to_be64(rxdesc->time);
- caphdr->hosttime = __cpu_to_be64(jiffies);
- caphdr->phytype = htonl(4); /* dss_dot11_b */
- caphdr->channel = htonl(hw->sniff_channel);
- caphdr->datarate = htonl(rxdesc->rate);
- caphdr->antenna = htonl(0); /* unknown */
- caphdr->priority = htonl(0); /* unknown */
- caphdr->ssi_type = htonl(3); /* rssi_raw */
- caphdr->ssi_signal = htonl(rxdesc->signal);
- caphdr->ssi_noise = htonl(rxdesc->silence);
- caphdr->preamble = htonl(0); /* unknown */
- caphdr->encoding = htonl(1); /* cck */
- }
- /* Copy the 802.11 header to the skb (ctl frames may be less than a full header) */
- datap = skb_put(skb, hdrlen);
- memcpy( datap, &(rxdesc->frame_control), hdrlen);
- /* If any, copy the data from the card to the skb */
- if ( datalen > 0 )
- {
- /* Truncate the packet if the user wants us to */
- UINT dataread = datalen;
- if(hw->sniff_truncate > 0 && dataread > hw->sniff_truncate) {
- dataread = hw->sniff_truncate;
- truncated = 1;
- }
- datap = skb_put(skb, dataread);
- hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hw,
- HFA384x_BAP_INT, rxfid, HFA384x_RX_DATA_OFF,
- datap, dataread);
- /* check for unencrypted stuff if WEP bit set. */
- if (*(datap - hdrlen + 1) & 0x40) // wep set
- if ((*(datap) == 0xaa) && (*(datap+1) == 0xaa))
- *(datap - hdrlen + 1) &= 0xbf; // clear wep; it's the 802.2 header!
- }
- if (!truncated && hw->sniff_fcs) {
- /* Set the FCS */
- datap = skb_put(skb, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
- memset( datap, 0xff, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
- }
- /* pass it back up */
- prism2sta_ev_rx(wlandev, skb);
- return;
-* hfa384x_int_alloc
-* Handles the Alloc event.
-* Arguments:
-* wlandev wlan device structure
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* interrupt
-static void hfa384x_int_alloc(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- UINT16 fid;
- INT16 result;
- /* Handle the reclaimed FID */
- /* collect the FID and push it onto the stack */
- fid = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_ALLOCFID);
- if ( fid != hw->infofid ) { /* It's a transmit fid */
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(5, "int_alloc(%#x)\n", fid);
- result = txfid_queue_add(hw, fid);
- if (result != -1) {
- prism2sta_ev_alloc(wlandev);
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(5, "q_add.\n");
- } else {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(5, "q_full.\n");
- }
- } else {
- /* unlock the info fid */
- up(&hw->infofid_sem);
- }
- return;
-* hfa384x_drvr_handover
-* Sends a handover notification to the MAC.
-* Arguments:
-* hw device structure
-* addr address of station that's left
-* Returns:
-* zero success.
-* -ERESTARTSYS received signal while waiting for semaphore.
-* -EIO failed to write to bap, or failed in cmd.
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread, NOTE: this call may block on a semaphore!
-int hfa384x_drvr_handover( hfa384x_t *hw, UINT8 *addr)
- int result = 0;
- hfa384x_HandoverAddr_t rec;
- UINT len;
- /* Acquire the infofid */
- if ( down_interruptible(&hw->infofid_sem) ) {
- result = -ERESTARTSYS;
- goto failed;
- }
- /* Set up the record */
- len = sizeof(hfa384x_HandoverAddr_t);
- rec.framelen = host2hfa384x_16(len/2 - 1);
- rec.infotype = host2hfa384x_16(HFA384x_IT_HANDOVERADDR);
- memcpy(rec.handover_addr, addr, sizeof(rec.handover_addr));
- /* Issue the command */
- result = hfa384x_cmd_notify(hw, 1, hw->infofid, &rec, len);
- if ( result != 0 ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"cmd_notify(%04x) failed, result=%d",
- hw->infofid, result);
- result = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
- return result;
-void hfa384x_tx_timeout(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- WLAN_LOG_WARNING("Implement me.\n");
-/* Handles all "rx" BAP operations */
-static void hfa384x_bap_tasklet(unsigned long data)
- hfa384x_t *hw = (hfa384x_t *) data;
- wlandevice_t *wlandev = hw->wlandev;
- int counter = prism2_irq_evread_max;
- int reg;
- while (counter-- > 0) {
- /* Get interrupt register */
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
- if ((reg == 0xffff) ||
- !(reg & HFA384x_INT_BAP_OP)) {
- break;
- }
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISINFO(reg) ){
- hfa384x_int_info(wlandev);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_INFO_SET(1),
- HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISTXEXC(reg) ){
- hfa384x_int_txexc(wlandev);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_TXEXC_SET(1),
- HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISTX(reg) ){
- hfa384x_int_tx(wlandev);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_TX_SET(1),
- HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
- if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISRX(reg) ){
- hfa384x_int_rx(wlandev);
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_RX_SET(1),
- HFA384x_EVACK);
- }
- }
- /* re-enable interrupts */
- hfa384x_events_all(hw);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2_cs.c b/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2_cs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ce5659f21..00000000000
--- a/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2_cs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1487 +0,0 @@
-#include "hfa384x.c"
-#include "prism2mgmt.c"
-#include "prism2mib.c"
-#include "prism2sta.c"
-#ifndef CONFIG_ISA
-#warning "You may need to enable ISA support in your kernel."
-static u_int irq_mask = 0xdeb8; /* Interrupt mask */
-static int irq_list[4] = { -1 }; /* Interrupt list */
-static u_int prism2_ignorevcc=1; /* Boolean, if set, we
- * ignore what the Vcc
- * is set to and what the CIS
- * says.
- */
-module_param( prism2_ignorevcc, int, 0644);
-static int numlist = 4;
-module_param_array(irq_list, int, numlist, 0444);
-module_param_array(irq_list, int, NULL, 0444);
-module_param( irq_mask, int, 0644);
-static int prism2_cs_suspend(struct pcmcia_device *pdev);
-static int prism2_cs_resume(struct pcmcia_device *pdev);
-static void prism2_cs_remove(struct pcmcia_device *pdev);
-static int prism2_cs_probe(struct pcmcia_device *pdev);
-dev_link_t *prism2sta_attach(void);
-static void prism2sta_detach(dev_link_t *link);
-static void prism2sta_config(dev_link_t *link);
-static void prism2sta_release(u_long arg);
-static int prism2sta_event (event_t event, int priority, event_callback_args_t *args);
-static dev_link_t *dev_list = NULL; /* head of instance list */
-* cs_error
-* Utility function to print card services error messages.
-* Arguments:
-* handle client handle identifying this CS client
-* func CS function number that generated the error
-* ret CS function return code
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-* interrupt
-static void cs_error(client_handle_t handle, int func, int ret)
-#if (defined(CS_RELEASE_CODE) && (CS_RELEASE_CODE < 0x2911))
- CardServices(ReportError, dev_info, (void *)func, (void *)ret);
- error_info_t err = { func, ret };
- pcmcia_report_error(handle, &err);
-#else // kernel_version
-static struct pcmcia_device_id prism2_cs_ids[] = {
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("INTERSIL", "HFA384x/IEEE", 0x74c5e40d, 0xdb472a18), // Intersil PRISM2 Reference Design 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x0138, 0x0002), // Compaq WL100/200 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x028a, 0x0002), // Compaq iPaq HNW-100 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x0250, 0x0002), // Samsung SWL2000-N 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0xd601, 0x0002), // Z-Com XI300 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("ZoomAir 11Mbps High", "Rate wireless Networking", 0x273fe3db, 0x32a1eaee), // ZoomAir 4100 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID123("Instant Wireless ", " Network PC CARD", "Version 01.02", 0x11d901af, 0x6e9bd926, 0x4b74baa0), // Linksys WPC11 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID123("Addtron", "AWP-100 Wireless PCMCIA", "Version 01.02", 0xe6ec52ce, 0x8649af2, 0x4b74baa0), // Addtron AWP-100 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID123("D", "Link DWL-650 11Mbps WLAN Card", "Version 01.02", 0x71b18589, 0xb6f1b0ab, 0x4b74baa0), // D-Link DWL-650 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID123("SMC", "SMC2632W", "Version 01.02", 0xc4f8b18b, 0x474a1f2a, 0x4b74baa0), // SMC 2632W 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1234("Intersil", "PRISM 2_5 PCMCIA ADAPTER", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA", 0x4b801a17, 0x6345a0bf, 0xc9049a39, 0xc23adc0e), // BroMax Freeport 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 2.5)
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID123("U.S. Robotics", "IEEE 802.11b PC-CARD", "Version 01.02", 0xc7b8df9d, 0x1700d087, 0x4b74baa0), // U.S. Robotics IEEE 802.11b PC-CARD
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("Digital Data Communications", "WPC-0100", 0xfdd73470, 0xe0b6f146), // Level-One WPC-0100
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x0274, 0x1612), // Bromax OEM 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 2.5)
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x0274, 0x1613), // Bromax OEM 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 3)
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("corega K.K.", "Wireless LAN PCC-11", 0x5261440f, 0xa6405584), // corega K.K. Wireless LAN PCC-11
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("corega K.K.", "Wireless LAN PCCA-11", 0x5261440f, 0xdf6115f9), // corega K.K. Wireless LAN PCCA-11
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("PLANEX", "GeoWave/GW-NS110", 0x209f40ab, 0x46263178), // PLANEX GeoWave/GW-NS110
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID123("OEM", "PRISM2 IEEE 802.11 PC-Card", "Version 01.02", 0xfea54c90, 0x48f2bdd6, 0x4b74baa0), // Ambicom WL1100 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID123("LeArtery", "SYNCBYAIR 11Mbps Wireless LAN PC Card", "Version 01.02", 0x7e3b326a, 0x49893e92, 0x4b74baa0), // LeArtery SYNCBYAIR 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card
-PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x01ff, 0x0008), // Intermec MobileLAN 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID123("NETGEAR MA401 Wireless PC", "Card", "Version 01.00", 0xa37434e9, 0x9762e8f1, 0xa57adb8c), // NETGEAR MA401 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1234("Intersil", "PRISM Freedom PCMCIA Adapter", "ISL37100P", "Eval-RevA", 0x4b801a17, 0xf222ec2d, 0x630d52b2, 0xc23adc0e), // Intersil PRISM Freedom 11mbps 802.11 WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID123("OTC", "Wireless AirEZY 2411-PCC WLAN Card", "Version 01.02", 0x4ac44287, 0x235a6bed, 0x4b74baa0), // OTC Wireless AirEZY 2411-PCC 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1234("802.11", "11Mbps Wireless LAN Card", "v08C1", "" , 0xb67a610e, 0x655aa7b7, 0x264b451a, 0x0), // Dynalink L11HDT 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0xc250, 0x0002), // Dynalink L11HDT 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("PROXIM", "RangeLAN-DS/LAN PC CARD", 0xc6536a5e, 0x3f35797d), // PROXIM RangeLAN-DS/LAN PC CARD
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1234("ACTIONTEC", "PRISM Wireless LAN PC Card", "0381", "RevA", 0x393089da, 0xa71e69d5, 0x90471fa9, 0x57a66194), // ACTIONTEC PRISM Wireless LAN PC Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x1668, 0x0101), // ACTIONTEC PRISM Wireless LAN PC Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("3Com", "3CRWE737A AirConnect Wireless LAN PC Card", 0x41240e5b, 0x56010af3), // 3Com AirConnect 3CRWE737A
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("3Com", "3CRWE777A AirConnect Wireless LAN PCI Card" , 0x41240e5b, 0xafc7c33e), // 3Com AirConnect 3CRWE777A
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("ASUS", "802_11b_PC_CARD_25", 0x78fc06ee, 0xdb9aa842), // ASUS WL-100 802.11b WLAN PC Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("ASUS", "802_11B_CF_CARD_25", 0x78fc06ee, 0x45a50c1e), // ASUS WL-110 802.11b WLAN CF Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("BUFFALO", "WLI-CF-S11G", 0x2decece3, 0x82067c18), // BUFFALO WLI-CF-S11G 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1234("The Linksys Group, Inc.", "Wireless Network CF Card", "ISL37300P", "RevA", 0xa5f472c2, 0x9c05598d, 0xc9049a39, 0x57a66194), // Linksys WCF11 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 2.5)
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1234("Linksys", "Wireless CompactFlash Card", "", "", 0x733cc81, 0xc52f395, 0x0, 0x0), // Linksys WCF12 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 3)
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x028a, 0x0673), // Linksys WCF12 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 3)
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1234("NETGEAR MA401RA Wireless PC", "Card", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA", 0x306467f, 0x9762e8f1, 0xc9049a39, 0xc23adc0e), // NETGEAR MA401RA 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0xd601, 0x0005), // D-Link DCF-660W 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x02d2, 0x0001), // Microsoft Wireless Notebook Adapter MN-520
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x0089, 0x0002), // AnyPoint(TM) Wireless II PC Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1234("D", "Link DRC-650 11Mbps WLAN Card", "Version 01.02", "" , 0x71b18589, 0xf144e3ac, 0x4b74baa0, 0x0), // D-Link DRC-650 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x9005, 0x0021), // Adaptec AWN-8030
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x000b, 0x7110), // D-Link DWL-650 rev P 802.11b WLAN card
- // PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1234("D-Link", "DWL-650 Wireless PC Card RevP", "ISL37101P-10", "A3", 0x1a424a1c, 0x6ea57632, 0xdd97a26b, 0x56b21f52), // D-Link DWL-650 rev P 802.11b WLAN card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID123("INTERSIL", "I-GATE 11M PC Card / PC Card plus", "Version 01.02", 0x74c5e40d, 0x8304ff77, 0x4b74baa0), // I-Gate 11M PC Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1234("BENQ", "AWL100 PCMCIA ADAPTER", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA", 0x35dadc74, 0x1f7fedb, 0xc9049a39, 0xc23adc0e), // benQ AWL100 802.11b WLAN Card
- PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x000b, 0x7300), // benQ AWL100 802.11b WLAN Card
- // PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID1("INTERSIL", 0x74c5e40d), // Intersil Prism 2 card
- // PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x0156, 0x0002), // Intersil Prism 2 card
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pcmcia, prism2_cs_ids);
-static struct pcmcia_driver prism2_cs_driver = {
- .drv = {
- .name = "prism2_cs",
- },
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .suspend = prism2_cs_suspend,
- .resume = prism2_cs_resume,
- .remove = prism2_cs_remove,
- .probe = prism2_cs_probe,
- .id_table = prism2_cs_ids,
- .attach = prism2sta_attach,
- .detach = prism2sta_detach,
- .id_table = prism2_cs_ids,
- .event = prism2sta_event,
-#endif // > 2.6.12
-#endif // <= 2.6.15
-#endif /* kernel_version */
-#define CS_CHECK(fn, ret) \
-do { last_fn = (fn); if ((last_ret = (ret)) != 0) goto cs_failed; } while (0)
-#define CFG_CHECK(fn, retf) \
-do { int ret = (retf); \
-if (ret != 0) { \
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "CardServices(" #fn ") returned %d\n", ret); \
- cs_error(pdev, fn, ret); \
- goto next_entry; \
-} \
-} while (0)
-static void prism2_cs_remove(struct pcmcia_device *pdev)
- struct wlandevice *wlandev;
- dev_link_t *link = dev_to_instance(pdev);
- wlandev = pdev->priv;
- wlandev = link->priv;
- if (wlandev) {
- p80211netdev_hwremoved(wlandev);
- unregister_wlandev(wlandev);
- wlan_unsetup(wlandev);
- if (wlandev->priv) {
- hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
- wlandev->priv = NULL;
- if (hw) {
- hfa384x_destroy(hw);
- kfree(hw);
- }
- }
- kfree(wlandev);
- }
- pdev->priv = NULL;
- pcmcia_disable_device(pdev);
- if (link->state & DEV_CONFIG) {
- if (link->win)
- pcmcia_release_window(link->win);
- pcmcia_release_configuration(link->handle);
- if (link->io.NumPorts1)
- pcmcia_release_io(link->handle, &link->io);
- if (link->irq.AssignedIRQ)
- pcmcia_release_irq(link->handle, &link->irq);
- link->state &= ~DEV_CONFIG;
- }
- link->priv = NULL;
- kfree(link);
- return;
-static int prism2_cs_suspend(struct pcmcia_device *pdev)
- struct wlandevice *wlandev;
- dev_link_t *link = dev_to_instance(pdev);
- wlandev = pdev->priv;
- prism2sta_ifstate(wlandev, P80211ENUM_ifstate_disable);
- wlandev = link->priv;
- link->state |= DEV_SUSPEND;
- if (link->state & DEV_CONFIG) {
- prism2sta_ifstate(wlandev, P80211ENUM_ifstate_disable);
- pcmcia_release_configuration(link->handle);
- }
- return 0;
-static int prism2_cs_resume(struct pcmcia_device *pdev)
- struct wlandevice *wlandev;
- dev_link_t *link = dev_to_instance(pdev);
- wlandev = pdev->priv;
- // XXX do something here?
- wlandev = link->priv;
- link->state &= ~DEV_SUSPEND;
- if (link->state & DEV_CONFIG) {
- pcmcia_request_configuration(link->handle, &link->conf);
- // XXX do something here?
- }
- return 0;
-static int prism2_cs_probe(struct pcmcia_device *pdev)
- int rval = 0;
- struct wlandevice *wlandev = NULL;
- hfa384x_t *hw = NULL;
- config_info_t socketconf;
- cisparse_t *parse = NULL;
- tuple_t tuple;
- uint8_t buf[64];
- int last_fn, last_ret;
- cistpl_cftable_entry_t dflt = { 0 };
- dev_link_t *link;
- /* Set up interrupt type */
- pdev->conf.IntType = INT_MEMORY_AND_IO;
- link = kmalloc(sizeof(dev_link_t), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (link == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- memset(link, 0, sizeof(dev_link_t));
- link->conf.Vcc = 33;
- link->conf.IntType = INT_MEMORY_AND_IO;
- link->handle = pdev;
- pdev->instance = link;
- // VCC crap?
- parse = kmalloc(sizeof(cisparse_t), GFP_KERNEL);
- wlandev = create_wlan();
- if (!wlandev || !parse) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: Memory allocation failure.\n", dev_info);
- rval = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
- hw = wlandev->priv;
- if ( wlan_setup(wlandev) != 0 ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: wlan_setup() failed.\n", dev_info);
- rval = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
- /* Initialize the hw struct for now */
- hfa384x_create(hw, 0, 0, NULL);
- hw->wlandev = wlandev;
- hw->pdev = pdev;
- pdev->priv = wlandev;
- hw->link = link;
- link->priv = wlandev;
- tuple.DesiredTuple = CISTPL_CONFIG;
- tuple.Attributes = 0;
- tuple.TupleData = buf;
- tuple.TupleDataMax = sizeof(buf);
- tuple.TupleOffset = 0;
- CS_CHECK(GetFirstTuple, pcmcia_get_first_tuple(pdev, &tuple));
- CS_CHECK(GetTupleData, pcmcia_get_tuple_data(pdev, &tuple));
- CS_CHECK(ParseTuple, pcmcia_parse_tuple(pdev, &tuple, parse));
- pdev->conf.ConfigBase = parse->config.base;
- pdev->conf.Present = parse->config.rmask[0];
- link->conf.ConfigBase = parse->config.base;
- link->conf.Present = parse->config.rmask[0];
- link->conf.Vcc = socketconf.Vcc;
- CS_CHECK(GetConfigurationInfo,
- pcmcia_get_configuration_info(pdev, &socketconf));
- tuple.DesiredTuple = CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY;
- CS_CHECK(GetFirstTuple, pcmcia_get_first_tuple(pdev, &tuple));
- for (;;) {
- cistpl_cftable_entry_t *cfg = &(parse->cftable_entry);
- CFG_CHECK(GetTupleData,
- pcmcia_get_tuple_data(pdev, &tuple));
- CFG_CHECK(ParseTuple,
- pcmcia_parse_tuple(pdev, &tuple, parse));
- if (cfg->flags & CISTPL_CFTABLE_DEFAULT)
- dflt = *cfg;
- if (cfg->index == 0)
- goto next_entry;
- pdev->conf.ConfigIndex = cfg->index;
- link->conf.ConfigIndex = cfg->index;
- /* Does this card need audio output? */
- if (cfg->flags & CISTPL_CFTABLE_AUDIO) {
- pdev->conf.Attributes |= CONF_ENABLE_SPKR;
- pdev->conf.Status = CCSR_AUDIO_ENA;
- link->conf.Attributes |= CONF_ENABLE_SPKR;
- link->conf.Status = CCSR_AUDIO_ENA;
- }
- /* Use power settings for Vcc and Vpp if present */
- /* Note that the CIS values need to be rescaled */
- if (cfg->vcc.present & (1 << CISTPL_POWER_VNOM)) {
- if (socketconf.Vcc != cfg->vcc.param[CISTPL_POWER_VNOM] /
- 10000 && !prism2_ignorevcc) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, " Vcc mismatch - skipping"
- " this entry\n");
- goto next_entry;
- }
- } else if (dflt.vcc.present & (1 << CISTPL_POWER_VNOM)) {
- if (socketconf.Vcc != dflt.vcc.param[CISTPL_POWER_VNOM] /
- 10000 && !prism2_ignorevcc) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, " Vcc (default) mismatch "
- "- skipping this entry\n");
- goto next_entry;
- }
- }
- if (cfg->vpp1.present & (1 << CISTPL_POWER_VNOM)) {
- pdev->conf.Vpp =
- cfg->vpp1.param[CISTPL_POWER_VNOM] / 10000;
- link->conf.Vpp1 = link->conf.Vpp2 =
- cfg->vpp1.param[CISTPL_POWER_VNOM] / 10000;
- } else if (dflt.vpp1.present & (1 << CISTPL_POWER_VNOM)) {
- pdev->conf.Vpp =
- dflt.vpp1.param[CISTPL_POWER_VNOM] / 10000;
- link->conf.Vpp1 = link->conf.Vpp2 =
- dflt.vpp1.param[CISTPL_POWER_VNOM] / 10000;
- }
- /* Do we need to allocate an interrupt? */
- /* HACK: due to a bad CIS....we ALWAYS need an interrupt */
- /* if (cfg->irq.IRQInfo1 || dflt.irq.IRQInfo1) */
- pdev->conf.Attributes |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ;
- link->conf.Attributes |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ;
- /* IO window settings */
- pdev->io.NumPorts1 = pdev->io.NumPorts2 = 0;
- if ((cfg->io.nwin > 0) || (dflt.io.nwin > 0)) {
- cistpl_io_t *io = (cfg->io.nwin) ? &cfg->io : &dflt.io;
- pdev->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_AUTO;
- if (!(io->flags & CISTPL_IO_8BIT))
- pdev->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_16;
- if (!(io->flags & CISTPL_IO_16BIT))
- pdev->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_8;
- pdev->io.BasePort1 = io->win[0].base;
- if ( pdev->io.BasePort1 != 0 ) {
- "Brain damaged CIS: hard coded iobase="
- "0x%x, try letting pcmcia_cs decide...\n",
- pdev->io.BasePort1 );
- pdev->io.BasePort1 = 0;
- }
- pdev->io.NumPorts1 = io->win[0].len;
- if (io->nwin > 1) {
- pdev->io.Attributes2 = pdev->io.Attributes1;
- pdev->io.BasePort2 = io->win[1].base;
- pdev->io.NumPorts2 = io->win[1].len;
- }
- }
- /* This reserves IO space but doesn't actually enable it */
- CFG_CHECK(RequestIO, pcmcia_request_io(pdev, &pdev->io));
- link->io.NumPorts1 = link->io.NumPorts2 = 0;
- if ((cfg->io.nwin > 0) || (dflt.io.nwin > 0)) {
- cistpl_io_t *io = (cfg->io.nwin) ? &cfg->io : &dflt.io;
- link->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_AUTO;
- if (!(io->flags & CISTPL_IO_8BIT))
- link->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_16;
- if (!(io->flags & CISTPL_IO_16BIT))
- link->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_8;
- link->io.BasePort1 = io->win[0].base;
- if ( link->io.BasePort1 != 0 ) {
- "Brain damaged CIS: hard coded iobase="
- "0x%x, try letting pcmcia_cs decide...\n",
- link->io.BasePort1 );
- link->io.BasePort1 = 0;
- }
- link->io.NumPorts1 = io->win[0].len;
- if (io->nwin > 1) {
- link->io.Attributes2 = link->io.Attributes1;
- link->io.BasePort2 = io->win[1].base;
- link->io.NumPorts2 = io->win[1].len;
- }
- }
- /* This reserves IO space but doesn't actually enable it */
- CFG_CHECK(RequestIO, pcmcia_request_io(pdev, &link->io));
- /* If we got this far, we're cool! */
- break;
- next_entry:
- if (cfg->flags & CISTPL_CFTABLE_DEFAULT)
- dflt = *cfg;
- CS_CHECK(GetNextTuple, pcmcia_get_next_tuple(pdev, &tuple));
- }
- /* Let pcmcia know the device name */
- pdev->dev_node = &hw->node;
- link->dev = &hw->node;
- /* Register the network device and get assigned a name */
- SET_MODULE_OWNER(wlandev->netdev);
- SET_NETDEV_DEV(wlandev->netdev, &handle_to_dev(pdev));
- if (register_wlandev(wlandev) != 0) {
- WLAN_LOG_NOTICE("prism2sta_cs: register_wlandev() failed.\n");
- goto failed;
- }
- strcpy(hw->node.dev_name, wlandev->name);
- /* Allocate an interrupt line. Note that this does not assign a */
- /* handler to the interrupt, unless the 'Handler' member of the */
- /* irq structure is initialized. */
- if (pdev->conf.Attributes & CONF_ENABLE_IRQ) {
- pdev->irq.IRQInfo1 = IRQ_LEVEL_ID;
- pdev->irq.Handler = hfa384x_interrupt;
- pdev->irq.Instance = wlandev;
- CS_CHECK(RequestIRQ, pcmcia_request_irq(pdev, &pdev->irq));
- }
- if (link->conf.Attributes & CONF_ENABLE_IRQ) {
- link->irq.IRQInfo1 = IRQ_LEVEL_ID;
- link->irq.Handler = hfa384x_interrupt;
- link->irq.Instance = wlandev;
- CS_CHECK(RequestIRQ, pcmcia_request_irq(pdev, &link->irq));
- }
- /* This actually configures the PCMCIA socket -- setting up */
- /* the I/O windows and the interrupt mapping, and putting the */
- /* card and host interface into "Memory and IO" mode. */
- CS_CHECK(RequestConfiguration, pcmcia_request_configuration(pdev, &pdev->conf));
- CS_CHECK(RequestConfiguration, pcmcia_request_configuration(pdev, &link->conf));
- /* Fill the netdevice with this info */
- wlandev->netdev->irq = pdev->irq.AssignedIRQ;
- wlandev->netdev->base_addr = pdev->io.BasePort1;
- wlandev->netdev->irq = link->irq.AssignedIRQ;
- wlandev->netdev->base_addr = link->io.BasePort1;
- /* And the rest of the hw structure */
- hw->irq = wlandev->netdev->irq;
- hw->iobase = wlandev->netdev->base_addr;
- link->state |= DEV_CONFIG;
- link->state &= ~DEV_CONFIG_PENDING;
- /* And now we're done! */
- wlandev->msdstate = WLAN_MSD_HWPRESENT;
- goto done;
- cs_failed:
- cs_error(pdev, last_fn, last_ret);
- // wlandev, hw, etc etc..
- pdev->priv = NULL;
- pdev->instance = NULL;
- if (link) {
- link->priv = NULL;
- kfree(link);
- }
- if (wlandev) {
- wlan_unsetup(wlandev);
- if (wlandev->priv) {
- hw = wlandev->priv;
- wlandev->priv = NULL;
- if (hw) {
- hfa384x_destroy(hw);
- kfree(hw);
- }
- }
- kfree(wlandev);
- }
- if (parse) kfree(parse);
- return rval;
-#else // <= 2.6.15
-#define CS_CHECK(fn, ret) \
-do { last_fn = (fn); if ((last_ret = (ret)) != 0) goto cs_failed; } while (0)
-#define CFG_CHECK(fn, retf) \
-do { int ret = (retf); \
-if (ret != 0) { \
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "CardServices(" #fn ") returned %d\n", ret); \
- cs_error(link->handle, fn, ret); \
- goto next_entry; \
-} \
-} while (0)
-* prism2sta_attach
-* Half of the attach/detach pair. Creates and registers a device
-* instance with Card Services. In this case, it also creates the
-* wlandev structure and device private structure. These are
-* linked to the device instance via its priv member.
-* Arguments:
-* none
-* Returns:
-* A valid ptr to dev_link_t on success, NULL otherwise
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread (insmod/init_module/register_pccard_driver)
-dev_link_t *prism2sta_attach(void)
- client_reg_t client_reg;
- int result;
- dev_link_t *link = NULL;
- wlandevice_t *wlandev = NULL;
- hfa384x_t *hw = NULL;
- /* Alloc our structures */
- link = kmalloc(sizeof(struct dev_link_t), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!link || ((wlandev = create_wlan()) == NULL)) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: Memory allocation failure.\n", dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
- hw = wlandev->priv;
- /* Clear all the structs */
- memset(link, 0, sizeof(struct dev_link_t));
- if ( wlan_setup(wlandev) != 0 ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: wlan_setup() failed.\n", dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
- /* Initialize the hw struct for now */
- hfa384x_create(hw, 0, 0, NULL);
- hw->wlandev = wlandev;
- /* Initialize the PC card device object. */
- init_timer(&link->release);
- link->release.function = &prism2sta_release;
- link->release.data = (u_long)link;
- link->conf.IntType = INT_MEMORY_AND_IO;
- link->priv = wlandev;
-#if (defined(CS_RELEASE_CODE) && (CS_RELEASE_CODE < 0x2911))
- link->irq.Instance = wlandev;
- /* Link in to the list of devices managed by this driver */
- link->next = dev_list;
- dev_list = link;
- /* Register with Card Services */
- client_reg.dev_info = &dev_info;
- client_reg.Attributes = INFO_IO_CLIENT | INFO_CARD_SHARE;
- client_reg.EventMask =
- client_reg.event_handler = &prism2sta_event;
- client_reg.Version = 0x0210;
- client_reg.event_callback_args.client_data = link;
- result = pcmcia_register_client(&link->handle, &client_reg);
- if (result != 0) {
- cs_error(link->handle, RegisterClient, result);
- prism2sta_detach(link);
- return NULL;
- }
- goto done;
- failed:
- if (link) kfree(link);
- if (wlandev) kfree(wlandev);
- if (hw) kfree(hw);
- link = NULL;
- done:
- return link;
-* prism2sta_detach
-* Remove one of the device instances managed by this driver.
-* Search the list for the given instance,
-* check our flags for a waiting timer'd release call
-* call release
-* Deregister the instance with Card Services
-* (netdevice) unregister the network device.
-* unlink the instance from the list
-* free the link, priv, and priv->priv memory
-* Note: the dev_list variable is a driver scoped static used to
-* maintain a list of device instances managed by this
-* driver.
-* Arguments:
-* link ptr to the instance to detach
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* the link structure is gone, the netdevice is gone
-* Call context:
-* Might be interrupt, don't block.
-void prism2sta_detach(dev_link_t *link)
- dev_link_t **linkp;
- wlandevice_t *wlandev;
- hfa384x_t *hw;
- /* Locate prev device structure */
- for (linkp = &dev_list; *linkp; linkp = &(*linkp)->next) {
- if (*linkp == link) break;
- }
- if (*linkp != NULL) {
- unsigned long flags;
- /* Get rid of any timer'd release call */
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- if (link->state & DEV_RELEASE_PENDING) {
- del_timer_sync(&link->release);
- link->state &= ~DEV_RELEASE_PENDING;
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- /* If link says we're still config'd, call release */
- if (link->state & DEV_CONFIG) {
- prism2sta_release((u_long)link);
- if (link->state & DEV_STALE_CONFIG) {
- link->state |= DEV_STALE_LINK;
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Tell Card Services we're not around any more */
- if (link->handle) {
- pcmcia_deregister_client(link->handle);
- }
- /* Unlink device structure, free bits */
- *linkp = link->next;
- if ( link->priv != NULL ) {
- wlandev = (wlandevice_t*)link->priv;
- p80211netdev_hwremoved(wlandev);
- if (link->dev != NULL) {
- unregister_wlandev(wlandev);
- }
- wlan_unsetup(wlandev);
- if (wlandev->priv) {
- hw = wlandev->priv;
- wlandev->priv = NULL;
- if (hw) {
- hfa384x_destroy(hw);
- kfree(hw);
- }
- }
- link->priv = NULL;
- kfree(wlandev);
- }
- kfree(link);
- }
- return;
-* prism2sta_config
-* Half of the config/release pair. Usually called in response to
-* a card insertion event. At this point, we _know_ there's some
-* physical device present. That means we can start poking around
-* at the CIS and at any device specific config data we want.
-* Note the gotos and the macros. I recoded this once without
-* them, and it got incredibly ugly. It's actually simpler with
-* them.
-* Arguments:
-* link the dev_link_t structure created in attach that
-* represents this device instance.
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* Resources (irq, io, mem) are allocated
-* The pcmcia dev_link->node->name is set
-* (For netcards) The device structure is finished and,
-* most importantly, registered. This means that there
-* is now a _named_ device that can be configured from
-* userland.
-* Call context:
-* May be called from a timer. Don't block!
-#define CS_CHECK(fn, ret) \
-do { last_fn = (fn); if ((last_ret = (ret)) != 0) goto cs_failed; } while (0)
-#define CFG_CHECK(fn, retf) \
-do { int ret = (retf); \
-if (ret != 0) { \
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "CardServices(" #fn ") returned %d\n", ret); \
- cs_error(link->handle, fn, ret); \
- goto next_entry; \
-} \
-} while (0)
-void prism2sta_config(dev_link_t *link)
- client_handle_t handle;
- wlandevice_t *wlandev;
- hfa384x_t *hw;
- int last_fn;
- int last_ret;
- tuple_t tuple;
- cisparse_t parse;
- config_info_t socketconf;
- UINT8 buf[64];
- int minVcc = 0;
- int maxVcc = 0;
- cistpl_cftable_entry_t dflt = { 0 };
- handle = link->handle;
- wlandev = (wlandevice_t*)link->priv;
- hw = wlandev->priv;
- /* Collect the config register info */
- tuple.DesiredTuple = CISTPL_CONFIG;
- tuple.Attributes = 0;
- tuple.TupleData = buf;
- tuple.TupleDataMax = sizeof(buf);
- tuple.TupleOffset = 0;
- CS_CHECK(GetFirstTuple, pcmcia_get_first_tuple(handle, &tuple));
- CS_CHECK(GetTupleData, pcmcia_get_tuple_data(handle, &tuple));
- CS_CHECK(ParseTuple, pcmcia_parse_tuple(handle, &tuple, &parse));
- link->conf.ConfigBase = parse.config.base;
- link->conf.Present = parse.config.rmask[0];
- /* Configure card */
- link->state |= DEV_CONFIG;
- /* Acquire the current socket config (need Vcc setting) */
- CS_CHECK(GetConfigurationInfo, pcmcia_get_configuration_info(handle, &socketconf));
- /* Loop through the config table entries until we find one that works */
- /* Assumes a complete and valid CIS */
- tuple.DesiredTuple = CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY;
- CS_CHECK(GetFirstTuple, pcmcia_get_first_tuple(handle, &tuple));
- while (1) {
- cistpl_cftable_entry_t *cfg = &(parse.cftable_entry);
- CFG_CHECK(GetTupleData, pcmcia_get_tuple_data(handle, &tuple));
- CFG_CHECK(ParseTuple, pcmcia_parse_tuple(handle, &tuple, &parse));
- if (cfg->index == 0) goto next_entry;
- link->conf.ConfigIndex = cfg->index;
- /* Lets print out the Vcc that the controller+pcmcia-cs set
- * for us, cause that's what we're going to use.
- */
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"Initial Vcc=%d/10v\n", socketconf.Vcc);
- if (prism2_ignorevcc) {
- link->conf.Vcc = socketconf.Vcc;
- goto skipvcc;
- }
- /* Use power settings for Vcc and Vpp if present */
- /* Note that the CIS values need to be rescaled */
- if (cfg->vcc.present & (1<<CISTPL_POWER_VNOM)) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "Vcc obtained from curtupl.VNOM\n");
- minVcc = maxVcc =
- cfg->vcc.param[CISTPL_POWER_VNOM]/10000;
- } else if (dflt.vcc.present & (1<<CISTPL_POWER_VNOM)) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "Vcc set from dflt.VNOM\n");
- minVcc = maxVcc =
- dflt.vcc.param[CISTPL_POWER_VNOM]/10000;
- } else if ((cfg->vcc.present & (1<<CISTPL_POWER_VMAX)) &&
- (cfg->vcc.present & (1<<CISTPL_POWER_VMIN)) ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "Vcc set from curtupl(VMIN,VMAX)\n"); minVcc = cfg->vcc.param[CISTPL_POWER_VMIN]/10000;
- maxVcc = cfg->vcc.param[CISTPL_POWER_VMAX]/10000;
- } else if ((dflt.vcc.present & (1<<CISTPL_POWER_VMAX)) &&
- (dflt.vcc.present & (1<<CISTPL_POWER_VMIN)) ) {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "Vcc set from dflt(VMIN,VMAX)\n");
- minVcc = dflt.vcc.param[CISTPL_POWER_VMIN]/10000;
- maxVcc = dflt.vcc.param[CISTPL_POWER_VMAX]/10000;
- }
- if ( socketconf.Vcc >= minVcc && socketconf.Vcc <= maxVcc) {
- link->conf.Vcc = socketconf.Vcc;
- } else {
- /* [MSM]: Note that I've given up trying to change
- * the Vcc if a change is indicated. It seems the
- * system&socketcontroller&card vendors can't seem
- * to get it right, so I'm tired of trying to hack
- * my way around it. pcmcia-cs does its best using
- * the voltage sense pins but sometimes the controller
- * lies. Then, even if we have a good read on the VS
- * pins, some system designs will silently ignore our
- * requests to set the voltage. Additionally, some
- * vendors have 3.3v indicated on their sense pins,
- * but 5v specified in the CIS or vice-versa. I've
- * had it. My only recommendation is "let the buyer
- * beware". Your system might supply 5v to a 3v card
- * (possibly causing damage) or a 3v capable system
- * might supply 5v to a 3v capable card (wasting
- * precious battery life).
- * My only recommendation (if you care) is to get
- * yourself an extender card (I don't know where, I
- * have only one myself) and a meter and test it for
- * yourself.
- */
- goto next_entry;
- }
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "link->conf.Vcc=%d\n", link->conf.Vcc);
- /* Do we need to allocate an interrupt? */
- /* HACK: due to a bad CIS....we ALWAYS need an interrupt */
- /* if (cfg->irq.IRQInfo1 || dflt.irq.IRQInfo1) */
- link->conf.Attributes |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ;
- /* IO window settings */
- link->io.NumPorts1 = link->io.NumPorts2 = 0;
- if ((cfg->io.nwin > 0) || (dflt.io.nwin > 0)) {
- cistpl_io_t *io = (cfg->io.nwin) ? &cfg->io : &dflt.io;
- link->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_AUTO;
- if (!(io->flags & CISTPL_IO_8BIT))
- link->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_16;
- if (!(io->flags & CISTPL_IO_16BIT))
- link->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_8;
- link->io.BasePort1 = io->win[0].base;
- if ( link->io.BasePort1 != 0 ) {
- "Brain damaged CIS: hard coded iobase="
- "0x%x, try letting pcmcia_cs decide...\n",
- link->io.BasePort1 );
- link->io.BasePort1 = 0;
- }
- link->io.NumPorts1 = io->win[0].len;
- if (io->nwin > 1) {
- link->io.Attributes2 = link->io.Attributes1;
- link->io.BasePort2 = io->win[1].base;
- link->io.NumPorts2 = io->win[1].len;
- }
- }
- /* This reserves IO space but doesn't actually enable it */
- CFG_CHECK(RequestIO, pcmcia_request_io(link->handle, &link->io));
- /* If we got this far, we're cool! */
- break;
- if (cfg->flags & CISTPL_CFTABLE_DEFAULT)
- dflt = *cfg;
- CS_CHECK(GetNextTuple,
- pcmcia_get_next_tuple(handle, &tuple));
- }
- /* Allocate an interrupt line. Note that this does not assign a */
- /* handler to the interrupt, unless the 'Handler' member of the */
- /* irq structure is initialized. */
- if (link->conf.Attributes & CONF_ENABLE_IRQ)
- {
- int i;
- link->irq.IRQInfo1 = IRQ_INFO2_VALID | IRQ_LEVEL_ID;
- if (irq_list[0] == -1)
- link->irq.IRQInfo2 = irq_mask;
- else
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- link->irq.IRQInfo2 |= 1 << irq_list[i];
- link->irq.IRQInfo1 = IRQ_LEVEL_ID;
- link->irq.Handler = hfa384x_interrupt;
- link->irq.Instance = wlandev;
- CS_CHECK(RequestIRQ, pcmcia_request_irq(link->handle, &link->irq));
- }
- /* This actually configures the PCMCIA socket -- setting up */
- /* the I/O windows and the interrupt mapping, and putting the */
- /* card and host interface into "Memory and IO" mode. */
- CS_CHECK(RequestConfiguration, pcmcia_request_configuration(link->handle, &link->conf));
- /* Fill the netdevice with this info */
- wlandev->netdev->irq = link->irq.AssignedIRQ;
- wlandev->netdev->base_addr = link->io.BasePort1;
- /* Report what we've done */
- WLAN_LOG_INFO("%s: index 0x%02x: Vcc %d.%d",
- dev_info, link->conf.ConfigIndex,
- link->conf.Vcc/10, link->conf.Vcc%10);
- if (link->conf.Vpp1)
- printk(", Vpp %d.%d", link->conf.Vpp1/10, link->conf.Vpp1%10);
- if (link->conf.Attributes & CONF_ENABLE_IRQ)
- printk(", irq %d", link->irq.AssignedIRQ);
- if (link->io.NumPorts1)
- printk(", io 0x%04x-0x%04x", link->io.BasePort1, link->io.BasePort1+link->io.NumPorts1-1);
- if (link->io.NumPorts2)
- printk(" & 0x%04x-0x%04x", link->io.BasePort2, link->io.BasePort2+link->io.NumPorts2-1);
- printk("\n");
- link->state &= ~DEV_CONFIG_PENDING;
- /* Let pcmcia know the device name */
- link->dev = &hw->node;
- /* Register the network device and get assigned a name */
- SET_MODULE_OWNER(wlandev->netdev);
- SET_NETDEV_DEV(wlandev->netdev, &handle_to_dev(link->handle));
- if (register_wlandev(wlandev) != 0) {
- WLAN_LOG_NOTICE("prism2sta_cs: register_wlandev() failed.\n");
- goto failed;
- }
- strcpy(hw->node.dev_name, wlandev->name);
- /* Any device custom config/query stuff should be done here */
- /* For a netdevice, we should at least grab the mac address */
- return;
- cs_error(link->handle, last_fn, last_ret);
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("NextTuple failure? It's probably a Vcc mismatch.\n");
- prism2sta_release((u_long)link);
- return;
-* prism2sta_release
-* Half of the config/release pair. Usually called in response to
-* a card ejection event. Checks to make sure no higher layers
-* are still (or think they are) using the card via the link->open
-* field.
-* NOTE: Don't forget to increment the link->open variable in the
-* device_open method, and decrement it in the device_close
-* method.
-* Arguments:
-* arg a generic 32 bit variable. It's the value that
-* we assigned to link->release.data in sta_attach().
-* Returns:
-* nothing
-* Side effects:
-* All resources should be released after this function
-* executes and finds the device !open.
-* Call context:
-* Possibly in a timer context. Don't do anything that'll
-* block.
-void prism2sta_release(u_long arg)
- dev_link_t *link = (dev_link_t *)arg;
- /* First thing we should do is get the MSD back to the
- * HWPRESENT state. I.e. everything quiescent.
- */
- prism2sta_ifstate(link->priv, P80211ENUM_ifstate_disable);
- if (link->open) {
- /* TODO: I don't think we're even using this bit of code
- * and I don't think it's hurting us at the moment.
- */
- "prism2sta_cs: release postponed, '%s' still open\n",
- link->dev->dev_name);
- link->state |= DEV_STALE_CONFIG;
- return;
- }
- pcmcia_release_configuration(link->handle);
- pcmcia_release_io(link->handle, &link->io);
- pcmcia_release_irq(link->handle, &link->irq);
- link->state &= ~(DEV_CONFIG | DEV_RELEASE_PENDING);
-* prism2sta_event
-* Handler for card services events.
-* Arguments:
-* event The event code
-* priority hi/low - REMOVAL is the only hi
-* args ptr to card services struct containing info about
-* pcmcia status
-* Returns:
-* Zero on success, non-zero otherwise
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* Both interrupt and process thread, depends on the event.
-static int
-prism2sta_event (
- event_t event,
- int priority,
- event_callback_args_t *args)
- int result = 0;
- dev_link_t *link = (dev_link_t *) args->client_data;
- wlandevice_t *wlandev = (wlandevice_t*)link->priv;
- hfa384x_t *hw = NULL;
- if (wlandev) hw = wlandev->priv;
- switch (event)
- {
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(5,"event is INSERTION\n");
- prism2sta_config(link);
- if (!(link->state & DEV_CONFIG)) {
- wlandev->netdev->irq = 0;
- "%s: Initialization failed!\n", dev_info);
- wlandev->msdstate = WLAN_MSD_HWFAIL;
- break;
- }
- /* Fill in the rest of the hw struct */
- hw->irq = wlandev->netdev->irq;
- hw->iobase = wlandev->netdev->base_addr;
- hw->link = link;
- if (prism2_doreset) {
- result = hfa384x_corereset(hw,
- prism2_reset_holdtime,
- prism2_reset_settletime, 0);
- if ( result ) {
- "corereset() failed, result=%d.\n",
- result);
- wlandev->msdstate = WLAN_MSD_HWFAIL;
- break;
- }
- }
-#if 0
- /*
- * TODO: test_hostif() not implemented yet.
- */
- result = hfa384x_test_hostif(hw);
- if (result) {
- "test_hostif() failed, result=%d.\n", result);
- wlandev->msdstate = WLAN_MSD_HWFAIL;
- break;
- }
- wlandev->msdstate = WLAN_MSD_HWPRESENT;
- break;
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(5,"event is REMOVAL\n");
- link->state &= ~DEV_PRESENT;
- if (wlandev) {
- p80211netdev_hwremoved(wlandev);
- }
- if (link->state & DEV_CONFIG)
- {
- link->release.expires = jiffies + (HZ/20);
- add_timer(&link->release);
- }
- break;
- "prism2 card reset not supported "
- "due to post-reset user mode configuration "
- "requirements.\n");
- " From user mode, use "
- "'cardctl suspend;cardctl resume' "
- "instead.\n");
- break;
- WLAN_LOG_WARNING("Rx'd CS_EVENT_RESET_xxx, should not "
- "be possible since RESET_REQUEST was denied.\n");
- break;
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(5,"event is SUSPEND\n");
- link->state |= DEV_SUSPEND;
- if (link->state & DEV_CONFIG)
- {
- prism2sta_ifstate(wlandev, P80211ENUM_ifstate_disable);
- pcmcia_release_configuration(link->handle);
- }
- break;
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(5,"event is RESUME\n");
- link->state &= ~DEV_SUSPEND;
- if (link->state & DEV_CONFIG) {
- pcmcia_request_configuration(link->handle, &link->conf);
- }
- break;
- }
- return 0; /* noone else does anthing with the return value */
-#endif // <= 2.6.15
-int hfa384x_corereset(hfa384x_t *hw, int holdtime, int settletime, int genesis)
- int result = 0;
- conf_reg_t reg;
- UINT8 corsave;
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3, "Doing reset via CardServices().\n");
- /* Collect COR */
- reg.Function = 0;
- reg.Action = CS_READ;
- reg.Offset = CISREG_COR;
- result = pcmcia_access_configuration_register(hw->pdev, &reg);
- result = pcmcia_access_configuration_register(
- hw->link->handle,
- &reg);
- if (result != CS_SUCCESS ) {
- ":0: AccessConfigurationRegister(CS_READ) failed,"
- "result=%d.\n", result);
- result = -EIO;
- }
- corsave = reg.Value;
- /* Write reset bit (BIT7) */
- reg.Value |= BIT7;
- reg.Action = CS_WRITE;
- reg.Offset = CISREG_COR;
- result = pcmcia_access_configuration_register(hw->pdev, &reg);
- result = pcmcia_access_configuration_register(
- hw->link->handle,
- &reg);
- if (result != CS_SUCCESS ) {
- ":1: AccessConfigurationRegister(CS_WRITE) failed,"
- "result=%d.\n", result);
- result = -EIO;
- }
- /* Hold for holdtime */
- mdelay(holdtime);
- if (genesis) {
- reg.Value = genesis;
- reg.Action = CS_WRITE;
- reg.Offset = CISREG_CCSR;
- result = pcmcia_access_configuration_register(hw->pdev, &reg);
- result = pcmcia_access_configuration_register(
- hw->link->handle,
- &reg);
- if (result != CS_SUCCESS ) {
- ":1: AccessConfigurationRegister(CS_WRITE) failed,"
- "result=%d.\n", result);
- result = -EIO;
- }
- }
- /* Hold for holdtime */
- mdelay(holdtime);
- /* Clear reset bit */
- reg.Value &= ~BIT7;
- reg.Action = CS_WRITE;
- reg.Offset = CISREG_COR;
- result = pcmcia_access_configuration_register(hw->pdev, &reg);
- result = pcmcia_access_configuration_register(
- hw->link->handle,
- &reg);
- if (result != CS_SUCCESS ) {
- ":2: AccessConfigurationRegister(CS_WRITE) failed,"
- "result=%d.\n", result);
- result = -EIO;
- goto done;
- }
- /* Wait for settletime */
- mdelay(settletime);
- /* Set non-reset bits back what they were */
- reg.Value = corsave;
- reg.Action = CS_WRITE;
- reg.Offset = CISREG_COR;
- result = pcmcia_access_configuration_register(hw->pdev, &reg);
- result = pcmcia_access_configuration_register(
- hw->link->handle,
- &reg);
- if (result != CS_SUCCESS ) {
- ":2: AccessConfigurationRegister(CS_WRITE) failed,"
- "result=%d.\n", result);
- result = -EIO;
- goto done;
- }
- return result;
-#ifdef MODULE
-static int __init prism2cs_init(void)
- servinfo_t serv;
- WLAN_LOG_NOTICE("%s Loaded\n", version);
- WLAN_LOG_NOTICE("dev_info is: %s\n", dev_info);
- pcmcia_get_card_services_info(&serv);
- if ( serv.Revision != CS_RELEASE_CODE )
- {
- printk(KERN_NOTICE"%s: CardServices release does not match!\n", dev_info);
- return -1;
- }
- /* This call will result in a call to prism2sta_attach */
- /* and eventually prism2sta_detach */
- register_pccard_driver( &dev_info, &prism2sta_attach, &prism2sta_detach);
- pcmcia_register_driver(&prism2_cs_driver);
- return 0;
-static void __exit prism2cs_cleanup(void)
- dev_link_t *link = dev_list;
- dev_link_t *nlink;
- for (link=dev_list; link != NULL; link = nlink) {
- nlink = link->next;
- if ( link->state & DEV_CONFIG ) {
- prism2sta_release((u_long)link);
- }
- prism2sta_detach(link); /* remember detach() frees link */
- }
- unregister_pccard_driver( &dev_info);
- pcmcia_unregister_driver(&prism2_cs_driver);
- printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s Unloaded\n", version);
- return;
-#endif // MODULE
diff --git a/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2_pci.c b/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2_pci.c
deleted file mode 100644
index afe32dfbf6b..00000000000
--- a/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2_pci.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-#include "hfa384x.c"
-#include "prism2mgmt.c"
-#include "prism2mib.c"
-#include "prism2sta.c"
-#define PCI_SIZE 0x1000 /* Memory size - 4K bytes */
-/* ISL3874A 11Mb/s WLAN controller */
-#define PCIDEVICE_ISL3874 0x3873UL /* [MSM] yeah I know...the ID says
- 3873. Trust me, it's a 3874. */
-/* Samsung SWL-2210P 11Mb/s WLAN controller (uses ISL3874A) */
-#define PCIDEVICE_SWL_2210P 0xa000UL
-#define PCIVENDOR_NETGEAR 0x1385UL /* for MA311 */
-/* PCI Class & Sub-Class code, Network-'Other controller' */
-* prism2sta_probe_pci
-* Probe routine called when a PCI device w/ matching ID is found.
-* The ISL3874 implementation uses the following map:
-* BAR0: Prism2.x registers memory mapped, size=4k
-* Here's the sequence:
-* - Allocate the PCI resources.
-* - Read the PCMCIA attribute memory to make sure we have a WLAN card
-* - Reset the MAC
-* - Initialize the netdev and wlan data
-* - Initialize the MAC
-* Arguments:
-* pdev ptr to pci device structure containing info about
-* pci configuration.
-* id ptr to the device id entry that matched this device.
-* Returns:
-* zero - success
-* negative - failed
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-static int __devinit
- struct pci_dev *pdev,
- const struct pci_device_id *id)
- int result;
- phys_t phymem = 0;
- void __iomem *mem = NULL;
- wlandevice_t *wlandev = NULL;
- hfa384x_t *hw = NULL;
- /* Enable the pci device */
- if (pci_enable_device(pdev)) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: pci_enable_device() failed.\n", dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto fail;
- }
- /* Figure out our resources */
- phymem = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
- if (!request_mem_region(phymem, pci_resource_len(pdev, 0), "Prism2")) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "prism2: Cannot reserve PCI memory region\n");
- result = -EIO;
- goto fail;
- }
- mem = ioremap(phymem, PCI_SIZE);
- if ( mem == 0 ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: ioremap() failed.\n", dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto fail;
- }
- /* Log the device */
- WLAN_LOG_INFO("A Prism2.5 PCI device found, "
- "phymem:0x%llx, irq:%d, mem:0x%p\n",
- (unsigned long long)phymem, pdev->irq, mem);
- if ((wlandev = create_wlan()) == NULL) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: Memory allocation failure.\n", dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto fail;
- }
- hw = wlandev->priv;
- if ( wlan_setup(wlandev) != 0 ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: wlan_setup() failed.\n", dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto fail;
- }
- /* Setup netdevice's ability to report resources
- * Note: the netdevice was allocated by wlan_setup()
- */
- wlandev->netdev->irq = pdev->irq;
- wlandev->netdev->mem_start = (unsigned long) mem;
- wlandev->netdev->mem_end = wlandev->netdev->mem_start +
- pci_resource_len(pdev, 0);
- /* Initialize the hw data */
- hfa384x_create(hw, wlandev->netdev->irq, 0, mem);
- hw->wlandev = wlandev;
- /* Register the wlandev, this gets us a name and registers the
- * linux netdevice.
- */
- SET_MODULE_OWNER(wlandev->netdev);
- SET_NETDEV_DEV(wlandev->netdev, &(pdev->dev));
- if ( register_wlandev(wlandev) != 0 ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: register_wlandev() failed.\n", dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto fail;
- }
-#if 0
- /* TODO: Move this and an irq test into an hfa384x_testif() routine.
- */
- outw(PRISM2STA_MAGIC, HFA384x_SWSUPPORT(wlandev->netdev->base_addr));
- reg=inw( HFA384x_SWSUPPORT(wlandev->netdev->base_addr));
- if ( reg != PRISM2STA_MAGIC ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("MAC register access test failed!\n");
- result = -EIO;
- goto fail;
- }
- /* Do a chip-level reset on the MAC */
- if (prism2_doreset) {
- result = hfa384x_corereset(hw,
- prism2_reset_holdtime,
- prism2_reset_settletime, 0);
- if (result != 0) {
- "%s: hfa384x_corereset() failed.\n",
- dev_info);
- unregister_wlandev(wlandev);
- hfa384x_destroy(hw);
- result = -EIO;
- goto fail;
- }
- }
- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, wlandev);
- /* Shouldn't actually hook up the IRQ until we
- * _know_ things are alright. A test routine would help.
- */
- request_irq(wlandev->netdev->irq, hfa384x_interrupt,
- SA_SHIRQ, wlandev->name, wlandev);
- wlandev->msdstate = WLAN_MSD_HWPRESENT;
- result = 0;
- goto done;
- fail:
- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
- if (wlandev) kfree(wlandev);
- if (hw) kfree(hw);
- if (mem) iounmap(mem);
- pci_release_regions(pdev);
- pci_disable_device(pdev);
- done:
- return result;
-static void __devexit prism2sta_remove_pci(struct pci_dev *pdev)
- wlandevice_t *wlandev;
- hfa384x_t *hw;
- wlandev = (wlandevice_t *) pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
- hw = wlandev->priv;
- p80211netdev_hwremoved(wlandev);
- /* reset hardware */
- prism2sta_ifstate(wlandev, P80211ENUM_ifstate_disable);
- if (pdev->irq)
- free_irq(pdev->irq, wlandev);
- unregister_wlandev(wlandev);
- /* free local stuff */
- if (hw) {
- hfa384x_destroy(hw);
- kfree(hw);
- }
- iounmap((void __iomem *)wlandev->netdev->mem_start);
- wlan_unsetup(wlandev);
- pci_release_regions(pdev);
- pci_disable_device(pdev);
- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
- kfree(wlandev);
-static struct pci_device_id pci_id_tbl[] = {
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"Intersil Prism2.5 ISL3874 11Mb/s WLAN Controller"
- },
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"Intersil Prism2.5 ISL3872 11Mb/s WLAN Controller"
- },
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"Samsung MagicLAN SWL-2210P 11Mb/s WLAN Controller"
- },
- { /* for NetGear MA311 */
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"Netgear MA311 WLAN Controller"
- },
- {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- }
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, pci_id_tbl);
-/* Function declared here because of ptr reference below */
-static int __devinit prism2sta_probe_pci(struct pci_dev *pdev,
- const struct pci_device_id *id);
-static void __devexit prism2sta_remove_pci(struct pci_dev *pdev);
-static struct pci_driver prism2_pci_drv_id = {
- .name = "prism2_pci",
- .id_table = pci_id_tbl,
- .probe = prism2sta_probe_pci,
- .remove = prism2sta_remove_pci,
-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
- .suspend = prism2sta_suspend_pci,
- .resume = prism2sta_resume_pci,
-#ifdef MODULE
-static int __init prism2pci_init(void)
- WLAN_LOG_NOTICE("%s Loaded\n", version);
- return pci_module_init(&prism2_pci_drv_id);
-static void __exit prism2pci_cleanup(void)
- pci_unregister_driver(&prism2_pci_drv_id);
-int hfa384x_corereset(hfa384x_t *hw, int holdtime, int settletime, int genesis)
- int result = 0;
- unsigned long timeout;
- UINT16 reg;
- /* Assert reset and wait awhile
- * (note: these delays are _really_ long, but they appear to be
- * necessary.)
- */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0xc5, HFA384x_PCICOR);
- timeout = jiffies + HZ/4;
- while(time_before(jiffies, timeout)) udelay(5);
- if (genesis) {
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, genesis, HFA384x_PCIHCR);
- timeout = jiffies + HZ/4;
- while(time_before(jiffies, timeout)) udelay(5);
- }
- /* Clear the reset and wait some more
- */
- hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0x45, HFA384x_PCICOR);
- timeout = jiffies + HZ/2;
- while(time_before(jiffies, timeout)) udelay(5);
- /* Wait for f/w to complete initialization (CMD:BUSY == 0)
- */
- timeout = jiffies + 2*HZ;
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
- while ( HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg) && time_before( jiffies, timeout) ) {
- reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
- udelay(10);
- }
- if (HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg)) {
- WLAN_LOG_WARNING("corereset: Timed out waiting for cmd register.\n");
- result=1;
- }
- return result;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2_plx.c b/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2_plx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 320443f37a8..00000000000
--- a/drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2_plx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-#include "hfa384x.c"
-#include "prism2mgmt.c"
-#include "prism2mib.c"
-#include "prism2sta.c"
-#define PLX_ATTR_SIZE 0x1000 /* Attribute memory size - 4K bytes */
-#define COR_OFFSET 0x3e0 /* COR attribute offset of Prism2 PC card */
-#define COR_VALUE 0x41 /* Enable PC card with irq in level trigger */
-#define PLX_INTCSR 0x4c /* Interrupt Control and Status Register */
-#define PLX_INTCSR_INTEN (1<<6) /* Interrupt Enable bit */
-#define PLX_MIN_ATTR_LEN 512 /* at least 2 x 256 is needed for CIS */
-/* 3Com 3CRW777A (PLX) board ID */
-#define PCIVENDOR_3COM 0x10B7
-/* Eumitcom PCI WL11000 PCI Adapter (PLX) board device+vendor ID */
-#define PCIDEVICE_WL11000 0x1100UL
-/* Global Sun Tech GL24110P PCI Adapter (PLX) board device+vendor ID */
-#define PCIDEVICE_GL24110P 0x1101UL
-#define PCIDEVICE_GL24110P_ALT 0x1102UL
-/* Netgear MA301 PCI Adapter (PLX) board device+vendor ID */
-#define PCIDEVICE_MA301 0x4100UL
-/* US Robotics USR2410 PCI Adapter (PLX) board device+vendor ID */
-#define PCIDEVICE_USR2410 0x3685UL
-/* Linksys WPC11 card with the WDT11 adapter (PLX) board device+vendor ID */
-#define PCIVENDOR_Linksys 0x16abUL
-#define PCIDEVICE_Wpc11Wdt11 0x1102UL
-/* National Datacomm Corp SOHOware Netblaster II PCI */
-#define PCIVENDOR_NDC 0x15e8UL
-#define PCIDEVICE_NCP130_PLX 0x0130UL
-#define PCIDEVICE_NCP130_ASIC 0x0131UL
-/* NDC NCP130_PLX is also sold by Corega. Their name is CGWLPCIA11 */
-/* PCI Class & Sub-Class code, Network-'Other controller' */
-* prism2sta_probe_plx
-* Probe routine called when a PCI device w/ matching ID is found.
-* This PLX implementation uses the following map:
-* BAR0: Unused
-* BAR1: ????
-* BAR2: PCMCIA attribute memory
-* BAR3: PCMCIA i/o space
-* Here's the sequence:
-* - Allocate the PCI resources.
-* - Read the PCMCIA attribute memory to make sure we have a WLAN card
-* - Reset the MAC using the PCMCIA COR
-* - Initialize the netdev and wlan data
-* - Initialize the MAC
-* Arguments:
-* pdev ptr to pci device structure containing info about
-* pci configuration.
-* id ptr to the device id entry that matched this device.
-* Returns:
-* zero - success
-* negative - failed
-* Side effects:
-* Call context:
-* process thread
-static int __devinit
- struct pci_dev *pdev,
- const struct pci_device_id *id)
- int result;
- phys_t pccard_ioaddr;
- phys_t pccard_attr_mem;
- unsigned int pccard_attr_len;
- void __iomem *attr_mem = NULL;
- UINT32 plx_addr;
- wlandevice_t *wlandev = NULL;
- hfa384x_t *hw = NULL;
- int reg;
- u32 regic;
- if (pci_enable_device(pdev))
- return -EIO;
- /* TMC7160 boards are special */
- if ((pdev->vendor == PCIVENDOR_NDC) &&
- (pdev->device == PCIDEVICE_NCP130_ASIC)) {
- unsigned long delay;
- pccard_attr_mem = 0;
- pccard_ioaddr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 1);
- outb(0x45, pccard_ioaddr);
- delay = jiffies + 1*HZ;
- while (time_before(jiffies, delay));
- if (inb(pccard_ioaddr) != 0x45) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Initialize the TMC7160 failed. (0x%x)\n", inb(pccard_ioaddr));
- return -EIO;
- }
- pccard_ioaddr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 2);
- prism2_doreset = 0;
- WLAN_LOG_INFO("NDC NCP130 with TMC716(ASIC) PCI interface device found at io:0x%x, irq:%d\n", pccard_ioaddr, pdev->irq);
- goto init;
- }
- /* Collect the resource requirements */
- pccard_attr_mem = pci_resource_start(pdev, 2);
- pccard_attr_len = pci_resource_len(pdev, 2);
- if (pccard_attr_len < PLX_MIN_ATTR_LEN)
- return -EIO;
- pccard_ioaddr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 3);
- /* bjoern: We need to tell the card to enable interrupts, in
- * case the serial eprom didn't do this already. See the
- * PLX9052 data book, p8-1 and 8-24 for reference.
- * [MSM]: This bit of code came from the orinoco_cs driver.
- */
- plx_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 1);
- regic = 0;
- regic = inl(plx_addr+PLX_INTCSR);
- if(regic & PLX_INTCSR_INTEN) {
- "%s: Local Interrupt already enabled\n", dev_info);
- } else {
- regic |= PLX_INTCSR_INTEN;
- outl(regic, plx_addr+PLX_INTCSR);
- regic = inl(plx_addr+PLX_INTCSR);
- if(!(regic & PLX_INTCSR_INTEN)) {
- "%s: Couldn't enable Local Interrupts\n",
- dev_info);
- return -EIO;
- }
- }
- /* These assignments are here in case of future mappings for
- * io space and irq that might be similar to ioremap
- */
- if (!request_mem_region(pccard_attr_mem, pci_resource_len(pdev, 2), "Prism2")) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: Couldn't reserve PCI memory region\n", dev_info);
- return -EIO;
- }
- attr_mem = ioremap(pccard_attr_mem, pccard_attr_len);
- WLAN_LOG_INFO("A PLX PCI/PCMCIA interface device found, "
- "phymem:0x%llx, phyio=0x%x, irq:%d, "
- "mem: 0x%lx\n",
- (unsigned long long)pccard_attr_mem, pccard_ioaddr, pdev->irq,
- (unsigned long)attr_mem);
- /* Verify whether PC card is present.
- * [MSM] This needs improvement, the right thing to do is
- * probably to walk the CIS looking for the vendor and product
- * IDs. It would be nice if this could be tied in with the
- * etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.conf file. Any volunteers? ;-)
- */
- if (
- readb(attr_mem + 0) != 0x01 || readb(attr_mem + 2) != 0x03 ||
- readb(attr_mem + 4) != 0x00 || readb(attr_mem + 6) != 0x00 ||
- readb(attr_mem + 8) != 0xFF || readb(attr_mem + 10) != 0x17 ||
- readb(attr_mem + 12) != 0x04 || readb(attr_mem + 14) != 0x67) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Prism2 PC card CIS is invalid.\n");
- return -EIO;
- }
- WLAN_LOG_INFO("A PCMCIA WLAN adapter was found.\n");
- /* Write COR to enable PC card */
- writeb(COR_VALUE, attr_mem + COR_OFFSET);
- reg = readb(attr_mem + COR_OFFSET);
- init:
- /*
- * Now do everything the same as a PCI device
- * [MSM] TODO: We could probably factor this out of pcmcia/pci/plx
- * and perhaps usb. Perhaps a task for another day.......
- */
- if ((wlandev = create_wlan()) == NULL) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: Memory allocation failure.\n", dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
- hw = wlandev->priv;
- if ( wlan_setup(wlandev) != 0 ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: wlan_setup() failed.\n", dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
- /* Setup netdevice's ability to report resources
- * Note: the netdevice was allocated by wlan_setup()
- */
- wlandev->netdev->irq = pdev->irq;
- wlandev->netdev->base_addr = pccard_ioaddr;
- wlandev->netdev->mem_start = (unsigned long)attr_mem;
- wlandev->netdev->mem_end = (unsigned long)attr_mem + pci_resource_len(pdev, 0);
- /* Initialize the hw data */
- hfa384x_create(hw, wlandev->netdev->irq, pccard_ioaddr, attr_mem);
- hw->wlandev = wlandev;
- /* Register the wlandev, this gets us a name and registers the
- * linux netdevice.
- */
- SET_MODULE_OWNER(wlandev->netdev);
- SET_NETDEV_DEV(wlandev->netdev, &(pdev->dev));
- if ( register_wlandev(wlandev) != 0 ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("%s: register_wlandev() failed.\n", dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
-#if 0
- /* TODO: Move this and an irq test into an hfa384x_testif() routine.
- */
- outw(PRISM2STA_MAGIC, HFA384x_SWSUPPORT(wlandev->netdev->base_addr));
- reg=inw( HFA384x_SWSUPPORT(wlandev->netdev->base_addr));
- if ( reg != PRISM2STA_MAGIC ) {
- WLAN_LOG_ERROR("MAC register access test failed!\n");
- result = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
- /* Do a chip-level reset on the MAC */
- if (prism2_doreset) {
- result = hfa384x_corereset(hw,
- prism2_reset_holdtime,
- prism2_reset_settletime, 0);
- if (result != 0) {
- unregister_wlandev(wlandev);
- hfa384x_destroy(hw);
- "%s: hfa384x_corereset() failed.\n",
- dev_info);
- result = -EIO;
- goto failed;
- }
- }
- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, wlandev);
- /* Shouldn't actually hook up the IRQ until we
- * _know_ things are alright. A test routine would help.
- */
- request_irq(wlandev->netdev->irq, hfa384x_interrupt,
- SA_SHIRQ, wlandev->name, wlandev);
- wlandev->msdstate = WLAN_MSD_HWPRESENT;
- result = 0;
- goto done;
- failed:
- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
- if (wlandev) kfree(wlandev);
- if (hw) kfree(hw);
- if (attr_mem) iounmap(attr_mem);
- pci_release_regions(pdev);
- pci_disable_device(pdev);
- done:
- return result;
-static void __devexit prism2sta_remove_plx(struct pci_dev *pdev)
- wlandevice_t *wlandev;
- hfa384x_t *hw;
- wlandev = (wlandevice_t *) pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
- hw = wlandev->priv;
- p80211netdev_hwremoved(wlandev);
- /* reset hardware */
- prism2sta_ifstate(wlandev, P80211ENUM_ifstate_disable);
- if (pdev->irq)
- free_irq(pdev->irq, wlandev);
- unregister_wlandev(wlandev);
- /* free local stuff */
- if (hw) {
- hfa384x_destroy(hw);
- kfree(hw);
- }
- iounmap((void __iomem *)wlandev->netdev->mem_start);
- wlan_unsetup(wlandev);
- pci_release_regions(pdev);
- pci_disable_device(pdev);
- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
- kfree(wlandev);
-static struct pci_device_id plx_id_tbl[] = {
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"Eumitcom WL11000 PCI(PLX) card"
- },
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"Global Sun Tech GL24110P PCI(PLX) card"
- },
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"Global Sun Tech GL24110P PCI(PLX) card"
- },
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"Global Sun Tech GL24110P PCI(PLX) card"
- },
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"US Robotics USR2410 PCI(PLX) card"
- },
- {
- PCIVENDOR_Linksys, PCIDEVICE_Wpc11Wdt11,
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"Linksys WPC11 with WDT11 PCI(PLX) adapter"
- },
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"NDC Netblaster II PCI(PLX)"
- },
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"NDC Netblaster II PCI(TMC7160)"
- },
- {
- 0, 0,
- /* Driver data, we just put the name here */
- (unsigned long)"3Com AirConnect PCI 802.11b 11Mb/s WLAN Controller"
- },
- {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- }
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, plx_id_tbl);
-/* Function declared here because of ptr reference below */
-static int __devinit prism2sta_probe_plx(struct pci_dev *pdev,
- const struct pci_device_id *);
-static void __devexit prism2sta_remove_plx(struct pci_dev *pdev);
-static struct pci_driver prism2_plx_drv_id = {
- .name = "prism2_plx",
- .id_table = plx_id_tbl,
- .probe = prism2sta_probe_plx,
- .remove = prism2sta_remove_plx,
-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
- .suspend = prism2sta_suspend_pci,
- .resume = prism2sta_resume_pci,
-#ifdef MODULE
-static int __init prism2plx_init(void)
- WLAN_LOG_NOTICE("%s Loaded\n", version);
- return pci_module_init(&prism2_plx_drv_id);
-static void __exit prism2plx_cleanup(void)
- pci_unregister_driver(&prism2_plx_drv_id);
-#endif // MODULE
-int hfa384x_corereset(hfa384x_t *hw, int holdtime, int settletime, int genesis)
- int result = 0;
-#define COR_OFFSET 0x3e0 /* COR attribute offset of Prism2 PC card */
-#define COR_VALUE 0x41 /* Enable PC card with irq in level trigger */
-#define HCR_OFFSET 0x3e2 /* HCR attribute offset of Prism2 PC card */
- UINT8 corsave;
- WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3, "Doing reset via direct COR access.\n");
- /* Collect COR */
- corsave = readb(hw->membase + COR_OFFSET);
- /* Write reset bit (BIT7) */
- writeb(corsave | BIT7, hw->membase + COR_OFFSET);
- /* Hold for holdtime */
- mdelay(holdtime);
- if (genesis) {
- writeb(genesis, hw->membase + HCR_OFFSET);
- /* Hold for holdtime */
- mdelay(holdtime);
- }
- /* Clear reset bit */
- writeb(corsave & ~BIT7, hw->membase + COR_OFFSET);
- /* Wait for settletime */
- mdelay(settletime);
- /* Set non-reset bits back what they were */
- writeb(corsave, hw->membase + COR_OFFSET);
- return result;