path: root/drivers/net/bnx2x_reg.h
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1 files changed, 145 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnx2x_reg.h b/drivers/net/bnx2x_reg.h
index d084e5fc4b5..fc957fa5c24 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnx2x_reg.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnx2x_reg.h
@@ -125,6 +125,10 @@
stands for weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
#define CCM_REG_CQM_P_WEIGHT 0xd00b8
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the QM (secondary) input in the WRR mechanism. 0
+ stands for weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define CCM_REG_CQM_S_WEIGHT 0xd00bc
/* [RW 1] Input SDM Interface enable. If 0 - the valid input is disregarded;
acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are treated as usual;
if 1 - normal activity. */
@@ -132,6 +136,10 @@
/* [RC 1] Set when the message length mismatch (relative to last indication)
at the SDM interface is detected. */
#define CCM_REG_CSDM_LENGTH_MIS 0xd0170
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the SDM input in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define CCM_REG_CSDM_WEIGHT 0xd00b4
/* [RW 28] The CM header for QM formatting in case of an error in the QM
inputs. */
#define CCM_REG_ERR_CCM_HDR 0xd0094
@@ -211,6 +219,11 @@
/* [RC 1] Set when the message length mismatch (relative to last indication)
at the STORM interface is detected. */
#define CCM_REG_STORM_LENGTH_MIS 0xd016c
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the STORM input in the WRR (Weighted Round robin)
+ mechanism. 0 stands for weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for
+ weight 1(least prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2 (more prioritised);
+ tc. */
+#define CCM_REG_STORM_WEIGHT 0xd009c
/* [RW 1] Input tsem Interface enable. If 0 - the valid input is
disregarded; acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are
treated as usual; if 1 - normal activity. */
@@ -323,7 +336,11 @@
set one of these bits. the bit description can be found in CFC
specifications */
#define CFC_REG_ERROR_VECTOR 0x10403c
+/* [WB 93] LCID info ram access */
+#define CFC_REG_INFO_RAM 0x105000
+#define CFC_REG_INFO_RAM_SIZE 1024
#define CFC_REG_INIT_REG 0x10404c
+#define CFC_REG_INTERFACES 0x104058
/* [RW 24] {weight_load_client7[2:0] to weight_load_client0[2:0]}. this
field allows changing the priorities of the weighted-round-robin arbiter
which selects which CFC load client should be served next */
@@ -337,8 +354,6 @@
#define CFC_REG_NUM_LCIDS_ALLOC 0x104020
/* [R 9] Number of Arriving LCIDs in Link List Block */
-/* [R 9] Number of Inside LCIDs in Link List Block */
-#define CFC_REG_NUM_LCIDS_INSIDE 0x104008
/* [R 9] Number of Leaving LCIDs in Link List Block */
#define CFC_REG_NUM_LCIDS_LEAVING 0x104018
/* [RW 8] The event id for aggregated interrupt 0 */
@@ -1554,6 +1569,14 @@
command bit is written. This bit is set when the SPIO input does not
match the current value in #OLD_VALUE (reset value 0). */
#define MISC_REG_SPIO_INT 0xa500
+/* [RW 32] reload value for counter 4 if reload; the value will be reload if
+ the counter reached zero and the reload bit
+ (~misc_registers_sw_timer_cfg_4.sw_timer_cfg_4[1] ) is set */
+#define MISC_REG_SW_TIMER_RELOAD_VAL_4 0xa2fc
+/* [RW 32] the value of the counter for sw timers1-8. there are 8 addresses
+ in this register. addres 0 - timer 1; address - timer 2�address 7 -
+ timer 8 */
+#define MISC_REG_SW_TIMER_VAL 0xa5c0
/* [RW 1] Set by the MCP to remember if one or more of the drivers is/are
loaded; 0-prepare; -unprepare */
#define MISC_REG_UNPREPARED 0xa424
@@ -1885,6 +1908,7 @@
#define PRS_REG_CM_HDR_FLUSH_LOAD_TYPE_2 0x400e4
#define PRS_REG_CM_HDR_FLUSH_LOAD_TYPE_3 0x400e8
#define PRS_REG_CM_HDR_FLUSH_LOAD_TYPE_4 0x400ec
+#define PRS_REG_CM_HDR_FLUSH_LOAD_TYPE_5 0x400f0
/* [RW 32] The CM header for flush message where 'load existed' bit in CFC
load response is set and packet type is 0. Used in packet start message
to TCM. */
@@ -1893,6 +1917,7 @@
+#define PRS_REG_CM_HDR_FLUSH_NO_LOAD_TYPE_5 0x400d0
/* [RW 32] The CM header for a match and packet type 1 for loopback port.
Used in packet start message to TCM. */
#define PRS_REG_CM_HDR_LOOPBACK_TYPE_1 0x4009c
@@ -2498,6 +2523,11 @@
considered zero so practically there are only 20 bits in this register;
queues 63-0 */
#define QM_REG_BASEADDR 0x168900
+/* [RW 32] The base logical address (in bytes) of each physical queue. The
+ index I represents the physical queue number. The 12 lsbs are ignore and
+ considered zero so practically there are only 20 bits in this register;
+ queues 127-64 */
+#define QM_REG_BASEADDR_EXT_A 0x16e100
/* [RW 16] The byte credit cost for each task. This value is for both ports */
#define QM_REG_BYTECRDCOST 0x168234
/* [RW 16] The initial byte credit value for both ports. */
@@ -3438,6 +3468,16 @@
#define SRC_REG_KEYRSS0_0 0x40408
#define SRC_REG_KEYRSS0_7 0x40424
#define SRC_REG_KEYRSS1_9 0x40454
+#define SRC_REG_KEYSEARCH_0 0x40458
+#define SRC_REG_KEYSEARCH_1 0x4045c
+#define SRC_REG_KEYSEARCH_2 0x40460
+#define SRC_REG_KEYSEARCH_3 0x40464
+#define SRC_REG_KEYSEARCH_4 0x40468
+#define SRC_REG_KEYSEARCH_5 0x4046c
+#define SRC_REG_KEYSEARCH_6 0x40470
+#define SRC_REG_KEYSEARCH_7 0x40474
+#define SRC_REG_KEYSEARCH_8 0x40478
+#define SRC_REG_KEYSEARCH_9 0x4047c
#define SRC_REG_LASTFREE0 0x40530
#define SRC_REG_NUMBER_HASH_BITS0 0x40400
/* [RW 1] Reset internal state machines. */
@@ -3481,6 +3521,10 @@
/* [RC 1] Message length mismatch (relative to last indication) at the In#9
interface. */
#define TCM_REG_CSEM_LENGTH_MIS 0x50174
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the input csem in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define TCM_REG_CSEM_WEIGHT 0x500bc
/* [RW 8] The Event ID in case of ErrorFlg is set in the input message. */
#define TCM_REG_ERR_EVNT_ID 0x500a0
/* [RW 28] The CM erroneous header for QM and Timers formatting. */
@@ -3524,6 +3568,7 @@
#define TCM_REG_N_SM_CTX_LD_2 0x50058
#define TCM_REG_N_SM_CTX_LD_3 0x5005c
#define TCM_REG_N_SM_CTX_LD_4 0x50060
+#define TCM_REG_N_SM_CTX_LD_5 0x50064
/* [RW 1] Input pbf Interface enable. If 0 - the valid input is disregarded;
acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are treated as usual;
if 1 - normal activity. */
@@ -3563,6 +3608,10 @@
disregarded; acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are
treated as usual; if 1 - normal activity. */
#define TCM_REG_STORM_TCM_IFEN 0x50010
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the STORM input in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define TCM_REG_STORM_WEIGHT 0x500ac
/* [RW 1] CM - CFC Interface enable. If 0 - the valid input is disregarded;
acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are treated as usual;
if 1 - normal activity. */
@@ -3598,10 +3647,22 @@
disregarded; acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are
treated as usual; if 1 - normal activity. */
#define TCM_REG_TM_TCM_IFEN 0x5001c
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the Timers input in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define TCM_REG_TM_WEIGHT 0x500d0
/* [RW 6] QM output initial credit. Max credit available - 32.Write writes
the initial credit value; read returns the current value of the credit
counter. Must be initialized to 32 at start-up. */
#define TCM_REG_TQM_INIT_CRD 0x5021c
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the QM (primary) input in the WRR mechanism. 0
+ stands for weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define TCM_REG_TQM_P_WEIGHT 0x500c8
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the QM (secondary) input in the WRR mechanism. 0
+ stands for weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define TCM_REG_TQM_S_WEIGHT 0x500cc
/* [RW 28] The CM header value for QM request (primary). */
#define TCM_REG_TQM_TCM_HDR_P 0x50090
/* [RW 28] The CM header value for QM request (secondary). */
@@ -3628,6 +3689,10 @@
/* [RC 1] Message length mismatch (relative to last indication) at the In#8
interface. */
#define TCM_REG_USEM_LENGTH_MIS 0x50170
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the input usem in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define TCM_REG_USEM_WEIGHT 0x500b8
/* [RW 21] Indirect access to the descriptor table of the XX protection
mechanism. The fields are: [5:0] - length of the message; 15:6] - message
pointer; 20:16] - next pointer. */
@@ -3677,6 +3742,7 @@
#define TM_REG_EN_CL1_INPUT 0x16400c
/* [RW 1] Enable client2 input. */
#define TM_REG_EN_CL2_INPUT 0x164010
+#define TM_REG_EN_LINEAR0_TIMER 0x164014
/* [RW 1] Enable real time counter. */
#define TM_REG_EN_REAL_TIME_CNT 0x1640d8
/* [RW 1] Enable for Timers state machines. */
@@ -3684,14 +3750,22 @@
/* [RW 4] Load value for expiration credit cnt. CFC max number of
outstanding load requests for timers (expiration) context loading. */
#define TM_REG_EXP_CRDCNT_VAL 0x164238
+/* [RW 32] Linear0 logic address. */
+#define TM_REG_LIN0_LOGIC_ADDR 0x164240
/* [RW 18] Linear0 Max active cid (in banks of 32 entries). */
#define TM_REG_LIN0_MAX_ACTIVE_CID 0x164048
/* [WB 64] Linear0 phy address. */
#define TM_REG_LIN0_PHY_ADDR 0x164270
+/* [RW 1] Linear0 physical address valid. */
+#define TM_REG_LIN0_PHY_ADDR_VALID 0x164248
/* [RW 24] Linear0 array scan timeout. */
#define TM_REG_LIN0_SCAN_TIME 0x16403c
+/* [RW 32] Linear1 logic address. */
+#define TM_REG_LIN1_LOGIC_ADDR 0x164250
/* [WB 64] Linear1 phy address. */
#define TM_REG_LIN1_PHY_ADDR 0x164280
+/* [RW 1] Linear1 physical address valid. */
+#define TM_REG_LIN1_PHY_ADDR_VALID 0x164258
/* [RW 6] Linear timer set_clear fifo threshold. */
/* [RW 2] Load value for pci arbiter credit cnt. */
@@ -3708,6 +3782,17 @@
#define TM_REG_TM_INT_STS 0x1640f0
/* [RW 8] The event id for aggregated interrupt 0 */
#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_0 0x42038
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_1 0x4203c
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_10 0x42060
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_11 0x42064
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_12 0x42068
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_13 0x4206c
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_14 0x42070
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_15 0x42074
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_16 0x42078
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_17 0x4207c
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_18 0x42080
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_19 0x42084
#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_2 0x42040
#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_20 0x42088
#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_21 0x4208c
@@ -3723,6 +3808,19 @@
#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_30 0x420b0
#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_31 0x420b4
#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_4 0x42048
+/* [RW 1] The T bit for aggregated interrupt 0 */
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_0 0x420b8
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_1 0x420bc
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_10 0x420e0
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_11 0x420e4
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_12 0x420e8
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_13 0x420ec
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_14 0x420f0
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_15 0x420f4
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_16 0x420f8
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_17 0x420fc
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_18 0x42100
+#define TSDM_REG_AGG_INT_T_19 0x42104
/* [RW 13] The start address in the internal RAM for the cfc_rsp lcid */
/* [RW 16] The maximum value of the competion counter #0 */
@@ -3967,6 +4065,10 @@
/* [RC 1] Set when the message length mismatch (relative to last indication)
at the dorq interface is detected. */
#define UCM_REG_DORQ_LENGTH_MIS 0xe0168
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the input dorq in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define UCM_REG_DORQ_WEIGHT 0xe00c0
/* [RW 8] The Event ID in case ErrorFlg input message bit is set. */
#define UCM_REG_ERR_EVNT_ID 0xe00a4
/* [RW 28] The CM erroneous header for QM and Timers formatting. */
@@ -4030,6 +4132,10 @@
disregarded; acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are
treated as usual; if 1 - normal activity. */
#define UCM_REG_STORM_UCM_IFEN 0xe0010
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the STORM input in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define UCM_REG_STORM_WEIGHT 0xe00b0
/* [RW 4] Timers output initial credit. Max credit available - 15.Write
writes the initial credit value; read returns the current value of the
credit counter. Must be initialized to 4 at start-up. */
@@ -4040,6 +4146,10 @@
disregarded; acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are
treated as usual; if 1 - normal activity. */
#define UCM_REG_TM_UCM_IFEN 0xe001c
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the Timers input in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define UCM_REG_TM_WEIGHT 0xe00d4
/* [RW 1] Input tsem Interface enable. If 0 - the valid input is
disregarded; acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are
treated as usual; if 1 - normal activity. */
@@ -4092,6 +4202,10 @@
stands for weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
#define UCM_REG_UQM_P_WEIGHT 0xe00cc
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the QM (secondary) input in the WRR mechanism. 0
+ stands for weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define UCM_REG_UQM_S_WEIGHT 0xe00d0
/* [RW 28] The CM header value for QM request (primary). */
#define UCM_REG_UQM_UCM_HDR_P 0xe0094
/* [RW 28] The CM header value for QM request (secondary). */
@@ -4107,6 +4221,10 @@
/* [RC 1] Set when the message length mismatch (relative to last indication)
at the SDM interface is detected. */
#define UCM_REG_USDM_LENGTH_MIS 0xe0158
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the SDM input in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define UCM_REG_USDM_WEIGHT 0xe00c8
/* [RW 1] Input xsem Interface enable. If 0 - the valid input is
disregarded; acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are
treated as usual; if 1 - normal activity. */
@@ -4114,6 +4232,10 @@
/* [RC 1] Set when the message length mismatch (relative to last indication)
at the xsem interface isdetected. */
#define UCM_REG_XSEM_LENGTH_MIS 0xe0164
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the input xsem in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define UCM_REG_XSEM_WEIGHT 0xe00bc
/* [RW 20] Indirect access to the descriptor table of the XX protection
mechanism. The fields are:[5:0] - message length; 14:6] - message
pointer; 19:15] - next pointer. */
@@ -4163,6 +4285,7 @@
#define USDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_30 0xc40b0
#define USDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_31 0xc40b4
#define USDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_4 0xc4048
+#define USDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_5 0xc404c
/* [RW 1] For each aggregated interrupt index whether the mode is normal (0)
or auto-mask-mode (1) */
#define USDM_REG_AGG_INT_MODE_0 0xc41b8
@@ -4177,6 +4300,8 @@
#define USDM_REG_AGG_INT_MODE_17 0xc41fc
#define USDM_REG_AGG_INT_MODE_18 0xc4200
#define USDM_REG_AGG_INT_MODE_19 0xc4204
+#define USDM_REG_AGG_INT_MODE_4 0xc41c8
+#define USDM_REG_AGG_INT_MODE_5 0xc41cc
/* [RW 13] The start address in the internal RAM for the cfc_rsp lcid */
/* [RW 16] The maximum value of the competion counter #0 */
@@ -4427,6 +4552,10 @@
/* [RC 1] Set at message length mismatch (relative to last indication) at
the dorq interface. */
#define XCM_REG_DORQ_LENGTH_MIS 0x20230
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the input dorq in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define XCM_REG_DORQ_WEIGHT 0x200cc
/* [RW 8] The Event ID in case the ErrorFlg input message bit is set. */
#define XCM_REG_ERR_EVNT_ID 0x200b0
/* [RW 28] The CM erroneous header for QM and Timers formatting. */
@@ -4465,6 +4594,10 @@
/* [RC 1] Set at message length mismatch (relative to last indication) at
the nig0 interface. */
#define XCM_REG_NIG0_LENGTH_MIS 0x20238
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the input nig0 in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define XCM_REG_NIG0_WEIGHT 0x200d4
/* [RW 1] Input nig1 Interface enable. If 0 - the valid input is
disregarded; acknowledge output is deasserted; all other signals are
treated as usual; if 1 - normal activity. */
@@ -4523,6 +4656,10 @@
writes the initial credit value; read returns the current value of the
credit counter. Must be initialized to 4 at start-up. */
#define XCM_REG_TM_INIT_CRD 0x2041c
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the Timers input in the WRR mechanism. 0 stands for
+ weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define XCM_REG_TM_WEIGHT 0x200ec
/* [RW 28] The CM header for Timers expiration command. */
#define XCM_REG_TM_XCM_HDR 0x200a8
/* [RW 1] Timers - CM Interface enable. If 0 - the valid input is
@@ -4608,6 +4745,10 @@
stands for weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
#define XCM_REG_XQM_P_WEIGHT 0x200e4
+/* [RW 3] The weight of the QM (secondary) input in the WRR mechanism. 0
+ stands for weight 8 (the most prioritised); 1 stands for weight 1(least
+ prioritised); 2 stands for weight 2; tc. */
+#define XCM_REG_XQM_S_WEIGHT 0x200e8
/* [RW 28] The CM header value for QM request (primary). */
#define XCM_REG_XQM_XCM_HDR_P 0x200a0
/* [RW 28] The CM header value for QM request (secondary). */
@@ -4665,6 +4806,8 @@
#define XSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_10 0x166060
#define XSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_11 0x166064
#define XSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_12 0x166068
+#define XSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_13 0x16606c
+#define XSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_14 0x166070
#define XSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_2 0x166040
#define XSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_20 0x166088
#define XSDM_REG_AGG_INT_EVENT_21 0x16608c