path: root/data/alpha_warning.svg
diff options
authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2018-03-11 15:27:34 +0100
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2018-03-11 15:27:34 +0100
commit6a89804b8cc62e3cee31a4842e71b8685c4754a9 (patch)
tree3401c3215a1407a663704d10d3585b4ec0a438b0 /data/alpha_warning.svg
parent9c445ade639c64c6d916904c79488b7ff8434329 (diff)
Update demo doc
Diffstat (limited to 'data/alpha_warning.svg')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
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