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authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2019-08-05 14:24:44 +0200
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2019-08-16 10:26:59 +0200
commitb9bfccba1564f365581639a1a6856ddff682a13c (patch)
parentff97bef6953ca6de47d6fe8076e2d3444e48dd1c (diff)
Add compare_permuted_cell_parameters
2 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.c b/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.c
index 3f3ce252..b78c4831 100644
--- a/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.c
+++ b/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.c
@@ -2128,3 +2128,97 @@ int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
*pmb = CiAMCB;
return 1;
+ * \param cell_in: A UnitCell
+ * \param reference_in: Another UnitCell
+ * \param tolerance: Pointer to tolerances for a,b,c (fractional), al,be,ga (radians)
+ * \param pmb: Place to store pointer to matrix
+ *
+ * Compare \p cell_in with \p reference_in. If they are the same,
+ * within \p tolerance, taking into account possible permutations of the axes,
+ * this function returns non-zero and stores the transformation which needs to
+ * be applied to \p cell_in at \p pmb.
+ *
+ * Subject to the tolerances, this function will find the transformation which
+ * gives the best match to the reference cell, using the Euclidian norm in
+ * G6 [see e.g. Andrews and Bernstein, Acta Cryst. A44 (1988) p1009].
+ *
+ * Only the cell parameters will be compared. The relative orientations are
+ * irrelevant.
+ *
+ * \returns non-zero if the cells match, zero for no match or error.
+ *
+ */
+int compare_permuted_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *reference,
+ double *tolerance, IntegerMatrix **pmb)
+ IntegerMatrix *m;
+ signed int i[9];
+ double a, b, c, al, be, ga;
+ double min_dist = +INFINITY;
+ m = intmat_new(3, 3);
+ cell_get_parameters(reference, &a, &b, &c, &al, &be, &ga);
+ *pmb = NULL;
+ for ( i[0]=-1; i[0]<=+1; i[0]++ ) {
+ for ( i[1]=-1; i[1]<=+1; i[1]++ ) {
+ for ( i[2]=-1; i[2]<=+1; i[2]++ ) {
+ for ( i[3]=-1; i[3]<=+1; i[3]++ ) {
+ for ( i[4]=-1; i[4]<=+1; i[4]++ ) {
+ for ( i[5]=-1; i[5]<=+1; i[5]++ ) {
+ for ( i[6]=-1; i[6]<=+1; i[6]++ ) {
+ for ( i[7]=-1; i[7]<=+1; i[7]++ ) {
+ for ( i[8]=-1; i[8]<=+1; i[8]++ ) {
+ UnitCell *test;
+ int j, k;
+ int l = 0;
+ for ( j=0; j<3; j++ )
+ for ( k=0; k<3; k++ )
+ intmat_set(m, j, k, i[l++]);
+ if ( intmat_det(m) != +1 ) continue;
+ test = cell_transform_intmat(cell, m);
+ if ( compare_cell_parameters(reference, test, tolerance) ) {
+ double at, bt, ct, alt, bet, gat;
+ double dist;
+ cell_get_parameters(test, &at, &bt, &ct, &alt, &bet, &gat);
+ dist = g6_distance(at, bt, ct, alt, bet, gat,
+ a, b, c, al, be, ga);
+ if ( dist < min_dist ) {
+ min_dist = dist;
+ intmat_free(*pmb);
+ *pmb = intmat_copy(m);
+ }
+ }
+ cell_free(test);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ intmat_free(m);
+ if ( isinf(min_dist) ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Solution found */
+ return 1;
diff --git a/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.h b/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.h
index 42e7214b..a489a6d8 100644
--- a/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.h
+++ b/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.h
@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ extern int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *reference
double *tolerance, int csl,
RationalMatrix **pmb);
+extern int compare_permuted_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *reference,
+ double *tolerance, IntegerMatrix **pmb);
#ifdef __cplusplus