path: root/tests/cellcompare_check.c
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authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2019-08-08 14:22:02 +0200
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2019-08-16 10:27:00 +0200
commit78790e418b1f43c176f3829cef1e44feafd79044 (patch)
tree84da77d1c294615e593c12956966101418d44af7 /tests/cellcompare_check.c
parent9507e87653ea18562b95cf02d66f7b285893c2af (diff)
"Final" cellcompare_check
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/cellcompare_check.c')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/tests/cellcompare_check.c b/tests/cellcompare_check.c
index 68122c03..234d93a8 100644
--- a/tests/cellcompare_check.c
+++ b/tests/cellcompare_check.c
@@ -41,16 +41,9 @@
#include <utils.h>
-static double moduli_check(double ax, double ay, double az,
- double bx, double by, double bz)
+static void complain(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *cref, const char *t, const char *c)
- double ma = modulus(ax, ay, az);
- double mb = modulus(bx, by, bz);
- return fabs(ma-mb)/ma;
-static void complain(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *cref, const char *t)
- STATUS("These cells should %s be the same:\n", t);
+ STATUS("These cells should %sbe the same%s:\n", t, c);
STATUS("Transformed: ----------------------------\n");
STATUS("Original: ---------------------------\n");
@@ -94,39 +87,106 @@ static IntegerMatrix *random_permutation(gsl_rng *rng)
-int compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation2(UnitCell *cell1, UnitCell *cell2,
- const double ltl, const double atl)
+static int check_ccp(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *cref, double *tols,
+ int should_match)
- double ax1, ay1, az1, bx1, by1, bz1, cx1, cy1, cz1;
- double ax2, ay2, az2, bx2, by2, bz2, cx2, cy2, cz2;
+ const char *a;
+ const char *b;
+ a = should_match ? "" : "NOT ";
+ b = " with compare_cell_parameters";
+ if ( compare_cell_parameters(cell, cref, tols) != should_match )
+ {
+ complain(cell, cref, a, b);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
- if ( cell_get_centering(cell1) != cell_get_centering(cell2) ) return 0;
- cell_get_cartesian(cell1, &ax1, &ay1, &az1,
- &bx1, &by1, &bz1,
- &cx1, &cy1, &cz1);
+static int check_cpcp(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *cref, double *tols,
+ int should_match)
+ IntegerMatrix *m = NULL;
+ const char *a;
+ const char *b;
+ a = should_match ? "" : "NOT ";
+ b = " with compare_permuted_cell_parameters";
+ if ( compare_permuted_cell_parameters(cell, cref, tols, &m) != should_match )
+ {
+ complain(cell, cref, a, b);
+ STATUS("Matrix was:\n");
+ intmat_print(m);
+ intmat_free(m);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ intmat_free(m);
+ return 0;
- cell_get_cartesian(cell2, &ax2, &ay2, &az2,
- &bx2, &by2, &bz2,
- &cx2, &cy2, &cz2);
- cell_print_full(cell1);
- cell_print_full(cell2);
+static int check_ccpao(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *cref, double *tols,
+ int should_match)
+ const char *a;
+ const char *b;
- STATUS("%f\n", rad2deg(atl));
- STATUS("%f\n", rad2deg(angle_between(ax1, ay1, az1, ax2, ay2, az2)));
- STATUS("%f\n", rad2deg(angle_between(bx1, by1, bz1, bx2, by2, bz2)));
- STATUS("%f\n", rad2deg(angle_between(cx1, cy1, cz1, cx2, cy2, cz2)));
+ a = should_match ? "" : "NOT ";
+ b = " with compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation";
- if ( angle_between(ax1, ay1, az1, ax2, ay2, az2) > atl ) return 0;
- if ( angle_between(bx1, by1, bz1, bx2, by2, bz2) > atl ) return 0;
- if ( angle_between(cx1, cy1, cz1, cx2, cy2, cz2) > atl ) return 0;
+ if ( compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation(cell, cref,
+ tols[0], tols[3]) != should_match )
+ {
+ complain(cell, cref, a, b);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
- if ( moduli_check(ax1, ay1, az1, ax2, ay2, az2) > ltl ) return 0;
- if ( moduli_check(bx1, by1, bz1, bx2, by2, bz2) > ltl ) return 0;
- if ( moduli_check(cx1, cy1, cz1, cx2, cy2, cz2) > ltl ) return 0;
- return 1;
+static int check_cpcpao(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *cref, double *tols,
+ int should_match)
+ IntegerMatrix *m = NULL;
+ const char *a;
+ const char *b;
+ a = should_match ? "" : "NOT ";
+ b = " with compare_permuted_cell_parameters_and_orientation";
+ if ( compare_permuted_cell_parameters_and_orientation(cell, cref,
+ tols[0], tols[3], &m) != should_match )
+ {
+ complain(cell, cref, a, b);
+ intmat_free(m);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ intmat_free(m);
+ return 0;
+static int check_crcp(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *cref, double *tols,
+ int should_match)
+ RationalMatrix *m = NULL;
+ const char *a;
+ const char *b;
+ a = should_match ? "" : "NOT ";
+ b = " with compare_reindexed_cell_parameters";
+ if ( compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(cell, cref, tols, 0, &m) != should_match )
+ {
+ complain(cell, cref, a, b);
+ rtnl_mtx_free(m);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ rtnl_mtx_free(m);
+ return 0;
@@ -149,18 +209,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Just rotate cell */
STATUS("Testing plain rotation...\n");
for ( i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
cell = cell_rotate(cref, random_quaternion(rng));
if ( cell == NULL ) return 1;
- if ( !compare_cell_parameters(cell, cref, tols) ) {
- complain(cell, cref, "");
- return 1;
- }
- if ( compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation(cell, cref,
- tols[0], tols[3]) )
- {
- complain(cell, cref, "NOT");
- return 1;
- }
+ if ( check_ccp(cell, cref, tols, 1) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_cpcp(cell, cref, tols, 1) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_ccpao(cell, cref, tols, 0) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_cpcpao(cell, cref, tols, 0) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_crcp(cell, cref, tols, 1) ) return 1;
@@ -168,99 +226,86 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
STATUS("Testing axis permutation...\n");
for ( i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
- IntegerMatrix *m;
IntegerMatrix *tr;
tr = random_permutation(rng);
cell = cell_transform_intmat(cref, tr);
- if ( !compare_permuted_cell_parameters_and_orientation(cell, cref,
- tols[0], tols[3], &m) )
- {
- complain(cell, cref, "");
- return 1;
- }
- if ( compare_cell_parameters(cell, cref, tols)
- && !intmat_is_identity(tr) )
- {
- complain(cell, cref, "NOT");
- return 1;
- }
+ if ( check_ccp(cell, cref, tols, intmat_is_identity(tr)) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_cpcp(cell, cref, tols, 1) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_ccpao(cell, cref, tols, intmat_is_identity(tr)) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_cpcpao(cell, cref, tols, 1) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_crcp(cell, cref, tols, 1) ) return 1;
- intmat_free(m);
/* Rotate cell and permute axes */
STATUS("Testing rotation with axis permutation...\n");
for ( i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
- IntegerMatrix *m;
IntegerMatrix *tr;
UnitCell *cell2;
- cell = cell_rotate(cref, random_quaternion(rng));
- if ( cell == NULL ) return 1;
+ cell2 = cell_rotate(cref, random_quaternion(rng));
+ if ( cell2 == NULL ) return 1;
tr = random_permutation(rng);
- cell2 = cell_transform_intmat(cell, tr);
- if ( !compare_permuted_cell_parameters(cell2, cref, tols, &m) ) {
- complain(cell2, cref, "");
- return 1;
- }
- if ( compare_permuted_cell_parameters_and_orientation(cell2, cref,
- tols[0], tols[3], &m) )
- {
- UnitCell *cc;
- complain(cell2, cref, "NOT, with just permutation,");
- STATUS("Matrix was (det=%i):\n", intmat_det(m));
- intmat_print(m);
- STATUS("Transformed version of cref:\n");
- cc = cell_transform_intmat(cref, m);
- cell_print_full(cc);
- cell_free(cc);
- return 1;
- }
- if ( compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation(cell2, cref,
- tols[0], tols[3]) )
- {
- complain(cell2, cref, "NOT, without any change,");
- return 1;
- }
+ cell = cell_transform_intmat(cell2, tr);
+ cell_free(cell2);
+ if ( check_ccp(cell, cref, tols, intmat_is_identity(tr)) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_cpcp(cell, cref, tols, 1) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_ccpao(cell, cref, tols, 0) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_cpcpao(cell, cref, tols, 0) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_crcp(cell, cref, tols, 1) ) return 1;
- cell_free(cell2);
- intmat_free(m);
+ }
+ /* Reindex */
+ STATUS("Testing reindexing...\n");
+ for ( i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
+ RationalMatrix *tr;
+ tr = random_reindexing(rng);
+ cell = cell_transform_rational(cref, tr);
+ if ( check_ccp(cell, cref, tols, rtnl_mtx_is_identity(tr)) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_cpcp(cell, cref, tols, rtnl_mtx_is_perm(tr)) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_ccpao(cell, cref, tols, rtnl_mtx_is_identity(tr)) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_cpcpao(cell, cref, tols, rtnl_mtx_is_perm(tr)) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_crcp(cell, cref, tols, 1) ) return 1;
+ cell_free(cell);
+ rtnl_mtx_free(tr);
/* Reindex and rotate */
- STATUS("Testing rotation with reindexing...\n");
+ STATUS("Testing reindexing with rotation...\n");
for ( i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
- RationalMatrix *m;
RationalMatrix *tr;
UnitCell *cell2;
- cell = cell_rotate(cref, random_quaternion(rng));
- if ( cell == NULL ) return 1;
+ cell2 = cell_rotate(cref, random_quaternion(rng));
+ if ( cell2 == NULL ) return 1;
tr = random_reindexing(rng);
- cell2 = cell_transform_rational(cell, tr);
- cell_free(cell);
- if ( !compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(cell2, cref, tols, 0, &m) ) {
- complain(cell2, cref, "");
- return 1;
- }
+ cell = cell_transform_rational(cell2, tr);
+ if ( check_ccp(cell, cref, tols, rtnl_mtx_is_identity(tr)) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_cpcp(cell, cref, tols, rtnl_mtx_is_perm(tr)) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_ccpao(cell, cref, tols, 0) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_cpcpao(cell, cref, tols, 0) ) return 1;
+ if ( check_crcp(cell, cref, tols, 1) ) return 1;
+ cell_free(cell);
- rtnl_mtx_free(m);
/* NB There's no compare_reindexed_cell_parameters_and_orientation */