path: root/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.c')
1 files changed, 689 insertions, 500 deletions
diff --git a/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.c b/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.c
index f6e189ad..d92bd6a9 100644
--- a/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.c
+++ b/libcrystfel/src/cell-utils.c
@@ -574,404 +574,6 @@ UnitCell *uncenter_cell(UnitCell *in, IntegerMatrix **pC, RationalMatrix **pCi)
-#define MAX_CAND (1024)
-static int right_handed_vec(struct rvec a, struct rvec b, struct rvec c)
- struct rvec aCb;
- double aCb_dot_c;
- /* "a" cross "b" */
- aCb.u = a.v*b.w - a.w*b.v;
- aCb.v = - (a.u*b.w - a.w*b.u);
- aCb.w = a.u*b.v - a.v*b.u;
- /* "a cross b" dot "c" */
- aCb_dot_c = aCb.u*c.u + aCb.v*c.v + aCb.w*c.w;
- if ( aCb_dot_c > 0.0 ) return 1;
- return 0;
-struct cvec {
- struct rvec vec;
- float na;
- float nb;
- float nc;
- float fom;
-static int same_vector(struct cvec a, struct cvec b)
- if ( a.na != b.na ) return 0;
- if ( a.nb != b.nb ) return 0;
- if ( a.nc != b.nc ) return 0;
- return 1;
-/* Attempt to make 'cell' fit into 'template' somehow */
-UnitCell *match_cell(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *template_in, int verbose,
- const float *tols, int reduce)
- signed int n1l, n2l, n3l;
- double asx, asy, asz;
- double bsx, bsy, bsz;
- double csx, csy, csz;
- int i, j;
- double lengths[3];
- double angles[3];
- struct cvec *cand[3];
- UnitCell *new_cell = NULL;
- float best_fom = +999999999.9; /* Large number.. */
- int ncand[3] = {0,0,0};
- signed int ilow, ihigh;
- float angtol = deg2rad(tols[3]);
- UnitCell *cell;
- UnitCell *template;
- IntegerMatrix *centering;
- UnitCell *new_cell_trans;
- /* "Un-center" the template unit cell to make the comparison easier */
- template = uncenter_cell(template_in, &centering, NULL);
- if ( template == NULL ) return NULL;
- /* The candidate cell is also uncentered, because it might be centered
- * if it came from (e.g.) MOSFLM */
- cell = uncenter_cell(cell_in, NULL, NULL);
- if ( cell == NULL ) return NULL;
- if ( cell_get_reciprocal(template, &asx, &asy, &asz,
- &bsx, &bsy, &bsz,
- &csx, &csy, &csz) ) {
- ERROR("Couldn't get reciprocal cell for template.\n");
- cell_free(template);
- cell_free(cell);
- intmat_free(centering);
- return NULL;
- }
- lengths[0] = modulus(asx, asy, asz);
- lengths[1] = modulus(bsx, bsy, bsz);
- lengths[2] = modulus(csx, csy, csz);
- angles[0] = angle_between(bsx, bsy, bsz, csx, csy, csz);
- angles[1] = angle_between(asx, asy, asz, csx, csy, csz);
- angles[2] = angle_between(asx, asy, asz, bsx, bsy, bsz);
- cand[0] = malloc(MAX_CAND*sizeof(struct cvec));
- cand[1] = malloc(MAX_CAND*sizeof(struct cvec));
- cand[2] = malloc(MAX_CAND*sizeof(struct cvec));
- if ( cell_get_reciprocal(cell, &asx, &asy, &asz,
- &bsx, &bsy, &bsz,
- &csx, &csy, &csz) ) {
- ERROR("Couldn't get reciprocal cell.\n");
- cell_free(template);
- cell_free(cell);
- intmat_free(centering);
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( reduce ) {
- ilow = -2; ihigh = 4;
- } else {
- ilow = 0; ihigh = 1;
- }
- /* Negative values mean 1/n, positive means n, zero means zero */
- for ( n1l=ilow; n1l<=ihigh; n1l++ ) {
- for ( n2l=ilow; n2l<=ihigh; n2l++ ) {
- for ( n3l=ilow; n3l<=ihigh; n3l++ ) {
- float n1, n2, n3;
- signed int b1, b2, b3;
- n1 = (n1l>=0) ? (n1l) : (1.0/n1l);
- n2 = (n2l>=0) ? (n2l) : (1.0/n2l);
- n3 = (n3l>=0) ? (n3l) : (1.0/n3l);
- if ( !reduce ) {
- if ( n1l + n2l + n3l > 1 ) continue;
- }
- /* 'bit' values can be +1 or -1 */
- for ( b1=-1; b1<=1; b1+=2 ) {
- for ( b2=-1; b2<=1; b2+=2 ) {
- for ( b3=-1; b3<=1; b3+=2 ) {
- double tx, ty, tz;
- double tlen;
- int i;
- n1 *= b1; n2 *= b2; n3 *= b3;
- tx = n1*asx + n2*bsx + n3*csx;
- ty = n1*asy + n2*bsy + n3*csy;
- tz = n1*asz + n2*bsz + n3*csz;
- tlen = modulus(tx, ty, tz);
- /* Test modulus for agreement with moduli of template */
- for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
- if ( !within_tolerance(lengths[i], tlen,
- tols[i]) )
- {
- continue;
- }
- if ( ncand[i] == MAX_CAND ) {
- ERROR("Too many cell candidates - ");
- ERROR("consider tightening the unit ");
- ERROR("cell tolerances.\n");
- } else {
- double fom;
- fom = fabs(lengths[i] - tlen);
- cand[i][ncand[i]].vec.u = tx;
- cand[i][ncand[i]].vec.v = ty;
- cand[i][ncand[i]].vec.w = tz;
- cand[i][ncand[i]].na = n1;
- cand[i][ncand[i]].nb = n2;
- cand[i][ncand[i]].nc = n3;
- cand[i][ncand[i]].fom = fom;
- ncand[i]++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( verbose ) {
- STATUS("Candidates: %i %i %i\n", ncand[0], ncand[1], ncand[2]);
- }
- for ( i=0; i<ncand[0]; i++ ) {
- for ( j=0; j<ncand[1]; j++ ) {
- double ang;
- int k;
- float fom1;
- if ( same_vector(cand[0][i], cand[1][j]) ) continue;
- /* Measure the angle between the ith candidate for axis 0
- * and the jth candidate for axis 1 */
- ang = angle_between(cand[0][i].vec.u, cand[0][i].vec.v,
- cand[0][i].vec.w, cand[1][j].vec.u,
- cand[1][j].vec.v, cand[1][j].vec.w);
- /* Angle between axes 0 and 1 should be angle 2 */
- if ( fabs(ang - angles[2]) > angtol ) continue;
- fom1 = fabs(ang - angles[2]);
- for ( k=0; k<ncand[2]; k++ ) {
- float fom2, fom3;
- if ( same_vector(cand[1][j], cand[2][k]) ) continue;
- /* Measure the angle between the current candidate for
- * axis 0 and the kth candidate for axis 2 */
- ang = angle_between(cand[0][i].vec.u, cand[0][i].vec.v,
- cand[0][i].vec.w, cand[2][k].vec.u,
- cand[2][k].vec.v, cand[2][k].vec.w);
- /* ... it should be angle 1 ... */
- if ( fabs(ang - angles[1]) > angtol ) continue;
- fom2 = fom1 + fabs(ang - angles[1]);
- /* Finally, the angle between the current candidate for
- * axis 1 and the kth candidate for axis 2 */
- ang = angle_between(cand[1][j].vec.u, cand[1][j].vec.v,
- cand[1][j].vec.w, cand[2][k].vec.u,
- cand[2][k].vec.v, cand[2][k].vec.w);
- /* ... it should be angle 0 ... */
- if ( fabs(ang - angles[0]) > angtol ) continue;
- /* Unit cell must be right-handed */
- if ( !right_handed_vec(cand[0][i].vec, cand[1][j].vec,
- cand[2][k].vec) ) continue;
- fom3 = fom2 + fabs(ang - angles[0]);
- fom3 += LWEIGHT * (cand[0][i].fom + cand[1][j].fom
- + cand[2][k].fom);
- if ( fom3 < best_fom ) {
- if ( new_cell != NULL ) free(new_cell);
- new_cell = cell_new_from_reciprocal_axes(
- cand[0][i].vec, cand[1][j].vec,
- cand[2][k].vec);
- best_fom = fom3;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- free(cand[0]);
- free(cand[1]);
- free(cand[2]);
- cell_free(cell);
- /* Reverse the de-centering transformation */
- if ( new_cell != NULL ) {
- new_cell_trans = cell_transform_intmat(new_cell, centering);
- cell_free(new_cell);
- cell_set_lattice_type(new_cell_trans,
- cell_get_lattice_type(template_in));
- cell_set_centering(new_cell_trans,
- cell_get_centering(template_in));
- cell_set_unique_axis(new_cell_trans,
- cell_get_unique_axis(template_in));
- cell_free(template);
- intmat_free(centering);
- return new_cell_trans;
- } else {
- cell_free(template);
- intmat_free(centering);
- return NULL;
- }
-UnitCell *match_cell_ab(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *template_in)
- double ax, ay, az;
- double bx, by, bz;
- double cx, cy, cz;
- int i;
- double lengths[3];
- int used[3];
- struct rvec real_a, real_b, real_c;
- struct rvec params[3];
- double alen, blen;
- float ltl = 5.0; /* percent */
- int have_real_a;
- int have_real_b;
- int have_real_c;
- UnitCell *cell;
- UnitCell *template;
- IntegerMatrix *to_given_cell;
- UnitCell *new_cell;
- UnitCell *new_cell_trans;
- /* "Un-center" the template unit cell to make the comparison easier */
- template = uncenter_cell(template_in, &to_given_cell, NULL);
- /* The candidate cell is also uncentered, because it might be centered
- * if it came from (e.g.) MOSFLM */
- cell = uncenter_cell(cell_in, NULL, NULL);
- /* Get the lengths to match */
- if ( cell_get_cartesian(template, &ax, &ay, &az,
- &bx, &by, &bz,
- &cx, &cy, &cz) )
- {
- ERROR("Couldn't get cell for template.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- alen = modulus(ax, ay, az);
- blen = modulus(bx, by, bz);
- /* Get the lengths from the cell and turn them into anonymous vectors */
- if ( cell_get_cartesian(cell, &ax, &ay, &az,
- &bx, &by, &bz,
- &cx, &cy, &cz) )
- {
- ERROR("Couldn't get cell.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- lengths[0] = modulus(ax, ay, az);
- lengths[1] = modulus(bx, by, bz);
- lengths[2] = modulus(cx, cy, cz);
- used[0] = 0; used[1] = 0; used[2] = 0;
- params[0].u = ax; params[0].v = ay; params[0].w = az;
- params[1].u = bx; params[1].v = by; params[1].w = bz;
- params[2].u = cx; params[2].v = cy; params[2].w = cz;
- real_a.u = 0.0; real_a.v = 0.0; real_a.w = 0.0;
- real_b.u = 0.0; real_b.v = 0.0; real_b.w = 0.0;
- real_c.u = 0.0; real_c.v = 0.0; real_c.w = 0.0;
- /* Check each vector against a and b */
- have_real_a = 0;
- have_real_b = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
- if ( within_tolerance(lengths[i], alen, ltl)
- && !used[i] && !have_real_a )
- {
- used[i] = 1;
- memcpy(&real_a, &params[i], sizeof(struct rvec));
- have_real_a = 1;
- }
- if ( within_tolerance(lengths[i], blen, ltl)
- && !used[i] && !have_real_b )
- {
- used[i] = 1;
- memcpy(&real_b, &params[i], sizeof(struct rvec));
- have_real_b = 1;
- }
- }
- /* Have we matched both a and b? */
- if ( !(have_real_a && have_real_b) ) return NULL;
- /* "c" is "the other one" */
- have_real_c = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
- if ( !used[i] ) {
- memcpy(&real_c, &params[i], sizeof(struct rvec));
- have_real_c = 1;
- }
- }
- if ( !have_real_c ) {
- ERROR("Huh? Couldn't find the third vector.\n");
- ERROR("Matches: %i %i %i\n", used[0], used[1], used[2]);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Flip c if not right-handed */
- if ( !right_handed_vec(real_a, real_b, real_c) ) {
- real_c.u = -real_c.u;
- real_c.v = -real_c.v;
- real_c.w = -real_c.w;
- }
- new_cell = cell_new_from_direct_axes(real_a, real_b, real_c);
- /* Reverse the de-centering transformation */
- new_cell_trans = cell_transform_intmat_inverse(new_cell, to_given_cell);
- cell_free(new_cell);
- cell_set_lattice_type(new_cell, cell_get_lattice_type(template_in));
- cell_set_centering(new_cell, cell_get_centering(template_in));
- cell_set_unique_axis(new_cell, cell_get_unique_axis(template_in));
- return new_cell_trans;
/* Return sin(theta)/lambda = 1/2d. Multiply by two if you want 1/d */
double resolution(UnitCell *cell, signed int h, signed int k, signed int l)
@@ -1669,14 +1271,13 @@ double cell_get_volume(UnitCell *cell)
- * \param cell1: A UnitCell
- * \param cell2: Another UnitCell
- * \param ltl: Maximum allowable fractional difference in axis lengths
- * \param atl: Maximum allowable difference in reciprocal angles (in radians)
+ * \param cell: A UnitCell
+ * \param reference: Another UnitCell
+ * \param tols: Pointer to tolerances for a,b,c (fractional), al,be,ga (radians)
* Compare the two unit cells. If the real space parameters match to within
- * fractional difference \p ltl, and the inter-axial angles match within \p atl,
- * and the centering matches, this function returns 1. Otherwise 0.
+ * the specified tolerances, and the centering matches, this function returns 1.
+ * Otherwise 0.
* This function considers the cell parameters and centering, but ignores the
* orientation of the cell. If you want to compare the orientation as well,
@@ -1685,25 +1286,25 @@ double cell_get_volume(UnitCell *cell)
* \returns non-zero if the cells match.
-int compare_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell1, UnitCell *cell2,
- float ltl, float atl)
+int compare_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *reference,
+ const double *tols)
double a1, b1, c1, al1, be1, ga1;
double a2, b2, c2, al2, be2, ga2;
/* Centering must match: we don't arbitrarte primitive vs centered,
* different cell choices etc */
- if ( cell_get_centering(cell1) != cell_get_centering(cell2) ) return 0;
+ if ( cell_get_centering(cell) != cell_get_centering(reference) ) return 0;
- cell_get_parameters(cell1, &a1, &b1, &c1, &al1, &be1, &ga1);
- cell_get_parameters(cell2, &a2, &b2, &c2, &al2, &be2, &ga2);
+ cell_get_parameters(cell, &a1, &b1, &c1, &al1, &be1, &ga1);
+ cell_get_parameters(reference, &a2, &b2, &c2, &al2, &be2, &ga2);
- if ( !within_tolerance(a1, a2, ltl*100.0) ) return 0;
- if ( !within_tolerance(b1, b2, ltl*100.0) ) return 0;
- if ( !within_tolerance(c1, c2, ltl*100.0) ) return 0;
- if ( fabs(al1-al2) > atl ) return 0;
- if ( fabs(be1-be2) > atl ) return 0;
- if ( fabs(ga1-ga2) > atl ) return 0;
+ if ( !within_tolerance(a1, a2, tols[0]*100.0) ) return 0;
+ if ( !within_tolerance(b1, b2, tols[1]*100.0) ) return 0;
+ if ( !within_tolerance(c1, c2, tols[2]*100.0) ) return 0;
+ if ( fabs(al1-al2) > tols[3] ) return 0;
+ if ( fabs(be1-be2) > tols[4] ) return 0;
+ if ( fabs(ga1-ga2) > tols[5] ) return 0;
return 1;
@@ -1719,83 +1320,94 @@ static double moduli_check(double ax, double ay, double az,
- * \param cell1: A UnitCell
- * \param cell2: Another UnitCell
- * \param ltl: Maximum allowable fractional difference in axis lengths
- * \param atl: Maximum allowable difference in angles (in radians)
+ * \param cell: A UnitCell
+ * \param reference: Another UnitCell
+ * \param tols: Pointer to six tolerance values (see below)
* Compare the two unit cells. If the axes match in length (to within
- * fractional difference \p ltl) and the axes are aligned to within \p atl radians,
- * this function returns non-zero.
+ * the specified tolerances), this function returns non-zero.
* This function compares the orientation of the cell as well as the parameters.
* If you just want to see if the parameters are the same, use
* compare_cell_parameters() instead.
- * The cells \p a and \p b must have the same centering. Otherwise, this function
- * always returns zero.
+ * The comparison is done by checking that the lengths of the unit cell axes are
+ * the same between the two cells, and that the axes have similar directions in
+ * 3D space. The first three tolerance values are the maximum allowable fractional
+ * differences between the a,b,c axis lengths (respectively) of the two cells.
+ * The last three tolerance values are the maximum allowable angles, in radians,
+ * between the directions of the a,b,c axes of the two cells.
+ *
+ * \p cell and \p reference must have the same centering. Otherwise, this
+ * function always returns zero.
* \returns non-zero if the cells match.
-int compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation(UnitCell *cell1, UnitCell *cell2,
- const double ltl, const double atl)
+int compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation(UnitCell *cell, UnitCell *reference,
+ const double *tols)
double ax1, ay1, az1, bx1, by1, bz1, cx1, cy1, cz1;
double ax2, ay2, az2, bx2, by2, bz2, cx2, cy2, cz2;
- if ( cell_get_centering(cell1) != cell_get_centering(cell2) ) return 0;
+ if ( cell_get_centering(cell) != cell_get_centering(reference) ) return 0;
- cell_get_cartesian(cell1, &ax1, &ay1, &az1,
- &bx1, &by1, &bz1,
- &cx1, &cy1, &cz1);
+ cell_get_cartesian(cell, &ax1, &ay1, &az1,
+ &bx1, &by1, &bz1,
+ &cx1, &cy1, &cz1);
- cell_get_cartesian(cell2, &ax2, &ay2, &az2,
- &bx2, &by2, &bz2,
- &cx2, &cy2, &cz2);
+ cell_get_cartesian(reference, &ax2, &ay2, &az2,
+ &bx2, &by2, &bz2,
+ &cx2, &cy2, &cz2);
- if ( angle_between(ax1, ay1, az1, ax2, ay2, az2) > atl ) return 0;
- if ( angle_between(bx1, by1, bz1, bx2, by2, bz2) > atl ) return 0;
- if ( angle_between(cx1, cy1, cz1, cx2, cy2, cz2) > atl ) return 0;
+ if ( angle_between(ax1, ay1, az1, ax2, ay2, az2) > tols[3] ) return 0;
+ if ( angle_between(bx1, by1, bz1, bx2, by2, bz2) > tols[4] ) return 0;
+ if ( angle_between(cx1, cy1, cz1, cx2, cy2, cz2) > tols[5] ) return 0;
- if ( moduli_check(ax1, ay1, az1, ax2, ay2, az2) > ltl ) return 0;
- if ( moduli_check(bx1, by1, bz1, bx2, by2, bz2) > ltl ) return 0;
- if ( moduli_check(cx1, cy1, cz1, cx2, cy2, cz2) > ltl ) return 0;
+ if ( moduli_check(ax1, ay1, az1, ax2, ay2, az2) > tols[0] ) return 0;
+ if ( moduli_check(bx1, by1, bz1, bx2, by2, bz2) > tols[1] ) return 0;
+ if ( moduli_check(cx1, cy1, cz1, cx2, cy2, cz2) > tols[2] ) return 0;
return 1;
- * \param a: A UnitCell
- * \param b: Another UnitCell
- * \param ltl: Maximum allowable fractional difference in reciprocal axis lengths
- * \param atl: Maximum allowable difference in reciprocal angles (in radians)
+ * \param cell: A UnitCell
+ * \param reference: Another UnitCell
+ * \param tols: Pointer to six tolerance values (see below)
* \param pmb: Place to store pointer to matrix
* Compare the two unit cells. If, using any permutation of the axes, the
- * axes can be made to match in length (to within fractional difference \p ltl)
- * and the axes aligned to within \p atl radians, this function returns non-zero
- * and stores the transformation to map \p b onto \p a.
+ * axes can be made to match in length and the axes aligned in space, this
+ * function returns non-zero and stores the transformation which must be applied
+ * to \p cell at \p pmb.
+ *
+ * A "permutation" means a transformation represented by a matrix with all
+ * elements equal to +1, 0 or -1, having determinant +1 or -1. That means that
+ * this function will find the relationship between a left-handed and a right-
+ * handed basis.
* Note that the orientations of the cells must match, not just the parameters.
* The comparison is done after reindexing using
- * compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation().
+ * compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation(). See that function for more
+ * details.
- * The cells \p a and \p b must have the same centering. Otherwise, this function
- * always returns zero.
+ * \p cell and \p reference must have the same centering. Otherwise, this
+ * function always returns zero.
* \returns non-zero if the cells match.
-int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters_and_orientation(UnitCell *a, UnitCell *b,
- double ltl, double atl,
- IntegerMatrix **pmb)
+int compare_permuted_cell_parameters_and_orientation(UnitCell *cell,
+ UnitCell *reference,
+ const double *tols,
+ IntegerMatrix **pmb)
IntegerMatrix *m;
int i[9];
- if ( cell_get_centering(a) != cell_get_centering(b) ) return 0;
+ if ( cell_get_centering(cell) != cell_get_centering(reference) ) return 0;
m = intmat_new(3, 3);
@@ -1812,16 +1424,20 @@ int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters_and_orientation(UnitCell *a, UnitCell *b,
UnitCell *nc;
int j, k;
int l = 0;
+ signed int det;
for ( j=0; j<3; j++ )
for ( k=0; k<3; k++ )
intmat_set(m, j, k, i[l++]);
- if ( intmat_det(m) != +1 ) continue;
+ det = intmat_det(m);
+ if ( (det != +1) && (det != -1) ) continue;
- nc = cell_transform_intmat(b, m);
+ nc = cell_transform_intmat(cell, m);
- if ( compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation(a, nc, ltl, atl) ) {
+ if ( compare_cell_parameters_and_orientation(nc, reference,
+ tols) )
+ {
if ( pmb != NULL ) *pmb = m;
return 1;
@@ -1928,31 +1544,18 @@ static Rational *find_candidates(double len, double *a, double *b, double *c,
-static void g6_components(double *g6, double a, double b, double c,
- double al, double be, double ga)
- g6[0] = a*a;
- g6[1] = b*b;
- g6[2] = c*c;
- g6[3] = 2.0*b*c*cos(al);
- g6[4] = 2.0*a*c*cos(be);
- g6[5] = 2.0*a*b*cos(ga);
-static double g6_distance(double a1, double b1, double c1,
- double al1, double be1, double ga1,
- double a2, double b2, double c2,
- double al2, double be2, double ga2)
+static double g6_distance(UnitCell *cell1, UnitCell *cell2)
- double g1[6], g2[6];
- int i;
+ struct g6 g1, g2;
double total = 0.0;
- g6_components(g1, a1, b1, c1, al1, be1, ga1);
- g6_components(g2, a2, b2, c2, al2, be2, ga2);
- for ( i=0; i<6; i++ ) {
- total += (g1[i]-g2[i])*(g1[i]-g2[i]);
- }
+ g1 = cell_get_G6(cell1);
+ g2 = cell_get_G6(cell2);
+ total += (g1.A-g2.A)*(g1.A-g2.A);
+ total += (g1.B-g2.B)*(g1.B-g2.B);
+ total += (g1.C-g2.C)*(g1.C-g2.C);
+ total += (g1.D-g2.D)*(g1.D-g2.D);
+ total += (g1.E-g2.E)*(g1.E-g2.E);
+ total += (g1.F-g2.F)*(g1.F-g2.F);
return sqrt(total);
@@ -1960,15 +1563,15 @@ static double g6_distance(double a1, double b1, double c1,
* \param cell_in: A UnitCell
* \param reference_in: Another UnitCell
- * \param ltl: Maximum allowable fractional difference in direct-space axis lengths
- * \param atl: Maximum allowable difference in direct-space angles (in radians)
+ * \param tols: Pointer to tolerances for a,b,c (fractional), al,be,ga (radians)
* \param csl: Non-zero to look for coincidence site lattice relationships
* \param pmb: Place to store pointer to matrix
* Compare the \p cell_in with \p reference_in. If \p cell is a derivative lattice
- * of \p reference, within fractional axis length difference \p ltl and absolute angle
- * difference \p atl (in radians), this function returns non-zero and stores the
- * transformation which needs to be applied to \p cell_in at \p pmb.
+ * of \p reference, within fractional axis length differences \p tols[0..2]
+ * and absolute angle difference \p tols[3..5] (in radians), this function returns
+ * non-zero and stores the transformation which needs to be applied to
+ * \p cell_in at \p pmb.
* Note that the tolerances will be applied to the primitive unit cell. If
* the reference cell is centered, a primitive unit cell will first be calculated.
@@ -1985,12 +1588,16 @@ static double g6_distance(double a1, double b1, double c1,
* meaning that the lattice points of the transformed version of \p cell_in
* might not coincide with lattice points of \p reference_in.
+ * This function is used by CrystFEL's cell_tool program to find non-obvious
+ * relationships between crystal lattices. For most routine comparisons, this
+ * function is probably not the one you need!
+ *
* \returns non-zero if the cells match, zero for no match or error.
-int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
- double ltl, double atl, int csl,
- RationalMatrix **pmb)
+int compare_derivative_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
+ const double *tols, int csl,
+ RationalMatrix **pmb)
UnitCell *cell;
UnitCell *reference;
@@ -2005,7 +1612,6 @@ int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
Rational *cand_c;
int ncand_a, ncand_b, ncand_c;
int ia, ib;
- RationalMatrix *MCB;
RationalMatrix *CiAMCB;
double min_dist = +INFINITY;
@@ -2026,9 +1632,9 @@ int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
&cv[0], &cv[1], &cv[2]);
/* Find vectors in 'cell' with lengths close to a, b and c */
- cand_a = find_candidates(a, av, bv, cv, ltl, csl, &ncand_a);
- cand_b = find_candidates(b, av, bv, cv, ltl, csl, &ncand_b);
- cand_c = find_candidates(c, av, bv, cv, ltl, csl, &ncand_c);
+ cand_a = find_candidates(a, av, bv, cv, tols[0], csl, &ncand_a);
+ cand_b = find_candidates(b, av, bv, cv, tols[1], csl, &ncand_b);
+ cand_c = find_candidates(c, av, bv, cv, tols[2], csl, &ncand_c);
if ( (ncand_a==0) || (ncand_b==0) || (ncand_c==0) ) {
*pmb = NULL;
@@ -2040,8 +1646,6 @@ int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
M = rtnl_mtx_new(3, 3);
- MCB = rtnl_mtx_new(3, 3);
- CiAMCB = rtnl_mtx_new(3, 3);
for ( ia=0; ia<ncand_a; ia++ ) {
for ( ib=0; ib<ncand_b; ib++ ) {
@@ -2049,6 +1653,7 @@ int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
double at, bt, ct, alt, bet, gat;
double dist;
int ic = 0;
+ RationalMatrix *MCB;
/* Form the matrix using the first candidate for c */
rtnl_mtx_set(M, 0, 0, cand_a[3*ia+0]);
@@ -2065,7 +1670,7 @@ int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
test = cell_transform_rational(cell, M);
cell_get_parameters(test, &at, &bt, &ct, &alt, &bet, &gat);
- if ( fabs(gat - ga) > atl ) continue;
+ if ( fabs(gat - ga) > tols[5] ) continue;
/* Gamma OK, now look for place for c axis */
for ( ic=0; ic<ncand_c; ic++ ) {
@@ -2091,21 +1696,21 @@ int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
- if ( fabs(alt - al) > atl ) {
+ if ( fabs(alt - al) > tols[3] ) {
- if ( fabs(bet - be) > atl ) {
+ if ( fabs(bet - be) > tols[4] ) {
- dist = g6_distance(at, bt, ct, alt, bet, gat,
- a, b, c, al, be, ga);
+ dist = g6_distance(test, reference);
if ( dist < min_dist ) {
min_dist = dist;
- rtnl_mtx_mtxmult(M, CB, MCB);
- rtnl_mtx_mtxmult(CiA, MCB, CiAMCB);
+ MCB = rtnlmtx_times_rtnlmtx(M, CB);
+ CiAMCB = rtnlmtx_times_rtnlmtx(CiA, MCB);
+ rtnl_mtx_free(MCB);
@@ -2115,7 +1720,6 @@ int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
- rtnl_mtx_free(MCB);
@@ -2130,3 +1734,588 @@ int compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in, UnitCell *reference_in,
*pmb = CiAMCB;
return 1;
+/* Criteria from Grosse-Kunstleve et al., Acta Cryst A60 (2004) p1-6 */
+#define GT(x,y) (y < x - eps)
+#define LT(x,y) GT(y,x)
+#define EQ(x,y) !(GT(x,y) || LT(x,y))
+#define LTE(x,y) !(GT(x,y))
+static int in_standard_presentation(struct g6 g, double eps)
+ if ( GT(g.A, g.B) ) return 0;
+ if ( GT(g.B, g.C) ) return 0;
+ if ( EQ(g.A, g.B) && GT(fabs(g.D), fabs(g.E)) ) return 0;
+ if ( EQ(g.B, g.C) && GT(fabs(g.E), fabs(g.F)) ) return 0;
+ if ( ( GT(g.D, 0.0) && GT(g.E, 0.0) && GT(g.F, 0.0) )
+ || ( !GT(g.D, 0.0) && !GT(g.E, 0.0) && !GT(g.F, 0.0) ) ) return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int is_burger(struct g6 g, double eps)
+ if ( !in_standard_presentation(g, eps) ) return 0;
+ if ( GT(fabs(g.D), g.B) ) return 0;
+ if ( GT(fabs(g.E), g.A) ) return 0;
+ if ( GT(fabs(g.F), g.A) ) return 0;
+ if ( LT(g.D + g.E + g.F + g.A + g.B, 0.0) ) return 0;
+ return 1;
+static int UNUSED is_niggli(struct g6 g, double eps)
+ if ( !is_burger(g, eps) ) return 0;
+ if ( EQ(g.D, g.B) && GT(g.F, 2.0*g.E) ) return 0;
+ if ( EQ(g.E, g.A) && GT(g.F, 2.0*g.D) ) return 0;
+ if ( EQ(g.F, g.A) && GT(g.E, 2.0*g.D) ) return 0;
+ if ( EQ(g.D, -g.B) && !EQ(g.F, 0.0) ) return 0;
+ if ( EQ(g.E, -g.A) && !EQ(g.F, 0.0) ) return 0;
+ if ( EQ(g.F, -g.A) && !EQ(g.E, 0.0) ) return 0;
+ if ( EQ(g.D + g.E + g.F + g.A + g.B, 0.0)
+ && GT(2.0*(g.A + g.E)+g.F, 0.0) ) return 0;
+ return 1;
+static signed int eps_sign(double v, double eps)
+ return GT(v, 0.0) ? +1 : -1;
+static void debug_lattice(struct g6 g, double eps, int step)
+#if 0
+ STATUS("After step %i: %e %e %e %e %e %e --", step,
+ g.A/1e-0, g.B/1e-0, g.C/1e-0,
+ g.D/1e-0, g.E/1e-0, g.F/1e-0);
+ if ( is_burger(g, eps) ) STATUS(" B");
+ if ( is_niggli(g, eps) ) STATUS(" N");
+ if ( eps_sign(g.D, eps)*eps_sign(g.E, eps)*eps_sign(g.F, eps) > 0 ) {
+ STATUS(" I");
+ } else {
+ STATUS(" II");
+ }
+ STATUS("\n");
+static void mult_in_place(IntegerMatrix *T, IntegerMatrix *M)
+ int i, j;
+ IntegerMatrix *tmp = intmat_times_intmat(T, M);
+ for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
+ for ( j=0; j<3; j++ ) {
+ intmat_set(T, i, j, intmat_get(tmp, i, j));
+ }
+ }
+ intmat_free(tmp);
+/* Cell volume from G6 components */
+static double g6_volume(struct g6 g)
+ return sqrt(g.A*g.B*g.C
+ - 0.25*(g.A*g.D*g.D + g.B*g.E*g.E + g.C*g.F*g.F - g.D*g.E*g.F));
+/* NB The G6 components are passed by value, not reference.
+ * It's the caller's reponsibility to apply the matrix to the cell and
+ * re-calculate the G6 vector, if required. */
+IntegerMatrix *reduce_g6(struct g6 g, double epsrel)
+ IntegerMatrix *T;
+ IntegerMatrix *M;
+ int finished;
+ double eps;
+ eps = pow(g6_volume(g), 1.0/3.0) * epsrel;
+ eps = eps*eps;
+ T = intmat_identity(3);
+ M = intmat_new(3, 3);
+ debug_lattice(g, eps, 0);
+ do {
+ int done_s1s2;
+ do {
+ done_s1s2 = 1;
+ if ( GT(g.A, g.B)
+ || (EQ(g.A, g.B) && GT(fabs(g.D), fabs(g.E))) )
+ {
+ /* Swap a and b */
+ double temp;
+ temp = g.A; g.A = g.B; g.B = temp;
+ temp = g.D; g.D = g.E; g.E = temp;
+ intmat_zero(M);
+ intmat_set(M, 1, 0, -1);
+ intmat_set(M, 0, 1, -1);
+ intmat_set(M, 2, 2, -1);
+ mult_in_place(T, M);
+ debug_lattice(g, eps, 1);
+ }
+ if ( GT(g.B, g.C)
+ || (EQ(g.B, g.C) && GT(fabs(g.E), fabs(g.F))) )
+ {
+ /* Swap b and c */
+ double temp;
+ temp = g.B; g.B = g.C; g.C = temp;
+ temp = g.E; g.E = g.F; g.F = temp;
+ intmat_zero(M);
+ intmat_set(M, 0, 0, -1);
+ intmat_set(M, 1, 2, -1);
+ intmat_set(M, 2, 1, -1);
+ mult_in_place(T, M);
+ debug_lattice(g, eps, 2);
+ /* ..."and go to 1." */
+ done_s1s2 = 0;
+ }
+ } while ( !done_s1s2 );
+ finished = 0;
+ /* K-G paper says g3*g4*g3, which I assume is a misprint */
+ if ( eps_sign(g.D, eps) * eps_sign(g.E, eps) * eps_sign(g.F, eps) > 0 ) {
+ intmat_zero(M);
+ intmat_set(M, 0, 0, LT(g.D, 0.0) ? -1 : 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 1, 1, LT(g.E, 0.0) ? -1 : 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 2, 2, LT(g.F, 0.0) ? -1 : 1);
+ mult_in_place(T, M);
+ g.D = fabs(g.D);
+ g.E = fabs(g.E);
+ g.F = fabs(g.F);
+ debug_lattice(g, eps, 3);
+ } else {
+ int z = 4;
+ signed int ijk[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
+ if ( GT(g.D, 0.0) ) {
+ ijk[0] = -1;
+ } else if ( !LT(g.D, 0.0) ) {
+ z = 0;
+ }
+ if ( GT(g.E, 0.0) ) {
+ ijk[1] = -1;
+ } else if ( !LT(g.D, 0.0) ) {
+ z = 1;
+ }
+ if ( GT(g.F, 0.0) ) {
+ ijk[2] = -1;
+ } else if ( !LT(g.D, 0.0) ) {
+ z = 2;
+ }
+ if ( ijk[0]*ijk[1]*ijk[2] < 0 ) {
+ if ( z == 4 ) {
+ ERROR("No element in reduction step 4");
+ abort();
+ }
+ ijk[z] = -1;
+ }
+ intmat_zero(M);
+ intmat_set(M, 0, 0, ijk[0]);
+ intmat_set(M, 1, 1, ijk[1]);
+ intmat_set(M, 2, 2, ijk[2]);
+ mult_in_place(T, M);
+ g.D = -fabs(g.D);
+ g.E = -fabs(g.E);
+ g.F = -fabs(g.F);
+ debug_lattice(g, eps, 4);
+ }
+ if ( GT(fabs(g.D), g.B)
+ || (EQ(g.B, g.D) && LT(2.0*g.E, g.F))
+ || (EQ(g.B, -g.D) && LT(g.F, 0.0)) )
+ {
+ signed int s = g.D > 0.0 ? 1 : -1;
+ intmat_zero(M);
+ intmat_set(M, 0, 0, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 1, 1, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 2, 2, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 1, 2, -s);
+ mult_in_place(T, M);
+ g.C = g.B + g.C -s*g.D;
+ g.D = -2*s*g.B + g.D;
+ g.E = g.E - s*g.F;
+ debug_lattice(g, eps, 5);
+ } else if ( GT(fabs(g.E), g.A)
+ || (EQ(g.A, g.E) && LT(2.0*g.D, g.F))
+ || (EQ(g.A, -g.E) && LT(g.F, 0.0)) )
+ {
+ signed int s = g.E > 0.0 ? 1 : -1;
+ intmat_zero(M);
+ intmat_set(M, 0, 0, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 1, 1, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 2, 2, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 0, 2, -s);
+ mult_in_place(T, M);
+ g.C = g.A + g.C -s*g.E;
+ g.D = g.D - s*g.F;
+ g.E = -2*s*g.A + g.E;
+ debug_lattice(g, eps, 6);
+ } else if ( GT(fabs(g.F), g.A)
+ || (EQ(g.A, g.F) && LT(2.0*g.D, g.E))
+ || (EQ(g.A, -g.F) && LT(g.E, 0.0)) )
+ {
+ signed int s = g.F > 0.0 ? 1 : -1;
+ intmat_zero(M);
+ intmat_set(M, 0, 0, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 1, 1, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 2, 2, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 0, 1, -s);
+ mult_in_place(T, M);
+ g.B = g.A + g.B -s*g.F;
+ g.D = g.D - s*g.E;
+ g.F = -2*s*g.A + g.F;
+ debug_lattice(g, eps, 7);
+ } else if ( LT(g.A+g.B+g.D+g.E+g.F, 0.0) /* not g.C */
+ || ( (EQ(g.A+g.B+g.D+g.E+g.F, 0.0)
+ && GT(2.0*g.A + 2.0*g.E + g.F, 0.0)) ) )
+ {
+ intmat_zero(M);
+ intmat_set(M, 0, 0, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 1, 1, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 2, 2, 1);
+ intmat_set(M, 1, 2, 1);
+ mult_in_place(T, M);
+ g.C = g.A+g.B+g.C+g.D+g.E+g.F;
+ g.D = 2.0*g.B + g.D + g.F;
+ g.E = 2.0*g.A + g.E + g.F;
+ debug_lattice(g, eps, 8);
+ } else {
+ finished = 1;
+ }
+ } while ( !finished );
+ debug_lattice(g, eps, 99);
+ assert(is_burger(g, eps));
+ assert(is_niggli(g, eps));
+ intmat_free(M);
+ return T;
+static double cell_diff(UnitCell *cell, double a, double b, double c,
+ double al, double be, double ga)
+ double ta, tb, tc, tal, tbe, tga;
+ double diff = 0.0;
+ cell_get_parameters(cell, &ta, &tb, &tc, &tal, &tbe, &tga);
+ diff += fabs(a - ta);
+ diff += fabs(b - tb);
+ diff += fabs(c - tc);
+ return diff;
+static int random_int(int max)
+ int r;
+ int limit = RAND_MAX;
+ while ( limit % max ) limit--;
+ do {
+ r = rand();
+ } while ( r > limit );
+ return rand() % max;
+static IntegerMatrix *check_permutations(UnitCell *cell_reduced, UnitCell *reference,
+ RationalMatrix *CiARA, IntegerMatrix *RiBCB,
+ const double *tols)
+ IntegerMatrix *m;
+ int i[9];
+ double a, b, c, al, be, ga;
+ double min_dist = +INFINITY;
+ int s, sel;
+ IntegerMatrix *best_m[5] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
+ int n_best = 0;
+ m = intmat_new(3, 3);
+ cell_get_parameters(reference, &a, &b, &c, &al, &be, &ga);
+ for ( i[0]=-1; i[0]<=+1; i[0]++ ) {
+ for ( i[1]=-1; i[1]<=+1; i[1]++ ) {
+ for ( i[2]=-1; i[2]<=+1; i[2]++ ) {
+ for ( i[3]=-1; i[3]<=+1; i[3]++ ) {
+ for ( i[4]=-1; i[4]<=+1; i[4]++ ) {
+ for ( i[5]=-1; i[5]<=+1; i[5]++ ) {
+ for ( i[6]=-1; i[6]<=+1; i[6]++ ) {
+ for ( i[7]=-1; i[7]<=+1; i[7]++ ) {
+ for ( i[8]=-1; i[8]<=+1; i[8]++ ) {
+ UnitCell *nc;
+ int j, k;
+ int l = 0;
+ signed int det;
+ UnitCell *tmp;
+ for ( j=0; j<3; j++ )
+ for ( k=0; k<3; k++ )
+ intmat_set(m, j, k, i[l++]);
+ det = intmat_det(m);
+ if ( det != +1 ) continue;
+ tmp = cell_transform_intmat(cell_reduced, m);
+ nc = cell_transform_intmat(tmp, RiBCB);
+ cell_free(tmp);
+ if ( compare_cell_parameters(nc, reference, tols) ) {
+ double dist = cell_diff(nc, a, b, c, al, be, ga);
+ if ( dist < min_dist ) {
+ /* If the new solution is significantly better,
+ * dump all the previous ones */
+ for ( s=0; s<n_best; s++ ) {
+ intmat_free(best_m[s]);
+ }
+ min_dist = dist;
+ best_m[0] = intmat_copy(m);
+ n_best = 1;
+ } else if ( dist == min_dist ) {
+ if ( n_best == 5 ) {
+ ERROR("WARNING: Too many equivalent "
+ "reindexed lattices\n");
+ } else {
+ /* If the new solution is the same as the
+ * previous one, add it to the list */
+ best_m[n_best++] = intmat_copy(m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cell_free(nc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( n_best == 0 ) return NULL;
+ sel = n_best;
+ if ( n_best == 1 ) {
+ /* If there's one solution, choose that one, of course */
+ sel = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* If one of the solutions results in an identity applied to the
+ * original cell, choose that one */
+ for ( s=0; s<n_best; s++ ) {
+ RationalMatrix *tmp;
+ RationalMatrix *comb;
+ tmp = rtnlmtx_times_intmat(CiARA, best_m[s]);
+ comb = rtnlmtx_times_intmat(tmp, RiBCB);
+ if ( rtnl_mtx_is_identity(comb) ) {
+ sel = s;
+ }
+ rtnl_mtx_free(tmp);
+ rtnl_mtx_free(comb);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Still undecided? Choose randomly, to avoid weird distributions
+ * in the cell parameters */
+ if ( sel == n_best ) {
+ sel = random_int(n_best);
+ }
+ /* Free all the others */
+ for ( s=0; s<n_best; s++ ) {
+ if ( s != sel ) intmat_free(best_m[s]);
+ }
+ return best_m[sel];
+ * \param cell_in: A UnitCell
+ * \param reference_in: Another UnitCell
+ * \param tols: Pointer to tolerances for a,b,c (fractional), al,be,ga (radians)
+ * \param pmb: Place to store pointer to matrix, or NULL if not needed
+ *
+ * Compare the \p cell_in with \p reference_in. If they represent the same
+ * lattice, this function returns a copy of \p cell_in transformed to look
+ * similar to \p reference_in. Otherwise, it returns NULL.
+ *
+ * If \pmb is non-NULL, the transformation which needs to be applied to
+ * \p cell_in will be stored there.
+ *
+ * Only the cell parameters will be compared. The relative orientations are
+ * irrelevant. The tolerances will be applied to the transformed copy of
+ * \p cell_in, i.e. the version of the input cell which looks similar to
+ * \p reference_in. Subject to the tolerances, the cell will be chosen which
+ * has the lowest total absolute error in unit cell axis lengths.
+ *
+ * There will usually be several transformation matrices which produce exactly
+ * the same total absolute error. If one of the matrices is an identity, that
+ * one will be used. Otherwise, the matrix will be selected at random from the
+ * possibilities. This avoids skewed distributions of unit cell parameters,
+ * e.g. the angles always being greater than 90 degrees.
+ *
+ * This is the right function to use for deciding if an indexing solution
+ * matches a reference cell or not.
+ *
+ * \returns A newly allocated UnitCell, or NULL.
+ *
+ */
+UnitCell *compare_reindexed_cell_parameters(UnitCell *cell_in,
+ UnitCell *reference_in,
+ const double *tols,
+ RationalMatrix **pmb)
+ UnitCell *cell;
+ UnitCell *reference;
+ IntegerMatrix *CB;
+ RationalMatrix *CiA;
+ IntegerMatrix *RA;
+ IntegerMatrix *RB;
+ IntegerMatrix *RiB;
+ IntegerMatrix *P;
+ RationalMatrix *CiARA;
+ IntegerMatrix *RiBCB;
+ UnitCell *cell_reduced;
+ UnitCell *reference_reduced;
+ UnitCell *match;
+ struct g6 g6cell;
+ struct g6 g6ref;
+ //STATUS("The input cell:\n");
+ //cell_print(cell_in);
+ //STATUS("The reference cell:\n");
+ //cell_print(reference_in);
+ /* Un-center both cells */
+ reference = uncenter_cell(reference_in, &CB, NULL);
+ if ( reference == NULL ) return NULL;
+ cell = uncenter_cell(cell_in, NULL, &CiA);
+ if ( cell == NULL ) return NULL;
+ /* Calculate G6 components for both */
+ g6cell = cell_get_G6(cell);
+ g6ref = cell_get_G6(reference);
+ /* Convert both to reduced basis (stably) */
+ RA = reduce_g6(g6cell, 1e-5);
+ //STATUS("------------------------------------------\n");
+ RB = reduce_g6(g6ref, 1e-5);
+ cell_reduced = cell_transform_intmat(cell, RA);
+ //STATUS("Reduced cell:\n");
+ //cell_print(cell_reduced);
+ //STATUS("Reduced reference:\n");
+ reference_reduced = cell_transform_intmat(reference, RB);
+ //cell_print(reference_reduced);
+ /* The primitive (non-reduced) cells are no longer needed */
+ cell_free(reference);
+ cell_free(cell);
+ /* Within tolerance? */
+ RiB = intmat_inverse(RB);
+ RiBCB = intmat_times_intmat(RiB, CB);
+ intmat_free(RiB);
+ CiARA = rtnlmtx_times_intmat(CiA, RA);
+ P = check_permutations(cell_reduced, reference_in, CiARA, RiBCB, tols);
+ if ( P != NULL ) {
+ RationalMatrix *tmp;
+ RationalMatrix *comb;
+ //STATUS("The best permutation matrix:\n");
+ //intmat_print(P);
+ /* Calculate combined matrix: CB.RiB.P.RA.CiA */
+ tmp = rtnlmtx_times_intmat(CiARA, P);
+ comb = rtnlmtx_times_intmat(tmp, RiBCB);
+ rtnl_mtx_free(tmp);
+ match = cell_transform_rational(cell_in, comb);
+ //STATUS("Original cell transformed to look like reference:\n");
+ //cell_print(match);
+ if ( pmb != NULL ) *pmb = comb;
+ } else {
+ match = NULL;
+ }
+ rtnl_mtx_free(CiA);
+ intmat_free(RA);
+ intmat_free(RB);
+ intmat_free(CB);
+ intmat_free(P);
+ cell_free(reference_reduced);
+ cell_free(cell_reduced);
+ return match;