path: root/src/itrans-lsq.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/src/itrans-lsq.c b/src/itrans-lsq.c
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index cdc2a5c..0000000
--- a/src/itrans-lsq.c
+++ /dev/null
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- * itrans-lsq.c
- *
- * Peak detection by least-squares fitting
- *
- * (c) 2007 Thomas White <taw27@cam.ac.uk>
- *
- * dtr - Diffraction Tomography Reconstruction
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <gsl/gsl_multifit_nlin.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "control.h"
-#include "imagedisplay.h"
-#include "reflections.h"
-typedef struct struct_sampledpoints {
- gsl_matrix *coordinates;
- gsl_vector *values;
- unsigned int n_samples;
-} SampledPoints;
-static int itrans_peaksearch_lsq_f(const gsl_vector *gaussian, void *params, gsl_vector *residuals) {
- double cal;
- double obs;
- SampledPoints *samples = params;
- double a, b, c, d, e, f;
- unsigned int sample;
- a = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 0); b = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 1); c = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 2);
- d = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 3); e = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 4); f = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 5);
- //printf("Trial parameters: a=%f b=%f c=%f d=%f e=%f f=%f\n", a, b, c, d, e, f);
- for ( sample=0; sample<samples->n_samples; sample++ ) {
- int dx = gsl_matrix_get(samples->coordinates, sample, 0);
- int dy = gsl_matrix_get(samples->coordinates, sample, 1);
- cal = exp(a + b*dx + c*dy + d*dx*dx + e*dy*dy + f*dx*dy);
- obs = gsl_vector_get(samples->values, sample);
- gsl_vector_set(residuals, sample, (cal-obs));
- //printf("At %3i,%3i: residual=%f - %f = %f\n", dx, dy, cal, obs, cal-obs);
- }
- return GSL_SUCCESS;
-static int itrans_peaksearch_lsq_df(const gsl_vector *gaussian, void *params, gsl_matrix *J) {
- double a, b, c, d, e, f;
- unsigned int sample;
- SampledPoints *samples = params;
- a = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 0); b = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 1); c = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 2);
- d = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 3); e = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 4); f = gsl_vector_get(gaussian, 5);
- //printf("------a------------b------------c------------d------------e------------f-------\n");
- for ( sample=0; sample<samples->n_samples; sample++ ) {
- double ex;
- int dx, dy;
- double derivative;
- dx = gsl_matrix_get(samples->coordinates, sample, 0);
- dy = gsl_matrix_get(samples->coordinates, sample, 1);
- ex = exp(a + b*dx + c*dy + d*dx*dx + e*dy*dy + f*dx*dy);
- derivative = ex; /* wrt a */
- gsl_matrix_set(J, sample, 0, derivative);
- derivative = dx * ex; /* wrt b */
- gsl_matrix_set(J, sample, 1, derivative);
- derivative = dy * ex; /* wrt c */
- gsl_matrix_set(J, sample, 2, derivative);
- derivative = dx * dx * ex; /* wrt d */
- gsl_matrix_set(J, sample, 3, derivative);
- derivative = dy * dy * ex; /* wrt e */
- gsl_matrix_set(J, sample, 4, derivative);
- derivative = dx * dy * ex; /* wrt f */
- gsl_matrix_set(J, sample, 5, derivative);
- /*if ( (dx == 0) && (dy == 0) ) {
- printf("> ");
- } else {
- printf("| ");
- }
- printf("%10.2e | %10.2e | %10.2e | %10.2e | %10.2e | %10.2e", gsl_matrix_get(J, sample, 0), gsl_matrix_get(J, sample, 1),
- gsl_matrix_get(J, sample, 2), gsl_matrix_get(J, sample, 3), gsl_matrix_get(J, sample, 4), gsl_matrix_get(J, sample, 5));
- if ( (dx == 0) && (dy == 0) ) {
- printf(" <\n");
- } else {
- printf(" |\n");
- }*/
- }
- //printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- return GSL_SUCCESS;
-static int itrans_peaksearch_lsq_fdf(const gsl_vector *gaussian, void *params, gsl_vector *f, gsl_matrix *J) {
- itrans_peaksearch_lsq_f(gaussian, params, f);
- itrans_peaksearch_lsq_df(gaussian, params, J);
- return GSL_SUCCESS;
-static void itrans_interpolate(uint16_t *image, int width, int x, int y) {
- int a, b, c, d;
- double av_horiz, av_vert, av;
- printf("Interpolating...\n");
- a = image[(x-1) + width*y]; b = image[(x+1) + width*y];
- c = image[x + width*(y-1)]; d = image[x + width*(y+1)];
- av_horiz = (a+b)/2; av_vert = (c+d)/2;
- av = (av_horiz+av_vert) / 2;
- image[x + width*y] = av;
-unsigned int itrans_peaksearch_lsq(ImageRecord *imagerecord, ControlContext *ctx, double tilt_degrees, ImageDisplay *imagedisplay) {
- uint16_t max_val = 0;
- int width, height;
- uint16_t *image;
- unsigned int n_reflections = 0;
- width = imagerecord->width;
- height = imagerecord->height;
- image = imagerecord->image;
- /* Least-Squares Craziness. NB Doesn't quite work... */
- do {
- int max_x = 0;
- int max_y = 0;;
- int x, y;
- gsl_multifit_fdfsolver *s;
- gsl_multifit_function_fdf f;
- unsigned int iter;
- gsl_vector *gaussian;
- int iter_status, conv_status;
- gsl_matrix *covar;
- SampledPoints samples;
- int sample;
- double ga, gb, gc, gd, ge, gf;
- gboolean sanity;
- int dx, dy;
- int bb_lh, bb_rh, bb_top, bb_bot;
- uint16_t ival;
- double sx, sy;
- /* Locate the highest point */
- max_val = 0;
- for ( y=10; y<height-10; y++ ) {
- for ( x=10; x<width-10; x++ ) {
- if ( image[x + width*y] > max_val ) {
- max_val = image[x + width*y];
- max_x = x; max_y = y;
- }
- }
- }
- x = max_x; y = max_y;
- /* Try fitting a Gaussian to this region and see what happens... */
- f.p = 6;
- /* Set initial estimate of the fit parameters. I = exp(a + bx + cy + dx^2 + ey^2 + fxy) */
- gaussian = gsl_vector_alloc(f.p);
- gsl_vector_set(gaussian, 0, log(max_val)); /* a */
- gsl_vector_set(gaussian, 1, -0.01); /* b */
- gsl_vector_set(gaussian, 2, -0.01); /* c */
- gsl_vector_set(gaussian, 3, -0.01); /* d */
- gsl_vector_set(gaussian, 4, -0.01); /* e */
- gsl_vector_set(gaussian, 5, -0.01); /* f */
- /* Determine the bounding box which contains most of the peak */
- /* Left */ dx = 0; do { ival = image[(x+dx) + width*(y+0)]; dx--; } while ( (ival>max_val/300) && (x+dx>0) ); bb_lh = dx;
- /* Right */ dx = 0; do { ival = image[(x+dx) + width*(y+0)]; dx++; } while ( (ival>max_val/300) && (x+dx<width) ); bb_rh = dx;
- /* Top */ dy = 0; do { ival = image[(x+0) + width*(y+dy)]; dy++; } while ( (ival>max_val/300) && (y+dy<height) ); bb_top = dy;
- /* Bottom */ dy = 0; do { ival = image[(x+0) + width*(y+dy)]; dy--; } while ( (ival>max_val/300) && (y+dy>0) ); bb_bot = dy;
- printf("Peak %i,%i: bounding box %i<dx<%i, %i<dy<%i\n", x, y, bb_lh, bb_rh, bb_bot, bb_top);
- sanity = TRUE;
- if ( (bb_rh-bb_lh) > 300 ) sanity = FALSE;
- if ( (bb_top-bb_bot) > 300 ) sanity = FALSE;
- if ( sanity ) {
- /* Choose which points inside this bounding box to use for curve fitting */
- samples.n_samples = ((bb_top-bb_bot)+1)*((bb_rh-bb_lh)+1);
- samples.coordinates = gsl_matrix_alloc(samples.n_samples, 2);
- sample = 0;
- for ( sx=bb_lh; sx<=bb_rh; sx++ ) {
- for ( sy=bb_bot; sy<=bb_top; sy++ ) {
- gsl_matrix_set(samples.coordinates, sample, 0, sx); gsl_matrix_set(samples.coordinates, sample, 1, sy);
- sample++;
- }
- }
- samples.values = gsl_vector_alloc(samples.n_samples);
- f.n = samples.n_samples;
- for ( sample=0; sample<samples.n_samples; sample++ ) {
- int dx = gsl_matrix_get(samples.coordinates, sample, 0);
- int dy = gsl_matrix_get(samples.coordinates, sample, 1);
- gsl_vector_set(samples.values, sample, image[(x+dx) + width*(y+dy)]);
- //printf("At %3i,%3i: value=%i\n", dx, dy, image[(x+dx) + width*(y+dy)]);
- }
- f.params = &samples;
- /* Execute the LSQ fitting procedure */
- s = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_alloc(gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_lmsder, f.n, f.p);
- f.f = &itrans_peaksearch_lsq_f; f.df = &itrans_peaksearch_lsq_df; f.fdf = &itrans_peaksearch_lsq_fdf;
- gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_set(s, &f, gaussian);
- iter = 0; conv_status = GSL_CONTINUE;
- do {
- /* Iterate */
- iter_status = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_iterate(s);
- iter++;
- /* Check for error */
- if ( iter_status ) {
- break;
- }
- /* Test for convergence */
- conv_status = gsl_multifit_test_delta(s->dx, s->x, 1e-6, 1e-6);
- } while ( (conv_status == GSL_CONTINUE) && (iter < MAX_LSQ_ITERATIONS) );
- /* See how good the fit is */
- covar = gsl_matrix_alloc(f.p, f.p);
- gsl_multifit_covar(s->J, 0.0, covar);
- ga = gsl_vector_get(s->x, 0); gb = gsl_vector_get(s->x, 1); gc = gsl_vector_get(s->x, 2);
- gd = gsl_vector_get(s->x, 3); ge = gsl_vector_get(s->x, 4); gf = gsl_vector_get(s->x, 5);
- if ( fabs(exp(ga + gb*100 + gc*100 + gd*100*100 + ge*100*100 + gf*100*100)) > 10 ) {
- printf("Failed sanity check: %3i,%3i, a=%f b=%f c=%f d=%f e=%f f=%f\n", x, y, ga, gb, gc, gd, ge, gf);
- sanity = FALSE;
- } else {
- sanity = TRUE;
- }
- if ( (conv_status == GSL_SUCCESS) && (!iter_status) && (sanity) ) {
- /* Good fit! */
- int dx, dy;
- int bb_top, bb_bot, bb_lh, bb_rh;
- double frac;
- double brightness;
- printf("Fit converged after %i iterations: Centre %3i,%3i, a=%f b=%f c=%f d=%f e=%f f=%f\n",
- iter, x, y, ga, gb, gc, gd, ge, gf);
- brightness = image[x + width*y];
- reflection_add_from_dp(ctx, (x-imagerecord->x_centre), (y-imagerecord->y_centre), imagerecord, brightness);
- n_reflections++;
- /* Remove this peak from the image */
- /* Find right-hand edge of bounding box */
- dx = 0; do {
- double pval, ival;
- pval = exp(ga + gb*dx + gc*0 + gd*dx*dx + ge*0*0 + gf*dx*-0);
- ival = image[(x+dx) + width*(y+0)];
- frac = pval / ival;
- dx++;
- } while ( (frac > 0.1) && (x+dx<width) );
- bb_rh = dx;
- /* Find left-hand edge of bounding box */
- dx = 0; do {
- double pval, ival;
- pval = exp(ga + gb*dx + gc*0 + gd*dx*dx + ge*0*0 + gf*dx*-0);
- ival = image[(x+dx) + width*(y+0)];
- frac = pval / ival;
- dx--;
- } while ( (frac > 0.1) && (x+dx>0) );
- bb_lh = dx;
- /* Find top edge of bounding box */
- dy = 0; do {
- double pval, ival;
- pval = exp(ga + gb*0 + gc*dy + gd*0*0 + ge*dy*dy + gf*0*dy);
- ival = image[(x+0) + width*(y+dy)];
- frac = pval / ival;
- dy++;
- } while ( (frac > 0.1) && (y+dy<height) );
- bb_top = dy;
- /* Find bottom edge of bounding box */
- dy = 0; do {
- double pval, ival;
- pval = exp(ga + gb*0 + gc*dy + gd*0*0 + ge*dy*dy + gf*0*dy);
- ival = image[(x+0) + width*(y+dy)];
- frac = pval / ival;
- dy--;
- } while ( (frac > 0.1) && (y+dy>0) );
- bb_bot = dy;
- printf("Fitted peak bounding box %i<dx<%i, %i<dy<%i\n", bb_lh, bb_rh, bb_bot, bb_top);
- for ( dx=bb_lh; dx<bb_rh; dx++ ) {
- for ( dy=bb_bot; dy<bb_top; dy++ ) {
- double pval;
- pval = exp(ga + gb*dx + gc*dy + gd*dx*dx + ge*dy*dy + gf*dx*dy);
- image[(x+dx) + width*(y+dy)] -= pval;
- }
- }
- } else {
- itrans_interpolate(image, width, x, y);
- }
- gsl_matrix_free(covar);
- gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_free(s);
- gsl_vector_free(gaussian);
- gsl_matrix_free(samples.coordinates);
- gsl_vector_free(samples.values);
- } else {
- printf("Failed bounding box sanity check\n");
- itrans_interpolate(image, width, x, y);
- }
- } while ( max_val > 50 );
- return n_reflections;