diff options
34 files changed, 17731 insertions, 14890 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 5ac6be79..ab3708c6 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+ * src/rpop3.c: enabled cancellation on connection.
* src/rpop3.c: implemented receiving of messages.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.ja b/ChangeLog.ja
index f078c9a6..e6077da8 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.ja
+++ b/ChangeLog.ja
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+ * src/rpop3.c: 接続時のキャンセルを可能にした。
* src/rpop3.c: メッセージの受信を実装。
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index 84fb738a..9f31d17f 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ src/progressdialog.c
diff --git a/po/be.po b/po/be.po
index 21fa57d2..03d512ae 100644
--- a/po/be.po
+++ b/po/be.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 2.5.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-21 21:16+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Mikalai Udodau <crom-a@tut.by>\n"
"Language-Team: Belarusian <i18n@mova.org>\n"
@@ -16,194 +16,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "丼舒仆仆亠 从舒仆亞舒亶 亟仍 从仂亢仆舒亞舒 舒从舒仆舒...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "仍仆仆亠 IMAP4 亰 %s 弍仍仂 舒亰舒于舒仆舒亠. 亠舒亰仍仆仆亠...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "弌亠于亠 IMAP4 仆亠 亟舒亰于舒仍磳 LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "于舒仆仆亠 亰仍仆仆亠 IMAP4 亰 %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 仗舒舒 亠舒仆 TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "舒仍仆仆亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 亟舒 %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "亠舒仆仂 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 %s %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "舒仗舒于舒仆仆亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 %s %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "亟舒仍亠仆仆亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 舒仆舒于 仍舒亞 于亟舒仍亠仆仆: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 于从仍\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "亟舒仍亠仆仆亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 亰 %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 舒仆舒于 仍舒亞 于亟舒仍亠仆仆: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 亰舒从 从舒舒仍仂亞\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "从舒舒仍仂亞 从仂舒仆 %s 仆亠 仆亠\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "仗舒仄仍从舒 亰亟舒仍舒 仗舒亟舒 舒仄舒仆仆 LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 于舒 `%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 于舒 '%s' INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 于舒 从仆: LIST 弍\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 于舒 从仆\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 仗亠舒亶仄亠仆舒于舒 从仆: %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 于亟舒仍 从仆\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 舒仄舒 舒亞弍舒ム\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 亰舒亞舒仍仂从舒 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "仗舒仄仍从舒 亰亟舒仍舒 仗舒亟舒 舒仄舒仆仆 舒亞弍舒ム舒亶.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠仄舒亞仄舒 舒亰舒弍舒 舒亞弍舒ム: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠仄舒亞仄舒 亰仍舒 亰 亠于亠舒仄 IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠仄舒亞仄舒 舒仆舒于 亠舒仆 IMAP4 亰: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 舒仄舒 仗舒仂 仄仆\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 于弍舒 从舒舒仍仂亞: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "仗舒仄仍从舒 仗 于从舒仆舒仆仆 亰舒亞舒亟 imap: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "仆从舒 IMAP4 弍仍舒.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "丕于舒仂亟 仆舒 亠于亠 IMAP4 弍.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 亟舒仍 %s 亟舒 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(舒亟仗舒仍亠仆仆亠 舒亶仍舒...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 亟舒仍 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠 亟舒 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 从舒仗舒于舒 %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "仗舒仄仍从舒 仗 于从舒仆舒仆仆 亰舒亞舒亟 imap: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "仗舒仄仍从舒 仗 于从舒仆舒仆仆 亰舒亞舒亟 imap: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "仗舒仄仍从舒 仗 于从舒仆舒仆仆 亰舒亞舒亟 imap: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv 仆亠 仄仂亢舒 从舒仆于亠舒于舒 UTF-7 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv 仆亠 仄仂亢舒 从舒仆于亠舒于舒 %s UTF-7\n"
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ msgstr "从仆仆 从舒舒仍仂亞 亟仆仆 亰 仗亰仆舒仆
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "舒仗舒于舒仆仆亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 %s/%d %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -432,19 +432,19 @@ msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 亰亟舒仍舒 仗舒亟舒 仗弍仍从舒于舒仆仆\
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 亰亟舒仍舒 仗舒亟舒 舒亟仗舒从 亰舒亞舒亟\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "舒舒弍亠仄舒 APOP 舒亰仆舒从舒 舒 仆亠 亰仆仂亶亟亰亠仆舒 仗于舒仆仆\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 仆舒从 舒亰仆舒从 舒 仗于舒仆仆\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "亠仗舒于仍仆舒 舒亟亰仆舒从舒 舒 仗于舒仆仆\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 仗舒舒从仂仍 POP3\n"
@@ -453,37 +453,37 @@ msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 仗舒舒从仂仍 POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "仆礚舒于仍仆 于仂亟从仍从 UIDL: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: 亟舒仍亠仆仆亠 舒舒仍舒亞舒 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: 仂仗从 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 %d (%d 弍舒亶)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "从仆 亰舒弍仍舒从舒于舒仆舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "舒 亠舒仆 从仂仆\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 仗舒舒 亠舒仆 TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "仗舒仄仍从舒 亰亟舒仍舒 仗舒亟舒 舒仆从舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "亰舒亞舒亟 仆亠 仗舒亟仄仍于舒亠舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "仗舒仄仍从舒 亰亟舒仍舒 仗舒亟舒 亠舒仆 POP3\n"
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr "个仍 仆亠仗舒亢舒亟舒仆舒亶 仗仂 (仆)"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "个仍 仆亠仗舒亢舒亟舒仆舒亶 仗仂"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmine_get_text_content(): 舒仆于亠 从仂亟 弍仍舒.\n"
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 仍仗从 `G' 舒从舒仆, 磻 亰舒亟亰亠亶仆舒ム 舒仄舒仆仆亠 仍仂 仗舒亰 `. 亠'"
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ msgstr "舒舒仍仆从 舒亞仄亠仆 亟亰亠礌仆"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "舒亟舒 亟舒 仆亞"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "亟舒"
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ msgstr "舒于舒亞"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "弍亠亠 从舒舒仍仂亞 亟舒仆舒亶 从仆亞"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍"
@@ -849,10 +849,10 @@ msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/仂于 _J-Pilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/仂于 亠于亠 _LDAP"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/---"
@@ -869,21 +869,21 @@ msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_弌亠"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/舒仗舒"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/舒从"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_舒舒"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_舒舒/舒仗舒于舒"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_舒舒/ム舒于"
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ msgstr "/_亟舒/_亟舒亞舒于舒"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_亟舒/_亟舒仍"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟"
@@ -928,12 +928,12 @@ msgstr "/_仍舒亟/仄仗舒舒于舒 舒亶仍 _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/仄仗舒舒于舒 舒亶仍 _CSV"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/舒于亠亟从舒"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/舒于亠亟从舒/_弍 仗舒亞舒仄亠"
@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/仂于 从_舒舒仍仂亞"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -988,17 +988,17 @@ msgstr "亟舒仆舒 从仆亞舒"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "仄:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "舒:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "仂仗:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "弌从.从仂仗:"
@@ -1200,15 +1200,15 @@ msgstr "弌仗仂仍仆 舒亟舒"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "舒弍仂于 舒亟舒"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "舒于舒亞舒"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "舒仗亟亢舒仆仆亠"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒"
@@ -1255,388 +1255,388 @@ msgstr "舒仆亠于"
msgid "None"
msgstr "礆舒"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/舒亟舒..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_亟舒仍"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_丕仍舒于舒..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_仍舒"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_仍舒 仗舒亰仆亠亶"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/舒仗舒 从舒舒仍仂亞 舒仆舒_于从仂"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/舒仗舒 亟舒亞舒于舒 亟舒_仍亠亶"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/舒仍 _舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_ム舒于 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/ム舒于 _仗仂亟仗"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_舒仍 仗仂亟仗"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_舒舒/_亟从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_舒舒/_丕亰仆舒于"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_舒舒/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_舒舒/舒亰舒"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_舒舒/ム舒于 磻 _舒"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_舒舒/仍 _"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_舒舒/舒于仆_ 弍磪 仗舒舒亞舒"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_舒舒/亠舒仆亠 亠 _亟仂亞 舒亟从"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_舒舒/_舒仗亠舒仆仂"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/亞仍磲"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/_舒"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/_仂仗"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/_Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/亟_从舒亰于舒"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/丕亰仂亟亰 亟_舒"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/_仆亠亶从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒亟舒舒从"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒于 亢从 仗_仍舒亟..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒仄舒仆舒"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/7-弍仆 ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/豫仆从仂亟 (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒仂亟仆亠亠舒仗亠亶从 (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒仂亟仆亠亠舒仗亠亶从 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/丶仆舒仍仆舒亠舒仗亠亶从 (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/_舒仍亶从 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒仍亶从 (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒仍亶从 (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒从 (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒弍从 (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒弍从 (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/亊亶从 (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/亊亶从 (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/丐从 (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/仍舒 (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/仍舒 (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/仍舒 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/仍舒 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/亊仗仂仆从 (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/弌仗仂舒仆 舒亶从 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/弌仗仂舒仆 舒亶从 (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/丐舒亟亶仆 舒亶从 (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒亶从 (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/丐舒亶从 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/丐舒亶从 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/_亟舒仆舒 从仆亞舒"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/_丿舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/亰亠礌仆"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/亟舒亞舒于舒 于仂仆从舒于仄 亟舒从舒舒仄"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/_仂亟仗 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/丿 GPG"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/舒于舒 仗舒于舒仗_"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/_舒舒于 仄仂于 仗舒于舒仗"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: 舒亶仍 仆亠 仆亠\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 舒仄舒 舒从 从\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 舒仄舒 仗舒亰仆舒从 舒."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 舒仄舒 舒亟从舒亰/仗亠舒仍从 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 仆亠\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 舒仄舒 仗舒仄亠 舒亶仍 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仗."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 仗舒舒 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 舒仄舒 舒从 舒舒仆仂亞舒 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(亠亰 丐仄)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 舒仗舒仆仆亠%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "亠 从舒亰舒仆 舒仄舒仍仆从."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "舒 仄舒"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "丐仄舒 仆亠 舒亰仆舒舒仆舒. 仍舒 磻 ?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "亟仆舒ム 亟舒亟舒从"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr " 仆亠 仄舒亠 亟舒亟舒从舒. 仍舒 磪仂 弍亠亰 亟舒亟舒从舒?"
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr "舒于亠 舒仄舒仍仆从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "舒舒仄 亟舒仍舒 亞 仍 仆舒 仆舒仗仆 舒亟舒?"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "亟:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "丐仄舒:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "亟仗舒_于"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 舒仄舒 仗 仗舒仆亟仆舒."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1644,38 +1644,38 @@ msgstr ""
"亠 从舒亰舒仆 仍从仂于 舒仆舒从 亟仍 舒亟仗舒从 仗仂.\n"
"舒仍 仍舒从舒, 于弍亠亠 舒从舒仆 仗亠舒亟 舒亟仗舒仍亠仆仆亠仄."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 仗舒亟舒 舒亟仗舒从 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 亟舒 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 亰舒仗舒 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠 `舒仍舒仆'."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"亠 亰仆仂亶亟亰亠仆舒 舒仆于仂亟仆舒亞舒 从仍ム舒, 舒舒磦舒仆舒亞舒 亰 于弍舒仆仄 亟仆从舒舒舒仄 `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 仗舒亟仗舒 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 亰舒舒于舒 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 亰舒舒于舒 仗舒亟仗舒 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 亰仄礌 亢仄 舒亶仍舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1686,11 +1686,11 @@ msgstr ""
"仍舒 %s, 磻 ?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 从舒仆于亠 从仂亟"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1703,15 +1703,15 @@ msgstr ""
"丕 仂仆舒 于仍舒?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "仄 亟舒亢仆 舒亟从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "丿舒于舒 亰 `Bcc'"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1725,89 +1725,90 @@ msgstr ""
"丕 仂仆舒 于仍舒?"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 于亟舒仍 舒仂亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "亟舒亟舒仆仆亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 舒亞...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亰仆仂亶亟亰亠仆 从舒舒仍仂亞 舒亞\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "仆亠仍亞舒 亰仄 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠 舒亞\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 仆亠."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 舒亟从 舒亶仍 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "亞亠仆亠舒于舒仆 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "弌于舒仆仆亠 于舒从仆舒 仆舒仗舒仆仆...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "仂亟仗 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "丿 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "仗 MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "舒仄亠"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "礚舒于仍仆 仗 MIME."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 仆亠 仆亠 仗."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "丕仍舒于舒"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "舒亟舒于舒仆仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "丿仍"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "舒亰于舒 舒亶仍舒"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "礚舒于仍仆 舒亟仂从 亰舒亞舒亟 亟仍 亰仆亠仆磪舒 亟舒从舒舒: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1816,48 +1817,48 @@ msgstr ""
"仂仆从舒于 亟舒从舒 仗舒亠.\n"
"舒于亠 仗舒 亞于舒仍仂仆舒 (pid: %d)?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "舒舒于 _亢从 仗仍舒亟..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 亰仄 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠 舒亞."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "弍舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "弍舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "舒仗舒 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "舒 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠 弍仍仂 亰仄亠仆亠仆舒. 舒仗舒 从舒舒仍仂亞 舒仆舒于从仂?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "舒从_ 弍亠亰 亰舒仗"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "舒亟舒亠亠 亢 舒弍仍仂仆 `%s'?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "丕亢 舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_舒仄礌"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_丕舒于"
@@ -2308,12 +2309,12 @@ msgstr "丕舒仆舒仍亠仆仆亠 仆舒仄舒 仗舒 从舒舒仍仂亞...\n
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "丕舒仆舒仍亠仆仆亠 仆舒仄舒 仗舒 从舒舒仍仂亞..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "舒亞仍磲 从舒舒仍仂亞舒 %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "弌从舒仆舒于舒仆仆亠 从舒舒仍仂亞舒 %s ..."
@@ -2482,7 +2483,8 @@ msgstr "仗 仆舒于仆:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "弌于舒仆仆亠 仗舒亞仍磲 亰舒亞舒仍仂从舒...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(亠亰 亟仗舒仆从舒)"
@@ -2663,139 +2665,139 @@ msgstr "仄仗舒 舒亶仍舒 LDIF 舒亟舒仆 从仆亞"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "弍"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "弌仍亟: %d 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "仆从舒 POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "丼舒从舒仆仆亠"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "弌从舒舒于舒仆舒亠"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "仂弍仍亠仆舒 (%d 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠() (%s) 舒仄舒仆舒)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "仂弍仍亠仆舒 (仆礆舒 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "仍仆仆亠 仆亠 舒仄舒仍舒"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "舒亰舒 弍仍舒"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "舒仄从仆舒"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "丐舒亶仄舒"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "舒于亠舒仆舒 (%d 仆仂于() 仍(仂))"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "舒于亠舒仆舒 (仆礆舒 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "亟舒仍 仗舒仄仍从 仗舒亟舒 舒仄舒仆仆 仗仂."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "舒仄舒仆仆亠 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 舒从舒仆舒 %s ...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: 仆从舒 POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: 仄舒仆仆亠 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "仍仆仆亠 亰 POP3 亠于亠舒仄: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 亰仍舒 亰 亠于亠舒仄 POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "仆从舒..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 亰 %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 从仂仍从舒 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 从仂仍从舒 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 从仂仍从舒 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 (UIDL)"
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 仗舒仄亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "亟舒仍亠仆仆亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "亟仍仆仆亠"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 仍舒 (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 (%d 仍(仂) (%s) 舒仄舒仆舒)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2803,15 +2805,15 @@ msgstr ""
"从舒仆舒仆仆亠 亰舒亞舒亟 仍舒于舒仆仆亠 仗舒仄 弍仍舒.\n"
"舒仍 仍舒从舒, 仗舒于亠亠 仆舒舒仍亠仆仆 从舒仆仂仍 仗舒仄."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "仍仆仆亠 仆亠 舒仄舒仍舒."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 亰亟舒仍舒 仗舒亟舒 舒仗舒仂从 仗仂."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2820,28 +2822,29 @@ msgstr ""
"亟舒仍舒 仗舒仄仍从舒 仗舒亟舒 舒仗舒仂从 仗仂:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "亠 亰舒舒仍仂 仄亠舒 仆舒 亟从."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "亠仍亞舒 亰舒仗舒 舒亶仍."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 仂从亠."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "仍仆仆亠 亰舒从舒亠 舒亟亟舒仍亠仆仄 亠于亠舒仄."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "弌从仆 亰舒仄从仆舒."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2850,11 +2853,11 @@ msgstr ""
"舒仂于舒 从仆 亰舒仄从仆舒:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "仆从舒 弍仍舒."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2863,15 +2866,15 @@ msgstr ""
"仆从舒 弍仍舒:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "丐舒亶仄舒 亠舒仆."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 从舒舒于舒仆舒亠\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 亰 %s %s...\n"
@@ -2889,20 +2892,20 @@ msgstr "丕于磲亰亠 仗舒仂仍"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "仆舒仍 仗舒舒从仂仍"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread 仆亠 仗舒亟仄仍于舒亠舒 弍弍仍从舒亶 glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "丕亢于舒仆仆亠: %s [丶乘亊]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [舒亟舒] 舒亟从 于舒从仆仂 仆舒仗舒仆仆 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2912,23 +2915,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 舒亟从 于舒从仆仂 仆舒仗舒仆仆 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 亰 亟舒仍舒仆仄\n"
" 亟舒亟舒从舒仄 亰 从舒亰舒仆舒亞舒 舒亶仍舒 (舒亶仍舒)"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 舒仄舒 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 舒仄舒 仆仂于 仍 亰 舒从舒仆舒"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 于仍舒 亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 亰 舒亞"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [从舒舒仍仂亞]... 仗舒从舒亰舒 舒亞仍仆 仍弍 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2936,45 +2939,45 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [从舒舒仍仂亞]...\n"
" 仗舒从舒亰舒 舒 从仂亢仆舒亞舒 从舒舒仍仂亞舒"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr " --open id_从舒舒仍仂亞舒/仆仄_仍舒 舒亟从 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠 仆仂于仄 舒从仆亠"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
" --configdir dirname 亰舒亟舒亠 从舒舒仍仂亞, 磻 仄仍于舒亠 舒亶仍 从舒仆亞舒"
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr " --ipcport 仆仄_仗仂舒 亰舒亟舒亠 仗仂 亟仍 舒亟亟舒仍亠仆 亰舒亞舒亟舒 IPC"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit 于亶 亰 弌仍亟"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 亢仄 舒亟仍舒亟从"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 仗舒从舒亰舒 亟舒于亠亟从 于亶"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 仗舒从舒亰舒 仆舒仄舒 舒弍 于亠 于亶"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "舒仆亠 仍ミ英 从仍舒于..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "舒亟舒于舒仆仆亠 仄仆 舒亶仍舒"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2998,19 +3001,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠 仗舒亠 仆舒仗舒仆仆. 弌舒仗舒亟 于亶?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr " 舒亰亠"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "丕 舒亰亠 亰舒舒仍 仆亠亟舒仍舒仆 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆. 亶 亰舒舒亰?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3019,15 +3022,15 @@ msgstr ""
"舒亟仄从舒 OpenPGP 舒亟从仍ム舒仆舒."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "亟亞 从亰亠仄仗仍 弌仍亟 亢仂 于从仂仆于舒亠舒.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "亞舒 从舒仆亞舒"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3035,662 +3038,667 @@ msgstr ""
"仆仂亶亟亰亠仆舒 仗舒仗亟仆 于亠 从舒仆亞舒.\n"
"舒亟舒亠亠 仄亞舒于舒 仆舒 磳?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_舒舒仍仂亞"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_舒舒仍仂亞/弌_于舒 仆仂于 从舒舒仍仂亞..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_舒舒仍仂亞/亠舒仄亠仆舒于舒 _从舒舒仍仂亞..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_舒舒仍仂亞/亠舒仆亠_ 从舒舒仍仂亞..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_舒舒仍仂亞/_亟舒仍 从舒舒仍仂亞"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/弌从仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/弌从仆/舒亟舒 从仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/弌从仆/亟舒仍 _从仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/弌从仆/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/弌从仆/舒于亠 仆仂于 仍_"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/弌从仆/舒于亠 仆仂于 仍 于舒 从仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/弌从仆/亠舒舒弍舒 亟于舒 从舒舒仍仂亞舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/仄仗舒舒于舒 舒亶仍 mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/亅从仗舒舒于舒 _ mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/ 仄_亠仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/舒仗舒 磻..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/舒舒仍亠仆仆 舒从舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_从舒于舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/舒_舒于舒 仗舒-亰舒 亠从舒亶"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/个_舒亶仍/_亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_舒舒/仍 仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_舒舒/仆_舒亶 弍磪仄 仍亠..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_舒舒/仆舒亶 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_舒舒/丱_从 仗仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒/于_舒 从舒舒仍仂亞舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒/舒亞仍磲 仍舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒/弌亢从舒 仗仍舒亟"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒/弌亢从舒 仗仍舒亟/从仂仆从 从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒/弌亢从舒 仗仍舒亟/丐从 亰仗舒于舒 舒亟 _从仂仆舒从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒/弌亢从舒 仗仍舒亟/从仂仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒/弌亢从舒 仗仍舒亟/丐从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒/弌亢从舒 仗仍舒亟/仂亞舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒/弌亢从舒 仗仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰舒 舒弍仂 舒_于舒/弌亢从舒 舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒_舒于 亢从 仗仍舒亟..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/_从仍舒亟"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/_从仍舒亟/_于舒亶仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/_从仍舒亟/_亠从舒仍仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/亟亟亰亠仍亠仆舒亠 亟于舒 从舒舒仍仂亞舒_"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/亟亟亰亠仍亠仆 仗舒亞仍磲 仍仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 仆仄舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 仗舒仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 亟舒亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 亟舒亠 舒弍仄亠_从舒于舒仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 仗舒仍 `_亟'"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 舒亟舒舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 从舒仍仂于舒亶 仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 仄舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 仆亠舒仆仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/仗舒 亟舒亟舒从舒仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/亠 仗舒舒亟从舒于舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/舒 仗舒于磿仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/舒 仗舒仄礌仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒舒亟从舒_于舒仆仆亠/弌磪于舒 仄舒亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒亞仍磲 仆舒_从 舒弍仄亠从舒于舒仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒亰亞舒仆 亠 仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/亞舒仆 亠 仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/亞仍磲/舒从舒亰于舒 仍亠仄亠仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/舒仗亟仆 仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/舒_仗仆 仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/舒仗亟仆 仆亠舒仆 仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/舒仗仆 仆亠舒仆 仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/舒仗亟仆 仆仂于 仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/舒仗仆 仆仂于 仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/舒仗亟仆 仄舒从舒于舒仆 仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/舒仗仆 仄舒从舒于舒仆 仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/舒仗亟仆 仗舒仄亠舒仆 仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/舒仗仆 仗舒仄亠舒仆 仍_"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/亞仍磲/ 亟舒/亞 从_舒舒仍仂亞..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒于亰仆舒仆仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒仂亟仆亠亠舒仗亠亶从 (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/亊仗仂仆从 (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/亊仗仂仆从 (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/亊仗仂仆从 (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/丐舒亟亶仆 舒亶从 (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒亶从 (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仆舒从舒亰弍仂/舒亶从 (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/亟从_ 仆仂于仄 舒从仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/仂仆 从 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/丕亠 亰舒亞舒仍仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/亞仍磲/亟仆舒于 亰于仂亟从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "//_仄舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "//_仄舒/仄舒 亰 弍磪舒亞舒 舒从舒仆舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "//_仄舒/仄舒 亰 舒从舒仆舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "//_仄舒/弌_仗仆 舒仄舒仆仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "//_仄舒/仄舒 亰 舒从舒仆舒"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "//_仄舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "//_仍舒 仍 亰 舒亞"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "//---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "//舒仗舒 仆仂于 仍_"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "//亟_从舒亰舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "//亟从舒亰"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "//亟从舒亰/亟舒 "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "//亟从舒亰/舒亟仗舒仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "//亟从舒亰/ 仗 舒仍从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "//亠_舒仍舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "//亠舒仍舒_ 磻 亟舒亟舒舒从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "//_亠舒仆舒从舒于舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "//亠舒仆亠..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "//舒仗舒于舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "//舒从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "//舒从舒/舒从舒于舒_"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "//舒从舒/仆 仄舒从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "//舒从舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "//舒从舒/舒亰仆舒 磻 仆亠舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "//舒从舒/舒亰仆舒 磻 仗舒舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "//舒从舒/舒亰仆舒 舒弍仄_亠从舒于舒仆仆亠 仗舒舒仆仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "//舒从舒/舒亰仆舒 亠 仗舒舒仆仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "//_亟舒仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "//舒从舒/舒亰仆舒 磻 仗舒仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "//舒从舒/舒亰仆舒 磻 仆亠-仗舒仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "//亠舒-亟舒亞舒于舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/舒亟舒 舒亟仗舒仆从舒 舒亟舒仆 从仆亞..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/个仍_舒于舒 亠 仍 从舒舒仍仂亞"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/个仍舒于舒 于_仍舒仆 仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/_弌于舒 仗舒于仍舒 仍舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/_弌于舒 仗舒于仍舒 仍舒/舒仄舒仆舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/_弌于舒 仗舒于仍舒 仍舒/仗舒 _亟仗舒仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/_弌于舒 仗舒于仍舒 仍舒/仗舒 _舒仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/_弌于舒 仗舒于仍舒 仍舒/仗舒 _丐仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/个仍舒于舒 仗舒仄 从舒舒仍_仂亞"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/个仍舒于舒_ 仗舒仄 于仍舒仆 仍舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/仍舒亟/亟舒仍 仗舒亟于仂亠仆 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/仍舒亟/从舒仆舒 仗舒亰仆舒_舒仆 亟亰亠礌仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_仍舒亟/舒从仆仂 亢仆舒仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/舒仆亞舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/舒仆亞舒/舒舒仍亠仆仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/舒仆亞舒/_舒舒于 仍..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/舒仆亞舒/丿舒弍仍仂仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/舒仆亞舒/亰亠礌仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/舒仆亞舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/舒仆亞舒/舒舒_仍亠仆仆 弍磪舒亞舒 舒从舒仆舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/舒仆亞舒/弌_于舒 仆仂于 舒从舒仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/舒仆亞舒/亟舒亞舒于舒 舒从舒_仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/舒仆亞舒/仄礌 弍磪 舒从舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_舒于亠亟从舒/_舒仆于舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_舒于亠亟从舒/_舒仆于舒/仆亞仍亶从舒亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_舒于亠亟从舒/_舒仆于舒/亊仗_仂仆从舒亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/舒于亠亟从舒/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_舒于亠亟从舒/_FAQ/仆亞仍亶从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_舒于亠亟从舒/_FAQ/_礆亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_舒于亠亟从舒/_FAQ/仗舒仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_舒于亠亟从舒/_FAQ/个_舒仆亰从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_舒于亠亟从舒/_FAQ/_舒仍礌从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/_舒于亠亟从舒/_仗 亰舒亞舒亟仆舒亞舒 舒亟从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_舒于亠亟从舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "弌于舒仆仆亠 亞舒仍仂仆舒亞舒 于舒从仆舒...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: 舒亰仄仆仆亠 从仂仍亠 %d 弍仍舒\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "亰仂弍仍亠仆舒.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "亠仆舒亰于舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "仆礆舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "亠亰 亰仍仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr " 仆亠 亰仍舒仆. 仍舒?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr " 仄亠仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "亟舒仍 亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 从舒舒仍仂亞舒-仄亠仆舒?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "舒亟舒 从仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3700,16 +3708,16 @@ msgstr ""
"舒仍 从舒亰舒仆舒 仆ム舒 从仆, 礌舒 弍亟亰亠\n"
"仗舒从舒仆舒于舒仆舒 舒舒仄舒仆舒."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "弌从仆 `%s' 亢仂 仆亠."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "弌从仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3718,87 +3726,87 @@ msgstr ""
"弌于舒仆仆亠 仗舒仂于舒亶 从仆 弍仍舒.\n"
"舒亞仄舒, 舒亶仍 亢仂 仆ム, 于 仆亠 仄舒亠亠 亟舒亰于仂仍 仆舒 亰舒仗 仄 仄亠."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "弌仍亟 - 舒亞仍磲 舒舒仍仂亞舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "弌仍亟 - 舒亞仍磲 舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/亟_从舒亰舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/亟从舒亰舒 仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/亟从舒亰舒 舒亟仗舒仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/_亟从舒亰舒 仗 舒仍从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/亠_舒仗舒于"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/亠舒仍舒_ 磻 亟舒亟舒舒从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/亠舒仆舒从舒于舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "从仂仆从 从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "丐从 仗舒于舒 舒亟 _从仂仆舒从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "从仂仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "丐从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "仂亞舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr " 仆亠 亰仍舒仆. 仍从仆亠 从仂仆从, 从舒弍 亰仍舒."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr " 亰仍仆仆. 仍从仆亠 从仂仆从, 从舒弍 舒亟仍舒."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "舒亟"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "亶 亰 仗舒亞舒仄?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "仗 亰舒亞舒亟仆舒亞舒 舒亟从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "丕亢于舒仆仆亠: sylpheed [丶乘亊]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3828,7 +3836,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5916,17 +5924,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "舒亟舒舒从"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "丐仄舒"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "亟"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "舒舒"
@@ -6220,7 +6231,7 @@ msgstr "仂从 %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "仂从 %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(亠亰 舒)"
@@ -6282,6 +6293,93 @@ msgstr "仂亟仗 亰仂弍仍亠仆 %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "舒仄仍从舒 仗舒于亠从 仗仂亟仗"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "亟舒仍 从仆"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "亠."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "仄舒"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "仍仆仆亠 亰 SMTP 亠于亠舒仄: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "亠仍亞舒 亰仍舒 亰 亠于亠舒仄 POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "仗舒仄仍从舒 亰亟舒仍舒 仗舒亟舒 亠舒仆 POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "仗舒仄仍从舒 亰亟舒仍舒 仗舒亟舒 亠舒仆 POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 亰舒亞舒仍仂从舒 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 从仂仍从舒 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "礆舒 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "亟舒仍 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠()"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "亟仗舒于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 仆仂于 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "仄舒仆仆亠 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆 亰 %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "亟舒仍 仗舒于亠亟舒仄仍亠仆仆亠()"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6959,10 +7057,6 @@ msgstr "个仍舒于舒仆仆亠..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d 仍() 仗舒仍舒于舒仆."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "亠."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po
index af842d39..14d1aa53 100644
--- a/po/bg.po
+++ b/po/bg.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 0.9.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-09 02:06+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Pavel Pyuter <pavel@unix-bg.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Bulgarian <bg@li.org>\n"
@@ -20,196 +20,196 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "丼亠亠仆亠 仆舒 从仂仆亳亞舒亳 亰舒 于亠从亳 舒从舒仆...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 于亰从舒舒 亟仂 %s 亠 舒亰仗舒亟仆舒. 弌于亰于舒仆亠...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP 亟亳亠从仂亳 仆舒 于舒"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 IMAP4 于亰从舒 亟仂 %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 舒亳舒 TLS 亠亳.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 (%d / %d 弍舒亶舒)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "仂仗亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 %s%c%d 于于 %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "仂仗亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 %s%c%d 于于 %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳 仂 %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亞舒 亟舒 亠 舒仆仂于 亳亰亳亳 仍舒亞仂于亠: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亰舒仍亳亳\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳 仂 %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亞舒 亟舒 亠 舒仆仂于 亳亰亳亳 仍舒亞仂于亠: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亰舒于仂亳 仗舒仗从舒\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "从仂亠仆仆舒舒 仗舒仗从舒 %s 仆亠 亠于于舒\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "亞亠从舒 仗亳 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亰亟舒亟亠 '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亰亟舒亟亠 '%s' 仗仂亟 仂亟亳\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亰亟舒亟亠 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳: LIST 亠 仗仂于舒仍亳\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亰亟舒亟亠 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仗亠亳仄亠仆于舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳: %s 亟仂 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亳亰亳亠 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 于亰亠仄亠 envelope\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 (%d / %d 弍舒亶舒)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "亞亠从舒 仗亳 于亰亠仄舒仆亠 仆舒 envelope.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 舒仆舒仍亳亰亳舒 envelope: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 舒仆仂于亳 于亰从舒 IMAP4 于: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 舒仆仂于亳 IMAP4 亠亳 : %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仗仂仍亳 仗仂舒仆于仂仂 仂 亳仄亠仆舒\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亳亰弍亠亠 仗舒仗从舒: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "亞亠从舒 仗亳 imap 从仂仄舒仆亟舒: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 亟仂仂于亠磦舒仆亠 仗仂于舒仍亠仆仂.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 于仍亳亰舒仆亠 仗仂于舒仍亠仆仂.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仗亳弍舒于亳 %s 从仄 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(亳亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亶仍...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仗亳弍舒于亳 从仄 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 从仂仗亳舒 %s 于 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "亞亠从舒 仗亳 imap 从仂仄舒仆亟舒: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "亞亠从舒 仗亳 imap 从仂仄舒仆亟舒: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "亞亠从舒 仗亳 imap 从仂仄舒仆亟舒: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv 仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 仗亠仂弍舒亰于舒 UTF-7 亟仂 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv 仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 仗亠仂弍舒亰于舒 %s 亟仂 UTF-7\n"
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ msgstr "亳亰仂亟仆舒舒 仗舒仗从舒 亠 亠亟仆舒从于舒 仆舒亰仆舒亠仆亳亠
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "仂仗亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 %s%c%d 于于 %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -430,20 +430,20 @@ msgstr "仂磦亳 亠 亞亠从舒 仗亳 仗弍仍亳从于舒仆亠\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "仂磦亳 亠 亞亠从舒 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂."
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "亠 亠 仆舒仄亠亠仆 仆亠仂弍仂亟亳仄 APOP 于亠仄亠于亳 仂仗亠舒从 于 仗仂亰亟舒于舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "弌亳仆舒从亳仆舒 亞亠从舒 于于 于亠仄亠于亳 仂仗亠舒从 于 仗仂亰亟舒于舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "亠 亠 仆舒仄亠亠仆 仆亠仂弍仂亟亳仄 APOP 于亠仄亠于亳 仂仗亠舒从 于 仗仂亰亟舒于舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 仗仂仂从仂仍仆舒 亞亠从舒\n"
@@ -452,37 +452,37 @@ msgstr "POP3 仗仂仂从仂仍仆舒 亞亠从舒\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠于舒仍亳亟亠仆 xover 亠亟: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: 亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳e 亳亰亠从仍 仂从 %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: 亠从舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 %d (%d 弍舒亶舒)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "仗仂亠仆从舒舒 从亳 亠 亰舒从仍ム亠仆舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "亠亳舒 亠 仗仂仂亠仆舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 舒亳舒 TLS 亠亳\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "亞亠从舒 仗亳 亟仂仂于亠磦舒仆亠\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "从仂仄舒仆亟舒舒 仆亠 亠 仗仂亟亟亢舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "亞亠从舒 仗亳 POP3 亠亳舒\n"
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ msgstr "舒仗从舒"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "舒仗从舒"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ msgstr ""
"于 从仂仍仂仆从舒 `G' 亰舒 舒亰亠舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 亳亰亠亞仍礌亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒 仂 `Get All'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ msgstr "仂亠弍亳亠仍从亳 舒亞仄亠仆 仆舒 亟亠亶于亳亠仂"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "仂弍舒于礌亠 仆舒 亟亠舒 从仄 仆亳亞舒舒"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "亟亠"
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ msgstr "舒弍亠仍亠亢从亳"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "亰弍亠亠亠 仗舒仗从舒 仂 舒亟亠仆舒舒 从仆亳亞舒"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍"
@@ -852,10 +852,10 @@ msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/仂于 _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/仂于 _弌于"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/---"
@@ -872,21 +872,21 @@ msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_亰亳于舒仆亠"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_舒亶仍/_舒仗舒亰于舒仆亠"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒于舒礌亠"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_仂仗亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_仄从于舒仆亠"
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ msgstr "/_亟亠/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_亟亠/_亰亳于舒仆亠"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳"
@@ -932,12 +932,12 @@ msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/仆舒礌亠 仆舒 _LDIF 舒亶仍"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/仆舒礌亠 仆舒 _LDIF 舒亶仍"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/_仆仂仆仂"
@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/仂于舒 _舒仗从舒"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -994,17 +994,17 @@ msgstr "亟亠仆舒 从仆亳亞舒"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "仄亠:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "仂:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1216,15 +1216,15 @@ msgstr "弍仍亳亠仆 舒亟亠"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "亳亠仆 舒亟亠"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "舒弍亠仍亠亢从舒"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "亠亟仗亠亢亟亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "亠从舒"
@@ -1271,433 +1271,433 @@ msgstr "舒磦"
msgid "None"
msgstr "亳从仂亶"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_仂弍舒于礌亠"
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_亠仄舒于舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_从亠仂舒亳..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_舒亶仍/_舒仗舒亰于舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/亰仗舒舒仆亠 _仗仂-从仆仂"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_舒仗舒亰于舒仆亠 于 仗舒仗从舒舒 亠仆仂于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/舒仗舒亰于舒仆亠 亳 _仗仂亟仍亢舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 亠亟舒从亳"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_亳从亠仗于舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_仆舒礌亠 仆舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/仆舒礌亠 仆舒 _亳亞仆舒舒"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/仆舒礌亠 仆舒 _亳亞仆舒舒"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_仄礌舒"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_仂于舒礌亠"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_磶于舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/仄从于舒仆亠 从舒仂 _亳舒"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_亰弍亳舒仆亠 仆舒 于亳从亳"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_亠仆舒礌亠 仆舒 亠从亳 舒弍亰舒"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_亠仆舒礌亠 仆舒 于亳从亳 亟仍亞亳 亠亟仂于亠"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_仂仗亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亞仂于仂 亟仂"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂仗仍仆亳亠仍亠仆 亟仂"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亳仆亳"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亳从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/_亞舒 仗舒仗从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/亳亰仂亟仂"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/亳亰仂亟仂"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_亟亠仆舒 从仆亳亞舒"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_丿舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_亠亶于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠 _于仆亠仆 亠亟舒从仂"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_亠亶于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亳仗亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_亰仗仍仆亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_丿舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: 舒亶仍 仆亠 亠于于舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒仄亠亳 亠从仂于舒舒 舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "亠从舒 于 仂仄舒舒 仆舒 亳舒."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "亠从舒 于 reply/forward 仂仄舒舒 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 亠于于舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒仄亠亳 亞仂仍亠仄亳仆舒舒 仆舒 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 亠 仗舒亰亠仆."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仗仂亠亠 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "弌仂弍亠仆亳亠: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒仄亠亳 舒 仂 multipart 仂弍亠仆亳亠."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(礆舒 丐亠仄舒)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 弌舒于礌亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "亠 亠 从舒亰舒仆 仗仂仍舒亠仍"
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "舒亰仆舒 亠仄舒. 亰仗舒舒仆亠 舒从舒?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "亳从亳"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 舒仆仂于磦舒仆亠 仆舒 仍亠亟仆亳亠 舒亟亠亳"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr ":"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仗仂仍亳 仗亳从 仗仂仍舒亠仍亳."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1705,40 +1705,40 @@ msgstr ""
"亠 亠 从舒亰舒仆 舒从舒仆 亰舒 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂舒舒.\n"
"仂仍 亳亰弍亠亠亠 仗仂亠仆从 舒从舒仆 仗亠亟亳 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "亰仆亳从仆舒 亞亠从舒 仗亳 仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 亟仂 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亰舒仗舒亰亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 于 亳亰仂亟舒舒 从亳."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢舒 亟舒 亠 仆舒仄亠亳 弍仂仆 舒仂亳亳舒仆 亳亰弍舒仆亳 `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒亠亟亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仆舒 仂仗舒从舒舒."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒亠亟亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仆舒 仂仗舒从舒舒."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒亠亟亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仆舒 仂仗舒从舒舒."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仄亠仆亳 于亳亟舒 仆舒 舒亶仍舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1749,12 +1749,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s 从仄 %s.\n"
"亰仗舒舒仆亠 舒从舒?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "亠从舒 仗亳 从仂仆于亠亳舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亟亠仆舒舒 从仆亳亞舒"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1763,15 +1763,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1780,91 +1780,92 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亳亰亳亠 舒仂仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "仆舒亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仆舒 仂仗舒从舒舒...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒仄亠亳 仗舒仗从舒舒 亰舒 仂仗舒从舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒亠亟亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仆舒 仂仗舒从舒舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 亠于于舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仂于仂亳 舒亶仍 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "亞亠仆亠亳舒仆仂 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠 亰舒 舒于礌亠...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_亠亶于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亳仗亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME 亳仗"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "舒亰仄亠"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "亠于舒仍亳亟亠仆 MIME 亳仗"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 仆亠 亠于于舒 亳仍亳 亠 仗舒亰亠仆"
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "从亠仂舒亳"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "仂亟亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "仄亠 仆舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "仂仄舒仆亟仆亳 亠亟 亰舒 于仆亠仆 亠亟舒从仂 亠 仆亠于舒仍亳亟亠仆: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1874,52 +1875,52 @@ msgstr ""
"亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 仗亳仆亟亳亠仍仆仂 仗亠从舒磦舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亠舒?\n"
"process group id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒亠亟亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仆舒 仂仗舒从舒舒."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "亰弍仂 仆舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "亰弍仂 仆舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "弌仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 弍亠亠 仗仂仄亠仆亠仆仂. 亰仂舒于礌亠?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亟舒 仗亳仍仂亢亳亠 舒弍仍仂仆 `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "亳仍舒亞舒仆亠 仆舒 舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "舒仄亠仆礌亠"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "仄从于舒仆亠"
@@ -2380,12 +2381,12 @@ msgstr "丕舒仆仂于磦舒仆亠 亳仆仂仄舒亳 亰舒 仗舒仗从舒...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "丕舒仆仂于磦舒仆亠 亳仆仂仄舒亳 亰舒 仗舒仗从舒..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "弌从舒仆亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒 %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "弌从舒仆亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒 %s ..."
@@ -2555,7 +2556,8 @@ msgstr "仂于亳仆舒从亳 亞仗亳:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 亳亰亞仍亠亟 仆舒 亰舒亞仍舒于仆亳亠 弍仍仂从仂于亠...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(礆舒 )"
@@ -2744,155 +2746,155 @@ msgstr "仆舒礌亠 仆舒 LDIF 舒亶仍 于 亟亠仆舒舒 从仆亳亞舒"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "亳弍亳"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "舒于亠仆仂 (%d 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "丕亟仂仂于亠磦舒仆亠"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "亰舒从于舒仆亠"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "从舒亰舒仆"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "舒于亠仆仂 (%d 仂弍亠仆亳 (%s) 仗仂仍亠仆亳)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "舒于亠仆仂 (仆礆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "亰从舒舒 亠 仗仂于舒仍亳"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "丕亟仂仂于亠磦舒仆亠仂 亠 仗仂于舒仍亳"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "舒从仍ム亠仆"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "舒亰舒 (亠从)"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "舒于亠仆仂 (%d 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "舒于亠仆仂 (仆礆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "亰仆亳从仆舒舒 亞亠从亳 仗亳 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂舒舒."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 仂 舒从舒仆 %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "丕亟仂仂于亠磦舒仆亠"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: 仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "弌于亰于舒仆亠 POP3 于: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 舒仆仂于亳 于亰从舒 POP3 于: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "丕亟仂仂于亠磦舒仆亠..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳 仂 %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "亰亳仄舒仆亠 仆舒 弍仂 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "亰亳仄舒仆亠 仆舒 弍仂 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "亰亳仄舒仆亠 仆舒 弍仂 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "亰亳仄舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亰仄亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒 (LIST)... "
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "亠从于舒仆亠"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 (%d 仂弍亠仆亳 (%s) 仗仂仍亠仆亳)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "亰从舒舒 仗仂于舒仍亠仆舒"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "亰仆亳从仆舒 亞亠从舒 仗亳 仂弍舒弍仂从舒 仆舒 仗仂舒舒"
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2901,28 +2903,29 @@ msgstr ""
"亰仆亳从仆舒 亞亠从舒 仗亳 仂弍舒弍仂从舒 仆舒 仗仂舒舒:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "礆舒 于仂弍仂亟仆仂 仄仂 仆舒 亟亳从舒"
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亰舒仗亳亠."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "亠从舒 于 仂从亠."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "亰从舒舒 亠 仗亠从舒亠仆舒 仂 仂亟舒仍亠亠仆亳 仂."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "仂亠仆从舒舒 从亳 亠 亰舒从仍ム亠仆舒."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2931,11 +2934,11 @@ msgstr ""
"仂亠仆从舒舒 从亳 亠 亰舒从仍ム亠仆舒:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "丕亟仂仂于亠磦舒仆亠仂 亠 仗仂于舒仍亳."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2944,16 +2947,16 @@ msgstr ""
"丕亟仂仂于亠磦舒仆亠仂 亠 仗仂于舒仍亳:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
#, fuzzy
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "亠亳舒 亠 仗仂仂亠仆舒\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "弍亠亟亳仆磦舒仆亠仂 亠 仂仄亠仆亠仆仂\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 仂 %s 于 %s...\n"
@@ -2971,20 +2974,20 @@ msgstr "于亠亟亠亠 仗舒仂仍舒"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "仂仂从仂仍亠仆 亢仆舒仍"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread 仆亠 亠 仗仂亟亟亢舒 仂 glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "丕仗仂亠弍舒: %s [丶亊]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [舒亟亠] 仂于舒礌亠 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠 亰舒 舒于礌亠"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2994,23 +2997,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 仂于舒礌亠 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠 亰舒 舒于礌亠 仗亳从亠仗亠仆亳\n"
" 从舒亰舒仆亳亠 舒亶仍仂于亠."
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all\t 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 仂 于亳从亳 舒从舒仆亳"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 于亳从亳 仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂仗舒从舒舒"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [仗舒仗从舒]... 仗仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仍仆亳 弍仂亶 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -3018,50 +3021,50 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [仗舒仗从舒]...\n"
" 仗仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂礌亳亠仂 仆舒 于磻舒 仗舒仗从舒"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 仆舒 亟亠弍亞"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 仆舒 亟亠弍亞"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr ""
" --help 亳亰于亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亰亳 仗仂仄仂仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 亳 亳亰仍亳亰舒仆亠"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 亳亰于亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 于亠亳舒 亳 亳亰仍亳亰舒仆亠"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
"亳仍亳 仆舒亳仆亠亠 弍仂仆舒 `y'.\n"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "亰仂亟舒 从仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳舒"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3075,20 +3078,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "弌舒于 亠 仆仂于仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠. 亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰仂亟 仂 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "弌仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂仗舒从舒舒"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr ""
"磻仂亳 仆亠亳亰仗舒亠仆亳 仂弍亠仆亳 舒 于 仂仗舒从舒舒. 亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰仂亟 仂 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3097,722 +3100,727 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP 仗仂亟亟亢从舒舒 亠 仂仄亠仆亠仆舒."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "亟亞 Sylpheed 亠 舒亳舒仆 于亠亠.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "仂仆亳亞舒亳 仆舒 亟亠亶于亳"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒仗从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒仗从舒/弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 _仆仂于舒 仗舒仗从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒仗从舒/_亠亳仄亠仆于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒仗从舒/_亠亳仄亠仆于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒仗从舒/_亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_仂弍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_仂弍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_亠仄舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒仗从舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_仂于亠从舒 亰舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒仗从舒/_仂于亠从舒 亰舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 于于 于亳从亳 仗舒仗从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_亰仂弍仆仂于磦舒仆亠 亟于仂仂 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_仆舒礌亠 仆舒 mbox 舒亶仍..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_亰仆舒礌亠 仆舒 mbox 舒亶仍..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/亰仗舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 _从仂亠仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒仗舒亰于舒仆亠 于..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒仗舒亰于舒仆亠 于..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/亠_舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/_舒弍仂舒 弍亠亰 仄亠亢舒"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_个舒亶仍/亰_仂亟"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/亰弍仂 仗仂 _亠仄舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_丐亠仆亠 于 亠从仂仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/丐亠仆亠 于 _仂弍亠仆亳舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠/_仄从于舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/_于仂 仆舒 仗舒仗从亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/_亰亞仍亠亟 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/_亠仆舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/_亠仆舒/从仂仆亳 亳 _亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/_亠仆舒/_从仂仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/_亠仆舒/_从仂仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/_亠仆舒/丐_亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/_亠仆舒/_亠亰 仗仂从舒亰于舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/亠仆舒 仆舒 _仂礌亳亠仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/亠仆舒 仆舒 _仂礌亳亠仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/_亞舒 仗舒仗从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _仗仂亟舒亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亟亠仍仆仂 亟于仂 仆舒 仗舒仗从亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/亟亠仍亠仆 亳亰亞仍亠亟 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _仆仂仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _舒亰仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _亟舒舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _亟舒舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _仗仂亟舒亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 仗_仂仍舒亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _亠仄舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _于"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _仂弍亠仍磶于舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _仆亠仗仂亠亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _仗亳从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/_亠亰 仂亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/亰仂亟仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/亳亰仂亟仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌仂亳舒仆亠/_亳于仍亳舒仆亠 仗仂 亠仄舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亳从仂于 亳亰亞仍亠亟"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_舒亰于亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 于亳从亳 仆亳从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弌于亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 于亳从亳 仆亳从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/亳弍亳 仆舒 亳亰于舒亟从舒舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/_亠亟亳仆仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/_弌仍亠亟于舒仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/_亠亟亳仆仂 仆亠仗仂亠亠仆仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/弌_仍亠亟于舒仂 仆亠仗仂亠亠仆仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/亠亟亳仆仂 _仆仂于仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/弌仍亠亟于舒仂 仆_仂于仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/亠亟亳仆仂 _仄舒从亳舒仆仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/弌仍亠亟于舒仂 仄_舒从亳舒仆仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/亠亟亳仆仂 _仂于亠亠仆仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/弌仍亠亟于舒仂 仂_于亠亠仆仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亠仂亟 亟仂/_亞舒 仗舒仗从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/_于仂仄舒亳仆仂 舒亰仗仂亰仆舒于舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_仂亟亳舒仆亠/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/于舒礌亠 于 _仆仂于 仗仂亰仂亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_亰仂亟亠仆 从仂亟"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_丶磿舒舒 亰舒亞仍舒于仆舒 舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/_弍仆仂于磦舒仆亠 仆舒 亳亰于舒亟从舒舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仂 _于亳从亳 舒从舒仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仂 _于亳从亳 舒从舒仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_从舒亰 仆舒 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仂 _于亳从亳 舒从舒仆亳"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒 于 仂仗舒从舒舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_弌舒于礌亠 仆舒 仆仂于仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亞仂于仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/亞仂于仂 _亟仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/亞仂于仂 _亟仂/_于亳从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/亞仂于仂 _亟仂/_仗仂亟舒亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/亞仂于仂 _亟仂/_仗仂亠仆从亳 仗亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亠仗舒舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亠仗舒舒仆亠 从舒仂 仗亳从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亠仆舒仂于舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亠仄亠于舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_仂仗亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_舒从亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_舒从亳舒仆亠/_舒从亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_舒从亳舒仆亠/_舒亰仄舒从亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_舒从亳舒仆亠/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_舒从亳舒仆亠/从舒仂 _仆亠仗仂亠亠仆仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_舒从亳舒仆亠/从舒仂 _仗仂亠亠仆仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_舒从亳舒仆亠/从舒仂 _仗仂亠亠仆仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_舒从亳舒仆亠/_于亳从亳 从舒仂 仗仂亠亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亰亳于舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于舒 仗仂舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于舒 仗仂舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_仂弍舒于礌亠 仆舒 仗仂亟舒亠仍 于 舒亟亠仆舒舒 从仆亳亞舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_个亳仍亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_个亳仍亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒于亳仍仂 亰舒 亳仍亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒于亳仍仂 亰舒 亳仍亳舒仆亠/_于仂仄舒亳仆仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒于亳仍仂 亰舒 亳仍亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _仂亟舒亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒于亳仍仂 亰舒 亳仍亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _仂仍舒亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒于亳仍仂 亰舒 亳仍亳舒仆亠/仗仂 _丐亠仄舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_个亳仍亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_个亳仍亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂于舒亳 亠 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "亰仗仍仆磦舒仆亠 仆舒 仄舒从亳舒仆亳 仗仂亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_仆舒仍亠仆 仗仂亰仂亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠/_弍亳 仗亠亟仗仂亳舒仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠/_丕舒仆仂于磦舒仆亠 仆舒 亳仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠/_丿舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠/_亠亶于亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠/_亠亟仗仂亳舒仆亳 亰舒 亠从亳 舒从舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠/_弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于 舒从舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠/_亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠 仆舒 舒从舒仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_仂仆亳亞亳舒仆亠/弌_仄礌舒 仆舒 亠从亳 舒从舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/_舒仆亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/_舒仆亳从/_仆亞仍亳亶从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/_舒仆亳从/_亊仗仂仆从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/_丼亠亳 于仗仂亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/_丼亠亳 于仗仂亳/_仆亞仍亳亶从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/_丼亠亳 于仗仂亳/_亠仄从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/_丼亠亳 于仗仂亳/_仗舒仆从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/_丼亠亳 于仗仂亳/_个亠仆从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/_丼亠亳 于仗仂亳/_舒仍亳舒仆从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "亠 亠 于于亠亟亠仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亠仆 亠亟."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_仂仄仂/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 亞仍舒于亠仆 仗仂亰仂亠...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "亞仂仂于仂.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "亠仂亰舒亞仍舒于亠仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "仍亳仗于舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "亠亰 亟仂仗 亟仂 仄亠亢舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "舒弍仂亳亠 弍亠亰 亟仂仗 亟仂 仄亠亢舒. 亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亟舒 于从仍ム亳亠 仄亠亢舒舒?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 从仂亠仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 从仂亠仂?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "仂弍舒于礌亠 仆舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3823,16 +3831,16 @@ msgstr ""
"从仂 亠 从舒亰舒仆舒 亠于于舒舒 从亳, 亠 弍亟亠\n"
"从舒仆亳舒仆舒 舒于仂仄舒亳仆仂."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "亠亠 亠于于舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳 `%s'."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "仂亠仆从舒 从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3841,95 +3849,95 @@ msgstr ""
"弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠仂 仆舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳 亠 仗仂于舒仍亳.\n"
"亠亠 亠于于舒 仆磻舒从于亳 舒亶仍仂于亠, 亳仍亳 仆礆舒亠 仗舒于舒 亰舒 亰舒仗亳."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 亰亞仍亠亟 仆舒 仗舒仗从亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 亰亞仍亠亟 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_亞仂于仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "亞仂于舒礌亠 仆舒 于亳从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/亞仂于仂 _亟仂/_仗仂亟舒亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/亞仂于仂 _亟仂/仗仂亠仆从亳 _仗亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_亠仗舒舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_亠仗舒舒仆亠 从舒仂 仗亳从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_亠仆舒仂于舒仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_亰亞仍亠亟/仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 亳仍亳 _从亳于舒仆亠/_亠仆舒/_从仂仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "丐亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "亳从仂亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "舒弍仂亳亠 弍亠亰 亟仂仗 亟仂 仄亠亢舒. 乂舒从仆亠亠 亳从仂仆舒舒 亰舒 亟舒 于从仍ム亳亠 仄亠亢舒舒."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "舒弍仂亳亠 亟仂仗 亟仂 仄亠亢舒. 乂舒从仆亠亠 亳从仂仆舒舒 亰舒 亟舒 亳亰从仍ム亳亠 仄亠亢舒舒."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "亰仂亟"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰仂亟 仂 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "亠 亠 于于亠亟亠仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亠仆 亠亟."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "丕仗仂亠弍舒: %s [丶亊]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3946,7 +3954,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6119,17 +6127,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "亳从舒"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "仂亟舒亠仍"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "舒舒"
@@ -6442,7 +6453,7 @@ msgstr "弌从舒仆亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒 %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "个亳仍亳舒仆亠..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(礆舒 舒舒)"
@@ -6510,6 +6521,93 @@ msgstr "仂亟仗亳 亠 仆舒仗舒于亠仆 仆舒 %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "亠从舒 仗亳 仗仂于亠磦舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亟仗亳"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "亠仄舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亠仆从舒 从亳"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "No."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "弌于亰于舒仆亠 SMTP 于: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 舒仆仂于亳 于亰从舒 POP3 于: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "亞亠从舒 仗亳 POP3 亠亳舒\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "亞亠从舒 仗亳 POP3 亠亳舒\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 (%d / %d 弍舒亶舒)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "亰亳仄舒仆亠 仆舒 弍仂 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "礆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠()"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳 仂 %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠()"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7174,10 +7272,6 @@ msgstr "个亳仍亳舒仆亠..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr ""
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "No."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
index eedf74be..b0289318 100644
--- a/po/cs.po
+++ b/po/cs.po
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-16 23:22+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Petr Kovar <pknbe@volny.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Petr Kovar <pknbe@volny.cz>\n"
@@ -23,194 +23,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Na鱈t叩 se nastaven鱈 v邸ech 炭t哲...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "Spojen鱈 pes IMAP4 s %s bylo peru邸eno. Obnovuje se spojen鱈...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "Server IMAP4 vypnul LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "vytv叩鱈 se spojen鱈 pes IMAP4 s %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Nelze spustit relaci TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Pij鱈m叩 se zpr叩va %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Pipojov叩n鱈 zpr叩vy k %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Pesouvaj鱈 se zpr叩vy %s do %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kop鱈ruj鱈 se zpr叩vy %s do %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Odstrauj鱈 se zpr叩vy %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "nelze opatit p鱈znakem smazan辿: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "nelze odstranit\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Odstrauj鱈 se v邸echny zpr叩vy v %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "nelze opatit p鱈znakem smazan辿: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "nelze zav鱈t slo転ku\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "koenov叩 slo転ka %s neexistuje\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "Bhem p鱈kazu LIST se vyskytla chyba.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Nelze vytvoit \"%s\"\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "Nelze vytvoit \"%s\" v doruen辿 po邸t\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "nelze vytvoit po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nku: selhal p鱈kaz LIST\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "nelze vytvoit po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nku\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "nelze pejmenovat po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nku: %s na %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "nelze smazat po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nku\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "nelze na鱈st ob叩lku\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Pij鱈m叩 se z叩hlav鱈 zpr叩vy (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "bhem na鱈t叩n鱈 ob叩lky se vyskytla chyba.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "nelze analyzovat ob叩lku: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nelze se spojit se serverem IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nelze nav叩zat relaci IMAP4 s: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "nelze vyhledat ob叩lku\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "nelze vybrat slo転ku: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "chyba p鱈kazu slu転by IMAP: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Autentizace IMAP4 selhala.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "Ne炭sp邸n辿 pihl叩邸en鱈 k IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "nelze pipojit %s k %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(pos鱈l叩n鱈 souboru...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "nelze pipojit zpr叩vu k %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "nelze kop鱈rovat %s do %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "chyba p鱈kazu slu転by IMAP: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "chyba p鱈kazu slu転by IMAP: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "chyba p鱈kazu slu転by IMAP: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv nem哲転e prov辿st konverzi z UTF-7 na %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv nem哲転e prov辿st konverzi z %s na UTF-7\n"
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ msgstr "zdrojov叩 slo転ka je stejn叩 jako c鱈lov叩.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kop鱈rov叩n鱈 zpr叩vy %s/%d do %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -439,19 +439,19 @@ msgstr "Bhem odes鱈l叩n鱈 se vyskytla chyba\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Bhem pos鱈l叩n鱈 p鱈kazu se vyskytla chyba\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "V pozdravu nebyla nalezena asov叩 znaka APOP\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Chyba syntaxe asov辿 znaky pi pozdravu\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Neplatn叩 asov叩 znaka v pozdravu\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "Chyba protokolu POP3\n"
@@ -460,37 +460,37 @@ msgstr "Chyba protokolu POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "neplatn叩 odpov UIDL: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Vymaz叩v叩n鱈 star辿 zpr叩vy %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Peskakuje se zpr叩va %d (bajt哲 %d)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka je zamena\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "vypr邸el as relace\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "nelze spustit relaci TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "v autentizaci se vyskytla chyba\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "p鱈kaz nen鱈 podporov叩n\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "v relaci POP3 se vyskytla chyba\n"
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ msgstr "Filtr nevy転叩dan辿 po邸ty (run鱈)"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Filtr nevy転叩dan辿 po邸ty"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Ne炭sp邸n叩 konverze k坦du.\n"
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ msgstr ""
"kontrolov叩n pi volb \"Pijmout v邸e\", za邸krtnte pol鱈ko ve sloupci \"G\"."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ msgstr "Argument u転ivatele pro akci"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Pidat adresu do adres叩e"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ msgstr "Pozn叩mky"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Vybrat slo転ku adres叩e"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Soubor"
@@ -856,10 +856,10 @@ msgstr "/_Soubor/Nov箪 _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Soubor/Nov箪 server _LDAP"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Soubor/---"
@@ -876,21 +876,21 @@ msgstr "/_Soubor/_Smazat"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Ulo転it"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Zav鱈t"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/p_ravy"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/p_ravy/_Kop鱈rovat"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/p_ravy/V_lo転it"
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adresa/U_pravit"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adresa/S_mazat"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje"
@@ -935,12 +935,12 @@ msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Importovat soubor _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Importovat soubor _CSV"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/_O aplikaci"
@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Nov叩 s_lo転ka"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -995,17 +995,17 @@ msgstr "Adres叩"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Jm辿no:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "P鱈jemce:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Kopie:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Skryt叩 kopie:"
@@ -1203,15 +1203,15 @@ msgstr "Obecn辿 adresy"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Osobn鱈 adresy"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Pozn叩mka"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Varov叩n鱈"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
@@ -1258,388 +1258,388 @@ msgstr "Hnd叩"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nespecifikov叩no"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Pidat..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Odstranit"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Vlastnosti..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Odeslat"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Soubor/Odesla_t pozdji"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Soubor/Ulo転it do slo転ky _koncept哲"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Soubor/Ulo転it a pok_raovat v 炭prav"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Pilo転it soubor"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Vlo転it soubor"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Soubor/Vlo転it podpi_s"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Soubor/Pipo_jit podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/p_ravy/_Zpt"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Z_novu"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/p_ravy/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/p_ravy/_Vyjmout"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Vlo転it jako _citaci"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Vybr_at v邸e"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Za_rovnat aktu叩ln鱈 odstavec"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Zar_ovnat v邸echny dlouh辿 叩dky"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/p_ravy/A_utomatick辿 zarovn叩v叩n鱈"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_P鱈jemce"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Odes鱈latel"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/S_kryt叩 kopie"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Odpovdi z_aslat na"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Odpovdi _vystavit na"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Prav鱈_tko"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/P鱈lo_ha"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Up_ravit n叩strojovou li邸tu..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/_Automaticky rozpoznat"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/7bitov箪 ASCII (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Z叩padoevropsk辿 jazyky (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Z叩padoevropsk辿 jazyky (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Stedoevropsk辿 jazyky (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/_Pobaltsk辿 jazyky (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Pobaltsk辿 jazyky (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Pobaltsk辿 jazyky (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/etina (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Arab邸tina (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Arab邸tina (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Hebrej邸tina (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Hebrej邸tina (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Turetina (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Cyrilice (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Cyrilice (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Cyrilice (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Cyrilice (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Japon邸tina (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Zjednodu邸en叩 鱈n邸tina (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Zjednodu邸en叩 鱈n邸tina (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Tradin鱈 鱈n邸tina (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Korej邸tina (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Thaj邸tina (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Znakov叩 _sada/Thaj邸tina (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Ad_res叩"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/a_blona"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Akce"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Upravit pomoc鱈 e_xtern鱈ho editoru"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Podepsat P_GP"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/i_frovat PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Kontrolovat pravopi_s"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Nastavit jazyk pro kontrolu pravopisu"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: soubor neexistuje\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Nelze z鱈skat textovou 叩st\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Chyba ve form叩tu uvozovek."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Chyba form叩tu odpovdi/ped叩n鱈."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Soubor %s neexistuje\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Nelze zjistit velikost souboru %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Soubor %s je pr叩zdn箪."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Nelze na鱈st %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Zpr叩va: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Nelze z鱈skat 叩st ze zpr叩vy s v鱈ce 叩stmi."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Bez pedmtu)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Psan鱈 zpr叩vy%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nen鱈 uveden p鱈jemce."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Nen鱈 uveden pedmt"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Pedmt je pr叩zdn箪. Pesto odeslat?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "P鱈loha nen鱈 obsa転ena"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr "Nen鱈 obsa転ena p鱈loha. Odeslat bez p鱈loh?"
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr "Zkontrolovat p鱈jemce"
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Opravdu odeslat tuto zpr叩vu na n叩sleduj鱈c鱈 adresy?"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Odes鱈latel:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Pedmt:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "_Odeslat"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "nelze na鱈st seznam p鱈jemc哲."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1647,38 +1647,38 @@ msgstr ""
"Nen鱈 zad叩n 炭et k odes鱈l叩n鱈 e-mail哲.\n"
"Ped odesl叩n鱈m pros鱈m vyberte njak箪 炭et."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Pi pos鱈l叩n鱈 zpr叩vy na %s se vyskytla chyba."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Zpr叩vu nelze ulo転it do odeslan辿 po邸ty."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Nelze vyhledat 転叩dn箪 kl鱈 asociovan箪 s aktu叩ln vybran箪m ID kl鱈e \"%s\"."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Zpr叩vu nelze podepsat."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Zpr叩vu nelze 邸ifrovat."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Zpr叩vu nelze 邸ifrovat nebo podepsat."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "nelze zmnit pr叩va souboru\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1689,11 +1689,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Pesto odeslat jako %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Chyba pi konverzi k坦du"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1706,15 +1706,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Pesto odeslat?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Maxim叩ln鱈 d辿lka 叩dku"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "ifrov叩n鱈 s p鱈jemci skryt辿 kopie"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1728,89 +1728,90 @@ msgstr ""
"Pesto odeslat?"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "nelze odstranit starou zpr叩vu\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "zaazov叩n鱈 zpr叩vy...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "nelze vyhledat slo転ku pozdr転en箪ch zpr叩v\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "zpr叩vu nelze zaadit\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Soubor %s neexistuje."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Nelze otev鱈t soubor %s."
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "vytv叩鱈 se ID zpr叩vy: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩鱈 se okno psan鱈 zpr叩vy...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Podepsat PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "ifrovat PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Typ MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Velikost"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Neplatn箪 typ MIME."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Soubor neexistuje nebo je pr叩zdn箪."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "K坦dov叩n鱈"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Cesta"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "N叩zev souboru"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Chybn箪 p鱈kaz pro extern鱈 editor: \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1819,48 +1820,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Extern鱈 editor st叩le pracuje.\n"
"Vynutit peru邸en鱈 procesu (鱈slo procesu: %d)?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "_Upravit n叩strojovou li邸tu..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Zpr叩vu nelze zaadit."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Vybrat soubory"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Vybrat soubor"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Ulo転it zpr叩vu"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Obsah zpr叩vy se zmnil. Ulo転it do slo転ky koncept哲?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Zav鱈t _bez ulo転en鱈"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Opravdu chcete pou転鱈t 邸ablonu \"%s\"?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Pidat 邸ablonu"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Na_hradit"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "V_lo転it"
@@ -2312,12 +2313,12 @@ msgstr "Nastavov叩n鱈 informace o slo転ce...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Nastavov叩n鱈 informace o slo転ce..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Prohled叩v叩 se slo転ka %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Prohled叩v叩 se slo転ka %s ..."
@@ -2486,7 +2487,8 @@ msgstr "Diskusn鱈 skupiny:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩鱈 se n叩hled z叩hlav鱈...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(nen鱈 zn叩m odes鱈latel)"
@@ -2667,139 +2669,139 @@ msgstr "Importovat soubor LDIF do adres叩e"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atributy"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: nov箪ch zpr叩v %d"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autentizace pes POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Pij鱈maj鱈 se nov辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "V pohotovosti"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Zru邸eno"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Pij鱈m叩 se"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Hotovo (zpr叩v %d, pijato [%s])"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Hotovo (転叩dn辿 nov辿 zpr叩vy)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Spojen鱈 selhalo"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Autentizace selhala"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Zamknuto"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "as vypr邸el"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Dokoneno (nov箪ch zpr叩v %d)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Dokoneno (転叩dn辿 nov辿 zpr叩vy)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Bhem na鱈t叩n鱈 zpr叩v se vyskytly chyby."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "z鱈sk叩vaj鱈 se nov辿 zpr叩vy z 炭tu %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: Autentizace pes POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Pij鱈maj鱈 se nov辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Pipojov叩n鱈 k serveru POP3: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nelze se spojit se serverem POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Autentizace..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Pij鱈maj鱈 se zpr叩vy z %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Zji邸泥uje se poet nov箪ch zpr叩v (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Zji邸泥uje se poet nov箪ch zpr叩v (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Zji邸泥uje se poet nov箪ch zpr叩v (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Zji邸泥uje se velikost zpr叩v (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Vymaz叩v叩n鱈 zpr叩vy %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Ukonov叩n鱈"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Pij鱈m叩 se zpr叩va (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Pij鱈m叩 se (zpr叩v %d, pijato [%s])"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2807,15 +2809,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Vykon叩n鱈 p鱈kazu k filtrov叩n鱈 nevy転叩dan辿 po邸ty selhalo.\n"
"Zkontrolujte pros鱈m nastaven鱈 kontroly nevy転叩dan辿 po邸ty."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Spojen鱈 selhalo."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Bhem zpracov叩v叩n鱈 po邸ty se vyskytla chyba."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2824,28 +2826,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Bhem zpracov叩v叩n鱈 po邸ty se vyskytla chyba:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Na disku nen鱈 voln辿 m鱈sto."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Nelze zapisovat do souboru."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Chyba socketu."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Spojen鱈 ukoneno vzd叩len箪m hostitelem."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka je zamena."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2854,11 +2857,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka je zamena:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Autentizace selhala."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2867,15 +2870,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Autentizace selhala:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Vypr邸el as relace."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Zaleov叩n鱈 zru邸eno\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Z鱈sk叩vaj鱈 se nov辿 zpr叩vy z %s do %s...\n"
@@ -2893,20 +2896,20 @@ msgstr "Zadejte heslo"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Z叩znamov箪 protokol"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread nen鱈 v glib podporov叩n.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Pou転it鱈: %s [VOLBY]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresa] oteve okno psan鱈 nov辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2916,23 +2919,23 @@ msgstr ""
" oteve okno psan鱈 zpr叩vy se zadan箪mi\n"
" soubory jako p鱈lohou"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive pijme nov辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all pijme nov辿 zpr叩vy ze v邸ech 炭t哲"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send ode邸le v邸echny pozdr転en辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [slo転ka]... vyp鱈邸e celkov箪 poet zpr叩v"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2940,46 +2943,46 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [slo転ka]...\n"
" vyp鱈邸e stav ka転d辿 ze slo転ek"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr " --open IDslo転ky/鱈slozpr叩vy oteve zpr叩vu v nov辿m okn"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
" --configdir adres叩 ur鱈 adres叩 se soubory u転ivatelsk辿ho "
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr " --ipcport 鱈sloportu ur鱈 port pro vzd叩len辿 p鱈kazy IPC"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit ukon鱈 Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug re転im ladn鱈"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help vyp鱈邸e tuto n叩povdu a skon鱈"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version vyp鱈邸e informaci o verzi a skon鱈"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Stisknte libovolnou kl叩vesu..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "K坦dov叩n鱈 n叩zvu souboru"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3003,19 +3006,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Je rozeps叩na zpr叩va. Opravdu skonit?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Pozdr転en辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Nkter辿 neodeslan辿 zpr叩vy jsou pozdr転en辿. Skonit nyn鱈?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3024,15 +3027,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Podpora OpenPGP je zak叩z叩na."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "aplikace Sylpheed je ji転 spu邸tna.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Penesen鱈 u転ivatelsk辿ho nastaven鱈"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3040,664 +3043,669 @@ msgstr ""
"Bylo nalezeno d鱈vj邸鱈 u転ivatelsk辿 nastaven鱈.\n"
"Chcete ho pen辿st?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Slo転ka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Slo転ka/_Vytvoit novou slo転ku..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Slo転ka/_Pejmenovat slo転ku..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Slo転ka/P_esunout slo転ku..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Slo転ka/_Smazat slo転ku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka/Pi_dat po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nku..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka/Odstranit _po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka/_Zkontrolovat nov辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr ""
"/_Soubor/_Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka/Z_kontrolovat nov辿 zpr叩vy ve v邸ech schr叩nk叩ch"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka/O_bnovit strom slo転ek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Importovat soubor mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Soubor/E_xportovat do souboru mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Soubor/V_ypr叩zdnit v邸echny ko邸e"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Soubor/Ulo転it j_ako..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Vzhled str叩nky..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Soubor/_Tisk..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Soubor/Pracovat o_ffline"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Soubor/U_konit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Vybrat _vl叩kno"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_pravy/_Hledat v aktu叩ln鱈 zpr叩v..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_pravy/Hledat zpr叩v_y..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_pravy/_Rychl辿 hled叩n鱈"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat/_Strom slo転ek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat/Zobra_zov叩n鱈 zpr叩v"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat/_N叩strojov叩 li邸ta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat/_N叩strojov叩 li邸ta/Ikony _a text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr ""
"/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat/_N叩strojov叩 li邸ta/Text naprav_o od ikon"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat/_N叩strojov叩 li邸ta/_Ikony"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat/_N叩strojov叩 li邸ta/_Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat/_N叩strojov叩 li邸ta/_Nezobrazovat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat/Li邸ta _hled叩n鱈"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat nebo s_kr箪vat/Stavov叩 _li邸ta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Upravit n叩strojovou li邸tu..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Rozvr転_en鱈"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Rozvr転_en鱈/_B転n辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Rozvr転_en鱈/_Svisl辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Samostatn箪 s_trom slo転ek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Sa_mostatn辿 zobrazov叩n鱈 zpr叩v"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle 鱈_sla"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle _velikosti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle _data"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle s_t叩鱈 vl叩kna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle _odes鱈latele"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle p鱈_jemce"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle p_edmtu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle _barevn辿ho 邸t鱈tku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle o_znaen鱈"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle ne_peten箪ch"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Podle p鱈loh_y"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/_Net鱈dit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Vzestupn"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/Sestupn"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/T鱈d_it/_Z鱈skat z pedmtu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zobrazovat _vl叩kna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Rozbalit v邸e_chna vl叩kna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/S_balit v邸echna vl叩kna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Nastavit zobrazovan辿 po_lo転ky..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/P_edchoz鱈 zpr叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/N叩_sleduj鱈c鱈 zpr叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/Pedchoz鱈 nepeten叩 zp_r叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/N叩sleduj鱈c鱈 nepe_ten叩 zpr叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/_Pedchoz鱈 nov叩 zpr叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/N叩sleduj鱈c鱈 n_ov叩 zpr叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/Ped_choz鱈 oznaen叩 zpr叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/N叩sleduj鱈c鱈 oz_naen叩 zpr叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/Pedchoz鱈 _zpr叩va se 邸t鱈tkem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/N叩s_leduj鱈c鱈 zpr叩va se 邸t鱈tkem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Pej鱈t/Do _jin辿 slo転ky..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Znakov叩 sada/_Automaticky rozpoznat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Znakov叩 sada/Z叩padoevropsk辿 jazyky (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Znakov叩 sada/Japon邸tina (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Znakov叩 sada/Japon邸tina (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Znakov叩 sada/Japon邸tina (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Znakov叩 sada/Tradin鱈 鱈n邸tina (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Znakov叩 sada/鱈n邸tina (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Znakov叩 sada/Korej邸tina (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Otev鱈t v _nov辿m okn"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/Zd_roj zpr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/V邸echna z叩_hlav鱈"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/Z_obrazit/_Aktualizovat souhrn"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Pijmo_ut"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Pijmo_ut/Pijmout _z aktu叩ln鱈ho 炭tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Pijmo_ut/Pijmout z_e v邸ech 炭t哲"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Pijmo_ut/Zastavit p鱈_jem zpr叩v"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Pijmo_ut/Pijmout z_e v邸ech 炭t哲"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Pijmo_ut/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Odeslat pozd_r転en辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/_Nov叩 zpr叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/_Odpovdt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Odpo_vdt komu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Odpo_vdt komu/_V邸em"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Odpo_vdt komu/_Odes鱈lateli"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Odpo_vdt komu/_Elektronick辿 konferenci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Pedat d叩_l"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Pedat d叩l _jako p鱈lohu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Pesmrov_at"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Pe_sunout..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/_Kop鱈rovat..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Ozna_it"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Ozna_it/_Oznait"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Ozna_it/_Zru邸it oznaen鱈"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Ozna_it/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Ozna_it/Oznait jako _nepeten辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Ozna_it/Oznait jako _peten辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Ozna_it/Oznait _vl叩kno jako peten辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Ozna_it/Oznait v邸_e jako peten辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/S_mazat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Oznai_t jako nevy転叩danou po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Oznait jako _vy転叩danou po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Znov_u upravit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/P_idat odes鱈latele do adres叩e..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Filtrovat v邸echny z_pr叩vy ve slo転ce"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Filtrovat vybran辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Vytvoen鱈 filtru"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Vytvoen鱈 filtru/_Automaticky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Vytvoen鱈 filtru/Podle _odes鱈latele"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Vytvoen鱈 filtru/Podle p鱈_jemce"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Vytvoen鱈 filtru/Podle _pedmtu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Fi_ltrovat nevy転叩danou po邸tu ve slo転ce"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Filtrovat nevy転叩dano_u po邸tu mezi vybran箪mi zpr叩vami"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Smazat duplikovan辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Spustit oznaen箪 pro_ces"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Z叩znamov箪 protokol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/Nastav_en鱈"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/Nastav_en鱈/_Spolen叩 nastaven鱈..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/Nastav_en鱈/Nastaven鱈 _filtr哲..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/Nastav_en鱈/a_blona..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/Nastav_en鱈/_Akce..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/Nastav_en鱈/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/Nastav_en鱈/Nas_taven鱈 aktu叩ln鱈ho 炭tu..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/Nastav_en鱈/Zalo転it _nov箪 炭et..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/Nastav_en鱈/_pravy 炭t哲..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/Nastav_en鱈/_Zmnit aktu叩ln鱈 炭et"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/_Manu叩l"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/_Manu叩l/_Anglicky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/_Manu叩l/_Japonsky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/_asto kladen辿 ot叩zky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/_asto kladen辿 ot叩zky/_Anglicky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/_asto kladen辿 ot叩zky/_Nmecky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/_asto kladen辿 ot叩zky/_panlsky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/_asto kladen辿 ot叩zky/_Francouzsky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/_asto kladen辿 ot叩zky/_Italsky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/Pep鱈nae p鱈_kazov辿 叩dky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/N叩po_vda/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩鱈 se hlavn鱈 okno...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Hlavn鱈 okno: barevn辿 rozvr転en鱈 %d bylo ne炭sp邸n辿\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "hotovo.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Bez n叩zvu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "転叩dn箪"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Offline"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "Jste v re転imu offline. Pej鱈t do re転imu online?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Vypr叩zdnit v邸echny ko邸e"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Smazat v邸echny zpr叩vy v ko邸鱈ch?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Pidat po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3707,16 +3715,16 @@ msgstr ""
"V p鱈pad zad叩n鱈 ji転 existuj鱈c鱈 bude tato\n"
"automaticky prohled叩na."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka \"%s\" ji転 existuje."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3726,87 +3734,87 @@ msgstr ""
"M哲転e to b箪t t鱈m, 転e 叩st schr叩nky ji転 existuje, nebo nem叩te dostaten叩 pr叩va "
"na z叩pis."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Strom slo転ek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Zobrazen鱈 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Odpovdt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/Odpovdt _v邸em"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Odpovdt _odes鱈lateli"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Odpovdt _elektronick辿 konferenci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/P_edat d叩l"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Pedat d叩l _jako p鱈lohu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Pes_mrovat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "Ikony _a text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "Text naprav_o od ikon"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "_Ikony"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "_Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "_Nezobrazovat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "Jste v re転imu offline. Kliknut鱈m na ikonu pejdete do re転imu online."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "Jste v re転imu online. Kliknut鱈m na ikonu pejdete do re転imu offline."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Ukonit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Opravdu ukonit Sylpheed?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Pep鱈nae p鱈kazov辿 叩dky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Pou転it鱈: sylpheed [VOLBY]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3836,7 +3844,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5925,17 +5933,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "P鱈loha"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Pedmt"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Odes鱈latel"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6229,7 +6240,7 @@ msgstr "Prohled叩v叩 se %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Prohled叩v叩 se %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Bez data)"
@@ -6291,6 +6302,93 @@ msgstr "Podpis vytvoen v: %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Chyba pi ovov叩n鱈 podpisu"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Odstranit po邸tovn鱈 schr叩nku"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Pijmout"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Pipojov叩n鱈 k serveru SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Nelze se spojit se serverem POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "v relaci POP3 se vyskytla chyba\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "v relaci POP3 se vyskytla chyba\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Pij鱈m叩 se z叩hlav鱈 zpr叩vy (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Zji邸泥uje se poet nov箪ch zpr叩v (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "貼叩dn辿 nov辿 zpr叩vy."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Smazat zpr叩vy"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Pij鱈maj鱈 se nov辿 zpr叩vy"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Ode邸le zpr叩vu"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Pij鱈maj鱈 se nov辿 zpr叩vy"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Pij鱈maj鱈 se zpr叩vy z %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Smazat zpr叩vy"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6952,10 +7050,6 @@ msgstr "Filtrov叩n鱈..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "filtrovan箪ch zpr叩v %d."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po
index 7d8df173..b0173f8c 100644
--- a/po/da.po
+++ b/po/da.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-29 09:05+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andreas Hinz <news3@acci.dk>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@@ -18,198 +18,198 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "L脱s konfiguration for hver konto...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 forbindelse til %s blev afbrudt. Forbinder...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP server sti."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "erstelle IMAP4-Verbindung zu %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Kan ikke starte TLS session.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Sletter meddelelse %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Sender meddelelse (%d / %d bytes)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Flytter meddelelse %s%c%d til %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kopierer meddelelse %s%c%d til %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Modtager meddelelse fra %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "kan ikke s脱tte slettede flag: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "kan ikke slette\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Modtager meddelelse fra %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "kan ikke s脱tte slettet flag: 1:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "kan ikke v脱lge mappe %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "Mark辿ret fil ikke fundet.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "fejl ved modtagelse af LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "kan ikke oprette '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "kan ikke oprette '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "kan ikke oprette mailbox: LIST fejlet\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "kan ikke oprette mailbox\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kan ikke omd淡be mailbox: %s til %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "kan ikke slette mailbox\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "kan ikke modtage kovert\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Sender meddelelse (%d / %d bytes)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "fejl ved modtagelse af kuvert.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "kan ikke l脱se kuvert: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ingen forbindelse med IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ingen forbindelse med IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "kan ikke modtage namespace\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "kan ikke v脱lge mappe %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "fejl ved IMAP kommand: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 godkendelse fejlede.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4-Login fejlet.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kan ikke tilf淡je %s til %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(sender fil...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "kan ikke tilf淡je meddelelse %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kan ikke kopiere %s til %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "fejl ved IMAP kommando: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "fejl ved IMAP kommand: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "fejl ved IMAP kommand: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv kan ikke konvertere UTF-7 til %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv can ikke konvertere %s til UTF-7\n"
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ msgstr "fra og til mappe er ens.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kopierer meddelelse %s%c%d til %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -432,20 +432,20 @@ msgstr "Fejl ved afsendelse\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Fejl ved afsendelse af e-post."
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "N淡dvendig APOP tid blev ikke fundet i velkomst\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Tid syntax fejl i velkomst\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "N淡dvendig APOP tid blev ikke fundet i velkomst\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 protokol fejl\n"
@@ -454,38 +454,38 @@ msgstr "POP3 protokol fejl\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "ugyldig XOVER linie: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Sletter udl淡ben meddelelse %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Sender meddelelse (%d / %d bytes)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "postkasse er l奪st\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "tid udl淡bet\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "kan ikke starte TLS session\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "fejl ved godkendelse\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
#, fuzzy
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "Kommando tekst"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "fejl under POP3 session\n"
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ msgstr "Mappe"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Mappe"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Tegns脱t konverteringsfejl.\n"
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ msgstr ""
"`G'-kolonnen, for at aktivere hentning via `hent alle'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ msgstr "Handlingens bruger parameter"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Tilf淡j adresse i adressebog"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ msgstr "Kommentar"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "V脱lg adressebog mappe"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Filer"
@@ -856,10 +856,10 @@ msgstr "/_Filer/Ny _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Filer/Ny _server"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Filer/---"
@@ -876,21 +876,21 @@ msgstr "/_Filer/_Slet"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Gem"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Luk"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/K_opiere"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/_S脱t ind"
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adresse/_Redig辿r"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adresse/_Slet"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Funktioner"
@@ -936,12 +936,12 @@ msgstr "/_Funktioner/Importer _LDIF-Fil"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/Importer _LDIF-Fil"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Hj脱lp"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Hj脱lp/_Om"
@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Ny _mappe"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -998,17 +998,17 @@ msgstr "Adressebog"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Navn:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Til:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1214,15 +1214,15 @@ msgstr "Normale adresser"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Personlige adresser"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Note"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Advarsel"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fejl"
@@ -1269,433 +1269,433 @@ msgstr "Brun"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ingen"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Tilf淡j..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Fjern"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Egenskaber..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Gem"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Send senere"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Gem i _kladde mappe"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Send senere"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Vedh脱ft fil"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Inds脱t fil"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Filer/Tilf淡j _underskrift"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Filer/Tilf淡j _underskrift"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/_Fortryd"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/_Gentag"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/_Klip"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/_S脱t ind som citat"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/Mark辿r _alle"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/Formater a_ktuelt afsnit"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/Formater _alle lange linier"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/K_opiere"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Vis"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Til"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Cc"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Svar til"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Vis/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Followup to"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Linieal"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vedh脱ft"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/Anden _mappe..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/Faldende"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/Faldende"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Western European (ISO-8859-_15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Adressebog"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Skabelon"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Handlinger"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/Redig辿r med e_kstern editor"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Handlinger"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Kryptere"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Udf淡r"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Skabelon"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: fil findes ikke\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Kan ikke l脱se tekst afsnit\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Citat mark辿rings format fejl."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Meddelelses svar / videresend fejl."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Filen %s findes ikke\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Kan ikke l脱se st淡rrelse p奪 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Filen %s er tom."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "kan ikke l脱se %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Meddelelse: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Kan ikke hente del af multipart meddelese."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Intet emne)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Ny meddelelse%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Mangler modtager"
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Emne"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Emne er tom. Send alligevel?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Vedh脱ftet"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Udfyld automatisk f淡lgende adresser"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Fra:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Emne:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Send"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "Kan ikke 奪bne modtager liste."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1703,40 +1703,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Konto til afsendelse af e-post er ikke valgt.\n"
"V脱lg konto f淡r afsendelse er mulig."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Fejl ved afsendelse af meddelelse til %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Kan ikke gemme meddelelse i Sendt"
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Kunne ikke funde n淡gle til den valgte n淡gle id `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Meddelelse kan ikke l脱gges i k淡."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Meddelelse kan ikke l脱gges i k淡."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Meddelelse kan ikke l脱gges i k淡."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "kan ikke 脱ndre fil mode\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1747,12 +1747,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s til %s.\n"
"Send den alligevel?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Adressebog konverterings fejl"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1761,15 +1761,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1778,91 +1778,92 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "kan ikke slette gammel meddelelse\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "meddelelse i k淡...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kan ikke v脱lge mappe %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "meddelelse kan ikke l脱gges i k淡\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Filen %s findes ikke\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Kan ikke 奪bne filen %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "genereret meddelelses ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Opretter instastnings vindue...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Handlinger"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Kryptere"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME type"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "St淡rrelse"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ugyldig MIME type"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Fil eksisterer ikke eller er tom."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaber"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Tegns脱t kodning"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Sti"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Fil navn"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Sti til ekstern editor er ugyldig: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1872,52 +1873,52 @@ msgstr ""
"ID: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Meddelelse kan ikke l脱gges i k淡."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "V脱lg fil"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "V脱lg fil"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Sende meddelelse"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Denne meddelelse er 脱ndret. Slet?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Vil du benytte skabelon `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Benyt skabelon"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Erstat"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Ind脱st"
@@ -2378,12 +2379,12 @@ msgstr "Indtast mappe information...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Indtast mappe information..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Gennems淡ger mappe %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Gennems淡ger mappe %s ..."
@@ -2554,7 +2555,8 @@ msgstr "Nyhedsgrupper:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Opretter hoved visning...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Ingen Fra)"
@@ -2743,159 +2745,159 @@ msgstr "Importer LDIF fil til adressebog"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Egenskaber"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Hentet (%d nye meddelelse(r))"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Godkender"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Modtager nu meddelelse"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Vent"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Afbrudt"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Modtager"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Hentet (%d meddelelse(r) (%s)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Ingen nye meddelelser"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Forbindelse mislykkedes"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Godkendelse mislykkedes"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "L奪st"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timeout (sek)"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Hentet (%d nye meddelelse(r))"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Ingen nye meddelelser"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Fejl ved hentning af e-post."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "modtager nye meddelelser fra konto %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Godkender"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: henter nye meddelelser"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Forbinder til POP3 server: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ingen forbindelse med POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Godkender..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Modtager meddelelse fra %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Modtager antal nye meddelelser (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Modtager antal nye meddelelser (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Modtager antal nye meddelelser (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Modtager antal nye meddelelser (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Sletter meddelelse %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Afslutter"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Modtager meddelelse (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Henter (%d meddelelse(r), (%s) hentet"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Forbindelse mislykkedes"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr ""
"Fejl ved bearbejdning af e-post:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2904,29 +2906,30 @@ msgstr ""
"Fejl ved bearbejdning af e-post:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Ingen fri disk plads."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Kan ikke skrive til fil."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Sokkel fejl."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "postkasse er l奪st\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2935,11 +2938,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Mailbox er l奪st:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Godkendelses fejlede."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2948,16 +2951,16 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
#, fuzzy
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "tid udl淡bet\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Hentning afbrudt\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Modtager nye meddelelser fra %s til %s...\n"
@@ -2975,20 +2978,20 @@ msgstr "Indtast adgangskode"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Protokol log"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread er ikke underst淡ttet i glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Bruges som: %s [OPTION]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresse] 奪bner nyt meddelelses vindue"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2998,23 +3001,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 奪bn ny meddelelse med disse filer vedh脱ftet\n"
" ."
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive modtager nye meddelelser"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all modtager nye meddelelser fra alle konti"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send send alle meddelelser i k淡"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [mappe]... viser antal meddelelser"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -3022,49 +3025,49 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [mappe]...\n"
" viser status for hver mappe"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug debug mode"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug debug mode"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help viser denne hj脱lp"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version viser version og afslutter"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
"eller tast `y'.\n"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Udg奪ende tegns脱t"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3078,19 +3081,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Du er ved at skrive ny meddelelse. Virklig afslutte?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Meddeleser i k淡"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Nogle usendte meddelelser i k淡. Afslut nu?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3099,723 +3102,728 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP ikke mulig."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "sylpheed k淡rer allerede.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Handlingsops脱t"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Mappe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Filer/_Mappe/Opret _ny mappe..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Filer/_Mappe/_Omd淡b mappe..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Filer/_Mappe/_Omd淡b mappe..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Mappe/_Slet mappe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Tilf淡j mailbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Filer/_Tilf淡j mailbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/Slet _mappe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Mappe/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "_Hent nye meddelelser"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Mappe/_Hent nye meddelelser i alle mapper"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/G_endan mappe tr脱"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Filer/_Importere mbox fil..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Filer/_Eksportere mbox fil..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Filer/_T淡m slettet post"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Filer/_Gem som..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Filer/_Gem som..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Filer/_Udskriv..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Inds脱t fil"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Filer/_Afslut"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/Mark辿r _tr奪d"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/_S淡g i aktuel meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_S淡g meddelelser..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/Gennems淡g mappe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_Mappe tr脱"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_Besked"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_V脱rkt淡jslinie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_V脱rkt淡jslinie/Ikon _og tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_V脱rkt淡jslinie/_Ikon"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_V脱rkt淡jslinie/_Ikon"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_V脱rkt淡jslinie/_Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_V脱rkt淡jslinie/_Ingen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_Status linie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_Status linie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/Anden _mappe..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Fra orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Seperat mappe tr脱"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Vis/Seperat m_eddelelses vindue"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Nummer orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_St淡rrelses orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Dato orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Dato orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Fra orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/Efter _modtager"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Emne orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Farvet label orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Mark辿ret orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Ul脱st orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Vedh脱ft orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/Sorter _ikke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/Stigende"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/Faldende"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Sortere/_Emne orden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tr奪det"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "_Vis/bn tr奪de"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Saml alle tr奪de"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Vis/_S脱t visning ..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/_Forrige meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/_N脱ste meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/Vis/_G奪 til/Forrige ul脱ste meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/N脱ste ul脱ste meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/_Forrige nye meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/_N脱ste nye meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/Forrige _mark辿ret meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/N脱ste _mark辿ret meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/Forrige _label meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/N脱ste _label meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Vis/_G奪 til/Anden _mappe..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/_Automatisk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Western European (ISO-8859-_15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱tJapanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Vis//_Tegns脱t/Japanese (_Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Tegns脱t/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Vis/bn i nyt vindue"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Kilde"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Vis/Alle _hoveder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Opdat辿r oversigt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Redig辿r _igen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Hent fra _alle konti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Hent fra _alle konti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Afbryd afsendelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Hent fra _alle konti"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Redig辿r _igen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Send meddelelser i _k淡"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Opret _ny meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Besvar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Svar til"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Svar til/A_lle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Svar til/Af_sender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Svar til/_Alle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Videresend"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Videresend som _vedh脱ftet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Omdirig辿r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Flyt..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Kopiere..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Mark辿r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Mark辿r/_Mark辿r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Mark辿r/_Slet mark辿ring"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Mark辿r/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Mark辿r/Som ul脱st"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Mark辿r/Som l脱st"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Mark辿r/Som l脱st"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Mark辿r/Alle som l脱st"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Slet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Hent _ny post"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Hent _ny post"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Redig辿r _igen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Funktioner/Tilf淡j afsender til adressebog"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Filtrere meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Filtrere meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Opret filter"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Opret filter/_Automatisk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Opret filter/Efter _Fra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Opret filter/Efter _Til"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Opret filter/Efter _Emne"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Filtrere meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Filtrere meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/Slet alle du_blikerede meddelelser"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "Udf淡r mark辿ret process"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/Funktioner/_Logbog vindue"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Ops脱t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Ops脱t/Generelt _ops脱t..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Ops脱t/_Filter ops脱t..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Ops脱t/_Skabelon..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Ops脱t/_Handlinger..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Ops脱t/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Ops脱t/_Den aktuelle konto..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Ops脱t/_Opret ny konto..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Ops脱t/_Redig辿r konti..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Ops脱t/_Skift aktuel konto..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Hj脱lp/_Vejledning"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_Vejledning/_Engelsk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_Vejledning/_Japansk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Hj脱lp/_OSS"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Hj脱lp/_OSS/_Engelsk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Hj脱lp/_OSS/_Tysk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Hj脱lp/_OSS/_Spansk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Hj脱lp/_OSS/_Fransk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Hj脱lp/_OSS/_Italiensk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "Kommando linie ikke opsat."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Hj脱lp/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Opretter hoved vindue...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "HovedVindue: fejl i farve %d\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "Afsluttet.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Uden titel"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "ingen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "T淡m Slettet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Slet alle meddelelser i Slettet?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Ny mailbox"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3826,16 +3834,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Hvis den eksisterende mailbox angives, vil den blive\n"
"gennems淡gt automatisk."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Mailbox `%s' eksisterer allerede."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Mailbox"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3844,95 +3852,95 @@ msgstr ""
"Fejl i oprettelse af mailbox.\n"
"M奪ske findes filerne allerede eller du har ikke skrive rettighedder."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Mappe visning"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Meddelelses visning"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Svar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "Svar til alle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/_Svar til/_Afsender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Svar til/_Mail liste"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Videresend"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Videresend som _vedh脱ftet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Omdirig辿r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Vis/_Vis eller skjul/_V脱rkt淡jslinie/_Ikon"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Ingen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Afslut"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Afslut program?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Kommando linie ikke opsat."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Bruges som: %s [OPTION]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3949,7 +3957,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6117,17 +6125,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Vedh脱ftet"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Emne"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Fra"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Dato"
@@ -6438,7 +6449,7 @@ msgstr "Gennems淡ger mappe %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Filtrering..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Ingen dato)"
@@ -6507,6 +6518,93 @@ msgstr "Underskrift fra %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Fejl ved verificering af underskrift"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Slet mappe"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Nr."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Hent"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Forbindelse med SMTP server: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Ingen forbindelse med POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "fejl under POP3 session\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "fejl under POP3 session\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Sender meddelelse (%d / %d bytes)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Modtager antal nye meddelelser (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Ingen nye meddelelser."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Slet meddelelse(er)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Modtager nu meddelelse"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Sende meddelelse"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Modtager nu meddelelse"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Modtager meddelelse fra %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Slet meddelelse(er)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7179,10 +7277,6 @@ msgstr "Filtrering..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "meddelelse %d er allerede gemt.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Nr."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
index be795ec0..fcd64599 100644
--- a/po/de.po
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 2.4.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-09-29 23:16+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Joo Martin <debian@joomart.de>\n"
"Language-Team: de\n"
@@ -20,194 +20,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Lese alle Einstellungen f端r jeden Account...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "IMAP4-Verbindung zu %s wurde unterbrochen. Verbinde erneut...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP-Server verhindert LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "erstelle IMAP4-Verbindung zu %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Kann TLS-Sitzung nicht beginnen.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Hole Nachricht %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "H辰nge Nachricht an %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Verschiebe Nachrichten %s nach %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kopiere Nachrichten %s nach %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Entferne Nachrichten von %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "kann gel旦schte Flags nicht setzen: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "kann nicht l旦schen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Entferne alle Nachrichten in %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "kann gel旦schte Flags nicht setzen: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "kann Ablage nicht schlieen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "Wurzelverzeichnis %s existiert nicht\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "Fehler beim Empfang von LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Kann '%s' nicht erstellen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "Kann '%s' in INBOX nicht erstellen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "kann Mailbox nicht erstellen: LIST fehlgeschlagen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "kann Mailbox nicht erstellen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kann Mailbox %s nicht in %s umbenennen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "kann Mailbox nicht l旦schen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "kann die Nachrichteneigenschaften nicht empfangen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Hole Nachrichtenkopfzeilen (%d / %d bytes)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "Fehler beim Empfang der Nachrichteneigenschaften.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "kann die Nachrichteneigenschaften nicht bearbeiten: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Keine Verbindung mit IMAP4-Server: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Kann IMAP4-Sitzung mit %s:%d nicht aufbauen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "kann Namensraum nicht empfangen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "kann Ablage %s nicht ausw辰hlen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "Fehler beim IMAP-Befehl: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4-Beglaubigung fehlgeschlagen.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4-Login fehlgeschlagen.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kann %s nicht an %s anh辰ngen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(Datei versenden...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "kann Nachricht nicht anh辰ngen an %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kann %s nicht nach %s kopieren\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "Fehler beim IMAP-Befehl: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "Fehler beim IMAP-Befehl: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "Fehler beim IMAP-Befehl: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv kann UTF-7 nicht nach %s konvertieren\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv kann %s nicht nach UTF-7 konvertieren\n"
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ msgstr "Die Quellablage ist identisch mit dem Ziel.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kopiere Nachricht %s/%d nach %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -435,19 +435,19 @@ msgstr "Fehler beim Senden\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Fehler aufgetreten beim Senden eines Befehls\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Erforderlichen APOP-Zeitstempel in der Begr端ung nicht gefunden\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Zeitstempel-Syntax-Fehler in Begr端ung\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Ung端ltiger Zeitstempel in der Begr端ung\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3-Protokollfehler\n"
@@ -456,37 +456,37 @@ msgstr "POP3-Protokollfehler\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "ung端ltige UIDL-Antwort: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: L旦sche abgelaufene Nachricht %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Nachricht %d 端berspringen (%d bytes)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "Mailbox ist blockiert\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "Sitzungszeit abgelaufen\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "kann TLS-Sitzung nicht beginnen\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "Fehler w辰hrend der Beglaubigung\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "Befehl wird nicht unterst端tzt\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "Fehler w辰hrend einer POP3-Sitzung\n"
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "Manueller Spam-Mail Filter"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Spam-Mail Filter"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Zeichensatzumsetzung fehlgeschlagen.\n"
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ msgstr ""
"in der 'G'-Spalte, um den Nachrichten-Empfang bei 'Hole alle' einzuschalten."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ msgstr "Aktionen Benutzer-Parameter"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Adresse in Adressbuch einf端gen"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ msgstr "Kommentar"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "W辰hle Adressbuchablage"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Datei"
@@ -854,10 +854,10 @@ msgstr "/_Datei/Neues _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Datei/Neuer _LDAP-Server"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Datei/---"
@@ -874,21 +874,21 @@ msgstr "/_Datei/_L旦schen"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Speichern"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Datei/S_chlieen"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/_Kopieren"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/_Einf端gen"
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adresse/_Bearbeiten"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adresse/_L旦schen"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug"
@@ -933,12 +933,12 @@ msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Importiere _LDIF-Datei"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Importiere _CSV-Datei"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Hilfe"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_ber"
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Neue Ab_lage"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -993,17 +993,17 @@ msgstr "Adressbuch"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Name:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "An:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1208,15 +1208,15 @@ msgstr "Allgemeine Adressen"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Pers旦nliche Adressen"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notiz"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Warnung"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fehler"
@@ -1263,391 +1263,391 @@ msgstr "Braun"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Keine"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Hinzuf端gen..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Entfernen"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Eigenschaften..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Senden"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Datei/S_p辰ter senden"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Datei/In Ent_wurfablage speichern"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Datei/Speichern und Bearbeitung _fortsetzen"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Datei/Datei _anh辰ngen"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Datei/Datei _einf端gen"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Unterschrift einf端gen"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Unterschrift einf端gen"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/_Zur端ck"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/_Wiederholen"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/_Ausschneiden"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/Als Zitat _einf端gen"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/Alle au_sw辰hlen"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/Aktuellen Absatz um_brechen"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/Alle langen Zeilen _umbrechen"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/Aut_omatisches umbrechen"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Ansicht"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_An"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Cc"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/A_ntwort an"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Wiedervorlage an"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Lineal"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/An_hang"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Werkzeugliste anpassen..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/_Automatisch"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/West Europa (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/West Europa (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Zentral Europa (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/_Baltisch (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Baltisch (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Baltisch (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Griechisch (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Arabisch (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Arabisch (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Griechisch (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Hebr辰isch (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/T端rkisch (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Kyrillisch (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Kyrillisch (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Kyrillisch (KOI8-_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Kyrillisch (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Japanisch (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Einfaches Chinesisch (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Einfaches Chinesisch (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Traditionelles Chinesisch (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Koreanisch (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/_Adressbuch"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/_Schablone"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Aktio_nen"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Mit e_xternem Editor bearbeiten"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/PGP _Unterschreiben"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/PGP _Verschl端sseln"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Werkzeuge/_Rechtschreibpr端fung"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/_Sprache einstellen"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: Datei existiert nicht\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Kann Textabschnitt nicht lesen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Zitatzeichen Formatfehler."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Formatfehler in Nachrichtenantwort oder -Weiterleitung."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Datei %s existiert nicht\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Kann Dateigr旦e von %s nicht ermitteln\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Datei %s ist leer."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Kann %s nicht lesen."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Nachricht: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Kann einen Teil einer mehrteiligen Nachricht nicht bekommen."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Kein Betreff)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Verfassen%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Empf辰nger nicht angegeben"
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Leerer Betreff"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Betreff ist leer. Trotzdem verschicken?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Anh辰nge"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Setze folgende Adressen automatisch"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Von:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Betreff:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Senden"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "Kann die Empf辰ngerliste nicht holen."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1655,40 +1655,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Account zum Versenden von E-Mails, wurde nicht angegeben.\n"
"Bitte w辰hlen sie einen E-Mail-Account vor dem Senden."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Fehler beim Senden der Nachricht an %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Kann die Nachricht nicht in der Gesendet-Ablage speichern."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Kein Schl端ssel f端r die aktuelle gew辰hlte Schl端ssel-ID vorhanden '%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Nachricht kann nicht eingereiht werden."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Nachricht kann nicht eingereiht werden."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Nachricht kann nicht eingereiht werden."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "kann Dateimodus nicht 辰ndern\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1699,11 +1699,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Dennoch mit %s senden?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Zeichensatz-Konvertierungs-Fehler"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1716,15 +1716,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Dennoch senden?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "maximale Zeilenl辰nge"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "Mit Bcc verschl端sseln"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1738,89 +1738,90 @@ msgstr ""
" Dennoch versenden? "
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "Kann die alte Nachricht nicht entfernen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "Nachricht einreihen...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kann Queue-Ablage nicht finden\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "Nachricht kann nicht eingereiht werden\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Datei %s existiert nicht."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Kann Datei %s nicht 旦ffnen."
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "erzeugte Nachrichten-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Erstelle Verfassenfenster...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP Unterschreiben"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP Verschl端sseln"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME-Typ"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Gr旦e"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ung端ltiger MIME Typ"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Datei existiert nicht oder ist leer."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschaften"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Zeichensatzkodierung"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Pfad"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Dateiname"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Kommandozeile f端r den externen Editor ist ung端ltig: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1829,48 +1830,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Der externe Editor arbeitet noch.\n"
"Prozess terminieren (pid: %d)?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "_Werkzeugleiste anpassen"
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Nachricht kann nicht eingereiht werden."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "W辰hle Datei(en)"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "W辰hle Datei"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Speichern der Nachricht"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Diese Nachricht wurde ge辰ndert. Speichern als Entwurf?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Schlieen _ohne Speichern"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Wollen Sie die Schablone '%s' 端bernehmen ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Schablone 端bernehmen"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "E_rsetzen"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Einf端gen"
@@ -2321,12 +2322,12 @@ msgstr "Setze Ablageinformation...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Setze Ablageinformation..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Durchsuche Ablage %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Durchsuche Ablage %s ..."
@@ -2495,7 +2496,8 @@ msgstr "Newsgroups:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Erzeuge Kopfzeilenansicht...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Kein Von)"
@@ -2677,139 +2679,139 @@ msgstr "Importiere LDIF-Datei in Adressbuch"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Eigenschaften"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d neue Nachricht(en)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Beglaubigen mit POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Empfange neue Nachricht"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Warten"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Abgebrochen"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Empfange"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Fertig (%d Nachricht(en) (%s) empfangen)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Fertig (keine neuen Nachrichten)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Beglaubigung fehlgeschlagen"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Blockiert"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timeout"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Beendet (%d neue Nachricht(en))"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Beendet (keine neuen Nachrichten)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Fehler w辰hrend des Empfanges der E-Mails."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "erhalte neue Nachrichten vom Account %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: Beglaubigen mit POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Empfange neue Nachrichten"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Verbinde mit POP3-Server: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Keine Verbindung mit POP3-Server: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Beglaubigen..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Erhaltene Nachrichten von %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Bekomme Anzahl der neuen Nachrichten (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Bekomme Anzahl der neuen Nachrichten (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Bekomme Anzahl der neuen Nachrichten (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Bekomme Anzahl der neuen Nachrichten (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "L旦sche Nachricht %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Beenden"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Empfange Nachricht (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Empfange (%d Nachricht(en) (%s) empfangen)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2817,15 +2819,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Ausf端hrung des Spamfilter-Kommandos fehlgeschlagen.\n"
"Bite 端berpr端fen Sie die Spamfilter-Einstellungen."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Fehler beim Verarbeiten der E-Mail."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2834,28 +2836,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Fehler beim Verarbeiten der E-Mail:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Kein Platz mehr auf der Festplatte."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Kann Datei nicht schreiben."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Socket-Fehler."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Verbindung geschlossen vom Remote-Host."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Mailbox ist blockiert."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2864,11 +2867,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Mailbox ist gesperrt:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Beglaubigung fehlgeschlagen."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2877,15 +2880,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Beglaubigung fehlgeschlagen:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Sitzungszeit abgelaufen."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Empfangen abgebrochen\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Erhalte neue Nachrichten von %s in %s...\n"
@@ -2903,20 +2906,20 @@ msgstr "Kennwort eingeben"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Mitschrift des Protokolls"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread wird nicht unterst端tzt von Glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Aufruf: %s [OPTION]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [Adresse] 旦ffnet Verfassenfenster"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2926,23 +2929,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 旦ffne Verfassen-Fenster mit angegebenen Dateien\n"
" angeh辰ngt"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive empf辰ngt neue Nachrichten"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all empf辰ngt neue Nachrichten von allen Accounts"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send sendet alle Nachrichten aus der Warteschlange"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [Ablage]... zeigt die Gesamtzahl aller Nachrichten"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2950,46 +2953,46 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [Ablage]...\n"
" zeigt die Gesamtzahl aller Nachrichten"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr " --open OrdnerID/msgnum 旦ffnet Nachrichten in neuem Fenster"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
"揃揃--configdir揃dirname揃揃揃揃gib das Verzeichnis an, in dem die "
"Konfigurationsdateien gespeichert werden"
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr " --ipcport portnum definiert Port f端r \"IPC remote\" Befehle"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit Beende Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug Fehlersuche"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help diese Hilfe"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version gibt Version aus und beendet"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Dr端cken Sie eine Taste"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Dateiname Zeichensatz"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3013,19 +3016,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Verfasste Nachricht existiert. Wirklich beenden?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Wartende Nachrichten"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Einige ungesendete Nachrichten vorhanden. Jetzt beenden?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3034,15 +3037,15 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP-Unterst端tzung ausgeschaltet"
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Ein anderes Sylpheed l辰uft schon.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurationsmigration"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3050,666 +3053,671 @@ msgstr ""
"Ein fr端here Konfiguration wurde gefunden.\n"
"Soll sie migriert werden?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Datei/Ab_lage"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Datei/Ab_lage/_Neue Ablage erstellen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Datei/Ab_lage/Ablage _umbenennen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Datei/Ab_lage/Ablage _verschieben..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Datei/Ab_lage/Ablage _l旦schen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Mailbox"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Datei/_Mailbox/Mailbox _hinzuf端gen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Mailbox/Mailbox _entfernen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Mailbox/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Mailbox/Auf neue Nachrichten _pr端fen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Mailbox/_Alle Ablagen auf neue Nachrichten pr端fen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "//_Datei/_Mailbox/Ablagebaum _erneuern"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Datei/_Importiere Mbox-Datei..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Datei/_Exportiere in Mbox-Datei..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Datei/Alle _Papierk旦rbe leeren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Datei/Speichern _als..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Datei/Seiteneigenschaften..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Datei/_Drucken..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Ohne Verbindung arbeiten"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Datei/_Beenden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/_Thread ausw辰hlen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/_Aktuelle Nachricht durchsuchen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/_Suche Nachrichten..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Bearbeiten/_Einf端gen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken/Ablagebaum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken/_Nachrichtenansicht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken/_Werkzeugleiste"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken/_Werkzeugleiste/Bilder _und Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr ""
"/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken/_Werkzeugleiste/_Text recht vom Symbol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken/_Werkzeugleiste/_Bilder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken/_Werkzeugleiste/_Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken/_Werkzeugleiste/_Nichts"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken/_Suchleiste"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Zeigen oder _Verstecken/_Statuszeile"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Werkzeugleiste anpassen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Absender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Einzelner _Ablagebaum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Einzelne _Nachrichtenansicht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Nummer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Gr旦e"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Datum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Threaddatum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Absender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Sender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Betreff"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Farbetikett"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Markierung"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach _Ungelesen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/nach An_hang"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/Nicht S_ortieren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/Aufsteigend"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/Absteigend"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Sortieren/Threads nach Betreff _aufbauen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Threads einschalten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Alle Threads entfalten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Alle Threads zusammenfalten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Anzuzeigende _Informationen setzen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu/_Vorheriger Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu/_N辰chster Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Gehe _zu/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu/V_orheriger ungelesener Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu/N_辰chster ungelesener Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu/Vorheriger ne_uer Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu/N辰chster _neuer Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu/Vorheriger _markierter Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu/N辰chster m_arkierter Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu/Vorheriger _etikettierter Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Gehe _zu/N辰chster e_tikettierter Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Gehe zu/Anderer Ab_lage..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/_Automatische Erkennung"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/West Europa (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Japanisch (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Japanisch (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Japanisch (_Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Traditionelles Chinesisch (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Chinesisch (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Zeichensatz/Koreanisch (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/ffnen in _neuem Fenster"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Nachrichten_quelle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/_Alle Kopfzeilen anzeigen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Ansicht/Akt_ualisiere Ablageninhalt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Empfang"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Empfang/Empfange vom aktuellen Account"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Empfang/Empfange von _allen Accounts"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Empfan_g/Empfan_g abbrechen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Nachricht/Empfang/Empfange von _allen Accounts"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Empfang/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Sende _wartende Nachrichten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Verfasse n_eue Nachricht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/An_twort"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Ant_wort an"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Ant_wort an/_Alle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Ant_wort an/Ab_sender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Ant_wort an/Mailing-_Liste"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/We_iterleiten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Weiterleiten als An_hang"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Umadressieren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Verschieben..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Kopieren..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Markieren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Markieren/_Markieren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Markieren/Markierung _entfernen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Markieren/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Markieren/Als _ungelesen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Markieren/Als _gelesen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Markieren/_Thread als gelesen markieren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_Markieren/Alle _als gelesen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/_L旦schen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Markiere als Spam-Mail"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Markiere als Nicht-Spam-Mail"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Nachricht/Wieder_bearbeiten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Absender in Adress_buch einf端gen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Alle Nachrichten einer Ablage _filtern"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Aus_gew辰hlte Nachrichten filtern"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Filter _erstellen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Filter _erstellen/_Automatisch"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Filter _erstellen/nach _Von"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Filter _erstellen/nach A_n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Filter _erstellen/nach _Betreff"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Nachrichten einer Ablage nach Spams _filtern"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Aus_gew辰hlte Nachrichten nach Spams filtern"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/_L旦sche mehrfach vorhandene Nachrichten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Markierten Prozess _ausf端hren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Werkzeug/L_ogbuch-Fenster"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Einstellungen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Einstellungen/Allgemeine _Einstellungen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Einstellungen/_Filtereinstellungen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Einstellungen/_Schablone..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Einstellungen/Aktionen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Einstellungen/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Einstellungen/_Einstellungen f端r den aktuellen Account..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Einstellungen/_Neuen Account erstellen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Einstellungen/Accounts _bearbeiten..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Einstellungen/Aktuellen Account _wechseln..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_Anleitung"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/Anleitung/_English"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/Anleitung/_Japanese"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_FAQ/_English"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_FAQ/_German"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_FAQ/_Spanish"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_FAQ/_French"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_FAQ/_Italian"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/_Kommandozeilenoptionen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Hilfe/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Erstelle Hauptfenster...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Haupt-Fenster: Bereitstellung von Farbe %d fehlgeschlagen\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "Fertig.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Unbenannt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "nicht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Verbindungslos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "Sie sind nicht verbunden. Verbinden?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Leere alle Papierk旦rbe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "L旦sche alle Nachrichten in den Papierk旦rben?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Neue Mailbox"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3719,16 +3727,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Wenn die existierende Mailbox angegeben wurde, wird\n"
"sie automatisch durchsucht."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Die Mailbox `%s' existiert bereits."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Mailbox"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3737,87 +3745,87 @@ msgstr ""
"Erstellen der Mailbox fehlgeschlagen.\n"
"Vielleicht existieren einige Dateien, oder Sie haben keine Schreibrechte"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Ablagenansicht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Nachrichtenansicht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/An_twort"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/Antwort an alle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Ant_wort an Ab_sender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Antwort an Mailing-_Liste"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Weiterleiten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Weiterleiten als An_hang"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Umadressieren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "Grafik _und Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "Text rechts vom Symbol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "_Grafik"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "_Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "_Keine"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "Sie sind nicht verbunden. W辰hlen sie das Bild zum Verbinden."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "Sie sind verbunden. W辰hlen sie das Bild, um die Verbindung zu beenden."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Beenden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Beenden des Programms?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Kommandozeilenoptionen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Aufruf: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3847,7 +3855,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5950,17 +5958,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Anhang"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Betreff"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Von"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6257,7 +6268,7 @@ msgstr "Suche %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Suche %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Kein Datum)"
@@ -6319,6 +6330,93 @@ msgstr "Digitale Unterschrift erstellt %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Fehler beim Verifizieren der digitalen Unterschrift"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Entferne Mailbox"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Nr."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Holen"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Verbindung mit SMTP-Server: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Keine Verbindung mit POP3-Server: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "Fehler w辰hrend einer POP3-Sitzung\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "Fehler w辰hrend einer POP3-Sitzung\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Hole Nachrichtenkopfzeilen (%d / %d bytes)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Bekomme Anzahl der neuen Nachrichten (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Keine neuen Nachrichten."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Nachricht(en) l旦schen"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Empfange neue Nachricht"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Sende Nachricht"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Empfange neue Nachricht"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Erhaltene Nachrichten von %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Nachricht(en) l旦schen"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6995,10 +7093,6 @@ msgstr "Filtern..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "Es wurde(n) %d Nachricht(en) gefiltert."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Nr."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/el.po b/po/el.po
index 166a39aa..1849ccd3 100644
--- a/po/el.po
+++ b/po/el.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 2.4.0beta5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-17 00:57+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Stavros Giannouris <stavrosg@hellug.gr>\n"
"Language-Team: Greek <nls@tux.hellug.gr>\n"
@@ -21,199 +21,199 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "僚略粒僚侶 慮亮溜竜僚 了凌粒留旅留亮ホ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr " IMAP4 僚隆竜侶 凌 %s 隆旅留虜侶虜竜. 留僚留僚隆竜侶...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr " 隆旅留虜凌亮旅流 IMAP4 留竜僚竜粒凌凌溜侶竜 凌 LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒溜留 僚隆竜侶 IMAP4 凌 %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留 僚留 両竜虜旅僚流竜旅 僚竜隆溜留 TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "流侶 亮侶僚亮留凌 %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "竜留虜溜僚侶侶 亮侶僚亮略僚 凌 %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "竜留虜溜僚侶侶 亮侶僚亮略僚 %s 凌 %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "僚旅粒留流 亮侶僚亮略僚 %s 凌 %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "旅留粒留流 亮侶僚亮略僚 %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "凌溜留 凌溜亮留凌 凌 PAM_TTY=%s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 亮凌 僚留 留 留留了竜溜\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "旅留粒留流 了僚 僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 凌 %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "凌溜留 凌溜亮留凌 凌 PAM_TTY=%s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留 凌 虜了竜溜旅亮凌 凌 留虜劉了凌\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr " 旅龍旅虜 略虜竜了凌 %s 隆竜僚 略竜旅.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "凌劉虜竜 略了亮留 虜留略 侶 了流侶 侶 了溜留.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 隆侶亮旅凌粒溜留 凌 '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 隆侶亮旅凌粒溜留 凌 '%s' 亮劉留 凌 INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr ""
"隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 隆侶亮旅凌粒溜留 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫溜凌: 侶 竜僚凌了流 LIST 留劉竜\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 隆侶亮旅凌粒溜留 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫溜凌\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 亮竜凌僚凌亮留溜留 凌 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫溜凌: %s 竜 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 亮凌 僚留 隆旅留粒略 凌 mailbox\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 了流侶 凌 留虜劉了凌\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 了僚 僚 _竜留了溜隆僚"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "隆侶亮旅凌粒流慮侶虜竜 略了亮留 虜留略 侶 了流侶 凌 留虜劉了凌.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 留僚略了侶 凌 留虜劉了凌: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 僚隆竜侶 凌僚 隆旅留虜凌亮旅流 IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 僚隆竜侶 凌僚 隆旅留虜凌亮旅流 IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "隆僚留亮溜留 了流侶 僚凌亮留凌 流侶"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 亮凌 僚留 竜旅了劉両 凌僚 虜留略了凌粒凌: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "略了亮留 侶僚 竜僚凌了流 imap: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr " 旅凌凌溜侶侶 凌僚 IMAP4 留劉竜.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr " 竜溜凌隆凌 凌僚 IMAP4 留劉竜.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 凌略侶侶 凌 %s 凌 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(留凌凌了流 留竜溜凌...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 凌慮流虜侶 亮侶僚亮留凌 凌僚 略虜竜了凌 `%s': %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 留僚旅粒留流 凌 %s 凌 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "Error while spawning the mbadblocks command: %s."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
#, fuzzy
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "Error while spawning the mbadblocks command: %s."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
#, fuzzy
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "Error while spawning the mbadblocks command: %s."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 亮竜留凌流 凌 UTF-7 竜 %s 留 凌 iconv\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 亮竜留凌流 凌 %s 竜 UTF-7 留 凌 iconv\n"
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ msgstr "凌 略虜竜了凌 凌凌旅亮凌 竜溜僚留旅 凌 溜隆旅凌 亮竜
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "僚旅粒留流 亮侶僚亮留凌 %s%c%d 凌 %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -440,20 +440,20 @@ msgstr "凌劉虜竜 略了亮留 虜留略 侶僚 留凌凌了流\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "凌劉虜竜 略了亮留 虜留略 侶僚 留凌凌了流 侶 竜僚凌了流\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "凌留留旅凌亮竜僚侶 timestamp APOP 隆竜僚 硫劉慮侶虜竜 凌 留旅竜旅亮\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "裡僚留虜旅虜 略了亮留 timestamp 凌 留旅竜旅亮\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "凌留留旅凌亮竜僚侶 timestamp APOP 隆竜僚 硫劉慮侶虜竜 凌 留旅竜旅亮\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "裡略了亮留 凌虜了了凌 POP3\n"
@@ -462,37 +462,37 @@ msgstr "裡略了亮留 凌虜了了凌 POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "侶 劉粒虜侶 留略僚侶侶 UIDL: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: 旅留粒留流 了侶粒亮劉僚凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: 凌劉留侶 亮侶僚亮留凌 (%d / %d bytes)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "凌 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌 竜溜僚留旅 虜了竜旅隆亮劉僚凌\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "了流両侶 凌溜凌 僚凌 僚竜隆溜留\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留 僚留 両竜虜旅僚流竜旅 僚竜隆溜留 TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "凌劉虜竜 略了亮留 虜留略 侶僚 旅凌凌溜侶侶\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "侶 竜僚凌了流 隆竜僚 凌侶溜龍竜留旅\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "凌劉虜竜 略了亮留 侶 僚竜隆溜留 POP3\n"
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ msgstr "陸溜了凌 留僚竜旅慮亮侶侶 留了了侶了凌粒留溜留 (竜旅
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "陸溜了凌 留僚竜旅慮亮侶侶 留了了侶了凌粒留溜留"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): 亮竜留凌流 凌 虜ホ肝肯採 留劉竜.\n"
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ msgstr "留略亮竜凌 竜僚劉粒竜旅留 流侶"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "凌慮流虜侶 隆旅竜慮僚侶 凌 竜竜流旅凌"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "旅竜慮僚侶"
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ msgstr "裡了旅留"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "旅了凌粒流 留虜劉了凌 留 凌 竜流旅凌 隆旅竜慮僚竜僚"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌"
@@ -867,10 +867,10 @@ msgstr "/_竜溜凌/劉凌 _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/凌慮流虜侶 僚劉凌 隆旅留虜凌亮旅流 _LDAP"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/---"
@@ -887,21 +887,21 @@ msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_旅留粒留流"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_凌慮流虜竜侶"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_了竜溜旅亮凌"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/_僚旅粒留流"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/_旅虜了了侶侶"
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ msgstr "/_旅竜慮僚侶/_竜両竜粒留溜留"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_旅竜慮僚侶/_旅留粒留流"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留"
@@ -947,12 +947,12 @@ msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/旅留粒粒流 留竜溜凌 _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/旅留粒粒流 留竜溜凌 _LDIF"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_凌流慮竜旅留"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_凌流慮竜旅留/_裡竜旅虜略"
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/劉凌 _略虜竜了凌"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -1007,17 +1007,17 @@ msgstr "留略了凌粒凌 隆旅竜慮僚竜僚"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "僚凌亮留:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "凌:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "凌旅僚凌凌溜侶侶:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "流 虜凌旅僚凌凌溜侶侶:"
@@ -1235,15 +1235,15 @@ msgstr "凌旅僚劉 隆旅竜慮僚竜旅"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "凌旅虜劉 隆旅竜慮僚竜旅"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "裡侶亮竜溜侶"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "凌竜旅隆凌凌溜侶侶"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "裡略了亮留"
@@ -1291,393 +1291,393 @@ msgstr "留劉"
msgid "None"
msgstr "留僚劉僚留"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_凌慮流虜侶..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_旅留粒留流"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_隆旅侶竜..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/凌_凌了流"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/凌凌_了流 留粒竜留"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/凌慮流虜竜侶 凌僚 略虜竜了凌 _竜旅留"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/凌慮流虜竜侶 虜留旅 _僚劉竜旅留 竜竜両竜粒留溜留"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/旅僚留_侶 留竜溜凌"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_旅留粒粒流 留竜溜凌"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/旅留粒粒流 凌_粒留流"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/旅僚留侶 凌粒_留流"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/_僚留溜竜侶"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/留僚略_了侶侶"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/凌_虜凌流"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/E旅虜了了侶侶 留_略慮竜侶"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/旅了_凌粒流 了僚"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/僚留_隆溜了侶 劉凌留 留留粒略凌"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/僚留隆溜了侶 亮留虜ホ _粒留亮亮ホ"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/竜両竜粒留溜留/_亮留侶 留僚留隆溜了侶"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_凌"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_凌旅僚凌凌溜侶侶"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_流 虜凌旅僚凌凌溜侶侶"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_略僚侶侶 竜"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_裡僚劉竜旅留 凌"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_律略留虜留"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/裡_僚侶亮亮劉僚凌"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/凌留亮凌粒流 竜_粒留了竜旅凌慮流虜侶..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/_亮留侶"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/旅虜流 マ侶 (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/旅虜流 マ侶 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/竜僚旅虜流 マ侶 (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/_留了旅虜流 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/留了旅虜流 (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/留了旅虜流 (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/了了侶僚旅虜略 (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/留硫旅虜流 (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/留硫旅虜流 (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/硫留虜流 (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/硫留虜流 (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/里凌虜旅虜侶 (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/旅了了旅虜流 (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/旅了了旅虜流 (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/旅了了旅虜流 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/旅了了旅虜流 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/留僚劉龍旅虜侶 (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/了凌凌旅侶亮劉僚侶 旅僚劉龍旅虜侶 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/了凌凌旅侶亮劉僚侶 旅僚劉龍旅虜侶 (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/了凌凌旅侶亮劉僚侶 旅僚劉龍旅虜侶 (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/凌竜略旅虜侶 (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/里留了留僚隆劉龍旅虜侶 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/里留了留僚隆劉龍旅虜侶 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/_竜流旅凌 隆旅竜慮僚竜僚"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/_凌"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/_僚劉粒竜旅竜"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/竜両竜粒留溜留 亮竜 竜_両竜旅虜 粒留亮亮留"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/_離凌粒留流 亮竜 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_旅了凌粒劉/_凌粒略侶侶 亮竜 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/慮凌粒留旅虜 劉了竜_粒凌"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/旅亮 _粒了マ留 凌慮凌粒留溜留"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: 凌 留竜溜凌 隆竜僚 略竜旅\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 了流侶 凌 虜竜旅亮劉僚凌\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "裡略了亮留 亮凌凌凌溜侶侶 侶亮竜溜侶 留略慮竜侶."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "裡略了亮留 侶僚 留略僚侶侶/凌ホ故系侶 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "里凌 留竜溜凌 %s 隆竜僚 略竜旅\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 了流侶 凌 亮竜粒劉慮凌 凌 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "里凌 留竜溜凌 %s 竜溜僚留旅 虜竜僚."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 留僚略粒僚侶 凌 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "流僚亮留: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 了流侶 亮劉凌 凌 凌了亮侶亮留旅虜凌 亮侶僚亮留凌."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(律溜 慮劉亮留)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 裡僚慮竜侶 亮侶僚亮留凌%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "竜僚 劉竜旅 凌旅竜溜 留留了流侶."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "竜僚 慮劉亮留"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "里凌 慮劉亮留 竜溜僚留旅 虜竜僚. 留 粒溜僚竜旅 侶 留凌凌了流;"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "裡僚侶亮亮劉僚留"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "亮留凌 凌旅亮 留ホ 僚 隆旅竜慮僚竜僚"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr ":"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "劉亮留:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "凌凌了流"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 了流侶 了溜留 留留了侶ホ."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1685,43 +1685,43 @@ msgstr ""
" 了凌粒留旅留亮 粒旅留 留凌凌了流 亮侶僚亮留凌 隆竜僚 劉竜旅 凌旅竜溜.\n"
"留留虜留了 竜旅了劉両竜 劉僚留 了凌粒留旅留亮 旅僚 竜溜了竜竜."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒流慮侶虜竜 略了亮留 虜留略 侶僚 留凌凌了流 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 凌 %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 留凌慮流虜竜流 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 留 竜両竜亮竜僚留."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"竜僚 流留僚 隆僚留流 侶 竜竜侶 凌 虜了竜旅隆旅凌 凌 竜溜龍竜留旅 亮竜 凌 竜旅了竜粒亮劉僚凌 "
"留僚留粒僚旅旅虜 `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 凌凌慮劉侶侶 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 侶僚 凌略."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 凌凌慮劉侶侶 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 侶僚 凌略."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 凌凌慮劉侶侶 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 侶僚 凌略."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr " 留了了留粒流 侶 虜留略留侶 凌 `%s' 留劉竜"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1732,11 +1732,11 @@ msgstr ""
"凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 凌 凌隆旅凌旅亮劉僚凌 僚凌了凌 %s.\n"
"留 留凌留了竜溜 %s;"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "裡略了亮留 亮竜留凌流 虜ホ肝肯採"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1749,15 +1749,15 @@ msgstr ""
"留 粒溜僚竜旅 留凌凌了流;"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "旅凌 亮流虜凌 粒留亮亮流"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "凌粒略侶侶 凌 虜凌 留留了流竜"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1771,92 +1771,93 @@ msgstr ""
"留 粒溜僚竜旅 侶 留凌凌了流;"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 隆旅留粒留流 凌 留了旅凌 亮侶僚亮留凌\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "凌慮流虜侶 侶僚 凌略...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 竜竜侶 凌 侶粒留溜凌 留虜劉了凌."
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 凌凌慮劉侶侶 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 侶僚 凌略\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "里凌 留竜溜凌 %s 隆竜僚 略竜旅\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 侶亮竜溜侶 凌 留竜溜凌.\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒溜留 留留慮凌 僚慮竜侶...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "離凌粒留流 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "凌粒略侶侶 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "凌 MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "劉粒竜慮凌"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "侶 劉粒虜凌 凌 MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "里凌 留竜溜凌 隆竜僚 略竜旅 流 竜溜僚留旅 略隆竜旅凌."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "隆旅侶竜"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "旅留隆凌亮流"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "僚凌亮留 留竜溜凌"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr ""
" 竜僚凌了流 竜虜侶 竜溜僚留旅 略虜侶:\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1866,49 +1867,49 @@ msgstr ""
"留 竜旅硫略了 竜亮留旅亮 侶 隆旅竜粒留溜留;\n"
"process group id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "凌留亮凌_粒流 竜粒留了竜旅凌慮流虜侶..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 凌凌慮劉侶侶 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 侶僚 凌略."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "旅了凌粒流 留竜溜僚"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "旅了凌粒流 留竜溜凌"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "凌慮流虜竜侶 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr ""
" 凌 亮流僚亮留 劉竜旅 凌凌凌旅侶慮竜溜. 劉了竜竜 僚留 凌 留凌慮侶虜竜竜竜 留 竜旅留;"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "了竜溜旅亮凌 _溜 留凌慮流虜竜侶"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "劉了竜竜 僚留 竜留亮竜竜 凌 凌 '%s' ;"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "留亮凌粒流 凌凌"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_僚旅虜留略留侶"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_旅留粒粒流"
@@ -2366,12 +2367,12 @@ msgstr "旅亮 了侶凌凌旅ホ 留虜劉了凌...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "劉 旅 了侶凌凌溜竜 留虜劉了僚..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "裡略侶 留虜劉了僚 %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "裡略侶 留虜劉了凌 %s ..."
@@ -2541,7 +2542,8 @@ msgstr "亮略隆竜 龍侶流竜僚:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒溜留 凌硫凌了流 虜竜留了溜隆僚...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(律溜 留凌凌了劉留)"
@@ -2732,154 +2734,154 @@ msgstr "旅留粒粒流 留竜溜凌 LDIF 凌 竜竜流旅凌 隆旅竜
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "僚溜亮留留"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d 僚劉留 亮侶僚亮留略"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "旅凌凌溜侶侶 亮竜 POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "裡竜 留僚留亮凌僚流"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "虜ホ故稽採"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "流侶"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "了凌虜了侶ホ故稽採 (%d 亮侶僚亮留留 (%s) 留竜了流慮侶留僚)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "了凌虜了侶ホ故稽採 (隆竜僚 略凌僚 僚劉留 亮侶僚亮留留)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr " 僚隆竜侶 留劉竜"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr " 竜僚凌了流 Auth 留劉竜"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "了竜旅隆亮劉僚凌"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "旅凌 僚凌"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "了凌虜了侶ホ故稽採 (%d 僚劉留 亮侶僚亮留留)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "了凌虜了侶ホ故稽採 (隆竜僚 略凌僚 僚劉留 亮侶僚亮留留)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
#, fuzzy
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "裡僚劉硫侶留僚 略了亮留留 虜留略 侶僚 留凌凌了流 僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 侶僚 凌略."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 了凌粒留旅留亮凌 %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: 旅凌凌溜侶侶 亮竜 POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: 流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "裡僚隆竜侶 亮竜 凌 隆旅留虜凌亮旅流 POP3: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "竜僚 亮凌 僚留 僚隆竜慮 凌僚 POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "旅凌凌溜侶侶..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "流侶 亮侶僚亮略僚 留 %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "流侶 留旅慮亮凌 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "流侶 留旅慮亮凌 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "流侶 留旅慮亮凌 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "流侶 亮竜粒劉慮凌 亮侶僚亮略僚 (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "旅留粒留流 亮侶僚亮留凌 %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "了竜溜僚 侶 僚隆竜侶"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "留亮硫略僚竜留旅 凌 亮流僚亮留 (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "留留了留硫流 (%d 亮侶僚亮留留 (%s) 留竜了流慮侶留僚)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr " 僚隆竜侶 留劉竜."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "僚留 略了亮留 僚劉硫侶 虜留慮マ 竜竜両竜粒略龍凌亮留旅 凌 亮流僚亮留."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2888,28 +2890,29 @@ msgstr ""
"侶亮旅凌粒流慮侶虜竜 略了亮留 虜留略 侶僚 竜竜両竜粒留溜留 亮侶僚亮略僚:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "竜僚 略竜旅 略了了凌 マ凌 凌 隆溜虜凌."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 隆僚留流 侶 竜粒粒留流 凌 留竜溜凌."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "裡略了亮留 僚隆竜侶."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr " 僚隆竜侶 劉虜了竜旅竜 留 凌僚 留凌亮留虜亮劉僚凌 凌了凌粒旅流."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "里凌 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌 竜溜僚留旅 虜了竜旅隆亮劉僚凌."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2918,11 +2921,11 @@ msgstr ""
"里凌 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌 竜溜僚留旅 虜了竜旅隆亮劉僚凌:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr " 旅凌凌溜侶侶 留劉竜."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2931,15 +2934,15 @@ msgstr ""
" 旅凌凌溜侶侶 留劉竜:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "流両侶 僚凌 僚隆竜侶."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr " 竜僚亮略侶 留虜ホ故稽採\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "流侶 亮侶僚亮略僚 留 %s 凌 %s ...\n"
@@ -2957,20 +2960,20 @@ msgstr "マ竜 凌僚 虜隆旅虜"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "留留粒留流 凌虜了了凌"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "凌 g_thread 隆竜僚 凌侶溜龍竜留旅 留 侶僚 glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "律流侶: %s []...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [隆旅竜慮僚侶] 略僚凌旅粒亮留 留留慮凌 僚慮竜侶"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2980,23 +2983,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 略僚凌旅粒亮留 凌 留留慮凌 僚慮竜侶 亮侶僚亮留凌 亮竜\n"
" 留 虜留慮凌旅亮劉僚留 留竜溜留 僚侶亮亮劉僚留"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 了僚 僚 了凌粒留旅留亮ホ"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 留凌凌了流 了僚 僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 侶僚 凌略"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [略虜竜了凌]... 竜亮略僚旅侶 凌 僚凌了旅虜凌 留旅慮亮凌 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -3004,46 +3007,46 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [略虜竜了凌]...\n"
" 竜亮略僚旅侶 侶 虜留略留侶 凌 留虜劉了凌"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
" --config-dir 虜留略了凌粒凌 凌溜龍竜旅 凌僚 虜留略了凌粒凌 凌 留凌慮侶虜竜凌僚留旅 留 留竜溜留 "
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit 劉両凌隆凌 留 凌 Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 了竜旅凌粒溜留 留凌留了亮略侶"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 竜亮略僚旅侶 留凌 凌 虜竜旅亮劉僚凌 虜留旅 劉両凌隆凌"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 竜亮略僚旅侶 侶 劉虜隆凌侶 虜留旅 劉両凌隆凌"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "留流竜 劉僚留 了流虜凌..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 凌僚凌亮略僚 留竜溜僚"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3068,19 +3071,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "離略竜旅 流隆侶 亮流僚亮留 僚慮竜侶. 留 粒溜僚竜旅 劉両凌隆凌;"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "侶僚亮留留 侶僚 凌略"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "竜旅虜略 亮侶僚亮留留 隆竜僚 劉凌僚 留了竜溜 虜留旅 竜溜僚留旅 侶僚 凌略. 留 虜了竜溜;"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3089,15 +3092,15 @@ msgstr ""
" 凌流旅両侶 OpenPGP 留竜僚竜粒凌凌旅流慮侶虜竜."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "里劉竜旅 流隆侶 劉僚留 Sylpheed.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "竜留凌略 慮亮溜竜僚"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3105,674 +3108,679 @@ msgstr ""
"劉慮侶虜竜 侶 凌侶粒凌亮竜僚侶 劉虜隆凌侶 僚 慮亮溜竜僚.\n"
"劉了竜竜 僚留 旅 亮竜留劉竜竜;"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_陸略虜竜了凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_陸略虜竜了凌/侶亮旅凌粒溜留 _僚劉凌 留虜劉了凌..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_陸略虜竜了凌/竜_凌僚凌亮留溜留 留虜劉了凌..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_陸略虜竜了凌/_竜留虜溜僚侶侶 留虜劉了凌..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_陸略虜竜了凌/_旅留粒留流 留虜劉了凌..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌/凌慮流虜侶 _粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫溜凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌/_旅留粒留流 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫溜凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌/了竜粒_凌 粒旅留 僚劉留 亮侶僚亮留留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr ""
"/_竜溜凌/_留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌/了竜粒凌 粒旅留 _僚劉留 亮侶僚亮留留 竜 了凌 凌 留虜劉了凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌/僚留虜留留虜竜_流 隆旅略留両侶 留虜劉了僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_旅留粒粒流 留竜溜凌 mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_両留粒粒流 竜 留竜溜凌 mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/隆竜旅留亮留 了僚 _僚 留虜劉了僚 凌旅亮亮略僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/凌慮流虜竜侶 _..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_旅留亮侶 竜了溜隆留..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/虜_侶..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/粒留溜留 溜 僚隆竜侶"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_竜溜凌/_両凌隆凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/旅了凌粒流 _僚流亮留凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/_竜侶 凌 劉凌僚 亮流僚亮留..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/僚留龍流侶_侶..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_竜両竜粒留溜留/_旅虜了了侶侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/裡流了侶 _留虜劉了僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/凌硫凌了流 _亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/_粒留了竜溜凌慮流虜侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/_粒留了竜溜凌慮流虜侶/旅虜凌僚溜隆旅留 虜_留旅 虜竜溜亮竜僚凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr ""
"/凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/_粒留了竜溜凌慮流虜侶/竜溜亮竜僚凌 留 _隆竜両旅略 凌 竜旅虜凌僚旅隆溜凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/_粒留了竜溜凌慮流虜侶/_旅虜凌僚溜隆旅留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/_粒留了竜溜凌慮流虜侶/_竜溜亮竜僚凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/_粒留了竜溜凌慮流虜侶/_虜侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/留亮亮流 _留僚留龍流侶侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/留亮亮流 _虜留略留侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_凌留亮凌粒流 竜粒留了竜旅凌慮流虜侶..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 _留凌凌了劉留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/凌僚隆竜侶 流了侶 _留虜劉了僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/凌僚隆竜侶 凌硫凌了流 _亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 _僚凌亮竜凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 _亮劉粒竜慮凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 _凌僚凌了凌粒溜留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 凌僚凌了凌粒溜留 僚流_亮留凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 _留凌凌了劉留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 留_留了流侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 _慮劉亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 _亮留旅虜流 留亮劉了留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 _侶亮竜溜侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/亮侶 留僚留粒僚_亮劉僚留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/虜留略 僚_侶亮亮劉僚凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/留_両旅僚亮侶留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/両凌留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/陸慮溜僚凌留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/_里留両旅僚亮侶侶/_亮留隆凌凌溜侶侶 虜留略 慮劉亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/留略留両侶 竜 _僚流亮留留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/僚略_両侶 了僚 僚 僚侶亮略僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/裡亮_両侶 了僚 僚 僚侶亮略僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "旅亮 竜旅虜凌僚旅隆溜凌 粒旅留 凌硫凌了流"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/_凌侶粒凌亮竜僚凌 亮流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/_亮竜僚凌 亮流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/_凌侶粒凌亮竜僚凌 亮侶 留僚留粒僚亮劉僚凌 亮流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/_亮竜僚凌 亮侶 留僚留粒僚亮劉僚凌 亮流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/凌侶粒凌亮竜僚凌 _僚劉凌 亮流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/亮竜僚凌 僚劉凌 亮流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/凌侶粒凌亮竜僚凌 _侶亮竜旅亮劉僚凌 亮流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/亮竜僚凌 _侶亮竜旅亮劉僚凌 亮流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/竜旅虜僚旅侶/竜略硫留侶/凌侶粒凌亮竜僚凌 侶亮竜旅亮劉僚凌 亮流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/亮竜僚凌 侶亮竜旅亮劉僚凌 亮流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/竜略_硫留侶/_了了凌 略虜竜了凌..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/_亮留侶 留僚留粒僚マ旅侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/旅虜流 マ侶 (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/留僚劉龍旅虜侶 (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/留僚劉龍旅虜侶 (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/留僚劉龍旅虜侶 (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/留留隆凌旅留虜流 旅僚劉龍旅虜侶 (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/旅僚劉龍旅虜侶 (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶 _留留虜流僚/凌竜略旅虜侶 (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/僚凌旅_粒亮留 竜 僚劉凌 留略慮凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/侶粒留溜凌 _虜ホ肝肯採穎 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/凌_硫凌了流/_了僚 僚 虜竜留了溜隆僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_凌硫凌了流/僚留僚劉_侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_流侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_流侶/ 凌僚 _劉凌僚留 了凌粒留旅留亮"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_流侶/ _了凌 凌 了凌粒留旅留亮凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_流侶/_虜侶 了流侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_流侶/ _了凌 凌 了凌粒留旅留亮凌"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_流侶/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/凌凌了流 亮侶僚亮略僚 侶僚 _凌略"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/裡僚慮竜侶 _僚劉凌 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_略僚侶侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/略僚侶侶 _竜"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/略僚侶侶 _竜/了_凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/略僚侶侶 _竜/_留凌凌了劉留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/略僚侶侶 _竜/_了溜留 留了了侶了凌粒留溜留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_凌ホ故系侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_凌ホ故系侶 僚侶亮亮劉僚凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/僚留亮竜_略隆凌侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_竜留虜溜僚侶侶..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_僚旅粒留流..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/裡_侶亮竜溜侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/裡_侶亮竜溜侶/裡_侶亮竜溜侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/裡_侶亮竜溜侶/_僚留溜竜侶 侶亮竜溜侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/裡_侶亮竜溜侶/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/裡_侶亮竜溜侶/立 _亮侶 留僚留粒僚亮劉僚凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/裡_侶亮竜溜侶/立 _留僚留粒僚亮劉僚凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/裡_侶亮竜溜侶/_流亮留 留僚留粒僚亮劉僚凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/裡_侶亮竜溜侶/_了僚 留僚留粒僚亮劉僚留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_旅留粒留流"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/_僚竜旅慮亮侶侶 留了了侶了凌粒留溜留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/旅慮_亮侶流 留了了侶了凌粒留溜留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_流僚亮留/留僚-_竜竜両竜粒留溜留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/凌慮流虜侶 留凌凌了劉留 凌 竜竜流旅凌 _隆旅竜慮僚竜僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/_陸旅了略旅亮留 了僚 僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 凌 略虜竜了凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/陸旅了略旅亮留 竜_旅了竜粒亮劉僚僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/侶_亮旅凌粒溜留 陸溜了凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/侶_亮旅凌粒溜留 陸溜了凌/_亮留留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/侶_亮旅凌粒溜留 陸溜了凌/留 凌僚 留凌_凌了劉留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/侶_亮旅凌粒溜留 陸溜了凌/留 凌 _留留了流竜"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/侶_亮旅凌粒溜留 陸溜了凌/留 凌 _慮劉亮留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/陸旅了略旅亮留 留_僚竜旅慮亮侶侶 留了了侶了凌粒留溜留 凌 略虜竜了凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr ""
"/_粒留了竜溜留/陸旅了略旅亮留 留僚_竜旅慮亮侶侶 留了了侶了凌粒留溜留 留 竜旅了竜粒亮劉僚留 亮侶僚亮略留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/旅留粒留流 隆_旅了ホ 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "虜劉了竜侶 侶亮竜旅亮劉僚侶 隆旅竜粒留溜留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_粒留了竜溜留/留_略慮凌 虜留留粒留流"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_痢慮亮溜竜旅"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_痢慮亮溜竜旅/_凌旅僚劉 凌旅亮流竜旅..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_痢慮亮溜竜旅/痢慮亮溜竜旅 _溜了僚..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_痢慮亮溜竜旅/_留..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_痢慮亮溜竜旅/僚劉粒竜_旅竜..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_痢慮亮溜竜旅/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_痢慮亮溜竜旅/_凌旅亮流竜旅 竜僚竜粒凌 了凌粒留旅留亮凌..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_痢慮亮溜竜旅/侶亮旅凌粒溜留 _僚劉凌 了凌粒留旅留亮凌..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_痢慮亮溜竜旅/_竜両竜粒留溜留 了凌粒留旅留亮ホ..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_痢慮亮溜竜旅/_了了留粒流 竜僚竜粒凌 了凌粒留旅留亮凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_凌流慮竜旅留/_里竜虜亮侶溜侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_凌流慮竜旅留/_里竜虜亮侶溜侶/_粒粒了旅虜流"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_凌流慮竜旅留/_里竜虜亮侶溜侶/_留僚旅虜流"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_凌流慮竜旅留/裡_僚劉 竜流竜旅"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/凌流慮竜旅留/裡_僚劉 竜流竜旅/_粒粒了旅虜略"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_凌流慮竜旅留/裡_僚劉 竜流竜旅/_竜亮留僚旅虜"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/凌流慮竜旅留/裡_僚劉 竜流竜旅/_留僚旅虜略"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/凌流慮竜旅留/裡_僚劉 竜流竜旅/_留了了旅虜略"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_凌流慮竜旅留/裡_僚劉 竜流竜旅/_留了旅虜"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/_凌流慮竜旅留/_旅了凌粒劉 粒留亮亮流 竜僚凌了ホ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_凌流慮竜旅留/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒溜留 虜旅凌 留留慮凌...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "劉粒旅僚竜.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "律溜 溜了凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "虜留僚劉僚留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "律溜 僚隆竜侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "溜竜 留凌僚隆竜隆竜亮劉僚凌. 劉了竜竜 僚留 僚隆竜慮竜溜竜;"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "隆竜旅留亮留 留凌旅亮亮略僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "旅留粒留流 了僚 僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 竜 了凌 凌 留虜劉了凌 留凌旅亮亮略僚;"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "凌慮流虜侶 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫溜凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3782,16 +3790,16 @@ msgstr ""
"僚 凌旅竜溜 凌 略凌僚 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌, 慮留\n"
"留慮竜溜 留亮留留."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "里凌 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌 '%s' 略竜旅 流隆侶."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "留亮亮留凌虜旅硫マ旅凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3800,91 +3808,91 @@ msgstr ""
" 隆侶亮旅凌粒溜留 凌 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫溜凌 留劉竜.\n"
" 虜略凌旅留 留竜溜留 僚留 略凌僚 流隆侶, 流 隆竜僚 劉竜竜 隆旅虜留溜亮留 僚留 粒略竜竜 竜虜竜溜."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 凌硫凌了流 留虜劉了僚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 凌硫凌了流 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_略僚侶侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "略僚侶侶 竜 _了凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/略僚侶侶 凌僚 留凌_凌了劉留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/略僚侶侶 侶 _了溜留 侶了竜虜凌僚旅虜凌 留隆凌亮竜溜凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_凌ホ故系侶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/凌ホ故系侶 _僚侶亮亮劉僚凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_虜凌流"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr ""
"/凌硫凌了流/亮略僚旅侶 流 留_虜侶/_粒留了竜溜凌慮流虜侶/竜溜亮竜僚凌 留 _隆竜両旅略 凌 竜旅虜凌僚旅隆溜凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "竜溜亮竜僚凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "留僚劉僚留"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "溜竜 僚隆竜隆竜亮劉僚凌. 略僚竜 虜了旅虜 凌 竜旅虜凌僚溜隆旅凌 粒旅留 僚留 留凌僚隆竜慮竜溜竜."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "溜竜 僚隆竜隆竜亮劉僚凌. 略僚竜 虜了旅虜 凌 竜旅虜凌僚溜隆旅凌 粒旅留 僚留 留凌僚隆竜慮竜溜竜."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "両凌隆凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "両凌隆凌 留 凌 粒留亮亮留;"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "旅了凌粒劉 粒留亮亮流 竜僚凌了ホ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "律流侶: sylpheed []..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
@@ -3914,7 +3922,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
@@ -6014,17 +6022,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "裡僚侶亮亮劉僚凌"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "劉亮留"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "亮竜凌亮侶僚溜留"
@@ -6323,7 +6334,7 @@ msgstr "僚留龍流侶侶 粒旅留 %s..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "僚留龍流侶侶 粒旅留 %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(律溜 侶亮竜凌亮侶僚溜留)"
@@ -6388,6 +6399,93 @@ msgstr "離凌粒留流 隆侶亮旅凌粒流慮侶虜竜 凌 %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "裡略了亮留 竜旅硫竜硫留溜侶 凌粒留流"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "留溜竜侶 粒留亮亮留凌虜旅硫溜凌"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "旅."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "流侶"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "裡僚隆竜侶 侶僚 竜両侶劉侶 SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "竜僚 亮凌 僚留 僚隆竜慮 凌僚 POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "凌劉虜竜 略了亮留 侶 僚竜隆溜留 POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "凌劉虜竜 略了亮留 侶 僚竜隆溜留 POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 了僚 僚 _竜留了溜隆僚"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "流侶 留旅慮亮凌 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "竜僚 略凌僚 僚劉留 亮侶僚亮留留."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "旅留粒留流 亮侶僚亮留凌(僚)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "凌凌了流 亮侶僚亮留凌"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "流侶 亮侶僚亮略僚 留 %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "旅留粒留流 亮侶僚亮留凌(僚)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7053,10 +7151,6 @@ msgstr "陸旅了略..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "陸旅了留溜侶虜留僚 %d 亮侶僚亮留留."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "旅."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
index fa62c138..a8cf328c 100644
--- a/po/es.po
+++ b/po/es.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-06-09 16:20+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ricardo Mones <ricardo@mones.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Ricardo Mones <ricardo@mones.org>\n"
@@ -18,194 +18,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Leyendo configuraci坦n de cada cuenta...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "La conexi坦n IMAP4 con %s se ha roto. Reconectando...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "El servidor IMAP4 deshabilita LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "creando conexi坦n IMAP4 con %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "No puedo iniciar la sesi坦n TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Obteniendo mensaje %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Agregando mensajes a %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Moviendo mensajes %s a %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Copiando mensajes %s a %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Borrando mensajes %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "no puedo establecer los flags borrados: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "no puedo vaciar\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Borrando todos los mensajes en %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "no puedo establecer los flags borrados: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "no se puede cerrar la carpeta\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "la carpeta ra鱈z %s no existe\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "hubo un error obteniendo LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "No puedo crear 束%s損\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "No puedo crear 束%s損 bajo Entrada\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "no puedo crear el buz坦n: LIST fall坦\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "no puedo crear el buz坦n\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "no puedo renombrar el buz坦n: %s a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "no puedo borrar el buz坦n\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "no se puede obtener la estructura del mensaje\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Obteniendo las cabeceras de mensaje (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "error obteniendo la estructura del mensaje.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "No se puede interpretar la estructura del mensaje: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "No se puede conectar con el servidor IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "No puedo establecer la sesi坦n IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "no se puede obtener el espacio de nombres\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "no se puede seleccionar la carpeta: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "error en el mandato imap: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "La autentificaci坦n IMAP fall坦.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "Autentificaci坦n IMAP4 fallida.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "no puedo a単adir %s a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(enviando fichero...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "no se puede a単adir el mensaje a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "no puedo copiar %s a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "error en el mandato imap: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "error en el mandato imap: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "error en el mandato imap: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv no puede convertir UTF-7 a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv no puede convertir %s a UTF-7\n"
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ msgstr "las carpetas de origen y destino son id辿nticas.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Copiando mensaje %s/%d a %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -434,19 +434,19 @@ msgstr "Hubo un error mientras se enviaba\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Hubo un error enviando el mandato\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "No se encontr坦 en el saludo la marca temporal APOP necesaria\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Error de sintaxis en la marca temporal del saludo\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Marca temporal no v叩lida en el saludo\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "Error del protocolo POP3\n"
@@ -455,37 +455,37 @@ msgstr "Error del protocolo POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "respuesta UIDL no v叩lida: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Borrando el mensaje caducado %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Ignorando mensaje %d (%d bytes)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "el buz坦n est叩 bloqueado\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "tiempo de espera agotado para la sesi坦n\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "no puedo iniciar la sesi坦n TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "hubo alg炭n error en la autentificaci坦n\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "mandato no soportado\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "hubo alg炭n error en la sesi坦n POP3\n"
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ msgstr "Filtro de correo basura (manual)"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Filtro de correo basura"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Conversi坦n de c坦digos fallida.\n"
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ msgstr ""
"en la columna 束G損 para habilitar la descarga mediante 束Recibir todo損."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ msgstr "Par叩metro de usuario de la acci坦n"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "A単adir direcci坦n a la agenda"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Direcci坦n"
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ msgstr "Notas"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Seleccionar carpeta de la agenda"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Fichero"
@@ -852,10 +852,10 @@ msgstr "/_Fichero/Nuevo _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Fichero/Nuevo servidor _LDAP"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Fichero/---"
@@ -872,21 +872,21 @@ msgstr "/_Fichero/_Borrar"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Guardar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Cerrar"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Editar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Copiar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Pegar"
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ msgstr "/_Direcci坦n/_Editar"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Direcci坦n/_Borrar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Herramientas"
@@ -931,12 +931,12 @@ msgstr "/_Herramientas/Importar fichero _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/Importar fichero _CSV"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Ayuda"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_Acerca de"
@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Nueva _carpeta"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -991,17 +991,17 @@ msgstr "Agenda de direcciones"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nombre:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Para:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1205,15 +1205,15 @@ msgstr "Direcci坦n com炭n"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Direcci坦n personal"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notificaci坦n"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Aviso"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"
@@ -1260,388 +1260,388 @@ msgstr "Marr坦n"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ninguno"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_A単adir"
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Quitar"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Propiedades..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Enviar"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Enviar _m叩s tarde"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Guardar en borradores"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Guardar y _seguir editando"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Adjuntar fichero"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Insertar fichero"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Fichero/Insertar _firma"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Fichero/Agregar _firma"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Deshacer"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Rehacer"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Editar/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Editar/Cor_tar"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Editar/Pegar como c_itaci坦n"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Seleccionar todo"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Recortar p叩rrafo actual"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Recortar todas las l鱈neas largas"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Editar/Aut_o-recorte"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Ver"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Para"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Copia (Cc)"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Ver/C_opia oculta (Bcc)"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Responder a"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Ver/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Followup-To"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Regleta"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Adjuntos"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Ver/Configurar barra de _herramientas..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/_Autom叩tica"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/ASCII de 7 bits (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Europeo occidental (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Europeo occidental (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Centroeuropeo (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/_B叩ltico (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/B叩ltico (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/B叩ltico (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Griego (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Ar叩bigo (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Ar叩bigo (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Hebreo (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Hebreo (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Turco (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Cir鱈lico (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Cir鱈lico (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Cir鱈lico (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Cir鱈lico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Japon辿s (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Chino simplificado (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Chino simplificado (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Chino tradicional (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Coreano (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Tailand辿s (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Tailand辿s (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Agenda de direcciones"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/Plan_tillas"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/Accio_nes"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Editar/Editar con el editor e_xterno"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/Fir_mar con PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Cifrar con PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Comprobar ortograf鱈a"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Establecer idioma ortogr叩fico"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: el fichero no existe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "No se puede obtener la parte de texto\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Error en el formato de la marca de cita."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Error en el formato de responder/redirijir."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "El fichero %s no existe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "No se puede obtener el tama単o de %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "El fichero %s esta vac鱈o."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "No se puede leer %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Mensaje: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "No se puede obtener la parte del mensaje multipartes."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Sin asunto)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Componer%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "No se especific坦 el destinatario."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Asunto vac鱈o"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "El asunto esta vac鱈o. 多Enviar de todas formas?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Falta el adjunto"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr "No hay adjunto. 多Enviarlo sin adjuntos?"
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr "Comprobar destinatarios"
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "多Enviar realmente este correo a las direcciones siguientes?"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Desde:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Asunto:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "_Enviar"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "no se puede obtener la lista de destinatarios."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1649,39 +1649,39 @@ msgstr ""
"No especific坦 ninguna cuenta para enviar.\n"
"Seleccione alguna cuenta de correo antes de enviar."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Hubo un error enviando el mensaje a %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "No se puede guardar el mensaje en Salida."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"No se encontr坦 ninguna clave asociada al ID de clave seleccionado "
"actualmente 束%s損."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "El mensaje no se puede firmar."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "El mensaje no se puede cifrar."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "El mensaje no se puede cifrar o firmar."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "no se pueden cambiar los permisos de archivo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1692,11 +1692,11 @@ msgstr ""
"多Enviarlo como %s de todas formas?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Error en la conversi坦n de c坦digos"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1709,15 +1709,15 @@ msgstr ""
"多Enviarlo de todas formas?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "L鱈mite de longitud de l鱈nea"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "Cifrando con copia oculta"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1731,89 +1731,90 @@ msgstr ""
"多Enviarlo de todas formas?"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "no se puede eliminar el mensaje antiguo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "poniendo en la cola...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "no puedo encontrar la carpeta de cola\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "El mensaje no se puede poner en la cola\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "El fichero %s no existe."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "No se puede abrir el fichero %s."
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Message-ID generado: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Creando ventana de composici坦n...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Firmar con PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Cifrar con PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tipo MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tama単o"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Tipo MIME inv叩lido."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "El fichero no existe o est叩 vac鱈o."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Ruta"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nombre de fichero"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "La orden del editor externo es inv叩lida: 束%s損\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1822,48 +1823,48 @@ msgstr ""
"El editor externo a炭n esta activo.\n"
"多Forzar la finalizaci坦n del proceso (pid: %d)?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "_Configurar barra de herramientas..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "El mensaje no se puede poner en la cola."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Seleccionar ficheros"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Seleccionar fichero"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Guardar mensaje"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Este mensaje ha sido modificado. 多Guardarlo en la carpeta Borradores?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Cerrar _sin guardar"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "多Quiere aplicar la plantilla 束%s損?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Aplicar plantilla"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Reemplazar"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Insertar"
@@ -2316,12 +2317,12 @@ msgstr "Estableciendo la informaci坦n de la carpeta...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Estableciendo la informaci坦n de la carpeta..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Revisando carpeta %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Revisando carpeta %s ..."
@@ -2490,7 +2491,8 @@ msgstr "Grupos de noticias:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Creando vista de cabeceras...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Sin remitente)"
@@ -2671,139 +2673,139 @@ msgstr "Importar fichero LDIF a la agenda"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d mensajes nuevos"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autentificando con POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Obteniendo nuevos mensajes"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "En espera"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Cancelado"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Recuperando"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Hecho (%d mensaje(s) (%s) recibido(s))"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Hecho (no hay mensajes nuevos)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Conexi坦n fallida"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Authorizaci坦n fallida"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Bloqueado"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Tiempo l鱈mite"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Finalizado (%d mensaje(s) nuevo(s))"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Finalizado (no hay mensajes nuevos)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Hubo alg炭n error obteniendo el correo."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "obteniendo nuevos mensajes de la cuenta %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: Autentificando con POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Recuperando nuevos mensajes"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Conectando al servidor POP3: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "No se puede conectar al servidor POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Autentificando..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Obteniendo mensajes desde %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Obteniendo el n炭mero de nuevos mensajes (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Obteniendo el n炭mero de nuevos mensajes (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Obteniendo el n炭mero de nuevos mensajes (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Obteniendo el tama単o de nuevos mensajes (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Borrando mensaje %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Saliendo"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Recuperando mensaje (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Obteniendo (%d mensaje(s) (%s) recibido(s))"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2811,15 +2813,15 @@ msgstr ""
"La ejecuci坦n de la orden del filtro de correo basura fall坦.\n"
"Por favor, compruebe la configuraci坦n del filtro de correo basura."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Conexi坦n fallida."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Hubo un error mientras se procesaba el correo."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2828,28 +2830,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Hubo un error procesando el correo:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "No hay espacio libre en disco."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "No se puede escribir el fichero."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Error de socket."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Conexi坦n cerrada por la m叩quina remota."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "El buz坦n esta bloqueado."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2858,11 +2861,11 @@ msgstr ""
"El buz坦n est叩 bloqueado:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "La autentificaci坦n fall坦."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2871,15 +2874,15 @@ msgstr ""
"La autentificaci坦n fall坦:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Se agot坦 el tiempo de espera de la sesi坦n."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Incorporaci坦n cancelada\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Obteniendo nuevos mensajes desde %s en %s...\n"
@@ -2897,20 +2900,20 @@ msgstr "Contrase単a"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Traza del protocolo"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread no est叩 soportado por glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Uso: %s [OPCIN]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [direcci坦n] abre la ventana de composici坦n"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2920,23 +2923,23 @@ msgstr ""
" abre la ventana de composici坦n con los ficheros\n"
" especificados como adjuntos"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive recive los mensajes nuevos"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all recibe nuevos para todas las cuentas"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send enviar todos los mensajes en la cola"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [carpeta]... muestra el n炭mero total de mensajes"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2944,46 +2947,46 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [carpeta]...\n"
" muestra el estado de cada carpeta"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr " --open idcarpeta/n尊msj abre el mensaje en una ventana nueva"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
" --configdir nombredir indicar el directorio con ficheros de configuraci坦n"
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
" --ipcport numpuerto especificar el puerto IPC para 坦rdenes remotas"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit finalizar Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug modo de depuraci坦n"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help presenta esta ayuda y finaliza"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version da la informaci坦n de la versi坦n y finaliza"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Pulse cualquier tecla..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n de los nombres de fichero"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3007,19 +3010,19 @@ msgstr ""
"多Desea continuar?"
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Est叩 componiendo un mensaje. 多Seguro que quiere salir?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Mensajes en cola"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Hay mensajes sin enviar en la cola. 多Salir ahora?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3028,15 +3031,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Soporte para OpenPGP deshabilitado."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "ya hay otro Sylpheed en ejecuci坦n.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migraci坦n de la configuraci坦n"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3044,662 +3047,667 @@ msgstr ""
"Se encontr坦 una versi坦n anterior de la configuraci坦n.\n"
"多Desea migrarla?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Carpeta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Carpeta_/Crear _nueva carpeta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Carpeta_/_Renombrar carpeta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Carpeta_/_Mover carpeta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Carpeta_/_Borrar carpeta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Buz坦n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Buz坦n/_A単adir buz坦n..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Buz坦n/_Eliminar buz坦n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Buz坦n/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Buz坦n/_Comprobar si hay mensajes nuevos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Buz坦n/_Comprobar mensajes nuevos en todas las carpetas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Buz坦n/R_econstruir 叩rbol de carpetas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Fichero/I_mportar fichero mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Exportar a un fichero mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Vaciar todas las papeleras"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Guardar como..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Fichero/Config_urar p叩gina..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Imprimir..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Fichero/_Trabajar sin conexi坦n"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Fichero/Sali_r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Editar/Seleccionar _hilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Edici坦n/_Buscar en el mensaje actual..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Edici坦n/_Buscar en los mensajes..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Editar/B炭squeda _r叩pida"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar/_rbol de carpetas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar/Vista de _mensajes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar/_Herramientas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar/_Herramientas/Iconos _y texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar/_Herramientas/Texto a la de_recha del icono"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar/_Herramientas/_Iconos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar/_Herramientas/_Texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar/_Herramientas/_Ocultar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar/Barra de b炭_squeda"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar u o_cultar/_Barra de estado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/_Configurar barra de herramientas..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Aspecto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Aspecto/_Normal"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Aspecto/_Vertical"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Ver/Separar 叩rb_ol de carpetas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Ver/Separar vista de m_ensajes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por _n炭mero"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por _tama単o"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por _fecha"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por _fecha del hilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por _remitente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por _destinatario"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por a_sunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por _color de la etiqueta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por _marca"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por _no le鱈do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Por adj_unto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/N_o ordenar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Ascendente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Descendente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordenar/Atraer _por asunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Vista jer叩rquica"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Ver/E_xpandir todos los hilos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Ver/Co_lapsar todos los hilos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Ver/Elementos visibles..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaje a_nterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaje s_iguiente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/_Anterior sin leer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/_Siguiente sin leer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaje nue_vo anterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaje n_uevo s_iguiente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaje marcado a_nterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Siguiente mensaje marcado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaje etiquetado anterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Siguiente mensaje etiquetado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/_Ir a otra carpeta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/_Autodetectar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Europeo occidental (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Japon辿s (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Japon辿s (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Japon辿s (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Chino tradicional (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Chino (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Ver/Codificaci坦n de caract_eres/Coreano (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Ver/Abrir en una ventana _nueva"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Ver/Fuente del mens_aje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Todas las cabeceras"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Ver/Actualizar res_umen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Mensaje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Reci_bir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Reci_bir/De la cuenta a_ctual"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Reci_bir/De tod_as las cuentas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Reci_bir/Detener la recepci坦n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Mensaje/Reci_bir/De tod_as las cuentas"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Reci_bir/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Enviar mensa_jes en cola"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Componer _nuevo mensaje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Responder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Respon_der a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Respon_der a/A _todos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Respon_der a/Al _remitente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Respon_der a/A la _lista de correo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Reenviar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Reen_viar como adjunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Red_irigir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Mensaje/M_over..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Copiar..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Marcar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Marcar/_Marcar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Marcar/_Desmarcar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Marcar/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Marcar/Marcar como no le鱈do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Marcar/Marcar como le鱈do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Marcar/Marcar hilo como le鱈do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Marcar/Marcar todo como le鱈do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/_Borrar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Es un correo _basura"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/No es un correo _basura"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Mensaje/Re_editar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Herramientas/A単adir remitente a la age_nda..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Filtrar todos los mensajes de la carpeta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Filtrar los mensajes seleccionados"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Crear regla de filtrado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Crear regla de filtrado/_Autom叩ticamente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Crear regla de filtrado/Basada en _Desde"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Crear regla de filtrado/Basada en _Para"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Crear regla de filtrado/Basada en el _Asunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Filtrar mensajes basura en la carpeta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Filtrar mensajes basura en los seleccionados"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/Borrar los mensajes re_petidos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Ejecutar el proceso marcado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Herramientas/_Ventana de traza"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/Preferencias _comunes..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/Preferencias de _filtrado..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/_Plantillas ..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/_Acciones..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/_Preferencias de la cuenta actual..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/Crear una _nueva cuenta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/_Editar cuentas..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/_Cambiar la cuenta actual"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_Manual"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_Manual/_Ingl辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_Manual/_Japon辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_FAQ/_Ingl辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_FAQ/_Alem叩n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_FAQ/_Espa単ol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_FAQ/_Franc辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_FAQ/_Italiano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/Opciones de l鱈nea de ordenes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Creando ventana principal...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: fallo solicitando color %d\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "hecho.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Sin t鱈tulo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "ninguna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Desconectado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "Esta desconectado. 多Conectar?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Vaciar todas las papeleras"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "多Borrar todos los mensajes de las papeleras?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "A単adir buz坦n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3709,16 +3717,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Si el buz坦n especificado ya existe entonces ser叩\n"
"escaneado autom叩ticamente."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "El buz坦n 束%s損 ya existe."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Correo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3728,87 +3736,87 @@ msgstr ""
"Quiz叩s ya existan los ficheros o no tenga permisos suficientes para "
"escribir en el directorio."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - rbol de carpetas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Vista de mensaje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Responder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/Responder a _todos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Responder al _remitente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Responder a la _lista de correo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Reenviar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Reen_viar como adjunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Red_irigir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "Icono _y texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "Texto a la de_recha del icono"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "_Icono"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "_Texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "_Ninguno"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "Esta desconectado. Haga clic en el icono para conectar."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "Esta conectado. Haga clic en el icono para desconectar."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Salir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "多Salir del programa?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Opciones de l鱈nea de ordenes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Uso: sylpheed [OPCIN]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3838,7 +3846,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5927,17 +5935,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Adjunto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Asunto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Desde"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
@@ -6231,7 +6242,7 @@ msgstr "Buscando %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Buscando %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Sin fecha)"
@@ -6293,6 +6304,93 @@ msgstr "Firma hecha en %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Error al verificar la firma"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Eliminar mailbox"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "No."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Recibir"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Conectando con el servidor SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "No se puede conectar al servidor POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "hubo alg炭n error en la sesi坦n POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "hubo alg炭n error en la sesi坦n POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Obteniendo las cabeceras de mensaje (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Obteniendo el n炭mero de nuevos mensajes (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "No hay mensajes nuevos."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Borrar mensaje(s)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Obteniendo nuevos mensajes"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Enviar mensaje"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Obteniendo nuevos mensajes"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Obteniendo mensajes desde %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Borrar mensaje(s)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6954,10 +7052,6 @@ msgstr "Filtrando..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "se ha(n) filtrado %d mensaje(s)."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "No."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/et.po b/po/et.po
index 52dedc73..ebeaf42c 100644
--- a/po/et.po
+++ b/po/et.po
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Estonian translation of sylpheed.
# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Peeter Vois <Peeter.Vois@mail.ee>, 2001.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-10-02 09:08+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Peeter Vois <Peeter.Vois@mail.ee>\n"
"Language-Team: Estonian <et@li.org>\n"
@@ -18,201 +18,201 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Loen k探igi kontode seaded...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 端hendus %s:%d-ga katkes. Taas端hendan...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP serveri kataloog"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "loon IMAP4 端hendust %s:%d-ga ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Ei suuda avada TLS sessiooni.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Kustutan kirja %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Saadan kirja (%d / %d baiti)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Liigutan kirja %s%c%d kausta %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kopeerin kirja %s%c%d kausta %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "V探tan kirju %s-st ja panen %s-i...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "ei suutnud seada kustutatu lippu: %d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "ei suuda v辰ljastada\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "V探tan kirju %s-st ja panen %s-i...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "ei suutnud seada kustutatu lippu: 1:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "ei suuuda valida kausta: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "*M辰rgi faili ei leidunud.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "Nimistu saamisel tekkis viga.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Ei suuda luua '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "Ei suuda luua '%s' Sisendkasti all\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "ei suuda luua kirjakasti: Nimistu eba探nnestus\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "ei suuda luua kirjakasti\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ei suuda kirjakasti %s-lt 端mber nimetada %s-le\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "ei suuda kustutada kirjakasti\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "ei suuda v探tta 端mbrikut\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Saadan kirja (%d / %d baiti)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "端mbriku v探tmisel tekis viga.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "ei suutnud avada 端mbrikut: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ei suuda 端hendada IMAP4 serveriga: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ei suuda 端hendada IMAP4 serveriga: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "ei suutnud leida nime asukohta\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "ei suuuda valida kausta: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "imapi k辰su t辰itmisel tekkis viga: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Autoriseerimise meetod"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 sissekirjutus eba探nnestus.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ei suuda %s-d lisada %s-i\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(saadan faili...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "ei suuda lisada kirja %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ei suuda %d-d kopeerida %s-i\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "imapi k辰su t辰itmisel tekkis viga: STORE %d:%d %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "imapi k辰su t辰itmisel tekkis viga: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
#, fuzzy
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "imapi k辰su t辰itmisel tekkis viga: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv ei suuda konversteerida UTF-7-t %s-ks\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv ei suuda konverteerida %s-i UTF-7-ks\n"
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ msgstr "l辰htekaust on identne sihtkaustale.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kopeerin kirja %s%c%d kausta %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -435,20 +435,20 @@ msgstr "Kirja saatmisel tekkis viga\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Tekkis viga kirja protsessimisel."
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "N探utud APOP'i ajatemplit ei leidunud tervituses\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "*Tervituses on ajam辰rgi s端ntaksi viga\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "N探utud APOP'i ajatemplit ei leidunud tervituses\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 protokolli viga\n"
@@ -457,38 +457,38 @@ msgstr "POP3 protokolli viga\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "*vigane xover rida: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Kustutan aegunud kirja %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: J辰tan kirja (%d / %d baiti) vahele\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "kirjakast on lukus\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "ei suutnud k辰ivitada TLS sessiooni\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "autoriseerimisel tekkis viga\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
#, fuzzy
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "K辰sklus"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "autoriseerimisel tekkis viga\n"
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ msgstr "Kaust"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Kaust"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Koodi muundamine eba探nnestus.\n"
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ msgstr ""
"'G' tulbas lubamaks kirjade v探tmist kasutades 'V探ta k探ik'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Lisa aadress raamatusse"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Aadress"
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ msgstr "M辰rkused"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Vali aadressiraamatu kaust"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Fail"
@@ -858,10 +858,10 @@ msgstr "/_Fail/Uus _JPiloot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Fail/Uus _Server"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Fail/---"
@@ -878,21 +878,21 @@ msgstr "/_Fail/Kustuta"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Fail/_Salvesta"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Fail/Sul_ge"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/R_edaktor"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/_Kopeeri"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/_Aseta"
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ msgstr "/_Aadress/R_edigeeri"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Aadress/Kustuta"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist"
@@ -938,12 +938,12 @@ msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Impordi _LDIF fail"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Impordi _LDIF fail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Abi"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Abi/Sellest"
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Uus Kaust"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -1000,17 +1000,17 @@ msgstr "Aadressiraamat"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nimi:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Kellele:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Koopia:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Pimekoopia:"
@@ -1221,15 +1221,15 @@ msgstr "ldine aadress"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Isiklik aadress"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "M辰rkus"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Hoiatus"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Viga"
@@ -1276,434 +1276,434 @@ msgstr "Pruun"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Mittemiski"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/Lis_a..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/Eemalda"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/Omadus..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Fail/_Salvesta"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Saada _hiljem"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Salvesta _mustandi kausta"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Salvesta ja j辰tka kirjutamist"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Fail/M_anusta fail"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Fail/L_isa fail"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Fail/Lisa allkiri"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Fail/Lisa allkiri"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/R_edigeeri/_T端hista"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "R_edigeeri/_Ennista"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/R-edaktor/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/_L探ika"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/Aseta kui tsitaat"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/_M辰rgi k探ik"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/_辰rista aktiivne l探ik"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/辰_rista k探ik pikad read"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/_Kopeeri"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Vaade"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Vaadde/_Kellele"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Vaade/Koopia"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Vaade/*_BCC"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Vasta"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_vaade/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Vaade/*J辰rgneja"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Vaade/Joonla_ud"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Manus"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/Teine kaust..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/Vaade/_Sorteeri/Kahanevas j辰rjekorras"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/Vaade/_Sorteeri/Kahanevas j辰rjekorras"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/7bitine ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/L辰辰ne-Euroopa (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/L辰辰ne-Euroopa (ISO-8859-_15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Kesk-Euroopa (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/_Balti (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Balti (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Kirillits (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Greeka (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Balti (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Kirillits (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Greeka (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Kirillits (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/T端rgi (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Kirillits (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Kirillits (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Kirillits (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Kirillits (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Jaapan (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Lihtsustatud Hiina (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Lihtsustatud Hiina (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Traditsionaalne Hiine (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Korea (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Tai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Tai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/_Aadressiraamat"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/_Mall"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Tegevused"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/Redi_geeri v辰lise redaktoriga"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Tegevused"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Kr端pteeri"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/K辰ivita"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/_Mall"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "faili %s ei leidu\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Ei saa tekstiosa k辰tte\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "*Tsitaadim辰rgi formaadi viga."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Kirja vasta/edasta formaadi viga."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Faili %s ei leidu\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ei saanud failile %s suurust\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Fail %s on t端hi."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "ei suuda lugeda %s-i"
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Kiri: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ei saa mitmeosalise kirja osa k辰tte."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Pole pealkirja)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Kirjuta kiri%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Saaja pole m辰辰ratud."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Pealkiri"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "P辰辰lkiri on t端hi. Kas saadame igal juhul?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Manused"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "S辰ti j辰rgmised aadressid automaatselt"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Kellelt:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Pealkiri:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Saada"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "ei leia saajate nimistut."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1711,41 +1711,41 @@ msgstr ""
"Kirja saatmiseks pole m辰辰ratud kasutajtunnust.\n"
"Palun vali kirja konto enne saatmist."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Tekkis viga kirja saatmisel %s-le."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Kirja ei 探nnestunud asetada v辰ljunute kausta."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Ei suutnud leida 端htki v探tit, mis oleks seotud valitud v探tmega (id'%s')."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Kirja ei 探nnestunud j辰rjekorda asetada."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Kirja ei 探nnestunud j辰rjekorda asetada."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Kirja ei 探nnestunud j辰rjekorda asetada."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "Ei suuda muuta faili omadusi\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1755,12 +1755,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Ei suuda transleerida kirja tekstikoodi.\n"
"Kas igatahes saata ?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Aadressiraamatu uuendamise viga"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1769,15 +1769,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1786,92 +1786,93 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "Ei suuda eemaldada vana kirja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "Asetan kirja j辰rjekorda...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "j辰rjekorra kausta ei leidunud\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "Ei suutnud kirja j辰rjekorda asetada\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Faili %s ei leidu\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Ei suuda avada faili %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Loodud Kirja-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Loon kirjutamise akent...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Tegevused"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Kr端pteeri"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME t端端p"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Suurus"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Vale MIME t端端p."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Faili ei eksisteeri v探i on see t端hi."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Omadus"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodeerimine"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Tee"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Failinimi"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "V辰lise redaktori k辰surida on vale: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1881,52 +1882,52 @@ msgstr ""
"Kas h辰vitame protsessi?\n"
"protsessi grupi id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Kirja ei 探nnestunud j辰rjekorda asetada."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "M辰辰ra fail"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "M辰辰ra fail"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Saada kiri"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Seda kirja on muudetud. kas kaotame selle?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Kas te tahate seda malli lisada '%s'-e ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Lisa mall"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Asenda"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Lisa"
@@ -2388,12 +2389,12 @@ msgstr "Sean kausta info...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Sean kausta info..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Tuhnin kaustas %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Tuhnin kaustas %s ..."
@@ -2566,7 +2567,8 @@ msgstr "Uudistegrupid:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Loon p辰ise vaadet...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Eikelleltki)"
@@ -2755,213 +2757,214 @@ msgstr "Impordi LDIF fail aadressiraamatusse"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atribuudid"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "L探petatud (%d uut kirja)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autoriseerimine"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "V探tan uusi kirju"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "*Juures"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Katkestatud"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Tirin"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Valmis (%d kirja (%s)-st v探etud)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Valmis (uusi kirju pole)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "hendus eba探nnestus"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Autoriseerimine eba探nnestus"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Lukustatud"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Ajalimiit (sek)"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "L探petatud (%d uut kirja)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "L探petatud (uusi kirju pole)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Tekksiid m探ned vead kirjade v探tmisel."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "v探tan uued kirjad kontolt %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autoriseerimine"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Uute kirjade v探tmine"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "hendan POP3 serveriga: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ei suuda 端henduda POP3 serveriga %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Autoriseerin..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "V探tan kirju %s-st ja panen %s-i...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "V探tan uute kirjade arvu (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "V探tan uute kirjade arvu (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "V探tan uute kirjade arvu (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "V探tan kirjade suuruse (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Kustutan kirja %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "V辰ljun"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "V探tan kirja (%d /%d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Valmis (%d kirja (%s)-st v探etud)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "hendus eba探nnestus"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Tekkis viga kirja protsessimisel."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
msgstr "Tekkis viga kirja protsessimisel."
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Ketas t辰is."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Ei saa kirjutada faili.\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Soketi viga\n"
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Kirjakast on lukus."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
msgstr "Kirjakast on lukus."
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Autoriseerimise meetod"
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
msgstr "Autoriseerimise meetod"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Sissekanne peatatud\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "V探tame uued teated %s-ist %s-i.\n"
@@ -2979,20 +2982,20 @@ msgstr "Sisesta parool"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Protokolli s端ndmustik"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread ei ole glib poolt toetatud.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Kauta: %s [SEADED]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [aadress] ava kirjakirjutamise aken"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -3002,73 +3005,73 @@ msgstr ""
" ava uue kirja aken nii, et m辰rgitud failid\n"
" on manustatud kirjale"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive v探ta uued kirjad"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all v探ta uued kirjad k探igilt konto"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --saada saada k探ik j辰rjekorras olevad kirjad"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --staatus n辰ita kogu kirjade arvu"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --staatus n辰ita kogu kirjade arvu"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug veaotsimise re転iim"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug veaotsimise re転iim"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help n辰ita seda teadet ja v辰lju"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version n辰ita versiooni informatsiooni ja v辰lju"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
"v探i vajuta 'y' klahvi.\n"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "V辰ljuva kirja kooditabel"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3082,19 +3085,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Kirjakirjutamine on pooleli. T探esti l探petame?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "kirjad j辰rjekorras"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "M探ned saatmata kirjad on j辰rjekooras. L探petame?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3103,724 +3106,729 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP toetus keelustatud."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "端ks teine Sylpheed juba t旦旦tab.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Tegevuste konfiguratsiooni kirjutamine...\n"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Fail/_Kaust"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Fail/_Kaust/_Loo uus kaust..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Fail/_Kaust/_Nimeta kaust 端mber"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Fail/_Kaust/_Nimeta kaust 端mber"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Fail/_Kaust/_Kustuta kaust"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Fail/_Lisa kirjakast..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Fail/_Lisa kirjakast..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/Ee_malda kirjakst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Fail/_Kaust"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Vaata uusi kirju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Fail/_Vaata uusi kirju k探igis kaustades"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Uuenda kausta puu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Fail/_Impordi kirjakasti fail..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Fail/_Ekspordi kirjakasti faili..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Fail/_T端hjenda pr端gikast"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Fail/_Salvesta kui..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Fail/_Salvesta kui..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Fail/_Tr端ki..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Fail/L_isa fail"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Fail/_V辰lju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/M辰rgi _teema"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Redaktor/_Leia k辰esolevast kirjast..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Redaktor/_Otsi kirju..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/R_edaktor/Ot_si kaustast"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja/Kausta_puud"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja/Kirja_vaadet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Vaadde/N辰ita v探i varja/_Nupuribal"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja/_Nupuribal/Pilti _ja teksti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja/_Nupuribal/_Pilti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja/_Nupuribal/_Pilti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja/_Nupuribal/_Teksti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja/_Nupuribal/_Mitte midagi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja/Staatusri_ba"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja/Staatusri_ba"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/Teine kaust..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/_vormi j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Vaade/Eraldi kausta puu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Vaade/Eraldi kirja vaade"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/_numbri j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/_suuruse j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/_kuup辰eva j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/_kuup辰eva j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/_vormi j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/_suuruse j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/_pealkirja j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/v_辰rvi j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/_m辰rgi j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/m_itteloetute j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/kirja_lisade j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/ra sorteeri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/Vaade/_Sorteeri/Kasvavas j辰rjekorras"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/Vaade/_Sorteeri/Kahanevas j辰rjekorras"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Sorteeri/*'_Attract' subjekti j辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Vaade/Teema_vaade"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Vaade/Paisuta k探ik teemad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Vaade/Sulge k探ik teemad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Vaade/M辰辰_ra n辰idatavad parameetrid"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/Eelmine kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/J辰rgmine kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/_Eelmine mitteloetud kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/_J辰rgmine mitteloetud kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Vaade/Mine/Eelmisele uuele kirjale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Vaade/Mine/J辰rgmisele uuele kirjale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/Eelmine _m辰rgitud kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/J辰rgmine m_辰rgitud kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/Eelmine _sildiga kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/J辰gmine s_ildiga kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Ava/Teine kaust..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/M辰辰ra _Automaatselt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/L辰辰ne-Euroopa (ISO-8859-_15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Jaapan (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Jaapan (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Jaapan (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Traditsionaalne Hiina (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Hiina (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Kooditabel/Korea (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/Vaade/Ava uues aknas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita kirja l辰htekoodi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/Vaade/K探ik p辰ised"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Vaade/_Uuenda koond"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Kirjuta _端mber"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Kiri/V探ta _k探igilt kontodelt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Kiri/V探ta _k探igilt kontodelt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Katkesta kirjade v探tmine"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Kiri/V探ta _k探igilt kontodelt"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Kirjuta _端mber"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Kiri/_Saada j辰rjekorras olevad kirjad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Kiri/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Uus k_iri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Kiri/_Vasta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Kiri/_Vasta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Vasta/k_探igile"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Vas_ta/_saatjale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Vasta/kirja _listi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Saada _edasi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Saada edasi _manusena"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Suuna _端mber"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Kiri/_Nihuta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Kiri/K_opeeri..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Kiri/M_辰rk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Kiri/M_辰rk/M_辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Kiri/M_辰rk/_Eemaldan m辰rgi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Kiri/M_辰rk/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Kiri/M_辰rk/M辰rgin _mitteloetuks"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Kiri/M_辰rk/M辰rgin _loetuks"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Kiri/M_辰rk/M辰rgin _loetuks"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Kiri/M_辰rk/M辰rgin _k探ik loetuks"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Kustuta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Kiri/V探ta _uued kirjad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Kiri/V探ta _uued kirjad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Kirjuta _端mber"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Lisa saatja aadressi raamatusse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/_Filtreeri kirjad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/_Filtreeri kirjad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Loo filtri reeglistik"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Loo filtri reeglistik/Automaatselt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Loo filtri reeglistik/ kasutades Kellelt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Loo filtri reeglistik/kasutades Kellele"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Loo filtri reeglistik/ kasutades p辰辰lkirja"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/_Filtreeri kirjad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/_Filtreeri kirjad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/_Kustuta topelt kirjad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "K辰ivita m辰rgitud protsess"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/_Teadete aken"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_H辰辰lestus"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_H辰辰lestus/_ldised omadused..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_H辰辰lestus/_Filtri seaded..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_H辰辰lestus/_Mall..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_H辰辰lestus/Tegevused..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_H辰辰lestus/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_H辰辰lestus/_Hetkel kasutatava konto omadused..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_H辰辰lestus/_Loo uus konto..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_H辰辰lestus/_Redigeeri kontosid..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_H辰辰lestus/_Muuda kasutatavat kontot"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Abi/_Juhend"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Abi/_Juhend/_Inglise"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Abi/_Juhend/_Jaapani"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Abi/_KKK"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Abi/_KKK/_Inglise"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Abi/_KKK/_Saksa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Abi/_KKK/_Hispaania"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Abi/_KKK/_Prantsuse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Abi/_KKK/_Itaalia"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "K辰surida ei ole sisestatud."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Abi/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Loon peamise akna...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "PeaAken: v辰rvi haldamine %d eba探nnestus\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "tehtud.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Tiitlita"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "mittemiski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "T端hjenda pr端gikast"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Kas eemaldada k探ik kirjad pr端gikastist?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Lisa kirjakast"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3830,16 +3838,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Sisesta kirjakasti asukoht.\n"
"Kui m辰辰rate juba olemasoleva kirjakasti, siis seeskaneeritakse automaatselt."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Kirjakast %s on juba olemas."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Kirjakast"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3848,95 +3856,95 @@ msgstr ""
"Kirjakasti loomine eba探nnestus.\n"
"V探ibolla m探ned failid on olemas, v探i teil pole 探igusi sinna kirjutamiseks."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - kausta vaade"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - kirja vaade"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/Vastan"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "Vasta ja saada koopia k探igile, kes said selle kirja"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Vasta/_saatjale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Vasta/kirja_listi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/Saadan edasi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Saada edasi manusena"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Suuna 端mber"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Vaade/N辰ita v探i varja/_Nupuribal/_Pilti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Mittemiski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "V辰lju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "L探petame programmi t旦旦."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "K辰surida ei ole sisestatud."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Kauta: %s [SEADED]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3953,7 +3961,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6123,17 +6131,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Manus"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Pealkiri"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Kellelt"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Kuup辰ev"
@@ -6444,7 +6455,7 @@ msgstr "Tuhnin kaustas %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Filtreerin..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Kuup辰eva pole)"
@@ -6513,6 +6524,93 @@ msgstr "Allkiri %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Viga allkirja kontrollimisel"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Eemalda kirjakst"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Ei."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "V探ta"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "hendun SMTP serveriga: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Ei suuda 端henduda POP3 serveriga %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "autoriseerimisel tekkis viga\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "autoriseerimisel tekkis viga\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Saadan kirja (%d / %d baiti)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "V探tan uute kirjade arvu (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Uusi kirju ei ole."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Kustuta kirjad"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "V探tan uusi kirju"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Saada kiri"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "V探tan uusi kirju"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "V探tan kirju %s-st ja panen %s-i...\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Kustuta kirjad"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7180,10 +7278,6 @@ msgstr "Filtreerin..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "kiri %d on juba salvestatud.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Ei."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
index 69e17503..01d21c09 100644
--- a/po/fr.po
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
# Nicolas Boos <nicolas.boos@wanadoo.fr>, 2003,2004,2005,2006.
# Nicolas Boos <nicolas.boos@wanadoo.fr>, 2006.
# tvY <mr.somewhere@yahoo.fr> 2006,2007,2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-06-06 13:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: tvY <mr.somewhere@yahoo.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: French <gnomefr@traduc.org>\n"
@@ -28,194 +28,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Lecture de la configuration des comptes...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "La connexion IMAP4 vers %s a 辿t辿 interrompue. Reconnexion...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "Le serveur IMAP4 d辿sactive LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "cr辿ation de la connexion IMAP4 vers %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Impossible d'initier la session TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "R辿ception du message %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Ajout des messages %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "D辿placement des messages de %s vers %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Copie des messages de %s vers %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Effacement des messages %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "impossible de marquer pour la suppression : %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "impossible de purger\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Effacement de tous les messages dans %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "impossible de marquer pour la suppression : 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "impossible de fermer le dossier\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "le dossier racine %s n'existe pas\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue lors de la r辿ception de LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Impossible de cr辿er 束 %s 損\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "Impossible de cr辿er 束 %s 損 sous R辿ception \n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "Impossible de cr辿er la bo樽te aux lettres : LIST 辿chou辿.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "impossible de cr辿er la bo樽te aux lettres\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "impossible de renomer la bo樽te aux lettres %s en %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "impossible de supprimer la bo樽te aux lettres\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "Impossible de faire une enveloppe\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "R辿ception des en-t棚tes de message (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "erreur lors de la lecture de l'enveloppe.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "impossible d'analyser l'enveloppe : %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au serveur IMAP4 : %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Impossible d'辿tablir une session IMAP4 avec : %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir l'espace nom\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "Impossible de s辿lectionner le dossier : %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "erreur avec la commande IMAP : STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "L'authentification IMAP4 a 辿chou辿.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "chec au login IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "Impossible de d'ajouter %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(envoi du fichier...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "impossible d'ajouter le message %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "impossible de copier %s vers %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "erreur avec la commande IMAP : STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "erreur lors de la commande IMAP : EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "erreur avec la commande IMAP : CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv ne peut convertir de UTF-7 vers %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv ne peut convertir de %s vers UTF-7\n"
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ msgstr "dossier source identique la destination.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Copie du message %s/%d vers %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -446,19 +446,19 @@ msgstr "Erreur lors de l'envoi.\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue pendant l'envoi de la commande\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Le 'timestamp' APOP n'a pas 辿t辿 re巽u\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Erreur de syntaxe du 'timestamp' dans la banni竪re\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "'Timestamp' invalide dans la banni竪re\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "Erreur de protocole POP3\n"
@@ -467,38 +467,38 @@ msgstr "Erreur de protocole POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "r辿ponse UIDL invalide : %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3 : Suppression du message expir辿 %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3 : Message ignor辿 %d (%d octets)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "La bo樽te aux lettres est verrouill辿e\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "d辿passement du d辿lai de r辿ponse (timeout) de la session\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "辿chec lors de l'ouverture de la session TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "une erreur est survenue pendant la phase d'authentification\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "commande non support辿e\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "une erreur est survenue pendant la session POP3\n"
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ msgstr "Tri (manuel) des ind辿sirables"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Dossier des messages ind辿sirables"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content() : la conversion de code a 辿chou辿.\n"
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ msgstr ""
"correspondant lorsque 束 Tout relever 損 est activ辿"
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ msgstr "Argument de l'action"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Ajouter l'adresse au carnet"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresses"
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ msgstr "Remarques"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Choisissez un dossier"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Fichier"
@@ -866,10 +866,10 @@ msgstr "/_Fichier/Nouveau carnet _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Fichier/Nouveau _serveur LDAP"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Fichier/---"
@@ -886,21 +886,21 @@ msgstr "/_Fichier/_Supprimer"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Fichier/En_registrer"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Fermer"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_dition"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_dition/_Copier"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_dition/Co_ller"
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adresse/dit_er"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adresse/_Supprimer"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Outils"
@@ -945,12 +945,12 @@ msgstr "/_Outils/Importer un fichier _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Outils/Importer un fichier _CSV"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/A_ide"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/A_ide/ _propos"
@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Nouveau _dossier"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -1005,17 +1005,17 @@ msgstr "Carnet d'adresses"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nom :"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr " :"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Copie :"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Copie discr竪te :"
@@ -1221,15 +1221,15 @@ msgstr "Adresse courante :"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Adresse personnelle :"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Information"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Avertissement"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"
@@ -1276,390 +1276,390 @@ msgstr "Brun"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Aucun"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Ajouter..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Enlever"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Propri辿t辿s..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Envoyer"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Fichier/Envoyer _plus tard"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Fichier/Enregistrer parmi les _brouillons"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Fichier/Enregistrer et _poursuivre la composition"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Joindre un fichier"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Ins辿rer un fichier"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Fichier/Ins辿rer la si_gnature"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Ajouter la signature"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_dition/_Annuler"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_dition/_Refaire"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_dition/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_dition/Co_uper"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_dition/Coller comme ci_tation"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_dition/Tout s辿lectio_nner"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_dition/Justifier le _paragraphe actuel"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_dition/Justifier tout le _message"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_dition/Justification aut_omatique"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Affichage"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Affichage/"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Copie"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Copie _discr竪te"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_R辿pondre "
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Affichage/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Faire suivre"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Afficher une r竪gle"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Pi竪ce(s) jointe(s)"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Affichage/Personnaliser la _barre d'outils..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/_Automatique"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/ASCII 7 bits (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Europe occidentale (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Europe occidentale (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Europe centrale (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Balte (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Balte (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Balte (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Grec (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Arabe (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Arabe (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/H辿breu (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/H辿breu (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Turc (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Cyrillique (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Cyrillique (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Cyrillique (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Cyrillique (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Japonais (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Chinois simplifi辿 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Chinois simplifi辿 (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Chinois traditionnel (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Cor辿en (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Tha誰 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Tha誰 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Outils/_Carnet d'adresses"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Outils/_Mod竪le"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Outils/_Actions"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Outils/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Outils/Modifier avec un 辿diteur e_xterne"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Outils/_Signer"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Outils/_Chiffrer"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Outils/_V辿rifier l'orthographe"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Outils/_D辿finir la langue du message"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s : le fichier n'existe pas\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir la partie texte\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Erreur du format de citation."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr ""
"Erreur du format de citation d'un message lors d'une r辿ponse ou d'un "
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Le fichier %s n'existe pas\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir la taille de %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Le fichier %s est vide."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Impossible de lire %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Message : %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Impossible de lire une partie d'un message multipart."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Pas de sujet)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Composition%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Destinataire non sp辿cifi辿."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Sujet absent"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Le sujet est vide. Envoyer malgr辿 cela ?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Pi竪ce jointe absente"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de pi竪ce jointe. Envoyer sans pi竪ce jointe?"
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr "V辿rification des destinataires"
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Vraiment envoyer ce courrier aux adresses suivantes?"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "De :"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Sujet :"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "_Envoyer"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "liste de destinataires vide."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1667,37 +1667,37 @@ msgstr ""
"Aucun compte n'a 辿t辿 sp辿cifi辿 pour l'envoi.\n"
"Veuillez s辿lectionner un compte avant d'envoyer du courrier."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'envoi du message %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer de message dans la bo樽te de messages envoy辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Impossible de trouver une touche associ辿e au code (de touche) 束 %s 損."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Impossible de signer le message."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Impossible de crypter le message."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Impossible de crypter ou signer le message."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "impossible de modifier les droits d'acc竪s du fichier\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1708,11 +1708,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Voulez-vous n辿anmoins l'envoyer avec %s ?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Erreur de conversion de code"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1725,15 +1725,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Voulez-vous n辿anmoins l'envoyer ?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Longueur de ligne maximale"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "Chiffrement avec 束 Copie discr竪te 損"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1747,89 +1747,90 @@ msgstr ""
"Envoyer quand m棚me?"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "Impossible d'enlever l'ancien message\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "Mise en file d'attente des messages...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le dossier de file d'attente\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "Impossible de mettre ce message dans la file d'attente\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Le fichier %s n'existe pas."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %s"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Message-ID cr辿辿 : %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Cr辿ation de la fen棚tre de composition...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Signature PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Chiffrement PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Type MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Taille"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Type MIME invalide."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Le fichier n'existe pas ou est vide."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propri辿t辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Encodage"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Chemin d'acc竪s"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nom du fichier"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "La ligne de commande pour l'辿diteur externe est invalide : 束 %s 損\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1838,50 +1839,50 @@ msgstr ""
"L'辿diteur externe est encore ouvert.\n"
"Forcer sa fermeture (id de traitement de groupe : %d) ?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "Personnaliser la _barre d'outils..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Impossible de mettre ce message dans la file d'attente."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "S辿lection de fichier"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Choisissez un fichier"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Enregistrer le message"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr ""
"Ce message a 辿t辿 modifi辿. Voulez-vous l'enregistrer dans le dossier des "
"brouillons ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Fermer _sans enregistrer"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous appliquer le mod竪le 束 %s 損 ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Appliquer un mod竪le"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Remplacer"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Ins辿rer"
@@ -2335,12 +2336,12 @@ msgstr "Enregistrement des donn辿es des dossiers...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Initialisation des donn辿es des dossiers..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Analyse du dossier %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Analyse du dossier %s ..."
@@ -2510,7 +2511,8 @@ msgstr "Groupe de discussion :"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Cr辿ation de la vue des en-t棚tes...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Pas d'exp辿diteur)"
@@ -2694,139 +2696,139 @@ msgstr "Importation d'un fichier LDIF dans un carnet d'adresses"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Attributs"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed : %d nouveau(x) message(s)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Authentification POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "R辿cup辿ration des nouveaux messages"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Attente"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Annul辿"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "R辿cup辿ration"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Termin辿 - %d message(s) %s re巽u(s)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Termin辿 - pas de nouveau(x) message(s)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "La connexion a 辿chou辿"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "L'authentification a 辿chou辿"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Verrouill辿"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "D辿lai d'attente"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Termin辿 - %d nouveau(x) message(s)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Termin辿 - pas de nouveau(x) message(s)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Erreur lors de la r辿cup辿ration des messages."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "R辿cup辿ration des nouveaux messages du compte %s ...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s : Authentification POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s : R辿cup辿ration des nouveaux messages"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Connexion au serveur POP3 : %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au serveur POP3 : %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Authentification..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "R辿ception des messages de %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "R辿cup辿ration du nombre de nouveaux messages (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "R辿cup辿ration du nombre de nouveaux messages (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "R辿cup辿ration du nombre de nouveaux messages (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "R辿cup辿ration de la taille des messages (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Suppression du message %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Fermeture"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "R辿cup辿ration du message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "R辿ception - %d message(s) %s re巽u(s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2834,15 +2836,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Erreur dans la gestion des messages ind辿sirables.\n"
"V辿rifier les param竪tres."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "La connexion a 辿chou辿."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue pendant le traitement du message."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2851,28 +2853,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Une erreur est survenue pendant le traitement du message :\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Plus de place disponible sur le disque."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Impossible d'辿crire dans le fichier."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Erreur de protocole."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "La connexion a 辿t辿 ferm辿e par le serveur."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Bo樽te verrouill辿e."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2881,11 +2884,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Bo樽te verrouill辿e :\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "L'authentification 辿chou辿."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2894,15 +2897,15 @@ msgstr ""
"L'authentification a 辿chou辿 :\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "D辿passement du d辿lai de r辿ponse (timeout) de la session."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Rel竪ve du courrier annul辿e\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "R辿cup辿ration des nouveaux messages de %s dans %s...\n"
@@ -2920,20 +2923,20 @@ msgstr "Saisissez le mot de passe"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Journal de connexion"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread non support辿 par glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Utilisation : %s [OPTION]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresse] ouvrir une fen棚tre de composition de message"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2944,24 +2947,24 @@ msgstr ""
" jointe(s) le(s) fichier(s) sp辿cifi辿(s)"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive r辿cup辿rer les nouveaux messages"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr ""
" --receive-all r辿cup辿rer les nouveaux messages de tous les comptes"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send envoyer les messages en attente"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [dossier]... afficher le nombre total de messages"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2969,49 +2972,49 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [dossier]...\n"
" afficher l'辿tat de chaque dossier"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
" --open [id dossier]/[num辿ro du message] ouvrir le message dans une "
"nouvelle fen棚tre"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
" --configdir dossier indiquer le dossier contenant les fichiers de "
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
"揃揃--ipcport揃portnum揃揃揃揃揃揃sp辿cifier le port pour les commandes IPC distantes"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit quitter Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug afficher les informations de mise au point"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help afficher l'aide-m辿moire"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version afficher les informations de version"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Appuyez sur une touche..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Jeu de caract竪res du nom de fichier"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3035,23 +3038,23 @@ msgstr ""
"Poursuivre ?"
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr ""
"Une fen棚tre de composition de message existe.\n"
"Voulez-vous vraiment quitter ?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Messages en file d'attente"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr ""
"Quelques messages non envoy辿s sont dans la file d'attente. Quitter "
"maintenant ?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3060,15 +3063,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Support OpenPGP d辿sactiv辿."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "une autre session de Sylpheed existe.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migration de la configuration"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3076,666 +3079,671 @@ msgstr ""
"Une ancienne version de configuration a 辿t辿 trouv辿e.\n"
"Voulez-vous migrer vers la nouvelle ?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Dossier"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Dossier/Cr辿er un _nouveau dossier..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Dossier/_Renommer le dossier..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Dossier/_D辿placer le dossier..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Dossier/_Supprimer le dossier"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Bo樽te aux lettres"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Bo樽te aux lettres/Ajouter une _bo樽te aux lettres..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Bo樽te aux lettres/_Supprimer la bo樽te aux lettres"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Bo樽te aux lettres/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Bo樽te aux lettres/Re_chercher les nouveaux messages"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr ""
"/_Fichier/_Bo樽te aux lettres/Rechercher les nouveaux messages dans _toutes "
"les bo樽tes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Bo樽te aux lettres/Reconstruire l'_arborescence"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Importer un fichier mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Exporter vers un fichier mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Vider les corbeilles"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Fichier/Enregistrer _sous..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Mise en page..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Fichier/Im_primer..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Travailler d辿connect辿"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Fichier/_Quitter"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_dition/S辿lectionner l'en_filade"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_dition/Rechercher dans le _message..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_dition/Rechercher dans le _dossier..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_dition/_Recherche rapide"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer/Fen棚tre des _dossiers"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer/Fen棚tre de _message"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer/Barre d'_outils"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer/Barre d'_outils/Ic担nes _et textes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr ""
"/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer/Barre d'_outils/Textes _droite des ic担nes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer/Barre d'_outils/_Ic担nes seulement"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer/Barre d'_outils/_Textes seulement"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr ""
"/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer/Barre d'_outils/_Pas de barre d'outils"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer/Barre de _recherche"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Affic_her ou masquer/_Barre d'辿tat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Affichage/Personnaliser la _barre d'outils..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Disp_osition"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Disp_osition/_Normale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Disp_osition/_Verticale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Affichage/S辿parer la fen棚tre des _dossiers"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Affichage/S辿parer la fen棚tre des _messages"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par _num辿ro"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par _taille"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par _date"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par date (en_filades)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par e_xp辿diteur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par d_estinataire"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par _sujet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par _couleur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par _marque"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par non _lu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Trier par pi竪ce _jointe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/Ne _pas trier"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/_Ordre croissant"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/O_rdre d辿croissant"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Trier/_Attirer par sujet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Affichage par _fil de conversation"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Affichage/D辿_ployer les fils de conversation"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Compacter les fils de conversation"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Affichage/S辿lect_ion des 辿l辿ments affich辿s..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /Message _pr辿c辿dent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /Message suiva_nt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /Non l_u pr辿c辿dent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /Non _lu suivant"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /Message nouveau p_r辿c辿dent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /Message nouveau _suivant"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /M_arqu辿 pr辿c辿dent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /_Marqu辿 suivant"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /C_olor辿 pr辿c辿dent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /_Color辿 suivant"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Aller /Autre _dossier..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/D辿tection _automatique"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Europe occidentale (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Japonais (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Japonais (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Japonais (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Chinois traditionnel (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Chinois (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Jeu de caract竪res/Cor辿en (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Ouv_rir dans une nouvelle fen棚tre"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Affichage/_Voir le message complet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Afficher tous le_s en-t棚tes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Affichage/Mettre jo_ur le r辿sum辿 des messages"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Message"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Message/R辿ce_ptionner"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Message/R辿ce_ptionner/le courrier du _compte courant"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Message/R辿ce_ptionner/le courrier de _tous les comptes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Message/R辿ce_ptionner/_Annuler la r辿ception"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Message/R辿ce_ptionner/le courrier de _tous les comptes"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Message/R辿ce_ptionner/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Message/En_voyer les messages en file d'attente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Message/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Message/Composer un _nouveau message"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Message/_R辿pondre"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Message/R辿p_ondre "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Message/R辿p_ondre /_tous"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Message/R辿p_ondre /l'_exp辿diteur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Message/R辿p_ondre /la _liste"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Message/_Transf辿rer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Message/Transf辿rer en tant que pi竪ce _jointe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Message/Rediri_ger"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Message/_D辿placer..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Message/_Copier..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Message/_Marquer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Message/_Marquer/_Marquer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Message/_Marquer/_D辿marquer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Message/_Marquer/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Message/_Marque/Marquer comme _non lu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Message/_Marque/Marquer comme _lu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Message/_Marque/Marquer l'en_filade comme lue"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Message/_Marque/Marquer _tous comme lu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Message/_Supprimer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Message/Marquer comme ind辿sira_ble"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Message/Marquer comme acc_eptable"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Message/R辿辿_diter"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Outils/Aj_outer l'exp辿diteur dans le carnet d'adresses..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Outils/_Filtrer les messages du dossier"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Outils/Filtrer les messages _s辿lectionn辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Outils/Cr辿er une r竪gle de f_iltrage"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Outils/Cr辿er une r竪gle de f_iltrage/automatiq_uement"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Outils/Cr辿er une r竪gle de f_iltrage/bas辿e sur l'_exp辿diteur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Outils/Cr辿er une r竪gle de f_iltrage/bas辿e sur le(s) _destinataire(s)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Outils/Cr辿er une r竪gle de f_iltrage/bas辿e sur le _sujet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Outils/Filtrer les ind辿sira_bles du dossier"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Outils/Filtrer les ind辿sirables dans les _messages s辿lectionn辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Outils/Supprimer les messages en _double"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/_Outils/E_x辿cuter les commandes marqu辿es"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Outils/_Journal de connexion"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Configuration"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Configuration/Pr辿f辿rences _g辿n辿rales..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Configuration/_R竪gles de filtrage..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Configuration/_Mod竪les..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Configuration/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Configuration/_Configuration du compte courant..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Configuration/Cr辿ation d'un _nouveau compte..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Configuration/dition des compt_es..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Configuration/Choi_sir un autre compte"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/A_ide/_Manuel"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/A_ide/_Manuel/_Anglais"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/A_ide/_Manuel/_Japonais"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/A_ide/_Foire Aux Questions (FAQ)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/A_ide/_Foire Aux Questions (FAQ)/_Anglais"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/A_ide/_Foire Aux Questions (FAQ)/A_llemand"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/A_ide/_Foire Aux Questions (FAQ)/_Espagnol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/A_ide/_Foire Aux Questions (FAQ)/_Fran巽ais"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/A_ide/_Foire Aux Questions (FAQ)/_Italien"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/A_ide/_Options de la ligne de commande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/A_ide/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Cr辿ation de la fen棚tre principale...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Fen棚tre principale : allocation de la couleur %d 辿chou辿e\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "termin辿.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Sans titre"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "aucun"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "D辿connect辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "Vous 棚tes d辿connect辿. Voulez-vous vous connecter ?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Vider toutes les corbeilles"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Effacer tous les messages des corbeilles ?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Nouvelle bo樽te aux lettres"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3744,16 +3752,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Saisissez l'emplacement de la nouvelle bo樽te aux lettres. Si elle\n"
"existe d辿j, elle sera automatiquement analys辿e."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "La bo樽te aux lettres 束 %s 損 existe d辿j."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Bo樽te aux lettres"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3763,87 +3771,87 @@ msgstr ""
"Il se peut que les fichiers existent d辿j, ou que vous n'ayez pas les droits "
"en 辿criture."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Dossiers"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Message"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_R辿pondre"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/R辿pondre _tous"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/R辿pondre l'_exp辿diteur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/R辿pondre la _liste"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Transf辿rer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Transf辿rer en pi竪ce _jointe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Rediri_ger"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "Ic担nes _et textes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "Textes _droite des ic担nes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "_Ic担nes seulement"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "_Textes seulement"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "_Pas de barre d'outils"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "Vous 棚tes d辿connect辿. Cliquer sur l'ic担ne pour vous connecter."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "Vous 棚tes connect辿. Cliquer sur l'ic担ne pour vous d辿connecter."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Quitter"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Quitter Sylpheed ?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Options de la ligne de commande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Utilisation : sylpheed [OPTION]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3873,7 +3881,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5978,17 +5986,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Pi竪ces jointes"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Sujet"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Exp辿diteur"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Date"
@@ -6284,7 +6295,7 @@ msgstr "Recherche %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Recherche %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(aucune date)"
@@ -6346,6 +6357,93 @@ msgstr "Date de la signature : %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la v辿rification de la signature"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Suppression d'une bo樽te aux lettres"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "N属"
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Relever"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Connection au serveur SMTP : %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au serveur POP3 : %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "une erreur est survenue pendant la session POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "une erreur est survenue pendant la session POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "R辿ception des en-t棚tes de message (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "R辿cup辿ration du nombre de nouveaux messages (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Pas de nouveaux messages."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Suppression de message(s)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "R辿cup辿ration des nouveaux messages"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Envoyer le message"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "R辿cup辿ration des nouveaux messages"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "R辿ception des messages de %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Suppression de message(s)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7012,10 +7110,6 @@ msgstr "Tri en cours..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d message(s) ont 辿t辿 filtr辿(s)."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "N属"
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/gl.po b/po/gl.po
index 20563298..be2afcac 100644
--- a/po/gl.po
+++ b/po/gl.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-01-17 10:05+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jorge Rivas\n"
"Language-Team: Jorge Rivas\n"
@@ -18,200 +18,200 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Lendo configuraci坦n de cada conta...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "Perdeuse a conexi坦n IMAP4 con %s:%d . Reconectando...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "Directorio do servidor IMAP4"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "creando conexi坦n IMAP4 con %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Non podo iniciar a sesi坦n TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Borrando mensaxe %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Enviando mensaxe (%d / %d bytes)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Movendo mensaxe %s%c%d a %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Copiando mensaxe %s%c%d a %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Obtendo mensaxes dende %s en %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "non podo establecer os indicadores borrados: %d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "non podo baleirar\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Obtendo mensaxes dende %s en %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "non podo establecer os indicadores borrados: 1:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "non se pode seleccionar a carpeta: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "Ficheiro de marcas non atopado.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "ocurriu un erro obtendo LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Non podo crear '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "Non podo crear '%s' bajo Entrada\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "non podo crear a: LIST fall坦\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "non podo crear a caixa de correo\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "non podo renomear a caixa de correo: %s a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "non podo borrar a caixa de correo\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "non se pode obter a estructura da mensaxe\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Enviando mensaxe (%d / %d bytes)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "Erro obtendo a estructura da mensaxe.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "Non se pode interpretar a estructura da mensaxe: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Non se pode conectar con o servidor IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Non podo establecer unha sesi坦n IMAP4 con: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "no se pode obter o espacio de nomes\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "non se pode seleccionar a carpeta: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "erro no comando imap: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Fallo de autenticaci坦n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "Autentificaci坦n IMAP4 fallida.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "non podo engadir %s a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(enviando ficheiro...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "non se pode engadir o mensaxe %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "non podo copiar %d a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "erro no comando imap: STORE %d:%d %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "erro no comando imap: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
#, fuzzy
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "erro no comando imap: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv non pode convertir UTF-7 a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv non pode convertir %s a UTF-7\n"
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ msgstr "carpetas de orixen e desti単o id辿nticas.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Copiando mensaxe %s%c%d a %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -434,20 +434,20 @@ msgstr "Ocurr鱈u un erro mentras se enviaba\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Ocurriu un erro mentras se enviaba o correo."
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Non se atopou no saudo a marca temporal APOP requerida\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "a marca temporal do saudo ten un erro de sintaxis\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Non se atopou no saudo a marca temporal APOP requerida\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "Erro do protocolo POP3\n"
@@ -456,37 +456,37 @@ msgstr "Erro do protocolo POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "linea xover non v叩lida: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Borrando mensaxe expirado %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Ignorando mensaxe %d (%d bytes)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "a caixa de correo est叩 bloqueado\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "non podo abrir a sesi坦n TLs\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "ocurriu alg炭n erro na autenticaci坦n\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "Comando non soportado\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "ocurriu alg炭n erro na sesi坦n POP3\n"
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ msgstr "Carpeta"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Carpeta"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Conversi坦n de c坦digos fallida.\n"
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ msgstr ""
"na columna `G' para activar a descarga mediante `Traer todo'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Engadir enderezo 叩 axenda"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Enderezo"
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ msgstr "Notas"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Seleccionar carpeta da axenda"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro"
@@ -856,10 +856,10 @@ msgstr "/_Ficheiro/Novo _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/Novo _servidor"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/---"
@@ -876,21 +876,21 @@ msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Borrar"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Gardar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Pechar"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Editar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Copiar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Pegar"
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ msgstr "/_Enderezo/_Editar"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Enderezo/_Borrar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas"
@@ -936,12 +936,12 @@ msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Importar ficheiro _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Importar ficheiro _LDIF"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Axuda"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Ayuda/_Acerca de"
@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Nova _carpeta"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -998,17 +998,17 @@ msgstr "Axenda de enderezos"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Para:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1220,15 +1220,15 @@ msgstr "Enderezo com炭n"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Enderezo persoal"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notificaci坦n"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Aviso"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"
@@ -1275,434 +1275,434 @@ msgstr "Marr坦n"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ning炭n"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Engadir"
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Quitar"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Propiedades..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Gardar"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Enviar _logo"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Gardar como borrador"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Gardar e _seguir editando"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Adxuntar ficheiro"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Inserir ficheiro"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/Inserir _sinatura"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/Inserir _sinatura"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Desfacer"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Refacer"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Editar/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Editar/Cor_tar"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Editar/Pegar como c_itaci坦n"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Seleccionar todo"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Recortar p叩rrafo actual"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Cortar todas as l鱈neas longas"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Copiar"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Ver"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Para"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Copia"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Ver/C_opia oculta"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Respostar a"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Ver/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Engadir a"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Regra"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Adxuntos"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/_Ir a outra carpeta"
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Descendente"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Descendente"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/ASCII de 7 bits (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Europeo Occidental (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Europeo Occidental (ISO-8859-_15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Centroeuropeo (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/B叩ltico (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/B叩ltico (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Cir鱈lico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Grego (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/B叩ltico (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Cir鱈lico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Grego (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Cir鱈lico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Turco (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Cir鱈lico (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Cir鱈lico (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Cir鱈lico (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Cir鱈lico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Xapon辿s (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Chines simplificado (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Chines simplificado (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Chines tradicional (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Coreano (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Tailand辿s (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Tailand辿s (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Axenda de enderezos"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Plan_tillas"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Acci坦_ns"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Editar/Editar con editor e_xterno"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Acci坦_ns"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Encriptar"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/E_xecutar"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Plan_tillas"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: o ficheiro non existe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Non se pode obter o texto\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Marca de cita para erro."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Erro no formato da mensaxe para respostar/redirixir "
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "o ficheiro %s non existe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Non se pode obter o tama単o de %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "o Ficheiro %s esta valeiro."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Non poido ler %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Mensaxe: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Non se pode obter a parte do mensaxe multipartes."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Sin asunto)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Compo単er mensaxe%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Non se especificou o destinatario."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Asunto"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "o asunto esta valeiro. 多Enviar de todas formas?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Adxuntos"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Establecer os seguintes enderezos autom叩ticamente"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Dende:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Asunto:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Enviar"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "non se pode obter a lista de destinatarios."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1710,40 +1710,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Non especific坦 ningunha conta para enviar.\n"
"Seleccione algunha conta antes de enviar."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Ocurriu un erro enviando o mensaxe a %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Non se pode gardar a mensaxe en Saida."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Non puiden atopar ningunha clave asociada con a Id-clave actual `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "O mensaxe non se pode po単er na cola."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "O mensaxe non se pode po単er na cola."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "O mensaxe non se pode po単er na cola."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "non se pode cambiar os permisos de ficheiro\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1754,12 +1754,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s a %s.\n"
"多Envia-lo de todo xeito?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Error na conversi坦n da axenda"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1768,15 +1768,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1785,91 +1785,92 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "non se pode eliminar a mensaxe antiga\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "po単endo na cola...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "non podo atopar a carpeta de cola\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "a mensaxe non se pode po単er na cola\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "o ficheiro %s non existe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Non poido abrir %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Message-ID generado: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Creando fiestra de composicion...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Acci坦_ns"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Encriptar"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tipo MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tama単o"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Tipo MIME inv叩lido."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "O ficheiro non existe ou est叩 valeiro."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Ruta"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nome de ficheiro"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "o comando do editor externo non e v叩lido: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1879,52 +1880,52 @@ msgstr ""
"多Desea terminar o proceso?\n"
"Id. de proceso: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "O mensaxe non se pode po単er na cola."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Seleccionar ficheiro"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Seleccionar ficheiro"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Enviar Mensaxe"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Esta mensaxe foi modificado. 多Desea descartala?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "多Quere aplicar a plantilla `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Aplicar plantilla"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Substitu鱈r"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Inserir"
@@ -2386,12 +2387,12 @@ msgstr "Establecendo informaci坦n de carpeta...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Establecendo informaci坦n de carpeta..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Revisando carpeta %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Revisando carpeta %s ..."
@@ -2562,7 +2563,8 @@ msgstr "Grupos de novas:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Creando vista de cabeceiras...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Sin remite)"
@@ -2751,156 +2753,156 @@ msgstr "Importar ficheiro LDIF na axenda"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Finalizado (%d mensaxe(s) novo(s))"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autenticando"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Obtendo novos mensaxes"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "En espera"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Cancelado"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Recuperando"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Feito (%d mensaxe(s) (%s) recibido(s))"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "feito (non hai mensaxes novos)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Conexi坦n fallida"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Autorizaci坦n fallida"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Bloqueado"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Tiempo l鱈mite (seg.)"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Finalizado (%d mensaxe(s) novo(s))"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Finalizado (non hai mensaxes novos)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Ocurriu alg炭n erro obtendo o correo."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "obtendo novas mensaxes da conta %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autenticando"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Recuperando novas mensaxes"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Conectando 坦 servidor POP3: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Non se pode conectar 坦 servirdor POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Autenticando..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Obtendo mensaxes dende %s en %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Obtendo o n炭mero de novas mensaxes (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Obtendo o n炭mero de novas mensaxes (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Obtendo o n炭mero de novas mensaxes (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Obtendo o tama単o de novas mensaxes (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Borrando mensaxe %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Sa鱈ndo"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Recuperando mensaxe (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Feito (%d mensaxe(s) (%s) recibido(s))"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Conexi坦n fallida"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Ocurriu un erro mentras se procesaba o correo."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2909,28 +2911,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Ocurriu un erro mentras se procesaba o correo:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Non hai espacio libre no disco."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Non se pode escribir o ficheiro."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Error de socket."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "a caixa de correo esta bloqueada."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2939,12 +2942,12 @@ msgstr ""
"a caixa de correo esta bloqueada:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Fallo de autenticaci坦n"
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2953,15 +2956,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Fallo de autenticaci坦n:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Incorporaci坦n cancelada\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Obtendo novos mensaxes dende %s en %s...\n"
@@ -2979,20 +2982,20 @@ msgstr "Contrasinal"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Rexistro do protocolo"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread non est叩 soportado por glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Uso: %s [OPCIN]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [direcci坦n] abre a fiestra de edici坦n"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -3002,73 +3005,73 @@ msgstr ""
" abre a fiestra de composici坦n con os ficheiros\n"
" especificados como adxuntos"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive recibe as mensaxes novas"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all recibe novas mensaxes para todas as contas"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send enviar todas as mensaxes na cola"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status mostra o n炭mero total de mensaxes"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status mostra o n炭mero total de mensaxes"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug modo de depuraci坦n"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug modo de depuraci坦n"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help presenta esta axuda e finaliza"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version da a informaci坦n da versi坦n e finaliza"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
"ou pulse a tecla `y'.\n"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n para enviar"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3082,19 +3085,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Est叩 compo単endo unha mensaxe. 多Quere sair?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Mensaxes en cola"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Hai mensaxes sin enviar na cola. 多Sair agora?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3103,723 +3106,728 @@ msgstr ""
"Soporte para OpenPGP deshabilitado."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "xa hai outro Sylpheed execut叩ndose.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "configuraci坦n das accions"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Carpeta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Carpeta_/Crear _nova carpeta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Carpeta_/_Renomear carpeta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Carpeta_/_Renomear carpeta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Carpeta_/_Borrar carpeta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Engadir caixa de correo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Engadir caixa de correo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/Eliminar _mailbox"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Carpeta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Comprobar si hai mensaxes novas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Comprobar mensaxes novas en todas as carpetas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/R_econstruir 叩rbre de carpetas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/I_mportar ficheiro mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Exportar a ficheiro mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Baleirar Papeleira"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Gardar como..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Gardar como..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Imprimir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/_Inserir ficheiro"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Ficheiro/Sai_r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Editar/Seleccionar _fio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Edici坦n/_Buscar na mensaxe actual..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Edici坦n/_Buscar en carpeta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Pegar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Arbre de carpetas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Mensaxes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Ferramentas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Ferramentas/Iconos _e texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Ferramentas/_Iconos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Ferramentas/_Iconos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Ferramentas/_Texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Ferramentas/_Ocultar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Barra de estado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Barra de estado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/_Ir a outra carpeta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por _remitente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Ver/Separar arb_re de carpetas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Ver/Separar vista de m_ensaxes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por _n炭mero"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por tama単_o"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por _data"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por _data"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por _remitente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por _destinatario"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por as_unto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por _cor da etiqueta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por _marca"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por _non le鱈do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Por adxun_to"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/N_on ordear"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Ascendente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Descendente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ordear/Atraer _por asunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Vista xer叩rquica"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Ver/E_xpandir todos os fios"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Ver/Co_lapsar todos os fios"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Ver/Elementos visibles..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaxe a_nterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaxe s_eguinte"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/_Anterior sin ler"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/_Seguinte sin ler"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaxe no_va anterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaxe nova s_eguinte"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaxe marcada a_nterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Seguinte mensaxe _marcada"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Mensaxe etiqueta_da anterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/Seguinte Mensaxe e_tiquetada"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Ver/_Ir a/_Ir a outra carpeta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/_Autodetectar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Europeo Occidental (ISO-8859-_15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Xapon辿s (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Xapon辿s (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Xapon辿s (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Chines tradicional (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Chines (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Ver/_Codificaci坦n/Coreano (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Ver/Abrir en fiestra _nova"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Ver/Fonte da mens_axe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Ver/Todas as cabeceiras"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Ver/Actualizar res_umen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Re_editar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Recibir de tod_as as contas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Recibir de tod_as as contas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Cancelar recepci坦n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Recibir de tod_as as contas"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Re_editar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Enviar mensa_xes da cola"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Compo単er _nova mensaxe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Respostar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Respos_tar a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Respos_tar a/A _todos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Respos_tar a/ _remitente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Respos_tar a/ _lista de correo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Reenviar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Reen_viar como adxunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Red_irixir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/M_over..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Copiar..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Marcar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Marcar/_Marcar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Marcar/_Desmarcar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Marcar/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Marcar/Marcar como non le鱈do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Marcar/Marcar como le鱈do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Marcar/Marcar como le鱈do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Marcar/Marcar todo como le鱈do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Borrar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Rec_ibir correo novo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Rec_ibir correo novo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/Re_editar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Engadir _remitente 叩 axenda"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Filtrar Mensaxes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Filtrar Mensaxes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Crear Regra de filtrado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Crear Regra de filtrado/_Autom叩ticamente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Crear Regra de filtrado/Baseada en _Dende"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Crear Regra de filtrado/Baseada en _Para"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Crear Regra de filtrado/Baseada no _Asunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Filtrar Mensaxes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Filtrar Mensaxes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Borrar as mensaxes re_petidas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "Executar o proceso marcado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Fiestra de traza"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/Preferencias _comuns..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/Preferencias de _filtrado..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/_Plantillas ..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/_Accions..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/_Preferencias da conta actual..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/Crear _nova conta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/_Editar contas..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Configuraci坦n/_Cambiar conta actual"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Axuda/_Manual"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Axuda/_Manual/_Ingl辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Axuda/_Manual/_Xapon辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Axuda/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Axuda/_FAQ/_Ingl辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Axyuda/_FAQ/_Alem叩n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Axuda/_FAQ/_Espa単ol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Axuda/_FAQ/_Franc辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Axuda/_FAQ/_Italiano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "Non se estableceu o comando."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Axuda/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Creando Fiestra principal...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: fallo solicitando cor %d\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "feito.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Sen t鱈tulo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "ningunha"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Baleirar papeleira"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "多Baleirar todas as mensaxes da papeleira?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Engadir caixa de correo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3830,16 +3838,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Si xa existe ser叩\n"
"examinado autom叩ticamente."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "a caixa de correo `%s' xa existe."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Correo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3849,95 +3857,95 @@ msgstr ""
"Quiz叩is xa existan os ficheiros ou non te単a permisos suficientes para "
"escribir no directorio."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Arbre de carpetas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Vista de mensaxe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Respostar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "Respostar a todos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Respon_der a/ _remitente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Respon_der a/ _lista de correo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Reenviar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Reen_viar como adxunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Red_irixir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Ver/Mostrar ou o_cultar/_Ferramentas/_Iconos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Ning炭n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Sair"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "多Sair do programa?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Non se estableceu o comando."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Uso: %s [OPCIN]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3954,7 +3962,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6121,17 +6129,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Adxunto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Asunto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Dende"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6442,7 +6453,7 @@ msgstr "Revisando carpeta %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Filtrando..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Sin data)"
@@ -6510,6 +6521,93 @@ msgstr "Sinatura feita en %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Error 坦 verificar a sinatura"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Eliminar mailbox"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Non."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Traer"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Conectando con o servidor SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Non se pode conectar 坦 servirdor POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "ocurriu alg炭n erro na sesi坦n POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "ocurriu alg炭n erro na sesi坦n POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Enviando mensaxe (%d / %d bytes)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Obtendo o n炭mero de novas mensaxes (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Non hai mensaxes novas."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Borrar mensaxe(s)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Obtendo novos mensaxes"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Enviar Mensaxe"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Obtendo novos mensaxes"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Obtendo mensaxes dende %s en %s...\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Borrar mensaxe(s)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7177,10 +7275,6 @@ msgstr "Filtrando..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "o mensaxe %d xa esta en cach辿.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Non."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/hr.po b/po/hr.po
index 6f73846c..f2cbc355 100644
--- a/po/hr.po
+++ b/po/hr.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-17 13:22+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ante Karamati <ante@cdnet.com.hr>\n"
"Language-Team: Croatian <lokalizacija@linux.hr>\n"
@@ -18,202 +18,202 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "itam konfiguracije za svaki raun...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 veza prema %s:%d je pukla. Povezujem se ponovo...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "Direktorij IMAP poslu転itelja"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "ostvarujem IMAP4 vezu prema %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Bri邸em poruke"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "aljem poruku (%d / %d bytea)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Premje邸tam poruke %s%c%d u %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kopiram poruke %s%c%d u %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Primam poruke sa %s u %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu postaviti obrisane oznake: %d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "ne mogu obrisati\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Primam poruke sa %s u %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "ne mogu postaviti obrisane oznake: 1:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "ne mogu odabrati spis: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "Oznaena datoteka ne postoji.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "do邸lo je do gre邸ke prilikom dobivanja LISTe.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati sandui: LIST nije uspio\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati sandui\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati sandui\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "ne mogu obrisati sandui\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "ne mogu dobiti omot\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "aljem poruku (%d / %d bytea)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "do邸lo je do gre邸ke prilikom dobivanja omota.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu analizirati omot: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu se povezati s IMAP4 poslu転iteljom: %s%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu se povezati s IMAP4 poslu転iteljom: %s%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "ne mogu dobiti namespace\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu odabrati spis: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom imap naredbe: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Autorizacija"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 login propao.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu privrstiti %s na %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
#, fuzzy
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "aljem DATA..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu obilje転iti poruku %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kopirati %d u %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom imap naredbe: STORE %d:%d %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom imap naredbe: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
#, fuzzy
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom imap naredbe: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ msgstr "izvorni spis jednak je destinaciji.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kopiram poruke %s%c%d u %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -436,20 +436,20 @@ msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke prilikom slanja\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke pri radu s po邸tom."
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Nu転ni APOP timestamp nije pronaen u pozdravu\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Syntax gre邸ka u timestampu kod pozdrava\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Nu転ni APOP timestamp nije pronaen u pozdravu\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 protokol gre邸ka\n"
@@ -458,40 +458,40 @@ msgstr "POP3 protokol gre邸ka\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "pogre邸na xover linija: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "Bri邸im duplicirane poruke..."
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "aljem poruku (%d / %d bytea)"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
#, fuzzy
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "Postavke sanduia"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "Korsiti STARTTLS naredbu za pokretanje SSL-a"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom ovjeravanja\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
#, fuzzy
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "Naredba"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom ovjeravanja\n"
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ msgstr "Spis"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Spis"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Promjena koda nije uspjela.\n"
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ msgstr ""
"S one raune s kojih 転elite skinuti po邸tu sa `Primi sve'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Dodaj adresu u adresar"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ msgstr "Bilje邸ke"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Odaberite spis adresara"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Datoteka"
@@ -861,10 +861,10 @@ msgstr "/_Datoteka/Novi _J-Pilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Novi _poslu転itelj"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/---"
@@ -881,21 +881,21 @@ msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Obri邸i"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Spremi"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Zatvori"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Uredi"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Kopiraj"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Uredi/U_baci"
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adresa/_Uredi"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adresa/O_bri邸i"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Alati"
@@ -941,12 +941,12 @@ msgstr "/_Datoteka/Unesi _LDIF datoteku"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Unesi _LDIF datoteku"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Pomo"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_O"
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Novi _spis"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -1003,17 +1003,17 @@ msgstr "Adresar"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Ime:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Za:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1218,15 +1218,15 @@ msgstr "Uobiajene adrese"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Osobne adrese"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Obavijest"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Upozorenje"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Gre邸ka"
@@ -1273,444 +1273,444 @@ msgstr "Smea"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ni邸ta"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Dodaj..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Ukloni"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Postavke..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Spremi"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Po邸alji _kasnije"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Snimi u spis _nedovr邸eno"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Po邸alji _kasnije"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Datoeka/_Prilo転i datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Unesi datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Unesi _potpis"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Unesi _potpis"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Undo"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Redo"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Uredi/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Uredi/R_e転i"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Uredi/U_baci"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Odaberi _sve"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Sa転mi _poglavlje"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Sa転mi sve duge _linije"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Kopiraj"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Pregled"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pr_egledaj izvor"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Pregled"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pr_egledaj izvor"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Pregled/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Poruka/P_roslijedi"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pr_egledaj izvor"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "Prilog"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Idi u drugi spis..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pr_egledaj izvor"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pr_egledaj izvor"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Zapadna Europa (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Zapadna Europa (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Srednja Europa (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/_Baltik (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Baltik (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Grka (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Baltik (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Grka (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Turska (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Japan (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Pojednostavljeni Kineski (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Pojednostavljeni Kineski (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Tradicionalni Kineski (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Koreja (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Alat/_Adresar"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Alat/_Obrazac"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Izvr邸i"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Alat"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Uredi s _vanjskim ureivaem"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Izvr邸i"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Poruka/_Kriptiraj"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Izvr邸i"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Alat/_Obrazac"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: datoteka ne postoji\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu dobiti dio tekst\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Gre邸ka formata citata."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Gre邸ka poruke odgovori/proslijedi."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne postoji\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu dobiti veliinu datoteke %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka %s je prazna\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Poruka: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ne mogu dobiti dio vi邸edjelne poruke."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Bez teme)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Pisanje poruke%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nije upisan primatelj."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Tema"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Prilog"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Automatski postavi slijedee adrese"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Od:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Tema:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Po邸alji"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "ne mogu dobiti listu primatelja."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1718,40 +1718,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Raun za slanje po邸te nije definiran.\n"
"Molim, odaberite raun prije slanja."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke prilikom slanja poruke %s -u."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Ne mogu snimiti poruku u spis poslano."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Ne mogu odlo転iti poruku."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Ne mogu odlo転iti poruku."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Ne mogu odlo転iti poruku."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "ne mogu promjeniti atribut datoteke\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1759,12 +1759,12 @@ msgid ""
"Send it as %s anyway?"
msgstr "Ne mogu promjeniti charset poruke."
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Gre邸ka pri unosu adresara"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1773,15 +1773,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1790,93 +1790,94 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "ne mogu ukloniti staru poruku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "odla転em poruku...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "ne mogu odabrati spis: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "ne mogu odlo転iti poruku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne postoji\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Ne mogu otvoriti datoteku %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "generiran ID-poruke: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Stvaram prozor za pisanje...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Izvr邸i"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Poruka/_Kriptiraj"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME tip"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Veliina"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Pogre邸an MIME tip"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka ne postoji ili je prazna."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Postavke"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodiranje"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Staza"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Naredba za vanjski ureiva je pogre邸na: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1886,53 +1887,53 @@ msgstr ""
"Ugasiti proces?\n"
"grupa procesa: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Ne mogu odlo転iti poruku."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Odaberite datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Odaberite datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Po邸alji poruku"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Ova poruka je promijenjena, odbaciti?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Uistinu obrisati ovaj obrazac?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Bri邸i obrazac"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Obrazac"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Unesi"
@@ -2397,12 +2398,12 @@ msgstr "Postavljam info spisa...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Postavljam info spisa..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Pretra転ujem spise %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Pretra転ujem spis %s ..."
@@ -2577,7 +2578,8 @@ msgstr "News grupe:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Stvaram pregled zaglavlja...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Bez po邸iljatelja)"
@@ -2777,218 +2779,219 @@ msgstr "Unesi LDIF datoteku u Adresar"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atributi korisnika"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "\t%d novih poruka\n"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autorizacija"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Primam nove poruke"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Standby"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Otkazano"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Primam"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Ukloni poruke sa poslu転itelja nakon primanja"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
#, fuzzy
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Nema neproitanih poruka"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Veza nije uspjela"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Identifikacija nije uspjela"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timeout (sek)"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "\t%d novih poruka\n"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
#, fuzzy
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Nema neproitanih poruka"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
#, fuzzy
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸aka prilikom primanja po邸te."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "primam nove poruke s rauna %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autorizacija"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Primam nove poruke"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Povezujem se na POP3 poslu転itelj: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu se povezati na POP3 poslu転itelj: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Prijavljujem se..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Primam poruke sa %s u %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Primam broj novih poruka (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Primam broj novih poruka (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Primam broj novih poruka (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Primam veliinu poruka (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Bri邸em poruke"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Izlazim"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Primam poruke (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Ukloni poruke sa poslu転itelja nakon primanja"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Veza nije uspjela"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke pri radu s po邸tom."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke pri radu s po邸tom."
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Nema vi邸e mjesta na disku."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku.\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "protokol gre邸ka\n"
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Postavke sanduia"
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
msgstr "Postavke sanduia"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Autorizacija"
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
msgstr "Autorizacija"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Prima novu po邸tu"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Primam nove poruke s %s u %s...\n"
@@ -3006,94 +3009,94 @@ msgstr "Unesite lozinku"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Zapis protokola"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread nije podr転an od glib-a.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Upotreba: %s [OPCIJA]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresa] otvara prozor za pisanje"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
" attached"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive prima nove poruke"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all prima sve poruke sa svih rauna"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
#, fuzzy
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --recive prikazuje broj poruka"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --recive prikazuje broj poruka"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --recive prikazuje broj poruka"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug debug nain"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug debug nain"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help prikazuje ovu pomo i izlazi"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version prikazuje verziju i izlazi"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
"ili pritisnite `y卒 tipku.\n"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Izlazni charset"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3107,19 +3110,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Pisanje poruke postoji. Uistinu prekinuti?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Odlo転ene poruke"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Neke neposlane poruke su odlo転ene. Izai odmah?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
@@ -3129,790 +3132,795 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP podr邸ka je onemoguena."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "drugi Sylpheed ve radi.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Pi邸em konfiguraciju filtera...\n"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Spis"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Spis/Kreiraj _novi spis..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Spis/_Preimenuj spis..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Spis/_Preimenuj spis..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Spis/_Obri邸i spis"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Dodaj _sandui..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Dodaj _sandui..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Ukloni sandui"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Spis"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "Kreiranje nove po邸te"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "Kreiranje nove po邸te"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/O_svje転i stablo spisa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Unesi mbox datoteku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Izvezi u mbox datoteku..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Datotkea/Isprazni s_mee"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Spremi _kao..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Spremi _kao..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Is_pi邸i..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Unesi datoteku"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/I_zlaz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Odaberi _sve"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Uredi/P_ronai u poruci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Tra転i poruka..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Pretra転i spis"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i s_vo zaglavlje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Stablo spisa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Pregled poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Traka alata"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Traka alata/Slike i tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Traka alata/_Slike"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Traka alata/_Slike"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Traka alata/_Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Traka alata/_Ni邸ta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Stat_us traka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Stat_us traka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Idi u drugi spis..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pr_egledaj izvor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _po邸iljatelju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Odvoji sta_blo spisa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Odvoji pre_gled poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pr_egledaj izvor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _broju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _veliini"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _datumu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _datumu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _po邸iljatelju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _veliini"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _temi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i oznaci _boje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _oznaci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _neproitanom"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _prilogu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/Poslo転i po _neproitanom"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pr_egledaj izvor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pr_egledaj izvor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Pos_lo転i/P_rivuci po temi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Pregled poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "Ra邸iri stablo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i s_vo zaglavlje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/Odr転avanje/Postavi po_jedinosti prikaza"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Idi pre_ma/_Prethodna poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Idi pre_ma/Slij_edea poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Idi pre_ma/Prethodna _neproitana poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Idi pre_ma/_Slijedea neproitana poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Idi pre_ma/_Prethodna poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Idi pre_ma/Slij_edea poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/P_rethodna oznaena poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Idi pre_ma/Slijedea _oznaena poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Idi pre_ma/Pre_thodna label poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/Idi pre_ma/Slijedea _label poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Idi u drugi spis..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/_Auto detekcija"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Zapadna Europa (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Japan (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Japan (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Japan (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Tradicionalni Kineski (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Kina (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Koreja (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Otvori u novom _prozoru"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pr_egledaj izvor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i s_vo zaglavlje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Pre_Uredi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Primi po邸tu sa _svih rauna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Primi po邸tu sa _svih rauna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Po邸alji _kasnije"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Primi po邸tu sa _svih rauna"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Pre_Uredi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Po邸alji _odlo転ene poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Poruka/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Kreiraj _novu poruku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_dgovori"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Poruka/O_dgovori"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Odgovori svi_ma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Od_govori po邸iljatelju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Odgovori svi_ma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/P_roslijedi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Proslijedi _kao prilog"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Pre_Uredi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Prem_jesti..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Kopir_aj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_znai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_znai/_Oznai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_znai/_Ukloni oznaku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_znai/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_znai/Oznai kao _neproitano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_znai/Oznai kao _proitano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_znai/Oznai kao _proitano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_znai/Oznai sve _proitano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_bri邸i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Primi novu _po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Primi novu _po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/Pre_Uredi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/Dod_aj po邸iljatelja u adresar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Filtriraj po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Filtriraj po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Filtriraj po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Filtriraj po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Filtriraj po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Filtriraj po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Filtriraj po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Filtriraj po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Filtriraj po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Odr転avanje/_Obri邸i duplicirane poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "Izvr邸ava oznaene procese"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Alat/Zapisni prozor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/U_obiajene postavke..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/Postavke _filtera..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/_Obrazac..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/_Uredi raune..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/_Postavke za trenutni raun..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/Kreiraj _novi raun..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/_Uredi raune..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/Promjeni _trenutni raun"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prirunik"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prirunik/_Engleski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prirunik/_Japanski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_O"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prirunik/_Engleski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prirunik/_Engleski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prirunik/_Engleski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prirunik/_Engleski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "Ime zaglavlja nije postavljeno."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Pomo/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Kreiram glavne prozore...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: prikaz boje %d nije uspio\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "gotovo.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Neimenovano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "ni邸ta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Isprazni smee"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Isprazniti sve poruke u smeu?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Dodaj sandui"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3923,16 +3931,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Ako je une邸en postojei sandui, biti e\n"
"automatski pretra転en."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Sandui `%s' ve postoji."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Sandui"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3941,97 +3949,97 @@ msgstr ""
"Kreiranje sanduia propalo.\n"
"Mo転da neke datoteke ve postoje ili nemate pravo pisanja u direktoriju."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/Od_govori"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "Odgovara svima"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Odgovor_i po邸iljatelju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Odgovori svi_ma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/Prosli_jedi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
#, fuzzy
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Proslijedi kao prilo_g"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Pre-_uredi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Traka alata/_Slike"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Ni邸ta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Izlaz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Izlaz iz ovog programa?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Ime zaglavlja nije postavljeno."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Upotreba: %s [OPCIJA]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -4048,7 +4056,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6213,17 +6221,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Prilog"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Tema"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6537,7 +6548,7 @@ msgstr "Pretra転ujem spis %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Filtriranje..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Nema Datuma)"
@@ -6606,6 +6617,93 @@ msgstr "Potpis napravio/la %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Gre邸ka pri potvrivanju potpisa"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "/_Ukloni sandui"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Ne."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Primi"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Spajam se na SMTP poslu転itelj: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Ne mogu se povezati na POP3 poslu転itelj: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom ovjeravanja\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom ovjeravanja\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "aljem poruku (%d / %d bytea)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Primam broj novih poruka (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Nema neproitanih poruka."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Obri邸i poruku/e"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Primam nove poruke"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Po邸alji poruku"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Primam nove poruke"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Primam poruke sa %s u %s...\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Obri邸i poruku/e"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7289,10 +7387,6 @@ msgstr "Filtriranje..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "poruka %d ve je prihvaena.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Ne."
#: src/template.c:171
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
index 60d8b6dc..313a985d 100644
--- a/po/hu.po
+++ b/po/hu.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed-2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-25 20:14+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: N辿meth Tam叩s <ntomasz@vipmail.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: HUNGARIAN <NONE>\n"
@@ -19,194 +19,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Be叩ll鱈t叩sok beolvas叩sa az 旦sszes hozz叩f辿r辿shez...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "Az IMAP4 kapcsolat %s fel辿 megszakadt. jrakapcsol坦d叩s...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP szerver LOGIN kikapcsolva.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "%s:%d IMAP4 kapcsolat l辿trehoz叩sa ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Nem lehet TLS menetet ind鱈tani.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "%d lev辿l let旦lt辿se"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Levelek hozz叩f撤z辿se ide: %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "%s lev辿l 叩thelyez辿se ide: %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "%s lev辿l m叩sol叩sa ide: %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "%s lev辿l elt叩vol鱈t叩sa"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "nem lehet be叩ll鱈tani a t旦r旦lt jelz辿st: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "nem lehet t旦r旦lni\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Minden lev辿l t旦rl辿se ebbl: %s?"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "nem lehet be叩ll鱈tani a t旦r旦lt jelz辿st: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "mappa bez叩r叩sa nem siker端lt\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "%s gy旦k辿rmappa nem l辿tezik\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "hiba t旦rt辿nt a LIST lek辿rdez辿se k旦zben.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "'%s' nem hozhat坦 l辿tre\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "'%s' nem hozhat坦 l辿tre a BEJV mapp叩ban\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "nem lehet l辿trehozni postal叩d叩t: LIST sikertelen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "nem lehet l辿trehozni postal叩d叩t\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "nem lehet a postal叩d叩t 叩tnevezni: %s -> %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "nem lehet t旦r旦lni a postal叩d叩t\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "a bor鱈t辿kot nem lehet megszerezni\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Lev辿lfejl辿cek let旦lt辿se (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "hiba t旦rt辿nt a bor鱈t辿k fogad叩sa k旦zben.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "nem lehet 辿rtelmezni a bor鱈t辿kot: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "%s:%d IMAP4 szerverhez nem lehet kapcsol坦dni\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 szerverhez nem siker端lt kapcsol坦dni: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "n辿vt辿r nem el辿rhet\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "%s mapp叩t nem lehet kiv叩lasztani\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "hiba az IMAP parancs k旦zben: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Az IMAP4 azonos鱈t叩s nem siker端lt.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 bejelentkez辿s sikertelen.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "%s nem f撤zhet hozz叩 ehhez: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(f叩jl k端ld辿se...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "lev辿l nem f撤zhet hozz叩 ehhez: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "%s nem m叩solhat坦 ide: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "hiba az IMAP parancs k旦zben: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "hiba az IMAP parancs k旦zben: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "hiba az IMAP parancs k旦zben: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "az iconv nem tud UTF-7-bl konvert叩lni ebbe: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "az iconv nem tudja UTF-7-re konvert叩lni ezt: %s\n"
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ msgstr "A forr叩s- 辿s c辿lmappa azonos.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "%s/%d lev辿l m叩sol叩sa ide: %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -435,19 +435,19 @@ msgstr "Hiba k端ld辿s k旦zben\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Hiba t旦rt辿nt parancsk端ld辿s k旦zben\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "A sz端ks辿ges APOP idpecs辿t nem tal叩lhat坦 az 端dv旦zletben\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Idpecs辿t szintaktikai hiba az 端dv旦zletben\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Az idpecs辿t 辿rv辿nytelen az 端dv旦zletben\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 protokollhiba\n"
@@ -456,37 +456,37 @@ msgstr "POP3 protokollhiba\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "辿rv辿nytelen UIDL v叩lasz: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Lej叩rt levelek t旦rl辿se %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: %d lev辿l 叩tugr叩sa (%d b叩jt)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "a postafi坦k z叩rolt\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "kapcsolat idt炭ll辿p辿se\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "nem lehet TLS menetet ind鱈tani\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "Hiba t旦rt辿nt az azonos鱈t叩skor\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "A parancs nem t叩mogatott\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "hiba t旦rt辿nt a POP3 kapcsolat k旦zben\n"
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "Lev辿lszem辿t sz撤r辿s (k辿zi)"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Lev辿lszem辿t sz撤r辿s"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): K坦d konverzi坦s hiba.\n"
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ msgstr ""
"funkci坦 bekapcsol叩s叩hoz tegyen pip叩t a 'G' oszlopban lev n辿gyzetbe!"
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ msgstr "A m撤velet felhaszn叩l坦i param辿tere"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "C鱈m hozz叩ad叩sa a c鱈mjegyz辿khez"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "C鱈m"
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ msgstr "Megjegyz辿sek"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "C鱈mjegyz辿k mappa v叩laszt叩s"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_F叩jl"
@@ -856,10 +856,10 @@ msgstr "/_F叩jl/j _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/j _LDAP Szerver"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/---"
@@ -876,21 +876,21 @@ msgstr "/_F叩jl/_T旦rl辿s"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Ment辿s"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Bez叩r叩s"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/_M叩sol叩s"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/_Beilleszt辿s"
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ msgstr "/_C鱈m/_Szerkeszt辿s"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_C鱈m/_T旦rl辿s"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k"
@@ -935,12 +935,12 @@ msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_LDIF f叩jl import叩l叩sa"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_CSV f叩jl import叩l叩sa"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_S炭g坦"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_S炭g坦/_N辿vjegy"
@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/_j Mappa"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -995,17 +995,17 @@ msgstr "C鱈mjegyz辿k"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "N辿v:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "C鱈mzett:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "M叩solat:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Titkos m叩solat:"
@@ -1205,15 +1205,15 @@ msgstr "ltal叩nos c鱈m"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Szem辿lyes c鱈m"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Megjegyz辿s"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Figyelmeztet辿s"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hiba"
@@ -1260,388 +1260,388 @@ msgstr "Barna"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Semmi"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Hozz叩ad叩s..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Elt叩vol鱈t叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Tulajdons叩gok..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_K端ld辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/K端_ld辿s k辿sbb"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/Ment辿s a _V叩zlatok mapp叩ba"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/Ment辿s 辿s _szerkeszt辿sben marad"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/F叩jl _csatol叩sa"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/F叩jl _besz炭r叩sa"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Al叩鱈r叩s besz炭r叩sa"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/Al叩鱈r叩s csa_tol叩sa"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/_Visszavon叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/_Ism辿tl辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/_Kiv叩g叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/Beilleszt辿s id辿_zetk辿nt"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/Mi_ndet kijel旦li"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/Aktu叩lis bekez_d辿s t旦r辿se"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/Minden hossz炭 _sor t旦r辿se"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/A_utomata t旦rdel辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_N辿zet"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_C鱈mzett"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_M叩solat"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Titkos m叩solat"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_V叩laszc鱈m"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/V叩_laszcikk-c鱈m"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/V_onalz坦"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/C_satol叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_N辿zet/Es_zk旦zs叩v testreszab叩sa..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/_Automatikus"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/7 bites ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Nyugat-Eur坦pai (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Nyugat-Eur坦pai (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/K旦z辿p-Eur坦pai (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/_Baltikumi (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Baltikumi (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Baltikumi (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/G旦r旦g (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Arab (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Arab (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/H辿ber (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/H辿ber (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/T旦r旦k (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Cirill (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Cirill (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Cirill (KOI8-_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Cirill (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Jap叩n (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Egyszer撤s鱈tett K鱈nai (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Egyszer撤s鱈tett K鱈nai (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Tradicion叩lis K鱈nai (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Koreai (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_C鱈mjegyz辿k"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_Sablon"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_M撤veletek"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/Szerkeszt辿s _k端ls programmal"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/PGP _Al叩鱈r叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/PGP _Titkos鱈t叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_Helyes鱈r叩sellenrz辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/Helyes鱈r叩s _nyelvi be叩ll鱈t叩sok"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: f叩jl nem l辿tezik\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Nem tudtam olvasni a sz旦vegr辿szt\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Id辿zet jel旦l辿s form叩tum hiba."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Lev辿l v叩lasz/tov叩bb鱈t叩s form叩tumhiba."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "%s f叩jl nem l辿tezik\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "%s m辿rete nem hat叩rozhat坦 meg\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "A(z) %s f叩jl 端res."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "%s nem olvashat坦."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Lev辿l: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Egy t旦bb r辿szes lev辿l egy darabja nem hozz叩f辿rhet."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Nincs T叩rgy)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Lev辿l 鱈r叩sa%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nincs c鱈mzett megadva."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Nincs t叩rgy"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "A lev辿l t叩rgya 端res. Ennek ellen辿re elk端ldi?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Nincs csatolva semmi"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr "Nincs csatolva semmi. Elk端ldi csatol叩sok n辿lk端l?"
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr "C鱈mzettek ellenrz辿se"
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "T辿nyleg elk端ldi ezt a levelet a k旦vetkez c鱈mekre?"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Felad坦:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "T叩rgy:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "_K端ld辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "c鱈mzett lista nem hozz叩f辿rhet."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1649,38 +1649,38 @@ msgstr ""
"Nincs megadva hozz叩f辿r辿s a lev辿l k端ld辿shez.\n"
"V叩lasszon ki egy hozz叩f辿r辿st k端ld辿s eltt!"
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Hiba l辿pett fel a %s-nak/nek k端ldend lev辿l k端ld辿sekor."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "A lev辿l nem menthet a kimen mapp叩ba."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Nem tal叩ltam hozz叩rendelt kulcsot a kiv叩lasztott kulcs azonos鱈t坦hoz `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "A levelet nem siker端lt al叩鱈rni."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "A levelet nem siker端lt titkos鱈tani."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "A levelet nem siker端lt titkos鱈tani vagy al叩鱈rni."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "f叩jl m坦dja nem v叩ltoztathat坦\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1691,11 +1691,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Ennek ellen辿re elk端ldi, mint %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "K坦d konvert叩l叩si hiba"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1708,15 +1708,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Ennek ellen辿re elk端ldi?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Sorhossz hat叩r"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "Titkos m叩solat(ok) titkos鱈t叩sa"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1731,89 +1731,90 @@ msgstr ""
"Ennek ellen辿re elk端ldi?"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "a r辿gi levelet nem lehet t旦r旦lni\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "lev辿l V叩rakoz坦 sorba rak叩sa...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "nem tal叩lhat坦 a V叩rakoz坦 sor mapp叩ja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "A levelet nem siker端lt a V叩rakoz坦 sorba rakni\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "A(z) %s f叩jl nem l辿tezik."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "A(z) %s f叩jlt nem lehet megnyitni."
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "gener叩lt Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Szerkesztablak l辿trehoz叩sa...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP Al叩鱈r叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP Titkos鱈t叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME t鱈pus"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "M辿ret"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "rv辿nytelen MIME t鱈pus."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "A f叩jl nem l辿tezik vagy 端res."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Tulajdons叩gok"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "K坦dol叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "El辿r辿si 炭t"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "F叩jln辿v"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "K端ls szerkeszt parancssora 辿rv辿nytelen: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1822,48 +1823,48 @@ msgstr ""
"A k端ls szerkeszt m辿g dolgozik.\n"
"A processz k辿nyszer鱈tett kil旦v辿se (pid: %d)?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "Eszk旦zs_叩v testreszab叩sa..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "A levelet nem siker端lt a V叩rakoz坦 sorba rakni"
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "F叩jlok v叩laszt叩sa"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "F叩jl v叩laszt叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Lev辿l ment辿se"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "A lev辿l megv叩ltozott. Menti a V叩zlatok mapp叩ba?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Bez叩r叩s ment辿s _n辿lk端l"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "T辿nyleg alkalmazni szeretn辿 a(z) `%s' sablont?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Sablon alkalmaz叩sa"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Helyettes鱈t"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Besz炭r叩s"
@@ -2314,12 +2315,12 @@ msgstr "Mappa inform叩ci坦 be叩ll鱈t叩sa...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Mappa inform叩ci坦 be叩ll鱈t叩sa..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "%s%c%s mappa 叩tvizsg叩l叩sa..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "%s mappa 叩tvizsg叩l叩sa..."
@@ -2488,7 +2489,8 @@ msgstr "H鱈rcsoportok:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Fejl辿c n辿zet l辿trehoz叩sa...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Nincs Felad坦)"
@@ -2669,139 +2671,139 @@ msgstr "LDIF f叩jl import叩l叩sa a c鱈mjegyz辿kbe"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Tulajdons叩gok"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d 炭j lev辿l"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "POP3 azonos鱈t叩s"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "j levelek fogad叩sa"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "K辿szenl辿t"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Megszak鱈tva"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Fogad叩s"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "K辿sz (%d lev辿l (%s) fogadott)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "K辿sz (nincs 炭j lev辿l)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Kapcsolat megszakadt"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Azonos鱈t叩s nem siker端lt"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Z叩rolt"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Idt炭ll辿p辿s"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "V辿ge (%d 炭j lev辿l)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "V辿ge (nincs 炭j lev辿l)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Hiba t旦rt辿nt a levelek fogad叩sakor."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "%s hozz叩f辿r辿srl az 炭j levelek let旦lt辿se...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: POP3 azonos鱈t叩s"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: j levelek fogad叩sa"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Kapcsol坦d叩s a(z) %s POP3 szerverhez ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nem siker端lt kapcsol坦dni a POP3 szerverhez: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Azonos鱈t叩s..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Levelek fogad叩sa innen: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "j levelek sz叩m叩nak megszerz辿se (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "j levelek sz叩m叩nak megszerz辿se (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "j levelek sz叩m叩nak megszerz辿se (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "j levelek m辿ret辿nek megszerz辿se (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "%d lev辿l t旦rl辿se"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Kil辿p辿s"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Lev辿l let旦lt辿se (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Levelek fogad叩sa (%d lev辿l (%s) fogadott)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2809,15 +2811,15 @@ msgstr ""
"A lev辿lszem辿t sz撤r辿shez haszn叩lt parancs futtat叩sa nem siker端lt.\n"
"Ellenrizze a lev辿lszem辿t sz撤rk be叩ll鱈t叩sait."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Kapcsolat megszakadt."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Hiba a levelek feldolgoz叩sa k旦zben."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2826,28 +2828,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Hiba a levelek feldolgoz叩sa k旦zben:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Nincs t旦bb szabad hely a lemezen."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Nem lehet a f叩jlba 鱈rni."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Socket hiba."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "A t叩voli f辿l bez叩rta a kapcsolatot."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "A postafi坦k z叩rolt."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2856,11 +2859,11 @@ msgstr ""
"A postafi坦k z叩rolt:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Az azonos鱈t叩s nem siker端lt."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2869,15 +2872,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Az azonos鱈t叩s nem siker端lt:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Menet idt炭ll辿p辿se."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Fogad叩s megszak鱈tva\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "%s 炭j leveleinek let旦lt辿se a(z) %s mapp叩ba...\n"
@@ -2895,20 +2898,20 @@ msgstr "Adja meg a jelsz坦t"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Protokoll napl坦"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread-et a glib nem t叩mogatja.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Haszn叩lat: %s [OPCI]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [c鱈m] szerkesztablak megnyit叩sa"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2918,23 +2921,23 @@ msgstr ""
" szerkesztablak nyit叩sa a megadott f叩jl(ok)\n"
" csatol叩s叩val"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 炭j levelek let旦lt辿se"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 炭j levelek let旦lt辿se minden hozz叩f辿r辿srl"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send minden v叩rakoz坦 lev辿l k端ld辿se"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [mappa]... ki鱈rja a levelek sz叩m叩t"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2942,45 +2945,45 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [mappa]...\n"
" megjelen鱈ti minden egyes mappa 叩llapot叩t"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr " --open folderid/msgnum lev辿l megnyit叩sa 炭j ablakban"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
" --configdir dirname a konfigur叩ci坦s f叩jlokat t叩rol坦 mappa megad叩sa"
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr " --ipcport portsz叩m IPC t叩voli parancsok portj叩nak megad叩sa"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit kil辿p辿s a Sylpheedbl"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug hibakeres 端zemm坦d"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help e seg鱈ts辿g megjelen鱈t辿se 辿s kil辿p辿s"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version verzi坦 inform叩ci坦k ki鱈r叩sa 辿s kil辿p辿s"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Nyomjon meg egy billenty撤t..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "F叩jln辿v karakterk坦dol叩sa"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3004,19 +3007,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Lev辿l szerkeszt辿s alatt. T辿nyleg kil辿p?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "V叩rakoz坦 levelek"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Vannak elk端ldetlen levelek. Kil辿p辿s most?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3025,15 +3028,15 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP t叩mogat叩s kikapcsolva."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Egy m叩sik Sylpheed m叩r fut.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Be叩ll鱈t叩sok migr叩l叩sa"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3041,662 +3044,667 @@ msgstr ""
"Az elz verzi坦 konfigur叩ci坦ja megtal叩lva.\n"
"Szeretn辿 migr叩lni azokat?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Mappa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Mappa/_j mappa l辿trehoz叩sa..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Mappa/Mappa 叩t_nevez辿se..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Mappa/Mappa 叩t_helyez辿se..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Mappa/Mappa _t旦rl辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Postal叩da"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Postal叩da/Postal叩da _hozz叩ad叩sa..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Postal叩da/Postal叩da _elt叩vol鱈t叩sa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Postal叩da/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Postal叩da/_j levelek ellenrz辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Postal叩da/_j levelek ellenrz辿se az 旦sszes postal叩d叩ban"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Postal叩da/_Mappafa 炭jra辿p鱈t辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_F叩jl/Mbox f叩jl _import叩l叩sa..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_F叩jl/Mbox f叩jl _export叩l叩sa..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Kuka 端r鱈t辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Ment辿s m叩sk辿nt..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Oldalbe叩ll鱈t叩s..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_F叩jl/_Nyomtat叩s..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/Ka_pcsolat n辿lk端li munka"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_F叩jl/Ki_l辿p辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/S_z叩l kiv叩laszt叩sa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/_Keres辿s az aktu叩lis lev辿lben..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/Le_velek keres辿se..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/S_zerkeszt辿s/_Gyorskeres辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt/Mappa_fa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt/_Lev辿ln辿zet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt/_Eszk旦zs叩v"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt/_Eszk旦zs叩v/Ikon 辿s Sz旦veg"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt/_Eszk旦zs叩v/_Sz旦veg az ikont坦l jobbra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt/_Eszk旦zs叩v/_Ikon"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt/_Eszk旦zs叩v/_Sz旦veg"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt/_Eszk旦zs叩v/Se_mmi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt/_Keress叩v"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Megjelen鱈t vagy elrejt/_llapots叩v"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_N辿zet/Eszk旦zs_叩v testreszab叩sa..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/Elren_dez辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/Elren_dez辿s/_V鱈zszintes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/Elren_dez辿s/_F端ggleges"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_K端l旦n mappafa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/K端l旦n le_v辿ln辿zet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_Sz叩m szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_M辿ret szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_D叩tum szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_Sz叩l d叩tuma szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_Felad坦 szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_C鱈mzett szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_T叩rgy szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/S_z鱈nes c鱈mke szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_Jel旦l辿s szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_Olvasatlan szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/Cs_atol叩s szerint"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/Nem _rendez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_N旦vekv"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_Cs旦kken"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Rendez辿s/_T叩rgyhoz vonz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/Sz叩_lank辿nti n辿zet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Minden sz叩l kifejt辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Minden sz叩l bez叩r叩sa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_N辿zet/K_ijelzett cikk be叩ll鱈t叩s..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_Elz lev辿lhez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_K旦vetkez lev辿lhez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_Elz olvasatlan lev辿lhez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_K旦vetkez olvasatlan lev辿lhez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_Elz 炭j lev辿lhez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_K旦vetkez 炭j lev辿lhez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_Elz megjel旦lt lev辿lhez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_K旦vetkez megjel旦lt lev辿lhez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_Elz c鱈mk辿zett lev辿lhez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_K旦vetkez c鱈mk辿zett lev辿lhez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Ugr叩s/_M叩sik _mapp叩hoz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/_Automatikus felismer辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Nyugat-Eur坦pai (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Jap叩n (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Jap叩n (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Jap叩n (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Tradicion叩lis K鱈nai (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/K鱈nai (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_Karakterk坦dol叩s/Koreai (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/Me_gnyit叩s 炭j ablakban"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_zenet forr叩sa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_sszes fejl辿c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_N辿zet/_sszegz辿s friss鱈t辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Fog_ad叩s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Fog_ad叩s/_Aktu叩lis hozz叩f辿r辿srl"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Fog_ad叩s/_Minden hozz叩f辿r辿srl"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Fo_gad叩s/Fogad叩s le叩_ll鱈t叩sa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Fog_ad叩s/_Minden hozz叩f辿r辿srl"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Fog_ad叩s/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/_Levelek k端ld辿se a V叩rakoz坦 sorb坦l"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/_j lev辿l szerkeszt辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/_V叩lasz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/V叩lasz _m叩snak"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/V叩lasz _m叩snak/_Mindenkinek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/V叩lasz _m叩snak/A _k端ldnek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/V叩lasz _m叩snak/_Levelez list叩nak"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/_Tov叩bb鱈t叩s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Tov叩bb鱈t叩s _csatol叩sk辿nt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/t_ir叩ny鱈t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/M_ozgat叩s..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/_M叩sol叩s..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Me_gjel旦l"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Me_gjel旦l/_Megjel旦l"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Me_gjel旦l/_Visszavon"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Me_gjel旦l/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Me_gjel旦l/Mint olvasatla_n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Me_gjel旦l/Mint olvaso_tt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Me_gjel旦l/Mint olvasott _sz叩l"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Me_gjel旦l/_Minden olvasottat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/T旦_rl辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/Lev辿ls_zem辿tk辿nt be叩ll鱈t叩s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/_Nem lev辿lszem辿tk辿nt be叩ll鱈t叩s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Lev辿l/jrasz_erkeszt辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/K端ld hozz叩ad叩sa a c鱈m_jegyz辿khez..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/ssz_es lev辿l sz撤r辿se a mapp叩ban"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/Kiv叩_lasztott levelek sz撤r辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_Sz撤r辿si szab叩lyok"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_Sz撤r辿si szab叩lyok/_Automatikusan"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_Sz撤r辿si szab叩lyok/_Felad坦 alapj叩n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_Sz撤r辿si szab叩lyok/_C鱈mzett alapj叩n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_Sz撤r辿si szab叩lyok/_T叩rgy alapj叩n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/Lev辿ls_zem辿t sz撤r辿se a mapp叩ban"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/Ki_v叩lasztott levelek sz撤r辿se lev辿lszem辿tre"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_Duplik叩lt levelek t旦rl辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/Megjel旦lt _processz futtat叩sa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/_Napl坦 ablak"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Be叩ll鱈t叩sok"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Be叩ll鱈t叩sok/ltal叩nos _be叩ll鱈t叩sok..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Be叩ll鱈t叩sok/_Sz撤r be叩ll鱈t叩sok..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Be叩ll鱈t叩sok/Sa_blonok..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Be叩ll鱈t叩sok/M撤_veletek..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Be叩ll鱈t叩sok/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Be叩ll鱈t叩sok/Aktu叩lis _hozz叩f辿r辿s be叩ll鱈t叩sai..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Be叩ll鱈t叩sok/_j hozz叩f辿r辿s l辿trehoz叩sa..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Be叩ll鱈t叩sok/Hozz叩f辿r辿sek _szerkeszt辿se..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Be叩ll鱈t叩sok/_Aktu叩lis hozz叩f辿r辿s v叩lt叩sa..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/_K辿zik旦nyv"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/_K辿zik旦nyv/_Angol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/_K辿zik旦nyv/_Jap叩n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/_GYIK"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/_GYIK/_Angol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/_GYIK/_N辿met"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/_GYIK/_Spanyol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/_GYIK/_Francia"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/_GYIK/_Olasz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/Para_ncssor opci坦i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/S炭_g坦/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Fablak l辿trehoz叩sa...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Fablak: %d sz鱈n foglal叩sa nem siker端lt\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "k辿sz.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "N辿vtelen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "semmi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Kapcsolat n辿lk端l"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "n kapcsolat n辿lk端li m坦dban van. Kapcsol坦dik?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Kuka 端r鱈t辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Minden lev辿l t旦rl辿se a kuk叩b坦l?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Postal叩da hozz叩ad叩sa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3706,16 +3714,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Ha l辿tez postal叩d叩t ad meg, akkor\n"
"automatikusan 叩tvizsg叩lom."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "A(z) `%s' postal叩da m叩r l辿tezik."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Postal叩da"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3724,88 +3732,88 @@ msgstr ""
"A postal叩da l辿trehoz叩sa nem siker端lt.\n"
"Tal叩n n辿h叩ny f叩jl m叩r l辿tezik, vagy nincs 鱈r叩si joga a k旦nyvt叩rba."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Mappan辿zet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Lev辿ln辿zet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_V叩lasz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "V叩lasz _mindenkinek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/V叩lasz a _k端ldnek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/V叩lasz a _levelezlist叩nak"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Tov叩bb鱈t叩s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Csatol叩sk辿_nt tov叩bb鱈t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/tir叩ny鱈_t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "Ikon 辿_s sz旦veg"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "Sz旦veg az ikont坦l _jobbra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "_Ikon"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "S_z旦veg"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "S_emmi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr ""
"n kapcsolat n辿lk端li m坦dban van. Kattintson az ikonra a kapcsol坦d叩shoz."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "n kapcsol坦dva van. Kattintson az ikonra a kapcsolat n辿lk端li m坦dhoz."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Kil辿p辿s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Kil辿p辿s a programb坦l?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Parancssori opci坦k"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Haszn叩lat: sylpheed [OPCI]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3835,7 +3843,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5931,17 +5939,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Csatol叩s"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "T叩rgy"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Felad坦"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "D叩tum"
@@ -6235,7 +6246,7 @@ msgstr "%s keres辿se..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "%s keres辿se (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Nincs D叩tum)"
@@ -6297,6 +6308,93 @@ msgstr "Az al叩鱈r叩s k辿sz端lt %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Hiba az al叩鱈r叩s ellenrz辿se k旦zben"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Postal叩da elt叩vol鱈t叩sa"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Db"
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Fogad叩s"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Kapcsol坦d叩s %s SMTP szerverhez..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Nem siker端lt kapcsol坦dni a POP3 szerverhez: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "hiba t旦rt辿nt a POP3 kapcsolat k旦zben\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "hiba t旦rt辿nt a POP3 kapcsolat k旦zben\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Lev辿lfejl辿cek let旦lt辿se (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "j levelek sz叩m叩nak megszerz辿se (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Nincs 炭j lev辿l."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Lev辿l(ek) t旦rl辿se"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "j levelek fogad叩sa"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Lev辿l k端ld辿se"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "j levelek fogad叩sa"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Levelek fogad叩sa innen: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Lev辿l(ek) t旦rl辿se"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6958,10 +7056,6 @@ msgstr "Sz撤r辿s..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d lev辿l sz撤r辿se megt旦rt辿nt."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Db"
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
index 1d2145d1..7a5c7eac 100644
--- a/po/it.po
+++ b/po/it.po
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Italian translation of Sylpheed pot file
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Danilo Bodei <dbodei@lombardiacom.it>,<dbodei@katamail.com> 2001-2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 2.4.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-01-26 09:42+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Danilo Bodei <dbodei@lombardiacom.it,dbodei@katamail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <tp@lists.linux.it>\n"
@@ -19,194 +19,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Lettura della configurazione per ogni account...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "La connessione IMAP4 a %s 竪 stata interrotta. Riconnessione...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "Il server IMAP4 disabilita il LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "creazione della connessione IMAP4 a %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Impossibile avviare la sessione TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Ricezione del messaggio %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Aggiunta di messaggi in %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Spostamento dei messaggi da %s in %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Copia dei messaggi da %s in %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Rimozione messaggi %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "impossibile impostare i flag eliminati: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "impossibile cancellare\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Rimozione di tutti i messaggi in %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "impossibile impostare i flag eliminati: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "impossibile chiudere la cartella\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "la cartella radice %s non esiste\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "si 竪 verificato un errore durante la ricezione di LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Impossibile creare 束%s損\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "Impossibile creare 束%s損 sotto IN ENTRATA\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "impossibile creare la casella postale: LIST fallito\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "impossibile creare la casella postale\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "impossibile rinominare la casella postale: %s in %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "impossibile eliminare la casella postale\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "impossibile ricevere la busta\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Ricezione intestazioni del messaggio (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "si 竪 verificato un errore durante la ricezione della busta.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "impossibile analizzare la busta: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al server IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Impossibile stabilire la sessione IMAP4 con: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "impossibile ricevere il namespace\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "impossibile selezionare la cartella: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "errore durante il comando imap: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Autenticazione IMAP4 fallita.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "Login IMAP4 fallito.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "impossibile aggiungere %s a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(spedizione del file...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "impossibile aggiungere a %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "impossibile copiare %s in %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "errore durante il comando imap: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "errore durante il comando imap: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "errore durante il comando imap: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv non pu嘆 convertire UTF-7 in %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv non pu嘆 convertire %s in UTF-7\n"
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ msgstr "la cartella sorgente 辿 identica a quella di destinazione.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Copia del messaggio %s%d in %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -435,19 +435,19 @@ msgstr "Si 竪 verificato un errore durante l'invio dell'articolo\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Si 竪 verificato un errore durante l'invio del comando\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Nel saluto non 竪 stata trovata la necessaria data/ora APOP\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Errore di sintassi nella data/ora del saluto\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Orario non valido nel saluto\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "Errore nel protocollo POP3\n"
@@ -456,37 +456,37 @@ msgstr "Errore nel protocollo POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "risposta UIDL non valida: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Eliminazione del messaggio scaduto %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Salto il messaggio %d (%d byte)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "la casella postale 竪 bloccata\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "timeout della sessione \n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "impossibile avviare la sessione TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "si 竪 verificato un errore durante l'autenticazione\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "comando non supportato\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "si 竪 verificato un errore durante la sessione POP3\n"
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "Filtro mail spazzatura (manuale)"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Filtro mail spazzatura"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Conversione del codice fallita.\n"
@@ -681,11 +681,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"I nuovi messaggi saranno controllati in questo ordine. Spuntare le caselle "
-"colonna 束G損 per consentire il recupero dei messaggi attraverso 束Ricevi "
+"colonna 束G損 per consentire il recupero dei messaggi attraverso 束Ricevi tutti損."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -820,7 +819,7 @@ msgstr "Argomento dell'azione utente"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Aggiunta dell'indirizzo alla rubrica"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Indirizzo"
@@ -834,7 +833,7 @@ msgstr "Note"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Selezione della cartella della rubrica"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_File"
@@ -855,10 +854,10 @@ msgstr "/_File/Nuovo _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_File/Nuovo server _LDAP"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_File/---"
@@ -875,21 +874,21 @@ msgstr "/_File/_Elimina"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_File/_Salva"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_File/_Chiudi"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Modifica"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Modifica/_Copia"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Modifica/_Incolla"
@@ -921,7 +920,7 @@ msgstr "/_Indirizzo/_Modifica"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_indirizzo/_Elimina"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/S_trumenti"
@@ -934,12 +933,12 @@ msgstr "/S_trumenti/Importa file _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/Importa file _CSV"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/A_iuto"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/A_iuto/I_nformazioni"
@@ -957,7 +956,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Nuova _cartella"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -994,17 +993,17 @@ msgstr "Rubrica"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "A:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1209,15 +1208,15 @@ msgstr "Indirizzo comune"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Indirizzo personale"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Avviso"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Avvertimento"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Errore"
@@ -1264,391 +1263,391 @@ msgstr "Marrone"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Niente"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Aggiungi..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Rimuovi"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Propriet..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_File/In_via"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_File/Invia _pi湛 tardi"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_File/_Salva nella cartella 束Bozze損"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_File/Sa_lva e mantieni l'editazione"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_File/_Allega file"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_File/_Inserisci file"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_File/Inserisci fi_rma"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_File/A_ggiungi firma"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Modifica/_Annulla"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Modifica/_Ripeti"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Modifica/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Modifica/_Taglia"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Modifica/Incolla co_me citazione"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Modifica/_Seleziona tutto"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Modifica/A capo _paragrafo attuale"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Modifica/A capo tutte le righe _lunghe"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Modifica/A cap_o automatico"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Visualizza"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_A"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Cc"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Rispondi a"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Seguito di"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/R_ighello"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Alle_gato"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Per_sonalizza barra degli strumenti"
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/_Automatica"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica揃caratteri/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica揃caratteri/ASCII a 7 bit (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Europa Occidentale (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Europa Occidentale (IS_O-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Europa Centrale (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Baltico (I_SO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Baltico (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Baltico (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Greco (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Arabo (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Arabo (_Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Ebreo (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Ebreo (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Turco (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Cirillico (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Cirillico (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Ciri_llico (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Cirillico (_Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Giapponese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Cinese semplificato (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Cinese semplificato (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Cinese tradizionale (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Coreano (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Tailandese (TIS-_620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Tailan_dese (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/_Rubrica"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/_Modello"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/A_zioni"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Strumenti/Modifica con l'_editor esterno"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Strumenti/Firma P_GP"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Strumenti/C_ifratura PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/_Controllo ortografico"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/Impo_sta lingua"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: il file non esiste\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Impossibile ricevere parte del testo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Errore del formato del segno di citazione."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Errore del formato nel messaggio di risposta/inoltro."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Il file %s non esiste\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Impossibile ottenere la dimensione di %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Il file %s 竪 vuoto."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Impossibile leggere %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Messaggio: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Impossibile ricevere parte del messaggio composto."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Nessun oggetto)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Componi%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Il destinatario non 竪 specificato."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Oggetto vuoto"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "L'oggetto 竪 vuoto. Inviarlo comunque?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Allegati"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Imposta automaticamente i seguenti indirizzi"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Da:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Oggetto:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Invia"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "impossibile ottenere la lista dei destinatari."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1656,42 +1655,42 @@ msgstr ""
"Non 竪 specificato l'account per l'invio della posta.\n"
"Scegliere un account di posta prima dell'invio."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Si 竪 verificato un errore durante l'invio del messaggio a %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Impossibile salvare il messaggio nella cartella 束Inviata損."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare qualsiasi chiave associata con l'id chiave 束%s損 "
"attualmente selezionato."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Impossibile accodare il messaggio."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Impossibile accodare il messaggio."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Impossibile accodare il messaggio."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "impossibile cambiare i permessi del file\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1703,11 +1702,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Spedirlo come %s comunque?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Errore di conversione del codice"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1721,15 +1720,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Spedirlo comunque?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Limite lunghezza linea"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "Cifratura con Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1743,89 +1742,90 @@ msgstr ""
"Inviarlo comunque?"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "impossibile rimuovere il vecchio messaggio\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "accodamento messaggio...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "impossibile trovare la cartella 束Coda損\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "impossibile accodare il messaggio\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Il file %s non esiste."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file %s."
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "generato l'ID-messaggio: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Creazione della finestra di composizione...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Firma PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Cifratura PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tipo MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Dimensione"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Tipo MIME non valido."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Il file non esiste o 竪 vuoto."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriet"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codifica"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Percorso"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nome del file"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "La riga di comando per l'editor esterno non 竪 valida: 束%s損\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1834,48 +1834,48 @@ msgstr ""
"L'editor esterno 竪 ancora attivo.\n"
"Forzare la conclusione del processo (pid:%d)?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "_Personalizza barra strumenti"
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Impossibile accodare il messaggio."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Seleziona i file"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Selezione del file"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Salva il messaggio"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Questo messaggio 竪 stato modificato. Salvarlo nella cartella bozze?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Chiudi sen_za salvare"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Applicare il modello 束%s損 ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Applica il modello"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Sostituisci"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Inserisci"
@@ -2328,12 +2328,12 @@ msgstr "Impostazione delle informazioni della cartella...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Impostazione delle informazioni della cartella..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Analisi della cartella %s%c%s..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Analisi della cartella %s..."
@@ -2503,7 +2503,8 @@ msgstr "Newsgroup:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Creazione della vista dell'intestazione...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Nessun mittente)"
@@ -2684,139 +2685,139 @@ msgstr "Importazione del file LDIF nella rubrica"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Attibuti"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d nuovi messaggi"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autenticazione con POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Recupero i nuovi messaggi"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Attesa"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Cancellato"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Recupero"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Fatto (ricevuti %d messaggio(i) (%s))"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Fatto (non ci sono nuovi messaggi)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Connessione fallita"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Autenticazione fallita"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Bloccato"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timeout"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Finito (%d nuovo(i) messaggio(i))"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Finito (non ci sono nuovi messaggi)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Ci sono stati degli errori durante la ricezione della posta."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "ricezione dei nuovi messaggi dell'account %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: autenticazione con POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Recupero i nuovi messaggi"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Connessione al server POP3: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al server POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Autenticazione..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Ricezione dei messaggi da %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Ricezione del numero dei nuovi messaggi (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Ricezione del numero dei nuovi messaggi (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Ricezione del numero dei nuovi messaggi (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Ricezione della dimensione dei messaggi (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Eliminazione del messaggio %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Esco"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Recupero il messaggio (%d di %d) (%s di %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Ricezione di (%d messaggio(i) ricevuti (%s))"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2824,15 +2825,15 @@ msgstr ""
"L'esecuzione del comando del filtro spazzatura 竪 fallita.\n"
"Controllare l'impostazione del controllo della mail spazzatura."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Connessione fallita."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Si 竪 verificato un errore durante l'elaborazione della posta."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2841,28 +2842,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Si 竪 verificato un errore durante l'elaborazione della posta:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Spazio su disco esaurito."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Impossibile scrivere il file."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Errore del socket."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Connessione chiusa dall'host remoto."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "La casella postale 竪 bloccata."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2871,11 +2873,11 @@ msgstr ""
"La casella postale 竪 bloccata:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Autenticazione fallita."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2884,15 +2886,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Autenticazione fallita:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "La sessione 竪 andata in timeout."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Incorporazione cancellata\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Ricezione in %s dei nuovi messaggi da %s...\n"
@@ -2910,20 +2912,20 @@ msgstr "Inserire la password"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Log del protocollo"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread non 竪 supportato da glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Uso: %s [OPZIONE]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [indirizzo] apre una finestra di composizione"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2933,23 +2935,23 @@ msgstr ""
" apre la finestra di composizione con allegati\n"
" i file specificati"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive riceve i nuovi messaggi"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all riceve i nuovi messaggi di tutti gli account"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send invia tutti i messaggi accodati"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [cartella]... mostra il numero totale dei messaggi"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2957,46 +2959,46 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [cartella]...\n"
" mostra lo stato di ogni cartella"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr " --open folderid/msgnum apre il messaggio in una nuova finestra"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
" --configdir dirname specifica la directory che contiene i file di "
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr " --ipcport portnum specifca la porta per i comandi IPC da remoto"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit esce da Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug modalit di debug"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help mostra questo aiuto ed esce"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version mostra informazioni sulla versione ed esce"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Premere un tasto qualsiasi..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Codifica nome file"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3020,19 +3022,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "C'竪 un messaggio in composizione. Uscire?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Messaggi accodati"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Ci sono messaggi non spediti in 束Coda損. Uscire ora ?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3041,15 +3043,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Il supporto per OpenPGP 竪 disabilitato."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "un altro Sylpheed 竪 gi in esecuzione.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migrazione della configurazione"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3057,667 +3059,672 @@ msgstr ""
" stata trovata una versione precedente della configurazione.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_File/Ca_rtella"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_File/Ca_rtella/Crea _nuova cartella..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_File/Ca_rtella/_Rinomina cartella..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_File/Ca_rtella/_Sposta cartella..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_File/Ca_rtella/Eli_mina cartella"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_File/_Casella postale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_File/_Casella postale/_Aggiungi casella postale..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_File/_Casella postale/Rimuovi ca_sella postale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_File/_Casella postale/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_File/_Casella postale/_Controllo nuovi messaggi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_File/_Casella postale/Controllo nuovi _messaggi in tutte le cartelle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_File/_Casella postale/R_icostruisci l'albero cartella"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_File/_Importa file mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_File/Esp_orta file mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_File/S_vuota cestino"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_File/Sa_lva come..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_File/I_mposta pagina..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_File/Stam_pa..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_File/Lavora offli_ne"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_File/_Esci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Modifica/Seleziona t_hread"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Modifica/_Trova nel messaggio attuale..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Modifica/Ricerca _messaggi..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Modifica/_Incolla"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi/A_lbero cartella"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi/Vista _messaggio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi/Barra degli _strumenti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi/Barra degli _strumenti/Icone _e testo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr ""
"/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi/Barra degli _strumenti/Testo a dest_ra "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi/Barra degli _strumenti/I_cone"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi/Barra degli _strumenti/_Testo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi/Barra degli _strumenti/_Niente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi/_Barra di ricerca"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Mostra o _nascondi/Barra di s_tato"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Per_sonalizza barra degli strumenti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per _mittente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Albero _cartella separato"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Vista m_essaggio separata"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per n_umero"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per dim_ensione"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per _data"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/pe_r data del thread"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per _mittente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per dest_inatario"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per _oggetto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per colore etic_hetta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per _segno"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per non le_tti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/per a_llegato"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/No_n ordinare"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/_Ascendente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/Dis_cendente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/_Ordina/_Raggruppa per oggetto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Vista _thread"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/E_spandi tutti i thread"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Nascondi tutti i t_hread"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Visualizza/I_mposta voci da visualizzare..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Messaggio preced_ente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Messaggio successi_vo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Messaggio non letto p_recedente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Messaggio non _letto successivo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Messaggio nuovo pre_cedente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Messaggio nu_ovo successivo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Messaggio _segnato precedente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Messaggio se_gnato successivo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Messaggio etic_hettato precedente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Messaggio e_tichettato successivo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Visualizza/V_ai a/Cartella di_fferente..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/_Autorilevamento"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Europa Occidentale (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Gia_pponese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Giapponese (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Giapponese (S_hift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Cinese tradizionale (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Cinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Co_difica caratteri/Corea_no (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Apri nuova _finestra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Sorgente messagg_io"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/Tutte le intesta_zioni"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Visualizza/A_ggiorna sommario"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/M_essaggio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rice_vi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rice_vi/Ricevi dall'a_ccount attuale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rice_vi/Ricevi da _tutti gli account"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rice_vi/Ferma rice_zione"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rice_vi/Ricevi da _tutti gli account"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rice_vi/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Invia messa_ggi accodati"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Componi _nuovo messaggio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/_Rispondi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rispondi _a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rispondi _a/_tutti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rispondi _a/_mittente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rispondi _a/mailing _list"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/_Inoltra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Inoltra come a_llegato"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rispe_disci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Sp_osta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "M_essaggio/_Copia..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/_Segna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/_Segna/Segn_a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/_Segna/To_gli segno"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/_Segna/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/_Segna/Segna co_me non letto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/_Segna/Segna come _letto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/_Segna/Segna il _thread come letto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/_Segna/Segna come tutti l_etti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Eli_mina"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Imposta come mail spa_zzatura"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Messaggio/Im_posta come mail normale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/M_essaggio/Rimodi_fica"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/S_trumenti/Aggiungi mittente alla ru_brica..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/_Filtra tutti i messaggi nella cartella"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/Filtra i messaggi _selezionati"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/_Crea regola per il filtro"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/_Crea regola per il filtro/A_utomaticamente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/_Crea regola per il filtro/con _Da"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/_Crea regola per il filtro/con _A"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/_Crea regola per il filtro/con l'_Oggetto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/Filtra le mail s_pazzatura nella cartella"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/Filtra le _mail spazzatura nei messaggi selezionati"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/Elimina messaggi _duplicati"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/Ese_gui i processi segnati"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/S_trumenti/Finestra di _log"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Configurazione"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Configurazione/Preferenze _comuni..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Configurazione/Impostazioni _filtro..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Configurazione/Mo_dello..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Configurazione/_Azioni..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Configurazione/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Configurazione/_Preferenze per l'account attuale..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Configurazione/Crea _nuovo account..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Configurazione/_Modifica account..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Configurazione/Cam_bia account attuale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/A_iuto/_Manuale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/A_iuto/_Manuale/Ingl_ese"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/A_iuto/_Manuale/_Giapponese"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/A_iuto/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/A_iuto/_FAQ/Ingl_ese"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/A_iuto/_FAQ/_Tedesco"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/A_iuto/_FAQ/_Spagnolo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/A_iuto/_FAQ/_Francese"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/A_iuto/_FAQ/_Italiano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/A_iuto/Opzioni linea _comando"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/A_iuto/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Creazione della finestra principale...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "FinestraPrincipale: l'allocazione del colore %d 竪 fallita.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "fatto.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Senza titolo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "niente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Offline"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "Siete offline. Andare online?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Svuota cestino"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Svuotare tutti i messaggi nei cestini?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Aggiunta di una casella postale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3727,16 +3734,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Se 竪 specificata una casella postale esistente, sar\n"
"esaminata automaticamente."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "La casella postale 束%s損 esiste gi."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Casella postale"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3746,87 +3753,87 @@ msgstr ""
"Pu嘆 darsi che esistano gi alcuni file, oppure non si ha il permesso di "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Vista cartella"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Vista messaggio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Rispondi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/Rispondi a _tutti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Rispondi _al mittente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Rispondi alla mailing _list"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Inoltra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Inoltra com_e allegato"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Rispe_disci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "Icon_a e testo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "Testo a dest_ra dell'icona"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "_Icona"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "_Testo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "_Niente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "Siete offline. Fare click sull'icona per andare online."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "Siete online. Fare click sull'icona per andare offline."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Esci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Uscire da questo programma?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Opzioni della linea di comando"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Uso: sylpheed [OPZIONE]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3856,7 +3863,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5954,17 +5961,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Allegato"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Oggetto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Da"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6261,7 +6271,7 @@ msgstr "Ricerca in %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Ricerca in %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Nessuna Data)"
@@ -6323,6 +6333,93 @@ msgstr "Firma fatta a %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Errore verificando la firma"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Rimuovi la casella postale"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "No."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Ricevi"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Connessione al server SMTP: %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al server POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "si 竪 verificato un errore durante la sessione POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "si 竪 verificato un errore durante la sessione POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Ricezione intestazioni del messaggio (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Ricezione del numero dei nuovi messaggi (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Non esistono messaggi nuovi."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Elimina il(i) messaggio(i)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Recupero i nuovi messaggi"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Invia il messaggio"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Recupero i nuovi messaggi"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Ricezione dei messaggi da %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Elimina il(i) messaggio(i)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6989,10 +7086,6 @@ msgstr "Filtraggio..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "sono stati filtrati %d messaggi(o)."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "No."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index bdb221b1..e0bd62eb 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 1999-10-12\n"
"Last-Translator: Hiroyuki Yamamoto <hiro-y@kcn.ne.jp>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <ja@li.org>\n"
@@ -18,194 +18,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "鴻≪潟罸荐絎茯粋昭推賢...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "%s 吾IMAP4・膓障・膓障...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP泣若 LOGIN ≦鴻障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "%s:%d 吾IMAP4・膓腆榊筝...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "TLS 祉激с潟紮с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "<祉若 %d 緇筝"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "<祉若吾 %s 菴遵障 (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "<祉若 %s %s 腱糸障..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "<祉若 %s %s 潟若障..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "<祉若 %s ゃ障"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "deleted 違祉с障: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "expunge с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "%s 鴻<祉若吾ゃ障"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "deleted 違祉с障: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "若冴с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "若 %s 絖障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "LIST 緇筝若榊障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "'%s' 篏с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "INBOX 筝 '%s' 篏с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "<若鴻篏с障: LIST 紊掩\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "<若鴻篏с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "<若鴻腱医眼с障: %s -> %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "<若鴻ゃс障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "潟若緇с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "<祉若吾緇筝 (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "潟若緇筝若榊障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "潟若茹fс障: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 泣若: %s:%d ・膓с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "%s:%d IMAP4 祉激с潟腆榊с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "namespace 緇с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr " %s 御с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "imap 潟潟筝: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 茯荐若紊掩障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4違ゃ潟紊掩障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "%s %s 菴遵с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(<ゃ篆>賢...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "<祉若吾 %s 菴遵с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "%s %s 潟若с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "imap 潟潟筝: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "imap 潟潟筝: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "imap 潟潟筝: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv UTF-7 %s 紊с障\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv %s UTF-7 紊с障\n"
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ msgstr "腱糸腱糸筝с\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "<祉若 %s/%d %s 潟若障...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -434,19 +434,19 @@ msgstr "鴻筝若榊障\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "潟潟篆>賢若榊障\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "綽荀APOP帥ゃ鴻帥潟綽膈<祉若吾障\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "綽膈<祉若吾帥ゃ鴻帥潟羈\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "綽膈<祉若娯賢APOP帥ゃ鴻帥潟筝罩cс\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 潟\n"
@@ -455,37 +455,37 @@ msgstr "POP3 潟\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "≦鴻 UIDL 綽膈с: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: <祉若 %d ゃ障\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: <祉若 %d 鴻障 (%d bytes)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "<若鴻障\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "祉激с潟帥ゃ≪障\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "TLS 祉激с潟紮с障\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "茯荐寂賢若榊障\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "潟潟泣若障\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "POP3 祉激с割賢若榊障\n"
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ msgstr "菴傑<若c ()"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "菴傑<若c"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): 潟若紊紊掩障\n"
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ msgstr "≪激с潟若九"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "≪鴻≪劫験菴遵"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "≪"
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "≪劫験御"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)"
@@ -852,10 +852,10 @@ msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/域_JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/域LDAP泣若(_L)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/---"
@@ -872,21 +872,21 @@ msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/(_D)"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/篆絖(_S)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/(_C)"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/膩(_E)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/潟(_C)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/若鴻(_P)"
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ msgstr "/≪(_A)/膩(_E)"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/≪(_A)/(_D)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/若(_T)"
@@ -931,12 +931,12 @@ msgstr "/若(_T)/_LDIF<ゃゃ潟若"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/若(_T)/_CSV<ゃゃ潟若"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/(_H)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/(_H)/違ゃ(_A)"
@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/域(_F)"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -991,17 +991,17 @@ msgstr "≪劫験"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr ":"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "絎:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1203,15 +1203,15 @@ msgstr "掩≪"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "篋榊≪"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "羈"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "茘"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
@@ -1258,388 +1258,388 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/菴遵(_A)..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/(_P)..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/篆(_S)"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/緇ч篆(_L)"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/腮帥篆絖(_D)"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/篆絖膩膓(_K)"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/<ゃ羞私(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/<ゃ水(_I)"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/臀峨水(_G)"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/臀峨菴遵(_P)"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/祉(_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/眼(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/綣若鴻(_Q)"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/鴻御(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/憜罧笈純翫就(_W)"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/鴻激茵菴(_L)"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/翫就(_O)"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絎(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/_Cc"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/_Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/菴篆≦絎(_Reply-To)"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/弱絎(_Followup-To)"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/若(_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/羞私(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/若若鴻帥ゃ(_S)..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/罨х嘘 (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/罨х嘘 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/筝罨 (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/茫後 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/茫後 (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/茫後 (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/激h (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/≪∵ (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/≪∵ (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/よ (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/よ (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/活 (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/絖 (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/絖 (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/絖 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/絖 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/ユ茯 (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/膂>絖筝処 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/膂>絖筝処 (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/膵篏絖筝処 (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/処 (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/帥よ (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/帥よ (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/若(_T)/≪劫験(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/若(_T)/潟若(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/若(_T)/≪激с(_N)"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/若(_T)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/若(_T)/紊c帥х隈(_X)"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/若(_T)/PGP臀峨(_G)"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/若(_T)/PGP垸(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/若(_T)/鴻с(_C)"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/若(_T)/鴻с荐茯絎(_S)"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: <ゃ絖障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "鴻若緇с障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "綣膃後筝罩cс"
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "<祉若吾菴篆/荵∫後筝罩cс"
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "<ゃ %s 絖障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "<ゃ %s 泣ゃ冴緇с障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "<ゃ %s 腥冴с"
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "%s 茯粋昭障"
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "<祉若: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "若<祉若吾若緇с障"
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(篁九)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 篏%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "絎絎障"
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "腥冴篁九"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "篁九腥冴с篆<障?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "羞私<ゃ障"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr "羞私<ゃ障羞私<ゃч篆<障?"
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr "絎腆肴"
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "<若篁ヤ≪鴻篆<с?"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "綏坂査:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "篁九:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "篆(_S)"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "篆≦鴻緇с障"
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1647,37 +1647,37 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "<祉若吾 %s 鴻筝若榊障"
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "<祉若吾篆≧ァ篆絖с障"
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "憜御ID `%s' 絲上泣荀ゃ障с"
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "<祉若吾臀峨с障"
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "<祉若吾垸с障"
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "<祉若吾垸障臀峨с障"
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "<ゃ≪若紊眼с障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1688,11 +1688,11 @@ msgstr ""
"%s 障障篆<障?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "絖潟若紊"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1705,15 +1705,15 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "茵激狗"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "Bcc 篌眼垸"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1727,89 +1727,90 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "ゃ<祉若吾ゃс障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "<祉若吾篆≦<ャ障...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "篆≦<荀ゃ障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "<祉若吾篆≦罘с障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "<ゃ %s 絖障"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "<ゃ %s 障"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "<祉若ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "<祉若娯c潟篏筝...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP臀峨"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP垸"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME 帥ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "泣ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "≦鴻 MIME 帥ゃс"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "<ゃ絖障腥冴с"
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "潟潟若c潟"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "<ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "紊c帥潟潟ゃ潟≦鴻с: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1818,48 +1819,48 @@ msgstr ""
"祉鴻綣桁句篋障(pid: %d)?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "若若鴻帥ゃ(_C)..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "<祉若吾篆≦罘с障"
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "<ゃ御"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "<ゃ御"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "<祉若吾篆絖"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "<祉若吾紊眼障腮帥篆絖障?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "篆絖(_W)"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "潟若 `%s' 障?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "潟若"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "臀(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "水(_I)"
@@ -2310,12 +2311,12 @@ msgstr "宴荐絎筝...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "宴荐絎筝..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "鴻c割賢 (%s%c%s) ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "鴻c割賢 (%s)..."
@@ -2484,7 +2485,8 @@ msgstr "ャ若鴻違若:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "ャ若篏筝...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(綏坂査筝)"
@@ -2665,139 +2667,139 @@ msgstr "LDIF<ゃ≪劫験吾ゃ潟若"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "絮"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d 亥<祉若"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "POP3ц荐寂賢"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "亥<祉若吾篆>賢"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "緇罘筝"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "c潟祉"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "篆>賢"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "絎篋 (%d (%s) 篆)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "絎篋 (亥<祉若吾)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "・膓紊掩"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "茯荐弱け"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "筝"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "帥ゃ≪"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "絎篋 (%d 亥<祉若)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "絎篋 (亥<祉若吾)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "<若緇筝若榊障"
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "≪潟 %s 亥<祉若吾莨若с障...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: POP3ц荐寂賢"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: 亥<祉若吾篆>賢"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "POP3泣若: %s ・膓筝..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "POP3泣若: %s:%d ・膓с障\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "茯荐寂賢..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "%s <祉若吾篆>賢..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "亥<祉若吾違緇筝 (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "亥<祉若吾違緇筝 (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "亥<祉若吾違緇筝 (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "<祉若吾泣ゃ冴緇筝 (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "<祉若 %d や賢"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "筝"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "<祉若吾篆>賢 (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "篆>賢 (%d (%s) 篆)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2805,15 +2807,15 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "・膓紊掩障"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "<若筝若榊障"
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2822,28 +2824,29 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "c鴻腥冴絎拷障"
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "<ゃ吾莨若障"
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "純宴若с"
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "≪若鴻c・膓障"
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "<若鴻障"
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2852,11 +2855,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "茯荐若紊掩障"
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2865,15 +2868,15 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "祉激с潟帥ゃ≪障"
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "篆<c潟祉障\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "違<祉若吾 %s %s 莨若с障...\n"
@@ -2891,20 +2894,20 @@ msgstr "鴻若ュ"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "潟"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread glib c泣若障\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "篏睡羈: %s [激с]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [address] <祉若娯c潟"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2914,23 +2917,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 絎<ゃ羞私<祉若娯\n"
" c潟"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 亥<祉若吾篆<"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all ≪潟亥<祉若吾篆<"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 篆≦罘筝<祉若吾鴻篆<"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [folder]... <祉若吾膩違茵腓冴"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2938,44 +2941,44 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" 倶茵腓冴"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr " --open folderid/msgnum 違c潟с<祉若吾"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr " --configdir dirname 荐絎<ゃ主c絎"
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr " --ipcport portnum IPC ≪若潟潟若絎"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit Sylpheed 腟篋"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 違≪若"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 茵腓冴腟篋"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 若吾с恰宴阪腟篋"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "篏若若..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "<ゃ潟潟若c潟"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2998,19 +3001,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "篏筝<祉若吾絖障綵腟篋障?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "篆≦罘筝<祉若"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "篆≦罘筝篆<<祉若吾障腟篋障?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3019,15 +3022,15 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP 泣若≦鴻с"
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "ャ Sylpheed с莎桁障\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "荐絎腱肢"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3035,664 +3038,668 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/(_F)/域篏(_N)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/(_F)/紊(_R)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/(_F)/腱糸(_M)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/(_F)/(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/<若(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/<若(_M)/<若鴻菴遵(_M)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/<若(_M)/<若鴻(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/<若(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/<若(_M)/亥<祉若吾с(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/<若(_M)/若罕膀(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/mbox<ゃゃ潟若(_I)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/mbox<ゃ鴻若(_E)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/鴻睡宴腥冴(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/篁篆絖(_S)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/若梧┃絎(_U)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/医(_P)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/ゃ潟(_W)"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/<ゃ(_F)/腟篋(_X)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/鴻御(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/膩(_E)/憜<祉若後罎膣(_F)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/膩(_E)/<祉若吾罎膣(_S)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/膩(_E)/ゃ罎膣(_Q)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)/(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)/<祉若吾ャ(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)/若(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)/若(_T)/≪ゃ潟潟絖(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)/若(_T)/≪ゃ潟潟劻絖(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)/若(_T)/≪ゃ潟(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)/若(_T)/絖(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)/若(_T)/茵腓(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)/罎膣≪(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓冴脂茵腓(_D)/鴻若帥鴻(_B)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/若若鴻帥ゃ(_C)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/ゃ≪(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/ゃ≪(_T)/罔羣(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/ゃ≪(_T)/膰3(_V)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/若(_O)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/<祉若吾ャ若(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/埌(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/泣ゃ咲(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/ヤ(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/鴻ヤ(_H)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/綏坂査(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/絎(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/篁九(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/若(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/若(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/茯(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/羞私(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/純若(_O)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/純若(_S)/篁九с障(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/鴻茵腓(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/鴻鴻絮(_X)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/鴻鴻(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/茵腓咲荐絎(_I)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/<祉若(_P)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/罨<<祉若(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/茯<祉若(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/罨<茯<祉若(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/亥<祉若(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/罨<亥<祉若(_X)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/若篁<祉若(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/罨<若篁<祉若(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/篁<祉若(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/罨<篁<祉若(_B)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/腱糸(_G)/ャ(_F)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/罎(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/罨х嘘 (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/ユ茯 (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/ユ茯 (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/ユ茯 (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/膵篏絖筝処 (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/筝処 (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/絖潟潟若c潟(_E)/処 (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/違c潟ч(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/<祉若吾純若(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/鴻(_H)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/茵腓(_V)/泣贋(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/篆(_V)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/篆(_V)/憜≪潟篆(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/篆(_V)/≪潟篆(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/篆(_V)/篆<筝罩(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/篆(_V)/≪若<若(_R)..."
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/篆(_V)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/篆≦罘筝<祉若吾篆(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/域<祉若吾篏(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/菴篆(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/菴篆<絎(_Y)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/菴篆<絎(_Y)/<菴篆(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/菴篆<絎(_Y)/綏坂査菴篆(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/菴篆<絎(_Y)/<若潟違鴻菴篆(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/荵∫(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/羞私荵∫(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/荵∫(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/腱糸(_O)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/潟(_C)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/若(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/若(_M)/若(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/若(_M)/若茹i(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/若(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/若(_M)/茯若(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/若(_M)/茯(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/若(_M)/鴻茯(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/若(_M)/鴻茯(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/菴傑<若絎(_J)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/菴傑<若с(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/膩(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/若(_T)/綏坂査≪劫験菴遵(_K)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/若(_T)/筝鴻<祉若吾(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/若(_T)/御筝<祉若吾(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/若(_T)/若篏(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/若(_T)/若篏(_C)/(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/若(_T)/若篏(_C)/_From"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/若(_T)/若篏(_C)/_To"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/若(_T)/若篏(_C)/_Subject"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/若(_T)/筝菴傑<若(_J)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/若(_T)/御<祉若娯賢菴傑<若(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/<祉若(_M)/茲<祉若吾(_P)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/若(_T)/若絎茵(_X)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/若(_T)/違c潟(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/荐絎(_C)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/荐絎(_F)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/潟若(_T)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/≪激с(_A)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/憜≪潟荐絎(_P)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/域≪潟篏(_N)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/≪潟膩(_E)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/憜≪潟紊(_H)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/(_H)/ャ≪(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/(_H)/ャ≪(_M)/沿(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/(_H)/ャ≪(_M)/ユ茯(_J)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/(_H)/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/(_H)/_FAQ/沿(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/(_H)/_FAQ/ゃ茯(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/(_H)/_FAQ/鴻ゃ活(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/(_H)/_FAQ/潟壕(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/(_H)/_FAQ/ゃ帥∵(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/(_H)/潟潟ゃ潟激с(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/(_H)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "<ゃ潟c潟篏筝...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: 蚊蚊綵 %d 紊掩障\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "絎篋\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "腱井荐絎"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "ゃ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "憜ゃ潟с潟ゃ潟障?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "鴻睡宴腥冴"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "睡宴筝<祉若吾鴻ゃ障?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "<若鴻菴遵"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3701,16 +3708,16 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "<若 `%s' с絖障"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "<若膊"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3719,87 +3726,87 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - ャ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - <祉若吾ャ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/菴篆(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/<菴篆(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/綏坂査菴篆(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/<若潟違鴻菴篆(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/荵∫(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/羞私荵∫(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/荵∫(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "≪ゃ潟潟絖(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "≪ゃ潟潟劻絖(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "≪ゃ潟(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "絖(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "茵腓(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "憜ゃ潟с≪ゃ潟潟潟ゃ潟障"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "憜潟ゃ潟с≪ゃ潟潟ゃ潟障"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "腟篋"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "違腟篋障?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "潟潟ゃ潟激с"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "篏睡羈: sylpheed [激с]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3829,7 +3836,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5915,17 +5922,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "羞私"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "篁九"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "綏坂査"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ヤ"
@@ -6219,7 +6229,7 @@ msgstr "%s 罎膣≫賢..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "%s 罎膣≫賢 (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(ヤ)"
@@ -6281,6 +6291,92 @@ msgstr "臀峨篏 %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "臀峨罎荐若"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "%s - ≪若 POP3 <若"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "篆(_G)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "%s:%d ・膓筝..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "POP3泣若: %s:%d ・膓с障"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"POP3 祉激с割賢若榊障:\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "POP3 祉激с割賢若榊障"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "<祉若吾緇筝 (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "<祉若吾篁倶違緇筝..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "<祉若吾障"
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "%d <祉若吾ゃ障"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "%d <祉若吾緇障"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "<祉若 %d 障"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "%d 篁吟<祉若吾緇障"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "<祉若 %d 緇筝..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "<祉若吾"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6942,10 +7038,6 @@ msgstr "筝..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d <祉若吾障"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr ""
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po
index 178cc6a0..339b7b1d 100644
--- a/po/ko.po
+++ b/po/ko.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 0.8.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-02 11:09+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Nam SungHyun <namsh@kldp.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean <gnome-kr-translation@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
@@ -18,201 +18,201 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "螳 螻 覈 れ 曙給...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "%s:%d IMAP4 伎給. れ ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP 覯 襴"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "%s:%d IMAP4 襷 ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "TLS 語 給.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "%d 覃讌襯 譴"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲企企 譴 (%d / %d 覦危)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "覃讌 %s%c%d襯 %s襦 企...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "覃讌 %s%c%d襯 %s襦 覲旧譴 ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "%s襦覿 %s襦 覃讌襯 螳語給...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr " 蠏碁ゼ れ 螳 給: %d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "讌 螳 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "%s襦覿 %s襦 覃讌襯 螳語給...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr " 蠏碁ゼ れ 螳 給: 1:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "启襯 螳 給: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr " 殊 覦蟆讌.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "LIST襯 視 譴 螳 覦.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "'%s'襯 燕 螳 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "INBOX '%s'襯 燕 螳 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "壱ク 燕 給: LIST ろ\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "壱ク 燕 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "壱ク覈 覦蠖 給: %s %s襦\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "壱ク 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "envelope襯 詞 螳 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲企企 譴 (%d / %d 覦危)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "envelope襯 視 譴 覦.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "envelope襯 燕 螳 給: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "%s:%d IMAP4 覯 郁屋 螳 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 語 襷 給: %s: %d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "namespace襯 詞 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "启襯 螳 給: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "imap 覈轟 ろ譴 : EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "語 覦覯"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 襦蠏語語 ろ給.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "%s襯 %s 覿 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(殊 覲企...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "%s 覃讌襯 豢螳 螳 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "%d襯 %s襦 覲旧 螳 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "imap 覈轟 ろ譴 : STORE %d:%d %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "imap 覈轟 ろ譴 : EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
#, fuzzy
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "imap 覈轟 ろ譴 : EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv螳 UTF-7襯 %s襦 覲 給\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv螳 %s襯 UTF-7襦 覲 給\n"
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ msgstr "蠍 启 蟆讌 启螳 螳給.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "覃讌 %s%c%d襯 %s襦 覲旧譴 ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -435,20 +435,20 @@ msgstr "蠍 襴 譴 覦\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "覃殊 豌襴 譴 "
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "greeting 覦蟆讌 APOP ろ螳 蟲\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "greeting ろ 覓碁 る\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "greeting 覦蟆讌 APOP ろ螳 蟲\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 襦貊 \n"
@@ -457,38 +457,38 @@ msgstr "POP3 襦貊 \n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "覦襯伎 xover line: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: 襷襭 覃讌 %d襯 \n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: 覃讌 %d襯 蟇企 (%d 覦危)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "壱ク 蟆給\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "TLS 語 給\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "語 譴 覦\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
#, fuzzy
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "覈轟"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "語 譴 覦\n"
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ msgstr "启"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "启"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): 貊 覲 ろ給.\n"
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ msgstr ""
"覦朱る `G' 貉 襯 語."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "譯殊襦 豢螳"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "譯殊"
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ msgstr "覃覈"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "譯殊襦 启 "
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/(_F)"
@@ -847,10 +847,10 @@ msgstr "/(_F)/ JPilot(_J)"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/(_F)/ 覯(_S)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/(_F)/---"
@@ -867,21 +867,21 @@ msgstr "/(_F)/(_D)"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/(_F)/(_S)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/(_F)/蠍(_C)"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/覲旧(_C)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/覿j鍵(_P)"
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ msgstr "/譯殊(_A)/ク讌(_E)"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/譯殊(_A)/(_D)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)"
@@ -927,12 +927,12 @@ msgstr "/蟲(_T)/LDIF 螳語り鍵(_L)"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/LDIF 螳語り鍵(_L)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/襷(_H)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/sylpheed 覲(_A)"
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/ 启(_F)"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -989,17 +989,17 @@ msgstr "譯殊襦"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "企:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "覦 :"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "谿語^:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr " 谿語^:"
@@ -1204,15 +1204,15 @@ msgstr "螻旧 譯殊襦"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "螳 譯殊襦"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "襴"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "蟆所"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
@@ -1259,434 +1259,434 @@ msgstr "螳"
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/豢螳(_A)..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/轟(_P)..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/(_F)/(_S)"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/譴 覲企願鍵(_l)"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/ 覲願朱 覲企願鍵(_d)"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/ロ螻 ク讌 覲伎ヾ(_k)"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/(_F)/豌覿 (_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/(_F)/ 曙(_I)"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/(_F)/覈 曙(_g)"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/(_F)/覈 曙(_g)"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/ろ豬(_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/れ ろ(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/朱願鍵(_t)"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/quotation朱 覿j鍵(_q)"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/覈 (_a)"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/ 譴覦蠖(_W)"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/覈 蠍 殊 譴覦蠖(_l)"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/覲旧(_C)"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/To(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/Cc(_C)"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/Bcc(_B)"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/Reply to(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/磯殊襴蠍(_F)"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/Ruler(_u)"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/豌覿(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/るジ 启襦(_f)..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/企殊姶"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/企殊姶"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/7bit ろ (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/貊(_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/覿 (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/覿 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/譴 (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/蠏碁Μ(ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/蠏碁Μ(ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/郁鍵 (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Cyrillic (ISo-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/朱蓋 (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/蟲 (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/譯殊襦(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/襴(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/(_n)"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/碁 ク讌蠍磯 ク讌(_x)"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/(_n)"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/誤(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/ろ(_x)"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/襴(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: 殊 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "ろ 覿覿 詞 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "語 覿 ."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "覃讌 / ."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "%s殊 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "%s 蠍磯ゼ 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "%s 殊 觜 殊."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "%s襯 曙 螳 給."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "覃讌: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "multipart 覃讌 覿覿 詞 螳 給."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(覈 )"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 覃讌 ク讌%s "
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "覦 讌讌給"
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "覈"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "覈 觜給. 蠏碁 覲企手?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "豌覿"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "れ 譯殊襯 朱 "
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "覲企 :"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "覈:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "覃 覦"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "覦 覈襦 詞 螳 給"
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1694,40 +1694,40 @@ msgstr ""
"覃殊 覲企願鍵 螻 讌伎讌給.\n"
"覲企願鍵 覃 螻 語."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "%s襦 覃讌襯 覲企企 譴 螳 覦給."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲企 ク讌 ロ 螳 給"
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr " ID `%s' 郁屋 企 る 谿場 給."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲願 l螳 給."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲願 l螳 給."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲願 l螳 給."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr " 覈襯 覦蠖螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1737,12 +1737,12 @@ msgstr ""
"覃讌 覓語 覲蟆渚 螳 給.\n"
"蠏碁 覲企手?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "譯殊襦 覲 "
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1768,92 +1768,93 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "る 覃讌襯 蟇壱 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲願...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr " 启襯 谿場 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲願 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "%s殊 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "%s 殊 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "焔 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "ク讌谿曙 燕...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/(_n)"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/誤(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "襷 "
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "蠍"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "覦襯伎 襷 ."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "殊 蟇磯 觜給."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "轟"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "語"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "蟆暑"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr " 企"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "碁 ク讌蠍 覈轟願 覦襯伎給: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1863,52 +1864,52 @@ msgstr ""
" 襦語るゼ 螳襦 譬襭蟾?\n"
"襦語 蠏碁9 企: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲願 l螳 給."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr " "
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr " "
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "覃讌 覲企願鍵"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr " 覃讌 給. 覲蟆曙 覯襴願?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "`%s' 襴酔 蟾?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "襴酔 ."
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "豌"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "曙"
@@ -2369,12 +2370,12 @@ msgstr "启 覲企ゼ れ...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "启 覲企ゼ れ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "%s%c%s襯 れ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "%s 启襯 れ..."
@@ -2545,7 +2546,8 @@ msgstr "伎り係襭:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "る 觀磯ゼ 燕...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(???)"
@@ -2734,210 +2736,211 @@ msgstr "LDIF 殊 譯殊襦朱 螳語り鍵"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "給 (%d螳 襦 覃讌)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "語"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr " 覃讌襯 螳語"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "豬給"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "襭 (%d 覃讌 (%s)螳 覦讌)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "襭 ( 覃讌 )"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "郁屋 ろ給"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "語 ろ給."
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "給 (%d螳 襦 覃讌)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "給 ( 覃讌 )"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "ク讌襯 覦り 螳 覦給."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "%s 螻朱覿 覃讌襯 詞給...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "語"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: 覃讌襯 螳語"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "POP3 覯 %s 郁屋..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "%s:%d POP3 覯 郁屋 螳 給\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "語 譴..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "%s襦覿 %s襦 覃讌襯 螳語給...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr " 覃讌 螳襯 視 譴 (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr " 覃讌 螳襯 視 譴 (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr " 覃讌 螳襯 視 譴 (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "覃讌 蠍磯ゼ 視 譴 (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "%d 覃讌襯 譴"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "襷豺 譴"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "覃讌 (%d / %d) 襯 螳語る 譴 (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "襭 (%d 覃讌 (%s)螳 覦讌)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "郁屋 ろ給"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "覃殊 豌襴 譴 "
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
msgstr "覃殊 豌襴 譴 "
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "ろ 螻糾 ."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "殊 螳 給."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "貅 ."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "覃朱り 蟆給."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
msgstr "覃朱り 蟆給."
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "語 覦覯"
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
msgstr "語 覦覯"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "覲 豬給.\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "%s襦覿 %s襦 覃讌襯 螳語...\n"
@@ -2955,20 +2958,20 @@ msgstr " "
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "襦貊 襦蠏"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread螳 glib 讌讌給.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "覯: %s [旧]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [譯殊] ク讌 谿曙 暑"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2978,70 +2981,70 @@ msgstr ""
" 讌 殊 豌覿伎 ク讌 谿\n"
" attached"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 覃讌襯 覦給"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 覈 螻 覃讌襯 覦給"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 覈 覃讌襯 覲企"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status 豐 覃讌 螳襯 れ"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status 豐 覃讌 螳襯 れ"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug 覯蟾 覈"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 覯蟾 覈"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 襷 螻 襷豺"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 覯覯 覲 豢ロ螻 譬襭"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "覲企企 覃殊 覓語"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3055,19 +3058,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "覃讌襯 ク讌 谿曙 給. 襷 伎蟆給蟾?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "覲企伎讌 覃讌螳 給. 讌蠍 譬襭蟾?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3076,724 +3079,729 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP 讌蠍磯レ ."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "るジ Sylpheed螳 企 ろ螻 給.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr " れ ...\n"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/(_F)/启(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/(_F)/启(_F)/ 启(_n)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/(_F)/启(_F)/启 企 覲蟆(_R)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/(_F)/启(_F)/启 企 覲蟆(_R)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/(_F)/启(_F)/启 (_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/(_F)/覃 覦 豢螳(_A)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/(_F)/覃 覦 豢螳(_A)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/覃朱るゼ 讌郁鍵(_m)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/(_F)/启(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/ 覃讌 (_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/(_F)/覈 启 覃讌 (_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/启 碁Μ 螳煙(_e)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/(_F)/mbox 螳語り鍵(_I)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/(_F)/mbox 朱 (_E)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/(_F)/讌 ク讌 觜郁鍵(_t)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/(_F)/ 企朱(_S)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/(_F)/ 企朱(_S)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/(_F)/語(_P)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/(_F)/ 曙(_I)"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/(_F)/願鍵(_x)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/磯 (_t)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/ 覃讌 谿剰鍵(_F)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/覃讌 谿剰鍵(_S)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/ク讌(_E)/覿j鍵(_P)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(d)/启 碁Μ(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)/覃讌 覲願鍵(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)/企(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)/企(_T)/伎螻 ろ(_a)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)/企(_T)/伎(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)/企(_T)/伎(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)/企(_T)/ろ(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)/企(_T)/(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)/覦(_b)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)/覦(_b)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/るジ 启襦(_f)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/覲企 (_f)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲 启 碁Μ 谿(_o)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲 覃讌 谿(_e)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/覯(_n)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/蠍(_i)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/讌(_d)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/讌(_d)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/覲企 (_f)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/蠍(_i)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/覈(_s)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/ 朱襖(_c)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/(_m)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/曙(_u)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/豌覿(_t)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/(_o)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/る谿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/(_S)/企殊姶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/覈(_S)/(_S)/覈(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/磯 覲願鍵(_r)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覈 磯 エ蠍(_x)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覈 磯 蠍(_l)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/ 覈 れ(_i)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/覈(_S)/螳蠍(_G)/伎 覃讌(_P)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/れ 覃讌(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/曙 れ 覃讌(_e)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/曙 れ 覃讌(_e)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/伎 覃讌(_w)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/れ 覃讌(_x)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/ 伎 覃讌(_m)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/ れ 覃讌(_a)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/蠎襴 伎 覃讌(_l)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/蠎襴 れ 覃讌(_b)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/螳蠍(_G)/るジ 启襦(_f)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/覿 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/朱蓋 (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/朱蓋 (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/朱蓋 (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覓語(_C)/蟲 (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/ 谿曙朱 願鍵(_w)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覃讌 (_a)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覈 る(_h)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/ 螳煙(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/れ ク讌(_e)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/覈 螻 覦蠍(_a)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/覈 螻 覦蠍(_a)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/覦蠍 豬(_g)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/覈 螻 覦蠍(_a)"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/れ ク讌(_e)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/ 覲願 覃讌 覦(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/襦 襷り鍵(_n)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_y)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_y)/豌(_a)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_y)/覲企語(_s)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_y)/覃朱襴ろ(_l)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/豌覿朱 (_w)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/Redirec_t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/企(_o)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/覲旧(_C)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_M)/(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_M)/ 讌(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_M)/曙 蟆朱 (_e)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_M)/曙 蟆朱 (_d)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_M)/曙 蟆朱 (_d)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_M)/覈 曙 蟆朱 (_r)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/ 覃 覦蠍(_i)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/ 覃 覦蠍(_i)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/れ ク讌(_e)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/譯殊襦 覲企語 豢螳(_k)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/覃讌 (_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/覃讌 (_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/ 蠏豺 (_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/ 蠏豺 (_C)/(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/ 蠏豺 (_C)/覲企語企(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/ 蠏豺 (_C)/覦企(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/ 蠏豺 (_C)/覈朱(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/覃讌 (_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/覃讌 (_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/譴覲給 覃讌 讌郁鍵(_p)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr " 襦語るれ ろ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/襦蠏 谿(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/れ(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/れ(_C)/蠍磯蓋 れ(_C)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/れ(_C)/ れ(_F)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/れ(_C)/襴(_T)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/れ(_C)/(_A)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/れ(_C)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/れ(_C)/螻 磯ジ れ(_P)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/れ(_C)/ 螻 襷り鍵(_n)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/れ(_C)/螻 ク讌(_E)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/れ(_C)/ 螻 覲蟆(_h)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/る(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/る(_M)/(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/る(_M)/朱蓋(_J)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/FAQ(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/FAQ(_F)/(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/FAQ(_F)/殊(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/FAQ(_F)/ろ語(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/FAQ(_F)/れ(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/FAQ(_F)/危襴(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "覈轟 讌讌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/襷(_H)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr " 谿曙 襷...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "覃 谿: %d ろ\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "襷豺.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "覈 "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "讌 ク讌 觜郁鍵"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "讌 ク讌 覈 覃讌襯 觜瑚?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "覃朱 豢螳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3804,16 +3812,16 @@ msgstr ""
"蠍一ヾ 覃 覦り 讌覃 朱\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "覃 覦 `%s'螳 企 譟伎."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "覃朱"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3822,95 +3830,95 @@ msgstr ""
"覃朱 煙 ろ給.\n"
"襷 企 殊 企 譟伎蟇磯 蠏 螻褐 郁鍵 蟠 給."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 启 覲願鍵"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 覃讌 覲願鍵"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "覿蟆 覲企"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/(_y)/覲企語(_s)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/(_y)/覃朱襴ろ(_l)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/豌覿襦 (_w)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Redirec_t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/覲願鍵(_V)/覲伎願碓 螳豢蠍(_d)/企(_T)/伎(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "ろ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "願鍵"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr " 襦蠏碁 伎蟆給蟾?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "覈轟 讌讌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "覯: %s [旧]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3927,7 +3935,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6071,17 +6079,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "豌覿"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "覈"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "覲企 "
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "讌"
@@ -6385,7 +6396,7 @@ msgstr "%s 启襯 れ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "磯..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(讌 )"
@@ -6453,6 +6464,93 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "覈 蟆讀 譴 "
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "覃朱るゼ 蟇壱"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "覯"
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "覦蠍"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "SMTP 覯 郁屋螻 給: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "%s:%d POP3 覯 郁屋 螳 給\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "語 譴 覦\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "語 譴 覦\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "覃讌襯 覲企企 譴 (%d / %d 覦危)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr " 覃讌 螳襯 視 譴 (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr " 覃讌螳 給."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "覃讌襯 讌"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr " 覃讌襯 螳語"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "覃讌 覲企願鍵"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr " 覃讌襯 螳語"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "%s襦覿 %s襦 覃讌襯 螳語給...\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "覃讌襯 讌"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7117,10 +7215,6 @@ msgstr "磯..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "覃讌 %d 企 貂給.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "覯"
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/lt.po b/po/lt.po
index 3a76a1d3..b5ba4dc8 100644
--- a/po/lt.po
+++ b/po/lt.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-06-09 13:51+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Vitalijus Valantiejus <vitalijus@users.sf.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian <komp_lt@konferencijos.lt>\n"
@@ -18,194 +18,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Skaitoma kiekvienos sskaitos konfig笛racija...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 prisijungimas prie %s buvo nutrauktas. Jungiamasi...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 serveris panaikina LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "sukuriamas IMAP4 prisijungimas prie %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Negaliu sukurti TLS sesijos.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Gaunamas lai邸kas %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Pridedami lai邸kai 眺 %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Perkeliami lai邸kai %s 眺 %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kopijuojami lai邸kai %s 眺 %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "alinami lai邸kai %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "negaliu nustatyti i邸trynimo 転ym迭: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "negaliu i邸braukti\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Trinami lai邸kai i邸 %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "negaliu nustatyti i邸trynimo 転ym迭: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "negaliu u転daryti katalogo\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "邸akninis katalogas %s neegzistuoja\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "klaida gaunant LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Negaliu sukurti %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "negaliu sukurti %s po INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "negaliu sukurti d転uts: nepavyko LIST\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "negaliu sukurti d転uts\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "negaliu pervadinti d転uts: %s 眺 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "negaliu i邸trinti d転uts\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "nagaliu gauti voko\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Gaunamos lai邸k迭 antra邸ts (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "klaida gaunant vok.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "negaliu i邸analizuoti voko: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Negaliu prisijungti prie IMAP4 serverio: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Negaliu sukurti IMAP4 sesijos su: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "negali迭 gauti vard迭 zonos\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "negaliu pasirinkti katalogo: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "klaida vykdant imap komand: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 autenti邸kumo tikrinimas nepavyko.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "nepavyko prisijungti prie IMAP4\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "negaliu prira邸yti %s 眺 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(siuniamas failas...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "negaliu pridti lai邸ko 眺 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "negaliu nukopijuoti %s 眺 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "klaida vykdant imap komand: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "klaida vykdant imap komand: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "klaida vykdant imap komand: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv negali konvertuoti UTF-7 眺 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv negali konvertuoti %s 眺 UTF-7\n"
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ msgstr "pradinis katalogas identi邸kas paskirties katalogui.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kopijuojamas lai邸kas %s/%d 眺 %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -434,19 +434,19 @@ msgstr "Klaida skelbiant 転inut\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Klaida siuniant komand\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Reikalinga APOP 転yma nerasta pasisveikinime\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Sintakss klaida pasisveikinime\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 protokolo klaida\n"
@@ -455,37 +455,37 @@ msgstr "POP3 protokolo klaida\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "blogas UIDL atsakymas: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Trinamas senas lai邸kas %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: praleid転iamas lai邸kas %d (%d B)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "d転ut u転rakinta\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "baigsi sesijai skirtas laikas\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "negaliu pradti TLS sesijos\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "klaida tikrinant autenti邸kum\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "komanda nepalaikoma\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "klaida POP3 sesijoje\n"
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ msgstr "Nepageidautino pa邸to filtras (neautomatinis)"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Nepageidautino pa邸to filtras"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Nepavyko konvertuoti kodo.\n"
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ msgstr ""
"skulpelyje G jei norite gauti lai邸kus pasirink Gauti visus."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ msgstr "Vartotojo veiksmo argumentas"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "町dti adres 眺 knyg"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresai"
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ msgstr "Pastabos"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Pa転ymkite adres迭 knygos katalog"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Failas"
@@ -851,10 +851,10 @@ msgstr "/_Failas/Naujas _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Failas/Naujas _LDAP serveris"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Failas/---"
@@ -871,21 +871,21 @@ msgstr "/_Failas/I邸t_rinti"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Failas/I邸_saugoti"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Failas/_U転verti"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Taisa"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Taisa/Kopi_juoti"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Taisa/町_dti"
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adresas/_Redaguoti"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adresas/I邸t_rinti"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/町_rankiai"
@@ -930,12 +930,12 @@ msgstr "/町_rankiai/Importuoti _LDIF fail"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/Importuoti _CSV fail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Pagalba"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_Apie"
@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Naujas _katalogas"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -990,17 +990,17 @@ msgstr "Adres迭 knyga"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Vardas:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Kam:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Kopija:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Slapta kopija:"
@@ -1200,15 +1200,15 @@ msgstr "Bendras adresas"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Asmeninis adresas"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Prane邸imas"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "町spjimas"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Klaida"
@@ -1255,391 +1255,391 @@ msgstr "Ruda"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nieko"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/Pri_dti..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Pa邸alinti"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Savybs..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Failas/_Si迭sti"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Failas/Si迭sti _vliau"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Failas/I邸saugoti _juodra邸t眺"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Failas/I邸saugoti ir _toliau redaguoti"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Failas/Prise_gti fail"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Failas/町t_erpti fail"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Failas/町terpti pa_ra邸"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Failas/_Pridti para邸"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Taisa/_At邸aukti"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Taisa/Pa_kartoti"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Taisa/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Taisa/I邸kirp_ti"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Taisa/町dti kaip _citat"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Taisa/貼ymti _visk"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Taisa/_Lau転yti pastraip"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Taisa/Lau転yti _visas ilgas eilutes"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Taisa/_Automati邸kai lau転yti"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Kam"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ko_pija"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Slapta kopija"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Kam _atsakyti"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Gija"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Liniuot"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Prise_gti failai"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/_Automati邸kai"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Unikodas (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Vakar迭 Europos (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Vakar迭 Europos (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Centrins Europos (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/_Balt迭 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Balt迭 (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Balt迭 (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Graik迭 (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Arab迭 (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Arab迭 (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Hebraj迭 (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Hebraj迭 (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Turk迭 (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Kirilica (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Kirilica (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Kirilica (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Kirilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Japon迭 (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Supaprastinta Kin迭 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Supaprastinta Kin迭 (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Tradicin Kin迭 (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Korjiei迭 (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Tailandiei迭 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Tailandiei迭 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/_Adres迭 knyga"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/_ablonas"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/_Veiksmai"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/Naudoti i邸orin眺 redaktori迭"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/PGP _para邸as"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/PGP 邸i_fravimas"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/_Tikrinti ra邸yb"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/_Nustatyti kalb"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: failas neegzistuoja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Negaliu gauti dalies teksto\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Formato klaida."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Atsakymo/persiuntimo formato klaida."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Failas %s neegzistuoja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Negaliu gauti failo %s dyd転io\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Failas %s yra tu邸ias"
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Negaliu perskaityti %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Lai邸kas: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Negaliu gauti sudtins lai邸ko dalies"
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Nra temos)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Ra邸yti lai邸k%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nenurodytas gavjas."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Nra temos"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Nenurodyta lai邸ko tema (subject). Si迭sti?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Priedai"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Automati邸kai nustatyti 邸iuos adresus"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Nuo:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Tema:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Si迭sti"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "Negaliu gauti gavj迭 sra邸o."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1647,40 +1647,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Nenurodyta sskaita pa邸to siuntimui.\n"
"Prie邸 si迭sdami pa転ymkit norim sskait."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Klaida siuniant lai邸k %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Negaliu i邸saugoti lai邸ko outbox."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Nerandu rakto susieto su pasirinktu rakto ID %s."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Negaliu 眺dti lai邸ko 眺 eil."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Negaliu 眺dti lai邸ko 眺 eil."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Negaliu 眺dti lai邸ko 眺 eil."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "negaliu pakeisti failo r転imo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1691,11 +1691,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Ar si迭sti kaip %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Kodo konvertavimo klaida"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1708,15 +1708,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Ar tikrai norite j i邸si迭sti?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Eiluts ilgio limitas"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1725,89 +1725,90 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "Negaliu pa邸alinti seno lai邸ko\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "Lai邸kas dedamas 眺 eil...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "Negaliu rasti eils (queue) katalogo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "Negaliu 眺dti lai邸ko 眺 eil\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Failas %s neegzistuoja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Negaliu atidaryti 転ym迭 failo.\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "sugeneruotas Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Sukuriamas lai邸ko k笛rimo langas...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP para邸as"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP 邸ifravimas"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME tipas"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Dydis"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Neteisingas MIME tipas."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Failas neegzistuoja arba yra tu邸ias."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Savybs"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Koduot"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Kelias"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Failo vardas"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Neteisinga i邸orinio redaktoriaus komanda: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1816,48 +1817,48 @@ msgstr ""
"I邸orinis redaktorius vis dar veikia.\n"
"Nutraukti proces? (pid: %d)\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "_Derinti 眺ranki迭 juost..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Negaliu 眺dti lai邸ko 眺 eil."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "貼ymti failus"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "貼ymti fail"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "I邸saugoti lai邸k"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Lai邸kas buvo redaguotas. Saugoti Juodra邸iuose?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "U転daryti _nei邸saugant"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Ar norite naudoti 邸ablon %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Naudoti 邸ablon"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Pakeisti"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "町terpt_i"
@@ -2308,12 +2309,12 @@ msgstr "Nustatoma katalogo informacija...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Nustatoma katalogo informacija..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Skanuojamas katalogas %s%c%s..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Skanuojamas katalogas %s..."
@@ -2482,7 +2483,8 @@ msgstr "Naujien迭 grups"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Sukuria antra邸i迭 per転i笛ra...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Nra gavjo)"
@@ -2663,153 +2665,153 @@ msgstr "Importuoti LDIF fail 眺 adres迭 knyg"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atributai"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d nauji lai邸kai"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Tikrinamas autenti邸kumas (POP3)"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Gaunami nauji lai邸kai"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Laukiama"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Nutraukta"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Gaunama"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Atlikta (gauta lai邸k迭: %d (%s))"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Atlikta (nauj迭 lai邸k迭 negauta)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Nepavyko patvirtinti autenti邸kumo"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "U転rakinta"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Baigsi skirtasis laikas"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Baigta (Nauji lai邸kai: %d)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Baigta (Nra nauj迭 lai邸k迭: %d)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Klaidos gaunant pa邸t."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "gaunami %s sskaitos lai邸kai...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: Tikrinamas autenti邸kumas (POP3)"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: gaunami nauji lai邸kai"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Jungiuosi prie POP3 serverio: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Negaliu prisijungti prie POP3 serverio: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Patvirtinamas autenti邸kumas..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Gaunami lai邸kai i邸 %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Gaunamas nauj迭 lai邸k迭 skaiius (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Gaunamas nauj迭 lai邸k迭 skaiius (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Gaunamas nauj迭 lai邸k迭 skaiius (UILD)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Gaunamas nauj迭 lai邸k迭 dydis (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Trinamas lai邸kas %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "I邸einu"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Gaunamas lai邸kas (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Gaunama (Gauti lai邸kai: %d (%s))"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Klaida tvarkant pa邸t."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2818,28 +2820,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Klaida tvarkant pa邸t:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Nra vietos diske."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Negaliu 眺ra邸yti 眺 fail."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Socket error."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Prisijungimas u転darytas nuotolinio serverio."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "D転ut u転rakinta."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2848,11 +2851,11 @@ msgstr ""
"D転ut u転rakinta:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Nepavyko patvirtinti autenti邸kumo."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2861,15 +2864,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Nepavyko patvirtinti autenti邸kumo:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Baigsi sesijos laikas."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Prijungimas nutrauktas\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Gaunami nauji lai邸kai i邸 %s 眺 %s...\n"
@@ -2887,20 +2890,20 @@ msgstr "町veskite slapta転od眺"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Protokolo logas"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "glib nepalaiko g_thread.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Naudojimas: %s [PARAMETRAI]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [address] atverti ra邸ymo lang"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2910,23 +2913,23 @@ msgstr ""
" atverti ra邸ymo lang su prisegtais nurodytais\n"
" failais"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive gauti naujus lai邸kus"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all gauti naujus lai邸kus i邸 vis迭 sskait迭"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send si迭sti lai邸kus eilje"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [katalogas]... rodyti bendr lai邸k迭 skaii迭"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2934,44 +2937,44 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [katalogas]...\n"
" rodyti kiekvieno katalogo b笛sen"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr " --configdir kelias nurodyti konfig笛racijos katalog"
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit u転daryti Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug derinimo r転imas"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help rodyti 邸i pagalb ir baigti"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version i邸vesti versij ir baigti"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Spauskite bet kur眺 klavi邸..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Fail迭 vard迭 koduot"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2995,19 +2998,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Ra邸omas lai邸kas. Tikrai i邸eiti?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Lai邸kai eilje"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Eilje yra nei邸si迭st迭 lai邸k迭. I邸eiti dabar?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3016,15 +3019,15 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP palaikymas i邸jungtas."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Sylpheed jau paleistas.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Konfig笛racijos atnaujinimas"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3032,666 +3035,671 @@ msgstr ""
"Rasta senos versijos konfig笛racija.\n"
"Ar norite j atnaujinti?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Failas/_Katalogas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Failas/_Katalogas/Sukurti _nauj..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Failas/_Katalogas/Pe_rvadinti..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Failas/_Katalogas/Per_kelti..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Failas/_Katalogas/_I邸trinti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Failas/_D転ut"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Failas/_D転ut/Pridti _nauj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Failas/_D転ut/_Pa邸alinti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Failas/_D転ut/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Failas/_D転ut/Patikrinti ar nra nauj迭 lai邸k迭"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Failas/_D転ut/Patikrinti visas d転utes"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Failas/_D転ut/P_erkurti katalog迭 med眺"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Failas/_Importuoti mbox fail..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Failas/_Eksportuoti 眺 mbox fail..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Failas/I邸valy_ti 邸iuk邸lin"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Failas/I邸saugoti _kaip..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Failas/P_uslapio nuostatos..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Failas/_Spausdinti..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Failas/_Dirbti atsijungus"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Failas/I邸_eiti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Taisa/Pa転ym_ti gij"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Taisa/_Rasti lai邸ke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Taisa/_Ie邸koti lai邸k迭..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Taisa/町_dti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti/_Katalog迭 medis"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti/_Lai邸ko per転i笛ra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti/町_ranki迭 juosta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
"/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti/町_ranki迭 juosta/Piktogr_amos ir tekstas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti/町_ranki迭 juosta/Textas de邸inje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti/町_ranki迭 juosta/P_iktogramos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti/町_ranki迭 juosta/_Tekstas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti/町_ranki迭 juosta/_Nieko"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti/_Paie邸kos juosta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Ro_dyti arba paslpti/_B笛senos juosta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Derinti 眺ranki迭 juost..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal _siuntj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Atskirti _katalog迭 med眺"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Atskirti 転in_uts per転i笛r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal _numer眺"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal _dyd眺"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal d_at"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal gi_jos dat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal _siuntj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal _gavj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal _tem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal _spalvos etiket"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal 転_ym"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal ne_skaitytus"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/pagal _pried"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/Ne_rikiuoti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/_Didjimo tvarka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/_Ma転jimo tvarka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Rikiuoti/P_agal tem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Gij迭 per転i笛ra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/I邸_skleisti visas gijas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Su_traukti visas gijas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Nustatyt_i rodomus laukus"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/_Ankstesnis lai邸kas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/_Kitas lai邸kas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/Ankstesnis neskaitytas lai邸kas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/Kitas neskaitytas lai邸kas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/Ankstesnis naujas lai邸kas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/Kitas naujas lai邸kas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/Ankstesnis pa転ymtas lai邸kas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/Kitas pa転ymtas lai邸kas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/Ankstesnis lai邸kas su etikete"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/Kitas lai邸kas su etikete"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Eiti 眺/Kitas ka_talogas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/_Automati邸kai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Vakar迭 Europos (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Japon迭 (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Japon迭 (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Japon迭 (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Tradicin Kin迭 (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Kin迭 (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Simboli迭 ko_duot/Korjiei迭 (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Atverti naujame _lange"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Lai邸ko pr_adinis tekstas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/_Visos antra邸ts"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/Ro_dymas/Atna_ujinti santrauk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/_Gauti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/_Gauti/Gauti i邸 _esamos sskaitos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/_Gauti/Gauti i邸 _vis迭 sskait迭"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/_Gauti/_Nutraukti gavim"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/_Gauti/Gauti i邸 _vis迭 sskait迭"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/_Gauti/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/_Si迭sti lai邸kus eilje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/Ra邸yti _nauj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/_Atsakyti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/Atsak_yti kam"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/Atsak_yti kam/_visiems"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/Atsak_yti kam/_siuntjui"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/Atsak_yti kam/pa邸to _konferencijai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/_Persi迭sti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/Persi迭sti kaip p_ried"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/Nukreip_ti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/Per_kelti..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/K_opijuoti..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/貼y_ma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/貼y_ma/Pa転y_mti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/貼y_ma/_Ne転ymti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/貼y_ma/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/貼y_ma/Ne_skaitytas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/貼y_ma/Skai_tytas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/貼y_ma/Skai_tyta gija"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/貼y_ma/Skaityti _visi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/_Trinti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/Pa転ymti kaip nepageidautin"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Lai邸kas/Pa転ymti kaip pageidautin"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Message/P_ertaisyti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/町_rankiai/町ra邸yti siuntj 眺 adres迭 _knyg"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/_Filtruoti lai邸kus kataloge"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/Filtruoti pa_sirinktus lai邸kus"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/Sukurti filtravimo _taisykl"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/Sukurti filtravimo _taisykl/_Automati邸kai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/Sukurti filtravimo _taisykl/pagal _Siuntj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/Sukurti filtravimo _taisykl/pagal _Gavj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/Sukurti filtravimo _taisykl/pagal _Tem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/_Filtruoti nepageidautin pa邸t kataloge"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/Filtruoti nepageidautinus tarp pa_sirinkt迭 lai邸k迭"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/I邸trinti _vienodus lai邸kus"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/Vykdyti pa転ymtus procesus"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/町_rankiai/_Logas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Nustatymai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Nustatymai/Bendri _nustatymai..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Nustatymai/_Filtro nustatymai..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Nustatymai/a_blonai..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Nustatymai/Veiksm_ai..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Nustatymai/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Nustatymai/_Esamos sskaitos nustatymai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Nustatymai/Sukurti _nauj sskait..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Nustatymai/R_edaguoti sskaitas..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Nustatymai/Keisti esam sskait"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_Instrukcija"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_Instrukcija/_English"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_Instrukcija/_Japanese"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_DUK"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_DUK/_English"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_DUK/_German"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_DUK/_Spanish"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_DUK/_French"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_DUK/_Italian"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/_Komandins eiluts parametrai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Pagalba/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Kuriamas pagrindinis langas..\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: nepavyko spalvos priskyrimas %d\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "atlikta.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Bevardis"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "nieko"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Atsijungs"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "J笛s esate atsijungs. Prisijungti?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "I邸valyti visas 邸iuk邸lines"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "I邸trinti visus lai邸kus 邸iuk邸linje?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Pridti d転ut"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3701,16 +3709,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Jeigu ji egzistuoja, ji bus\n"
"nuskaityta automati邸kai."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "D転ut %s egzistuoja."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "D転ut"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3719,87 +3727,87 @@ msgstr ""
"Nepavyko sukurti d転uts.\n"
"Galb笛t kai kurie failai jau egzistuoja arba j笛s neturite leidimo ra邸yti ten."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Katalog迭 per転i笛ra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Lai邸ko per転i笛ra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Atsakyti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/Atsakyti _visiems"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Atsakyti _siuntjui"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Atsakyti _konferencijai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Persi迭sti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Pe_rsi迭sti kaip pried"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Nukreip_ti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "Tekstas piktogramos de邸inje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "P_iktograma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "_Tekstas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "_Nieko"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "J笛s esate atsijungs. Spustelkite piktogram jei norite prisijungti."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "J笛s esate prisijungs. Spustelkite piktogram jei norite atsijungti."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "I邸eiti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "U転verti program?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Komandins eiluts parametrai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Naudojimas: sylpheed [PARAMETRAI]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3829,7 +3837,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5914,17 +5922,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Priedas"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Tema"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Siuntjas"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6221,7 +6232,7 @@ msgstr "Ie邸koma %s..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Ie邸koma %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Be datos)"
@@ -6283,6 +6294,93 @@ msgstr "Pasira邸yta %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Klaida tikrinant para邸"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Pa邸alinti d転ut"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Nr."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Gauti"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Jungiuosi prie SMTP serverio: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Negaliu prisijungti prie POP3 serverio: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "klaida POP3 sesijoje\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "klaida POP3 sesijoje\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Gaunamos lai邸k迭 antra邸ts (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Gaunamas nauj迭 lai邸k迭 skaiius (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Nra nauj迭 lai邸k迭."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "I邸trinti lai邸k(-us)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Gaunami nauji lai邸kai"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Si迭sti lai邸k"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Gaunami nauji lai邸kai"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Gaunami lai邸kai i邸 %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "I邸trinti lai邸k(-us)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6939,10 +7037,6 @@ msgstr "Filtruojama..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "Filtruota lai邸k迭: %d"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Nr."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po
index 4808a790..52c668f6 100644
--- a/po/nl.po
+++ b/po/nl.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 0.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-04-30 01:11+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Vincent van Adrighem <adrighem@gnome.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch <vertaling@nl.linux.rg>\n"
@@ -18,197 +18,197 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Configuratie inlezen van alle accounts...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr ""
"IMAP4 verbinding naar %s is verbroken. Contact wordt opnieuw gelegd...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 server schakelt LOGIN uit.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 verbinding naar %s:%d wordt opgezet...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Kan geen TLS sessie starten.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Ophalen van bericht %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Berichten toevoegen aan %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Berichten %s worden verplaatst naar %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Berichten %s worden gekopieerd naar %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Berichten %s worden verwijderd"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "kan verwijderd-vlaggen niet instellen: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "kan niet wissen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Alle berichten in %s worden verwijderd"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "kan de verwijderd-vlaggen niet instellen: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "kan map niet sluiten\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "De beginmap %s bestaat niet\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "er is een fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van de lijst.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr ""
"kan %s niet aanmaken\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "kan %s niet aanmaken onder INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "kan geen mailbox maken: LIST mislukt\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "kan geen mailbox maken\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kan de mailbox niet hernoemen van %s naar %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "kan de mailbox niet verwijderen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "kan de envelop niet verkrijgen\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Ophalen van berichtkoppen (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verkrijgen van de envelop.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "kan de envelop niet verwerken: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Kan niet verbinden met de IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Kan gaan sessie opzetten met de IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "kan de NAMESPACE niet vinden\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "kan map niet selecteren: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "Fout bij IMAP-opdracht: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4-identificatie mislukt.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 login mislukt.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kan %s niet toevoegen aan %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(bestand wordt verzonden...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "kan bericht niet toevoegen aan %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kan %s niet naar %s kopi谷ren\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "Fout bij IMAP-opdracht: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "Fout tijdens IMAP opdracht: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "Fout bij IMAP-opdracht: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv kan UTF-7 niet naar %s omzetten\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv kan %s niet naar UTF-7 omzetten\n"
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ msgstr "de bronmap is hetzelfde als de doelmap.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Bericht %s%c%d wordt gekopieerd naar %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -439,20 +439,20 @@ msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het versturen\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Fout opgetreden bij sturen van de opdracht\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Er is geen APOP timestamp gevonden in de begroeting\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "APOP Timestamp in de begroeting is ongeldig\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Er is geen APOP timestamp gevonden in de begroeting\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 protocolfout\n"
@@ -461,37 +461,37 @@ msgstr "POP3 protocolfout\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "Ongeldige UIDL-reactie: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Bezig met verwijderen van verlopen bericht %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Bericht %d wordt overgeslagen (%d bytes)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "postbusis vergrendeld\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "sessie time-out\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "Kan TLS sessie niet starten\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "er is een fout opgetreden tijdens de identificatie\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "opdracht niet ondersteund\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "er is een fout opgetreden tijdens de POP3-sessie\n"
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ msgstr "Troepfilter"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Troepfilter"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Codeconversie mislukt\n"
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ msgstr ""
"u op de knop 'Alles ophalen' klikt."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ msgstr "Gebruikersargumenten voor actie"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Adres toevoegen aan adresboek"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ msgstr "Opmerkingen"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Selecteer adresboekmap"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Bestand"
@@ -861,10 +861,10 @@ msgstr "/_Bestand/Nieuwe _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Bestand/Nieuwe _LDAP-server"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Bestand/---"
@@ -881,21 +881,21 @@ msgstr "/_Bestand/_Verwijderen"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Opslaan"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Sluiten"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/Be_werken"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/Be_werken/_Kopi谷ren"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/Be_werken/_Plakken"
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adres/_Bewerken"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adres/_Verwijderen"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap"
@@ -941,12 +941,12 @@ msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_LDIF bestand importeren"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_LDIF bestand importeren"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Hulp"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Hulp/_Info"
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Nieuwe _map"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -1003,17 +1003,17 @@ msgstr "Adresboek"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Naam:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Aan:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1222,15 +1222,15 @@ msgstr "Algemene adressen"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Persoonlijke adressen"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Bericht"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Waarschuwing"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fout"
@@ -1277,395 +1277,395 @@ msgstr "Bruin"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Geen"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Toevoegen..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Verwijderen"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Eigenschappen..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Bericht/_Verzenden"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Bericht/_Later verzenden"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Bericht/Klad _opslaan"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Bericht/Opslaan en blijven bewer_ken"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Bijlage toevoegen"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Bestand/Bestand _invoegen"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Handtekening invoegen"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Bericht/Handtekening _toevoegen"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/Be_werken/_Ongedaan maken"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/Be_werken/O_pnieuw toepassen"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/Be_werken/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/Be_werken/K_nippen"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/Be_werken/Plakken als _citaat"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/Be_werken/_Alles selecteren"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/Be_werken/Regelterugloop in deze paragraaf"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/Be_werken/Regelterugloop in hele bericht"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/Be_werken/Regel_terugloop"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/Beel_d"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Aan"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Cc"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/Beel_d/Ant_woord naar"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/Beel_d/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Vervolg op"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Lineaal"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Bijlage"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Andere _map..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/_Automatisch"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Westeuropees (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Westeuropees (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Centraaleuropees (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Baltisch (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Baltisch (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Arabisch (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Grieks (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Arabisch (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Arabisch (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Hebreeuws (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Hebreeuws (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Turks (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Cyrillisch (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Cyrillisch (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Cyrillisch (KOI8-_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Cyrillisch (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Japans (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Vereenvoudigd Chinees (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Vereenvoudigd Chinees (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Traditioneel Chinees (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Koreaans (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Thais (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Thais (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Adresboek"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Sjabloon"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/A_cties"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/Be_werken met externe editor"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Ondertekenen met PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Coderen met PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Spellingscontrole"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Taal instellen"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: bestand bestaat niet\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Kan tekstgedeelte niet ophalen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Citeerteken opmaakfout."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Bericht beantwoorden/doorsturen opmaakfout."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Bestand %s bestaat niet\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Kan de bestandsgrootte niet bepalen van %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Bestand %s is leeg"
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Kan %s niet inlezen."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Bericht: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ik kan het deel van een meerdelig bericht niet ophalen."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Geen onderwerp)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Bericht opstellen%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Ontvanger is niet gespecificeerd."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Geen onderwerp"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "U heeft geen onderwerp ingevuld. Toch versturen?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Bijlagen"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Stel automatisch de volgende adressen in"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Afzender:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Onderwerp:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Verzenden"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "Kan geen ontvangerlijst opvragen."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1673,40 +1673,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Account voor het verzenden van email is niet gespecificeerd.\n"
"Selecteer een account voordat u verzend."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het versturen van het bericht naar %s."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Het bericht kan niet opgeslagen worden in de outbox."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Kon gee bijpassende sleutel vinden voor geselecteerde sleutel-id `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Kan bericht niet in de wachtrij plaatsen."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Kan bericht niet in de wachtrij plaatsen."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Kan bericht niet in de wachtrij plaatsen."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "kan de bestandmodus niet veranderen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1717,11 +1717,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Toch versturen als %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Fout bij coderingsconversie"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1734,15 +1734,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Toch versturen?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Maximale regellengte"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1751,89 +1751,90 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "kan het oude bericht niet verwijderen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "bericht wordt in de wachtrij geplaatst...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kan de Wachtrij-map niet vinden\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "kan het bericht niet in de wachtrij plaatsen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Bestand %s bestaat niet\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "kan het bestand met markeringen niet openen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "gegenereerd bericht-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Venster \"Bericht opstellen\" wordt aangemaakt...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Ondertekenen met PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Coderen met PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME-type"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Grootte"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ongeldig MIME type."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Bestand bestaat niet of is leeg."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschappen"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codering"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Pad"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Bestandsnaam"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "De ingegeven opdracht voor de externe editor is onjuist: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1842,48 +1843,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Het andere programma is nog steeds actief.\n"
"Zal ik het programma afbreken (pid: %d?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Kan bericht niet in de wachtrij plaatsen."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Selecteer bestanden"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Selecteer bestand"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Bericht opslaan"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Dit bericht is aangepast. Opslaan als Klad?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Sluiten _zonder opslaan"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Wilt u het sjabloon '%s' toepassen?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Sjabloon toepassen"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Vervangen"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Invoegen"
@@ -2340,12 +2341,12 @@ msgstr "Mapinfo wordt ingesteld...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Mapinfo wordt ingesteld..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Bezig met inlezen van map %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Bezig met inlezen van map %s ..."
@@ -2515,7 +2516,8 @@ msgstr "Nieuwsgroepen:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Header view wordt aangemaakt...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Geen afzender)"
@@ -2705,154 +2707,154 @@ msgstr "Importeer LDIF bestand in het adresboek"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Attributen"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d nieuwe berichten"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Bezig met identificatie"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Nieuwe berichten worden opgehaald"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Een ogenblik geduld alstublieft"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Afgebroken"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Bezig met ophalen"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Klaar (%d bericht(en) (%s) ontvangen)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Klaar (geen nieuwe bercihten)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Verbinding mislukt"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Identificatie mislukt"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Vergrendeld"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Time-out"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Klaar (%d nieuwe bericht(en))"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Klaar (geen nieuwe berichten)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van de e-mail."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "nieuwe berichten voor account %s worden opgehaald...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Bezig met identificatie"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Nieuwe berichten worden opgehaald"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Verbinden met POP3-server: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Kan niet verbinden met POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Bezig met identificatie..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Berichten ophalen van %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Opvragen van het aantal nieuwe berichten (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Opvragen van het aantal nieuwe berichten (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Opvragen van het aantal nieuwe berichten (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Opvragen van de grootte van de nieuwe berichten (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Bezig met verwijderen van bericht %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Bezig met afsluiten"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Bericht wordt opgehaald (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Ophalen (%d bericht(en) (%s) ontvangen)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Verbinding mislukt."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Fout bij het verwerken van de e-mail"
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2861,29 +2863,30 @@ msgstr ""
"Fout bij het verwerken van de e-mail:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "De ruimte op de schijf is op."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Het bestand is niet beschrijfbaar."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Socket-fout."
# consider EOF right after QUIT successful
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Verbinding verbroken door verbindingspartner."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Mailbox is vergrendeld."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2892,11 +2895,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Mailbox is vergrendeld:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Identificatie mislukt."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2905,15 +2908,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Identificatie mislukt:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Sessie is verlopen."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "E-mail verwerken geannuleerd\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Nieuwe berichten worden opgehaald van %s naar %s ...\n"
@@ -2931,20 +2934,20 @@ msgstr "Geef wachtwoord"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Protocol-logboek"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread is niet ondersteunt door glib\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Gebruik: %s [OPTIES]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adres] open venster \"Bericht opstellen\""
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2954,23 +2957,23 @@ msgstr ""
" venster 'bericht opstellen' openen met de\n"
" gespecificeerde bestanden als bijlagen"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive haal nieuwe berichten op"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all Berichten ophalen van alle accounts"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send verstuur alle berichten uit de wachtrij"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [map]... totaal aantal berichten weergeven"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2978,46 +2981,46 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [map]...\n"
" status van iedere map weergeven"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
" --configdir mapnaam de map waar de configuratiebestanden zich in "
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit Sylpheed afsluiten"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug debug modus"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help geef deze hulp weer"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version\t\tgeef versie informatie en sluit af"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Druk op een toets..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Bestandscodering"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3041,21 +3044,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Toch doorgaan?"
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr ""
"U bent een bericht aan het opstellen.\n"
"Wilt u werkelijk het programma afsluiten?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Berichten zijn in de wachtrij gezet"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Er staan nog berichten in de wachtrij. Toch afsluiten?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3064,15 +3067,15 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP ondersteuning wordt uitgeschakeld."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "er draait al een Sylpheed.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Configuratie omzetten"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3080,672 +3083,677 @@ msgstr ""
"De gevonden configuratie is van een oude versie.\n"
"Wilt u deze omzetten?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Map"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Map/Nieuwe map aanmaken..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Map/Map _hernoemen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Map/Map ver_plaatsen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Map/Map ver_wijderen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Postbus"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Postbus/Toevoegen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Postbus/_Verwijderen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Postbus/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Postbus//Nieuwe e-mail _ophalen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Postbus/Nieuwe e-mail ophalen voor _alle accounts"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Bestand/_Postbus/_Mappenlijst opnieuw opbouwen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Bestand/Mbox bestand importeren..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Bestand/Mbox bestand _exporteren..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Bestand/Prullenbak _legen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Bestand/Opslaan _als..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Bestand/Opslaan _als..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Bestand/Af_drukken..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Bestand/Off-line werken"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Bestand/A_fsluiten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/Be_werken/_Discussie selecteren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/Be_werken/Zoeken in bericht..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/Be_werken/Berichtenlijst door_zoeken..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/Be_werken/_Plakken"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/_Accountlijst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/_Bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/_Werkbalk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/_Werkbalk/Afbeelding _en tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/_Werkbalk/_Afbeelding"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/_Werkbalk/_Afbeelding"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/_Werkbalk/_Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/_Werkbalk/_Niet weergeven"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/_Zoekbalk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/Status_balk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Andere _map..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op _afzender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/Beel_d/Acc_ountlijst los"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Bericht los"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op _nummer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op _grootte"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op _datum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op datum (dis_cussie)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op _afzender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op _ontvanger"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op _onderwerp"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op _kleurlabel"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op _markering"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op on_gelezen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Op _bijvoeging"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/_Ongesorteerd"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Oplopend"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Aflopend"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Sorteren/Aantrekken op onderwerp"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/Beel_d/Ge_nest"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/Beel_d/Discussies _uitklappen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/Beel_d/Discussies _inklappen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Kolommen berichtenlijst..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/_Vorige bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Vo_lgende bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Vo_rige ongelezen bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Volgende on_gelezen bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/_Vorige nieuwe bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Vo_lgende nieuwe bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Vorige ge_markeerd bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Volgende gem_arkeerd bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Vorige gela_beld bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Volgende gelab_eld bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Ga naar/Andere _map..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Automatisch"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Westeuropees (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Japans (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Japans (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Japans (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Traditioneel Chinees (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Chinees (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Tekstcodering/Koreaans (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/Beel_d/In _nieuw venster openen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Broncode weergeven"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/Beel_d/Vo_lledige header"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Verversen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/Be_richt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Ophalen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Ophalen/E-mail van _huidig account ophalen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Ophalen/Alle e-mail ophalen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Ophalen/Ophalen afbreken"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/Be_richt/_Ophalen/Alle e-mail ophalen"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Ophalen/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Berichten uit wachtrij verzenden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/Be_richt/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Nieuw bericht opstellen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Beantwoorden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Antwoord _sturen aan"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Antwoord _sturen aan/_iedereen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Antwoord _sturen aan/_afzender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Antwoord _sturen aan/_discussielijst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Doorsturen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Doorsturen _als bijlage"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Om_leiden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Verplaatsen..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Kopi谷ren..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Markeren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Markeren/_Markeren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Markeren/_Demarkeren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Markeren/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Markeren/Als _ongelezen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Markeren/Als _gelezen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Markeren/Als _gelezen (discussie)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/Be_richt/_Markeren/_Alles gelezen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Ver_wijderen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Als _troep markeren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Als _geen troep markeren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Bewerken"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/Af_zender toevoegen aan adresboek..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/Alle berichten _filteren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Geselecteerde berichten filteren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/Filterregel _aanmaken"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Cre谷er Filterregel/_Automatisch"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Cre谷er filterregel/voor A_fzender"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Cre谷er filterregel/voor _Geadresseerde"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Cre谷er filterregel/voor _Onderwerp"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Troep filteren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/Troep filteren uit ge_selecteerde berichten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/Du_bbele berichten verwijderen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "Voer de gemarkeerde acties uit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/_Logboek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Instellingen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Instellingen/Algemene voorkeuren..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Instellingen/_Filterbeheer..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Instellingen/_Sjabloonbeheer..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Instellingen/A_cties..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Instellingen/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Instellingen/Accountvoorkeuren..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Instellingen/Nieuw account aanmaken..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Instellingen/Accountbeheer..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Instellingen/Huidig account veranderen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Hulp/_Handboek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Hulp/_Handboek/_Engels"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Hulp/_Handboek/_Japans"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Hulp/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Hulp/_FAQ/_Engels"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Hulp/_FAQ/_Duits"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Hulp/_FAQ/_Spaans"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Hulp/_FAQ/_Frans"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Hulp/_FAQ/_Italiaans"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/_Hulp/Opties voor de opdrachtregel"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Hulp/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Hoofdvenster wordt aangemaakt...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "HoofdVenster: kleur %d kon niet gealloceerd worden\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "klaar.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Geen titel"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "niets"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Off-line"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "U bent off-line aan het werken. Wilt u on-line gaan?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Prullenbakken legen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Alle berichten uit de prullenbakken weggooien?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Mailbox toevoegen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3755,16 +3763,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Als een bestaande postbus wordt ingevuld,\n"
"dan wordt hij automatisch ingelezen."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "De mailbox '%s' bestaat al."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Mailbox"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3774,94 +3782,94 @@ msgstr ""
"Misschien bestaan er al wat bestanden, of heb je geen toestemming om er te "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Mappenoverzicht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Berichtenoverzicht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Antwoord"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/_Iedereen beantwoorden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/_Afzender beantwoorden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Discussielijst beantwoorden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/D_oorsturen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Doorsturen als _bijvoeging"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Omleiden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/Beel_d/_Hoofdvenster/_Werkbalk/_Afbeelding"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Geen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr ""
"U bent off-line aan het werken. Klik op het pictogram om on-line te gaan "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr ""
"U bent on-line aan het werken. Klik op het pictogram om off-line te gaan "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Afsluiten"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Sylpheed afsluiten?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Opties voor de opdrachtregel"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Gebruik: Sylpheed [OPTIES]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
@@ -3891,7 +3899,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
@@ -6004,17 +6012,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Bijlage"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Onderwerp"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Afzender"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6324,7 +6335,7 @@ msgstr "Doorzoeken van %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Doorzoeken van %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Geen datum)"
@@ -6387,6 +6398,93 @@ msgstr "Handtekening gemaakt op %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het controleren van de handtekening"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "mailbox verwijderen"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Nr."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Ophalen"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Bezig met verbinden met SMTP server: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Kan niet verbinden met POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "er is een fout opgetreden tijdens de POP3-sessie\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "er is een fout opgetreden tijdens de POP3-sessie\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Ophalen van berichtkoppen (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Opvragen van het aantal nieuwe berichten (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Geen nieuwe berichten."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Verwijder bericht(en)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Nieuwe berichten worden opgehaald"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Verzend bericht"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Nieuwe berichten worden opgehaald"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Berichten ophalen van %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Verwijder bericht(en)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7047,10 +7145,6 @@ msgstr "Bezig met filteren..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "Er zijn %d berichten gefilterd."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Nr."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
index ed9d7fb2..d03ead12 100644
--- a/po/pl.po
+++ b/po/pl.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 2.5.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-06-13 21:25+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jan Stpie <jstepien@users.sourceforge.net>\n"
"Language-Team: POLISH <pl@li.org>\n"
@@ -15,195 +15,195 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Odczyt ustawie wszystkich kont...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr ""
"Poczenie IMAP4 z %s zostao przerwane. Ponowne nawizywanie poczenia...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "tworzenie poczenia IMAP4 do %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na uruchomi sesji TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Pobieranie wiadomoci %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Wysyanie wiadomoci (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Przenoszenie wiadomoci %s do %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kopiowanie wiadomoci %s do %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Usuwanie wiadomoci %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na ustawi flag skasowany: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na zlikwidowa\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Usuwanie wszystkich wiadomoci w %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na ustawi flagi skasowany: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na zamkn katalogu\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "brak g坦wnego katalogu %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "wystpi bd podczas przy pobieraniu LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na utworzy \"%s\"\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na utworzy \"%s\" w INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na utworzy skrzynki: bd LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na utworzy skrzynki\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na zmieni nazwy skrzynki: %s na %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na skasowa skrzynki\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na pobra koperty\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Pobieranie nag坦wk坦w wiadomoci (%d/%d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "wystpi bd podczas pobierania koperty.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na przetworzy koperty: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na nawiza poczenia z serwerem IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na ustanowi sesji IMAP4 z: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na pobra przestrzeni nazw\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na wybra katalogu: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "bd polecenia IMAP: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Bd uwierzytelniania IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na zalogowa si do serwera IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na doczy %s do %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(wysyanie pliku...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na doczy wiadomoci do %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na skopiowa %s do %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "wystpi bd przy wykonywaniu polecenia IMAP: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "wystpi bd przy wykonywaniu polecenia IMAP: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "wystpi bd przy wykonywaniu polecenia IMAP: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na skonwertowa UTF-7 do %s za pomoc programu iconv\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na skonwertowa %s do UTF-7 za pomoc programu iconv\n"
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ msgstr "katalog 添r坦dowy jest taki sam jak docelowy.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kopiowanie wiadomoci %s/%d do %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -426,20 +426,20 @@ msgstr "Wystpi bd podczas publikowania\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Bd podczas wysyania polecenia\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Przy powitaniu zabrako wymaganego znacznika czasowego APOP\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Bd skadni przy znaczniku czasowym powitania\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Przy powitaniu zabrako wymaganego znacznika czasowego APOP\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "Bd protokou POP3\n"
@@ -448,37 +448,37 @@ msgstr "Bd protokou POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "niepoprawna linia xover: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Usuwanie przestarzaej wiadomoci %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Pomijanie wiadomoci %d (%d bajt坦w)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "skrzynka jest zablokowana\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "przekroczenie czasu sesji\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na uruchomi sesji TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "wystpi bd podczas uwierzytelniania\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "nieobsugiwane polecenie\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "wystpi bd podczas sesji POP3\n"
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ msgstr "Filtr niechcianej poczty (rczny)"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Filtr niechcianej poczty"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmine_get_text_content(): Bd konwersji kodu.\n"
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ msgstr ""
"w kolumnie \"G\" konta, kt坦re maj by sprawdzone przez 'Odbierz wsz.'"
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ msgstr "Argumenty u甜ytkownika dla akcji"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Dodaj do ksi甜ki adresowej"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ msgstr "Uwagi"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Wybierz katalog ksi甜ki adresowej"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Plik"
@@ -846,10 +846,10 @@ msgstr "/_Plik/Nowy _J-Pilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Plik/Nowy serwer _LDAP"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Plik/---"
@@ -866,21 +866,21 @@ msgstr "/_Plik/_Usu"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Plik/Zapi_sz"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Plik/_Zamknij"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Edycja"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Edycja/_Kopiuj"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Edycja/_Wstaw"
@@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adres/_Edycja"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adres/_Usu"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia"
@@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ msgstr "/_Plik/Importuj plik _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/Importuj plik _CSV"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/Pomo_c"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/Pomo_c/_O programie"
@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Nowy _katalog"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -985,17 +985,17 @@ msgstr "Ksi甜ka adresowa"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nazwa:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Do:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Kopia:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Ukryta kopia:"
@@ -1201,15 +1201,15 @@ msgstr "Wsp坦lny adres:"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Osobisty adres:"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notatka"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Ostrze甜enie"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Bd"
@@ -1256,391 +1256,391 @@ msgstr "Brzowy"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Brak"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/Dod_aj..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Usu"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Waciwoci..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Plik/Wylij"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Plik/Wy_lij p坦添niej"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Plik/Zapisz w katalogu _szablon坦w"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Plik/Zapisz i kontynuuj _edycj"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Plik/_Docz plik"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Plik/Wstaw pl_ik"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Plik/Wstaw p_odpis"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Plik/Wstaw p_odpis"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Edycja/_Cofnij"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Edycja/Po_n坦w"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Edycja/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Edycja/Wy_tnij"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Edycja/Wstaw jako c_ytat"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Edycja/W_ybierz wszystko"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Edit/Za_wi bie甜cy akapit"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Edycja/Zawijaj wszystkie dugie _linie"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Edycja/Aut_o-zawijanie"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Widok"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Do"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Kopia"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Ukryta kopia"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Odpowiedz do"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Widok/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Przeka甜 do"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Linijka"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Widok/Zaczniki"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Widok/Dostosuj katalog..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Automatyczne"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/7-bitowe ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Unikod (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Europa Zachodnia (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Europa Zachodnia (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Europa rodkowa (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/_Batyckie (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Batyckie (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Batyckie (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Greckie (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Arabskie (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Arabskie (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Hebrajskie (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Hebrajskie (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Tureckie (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Cyrylica (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Cyrylica (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Cyrylica (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Cyrylica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Japoskie (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Uproszczone Chiskie (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Uproszczone Chiskie (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Tradycyjne Chiskie (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Koreaskie (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Tajskie (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Tajskie (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Ksi甜ka adresowa"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Szablon"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/Polecen_ia"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/Edytuj za pomoc z_ewntrznego edytora"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/Podpis _PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/Szyfrowani_e GPG"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Sprawd添 pisowni"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Zmie jzyk sprawdzania pisowni"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: brak pliku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Nie mog pobra czci tekstu\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Bd formatu znacznika cytatu."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Bd formatu odpowiedz/przeka甜 wiadomo."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Plik %s nie istnieje\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na odczyta wielkoci pliku %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Plik %s jest pusty."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na odczyta %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Wiadomo: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na pobra czci wiadomoci wieloczciowej."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Bez tematu)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Utw坦rz wiadomo%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nie podano odbiorcy."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Pusty temat"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Wiadomo nie posiada tematu. Czy wysa j mimo tego ?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Brak zacznika"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr "Nie ma zacznik坦w. Wysa bez zacznika?"
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr "Sprawd添 odbiorc坦w"
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Na pewno wysa t wiadomo do nastpujcych odbiorc坦w?"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Od:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Temat:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "_Wylij"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "nie mo甜na pobra listy odbiorc坦w."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1648,38 +1648,38 @@ msgstr ""
"Nie podano konta pocztowego do wysyania wiadomoci.\n"
"Nale甜y wybra konto przed wysaniem."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Bd podczas wysyania wiadomoci do %s."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na zapisa wiadomoci do outbox."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Nie mo甜na znale添 klucza zwizanego z wybranym identyfikatorem klucza \"%s\"."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na podpisa wiadomoci."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na zaszyfrowa wiadomoci."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na zaszyfrowa lub podpisa wiadomoci."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na zmieni trybu pliku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1689,12 +1689,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Nie mo甜na przekonwertowa treci wiadomoci z %s na %s.\n"
"Wysa wiadomo mimo to %s ?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Bd konwersji ksi甜ki adresowej"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1703,15 +1703,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Limit dugoci linii"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1720,89 +1720,90 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na usun starej wiadomoci\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "kolejkowanie wiadomoci...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na znale添 katalogu kolejki\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na zapisa wiadomoci do kolejki\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Plik %s nie istnieje."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na otworzy pliku %s."
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "wygenerowany Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Tworzenie okna edycji...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Podpis PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Szyfrowanie PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "typ MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Rozmiar"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Niepoprawny typ MIME."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Brak pliku lub pusty plik."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Waciwoci"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodowanie"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "cie甜ka"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nazwa pliku"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Niepoprawna linia wywoania zewntrznego edytora: \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1812,49 +1813,49 @@ msgstr ""
"Czy wymusi zakoczenie procesu?\n"
"identyfikator grupy proces坦w: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "_Dostosuj pasek narzdzi..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na wstawi wiadomoci do kolejki."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Wybierz pliki"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Wybierz plik"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Zapisz wiadomo"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Wiadomo zostaa zmodyfikowana. Zapisa j w folderze szkic坦w?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Zamknij _bez zapisywania"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Czy chcesz zastosowa szablon \"%s\"?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Zastosuj szablon"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Zamie"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Wstaw"
@@ -2309,12 +2310,12 @@ msgstr "Ustawianie informacji o katalogu...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Ustawianie informacji o katalogu..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Przeszukiwanie katalogu %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Przeszukiwanie katalogu %s ..."
@@ -2484,7 +2485,8 @@ msgstr "Grupy dyskusyjne:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Tworzenie widoku nag坦wk坦w...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Bez Od)"
@@ -2673,140 +2675,140 @@ msgstr "Importuj plik LDIF do ksi甜ki adresowej"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atrybuty"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Zakoczono (%d nowe wiadomoci)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Uwierzytelnianie"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Pobieranie nowych wiadomoci"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Oczekiwanie"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Anulowano"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Pobieranie"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Gotowe (%d wiadomoi (%s) odebrano)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Gotowe (brak nowych wiadomoci)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Bd poczenia"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Bd autoryzacji"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Zablokowano"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Op坦添nienie"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Zakoczono (%d nowe wiadomoci)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Zakoczono (brak nowych wiadomoci)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Wystpiy bdy podczas pobierania poczty."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "pobieranie nowych wiadomoci z konta %s ...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Uwierzytelnianie"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s : Pobieranie nowych wiadomoci"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Nawizywanie poczenia z serwerem POP3: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na nawiza poczenia z serwerem POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Uwierzytelnianie..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Pobieranie wiadomoci z %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Pobieranie liczby nowych wiadomoci (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Pobieranie liczby nowych wiadomoci (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Pobieranie liczby nowych wiadomoci (UIDL)"
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Pobieranie rozmiaru wiadomoci (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Usuwanie wiadomoci %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Wychodzenie"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Pobieranie wiadomoci (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Pobieranie (%d wiadomoi (%s) odebrano)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2815,15 +2817,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Sprawd添 ustawienia filtr坦w niechcianej poczty."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Bd poczenia."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Bd podczas przetwarzania wiadomoci."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2832,28 +2834,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Bd podczas przetwarzania wiadomoci:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Brak miejsca na dysku."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na zapisa pliku."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Bd gniazda."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Poczenie zamknite przez zdalny komputer."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Skrzynka jest zablokowana."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2862,11 +2865,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Skrzynka jest zablokowana:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Bd uwierzytelniania."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2875,15 +2878,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Bd uwierzytelniania:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Sesja wygasa."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Odbieranie anulowano\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Pobieranie wiadomoci z %s do %s...\n"
@@ -2901,20 +2904,20 @@ msgstr "Wprowad添 haso"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Dziennik protokou"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "Bibltioteka glib nie obsuguje wywoania g_thread.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "U甜ycie: %s [OPCJE]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adres] otwiera okno tworzenia wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2924,23 +2927,23 @@ msgstr ""
" otwiera okno tworzenia wiadomoci z plikami,\n"
" kt坦re maj zosta doczone"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive odbiera nowe wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all odbiera nowe wiadomoci dla wszystkich kont"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send wysya wszystkie skolejkowane wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [katalog]... pokazuje czn liczb wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2948,47 +2951,47 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [katalog]...\n"
" pokazuje czn liczb wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug tryb debugowania"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug tryb debugowania"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help wywietla t pomoc i wychodzi"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr ""
" --version wywietla informacj o wersji i koczy dziaanie"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Wcinij dowolny klawisz..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Kodowanie wyjciowe"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3002,19 +3005,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Tworzenie nowej wiadomoci. Czy zakoczy?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Skolejkowane wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Niekt坦re niewysane wiadomoci zostay skolejkowane. Czy wyj?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3023,15 +3026,15 @@ msgstr ""
"wersja jest zbyt stara. Obsuga OpenPGP zostaa wyczona."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Jest ju甜 uruchomiona kopia programu Sylpheed.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migracja ustawie"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3039,680 +3042,685 @@ msgstr ""
"Znaleziono star wersj konfiguracji.\n"
"Czy chcesz dokona migracji?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Plik/_Katalog"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Plik/_Katalog/Utw坦rz _nowy katalog..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Plik/_Katalog/_Zmie nazw katalo_gu..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Plik/_Katalog/_Zmie nazw katalo_gu..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Plik/_Katalog/_Usu kata_log"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Plik/S_krzynka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Plik/S_krzynka/Dod_aj skrzynk..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/Usu _skrzynk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Plik/S_krzynka/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Plik/S_krzynka/Sprawd添 nowe wiadomo_ci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Plik/S_krzynka/Sprawd添 wiadomo_ci we wszystkich skrzynkach"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Plik/S_krzynka/Odbuduj drz_ewo katalog坦w"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Plik/_Importuj plik mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Plik/_Eksportuj do pliku mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Plik/Opr坦甜nij mie_tnik"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Plik/Zapi_sz jako..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Plik/Zapi_sz jako..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Plik/_Drukuj..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Plik/Praca _offline"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Plik/_Koniec"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Edycja/Wybierz w_tek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Edycja/Zna_jd添 w bie甜cej wiadomoci..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Edycja/Wy_szukaj wiadomoci..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Edycja/_Wstaw"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/_Drzewo katalog坦w"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/Widok wiado_moci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/_Pasek narzdzi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/_Pasek narzdzi/I_kony i tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/_Pasek narzdzi/_Ikony"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/_Pasek narzdzi/_Ikony"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/_Pasek narzdzi/_Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/_Pasek narzdzi/纏ade_n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/Pa_sek stanu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/Pa_sek stanu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Widok/Id添 do inne_go katalogu..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg pola _od"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Oddzielne drzewo katalog坦w"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Widok/Oddzielny widok wiado_moci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg _numeru"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg w_ielkoci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg _daty"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg _daty"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg pola _od"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg odbio_rcy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg _tematu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg _kolor坦w etykiet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg _zaznacze"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg _nieprzeczytanych"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/wg z_acznik坦w"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/Nie s_ortuj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/Rosnco"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/Malejco"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Sortuj/_Grupuj wg tematu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Widok/Widok w_tk坦w"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Rozwi wszystkie wtki"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Zwi wszystkie wtki"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Widok/Ustaw wywietlane _elementy..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/_Poprzednia wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/_Nastpna wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/Poprzednia niep_rzeczytana wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/Nastpna ni_eprzeczytana wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/_Poprzednia wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/_Nastpna nowa wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/Poprzednia zaznaczona wiado_mo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/Nastpna z_aznaczona wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/_Poprzednia etykietowana wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Id添 do/_Nastpna etykietowana wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Widok/Id添 do inne_go katalogu..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/_Automatyczne"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Europa Zachodnia (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Japoskie (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Japoskie (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Japoskie (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Tradycyjne Chiskie (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Chiskie (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Widok/Kodowani_e znak坦w/Koreaskie (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/W_Widok/Ot_w坦rz w nowym oknie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Widok/P_oka甜 添r坦do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wszystkie na_g坦wki"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Widok/_Odwie甜 podsumowanie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Odbier_z"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Odbier_z/Pobierz z bie甜_cego konta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Odbier_z/Pobierz ze _wszystkich kont"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Wiadomo/Odbier_z/Anuluj pob_ieranie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Odbier_z/Pobierz ze _wszystkich kont"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Odbier_z/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Wylij wia_domoci z kolejki"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Wiadomo/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Tw坦rz _now wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Odpowiedz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Odpowied_z"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Odpowied_z/w_szystkim"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Odpowied_z/nadawc_y"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Odpowiedz/_licie dyskusyjnej"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Przeka甜 da_lej"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Przeka甜 j_ako zacznik"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Prze_kieruj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Przesu..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Kopiuj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Zaznacz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Zaznacz/_Zaznacz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Zaznacz/_Odznacz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Zaznacz/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Zaznacz/Zaznacz jako ni_eprzeczytane"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Zaznacz/Zaznacz jako przecz_ytane"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Zaznacz/Zaznacz jako przecz_ytane"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Zaznacz/Zaznacz wszystkie jako przecz_ytane"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/_Usu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Oznacz jako _niechcian poczt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Prz_eedytuj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/Dodaj nadawc do _ksi甜ki adresowej"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Filtruj wiadomoci w katalogu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/Filtruj zaznaczonne wiadomoci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Utw坦rz regu filtrowania"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Utw坦rz regu filtrowania/_Automatycznie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Utw坦rz regu filtrowania/_Od"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Utw坦rz regu filtrowania/_Do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Utw坦rz regu filtrowania/_Temat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/_Filtruj niechciane wiadomoci w katalogu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/Filtruj niechciane wr坦d _zaznaczonych wiadomoci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/Wiado_mo/Usu z_duplikowane wiadomoci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "Wykonaj zaznaczony proces"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Narzdzia/Okno _log坦w"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/Konfigura_cja"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/Konfigura_cja/Preferen_cje..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/Konfigura_cja/Ustawienia _filtrowania"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/Konfigura_cja/_Szablon..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/Konfigura_cja/Poleceni_a..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/Konfigura_cja/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/Konfigura_cja/_Preferencje bie甜cego konta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/Konfigura_cja/Utw坦rz _nowe konto..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/Konfigura_cja/_Edytuj konta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/Konfigura_cja/Zmie bie甜_ce konto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Pomoc/_Podrcznik"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Pomoc/_Podrcznik/Angi_elski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Pomoc/_Podrcznik/_Japoski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/Pomo_c/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Pomoc/_FAQ/Angi_elskie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Pomoc/_FAQ/_Niemieckie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Pomoc/_FAQ/Hi_szpaskie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Pomoc/_FAQ/_Francuskie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Pomoc/_FAQ/_Woskie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "Nie ustawiono polecenia."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Pomoc/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Tworzenie g坦wnego okna...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Okno g坦wne: bd alokacji kolor坦w %d\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "gotowe.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Bez tytuu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "甜aden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Offline"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "Jeste offline. Przej do trybu online?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Opr坦甜nij mietnik"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Czy usun wszystkie wiadomoci ze mietnika?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Dodaj skrzynk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3723,16 +3731,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Jeli zostanie podana istniejca skrzynka, bdzie ona\n"
"automatycznie skanowana."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Skrzynka \"%s\" ju甜 istnieje."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Skrzynka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3742,92 +3750,92 @@ msgstr ""
"By mo甜e pliki ju甜 istniej lub brak jest wystarczajcych uprawnie do "
"zapisu w tym miejscu."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Widok Katalog坦w"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Widok Wiadomoci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Odpowiedz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/Odpowiedz wszystkim"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Odpowiedz nadawcy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Odpowiedz _licie dyskusyjnej"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/Prze_ka甜"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Przeka甜 jako zacznik"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Prze_kieruj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "Ikony i _tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Widok/Wywietl lub _ukryj/_Pasek narzdzi/_Ikony"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "_Ikony"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Brak"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "Jeste offline. Kliknij ikon by przej do trybu online."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "Jeste online. Kliknij ikon, by przej do trybu offline."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Koniec programu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Czy zakoczy program?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Nie ustawiono polecenia."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "U甜ycie: %s [OPCJE]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3844,7 +3852,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5978,17 +5986,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Zacznik"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Temat"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6299,7 +6310,7 @@ msgstr "Przeszukiwanie katalogu %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Filtowanie..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Bez daty)"
@@ -6368,6 +6379,93 @@ msgstr "Podpis wykonano %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Bd podczas sprawdzania podpisu"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Usu skrzynk"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Nr"
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Odbierz"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "czenie z serwerem SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Nie mo甜na nawiza poczenia z serwerem POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "wystpi bd podczas sesji POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "wystpi bd podczas sesji POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Pobieranie nag坦wk坦w wiadomoci (%d/%d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Pobieranie liczby nowych wiadomoci (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Brak nowych wiadomoci"
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Usu wiadomo"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Pobieranie nowych wiadomoci"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Wylij wiadomo"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Pobieranie nowych wiadomoci"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Pobieranie wiadomoci z %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Usu wiadomo"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7051,10 +7149,6 @@ msgstr "Filtowanie..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d wiadomo(i) przefiltrowano."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Nr"
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
index a19ab8b3..ce0f017b 100644
--- a/po/pt_BR.po
+++ b/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Andr辿 Casteliano <digitalcoder@users.sourceforge.net>, 2000.
# Ricardo Nabinger Sanchez <rnsanchez@gmail.com>, 2005, 2006, 2007.
# Former translators:
# Andr辿 Casteliano <digitalcoder@users.sourceforge.net>
# Isa鱈as V. Prestes <isix@uol.com.br>
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-25 09:30-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Ricardo Nabinger Sanchez <rnsanchez@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Ricardo Nabinger Sanchez <rnsanchez@gmail.com>\n"
@@ -26,194 +26,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Lendo as configura巽探es de cada conta...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "A conex達o IMAP4 com %s terminou. Reconectando...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "servidor IMAP4 desabilita LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "criando conex達o IMAP4 com %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel iniciar sess達o TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Buscando mensagem %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Adicionando mensagens em %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Movendo mensagens %s para %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Copiando mensagesn %s para %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Removendo mensagens %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "n達o posso marcar como apagado: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "n達o posso eliminar\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Removendo todas as mensagens em %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "n達o posso marcar como apagado: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "n達o posso fechar pasta\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "pasta raiz %s inexistente\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "erro recebendo resultados do LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel criar '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel criar '%s' sob a Caixa de Entrada\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "n達o posso criar caixa de correio: LIST falhou\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "n達o posso criar caixa de correio\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "n達o 辿 poss鱈vel renomear caixa de correio: %s para %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "n達o posso apagar caixa de correio\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel obter o 'envelope'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Buscando cabe巽alhos das mensagens (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao obter 'envelope'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel realizar o parse no envelope: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel se conectar ao servidor IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel estabelecer uma sess達o IMAP4 com: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel obter o 'envelope'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "n達o posso selecionar pasta: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "erro no comando imap: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Falha na autentica巽達o IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "Falha ao logar no servidor IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel copiar a mensagem %s para %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(enviando arquivo...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel anexar a mensagem em %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "n達o posso copiar %s para %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "erro no comando imap: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "erro no comando imap: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "erro no comando imap: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "o iconv n達o pode converter UTF-7 para %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "o iconv n達o pode converter %s para UTF-7\n"
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ msgstr "pastas de origem e destino s達o id棚nticas.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Copiando mensagem %s/%d para %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -442,19 +442,19 @@ msgstr "Ocorreu um erro quando postando\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Erro ao enviar comando\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Timestamp APOP requerida n達o encontrada no greeting\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Erro de sintaxe no greeting\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Registro de tempo inv叩lido na sauda巽達o\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "Erro do protocolo POP3\n"
@@ -463,37 +463,37 @@ msgstr "Erro do protocolo POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "resposta UIDL inv叩lida: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Apagando mensagem expirada %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Pulando mensagem %d (%d bytes)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "a caixa de correio est叩 travada\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "tempo limite da sess達o\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel iniciar sess達o TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "ocorreu um erro na autentica巽達o\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "comando n達o suportado\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "Erro na sess達o POP3\n"
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ msgstr "Filtro de spam (manual)"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Filtro de spam"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Convers達o de c坦digo falhou.\n"
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ msgstr ""
"na coluna `G' para habilitar essa caixa no `Baixar tudo'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ msgstr "Argumento do usu叩rio para a a巽達o"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Adicionar ao Cat叩logo de Endere巽os"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Endere巽o"
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ msgstr "Notas"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Selecione Pasta do Cat叩logo de Endere巽os"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Arquivo"
@@ -859,10 +859,10 @@ msgstr "/_Arquivo/Novo _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/Novo Servidor _LDAP"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/---"
@@ -879,21 +879,21 @@ msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Apagar"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Salvar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Fechar"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Editar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Editar/C_opiar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Editar/Co_lar"
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ msgstr "/_Endere巽o/_Editar"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Endere巽o/_Apagar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas"
@@ -938,12 +938,12 @@ msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Importar arquivo _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Importar arquivo _CSV"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/A_juda"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/A_juda/_Sobre"
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Nova _Pasta"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -998,17 +998,17 @@ msgstr "Cat叩logo de endere巽os"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Para:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Cco:"
@@ -1213,15 +1213,15 @@ msgstr "Endere巽os comuns"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Endere巽os pessoais"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notifica巽達o"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Aviso"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"
@@ -1268,388 +1268,388 @@ msgstr "Marrom"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nenhuma"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Adicionar"
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Remover"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Propriedades..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Enviar"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/Enviar _depois"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/Salvar na pasta de _rascunhos"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/Salvar e _continuar editando"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Anexar arquivo"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Inserir arquivo"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/Inserir as_sinatura"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/Apender as_sinatura"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Desfazer"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Refazer"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Editar/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Cortar"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Editar/Colar como ci_ta巽達o"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Selecionar tudo"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Quebrar par叩grafo atual"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Editar/Quebrar todas as _linhas compridas"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Quebra autom叩tica de linha"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/E_xibir"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Para"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Cc"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Cco"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Reply-To"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/E_xibir/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Followup-To"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_R辿gua"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Anexo"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/E_xibir/Cu_stomizar barra de ferramentas..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Codifica巽達o de caracteres/_Autom叩tico"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/ASCII de 7 bits (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_/Codifica巽達o de caracteresUnicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Europa Ocidental (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Europa Ocidental (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_/Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Europa Central (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/_B叩ltico (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/B叩ltico (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/B叩ltico (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Grego (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Ar叩bico (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Ar叩bico (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Hebreu (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Hebreu (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Turco (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Cir鱈lico (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Cir鱈lico (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Cir鱈lico (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Cir鱈lico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Japon棚s (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Chin棚s simplificado (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Chin棚s simplificado (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Chin棚s tradicional (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Coreano (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Cat叩logo de endere巽os"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Ferramenta/_Modelo"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_A巽探es"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Editar com editor e_xterno"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Assinar (PGP)"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Encriptar (PGP)"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Verificar ortografia"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Definir _idioma do verificador ortogr叩fico"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: o arquivo n達o existe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel obter o texto\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Erro no formato de marca de cita巽達o."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Erro no formato de mensagem de resposta/encaminhada."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "O arquivo %s n達o existe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel especificar o tamanho de %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "O arquivo %s est叩 vazio."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel ler %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Mensagem: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel obter alguma(s) parte(s) dessa mensagem."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Sem assunto)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Compondo%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Destinat叩rio n達o especificado."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Sem assunto"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Assunto em branco. Enviar assim mesmo?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Anexo ausente"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr "N達o h叩 anexos. Enviar sem anexos?"
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr "Conferir destinat叩rios"
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Deseja realmente enviar este e-mail para os seguintes destinat叩rios?"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "De:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Assunto:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "_Enviar"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "n達o pude obter a lista de destinat叩rios."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1657,40 +1657,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Conta para envio de mensagem n達o foi especificada.\n"
"Por favor selecione uma conta de e-mail antes de enviar."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Erro ao postar a mensagem para %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel armazenar a mensagem na caixa de sa鱈da."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel obter nenhuma chave associada ao ID selecionado '%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel enfileirar a mensagem."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel enfileirar a mensagem."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel enfileirar a mensagem."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel modificar as permiss探es do arquivo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1702,11 +1702,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Enviar como %s mesmo assim?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Erro convertendo codifica巽達o"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1719,15 +1719,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Enviar mesmo assim?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Limite de comprimento da linha"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "Encriptando com Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1741,89 +1741,90 @@ msgstr ""
"Enviar mesmo assim?"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "n達o posso remover a mensagem antiga\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "enfileirando mensagem...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel encontrar a pasta da fila\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel enfileirar a mensagem\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "O arquivo %s n達o existe."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel abrir o arquivo %s."
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Message-ID gerado: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Criando janela de composi巽達o...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Assinar (PGP)"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Encriptar (PGP)"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tipo MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamanho"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Tipo MIME inv叩lido."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "O arquivo n達o existe ou est叩 vazio."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codifica巽達o"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Caminho"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nome do arquivo"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Linha de comando do editor externo inv叩lida: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1832,48 +1833,48 @@ msgstr ""
"O editor externo est叩 ativo.\n"
"For巽ar a finaliza巽達o do processo (pid: %d)?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "_Customizar barra de ferramentas..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel enfileirar a mensagem."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Selecionar arquivos"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Selecionar arquivo"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Salvar mensagem"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Esta mensagem foi modificada. Salv叩-la na pasta de rascunhos?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "_Fechar sem salvar"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Quer aplicar o modelo `%s'?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Aplicar Modelo"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Substituir"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Inserir"
@@ -2327,12 +2328,12 @@ msgstr "Configurando informa巽探es da pasta...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Configurando informa巽探es da pasta..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Revisando pasta %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Revisando pasta %s ..."
@@ -2501,7 +2502,8 @@ msgstr "Grupos de not鱈cias:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Criando visualizador de cabe巽alhos...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Sem remetente)"
@@ -2684,139 +2686,139 @@ msgstr "Importar arquivo LDIF para o Cat叩logo de Endere巽os"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d novas mensagens"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autenticando via POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Obtendo novas mensagens"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Aguardando"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Cancelado"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Recuperando"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Conclu鱈do (%d mensagen(s) (%s) recebida(s))"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Feito (N達o h叩 mensagens novas)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Conex達o falhou"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Autentica巽達o falhou"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Travado"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Tempo limite"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Conclu鱈do (%d nova(s) mensagem(ns))"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Conclu鱈do (N達o h叩 mensagens novas)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Alguns erros aconteceram ao baixar os emails."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "obtendo novas mensagens da conta %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: Autenticando via POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Recuperando novas mensagens"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Conectando ao servidor POP3: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel se conectar ao servidor POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Autenticando..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Recebendo mensagens de %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Obtendo o n炭mero de novas mensagens (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Obtendo o n炭mero de novas mensagens (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Obtendo o n炭mero de novas mensagens (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Obtendo o n炭mero de novas mensagens (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Apagando mensagem %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Saindo"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Baixando mensagem (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Recebendo (%d mensagem(ns) (%s) recebido)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2824,15 +2826,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Execu巽達o do filtro de spam falhou.\n"
"Por favor verifique as defini巽探es do filtro de spam."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Falha na conex達o"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro enquanto as mensagens eram processadas."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2841,28 +2843,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Erro ao processar mensagens:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "N達o h叩 espa巽o dispon鱈vel no disco."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel gravar o arquivo."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "erro de socket."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Conex達o remota finalizada pela esta巽達o remota."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Caixa de correio est叩 travada."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2871,11 +2874,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Caixa de correio est叩 trancada:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Falha de autentica巽達o."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2884,15 +2887,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Falha de autentica巽達o:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Tempo limite da sess達o."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Incorpora巽達o cancelada\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Obtendo novas mensagens de %s at辿 %s...\n"
@@ -2910,20 +2913,20 @@ msgstr "Informe a senha"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Log do protocolo"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread n達o 辿 suportada pela glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Uso: %s [OPO]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [endre巽o] abre janela de composi巽達o"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2933,23 +2936,23 @@ msgstr ""
" abrir a janela de composi巽達o com os arquivos\n"
" especificados anexados"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive recebe novas mensgens"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all recebe novas mensagens de todas as contas"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send envia todas as mensagens da fila"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [pasta]... mostra o n炭mero total de mensagens"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2957,46 +2960,46 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [pasta]...\n"
" exibe o status de cada pasta"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr " --open pasta/n炭mero abre a mensagem 'n炭mero' em uma nova janela"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
" --configdir diret坦rio especifica o diret坦rio que armazena os arquivos "
"de configura巽達o"
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr " --ipcport porta n炭mero da porta para comandos remotos via IPC"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit sair do Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug modo debug"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help exibe esta ajuda e sai"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version mostra informa巽達o de vers達o e sai"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Pressione qualquer tecla..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Codifica巽達o de nome de arquivo"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3020,19 +3023,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Ainda h叩 mensagens sendo escritas. Deseja sair?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Mensagens enviadas para a fila"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Algumas mensagens n達o enviadas est達o na fila. Sair agora?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3041,15 +3044,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Suporte a OpenPGP desabilitado."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "outra c坦pia do Sylpheed j叩 est叩 sendo executada.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migra巽達o da configura巽達o"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3057,662 +3060,667 @@ msgstr ""
"As configura巽探es antigas foram encontradas.\n"
"Deseja migrar para o novo formato?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Pasta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "_Arquivo/_Pasta/Criar _nova pasta ..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Pasta/_Renomear pasta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Pasta/_Mover pasta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Pasta/A_pagar pasta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Caixa de correio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Caixa de correio/_Adicionar caixa de correio..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Caixa de correio/Remover _caixa de correio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Caixa de correio/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Caixa de correio/_Procurar por mensagens novas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Procurar por mensagens novas em _todas as caixas de correio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Caixa de correio/_Reconstruir 叩rvore de pastas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Arquivo/I_mportar arquivo mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Exportar para arquivo mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/Esvaziar _lixeira"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Salvar como..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Arquivo/Configurar _P叩gina..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Arquivo/Im_primir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/_Trabalhar desconectado"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Arquivo/Sai_r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Editar/_Selecionar t_hread"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Editar/_Encontrar na mensagem atual..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Editar/_Procurar mensagens..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Editar/Busca _r叩pida"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder/_rvore de pastas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder/Ver _Mensagens"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder/_Barra de Ferramentas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder/_Barra de Ferramentas/cones _e texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder/Texto _direita do 鱈cone"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder/_Barra de Ferramentas/_cones"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder/_Barra de Ferramentas/_Texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder/_Barra de Ferramentas/_Nenhum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder/Barra de _busca"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Mostrar ou esconder/Barra de _estado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Customizar barra de ferramentas..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Leiaute"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Leiaute/_Normal"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr "/_Exibir/_Leiaute/_Vertical"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_rvore de pastas separadas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Visualiza巽達o separada da _mensagem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordena巽達o"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por _n炭mero"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por _tamanho"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por _data"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por _data da discuss達o"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por _remetente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por _destinat叩rio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por as_sunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por _etiqueta de cor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por _marca"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por _n達o lidas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/por _anexos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/_N達o ordenar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/Crescente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/Decrescente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Ordenar/Atrair _por assunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Vis達o de th_read"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/E_xibir/E_xpandir todas as threads"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Fechar todas as threads"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/E_xibir/Elementos _vis鱈veis..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/Mensagem a_nterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/_Pr坦xima mensagem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/Anterior n達o _lida"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/Pr坦xima n達o l_ida"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/Mensagem n_ova anterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/Pr坦xima mensagem _nova"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/Mensagem marcada a_nterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/Pr坦xima mensagem ma_rcada"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/Mensagem eti_quetada anterior"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/Pr坦xima mensagem etique_tada"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ir _Para/Outra _pasta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/_Detectar automaticamente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Europeu Ocidental (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Japon棚s (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Japon棚s (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Japon棚s (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Chin棚s tradicional (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Chin棚s (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Codifica巽達o de caracteres/Coreano (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Abrir em uma n_ova janela"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/E_xibir/Ver _fonte"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/E_xibir/_Todos os cabe巽alhos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/E_xibir/A_tualizar sum叩rio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Mensagem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Receber"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Receber/Receber da conta _atual"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Receber/Receber de _todas as contas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Receber/_Parar recebimento"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Receber/Receber de _todas as contas"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Receber/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/Enviar mensagens da _fila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/Compor _nova mensagem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Responder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Responder para"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/Mensagem/Responder para/_todos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/Responder para/_quem enviou"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/Mensagem/Responder para/_lista"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/Encam_inhar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/Encaminhar como ane_xo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/Redire_cionar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Mensagem/Mo_ver..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Copiar..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Marcar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Marcar/_Marcar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Marcar/_Desmarcar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Marcar/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Marcar/Marcar como _n達o lida"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Marcar/Marcar como l_ida"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Marcar/Marcar _t坦pico como lido"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Marcar/Marcar todas como _lidas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/_Apagar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/Classificar como _spam"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/Classificar como _n達o-spam"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Mensagem/Ed_itar novamente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Adicionar remetente ao cat叩logo de _endere巽os"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Filtrar _todas as mensagens na pasta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Filtrar mensagens selecionadas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Criar regra de filtro"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Criar regra de filtro/_Automaticamente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Criar regra de filtro/pelo _remtente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Criar regra de filtro/pelo _destinat叩rio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Criar regra de filtro/pelo A_ssunto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Filtrar spam na _pasta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Filtrar _spam nas mensagens selecionadas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Apagar mensagens duplicadas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Processar mensagens marcadas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/_Janela de log"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Configura巽達o"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Configura巽達o/_Prefer棚ncias comuns..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Configura巽達o/_Filtros..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Configura巽達o/_Modelo..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Configura巽達o/_A巽探es..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Configura巽達o/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Configura巽達o/Prefer棚ncias da conta _atual..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Configura巽達o/Criar uma _nova conta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Configura巽達o/_Editar contas..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Configura巽達o/_Mudar conta atual"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/A_juda/_Manual"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/A_juda/_Manual/_Ingl棚s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/A_juda/_Manual/_Japon棚s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/A_juda/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/A_juda/_FAQ/_Ingl棚s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/A_juda/_FAQ/_Alem達o"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/A_juda/_FAQ/_Espanhol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/A_juda/_FAQ/_Franc棚s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/A_juda/_FAQ/_Italiano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/A_juda/Op巽探es de linha de comando"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/A_juda/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Criando janela principal...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: falhou ao alocar cores %d\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "Pronto.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Sem t鱈tulo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "nenhuma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Desconectado"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "Voc棚 est叩 desconectado. Conectar?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Esvaziar lixeira"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Apagar todas as mensagens nas lixeiras?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Adicionar caixa de correio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3722,16 +3730,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Se uma caixa de correio existente for especificada, ela ser叩\n"
"analisada automaticamente."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "A caixa de correio `%s' j叩 existe."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Correio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3741,87 +3749,87 @@ msgstr ""
"Talvez alguns arquivos j叩 existam, ou voc棚 n達o tem permiss達o para escrever "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Vis達o de Pastas"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Vis達o de Mensagens"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Responder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/Responder para _todos"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Responder para o _remetente"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Responder para a /_lista"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/En_caminhar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Encaminhar como ane_xo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Re_direcionar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "cone _e texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "Texto _direita do 鱈cone"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "_cone"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "_Texto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "_Nenhuma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "Voc棚 est叩 desconectado. Clique no 鱈cone para conectar."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "Voc棚 est叩 conectado. Clique no 鱈cone para desconectar."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Sair"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Sair do programa?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Op巽探es de linha de comando"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Uso: sylpheed [OPO]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3851,7 +3859,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5945,17 +5953,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Anexo"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Assunto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "De"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6249,7 +6260,7 @@ msgstr "Procurando %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Procurando %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Sem data)"
@@ -6311,6 +6322,93 @@ msgstr "Assinatura feita em %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Erro verificando a assinatura"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Remover caixa de correio"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "N尊"
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Baixar"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Conectando com o servidor SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel se conectar ao servidor POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "Erro na sess達o POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "Erro na sess達o POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Buscando cabe巽alhos das mensagens (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Obtendo o n炭mero de novas mensagens (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "N達o h叩 mensagens novas."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Apagar a(s) mensagem(s)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Obtendo novas mensagens"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Enviar mensagem"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Obtendo novas mensagens"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Recebendo mensagens de %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Apagar a(s) mensagem(s)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6972,10 +7070,6 @@ msgstr "Filtrando..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d mensagem(ns) foram filtradas."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "N尊"
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/ro.po b/po/ro.po
index dd087872..20949ade 100644
--- a/po/ro.po
+++ b/po/ro.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 2.2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-20 13:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Cristian Secar <cristi AT secarica DO ro>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@@ -20,202 +20,202 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Citire configurri pentru fiecare cont...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "Conexiunea IMAP4 la %s a fost 樽ntrerupt. Reconectare...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "Serverul IMAP4 dezactiveaz LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "creare conexiune IMAP4 la %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Nu se poate porni sesiunea TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Obinere mesaj %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Adugare mesaje la %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Mutare mesaje %s la %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Copiere mesaje %s la %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "tergere mesaje %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "nu se pot seta fanioanele de tergere: %s\n"
# hm ?
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "nu se poate elimina\n"
# hm ? din sau 樽n ?
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "tergere mesaje din %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "nu se pot seta fanioanele de tergere: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "nu se poate 樽nchide folderul\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "folderul root %s nu exist\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "a aprut o eroare 樽n timpul obineriii LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Nu se poate crea %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "Nu se poate crea %s 樽n INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "nu se poate crea csua potal: LIST a euat.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "nu se poate crea csua potal\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "nu se poate redenumi csua potal: %s 樽n %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "nu se poate terge csua potal\n"
# hm ? envelope conform wikipedia
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "nu se poate obine envelope (informaia de routing)\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Obinere anteturi mesaje (%d / %d)"
# hm ? envelope conform wikipedia
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr ""
"a aprut o eroare 樽n timpul obinerii envelope (informaia de routing).\n"
# hm ? envelope conform wikipedia
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "envelope (informaia de routing) nu poate fi analizat: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nu se poate efectua conexiunea la serverul IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nu se poate stabili sesiunea IMAP4 cu: %s:%d\n"
# hm ?
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "nu se poate obine spaiul de nume\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "nu se poate selecta folderul: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "eroare la comanda IMAP: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Autentificarea IMAP4 a euat.\n"
# hm ? cu ce difer de authentication ?
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "Autentificarea IMAP4 a euat.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "nu se poate aduga %s la %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(trimitere fiier...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "nu se poate aduga mesajul la %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "nu se poate copia %s la %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "eroare 樽n timpul comenzii IMAP: STORE:%s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "eroare 樽n timpul comenzii IMAP: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "eroare 樽n timpul comenzii IMAP: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv nu poate efectua conversia UTF-7 la %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv nu poate efectua conversia %s la UTF-7\n"
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ msgstr "folderul surs este identic cu cel destinaie.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Copiere mesaj %s/%d 樽n %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -444,19 +444,19 @@ msgstr "A aprut o eroare 樽n timpul trimiterii\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "A aprut o eroare 樽n timpul trimiterii comenzii\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Nu s-a gsit marca de timp APOP necesar 樽n salutul serverului\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Eroare de sintax 樽n marca de timp a salutului serverului\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Marca de timp din salutul serverului nu este valid\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "Eroare protocol POP3\n"
@@ -465,37 +465,37 @@ msgstr "Eroare protocol POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "rspunsul UIDL nu este valid: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: tergere mesaje expirate %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Se omite mesajul %d (%d octei)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "csua potal este blocat\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "timpul sesiunii a expirat\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "nu se poate porni sesiunea TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "a aprut o eroare la autentificare\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "comand nesuportat\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "a aprut o eroare la sesiunea POP3\n"
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ msgstr "Filtru mesaj spam (manual)"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Filtru mesaj spam"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): conversia codului a euat.\n"
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ msgstr ""
"pentru a activa recepionarea mesajelor la comanda Verific tot."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Adugare 樽n agend"
# (樽n meniu la compunere)
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Agend"
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ msgstr "Observaii"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Selectai folderul pentru agend"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Fiier"
@@ -873,10 +873,10 @@ msgstr "/_Fiier/_JPilot nou"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Fiier/Server _LDAP nou"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Fiier/---"
@@ -893,22 +893,22 @@ msgstr "/_Fiier/_terge"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Salveaz"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Fiier/n_chide"
# obs: comun i 樽n main menu i 樽n rmb agend
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Editare"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Editare/_Copiaz"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Editare/Li_pete"
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ msgstr "/A_dres/_Editare"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/A_dres/_terge"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Unelte"
@@ -953,12 +953,12 @@ msgstr "/_Unelte/Import fiier _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Unelte/Import fiier _CSV"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Ajutor"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/_Despre"
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/_Folder nou"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -1014,17 +1014,17 @@ msgstr "Agend"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr " Nume:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Ctre:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1228,15 +1228,15 @@ msgstr "Adrese comune:"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Adrese personale:"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notificare"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Avertisment"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Eroare"
@@ -1285,393 +1285,393 @@ msgstr "Maro"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Niciunul"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Adug..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/te_rge"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Proprieti..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Trimite"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Fiier/Trimite _mai t但rziu"
# !!! dependent de traducerea lui draft !!!
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Fiier/Salveaz 樽n folderul _ciorne"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Salveaz i continu editarea"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Ataeaz un fiier"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Insereaz un fiier"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Fiier/Inserea_z semntura"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Fiier/Adau_g semntura"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Editare/An_uleaz"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Editare/_Ref"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Editare/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Editare/_Taie"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Editare/_Lipete ca citat"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Editare/Selecte_az tot"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Editare/_Desparte paragraful curent"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Editare/Desparte _liniile lungi"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Editare/Desparte liniile aut_omat"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/C_tre"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Cc"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Bcc"
# obs: c但mpul propriu de 樽ntoarcere c但nd se rspunde cuiva
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Rspuns ctre"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/---"
# hm ?
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Urmrete"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Ri_gl"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Ataament"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Personali_zeaz bara de unelte..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/_Automat"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Simplified Chinses (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Unelte/_Agend"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Unelte/_ablon"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Unelte/Aciu_ni"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Unelte/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Unelte/Editare cu editor e_xtern"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Unelte/Semneaz P_GP"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Unelte/Cr_ipteaz PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Unelte/Verifi_c ortografia"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Unelte/_Selectai limba ortografiei"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: fiier inexistent\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Nu se poate obine partea de text\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Eroare de formatare a citaiei."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Eroare de format al mesajului de rspuns sau 樽naintat."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Fiierul %s nu exist\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Nu se poate obine dimensiunea fiierului %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Fiierul %s este gol."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Nu se poate citi %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Mesaj: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Nu se poate obine o parte a mesajului multiparte."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Fr subiect)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Compune%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Destinatarul nu este specificat."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Subiect gol"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Subiectul este gol. Trimitei mesajul oricum ?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Lips ataament"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr "Nu este ataat niciun fiier. Trimitei fr ataamente ?"
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr "Confirmare destinatari"
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Sigur trimitei acest mesaj ctre urmtoarele adrese ?"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "De la:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Subiect:"
# butonul de la confirmarea cui se trimite
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "_Trimite"
# hm ?
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "nu se poate obine lista destinatarilor."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1679,38 +1679,38 @@ msgstr ""
"Contul pentru trimitere de mesaje nu este specificat.\n"
"V rugm s selectai un cont 樽nainte de a trimite."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "A aprut o eroare 樽n timpul trimiterii mesajului ctre %s ."
# !!! depinde de traducerea lui Outbox !!!
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Nu se poate salva mesajul 樽n Trimise."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Nu s-a putut gsi nicio cheie asociat cu ID-ul cheii selectate %s."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Nu se poate semna mesajul."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Nu se poate cripta mesajul."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Nu se poate cripta sau semna mesajul."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "nu se pot schimba permisiunile fiierului\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1722,11 +1722,11 @@ msgstr ""
"l trimitei oricum ca %s ?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Eroare conversie cod"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1739,15 +1739,15 @@ msgstr ""
"l trimitei oricum ?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Limit lungime linie"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "Criptare cu Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1761,89 +1761,90 @@ msgstr ""
"l trimitei oricum ?"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "nu se poate terge mesajul vechi\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "punere mesaj 樽n coada de ateptare...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "nu se poate gsi folderul de coad\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "nu se poate pune mesajului 樽n coada de ateptare\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Fiierul %s nu exist."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Nu se poate deschide fiierul %s."
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Message-ID creat: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Creare fereastr de compunere...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Semntur PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Criptare PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tip MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Dimensiune"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Tipul MIME nu este valid."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Fiierul nu exist sau este gol."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Proprieti"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codare"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Cale"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nume fiier"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Linia de comand pentru editor extern nu este valid: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1852,49 +1853,49 @@ msgstr ""
"Editorul extern este 樽nc 樽n funciune.\n"
"Forai terminarea procesului (pid: %d) ?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "_Personalizeaz bara de unelte..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Nu se poate pune mesajul 樽n coada de ateptare."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Selectai fiierele"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Selectai fiierul"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Salvare mesaj"
# !!! dependent de traducerea lui draft !!!
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Acest mesaj a fost modificat. l salvai 樽n folderul Ciorne ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "nchide _fr salvare"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Vrei s aplicai ablonul %s ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Aplic ablon"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "nl_ocuiete"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Insereaz"
@@ -2350,12 +2351,12 @@ msgstr "Setare informaii folder...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Setare informaii folder..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Scanare folder %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Scanare folder %s ..."
@@ -2525,7 +2526,8 @@ msgstr "Grupuri de tiri:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Creare vizualizare antet...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Fr expeditor)"
@@ -2712,139 +2714,139 @@ msgstr "Import de fiier LDIF 樽n agend"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atribute"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d mesaje noi"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autentificare cu POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Recepionare mesaje noi"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Ateptare"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Anulat"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Recepionare"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Gata (%d mesaj(e) (%s) primit(e))"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Gata (nu exist mesaje noi)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Conexiunea a euat"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Autentificarea a euat"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Blocat"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timp expirat"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Terminat (%d mesaj(e) noi)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Terminat (nu exist mesaje noi)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Au aprut unele erori 樽n timpul obinerii mail-ului."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "obinere mesaje noi pentru contul %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: Autentificare cu POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: recepionare mesaje noi"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Conectare la serverul POP3: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nu se poate efectua conexiunea la serverul POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Autentificare..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Recepionare mesaje de la %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Obinerea numrului de mesaje noi (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Obinerea numrului de mesaje noi (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Obinerea numrului de mesaje noi (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Obinerea dimensiunii mesajelor (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "tergere mesaje %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Prsire"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Recepionare mesaje (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Recepionare (%d mesaj(e) (%s) primit(e))"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2852,15 +2854,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Execuia comenzii filtrului de spam a euat.\n"
"Verificai setrile controlului de spam."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Conexiunea a euat"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "A aprut o eroare 樽n timpul procesrii mail-ului."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2869,28 +2871,29 @@ msgstr ""
"A aprut o eroare 樽n timpul procesrii mail-ului.\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Nu mai este spaiu pe disc."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Nu se poate scrie fiierul."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Eroare socket."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Conexiune 樽nchis de serverul de la distan."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Csua potal este blocat"
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2899,11 +2902,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Csua potal este blocat:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Autentificarea a euat."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2912,15 +2915,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Autentificarea a euat:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Timpul sesiunii a expirat."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "ncorporarea a fost anulat\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Obinere mesaje noi de la %s 樽n %s...\n"
@@ -2938,20 +2941,20 @@ msgstr "Introducei parola"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Log protocol"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread nu este suportat de glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Utilizare: %s [OPIUNE]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [address] deschide fereastra de compoziie"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2961,23 +2964,23 @@ msgstr ""
" deschide fereastra de compoziie cu fiierele\n"
" specificate ataate"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive primete mesaje noi"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all primete mesaje noi pentru toate conturile"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send trimite toate mesajele din coada de ateptare"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [folder]... arat numrul total de mesaje"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2985,47 +2988,47 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" arat starea fiecrui folder"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr " --open folderid/msgnum deschide mesajul 樽n fereastr nou"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
" --configdir dirname specific directorul care conine fiierele de "
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
" --ipcport portnum specific portul pentru comenzi la distan IPC"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit ieire Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug mod debug"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help afieaz acest ajutor i iei"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version afieaz versiunea i iei"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "Apsai orice tast..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Codare de nume fiier"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3049,23 +3052,23 @@ msgstr ""
"Continuai ?"
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr ""
"Exist cel puin un mesaj 樽n curs de compunere.\n"
"Sigur dorii s ieii ?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Mesaje 樽n coada de ateptare"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr ""
"Exist unul sau mai multe mesaje netrimise 樽n coada de ateptare. Ieii "
"acum ?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3074,15 +3077,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Suportul pentru OpenPGP a fost dezactivat."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "ruleaz deja o alt sesiune Sylpheed.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migrarea configuraiei"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3090,669 +3093,674 @@ msgstr ""
"S-a gsit versiunea anterioar de configurare.\n"
"Vrei s o migrai ?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Folder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Folder/Creeaz un folder _nou..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Folder/_Redenumete folderul..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Folder/_Mut folderul..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Folder/ter_ge folderul"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Csu potal"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Csu potal/_Adaug csu potal..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Csu potal/te_rge csua potal"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Csu potal/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Csu potal/Verifi_c pentru mesaje noi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr ""
"/_Fiier/_Csu potal/Verific pentru mesaje noi 樽n to_ate csuele "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Csu potal/R_econstruiete arborele folder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Import fiier mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Export fiier mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Golete gunoiul"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Salveaz ca..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Aranjare 樽n pagin..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Fiier/Ti_prete..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Fiier/_Lucreaz offline"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Fiier/Iei_re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Editare/Selecteaz firul de _discuie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Editare/Caut 樽n mesajul c_urent..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Editare/Caut 樽n me_saje..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Editare/Cutare _rapid"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Arat sau as_cunde"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Arat sau ascun_de/Arbore _folder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Arat sau ascun_de/Vizualizare _mesaje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Arat sau ascun_de/Bar de unel_te"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Arat sau ascun_de/Bar de unel_te/Iconie i te_xt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr ""
"/_Vizualizare/Arat sau ascun_de/Bar de unel_te/Text la d_reapta iconielor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Arat sau ascun_de/Bar de unel_te/_Iconie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Arat sau ascun_de/Bar de unel_te/_Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Arat sau ascun_de/Bar de unel_te/_Nimic"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Arat sau ascun_de/Bar de _cutare"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Arat sau ascun_de/Bar de _stare"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Personali_zeaz bara de unelte..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Aran_jament"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Aran_jament/_Normal"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Aran_jament/_Vertical"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Separ fereastra arb_orelui folderelor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Separ fereastra de previzualizare a _mesajelor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/dup _numr"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/dup d_imensiune"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/dup _dat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/dup dat _fir de discuie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/dup e_xpeditor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/dup destinata_r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/dup _subiect"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/dup etichet _culoare"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/dup _marcaj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/d_up necitit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/dup a_taament"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/Nes_ortat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/Ascendent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/Descendent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Sorteaz/_Atrage dup subiect"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Vizualizeaz ca fi_r de discuii"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Desfoar firul discuiilor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/_Pliaz firul discuiilor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Alege elementele af_iate ale sumarului..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/mesajul _precedent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/mesajul _urmtor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/mesajul necitit p_recedent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/mesajul necitit urm_tor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/mesajul nou pre_cedent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/mesajul nou urmt_or"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/mesajul _marcat precedent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/mesajul m_arcat urmtor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/mesajul _etichetat precedent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/mesajul et_ichetat urmtor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Du-_te la/alt _director..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Detectare _automat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Western European (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Japanese (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Japanese (Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Codare caract_ere/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Deschide 樽n fereastr _nou"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/S_urs mesaj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Toate _anteturile"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Vizualizare/Actua_lizeaz sumarul mesajelor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Mesaj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Primire"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Primire/Verific pentru contul _curent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Primire/Verific pentru _toate conturile"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Primire/_Oprete primirea"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Primire/Verific pentru _toate conturile"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Primire/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Trimite mesajele de la coa_d"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Compune un mesaj _nou"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Rspunde"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Rsp_uns"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Rsp_uns/Rspunde _tuturor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Rsp_uns/Rspunde _expeditorului"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Rsp_uns/Rspunde _listei de discuii"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/na_inteaz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/nainteaz ca _ataament"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Redirecionea_z"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Mu_t..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Copiaz..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Marcare"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Marcare/_Marcheaz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Marcare/_Demarcheaz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Marcare/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Marcare/Marcheaz ca _necitit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Marcare/Marcheaz ca _citit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Marcare/Marcheaz _firul de discuie ca citit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/_Marcare/Marcheaz _totul ca citit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/ter_ge"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Marcheaz ca _spam"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Marcheaz ca _util"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Re_editeaz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Unelte/A_daug expeditorul 樽n agend..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Unelte/_Filtreaz toate mesajele 樽n folder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Unelte/Filtreaz mesajele _selectate"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Unelte/_Creeaz regul de filtrare"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Unelte/_Creeaz regul de filtrare/_Automat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Unelte/_Creeaz regul de filtrare/pe baza c但mpului _De la"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Unelte/_Creeaz regul de filtrare/pe baza c但mpului _Ctre"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Unelte/_Creeaz regul de filtrare/pe baza c但mpului _Subiect"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Unelte/Filtreaz mesa_jele spam 樽n folder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Unelte/Filtreaz _mesajele spam 樽n mesajele selectate"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Unelte/terge mesajele du_plicate"
# !!! n-am pus _
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/_Unelte/E_xecut procesele marcate"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Unelte/Fereastr _log"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Configuraie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Configuraie/Preferine _comune..."
# hm ? mai scurt pare mai bine i este suficient de intuitiv i-aa datorit trei puncte
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Configuraie/_Filtre..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Configuraie/a_bloane..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Configuraie/_Aciuni..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Configuraie/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Configuraie/_Preferine pentru contul curent..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Configuraie/Creeaz un cont _nou..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Configuraie/_Editare conturi..."
# hm ? eu zic c e mai bine dec樽t schimb contul curent
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Configuraie/_Selecteaz contul curent"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/_Manual"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/_Manual/_Englez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/_Manual/_Japonez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/_FAQ/_Englez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/_FAQ/_German"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/_FAQ/_Spaniol"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/_FAQ/_Francez"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/_FAQ/_Italian"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/Opiuni de linie de _comand"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Ajutor/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Creare fereastr principal...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Fereastra principal: alocarea culorii %d a euat\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "gata.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Neintitulat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "nimic"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Offline"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "Suntei offline. Trecei online ?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Golire gunoi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "tergei toate mesajele din folderele de gunoi ?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Adaug csu potal"
# hm ? sau specificai ? este o explicaie sau o comand ?
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3762,16 +3770,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Dac este specificat csua potal existent,\n"
"aceasta va fi scanat automat."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Csua potal %s exist deja."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Csu potal"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3780,87 +3788,87 @@ msgstr ""
"Crearea csuei potale a euat.\n"
"Poate c unele fiiere exist deja, sau acolo nu avei permisiuni de scriere."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Vizualizare folder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Vizualizare mesaj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Rspunde"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/Rspunde _tuturor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Rspunde _expeditorului"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Rspunde _listei de discuii"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/na_inteaz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/nainteaz ca _ataament"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Redirecionea_z"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "Iconie i te_xt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "Text la d_reapta iconielor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "_Iconie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "_Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "_Nimic"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "Suntei offline. Clic pe iconi pentru a trece online."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "Suntei online. Clic pe iconi pentru a trece offline."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Ieire"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Ieii din acest program ?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Opiuni de line de comand"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Utilizare: sylpheed [OPIUNE]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3890,7 +3898,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6012,17 +6020,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Ataament"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Subiect"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Expeditor"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Dat"
@@ -6321,7 +6332,7 @@ msgstr "Cutare %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Cutare %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Fr Dat)"
@@ -6387,6 +6398,93 @@ msgstr "Semntur creat la %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Eroare la verificarea semnturii"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "tergere csu potal"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Nu."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Verific"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Conectare la serverul SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Nu se poate efectua conexiunea la serverul POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "a aprut o eroare la sesiunea POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "a aprut o eroare la sesiunea POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Obinere anteturi mesaje (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Obinerea numrului de mesaje noi (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Nu exist mesaje noi."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "tergere mesaj(e)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Recepionare mesaje noi"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Trimite mesajul acum"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Recepionare mesaje noi"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Recepionare mesaje de la %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "tergere mesaj(e)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7049,10 +7147,6 @@ msgstr "Filtrare..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d messaj(e) au fost filtrate."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Nu."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
index 3bce0bfc..82bc95a8 100644
--- a/po/ru.po
+++ b/po/ru.po
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
# Updated by Sergey Vlasov <vsu@altlinux.ru>, 2001, 2006
# Updated by Dmitry S. Sivachenko <dima@Chg.RU>, 2001.
# Updated by Andrey Markelov <andrey@markelov.ru>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 2.4.4\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-07-22 12:53+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Andrey Markelov <andrey@markelov.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <Project-Id-Version: gtranslato>\n"
@@ -21,194 +21,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "丼亠仆亳亠 仆舒仂亠从 仆 亰舒仗亳亠亶...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "弌仂亠亟亳仆亠仆亳亠 IMAP4 %s 仗亠于舒仆仂. 仂舒仆仂于仍亠仆亳亠 仂亠亟亳仆亠仆亳...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "弌亠于亠 IMAP4 亰舒仗亠舒亠 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠 从仂仄舒仆亟 LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "舒仆仂于仍亠仆亳亠 仂亠亟亳仆亠仆亳 IMAP4 %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "亠 亟舒仍仂 仆舒舒 亠舒仆 TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "仂弍舒于仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 于 %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "亠亠仄亠亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 %s 于 %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "仂仗亳仂于舒仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 %s 于 %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "丕亟舒仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 舒仆仂于亳 仍舒亞 亟舒仍亠仆亳: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 仂亳亳 仗舒仗从 仂 亟舒仍仆仆 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "丕亟舒仍亠仆亳亠 于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 亳亰 %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 舒仆仂于亳 仍舒亞 亟舒仍亠仆亳: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 亰舒从 仗舒仗从\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "从仂仆亠于舒 仗舒仗从舒 %s 仆亠 亠于亠\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "仗仂亳亰仂仍舒 仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 仗仂仍亠仆亳亳 LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗亳 仂亰亟舒仆亳亳 \"%s\"\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗亳 仂亰亟舒仆亳亳 \"%s\" 于仆亳 INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 仂亰亟舒 仗仂仂于亶 亳从: 仂亳弍从舒 LIST\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 仂亰亟舒 仗仂仂于亶 亳从\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 仗亠亠亳仄亠仆仂于舒 仗仂仂于亶 亳从 %s 于 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 亟舒仍亳 仗仂仂于亶 亳从\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 仗仂仍亳 亟舒仆仆亠 从仂仆于亠舒\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 仗仂仍亠仆亳亳 亟舒仆仆 从仂仆于亠舒.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 舒亰弍仂亠 亟舒仆仆 从仂仆于亠舒: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠 亟舒仍仂 仂亠亟亳仆亳 亠于亠仂仄 IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠 亟舒仍仂 仂从 亠舒仆 于磶亳 IMAP4 c %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 仗仂仍亳 仗仂舒仆于仂 亳仄仆\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 于弍舒 仗舒仗从: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳亳 从仂仄舒仆亟 IMAP: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 舒亠仆亳亳从舒亳亳 IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 舒于仂亳亰舒亳亳 IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 亟仂弍舒于亳 %s 从 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(仗亠亠亟舒舒 舒亶仍舒...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 亟仂弍舒于亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 从 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 从仂仗亳仂于舒 %s 于 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳亳 从仂仄舒仆亟 IMAP: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳亳 从仂仄舒仆亟 IMAP: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳亳 从仂仄舒仆亟 IMAP: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仗亠仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳 iconv 亳亰 UTF-7 于 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仗亠仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳 iconv 亳亰 %s 于 UTF-7\n"
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ msgstr "亳仂亟仆舒 仗舒仗从舒 仂于仗舒亟舒亠 仗舒仗从仂亶 仆舒亰仆
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "仂仗亳仂于舒仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 %s/%d揃to揃%s揃...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -437,19 +437,19 @@ msgstr "仂亳亰仂仍舒 仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 仂仗舒于从亠 舒亳\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "仂亳亰仂仍舒 仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 仗亠亠亟舒亠 从仂仄舒仆亟.\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr " 仂仂弍亠仆亳亳 亠于亠舒 仆亠 仆舒亶亟亠仆舒 亠弍亠仄舒 仄亠从舒 于亠仄亠仆亳 APOP\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 亳仆舒从亳舒 仄亠从亳 于亠仄亠仆亳 于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亳 亠于亠舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "亠 于亠仆舒 仄亠从舒 于亠仄亠仆亳 于 仗亳于亠于亳亳\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗仂仂从仂仍舒 POP3\n"
@@ -458,37 +458,37 @@ msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗仂仂从仂仍舒 POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠于亠仆亶 仂于亠 UIDL: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: 丕亟舒仍亠仆亳亠 舒亠于亠亞仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳 %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: 仂仗从舒亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 %d (%d 弍舒亶)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "仗仂仂于亶 亳从 亰舒仆\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "于亠仄 亠舒仆舒 亳亠从仍仂\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 仆舒舒 亠舒仆 TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 舒亠仆亳亳从舒亳亳\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "从仂仄舒仆亟舒 仆亠 仗仂亟亟亠亢亳于舒亠\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 亠舒仆舒 POP3\n"
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ msgstr "个亳仍 仗舒仄舒"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "个亳仍 仗舒仄舒"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): 亳弍从舒 仗亠仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳 从仂亟亳仂于从亳.\n"
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ msgstr ""
"仗仂 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"仂仍亳 于亠\"."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ msgstr "仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳亶 仗舒舒仄亠 亟亠亶于亳"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "仂弍舒于仍亠仆亳亠 舒亟亠舒 于 从仆亳亞"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "亟亠"
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ msgstr "亳仄亠舒仆亳亠"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "弍亠亳亠 仗舒仗从 于 舒亟亠仆仂亶 从仆亳亞亠"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍"
@@ -856,10 +856,10 @@ msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂于亶 舒亶仍 JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂于亶 亠于亠 LDAP"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/---"
@@ -876,21 +876,21 @@ msgstr "/个舒亶仍/丕亟舒仍亳"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌仂舒仆亳"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒从"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/舒于从舒"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/仂仗亳仂于舒"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/舒于亳"
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ msgstr "/亟亠/舒于从舒"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/亟亠/丕亟舒仍亳"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆"
@@ -935,12 +935,12 @@ msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/仄仗仂 舒亶仍舒 LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/仄仗仂 舒亶仍舒 CSV"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/ 仗仂亞舒仄仄亠"
@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/仂于舒 仗舒仗从舒"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -995,17 +995,17 @@ msgstr "亟亠仆舒 从仆亳亞舒"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "仄:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "仂仄:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "仂仗亳:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "弌从仆仂:"
@@ -1208,15 +1208,15 @@ msgstr "弍亳亠 舒亟亠舒"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "亳仆亠 舒亟亠舒"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "丕于亠亟仂仄仍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "亠亟仗亠亢亟亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "亳弍从舒"
@@ -1263,391 +1263,391 @@ msgstr "仂亳仆亠于亶"
msgid "None"
msgstr "亠"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/仂弍舒于亳..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/丕亟舒仍亳"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/弌于仂亶于舒..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仗舒于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仗舒于亳 仗仂亰亢亠"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌仂舒仆亳 于 仗舒仗从亠 亠仆仂于亳从仂于"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌仂舒仆亳 亳 仗仂亟仂仍亢亳 仗舒于从"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仍仂亢亳 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒于亳 亠从 亳亰 舒亶仍舒"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒于亳 仗仂亟仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂弍舒于亳 仗仂亟仗亳 于 从仂仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/仄亠仆亳"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/仂于仂亳"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/亠亰舒"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/舒于亳 从舒从 亳舒"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/亟亠仍亳 于"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/仂仄舒亳仂于舒 舒弍亰舒"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/仂仄舒亳仂于舒 于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/亠亠仆仂 仗仂 仍仂于舒仄 仗亳 于于仂亟亠"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/亳亟"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂仄"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌从舒 从仂仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/亳亟/亟亠 亟仍 仂于亠舒"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/亳亟/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仍亠亟仂于舒 从"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/亳亟/亳仆亠亶从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/亳亟/仍仂亢亠仆亳"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/亳亟/舒仂亳 仗舒仆亠仍 亳仆仄亠仆仂于"
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/于仂仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/7-弍亳仆亶 ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/舒仗舒亟仆仂亠于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/舒仗舒亟仆仂亠于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/丶亠仆舒仍仆仂亠于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳弍舒仍亳亶从舒 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳弍舒仍亳亶从舒 (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/舒仍亳亶从舒 (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亠亠从舒 (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/舒弍从舒 (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/舒弍从舒 (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/于亳 (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/于亳 (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/丐亠从舒 (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳亳仍仍亳舒 (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳亳仍仍亳舒 (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳亳仍仍亳舒\\/丕从舒亳仆舒 (KOI8-_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳亳仍仍亳舒 (_Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亊仗仂仆从舒 (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳舒亶从舒 仗仂仆仆舒 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳舒亶从舒 仗仂仆仆舒 (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳舒亶从舒 舒亟亳亳仂仆仆舒 (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/仂亠亶从舒 (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/丐舒亶从舒 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/丐舒亶从舒 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/亟亠仆舒 从仆亳亞舒"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/丿舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/亠亶于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/亰于舒 于仆亠仆亳亶 亠亟舒从仂"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/仂亟仗亳舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 (PGP)"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/丿亳仂于舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 (PGP)"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/仂于亠亳 仂仂亞舒亳"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/亊亰从 亟仍 仗仂于亠从亳 仂仂亞舒亳亳"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: 舒亶仍 仆亠 亠于亠\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗仂仍亠仆亳 舒亳 亠从舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "亠于亠仆亶 仂仄舒 仄亠从亳 亳亳仂于舒仆亳."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "亠于亠仆亶 仂仄舒 舒弍仍仂仆舒 仂于亠舒 亳仍亳 仗亠亠仍从亳."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 仆舒亶亟亠仆\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳 舒亰仄亠舒 舒亶仍舒 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仗仂亶."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "亠于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仗仂亳舒 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗亳 仗仂仍亠仆亳亳 仂亟仆仂亞仂 亳亰 从仂仄仗仂仆亠仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(亠亰 亠仄)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 仂亟亞仂仂于从舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "仂仍舒亠仍 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仆亠 从舒亰舒仆."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒 仆亠 从舒亰舒仆舒"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仆亠 从舒亰舒仆舒. 仗舒于亳 弍亠亰 亠仄?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "仍仂亢亠仆亳"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳亠从亳 舒仆舒于仍亳于舒 舒亟亠舒"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr ":"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "仗舒于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳 仗亳从舒 仗仂仍舒亠仍亠亶."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1655,40 +1655,40 @@ msgstr ""
"丕仆舒 亰舒仗亳 亟仍 仂仗舒于从亳 仗仂 仆亠 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆舒.\n"
"仂亢舒仍亶舒, 于弍亠亳亠 亠 仗亠亠亟 仂仗舒于从仂亶."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "仂亳亰仂仍舒 仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 仂仗舒于从亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仆舒 %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仂舒仆亠仆亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳 于 仗舒仗从亠 仂仗舒于仍亠仆仆."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "亠 仆舒亶亟亠仆 从仍ム, 仂仂于亠于ム亳亶 于弍舒仆仆仂仄 亳亟亠仆亳亳从舒仂 \"%s\"."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗仂舒仆仂于从亳 于 仂亠亠亟."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗仂舒仆仂于从亳 于 仂亠亠亟."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗仂舒仆仂于从亳 于 仂亠亠亟."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 亳亰仄亠仆亳 于仂亶于舒 舒亶仍舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1699,11 +1699,11 @@ msgstr ""
"仗舒于亳 亠亞仂 于 从仂亟亳仂于从亠 %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗亠仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳 从仂亟亳仂于从亳"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1716,15 +1716,15 @@ msgstr ""
"仗舒于亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "弌仍亳从仂仄 亟仍亳仆仆舒 仂从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "舒亳仂于舒 Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1737,89 +1737,90 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 亟舒仍亠仆亳 舒仂亞仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "仗仂舒仆仂于从舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂亠亠亟...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仆舒亶亳 仗舒仗从 仂亠亠亟亳\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 舒亰仄亠亠仆亳 于 仂亠亠亟亳\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 仆舒亶亟亠仆\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "亠 亟舒仍仂 仂从 舒亶仍 仗仂仄亠仂从.\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "仂亰亟舒仆 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "弌仂亰亟舒仆亳亠 仂从仆舒 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "仂亟仗亳舒 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "丿亳仂于舒 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "丐亳仗 MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "舒亰仄亠"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "亠于亠仆亶 亳仗 MIME."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 仆亠 亠于亠 亳仍亳 仗."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "弌于仂亶于舒"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "仂亟亳仂于从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "仄 舒亶仍舒"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "亠于亠仆舒 从仂仄舒仆亟舒 于亰仂于舒 于仆亠仆亠亞仂 亠亟舒从仂舒: \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1829,48 +1830,48 @@ msgstr ""
"舒于亠亳 仗仂亠 仗亳仆亟亳亠仍仆仂?\n"
"亟亠仆亳亳从舒仂 亞仗仗 仗仂亠仂于: %d\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "舒仂亳 仗舒仆亠仍 亳仆仄亠仆仂于"
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗仂舒仆仂于从亳 于 仂亠亠亟."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "弍仂 舒亶仍仂于"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "弍仂 舒亶仍舒"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "弌仂舒仆亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "亅仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆仂. 弌仂舒仆亳 亠亞仂 于 仗舒仗从亠 亠仆仂于亳从仂于?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "舒从 弍亠亰 仂舒仆亠仆亳"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "亳仄亠仆亳 舒弍仍仂仆 \"%s\"?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "亳仄亠仆亳 舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "舒仄亠仆亳"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "舒于亳"
@@ -2322,12 +2323,12 @@ msgstr "丕舒仆仂于从舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳亳 仂 仗舒仗从亠...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "丕舒仆仂于从舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳亳 仂 仗舒仗从亠..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "仂仄仂 仗舒仗从亳 %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "仂仄仂 仗舒仗从亳 %s ..."
@@ -2496,7 +2497,8 @@ msgstr "仗仗 仆仂于仂亠亶:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "弌仂亰亟舒仆亳亠 仂弍仍舒亳 仗仂仄仂舒 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从仂于...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(亠亰 仂仗舒于亳亠仍)"
@@ -2677,139 +2679,139 @@ msgstr "仄仗仂 舒亶仍舒 LDIF 于 舒亟亠仆 从仆亳亞"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "亳弍"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed (仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶: %d)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "亠仆亳亳从舒亳 POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "亢亳亟舒仆亳亠"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "仄亠仆亠仆舒"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "仗仂仍仆亠仆仂 (仗亳仆仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶: %d (%s))"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "仗仂仍仆亠仆仂 (仆亠 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仂亠亟亳仆亠仆亳"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "亠于亠仆亶 仗舒仂仍"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "舒仆仂"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "亠 仂于亠舒"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "舒于亠亠仆仂 (仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶: %d)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "舒于亠亠仆仂 (仆亠 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "亳 仗仂仍亠仆亳亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 于仂亰仆亳从仍亳 仂亳弍从亳."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "仗仂仍亠仆亳亠 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 亟仍 仆仂亶 亰舒仗亳亳 %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: 亠仆亳亳从舒亳 POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: 仂仍亠仆亳亠 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "弌仂亠亟亳仆亠仆亳亠 亠于亠仂仄 POP3: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠 亟舒仍仂 仂亠亟亳仆亳 亠于亠仂仄 POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "亠仆亳亳从舒亳..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 从仂仍亳亠于舒 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 从仂仍亳亠于舒 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 从仂仍亳亠于舒 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 舒亰仄亠舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "丕亟舒仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "仂亟"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "亳仄 (仗亳仆仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶: %d (%s))"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2817,15 +2819,15 @@ msgstr ""
"亠 亟舒仍仂 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳 从仂仄舒仆亟 亳仍舒亳亳 仗舒仄舒.\n"
"仂于亠亠 仆舒仂亶从亳 亳仍舒亳亳 仗舒仄舒."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仂亠亟亳仆亠仆亳"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "仂亳亰仂仍舒 仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 仂弍舒弍仂从亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2834,28 +2836,29 @@ msgstr ""
"仂亳亰仂仍舒 仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 仂弍舒弍仂从亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "亠 仄亠舒 仆舒 亟亳从亠."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 亰舒仗亳亳 于 舒亶仍."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仂从亠舒."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "弌亠于亠 亰舒从仍 仂亠亟亳仆亠仆亳亠."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "仂仂于亶 亳从 亰舒仆."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2864,11 +2867,11 @@ msgstr ""
"仂仂于亶 亳从 亰舒仆:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 舒亠仆亳亳从舒亳亳."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2877,15 +2880,15 @@ msgstr ""
"亳弍从舒 舒亠仆亳亳从舒亳亳:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "亠仄 亠舒仆舒 亳亠从仍仂."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "亳仄 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 仗亠于舒仆\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 亳亰 %s 于 %s...\n"
@@ -2903,20 +2906,20 @@ msgstr "于仂亟 仗舒仂仍"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "仆舒仍"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread 仆亠 仗仂亟亟亠亢亳于舒亠 于 glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠: %s [丐]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [舒亟亠] 仂从 仂从仆仂 仂亰亟舒仆亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2926,24 +2929,24 @@ msgstr ""
" 仂从 仂从仆仂 仂亰亟舒仆亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仗亳仂亠亟亳仆仆仆仄亳\n"
" 舒亶仍舒仄亳"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 仗仂仍亳 仆仂于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr ""
" --receive-all 仗仂仍亳 仆仂于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仂 于亠 仆 亰舒仗亳亠亶"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 仂仂仍舒 于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 亳亰 仂亠亠亟亳"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [仗舒仗从舒]... 于于亠亳 仄仄舒仆仂亠 从仂仍亳亠于仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2951,44 +2954,44 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [仗舒仗从舒]...\n"
" 于于亠亳 仂仂礌亳亠 从舒亰舒仆仆 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr "揃揃--open揃folderid/msgnum揃仂从 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 于 仆仂于仂仄 仂从仆亠"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr " --configdir 从舒舒仍仂亞 从舒亰舒 从舒舒仍仂亞 舒亶仍舒仄亳 从仂仆亳亞舒亳亳"
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr "揃揃--ipcport揃portnum揃揃揃揃揃揃亰舒亟舒 仗仂亟仍 亟舒仍亠仆仆仂亶 从仂仄舒仆亟 IPC"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit 亰舒于亠亳 舒弍仂 Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 仂仍舒亟从亳"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 仂仂弍舒亰亳 仂 仂仗亳舒仆亳亠 亳 于亶亳"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 于于亠亳 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 于亠亳亳 亳 于亶亳"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "舒亢仄亳亠 仍ミ英 从仍舒于亳..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "仂亟亳仂于从舒 亳仄仆 舒亶仍仂于"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3012,19 +3015,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr " 亠亟舒从亳亠仄仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠. 仂亟亳?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "弌仂仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂亠亠亟亳"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr " 仂亠亠亟亳 亠 仆亠仂仗舒于仍亠仆仆亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳. 仂亟亳?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3033,15 +3036,15 @@ msgstr ""
"仂亟亟亠亢从舒 OpenPGP 仂从仍ム亠仆舒."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "亟亞舒 从仂仗亳 Sylpheed 亢亠 亰舒仗亠仆舒.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "仄仗仂 仗亠亟亟亠亶 从仂仆亳亞舒亳亳"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3049,665 +3052,670 @@ msgstr ""
"弍仆舒亢亠仆 仆舒仂亶从亳, 亟亠仍舒仆仆亠 于 仗亠亟亟亠亶 于亠亳亳.\n"
"仗仂仍亰仂于舒 亳?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仗从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仗从舒/弌仂亰亟舒 仆仂于 仗舒仗从..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仗从舒/亠亠亳仄亠仆仂于舒 仗舒仗从..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仗从舒/亠亠仄亠亳 仗舒仗从..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仗从舒/丕亟舒仍亳 仗舒仗从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂仂于亶 亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂仂于亶 亳从/仂弍舒于亳 仗仂仂于亶 亳从..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂仂于亶 亳从/丕亟舒仍亳 仗仂仂于亶 亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂仂于亶 亳从/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂仂于亶 亳从/仂于亠亳 仆仂于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂仂于亶 亳从/仂于亠亳 仆仂于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 于仂 于亠 仗舒仗从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂仂于亶 亳从/亠亠仂亳 亟亠亠于仂 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仄仗仂 mbox-舒亶仍舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/亅从仗仂 于 mbox-舒亶仍..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/亳亳 于亠 从仂亰亳仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌仂舒仆亳 从舒从..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仂亶从舒 舒仆亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/亠舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒弍仂舒 舒于仂仆仂仄仆仂"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂亟"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/亟亠仍亳 仂弍亢亟亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/舒于从舒/仂亳从 于 亠从亠仄 仂仂弍亠仆亳亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/舒于从舒/仂亳从 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/舒于从舒/舒于亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从/亠亠于仂 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从/弍仍舒 仗仂仄仂舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从/舒仆亠仍 亳仆仄亠仆仂于"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从/舒仆亠仍 亳仆仄亠仆仂于/仆舒从亳 亳 亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从/舒仆亠仍 亳仆仄亠仆仂于/丐亠从 亳从仂仆仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从/舒仆亠仍 亳仆仄亠仆仂于/仆舒从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从/舒仆亠仍 亳仆仄亠仆仂于/丐亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从/舒仆亠仍 亳仆仄亠仆仂于/亠 仗仂从舒亰于舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从/弌仂从舒 仗仂亳从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仍亳 从/弌仂从舒 仂仂礌亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/亳亟/舒仂亶从舒 仗舒仆亠仍亳 亳仆仄亠仆仂于..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 仂仗舒于亳亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/亳亟/亟亠仍仆仂亠 亟亠亠于仂 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/亳亟/亟亠仍仆仂亠 仂从仆仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 仆仂仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 舒亰仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 亟舒亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 亟舒亠 仂弍亢亟亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 仂仗舒于亳亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 仗仂仍舒亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 亠仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 于亟亠仍亠仆亳 于亠仂仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 仂仄亠从亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仆仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 于仍仂亢亠仆亳礆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/亠亰 仂亳仂于从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 于仂亰舒舒仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仂 弍于舒仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌仂亳仂于从舒/仗仗亳仂于从舒 仗仂 亠仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/亳亟/仗仗亳仂于从舒 仗仂 亟亳从亳礆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/亳亟/舒亰于亠仆 于亠 仂弍亢亟亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/亳亟/弌于亠仆 于亠 仂弍亢亟亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/亳亟/丕舒仆仂于亳 于亳亟亳仄亠 仗仂仍..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/亠亟亟亠亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/弌仍亠亟ム亠亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/亠亟亟亠亠 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仆仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/弌仍亠亟ム亠亠 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仆仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/亠亟亟亠亠 仆仂于仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/弌仍亠亟ム亠亠 仆仂于仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/亠亟亟亠亠 仂仄亠亠仆仆仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/弌仍亠亟ム亠亠 仂仄亠亠仆仆仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/亠亟亟亠亠 于亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亠 于亠仂仄 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/弌仍亠亟ム亠亠 于亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亠 于亠仂仄 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/亳亟/亠亠亶亳/ 亟亞仂亶 仗舒仗从亠..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/于仂仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/舒仗舒亟仆仂亠于仂仗亠亶从舒 (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亊仗仂仆从舒 (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亊仗仂仆从舒 (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亊仗仂仆从舒 (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳舒亶从舒 舒亟亳亳仂仆仆舒 (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/亳舒亶从舒 (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂亟亳仂于从舒/仂亠亶从舒 (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/亳亟/从 于 仆仂于仂仄 仂从仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/亳亟/仂从舒亰舒 亳仂亟仆亶 亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/亳亟/亠 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/亳亟/弍仆仂于亳 仗亳仂从 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仍亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仍亳/仂仍亳 亠从亠亶 仆仂亶 亰舒仗亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仍亳/仂仍亳 仂 于亠 仆 亰舒仗亳亠亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仍亳/亠于舒 仗仂仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仍亳/仂仍亳 仂 于亠 仆 亰舒仗亳亠亶"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仍亳/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仗舒于亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳 亳亰 仂亠亠亟亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/舒仗亳舒 仆仂于仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/于亠亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/于亠亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/于亠亳.../亠仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/于亠亳.../仗舒于亳亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/于亠亳.../ 仗亳仂从 舒仍从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/亠亠仍舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/亠亠仍舒 从舒从 于仍仂亢亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/亠亠仆舒仗舒于亳 弍亠亰 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/亠亠仄亠亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仗亳仂于舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仄亠亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仄亠亳/仄亠亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仄亠亳/弌仆 仂仄亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仄亠亳/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仄亠亳/仂仄亠亳 从舒从 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仆仂亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仄亠亳/仂仄亠亳 从舒从 仗仂亳舒仆仆仂亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仄亠亳/仂仄亠亳 仂弍亢亟亠仆亳亠 从舒从 仗仂亳舒仆仆仂亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仄亠亳/仂仄亠亳 于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 从舒从 仗仂亳舒仆仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/丕亟舒仍亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仄亠亳 从舒从 仗舒仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/仂仄亠亳 从舒从 仆亠 仗舒仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠/亰仄亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/仂弍舒于亳 仂仗舒于亳亠仍 于 舒亟亠仆 从仆亳亞"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/亳仍仂于舒 于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 于 仗舒仗从亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/亳仍仂于舒 于弍舒仆仆亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/弌仂亰亟舒 仗舒于亳仍仂 亳仍舒亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/弌仂亰亟舒 仗舒于亳仍仂 亳仍舒亳亳/于仂仄舒亳亠从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/弌仂亰亟舒 仗舒于亳仍仂 亳仍舒亳亳/仂 仂仗舒于亳亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/弌仂亰亟舒 仗舒于亳仍仂 亳仍舒亳亳/仂 仗仂仍舒亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/弌仂亰亟舒 仗舒于亳仍仂 亳仍舒亳亳/仂 亠仄亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/亳仍仂于舒 仗舒仄 于 仗舒仗从亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/亳仍仂于舒 仗舒仄 于 于弍舒仆仆 仂仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/丕亟舒仍亳 仗仂于仂ム亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/仗仂仍仆亳 仂仄亠亠仆仆亶 仗仂亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/从仆仂 亢仆舒仍舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/舒仂亶从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/舒仂亶从舒/弍亳亠 仆舒仂亶从亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/舒仂亶从舒/舒仂亶从舒 亳仍舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/舒仂亶从舒/丿舒弍仍仂仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/舒仂亶从舒/亠亶于亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/舒仂亶从舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/舒仂亶从舒/舒仂亶从舒 亠从亠亶 仆仂亶 亰舒仗亳亳... "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/舒仂亶从舒/弌仂亰亟舒 仆仂于 仆 亰舒仗亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/舒仂亶从舒/亠亟舒从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 仆 亰舒仗亳亠亶..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/舒仂亶从舒/亠亠从仍ム亳 亠从 仆 亰舒仗亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/从仂于仂亟于仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/从仂于仂亟于仂/仆亞仍亳亶从仂亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/从仂于仂亟于仂/亊仗仂仆从仂亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/FAQ/仆亞仍亳亶从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/FAQ/亠仄亠从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/FAQ/仗舒仆从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/FAQ/个舒仆亰从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/FAQ/舒仍礌从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/舒舒仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟仆仂亶 仂从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/弌仗舒于从舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "弌仂亰亟舒仆亳亠 亞仍舒于仆仂亞仂 仂从仆舒...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "仍舒于仆仂亠 仂从仆仂: 仗仂弍仍亠仄舒 于亠仂仄 %d\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "于仗仂仍仆亠仆仂.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "亠亰 仆舒亰于舒仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "仆亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "于仂仆仂仄仆舒 舒弍仂舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr " 舒弍仂舒亠亠 于 舒于仂仆仂仄仆仂仄 亠亢亳仄亠. 仂亟从仍ム亳 从 亠亳?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "亳亳 于亠 从仂亰亳仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "丕亟舒仍亳 于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 亳亰 从仂亰亳仆?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "仂弍舒于亳 仗仂仂于亶 亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3717,16 +3725,16 @@ msgstr ""
"仍亳 弍亟亠 从舒亰舒仆 亠于ム亳亶 亳从, 仂 仂仆\n"
"弍亟亠 舒于仂仄舒亳亠从亳 仗仂亳舒仆."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "仂仂于亶 亳从 \"%s\" 亢亠 亠于亠."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "仂仂于亶 亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3736,88 +3744,88 @@ msgstr ""
"仂亰仄仂亢仆仂, 仆亠从仂仂亠 舒亶仍 亢亠 亠于ム, 亳仍亳 于 仆亠 亳仄亠亠亠 仗舒于 仆舒 亰舒仗亳 于 "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 舒仗从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/于亠亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/于亠亳 于亠仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/于亠亳 仂仗舒于亳亠仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/于亠亳 于 仗亳仂从 舒仍从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/亠亠仍舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/亠亠仍舒 从舒从 于仍仂亢亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/亠亠仆舒仗舒于亳 弍亠亰 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "从仂仆从舒 亳 亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "丐亠从 仗舒于舒 仂 亳从仂仆从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "从仂仆从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "丐亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr ""
" 舒弍仂舒亠亠 于 舒于仂仆仂仄仆仂仄 亠亢亳仄亠. 乂仍从仆亳亠 仗仂 亰仆舒从, 仂弍 仗仂亟从仍ム亳."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr " 仗仂亟从仍ム亠仆. 乂仍从仆亳亠 仗仂 亰仆舒从, 仂弍 舒弍仂舒 舒于仂仆仂仄仆仂."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "仂亟"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "亶亳 亳亰 仗仂亞舒仄仄?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "舒舒仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟仆仂亶 仂从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠: sylpheed [丐]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3847,7 +3855,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5940,17 +5948,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "仍仂亢亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "舒舒"
@@ -6247,7 +6258,7 @@ msgstr "仂亳从 于 仗舒仗从亠 \"%s\"..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "仂亳从 于 仗舒仗从亠 \"%s\" (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(亠 亟舒)"
@@ -6309,6 +6320,93 @@ msgstr "仂亟仗亳 仂亰亟舒仆舒 %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗仂于亠从亳 仗仂亟仗亳亳"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "丕亟舒仍亳 仗仂仂于亶 亳从"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "仂仄亠"
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "亳仆"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "弌仂亠亟亳仆亠仆亳亠 亠于亠仂仄 SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "亠 亟舒仍仂 仂亠亟亳仆亳 亠于亠仂仄 POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 亠舒仆舒 POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 亠舒仆舒 POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 从仂仍亳亠于舒 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "亠 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "丕亟舒仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "仗舒于亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "丕亟舒仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6973,10 +7071,6 @@ msgstr "个亳仍舒亳..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 仂亳仍仂于舒仆仂."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "仂仄亠"
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po
index c379ba75..1b90de34 100644
--- a/po/sk.po
+++ b/po/sk.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-22 17:46+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Andrej Kacian <andrej@kacian.sk>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <sk-i18n@lists.linux.sk>\n"
@@ -20,196 +20,196 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Na鱈tavam nastavenia pre v邸etky kont叩...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 spojenie k %s sa preru邸ilo. Znovu prip叩jam...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "Prieinok serveru IMAP"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "vytv叩ram IMAP4 spojenie k %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa vytvori泥 TLS spojenie.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Odstraujem spr叩vu %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Odosielam spr叩vu (%d / %d bajtov)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kop鱈rujem spr叩vu %s%c%d do %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kop鱈rujem spr叩vu %s%c%d do %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Prij鱈mam spr叩vy z %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa nastavi泥 pr鱈znak zmazania: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa odstr叩ni泥\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Prij鱈mam spr叩vy z %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa nastavi泥 pr鱈znak zmazania: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "prieinok sa ned叩 zatvori泥\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "koreov箪 prieinok %s neexistuje\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "pri pr鱈kaze LIST sa vyskytla chyba.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa vytvori泥 '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa vytvori泥 '%s' v INBOXe\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa vytvori泥 schr叩nka: pr鱈kaz LIST zlyhal\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa vytvori泥 schr叩nka\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa premenova泥 schr叩nka: %s na %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "schr叩nka sa ned叩 odstr叩ni泥 \n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "ob叩lka sa ned叩 na鱈ta泥\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Odosielam spr叩vu (%d / %d bajtov)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "pri z鱈skavan鱈 ob叩lky sa vyskytla chyba.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "ob叩lka sa ned叩 pre鱈ta泥: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa pripoji泥 k serveru IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa vytvori泥 IMAP4 spojenie s: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa n叩js泥 ob叩lka\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "prieinok sa ned叩 vytvori泥: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "chyba pri IMAP pr鱈kaze: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 autentiz叩cia bola ne炭spe邸n叩.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "ne炭spe邸n辿 prihl叩senie k IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa napoji泥 %s k %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(posielam s炭bor...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa napoji泥 spr叩va k %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa kop鱈rova泥 %s do %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "chyba pri IMAP pr鱈kaze: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "chyba pri IMAP pr鱈kaze: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "chyba pri IMAP pr鱈kaze: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv nem担転e skonvertova泥 UTF-7 na %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv nem担転e skonvertova泥 %s na UTF-7\n"
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ msgstr "zdrojov箪 prieinok je ten ist箪 ako cie直ov箪.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kop鱈rujem spr叩vu %s%c%d do %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -432,20 +432,20 @@ msgstr "Pri odosielan鱈 sa vyskytla chyba\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Pri odosielan鱈 spr叩vy nastala chyba."
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "V pozdrave nebola n叩jden叩 vy転adovan叩 APOP asov叩 znaka\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Chybn叩 asov叩 znaka v pozdrave\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "V pozdrave nebola n叩jden叩 vy転adovan叩 APOP asov叩 znaka\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "Chyba protokolu POP3\n"
@@ -454,37 +454,37 @@ msgstr "Chyba protokolu POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "neplatn箪 xover riadok: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Odstraujem star炭 spr叩vu %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Preskakujem spr叩vu %d (%d bajtov)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "mailbox je zamknut箪\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "as spojenia vypr邸al\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "nem担転em vytvori泥 TLS rel叩ciu\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "vyskytla sa chyba v autentiz叩cii\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "pr鱈kaz nie je podporovan箪\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "vyskytla sa chyba pri POP3 spojen鱈\n"
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "Prieinok"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Prieinok"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Nepodarilo sa skonvertova泥 k坦d.\n"
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ msgstr ""
"pri vo直be 'Prija泥 v邸etko', zatrhnite pol鱈ko v st頂pci oznaenom 'G'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ msgstr "Pou転鱈vate直sk箪 parameter pre akciu"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Prida泥 adresu do adres叩ra"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres叩r"
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ msgstr "Pozn叩mky"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Vyberte prieinok adres叩ra"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_S炭bor"
@@ -854,10 +854,10 @@ msgstr "/_S炭bor/Nov箪 _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/Nov箪 _Server"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/---"
@@ -874,21 +874,21 @@ msgstr "/_S炭bor/Z_maza泥"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/U_lo転i泥"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/_Zavrie泥"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Upravi泥"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/p_ravy/_Kop鱈rova泥"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/p_ravy/_Prilepi泥"
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adresa/_Upravi泥"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adresa/Z_maza泥"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje"
@@ -934,12 +934,12 @@ msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Importova泥 s炭bor _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Importova泥 s炭bor _LDIF"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/_O programe"
@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Nov箪 _Prieinok"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -996,17 +996,17 @@ msgstr "Otvori泥 adres叩r"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Meno:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Komu:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "K坦pia:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Slep叩 k坦pia:"
@@ -1218,15 +1218,15 @@ msgstr "Spolon叩 adresa"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "S炭kromn叩 adresa"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Upozornenie"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Varovanie"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
@@ -1273,433 +1273,433 @@ msgstr "Hned叩"
msgid "None"
msgstr "貼iadna"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Prida泥..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Odstr叩ni泥"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Vlastnosti..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/U_lo転i泥"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Odosla泥 _nesk担r"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Ulo転i泥 medzi koncepty"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Ulo転i泥 a _pokraova泥 v edit叩cii"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/_Pripoji泥 s炭bor"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/_Vlo転i泥 s炭bor"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/V_lo転i泥 podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/V_lo転i泥 podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/p_ravy"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Z_novu urobi泥"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/p_ravy/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/p_ravy/_Vystrihn炭泥"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Prilepi泥 ako _cit叩ciu"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Vy_bra泥 v邸etko"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/p_ravy/_Zalomi泥 aktu叩lny odstavec"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Zalomi泥 v邸etky _dlh辿 riadky"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/p_ravy/_Kop鱈rova泥"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Komu"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/K坦_pia"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Slep叩 k坦pia"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Odpove komu"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/O_dovzda泥 komu"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/P_rav鱈tko"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pr鱈_lohy"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/In箪 prieino_k..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/Zostupne"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/Zostupne"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Z叩padn叩 Eur坦pa (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Z叩padn叩 Eur坦pa (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Stredn叩 Eur坦pa (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/_Pobaltie (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Pobaltie (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Cyrilika (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Gr辿cko (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Pobaltie (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Cyrilika (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Gr辿cko (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Cyrilika (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Turecko (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Cyrilika (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Cyrilika (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Cyrilika (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Cyrilika (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Japonsko (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Zjednodu邸en叩 鱈n邸tina (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Zjednodu邸en叩 鱈n邸tina (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Tradin叩 鱈n邸tina (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/K坦rea (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Thajsko (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Thajsko (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Adres叩r"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/a_bl坦na"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/A_kcie"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/p_ravy/Upravi泥 e_xtern箪m editorom"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/A_kcie"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Za邸ifrova泥"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/V_ykona泥"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/a_bl坦na"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: s炭bor neexistuje\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa z鱈ska泥 as泥 textu\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Chyba v 炭vodzovk叩ch."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Chyba form叩tu odpovede/preposielania."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "S炭bor %s neexistuje\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa zisti泥 d頂転ka s炭boru %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "S炭bor %s je pr叩zdny."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Ned叩 sa 鱈ta泥 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Spr叩va: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ned叩 sa z鱈ska泥 as泥 viacdielnej spr叩vy."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(bez predmetu)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - P鱈sanie spr叩vy%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nie je uren箪 pr鱈jemca."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Predmet"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Predmet je pr叩zdny. Odosla泥 napriek tomu?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Pr鱈lohy"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Automaticky nastavi泥 nasleduj炭ce adresy"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Od:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Predmet:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Odosla泥"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "ned叩 sa z鱈ska泥 zoznam pr鱈jemcov."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1707,40 +1707,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Nie je uren辿 konto pre odosielanie spr叩v.\n"
"Pred odosielan鱈m pros鱈m zvo直te po邸tov辿 konto."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Pri odosielan鱈 spr叩vy na %s nastala chyba."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Spr叩va sa ned叩 ulo転i泥 medzi odoslan辿 spr叩vy."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Nem担転em n叩js泥 転iadny k直炭 asociovan箪 so zvolen箪m ID k直炭a `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Spr叩va sa ned叩 zaradi泥 do fronty."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Spr叩va sa ned叩 zaradi泥 do fronty."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Spr叩va sa ned叩 zaradi泥 do fronty."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa zmeni泥 m坦d s炭boru\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1751,12 +1751,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s na %s.\n"
"Odosla泥 spr叩vu aj napriek tomu?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Chyba pri konverzii adres叩ra"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1765,15 +1765,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1782,91 +1782,92 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa odstr叩ni泥 star叩 spr叩va\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "zaraujem spr叩vu do fronty...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "nem担転em n叩js泥 prieinok Na odoslanie\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "nem担転em zaradi泥 spr叩vu do fronty\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "S炭bor %s neexistuje\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Nem担転em otvori泥 s炭bor %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "vygenerovan箪 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩ram okno pre p鱈sanie spr叩vy...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/A_kcie"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Za邸ifrova泥"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME typ"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Ve直kos泥"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Neplatn箪 MIME typ."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "S炭bor neexistuje alebo je pr叩zdny."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "K坦dov叩 str叩nka"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Cesta"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "N叩zov s炭boru"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Neplatn箪 pr鱈kaz pre extern箪 editor: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1876,52 +1877,52 @@ msgstr ""
"Ukoni泥 ho n叩silne?\n"
"skupinov箪 ID procesu: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Spr叩va sa ned叩 zaradi泥 do fronty."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Vybra泥 s炭bor"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Vybra泥 s炭bor"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Odosla泥 spr叩vu"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Obsah spr叩vy sa zmenil. Chcete zahodi泥 zmeny?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Chcete pou転i泥 邸abl坦nu `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Pou転i泥 邸abl坦nu"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Nahradi泥"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Vlo転i泥"
@@ -2384,12 +2385,12 @@ msgstr "Nastavujem inform叩cie o prieinku...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Nastavujem inform叩cie o prieinku..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Preh直ad叩vam prieinok %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Preh直ad叩vam prieinok %s ..."
@@ -2559,7 +2560,8 @@ msgstr "Diskusn辿 skupiny:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩ram n叩h直ad hlaviky...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(nie je zn叩my odosielate直)"
@@ -2748,155 +2750,155 @@ msgstr "Importova泥 s炭bor LDIF do adres叩ra"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atrib炭ty"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Dokonen辿 (%d nov箪ch spr叩v)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autentiz叩cia"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Prij鱈mam nov辿 spr叩vy"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "akajte"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Zru邸en辿"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Prij鱈mam"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Hotovo (%d spr叩v (%s) prijat箪ch)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Hotovo (転iadne nov辿 spr叩vy)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Spojenie zlyhalo"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Autentiz叩cia zlyhala"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Zamknut辿"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timeout (v sekund叩ch)"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Dokonen辿 (%d nov箪ch spr叩v)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Dokonen辿 (転iadne nov辿 spr叩vy)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Pri prij鱈man鱈 po邸ty sa vyskytli chyby."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "prij鱈mam nov辿 spr叩vy pre konto %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autentiz叩cia"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Prij鱈mam nov辿 spr叩vy"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Prip叩jam sa k serveru POP3: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa pripoji泥 k serveru POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Autentiz叩cia..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Prij鱈mam spr叩vy z %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Z鱈skavam poet nov箪ch spr叩v (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Z鱈skavam poet nov箪ch spr叩v (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Z鱈skavam poet nov箪ch spr叩v (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Z鱈skavam ve直kos泥 spr叩v (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Odstraujem spr叩vu %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Odp叩jam sa"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Prij鱈mam spr叩vu (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Prij鱈mam (%d spr叩v (%s) prijat箪ch)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Spojenie zlyhalo."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Pri spracov叩van鱈 po邸ty sa vyskytla chyba."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2905,28 +2907,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Pri spracov叩van鱈 po邸ty sa vyskytla chyba:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Na disku u転 nie je miesto."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Ned叩 sa zapisova泥 do s炭boru."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Chyba socketu."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Vzdialen箪 hostite直 ukonil spojenie."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Mailbox je zamknut箪."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2935,11 +2938,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Mailbox je zamknut箪:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Autentiz叩cia bola ne炭spe邸n叩."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2948,16 +2951,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Autentiz叩cia bola ne炭spe邸n叩:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
#, fuzzy
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "as spojenia vypr邸al\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Zaleovanie zru邸en辿\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Prij鱈mam nov辿 spr叩vy z %s do %s...\n"
@@ -2975,20 +2978,20 @@ msgstr "Zadajte heslo"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Z叩znam protokolu"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "glib nepodporuje g_thread.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Pou転itie: %s [VO捗BY]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresa] otvor鱈 okno pre p鱈sanie novej spr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2999,23 +3002,23 @@ msgstr ""
" s炭bormi"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive prijme nov辿 spr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all prijme nov辿 spr叩vy pre v邸etky kont叩"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send po邸le v邸etky spr叩vy vo v箪stupnej fronte"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [prieinok]... zobraz鱈 celkov箪 poet spr叩v"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -3023,50 +3026,50 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [prieinok]...\n"
" zobraz鱈 stav jednotliv箪ch prieinkov"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug ladiaci m坦d"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug ladiaci m坦d"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help zobraz鱈 t炭to n叩povedu a ukon鱈 program"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr ""
" --version zobraz鱈 inform叩cie o verzii a ukon鱈 program"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
"alebo stlate kl叩vesu 'y'.\n"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "V箪stupn辿 k坦dovanie znakov"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3080,19 +3083,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "M叩te rozp鱈san炭 spr叩vu. Naozaj ukoni泥?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Spr叩vy vo fronte"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Vo fronte s炭 neodoslan辿 spr叩vy. Ukoni泥 program?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3101,717 +3104,722 @@ msgstr ""
"Podpora OpenPGP je vypnut叩."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "u転 be転鱈 in叩 k坦pia Sylpheedu.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Nastavenie akci鱈"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/P_rieinok"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_S炭bor/P_rieinok/Vytvori泥 _nov箪 prieinok..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_S炭bor/P_rieinok/P_remenova泥 prieinok..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_S炭bor/P_rieinok/P_remenova泥 prieinok..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/P_rieinok/O_dstr叩ni泥 prieinok"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/_Prida泥 schr叩nku..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_S炭bor/_Prida泥 schr叩nku..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Odstr叩ni泥 schr叩nku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/P_rieinok/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/P_rija泥 nov辿 spr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/P_rieinok/Pri_ja泥 nov辿 spr叩vy vo v邸etk箪ch prieinkoch"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/O_bnovi泥 邸trukt炭ru prieinkov"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_S炭bor/_Importova泥 s炭bor mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_S炭bor/_Exportova泥 do s炭boru mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/Vyisti泥 odpadkov箪 _k担邸"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_S炭bor/_Ulo転i泥 ako..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_S炭bor/_Ulo転i泥 ako..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_S炭bor/_Tlai泥..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/P_racova泥 odpojen箪"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_S炭bor/Uk_oni泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_pravy/Zvoli泥 _vl叩kno"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_pravy/Vy_h直ada泥 v aktu叩lnej spr叩ve..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_pravy/_Vyh直ada泥 v spr叩vach..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/p_ravy/_Prilepi泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/_Strom prieinkov"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/_Zobrazenie spr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/_Panel n叩strojov"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/_Panel n叩strojov/Ikony _a text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/_Panel n叩strojov/_Ikony"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/_Panel n叩strojov/_Ikony"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/_Panel n叩strojov/_Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/_Panel n叩strojov/貼iad_ne"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/Stavov箪 _riadok"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/Stavov箪 _riadok"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/In箪 prieino_k..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a _odosielate直a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Samostatn箪 str_om prieinkov"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Samostatn辿 zobraz_enie spr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a 鱈_sla"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a _ve直kosti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a _d叩tumu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a _d叩tumu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a _odosielate直a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a _pr鱈jemcu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a p_redmetu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a _farebn辿ho oznaenia"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a _znaky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a pr_e鱈tania"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/pod直a pr鱈_loh"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/_Netriedi泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/Vzostupne"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/Zostupne"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Triedi泥/Zos_kupi泥 pod直a predmetu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Zobrazi泥 _vl叩kna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Rozbali泥 v邸etky vl叩kna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Zba_li泥 v邸etky vl叩kna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Nastav_i泥 zobrazovan辿 polo転ky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/_Predo邸l炭 spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/_al邸iu spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/P_redo邸l炭 nepre鱈tan炭 spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/al邸iu n_epre鱈tan炭 spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/Predo邸l炭 no_v炭 spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/al邸i_u nov炭 spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/Predo邸l炭 _oznaen炭 spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/al邸iu o_znaen炭 spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/Predo邸l炭 spr叩vu s n叩vest鱈_m"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/a_l邸iu spr叩vu s n叩vest鱈m"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Pre_js泥 na/In箪 prieino_k..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/_Automatick辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Z叩padn叩 Eur坦pa (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Japonsko (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Japonsko (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Japonsko (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/Tradin叩 鱈n邸tina (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/鱈n邸tina (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_K坦dovanie/K坦rea (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Otvori泥 v _novom okne"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/Zdrojov箪 k坦d spr叩v_y"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/V邸etky _hlaviky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Aktualizova泥 zoznam"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Prija泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Prija泥/Z _aktu叩lneho konta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Prija泥/Zo _v邸etk箪ch k担nt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Prija泥/_Ukoni泥 prij鱈manie"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Prija泥/Zo _v邸etk箪ch k担nt"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Prija泥/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Odosla泥 spr叩vy vo fronte"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Nap鱈sa泥 nov炭 spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/O_dpoveda泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Odpo_veda泥 komu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Odpoved_a泥 komu/_v邸etk箪m"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Od_poveda泥 komu/_odosielate直ovi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Od_poveda泥 komu/do _diskusnej skupiny"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Posla泥 alej"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Posla泥 ako p_r鱈lohu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Pre_smerova泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Pres_un炭泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Kop鱈rova泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/O_znai泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/O_znai泥/O_znai泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/O_znai泥/O_dznai泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/O_znai泥/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/O_znai泥/Oznai泥 ako _nepre鱈tan辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/O_znai泥/Oznai泥 ako _pre鱈tan辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/O_znai泥/Oznai泥 ako _pre鱈tan辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/O_znai泥/Oznai泥 _v邸etky ako pre鱈tan辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Z_maza泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Odosla泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/Znovu _editova泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Prida泥 _odosielate直a do adres叩ra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Filtrova泥 spr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Filtrova泥 spr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Vytvori泥 pravidlo fi_ltra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Vytvori泥 pravidlo fi_ltra/_Automaticky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Vytvori泥 pravidlo fi_ltra/pod直a _odosielate直a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Vytvori泥 pravidlo fi_ltra/pod直a _pr鱈jemcu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Vytvori泥 pravidlo fi_ltra/pod直a p_redmetu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Filtrova泥 spr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Filtrova泥 spr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Zmaza泥 du_plik叩tne spr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "Vykona泥 oznaen箪 proces"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Okno _z叩znamu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/Nastav_enia"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/Nastav_enia/_V邸eobecn辿 nastavenia..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/Nastav_enia/Nastavenie _filtru..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/Nastav_enia/_abl坦na..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/Nastav_enia/_Akcie..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/Nastav_enia/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/Nastav_enia/Nastavenia akt鱈vneho _konta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/Nastav_enia/Vytvori泥 _nov辿 konto..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/Nastav_enia/_Upravi泥 kont叩..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/Nastav_enia/_Zmeni泥 akt鱈vne konto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/_Manu叩l"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/_Manu叩l/_Anglicky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/_Manu叩l/_Japonsky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/_FAQ/_Anglicky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/_FAQ/_Japonsky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/_FAQ/_panielsky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/_FAQ/_Franc炭zky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/_FAQ/_Taliansky"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "Nebol zadan箪 pr鱈kazov箪 riadok."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/N叩po_veda/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩ram hlavn辿 okno...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Hlavn辿 Okno: alok叩cia farieb %d bola ne炭spe邸n叩\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "hotovo.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Bez n叩zvu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "転iadny"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Odpojen辿"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "Ste odpojen箪. Pripoji泥 sa?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Vypr叩zdni泥 k担邸"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Zmaza泥 v邸etky spr叩vy v ko邸i?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Prida泥 mailbox"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3822,16 +3830,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Ak zad叩te existuj炭ci mailbox, bude\n"
"automaticky preh直adan箪."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Mailbox '%s' u転 existuje."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Mailbox"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3841,95 +3849,95 @@ msgstr ""
"Pravdepodobne u転 niektor辿 s炭bory existuj炭, alebo tam nem叩te pr叩va na "
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Zobrazenie prieinku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Zobrazenie spr叩vy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Odpoveda泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "Odpoveda泥 odosielate直ovi i v邸etk箪m pr鱈jemcom"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/O_dpoveda泥 komu/_odosielate直ovi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/O_dpoveda泥 komu/do _diskusnej skupiny"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Posla泥 alej"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Posla泥 alej ako p_r鱈lohu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Pr_esmerova泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Zobrazi泥/_Uk叩za泥 alebo skry泥/_Panel n叩strojov/_Ikony"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "貼iadna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "Ste odpojen箪. Kliknite na ikonu, ak sa chcete pripoji泥."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "Ste pripojen箪. Kliknite na ikonu, ak sa chcete odpoji泥."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Ukoni泥"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Ukoni泥 program"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Nebol zadan箪 pr鱈kazov箪 riadok."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Pou転itie: %s [VO捗BY]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3946,7 +3954,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6117,17 +6125,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Pr鱈loha"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Predmet"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "D叩tum"
@@ -6440,7 +6451,7 @@ msgstr "Preh直ad叩vam prieinok %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Filtrujem..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(bez d叩tumu)"
@@ -6508,6 +6519,93 @@ msgstr "Podp鱈san辿 da %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Chyba pri overovan鱈 podpisu"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Odstr叩ni泥 schr叩nku"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Prija泥"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Prip叩jam sa k serveru SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Nepodarilo sa pripoji泥 k serveru POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "vyskytla sa chyba pri POP3 spojen鱈\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "vyskytla sa chyba pri POP3 spojen鱈\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Odosielam spr叩vu (%d / %d bajtov)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Z鱈skavam poet nov箪ch spr叩v (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "貼iadne nov辿 spr叩vy."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Zmaza泥 spr叩vy"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Prij鱈mam nov辿 spr叩vy"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Odosla泥 spr叩vu"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Prij鱈mam nov辿 spr叩vy"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Prij鱈mam spr叩vy z %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Zmaza泥 spr叩vy"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7173,10 +7271,6 @@ msgstr "Filtrujem..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr ""
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/sl.po b/po/sl.po
index 0fc960d6..125cf881 100644
--- a/po/sl.po
+++ b/po/sl.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-01-24 20:39CET\n"
"Last-Translator: Jernej Kovacic <jkovacic@email.si>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian <translator-team-sl@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
@@ -18,201 +18,201 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Berem vse nastavitve za vsak raun...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "Povezava IMAP4 do %s%d se je prekinila. Povezujem se znova...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "Imenik stre転nika IMAP"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "delam povezavo IMAP4 do %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Ne morem prieti seje TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Bri邸em sporoilo %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Po邸iljam sporoilo (%d / %d zlogov)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Prestavljam sporoilo %s%c%d v %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kopiram sporoilo %s%c%d v %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Sprejemam sporoila iz %s v %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "ne morem nastaviti izbrisanih zastavic: %d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "ne morem izbrisati\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Sprejemam sporoila iz %s v %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "ne morem nastaviti izbrisanih zastavic: 1:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "ne morem izbrati mape: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "Datoteka z oznakami ni bila najdena.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "med dobivanjem LIST je pri邸lo do napake.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Ne morem narediti '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "Ne morem narediti '%s' pod mapo Prejeto\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "ne morem narediti po邸tnega predala: LIST ni uspel\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "ne morem narediti po邸tnega predala\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ne morem preimenovati po邸tnega predala: %s v %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "ne morem izbrisati po邸tnega predala\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "ne morem dobiti ovojnice\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "Po邸iljam sporoilo (%d / %d zlogov)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "med dobivanjem ovojnice je pri邸lo do napake.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "ne morem razleniti ovojnice: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ne morem se povezati s stre転nikom IMAP4: %s%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ne morem vzpostaviti seje IMAP4 z: %s%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "ne morem dobiti imenskega prostora\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "ne morem izbrati mape: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "napaka med IMAPovim ukazom: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Overovitvena metoda"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "Prijava na IMAP4 ni uspela.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ne morem pripeti %s na %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(po邸iljam datoteko...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "ne morem dodati sporoila %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ne morem kopirati %d na %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "napaka med IMAPovim ukazom: STORE %d:%d %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "napaka med IMAPovim ukazom: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
#, fuzzy
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "napaka med IMAPovim ukazom: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv ne more pretvoriti UTF-7 v %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv ne more pretvoriti %s v UTF-7\n"
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ msgstr "Izvorna mapa je identina ciljni.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kopiram sporoilo %s%c%d v %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -435,20 +435,20 @@ msgstr "Med po邸iljanjem je pri邸lo do napake\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Med obdelavo po邸te je pri邸lo do napake."
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "V pozdravu ni bila najdena zahtevana asovna znaka APOP\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Skladenjska napaka asovne znake v pozdravu\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "V pozdravu ni bila najdena zahtevana asovna znaka APOP\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "Napaka v protokolu POP3\n"
@@ -457,38 +457,38 @@ msgstr "Napaka v protokolu POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "neveljavna vrstica xover: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: bri邸em poteklo sporoilo %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Izpu邸am sporoilo %d (%d zlogov)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "po邸tni predal je zaklenjen\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "ne morem prieti seje TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "Med preverjanjem istovetnosti je pri邸lo do napake\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
#, fuzzy
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "Ukaz"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "Med preverjanjem istovetnosti je pri邸lo do napake\n"
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ msgstr "Mapa"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Mapa"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Pretvorba kodiranja ni uspela.\n"
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ msgstr ""
"v stolpcu `G', da omogoite pobiranje sporoil z ukazom `Poberi vsa'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Dodaj naslov v adresar"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Naslov"
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ msgstr "Opombe"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Izberite mapo za adresar"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Datoteka"
@@ -860,10 +860,10 @@ msgstr "/_Datoteka/Nov _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Nov _stre転nik"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/---"
@@ -880,21 +880,21 @@ msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Brisanje"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Shranjevanje"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Zapri"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Urejanje"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/Uredi/_Kopiraj"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Prilepi"
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ msgstr "/_Naslov/_Urejanje"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Naslov/_Brisanje"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Orodja"
@@ -940,12 +940,12 @@ msgstr "/_Orodja/Uvoz datoteke _LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Orodja/Uvoz datoteke _LDIF"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Pomo"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_O programu"
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Nova _mapa"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -1002,17 +1002,17 @@ msgstr "Imenik naslovov"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Ime:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Za:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Kp:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Skp:"
@@ -1223,15 +1223,15 @@ msgstr "Skupni naslov"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Osebni naslov"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Opomba"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Opozorilo"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Napaka"
@@ -1278,434 +1278,434 @@ msgstr "Rjava"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ni"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Dodaj"
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Odstrani"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Lastnost..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Shranjevanje"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Po邸_lji pozneje"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Shrani v mapo _draft"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Po邸_lji in nadaljuj z urejanjem"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Pripni d_atoteko"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/Datoteka/Vr_ini datoteko"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/Datoteka/Vrini _podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/Datoteka/Vrini _podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Razveljavi"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Obnovi"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Uredi/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Uredi/I_zre転i"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Prilepi kot _citat"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Izberi _vse"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Prelomi trenutni odstavek"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Prelomi vse _dolge vrstice"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/Uredi/_Kopiraj"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Pogled"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Ogled/_Komu"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Ogled/K_p"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Ogled/_SKp"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Ogled/_Odgovor za"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Pogled/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Sledi do"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Pogled/R_avnilo"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Priloga"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/_Druga mapa"
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/Pa_dajoe"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/Pa_dajoe"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/7 bitni ASCII (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/Videz/Nabor zna_kov/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Zahodnoevropski (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Zahodnoevropski (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Srednjeevropski (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/_Baltski (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Baltski (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Cirilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Gr邸ki (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Baltski (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Cirilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Gr邸ki (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Cirilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Tur邸ki (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Cirilica (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Cirilica (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Cirilica (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Cirilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Japonski (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Poenostavljena kitaj邸ina (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Poenostavljena kitaj邸ina (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Tradicionalna kitaj邸ina (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Korejski (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Tajski (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Tajski (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Adresar"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Predloga"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Orodja/Deja_nja"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Orodja/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Uredi z _zunanjim urejevalnikom"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Orodja/Deja_nja"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/_Enkripcija"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Izvr邸i"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Predloga"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: datoteka ne obstaja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Ne morem dobiti tekstovnega dela\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Napaka pri oblikovanju znaka za citiranje."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Napaka pri oblikovanju odgovora/posredovanja sporoila."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne obstaja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ne morem dobiti velikosti datoteke %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka %s je prazna."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Ne morem prebrati %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Sporoilo: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ne morem dobiti dela vedelnega sporoila."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Brez zadeve)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Sestavi sporoilo%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Naslovnik ni doloen."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Zadeva"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Zadeva sporoila je prazna. Naj kljub temu po邸ljem?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Priloge"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Samodejno nastavi sledee naslove"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Po邸iljatelj:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Zadeva:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Po邸lji"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "ne morem dobiti seznama naslovnikov"
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1713,40 +1713,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Raun za po邸iljanje po邸te ni doloen.\n"
"Prosim, pred po邸iljanjem izberite po邸tni raun."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Med po邸iljanjem sporoila %s je pri邸lo do napake."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Ne morem shraniti sporoila v imenik Outbox."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Ne najdem tipke, ki bi bila povezana z identifikatorjem tipke `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Ne morem prelo転iti po邸iljanja sporoila."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Ne morem prelo転iti po邸iljanja sporoila."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Ne morem prelo転iti po邸iljanja sporoila."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "Ne morem spremeniti pravic do dostopa do datoteke\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1756,12 +1756,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Ne morem pretvoriti nabora znakov sporoila.\n"
"Naj ga kljub temu po邸ljem?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Napaka pri pretvorbi imenika naslovov"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1770,15 +1770,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1787,92 +1787,93 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "ne morem odstraniti starega sporoila\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "prestavljam sporoilo v mapo akajoe...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "ne najdem mape s akajoimi sporoili\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "ne morem prelo転iti sporoila\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne obstaja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Ne morem odpreti datoteke %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "generiran Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Odpiram okno za sestavljanje sporoila...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Orodja/Deja_nja"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/_Enkripcija"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tip MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Velikost"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Napaen tip MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka ne obstaja ali pa je prazna."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Lastnost"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Nabor znakov"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Pot"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Ukazna vrstica za zunanji urejevalnik je neveljavna: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1882,52 +1883,52 @@ msgstr ""
"Ali naj ga prisilim k prekinitvi?\n"
"t. skupine procesov: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Ne morem prelo転iti po邸iljanja sporoila."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Izberi datoteko"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Izberi datoteko"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Po邸lji sporoilo"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "To sporoilo je bilo spremenjeno. Naj ga zavr転em?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Ali 転elite uporabiti predlogo `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Uporabi predlogo"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Zamenjaj"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Vstavi"
@@ -2388,12 +2389,12 @@ msgstr "Nastavljam informacije o mapi...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Nastavljam informacije o mapi..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Preiskujem mapo %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Preiskujem mapo %s ..."
@@ -2564,7 +2565,8 @@ msgstr "Noviarske skupine:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Delam gledanje zaglavja...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Brez po邸iljatelja)"
@@ -2753,211 +2755,212 @@ msgstr "Uvozi datoteko LDIF v imenik naslovov"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atributi"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Konano (%d novih sporoil)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Overovljam"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Prena邸am nova sporoila"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "V pripravljenosti"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Preklicano"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Prena邸am"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Opravljeno (%d sporoil (%s) prejetih)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Opravljeno (ni novih sporoil)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Povezava ni uspela"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Overovitev ni uspela"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Zaklenjeno"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "as izteka (sek.)"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Konano (%d novih sporoil)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Konano (ni novih sporoil)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Med prejemanjem po邸te je pri邸lo do nekaterih napak."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "sprejemam nova sporoila z rauna %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Overovljam"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Prena邸am nova sporoila"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Povezujem se s stre転nikom POP: %s"
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ne morem se povezati s stre転nikom POP: %s%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Overovljam..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Sprejemam sporoila iz %s v %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Ugotavljam 邸tevilo novih sporoil (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Ugotavljam 邸tevilo novih sporoil (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Ugotavljam 邸tevilo novih sporoil (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Ugotavljam velikost sporoil (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Bri邸em sporoilo %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Zapu邸am"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Prena邸am sporoilo (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Opravljeno (%d sporoil (%s) prejetih)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Povezava ni uspela"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Med obdelavo po邸te je pri邸lo do napake."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
msgstr "Med obdelavo po邸te je pri邸lo do napake."
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Na disku ni prostora."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Ne morem napisati datoteke."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "napaka v prikljuku."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Po邸tni predal je zaklenjen."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
msgstr "Po邸tni predal je zaklenjen."
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Overovitvena metoda"
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
msgstr "Overovitvena metoda"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Pripojitev odpovedana\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Pobiram nova sporoila iz %s v %s...\n"
@@ -2975,20 +2978,20 @@ msgstr "Vnesite geslo"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Dnevnik protokola"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread ni podprt v glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Uporaba: %s [MO貼NOST]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [naslov] odpri okno za sestavljanje novega sporoila"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2998,73 +3001,73 @@ msgstr ""
" odpri okno za sestavljanje s pripetimi\n"
" podanimi datotekami"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive poberi nova sporoila"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all poberi nova sporoila z vseh raunov"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send po邸lji vsa akajoa sporoila"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status prika転i skupno 邸tevilo sporoil"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status prika転i skupno 邸tevilo sporoil"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug razhro邸evalni nain"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug razhro邸evalni nain"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help prika転i to pomo in konaj"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version prika転i informacijo o razliici in konaj"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
"ali pritisnite tipko `y'.\n"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Izhodni nabor znakov"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3078,19 +3081,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "e vedno sestavljate sporoilo. Ali naj res konam?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "akajoa sporoila"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Nekaj neposlamih sporoil je na akanju. Ali naj konam?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3099,723 +3102,728 @@ msgstr ""
"Podpora za OpenPGP je izkljuena."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Sylpheed 転e tee.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Pi邸em nastavitve dejanj..\n"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Mapa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Mapa/Naredi _novo mapo..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Mapa/_Preimenuj mapo..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Mapa/_Preimenuj mapo..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Mapa/I_zbri邸i mapo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Dodaj po邸tni predal..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Dodaj po邸tni predal..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/Odstrani po邸tni pre_dal"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Mapa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Preveri nova sporoila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/Datoteka/_Preveri nova sporoila v vseh imenikih"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/Ponovno z_gradi drevo map"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Uvozi datoteko mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Izvozi v datoteko mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Izprazni sme_tnjak"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Shrani kot..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Shrani kot..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Natisni..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/Datoteka/Vr_ini datoteko"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Konaj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Izberi _nit"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Urejanje/_Iskanje v trenutnem sporoilu..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Urejanje/Iskanje _sporoil"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Prilepi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/_Drevo map"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/_Ogled sporoila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/O_rodjarna"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/O_rodjarna/Ikone in besedi_lo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/O_rodjarna/_Ikone"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/O_rodjarna/_Ikone"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/O_rodjarna/_Besedilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/_Orodjarna/_Ni"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/_Statusna vrstica"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/_Statusna vrstica"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/_Druga mapa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po _po邸iljatelju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "_Pogled/Posebno drev_o map"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Poseben ogled _sporoila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po 邸_tevilu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po _velikosti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po _datumu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po _datumu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po _po邸iljatelju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po naslovnik_u"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po _zadevi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po _barvi oznak"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po _oznaki"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po _neprebranih"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/po pri_logi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/Ne raz_vrsti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/N_ara邸ajoe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/Pa_dajoe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Razvr邸anje/Pri_vlai po zadevi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Ogled _niti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Raz邸iri _vse niti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Skri vse _niti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nastavi kos za _prikaz..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/_Prej邸nje sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/_Naslednje sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/Pre_j邸nje neprebrano sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/Nas_lednje neprebrano sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/Prej邸nje no_vo sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/Nasled_nje novo sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/Prej邸nje _oznaeno sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/Naslednje o_znaeno sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/Prej邸nje sporoilo z ozna_ko"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/Naslednje sporoilo z oznako"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Pojdi na/_Druga mapa"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/_Samodejno"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Zahodnoevropski (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Japonski (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Japonski (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Japonski (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Tradicionalna kitaj邸ina (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Nabor zna_kov/Kitajski (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Kodni nabor/Korejski (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Poglej/Odpri v _novem oknu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Pogled/I_zvirnik sporoila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Vsa _zaglavja"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Pogled/_Posodobi povzetek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Znova ur_edi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "_Sporoilo/Poberi z vseh _raunov"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "_Sporoilo/Poberi z vseh _raunov"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Odpoved sprejeman_ja"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "_Sporoilo/Poberi z vseh _raunov"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Znova ur_edi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Po邸lji akajoa sporo_ila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/_Novo sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/_Odgovori"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Odgovor _na"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Odgovor _na/_vsem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Odgovori _na/_po邸iljatelju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Odgovor _na/_dopisni seznam"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/Sporoilo/_Posreduj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Posreduj kot prilo_go"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Pre_usmeri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Pres_tavi..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/_Kopiraj..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/O_znai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/O_znai/_Oznai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/O_znai/O_dznai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/O_znai/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/O_znai/Oznai kot _neprebrano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/O_znai/Oznai kot _prebrano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/O_znai/Oznai kot _prebrano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/O_znai/Oznai _vsa kot prebrana"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Z_bri邸i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/_Poberi novo po邸to"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/_Poberi novo po邸to"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/Znova ur_edi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Orodja/Doda_j po邸iljatelja v adresar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Filtriraj sporoila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Filtriraj sporoila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Ustvari pravilo za filtriranje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Ustvari pravilo za filtriranje/S_amodejno"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Ustvari pravilo za filtriranje/po p_o邸iljatelju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Ustvari pravilo za filtriranje/po _naslovniku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Ustvari pravilo za filtriranje/po _zadevi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Filtriraj sporoila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Filtriraj sporoila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Bri邸i podvojena sporoila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "Izvedi oznaen proces"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Orodja/_Dnevni邸ko okno"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Prikrojitev"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Prikrojitev/_Splo邸ne nastavitve..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Prikrojitev/_Nastavitve _filtra..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Prikrojitev/_Predloga..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Prikrojitev/_Dejanja..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Prikrojitev/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Prikrojitev/_Nastavitve za trenutni _raun..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Prikrojitev/Naredi _nov raun..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Prikrojitev/_Uredi raune..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Prikrojitev/Spremeni _trenutni raun"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prironik"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prironik/_Angle邸ina"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prironik/_Japon邸ina"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Pomo/Pogosto _zastavljena vpra邸anja"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Pomo/Pogosto _zastavljena vpra邸anja/_Angle邸ina"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Pomo/Pogosto _zastavljena vpra邸anja/_Nem邸ina"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Pomo/Pogosto _zastavljena vpra邸anja/_pan邸ina"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Pomo/Pogosto _zastavljena vpra邸anja/_Franco邸ina"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Pomo/Pogosto _zastavljena vpra邸anja/_Italijan邸ina"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "Ukazna vrstica ni nastavljena."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Pomo/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Ustvarjam glavno okno...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "GlavnoOkno: alokacija barve %d ni uspela\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "opravljeno.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Brez naslova"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "ni"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Izprazni smetnjak"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Izbri邸em vsa sporoila v smetnjaku?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Dodaj po邸tni predal"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3826,16 +3834,16 @@ msgstr ""
"e je doloen obstojei po邸tni predal,\n"
"bo pregledan samodejno."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Po邸tni predal `%s' 転e obstaja."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Po邸tni predal"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3844,95 +3852,95 @@ msgstr ""
"Izdelava po邸tnega predala ni uspela.\n"
"Morda obstajajo nekatere datoteke ali pa tam nimate dovoljenja za pisanje."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sypheed - ogled mape"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - ogled sporoila"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/O_dgovori"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "Odgovori vsem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Odgovor _za/_po邸iljatelja"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Odgovor _za/_dopisni seznam"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/P_osreduj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Posreduj kot prilo_go"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Pre_usmeri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Pogled/Pri_ka転i ali skrij/O_rodjarna/_Ikone"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Besedilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Ni"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Konaj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Ali naj konam ta program?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Ukazna vrstica ni nastavljena."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Uporaba: %s [MO貼NOST]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3949,7 +3957,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6119,17 +6127,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Priloga"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Zadeva"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6440,7 +6451,7 @@ msgstr "Preiskujem mapo %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Filtriram..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Brez datuma)"
@@ -6508,6 +6519,93 @@ msgstr "Podpis narejen v %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Napaka ob overovljanju podpisa"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Odstrani po邸tni predal"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Ne."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Poberi"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Povezujem se s stre転nikom SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Ne morem se povezati s stre転nikom POP: %s%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "Med preverjanjem istovetnosti je pri邸lo do napake\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "Med preverjanjem istovetnosti je pri邸lo do napake\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "Po邸iljam sporoilo (%d / %d zlogov)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Ugotavljam 邸tevilo novih sporoil (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Ni novih sporoil."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Izbri邸i sporoilo/a"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Prena邸am nova sporoila"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Po邸lji sporoilo"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Prena邸am nova sporoila"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Sprejemam sporoila iz %s v %s...\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Izbri邸i sporoilo/a"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7174,10 +7272,6 @@ msgstr "Filtriram..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "sporoilo %d je 転e v predpomnilniku.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Ne."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/sr.po b/po/sr.po
index 3feb72f0..3913c950 100644
--- a/po/sr.po
+++ b/po/sr.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-11-29 21:08+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: garret <garret@garrets.tk>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian\n"
@@ -19,201 +19,201 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "itanje konfiguracije za svaki nalog...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 veza prema %s:%d je pukla. Povezujem se ponovo...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "Direktorijum IMAP servera"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "ostvarujem IMAP4 vezu prema %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu pokrenuti TLS sesiju.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "Bri邸em poruke %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "aljem poruku (%d / %d bajtova)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Pomeram poruke %s%c%d u %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kopiram poruke %s%c%d u %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Primam poruke sa %s u %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu postaviti obrisane oznake: %d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "ne mogu obrisati\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Primam poruke sa %s u %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "ne mogu postaviti obrisane oznake: 1:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "ne mogu odabrati direktorijum: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "Oznaena datoteka ne postoji.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "do邸lo je do gre邸ke prilikom dohvatanja LISTe.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati '%s' ispod INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati sandue: LIST nije uspeo\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati sandue\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu promeniti ime sandueta %s u %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "ne mogu obrisati sandue\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "ne mogu dobiti omot\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "aljem poruku (%d / %d bajtova)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "do邸lo je do gre邸ke prilikom dobijanja omota.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu analizirati omot: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu se povezati sa IMAP4 serverom: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu se povezati s IMAP4 serverom: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "ne mogu dobiti namespace\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu odabrati direktorijum: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom imap naredbe: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "Nain provere identieta"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 login nije uspeo.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu dodati %s na %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(邸aljem datoteku...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu dodati poruku %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "ne mogu kopirati %d u %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "greka prilikom imap naredbe: STORE %d:%d %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom imap naredbe: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
#, fuzzy
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom imap naredbe: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv ne mo転e prebaciti UTF-7 to %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv ne mo転e prebaciti %s to UTF-7\n"
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ msgstr "izvorni direktorijum jednak je destinaciji.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kopiram poruke %s%c%d u %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -436,20 +436,20 @@ msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke prilikom slanja\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke pri radu s po邸tom."
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Potrebni APOP timestamp nije pronaen u pozdravu\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Syntax gre邸ka u timestampu kod pozdrava\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Potrebni APOP timestamp nije pronaen u pozdravu\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka POP3 protokola \n"
@@ -458,38 +458,38 @@ msgstr "gre邸ka POP3 protokola \n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "pogre邸na xover linija: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Brianje pouka koje su istekle %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Preskakanje poruke %d (%d byte-ova)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "sandue je zakljuano\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "ne mogu pokrenuti TLS sesiju\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom provere identiteta\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
#, fuzzy
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "Naredba"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom provere identiteta\n"
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ msgstr "Direktorijum"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Direktorijum"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Promena koda nije uspjela.\n"
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ msgstr ""
"`G' one naloge sa kojih 転elite skinuti e-po邸tu sa `Primi sve'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Dodaj adresu u adresar"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ msgstr "Bele邸ke"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Odaberite direktorijum adresara"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Datoteka"
@@ -860,10 +860,10 @@ msgstr "/_Datoteka/Novi _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Novi _server"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/---"
@@ -880,21 +880,21 @@ msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Obri邸i"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Sauvaj"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Zatvori"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Izmeni"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/_Kopiraj"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/U_baci"
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adresa/_Izmeni"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adresa/O_bri邸i"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Alati"
@@ -940,12 +940,12 @@ msgstr "/_Datoteka/Unesi _LDIF datoteku"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Unesi _LDIF datoteku"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Pomo"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_O"
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Novi _direktorijum"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -1002,17 +1002,17 @@ msgstr "Adresar"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Ime:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Za:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1217,15 +1217,15 @@ msgstr "Uobiajene adrese"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Line adrese"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Obave邸tenje"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Upozorenje"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Gre邸ka"
@@ -1272,434 +1272,434 @@ msgstr "Smea"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ni邸ta"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Dodaj..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Skloni"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Svojstva..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Sauvaj"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Po邸alji _kasnije"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Snimi u direktorijum _nedovr邸eno"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Po邸alji _kasnije i nastavi da pi邸e邸"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Datoeka/_Prikai datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Unesi datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Unesi _potpis"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Unesi _potpis"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/_Undo"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/_Redo"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/S_eci"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/Ubaci kao _citat"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/Odaberi _sve"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/Sa転mi trenutni _paragraf"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/Sa転mi sve dugake _linije"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/_Kopiraj"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Pregled"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Za"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Cc"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Odgovori"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Pregled/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Pregled/P_rosledi"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Len_jir"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Spajalica"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/Dru_gog direktorijuma..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/Opadajue"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/Opadajue"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Zapadna Evropa (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Zapadna Evropa (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Srednja Evropa (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/_Baltik (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Baltik (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Grka (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Baltik (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Grka (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Turska (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Japan (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Pojednostavljeni Kineski (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Pojednostavljeni Kineski (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Tradicionalni Kineski (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Koreja (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_Alat/_Adresar"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_Alat/_ablon"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_Alat/Akci_je"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_Alati/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_Izmeni/Izmeni sa neza_visnim editorom"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_Alat/Akci_je"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Poruka/_Enkriptuj"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Izvr邸i"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_Alat/_ablon"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: datoteka ne postoji\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu dobiti deo teksta\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Gre邸ka u formatu citata."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Gre邸ka u poruci odgovori/prosledi."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne postoji\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu dobiti veliinu datoteke %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka %s je prazna."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Ne mogu proitati %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Poruka: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ne mogu dobiti deo poruke iz vi邸e delova."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Bez teme)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Pisanje poruke%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Primalac nije upisan."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Tema"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Tema je prazna. Ipak poslati?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Dodatak"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Automatski postavi sledee adrese"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Od:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Tema:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Po邸alji"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "ne mogu dobiti listu prilmalaca."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1707,41 +1707,41 @@ msgstr ""
"Nalog za slanje po邸te nije definisan.\n"
"Odaberite nalog pre slanja."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke prilikom slanja poruke %s -u."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Ne mogu sauvati poruku u direktorijumu poslato."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Ne mogu pronai nijedan klju kome je trenutno dodeljen id kljua `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Ne mogu odlo転iti poruku."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Ne mogu odlo転iti poruku."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Ne mogu odlo転iti poruku."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "ne mogu promeniti atribut datoteke\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1751,12 +1751,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Ne mogu promeniti kodni raspored poruke.\n"
"Da je ipak po邸aljem?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Gre邸ka pri prebacivanju adresara"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1765,15 +1765,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1782,92 +1782,93 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "ne mogu skloniti staru poruku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "odlaganje poruke...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "ne mogu da pronaem direktorijum odlo転eno\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "ne mogu odlo転iti poruku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne postoji\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Ne mogu otvoriti datoteku %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "generisan ID-poruke: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Stvaranje prozora za pisanje...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Alat/Akci_je"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Poruka/_Enkriptuj"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME tip"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Veliina"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Pogre邸an MIME tip"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka ne postoji ili je prazna."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Svojstva"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodiranje"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Putanja"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Naredba za nezavisni editor je pogre邸na: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1877,52 +1878,52 @@ msgstr ""
"Nasilno prekinuti proces?\n"
"grupa procesa: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Ne mogu odlo転iti poruku."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Odaberite datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Odaberite datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Po邸alji poruku"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Ova poruka je promenjena, odbaciti?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "貼elite li primeniti 邸ablon `%s'?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Primeni 邸ablon"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Zameni"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Unesi"
@@ -2383,12 +2384,12 @@ msgstr "Postavljam info direktorijuma...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Postavljam info direktorijuma..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "Pretra転ujem direktorijume %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "Pretra転ujem direktorijum %s ..."
@@ -2559,7 +2560,8 @@ msgstr "News grupe:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Stvaram pregled zaglavlja...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Bez po邸iljaoca)"
@@ -2748,211 +2750,212 @@ msgstr "Unesi LDIF datoteku u Adresar"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atributi"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Zavr邸eno (%d novih poruka)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Provera identiteta"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Primam nove poruke"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Standby"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Otkazano"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Primam"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Gotovo (%d poruke/a (%s) primljeno)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Nema neproitanih poruka"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Veza nije ostvarena"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Identifikacija nije uspela"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Zakljuano"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timeout (sek)"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Zavr邸eno (%d novih poruka)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Nema neproitanih poruka"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸aka prilikom primanja po邸te."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "primam nove poruke za nalog %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Provera identiteta"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Primam nove poruke"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Povezujem se na POP3 server: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu se povezati na POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Prijavljujem se..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "Primam poruke sa %s u %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Preuzimam broj novih poruka (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Preuzimam broj novih poruka (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Preuzimam broj novih poruka (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Preuzimam veliinu poruka (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Bri邸em poruke %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Izlazim"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Primam poruke (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Gotovo (%d poruke/a (%s) primljeno)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Veza nije ostvarena"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke pri radu s po邸tom."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke pri radu s po邸tom."
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Nema vi邸e mesta na disku."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Protokol gre邸ka."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Sandue je zakljuano."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
msgstr "Sandue je zakljuano."
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Nain provere identieta"
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
msgstr "Nain provere identieta"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Incorporation otkazano\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "Primam nove poruke od %s u %s...\n"
@@ -2970,20 +2973,20 @@ msgstr "Unesite lozinku"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Zapis protokola"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "glib ne podr転ava g_thread.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Upotreba: %s [OPCIJA]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresa] otvara prozor za pisanje"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2993,73 +2996,73 @@ msgstr ""
" otvara prozor za pisanje sa navedenim datotekama\n"
" dodato"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive prima nove poruke"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all primi sve poruke sa svih naloga"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 邸alje sve odlo転ene poruke"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status pokazuje ukupan broj poruka"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status pokazuje ukupan broj poruka"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug debug nain"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug debug nain"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help prika転 ovu pomo izai"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version prikazuje verziju i izlazi"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
"ili pritisnite `y卒 tipku.\n"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Izlazni charset"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3073,19 +3076,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Napisana poruka postoji. Zaista prekinuti?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Odlo転ene poruke"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Neke neposlate poruke su odlo転ene. Izai odmah?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3094,724 +3097,729 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP podr邸ka je onemoguena."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "drugi Sylpheed ve radi.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Pisanje konfiguracije za akcije...\n"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Direktorijum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Direktorijum/Kreiraj _novi direktorijum..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Direktorijum/_Preimenuj direktorijum..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Direktorijum/_Preimenuj direktorijum..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Direktorijum/_Obri邸i direktorijum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Dodaj _sandue..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Dodaj _sandue..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Ukloni sandue"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Direktorijum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Proveri ima li novih poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Proveri nove poruke u svim direktorijumima"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/Osv_e転i stablo direktorijuma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Unos mbox datoteku..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Izvoz u mbox datoteku..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Datotkea/Isprazni s_mee"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Snimanje _kao..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/Snimanje _kao..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Datoteka/tampanje..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/_Unesi datoteku"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Datoteka/I_zlaz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Izmene/Odaberi _thread"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Izmne/P_retraga u trenutnoj poruci..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Izmene/_Tra転i poruke..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Uredi/_Pretra転i direktorijum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/_Drvo direktorijuma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/_Pregled poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/_Traka za alat"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/_Traka alata/Ikon_e i text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/_Traka alata/_Ikone"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/_Traka alata/_Ikone"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/_Traka alata/_Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/_Traka alata/_Ni邸ta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/Stat_us traka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/Stat_us traka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/Dru_gog direktorijuma..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po _po邸iljaocu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Odvoji sta_blo direktorijuma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Odvoji pre_gled poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po _broju"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po _veliini"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po _datumu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po _datumu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po _po邸iljaocu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po _veliini"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po _temi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po oznaci bo_je"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po _oznaci"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po _neproitanom"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/po dodat_ku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/Nemoj slo転iti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/Rastue"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/Opadajue"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Slo転i/Privuci po te_mi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Th_read izgled"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Pro邸iri kompletan t_hread"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Skupi komp_letan thread"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Pregled/Postavi po_jedinosti prikaza..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/_Prethodne poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/_Sledee poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/Prethodne _neproitane poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/S_ledee neproitane poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/Prethodne n_ove poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/Sledee no_ve poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/Prethodne oz_naene poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/Sledee o_znaene poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/Prethodne etiketirane poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/Sledee etiketirane poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Idi do/Dru_gog direktorijuma..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/_Auto detekcija"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Zapadna Evropa (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Japan (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Japan (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Japan (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Tradicionalni Kineski (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Kina (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Znakovni standard/Koreja (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Otvori u novom _prozoru"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Iz_vor poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i s_vo zaglavlje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Pregled/_Osve転i rezime"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Poruka"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Poruka/I_zmeni/"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Prove_ri sa svih naloga"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Prove_ri sa svih naloga"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Prekini pri_manje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Poruka/Prove_ri sa svih naloga"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Poruka/I_zmeni/"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Po邸alji _odlo転ene poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Poruka/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Sastavi _novu poruku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Poruka/O_dgovor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Poruka/O_dgovori"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Odgovori/svim_a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Odgovori/po邸il_jaocu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Odgovori/li_sti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Poruka/_Prosledi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Poruka/P_rosledi kao spajalicu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Preus_meri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Poruka/Preme邸tanje..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Poruka/_Kopiranje..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Oznai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Poruka/O_znai/_Oznai"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Poruka/O_znai/_Ukloni oznaku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Poruka/O_znai/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Poruka/O_znai/Oznai kao _neproitano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Poruka/O_znai/Oznai kao _proitano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Poruka/O_znai/Oznai kao _proitano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Poruka/O_znai/Oznai sve _proitano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Brisanje..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Prover_i novu po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Poruka/Prover_i novu po邸tu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Poruka/I_zmeni/"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_Alati/Dodaj po邸iljaoca u adresar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Filtriraj poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Filtriraj poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Napravi pravilo za filtriranje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Napravi pravilo za filtriranje/_Automatski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Napravi pravilo za filtriranje/Po _Od"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Napravi pravilo za filtriranje/Po _Za"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Napravi pravilo za filtriranje/Po _temi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Filtriraj poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Filtriraj poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_Alati/_Obri邸i duple poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "Izvr邸i oznaene procese"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_Alati/Proyor za logove"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/U_obiajene postavke..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/Postavke _filtera..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/_ablon..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/_Akcije..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/_Postavke za trenutni nalog..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/Napravi _nov nalog..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/_Izmeni naloge..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Konfiguracija/Promeni _trenutni nalog"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prirunik"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prirunik/_Engleski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_Prirunik/_Japanski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_FAQ/_Engleski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_FAQ/_Nemaki"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_FAQ/_panski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_FAQ/_Francuski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Pomo/_FAQ/_Italijanski"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "Linija za neredbe nije pode邸ena."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Pomo/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Kreiranje glavnih prozora...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Glavni Prozor: prikaz boje %d nije uspeo\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "gotovo.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Neimenovano"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "ni邸ta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "Isprazni smee"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Isprazniti sve poruke iz smea?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Dodaj sandue"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3822,16 +3830,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Ako je une邸en postojee sandue, automatski\n"
"e biti pretra転en."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Sandue`%s' ve postoji."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Sandue"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3840,95 +3848,95 @@ msgstr ""
"Kreiranje sandueta nije uspelo.\n"
"Mo転da neke datoteke ve postoje ili nemate pravo pisanja u direktoriju."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Direktorijumi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/Od_govor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "Odgovori svima"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/O_dgovori/_po邸iljaocu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/O_dgovori/na mailing _listu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/P_rosledi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Pro_sledi kao dodatak"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Pre_usmeri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Pregled/Prika転i ili s_kloni/_Traka alata/_Ikone"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Ni邸ta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Izlaz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Izlaz iz ovog programa?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Linija za neredbe nije pode邸ena."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Upotreba: %s [OPCIJA]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3945,7 +3953,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6114,17 +6122,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Dodatak"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Tema"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6435,7 +6446,7 @@ msgstr "Pretra転ujem direktorijum %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Filtriranje..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Nema Datuma)"
@@ -6504,6 +6515,93 @@ msgstr "Potpis napravljen %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Gre邸ka pri potvrivanju potpisa"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "/_Ukloni sandue"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Ne."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Primi"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Spajam se na SMTP server: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Ne mogu se povezati na POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom provere identiteta\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "gre邸ka prilikom provere identiteta\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "aljem poruku (%d / %d bajtova)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Preuzimam broj novih poruka (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Nema novih poruka."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Obri邸i poruku/e"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Primam nove poruke"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Po邸alji poruku"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Primam nove poruke"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "Primam poruke sa %s u %s...\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Obri邸i poruku/e"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7172,10 +7270,6 @@ msgstr "Filtriranje..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "poruka %d ve je prihvaena.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Ne."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po
index d1e73537..e56bf531 100644
--- a/po/sv.po
+++ b/po/sv.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-12-05 14:40+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Roger Lindmark <roger.lindmark@bredband.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <sv@li.org>\n"
@@ -19,194 +19,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "L辰ser all konfiguration f旦r varje konto...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "IMAP4-f旦rbindelse till %s har avbrutits. teruppkopplar...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP-server st辰nger av LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "skapar IMAP4-f旦rbindelse till %s:%d...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Kan inte starta TLS-session.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "H辰mtar meddelande %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "L辰gger till meddelande till %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Flyttar meddelande %s till %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "Kopierar meddelanden %s till %s..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "Tar bort meddelanden %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "kan inte s辰tta borttaget-flaggor: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "kan inte utpl奪na\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Tar bort alla meddelanden i %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "kan inte s辰tta borttaget-flaggor: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "kan inte st辰nga mapp\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "rotmapp %s finns inte\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "fel uppstod vid h辰mtning av LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Kan inte skapa \"%s\"\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "kan inte skapa \"%s\" under INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "kan inte skapa brevl奪da: LIST misslyckades\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "kan inte skapa brevl奪da\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kan inte byta namn p奪 brevl奪da %s till %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "kan inte ta bort brevl奪da\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "kan inte h辰mta kuvert\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "H辰mtar meddelandehuvuden (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "fel uppstod vid h辰mtning av kuvert.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "kan inte tolka kuvert: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Kan inte ansluta till IMAP4-server: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Kan inte skapa IMAP4-session med: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "kan inte h辰mta namnutrymme\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "kan inte v辰lja mapp: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "fel vid imapkommando: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4-autentisering misslyckades.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4-inloggning misslyckades.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kan inte l辰gga till %s till %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(skickar fil...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "kan inte l辰gga till meddelande till %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kan inte kopiera %s till %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "fel vid imapkommando: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "fel vid imapkommando: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "fel vid imapkommando: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv kan inte konvertera UTF-7 till %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv kan inte konvertera %s till UTF-7\n"
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ msgstr "ursprungsmappen 辰r identisk med dest.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "Kopierar meddelande %s%c%d till %s...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -435,20 +435,20 @@ msgstr "Fel uppstod vid postning\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Fel uppstod n辰r kommandot skickades\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "N旦dv辰ndig APOP-tidsmarkering inte funnen i h辰lsning\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Syntaxfel p奪 tidsmarkering i h辰lsning\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "N旦dv辰ndig APOP-tidsmarkering inte funnen i h辰lsning\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3-protokollfel\n"
@@ -457,37 +457,37 @@ msgstr "POP3-protokollfel\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "felaktigt UIDL-svar: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Tar bort utg奪nget meddelande %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Hoppar 旦ver meddelande %d (%d byte)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "brevl奪dan 辰r l奪st\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "sessionens v辰ntetid tog slut\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "kan inte starta TLS-session\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "fel uppstod vid autentisering\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "kommando 辰r inte st旦tt\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "fel uppstod vid POP3-session\n"
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ msgstr "Skr辰ppostfilter"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Skr辰ppostfilter"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Kodkonvertering misslyckades.\n"
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ msgstr ""
"via \"H辰mta alla\""
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ msgstr "tg辰rdens anv辰ndarargument"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "L辰gg till i adressbok"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adress"
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ msgstr "Kommentarer"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "V辰lj adressboksmapp"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Arkiv"
@@ -857,10 +857,10 @@ msgstr "/_Arkiv/Ny _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/Ny _Server"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/---"
@@ -877,21 +877,21 @@ msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Ta bort"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Spara"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/St_辰ng"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_Redigera"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_Redigera/_Kopiera"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_Redigera/Klistra _in"
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ msgstr "/A_dress/_Redigera"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_A_dress/_Ta bort"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/V_erktyg"
@@ -937,12 +937,12 @@ msgstr "/V_erktyg/Importera _LDIF-fil"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/Importera _LDIF-fil"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/_Om"
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Ny _mapp"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -999,17 +999,17 @@ msgstr "Adressbok"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Namn:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Till:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Kopia:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Dold kopia:"
@@ -1214,15 +1214,15 @@ msgstr "Vanlig adress"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Privat adress"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notera"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Varning"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fel"
@@ -1269,400 +1269,400 @@ msgstr "Brun"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ingen"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_L辰gg till..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Ta bort"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_Egenskaper..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Skicka"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/S_kicka senare"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/Spara i _utkast-mappen"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/Spara och _forts辰tt redigera"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Bifoga fil"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Infoga fil"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/Infoga si_gnatur"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/Infoga si_gnatur"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_Redigera/_ngra"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_Redigera/G旦r _om"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_Redigera/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_Redigera/Klipp _ut"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_Redigera/Klistra in som _citat"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_Redigera/Markera _allt"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_Redigera/Bryt rader i _stycke"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_Redigera/Bryt _l奪nga rader"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_Redigera/Automatisk _radbrytning"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Visa"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Till"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Kopia"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Dold kopia"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Svara till"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Visa/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Visa/_F旦lj upp till"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Linjal"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Bilagor"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/_En annan mapp..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/_Automatisk"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/7 bitars ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/V辰steuropeisk (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/_V辰steuropeisk (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Centraleuropeisk (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/_Baltisk (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Baltisk (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Kyrillisk (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Grekisk (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Baltisk (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Kyrillisk (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Hebreisk (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Hebreisk (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Turkisk (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Kyrillisk (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Kyrillisk (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Kyrillisk (KOI8-_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Kyrillisk (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Japansk (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/F旦renklad kinesisk (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/F旦renklad kinesisk (_GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Traditionell kinesisk (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Koreansk (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Adressbok"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Mall"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_tg辰rder"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/Redigera med e_xtern redigerare"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Signera"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Kryptera"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/Utf旦r _k旦ade 奪tg辰rder"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Mall"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: filen finns inte\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Kan inte l辰sa textdel\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Citationsteckensformatfel."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Formatfel vid meddelandesvar eller -vidarebefordran"
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Filen %s finns inte\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Kan inte l辰sa filstorlek p奪 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Filen %s 辰r tom."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "kan inte l辰sa %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Meddelande: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Kan inte l辰sa delen av multipart-meddelandet."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Inget mne)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Skriv%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Mottagare 辰r inte angiven."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Tomt 辰mne"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "mnesraden 辰r tom. Skicka 辰nd奪?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Bilagor"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "S辰tt automatiskt f旦ljande adresser"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Fr奪n:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "mne:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "Skicka"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "kan inte l辰sa mottagarlista"
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1670,41 +1670,41 @@ msgstr ""
"Konto f旦r att skicka post 辰r inte specificerat.\n"
"V辰lj ett e-postkonto innan du skickar."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Fel uppstod n辰r meddelandet skulle skickas till %s."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Kan inte spara meddelande i k旦-mappen."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Kunde inte hitta n奪gon nyckel associerad med nu aktiva nyckel-ID \"%s\"."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Kan inte l辰gga meddelandet i k旦."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Kan inte l辰gga meddelandet i k旦."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Kan inte l辰gga meddelandet i k旦."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "kan inte 辰ndra filr辰ttigheter\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1715,11 +1715,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Skicka det som %s 辰nd奪?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Fel vid konvertering av kod"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1732,15 +1732,15 @@ msgstr ""
"S辰nd det 辰nd奪?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Radl辰ngdsbegr辰nsning"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1749,89 +1749,90 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "kan inte ta bort det gamla meddelandet\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "l辰gger meddelandet i k旦...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kan inte hitta k旦mapp\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "kan inte l辰gga meddelandet i k旦\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Filen %s finns inte\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Kan inte 旦ppna markeringsfil.\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "skapat Meddelande-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Skapar skrivf旦nster...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP Tecken"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP Kryptera"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME-typ"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Storlek"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ogiltig MIME-typ"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Filen finns inte eller 辰r tom."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodning"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "S旦kv辰g"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Filnamn"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Ogiltig kommandorad f旦r extern redigerare: \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1841,48 +1842,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Framtvinga avslutning av processen?\n"
"processgrupps-id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Kan inte l辰gga meddelandet i k旦."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "V辰lj filer"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "V辰lj fil"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Spara meddelande"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Detta meddelande har 辰ndrats. Spara det till utkastmappen?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "St辰ng _utan att spara"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Vill du anv辰nda mallen \"%s\" ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Anv辰nd mall"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Ers辰tt"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Infoga"
@@ -2338,12 +2339,12 @@ msgstr "St辰ller in mappinfo...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "St辰ller in mappinfo..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "S旦ker igenom mapp %s%c%s..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "S旦ker igenom mapp %s ..."
@@ -2514,7 +2515,8 @@ msgstr "Diskussionsgrupper:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Skapar brevhuvudvy...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Inget Fr奪n)"
@@ -2703,154 +2705,154 @@ msgstr "Importera LDIF-fil till adressboken"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Attribut"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d nya meddelanden"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autentiserar"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "H辰mtar nya meddelanden"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "V辰nta"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Avbruten"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "H辰mtar"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "F辰rdig (%d meddelande(n) (%s) mottagna)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "F辰rdig (inga nya meddelanden)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "F旦rbindelse misslyckades"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Autentisering misslyckades"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "L奪st"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Slut p奪 v辰ntetid"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Avslutad (%d nya meddelanden)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Avslutad (inga nya meddelanden)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "Fel uppstod vid h辰mtning av post."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "h辰mtar nya meddelanden fr奪n kontot %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "Autentiserar"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: H辰mtar nya meddelanden"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "Ansluter till POP3-server: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Kan inte ansluta till POP3-server: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Autentiserar..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "H辰mtar meddelanden fr奪n %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Tar emot meddelandenas antal (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Tar emot meddelandenas antal (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Tar emot meddelandenas antal (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "Tar emot meddelandenas storlek (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "Tar bort meddelande %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "Avslutar"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "Tar emot meddelande (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "H辰mtar (%d meddelande(n) (%s) mottagna)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "F旦rbindelse misslyckades."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "Fel uppstod n辰r e-posten behandlades."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2859,28 +2861,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Fel uppstod n辰r e-posten behandlades:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Inget diskutrymme kvar."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Kan inte skriva fil."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Fel p奪 uttag (socket)."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Anslutningen st辰ngdes av fj辰rrv辰rden."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Brevl奪dan 辰r l奪st."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2889,11 +2892,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Brevl奪dan 辰r l奪st:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Autentisering misslyckades."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2902,15 +2905,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Autentisering misslyckades:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Sessionens v辰ntetid tog slut."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "Inkorporering avbruten\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "H辰mtar nya meddelanden fr奪n %s till %s...\n"
@@ -2928,20 +2931,20 @@ msgstr "Skriv in l旦senord"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Protokollogg"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread st旦ds inte av glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Anv辰ndning: %s [FLAGGOR]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adress] 旦ppna skrivf旦nster"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2951,23 +2954,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 旦ppna skrivf旦nster med angivna filer\n"
" bifogade"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive ta emot nya meddelanden"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all ta emot nya meddelanden fr奪n alla konton"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send skicka alla k旦ade meddelanden"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [mapp]... visar det totala antalet meddelanden"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2975,48 +2978,48 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [mapp]...\n"
" visa status f旦r varje mapp"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug fels旦kningsl辰ge"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug fels旦kningsl辰ge"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help visa denna hj辰lp och avsluta"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version skriv ut versionsinformation och avsluta"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
"eller tryck p奪 \"y\"-tangenten.\n"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Filnamn kodning"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3040,19 +3043,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Ett skrivet meddelande finns. Avsluta 辰nd奪?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Meddelanden i k旦"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "N奪gra oskickade meddelanden ligger i k旦. Avsluta nu?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3061,15 +3064,15 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP-st旦d avst辰ngt."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "en annan instans av Sylpheed 辰r redan ig奪ng.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migration av konfiguration"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3077,676 +3080,681 @@ msgstr ""
"Den tidigare versionen av konfigurationen hittad.\n"
"Vill du flytta den?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Mapp"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Mapp/_Ny mapp..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Mapp/_Byt namn..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Mapp/_Flytta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Mapp/_Ta bort"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Brevl奪da..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Brevl奪da/_L辰gg till..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Brevl奪da/_Ta bort"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Brevl奪da/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Brevl奪da/Ta emot nya _meddelanden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Brevl奪da/Ta emot nya meddelanden i _alla brevl奪dor"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Brevl奪da/_Uppdatera mapptr辰d"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Importera mbox-fil..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Exportera till mbox-fil..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/T旦m alla _papperskorgar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Spara som..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Spara som..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Arkiv/Skriv _ut..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/Arbeta _offline"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Arkiv/_Avsluta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_Redigera/V辰lj _tr奪d"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_Redigera/S旦k _i aktuellt meddelande..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_Redigera/_S旦k meddelanden..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_Redigera/Klistra _in"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/_Mapptr辰d"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/Me_ddelandevy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/_Verktygsrad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/_Verktygsrad/Ikoner _och text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/_Verktygsrad/_Ikoner"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/_Verktygsrad/_Ikoner"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/_Verktygsrad/_Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/_Verktygsrad/I_ngetdera"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/_Statusrad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/_Statusrad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/_En annan mapp..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter _fr奪n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Visa/Separat ma_pptr辰d"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Visa/Separat m_eddelandevy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter _nummer"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter stor_lek"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter _datum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter _tr奪ddatum"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter _fr奪n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter _mottagare"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter _辰mne"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter f辰_rgmarkering"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter mar_kering"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter _ol辰st"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/efter _bilaga"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/_inte alls"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/Uppstigande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/Nedstigande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Sortera/_Attrahera efter 辰rende"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Tr奪dvy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Visa/E_xpandera alla tr奪dar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Visa/Ko_llapsa alla tr奪dar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Visa/_Poster i summeringsvyn..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/_F旦reg. meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/_N辰sta meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/F_旦reg. ol辰sta meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/N_辰sta ol辰sta meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/F旦reg. n_ya meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/N辰s_ta nya meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/F旦reg. _markerade meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/N辰sta m_arkerade meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/F旦reg. _f辰rgade meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/N辰sta f辰_rgade meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Visa/_G奪 till/_En annan mapp..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/_Automatisk igenk辰nning"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/_V辰steuropeisk (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Japansk (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Japansk (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Japansk (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Traditionell kinesisk (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Kinesisk (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Teckenkodning/Koreansk (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Visa/_ppna i nytt f旦nster"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Meddelandek辰llkod"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Hela brevhuvudet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Uppdatera summering"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Mott_ag"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Mottag/H辰mta fr奪n _detta konto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Mottag/H辰mta fr奪n alla _konton"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Mottag/Avbryt h辰mtnin_g"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Meddelande/Mottag/H辰mta fr奪n alla _konton"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Mottag/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Skicka _k旦ade meddelanden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Skriv _nytt meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Sva_ra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Svara till"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Svara till/a_lla"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Svara till/_avs辰ndaren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Svara till/_e-postlista"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Vi_darebefordra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Vidarebefordra som bil_aga"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Omdirigera"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Fl_ytta..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Kopiera"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Markera"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Markera/_Markera"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Markera/_Avmarkera"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Markera/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Markera/Markera som _ol辰st"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Markera/Markera som _l辰st"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Markera/Markera som _l辰st"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Markera/Markera alla som l_辰sta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/_Ta bort"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/S辰tt som _skr辰ppost"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/S辰tt som inte skr_辰ppost"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Meddelande/Redigera _om"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/V_erktyg/L辰gg till avs辰ndaren i adressbo_k..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Filtrera alla meddelanden i mappen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/Filtrera _valda meddelanden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Skapa filterregel"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Skapa filterregel/_Automatiskt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Skapa filterregel/genom _Fr奪n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Skapa filterregel/genom _Till"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Skapa filterregel/genom _mne"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/Filtrera _skr辰ppost i mappen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/Filtrera skr辰p_post i valda meddelanden"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/Ta bort meddelande_dubbletter"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "K旦r markerad process"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Loggf旦nster"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Konfiguration"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguration/_Allm辰nna inst辰llningar..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguration/_Filterinst辰llningar..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguration/_Mall..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguration/_tg辰rder..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Konfiguration/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguration/_Inst辰llningar f旦r aktuellt konto..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguration/Skapa _nytt konto..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Konfiguration/_Redigera konton..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Konfiguration/_ndra aktuellt konto"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/_Handbok"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/_Handbok/_Engelsk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/_Handbok/_Japansk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/_FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/_FAQ/_Engelsk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/_FAQ/_Tysk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/_FAQ/_Spansk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/_FAQ/_Fransk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/_FAQ/_Italiensk"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "Kommandorad saknas."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_Hj辰lp/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Skapar huvudf旦nster...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Huvudf旦nster: f辰rgtilldelning %d misslyckades\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "f辰rdigt.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Namnl旦s"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "inget"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Fr奪nkopplad"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "Du 辰r fr奪nkopplad. Vill du ansluta?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "T旦m alla papperskorgar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Ta bort alla meddelanden i papperskorgen?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "L辰gg till brevl奪da"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3756,16 +3764,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Om den existerande brevl奪dan specificeras, kommer den\n"
"att s旦kas igenom automatiskt."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "Brevl奪dan \"%s\" finns redan."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Brevl奪da"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3774,92 +3782,92 @@ msgstr ""
"Brevl奪dan kunde inte skapas.\n"
"N奪gra filer finns redan eller s奪 saknar du skrivr辰ttigheter d辰r."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Mappvy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Meddelandevy"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/Sva_ra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/Svara till _alla"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/Svara till av_s辰ndaren"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/Svara till e-post_lista"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/Vi_darebefordra"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Vidarebefordra som _bilaga"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Omdirigera"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Visa/_Visa eller d旦lj/_Verktygsrad/_Ikoner"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Text"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Ingen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "Du 辰r fr奪nkopplad. Klicka p奪 ikonen f旦r att ansluta."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "Du 辰r ansluten. Klicka p奪 ikonen f旦r att koppla fr奪n."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Avsluta"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Avsluta detta program?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Kommandorad saknas."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Anv辰ndning: %s [FLAGGOR]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3876,7 +3884,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5990,17 +5998,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Bilaga"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "rende"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Fr奪n"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6312,7 +6323,7 @@ msgstr "S旦ker igenom mapp %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Filtrerar..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Inget datum)"
@@ -6380,6 +6391,93 @@ msgstr "Signatur skapad %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "Fel vid verifikation av signatur"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Ta bort brevl奪da"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Nr."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "H辰mta"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "Uppr辰ttar f旦rbindelse med SMTP-server: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Kan inte ansluta till POP3-server: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "fel uppstod vid POP3-session\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "fel uppstod vid POP3-session\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "H辰mtar meddelandehuvuden (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Tar emot meddelandenas antal (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Inga nya meddelanden."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Ta bort meddelande(n)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "H辰mtar nya meddelanden"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "Skicka meddelande"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "H辰mtar nya meddelanden"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "H辰mtar meddelanden fr奪n %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Ta bort meddelande(n)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7041,10 +7139,6 @@ msgstr "Filtrerar..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d meddelande(n) har filtrerats."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Nr."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po
index 020128cb..2820682a 100644
--- a/po/tr.po
+++ b/po/tr.po
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: tr\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-12-03 11:44+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Arman Aksoy <armish@linux-sevenler.org>\n"
"Language-Team: <gnome-turk@gnome.org>\n"
@@ -24,196 +24,196 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "Her hesap i巽in yap脹land脹rma dosyalar脹 okunuyor...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "%s adresine yap脹lm脹 IMAP4 balant脹s脹 koptu. Yeniden balan脹l脹yor...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP sunucu dizini"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "%s:%d adresine IMAP4 balant脹s脹 yap脹l脹yor ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "TLS oturumuna balant脹 kurulamad脹.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "%d. ileti siliniyor"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderiliyor (%d / %d bayt)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "%s%c%d mesaj脹 %s i巽ine kopyalan脹yor...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "%s%c%d mesaj脹 %s i巽ine kopyalan脹yor...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "%s konumundan iletiler al脹n脹yor..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "silinen iaretler atanam脹yor: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "silinemiyor\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "%s konumundan iletiler al脹n脹yor..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "silinen iaretler atanam脹yor: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "dizin kapat脹lamad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "%s k旦k dizini bulunamad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "LIST al脹n脹rken hata olutu.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "%s oluturulamad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "%s Gelen alt脹nda oluturulamad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "posta kutusu yarat脹lam脹yor: Liste hatas脹\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "posta kutusu oluturulamad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "%s posta kutusunun ad脹 %s olarak deitirilemedi \n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "posta kutusu silinemedi\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "zarf al脹namad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderiliyor (%d / %d bayt)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "zarf al脹n脹rken bir hata olutu.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "zarf ayr脹t脹r脹lamad脹: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 sunucuya balant脹 kurulamad脹: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 oturumuna %s:%d ile balant脹 kurulamad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "alanad脹na eriilemedi\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "dizin se巽ilemedi: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "imap komutu s脹ras脹nda hata olutu: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 yetkilendirmesi baar脹s脹z.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 giriinde hata.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "%s, %s 端zerine eklenemedi\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(dosya g旦nderiliyor...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "ileti %s'ye eklenemiyor\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "%s, %s konumuna kopyalanamad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "imap komutu s脹ras脹nda hata olutu: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "EXPUNGE komutu s脹ras脹nda hata olutu\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "imap komutu s脹ras脹nda hata olutu: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv, UTF-7 yi %s'e 巽eviremedi\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv %s yi UTF-7'ye 巽eviremedi\n"
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ msgstr "kaynak dizini hedef dizinle ayn脹.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "%s%c%d mesaj脹 %s i巽ine kopyalan脹yor...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -436,20 +436,20 @@ msgstr "Postalama s脹ras脹nda hata\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "Komut g旦nderilirken hata olutu\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Gerekli olan APOP zaman etiketi g旦r端mede bulunamad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "Zaman etiketi yaz脹m hatas脹\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Gerekli olan APOP zaman etiketi g旦r端mede bulunamad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 protokol hatas脹\n"
@@ -458,37 +458,37 @@ msgstr "POP3 protokol hatas脹\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "hatal脹 UIDL cevab脹: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: Eski postalar siliniyor %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: Posta atlan脹yor %d (%d byte)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "posta kutusu kilitli\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "oturum zaman a脹m脹na urad脹\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "TLS oturumu balat脹lam脹yor\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "yetkilendirme s脹ras脹nda hata olutu\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "komut desteklenmiyor\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "POP3 oturumunda hata olutu\n"
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ msgstr "dizin:"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "dizin:"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Kod 巽evriminde hata.\n"
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ msgstr ""
"etkin duruma getirilebilir."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ msgstr "Eylemin kullan脹c脹 arg端man脹"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Adres Defterine Ekle"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ msgstr "Notlar"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Adres Defteri Dizinini Se巽"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Dosya"
@@ -857,10 +857,10 @@ msgstr "/_Dosya/Yeni _JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_Dosya/Yeni _Sunucu"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_Dosya/---"
@@ -877,21 +877,21 @@ msgstr "/_Dosya/_Sil"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Kaydet"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_Dosya/K_apat"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/D端_zenle"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/K_opyala"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/_Yap脹t脹r"
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ msgstr "/_Adres/D端_zenle"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Adres/_Sil"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar"
@@ -937,12 +937,12 @@ msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/_LDIF dosyas脹n脹 ekle"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/_LDIF dosyas脹n脹 ekle"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Yard脹m"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_Yard脹m/_Hakk脹nda"
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Yeni _Dizin"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -999,17 +999,17 @@ msgstr "Adres defteri"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "聴sim:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Kime:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1219,15 +1219,15 @@ msgstr "Ortak adres"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Kiisel adres"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Not"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Uyar脹"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hata"
@@ -1274,425 +1274,425 @@ msgstr "Kahverengi"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Hi巽biri"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/_Ekle..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Sil"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/_zellikler..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_Dosya/_G旦nder"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Sonra g旦nder"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_Dosya/T_aslak dizinine kaydet"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Kaydet ve d端zenlemeye devam et"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Dosya ekle"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_Dosya/Dosya _i巽er"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_Dosya/聴_mza ekle"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_Dosya/聴_mza ekle"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/_Geri al"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/_Yenile"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/_Kes"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/_Al脹nt脹 Yaparak Yap脹t脹r"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/_T端m端n端 se巽"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/_uanki paragraf脹 kayd脹r"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/T端m _uzun sat脹rlar脹 kayd脹r"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/Otomatik ka_yd脹r"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Al脹c脹"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Cc"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Yan脹tla/"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Cetvel"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Ek"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/_Baka dizine git..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_S脹rala/Azalan s脹rala"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_S脹rala/Azalan s脹rala"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/7 bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Bat脹 Avrupa (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Bat脹 Avrupa (ISO-8859-_15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Orta Avrupa (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/_Balt脹k (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Balt脹k (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Kiril (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Yunanca (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Balt脹k (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Kiril (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Yunanca (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Kiril (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/T端rk巽e (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Kiril (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Kiril (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Kiril (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Kiril (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Japonca (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Basit ince (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Basit ince (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Geleneksel ince (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Korece (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Tayca (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Tayca (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/_Adres defteri"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/_ablon"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/E_ylemler"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
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+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/Harici _d端zenleyicide a巽"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/PGP 聴_mza"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/PGP ile _ifrele"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/_al脹t脹r"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/_ablon"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: dosya bulunamad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Metin b旦l端m端 al脹namad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "Al脹nt脹 format脹 hatas脹."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Posta cevapla/ilet format脹 hatas脹"
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "%s dosyas脹 bulunamad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "%s dosyas脹n脹n boyu bulunamad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "%s dosyas脹 bo."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "%s okunamad脹."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "聴leti: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "ok par巽al脹 mesaj脹n bir k脹sm脹 al脹namad脹"
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Konu yok)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 聴leti d端zenle (%s)"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Al脹c脹 belirtilmedi."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Konu"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Konuyu bo b脹rakt脹n脹z. Yine de g旦ndermek istiyor musunuz?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "Ekler"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "Aa脹daki adresleri otomatik olarak tan脹mla"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Kimden:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Konu:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "G旦nder"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "al脹c脹 listesi al脹namad脹."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1700,40 +1700,40 @@ msgstr ""
"聴letinin g旦nderilecei hesap belirtilmedi.\n"
"L端tfen g旦ndermeden 旦nce bir e-posta hesab脹 girin."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "聴leti, %s adresine g旦nderilirken bir hata olutu."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "聴leti, giden kutusuna kaydedilemiyor."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Se巽ilen `%s' anahtar kimliiyle bir eletirme yap脹lamad脹."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "聴leti kuyrua g旦nderilemedi."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "聴leti kuyrua g旦nderilemedi."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "聴leti kuyrua g旦nderilemedi."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "dosya modu deitirilemedi\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1744,12 +1744,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s / %s\n"
"Yine de g旦nderilsin mi?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Adres defteri 巽evrim hatas脹"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1758,15 +1758,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1775,91 +1775,92 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "eski ileti silinemedi\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "ileti kuyrua g旦nderiliyor...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kuyruk dizini bulunamad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "ileti kuyrua g旦nderilemedi\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "%s dosyas脹 bulunamad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "iaretli dosya a巽脹lamad脹.\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "聴leti numaras脹 oluturuldu: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "D端zenleme penceresi oluturuluyor...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/PGP 聴_mza"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/PGP ile _ifrele"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME t端r端"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Boyut"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz MIME t端r端."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Dosya yok, ya da bo."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "zellikler"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodlama"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Yol"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Dosya ad脹"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Harici d端zenleyici komut sat脹r脹 ge巽ersiz: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1869,52 +1870,52 @@ msgstr ""
"Bu s端reci sonland脹ray脹m m脹?\n"
"Program脹n grup numaras脹 (GID): %d"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "聴leti kuyrua g旦nderilemedi."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Dosya se巽"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Dosya se巽"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "聴letiyi g旦nder"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Bu ileti deitirildi. Silinsin mi?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "%s ablonunu uygulamak istiyor musunuz?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "ablonu uygula"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Deitir"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "聴巽er"
@@ -2374,12 +2375,12 @@ msgstr "Dizin bilgisi ayarlan脹yor...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Dizin bilgisi ayarlan脹yor..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "%s%c%s dizini taran脹yor..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "%s dizini taran脹yor..."
@@ -2549,7 +2550,8 @@ msgstr "Haber gruplar脹:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "Bal脹k g旦r端n端m端 oluturuluyor...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Kimden sat脹r脹 yok)"
@@ -2738,154 +2740,154 @@ msgstr "LDIF dosyas脹n脹 Adres Defterine aktar"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "zellikler"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Tamamland脹 (%d yeni mesaj)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr " Kimlik denetimi"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "Yeni iletiler al脹n脹yor"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Bekle"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "聴ptal edildi"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "Al脹n脹yor"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Tamamland脹 (%d mesaj, (%s) al脹nd脹)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Tamamland脹 (Yeni ileti yok)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Balant脹da hata"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "Kimlik denetiminde hata"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Kilitli"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Zaman a脹m脹"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Tamamland脹 (%d yeni mesaj)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Tamamland脹 (yeni mesaj yok)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr " 聴letiler al脹n脹rken baz脹 hatalar olutu."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "%s hesab脹ndaki yeni iletiler al脹n脹yor...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr " Kimlik denetimi"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: Yeni iletiler al脹n脹yor"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "POP3 sunucusuna balant脹 kuruluyor: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "POP3 sunucuya balant脹 kurulamad脹: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Kimlik denetimi yap脹l脹yor..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "%s konumundan iletiler al脹n脹yor..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "Yeni ileti numaralar脹 al脹n脹yor (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "Yeni ileti numaralar脹 al脹n脹yor (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "Yeni ileti numaralar脹 al脹n脹yor (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "聴letilerin boyutlar脹 al脹n脹yor (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "%d. ileti siliniyor"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "脹k脹l脹yor"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "聴letiler al脹n脹yor (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Al脹n脹yor (%d mesaj, (%s) al脹nd脹)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Balant脹da hata olutu."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "聴letiler ilenirken bir hata olutu."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2894,28 +2896,29 @@ msgstr ""
"E-posta ilenirken hata olutu:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "Yeterli disk alan脹 kalmad脹."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Dosyaya yaz脹lamad脹."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "protokol hatas脹"
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "Balant脹 kar脹 taraftan kesildi."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "Posta kutusu kilitli"
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2924,11 +2927,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Posta kutusu kilitli:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Yetkilendirmede hata olutu."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2937,15 +2940,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Yetkilendirme baar脹s脹z:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Oturum zaman a脹m脹na urad脹."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "聴ptal edildi\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "%s'den yeni mesajlar %s e al脹n脹yor...\n"
@@ -2963,20 +2966,20 @@ msgstr "Parolay脹 girin"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Protokol g端nl端端"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread, glib taraf脹ndan desteklenmiyor.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Kullan脹m: %s [SEENEKLER] ...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adres] d端zenleme penceresini a巽ar"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2986,23 +2989,23 @@ msgstr ""
" d端zenleme penceresini belirtilen dosyalar\n"
" postaya eklenmi halde a巽ar"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive yeni mesajlar脹 al脹r"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all t端m hesaplardaki yeni mesajlar脹 al脹r"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send kuyruktaki postalar脹 g旦nderir"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [dizin]... toplam mesaj say脹s脹n脹 g旦ster"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -3010,49 +3013,49 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [dizin]...\n"
" her dizinin durumunu g旦ster"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug hata ay脹klama modu"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug hata ay脹klama modu"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help bu yard脹m脹 g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version s端r端m bilgisini g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
"ya da `y' tuuna bas脹n.\n"
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Giden ileti kod k端mesi"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3066,19 +3069,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Mesaj脹 g旦ndermeden 巽脹kmak istediinizden emin misiniz?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Kuyruktaki iletiler"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Hala g旦nderilmemi baz脹 iletiler kuyrukta bekliyor. imdi 巽脹k脹ls脹n m脹?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3087,707 +3090,712 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP destei kapat脹ld脹."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Baka bir Sylpheed sistemde 巽al脹脹yor.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Eylem ayarlar脹"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_Dosya/Di_zin"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_Dosya/Di_zin/Y_eni dizin olutur..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_Dosya/Di_zin/Di_zini yeniden adland脹r..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_Dosya/Di_zin/Di_zini yeniden adland脹r..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_Dosya/Di_zin/Dizini _sil"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Posta kutusu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Posta kutusu/Posta kutusu e_kle..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Posta Kutusu/_Posta kutusunu kald脹r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Posta Kutusu/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Posta Kutusu/Yeni mesajlar i巽in k_ontrol et"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr ""
"/_Dosya/_Posta Kutusu/_T端m posta kutular脹 i巽in yeni mesajlar脹 kontrol et"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Posta Kutusu/Dizin aac脹n脹 _yeniden olutur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Dosya/Posta k_utusu dosyas脹n脹 aktar..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Posta kutusu dosyas脹na g旦nder..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_Dosya/T端m 巽旦_p端 boalt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Farkl脹 kaydet..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Farkl脹 kaydet..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_Dosya/_Yazd脹r..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_Dosya/evrimd脹_脹 巽al脹"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_Dosya/脹_k"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/_S脹ral脹 se巽"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/D端_zenle/G端_ncel iletide bul..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/D端_zenle/_聴letilerde ara..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/D端_zenle/_Yap脹t脹r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/_Dizin aac脹"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/聴_leti g旦r端n端m端"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/_Ara巽 巽ubuu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/_Ara巽 巽ubuu/Simge _ve metin"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/_Ara巽 巽ubuu/_Simge"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/_Ara巽 巽ubuu/_Simge"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/_Ara巽 巽ubuu/_Metin"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/_Ara巽 巽ubuu/_Hi巽biri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/_Durum 巽ubuu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/_Durum 巽ubuu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/_Baka dizine git..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_G旦nderene g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/D_izin aac脹n脹 ay脹r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/Ayr脹 _ileti g旦r端n端m端"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_Numaraya g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_Boyuta g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_Tarihe g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_Tarihe g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_G旦nderene g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_Al脹c脹ya g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_Konuya g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_Renge g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/聴_arete g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_Okunmam脹a g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/E_klentiye g旦re"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/_S脹ralama yapma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/Artan s脹rala"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/Azalan s脹rala"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/S脹ra_la/Konuya _g旦re izle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Konum g旦r端n端m端"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/T端m _bal脹klar脹 genilet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/T端m _bal脹klar脹 k端巽端lt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_G旦r端nt端 旦esini se巽..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/nceki _ileti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/Sonraki _ileti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/_nceki okunmam脹 ileti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/_Sonraki okunmam脹 ileti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/_nceki yeni ileti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/Sonraki _yeni ileti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/nceki _iaretli ileti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/S_onraki iaretli ileti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/_nceki _etiketli ileti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/Son_raki etiketli ileti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Git/_Baka dizine git..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/_Otomatik tan脹"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Bat脹 Avrupa (ISO-8859-_15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Japonca (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Japonca (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Japonca (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Geleneksel ince (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/ince (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_Kodlama/Korece (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/Yeni _pencerede a巽"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/聴_leti kayna脹"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/T端m _bal脹klar"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/_G旦r端n端m端 g端ncelle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/聴_leti"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/聴_leti/_Al"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/聴_leti/_Al/Ge_巽erli hesaptan al"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/聴_leti/_Al/T_端m hesaplardan al"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/聴_leti/_Al/聴_ptal Et"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/聴_leti/_Al/T_端m hesaplardan al"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/聴_leti/_Al/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/聴_leti/_Kuyruktaki iletileri g旦nder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/聴_leti/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/聴_leti/Yeni _ileti g旦nder"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/聴_leti/Yan脹tl_a"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/聴_leti/B_akas脹na yan脹tla"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/聴_leti/B_akas脹na yan脹tla/_herkese"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/聴_leti/B_akas脹na yan脹tla/_g旦nderene"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/聴_leti/B_akas脹na yan脹tla/eposta l_istesine"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/聴_leti/Y旦_nlendir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/聴_leti/E_k olarak y旦nlendir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/聴_leti/Y旦_nlendir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/聴_leti/Ta脹..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/聴_leti/_Kopyala..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/聴_leti/聴_aretle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/聴_leti/聴_aretle/聴_aretle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/聴_leti/聴_aretle/聴areti _kald脹r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/聴_leti/聴_aretle/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/聴_leti/聴_aretle/O_kunmam脹 olarak iaretle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/聴_leti/聴_aretle/Ok_unmu olarak iaretle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/聴_leti/聴_aretle/Ok_unmu olarak iaretle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/聴_leti/聴_aretle/Hepsini _okunmu olarak iaretle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/聴_leti/_Sil"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/聴_leti/聴_aretle/聴areti _kald脹r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/聴_leti/Ye_niden d端zenle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/G旦ndereni adres defterine ekle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/_Dizin i巽indeki t端m iletileri filtrele"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/S_e巽ilen t端m mesajlar脹 filtrele"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/Filtre _kural脹 olutur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/Filtre _kural脹 olutur/_Otomatik olutur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/Filtre _kural脹 olutur/_G旦nderene g旦re olutur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/Filtre _kural脹 olutur/_Al脹c脹ya g旦re olutur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/Filtre _kural脹 olutur/_Konuya g旦re olutur"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/_Dizin i巽indeki t端m iletileri filtrele"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/S_e巽ilen t端m mesajlar脹 filtrele"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/_ift iletileri sil"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "聴aretli s端re巽leri 巽al脹t脹r"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/_Kay脹t penceresi"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/_Yap脹land脹rma"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/_Yap脹land脹rma/_Genel tercihler..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/_Yap脹land脹rma/F_iltre ayarlar脹..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/_Yap脹land脹rma/_ablon..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/_Yap脹land脹rma/_Eylemler..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/_Yap脹land脹rma/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/_Yap脹land脹rma/_G端ncel hesap tercihleri..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/_Yap脹land脹rma/Y_eni hesap olutur..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/_Yap脹land脹rma/Hesaplar脹 _d端zenle..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/_Yap脹land脹rma/_G端ncel hesab脹 deitir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/Yard脹_m/_K脹lavuz"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/Yard脹_m/_K脹lavuz/聴_ngilizce"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/Yard脹_m/_K脹lavuz/_Japonca"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/Yard脹_m/_SSS"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/Yard脹_m/_SSS/聴_ngilizce"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/Yard脹_m/_SSS/_Almanca"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/Yard脹_m/_SSS/聴_spanyolca"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/Yard脹_m/_SSS/_Frans脹zca"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/Yard脹_m/_SSS/聴_talyanca"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "Komut sat脹r脹 belirtilmedi."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/Yard脹_m/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "Yeni pencere oluturuluyor...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "AnaPencere: renk b旦l端t端rmesi %d s脹ras脹nda hata olutu\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "bitti.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Bal脹ks脹z"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "hi巽biri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "evrimd脹脹"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "evrimd脹脹s脹n脹z. evrimi巽i olunsun mu?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "T端m 巽旦p端 boalt"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "旦pteki t端m iletiler silinsin mi?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Posta kutusu ekle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3798,16 +3806,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Eer varolan potsa kutusu verilirse, otomatik\n"
"olarak taranacakt脹r."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "`%s' posta kutusu zaten var."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Posta kutusu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3816,92 +3824,92 @@ msgstr ""
"Posta kutusu oluturulurken hata olutu.\n"
"Baz脹 dosyalar bulunuyor olabilir veya yeterli izine sahip olmayabilirsiniz."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylheed - Dizin G旦r端n端m端"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpeed - 聴leti G旦r端n端m端"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Yan脹tla"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/Her_kese yan脹tla"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/_G旦nderene yan脹tla"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/_E-posta listesine yan脹tla"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Y旦nlendir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Ek olarak y旦nlendir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Ye_niden y旦nlendir"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_G旦r端n端m/G旦ster veya _gizle/_Ara巽 巽ubuu/_Simge"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Metin"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Hi巽biri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "evrimd脹脹s脹n脹z. evrimi巽i olmak i巽in simgeye t脹klay脹n."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "evrimi巽isiniz. evrimd脹脹 olmak i巽in simgeye t脹klay脹n."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "脹k"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Programdan 巽脹k脹ls脹n m脹?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Komut sat脹r脹 belirtilmedi."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "Kullan脹m: %s [SEENEKLER] ...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3918,7 +3926,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -6064,17 +6072,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Ek"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Konu"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Kimden"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Tarih"
@@ -6385,7 +6396,7 @@ msgstr "%s dizini taran脹yor..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "Filtreleniyor..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Tarih Yok)"
@@ -6453,6 +6464,93 @@ msgstr "聴mza at脹lma tarihi %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "聴mza dorulan脹rken hata"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Posta kutusunu sil"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "Hay脹r."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "Al"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "SMTP sunucuya balant脹 kuruluyor: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "POP3 sunucuya balant脹 kurulamad脹: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "POP3 oturumunda hata olutu\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "POP3 oturumunda hata olutu\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "聴leti g旦nderiliyor (%d / %d bayt)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "Yeni ileti numaralar脹 al脹n脹yor (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Yeni ileti yok."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "聴letileri sil"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "Yeni iletiler al脹n脹yor"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "聴letiyi g旦nder"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "Yeni iletiler al脹n脹yor"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "%s konumundan iletiler al脹n脹yor..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "聴letileri sil"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7121,10 +7219,6 @@ msgstr "Filtreleniyor..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d mesaj filtrelenedi."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "Hay脹r."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po
index da5ee2ed..0a7fe61d 100644
--- a/po/uk.po
+++ b/po/uk.po
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 2.4.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-01-18 19:07+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: O.R. Nykyforchyn <nick@pu.if.ua>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian\n"
@@ -24,194 +24,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "丼亳舒仄仂 从仂仆亞舒 亟仍 从仂亢仆仂亞仂 亰舒仗亳...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "'亟仆舒仆仆 IMAP4 亟仂 %s 于舒亠仆仂. 亟仆仂于仍ム仄仂...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "弌亠于亠 IMAP4 于亟从仍ム亳于 LOGIN.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "于仂亠仆仆 亰'亟仆舒仆仆 INAP4 亟仂 %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂舒亳 亠 TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "亳仄仄仂 仍亳 %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "亳亟仆仄仂 仍亳亳 亟仂 %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "亠亠仆仂亳仄仂 仍亳亳 %s 于 %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "仂仗ム仄仂 仍亳亳 %s 于 %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "亳亟舒仍仄仂 仍亳亳 于亟 %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 于舒仆仂于亳亳 仗舒仗仂亠 于亳亟舒仍亠仆仆: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳亳亳 仗舒仗从 于亟 于亳亟舒仍亠仆亳 仍亳于\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "亳亟舒仍仄仂 于 仍亳亳 %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 于舒仆仂于亳亳 仗舒仗仂亠 于亳亟舒仍亠仆仆: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰舒从亳亳 仗舒仗从\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "从仂亠仆亠于舒 仗舒仗从舒 %s 仆亠 仆\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 仂亳仄舒仆仆 LIST'舒.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 于仂亳亳 '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 于仂亳亳 '%s' 于亠亠亟亳仆 INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 于仂亳亳 从亳仆从: 仆亠于亟舒舒 LIST\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 于仂亳亳 从亳仆从\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗亠亠亶仄亠仆于舒亳 从亳仆从: %s 仆舒 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 于亳亟舒仍亳亳 从亳仆从\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳仄舒亳 从仂仆于亠\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "亳仄仄仂 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从亳 仍亳于 (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "舒仗亳仍舒 仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 仂亳仄舒仆仆 从仂仆于亠舒.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亰弍舒亳 从仂仆于亠: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰'亟仆舒亳 亰 亠于亠仂仄 IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 于舒仆仂于亳亳 亠 IMAP4 亰: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳仄舒亳 仗仂 仄亠仆\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳仄舒亳 仗舒仗从: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 于亳从仂仆舒仆仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亳 imap: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "亠于亟舒舒 舒于仂亳亰舒 IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "亠于亟舒舒 舒于仂亳亰舒 IMAP4.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 亟仂亟舒亳 %s 亟仂 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(仗仂亳仍舒仄仂 舒亶仍...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗亳亟仆舒亳 仍亳 亟仂 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 从仂仗ミ火委亳 %s 于 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 于亳从仂仆舒仆仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亳 imap: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 于亳从仂仆舒仆仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亳 imap: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 于亳从仂仆舒仆仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亳 imap: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv 仆亠 仄仂亢亠 从仂仆于亠于舒亳 UTF-7 于 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv 仆亠 仄仂亢亠 从仂仆于亠于舒亳 %s 于 UTF-7\n"
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ msgstr "仗舒仗从舒 仗亳亰仆舒亠仆仆 亟亠仆亳仆舒 亟仂 于亳亟仆仂
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "仂仗ム仄仂 仍亳 %s/%d 于 %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -442,19 +442,19 @@ msgstr "丐舒仗亳仍舒 仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 于亟亳仍舒仆仆\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "亳 于亟亳仍舒仆仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亳 舒仗亳仍舒 仗仂仄亳仍从舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "丕 仗亳于舒仆仆 仆亠 亰仆舒亶亟亠仆仂 仂弍仂于'磶从仂于仂亞仂 APOP timestamp\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "弌亳仆舒从亳仆舒 仗仂仄亳仍从舒 于 timestamp 仗亳于舒仆仆\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "丕 仗亳于舒仆仆 仆亠仗舒于亳仍仆亳亶 timestamp\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仗仂仂从仂仍 POP3\n"
@@ -463,37 +463,37 @@ msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仗仂仂从仂仍 POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "仆亠于仆舒 于亟仗仂于亟 UIDL: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: 亳仍舒仄仂 亰舒舒仍亳亶 仍亳 %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: 仂仗从舒仄仂 仍亳 %d (%d 弍舒亶于)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "从亳仆从 亰舒弍仍仂从仂于舒仆仂\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "舒亶仄舒 亠\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂舒亳 亠 TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 舒亠仆亳从舒\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "从仂仄舒仆亟舒 仆亠 仗亟亳仄\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亟 舒 亠 POP3\n"
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ msgstr "个仍 仄仂仍仂 (于仆)"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "仍 仄仂仍仂"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): 亠亠于仂亠仆仆 从仂亟于 仆亠 于亟舒仍仂.\n"
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ msgstr ""
"account'亳, 磻 仗仂仗仂于仆ムム 亠亠亰 `亳仄舒亳 于'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ msgstr "亞仄亠仆 从仂亳于舒舒"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "仂亟舒亳 舒亟亠 亟仂 从仆亳亞亳"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "亟亠舒"
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ msgstr "仂舒从亳"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "弍舒亳 仗舒仗从 舒亟亠仆仂 从仆亳亞亳"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍"
@@ -859,10 +859,10 @@ msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂于亳亶 JPilot"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂于亳亶 亠于亠 LDAP"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/---"
@@ -879,21 +879,21 @@ msgstr "/个舒亶仍/亳亟舒仍亳亳"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弍亠亠亞亳"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒从亳亳"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/仂仗ミ火委亳"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/舒于亳亳"
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ msgstr "/亟亠舒/亠亟舒亞于舒亳"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/亟亠舒/亳亟舒仍亳亳"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳"
@@ -938,12 +938,12 @@ msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/仄仗仂于舒亳 舒亶仍 LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/仄仗仂于舒亳 舒亶仍 CSV"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/仂仗仂仄仂亞舒"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/仂仗仂仄仂亞舒/仂 仗仂亞舒仄"
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/仂于舒 仗舒仗从舒"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -998,17 +998,17 @@ msgstr "亟亠仆舒 从仆亳亞舒"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "仄':"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "仂仄:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "仂仗:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "亳仂于舒仆仂:"
@@ -1205,15 +1205,15 @@ msgstr "亟亠舒 仂亞舒仆亰舒"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "仂弍亳舒 舒亟亠舒"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "亳仄从舒"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "仂仗亠亠亟亢亠仆仆"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒"
@@ -1260,391 +1260,391 @@ msgstr "仂亳仆亠于亳亶"
msgid "None"
msgstr "磻亳亶"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/仂亟舒亳..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/亳亟舒仍亳亳"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/仍舒亳于仂..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂仍舒亳"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仂仍舒亳 仗亰仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弍亠亠亞亳 于 仗舒仗 亠仆亠仂从"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弍亠亠亞亳 亠亟舒亞于舒亳 亟舒仍"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/亳亟仆舒亳 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒于亳亳 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒于亳亳 仗亟仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/亳亟仆舒亳 仗亟仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/Undo"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/Redo"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/亳亰舒亳"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/舒于亳亳 磻 亳舒"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/亳亟仍亳亳 于亠"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/亞仂仆亳 仗仂仂仆亳亶 舒弍亰舒"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/亞仂仆亳 于 亟仂于亞 磲从亳"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/于仂亰亞仂舒仆仆"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂仄"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂仗"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亳仂于舒仆仂"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/于仂仂仆 舒亟亠舒"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂仆亠亠仆 亟仍 于亟仗仂于亟"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仆亶从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/从仍舒亟亠仆仆"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/舒仍舒于舒亳 仗舒仆亠仍 仆仄亠仆于"
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/_A于仂仄舒亳仆舒"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/Unicode (UT_F-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/舒亟仆仂于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/舒亟仆仂于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/舒亟仆仂于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/舒仍亶从舒 (ISO-8859-1_3)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/舒仍亶从舒 (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/舒仍亶从舒 (Windows-1257)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/亠从舒 (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/舒弍从舒 (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/舒弍从舒 (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/于亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/于亠亶从舒 (_Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/丐亠从舒 (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/亳亳仍亳 (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/亳亳仍亳 (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/亳亳仍亳 (KOI8-_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/亳亳仍亳 (_Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/亊仗仂仆从舒 (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/弌仗仂亠仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/弌仗仂亠仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (_GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/丐舒亟亳亶仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/仂亠亶从舒 (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/丐舒亶从舒 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/丐舒亶从舒 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/亟亠仆舒 从仆亳亞舒"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/丿舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/亠亟舒亞于舒亳 亰仂于仆仆仄 亠亟舒从仂仂仄"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/亟仗亳 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/丿亳于舒仆仆 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/亠亠于从舒 仗舒于仂仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/弍舒亳 仄仂于 亟仍 仗亠亠于从亳 仗舒于仂仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: 舒亶仍 仆亠 仆\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳仄舒亳 亠从仂于 舒亳仆\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仂仄舒 亳于舒仆仆."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仂仄舒 message reply/forward."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 仆\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳仄舒亳 仂亰仄 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仗仂仂亢仆亶."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂亳舒亳 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "亳: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳仄舒亳 仂亟仆 亰 舒亳仆 仍亳舒."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(亠亰 亠仄亳)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 弌于仂亳亳 仍亳%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "亠 于从舒亰舒仆仂 仂亳仄于舒舒."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "仂仂亢仆 亠仄舒"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "仂仍亠 Subject 仗仂仂亢仆. 亠 亢 仗仂仍舒亳?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "从仍舒亟亠仆仆"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 于舒仆仂于仍ミ火委亳 仆舒仗仆 舒亟亠亳"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "亟:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "仂仍舒亳"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳仄舒亳 仗亳仂从 仂亳仄于舒于."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1652,40 +1652,40 @@ msgstr ""
"弍仍从仂于亳亶 亰舒仗亳 亟仍 于亟亳仍舒仆仆 仗仂亳 仆亠 于从舒亰舒仆仂.\n"
"弍亠, 弍亟-仍舒从舒, 亰舒仗亳 仗亠亠亟 于亟仗舒于从仂."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "丐舒仗亳仍舒 仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 于亟亳仍舒仆仆 仍亳舒 亟仂 %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰弍亠亠亞亳 仍亳 于 outbox."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰仆舒亶亳 从仍ム舒, 于亟仗仂于亟仆仂亞仂 仂弍舒仆仂仄 亟亠仆亳从舒仂 `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂舒于亳亳 仍亳 于 亠亞."
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂舒于亳亳 仍亳 于 亠亞."
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂舒于亳亳 仍亳 于 亠亞."
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰仄仆亳亳 仗舒于舒 亟仂仗 舒亶仍舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1696,11 +1696,11 @@ msgstr ""
"%s 仆舒 %s.\n"
"亠 亢 仗仂仍舒亳 磻 %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 仗亠亠于仂亠仆仆 从仂亟于舒仆仆"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1713,15 +1713,15 @@ msgstr ""
"亠 亢 于亟仍舒亳?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "舒从亳仄舒仍仆舒 亟仂于亢亳仆舒 磲从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr "丿亳于舒亳 亰 仗亳仂于舒仆亳仄亳 舒亟亠舒舒仄亳"
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1735,89 +1735,90 @@ msgstr ""
"亠 亢 仗仂仍舒亳?"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 于亳亟舒仍亳亳 舒亳亶 仍亳\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "仍亳 于 亠亞...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰仆舒亶亳 仗舒仗从 亠亞亳\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂舒于亳亳 仍亳 于 亠亞\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 仆."
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 于亟从亳亳 舒亶仍 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "亞亠仆亠仂于舒仆亳亶 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "亟从亳于舒仄仂 于从仆仂 于仂亠仆仆 仍亳舒...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "亟仗亳 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "丿亳于舒仆仆 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "亳仗 MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "仂亰仄"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "亠仗舒于亳仍仆亳亶 亳仗 MIME."
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 仆亠 仆 舒弍仂 仗仂仂亢仆亶."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "仍舒亳于仂"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "仂亟于舒仆仆"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "丿仍"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "仄' 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "仂仄舒仆亟仆亳亶 磲仂从 亰仂于仆仆仂亞仂 亠亟舒从仂舒 仆亠仗舒于亳仍仆亳亶: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1826,48 +1827,48 @@ msgstr ""
"仂于仆仆亶 亠亟舒从仂 亟仂 仗舒ム.\n"
"亳仄仂于仂 仂弍于舒亳 仗仂亠 (pid: %d)?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "舒仍舒于舒亳 仗舒仆亠仍 仆仄亠仆于..."
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂舒于亳亳 仍亳 于 亠亞."
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "弍舒亳 舒亶仍亳"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "弍舒亳 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "弍亠亠亞亳 仍亳"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "丶亠亶 仍亳 弍仍仂 亰仄仆亠仆仂. 弍亠亠亞亳 于 仗舒仗 亠仆亠仂从?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "舒从亳亳 弍亠亰 亰弍亠亠亢亠仆仆"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "丼亳 弍舒亢舒亠 亳 亰舒仂于舒亳 舒弍仍仂仆 `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "舒仂于舒亳 舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "舒仄仆亳亳"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "舒于亳亳"
@@ -2318,12 +2319,12 @@ msgstr "舒仆仂于仍ム仄仂 仆仂仄舒 仗舒仗从亳...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "舒仆仂于仍ム仄仂 仆仂仄舒 仗舒仗从亳..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "亠亠亳仄仂 仗舒仗从 %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "亠亠亳仄仂 仗舒仗从 %s ..."
@@ -2492,7 +2493,8 @@ msgstr "仂仆亠亠仆:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "弌于仂ム仄仂 仂弍仍舒 仗亠亠亞仍磲 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从舒...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(亠亰 于亟仗舒于仆亳从舒)"
@@ -2673,139 +2675,139 @@ msgstr "仄仗仂于舒亳 舒亶仍 LDIF 于 舒亟亠仆 从仆亳亞"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "亳弍亳"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d 仆仂于亳 仍亳于"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "亠仆亳从舒 亰 POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "亳仄舒仆仆 仆仂于亳 仍亳于"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "从于舒仆仆"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "弌从舒仂于舒仆仂"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "亳仄舒仆仆"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "亳从仂仆舒仆仂 (%d 仍亳(于) (%s) 仂亳仄舒仆仂)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "亳从仂仆舒仆仂 (仆亠仄舒 仆仂于亳 仍亳于)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "亠于亟舒舒 亰'亟仆舒仆仆"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "亠于亟舒舒 舒于亠仆亳从舒"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "舒弍仍仂从仂于舒仆仂"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "丐舒亶仄舒"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "舒从仆亠仆仂 (%d 仆仂于亳 仍亳于)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "舒从仆亠仆仂 (仆亠仄舒 仆仂于亳 仍亳于)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "亳 仂亳仄舒仆仆 仗仂亳 舒仗亳仍亳 亟亠磻 仗仂仄亳仍从亳."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "仂亳仄舒仆仆 仆仂于仂 仗仂亳 亟仍 亰舒仗亳 %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "%s: 亠仆亳从舒 亰 POP3"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: 亳仄舒仆仆 仆仂于亳 仍亳于"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "'亟仆仄仂 亰 亠于亠仂仄 POP3: %s ..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰'亟仆舒亳 亰 亠于亠仂仄 POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "于亠仆亳从舒..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "亳仄仄仂 仍亳亳 于亟 %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "亳仄仄仂 从仍从 仆仂于亳 仍亳于 (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "亳仄仄仂 从仍从 仆仂于亳 仍亳于 (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "亳仄仄仂 从仍从 仆仂于亳 仍亳于 (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "亳仄仄仂 仂亰仄 仍亳于 (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "亳亟舒仍仄仂 仍亳 %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "亳仂亟亳仄仂"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "亳仄仄仂 仍亳 (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "亳仄仄仂 仍亳 (%d 仍亳(于) (%s) 仂亳仄舒仆仂)"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
@@ -2813,15 +2815,15 @@ msgstr ""
"亠于亟舒舒 于亳从仂仆舒仆仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亳 仍于舒仆仆 仄仂仍仂.\n"
"亟-仍舒从舒, 仗亠亠于亠 仆舒仍舒于舒仆仆."
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "亠于亟舒舒 亰'亟仆舒仆仆."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "亳 仂弍仂弍 仗仂亳 舒仗亳仍舒 仗仂仄亳仍从舒."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2830,28 +2832,29 @@ msgstr ""
"亳 仂弍仂弍 仗仂亳 舒仗亳仍舒 仗仂仄亳仍从舒:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "亠仄舒 于仍仆仂亞仂 仄 仆舒 亟亳从."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗亳舒亳 于 舒亶仍."
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仂从亠舒."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "'亟仆舒仆仆 亰舒从亳仂 于亟亟舒仍亠仆亳仄 仂仂仄."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "弌从亳仆从 亰舒弍仍仂从仂于舒仆仂."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2860,11 +2863,11 @@ msgstr ""
"弌从亳仆从 亰舒弍仍仂从仂于舒仆仂:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "亠于亟舒舒 舒亠仆亳从舒."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2873,15 +2876,15 @@ msgstr ""
"亠于亟舒舒 舒亠仆亳从舒:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "丐舒亶仄舒 亠."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "从仍ム亠仆仆 从舒仂于舒仆仂\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "亳仄仄仂 仆仂于 仍亳亳 于亟 %s 于 %s...\n"
@@ -2899,20 +2902,20 @@ msgstr "于亠亟 仗舒仂仍"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "仆舒仍 仗仂仂从仂仍"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread 仆亠 仗亟亳仄 glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "亢亳于舒仆仆: %s [丶]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [address] 于亟从亳亳 于从仆仂 亟仍 仆仂于仂亞仂 仍亳舒"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2922,23 +2925,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 于亟从亳亳 于从仆仂 于仂亠仆仆 亰 仗亳亟仆舒仆仆礆 于从舒亰舒仆亳\n"
" 舒亶仍于"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 仂亳仄舒亳 仆仂于 仍亳亳"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 仂亳仄舒亳 仆仂于 仍亳亳 亟仍 于 亰舒仗亳于"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 于亟仍舒亳 于 于亟从仍舒亟亠仆 仍亳亳"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [folder]... 仗仂从舒亰舒亳 亰舒亞舒仍仆 从仍从 仍亳于"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2946,44 +2949,44 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" 仗仂从舒亰舒亳 舒仆 从仂亢仆仂 仗舒仗从亳"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr " --open folderid/msgnum 于亟从亳亳 仍亳 仆仂于仂仄 于从仆"
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr " --configdir 仄' 仗舒仗从亳 于从舒亰舒亳 仗舒仗从 亟仍 舒亶仍于 仆舒仍舒于舒仆"
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr " --ipcport portnum 于从舒亰舒亳 仗仂 亟仍 于亟亟舒仍亠仆亳 从仂仄舒仆亟 IPC"
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit 于亳亶亳 亰 Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 于亟仍舒亞仂亟亢亠仆仆"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 仗仂从舒亰舒亳 亟仂于亟从 于亳亶亳"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 于亳亟舒亳 仆仂仄舒 仗仂 于亠 于亳亶亳"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr "舒亳仆 磻-仆亠弍亟 从仆仂仗从..."
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳 亟仍 仄亠仆 舒亶仍于"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3007,19 +3010,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr " 仆亠亰舒于亠亠仆 仍亳亳. 弌仗舒于亟 于亳亶亳?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "亳亳 于 亠亰"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "亠磻 仆亠于亟仍舒仆 仍亳亳 - 于 亠亰. 亳亶亳 亰舒舒亰?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3028,15 +3031,15 @@ msgstr ""
"亟从仍ム亠仆仂 仗亟亳仄从 OpenPGP."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "于亢亠 亰舒仗亠仆仂 仆亳亶 Sylpheed.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "亠亠仆亠亠仆仆 仆舒仍舒于舒仆"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3044,665 +3047,670 @@ msgstr ""
"仆舒亶亟亠仆仂 仆舒仍舒于舒仆仆 亟仍 仗仂仗亠亠亟仆仂\n"
"于亠. 亠亠仆亠亳 仆仂于 于亠?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仗从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仗从舒/弌于仂亳亳 仆仂于..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仗从舒/亠亠亶仄亠仆于舒亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仗从舒/亠亠仆亠亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仗从舒/亳亟舒仍亳亳 仗舒仗从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌从亳仆从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌从亳仆从舒/仂亟舒亳 从亳仆从..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌从亳仆从舒/亳亟舒仍亳亳 从亳仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌从亳仆从舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌从亳仆从舒/亠亠于亳亳 亰舒 仆仂于亳仄亳 仍亳舒仄亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌从亳仆从舒/亠亠于亳亳 亰舒 仆仂于亳仄亳 仍亳舒仄亳 于 从亳仆从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌从亳仆从舒/亠亠弍亟于舒亳 亟亠亠于仂 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/仄仗仂于舒亳 舒亶仍 mbox"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/从仗仂于舒亳 于 舒亶仍 mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弌仗仂仂亢仆亳亳 于亠 从仂亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/弍亠亠亞亳 磻..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒仍舒于舒仆仆 仂仆从亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/从于舒亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/舒ミ火委亳 弍亠亰 亰'亟仆舒仆仆"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/个舒亶仍/亳亶亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/亳亟仍亳亳 仂弍亞仂于仂亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/丿从舒亳 于 仗仂仂仆仂仄 仍亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/仂从 仍亳于..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/亠亟舒亞于舒亳/舒于亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳/亠亠于仂 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳/仄 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳/舒仆亠仍 仆仄亠仆于"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳/舒仆亠仍 仆仄亠仆于/从仂仆从舒 亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳/舒仆亠仍 仆仄亠仆于/从仂仆从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳/舒仆亠仍 仆仄亠仆于/从仂仆从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳/舒仆亠仍 仆仄亠仆于/丐亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳/舒仆亠仍 仆仄亠仆于/亠仄舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳/舒仆亠仍 仗仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂从舒亰舒亳 亳 仗亳仂于舒亳/舒仆亠仍 舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/舒仍舒于舒仆仆 仗舒仆亠仍 仆仄亠仆于"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 于亟仗舒于仆亳从仂仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/从亠仄亠 亟亠亠于仂 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/从亠仄舒 仂弍仍舒 仗亠亠亞仍磲 亰仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 仆仂仄亠仂仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 仂亰仄仂仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 亟舒仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 亟舒仂 仆亳从亳 仂弍亞仂于仂亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 于亟仗舒于仆亳从仂仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 仂亟亠亢于舒亠仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 亠仄仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 于亳亟仍亠仆仆礆 从仂仍仂仂仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 仗仂亰仆舒从仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/从亠仄仂 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 于从仍舒亟亠仆仆礆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/亠仗仂弍仆仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 亰仂舒仆仆礆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/舒 仗舒亟舒仆仆礆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/弌仂于舒亳/仗于舒亳 亰舒 亠仄仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亞仍磲 仂弍亞仂于仂亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亰亞仂舒亳 于 仂弍亞仂于仂亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亞仂仆亳 于 仂弍亞仂于仂亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/舒仆仂于亳亳 仗仂仍 亟仍 仗仂从舒亰..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/舒仗仆仂亞仂 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/仂仗亠亠亟仆仂亞仂 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/仂仗亠亠亟仆仂亞仂 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仂亞仂 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/舒仗仆仂亞仂 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仂亞仂 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/仂仗亠亠亟仆仂亞仂 仆仂于仂亞仂 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/舒仗仆仂亞仂 仆仂于仂亞仂 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/仂仗亠亠亟仆仂亞仂 仗仂亰仆舒亠仆仂亞仂 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/舒仗仆仂亞仂 仗仂亰仆舒亠仆仂亞仂 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/仂仗亠亠亟仆仂亞仂 仍亳舒, 于亳亟仍亠仆仂亞仂 从仂仍仂仂仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/舒仗仆仂亞仂 仍亳舒, 于亳亟仍亠仆仂亞仂 从仂仍仂仂仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠亠亶亳 亟仂/仆仂 仗舒仗从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/_A于仂于亳亰仆舒亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/舒亟仆仂于仂仗亠亶从舒 (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/亊仗仂仆从舒 (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/亊仗仂仆从舒 (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/亊仗仂仆从舒 (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/丐舒亟亳亶仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/亳舒亶从舒 (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳/仂亠亶从舒 (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亟从亳亳 于 仆仂于仂仄 于从仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亳亟仆亳亶 亠从 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/亠 亰舒亞仂仍仂于仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/亳亞仍磲/仆仂于亳亳 仗亳仂从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/亳/亳仄舒亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/亳/亳仄舒亳/仍 仗仂仂仆仂亞仂 亰舒仗亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/亳/亳仄舒亳/仍 于 亰舒仗亳于"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/亳/亳仄舒亳/仗亳仆亳亳 仂亳仄舒仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/亳/亳仄舒亳/仍 于 亰舒仗亳于"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/亳/亳仄舒亳/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/亳/亟仍舒亳 于亟从仍舒亟亠仆 仍亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/亳/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/亳/舒仗亳舒亳 仆仂于亳亶 仍亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/亳/亟仗仂于亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/亳/亟仗仂于亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/亳/亟仗仂于亳/于仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/亳/亟仗仂于亳/于亟仗舒于仆亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/亳/亟仗仂于亳/从仂仆亠亠仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/亳/亠亠仍舒亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/亳/亠亠仍舒亳 磻 于从仍舒亟亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/亳/亠亠仗礆于舒亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/亳/亠亠仄亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/亳/仂仗ミ火委亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/亳/仂亰仆舒从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/亳/仂亰仆舒从舒/仂弍亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/亳/仂亰仆舒从舒/仆亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/亳/仂亰仆舒从舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/亳/仂亰仆舒从舒/仂亰仆舒亳亳 磻 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/亳/仂亰仆舒从舒/仂亰仆舒亳亳 磻 仗仂亳舒仆亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/亳/仂亰仆舒从舒/仂亰仆舒亳亳 仆亳从 磻 仗仂亳舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/亳/仂亰仆舒从舒/仂亰仆舒亳亳 于 磻 仗仂亳舒仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/亳/亳亟舒仍亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/亳/于舒亢舒亳 仄仂仍仂仂仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/亳/亠 于于舒亢舒亳 仄仂仍仂仂仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/亳/仄仆亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/仂亟舒亳 于亟仗舒于仆亳从舒 亟仂 舒亟亠仆仂 从仆亳亞亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/个仍于舒亳 于 仍亳亳 于 仗舒仗"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/个仍于舒亳 于亳亟仍亠仆 仍亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/弌于仂亳亳 仗舒于亳仍仂 仍于舒仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/弌于仂亳亳 仗舒于亳仍仂 仍于舒仆仆/于仂仄舒亳仆仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/弌于仂亳亳 仗舒于亳仍仂 仍于舒仆仆/舒 仗仂仍亠仄 `亟'"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/弌于仂亳亳 仗舒于亳仍仂 仍于舒仆仆/舒 仗仂仍亠仄 `仂仄'"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/弌于仂亳亳 仗舒于亳仍仂 仍于舒仆仆/舒 仗仂仍亠仄 `丐亠仄舒'"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/个仍于舒亳 仄仂仍仂 于 仗舒仗"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/个仍于舒亳 仄仂仍仂 于亳亟仍亠仆亳 仍亳舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/亳亟舒仍亳亳 仗仂于仂ミ火夷術 仍亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/亳从仂仆舒亳 仗仂亰仆舒亠仆亳亶 仗仂亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/从仆仂 亢仆舒仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/仂仆亞舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/仂仆亞舒/弌仗仍仆 仆舒仍舒于舒仆仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/仂仆亞舒/舒仍舒于舒仆仆 仍舒..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/仂仆亞舒/丿舒弍仍仂仆..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/仂仆亞舒/..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/仂仆亞舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/仂仆亞舒/舒仍舒于舒仆仆 仗仂仂仆仂亞仂 亰舒仗亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/仂仆亞舒/弌于仂亳亳 仆仂于亳亶 仂弍仍从仂于亳亶 亰舒仗亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/仂仆亞舒/亠亟舒亞于舒亳 仂弍仍从仂于 亰舒仗亳亳..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/仂仆亞舒/仄仆亳亳 仗仂仂仆亳亶 亰舒仗亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/仂弍仆亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/仂弍仆亳从/仆亞仍亶从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/仂弍仆亳从/亊仗仂仆从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/FAQ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/FAQ/仆亞仍亶从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/FAQ/仄亠从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/FAQ/仗舒仆从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/FAQ/个舒仆亰从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/FAQ/舒仍亶从亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/仗 从仂仄舒仆亟仆仂亞仂 磲从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/仂于亟从舒/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "弌于仂ム仄仂 亞仂仍仂于仆亠 于从仆仂...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "仂仍仂于仆亠 从仆仂: 仆亠于亟舒舒 仂亰仄亠仆仆 从仂仍仂 %d\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "于亳从仂仆舒仆仂.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "亠亰舒亰于亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "仆亠仄舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "亠亰 亰'亟仆舒仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "'亟仆舒仆仆 仆亠仄舒. 亟'亟仆舒亳?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "弌仗仂仂亢仆亳亳 于亠 从仂亳从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "亳亟舒仍亳亳 于 仍亳亳 亰 仗舒仗仂从 从仂亳从舒?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "仂亟舒亳 从亳仆从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3712,16 +3720,16 @@ msgstr ""
"亊从仂 于仂仆舒 于亢亠 仆, 弍亟亠 仗亠亠亳舒仆仂\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "弌从亳仆从舒 `%s' 于亢亠 仆."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "弌从亳仆从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3731,87 +3739,87 @@ msgstr ""
"仂亢仍亳于仂, 亟亠磻 舒亶仍亳 于亢亠 仆ム, 舒弍仂 亳 仆亠 仄舒亠\n"
"仗舒于舒 亰舒仗亳 ."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 舒仗从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 亳亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/亟仗仂于亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/亟仗仂于亳 于仄"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/亟仗仂于亳 于亟仗舒于仆亳从仂于"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/亟仗仂于亳 从仂仆亠亠仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/亠亠仍舒亳 亟舒仍"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/亠亠仍舒亳 亟舒仍 磻 于从仍舒亟亠仆仆"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/亠亠仗礆于舒亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr "从仂仆从舒 亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "丐亠从 仗舒于舒 于亟 从仂仆从亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr "从仂仆从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "丐亠从"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
msgid "_None"
msgstr "磻亳亶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "'亟仆舒仆仆 仆亠仄舒. 仍舒仆 仆舒 从仂仆, 仂弍 仗亟'亟仆舒亳."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "亳 仗亟'亟仆舒仆. 仍舒仆 仆舒 从仂仆, 仂弍 于亟'亟仆舒亳."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "亳亟"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "亳亶亳 亰 仗仂亞舒仄亳?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "仗 从仂仄舒仆亟仆仂亞仂 磲从舒"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "亢亳于舒仆仆: sylpheed [丶]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3841,7 +3849,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5927,17 +5935,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "从仍舒亟亠仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "亟"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "舒舒"
@@ -6233,7 +6244,7 @@ msgstr "丿从舒仄仂 %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "丿从舒仄仂 %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(亠亰 亟舒亳)"
@@ -6295,6 +6306,93 @@ msgstr "亟仗亳 于仂亠仆亳亶 %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 仗亠亠于 仗亟仗亳"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "亳亟舒仍亳亳 从亳仆从"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "仂仄亠"
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "亳仄舒亳"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "'亟仆舒仆仆 亰 亠于亠仂仄 SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰'亟仆舒亳 亰 亠于亠仂仄 POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亟 舒 亠 POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亟 舒 亠 POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "亳仄仄仂 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从亳 仍亳于 (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "亳仄仄仂 从仍从 仆仂于亳 仍亳于 (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "亠仄舒 仆仂于亳 仍亳于"
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "亳亟舒仍亳亳 仍亳(亳)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "亳仄舒仆仆 仆仂于亳 仍亳于"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "仂仍舒亳 仍亳"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "亳仄舒仆仆 仆仂于亳 仍亳于"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "亳仄仄仂 仍亳亳 于亟 %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "亳亟舒仍亳亳 仍亳(亳)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6959,10 +7057,6 @@ msgstr "个仍于舒仆仆..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d 仍亳于 于亟仍仂于舒仆仂."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "仂仄亠"
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/vi.po b/po/vi.po
index bb336091..2792a2fa 100644
--- a/po/vi.po
+++ b/po/vi.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-04-16 22:05+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Pham Thanh Long <ptlong@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Vietnamese <gnome-vi-list@gnome.org>\n"
@@ -19,194 +19,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "ang 畛c m畛i c畉u h狸nh cho m畛i ti kho畉n...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr "K畉t n畛i IMAP4 t畛i %s 達 b畛 ng畉t. ang k畉t n畛i l畉i...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "M叩y ch畛 IMAP4 c畉m NG NH畉P.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "ang t畉o k畉t n畛i IMAP4 t畛i %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 kh畛i 畛ng phi棚n TLS.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "ang l畉y th動 %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "ang gh辿p th動 vo %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "ang chuy畛n th動 %s t畛i %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "ang ch辿p th動 %s t畛i %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "ang xo叩 th動 %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 畉t c畛 達 xo叩: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 xo叩\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "Xo叩 m畛i th動 trong %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 畉t c畛 達 xo叩: 1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 坦ng th動 m畛c\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "th動 m畛c g畛c %s kh担ng t畛n t畉i\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "x畉y ra l畛i khi l畉y LIST.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 t畉o '%s'\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 t畉o '%s' 畛 INBOX\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 t畉o h畛p th動: LIST th畉t b畉i\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 t畉o h畛p th動\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 畛i t棚n h畛p th動: %s thnh %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 xo叩 h畛p th動\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 l畉y phong b狸\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "ang l畉y header c畛a th動 (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "x畉y ra l畛i khi l畉y phong b狸.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 ph但n t鱈ch phong b狸: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 k畉t n畛i t畛i m叩y ch畛 IMAP4: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 t畉o phi棚n IMAP4 v畛i: %s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 l畉y kho畉ng 畛nh danh (namespace)\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 ch畛n th動 m畛c: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "c坦 l畛i khi ch畉y l畛nh imap: STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "X叩c th畛c IMAP4 th畉t b畉i:\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "ng nh畉p IMAP4 th畉t b畉i.\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 ghep %s vo %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(ang g畛i t畉p tin...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 gh辿p th動 vo %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 ch辿p %s t畛i %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "c坦 l畛i khi ch畉y l畛nh imap: STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "c坦 l畛i khi ch畉y l畛nh imap: EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "c坦 l畛i khi ch畉y l畛nh imap: CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv kh担ng th畛 chuy畛n UTF-7 sang %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv kh担ng th畛 chuy畛n %s sang UTF-7\n"
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ msgstr "th動 m畛c ngu畛n c滴ng ch鱈nh l th動 m畛c g畛c.\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "ang ch辿p th動 %s%c%d t畛i %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -433,20 +433,20 @@ msgstr "C坦 l畛i khi g畛i\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "C坦 g畛i khi g畛i l畛nh\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "Kh担ng th畉y nh達n th畛i gian trong l畛i cho h畛i nh動 y棚u c畉u\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "L畛i c炭 ph叩p nh達n th畛i gian trong l畛i cho h畛i\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "Kh担ng th畉y nh達n th畛i gian trong l畛i cho h畛i nh動 y棚u c畉u\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "L畛i giao th畛c POP3\n"
@@ -455,37 +455,37 @@ msgstr "L畛i giao th畛c POP3\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "h畛i 叩p UIDL kh担ng h畛p l畛: %s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: ang xo叩 c叩c th動 h畉t h畉n %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: ang b畛 qua th動 %d (%d byte)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "h畛p th動 達 b畛 kho叩\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "phi棚n lm vi畛c h畉t gi畛\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 kh畛i 畛ng phi棚n TLS\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "c坦 l畛i khi x叩c th畛c\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "l畛nh kh担ng 動畛c h畛 tr畛\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "c坦 l畛i trong phi棚n lm vi畛c POP3\n"
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "L畛c th動 r叩c"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "L畛c th動 r叩c"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): Chuy畛n 畛i m達 th畉t b畉i.\n"
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ msgstr ""
"tr棚n c畛t `G' 畛 cho ph辿p l畉y th動 v畛 b畉ng `L畉y t畉t c畉'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ msgstr "畛i s畛 ng動畛i d湛ng c畛a hnh 畛ng"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Th棚m 畛a ch畛 vo s畛"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "畛a ch畛"
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ msgstr "Ghi ch炭"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "Ch畛n th動 m畛c s畛 畛a ch畛"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin"
@@ -838,10 +838,10 @@ msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_JPilot m畛i"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_M叩y ch畛 LDAP m畛i"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/---"
@@ -858,21 +858,21 @@ msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_Xo叩"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_L動u"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/坦n_g"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/_So畉n"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/_So畉n/_Sao ch辿p"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/_So畉n/_D叩n"
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ msgstr "/畛_a ch畛/_So畉n"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/畛_a ch畛/_Xo叩"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛"
@@ -918,12 +918,12 @@ msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/_Nh畉p t畉p tin LDIF"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/_Nh畉p t畉p tin LDIF"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/_Gi畛i thi畛u"
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/Th動 _m畛c m畛i"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -980,17 +980,17 @@ msgstr "S畛 畛a ch畛"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "T棚n:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Ng動畛i nh畉n:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "Cc:"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "Bcc:"
@@ -1197,15 +1197,15 @@ msgstr "畛a ch畛 chung"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "畛a ch畛 c叩 nh但n"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Ch炭 箪"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "C畉nh b叩o"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "L畛i"
@@ -1252,395 +1252,395 @@ msgstr "N但u"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Kh担ng"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/Th棚_m..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/_Xo叩 b畛"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/Th_u畛c t鱈nh"
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_G畛i"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/G畛i _sau"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/L動u vo th動 m畛c _nh叩p"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/L動u v _ti畉p t畛c so畉n"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/鱈nh _k竪m t畉p tin"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_Ch竪n t畉p tin"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/Ch竪n _ch畛 k鱈"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/Th棚m _ch畛 k鱈"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/_So畉n/_Hon t叩c"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/_So畉n/Ch_uy畛n t叩c"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/_So畉n/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/_So畉n/_C畉t"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/_So畉n/D叩n 畛 d畉ng t_r鱈ch d畉n"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/_So畉n/Ch畛_n t畉t c畉"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/_So畉n/_Khu担n d嘆ng o畉n hi畛n t畉i"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/_So畉n/Khu担n _m畛i d嘆ng di"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/_So畉n/T畛 畛_ng khu担n d嘆ng"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/_Xem"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Ng動畛i nh畉n"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Cc"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Bcc"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/_Xem/_H畛i 但m cho"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/_Xem/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/_Xem/Ti畉_p sau"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Th動畛c k畉"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/_Xem/鱈_nh k竪m"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 m畛_c kh叩c..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/_T畛 畛ng"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/T但y u (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/T但y u (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Trung u (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/A-r畉p (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Hi L畉p (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/A-r畉p (ISO-8859-_6)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/A-r畉p (Windows-1256)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Do Th叩i (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Do Th叩i (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Th畛 Nh挑 K狸 (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Nh畉t B畉n (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/H叩n gi畉n th畛 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/H叩n ph畛n th畛 (GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/H叩n ph畛n th畛 (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Tri畛u Ti棚n (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Th叩i (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Th叩i (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/_S畛 畛a ch畛"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/_M畉u"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/_Hnh 畛ng"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/So畉_n v畛i ch動董ng tr狸nh ngoi"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/Ch畛 _k鱈 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/M達 ho叩 _PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/Ki畛m tra _ch鱈nh t畉"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/Ch畛n ng担n ng畛 畛 _ki畛m tra ch鱈nh t畉"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: t畉p tin kh担ng t畛n t畉i\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 l畉y ph畉n vn b畉n\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "L畛i 畛nh d畉ng 叩nh d畉u tr鱈ch d畉n."
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "L畛i 畛nh d畉ng tr畉 l畛i/chuy畛n ti畉p th動."
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "T畉p tin %s kh担ng t畛n t畉i\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 x叩c 畛nh k鱈ch t動畛c t畉p tin c畛a %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "%s l t畉p tin tr畛ng."
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 畛c %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Th動: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 l畉y thnh ph畉n cho th動 nhi畛u thnh ph畉n."
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Kh担ng ti棚u 畛)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Vi畉t th動%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Ch動a ch畛 畛nh ng動畛i nh畉n."
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Ti棚u 畛 b畛 b畛 tr畛ng"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Ti棚u 畛 b畛 b畛 tr畛ng. V畉n g畛i i?"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "鱈nh k竪m"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "T畛 畛ng 畉t 畛a ch畛 sau"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Ng動畛i g畛i:"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Ti棚u 畛:"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr "G畛i"
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "kh担ng l畉y 動畛c danh s叩ch ng動畛i nh畉n."
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1648,40 +1648,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Ch動a x叩c 畛nh ti kho畉n 畛 g畛i th動.\n"
"H達y ch畛n m畛t ti kho畉n tr動畛c khi g畛i."
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "X畉y ra l畛i khi g畛i th動 畉n %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 l動u th動 vo h畛p g畛i (outbox)."
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Kh担ng t狸m th畉y kho叩 li棚n quan 畉n kho叩 ang ch畛n v畛i id `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 x畉p hng th担ng i畛p"
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 x畉p hng th担ng i畛p"
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 x畉p hng th担ng i畛p"
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 畛i ch畉 畛 t畉p tin\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1692,11 +1692,11 @@ msgstr ""
"V畉n g畛i 畛 d畉ng %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "L畛i chuy畛n m達"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1709,15 +1709,15 @@ msgstr ""
"V畉n g畛i i?"
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Gi畛i h畉n 畛 di c畛a d嘆ng"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1726,89 +1726,90 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 xo叩 th動 c滴\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "ang x畉p hng th動...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畉y th動 m畛c 畛i\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "kh担ng th畛 x畉p hng th動\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "T畉p tin %s kh担ng t畛n t畉i\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 m畛 t畉p tin 叩nh 畉u.\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "達 t畉o ID c畛a th動: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "ang t畉o c畛a s畛 so畉n th畉o...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Ch畛 k鱈 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "M達 ho叩 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Ki畛u MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "K鱈ch th動畛c"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ki畛u MIME kh担ng h畛p l畛"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "T畉p tin kh担ng t畛n t畉i ho畉c r畛ng."
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Thu畛c t鱈nh"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "M達 ho叩"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "動畛ng d畉n"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "T棚n t畉p tin"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "D嘆ng l畛nh cho tr狸nh so畉n th畉o ngoi kh担ng h畛p l畛: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1817,48 +1818,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Tr狸nh so畉n th畉o ngoi v畉n ang ho畉t 畛ng.\n"
"B畉t bu畛c d畛ng ti畉n tr狸nh (pid: %d)?\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 x畉p hng th担ng i畛p"
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Ch畛n t畉p tin"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Ch畛n t畉p tin"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "L動u th動"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "N畛i dung 達 動畛c thay 畛i. L動u vo th動 m畛c nh叩p?"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "_Kh担ng l動u"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "B畉n c坦 mu畛n d湛ng m畉u `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "D湛ng m畉u"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Thay th畉"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Ch竪n"
@@ -2313,12 +2314,12 @@ msgstr "Thi畉t l畉p th担ng tin th動 m畛c...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "Thi畉t l畉p th担ng tin th動 m畛c..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "ang qu辿t th動 m畛c %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "ang qu辿t th動 m畛c %s ..."
@@ -2488,7 +2489,8 @@ msgstr "Nh坦m tin:"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "ang t畉o khung xem header...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(Kh担ng r探 ng動畛i g畛i)"
@@ -2677,154 +2679,154 @@ msgstr "Nh畉p kh畉u t畉p tin LDIF vo s畛 畛a ch畛"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Thu畛c t鱈nh"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d th動 m畛i"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "ang x叩c th畛c"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "ang t畉i v畛 th動 m畛i"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "畛i"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "達 b畛 hu畛 b畛"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "ang t畉i v畛"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "Xong (%d th動 (%s) nh畉n 動畛c)"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "Xong (kh担ng c坦 th動 m畛i)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "K畉t n畛i th畉t b畉i"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "X叩c th畛c th畉t b畉i"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "達 kho叩"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "H畉t gi畛"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "Hon t畉t (%d th動 m畛i)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "Hon t畉t (kh担ng c坦 th動 m畛i)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "X畉y ra m畛t s畛 l畛i khi nh畉n th動."
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "ang nh畉n th動 m畛i c畛a ti kho畉n %s...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "ang x叩c th畛c"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: ang nh畉n th動 m畛i"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "ang k畉t n畛i t畛i m叩y ch畛 POP3: %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 k畉t n畛i t畛i m叩y th畛 POP3: %s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "ang x叩c th畛c..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "ang l畉y th動 tr棚n %s..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "ang x叩c 畛nh s畛 l動畛ng th動 m畛i (STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "ang x叩c 畛nh s畛 l動畛ng th動 m畛i (LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "ang x叩c 畛nh s畛 l動畛ng th動 m畛i (UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "ang x叩c 畛nh k鱈ch th動畛c th動 (LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "ang xo叩 th動 %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "ang tho叩t"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "ang l畉y th動 (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "ang l畉y v畛 (達 nh畉n %d th動 (%s))"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "K畉t n畛i th畉t b畉i."
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "C坦 l畛i khi x畛 l鱈 th動."
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2833,28 +2835,29 @@ msgstr ""
"C坦 l畛i khi x畛 l鱈 th動:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "畛 c畛ng b畛 畉y."
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 ghi l棚n t畉p tin"
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "L畛i socket."
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "K畉t n畛i b畛 ng畉t b畛i m叩y t畛 xa."
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "H畛p th動 b畛 kho叩."
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2863,11 +2866,11 @@ msgstr ""
"H畛p th動 b畛 kho叩:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "X叩c th畛c th畉t b畉i."
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2876,15 +2879,15 @@ msgstr ""
"X叩c th畛c th畉t b畉i:\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "Phi棚n lm vi畛c h畉t gi畛."
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "S叩p nh畉p b畛 hu畛 b畛\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "ang l畉y th動 t畛 %s vo %s...\n"
@@ -2902,20 +2905,20 @@ msgstr "Nh畉p m畉t kh畉u"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "Theo d探i giao th畛c"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread kh担ng 動畛c glib h畛 tr畛.\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "C叩ch d湛ng: %s [TU畛 CH畛N]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [畛a ch畛] m畛 c畛a s畛 so畉n th畉o"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2925,23 +2928,23 @@ msgstr ""
" m畛 c畛a s畛 so畉n th畉o v畛i t畉p tin 鱈nh k竪m\n"
" 達 ch畛 畛nh"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive nh畉n th動 m畛i"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all nh畉n th動 m畛i t畛 m畛i ti kho畉n"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send g畛i m畛i th動 達 x畉p hng"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [th動 m畛c]... hi畛n t畛ng s畛 th動"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2949,44 +2952,44 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [th動 m畛c]...\n"
" hi畛n tr畉ng th叩i c畛a t畛ng th動 m畛c"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --exit 坦ng Sylpheed"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug ch畉 畛 g畛 l畛i"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help hi畛n th畛 ph畉n gi炭p 畛 ny v tho叩t"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 動a ra th担ng tin phi棚n b畉n v tho叩t"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "M達 c畛a t棚n t畉p tin"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3010,19 +3013,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Ti畉p t畛c?"
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "ang vi畉t th動. B畉n th畛c s畛 mu畛n tho叩t?"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "C叩c th動 ang 畛i g畛i"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "M畛t s畛 th動 ch動a g畛i 達 動畛c x畉p hng. Tho叩t b但y gi畛?"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3031,15 +3034,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Vi畛c h畛 tr畛 OpenGPG b畛 c畉m."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "m畛t ti畉n tr狸nh Sylpheed kh叩c ang ch畉y.\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Di tr炭 c畉u h狸nh"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3047,672 +3050,677 @@ msgstr ""
"T狸m th畉y phi棚n b畉n tr動畛c c畛a c畉u h狸nh.\n"
"B畉n c坦 mu畛n di tr炭 n坦 kh担ng?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_Th動 m畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_Th動 m畛c/_T畉o th動 m畛c m畛i..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_Th動 m畛c/畛i t棚_n th動 m畛c..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_Th動 m畛c/_Di chuy畛n th動 m畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_Th動 m畛c/_Xo叩 th動 m畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_H畛p th動"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_H畛p th動/_Th棚m h畛p th動..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_H畛p th動/_Xo叩 h畛p th動"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_H畛p th動/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_H畛p th動/_Ki畛m tra th動 m畛i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_H畛p th動/Ki畛_m tra th動 m畛i 畛 m畛i h畛p th動"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_H畛p th動/_Lm l畉i c但y th動 m畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_Nh畉p kh畉u t畉p tin mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_Xu畉t kh畉u t畉p tin mbox..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/畛 _r叩c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_L動u l..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/_L動u l..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/I_n..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/Lm _vi畛c ngo畉i tuy畉n"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/_T畉p tin/Th_o叩t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/_So畉n/_Ch畛n lu畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/_So畉n/_T狸m trong th動 hi畛n t畉i..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/_So畉n/T狸m _ki畉m th動..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/_So畉n/_D叩n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/_C但y th動 m畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/_Khung xem th動"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/_Thanh c担ng c畛"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/_Thanh c担ng c畛/Bi畛u t動畛ng _v nh達n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/_Thanh c担ng c畛/_Bi畛u t動畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/_Thanh c担ng c畛/_Bi畛u t動畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/_Thanh c担ng c畛/_Nh達n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/_Thanh c担ng c畛/_Kh担ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/T_hanh t狸m ki畉m"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/T_hanh tr畉ng th叩i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 m畛_c kh叩c..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/theo ng動畛i _g畛i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/_Xem/_C但y th動 m畛c ri棚ng r畉"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Khung xem th動 ri棚ng r畉"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/theo _s畛"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/theo _k鱈ch th動畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/th_eo th畛i gian"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/th_eo th畛i gian c畛a lu畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/theo ng動畛i _g畛i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/theo ng動畛i _nh畉n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/theo ti棚_u 畛"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/theo nh達n _mu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/theo 叩nh _d畉u"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/theo _ch動a 畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/theo 鱈n_h k竪m"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/Kh担ng s畉p _x畉p"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/_Tng d畉n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/_Gi畉m d畉n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/_Xem/_S畉p x畉p/T畉p t_rung theo ti棚u 畛"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Xem theo lu畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/_Xem/M畛 m畛i l_u畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/_Xem/坦n_g m畛i lu畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/_Xem/Ch畛_n m畛c hi畛n th畛..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 _tr動畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 ti畉_p theo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 tr動畛c (_ch動a 畛c)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 ti畉p theo (ch動_a 畛c)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 tr動畛c (_m畛i)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/T_h動 ti畉p theo (m畛i)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 tr動畛c (叩nh _d畉u)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 ti畉p the_o (叩nh d畉u)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 tr動畛c (達 _g叩n nh達n)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 ti畉p th_eo (達 g叩n nh達n)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/_Xem/i _t畛i/Th動 m畛_c kh叩c..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/_T畛 畛ng x叩c 畛nh"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/担ng u (Windows-1252)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Nh畉t B畉n (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Nh畉t B畉n (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Nh畉t B畉n (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/H叩n ph畛n th畛 (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/H叩n (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/_Xem/M達 _k鱈 t畛/Tri畛u Ti棚n (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/_Xem/_M畛 trong c畛a s畛 m畛i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Ngu畛n th動"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/_Xem/M畛i _header"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/_Xem/_C畉p nh畉t t坦m t畉t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/_Th動"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/_Th動/_Nh畉n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/_Th動/_Nh畉n/_T畛 ti kho畉n m畉c 畛nh"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/_Th動/_Nh畉n/T畛 _m畛i ti kho畉n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/_Th動/_Nh畉n/_Hu畛 b畛 vi畛c l畉y th動"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/_Th動/_Nh畉n/T畛 _m畛i ti kho畉n"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/_Th動/_Nh畉n/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/_Th動/_Nh畉n/_G畛i th動 ang x畉p hng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/_Th動/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/_Th動/_Vi畉t th動 m畛i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/_Th動/_H畛i 但m"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/_Th動/H畛i 但_m t畛i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/_Th動/H畛i 但_m t畛i/_t畉t c畉"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/_Th動/H畛i 但_m t畛i/_ng動畛i g畛i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/_Th動/H畛i 但_m t畛i/_h畛p th動 chung"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Th動/_Chuy畛n ti畉p"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/_Th動/Ch_uy畛n ti畉p 畛 d畉ng 鱈nh k竪m"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/_Th動/Chu_y畛n h動畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/_Th動/_Di chuy畛n..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/_Th動/_Sao ch辿p"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Th動/叩nh _d畉u"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/_Th動/叩nh _d畉u/叩nh _d畉u"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/_Th動/叩nh _d畉u/_B畛 叩nh d畉u"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/_Th動/叩nh _d畉u/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/_Th動/叩nh _d畉u/C_h動a 畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/_Th動/叩nh _d畉u/達 畛_c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/_Th動/叩nh _d畉u/Lu畛ng 達 動畛c 畛_c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/_Th動/叩nh _d畉u/達 畛c _t畉t c畉"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Th動/_Xo叩"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/_Th動/叩nh d畉u l th動 _r叩c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/_Th動/叩nh d畉u _kh担ng l th動 r叩c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/_Th動/S_o畉n l畉i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/_Th棚m ng動畛i g畛i vo s畛 畛a ch畛..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/_L畛c m畛i th動 trong th動 m畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/L畛_c c叩c th動 達 ch畛n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/T畉o _quy t畉c l畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/T畉o _quy t畉c l畛c/_T畛 畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/T畉o _quy t畉c l畛c/theo _Ng動畛i g畛i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/T畉o _quy t畉c l畛c/theo N_g動畛i nh畉n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/T畉o _quy t畉c l畛c/theo Ti棚_u 畛"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/L畛c _th動 r叩c trong th動 m畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/L畛c th動 _r叩c trong c叩c th動 達 ch畛n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/_Xo叩 th動 tr湛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "Ch畉y ti畉n tr狸nh 達 叩nh d畉u"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/_C担ng c畛/C畛a s畛 theo _d探i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/C畉_u h狸nh"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/C畉_u h狸nh/_C畉u h狸nh chung..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/C畉_u h狸nh/_Thi畉t l畉p b畛 l畛c..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/C畉_u h狸nh/_M畉u..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/C畉_u h狸nh/_Hnh 畛ng..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/C畉_u h狸nh/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/C畉_u h狸nh/C畉_u h狸nh cho ti kho畉n m畉c 畛nh..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/C畉_u h狸nh/T畉_o ti kho畉n m畛i..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/C畉_u h狸nh/_S畛a ti kho畉n..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/C畉_u h狸nh/畛i ti _kho畉n m畉c 畛nh"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/_S畛 tay h動畛ng d畉n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/_S畛 tay h動畛ng d畉n/Ti畉ng _Anh"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/_S畛 tay h動畛ng d畉n/Ti畉ng _Nh畉t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/_C但u h畛i th動畛ng g畉p"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/_C但u h畛i th動畛ng g畉p/Ti畉ng _Anh"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/_C但u h畛i th動畛ng g畉p/Ti畉ng 畛_c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/_C但u h畛i th動畛ng g畉p/Ti畉ng _T但y Ban Nha"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/_C但u h畛i th動畛ng g畉p/Ti畉ng _Ph叩p"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/_C但u h畛i th動畛ng g畉p/_Ti畉ng Italia"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/Tu畛 ch畛n _d嘆ng l畛nh"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/_H畛 tr畛/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "ang t畉o c畛a s畛 ch鱈nh...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "C畛a s畛 ch鱈nh: vi畛c c畉p mu %d th畉t b畉i\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "xong.\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Ch動a 畉t t棚n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr "kh担ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Ngo畉i tuy畉n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "B畉n ang ngo畉i tuy畉n. Chuy畛n sang tr畛c tuy畉n?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "畛 m畛i th湛ng r叩c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "Xo叩 m畛i th動 trong th湛ng r叩c?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Th棚m h畛p th動"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3722,16 +3730,16 @@ msgstr ""
"N畉u h畛p th動 c坦 tr動畛c 動畛c ch畛 畛nh, n坦 s畉 動畛c\n"
"t畛 畛ng qu辿t."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "H畛p th動 `%s' 達 c坦 tr動畛c."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "H畛p th動"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3740,90 +3748,90 @@ msgstr ""
"Vi畛c t畉o h畛p th動 達 th畉t b畉i.\n"
"C坦 th畛 m畛t s畛 t畉p tin 達 c坦 tr動畛c, ho畉c b畉n kh担ng c坦 quy畛n ghi l棚n 坦."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Khung th動 m畛c"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - Khung 畛c th動"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/_H畛i 但m"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/H畛i 但m _t畉t c畉"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/H畛i 但m cho ng動畛i _g畛i"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/H畛i 但m cho _h畛p th動 chung"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/_Chuy畛n ti畉p"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/Ch_uy畛n ti畉p 畛 d畉ng 鱈nh k竪m"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/Chu_y畛n h動畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/_Xem/_Hi畛n ho畉c 畉n/_Thanh c担ng c畛/_Bi畛u t動畛ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "Vn b畉n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Kh担ng"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "B畉n ang ngo畉i tuy畉n. Nh畉n vo bi畛u t動畛ng 畛 chuy畛n sang tr畛c tuy畉n."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "B畉n ang tr畛c tuy畉n. Nh畉n vo bi畛u t動畛ng 畛 chuy畛n sang ngo畉i tuy畉n."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Tho叩t"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "Tho叩t ch動董ng tr狸nh ny?"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "Tu畛 ch畛n d嘆ng l畛nh"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "C叩ch d湛ng: sylpheed [TU畛 CH畛N]..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
@@ -3853,7 +3861,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
@@ -5954,17 +5962,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "鱈nh k竪m"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Ti棚u 畛"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "Ng動畛i g畛i"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Th畛i gian"
@@ -6273,7 +6284,7 @@ msgstr "ang t狸m %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "ang t狸m %s (%d / %d)..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(Kh担ng ngy th叩ng)"
@@ -6336,6 +6347,93 @@ msgstr "K鱈 l炭c %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "L畛i khi x叩c th畛c ch畛 k鱈"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "Xo叩 h畛p th動"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "S畛 "
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "L畉y"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "ang k畉t n畛i t畛i m叩y ch畛 SMTP: %s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "Kh担ng th畛 k畉t n畛i t畛i m叩y th畛 POP3: %s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "c坦 l畛i trong phi棚n lm vi畛c POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "c坦 l畛i trong phi棚n lm vi畛c POP3\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "ang l畉y header c畛a th動 (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "ang x叩c 畛nh s畛 l動畛ng th動 m畛i (STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "Kh担ng c坦 th動 m畛i."
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "Xo叩 th動"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "ang t畉i v畛 th動 m畛i"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "G畛i th動"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "ang t畉i v畛 th動 m畛i"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "ang l畉y th動 tr棚n %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "Xo叩 th動"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -6993,10 +7091,6 @@ msgstr "ang l畛c..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d th動 達 動畛c l畛c."
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "S畛 "
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
index 92aa0efb..0d6627ce 100644
--- a/po/zh_CN.po
+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-03-17 09:22+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Wang Jian <lark@linux.net.cn>\n"
"Language-Team: zh_CN <i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn>\n"
@@ -20,196 +20,196 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "罩e莚糸絽埇臀...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr " %s IMAP4 菴・綏我綣罩e域・...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 ≦綵"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "罩e綮阪 %s:%d IMAP4 菴・...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "羈 TLS 篌莚\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "罩eら篁 %d"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "罩e篁 (%d / %d 絖)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "罩e腱糸篁 %s%c%d %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "罩e紊狗篁 %s%c%d %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "罩e篁 %s キ篁..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "羈莅丞舟ゆ綽鐚%s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "羈羝\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "罩e篁 %s キ篁..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "羈莅丞舟ゆ綽鐚1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "羈渇篁九す\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "号篁九す %s 筝絖\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "キ茵九莚\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "羈綮財%s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "羈銀散膊延賢綮財%s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "羈綮咲膊縁LIST 紊沿乾\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "羈綮咲膊\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "羈絨膊 %s 遵筝 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "羈ら膊\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "羈キ篆≦\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "罩e篁 (%d / %d 絖)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "キ篆≦九莚\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "羈茹f篆≦鐚%s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "羈菴・IMAP4≦鐚%s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "羈菴・IMAP4≦鐚%s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "羈キ緇絖腥咲\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "羈篁九す鐚%s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "цIMAP巡擦九莚鐚CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 薨莚紊沿乾\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 糸紊沿乾\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "羈 %s 羞糸 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "(罩e篁...)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "羈菴遵篁九 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "羈絨 %s 紊九 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "цIMAP巡擦九莚鐚STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "цIMAP巡擦九莚鐚EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "цIMAP巡擦九莚鐚CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "iconv 羈莉 UTF-7 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "iconv 羈莉 %s UTF-7\n"
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ msgstr "羣篁九す筝篁九す筝筝\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "罩e紊狗篁 %s%c%d %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -431,20 +431,20 @@ msgstr "茵腴九莚\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "巡擦九莚\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "篆≧筝羃≧ー荀APOP倶\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "篆≧筝狗贋活羈莚\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "篆≧筝羃≧ー荀APOP倶\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 顒莚\n"
@@ -453,37 +453,37 @@ msgstr "POP3 顒莚\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr " UIDL 綺鐚%s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: 罩eよ篁 %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3鐚莊活篁 %d (%d 絖)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "篆∞沿←篏鋋\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "篌莚莇\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "羈 TLS 篌莚\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "薨莚九莚\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "筝巡擦\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "POP3 篌莚莚\n"
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ msgstr "篁九す鐚"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "篁九す鐚"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content()鐚篁g莉√け茣ャ\n"
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ msgstr "篏桁"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "絨医羞糸医医膂"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "医"
@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ msgstr "羈"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "医膂炊篁九す"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/篁(_F)"
@@ -851,10 +851,10 @@ msgstr "/篁(_F)/医産 JPilot(_J)"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/医産≦(_S)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/---"
@@ -871,21 +871,21 @@ msgstr "/篁(_F)/(_D)"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/篆絖(_S)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/渇(_C)"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/紊(_C)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/膕茣(_P)"
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ msgstr "/医(_A)/膽莨(_E)"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/医(_A)/(_D)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)"
@@ -931,12 +931,12 @@ msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/絲弱LDIF篁(_L)"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/絲弱LDIF篁(_L)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/絽(_H)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/割(_A)"
@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/医産篁九す(_F)"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -993,17 +993,17 @@ msgstr "医膂"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "紮鐚"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "銀散篋削"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr "鐚"
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "絲篁倶鐚"
@@ -1205,15 +1205,15 @@ msgstr "医"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "筝篋阪医"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "羈"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "茘"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "莚"
@@ -1260,404 +1260,404 @@ msgstr "罍"
msgid "None"
msgstr "羃≧"
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/羞糸(_A)..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/絮(_P)..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/(_S)"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/篁ュ(_L)"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/篆絖域腮水す(_D)"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/篆絖綛句薩膸膽莨(_K)"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/羞糸篁(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/ユ篁(_I)"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/ョ上(_G)"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/ョ上(_G)"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/ら(_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/紊(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/篏筝阪膕茣(_Q)"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/綵罧笈醇茵(_W)"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/粋茵(_L)"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/茵(_O)"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/銀散篋(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/(_C)"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絲篁倶(_B)"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/紊(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莊茣(_F)"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絨(_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/篁(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/九篁九す(_F)..."
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/7篏 ASCII (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/茱炊 (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/茱炊 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/筝罨 (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/羈∝莚 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/羈∝莚 (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/紊莚 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/絽莚 (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/羈∝莚 (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/紊莚 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/絽莚 (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/紊莚 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/喝区 (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/紊莚 (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/紊莚 (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/紊莚 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/紊莚 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/ヨ (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/膊篏筝 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/膊篏筝 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/膵篏筝 (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/蕾莚 (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/羈医処 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/羈医処 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/医膂(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/罔≧(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/篏(_N)"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/紊膽莨膽莨(_X)"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/PGP 膈上(_G)"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/PGP 絲(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/ц(_X)"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/罔≧(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s鐚篁銀絖\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "羈緇井\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "綣莅井弱莚"
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "篁九紊/莉弱莚"
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "篁 %s 筝絖\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "羈キ緇篁 %s 紊у\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "篁 %s 腥榊"
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "羈莚糸 %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "篁駈%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "羈キ緇篁句"
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(羃≧筝脂)"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 医篁%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "羃≧絎銀散篋冴"
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "筝脂"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "筝脂腥榊菴荀鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "篁"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "莅丞舟篁ヤ医"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "篁銀査鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "蘂鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "羈キ緇銀散篋阪茵"
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1665,40 +1665,40 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "篁九 %s 九莚"
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "羈絨莚ラ篁銀絖医篁句宴"
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "羈上医綵筝絲ユ莚%s梧膤紫ュ"
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "羈絨莚ラ篁倶"
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "羈絨莚ラ篁倶"
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "羈絨莚ラ篁倶"
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "羈劫篁九\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1708,12 +1708,12 @@ msgstr ""
"羈絨篁句絖膃膽篁 %s 莉√ %s\n"
"篁句 %s 鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "医膂粋習∫莚"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1722,15 +1722,15 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1739,91 +1739,92 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "羈ゆч篁\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "罩e篁...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "羈上育篁九す鐚%s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "羈莚ラ篁\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "篁 %s 筝絖\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "羈綣篁 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "篁倶莚埦%s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "罩e綮堺医腦...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/PGP 膈上(_G)"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/PGP 絲(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME 膠糸"
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "紊у"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "MIME膠糸"
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "篁銀絖筝榊冴"
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "絮"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "膽劫"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "莊緇"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "篁九"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "紊膽莨巡擦茵鐚%s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1833,51 +1834,51 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "羈絨莚ラ篁倶"
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "篁"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "篁"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "腴喝篁"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "莚ラ篁九群篆鴻筝√絎鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "荀篏睡罔≧垂%s鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "篏睡罔≧"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "炊"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr ""
@@ -2336,12 +2337,12 @@ msgstr "罩e莅丞舟篁九す篆≧...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "罩e莅丞舟篁九す篆≧..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "罩e篁九す %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "罩e篁九す %s ..."
@@ -2511,7 +2512,8 @@ msgstr "育紫鐚"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "罩e綮堺蘂茹...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "(羃≧篁銀査)"
@@ -2700,154 +2702,154 @@ msgstr "絲弱 LDIF 篁九医医膂"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "絮"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "絎 (%d 筝育篁)"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "罩e薨莚"
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "罩eキ育篁"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "莚欠緇"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "羔"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "罩eキ"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "絎 (九 %d 筝篁 (%s))"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "絎 (羃≧育篁)"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "菴・紊沿乾"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "薨莚紊沿乾"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "篏"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "莇"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "絎 (%d 筝育篁)"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "絎 (羃≧育篁)"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "キ篁倶九莚"
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "罩eキ絽 %s 育篁...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "罩e薨莚"
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s鐚罩eキ育篁"
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "罩e菴・POP3≦鐚%s..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "羈菴・POP3≦鐚%s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "罩e薨莚..."
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "罩e篁 %s キ篁..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "罩eキ育篁倶育(STAT)..."
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "罩eキ育篁倶育(LAST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "罩eキ育篁倶育(UIDL)..."
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "罩eキ育篁句紊у(LIST)..."
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "罩eら篁 %d"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "罩e"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "罩eキ篁 (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "罩eキ (九 %d 筝篁 (%s))"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "菴・紊沿乾"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "紊篁倶九莚"
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2856,28 +2858,29 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "羃≧篏脾腥咲眼"
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "羈ユ篁吟"
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Socket莚"
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "菴腮筝紙阪渇篋菴・"
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "篆∞沿←篏"
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
@@ -2886,11 +2889,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "薨莚紊沿乾"
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2899,15 +2902,15 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "篌莚莇吟"
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "綛倶育篁区←羔\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "罩e篁 %s キ育篁九 %s...\n"
@@ -2925,20 +2928,20 @@ msgstr "莨ュ"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "顒莅医"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "glib 筝 g_thread\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "羈鐚%s [OPTION]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [address] 綣医腦"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2947,23 +2950,23 @@ msgstr ""
" --attach 篁1 [篁2]...\n"
" 綣医腦e攻羞糸絎篁"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive ・倶育篁"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all ・倶絽埇育篁"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 筝篁"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [篁九す]... 丞ず篁倶紙"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2971,49 +2974,49 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [篁九す]...\n"
" 丞ず罸鋇篁九す倶"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug 莪莚罔≦"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 莪莚罔≦"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 丞ず莚ュ軒綛狗"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 莨榊篆≧綛狗"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "銀戎絖膃膽"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3027,19 +3030,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "罩e医篁吟荀阪鐚"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "筝篁"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "筝篋篆>散茴上ラー阪鐚"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3048,15 +3051,15 @@ msgstr ""
"綏牙 OpenPGP "
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Ϊ筝筝 Sylpheed 罩e菴茵\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "罩e菴腱脂臀"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3064,684 +3067,689 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/篁九す(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/篁(_F)/篁九す(_F)/医産篁九す(_N)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/篁(_F)/篁九す(_F)/遵篁九す(_R)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/篁(_F)/篁九す(_F)/遵篁九す(_R)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/篁九す(_F)/ゆ篁九す(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/膊(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/篁(_F)/膊(_M)/羞糸膊(_M)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/膊(_M)/ら膊(_R)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/膊(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/膊(_M)/罍ユ育篁(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/膊(_M)/罍ユ膊援育篁(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/膊(_M)/綮堺篁九す(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/篁(_F)/絲弱mbox篁(_I)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/篁(_F)/絲弱阪mbox篁(_E)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/羝腥阪篁句(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/篁(_F)/Ϊ筝(_S)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/篁(_F)/Ϊ筝(_S)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/篁(_F)/(_P)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/胼紫鎖綏ヤ(_W)"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/篁(_F)/(_X)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/膾睡刈(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/綵篁銀賢ユ(_F)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/ユ冗篁(_S)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/膽莨(_E)/膕茣(_P)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/篁九す(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/篁区(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/綏ュ傑(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/綏ュ傑(_T)/丈絖(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/綏ュ傑(_T)/丈(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/綏ュ傑(_T)/丈(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/綏ュ傑(_T)/絖(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/綏ュ傑(_T)/(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/倶(_B)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/倶(_B)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/九篁九す(_F)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/ョ/綺(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/篁銀査(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/胼紙篁九す腦(_O)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/胼脂篁区丞(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/ョ/綺(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/綺(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/紊у(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/ユ(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/ユ(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/篁銀査(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/銀散篋(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/筝脂(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/蘂我羈(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/莅(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/莚(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/篁(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/筝綺(_O)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/綺"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/綺"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/綺(_S)/筝脂筝(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/膾睡刈ョ(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絮綣膾睡刈(_X)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/句而膾睡刈(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莅丞舟丞ず蕁(_I)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/筝筝筝篁(_P)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/筝筝筝篁(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/筝筝筝莚脂篁(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/筝筝筝莚脂篁(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/筝筝筝育篁(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/筝筝筝育篁(_X)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/筝筝筝莅亥篁(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/筝筝筝莅亥篁(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/筝筝筝蘂我羈篁(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/筝筝筝蘂我羈篁(_B)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/莉(_G)/九篁九す(_F)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/罍羌(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/茱炊 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/ヨ (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/ヨ (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/ヨ (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/膵篏筝 (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/筝 (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/絖膃膽(_E)/蕾莚 (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/亥d賢綣(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/篁倶篁(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/蘂(_H)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/贋井荀(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/篁(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/・(_V)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/・(_V)/綵絽(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/・(_V)/絽(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/・(_V)/羔(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/篁(_M)/・(_V)/絽(_A)"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/・(_V)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/筝篁(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/医育篁(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/紊(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/紊(_Y)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/紊(_Y)/篋(_AL)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/紊(_Y)/篁銀査(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/紊(_Y)/篁九茵(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/莉(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/篏筝咲篁区習(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/絎(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/篁(_M)/腱糸(_O)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/篁(_M)/紊(_C)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/莅(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/莅(_M)/莅(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/莅(_M)/羔莅(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/莅(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/莅(_M)/莅遺減莚(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/莅(_M)/莅遺減綏画(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/莅(_M)/莅遺減綏画(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/莅(_M)/莅遺減綏画(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/・倶育篁(_i)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/・倶育篁(_i)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/篁(_M)/亥莨(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/絨篁銀査羞糸医医膂推賢(_K)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/菴羯ゆ篁九す筝篁(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/菴羯ら筝篁(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/綮肴羯よ(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/綮肴羯よ(_C)/(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/綮肴羯よ(_C)/篁銀査(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/綮肴羯よ(_C)/銀散篋(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/綮肴羯よ(_C)/筝脂(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/菴羯ゆ篁九す筝篁(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/菴羯ら筝篁(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/ら紊篁(_P)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "ц莅亥紊"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/莅医腦(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/臀(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/臀(_C)/薤蕁(_C)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/臀(_C)/菴羯よ丞舟(_F)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/臀(_C)/罔≧(_T)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/臀(_C)/篏(_A)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/臀(_C)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/臀(_C)/綵絽埌蕁(_P)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/臀(_C)/綮堺医(_N)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/臀(_C)/膽莨絽(_E)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/臀(_C)/劫綵絽(_H)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/(_M)/沿(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/(_M)/ヨ(_J)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/絽梧蘂(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/絽梧蘂(_F)/沿(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/絽梧蘂(_F)/緇決(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/絽梧蘂(_F)/茱睡莚(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/絽梧蘂(_F)/羈莚(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/絽梧蘂(_F)/鎀у莚(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "羃≧莅丞舟巡擦茵"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/絽(_H)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "罩e綮坂源腦...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "筝紫o蘂 %d 紊沿乾\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "絎\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "蘂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "胼紫鎖"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "紊篋胼紫鎖倶√医膾睡倶鐚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "羝腥堺綺篁句"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "羝腥阪篁句演篆>散鐚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "羞糸膊"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
@@ -3751,16 +3759,16 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "膊奄%s綏牙鎕"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "膊"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3769,92 +3777,92 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed鐚篁九す茹"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed鐚篁区"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/紊(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/紊井篋(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/紊医篁銀査(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/紊育篁九茵(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/莉(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/篏筝咲篁区習(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/絎(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/ョ(_V)/丞ず(_D)/綏ュ傑(_T)/丈(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr "羃≧"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "紊篋胼紫鎖倶糸丈√医膾睡倶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "紊篋膾睡倶糸丈√亥紫鎖倶"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "荀堺腮綺鐚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "羃≧莅丞舟巡擦茵"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "羈鐚%s [OPTION]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3871,7 +3879,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5997,17 +6005,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "篁"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "筝脂"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "篁銀査"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ユ"
@@ -6318,7 +6329,7 @@ msgstr "罩e篁九す %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "罩e菴羯..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(羃≧ユ)"
@@ -6386,6 +6397,93 @@ msgstr "膈上綮坂 %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "薨莚膈上九莚"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "ら膊"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "No."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "・"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "罩e菴・SMTP≦鐚%s ..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "羈菴・POP3≦鐚%s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "POP3 篌莚莚\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "POP3 篌莚莚\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "罩e篁 (%d / %d 絖)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "罩eキ育篁倶育(STAT)..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "羃≧育篁"
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "ら篁"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "罩eキ育篁"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "腴喝篁"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "罩eキ育篁"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "罩e篁 %s キ篁..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "ら篁"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7051,10 +7149,6 @@ msgstr "罩e菴羯..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "綏牙颷羯 %d 筝篁吟"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "No."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
index 881ad73b..da337912 100644
--- a/po/zh_TW.po
+++ b/po/zh_TW.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 2.1.4\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-06 14:59+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-18 17:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-25 16:23+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Wei-Lun Chao <chaoweilun@pcmail.com.tw>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <zh-l10n@linux.org.tw>\n"
@@ -21,194 +21,194 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading all config for each account...\n"
msgstr "莅絽活荐絎筝...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "IMAP4 connection to %s has been disconnected. Reconnecting...\n"
msgstr " %s IMAP4 g茴筝隙育g筝...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:529 libsylph/imap.c:535
+#: libsylph/imap.c:531 libsylph/imap.c:537
msgid "IMAP4 server disables LOGIN.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 篌堺糸ャ\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:611
+#: libsylph/imap.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "creating IMAP4 connection to %s:%d ...\n"
msgstr "罩e∝ IMAP4 g %s:%d ...\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:655
+#: libsylph/imap.c:657
msgid "Can't start TLS session.\n"
msgstr "≧ TLS g\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1166
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message %d"
msgstr "桁膃 %d 灸散"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1282
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "Appending messages to %s (%d / %d)"
msgstr "灸散 %s (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1374
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Moving messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "罩e腱糸灸散 %s %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1379
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid "Copying messages %s to %s ..."
msgstr "罩e茲茖初灸散 %s %s ..."
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1517
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Removing messages %s"
msgstr "罩e腱脂ら灸散 %s"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1523
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "can't set deleted flags: %s\n"
msgstr "≧荐絎ょ罔鐚%s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1531 libsylph/imap.c:1626
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1533 libsylph/imap.c:1628
msgid "can't expunge\n"
msgstr "≧\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1614
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "Removing all messages in %s"
msgstr "罩e腱脂 %s 筝灸散"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1622
msgid "can't set deleted flags: 1:*\n"
msgstr "≧荐絎ょ罔鐚1:*\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1668
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1670
msgid "can't close folder\n"
msgstr "≧御莖紊\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1747
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1749
#, c-format
msgid "root folder %s not exist\n"
msgstr "壕紊 %s 筝絖\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:1946 libsylph/imap.c:1954
+#: libsylph/imap.c:1949 libsylph/imap.c:1957
msgid "error occurred while getting LIST.\n"
msgstr "緇 LIST 主茯ゃ\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2109
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2188
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s'\n"
msgstr "≧∝ %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2114
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2193
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create '%s' under INBOX\n"
msgstr "≧銀散紊鞘∝ %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2176
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2255
msgid "can't create mailbox: LIST failed\n"
msgstr "≧∝篆∞縁LIST 紊掩\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2199
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2278
msgid "can't create mailbox\n"
msgstr "≧∝篆∞\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2327
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "can't rename mailbox: %s to %s\n"
msgstr "篆∞ %s ≧翫 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2407
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2486
msgid "can't delete mailbox\n"
msgstr "≧や拭膊\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2451
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2530
msgid "can't get envelope\n"
msgstr "≧緇篆≦\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2464
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Getting message headers (%d / %d)"
msgstr "桁灸散茵 (%d / %d)"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2474
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2553
msgid "error occurred while getting envelope.\n"
msgstr "緇篆≦主茯ゃ\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2496
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "can't parse envelope: %s\n"
msgstr "≧茹f篆≦鐚%s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2620
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to IMAP4 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "≧g IMAP4 篌堺鐚%s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2627
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "Can't establish IMAP4 session with: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "≧∝ IMAP4 g鐚%s:%d\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:2702
+#: libsylph/imap.c:2781
msgid "can't get namespace\n"
msgstr "≧緇篆≦\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3235
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3314
#, c-format
msgid "can't select folder: %s\n"
msgstr "≧御莖紊常%s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3270
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3349
msgid "error on imap command: STATUS\n"
msgstr "主茯ょ imap 巡擦鐚 STATUS\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3393 libsylph/imap.c:3428
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3472 libsylph/imap.c:3507
msgid "IMAP4 authentication failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 茯茘紊掩\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3477
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3556
msgid "IMAP4 login failed.\n"
msgstr "IMAP4 糸ュけ\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3814
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3893
#, c-format
msgid "can't append %s to %s\n"
msgstr "≧絨灸散緇 %s 腱糸 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3821
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3900
msgid "(sending file...)"
msgstr "鐚堺罅 ...鐚"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3850
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3929
#, c-format
msgid "can't append message to %s\n"
msgstr "≧荐 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3882
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3961
#, c-format
msgid "can't copy %s to %s\n"
msgstr "≧絨灸散 %s 腱糸 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3906
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3985
#, c-format
msgid "error while imap command: STORE %s %s\n"
msgstr "imap 主茯わ巡擦削 STORE %s %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3920
+#: libsylph/imap.c:3999
msgid "error while imap command: EXPUNGE\n"
msgstr "imap 主茯わ巡擦削 EXPUNGE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:3933
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4012
msgid "error while imap command: CLOSE\n"
msgstr "imap 主茯わ巡擦削 CLOSE\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4209
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4288
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert UTF-7 to %s\n"
msgstr "≧絨 UTF-7 莉 %s\n"
-#: libsylph/imap.c:4239
+#: libsylph/imap.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "iconv cannot convert %s to UTF-7\n"
msgstr "≧莉 %s UTF-7\n"
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ msgstr "箴羣莖紊丞後\n"
msgid "Copying message %s/%d to %s ...\n"
msgstr "罩e茲茖処 %s%c%d %s ...\n"
-#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:158
+#: libsylph/mh.c:1002 libsylph/mh.c:1015 src/main.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File `%s' already exists.\n"
@@ -436,20 +436,20 @@ msgstr "取;腴主茯\n"
msgid "Error occurred while sending command\n"
msgstr "阪巡擦主茯ゃ\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:155
+#: libsylph/pop.c:156
msgid "Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"
msgstr "・茹檎荐筝鞘 APOP 活\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:162
+#: libsylph/pop.c:163
msgid "Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"
msgstr "・茹檎荐筝活茯羈茯\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:170
+#: libsylph/pop.c:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp in greeting\n"
msgstr "・茹檎荐筝鞘 APOP 活\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:198 libsylph/pop.c:225
+#: libsylph/pop.c:199 libsylph/pop.c:226
msgid "POP3 protocol error\n"
msgstr "POP3 絎茯\n"
@@ -458,37 +458,37 @@ msgstr "POP3 絎茯\n"
msgid "invalid UIDL response: %s\n"
msgstr "UIDL 茯わ%s\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:631
+#: libsylph/pop.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Deleting expired message %d\n"
msgstr "POP3: ら灸散 %d\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:640
+#: libsylph/pop.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "POP3: Skipping message %d (%d bytes)\n"
msgstr "POP3: ラ灸散 %d (%d 篏腟)\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:673
+#: libsylph/pop.c:688
msgid "mailbox is locked\n"
msgstr "篆∞怨群茴絎鐚遵筝罨≧桁絎\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:676
+#: libsylph/pop.c:691
msgid "session timeout\n"
msgstr "篏罐丈\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:682 libsylph/smtp.c:561
+#: libsylph/pop.c:697 libsylph/smtp.c:561
msgid "can't start TLS session\n"
msgstr "≧ TLS 綏ヤ罧\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:689 libsylph/smtp.c:496
+#: libsylph/pop.c:704 libsylph/smtp.c:496
msgid "error occurred on authentication\n"
msgstr "茯茘主茯\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:694
+#: libsylph/pop.c:709
msgid "command not supported\n"
msgstr "巡擦\n"
-#: libsylph/pop.c:698
+#: libsylph/pop.c:713
msgid "error occurred on POP3 session\n"
msgstr "篏睡 POP3 荐絎主茯\n"
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ msgstr "冗灸散莖紊"
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "冗灸散莖紊"
-#: libsylph/procmime.c:1142
+#: libsylph/procmime.c:1144
msgid "procmime_get_text_content(): Code conversion failed.\n"
msgstr "procmime_get_text_content(): 莉腆弱け\n"
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/account_dialog.c:368 src/addressadd.c:177 src/addressbook.c:519
-#: src/compose.c:5106 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
+#: src/compose.c:5110 src/editaddress.c:777 src/editaddress.c:826
#: src/editbook.c:198 src/editgroup.c:272 src/editjpilot.c:270
#: src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:183 src/mimeview.c:226
#: src/prefs_filter.c:257 src/prefs_folder_item.c:171 src/select-keys.c:322
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ msgstr "篏睡荐絎箙巡擦"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "絨医ラ荐"
-#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3204 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
+#: src/addressadd.c:187 src/compose.c:3208 src/prefs_toolbar.c:86
#: src/select-keys.c:323
msgid "Address"
msgstr "医"
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ msgstr "荐"
msgid "Select Address Book Folder"
msgstr "御荐莖紊"
-#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:556 src/mainwindow.c:525
+#: src/addressbook.c:351 src/compose.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:530
#: src/messageview.c:149
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)"
@@ -854,10 +854,10 @@ msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/医J-Pilot(_J)"
msgid "/_File/New _LDAP Server"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/医篌堺(_S)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:561
-#: src/compose.c:566 src/compose.c:569 src/compose.c:572 src/mainwindow.c:543
-#: src/mainwindow.c:546 src/mainwindow.c:548 src/mainwindow.c:550
-#: src/mainwindow.c:555 src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:151
+#: src/addressbook.c:360 src/addressbook.c:363 src/compose.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:570 src/compose.c:573 src/compose.c:576 src/mainwindow.c:548
+#: src/mainwindow.c:551 src/mainwindow.c:553 src/mainwindow.c:555
+#: src/mainwindow.c:560 src/mainwindow.c:562 src/messageview.c:151
#: src/messageview.c:156
msgid "/_File/---"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/---"
@@ -874,21 +874,21 @@ msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/(_D)"
msgid "/_File/_Save"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/峨(_S)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:573 src/messageview.c:157
+#: src/addressbook.c:365 src/compose.c:577 src/messageview.c:157
msgid "/_File/_Close"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/(_C)"
#: src/addressbook.c:367 src/addressbook.c:407 src/addressbook.c:417
-#: src/compose.c:575 src/mainwindow.c:561 src/messageview.c:159
+#: src/compose.c:579 src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:159
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:580 src/mainwindow.c:562
+#: src/addressbook.c:368 src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:567
#: src/messageview.c:160
msgid "/_Edit/_Copy"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/茲茖(_C)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:581
+#: src/addressbook.c:369 src/compose.c:585
msgid "/_Edit/_Paste"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/莢寂(_P)"
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ msgstr "/医(_A)/膩莠(_E)"
msgid "/_Address/_Delete"
msgstr "/医(_A)/(_D)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:691 src/mainwindow.c:807
+#: src/addressbook.c:379 src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:814
#: src/messageview.c:282
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)"
@@ -934,12 +934,12 @@ msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/ LDIF 罟(_L)"
msgid "/_Tools/Import _CSV file"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/ LDIF 罟(_L)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:712 src/mainwindow.c:861
+#: src/addressbook.c:383 src/compose.c:716 src/mainwindow.c:868
#: src/messageview.c:302
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/茯(_H)"
-#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:713 src/mainwindow.c:873
+#: src/addressbook.c:384 src/compose.c:717 src/mainwindow.c:880
#: src/messageview.c:303
msgid "/_Help/_About"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/(_A)"
@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ msgid "/New _Folder"
msgstr "/医莖紊(_F)"
#: src/addressbook.c:406 src/addressbook.c:416 src/addressbook.c:419
-#: src/compose.c:550 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
+#: src/compose.c:554 src/folderview.c:251 src/folderview.c:253
#: src/folderview.c:258 src/folderview.c:260 src/folderview.c:273
#: src/folderview.c:275 src/folderview.c:277 src/folderview.c:282
#: src/folderview.c:284 src/folderview.c:298 src/folderview.c:300
@@ -996,17 +996,17 @@ msgstr "荐"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "紮鐚"
-#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3149 src/headerview.c:55
+#: src/addressbook.c:673 src/compose.c:3153 src/headerview.c:55
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:339 src/prefs_template.c:179
msgid "To:"
msgstr "銀散篋"
-#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3166 src/headerview.c:56
+#: src/addressbook.c:677 src/compose.c:3170 src/headerview.c:56
#: src/prefs_folder_item.c:356 src/prefs_template.c:181
msgid "Cc:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3183 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
+#: src/addressbook.c:681 src/compose.c:3187 src/prefs_folder_item.c:367
#: src/prefs_template.c:183
msgid "Bcc:"
msgstr "絲篁九"
@@ -1210,15 +1210,15 @@ msgstr "援荐膣"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "腱篋咲荐膣"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6396 src/main.c:742
+#: src/alertpanel.c:142 src/compose.c:6438 src/main.c:736
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "羈"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:857
+#: src/alertpanel.c:155 src/main.c:851
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "茘"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:732
+#: src/alertpanel.c:168 src/inc.c:724
msgid "Error"
msgstr "茯"
@@ -1265,400 +1265,400 @@ msgstr "罍"
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:548
+#: src/compose.c:552
msgid "/_Add..."
msgstr "/医(_A)..."
-#: src/compose.c:549
+#: src/compose.c:553
msgid "/_Remove"
msgstr "/(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:551 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
+#: src/compose.c:555 src/folderview.c:264 src/folderview.c:288
#: src/folderview.c:310
msgid "/_Properties..."
msgstr "/у(_P)..."
-#: src/compose.c:557
+#: src/compose.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Send"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/渇(_S)"
-#: src/compose.c:559
+#: src/compose.c:563
msgid "/_File/Send _later"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/腮緇渇(_L)"
-#: src/compose.c:562
+#: src/compose.c:566
msgid "/_File/Save to _draft folder"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/峨活腮粋紊(_D)"
-#: src/compose.c:564
+#: src/compose.c:568
msgid "/_File/Save and _keep editing"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/峨筝膵主膩莠(_K)"
-#: src/compose.c:567
+#: src/compose.c:571
msgid "/_File/_Attach file"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/罟罅(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:568
+#: src/compose.c:572
msgid "/_File/_Insert file"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/ユ罅(_I)"
-#: src/compose.c:570
+#: src/compose.c:574
msgid "/_File/Insert si_gnature"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/ョ綾腴(_G)"
-#: src/compose.c:571
+#: src/compose.c:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/A_ppend signature"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/ョ綾腴(_G)"
-#: src/compose.c:576
+#: src/compose.c:580
msgid "/_Edit/_Undo"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/緇(_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:577
+#: src/compose.c:581
msgid "/_Edit/_Redo"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/茲筝篏(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:578 src/compose.c:585 src/mainwindow.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:582 src/compose.c:589 src/mainwindow.c:570
#: src/messageview.c:162
msgid "/_Edit/---"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:579
+#: src/compose.c:583
msgid "/_Edit/Cu_t"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/筝(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:582
+#: src/compose.c:586
msgid "/_Edit/Paste as _quotation"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/莢守峨荐(_Q)"
-#: src/compose.c:584 src/mainwindow.c:563 src/messageview.c:161
+#: src/compose.c:588 src/mainwindow.c:568 src/messageview.c:161
msgid "/_Edit/Select _all"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:586
+#: src/compose.c:590
msgid "/_Edit/_Wrap current paragraph"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/絨罧笈醇(_W)"
-#: src/compose.c:588
+#: src/compose.c:592
msgid "/_Edit/Wrap all long _lines"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/絨欠(_L)"
-#: src/compose.c:590
+#: src/compose.c:594
msgid "/_Edit/Aut_o wrapping"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/(_O)"
-#: src/compose.c:591 src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:166
+#: src/compose.c:595 src/mainwindow.c:576 src/messageview.c:166
#: src/summaryview.c:460
msgid "/_View"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)"
-#: src/compose.c:592
+#: src/compose.c:596
msgid "/_View/_To"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/銀散篋(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:593
+#: src/compose.c:597
msgid "/_View/_Cc"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/(_C)"
-#: src/compose.c:594
+#: src/compose.c:598
msgid "/_View/_Bcc"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絲篁九(_S)"
-#: src/compose.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Reply-To"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/荀(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:596 src/compose.c:598 src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602
-#: src/compose.c:605 src/mainwindow.c:594 src/mainwindow.c:600
-#: src/mainwindow.c:627 src/mainwindow.c:651 src/mainwindow.c:754
-#: src/mainwindow.c:758 src/messageview.c:258
+#: src/compose.c:600 src/compose.c:602 src/compose.c:604 src/compose.c:606
+#: src/compose.c:609 src/mainwindow.c:599 src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:763 src/messageview.c:258
msgid "/_View/---"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:597
+#: src/compose.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Followup-To"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/腴(_F)"
-#: src/compose.c:599
+#: src/compose.c:603
msgid "/_View/R_uler"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絨肴(_U)"
-#: src/compose.c:601
+#: src/compose.c:605
msgid "/_View/_Attachment"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:603
+#: src/compose.c:607
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Cu_stomize toolbar..."
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/医銀莖紊(_F)"
-#: src/compose.c:611 src/mainwindow.c:658 src/messageview.c:173
+#: src/compose.c:615 src/mainwindow.c:663 src/messageview.c:173
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding"
msgstr "/罟∵(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:612
+#: src/compose.c:616
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Automatic"
msgstr "/罟∵(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:614 src/compose.c:620 src/compose.c:626 src/compose.c:630
-#: src/compose.c:638 src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:648 src/compose.c:654
-#: src/compose.c:658 src/compose.c:668 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:680
-#: src/compose.c:684 src/mainwindow.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:661
+#: src/compose.c:618 src/compose.c:624 src/compose.c:630 src/compose.c:634
+#: src/compose.c:642 src/compose.c:646 src/compose.c:652 src/compose.c:658
+#: src/compose.c:662 src/compose.c:672 src/compose.c:676 src/compose.c:684
+#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:659 src/mainwindow.c:666
#: src/messageview.c:169
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/---"
msgstr "/罟∵(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/---"
-#: src/compose.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:662 src/messageview.c:177
+#: src/compose.c:620 src/mainwindow.c:667 src/messageview.c:177
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/7bit ascii (US-ASC_II)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/7篏 ASCII (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/compose.c:618 src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:180
+#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:669 src/messageview.c:180
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/Unicode (_UTF-8)"
-#: src/compose.c:622 src/mainwindow.c:668 src/messageview.c:183
+#: src/compose.c:626 src/mainwindow.c:673 src/messageview.c:183
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-_1)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/茱炊茯膤 (ISO-8859-_1)"
-#: src/compose.c:624 src/mainwindow.c:670 src/messageview.c:185
+#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:675 src/messageview.c:185
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/茱炊茯膤 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/compose.c:628 src/mainwindow.c:676 src/messageview.c:190
+#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:681 src/messageview.c:190
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Central European (ISO-8859-_2)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/筝罩茯膤 (ISO-8859-_2)"
-#: src/compose.c:632 src/mainwindow.c:680 src/messageview.c:193
+#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:685 src/messageview.c:193
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/羈∝羌決膤 (ISO-8859-13)(_B)"
-#: src/compose.c:634 src/mainwindow.c:682 src/messageview.c:195
+#: src/compose.c:638 src/mainwindow.c:687 src/messageview.c:195
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (ISO-8859-_4)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/羈∝羌決膤 (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:684 src/messageview.c:197
+#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:689 src/messageview.c:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/紊茯 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:640 src/mainwindow.c:688 src/messageview.c:200
+#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:693 src/messageview.c:200
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Greek (ISO-8859-_7)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/絽茯 (ISO-8859-_7)"
-#: src/compose.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:692 src/messageview.c:203
+#: src/compose.c:648 src/mainwindow.c:697 src/messageview.c:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (ISO-8859-_6)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/羈∝羌決膤 (ISO-8859-_4)"
-#: src/compose.c:646 src/mainwindow.c:694 src/messageview.c:205
+#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:699 src/messageview.c:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/紊茯 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:650 src/mainwindow.c:698 src/messageview.c:208
+#: src/compose.c:654 src/mainwindow.c:703 src/messageview.c:208
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (ISO-8859-_8)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/絽茯 (ISO-8859-_8)"
-#: src/compose.c:652 src/mainwindow.c:700 src/messageview.c:210
+#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:705 src/messageview.c:210
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/紊茯 (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/compose.c:656 src/mainwindow.c:704 src/messageview.c:213
+#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:709 src/messageview.c:213
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Turkish (ISO-8859-_9)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/喝区 (ISO-8859-_9)"
-#: src/compose.c:660 src/mainwindow.c:708 src/messageview.c:216
+#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:713 src/messageview.c:216
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (ISO-8859-_5)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/紊茯 (ISO-8859-_5)"
-#: src/compose.c:662 src/mainwindow.c:710 src/messageview.c:218
+#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:715 src/messageview.c:218
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-_R)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/紊茯 (KOI8-_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:664 src/mainwindow.c:712 src/messageview.c:220
+#: src/compose.c:668 src/mainwindow.c:717 src/messageview.c:220
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/紊茯 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/compose.c:666 src/mainwindow.c:714 src/messageview.c:222
+#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:719 src/messageview.c:222
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/紊茯 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/compose.c:670 src/mainwindow.c:718 src/messageview.c:225
+#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:723 src/messageview.c:225
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-_JP)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/ユ (ISO-2022-_JP)"
-#: src/compose.c:674 src/mainwindow.c:728 src/messageview.c:234
+#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:733 src/messageview.c:234
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (_GB2312)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/膂♂筝 (_GB2312)"
-#: src/compose.c:676 src/mainwindow.c:730 src/messageview.c:236
+#: src/compose.c:680 src/mainwindow.c:735 src/messageview.c:236
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/膂♂筝 (_GBK)"
-#: src/compose.c:678 src/mainwindow.c:732 src/messageview.c:238
+#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:737 src/messageview.c:238
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (_Big5)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/膵蕭筝 (_Big5)"
-#: src/compose.c:682 src/mainwindow.c:740 src/messageview.c:245
+#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:745 src/messageview.c:245
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (EUC-_KR)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/ (EUC-_KR)"
-#: src/compose.c:686 src/mainwindow.c:746 src/messageview.c:250
+#: src/compose.c:690 src/mainwindow.c:751 src/messageview.c:250
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/羈井 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/compose.c:688 src/mainwindow.c:748 src/messageview.c:252
+#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:753 src/messageview.c:252
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/羈井 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/compose.c:692 src/mainwindow.c:808 src/messageview.c:283
+#: src/compose.c:696 src/mainwindow.c:815 src/messageview.c:283
msgid "/_Tools/_Address book"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/荐(_A)"
-#: src/compose.c:693
+#: src/compose.c:697
msgid "/_Tools/_Template"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/絅灸散罔f(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:695 src/mainwindow.c:832 src/messageview.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:699 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:299
msgid "/_Tools/Actio_ns"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/決紊篁(_N)"
-#: src/compose.c:697 src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:707 src/mainwindow.c:811
-#: src/mainwindow.c:825 src/mainwindow.c:830 src/mainwindow.c:833
-#: src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:839 src/messageview.c:286
+#: src/compose.c:701 src/compose.c:705 src/compose.c:711 src/mainwindow.c:818
+#: src/mainwindow.c:832 src/mainwindow.c:837 src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:844 src/mainwindow.c:846 src/messageview.c:286
#: src/messageview.c:298
msgid "/_Tools/---"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:698
+#: src/compose.c:702
msgid "/_Tools/Edit with e_xternal editor"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/篏睡銀膩莠(_X)"
-#: src/compose.c:702
+#: src/compose.c:706
msgid "/_Tools/PGP Si_gn"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/PGP 膂順(_G)"
-#: src/compose.c:703
+#: src/compose.c:707
msgid "/_Tools/PGP _Encrypt"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/PGP 絲(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:708
+#: src/compose.c:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Check spell"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/決(_X)"
-#: src/compose.c:709
+#: src/compose.c:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/_Set spell language"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/絅灸散罔f(_T)"
-#: src/compose.c:973
+#: src/compose.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "%s: file not exist\n"
msgstr "%s: 罟罅筝絖\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1077 src/compose.c:1151
+#: src/compose.c:1081 src/compose.c:1155
msgid "Can't get text part\n"
msgstr "羃絖篁\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1631
+#: src/compose.c:1635
msgid "Quote mark format error."
msgstr "綣荐弱茯ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:1643
+#: src/compose.c:1647
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "荀/莉絲灸散弱茯ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:2131
+#: src/compose.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "罟罅 %s 筝絖\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2135
+#: src/compose.c:2139
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "≧緇罟罅 %s 紊у\n"
-#: src/compose.c:2139 src/compose.c:4200
+#: src/compose.c:2143 src/compose.c:4204
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "罟罅 %s 腥榊"
-#: src/compose.c:2143
+#: src/compose.c:2147
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "≧莅 %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2176
+#: src/compose.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "灸散鐚%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2236 src/mimeview.c:583
+#: src/compose.c:2240 src/mimeview.c:583
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "≧緇罟"
-#: src/compose.c:2726 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
-#: src/summaryview.c:2271
+#: src/compose.c:2730 src/headerview.c:233 src/query_search.c:687
+#: src/rpop3.c:495 src/summaryview.c:2271
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "鐚羃筝紙鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:2729
+#: src/compose.c:2733
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 膩絲灸散%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2844
+#: src/compose.c:2848
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "羃絎銀散篋冴"
-#: src/compose.c:2852
+#: src/compose.c:2856
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "筝紙腥榊"
-#: src/compose.c:2853
+#: src/compose.c:2857
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "羃筝紙腆阪荀削"
-#: src/compose.c:2917
+#: src/compose.c:2921
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment is missing"
msgstr "罟"
-#: src/compose.c:2918
+#: src/compose.c:2922
msgid "There is no attachment. Send it without attachments?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3035 src/compose.c:3061
+#: src/compose.c:3039 src/compose.c:3065
msgid "Check recipients"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3081
+#: src/compose.c:3085
#, fuzzy
msgid "Really send this mail to the following addresses?"
msgstr "檎罨篏筝ヤ糸灸散篆∞縁"
-#: src/compose.c:3094 src/compose.c:4972 src/headerview.c:54
+#: src/compose.c:3098 src/compose.c:4976 src/headerview.c:54
msgid "From:"
msgstr "箴羣鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:3116 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
+#: src/compose.c:3120 src/headerview.c:58 src/prefs_template.c:187
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "筝紙鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:3209
+#: src/compose.c:3213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3294
+#: src/compose.c:3298
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "≧緇銀散篋堺銀散域臂ょ"
-#: src/compose.c:3314
+#: src/compose.c:3318
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1666,40 +1666,40 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3328 src/send_message.c:315
+#: src/compose.c:3332 src/send_message.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr " %s 弱堺腴榊憥茯ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:3378
+#: src/compose.c:3382
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "≧絨灸散喝篁九ぞ筝"
-#: src/compose.c:3416
+#: src/compose.c:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "≧上遺算篏後箙違%s檎違"
-#: src/compose.c:3443 src/compose.c:3828
+#: src/compose.c:3447 src/compose.c:3832
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't sign the message."
msgstr "≧冗我絖莖紊障"
-#: src/compose.c:3470 src/compose.c:3871
+#: src/compose.c:3474 src/compose.c:3875
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt the message."
msgstr "≧冗我絖莖紊障"
-#: src/compose.c:3505 src/compose.c:3866
+#: src/compose.c:3509 src/compose.c:3870
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't encrypt or sign the message."
msgstr "≧冗我絖莖紊障"
-#: src/compose.c:3551 src/compose.c:3899 src/compose.c:3962 src/compose.c:4082
+#: src/compose.c:3555 src/compose.c:3903 src/compose.c:3966 src/compose.c:4086
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "≧壕罟罅\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3584
+#: src/compose.c:3588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1709,11 +1709,11 @@ msgstr ""
"≧絨灸散ф膩腆取┃絎 %s 莉 %s\n"
"篁荀篁 %s 渇鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:3590
+#: src/compose.c:3594
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "莉膩腆惹主茯"
-#: src/compose.c:3676
+#: src/compose.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1726,15 +1726,15 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3680
+#: src/compose.c:3684
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "桁墾"
-#: src/compose.c:3846
+#: src/compose.c:3850
msgid "Encrypting with Bcc"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3847
+#: src/compose.c:3851
msgid ""
"This message has Bcc recipients. If this message is encrypted, all Bcc "
"recipients will be visible by examing the encryption key list, leading to "
@@ -1743,89 +1743,90 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "≧腱脂ゅ灸散\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4060
+#: src/compose.c:4064
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "我絖莖紊鞘賢...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4148
+#: src/compose.c:4152
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "鞘井絖莖紊\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4155
+#: src/compose.c:4159
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "≧冗我絖莖紊\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4195
+#: src/compose.c:4199
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "罟罅 %s 筝絖\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4204
+#: src/compose.c:4208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't open file %s."
msgstr "≧罔荐罟罅\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4804
+#: src/compose.c:4808
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "∝灸散膩鐚%s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "罩e綮榊膩絲荀腦...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5046
+#: src/compose.c:5050
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP 膂順"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP 絲"
-#: src/compose.c:5087 src/compose.c:6215
+#: src/compose.c:5091 src/compose.c:6257
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME "
-#: src/compose.c:5096 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/select-keys.c:320 src/summaryview.c:5089
+#: src/compose.c:5100 src/mimeview.c:217 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:497
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:78 src/rpop3.c:313 src/select-keys.c:320
+#: src/summaryview.c:5089
msgid "Size"
msgstr "紊у"
-#: src/compose.c:6110
+#: src/compose.c:6152
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "筝羈 MIME "
-#: src/compose.c:6128
+#: src/compose.c:6170
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "罟罅筝絖腥榊"
-#: src/compose.c:6197
+#: src/compose.c:6239
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "у"
-#: src/compose.c:6217 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
+#: src/compose.c:6259 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1579
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "膩腆"
-#: src/compose.c:6240 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:6282 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "莊緇"
-#: src/compose.c:6241
+#: src/compose.c:6283
msgid "File name"
msgstr "罟"
-#: src/compose.c:6331
+#: src/compose.c:6373
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "紊膩莠巡擦茯ょ鐚%s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:6393
+#: src/compose.c:6435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1835,48 +1836,48 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6730 src/mainwindow.c:2977
+#: src/compose.c:6772 src/mainwindow.c:2984
msgid "_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:6850 src/compose.c:6855 src/compose.c:6861
+#: src/compose.c:6892 src/compose.c:6897 src/compose.c:6903
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "≧冗我絖莖紊障"
-#: src/compose.c:6952
+#: src/compose.c:6994
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "御罟罅"
-#: src/compose.c:6975
+#: src/compose.c:7017
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "御罟罅"
-#: src/compose.c:7026
+#: src/compose.c:7068
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "峨灸散"
-#: src/compose.c:7027
+#: src/compose.c:7069
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "灸散綏画←篆拷絨絎峨域腮粋紊上鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:7029
+#: src/compose.c:7071
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "篏筝峨(_W)"
-#: src/compose.c:7071
+#: src/compose.c:7113
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "腆阪荀絅%s灸散罔f水鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:7073
+#: src/compose.c:7115
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "絅灸散罔f"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "臀(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:7074
+#: src/compose.c:7116
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "(_I)"
@@ -2332,12 +2333,12 @@ msgstr "荐絎莖紊...\n"
msgid "Setting folder info..."
msgstr "荐絎莖紊..."
-#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:3999 src/setup.c:80
+#: src/folderview.c:882 src/mainwindow.c:4011 src/setup.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s%c%s ..."
msgstr "顚紊 %s%c%s ..."
-#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4004 src/setup.c:85
+#: src/folderview.c:886 src/mainwindow.c:4016 src/setup.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning folder %s ..."
msgstr "顚紊 %s ..."
@@ -2508,7 +2509,8 @@ msgstr "域臂ょ鐚"
msgid "Creating header view...\n"
msgstr "∝罔荀腦...\n"
-#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/summaryview.c:2274
+#: src/headerview.c:212 src/query_search.c:688 src/rpop3.c:496
+#: src/summaryview.c:2274
msgid "(No From)"
msgstr "鐚羃箴羣鐚"
@@ -2697,154 +2699,154 @@ msgstr "絨 LDIF 罟ラ荐"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "絮"
-#: src/inc.c:162
+#: src/inc.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "Sylpheed: %d new messages"
msgstr "Sylpheed: %d 絨育灸散"
-#: src/inc.c:480
+#: src/inc.c:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "茯茘筝..."
-#: src/inc.c:506
+#: src/inc.c:505
msgid "Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "緇育灸散筝"
-#: src/inc.c:549
+#: src/inc.c:548
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "膈緇筝"
-#: src/inc.c:689 src/inc.c:738
+#: src/inc.c:681 src/inc.c:730
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "羔"
-#: src/inc.c:700
+#: src/inc.c:692
msgid "Retrieving"
msgstr "莅筝"
-#: src/inc.c:709
+#: src/inc.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "絎 鐚綏我・ %d 絨灸散 (%s)鐚"
-#: src/inc.c:713
+#: src/inc.c:705
msgid "Done (no new messages)"
msgstr "絎鐚≧育灸散鐚"
-#: src/inc.c:719
+#: src/inc.c:711
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "g紊掩"
-#: src/inc.c:722
+#: src/inc.c:714
msgid "Auth failed"
msgstr "茯茘紊掩"
-#: src/inc.c:725
+#: src/inc.c:717
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "綏臥絎"
-#: src/inc.c:735
+#: src/inc.c:727
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "丈"
-#: src/inc.c:785
+#: src/inc.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "Finished (%d new message(s))"
msgstr "絎鐚%d 絨育灸散鐚"
-#: src/inc.c:788
+#: src/inc.c:780
msgid "Finished (no new messages)"
msgstr "絎鐚≧育灸散鐚"
-#: src/inc.c:797
+#: src/inc.c:789
msgid "Some errors occurred while getting mail."
msgstr "緇灸散主茯ゃ"
-#: src/inc.c:833
+#: src/inc.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "getting new messages of account %s...\n"
msgstr "緇 %s 育灸散筝, 茫腮...\n"
-#: src/inc.c:837
+#: src/inc.c:827
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Authenticating with POP3"
msgstr "茯茘筝..."
-#: src/inc.c:840
+#: src/inc.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Retrieving new messages"
msgstr "%s: 緇育灸散筝, 茫腮..."
-#: src/inc.c:859
+#: src/inc.c:835
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."
msgstr "g POP3 篌堺 %s 筝..."
-#: src/inc.c:870
+#: src/inc.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"
msgstr "≧g POP3 篌堺鐚%s:%d\n"
-#: src/inc.c:949 src/send_message.c:813
+#: src/inc.c:929 src/rpop3.c:650 src/send_message.c:813
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "茯茘"
-#: src/inc.c:950
+#: src/inc.c:930
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving messages from %s..."
msgstr "緇 %s 筝緇灸散筝..."
-#: src/inc.c:955
+#: src/inc.c:935
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (STAT)..."
msgstr "緇育灸散檎鋇"
-#: src/inc.c:959
+#: src/inc.c:939
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (LAST)..."
msgstr "緇育灸散檎鋇"
-#: src/inc.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:943
msgid "Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)..."
msgstr "緇育灸散檎鋇"
-#: src/inc.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:947
msgid "Getting the size of messages (LIST)..."
msgstr "緇育灸散檎鋇"
-#: src/inc.c:977
+#: src/inc.c:957
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting message %d"
msgstr "ょ %d 灸散"
-#: src/inc.c:984 src/send_message.c:831
+#: src/inc.c:964 src/send_message.c:831
msgid "Quitting"
msgstr "∫"
-#: src/inc.c:1009
+#: src/inc.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
msgstr "緇育灸散 (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"
-#: src/inc.c:1030
+#: src/inc.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"
msgstr "緇育灸散 ( %d 絨育灸散, %s 綏我・駈"
-#: src/inc.c:1218 src/inc.c:1238 src/summaryview.c:4501
+#: src/inc.c:1198 src/inc.c:1218 src/summaryview.c:4501
msgid ""
"Execution of the junk filter command failed.\n"
"Please check the junk mail control setting."
msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1291
+#: src/inc.c:1271
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "g紊掩"
-#: src/inc.c:1297
+#: src/inc.c:1277
msgid "Error occurred while processing mail."
msgstr "灸散主茯ゃ"
-#: src/inc.c:1302
+#: src/inc.c:1282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred while processing mail:\n"
@@ -2853,39 +2855,40 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1308
+#: src/inc.c:1288
msgid "No disk space left."
msgstr "脾腆腥咲綏我賛"
-#: src/inc.c:1313
+#: src/inc.c:1293
msgid "Can't write file."
msgstr "≧絲ユ罅"
-#: src/inc.c:1318
+#: src/inc.c:1298
msgid "Socket error."
msgstr "Socket 茯"
#. consider EOF right after QUIT successful
-#: src/inc.c:1324 src/send_message.c:760 src/send_message.c:963
+#: src/inc.c:1304 src/rpop3.c:415 src/send_message.c:760
+#: src/send_message.c:963
msgid "Connection closed by the remote host."
msgstr "腴筝紙g"
-#: src/inc.c:1330
+#: src/inc.c:1310
msgid "Mailbox is locked."
msgstr "篆∞怨群茴絎鐚遵筝罨≧桁絎"
-#: src/inc.c:1334
+#: src/inc.c:1314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mailbox is locked:\n"
msgstr "篆∞怨群茴絎鐚%s"
-#: src/inc.c:1340 src/send_message.c:943
+#: src/inc.c:1320 src/rpop3.c:395 src/send_message.c:943
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "茯茘紊掩"
-#: src/inc.c:1345 src/send_message.c:946
+#: src/inc.c:1325 src/rpop3.c:392 src/send_message.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Authentication failed:\n"
@@ -2894,15 +2897,15 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/inc.c:1350 src/send_message.c:967
+#: src/inc.c:1330 src/rpop3.c:420 src/send_message.c:967
msgid "Session timed out."
msgstr "篏罐丈"
-#: src/inc.c:1391
+#: src/inc.c:1371
msgid "Incorporation cancelled\n"
msgstr "篏綏峨羔\n"
-#: src/inc.c:1493
+#: src/inc.c:1473
#, c-format
msgid "Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n"
msgstr "緇 %s 筝緇灸散上 %s...\n"
@@ -2920,20 +2923,20 @@ msgstr "莠後ュ腆"
msgid "Protocol log"
msgstr "荐絎膣"
-#: src/main.c:213
+#: src/main.c:215
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "glib 筝 g_thread\n"
-#: src/main.c:518
+#: src/main.c:517
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "羈鐚%s [檎]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:521
+#: src/main.c:520
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [灸散医] 贋・医灸散荀腦"
-#: src/main.c:522
+#: src/main.c:521
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2942,67 +2945,67 @@ msgstr ""
" --attach 罟罅1 [罟罅2]...\n"
" 医灸散荀腦鐚筝絨絎罟罅筝サ"
-#: src/main.c:525
+#: src/main.c:524
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 贋・・倶育灸散"
-#: src/main.c:526
+#: src/main.c:525
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 贋・・倶絽活育灸散"
-#: src/main.c:527
+#: src/main.c:526
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 堺絖莖紊鞘賢灸散"
-#: src/main.c:528
+#: src/main.c:527
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [莖紊]... 蕁腓肴紊上х現掩紊絨灸散"
-#: src/main.c:529
+#: src/main.c:528
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status-full [莖紊]... 蕁腓堺莖紊鞘賢紊絨灸散"
-#: src/main.c:531
+#: src/main.c:530
msgid " --open folderid/msgnum open message in new window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:532
+#: src/main.c:531
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:534
+#: src/main.c:533
msgid " --ipcport portnum specify port for IPC remote commands"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:536
+#: src/main.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid " --exit exit Sylpheed"
msgstr " --debug ら罔≦"
-#: src/main.c:537
+#: src/main.c:536
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug ら罔≦"
-#: src/main.c:538
+#: src/main.c:537
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 蕁腓堺茯筝∫"
-#: src/main.c:539
+#: src/main.c:538
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 蕁腓榊莖荐"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:542
msgid "Press any key..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:686
+#: src/main.c:680
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "罟罅腮援隈腆"
-#: src/main.c:687
+#: src/main.c:681
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -3023,19 +3026,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:743
+#: src/main.c:737
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "灸散罩e膩莠腆阪荀∫鐚"
-#: src/main.c:754
+#: src/main.c:748
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "咲灸散"
-#: src/main.c:755
+#: src/main.c:749
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "篋灸散罩e絖莖紊鞘賢絨冴腆阪荀∫鐚"
-#: src/main.c:858
+#: src/main.c:852
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -3044,15 +3047,15 @@ msgstr ""
" OpenPGP 吨"
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:1077
+#: src/main.c:1128
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "綏牙 Sylpheed 腮綣閫e決筝\n"
-#: src/main.c:1347
+#: src/main.c:1398
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "荐絎莖莉腱"
-#: src/main.c:1348
+#: src/main.c:1399
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3060,676 +3063,681 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:526
+#: src/mainwindow.c:531
msgid "/_File/_Folder"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/莖紊丞∞(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:527
+#: src/mainwindow.c:532
msgid "/_File/_Folder/Create _new folder..."
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/莖紊丞∞(_F)/医莖紊(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:529
+#: src/mainwindow.c:534
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Rename folder..."
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/莖紊丞∞(_F)/医遵莖紊(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:530
+#: src/mainwindow.c:535
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Move folder..."
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/莖紊丞∞(_F)/腱糸莖紊(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:531
+#: src/mainwindow.c:536
msgid "/_File/_Folder/_Delete folder"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/莖紊丞∞(_F)/よ紊(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:532
+#: src/mainwindow.c:537
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/篆∞(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:533
+#: src/mainwindow.c:538
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Add _mailbox..."
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/篆∞(_M)/医篆∞(_M)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:534
+#: src/mainwindow.c:539
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Remove mailbox"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/篆∞(_M)/腱脂や拭膊(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:535 src/mainwindow.c:540
+#: src/mainwindow.c:540 src/mainwindow.c:545
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/---"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/篆∞(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:536
+#: src/mainwindow.c:541
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/_Check for new messages"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/篆∞(_M)/罟∽ユ育灸散(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:538
+#: src/mainwindow.c:543
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/Check for new messages in _all mailboxes"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/篆∞(_M)/罟∽ユ篆∞延賢育灸散(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:541
+#: src/mainwindow.c:546
msgid "/_File/_Mailbox/R_ebuild folder tree"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/篆∞(_M)/綮肴紊丞罕(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:544
+#: src/mainwindow.c:549
msgid "/_File/_Import mbox file..."
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/ラ灸散(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:545
+#: src/mainwindow.c:550
msgid "/_File/_Export to mbox file..."
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/肴紊(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:547
+#: src/mainwindow.c:552
msgid "/_File/Empty all _trash"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/羝腥阪ょ灸散(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:549 src/messageview.c:150
+#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:150
msgid "/_File/_Save as..."
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/Ϊ井(_S)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:552 src/messageview.c:153
+#: src/mainwindow.c:557 src/messageview.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File/Page set_up..."
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/Ϊ井(_S)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:554 src/messageview.c:155
+#: src/mainwindow.c:559 src/messageview.c:155
msgid "/_File/_Print..."
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/(_P)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:556
+#: src/mainwindow.c:561
msgid "/_File/_Work offline"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/∝綏ヤ(_W)"
#. {N_("/_File/_Close"), "<alt>W", app_exit_cb, 0, NULL},
-#: src/mainwindow.c:559
+#: src/mainwindow.c:564
msgid "/_File/E_xit"
msgstr "/罟罅(_F)/∫(_X)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:564
+#: src/mainwindow.c:569
msgid "/_Edit/Select _thread"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/後筝峨(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:566 src/messageview.c:163
+#: src/mainwindow.c:571 src/messageview.c:163
msgid "/_Edit/_Find in current message..."
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/灸散筝絨(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:568
+#: src/mainwindow.c:573
msgid "/_Edit/_Search messages..."
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/絨冗灸散(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:569
+#: src/mainwindow.c:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Edit/_Quick search"
msgstr "/膩莠(_E)/莢寂(_P)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:572
+#: src/mainwindow.c:577
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:573
+#: src/mainwindow.c:578
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Folder tree"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/莖紊上茵(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:575
+#: src/mainwindow.c:580
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Message view"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/灸散荀(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:577
+#: src/mainwindow.c:582
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/綏ュ桁(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:579
+#: src/mainwindow.c:584
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Icon _and text"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/綏ュ桁(_T)/罔h絖(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:581
+#: src/mainwindow.c:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/綏ュ桁(_T)/罔(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:583
+#: src/mainwindow.c:588
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Icon"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/綏ュ桁(_T)/罔(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:585
+#: src/mainwindow.c:590
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_Text"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/綏ュ桁(_T)/絖(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:587
+#: src/mainwindow.c:592
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Toolbar/_None"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/綏ュ桁(_T)/筝蕁腓(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:589
+#: src/mainwindow.c:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/_Search bar"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/(_B)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:591
+#: src/mainwindow.c:596
msgid "/_View/Show or hi_de/Status _bar"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/(_B)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:593
+#: src/mainwindow.c:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/_Customize toolbar..."
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/医銀莖紊(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:595
+#: src/mainwindow.c:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:596
+#: src/mainwindow.c:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Normal"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/箴羣綺(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:597
+#: src/mainwindow.c:602
msgid "/_View/Layou_t/_Vertical"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:598
+#: src/mainwindow.c:603
msgid "/_View/Separate f_older tree"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絨莖紊上茵(_O)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:599
+#: src/mainwindow.c:604
msgid "/_View/Separate _message view"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絨灸散荀遵(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:601
+#: src/mainwindow.c:606
msgid "/_View/_Sort"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:602
+#: src/mainwindow.c:607
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _number"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/膩綺(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:603
+#: src/mainwindow.c:608
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by s_ize"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/紊у綺(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:604
+#: src/mainwindow.c:609
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _date"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/ユ綺(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:605
+#: src/mainwindow.c:610
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by t_hread date"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/筝峨ユ綺(_H)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:606
+#: src/mainwindow.c:611
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _from"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/箴羣綺(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:607
+#: src/mainwindow.c:612
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _recipient"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/銀散篋堺綺(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:608
+#: src/mainwindow.c:613
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _subject"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/筝紙綺(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:609
+#: src/mainwindow.c:614
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _color label"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/罔荐蕁我綺(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:611
+#: src/mainwindow.c:616
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _mark"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/罔荐綺(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:612
+#: src/mainwindow.c:617
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by _unread"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/箴綏画莅綺(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:613
+#: src/mainwindow.c:618
msgid "/_View/_Sort/by a_ttachment"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/罟綺(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:615
+#: src/mainwindow.c:620
msgid "/_View/_Sort/D_on't sort"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/筝綺(_O)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:616 src/mainwindow.c:619
+#: src/mainwindow.c:621 src/mainwindow.c:624
msgid "/_View/_Sort/---"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:617
+#: src/mainwindow.c:622
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Ascending"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/紜綺"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:618
+#: src/mainwindow.c:623
msgid "/_View/_Sort/Descending"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/羝綺"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:620
+#: src/mainwindow.c:625
msgid "/_View/_Sort/_Attract by subject"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/綺(_S)/灸散筝峨綺(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:622
+#: src/mainwindow.c:627
msgid "/_View/Th_read view"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絨灸散筝峨蕁腓(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:623
+#: src/mainwindow.c:628
msgid "/_View/E_xpand all threads"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絮灸散筝峨(_X)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:624
+#: src/mainwindow.c:629
msgid "/_View/Co_llapse all threads"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/茹iゆ灸散筝峨(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:625
+#: src/mainwindow.c:630
msgid "/_View/Set display _item..."
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/荐絎蕁腓榊(_I)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:628
+#: src/mainwindow.c:633
msgid "/_View/_Go to"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:629
+#: src/mainwindow.c:634
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Prev message"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/筝絨灸散(_P)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:630
+#: src/mainwindow.c:635
msgid "/_View/_Go to/_Next message"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/筝筝絨灸散(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:631 src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:639
-#: src/mainwindow.c:644 src/mainwindow.c:649
+#: src/mainwindow.c:636 src/mainwindow.c:641 src/mainwindow.c:644
+#: src/mainwindow.c:649 src/mainwindow.c:654
msgid "/_View/_Go to/---"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:632
+#: src/mainwindow.c:637
msgid "/_View/_Go to/P_rev unread message"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/筝絨莅灸散(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:634
+#: src/mainwindow.c:639
msgid "/_View/_Go to/N_ext unread message"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/筝筝絨莅灸散(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:637
+#: src/mainwindow.c:642
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev ne_w message"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/筝絨育灸散(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:638
+#: src/mainwindow.c:643
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Ne_xt new message"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/筝筝絨育灸散(_X)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:640
+#: src/mainwindow.c:645
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _marked message"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/筝絨綏我荐灸散(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:642
+#: src/mainwindow.c:647
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next m_arked message"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/筝筝絨綏我荐灸散(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:645
+#: src/mainwindow.c:650
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Prev _labeled message"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/筝絨綏我荐蕁俄灸散(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:647
+#: src/mainwindow.c:652
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Next la_beled message"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/筝筝絨綏我荐蕁俄灸散(_B)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:650
+#: src/mainwindow.c:655
msgid "/_View/_Go to/Other _folder..."
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/緇(_G)/医銀莖紊(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:659 src/messageview.c:174
+#: src/mainwindow.c:664 src/messageview.c:174
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/_Auto detect"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/究謙(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:672 src/messageview.c:187
+#: src/mainwindow.c:677 src/messageview.c:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Western European (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/茱炊茯膤 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:720 src/messageview.c:227
+#: src/mainwindow.c:725 src/messageview.c:227
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/ユ (ISO-2022-JP-2)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:722 src/messageview.c:229
+#: src/mainwindow.c:727 src/messageview.c:229
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_EUC-JP)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/ユ (_EUC-JP)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:724 src/messageview.c:231
+#: src/mainwindow.c:729 src/messageview.c:231
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Japanese (_Shift__JIS)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/ユ (_Shift__JIS)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:734 src/messageview.c:240
+#: src/mainwindow.c:739 src/messageview.c:240
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Traditional Chinese (EUC-_TW)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/膵蕭筝 (EUC-_TW)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:736 src/messageview.c:242
+#: src/mainwindow.c:741 src/messageview.c:242
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Chinese (ISO-2022-_CN)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/筝 (ISO-2022-_CN)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:742 src/messageview.c:247
+#: src/mainwindow.c:747 src/messageview.c:247
msgid "/_View/Character _encoding/Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/絖膩腆(_E)/ (ISO-2022-KR)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:755 src/summaryview.c:461
+#: src/mainwindow.c:760 src/summaryview.c:461
msgid "/_View/Open in new _window"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/域腦(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:756 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
+#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:259 src/summaryview.c:463
msgid "/_View/Mess_age source"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/茹灸散紮腆(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:757 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
+#: src/mainwindow.c:762 src/messageview.c:260 src/summaryview.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_View/All _headers"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺罔(_H)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:759
+#: src/mainwindow.c:764
msgid "/_View/_Update summary"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/贋育灸散茵(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:761 src/messageview.c:263
+#: src/mainwindow.c:766 src/messageview.c:263
msgid "/_Message"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:767
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/・(_V)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:763
+#: src/mainwindow.c:768
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _current account"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/・(_V)/緇絽活筝・倶育灸散(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:765
+#: src/mainwindow.c:770
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Get from _all accounts"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/・(_V)/緇絽活筝・倶育灸散(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:767
+#: src/mainwindow.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/Stop receivin_g"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/・(_V)/羔・(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:769
+#: src/mainwindow.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/_Remote mailbox..."
+msgstr "/灸散(_M)/・(_V)/緇絽活筝・倶育灸散(_A)"
+#: src/mainwindow.c:776
msgid "/_Message/Recei_ve/---"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/・(_V)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:770
+#: src/mainwindow.c:777
msgid "/_Message/_Send queued messages"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/絨絖莖紊鞘賢灸散(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:771 src/mainwindow.c:773 src/mainwindow.c:780
-#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/mainwindow.c:788 src/mainwindow.c:799
-#: src/mainwindow.c:801 src/mainwindow.c:804 src/messageview.c:266
+#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/mainwindow.c:780 src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:792 src/mainwindow.c:795 src/mainwindow.c:806
+#: src/mainwindow.c:808 src/mainwindow.c:811 src/messageview.c:266
#: src/messageview.c:274 src/messageview.c:279
msgid "/_Message/---"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:772 src/messageview.c:264
+#: src/mainwindow.c:779 src/messageview.c:264
msgid "/_Message/Compose _new message"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/医灸散(_N)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:774 src/messageview.c:267
+#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:267
msgid "/_Message/_Reply"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/贋・荀(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:775
+#: src/mainwindow.c:782
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/荀腟(_Y)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:776 src/messageview.c:268
+#: src/mainwindow.c:783 src/messageview.c:268
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_all"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/荀腟(_Y)/銀散篋(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:777 src/messageview.c:270
+#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:270
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/_sender"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/荀腟(_Y)/篏(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:778 src/messageview.c:272
+#: src/mainwindow.c:785 src/messageview.c:272
msgid "/_Message/Repl_y to/mailing _list"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/荀腟(_Y)/級茫紕(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:781 src/messageview.c:275
+#: src/mainwindow.c:788 src/messageview.c:275
msgid "/_Message/_Forward"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/莉絲(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:782 src/messageview.c:276
+#: src/mainwindow.c:789 src/messageview.c:276
msgid "/_Message/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/絨灸散倶罟莉絲(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:784 src/messageview.c:278
+#: src/mainwindow.c:791 src/messageview.c:278
msgid "/_Message/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/灸散絨(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:786
+#: src/mainwindow.c:793
msgid "/_Message/M_ove..."
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/腱糸(_O)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:787
+#: src/mainwindow.c:794
msgid "/_Message/_Copy..."
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/茲茖(_C)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:789
+#: src/mainwindow.c:796
msgid "/_Message/_Mark"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/罔荐(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:790
+#: src/mainwindow.c:797
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Mark"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/罔荐(_M)/罔荐(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:791
+#: src/mainwindow.c:798
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/_Unmark"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/罔荐(_M)/サゆ荐(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:792
+#: src/mainwindow.c:799
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/---"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/罔荐(_M)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:793
+#: src/mainwindow.c:800
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as unr_ead"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/罔荐(_M)/罔荐莅(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:794
+#: src/mainwindow.c:801
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark as rea_d"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/罔荐(_M)/罔荐綏画(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:796
+#: src/mainwindow.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark _thread as read"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/罔荐(_M)/罔荐綏画(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:798
+#: src/mainwindow.c:805
msgid "/_Message/_Mark/Mark all _read"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/罔荐(_M)/罔荐灸散綏画(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:800
+#: src/mainwindow.c:807
msgid "/_Message/_Delete"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/(_D)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:802
+#: src/mainwindow.c:809
msgid "/_Message/Set as _junk mail"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/罩檎阪冗灸散(_J)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:803
+#: src/mainwindow.c:810
msgid "/_Message/Set as not j_unk mail"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/罩檎咲冗灸散(_U)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:805 src/messageview.c:280
+#: src/mainwindow.c:812 src/messageview.c:280
msgid "/_Message/Re-_edit"
msgstr "/灸散(_M)/亥隈莠(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:809
+#: src/mainwindow.c:816
msgid "/_Tools/Add sender to address boo_k..."
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/絨絲篆>査ラ荐(_K)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:812
+#: src/mainwindow.c:819
msgid "/_Tools/_Filter all messages in folder"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/羶乗紊鞘賢灸散(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:814
+#: src/mainwindow.c:821
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _selected messages"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/羶冗御灸散(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:816 src/messageview.c:287
+#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:287
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/∝灸散羶乗(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:817 src/messageview.c:289
+#: src/mainwindow.c:824 src/messageview.c:289
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/_Automatically"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/∝灸散羶乗(_C)/∝"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:819 src/messageview.c:291
+#: src/mainwindow.c:826 src/messageview.c:291
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _From"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/∝灸散羶乗(_C)/箴箴羣(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:821 src/messageview.c:293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:828 src/messageview.c:293
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _To"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/∝灸散羶乗(_C)/箴銀拭篋(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:823 src/messageview.c:295
+#: src/mainwindow.c:830 src/messageview.c:295
msgid "/_Tools/_Create filter rule/by _Subject"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/∝灸散羶乗(_C)/箴筝紙(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:826
+#: src/mainwindow.c:833
msgid "/_Tools/Filter _junk mails in folder"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/羶乗紊鞘賢冗灸散(_J)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:828
+#: src/mainwindow.c:835
msgid "/_Tools/Filter junk _mails in selected messages"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/羶冗御灸散筝冗灸散(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:835
+#: src/mainwindow.c:842
msgid "/_Tools/Delete du_plicated messages"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/ら荀灸散(_P)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:838
+#: src/mainwindow.c:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Tools/E_xecute marked process"
msgstr "決罔荐茵腮"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:840
+#: src/mainwindow.c:847
msgid "/_Tools/_Log window"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/膣荀腦(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:842
+#: src/mainwindow.c:849
msgid "/_Configuration"
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:843
+#: src/mainwindow.c:850
msgid "/_Configuration/_Common preferences..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/筝荐絎(_C)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:845
+#: src/mainwindow.c:852
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Configuration/_Filter settings..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/灸散羶乗┃絎(_F)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:847
+#: src/mainwindow.c:854
msgid "/_Configuration/_Template..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/灸散罔f粋┃絎(_T)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:849
+#: src/mainwindow.c:856
msgid "/_Configuration/_Actions..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/紊篁よ┃絎(_A)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:851
+#: src/mainwindow.c:858
msgid "/_Configuration/---"
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:852
+#: src/mainwindow.c:859
msgid "/_Configuration/_Preferences for current account..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/絽活荐絎(_P)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:854
+#: src/mainwindow.c:861
msgid "/_Configuration/Create _new account..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/医絽活(_N)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:856
+#: src/mainwindow.c:863
msgid "/_Configuration/_Edit accounts..."
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/膩莠絽活(_E)..."
-#: src/mainwindow.c:858
+#: src/mainwindow.c:865
msgid "/_Configuration/C_hange current account"
msgstr "/荐絎(_C)/壕憝絽活(_H)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:862
+#: src/mainwindow.c:869
msgid "/_Help/_Manual"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/茯篁(_M)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:863
+#: src/mainwindow.c:870
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_English"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/茯篁(_M)/掩(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:864
+#: src/mainwindow.c:871
msgid "/_Help/_Manual/_Japanese"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/茯篁(_M)/ユ(_J)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:865
+#: src/mainwindow.c:872
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/絽後馹茹g(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:866
+#: src/mainwindow.c:873
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_English"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/絽後馹茹g(_F)/掩(_E)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:867
+#: src/mainwindow.c:874
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_German"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/絽後馹茹g(_F)/緇傑(_G)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:868
+#: src/mainwindow.c:875
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Spanish"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/絽後馹茹g(_F)/茱睡(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:869
+#: src/mainwindow.c:876
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_French"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/絽後馹茹g(_F)/羈(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:870
+#: src/mainwindow.c:877
msgid "/_Help/_FAQ/_Italian"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/絽後馹茹g(_F)/臂紊у(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:871
+#: src/mainwindow.c:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_Help/_Command line options"
msgstr "荐絎決篁"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:872
+#: src/mainwindow.c:879
msgid "/_Help/---"
msgstr "/茯(_H)/---"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:922
msgid "Creating main window...\n"
msgstr "綮榊筝肢腦...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1093
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "筝肢腦鐚蕁 %d 臀紊掩\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1180 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1187 src/summaryview.c:2423 src/summaryview.c:2508
#: src/summaryview.c:4066 src/summaryview.c:4195 src/summaryview.c:4572
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "絎\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1298 src/mainwindow.c:1339 src/mainwindow.c:1364
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1305 src/mainwindow.c:1346 src/mainwindow.c:1371
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "≧蕁"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1365
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1372
msgid "none"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1712
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1719
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "∝"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1713
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1720
msgid "You are offline. Go online?"
msgstr "罩i∝筝荀g鐚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1730
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1737
msgid "Empty all trash"
msgstr "羝腥阪ょ灸散"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1731
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1738
msgid "Delete all messages in trash folders?"
msgstr "腆阪荀羝ゆ茴ょ灸散鐚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1761
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1768
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "医篆∞"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1762
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1769
msgid ""
"Specify the location of mailbox.\n"
"If the existing mailbox is specified, it will be\n"
@@ -3739,16 +3747,16 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1768 src/setup.c:49
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1775 src/setup.c:49
#, c-format
msgid "The mailbox `%s' already exists."
msgstr "篆∞宴%s綏峨"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1773 src/setup.c:56
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1780 src/setup.c:56
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "篆∞"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:1779 src/setup.c:62
+#: src/mainwindow.c:1786 src/setup.c:62
msgid ""
"Creation of the mailbox failed.\n"
"Maybe some files already exist, or you don't have the permission to write "
@@ -3757,92 +3765,92 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2293
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2300
msgid "Sylpheed - Folder View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 莖紊丈∵"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2319
msgid "Sylpheed - Message View"
msgstr "Sylpheed - 灸散茵"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2508 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2515 src/mimeview.c:142 src/summaryview.c:415
msgid "/_Reply"
msgstr "/贋・荀(_R)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2509
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2516
msgid "/Reply to _all"
msgstr "/荀(_A)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2510
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2517
msgid "/Reply to _sender"
msgstr "/荀腟篏(_S)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2511
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2518
msgid "/Reply to mailing _list"
msgstr "/荀育級茫紕(_L)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2516 src/summaryview.c:422
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2523 src/summaryview.c:422
msgid "/_Forward"
msgstr "/莉絲(_F)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2517 src/summaryview.c:423
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2524 src/summaryview.c:423
msgid "/For_ward as attachment"
msgstr "/絨灸散倶罟莉絲(_W)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2518 src/summaryview.c:424
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2525 src/summaryview.c:424
msgid "/Redirec_t"
msgstr "/灸散絨(_T)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2970
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2977
msgid "Icon _and text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2971
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text at the _right of icon"
msgstr "/蕁腓(_V)/蕁腓堺沿(_D)/綏ュ桁(_T)/罔(_I)"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2973
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2980
msgid "_Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2974
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "絖"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2975
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2982
#, fuzzy
msgid "_None"
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3005
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3012
msgid "You are offline. Click the icon to go online."
msgstr "罩i∝筝筝√奨g"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3016
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3023
msgid "You are online. Click the icon to go offline."
msgstr "罩ig筝筝∝綏ヤ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "∫"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3290
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3297
msgid "Exit this program?"
msgstr "腆阪荀∫鐚"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3915
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command line options"
msgstr "荐絎決篁"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3928
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3940
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage: sylpheed [OPTION]..."
msgstr "羈鐚%s [檎]...\n"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3936
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3948
msgid ""
"--compose [address]\n"
"--attach file1 [file2]...\n"
@@ -3859,7 +3867,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/mainwindow.c:3953
+#: src/mainwindow.c:3965
msgid ""
"open composition window\n"
"open composition window with specified files attached\n"
@@ -5959,17 +5967,20 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "罟罅"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/summaryview.c:5082
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/query_search.c:401 src/rpop3.c:310
+#: src/summaryview.c:5082
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "筝紙"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/summaryview.c:5085
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/query_search.c:402 src/rpop3.c:311
+#: src/summaryview.c:5085
msgid "From"
msgstr "箴羣"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/summaryview.c:5087
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:77 src/query_search.c:403 src/rpop3.c:312
+#: src/summaryview.c:5087
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ユ"
@@ -6280,7 +6291,7 @@ msgstr "顚紊 %s ..."
msgid "Searching %s (%d / %d)..."
msgstr "羶鞘賢..."
-#: src/query_search.c:696 src/summaryview.c:2195
+#: src/query_search.c:696 src/rpop3.c:504 src/summaryview.c:2195
msgid "(No Date)"
msgstr "(羃ユ)"
@@ -6348,6 +6359,93 @@ msgstr "∝膂順 %s\n"
msgid "Error verifying the signature"
msgstr "罟∽ョ綾腴主茯"
+#: src/rpop3.c:259
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Remote POP3 mailbox"
+msgstr "腱脂や拭膊"
+#: src/rpop3.c:309 src/summaryview.c:5091
+msgid "No."
+msgstr "No."
+#: src/rpop3.c:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Get"
+msgstr "罟∽ラ灸散"
+#: src/rpop3.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s:%d ..."
+msgstr "g SMTP 篌堺 %s..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:376 src/rpop3.c:426
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"
+msgstr "≧g POP3 篌堺鐚%s:%d\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:404
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error occurred during POP3 session:\n"
+msgstr "篏睡 POP3 荐絎主茯\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:407 src/rpop3.c:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error occurred during POP3 session."
+msgstr "篏睡 POP3 荐絎主茯\n"
+#: src/rpop3.c:518
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message headers (%d / %d)"
+msgstr "桁灸散茵 (%d / %d)"
+#: src/rpop3.c:676
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Getting the number of messages..."
+msgstr "緇育灸散檎鋇"
+#: src/rpop3.c:685 src/rpop3.c:698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No message"
+msgstr "羃育灸散"
+#: src/rpop3.c:731
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Deleted %d messages"
+msgstr "ら灸散"
+#: src/rpop3.c:805
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d messages"
+msgstr "緇育灸散筝"
+#: src/rpop3.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Opened message %d"
+msgstr "咲灸散"
+#: src/rpop3.c:826
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieved %d message headers"
+msgstr "緇育灸散筝"
+#: src/rpop3.c:929
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Retrieving message %d ..."
+msgstr "緇 %s 筝緇灸散筝..."
+#: src/rpop3.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete messages"
+msgstr "ら灸散"
+#: src/rpop3.c:956
+msgid ""
+"Really delete selected messages from server?\n"
+"This operation cannot be reverted."
+msgstr ""
#: src/select-keys.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Please select key for `%s'"
@@ -7009,10 +7107,6 @@ msgstr "羶鞘賢..."
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "綏臥羶 %d 絨灸散"
-#: src/summaryview.c:5091
-msgid "No."
-msgstr "No."
#: src/template.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "file %s already exists\n"
diff --git a/src/rpop3.c b/src/rpop3.c
index 308040bf..e14adec7 100644
--- a/src/rpop3.c
+++ b/src/rpop3.c
@@ -378,11 +378,15 @@ static gint rpop3_start(Session *session)
return -1;
- while (session_is_connected(session))
+ while (session_is_connected(session)) {
+ if (session->state == SESSION_READY && rpop3_window.cancelled)
+ break;
+ }
switch (POP3_SESSION(session)->error_val) {
+ session_disconnect(session);
manage_window_focus_in(rpop3_window.window, NULL, NULL);
if (POP3_SESSION(session)->error_msg)
alertpanel_error(_("Authentication failed:\n%s"),
@@ -393,6 +397,7 @@ static gint rpop3_start(Session *session)
+ session_disconnect(session);
manage_window_focus_in(rpop3_window.window, NULL, NULL);
if (POP3_SESSION(session)->error_msg)
@@ -405,14 +410,17 @@ static gint rpop3_start(Session *session)
switch (session->state) {
+ session_disconnect(session);
manage_window_focus_in(rpop3_window.window, NULL, NULL);
alertpanel_error(_("Connection closed by the remote host."));
return -1;
+ session_disconnect(session);
manage_window_focus_in(rpop3_window.window, NULL, NULL);
alertpanel_error(_("Session timed out."));
return -1;
+ session_disconnect(session);
manage_window_focus_in(rpop3_window.window, NULL, NULL);
if (POP3_SESSION(session)->state == POP3_READY)
alertpanel_error(_("Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"),
@@ -420,7 +428,14 @@ static gint rpop3_start(Session *session)
alertpanel_error(_("Error occurred during POP3 session."));
return -1;
+ session_disconnect(session);
+ debug_print("Session cancelled.\n");
+ return -1;
+ break;
+ session_disconnect(session);