CrystFELData processing for serial crystallographyThomas White3 weeks
ColloquiumNarrative-based presentation systemThomas White3 months
HeyLlamaSmall llama-based game written in GuileThomas White4 years
Synth2DTwo-dimensional Fourier synthesis utilityThomas White4 years
NanolightTheatrical lighting control programThomas White4 years
crystfel-demoDemo UI for CrystFELThomas White5 years
GlitchyClockGlitchy clock for X by Alistair McDowallThomas White5 years
SylpheedGit mirror of Sylpheed SVN repositoryThomas White6 years
BareMetalBare metal assembly language programming on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+Thomas White6 years driver for GlamoThomas White7 years
TuxMessengerA GTK+-based client for MSN MessengerThomas White7 years
Thrust3DPost-apocalyptic Jet Set Willy in a 3D nuclear power stationThomas White7 years
TsumegoCommand-line tsumego (Go puzzles)Thomas White7 years
OpenMooCowAccelerometer-driven moobox for Openmoko phonesThomas White7 years
MidinatorMessing around with MIDIThomas White7 years
MaestroPondConvert RISC OS Maestro files to LilyPondThomas White7 years
glamo-dri-testsTest programs for Glamo DRIThomas White7 years
TriclinatorDetermine 3D lattice parameters from zone axis parametersThomas White7 years
DTRDiffraction Tomography ReconstructionThomas White7 years
StarletTheatrical lighting control in LispThomas White
PixelhubDMX to Neopixel interface for Raspberry Pi PicoThomas White
x1k2-midi-osc-alsaXone:K2 to Open Sound Control using ALSAThomas White
Guile-OSCOpen Sound Control bindings for Guile (using liblo)Thomas White
KernelMy Linux kernel repositoryThomas White
LibDRMMy libdrm repositoryThomas White
MesaMy Mesa repositoryThomas White
SudokuSolving Sudoku in Guile using SATThomas White
MorningtownSilent alarm clockThomas White