path: root/scripts
diff options
authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2016-08-03 17:54:42 +0200
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2016-08-03 17:57:28 +0200
commit5b64b3dd7d846fbb26f79ab993994cf1570fe187 (patch)
treefba381ef875f326a2046222ea99c8b72de90e787 /scripts
parent001705c484e08d1fd8b412f997ba014d4e9adfe3 (diff)
Add scripts/move-entire-detector and scripts/split-by-mask
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
2 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/move-entire-detector b/scripts/move-entire-detector
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0833845b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/move-entire-detector
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Shift the detector by a given amount
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY,
+# a research centre of the Helmholtz Association.
+# Author:
+# 2016 Thomas White <taw@physics.org>
+import sys
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+op = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog input.geom xshift yshift")
+op.add_option('', '--output', action='store', type='string', dest='ofn',
+ help="Output geometry file")
+op.add_option('', '--pixels', action='store_true', dest='px',
+ help="Specify shifts in pixel units")
+op.add_option('', '--mm', action='store_false', dest='px',
+ help="Specify shifts in millimeters (this is the default)")
+op.add_option('', '--beam', action='store_true', dest='beam',
+ help="Specify shift of X-ray beam")
+op.add_option('', '--detector', action='store_false', dest='beam',
+ help="Specify shift of detector (this is the default)")
+opt,args = op.parse_args(sys.argv)
+if len(args) < 3:
+ print 'Usage: %s input.geom xshift yshift' % args[0]
+ sys.exit(1)
+geom = args[1]
+if not opt.ofn:
+ out = os.path.splitext(geom)[0]+'-shifted.geom'
+ out = opt.ofn
+xshift = float(args[2])
+yshift = float(args[3])
+if opt.px:
+ units = 'px'
+ units = 'mm'
+if opt.beam:
+ bm = 'beam'
+ bm = 'detector'
+print 'Input filename %s\nOutput filename %s' % (geom,out)
+print 'Shifting %s by %f,%f %s' % (bm, xshift, yshift, units)
+if opt.beam:
+ xshift = -xshift
+ yshift = -yshift
+f = open(geom, 'r')
+g = open(args[1], 'r')
+h = open(out, 'w')
+panel_resolutions = {}
+prog1 = re.compile("^\s*res\s+=\s+([0-9\.]+)\s")
+prog2 = re.compile("^\s*(.*)\/res\s+=\s+([0-9\.]+)\s")
+prog3 = re.compile("^\s*(.*)\/corner_x\s+=\s+([0-9\.\-]+)\s")
+prog4 = re.compile("^\s*(.*)\/corner_y\s+=\s+([0-9\.\-]+)\s")
+default_res = 0
+while True:
+ fline = g.readline()
+ if not fline:
+ break
+ match = prog1.match(fline)
+ if match:
+ default_res = float(match.group(1))
+ h.write(fline)
+ continue
+ match = prog2.match(fline)
+ if match:
+ panel = match.group(1)
+ panel_res = float(match.group(2))
+ default_res = panel_res
+ panel_resolutions[panel] = panel_res
+ h.write(fline)
+ continue
+ match = prog3.match(fline)
+ if match:
+ panel = match.group(1)
+ panel_cnx = float(match.group(2))
+ if panel in panel_resolutions:
+ res = panel_resolutions[panel]
+ else:
+ res = default_res
+ if not opt.px:
+ print 'Using default resolution (%f px/m) for panel %s' % (res, panel)
+ if opt.px:
+ h.write('%s/corner_x = %f\n' % (panel,panel_cnx+xshift))
+ else:
+ h.write('%s/corner_x = %f\n' % (panel,panel_cnx+(xshift*res*1e-3)))
+ continue
+ match = prog4.match(fline)
+ if match:
+ panel = match.group(1)
+ panel_cny = float(match.group(2))
+ if panel in panel_resolutions:
+ res = panel_resolutions[panel]
+ else:
+ res = default_res
+ if not opt.px:
+ print 'Using default resolution (%f px/m) for panel %s' % (res, panel)
+ if opt.px:
+ h.write('%s/corner_y = %f\n' % (panel,panel_cny+yshift))
+ else:
+ h.write('%s/corner_y = %f\n' % (panel,panel_cny+(yshift*res*1e-3)))
+ continue
+ h.write(fline)
diff --git a/scripts/split-by-mask b/scripts/split-by-mask
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..aede3f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/split-by-mask
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Split stream according to an external mask
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY,
+# a research centre of the Helmholtz Association.
+# Author:
+# 2014-2016 Thomas White <taw@physics.org>
+import sys
+import optparse
+from collections import deque
+import h5py
+import re
+prog = re.compile("^\s+([\d-]+)\s+([\d-]+)\s+([\d-]+)\s+[\d\.\-]+\s+[\d\.\-]+\s+[\d\.\-]+\s+[\d\.\-]+\s+([\d\.]+)\s+([\d\.]+)")
+def process_refln(fline, g, h, mask):
+ match = prog.match(fline)
+ if not match:
+ print 'Line not understood, WTF? %s' % fline
+ return
+ fs = int(round(float(match.group(4))))
+ ss = int(round(float(match.group(5))))
+ m = mask[ss][fs]
+ if m:
+ g.write(fline)
+ else:
+ h.write(fline)
+op = optparse.OptionParser()
+op.add_option('', '--input', action='store', type='string', dest='ifn',
+ help="Input stream")
+op.add_option('', '--output1', action='store', type='string', dest='ofn1',
+ help="Output stream", default='mask-split.stream1')
+op.add_option('', '--output2', action='store', type='string', dest='ofn2',
+ help="Output stream", default='mask-split.stream2')
+op.add_option('', '--mask', action='store', type='string', dest='mask_fn',
+ help="Filename of mask", default='mask.h5')
+opt,arg = op.parse_args(sys.argv)
+if not opt.ifn:
+ print "You need at least --input"
+ exit(1)
+f = open(opt.ifn, 'r')
+g = open(opt.ofn1, 'w')
+h = open(opt.ofn2, 'w')
+fh = h5py.File(opt.mask_fn, 'r')
+mask = fh['/data/data'].value
+in_refl = 0
+while True:
+ fline = f.readline()
+ if not fline:
+ break
+ if fline.find("End of reflections") != -1:
+ in_refl = 0
+ if in_refl == 1:
+ process_refln(fline, g, h, mask)
+ else:
+ g.write(fline)
+ h.write(fline)
+ if in_refl == 2:
+ in_refl = 1
+ if fline.find("Reflections measured after indexing") != -1:
+ in_refl = 2